#but what does that actually achieve? he wants to race but he can’t for the sake of not being subject to racial abuse in 2022?
synthetickitsune · 1 month
svt + when they see you walking down the aisle a/n: a tiktok i saw sent me down a delulu spiral
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Seungcheol ❧ His world stops and the universe crashes down and the stardust settles in his eyes as he watches you approaching him slowly. It’s just stars. It’s not the lights reflecting in the hint of tears collecting in the corners of his eyes. Love is pain, Seungcheol realizes. His cheeks hurt so much from the effort to keep himself from smiling too widely, too like a lovesick fool that he is. He can’t take his eyes off you, which makes it hard to keep a straight or at least decent face that won’t betray how embarrassingly excited he is for this moment. Then again, maybe that’s good - he thinks when he notices you biting back your own smile. You didn’t want him to see the final look before the actual thing and would it be too inappropriate to tell you how gorgeous you look and kiss you before he gets the blessing? Perhaps, and he wants your wedding to be perfect so he’ll be patient but you’re making it ridiculously hard. He’s already failing to hide how unbelievably in love he is and how impatient he is to put that ring on your finger.
Jeonghan ❧ His lips part and he loses his breath. His racing mind comes to a stop, the time does too. He doesn’t care that he’s showing all the people around his rawest emotions, because he knows nobody is looking at him. They’re all looking at you. They must be. What could be more important than you right now? You coming towards Jeonghan slowly. You, who will be his - who chose him, who accepts him. He swallows the lump in his throat and looks towards his friends for support. Does he deserve this? He wants to have the ring on his finger already. Something, anything to reassure him he’s not dreaming. Maybe he’s not ready. Is he enough? He can’t cheat his way out of this one. What if he tricked you into believing he’s worthy of you? He’d never lie to you, but what if he did this entire time and you fell in love with someone he isn’t? You’re perfect. You’re perfect to him, and you’re perfect with him. He wants to tease you, even here and now, like he always does but he can’t. He gets too bashful when you look at him with this much adoration.
Joshua ❧ Standing straight and awaiting the moment the love of his life will appear and walk down the aisle towards him, towards your shared future, Joshua doesn’t feel nervous at all. It’s fate, it was all predestined from the beginning until now. You will exchange your vows and seal the promises with a kiss. There’s no reason for anxiety, no reason to feel nervous. Yet the moment the music plays and he sees you, he can’t help but swallow thickly and feel a pang of displeasure at the strained way he smiles. He doesn’t want to be nervous, but his hands start to tremble. You’re so beautiful, you’re glowing like the sun. It’s blinding him but he can’t look away. He can’t because he needs to take you in, and he needs to know it’s real and you’re not running away. He knows you won’t. He knows it, but what if? He’s too blessed, something is bound to get ruined - and he prays it won’t be you and him. You’re everything he wants, isn’t it unfair he gets to achieve his dream? You always tell him to be more selfish. Perhaps he should listen to you more and doubt himself less.
Jun ❧ He barely stops himself before he can move towards you, his hands twitch subtly in their longing to hold you. Jun knows he can’t mess this up - you’re supposed to be given away to him, you need to be the one to come to him. That’s the whole point. He knows you love him, feels blessed for it every second of every day. He has no doubt the ceremony will go just as he imagined - better even because it’s real! No one will take you away from him, there’s no evil plot in place. It’s just a ceremony - it will take a while. But he simply wants to hold you already. You must feel so awkward in the unfamiliar clothes you’re wearing. The shoes look uncomfortable too - what if you stumble? Wait. You’re so beautiful. He finally focuses on looking at you and not worrying about you. And suddenly he can’t move. It would be too daring to approach you. Is it really alright to let someone else guide you for the last time before you’re his to protect for a lifetime? He’ll have to take it this time, but never more afterwards. His lips stretch into a proud smile. You’re really his, and it makes him giddy like a child.
Hoshi ❧ He’s breathing slowly and deeply to calm himself, to stay still despite the waiting stretching on forever. He thinks he’ll feel relief when he sees you, but when the moment arrives… Soonyoung laughs, blinking up at the ceiling to stop the tears that flood his eyes from spilling. He does feel relief, but more than that he feels overwhelming joy, gratitude, and pride. He needs to be fast with his little breakdown because he needs a second look. He needs to enjoy the opportunity because it’s only today that he’ll get the chance to experience it. You’re blurry through the unspilled tears but he still sighs a soft woah that makes his best man sigh in exasperation that he ignores completely, desperately wiping away his tears. He’s beaming at you, and he envies you for looking much more composed than he is, with only a slight pink blush adoring your face. He wants to kiss it away. Would that be too improper to do? Yes. So would be screaming for the whole world to hear that you’re marrying him today, so suck it up everyone who isn’t him. Yet that’s what he wants to do the most - right after saying the ‘I do’.
Wonwoo ❧ It feels like the first time he saw you. You wear the same bashful smile, nerves just radiating off you like you can't believe he's waiting for you. Wonwoo remembers that back then he felt the same - in disbelief you'd actually come. He feels no such foolish feelings today as he smiles at you warmly and appreciates how beautiful you look. His chest is filled with pride knowing you chose him, and that the people that matter the most to him will witness the moment that you become his in yet another way. It's not the most important, he tries to think, just a formality. What matters most is that you agreed to spend your life with him, this is just a celebration. Yet with all eyes on you both, it's impossible not to feel pressured. Maybe he lied. He is nervous like he was back then, but now he can look at you and find the promise of a future filled with love in your eyes. He has it all planned out - the peaceful mornings and quiet nights. Bickering about new furniture, sharing chores. Forever suddenly doesn’t sound so scary - it sounds like too short of a time.
Woozi ❧ He needs to look up, but he knows that once he does he'll be damned. He waits for the moment the music starts with dread that has nothing to do with any doubts and everything to do with the fact he feels himself getting emotional. Jihoon refuses to cry. He’ll make an exception for you, as he always does, and he’ll allow his emotions to show but he will not cry. And yet the moment you appear, he almost feels his efforts go to waste. You’re so beautiful, and he’s hit with memories from your first meeting all the way to where you’re now walking towards him. It feels more like the reverse is true - like he’s the one running towards you, towards your embrace that he learned to call home. He takes a deep breath, lets it out in a wistful sigh that gives him enough strength to smile without cracking. It feels too much like he’s showing off. He told you before that he could’ve lived forever and he’d still feel he didn’t do enough to deserve the privileges he can currently enjoy. You most of all. How did he get so lucky? He won’t cry. So why are you looking so blurry…
The8 ❧ Breathe in, breathe out. Slowly, methodically. Minghao is nothing if not a master of self-control. So he doesn’t allow his cautious excitement to be ruined by his rising anxiety. It’s just the expectation of everyone. He’s not performing, but it almost feels like he is, and he feels guilty for putting so much pressure on you too. On the other hand, he feels his chest swell with pride just seeing how many people will witness you and him intertwining your lives together until death do you apart. As much as he wants to appreciate how breathtaking you look, he holds your gaze. You need his support, and he can worship you later too. He smiles without realizing. It finally feels real, and he feels calm. His life is finally clicking in place. He sees nothing but trust in your eyes, and it’s all the reassurance he needs that everything will work out. You trust him to take care of you for the rest of your life, and he knows he can rely on you to do the same. He can’t wait to grow old with you. All those years later, he’ll still tease you for telling him he looks handsome before he could compliment you first.
Mingyu ❧ He knows there’s a bet in place whether he’ll cry or not, but surprisingly for everyone (including himself) Mingyu doesn’t feel anywhere close to tears. What he feels is a sense of accomplishment. He has the love of his life walking down the aisle to where he’s waiting at the altar, both of you looking immaculate - although if he’s honest, he feels like he’ll look like a fool next to you. Like a piece of dirt next to a diamond. Honestly he forgot about the room. He can’t take his eyes off you, but he’s worried he’ll say something embarrassing if he doesn’t look away. The ground is nowhere near interesting enough though, so he bites his tongue and looks up again. You look even more beautiful. He grins at you at least, because he needs you to know that he’s obsessed with you - like you (or anyone in the room) can not see the heart eyes he’s giving you. It’s not his nature to be possessive of you, but something in his chest can’t stand that he’s not the one leading you down the aisle. Showing off his pretty love like that? Boasting who he pulled? Unthinkable. He would’ve cried then.
DK ❧ He is trying to get it together, he swears he is. He told himself he won't cry, he told his friends he won't cry. But damn, is it hard when he hears the music… and it's impossible when he sees you. Seokmin knows you're everything he ever wanted and everything he'll ever need when he sees you and the tears come way too easy. Barely stopping himself before he can ruin his suit by wiping his eyes with his sleeve, he laughs and just keeps looking at you. There’s nothing he can do, he’d just keep crying anyway. He sees how you try to speed up, to be given away to him if just a second sooner, but the person next to you won’t let you, and he chuckles. Just like he always runs to you when you need him, you always do the same for him too. Did he forget that when he cries, you cry as well? He tries to calm down, you can’t both be a mess. He wouldn’t do that to you. Suddenly he wishes it could be just you and him. Would that be not enough? You started calling him your husband a long time ago anyway.
Seungkwan ❧ He's been a mess since morning. He's probably been bottling it up for months though - through the chaos of wedding planning and everyday life, all the way until now. The moment he sees you, the dams just break. He reminds himself to breathe, manages to smile at you, and even watch every step you take through the tears. You are gorgeous. You kept hyping him up for this moment but Seungkwan will need to have a talk with you - how could you fail to mention he'll be overwhelmed by love and adoration the second he lays eyes on you? He wipes off his tears carefully and hopes he still looks presentable. He'd hate to ruin your photos. He doesn't know what to do with himself. Even out of the spotlight, very honored to stand in your shadow, he feels nervous. It feels silly to stand and wait, he can't stop his racing mind that floods with memories of you two. Your loving gaze on him does little to help. Your smile is so bright, and he realizes that despite the tears he's smiling too. He wants to kiss you already. It feels like a waste that he can't, but perhaps he'll talk you into making it up to him later.
Vernon ❧ It's not a big deal. He promised that to you and he promised that to himself. So why is he getting nervous? The crowd is full of familiar and supportive faces, and yet the one who'd chase away his nerves is missing. Tension keeps building up in Vernon's body all the way until the music plays and he sees you lead in to be entrusted to him. That might be a tad dramatic, but it's an interesting part of the ceremony nonetheless and he can't wait to mention it to you and get your opinion on it. Your lives are merging, so why act as if you're being given away, as if you're a burden to be passed around? You could never be a burden to him, which is rare for him but then again you are a miracle. He feels his cheeks burning. All it took was one look at you and suddenly the tension is gone, isn't that crazy? How are you his anyway? You're so beautiful he would've approached you even if you were strangers. Again - you are a miracle. He feels a smile settle on his face and he thinks how you're the only one to make him smile by simply existing. He's in for a good life, that's for sure.
Dino ❧ His chest is filled with pride and his entire life flashes before his eyes in the few moments between the music start and you entering. Chan feels lucky. Not for the first time in his life, but the feeling now is so intense his whole body tingles. He sees you and he sees the rest of his life. He loves you unconditionally, the feeling washes over him just as strongly as when he first realized it. Isn't it foolish that even though you'll exchange your vows in just a few minutes, he wants to propose again? How can he let you know how much he loves you? He knows loving takes time, and he’s excited beyond words to spend the rest of his days loving you. He can’t wait to spend his time with and on you. But what can he do right now? He wipes under his eyes, laughing at himself before standing straight again. He'll be the best man he can be for you, and he’ll start right here. His smile is wobbly, but he hopes you can feel its sincerity. He runs his vows through his head again, but he thinks he'll improvise and add more anyway. You look too beautiful not to promise you the stars - a promise he will keep.
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"Guess I'm Just Good With Them" - 2
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PAIRINGS: James "Bucky" Barnes x SingleMom!Reader
WARNINGS: Slight insecurities about being a single mom, extreme fluffiness
*not proof-read*
Sinking into the couch, you groan. It's been an hour trying to put Leila to sleep. And with consistency, you finally have achieved that goal. You run your hands over your face trying to get the drowsiness to evade your eyes, you need to do some more chores. And you know you won't be able to get to them in the morning, with work and the babysitter coming to sit Leila.
Your phone pings. That's weird, it never pings.
It only does when it's your co-worker asking to cover their shift, or it's when your boss is telling you the unfortunate news of you having to work overtime.
But it is neither of those situations. It's an unknown number.
UNKNOWN: Hey there, this is James from Walmart.
You stare at the electronic brick in your hands. You tap on the notification and see the actual message.
Your jaw drops. He actually texted you. James actually texted you.
Your heart races slightly as your thumbs do that little dance over your screen. Biting your lip, you think about what you should write about.
YOU: Hi James! How are you? :)
You groan and tip your head back, thinking your reply is similar to that of a fourth grader. But, that thought instantly vanishes as you see the texting bubble on his side jump in a pattern. While they do you save his name in your contacts.
JAMES: I'm doing alright. How are you, and Leila? 🙂
You let out a deep breath and type again.
YOU: Oh! We’re doing well, thank you. YOU: Happy to hear that you’re doing well too! :)
What’s with you and that smiley face, you whine in embarrassment and throw your phone to the side. “God, why am I like this?” You whine as you run your hands down your face. You never thought twice about texting.
But when it comes to James, you had to. You don’t know why, but you feel flutters in your belly when your brain strays to think about him. You don’t force your brain to do so, it’s just a second nature, an unconscious habit.
You can’t help but think about his charming smile that was on display the whole time Leila looked at him, the way he let your baby girl play with his metal arm, the way he would coo at her when she became fussy.
Your phone pings. Reaching for your phone, you inhale and open the text.
JAMES: That is great to hear. 🙂
You push out your lips, wondering what to reply with.
YOU: :)
You internally groan at your teenage-like response.
JAMES: I just wanted to know if you and Leila are busy this weekend.
You’re heart races again, is he going to ask you out?
YOU: We're not :). Why?
Ok, you were really bold with that response.
JAMES: There is this thing at the Zoo a friend told me about, thought it would be a good idea for Leila to see it?
You are in shock, he really thought about your daughter when his friend mentioned a Zoo.
YOU: That’s a great idea :)
There’s a smile on your face when you hit send on your reply. The bubbles pop up again on James’ side.
JAMES: What about her mother? 🙂
Your heart does a loop. You re-read the message at least 10 times, repeating the words out loud just to make sure if you read it right. And you did.
He, kind of, asked you out.
YOU: Her mother would be happy :)
The shade really did nothing to cool you off from the summer sun. You adjusted the battery powered fan to face Leila completely on the arm rest of the stroller.
Getting up from your bent position you see James approaching you with a backpack on his shoulders. He gives you that sheepish smile he gave you the first time you met. You raise your hand and wave at him, and he returns a two fingered wave.
“Hey,” he smiles at you again, before squatting and caressing Leila’s cheek with his finger. “Heya, peanut,” he smiles, and Leila giggles and grabs onto James’ finger.
“Ah, Leila. We don’t grab fingers, bubba,” you say slowly at your little girl. Leila slowly lets go of James’ finger but still smiles at him.
“She’s learning to listen,” he chuckles, adjusting the baseball cap on his head. You laugh and respond, “only because you are here, James. Otherwise, it’s a cryfest.” James laughs at your statement, nodding his head.
“Please, call me Bucky. My fri-people who know me do,” he clears his throat, and you nod smiling. “Of course, Bucky,” she smiles, and it immediately is pulled into a frown when Leila starts to whine. You’re quick to pick her up and carry her at your waist.
“She was fussy during nap time this morning, I'm sorry,” you explain, your insecurities of being not a good enough mom started to kick in.
Bucky gives a sympathetic smile and he nods along. He puts his hand on the stroller, “I can push the stroller.”
"Really?" You ask in shock, bouncing Leila in your arms. Bucky chuckles and nods, "yeah, it's not a problem for me."
"Thank you," you give a downward smile, and he smiles back.
“Shall we?” He asks with a small grin, ready to push the stroller.
You smile and nod, this man really is the nicest thing that has happened to you in a while.
TAGLIST <3: @toffeacademia
Here is the part two lovelies!!!
I will be transferring this to a series, so yay!
(if you wanna be tagged in the series, pls comment here 🤗🤗)
The next thing I'm most gonna be posting is the first chapter of "Infinite Solutions"
Till' then,
Stay Coquette-y,
Anya 🫶🏽🕊️🎀
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purinfelix · 6 months
What about Felix and famous!reader????
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pairing: joao felix x formula one driver reader summary: you're a famous formula one driver with a footballer boyfriend who's almost as famous warnings: none! some cringey couple things here and there though so be warned ...
a/n: ANON YOUR MINDD OMGG - also hope you don't mind that i made reader a formula one driver bc i think the dynamic would fit hehe also ?? first request ever AND first headcanon-style post? look at me go
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a little backstory ...
✦ It all starts at an airport - you and your team making your way to the next race whilst he and Barcelona are travelling home. Just as you’re walking through the airport terminal you manage to lock eyes with him for a split second, the sides of his lips curling into a smile. You feel yourself blush and stop in your tracks before being ushered along by your manager. You don't know it then, but the mysterious boy had also turned around to catch one last glimpse of you before your figure disappeared through the terminal gates. At least, as much of a glimpse as he could get before his teammates caught on with jeering whistles and teasing remarks.
✦ It’s just your luck that a couple of fans who had been waiting for either of your teams caught a couple clips of this moment and post it online - and it becomes the ultimate content for edits, shipping conspiracies, and videos. 
✦ From there on, things blow up. Clips of you watching his games or shots of him with your instagram posts open on his phone go viral amongst a flurry of dating rumours. 
✦ You first connect over these silly videos, but once you actually get to know each other you realise there’s actual chemistry between you two and eventually start dating - which you accidentally announce to the world after Joao scores a goal and points up to you in the stands (needless to say the internet was very happy that night) 
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✦ On attending his games - him always insisting you have the best view (especially of him), enough tickets for anyone you want to bring, and every single one of his jerseys to wear 
✦ And vice versa, him attending your races and just being so supportive of you - he never wants you to feel like you’re just a wag, and is always sure to elevate your own success and achievements over your relationship 
✦ Always wearing your merch, sharing your posts about your recent wins in races, his instagram has just become a fanpage for you at this point - and he’s totally not complaining  
✦ Football fans finding out about you through him (“Wait Joao Felix’s partner is like some athlete? I thought they were just a wag lol they’re actually cool”) and Formula One fans finding out about him through you (“You mean to tell me Joao Felix as in y/n’s boyfriend actually does stuff and isn’t just their trophy boyfriend???”) 
✦ With that being said, your relationship does involve some long-distance periods because of both of your professions but both of you put in so much effort that it works. Though it’s not easy, he definitely makes up for it whenever you two do get to meet up by spoiling you rotten and spending as much time with you as possible. 
✦ Him CONSTANTLY getting teased by the team, but never learning his lesson and continues to bring you up at every single opportunity (he can’t help it, he’s just so proud of you :(( ) 
“Dude, cmon.” Pedri huffs as another one of Joao’s shots rebound off of the goal post during a cold morning training.  “Hey cut him some slack, he’s probably thinking about his partner,” Gavi’s tone is teasing as he says this, poking at Joao’s sides as the taller boy snarls in response. Even so, he can’t help but smile a little at the mention of you.  “Can you blame me? Did you guys see them last night? They were amazing, I mean Their overtakes were amazing and going from P10 to P3 is insa-” he begins, but is cut off by the groans of his teammates around him who all go off to train on their own. He doesn’t mind though, since he’s the one who’s lucky to have a partner worth bragging about.
✦ Is quite possessive and protective, not because he doesn’t trust you to be loyal or take care of yourself but because he knows what kinds of dangers being famous can pose and he wants to be able to help you through them. 
✦ Whenever you attend award ceremonies together his hand never leaves your waist, partially because he feels a little awkward without you (introvert bf things) but also because he just likes the feeling of having you close to him at all times 
✦ OMG you guys have such a Barbie and Ken dynamic - esp that one audio that’s like “Barbie has a great day every day, but Ken only has a great day if Barbie looks at him.” 
✦ Overall you guys are generally adored by everyone, as much as Felix gets teased by his teammates, fans, and media outlets alike <33 
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And a little something extra for my formula one / football girlies - I present to you: Carlos the Madridista reacting to you dating a Barcelona player 
“No, I will not have this.” Carlos throws his hands up in frustration as he begins to walk away from you two. It’s Joao’s first time visiting you on the grid since you’ve ‘officially’ announced your relationship, and you wanted to introduce him to someone you considered a big brother. Only thing was, you had forgotten how deep the rivalry between the team Carlos supported, Real Madrid, and your boyfriend’s team ran.  “Carlos, please,” you sound exasperated but in reality you’re trying to hold back laughter at how dramatic his reaction is.  “You didn’t tell me your boyfriend was a Barcelona player?”  “What does it matter?”  “How could you?!” Carlos exclaims, his voice making it clear how betrayed he feels at your decision. Next to you, your boyfriend tenses up - you can tell how nervous he is to be meeting your group of friends and so you take his hand in yours, giving it a comforting squeeze. Even so, this entire situation is hilarious to you.  “Oh get over yourself,” you huff.  Eventually, you manage to get the two of them to sit down and have a proper man-to-man conversation in which they realise they have more in common than they think - the most obvious being both of them caring for you which they seem to have no problem bonding over. Needless to say, Carlos’ hatred of the opposing club might’ve lessened a little that day. 
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slutforpringles · 7 months
The key difference to McLaren that makes Ricciardo's revival real
Ricciardo drives the car very differently to regular driver Yuki Tsunoda, but also to Pierre Gasly - who was Alpha Tauri’s spearhead for several seasons. They prefer a later-braking approach with a sharp, later rotation - the V-style we often hear drivers talk about, and that Ricciardo wanted to move away from at McLaren but couldn’t. The way Ricciardo brakes and approaches a corner puts very different demands on the car and tyres, and requires (and instigates) a different kind of car behaviour. What you saw in Mexico was the result of Alpha Tauri really adjusting the car to that for the first time.
“The driving style is different and not only from the mechanical or aero platform, but we know the Pirelli tyres are quite sensitive,” says Alpha Tauri’s chief race engineer Jonathan Eddolls. “The way he drives we can see different tyre temperatures, different tyre temperature balance. We're not talking big numbers, it's not massive, but we can see differences in the way he drives. And he makes the laptime in different parts of the corner. Therefore he exposes different weaknesses to say Yuki does - he drives it in one way, Daniel in a slightly different way. So we just need a slightly different set-up direction for him.”
Ricciardo prefers to carry more speed through the corner by making it more of a ‘U’ shape. To do that he needs a little rear instability on entry to turn in, and enough grip to rotate the car mid-corner without the rear braking away. The McLaren had a lot of peak downforce but it was not always usable, making the car unstable and inconsistent to drive in certain corners and conditions. That was murder for Ricciardo’s preferences. And even now, in a McLaren regularly scoring podiums, Lando Norris says he wants to ‘U’ a corner but has to ‘V’ it off because the car can’t handle that.
Ricciardo admitted he’d had a limitation exposed by his failure to switch styles in the way Norris could, and even how Ricciardo’s replacement Oscar Piastri has. But give him the right car and he was adamant he could still work wonders. That’s what he seems to be moving towards with the AlphaTauri. But achieving that by pursuing this set-up direction was not the work of a moment. AlphaTauri started to experiment after the summer break but Ricciardo only managed one and a bit practice sessions at Zandvoort before breaking his hand.
Then the first attempt at his second comeback of 2023, at Austin, was hamstrung by it being a sprint weekend. Given it was his first race back, upgrades had changed the car’s behaviour in his absence, and the sprint format meant just the one practice session before qualifying, AlphaTauri played it safe and put Ricciardo on Tsunoda’s set-up. That didn’t really work for him. So it was all about getting to Mexico and working on different set-ups to try to unlock a bit more potential from the car based around his driving style. “One of his big limitations has been the front end,” says Eddolls. “So the [new set-up] directions have been able to improve the front end of the car for him, accepting the stability compromise and how that impacts the tyre temperatures through the corner and through the lap.”
It may sound surprising given this was his Kryptonite at McLaren but what Ricciardo has been clear on from the start at AlphaTauri is that he could live with a bit more rear instability. There were signs of this right back in Hungary, where Ricciardo drove the car for the first time. There, and in his second race in Belgium, there was some under-rotation in the car. While the AlphaTauri lacks the aerodynamic peaks of what Ricciardo was driving at McLaren, it seems to have a more stable platform. It’s consistent, and understandable. So Ricciardo actually found that he could cope with some more rear instability than it had, to help give him the front end he needed, without it prompting the kind of inconsistency in car behaviour that he could not handle the way Norris could at McLaren.
The key to understanding the difference is to consider that not all rear instability is the same. AlphaTauri has battled some specific corner entry trouble all season, mainly when its drivers were braking late into heavy braking zones. Given he generally struggled with rear instability at McLaren, it was initially a concern that this might be an issue for Ricciardo. But with the way he drives compared to Tsunoda, Ricciardo didn't counter the same issues with the AT04. Instead, Ricciardo knows what to expect from the car and is able to take it to its limits more comfortably.
“Probably the car that we've got, the characteristics, it behaves,” says Eddolls. “Maybe we haven't quite got the load or efficiency of some of the top teams. However, there's no big fundamental weaknesses of the car other than a lack of a bit of load. He knows what it's going to do. And the fact that it does the same thing, every lap, corner to corner, it's given him the confidence to be able to throw the car into the corners and know that it's going to stick and knows that it’s going to do the same every time. Once we've got that platform in those couple of races earlier in the season, then we can start working on changing the balance corner to corner or through corner with the set-up to try to extract a bit more performance. It's a car that's given him the confidence to be able to push it closer to the limit than maybe he had in McLaren.”
Since Ricciardo’s early races before the summer break, the team has added a bit more aero load through upgrades, and the new set-up direction has now unlocked an even more Ricciardo-friendly balance. In Mexico, Ricciardo was able to use the stronger front end to rotate the car through the corners more to his style - braking a little earlier but riding it a little longer, giving him the grip to turn the front in mid-corner and carrying speed through. The result was being at ease with the car in qualifying, visibly leaning on the front and throwing the car around more.
It doesn’t mean he was on another level to Tsunoda, who looked like he could have been just as quick were his qualifying not sacrificed because of a predetermined engine change and grid penalty. But it did mean Ricciardo was more at the limit of this car for the first time, and feeling more like his old self. This continued in the grand prix itself. The controlled tyre management and comfortable race pace was different to the vast majority of his grands prix for McLaren. Were it not for a red flag, Ricciardo probably would have finished fifth – the final stint suggests he’d have had the race pace to fend off George Russell’s Mercedes (who jumped him at the restart instead), and Norris would have been too far back to catch and pass him on his recovery drive from the back of the grid. Ricciardo also looked feisty at both the start and the post-red flag restart, doing a good job amid frenetic runs to Turn 1 and beyond, and even launched an attack on Russell the final lap. It didn’t quite come off, but how often did you see him able to try that in papaya?
“It was a little weird, at the start of the stint, I didn’t feel as good as towards the end,” Ricciardo said of the second part of the race. “It felt like it took me a little bit to get a rhythm with the tyre. Then the last probably 10 laps, I was able to really start pushing harder. Lando getting George probably hurt George’s tyres a little bit, so that brought him back to me. It was tough. I probably didn’t expect to get that close. When you’re that close, you’re like ‘ah, we could’ve!’. But he protected well in Turn 4. At one point, I was trying to go on the outside, but I could see we were both going to run off and had to abort the mission. We tried, but ultimately, just to be battling a Mercedes at the end, that makes me more happy than just missing out on sixth.”
Ricciardo probably does need a Red Bull Racing promotion to start doing that on a regular basis. Getting the most out of the car he has now must be the objective for the rest of the season – and on this evidence, it should be sustainable. “After last week, it’s funny,” he said. “You can never guarantee a good weekend [but] I’m not surprised we had a good weekend. I was just ready for it, and I think the direction we went with set-up, I knew that would allow me to have a bit more confidence with the car. There’s still certainly some things to get out of it. Even in the race, my first sector was a little average, I wasn’t very consistent there through the first chicane. For sure some things I could improve on, but overall I was very happy with the weekend.”
via: The key difference to McLaren that makes Ricciardo's revival real | The Race
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itsabouttimex2 · 2 months
In your opinion who is most likely to be scary Yandere for you? Like what is the most terrifying Yandere that you are GLAD that you are not their obsessions?
Oh, this is an interesting question! I’m happy to answer. There’s four in total to go over here- and thank you for asking!
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I’ve only written twice for Huntsman, (mostly because I can’t find gifs for him) but I genuinely find him to be the scariest Lego Monkie Kid yandere. His obsession with you is based almost entirely around your skills, either as a hunter equal to him or as prey worthy of pursuit. The love present between is mutual, in a way- grindstones alike, whetting your skills in lethal pursuit and escape. You invite his predation, then struggle to escape it. It’s a perpetual, equal race to the mastery of his and your respective skills, hunting and escaping.
If Huntsman does catch you, he’ll likely end with him stuffing your body as a dinner table prop or having you for dinner outright. At least he’s got a nice recipe for you.
Then again, you might just do the same to him if you win.
Either way, neither of you will ever forget the impact that the other has made on you.
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Unlike Huntsman above, Tang Sanzang (also criminally few gifs) isn’t on this list because his intention is to harm you, or because he’s willing to follow through with actual butchery of your physical being-
No, it’s because he will win. There’s no escape from the pious pilgrim. He finds you, snatches you up, snaps a golden circlet or two onto your body somewhere, then forces you along on his journey, intending to make something better of you.
And after enough tightening sutras and lectures and escape attempts that are thwarted by his loyal disciples… you break. Confidence, stubbornness and rebellion can only last so long before you are left wearied and in need of comfort.
One moment you’re sniffling and clutching at the bands that cover your wrists, the skin long worn raw from repeated punishments. You stand on shaky feet with your head bowed, trying to stay strong in your quest to abandon this long, arduous journey.
The next moment you’ve got your head in his lap, sobbing your eyes out into the pants of his cossack. You apologize for every last thing you can think of, desperate for his kind touch and forgiveness. Sanzang offers you both in plentitude, his hands stroking down your hair and rubbing at the bands that have tortured your wrists for so long.
He’ll hold you close the rest of the day and then all through the night, his gentle fingers patching your wounds with herbal paste and untangling the knots in your hair.
And you’ll wonder why you ever wanted to leave in the first place.
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Power, wealth, status. Big Mama has all three in abundance. She’s got a collection of mystic baubles and magical curios as far as the eye can see. Dozens, perhaps hundreds, of servants and slaves gladiators.
And she’s very, very, cunning.
The webs she weaves to deceive are more than tangible- they’re snared to achieve a position where you’re forced into submission.
Big Mama will have you.
With an arcane bibelot to tamper with your mind and leave you unsettled. Using a rather disposable servant to stage a rescue that leaves you indebted. Sending a Yōkai to demolish your workplace and leave you in desperate need of her ‘generous’ offer to sign you on to her staff.
By brute, overwhelming force, if she must personally collect you. If you fight her too much here, she’ll leave you strung up from the ceiling with web over your eyes and ears to deprive you of your senses. Only for a while, of course. It wouldn’t do to damage her new little darling too much, even if her method of procural leaves you bruised and battered.
No matter the manner, she will have you.
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(I held off on writing for this guy for the longest time, because I wasn’t sure if my followers would enjoy darker content. But I got the go ahead!)
Dabi’s a monster. He’s a man who prioritizes the downfall of his father above all else, and he’s a mile-long sadistic streak to pair with it.
He enjoys hurting people. Innocent people, to boot. No regard for their friends, for their families. No regard for the snuffing of precious, fragile life.
His mind is fractured from the strain and heartbreak of being cast aside by his father, replaced by his brother, and forgotten by his family in short turn.
You’re a outlet for Dabi, not someone he loves.
I don’t think he’s capable of love anymore.
You scream when his flaming fingers jab deep into your skin. You cry when his fingernail cut into your skin and ignite. He grabs big fistfuls of your hair and burns them off, chuckling as you sob, stinking of charred keratin.
His touch is tricky, mixing torturous pain with gentle relief. His softer actions are not true kindness- he’s only patching your wounds and stroking your hair so you’ll never now exactly what his next touch will consist of. Is he going to beat you? Pat your head? Rip out your fingernails?
You can’t know, not with the deliberate duality he displays. Every time he comes close to you, you tremble and whimper, smelled of burning hair and charred flesh. And Dabi hurts you, again and again and again.
But he won’t kill you. If there’s even a single, infinitesimally small speck of love left in his heart, it is dedicated solely to not killing you.
That is not a mercy.
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jaeclerc · 1 year
“daniel!” max called as he clamored out of his seat, crawling out of the window of his car, his helmet heavy on his head after a long stint. but it was over, he had taken the checkered flag, exhausted down to the bone after 24 hours of driving on and off, dozing off in between his stints in the car and watching anxiously on as daniel and charles drove their stints, battling for supremacy on the track. he was so tired that he was unable to sleep.
he sauntered his way over to daniel and collapsed into his arms, tears hot on his face as he gasped “we did it.” pressing his helmet against daniel’s collarbones, gasping as daniel pulled him close.
“you did it, maxy!” daniel replied, holding him tight against his body, his hand pressing against the back of max’s helmet, his fingers scrambling against the carbon fiber as max pulled away, pressing his forehead against daniel’s.
“we did it, daniel.” he replied firmly “we won le mans.” his smile couldn’t have been bigger than in this moment, with daniel holding him in his arms. he leaned in, hoping daniel could feel that he was kissing him through the helmet.
daniel kissed him back through the helmet, and he could hear the cameras clicking and going off as they had their moment. he pulled away, tears still streaming down his face as he realized that he had actualized his dream of winning.
max grasped his helmet and wrenched it off along with his balaclava, leaning back in to kiss daniel fully on the lips, his helmet in his hand and the other one on daniel’s jaw.
this is where he felt most like himself, on the race track with the smell of fuel and oil filling the air and daniel beside him. he thinks when he dies, he wants this to be the picture everyone posts of him. in his race suit, helmet in hand, and kissing his boyfriend after achieving his greatest dream.
“max.” daniel whispered against his mouth, max shushed him, pulling away with a huge grin. so maybe they just came out, who cares? he just won le mans.
“daniel! max!” charles cheered, having finally pulled himself from the arms of that one mechanic for the porsche team that he was way too close to. he wrapped his arms around both of them, pressing all of their foreheads together in a triangle as he grinned at them, his green eyes watery still. “we did it. oh my god, did we do it? we did it!” he sniffled as it hit him again, max presumed.
max wrapped his arms around charles, hugging him close as he whispered “we actually fucking won this race, charles.”
charles grinned, dimples deep as he said “yes, we did. i think you made sports history also.” max shrugged it off, too elated to care about those certain repercussions.
when the media asked him afterwards about kissing daniel, max couldn’t wipe the smile off his face, even when they asked him very invasive questions.
“i think i was just doing what everyone else does when they win: celebrating with my partner, of course.”
he walked away from the media pen after that, searching for daniel as he tightened his race suit around his hips.
he spotted the other man sitting down by their garage, staring at their trophy with slight wonderment, feet bare due to the shoeys he made both max and charles do. he also dipped max and kissed him again.
if you’re going to do it, do it all the way was what he told max afterwards, both of them dripping champagne and beaming from ear to ear, pressed up against each other as charles watched on in half disgust and half amusement.
“hello.” max said as he sat beside the other man, laying a head on his shoulder. daniel smelt like stress sweat and champagne, slightly intoxicating to max.
“i can’t believe i actually won le man with the love of my life and one of my best friends.” was all daniel said in reply before his cheeks started staining red hot with his tears.
max smiled, just taking daniel’s hand and not saying a word.
“love you.” daniel finally whispered, cradling their trophy in one hand, the other holding max’s.
“love you, danny.” max replied, looking up at him with softness in his eyes.
“let’s get home, maximus. i’m so tired.” daniel finally croaked, the emotions of the day and having been awake for over 24 hours finally tolling on him.
“let’s get home, daniel.” max replied, closing his eyes against his shoulder.
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twinklelilstarkey · 2 years
Time For Finals - Eddie Munson
Words: 3.3k+ Type: Smut Summary: You help Eddie study, but he gets distracted. Warnings: Fem!Reader [no mentions of race or body type]. SMUT (minors DNI): fingering, dom!eddie, orgasm delay, pleading. A very long build-up to the smut (sorry).
I do NOT give you permission to repost my work. If you'd like to read my stories on other platforms, you can find them on my Wattpad and AO3.
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By clicking to read more you are agreeing that you are over the age of 18 and mature enough to read mature scenes :)
It’s that time of the year once more. Time for Finals. It's weeks away, in fact.
You’re not one to really freak out when it comes to this. You’re a good student. Whereas for your boyfriend… Not so much.
Eddie is... different. You know it and you like to tell that to everyone that might be interested. He has failed to finish high school two times, but you really think that he is more than capable of finishing it. His biggest issue is simply that he doesn’t like to study. It's a common thing with many teenagers, and, because of that, you’re ready to help him this time.
Not too late after you two started dating, you’ve declared yourself as the one who will help him graduate this damned year. Even if it's just for him to actually have the graduation ceremony that he fantasizes so much about and all the other things he wants to do there - which list grows by the day, at this point.
But, here’s the catch. You don’t know why, but you thought that this task wouldn’t take too long to achieve. You thought that it would be easy. You just needed to help him ace his finals and you know he’s capable of doing all of that. So... what changed?
A dramatic whine rips through the bedroom's silence, making you roll your eyes. You look up from your History book to Eddie, laying in his bed and on his stomach with his face in between his pillows. You let out a simple sigh and wait for him to finish his dramatics.
“This is so boring.” He groans, voice muffled from the pillows.
“Eddie, come on.” You huff, “The more you whine, the more time we’ll spend on this.”
He doesn't move, but you continue to look at your boyfriend. He’s still with the clothes that he wore to school, so he probably isn’t that comfortable on the bed. His face has completely disappeared in the middle of the pillows and all you see, really, is his hair, funnily enough. 
You continue seated next to his body, looking at him as if you’re counting how much time he will take to notice that you’re not giving up. That and whenever he’ll have to move around in bed because leather and spikes can't be that comfortable.
Almost right after you think that, Eddie has that exact problem and rolls on the bed to now lay on his back. His eyes find you right away and he offers you a sweet grin. The same one he uses to get out of trouble with you, every time.
“Can’t we do this like… tomorrow?” He asks, sounding sincere.
“That's what we agreed on yesterday.” You remind him.
Eddie closes his eyes in realization and lets out one of those dramatic breaths again.
“We have to do this.” You tell him softly, “And then we’re done. For the whole rest of the day.”
He reopens his eyes to look at you and think about his options while admiring your face. He scootches a little further from you and then taps the bed beside him, telling you to lay down with him.
You do as he wants, laying on your stomach beside him, not caring enough to smooth down your clothes, which most possibly have moved a lot with all of your sitting and laying.
Eddie turns his head to you while you hold yourself up by your elbows, and you set the History book in front of you, right by the pillows. You look back at him and admire his face as well, doe brown eyes looking right back at you.
“Can we do it tomorrow?” He asks again, his voice much, much softer, almost as if he’s trying to enchant you in some way. “Please?”
You stare at him lovingly, listening to his every word, and Eddie finds some sort of hope growing in his heart.
“No.” You tell him. “Finals are in 2 weeks, Eddie. I’m not letting you fail.”
“But what if I do fail?” He asks curiously, but, deep down, teasingly.
“I’ll be disappointed.” You tell him straightforwardly.
“There’s always next year.” He teases you, granting him a smack on the shoulder.
“You are graduating this year, don’t you dare say those things.” You say mid-smack.
Eddie sits up quickly, totally out of nowhere, and you look up at him. He looks down at you, masking his real emotions from his face with more of his theater skills. He has this sort of confused and hurt expression on his face.
“You wouldn’t wait for me if I failed this year?” He asks.
You smile at his performance and simply shake your head (insincerely) with a tight-lipped grin. Eddie’s jaw falls and he brings his hands to the left side of his chest, acting as if he’s clutching onto his cracking heart. He groans in fake pain and even frowns as if you had actually physically hurt him. The fictitious pain grows worse and worse every second as his heart shatters more and more.
You? Well, all you do is stare, really. And as the show continues, you begin to open back your history book in front of you. You change pages, back to where you left off 2 days ago.
Eddie falls back to the bed with, now, his broken heart and hands still clutching onto the pieces. You give him a look, and he doesn’t change his expression. The show is still going.
“Page 80, Munson. Let’s go.” You tell him.
He lifts his hands from his chest in defeat and sighs, slightly disappointed that it didn’t work to get you distracted enough. He extends his hand toward you, and you smile as you pass him the book. He grabs onto the history book and hovers it over his face as he begins to read.
You look at him as he does it and lay your cheek on your fist, trying to get comfortable.
“You studied those, right?” You ask him, “Like I told you to?”
“Of course.” He scoffs.
You smile and lean in closer to him. You lay your chin on his shoulder and he continues to read the pages he absolutely only read half off before dozing off to sleep 2 days ago.
“So you know everything?” You test him.
“Duh.” He sends you a look.
“Seriously. Is there something that you don’t understand? I can help.”
Now that makes him go silent. His eyes move through the page, moving from word to word, trying to remember if there was anything that made him confused when he first read them. The truth is, if he could, Eddie would say “a little bit of everything” but he knows that you need specifics to be able to actually help him.
He changes pages, and you look at him as he does it. You don’t speak, not wanting to distract him as he looks for what he needs.
“This.” He points.
You look over at the page he’s pointing at.
“I did not understand anything about this.”
Secretly, it’s what made him fall asleep all those days ago. The words didn’t make sense to him. The historical events were described in an unnecessarily hard way and, no matter how many times he tried to read them and understand them, he just didn’t. And that is what made him fall asleep.
You grab the book from his hands and quickly sit up. You sit on your knees, heels to your butt as you hold the book in your hands. Eddie stares at you sitting high, right next to his laying body. You stare at the pages with attention, and Eddie watches as a concentrated frown cutely overtakes your face.
“Okay.” You say to yourself, “So, I’ll give you an overall summary of it first, and then, I’ll add the details that probably will be on the test, okay?”
He nods at you. 
You open your mouth and begin to speak. You make sure that the words you use are simple, almost as if you are explaining the whole thing to a child. Not in a demeaning way, of course, but in a way to make it seem just as simple as it really is without all of the small details.
Eddie listens to you attentively, and you continue to be so careful to not break his attention, looking him right in the eyes whenever you look down at your book to assure yourself that what you're saying is correct.
What you’re saying, in the end, makes absolute sense, and Eddie understands it right away. He nods for you to continue when you sometimes add a small question - a test to see if he is listening - and you keep on going.
“Did any of this make sense?” You ask him and he assures you with a nod.
You turn the page to start with the details. As you read quickly from your book where to start your new explanation, Eddie’s eyes scan you. Your thighs are exposed by your skirt. It has moved a little when you moved to sit up. He stares at the flesh like he’s in a trance while you sit there in silence.
He'll never get over the sight of seeing you in skirts. A blessing to anyone's eyes, really.
You open your mouth to speak again and look up at him to find Eddie staring. You snap your fingers in front of him, and he comes back to reality, looking right back up at your face. And, with that, you begin explaining the harder part of the historic event.
Eddie tries his best to keep up with what you’re saying, and you sometimes even repeat explanations of certain people’s involvement. He nods the whole way through.
You turn the page again and keep on with your explanation. Mid-sentence, you feel something warm on your knee. You don’t stop and just look down to see how, without looking, Eddie laid his hand on your knee. His thumb moves side to side, smoothing over your silky skin, and, still, you keep on going.
“And that is mostly it.” You finish.
You and Eddie move along. You ask him some questions here and there to make sure he knows the easier parts you’re learning, which, to your relief, he answers all of them correctly. And right as he finds another part of the book which he doesn’t understand, you do the whole thing you just did, again.
Eddie points at another page by the fifth time, and you patiently grab the book again and do as you’ve done before. This time, he isn’t paying attention. Eddie’s just nodding to what seems right to do so.
His hand has stayed on your knee for long enough for you to not even notice when he moves it slightly more to one side or another, you just keep on with your talking. Whenever you’re not looking at him, Eddie’s looking right at your thighs again or how your boobs look on the tanktop you’re wearing.
His hand moves away from your knee over to the inner side of your thigh carefully and slowly. His touch is warm and soft, you don’t say or do anything to stop him.
You change pages and lay down your book in front of you. Eddie’s hand lays still now at the top of your thigh, right at the start of your skirt. His fingers move discreetly and go under the fabric. You sit back straight before continuing to add the details.
You look over at Eddie as soon as you feel his hand already under the fabric of your skirt. You stop talking this time and bring your hand to grab Eddie’s wrist, but his hand doesn’t stop moving - his fingers still caress your skin like before.
“Are you listening to me?” You ask him and he nods, “Eddie, I’m serious.”
“Me too.” He says.
Eddie never had problems understanding this side of history, that’s why he chose this page in the first place. He’s a little mean for interrupting your tutoring, but not to the point of destroying his progress in history class.
“Then why is your hand in between my thighs?” You ask him, still holding his wrist.
“I just like having it there.” He shrugs, and you can’t help but chuckle. “Keep going, I was listening.”
With a sigh, you do as told and it doesn’t even take you a full pair of seconds to know how your studying plans have gone right out of the window.
Eddie's hand tries to move higher and higher up your thigh, and you continue to say everything that he needs to know. All just in case some words actually do get into his brain while he does this.
Eddie looks up to check on you, and you roll your eyes at him. His hand moves just a tiny bit more, and you move one of your thighs to the side, parting them and letting Eddie’s hand now move freely up and down the inside of your leg. As soon as he does it, you feel shivers run down your spine as his cold rings touch your inner thighs.
You move to a few other pages, and Eddie’s hand completely disappears under your skirt. You try to control your breathing, but feel his thumb smooth down your slit over your underwear. Your hands move to grab Eddie’s wrist again, but you stop yourself.
His fingers move on top of your underwear, at first, so light as if they're hovering, but, at one point, he finally makes some pressure. Your jaw clenches slightly, and Eddie’s grin reappears on his face. He lifts his fingers and grabs onto your underwear, pulling it to the side.
His pointer finger moves, without any hesitation, through your folds and moves up and down your slit. Your wetness quickly coats the pad of his finger, and the words have finally stopped coming out of your mouth. His middle finger begins to move with the other, collecting your wetness as it covers his digits.
Your eyes move back to Eddie, and his other hand moves to hold onto the fabric of your skirt.
“Move closer.” He tells you.
You do as told and move on your knees, letting the coldness of the room touch your uncovered pussy. Eddie’s fingers come back as you now are more than at his reach, sitting right at the height of his chest.
“Hold this.”
You hold the fabric of your skirt and, just like that, Eddie’s fingers slide inside of you with ease. You let out a weak breathy moan, and Eddie’s eyes watch as your cunt swallows his fingers. They come out glistening with wetness, and he groans out loud.
He moves his fingers in and out of you slowly, watching them disappear and appear again, enjoying the way your walls squeeze them. He hears you let out a gasp for each of the times his fingers reach inside of you. He knows you want him to start moving faster, but he can’t help but want to enjoy the view for a little while longer.
Your hips move to meet his fingers whenever they move upwards, and Eddie smiles at the sight. He meets your movements with his hand, just like you want it, and small moans start coming out of your mouth as pleasure finally starts to consume your whole body.
“Ride my fingers, baby. Go on.” He tells you.
His order makes you move faster, just at the rhythm you’ve been wanting since he started. Eddie helps you by moving his fingers with you, and the sounds coming out of your mouth begin to get louder. Eddie curves his fingers and matches their rhythm to your movements, blessing his ears with the squelching sound that breaks the lack of noise in the room.
Your moans begin to be louder as well, and Eddie slides in his third finger with ease. They go deep in you and appear shining with your juices all the way down to his knuckles. Eddie stares at all of it as if he’s staring at paradise on Earth.
“Eddie...” You moan breathlessly.
He smiles and speeds up. The sounds of squelching worsen, and your body warms as you first notice the sound, making you even wetter. You grip onto your skirt, and Eddie notices how your boobs move with your ups and downs under your tank top a little too freely. He, in a quick movement, pulls down the fabric from your cleavage and exposes your boobs, with a clear lack of a bra.
You prefer to take out your shirt, and Eddie gladly watches as you grab onto it. He holds the skirt for you but, right as you bring your hands up to take the tank top off and throw it, he speeds up his fingers.
You let out a loud moan, shirt now off but you’re still clinging to it. He speeds up more, and you breathe recklessly while looking down to watch as his fingers move at an incredible speed. He smiles as you begin to break under his touch and you open your mouth to speak, but that only makes him move his fingers quicker, making you lose yourself all over again.
“Mhm.... Ed-Eddie, please.” You try to say it out loud, but your words come out as a whisper.
“What, baby? What?” He mocks you with a fake caring tone, continuing to work his fingers inside you as if it’s no deal to move that fast.
“I- I.” You try to speak but you force your mouth closed to not let out a bunch of nonsense.
Eddie chuckles out loud at your lack of words and continues to move, watching as you grow impossibly wetter and eventually closer to your release. One of your hands moves over to his wrist, almost as if to stop him but you never begin to do such a motion, you just hold it as it moves.
“Can-Can I come…” You ask in a whisper, “Please?”
Your last work comes out as a loud moan as Eddie never slows down for your sake and watches as you shatter slowly. He smiles brightly at the sight of such a beauty, but he doesn’t answer you just yet.
“Eddie…” You moan in a pleading tone. “Please, please, please.”
You whine out the pleading, and he lifts his head from the pillows to move closer to you. He watches from up close how your body moves, how your boobs jiggle, and how your hips begin to lose a little bit of control under all of the pleasure.
“Please.” You say as you can’t exactly hold back any more.
He smiles up at you and sits up, slowing down his movements as he does it. He then restarts the rapid speed all over again with absolute no remorse. You moan out loud again, pleasure never really leaving you at any point, and he lays a kiss on your cheek.
You let go of your shirt and hold, with your free hand, onto his shoulder. He keeps moving his fingers as he leans in close to you, and that is when he whispers.
“You can come, baby.”
As soon as his words begin, he watches as you fall apart. Your moaning gets louder, your walls squeeze his fingers tightly, and, when his thumb moves to touch your clit, your body begins to spasm with the overstimulation.
He watches as your moans become whines and then soft mumbles. Your head is overcrowded with all the overwhelming pleasure, and your body is still going through the aftershocks.
You open your eyes to look at Eddie. You do it with hazy eyes, and a tired expression. He smiles at you and gives you a quick kiss. His fingers still move inside you, yet it's so much slower than before, that it almost doesn’t even feel right. You feel how sensitive you've grown to touch, almost to a point of oversensitivity. His touch makes you move slightly as he does move deeper or faster. Your oversensitive cunt hurts, but the pain under his touch is more than bearable. You moan into his kiss and he smiles before pulling away.
“Lay down.” He tells you, “I’m not done with you.”
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My first ever Eddie fic!! It's really not my best work, by far, but I hope this was okay <3 Any feedback would be greatly appreciated!!
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lestappenforever · 2 months
After an epic race (yes it was epic, and not just because Red Bull dominated, but because of the racing you RBR haters), here’s my analysis of it (I can’t believe I woke up at 7 and focused but it’s what you do for the thing you love/want to achieve)
Let’s start with the homeboy who the word impressive doesn’t even begin to describe or explain how amazing he raced today, starting p10, loosing position at the standing start, regaining and overtaking in the S’s of Suzuka, which by the way everyone was beyond impressed by, and just his overall race today showed how much he grew, especially after Pierre left AT. He’s taking on that leader role, despite being the younger driver, but what he’s doing so far this season is something that he should be proud of, and should not be turned a blind eye to (I’m looking at you Helmut Marko).
Continuing with RB, Daniel actually had a decent weekend, till that crash of course, but what was he to do, narrowest part of track, and he was looking at his mirrors, Alex is the one who came out of nowhere in Daniel’s blind spot, and they both couldn’t do anything.
There is something wrong about Logan’s car/chassis. Simple and easy, and Williams are, as we say in Egyptian Arabic, just being/acting stupid. He did well, considering his confidence that is, most probably, shaken. But that car DOES NOT TURN. Its not just a touch of understeer, its Logan turning the steering wheel almost all the way, and the car not moving as he wants. Justice for my boy if we’re being honest (Since Australia, I’m a Logan defender till the day I die, especially because this is not the Williams or James that was “we’ll take care of you and trust you” its the “Valtteri it’s James” and I’m here for it)
There is something wrong with that Mercedes power-unit, after 4 races, I can kind of actually see it very clearly. These cars don’t have the straight line speed or sometimes the speed in general to be competitive, and the only reason one of the cars with the pu was on a podium was because Max DNFed
McLaren were going good, until they royally fucked up Lando’s strategy. Like he was going good, tyres were good and he was managing them well in order to pit with the front of the pact, but then they pit him with Charles, to “undercut George” which failed and made him loose positions, yeah they pulled a Ferrari to be honest, and what sucks is that this is a McLaren-friendly track. Oscar did all he could, but in all honesty, at the end of this race, it was experience over all else, which allowed the race to end in Fernando, George, Oscar. And no, I’m not saying Oscar had a bad race, quiet the opposite, but Fernando defended him well, and George just used his more experience to make a move on Oscar when the time was right, and it worked.
Ferrari. Ferrari oh Ferrari, what the Fuck have you done? Granted, Carlos had a good race, but not a podium finish, he wasn’t that impressive, it was just Ferrari pulling a Ferrari, fucking up Charles’ strategy and race by telling him “we’re not racing Carlos” but then telling Carlos to race?! This is the real reason why I didn’t want Charles to renew with Ferrari, because they never fucking learn. And honestly as I said it earlier, Jules would be incredibly proud of Charles’ drive today, because in all honesty, everyone is, even Max and Checo who are now the biggest Charles defenders in the cooldown room and I’m gere for it.
The rest of the grid honestly didn’t have that much , Mercedes not doing well on strategy, it was just driver talent especially at the end of the race, Aston were good, with Fernando defending and Lance’s overtakes, despite the car not being that good (again discussed in the merc pu), Alpine are on a slow and steady climb, though still the slowest, at least they’re able to reach Q2s with Esteban, who is surprisingly performing better than Pierre, Haas didn’t do great, overtakes and overall performance good, but no points and Valtteri is showing that despite leaving Mercedes even after 3 years, he’s got it, despite the car being bad.
Last, but certainly and definitely not least, and in all honesty, the best team on that damn grid. Pole an P2 converted to a picture perfect 1-2 in the race, pulling 4 fastest pitstops (3 2.1 and a 2.0 with Max’s second pitstop), fastest lap, working well on strategy in order to maintain positions despite the tyre deg not being the best, Max’s performance of that car, reputation era for sure, but a silent killer type, Checo’s confidence and consistency in that car is something that has to be studied. Oh my god that whole team is just everything all others wish to be and more. They should be proud, like we are, and especially after Australia, this 1-2 has got to feel extra good, with everyone doubting and saying they are over, because they aren’t, and a team that is able to come back after years of not being the best, to utter dominance can definitely come back from a bad weekend
It's always such a treat to read your post-race analysis! Please keep them coming this season. ❤️
As always I don't have much to add.
I actually get the team order from Ferrari (for once). Carlos was on newer tyres and Charles could have been under serious threat from Lando had he spent time trying to fight Carlos. Besides, we all know there will never be a team order frol Ferrari where Carlos is asked to defend Charles, and even if there was, Carlos wouldn’t have listened. So I don't actually have an issue with the team order today, which is a weird feeling.
Red Bull are impressive as hell, and they absolutely should be proud of themselves.
I'm excited for China in two weeks now!
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dobbiamo-capire · 10 months
So I was wondering with how everyone is saying that Ferrari is wasting Charles and his talent, how would you feel as an Italian and how everyone would feel if he left Ferrari -which I think is near impossible, he wouldn’t want to become a second driver for Max, Lewis isn’t retiring anytime soon, and McLaren has Oscar and Lando, so I don’t see him leaving-
Good morning anon you really woke up and chose to make me cry😭 /j
I mean those rumors of a 2+3 years contract makes me a little more sure about him and his sick love for Ferrari but until it’s true in the stone i would just remain pessimistic
And let’s say he chose to not renew with Ferrari. Or better, for some reasons Ferrari chose to not renew him. Because I really don’t see Charles refuse a contract with Ferrari. He says it’s his dream and we believe it. Because Charles has something that Carlos and others drivers in the past don’t have: he’s a tifoso. He is not a simple fan or has respect or just a wish to be in red, no, he is the manual of an hardcore tifoso. It doesn’t matter what shitshow Ferrari trows at you and how much bad it can be out there, the brief moments when things got RIGHT you are overwhelmed by the joy of achieving them with the red team. And the tifosi KNOW it, they know when a critic is made with love or not. We want Charles to be mad ad Ferrari because we know he loves it, we don’t stand other drivers or other fans doing it because they don’t understand how it is to be a tifoso of Ferrari.
All of this to say that WHEN Charles won’t renew anymore (because we know that time will come, he can’t race forever) tifosi will be devastated and if it’s before time they will be angry (not at Charles, never at Charles) to Ferrari because it will definitely be their fault. Because it’s really hard find someone that is in Ferrari that loves Ferrari like a tifoso does, and having someone “of our own” in that car is what keeps us watching and hoping for better days. And if you remove the hope, you remove the passion and everything connected to it.
What we hope and what we actually see Charles will be in years to come is being with the FDA. He never stopped being interested in FDA, he’s invested in juniors since karting with his team and I can really see him bringing up the next Ferrari hope like Jules did to him
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Diabolik Lovers LOST EDEN ー Shin Ecstasy [Prologue]
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ー The scene starts in the living room of the Sakamaki manor
Reiji: ...Subaru. Please read this letter. 
Subaru: Aah? Again? I bet it’s load of bullcrap again...!
Reiji: ...Haah. You truly are hopeless, are you not?
I already memorized what was written inside, so it is hardly an issue though.
ーー That was a letter from Ruki. 
Subaru: ...Why did he send us a letter?
Reiji: To report...That Eve is at Eden. 
Subaru: Eve...Wait, don’t tell me.
Reiji: Yes. He is talking about her. Apparently he wants you to go pick her up. 
Subaru: Haah...?
Reiji: ...I do wonder what is going on here. 
I am fairly certain that she was residing with the Tsukinami duo up until quite recently. 
Subaru: ...Should I have our Familiars investigate Banmaden’s surroundings? 
Reiji: Good idea. That should be easy enough. I shall arrange it at once.
Subaru: ...Nah. I’ll go and send one of my Familiars instead.
ー Subaru walks away
Reiji: ...
So you are capable of taking things seriously when she is involved. 
...Just as I thought, it would appear that Subaru does need you.
ー The scene shifts to the entrance hall of Banmaden
Carla: ...Shin is taking an awfully long time to return.
Could it be, did something happen on his way hereーー
*Flap flap flap* 
Carla: A letter...Something must have occured after all.
Carla: ...I see. 
Let us leave at once. We shall head towards the Vibora Castle. 
ー The Familiars whine in response
Carla: ーー I suppose there is still something I can do. 
ー The scene shifts to the entrance hall at Eden
Yui: ( ...Shin-kun might have gotten himself in trouble. )
( I shouldn’t have left him to his own devices after all... )
( What if something happens to him? )
Ruki: ...How did it go?
Kou: Nothing seemed out of the ordinary, really.
Ruki: Figured as much. 
Yuma: Wha...Ya knew!?
Yui: ( Huh...? The guys’ voices...? I guess they’re talking inside the room. )
( It isn’t very nice to listen in on others, so I suppose I’ll head back to my own rooーー )
Ruki: Yes. ...Tsukinami Shin very much seemed to be pressed by something when he arrived here. 
Yui: ( Eh...? They’re talking about Shin-kun...? )
Ruki: That was...the expression of someone who is prepared to die, I believe. 
Which might be connected to his decision to leave Eve behind here with us.
Azusa: Shin-kun...
Yui: ( What does he mean...? Shin-kun is ready to face death? )
( And he left me behind so he can die all alone...! )
Kou: ...? Did you guys also hear that sound just now?
Azusa: Could it be...
ー The door opens
Yui: Ah...
Yuma: ...! Ya...Did ya hear what we said?
Yui: I’m sorry...I heard voices and got curious...
ー She enters the guest room
Yui: Ruki-kun, tell me. What did you mean when you said that Shin-kun is prepared to die? 
Ruki: ...I don’t know. However, the Demon World is currently not far away from a war.
I do not think one can attempt to achieve anything, without being prepared to lose their life in the process. 
Yui: No way...!
( In that case, I can’t sit still here. )
Then...I’d like you to let me return to Banmaden at once.
I’m begging you, Ruki-kun. Lend me a hand.
Ruki: ...I’m afraid I cannot help you with that.
Yui: Eh...?
Ruki: This might come across as harsh, but the race of Founders is already on the brink of extinction. 
I believe that both Tsukinami Carla and Tsukinami Shin...will lose their lives sooner rather than later. 
While they might be immortal, it is their destiny to leave this world even long before you. ...Give up on them.
Yui: ...Why would you say such a thing...?
How do you expect me to do that...? I could never abandon Shin-kun...
Kou: M-neko-chan...
Azusa: Eve...Please...don’t cry...?
Ruki: ...Yuma. Take Eve to the Chamber of Time.
Yuma: ...Are ya sure? 
Ruki: Just do as I say. This is...for the sake of Eden. 
Yuma: Gotcha. ...Now, come ‘ere.
ー Yuma grabs hold of her wrist
Yui: No...! Let me go!
*Rustle rustle*
Yuma: Che...Don’t throw a fit! Behave!
Yui: I can’t help but be worried about Shin-kun...! Let me go to him...!
*Rustle rustle* 
Yui: At this rate...He might actually die all alone...
I don’t want that! Please...You guys...!
Ruki: ...
Yui: ーー Ruki-kun!!
ー Yuma drags her out of the room
Ruki: ...
Kou: Ruki-kun...Don’t you feel kind of bad for doing this to her?
Ruki: ...I’m sorry, Eve. But...Iーー
If I can keep Eden safe by becoming the bad guy, then I will gladly play that part.
Azusa: Ruki...
ー The scene shifts to the dungeon at the Vibora Castle
Shin: ( Anyway, I have to find a way to escape this cell as soon as possible. )
( I’ll think about how I’ll handle everything else later. I won’t find an answer here. )
( ...But how do I go about this? My magic has been suppressed...So it’ll be difficult to brute force my way out... )
( In which case...I have no other choice but to use someoneーー ) 
ー Kino walks up to him
Kino: Hey there, Shin. Starting to get used to your new home? 
Shin: ーー Kino.
Kino: Ahaha. Don’t make such a scary face. I’m so kind to come and visit you, so at least show me a little smile.
Shin: ...
( This guy never fails to piss me off... )
( But Kino is the type of person to jump ship as soon as he thinks he can get something out of it. )
( I might be able to use that to my advantage. )
ーー Hey, Kino.
Why did you decide to submit to the Vibora?
Kino: ...I’m only helping them out for now because we have similar goals, I guess?
They want to have the Founders under their control...and I want to side with whoever is the strongest.
If the Vibora form an alliance with the Founder, they’ll be the Clan with the most fire power in the Demon World, no? 
Me and my Ghouls would have no chance at survival trying to take them on...
That’s why I joined hands with them instead. Simple as that. ...Why do you ask all of a sudden?
Shin: ーー I have no intention of doing as the Vibora tell me.
Kino: Ehー? You say that in your current situation?
Shin: Founders don’t work for anyone. You said the same thing, didn’t you?
Kino: But you are here locked up in a cell now, aren’t you?
No matter how ‘strong’ you Founders may be...In the end, you two are the only guys who can actually put up a fight, no?
You told me yourself the other day. ...Or do you have a plan, perhaps?
Shin: ーー I won’t deny that Nii-san and I are the only Founders who can fight.
But what if I told you that we would side with another Clan?
Kino: ーー Excuse me? 
Shin: Imagine that we convince the Vampire Clan to join us by using her as baitーー
Then it’d a whole different story, no? 
Kino: ...Heeh? I can’t imagine you’d use that girl who is so dear to you as bait though.
...Are you speaking the truth?
Shin: The fact that she’s not here with me right now kind of proves my point, doesn’t it?
Kino: ...I mean, it’s true that it’d be weird for you two to be together if you had offered her as bait.
Shin: ( Just one more push in the back is all it’ll take... )
Kino: Bu you know, what happened to ‘us Founders don’t work together with anyone’? 
Tell me what made you decide to want to side with the Vampires.
Shin: ーー To conquer the Demon World.
We will do anything to achieve that. ...That’s what made us change our minds. 
Kino: Hm...So you’ll even use her? 
Shin: Guess so. To me, nothing is more important than to ensure the survival of us Founders.
Kino: ...
Shin: Hey, you too. 
Don’t you think it’d be in your best interest to join our side rather than staying with the Vibora?
ーー You won’t make it out alive if you have to go up against the joined forces of the Founders and Vampires, will you?
Kino: Haha...Those are some big words.
Well, if what you told me is true, then that’d be the smartest choice. ‘If it’s true’...That is.
Shin: ...
Kino: ...Just kidding. Sure. I know well enough that you’re not as stupid as to tell lies in your current situation. 
I guess you have yourself a deal? ...Want to shake hands?
Shin: ...No.
Kino: Oh. What a shame.
Shin: Well then...I’m as ready as I’ll ever be, so let me out of here.
Kino: Roger.
Shin: ...
( Seems like I should be able to make it out of here somehow. )
ー The scene shifts to the Chamber of Time at Eden
*Clatter clatter*
Yui: ( It’s no use...The door’s been locked from the outside, so it won’t open. )
( What should I do? At this rate, Shin-kun willーー )
Subaru: ...Oi! Oi! Are you in there!?
Yui: Eh...!? 
( Subaru-kun...? )
ー Subaru enters the room
Subaru: Haah...I finally found you.
...Come on, get going already.
Yui: Subaru-kun...! What brings you here...?
Subaru: Reiji and Ruki were up to no good, you see. I came to check up on this place, just in case.
And just as I thought, trouble waited ahead.
...My bad.
If only I had done a better job, I doubt those two would have pulled any of this shit.
Yui: ( Aah...Speaking of which, Reiji-san did tell me that Subaru-kun was going out of control, didn’t he...? )
( I remember very well...How he asked me if I wouldn’t consider coming back. )
Subaru: But I don’t think I should need someone to clean up my shit.
I can handle myself just fine without you around.
I’m not that weak...
And above all, I’m nowhere near desperate enough to try and mess with a girl whose heart already belongs to another guy.
Yui: ...? Subaru-kun?
Subaru: ...Nothin’.
Yui: Listen...I believe that you will do just fine.
Subaru: ...
Yui: You’ll be able to turn Eden back to normal. I have faith.
Subaru: ...What makes you say that?
Yui: Even if it was only for a short while, we lived under the same roof, didn’t we?
So I believe I somewhat understand what kind of guy you are...
Subaru: ...Is that so, huh?
Yui: ( ...Yeah. I’m sure Subaru-kun will be able to return Eden to its previous, beautiful state. )
( Karlheinz-san chose to pass down his powers to Subaru-kun after all. )
( There must surely have been a reason for that. ...That’s what I believe. )
Subaru: ...So? What will you do next?
If you stay here for too long, you’ll end up in the same situation again.
Yui: I...want to return to Banmaden. 
But it’d be difficult to get there by myself...
Subaru-kun, please. Won’t you help me out? 
Subaru: I can’t go myself but...I can have one of my Familiars escort you. 
Yui: ...! Thank you!
Subaru: ...Look at that smile. 
This girl really doesn’t know a thing, does she...?
ー The scene shifts to the forest
Shin: ( I managed to make it out somehow but... )
Kino: I’m kind of beat~ Can’t we take a break already? 
Male Ghoul A: Good idea. We should get everything ready to set camp.
The Vibora shouldn’t find us now that we’ve come so far.
Shin: ( These guys are in the way. I’d love to find an opening and dip but it’s not easy. )
( I suppose I’ll move, once they’re sound asleep... ) 
Shin: ーー !?
Male Ghoul A: ...Who’s there!?
Male Ghoul B: Reveal yourself!
Kino: ...Could it be the Vibora?
Yui: Uhm...Well...
Shin: ...Yui!?
Yui: Shin-kun...?
ー Shin runs up to Yui and embraces her
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Shin: Why are you here...!? 
Yui: Are you actually...Shin-kun?
( Thank god...He’s safe...! )
( The sudden relief is kind of making me feel lightheaded... )
ー She nearly collapses
Shin: ...Woah, hang on there. Are you hurt?
Yui: No...! I just felt so relieved to see you...
Kino: Ehー...? Excuse me? 
So the whole story about working together with the Vampire Clan was one big lie? 
...Well, with this girl here, I might still have a chance.
Shin: ...I can finally hold you close like this again, but it’s giving me mixed feelings.
Yui: Eh...?
Shin: No, I’m just talking to myself. Anyway, I’m sorry for leaving without saying anything. 
I have a lot going on, you see...
Yui: ...Did something else happen, aside from Carla-san illness?
Shin: ...? Could it be, you never realized? 
Yui: ...Realized what?
Shin: ...Sorry. Then I made you worried for nothing.
I promise that I’ll tell you everything once I find out the whole truth. 
So have some patience until then, okay? Nn...
Yui: ...Okay. If you say so, I will wait forever.
( Anyway, right now...I’m just happy to know that he’s back to being his usual self. )
( As well as that he’s here with me like this. )
Shin: ...Thank you. Anyway, let’s return to Banmaden for nowーー 
ー One of the Ghouls runs up to them
Male Ghoul C: ーー Kino-sama!
I’ve heard that...The King of Founders has shown himself in front of the Vibora Clan!
Shin: Whaーー!?
Yui: Carla-san has...? 
Shin: No way...Going to their royal castle, you’d only do to pay homage to them. 
Kino: Ahaha~ Look at those Vibora go. I can’t believe they kept that a secret from me. 
Shin: ーー Ni-san!!!
ー Shin attempts to run off but Yui stops him
Yui: You can’t, Shin-kun! Even if you go right now...It won’t make things any better. 
Shin: But...!!!
Kino: I agree with her. Why don’t we return to Banmaden for now and discuss the matter, okay?
Shin: Kuh...
Yui: ( Shin-kun... )
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mxtxfanatic · 1 year
tbh, the whole ~~its easy to be kind when youre rich!!!!~~ take makes me feel like some people watched parasite and didnt really understand what it was saying when one of the characters said that same thing about the family they were working for (and idk, maybe theyve never seen that movie and arent thinking about it, but its what immediately comes to my mind when people say that phrase). The rich family wasnt actually nice!! they just didnt place the same emotional weight on certain things because they had so much of them, and therefore thought less about them, etc. But that wasnt supposed to be a line meaning that all rich people are nice because they dont have to worry about surviving, which is how some people seem to feel about class and which drives me nuts!!! its such a lukewarm, incorrect take imo!
(I’ve never seen Parasite, don’t judge 🫣) but I think you’re right, anon, people do mistake niceness for kindness and genuineness. Rich people irl doing things to launder their money and reputations in the eyes of the public is not a sincere display of generosity meant to materially change the conditions of the lower classes. Also, being a celebrity =\= being a hero. On the flip side, if poverty was a condition that made humans more inclined to forsake their morals and hospitality, the human race would have died out a long time ago. You have no further to look for examples of this than when disaster strikes in the world or extreme human rights abuses occur. “Poor people have less opportunities to be heroes,” say that to the people who dive into rip tides to save drowning swimmers or the people digging through the rubble of destroyed buildings to pull out survivors or the people jumping onto subway tracks to save strangers who’ve fallen in. Say that to people who open their homes to hide whole groups of people against state persecution, whether in secret or in plain view of the world. Say that to the history of colonial resistance (of which China has centuries of examples) or slave rebellions. Where were the rich people and their “privilege of kindness” then?
Now let’s put this in context of tgcf. Which institutionally powerful characters, who are not Xie Lian, use their status, money, and power to materially change the conditions of the common people? Xie Lian was out there carrying rain from different parts of the world to relieve Yong’an’s drought while he fought with his father, THE EMPEROR, to provide aid for the refugees. Xie Lian, alone, talked to the refugees about what was happening and walked amongst the people to see what they were suffering through. The only god who helps him is The Rain Master; everyone else focuses on stealing his worshipers behind his back or telling him that human life is not valuable enough to want to save from suffering.
Most of the martial gods ascend from war or prowess, and many of these achievements are covered in blood such that revealing them could (and does for some!) strip them of their godhood. I can’t say much about how the civil gods ascend, though in Ling Wen’s case it also seems based on skill and not so much how they actively help the people. Feng Xin and Mu Qing are the only characters I can think of who don’t follow this pattern, but even they are willing to forsake the common people and lower castes if it means staying within the status quo (all the moments they try to persuade Xie Lian against fighting the Xianle nobility on behalf of the Yong’an refugees or how they try to persecute the ghosts as easy solutions to the story’s mysteries without looking into the abnormalities of each case because “gods can’t be bad so it must be the ghosts!”). And again, the climax of the story has the capital city saved from utter destruction by the power of the community and camaraderie amongst the city’s homeless population (whereas the heavens are saved by the power of unconditional love and Hua Cheng’s complete faith in Xie Lian), all at the cost of… sharing a meal together at the end of the day.
Real life doesn’t adhere to the logic that goodness is a class privilege, and this book doesn’t reproduce that logic either. So once again people are using their biases to interpret messages in the text that simply do not exist.
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userlando · 10 months
I’d love to hear more about your tattoos if it’s not too personal? Another anon currently saving and booking tattoos like a maniac lol 6 down and plenty more to go. I can just imagine that yours are super cool from how well your personality comes across here
Also one of the anons (I’d love to maybe start going by 🌻 if that isn’t taken, I’ve been leaving asks for ages but ready for an emoji now lol) that was talking about landos reaction to you getting a lil personal tattoo in homage to your friendship
Imagine he comes back for summer break and you guys are going to festivals together with a few other friends for him to take all the cool pics, you’ve got a more revealing outfit on than normal and he notices a little 4 on your hip or your ribs and suddenly his ears are roaring and he can feel his heart in his throat just POUNDING and he’s even tearing up a lil because he knows how special you are to him (even tho he’s been repressing his feels FOREVER) and he’s panicking because does this mean you feel the same or does this mean he can never tell you how he actually feels because this friendship is too much to put at stake?!
And for the rest of summer break whether you’re hanging out with friends in the sun somewhere hot he still finds a way to have his arm around you resting near the tattoo spot (he’s thought of nothing else since). Maybe one night you’re round a fire pit after a family barbecue and it’s a bit chilly so you end up getting all close and cosy under guise of sharing warmth but suddenly he’s got goosebumps (so aware of how close you’re snuggled into his side and how flushed your cheeks are from the drinks and enjoying time spent with friends, but also you’re so ticklish and so his touch makes you squirm closer into his lap making him grunt slightly and try to think about anything else than you wriggling so close to his growing semi, making a panicked excuse and leaving you outing, cold and a bit confused as you then fall into conversation with his mum who offers you a knowing sympathetic smile
Another time you guys are maybe round a pool or on a yacht and you’ve disappeared with a few girl friends to top up your tan but lando is pestering you to stay hydrated and reapply suncream constantly sneaking glances under his mirrored sunnies. Maybe the girls finally get the memo and leave you alone and you guys end up limbs everywhere talking and laughing when suddenly his brain stops remembering to hold everything in and he traces his fingers over the small delicate number softly asking if its a reference to him/what he thinks and when you scoff and roll your eyes poking him with your toes (which normally he would playfully feign disgust at but he’s too caught up) he just gets really silent and serious (which you find unsettling after a whole day of water fights and pushing eachother in the sea) taking a really deep breath and asking you not to freak out or interrupt him as he tells you how much you and your friendship means to him and how appreciative he is that he gets to spend time around you but that he can’t pretend he doesn’t want to be more than that to you, playing with his beautiful hands which steal your attention, not brave enough to look at him because you know you’ll break out into a grin and that he needs time to say his piece. Once he’s done his shaky little breaths as you play with his hands, telling him that you wanted to symbolise how proud you are what he’s achieved and how talented he is and how much you appreciate the friendship you’ve been able to maintain but that you also just want him in your life forever in every capacity and it’s just so soft and emotional omg
And the next time you see him after a race he has digit the same size and font just inside his elbow except he has the age you guys met at with a tiny heart and he asks you to think about going public (even tho the WHOLE grid already can read you guys like a book and the fans have never bought that you guys were only friends). Imagine a soft launch of a really artsy pic he took of your matchy ink on the gram oooooomg
I’m so sorry this turned into the longest ask I’ve probs ever left anyone I hope it’s not overwhelming or too much and that you’ve had the most amazing weekend! I really love the vibes on your page and check it literally every single day 🩷🩷
that’s the sweetest thing I’ve ever read!! thank you 🥹 I’ve got a whole lot of them, they’re all super random but they have a lot of meaning to me. they mostly reference songs, bands and movies that I like. I did a big wednesday piece on my shin that I love, and I’m planning to do a big enough piece to cover the remaining space on my left arm but not sure yet what to do!! tattoos are the best, I’d love to know which one of yours is your favourite if you don’t mind me asking? 🥰
ohh my god I can just imagine him in absolute turmoil, overthinking what it means for you to tattoo his number on you because it must mean more, right? but what if it doesn’t and he’s just getting his hopes up?
jesus h christ you’re trying to kill me here I’m so fucking soft for this!!! lando not having the courage to look at you as he spills his guts, his mum knowing that you both have feelings for each other because it’s so obvious but you’re too dumb to realise it. soft launch with a picture of the tattoos! I’m bawling at this, imagine the fans being like oh please, we saw this coming a mile awaaayyy.
I love love love this so much, thank you so much for sending it in. it was a nice reprieve after a stressful few days!! I’ll literally be thinking of this for the next week 😭😭😭🫶🏼
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dreamofmetoday · 1 year
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this reading was a paid request, a big thank you to the buyer!
a lot of energy and passion! they feel very hopeful about the future and their chance for success and seem to work fairly well together. a major positive is that they actively all try to make sure they celebrate often (when they achieve something they reward themselves and congratulate each other). they’re still getting used to being around each other so often and being in this group has taught them a lot about what it means to get along with people in general, so it’s definitely more coworker vibes than friendship vibes currently but the foundation they’re building together has potential for being solid. they make sure to look out for one another and while all of them have moments of feeling as if their individuality is threatened it seems they’re focused on the long haul and try not to allow petty jealousies to get out of control.
seems a bit moody and emotional. he’s quite burdened and stressed and seems to be pushed to his limit trying so hard to be a team player. he convinces himself he’s always getting the short end of the stick. being around people so often in general seems it could be hard for him so he should work on communicating his boundaries and concerns early on so he doesn’t become too resentful and act out. honestly, down the line i worry his character may become more questionable (sleazy, angry and vindictive) so he should really work on this now.
he wants everyone to get along and can take on the role of the mediator. he’s cooperative and good at compromise and doesn’t even seem to mind if he’s bossed around. he makes sure to spend a lot of time with himself so he doesn’t feel overwhelmed but he’s also the one reminding everyone to have fun when they’re together and make the most of the memories they’re creating. he gives the vibes of "slow and steady wins the race" and he plays his cards carefully.
gaon seems pretty simple, he’s essentially in work mode constantly when with the members and isn’t too interested in wanting them to ever be more than coworkers. this can cause him to sometimes be inconsiderate towards them but his detachment and lack of emotion towards them also makes him come across as laidback so he’s easy to be around. he’s professional but also risk taking and he pushes the members for success because he wants it too. while he’s not exactly looking to become best friends with anyone he does pay attention and will stand up for someone or their opinion if he feels they’re right.
he’s kind of secretive, he probably struggles the most with feeling like his independence is threatened so while he gets along with the members superficially he always has something he’s keeping in reserve and never reveals his hand. he should be wary of this competitiveness eventually hurting the dynamic permanently because he could be prone to sabotage (whether it’s manipulation to get what he wants out of a comeback at the expense of other members or even just talking badly about them to their peers). he should also be careful of saying things he can’t take back because if it happens too often those hurt feelings will never truly go away. side note: he should also be very careful of scandals, especially ones involving (his treatment of) women which would bring down the image of the group. he should remember to keep the big picture in mind as he does now.
his feelings are very easily hurt. it seems this will be a common theme for him in this group but it also could have happened in any group given his personality. he’s often upset and always pushing down how hurt he is, he’s overly focused on keeping the peace and doesn’t speak out about basically anything. very evasive and this prevents him from becoming closer with the members, being forced to have an argument with one or a few of them would actually clear the air and give them both a deeper understanding of one another. he needs to be told often he’s appreciated and valued or it becomes even worse so it’s important the other members are eventually able to pick up on this to help him feel better.
seems he’s a bit of a loner overall. he wants attention and for the members to like him but he mostly keeps to himself and just does what he thinks is expected of him. he has a gentle and sort of dignified vibe where he wants to be professional and stay the bigger person in all situations. he’s good at resolving (or staying out of) conflicts and is optimistic and tries to keep the mood bright. his laziness can be something that annoys the other members.
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time-bone-swap-au · 1 year
Season 1-2 changes:
Season 1:
Bad Weather
The scene where DBK finds LBD’s crypt is replaced with an Oracle Bone Script landing on his head and him having to read it, understanding what it meant. Then he hears MK whisper in his mind about a power source that can strengthen his mind.
The Great Wall Race
Red Son doesn’t compete, cause he doesn’t find the poster, DBK and PIF go to a shrine built for MK as at some point of time his legend was altered so differently from LBD, they find after the episode, they find a similar version of the crypt, and MK turned himself into bones and they begin to grab the power source and return it.
The Skeleton Key
Mayor gives LBD the key upon MK’s instructions and Bai He feels and off vision from it, they find a cave and open the door, after that get attacked by Yin and Jin’s shenanigans. After that, they discover that the cave was holding an ancient relic, one telling how to defeat MK, unfortunately Mei and Bai He can’t read it so they left the cave, unknowingly releasing a demon that was sealed there long ago
The Demon inside the cave was Macaque, MK had trapped him in a cave after he had betrayed him (Since I believe in the theory that Wukong never killed him, I decided that he was killed by a random demon, MK never alters this memory because he was unaware of Macaque’s backstory.) Macaque goes to meet Bai He (since Macaque wasn’t erased from history) who Bai He admits is her favorite over Wukong. Macaque has ulterior motives for getting Bai He’s powers after betraying her. It’s still because he wants to fight SWK but Macaque is fearful of MK. After the episode and getting heavily injured, Macaque gets captured and MK uses him utilizes him as a future host for after DBK
The End is here!
Everything in this episode stays the same, except Bai He is seen as LBD and DBK is slightly possessed. In the end though the whole cutscene that I showed via screenshot redraw with Macaque and MK and MK uses his body to ‘return his destiny to him’ the screen flashes to a shadow of MK possessing Macaque and Mayor insanely watching as he does.
Season 2:
Revenge of the Spider Queen
Instead of Bai He, it’s Macaque and he gives Spider Queen the Bone Vial.
The scene where Sun Wukong is caught off guard by LBD is replaced with witty banter as MK perfectly re-enacts Macaque’s personality, this is one of the time Macaque breaks out of the dreamscape and is in complete horror at how perfectly MK re-enacts him.
MK shows up with ‘Macaque’ and sees Demon Bull King, DBK remarks on his betrayal, as ‘Macaque’ just shrugs and says that he’s just working with the winning side and suggests that Bai He be placed alongside his mentor.
The part where Wukong says ‘You should’ve stayed buried’ is changed as Wukong remarks how disappointed he is in Macaque, he understands that he is angry at Wukong, but he didn’t have to go and involve DBK, much less capture him and use him for battery ‘Macaque’ only responds with Wukong using dirty tricks and people just to get his way and how he even got his ‘brothers’ captured just for the sake of protecting his Master. Wukong attacks out of anger but MK removes the glamour on Macaque and he sees the light blue marks and the scar tainting Macaque. Wukong looks back to hear that Macaque was actually revived and takes it upon himself to consult an old friend.
After the whole episode MK hides the Trigram Furnace for further use and returns to the Spider Queen as Macaque, using the shadows to speak instead of his physical form giving her an Oracle Bone Scripture (Translated) that could help her achieve victory, before disappearing again for the whole season.
Sleep Bug
The plot still remains the same, however they’re doing this in guidance of the Mayor. Syntax arrives with a different blueprint and a blueprint that Mayor needs to fulfill MK’s destiny and Bai He is more smarter giving Syntax a hard time before summoning the guardians.
Dumpling Destruction
Most of Season 2 is just the same just without MK, since he won’t engage so much with the Spider Gang. So Dumpling Destruction just happens without the trigram furnace and the LBD mech blueprints, Spider Gang just instructs Huntsman to find another artifact that isn’t the demon revealing mirror
In the start of the episode however, Wukong actually is fine in the Celestial Realm, he just went there to find Nezha, as he seems to know PIF and Red Son more than him. But when they said he wasn’t available he turned to find Guanyin, the start where Sun Wukong threatens a god is changed to him gleefully greeting Guanyin.
Minor Scale
Bai He actually just gets a note from Wukong on how to shrink, she then discovers Spider Queen’s plan and escapes to tell Pigsy and Tang.
Instead of showing Wukong in the start, the episode shows him in the end. Where he is seen having tea with none other than MK, who has briefly released Macaque but with a seal that he can’t inform anyone about his situation. Wukong is seen asking MK for advice about Macaque, it just cuts with MK saying ‘Let me see what I can do’
Shadow Play
This is during the time Macaque was briefly released, Macaque finds the shadow lantern and uses it for his plays, however he sees Bai He, and out of fear of MK uses this opportunity to build her strength even further, the episode plays normally but afterwards the Mayor comes and sees his causing trouble again, the Mayor and Macaque have a small conversation (While Macaque is being choked) and Mayor brings Macaque back to MK since he’s already done consulting Wukong.
72 Transformations
Bai He finally learns how to shapeshift and discovers that Spider Queen has completed her Mega Spider Mech (Ain’t no way in hell am I drawing that so you’re all going to have to imagine the mech) in the end Spider Queen’s Spider Mech bursts out of the ground and begins conquering the city.
The is the End!
Spider Queen tried to conquer the city by infecting the city with a more powerful venom instantly turning the people into spider goons, since they don’t have the Trigram Furnace, the gang has to think of another way to cure the city.
(Not sure what happens in-between this is a work in progress)
The ending shows Spider Queen doing community service and redeeming herself, and MK looking over the scene, proud at the sudden shift of the timeline.
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dancerladyaqua · 1 year
Elyos dragon ramblings
I’m wondering if dragons in FE Engage get more dragon-like features on their humanoid body as they get older (minus Lumera, unsure what’s up with her)
Alear and Veyle are relatively young and are human in appearance, in contrast to Sombron and Zephia. Sombron is so obviously an evil dragon what with his purple skin, third eye, pointed ears, talons, etc., but he’s also an extra-terrestrial being, really, to the world of Elyos. It’s a no-brainer he looks like no one else in the game aside from his FUCKING CHILDREN
Zephia is humanoid aside from the pointed ears. She’s a mage dragon who’s lived thousands of years. The only other mage dragon in Engage I can remember at least is Veyle’s mother who is never seen or named. I purposely purged 9th grade biology from my mind so I have no idea about dominant traits (this is also a goddamn anime game), but you’d think Veyle would have pointed ears given both her parents are races that have pointed ears... unless dragons in Elyos (give or take divine dragons) get these traits as they grow older.
We only had one mention of Alear’s biological mother who they quote told them their name was of Sombron’s choosing. Alear could be a Fell Dragon/human hybrid for all we know, but all that’s clear is that Alear can’t be 100% Fell Dragon because Sombron is the only one in Elyos. Sombron obviously doesn’t feel any way about beings other than himself and Zero Emblem so I’m gonna postulate that he doesn’t give a damn what race the mothers of his children are. 
If Alear is half human, round ears kinda makes sense if that’s what ended up being dominant. If Alear is half mage dragon, then the ears probably stay rounded until some time where a biological change happens around a certain age.
It’s possible age, or use of power, affects when/if they can change from humanoid form to dragon form. Veyle says she can’t change into a dragon. Alear never finds out, but their dragonstone breaks before they ever test that. Veyle isn’t shown to have one but we can infer that she does as she never mentioned it breaking. Zephia also never changes form.
It could be another age thing, but since Zephia is so much older than them (especially if we assume pointed ears = bodily maturity), you’d think she could. It’s possible she never wanted to... but let’s assume she couldn’t. One thing that might stop her is use of high-level magic, like when creating the time-reverse crystal drained her power so much she died. Like using too much power from a battery, she might not be able to achieve dragon form if she’s not at full strength. For example, Sombron too can only transform once he’s gained enough power through the sovereign blood ritual... but comparing them is difficult since he’s an alien, but also using their magic... Hm.
We never figure out where the draconic time crystal comes from exactly other than that Veyle dropped it. She or Zephia may have made it. If Veyle made it, that might explain why she can’t transform. If Zephia made it, that explains more of why Zephia can’t transform, and feeds into the idea that Veyle needs to properly mature before being able to become a dragon.
I also wonder if Sombron, although he doesn’t care about anyone, wanted to keep himself in power and conducted a spell that physically doesn’t allow mage dragons or his children from achieving dragon form.
Anyway... I’ve rambled so much and who knows what’s actually true. I’ll stop here for now.
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safetycar-restart · 2 years
It feels criminal that we haven’t spoken about Georgie boy’s first win.
HIM CRYING. It’s everything. I love him.
That night, George would find it impossible to settle because he’s still so hyped and still has so much adrenaline pumping through him. He’s telling you every single detail of the race, from the first safety car restart to the chequered flag.
He’s so excited and you try to calm him down, but he can’t be calm because he just his first ever Grand Prix!?!?
You’re so right I can’t believe we haven’t spoken about it yet and this is perfect for soft night!!
George is so happy that he doesn’t even know what to do with himself? The moment he’s out of the car, he’s searching for you and flinging himself over the barriers and into your arms.
He hugs so you tight that you genuinely fear for your ribs, mumbling “I did it…” over and over again until he’s eventually forced to go back to where he’s supposed to be for the post race interviewers and the podium ceremony.
When he gets back from the podium, absolutely soaked in Champagne of course, he hasn’t calmed down at all? He’s still completely buzzing.
He keeps on asking if he really won? And every time he asks, he looks like you genuinely might say no. He really can’t believe that he’s actually done it.
You expect him to want to go out with everyone, since Mercedes is planning a massive party to celebrate their one two. But to your surprise, he actually doesn’t?
He literally just wants to go back to the hotel with you and discuss the race. That’s it.
You double and triple check with him that he doesn’t want to go out with everyone but he maintains his stance. He doesn’t want to party.
So you guys go back to the hotel room and order a bottle of champagne to share and George tells you about the entire race, from start to end.
It doesn’t matter that you were literally watching the race, you just sit there and listen to him. George always loves basically giving you a mini debrief after every race, so to hear him talk about his first win is just incredible.
Once he’s finished retelling the race, he’s still so wound up that he can’t even manage to sit down for longer then a few minutes at a time.
So you just let him ramble on and on and drink his champagne and watch him be so happy. He deserves every second of this.
Eventually you ask him to come shower with you and you wash the champagne out of his hair. He’s so giggly in the shower too, just so happy he’s finally done it.
When you climb into bed, he retells you all about the race? You don’t even bother to tell him he’s repeating himself, because he’s clearly so happy.
Only then is he ready for bed.
When he wakes in the morning, he wants to give you head, not the other way round because he says your support helped him achieve his first win and he wants to make you feel good before he does anything else.
And then he retells you the entire story again. Because of course he does.
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