#but yeah yall 3 are amazing honestly!!
seven-thewanderer · 10 months
Okay I wanted to draw, but I didn't know what, so I decided to draw some of my friends' sonas (specifically mascots for Ti1)!! (Sorry if I kinda screwed some details up)
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Imma put the closeups under the 'keep reading' bar, but first imma tag the 3 whose characters are here!!
@theindescribable1 @art1sty @witherfide (sorry for the tags, honestly I was originally gonna just link you 3's blogs, but I kinda felt tagging would be kinda easier)
Inde (Ti1's mascot):
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Fritz (Ti1's mascot):
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Arty's sona:
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Wither's sona:
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There is also this transparent version:
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amsznn · 3 months
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warnings: none, just fluff!
⭑ you better have tylenol, and a whole bunch of patience if you’re with this boy.
⭑ so much energy and expects you to be on the same level as him.
⭑ sometimes he’ll tone it down if you’re having a bad day or if you just need some quiet time.
⭑ at the end of the day, he’s so exhausted that he doesn’t even say goodnight, just knocks out.
⭑ you and chris are cuddled up on his bed, enjoying each other’s presence when you decide to ask his opinion on something.
“chris what do you think about this hoodie?”
chris: 💀😴
you: 😐
⭑ BLANKET HOGGER. doesn’t matter how big or how small the blanket is, you’ll be left shivering while chris is bundled up with 50% of the sheets dragging on the floor.
⭑ on nights where he doesn’t immediately tap out, he’s resting his chin on your head while one hand is playing with your hair and the other caressing your arm while yapping your ear off.
“if you were a chicken, what kinda chicken would you be?”
“chris i swear to god.”
⭑ needs to be touching you in some way. And it’s not always sexually. small touches like, playing with your ears, hand on your thigh, or just playing footsies under the table, contact is his fav.
⭑ whenever he’s in disagreement with his brothers about something he makes sure to throw you into the mix and ask your opinion cus lets be real, you almost always agree with him.
⭑ randomly jabs your side to tickle you whenever there’s a moment of silence between you two.
⭑ asks your opinion on designs for his brand before launching anything. also makes sure you get at least one of every item he’s designed.
⭑ don’t think he’s the jealous or protective type. but if someone is making you uncomfortable he’ll definitely tell them to back off.
⭑ the media found out about you two on accident 💀.
⭑ chris was streaming one day and forgot to tell you but it was too late when you walked into his room unannounced in your grammy pj’s ready to knock tf out when chris let out a loud “ohhhhh shitttt..” when you realized that you were fucked.
⭑ you looked at chris and chris looked at you before you both shrugged your shoulders and went on with what you were doing, honestly not giving af atp.
⭑ comments flooding about who you were, tiktoks posted about you two with dating rumors, had to wait until the next day when chris posted on his story the both of you in skin care hello kitty masks facing the mirror with his arm around your shoulder and you leaning up to give him a peck on the face.
⭑ yeah, yall broke the internet.
⭑ you were featured in the next podcast with you and chris properly talking about your relationship.
⭑ after that chris would post you any chance he got. from cute insta stories, to goofy tiktok trends, he just wanted the world to know about his amazing gf.
⭑ PDA PDA PDA PDA. in the back of the triplets vlogs that you sometimes feature in, fans can spot you and chris in the background hugging with chris sometimes attacking you with kisses.
⭑ just a clingy guy tbh.
⭑ whenever you wake up from one you and chris’ shared afternoon naps to go find something to eat in the kitchen, chris makes his way to you like 2 minutes later and wraps his arms around your waste peeking over your shoulder so he can also have some of what you’re making.
⭑ loves going out and seeing things that remind him of you, but when he’s about to buy it and the store says “we don’t take apple pay” he’s upset for the rest of the day talking about “what fucking store doesn’t take apple pay”
“what kinda guy forgets his wallet…”
⭑ he ends up ordering it for you online 💀
⭑ overall a cute silly guy who just loves to love on you.
A/N: i want him. im posting sm cus theres soo many things in my drafts guys, imma try to even my posting days out though, bare with me <3.
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mediumgayitalian · 19 days
fic rec friday 15
hi!! welcome to fic rec friday. every week, i pick five fics i have bookmarked and rec them with a little review. check them out!
We Don't Know How This Could End (let's hope it won't have to) by @buoyantsaturn
"I’m not married, I thought you were married!” “You’re the one wearing a ring!” “Well, so are you!” followed by: relationship fluff, divorce jokes, and of course, a(n un)healthy dose of miscommunication
OBSESSED OBSESSED OBSESSED OBSESSED OBSESSED. secret relationship has ALWAYS been my everything and love at first sight plus married plus literally everything. i’m. gonna lose it. this fic was so ROMCOM but in the BEST POSSIBLE WAY, like there were stakes and angst but it was still lighthearted? somehow? like i KNEW it was gonna end well bc i had SO MUCH faith in them. like the best possible romcoms. i adore this fic always
2. could this be love at first sight? (oh wait, I said that before) by @buoyantsaturn
Nico sighed, unable to believe what was actually about to come out of his mouth. “Will you come with me to a friend’s wedding?” “Like...as your date?” 
THE RINGPOP THING WAS SO ROMANTIC 😭😭 truly this fic made me SWOON. every good amazing lovely incredible trope at once i ADORED. secret relationship especially my fucking BELOVED, but FAKE RELATIONSHIP to SECRET RELATIONSHIP??? I WENT INSANE??? cj as per usual u ATE. also i know this isn’t the focus but if i was piper i would have gone BALLISTIC 💀 "why is everyone talking about your relationship at my wedding" yeah me personally i would have blown up LMFAO
3. I'll Be There For You by @buoyantsaturn
remember that one part in FRIENDS where ross gets married and monica sleeps with chandler because she's lonely, and then they do a really bad job of keeping their relationship a secret? that's this fic, except it's solangelo
is this one similar in vibes to fic rec #2? yes. do i care at all? no. i could (and have done) sit in front of CJs fics and just scroll & keep scrolling. never misses. this was so FUN and i LAUGHED and POOR LEO. what a good time
4. Will Happen, Happening, Happened by @buoyantsaturn
“Nico!” Will’s voice came from behind him, followed by the slamming of a door. “Nico, I figured it out!” Will ran toward him, grabbing his arms and dragging him down once he got close enough, and pressed their lips together. “All I had to do was-- Annabeth! How long have you been standing there?” “I knew it!” Annabeth exclaimed. “No, wait, uh--” Will shoved Nico away suddenly. “This isn’t what it looks like?” (Or: 5 times their relationship gets found out and 1 time it didn't)
adventure time au!!! hell yeah!!! and yeah at this point i realise i was indeed scrolling thru the secret relationship tag in buoyantsaturn's works page when i was making these bookmarks. whatever. i have Moods. secret relationship and 5+1 are literally my fave tropes of all time, okay, i loved this, it was funny and camp and honestly what more do you need
5. Knight In Shining Armor by @buoyantsaturn
“The knights will need to keep a close eye on these travelers for the duration of their stay. You, however, Sir William, must keep close watch on the Prince." "Of course, Your Highness," Will said.
the my lord to my love pipeline…..but my knight remaining constant……oh i’m weak in the knees. royal aus will ALWAYS kill be and they are one thousand billion trillion times better when one of them is a knight it is ICONIC. ICONIC i say. and another secret relationship fic sue me i hope yall are int he mood lmfao
thank you for joining me this friday!! happy reading!!
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braxlrose · 1 year
tw: unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it lmao), swearing, hair pulling?? oral (f!r! receiving), idrk what else
englisch isn't my first language so I hope this isn't bad, Idk if i messed up any words
"Ich hab dich so sehr vermisst.."
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It was 10 PM at night and you had been invited to a wedding by some friends. It was so beautiful and elegant. There was a big dance floor, flowers everywhere and little white lights hung along the walls. The wedding ceremony itself was now over but you stayed to dance and indulge in some of the food. Everything was going amazing until you saw him. Bill.
You haven't seen him since 2011. He looked so amazing. His hair was now blonde and more wavy than it used to be and he had more facial hair. Him and Tom were both there together, but Bill didn't seem to be with anybody. Which made relief flush over you. It probably shouldn't have, considering you two broke up 3 years ago. You didn't realize how much you missed him until you saw his beautiful face.
He was over at the bar sipping a martini while Tom was off with his date. He had on a plain white button up and some black pants. His sleeves were rolled up slightly so you could see the tattoos on his hand and arms much better. You honestly looked like a stalker. You had been staring at him for at least 10 minutes now. I mean, what were you even supposed to do. Just go up to him and say hi? Yeah, that's actually exactly what you are supposed to do. Which leads to where you two are now.
Your arms were wrapped around his neck and his hands were on your waist. He was quite a bit taller than you, so your head was resting against his chest. The two of you were slow dancing to some song the band was playing. It was so relaxing and peaceful. He was so warm and you felt like you could feel every inch of him as his hands laid softly on your hips. He smelled of cedar and tea tree oil. Probably a new deodorant he got. But this was the greatest feeling in the world.
Or so you thought.
"This is really nice.." You said to him, trying to breathe in his scent without him noticing.
"Yeah..it is. I've missed you. A lot." He said to you, rubbing his fingers in circles on your waist. What he said made you smile, big. He missed you too. Just as much as you missed him.
"I'm really sorry how everything went down when we broke up..I didn't mean for it to end-"
"Don't worry about it," He lifted your head off of his chest by holding your chin and looked down at you smiling, "I forgive you. You're one of my best friends. I could never stay mad at you forever." Tears pricked in your eyes and your bottom lip poked out a bit at his words. He was always so sweet with you..so..so..sweet.
"Oh fuck!" You rushed into the closest closet you could find and tried to compose yourself after you almost ripped your dress. Bill said he'd meet you here in just a minute. You took off your shoes and threw them in the corner and began to pull down your tights, when someone opened the door. You looked over at the opening like a deer in the headlights. Bill came walking in, chuckling a bit at your demeanor and shut the door, before pushing you against the wall of the closet.
Your lips smashed together. His lips were so soft and tasted like vodka. I guess that's the martini he had. Your thighs were rubbing together like crazy, trying to get some kind of friction when Bill tugged up your dress.
"You're so eager, baby..you want my fingers, hmm?" He teased you, rubbing two of his fingers against your pussy, collecting the wet slick down there.
"I'm the eager one? Remind me which one of us pushed me against a wa- Oh~ my....Bill..." His lips were now all over your clit, licking and sucking. You tried to hold onto a wall as Bill slipped two fingers inside of you. It felt like magic. He was so good. So good at making you feel good. He was so perfect and amazing and his tongue was sooo warm.
A couple tears fell down your cheek as he sucked harsher on your clit and finger fucked you.
"Bill..Oh my god....please.." Your eyes were practically screwed shut and your pussy kept clenching around his fingers. He looked up at you with his eyes, still licking your clit as fast as he could.
"Please what?" He muffled out. Your teeth were clenched and you began to feel a tightening in your stomach. You grabbed his head and pulled it away from your heated pussy.
"I want to cum on your dick." God, you were so filthy. You had streaks of makeup on your face from the tears and sweat was already forming on your forehead.
"Say no more, schatz.." He stood up from his knees and unbuckled his pants to pull out his cock. It was veiny, and so hard. The tip was already leaking pre-cum. You wanted to get down in front of him and suck him off till he couldn't stand anymore but you needed his cock in you, now.
He grazed his hands through your hair and tightened his grip on it, the kisses he gave you were so sloppy. Drool was everywhere and your makeup and his just smeared more and more. He took his hand out of your hair and gripped both of your thighs. You wrapped them around his waist as he thrusted his cock into you causing you to roll your eyes back. Your mouth was agape as he pounded his dick into you slow and hard. It's hard to tell if he just liked it that way or he was trying to tease you. Either way it felt amazing.
His hands roamed your body and both of your guys' breathing became heavier. He pulled your boobs out of the front of your dress and began to pinch and tweak them. He was so fucking good to you. He was so good at fucking you. You had slept with other people after you too were long broken up but nobody was as good as him. Nobody could be as good. His movements, his touch, him. He was like your other half. He was the only one who could ever make you feel the way you do. Alive. At this moment, you couldn't even remember why you two broke up in the first place. All you knew, was that you want him and only him.
He slid two fingers in your mouth as his pace quickened. You sucked on them like your life depended on it and clenched around his dick. Your eyes began to cross as you got closer and closer. His arms were wrapped around your whole body now and his face was hidden in the crook of your neck.
He bit down on your neck as you both came together. Your breathing began to level again and your arms were still wrapped around his neck. You rested your head on his shoulder as you could feel yourself slipping into your tiredness.
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chiiyuuvv · 5 months
this is so random but could you do xikers reaction when you suddenly bite them💀
- 🍪
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• PAIRING — xikers x fem!reader
• GENRE — my attempt at humor, light cursing
• WORD COUNT — 443
• AUTHOR'S NOTE — girlie disappears for like half a week then comes back talking about biting,, okay 💀 dont forget about the valentine's event yall!!
• TAGLIST — @lil-elle , @hyunukitty , @cake1box , @mars101 , @nenede , @soul-is-a-strange-kid , @the-lemon-boy , @yuniniverse , @hunchan444 , @s00buwu , @cherrycolaberry
You know that line that sumin raps in koong? It goes like "korean korean you gonna get confused" well erm, trust me, boy is definitely confused. Standing there frozen like "why did the love of my life just bite me?? ...did i do something wrong?" ♡
He'd deadass sick his dog (forgot its name 😭) on you. Just like "oh, you wanna bite?? I got someone who can bite >:3" but it backfires because his dog likes you.. and would much rather bite junmin instead ♡
He squints his eyes, studying you closely as he ponders to himself, "did she just bite me??" Theres a good 10 seconds of nothing, silence nor movement, until he randomly gets up and starts biting you ♡
"Damnn is it good??" Sends you a little glance while he rubs his finger. Will not stop teasing you for the rest of the day, making sure you get ALL of your meals so you dont randomly bite him again ♡
Bro's been through too much today (aka the maknae line was teasing him per usual) and what hes NOT about to do, is let someone bite him. He knows he tastes good so umm.. youre gonna have to pay. Chases you around the house with a plastic spoon ♡
Doesnt even react to it, just throws you a sideeye and moves on about his day. But it is until its the late of the day, the sun is down and hes laying comfortably on your lap watching tv, when he finally gets his revenge. Gives you a big 'ol bite on the leg and then flashes you a smile ♡
"This isnt cat and dog but txt, yn" doesnt even give you the reaction you wanted, his chin rested on his fist as he scrolls through his phone on the couch, not even batting you an eye. But he sure does when you throw a pillow at him ♡
His jaw is dropped and hes marching to the door. What is he gonna do?? Hes gonna tell seeun hyung on you. Yeah, i said it. And when seeun comes, hes gonna scold you. Hey, his words not mine 🤷‍♀️ ♡
He was doing something, laundry, for example whe  you randomly bite him. Turns his head in a super slow motion and then you can finally see his face, he was the worlds more confused expression. Honestly reminds me of an episode of the amazing world of gumball ♡
Justs bursts out laughing like "yn, wth are you doing??" While covering his bitten cheek. When you reveal that his face is so squishy and therefore yummy, he can only blush ♡
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ultimate-weirdo-tk · 4 months
Hello tickle community, sure it's been a long time, ah?
So... Things have happened, and I'm not really planning to come back just now, I don't think I'm able to handle the social interaction this app has, but I'm not here to talk about that.
Today I'm here to talk about the dissapearance of JavAnimations's Tumblr page.
Before anyone says that I might be spreading misinformation, I'm Jav's gf and some people from the community might already know me by the name of "Sisi-Chan"
(Yeah, I'm talking about you, @bbsundae @pocket-watch-world @innocent-angel-girl @numberonelittlechild @marabethandholly @lil-bits-of-stuff [It won't let me tag u for some reason srry] I'm here and I still remember yall, great times in the Whiteboard, honestly <3)
So, I'm here to explain what happened and why Jav has deleted her blog, but obviously I won't be giving too much personal information and details, I only write this blog to give you some context and hopefuly everyone will understand our point.
Basically, the situation resumes in that social media was harming Jav's mental stability pretty badly, so one day we talked it out and decided that Jav has to leave Tumblr for the good of her own sake.
This has been really hard for her and for everyone in general, but I hope you understand this is the best for her and her mental stability.
For the ones questioning if she's going to come back one day, I can't really give you a propper answer right now. Probably not, but keep in mind that it might be better like this.
I will make sure to support her in privacy and also send her all your support too, she's not alone and she will never be. You guys have been such amazing fellas for her, and she will never forget that.
And if there's one last thing I want to say is...
Thank your for everything, Jav. Thank you for being the inspiration of so many people and for sharing your bright and creative ideas with this beautiful part of the community. Never forget her name.
We love you, Jav 💕
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infernothechaosgod · 7 months
you know it truly amazes me how you can't do practicly anything on tiktok or search the thing you like without getting absolutley shat on
Like I'm feeling a little in the mood for rottmnt angst A lil bit of that kick in the gut, and I can't go 3 minutes without one of those made in 5 minutes max videos that's just background video and text over it Saying shit like "Yall need to stop with the rottmnt angst it's getting annoying" or "the rottmnt angst artist need to chill out" or even better "The rottmnt fandom needs to stop the angst it's just a show for kids"
First off, if angst isn't your thing, you can block it or just scroll pass it OR you know what if youre feeling like a little shit you can hate read it or whatever but keep the comments TO YOURSELF
Second off I checked what the content of most of these people is And it's always goddamn always those 10 second background videos with text over it
nothing more
I dare these people to even try to draw the shape of leo's head, or write out something more than 40 words I accualy dare them. do it.
Also the same goes for shipping over there
Let's say you see a legal completly normal ship you don't like Example let's say leo x usagi or raph x mona
What you wanna do is scroll or block it
NOT make up info to make others stop shipping it, I'm sick and tired of people non stop saying that usagi or mona are adults or that their entire characters are being love intrest in the fandom's eyes Because if you look at any of the fanfic's or fan content of those Yeah it's easy to find content where there love intrest's but it is hard to find content where there ONLY love intrest
People love mona so much for the fact that she's a badass warrior who loves her planet and people they often give her more backstory focused stories that explore how she would feel depending on where the writers story will go or already went, I have never seen anyone maker her just a typical love intrest (witch honestly suprised me)
Usagi? People have more free will with his interpretation's so he has many many diffrent faces backstories, personalities but often people make him focused on something in their stories, examples being, getting back home, protecting others, getting over something, fighting in battle nexus and exploring how it would be Etc. Etc. That mixed with being a love intrest
The only times when these two can be seen as just love intrest and nothing more is in
Edit's/tiktok content where everything is short af (and even then sometimes people give em backstories and their own lore it really amazes me sometimes lmao)
short (usualy) tagged as fluff without plot fics on ao3 (witch you can litellary tag out SO easily)
Little comics/some art pices That HAVE VERY STORT LIMITS
also this might suprise you it really might but DRAWING IS HARD AND TAKES ALOT OF TIME SAME GOES FOR MAKING THE IDEA UP
And when it comes to their ages we all know there not adults, littelary where did anyone mention mona being an aduly ever, and the only times when usagi and leo accualy interact is when there in similiar if not the same ages
(in 2003 usagi and leo are close friends and Both teens, in the early comics there both adults when they first meet, even in 1987 version there both shown to be close if not the same age, the ONLY TIME where leo and usagi have very diffrent ages is in 2012 and honestly i have a little theory on why specificly that version had them be you know that but that's for another post)
Seriously what the fuck is tiktok's problem with any form of fanon content? You want the fandom to die? It aint gonna happen, you either get used to some bad stuff existing there and there and ignoring it (reporting then ignoring it if it's really bad) OR you keep quiet OR you will get banned by alot of creators after crying in their comments, then cry when you can't find something they made anymore
Tiktok man, good for daydreaming to the sounds, looking at edits and for some art trends but litellary can't let anything else exist on there or else you'll explode
(Also I bet if some of the fanon angst made it to the accual show they would deepthroat that shit right up and call it writing of ceuntry)
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backpocketkazoo · 1 year
you want a pn request? alright then, write loboto x reader. yeah, that's right, dr caligosto loboto. let the readers smooch that tall fish-loving dentist
🧠Dr Loboto x Reader General Headcanons🦷
You get me so well anon 😋😋😼
Sorry if this shows up in the main tags 💔
Uh as always not rlly sure if yall wanted hcs or what.. so that's what i did.
These are domestic btw guys I say so
🧠LOBOTO IS CRAZY ABOUT YOU. LIKE. Yeah,, he’s crazy either way but. He’s obsessed with you. You make him so happy you don’t get it guys. You’re everything and he’s just ken /hj.
🦷 Whenever you’re gone he’s just :-(
-> He’ll start heavily sighing until someone finally asks what’s wrong and he’s like “I miss my partner </3”
-> Then whenever you come back he’s like a dog when it’s owner comes back from work. He’s so excited!!
-> You will walk into a room and he’ll gasp and make everyone aware of your presence.
🦷 He is so clingy 😭
-> Loboto has a lingering fear that you’re gonna hate him for everything he’s done or that you’ll leave him. You have to verbally reassure him that that’s not true.
🧠 Love language is definitely physical touch. He is so SO touch starved.
-> Loves loves loves hugs. When you walk into the room he’ll pick you up, exclaiming how excited he is to see you, and pull you into a tight hug. He doesn’t care if it’s a room full of people. And honestly? He probably got tunnel vision when he saw you and completely forgot they were there.
🦷Additionally, he loves holding your hand. Tbh. He loves your touch in general.
-> He’s really gentle with you? It’s as if you’re fine china and he’s afraid you’re gonna break if he’s not careful.
-> He’s weirdly domestic with you and it confuses everyone. “This the same man that stole everyone’s brains🤨🤨🤨⁉️⁉️”
🧠 Hehe.. he’s just sooooo tall so yknow you’ll tug him down by his apron so he’s at your level right? And just give him a big ol kiss.
-> My guy short circuits. Literally intoxicated. He has those cartoony hearts floating around him.
🦷 Loboto MAY be a little bit overbearing at times but he’s trying his best. He doesn’t have a history of healthy relationships with people so it’s all kind of new to him. He doesn’t have a proper frame of reference for these sorts of things. But he’s learning;;,
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borathae · 18 hours
Chapter 24
is that jimin? unless we still havent saved yoongi's number? BALLET YEAH THATS JIMIN
Do they want you to wear ballet shoes? Was it a typo? Or nonsense babbling of a very bad AI?  fr u wont get it if ur the one who got that message
damn we are bad girl, yoongi sorry not sorry wait what does he want fuck
he looks different? is joon spying? ok no names hm got it WTF IS THAT WOMAN he cant get to her mind right? like random people she must be a vampire/human under his control not random ha this isnt x men lol
wow she left thanks jimin ig
give me your neck and I’ll carve a bloody hole into it with a chainsaw and maybe then we’ll talk about just one bite.” EXACTLY TELL HIM SIS YES HE APOLOGIZED
that’s amazing Park Jimin needs my help.” XD “Maybe he doesn’t want to leave with you, given how you killed his girlfriend in front of his eyes.” yeah jimin have u ever thought of the slight possibility of such a thing? no? hmm ok
I’ve noticed it happening to me ever since I took that awful ring from you.” oh? so he didnt know it before? only figured it out now from the ring? how can i trust ur ass bruh?
um going back there again?? oh pinky promise yeah sure lets die haha very cool 😃😃
You’d rather be ambushed by granny vampire?” You hate yourself for laughing. nah i laughed too dont worry
“Don’t you dare to think I’m into you.” nobody thinks ur 🤡
“If you say this again, I’ll fucking kill you” haha bingo, we knew that was ur worry
“Ah, what the fuck?” Jimin gasps, stumbling and with his hand falling to his ribs, “why did you punch me?” THANKS YOONGI AND YES GO GURL
You have truly never seen him that lost for words before. she really got him good haha
FUCK AAH nothing makes sense, just ah they hurt people yes, but something is weird, why is tae and jimin like that it just doesnt add up
ok breaking another rule lets go haha 😭
fuck taht went bad too, can somebody hear everything out gosh
ha yup knew that emma was never coming back cuz vampires am i right gays
YES IT WAS YOONGI oh the mask was really not jimin, i thought he was lying.
ok i get why they dont want her there, she is just a human who cant heal like them and not that great of a fighter. but something is still fishy, let her try save tae and unfortunately it looks like u cant watch her. or idk man fuck
is that jimin? unless we still havent saved yoongi's number? BALLET YEAH THATS JIMIN
jdjf honestly how rude boongie has been acting i wouldn't be surprised if we didn't HAHHAHA
he looks different? is joon spying? ok no names hm got it WTF IS THAT WOMAN he cant get to her mind right? like random people she must be a vampire/human under his control not random ha this isnt x men lol
hhaah the confusion is real 😌
give me your neck and I’ll carve a bloody hole into it with a chainsaw and maybe then we’ll talk about just one bite.” EXACTLY TELL HIM SIS YES HE APOLOGIZED
I love her <3
I’ve noticed it happening to me ever since I took that awful ring from you.” oh? so he didnt know it before? only figured it out now from the ring? how can i trust ur ass bruh?
no but REMEMBER that the ring fights off mind control helloooooo
You’d rather be ambushed by granny vampire?” You hate yourself for laughing. nah i laughed too dont worry
he is so sassy nfadsnf i love him
“Ah, what the fuck?” Jimin gasps, stumbling and with his hand falling to his ribs, “why did you punch me?” THANKS YOONGI AND YES GO GURL
goooood I miss their banter so much 😭😭
FUCK AAH nothing makes sense, just ah they hurt people yes, but something is weird, why is tae and jimin like that it just doesnt add up
the confusion is real 😭
YES IT WAS YOONGI oh the mask was really not jimin, i thought he was lying.
the plottwist of the century
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stars-of-kyber · 7 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers!
@dreamstone28737 tagged me on this fun thing <3 thank you love!
1- How many works do you have on AO3?
32! Holy shit that's a lot.
2- What's your total AO3 word count?
351,009 words and counting. Again, I'm shocked at how much I've got done lol
3- What fandoms do you write for?
Right now at this moment, Bridgerton.
4- What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
1st- You Belong With Me - 821
2nd -Falling For You - 451
3rd - You're The Only Thing I'll Ever Need - 423
4th - Lost, Drifting - 407
5th - Faithfully - 397
(The next one is Bad Habits which never stops to surprise me just how many Kudos it gets since it was one I thought I wouldn't get anything from.)
(God, I need to update my WIPs)
5- Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Honestly? Only when I feel I have something to add to the comment. Sometimes I see a comment with "Great Chapter/Episode" (which I really absolutely love, btw. Any comment makes me so damn happy I can't even explain) and I never know what to say to that and I don't want the person to feel I don't care about their comments when I just reply with "Thanks! I'm Glad you liked it <3" and I keep thinking about different things to read and I never can and when I see it, I have a bunch of unanswered comments which makes me overwhelmed to start.
So yeah, I usually only reply when I know what to say lol
6- What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Ending? (none? lol)
Posted, I'd say "The Way I Loved You", which I thought the ending might be kinda open? I don't usually do sad endings. I think "Faithuffy", "Of Noble Blood" and "You Belong With Me" have some rather angsty parts, along with "Lockdown" which touched a rather sensitive part of me. But all the endings were/will be (THEY WILL HAPPEN I PROMISE!) happy.
Unposted, it's probably "A Dead Man's Tale" which I'm writing right about now and I hope to start posting by Halloween on Tuesday (fingers crossed). The ending is... sentimental? Idk Kinda sad but happy too? I have no idea how to describe that. Either that or Raise a Little Hell, my Bonnie and Clyde, which will be my only NHEA story ever(if), when I get to write it.
(Feel free to tell me which of my fics you think it's the angstier. I'm curious!)
7- What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
All of them? Lol
Walking The Wire because I finished it? sdakljfkdsgh I have no idea. Maybe Lockdown bc it's such a hard battle to end happily in the end.
(Which of my fics yall think is the happiest? Please tell me bc I have no idea.)
8- Do you get hate on fics?
Not on the Bridgerton ones, thankfully. Everyone that reads it is amazing which makes me really happy.
I had a pretty harsh time when I started on the Reylo Fandom in Star Wars. Not fun, I'll give you that.
9- Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I write hotter scenes, although I don't think I've ever finished an entire sex scene. That said, I have a one-shot called Stockings that is about 85% done which is porn/no plot that I might one day finish but I'm not that much of a fan of it, to be honest.
10- Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
Unless you count crossover with Julia Quinn's own other series, no I don't.
11- Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I am aware of.
12- Have you ever had a fic translated?
No, which is kinda sad because I am a translator and I could very well do it myself lol but Idk if there are too many Portuguese-speaking readers that would be interested in it, and although I speak pretty good Spanish, I'm a tad out of practice and I don't master the written language nearly enough to attempt to translate something to Spanish.
13- Have you ever co-written a fic before?
A long time ago in a Galaxy far far away. It was... nice. And not at the same time. I hold myself to very VERY high standards, so I'm extremely self-critical and working with someone with different styles and ideas can be really harsh without trying to dictate the way you want the story to go. Plus the three times I did, we ended up giving up halfway through the story lol
14- What's your all-time favorite ship?
This is a stupid question and I hate it. I'm not good at picking. I am deeply, truly in love with Kathony, and have been for the past couple of years, but if I had to say at the top of my head, the oldest OTPs that have been in my heart, the ones here for the longest time and never really left are Percabeth from Percy Jackson and Jily from Harry Potter. Reylo and Rebelcaptain in Star Wars were also a very big part of me for a long time and I love them.
Asking all-time faves is mean.
15- What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Sought you, Sang you, Dreamed you, my Reylo Kidfic. I love it so much and I am so sorry my baby, but I can't focus on Reylo anymore. I have complete faith I will finish all my Kathony fics one day, I really do.
16- What are your writing strengths?
I honestly have no idea. As I mentioned, I am very self-conscious about what I do and I have incredibly high standards about myself. It's not uncommon to see me saying I hate my story and I won't post it and it's absolutely shit, I have no idea why people read it. So pointing out a quality is really hard.
I guess I'm good at dialogues? I always felt they sounded nice, idk.
17- What are your writing weaknesses?
I'm running a risk of repeating myself too much if I mention standards and self-consciousness, don't I?
I am terribly wordy. Nothing I do is short because I need 1k words for something I could have done in 200. I always feel people will get bored by it.
I also sometimes feel I have issues representing the emotions I'm trying to put through in my story. Many times you'll find me going to a neutral third party saying "Please tell me what's missing here." bc I feel it lacks.
Let's not mention the lack of self-discipline and the amount of time it takes me to write a story/update something. And overthinking things. Also coming up with more ideas than I have time to write.
18- Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I do that all the time? I am a native Portuguese speaker and English is my second language.
19- First fandom you wrote for?
Lol that's going far back, isn't it? I have been writing originals since I was 10 (I have a lil notebook with the first story I've ever written, it's adorable, but as usual, incomplete), but in 2011 I was obsessed with a soap opera called Rebelde (the Brazilian version, when I liked the Mexican RBD one, I didn't really know what fandom was yet. BUT I'M GOING TO THE CONCERT ON THE 9TH I'M SO EXCITED) and my first fic was a Roberta x Diego one, which is complete and (unfortunately, -or not- not all of it) available in Nyah Fanfiction, although I wish it wasn't bc it's truly shit. Like very very very shit. It was crazy, she died of lung cancer in the end. I swear to God, I had no clue what was going on with me at 14.
20- Favorite fic you've written?
Okay, look, this is not fun lol
I truly, honestly can't pick. Each one is special for me for a different reason. The Way I Loved You was my first Kathony. You Belong With me my first WIP and I have such a special place for it. I could go on and on for hours. I love them all, even the ones which are not my faves (Bad Habits, Reading Project).
But I will be absolutely thrilled if you guys tell me your fave of my fics. I would love a lot to know.
I'll tag @mimix007 @waterlilyrose, @harnitbee, @bellascarousel, @ladystanbury, @searching4paradiso, @alihightowers and her dragon people and @suspendingtime
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cross-u-out · 2 years
Ok it’s been about 2 weeks since the new cast names have gotten revealed and like 3 since we’ve first seen them, I’ve had time to fully process the new designs I think I can give in depth thoughts now.
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First these guys!
Priya - um I don’t have much to say about her, she gives off super preppy but very nice, giving Courtney I think. I like her she seems nice
Millie - Yeah she’s just giving nice and polite and mom friend, but she’s absolutely one of my favorites I think idk she’s just nice.
Ripper - Okay he had to grow on me a lot but I love him now! I think the Nowen headcanons/art converted me on him and I don’t even ship lmao. But yeah he’s a bitch I’m calling it now. Maybe not main antagonist worthy but like he’s evil. But also lovely and a joy to have around. Also he’d probably be a challenge beast I think. Idk he’s just vibes I guess.
Damien - Honestly if anyone’s trans it’s him. Definitely. He just exudes transmasc. This entire row is very gender but like out of this whole cast it’s probably him. Also, he’s SO COOL I am in love with his design he also just exudes good vibes I love him. I think he should win I want him to win or at least make top 3.
Axel - YES. She is going to be a favorite I hope another one of the coolest people here. Love characters who could beat my ass. Personality wise I’m think she’s like Brick Courtney and Eva with slight Jo and Duncan idk she just gives all of them. She will slay I can sense it.
Chase - Normal (derogatory) idk he’s just there. But he seems nice ig.
Zee - they’re so non-binary. Anyways they’re very funky and sweet and so shapes and they give major sweetheart goofball I love them. they just enjoy.
Scary Girl - I don’t know why she doesn’t have an actual name especially when all the fan names are so amazing, I personally prefer Charley or Hayley (I don’t remember who came up with those but you’re the best). Um design wise she’s kind of the actual best I think like it’s just so vibes. Personality wise I literally don’t know actually and I think I like that. That just means she could be anything I love a good wildcard. Yeah she’s another fave.
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okay them now.
Caleb - He’s giving Ryan I think but like take out everything that made me like him. I don’t know he’s just so.. boring. I think I’d boot him first he’s just frustrating and I don’t trust him at all.
Nichelle - Ok I’m gonna be honest when the names got revealed I did not care for her AT ALL I thought she was just so basic. But like I’m here now hi sorry I’m late. She’s so girl, girla, girlie, girlie pop, bestie. Her designs also grown on me as well, i love the beads and the yoga pants. She just seems so chill and normal (affectionate). But ALSO I’m kinda getting scared she might be first boot here’s why. Ok so we all know she and Caleb weren’t in that like team huddle thing but like. Has anyone else noticed she hasn’t been in any of the promo screenshots in the flyer. That’s so weird to me. I hope I’m going insane especially since she’s the only one facing right (although that could be another clue). But um anyways yeah she’s great. She’s just so slay. I love her.
Julia - This girl is gay. Anyways she also had to grow on me cuz she was so basic but like I’m also here for her now. You are all right she’s absolutely a stoner. Also like I kinda get an athlete vibe from her? Like she’s a twig but like if it got revealed she does or did track or something I wouldn’t be surprised. She’s great I think.
Bowie - I’m sorry I love a good twink. Idk what’s going on with the color scheme/design but like it’s very funky it suits him. The necklace and bracelets are cool, he’s cool, I like him a lot hoping he goes far.
Wayne - I’m not gonna lie, I think he’s one of my favorites now. Another case where the art converted me but like he’s just adorable. But also idk if this is my mha obsessed brain talking but YALL. HES LITERALLY OJIRO, HEAR ME OUT HERE They are both: Blonde, both do sports, probably both polite himbos, he gives off nervous vibes just like Ojiro, both (somewhat) big guys, AND THEY HAVE VERY SIMILAR, IF NOT THE SAME FUCKING COLOR SCHEME. I CANNOT BE THE ONLY ONE SEEING THIS. AM I DELUSIONAL PROBABLY BUT I DO NOT THINK SO. I get he’s probably supposed to be a Wayne Gretzky parody but like come on. I see the vision. Anyways tangent over I love him he just seems so sweet. Also he’s so gay you guys. He’s great. I love him.
Raj - um I don’t have much to say but he also seems very sweet and adorable. I also think out of him and Wayne he’d be the more chill and reasonable one. I’m rooting for him.
Emma - ok she used to be my first boot but I don’t hate her anymore. Wow holy shit y’all’s art converted me on 5 people props to the total drama fandom y’all did great. Um I don’t really know what to say about her but like I hope everyone who’s predicting she’s a sweetie pie is right. Um well see about her I’m interested now.
MK - ICON! I love them so much and I also think they are enby. They are also a super sweet silly goofball I think. Literally I want them to win so bad they are my absolute favorite. But seriously why are they yellow. If they’re supposed to be Asian then surely Fresh should know it’s a problem. Especially considering they didn’t do it with Heather when TDI first came out. So bad. But anyways yes they are amazing literally my favorite they need to win.
so uh yeah. I definitely like them all a lot more than I did when the designs first got revealed. I think my absolute favorites are MK, Damien, Axel, Wayne, Nichelle, Julia, Ripper, Zee, Wayne, and Millie. Although I don’t get why these were their names when I’ve seen so many better ones (I’ve seen Tristan and Hayden for Ripper and Wayne respectively and like yeah I like those a hell of a lot better.) But um yeah I’m excited for the season I don’t think it’ll be a dumpster fire, especially considering Ridonculous was good. I’m excited.
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wierdaesthetic · 7 months
How I think cod men smell like naturally their body. (hate dni)
so I have this thing called synesthics with basically causes my brain to use more than one sence when triggered for example I can smell pictures, I know it sounds weird but when ever I look at pic of smth or someone my brain makes up what it/they would smell like. (And to my suprice its pretty accurate)
1. ghost
I am 100% he wears Axe body spray in the purple blue scent, and not because its named Marine (haha). Yeah so his notes are axe spray, hormones(the sweet pinappley ones, not the gross just hit puberty boy type) and I think rust for some reason like he was in a mechanical work space. 2. Konig
Now this bitch confuses me as shit. I think he smells like medical equiment but at the same time I think he smells like nothing, netrual. I dont know he has a minty tone tho. So he probs just has amazing heigyne and doesn't over fragrance himself.
3. Price He smells like tobacco Malboro, I bet my ass on that. But I would know cause I smoke more than him (he is 40+ I am beraly 20). But he also smell alchooly BUT BEFORE YOU SAY I AM STEREOTYPING!! I mean like fragrance type alchool, most notably after shave type of scent. Like spicy cinamon but in a more masculine way. 4. Soap
Before yall hoes come for me, sHe pRobS gOinG tO sAy He SmElLs LikE SoAp, NO BITCH. Like I said I aint stereotyping shit today. HE SMELLS LIKE A PHEREMONENAL SLUT not because he is my favourite but because he always sweaty in the game. But I dont think his sweat smells bad honestly, first of all let me let yall in a little secret ... if you exersice, eat heathly and let out sweat (you know ;) ;)) YOUR SWEAT DOESN'T SMELL!! In the best case senario it is even plesant. At the bear minimum he smells like a basic cologe that his ex or ghost bought him for his bday.
5. Gaz
Let me tell you hoes something. BLACK MEN KNOW HOW TO NOTE AND COMPLIMENT THEIR SCENT!! Did you read that or do I need to repeat it. He smells like vanilla, cocunut, sol de janero REALNESS. He has scented moisteraiser every where in his car, in bag, on a keychain, in his mulitary bag EVERYWHERE, I bet you he has one between his cheeks so he can use it mids war. (I AM DYING) 6. Alejandro
Now hear me when I say, I know he smells feminine. Which is not bad at all but I feel like his stuff is florally scented or fruit or something like that, but at the same time I fear he smells like my boy bff cause they have so similar vibes (I HOPE NOT). But also he smell of tattoo shop YEAH THATS IT. He smells exactly like green disinfectant soap with rose peals infusion, exactly that and if you dont know what I am talking about just imagine dentist office smell + roses.
7. Alex Keller
Oh I know he smells good, naturally and when it comes to fragrance. I just feel it in my bones. He smells like oils, honey and anything in that area. I just know he drenches himself in jojoba oil and l know he loves dior. Like thats it, he is an expencive smelling man.
8. Rudy
I mean, he confuses me. I think he is mixure of hormones (again not the disguasting) and expencive parfum. I think he smells "manly", it sounds weird I know. I KNOW! He smells like salty caramel but the sticky type that you can also eat as a chewing gum, if you are from europe you especially from the slavic or balkan area you know exactly what I am talking about.
9. Nikto
To me he smells like home and I bet my ass on that if he was real I would say that as soon as I would met him but I bet most of yall have no idea what I am talking about unless you are slavic. Well he smells like beer but not the alchooly type but the softer type also he smells like grass, nature and wood. Also he smells like tobacco NOT SMOKE but the plant.
10. Keegan
MINT. MINT. MINT. I know this man smells like a colgate ad, I can feel it. He smells exactly how water tastes after you brush your teeth. He smells also like rain but thats a small note, mostly MINT and fresh. If you are afab or use ph balance wash HE SMELLS LIKE THAT.
(no I wont do philip FUCK HIM, unless yall really want it)
Just a bit of my delulu for anyone that caress I CAN SMELL KONIG RIGHT NOW WTF, AS IF HE IS IN FRONT OF ME. It so weird help.
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ughgoaway · 26 days
I know this isn’t doing much but I just wanted to tell you I love and appreciate your writing so much!! I usually never comment on stuff bcs I prefer to not be perceived on the internet but this is anonymous so yeah!!!
not just you but every writer on 75blr, yall are great and I wanna kiss every single one of you on the forehead pls
when will people realize that we aren’t 12 and aren’t able to dedicate our entire existence to a silly little account on a silly little app on our phone? like most of us have jobs?? a personal life?? you know things going on that are far more important than satisfying random blokes on the internet
writing shouldn’t feel like a chore because that’s when you lose interest in it
anyways, love yall <33
oh my love, this is doing SO MUCH. hearing this will never get old, I can't say how much it warms my heart to hear that people love and appreciate my work!! I totally understand being a silent lurker, that was me for MANY years, so I extra appreciate you taking the time to send this <333
every writer on 75blr is honestly amazing, I am always in awe of the amount of talent on here. and the fact that everyone is so lovely as well?? we are SO LUCKY!! and honestly, I know I speak for every writer of 75blr when I say we kiss you on the forehead back, MWUAH!!!
some people forget we have lives away from here, it's kinda fucking crazy??? but people like you make it so much easier to come on and post stuff when we can, support like yours means the world <3
writing can so easily feel like a chore, I know it did for me for a long time. I always encourage people to write when they can, no pressure, just as and when you feel like it! hobbies are meant to be fun! take all the time in the world to write something you're proud of
I love you!!! thank you again for sending this, lovely <3
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autistic-katara · 1 year
(in response to u asking for st hot takes)
eddie and steve are the worst characters out of the teens who were written to be good (so excluding billy jason and angela)
dustin is so overrated like why are yall worshipping him but ignoring lucas like no offence but dustin is trash no wonder him and eddie got along well
s4 v2 was so shit (for non-byler reasons)
el isnt a super amazing character. like shes good but i feel like i have to like her or else maloobans will use that against me
(more fandom related) the byler fandom is kinda weak like one word about malooban from the cast and yall crumble
(gonna responded to this in chunks like u wrote it cause yeah)
honestly gotta agree for the Eddie part, like he’s is overrated as fuck and like i don’t HATE him but like god guys he isn’t THAT good (Steve on the other hand i like around just as much as the other teens. except Robin cause <3 her and our boy Argyle cause my man’s a fucking icon)
honestly given the parts of the fandom i interact with i haven’t seen too much stuff abt specifically Dustin but honestly disagree i love my guy (Lucas is one of the best characters tho)
honestly idm v2 that much but i don’t love it, staying neutral here
hard disagree i love El sm she’s my baby sister how dare u say that abt her/lh (fr tho as much as i love her u should be allowed to dislike her w/o Mlvns getting up ur ass abt it)
can’t remember the last time someone in the cast said smthn abt Mlvn so can’t rlly agree or disagree on that
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cassthefrassreviews · 2 years
Wednesday- Netflix Show Review (spoilers duh)
Alright, i watched the show. Did i like it? Eh!! Will i still participate in fandom? Yes!
Show rating: 3 stars??
Right off the bat you can tell the only good actor in this show is the main character. Jenna Ortega 100% did this role amazingly, and was my second favorite character (first being Thing ofc). Everyone elses acting ranged from mid to just straight up not good? Not to mention like jesus the cast either looks 12 or late 20s, is this highschool, middle school or college?? And dont get me started on the MAIN MALE LEADS ACTING??? Tyler played by Hunter Doohan, deadass sounds like a shitty anime dub protagonist. And by GOD did that get on my nerves. I will say either the acting is better or more tolerable by the end of the season but thats most likely due to the fact the screen time mainly shifts onto the main character Wednesday. Which im fine with.
I love Wednesday, i love her so much. She is so autistic coded, just like me for real. Jennas portrayal is amazing. Line delivery, body language, everything down to the tea for amazing it was.
The writing...... yeah the writing..... yeah no..... Its not great, it feels like they only focused on making Wednesdays lines good and give 0 shits about anyone else. Some moments are great i wont lie, but alot of the writing comes off as???? Eh??? And the actors definitely didnt help carry the writing. Maybe with a different cast, it wouldn't have been so hard to watch.
The show starts off with a very strong pallet of "how do you do, fellow kids?" and honestly has one of the worse hooks ive ever seen. Social media being shoved down are throats and a couple of ad placements throughout the first episode, i was expecting a full on "HEY BUY THE LATEST IPHONE, EAT SOME DORITOS AND SHOP AT OLD NAVY" type of ads like the Addison Rae movie. Like oooooooooooof, thankfully they tone that down, but its still very obvious in some scenes.
Shows like this always make me feel weird where they have "outcast" "normie" type stuff. And yeah it was.... ?????? Man idk lmao. This show did alot of stereotypes and ???? stuff?? throughout it, that was honestly very weird? Like for example Enid isnt able to transform into a werewolf, and her mom wants to send her to.... wait for it.... CONVERSION THERAPY??? Are we serious??? And its like this long awkward scene that felt like a coming out scene of her turning down conversion therapy, and her mom storming out and her dad saying how proud he is and he will always support her....... like deadasss???? AND THEN!!! SHE ENDS UP "WOLFING OUT" AT THE END ANYWAYS????? So like are you serious??? They dealt with it like it was a coming out thing and it was a puberty thing and alsoa disability, so that was icky!!!
A HUGE ICK IS IN THE ENDING???? We find out what a hyde is and all of a sudden Wednesday finds out that Tylers mom, oh my god, was a HYDE!!! So she confronts him and let me just quote this scene for yall"
Wednesday: "Her postpartum depression triggered her condition"
Tyler: "My mom has severe bipolar disorder."
Wednesday: "We both now thats a lie..... She was a Hyde"
LIKE DID WE REALLY???? DID WE REALY JUST COMPARE A SEVERE MOOD DISORDER TO A CREATURE???? IN THE SHOW A HYDE IS DESCRIBED AND "UNLEASHED" By this: "artists by nature, but equally vindictive in temperament.” He wrote: “Born of mutation, the Hyde lays dormant until unleashed by a traumatic event or unlocked through chemical inducement or hypnosis."
Like???? what we arent going to do is compare an already severely stigmatized disorder to a literal monster. That is so fucked up??? On so many levels????
There were a couple good moments in the show, and i did really like watching the friendship between Enid and Wednesday blossom. Any scene with Thing was good and also the scenes with Eugene were pretty adorable. I do enjoy the way she does investigate and the mystery aspect is semi solid. Her visions are also portrayed very well and i like them. The fight scenes i would say are pretty well choreographed.
Wednesday has alot of autistic / neurodivergent traits, along with alot of the other characters and that is very fun to watch. Because omg me? Very relatable! Does put the whole "outcast" "normie" thing in a weird perspective tho huh?
Anways would i watch it again? No
Will i watch the second season? Yeah probably!!
Do I recommend it? EH??? If you can get through the first two episode and look past the cringey/ unbearable acting, then yeah go ahead. Its only 8 episodes, i finished it in a day, so if you just want the show in the background or youre bored sure. Again there are some captivating scenes but honestly none that are very hooking to me.
Anyways thats my review !!!
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olympiansally · 8 months
hihi I read a lot of your stuff but mostly affa and I was wondering if you would ever consider making a discord server for it / you fics ? Also you're an amazing amazing writer and I can't wait for the next chapter or affa !
✨ Hi, sweetie!!! ✨
First of all, thank you so much for such a lovely compliment!! I’m so happy with the response affa has been getting lately, yall are the bestests fr <3
Honestly just the concept of a discord server for my fics is like… both a huge honor and also something I haven’t actually considered?
But like… yeah, that would be? Awesome? Such a dream?? Like just a discord of ppl talking about my writing sounds?!? Fucking unreal tbh lmao
I’m not sure there’d be like much of an interest in that though, but I can definitely bring it up and see if that’s smt people would want. If it is though, I’d be all for that tbh, like the possibility genuinely makes me a bit giddy lmao but yeah idk if that’d be like a reality for now yk?
I mean, I just made a twitter two days ago, so a discord server for my stuff seems a bit much for now? I do absolutely love the idea though and I’m 100% down if that’s smt people want so like… we’ll see I guess?
Genuinely though, I am super honored that that’s smt you would want, regardless of how much interest there is otherwise! Things here on tumblr have been kinda slow lately, but I will certainly throw your suggestion around other places too and see if that’s smt ppl would even want and we can go from there I guess
But thank you for suggesting it and for reading my stuff AND for taking the time to come here and be a sweetheart about it, this is so dearly appreciated, you have no idea <3
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