#but to act like he didn’t get one of the best most fulfilled most completed doctor arcs
3lostyears · 4 months
“nine would never do this” “nine isn’t afraid like ten” oh my goddddd they are literally the same alien but they come from different circumstances and are defined by different things:
nine comes from loss. the time war and the destruction of gallifrey is new for him. therefore, from his perspective, he has everything to gain - the main one being rose. that’s why he genuinely has to decide between losing rose and saving the world, because he hasn’t gained the world. if anything it’s a backdrop. but he has rose.
what nine needs to learn is that things and people can change - himself included. he is far less of a pacifist than ten because his morality is giving things a chance, ie the nestene consciousness in the very first episode. this is also the crux of the dalek episode, rose’s point is not entirely “guns are bad” but “it’s changed”. you see this change in the difference between how nine and ten treat cassandra, specifically in how cassandra shows empathy for the sick woman.
ten, in comparison, has gained. he has rose and a family to have christmas with. and that means he really only has things to lose - again, the main one being rose. because nine came from nothing he was essentially content enough to just have rose in his presence and have her choose him. ten now sees his relationship with rose in longer terms (i cannot stress enough that nine was not counting on his survival but was very accepting of his death, so he’s basically just elated to still be alive and to have rose reciprocate his feelings before he regenerates) and therefore has to recognise that he will inevitably lose her one day.
nine is not thinking about “the curse of the timelords” because he exclusively thinks of himself as a survivor.
it’s the fear of loss that really separates the two characters. because ten’s morality is actually pretty similar to nine’s for most of s2. people say that his “you get one warning” speech from school reunion is a prelude to time lord victorious but it feels much more like nine to me. he has compassion, for the cybermen and even cassandra and the werewolf, but he doesn’t really offer to save anyone with the frequency he will in later seasons. when it comes to the wire, the devil, and the daleks (aka the main three that threatened rose) he’s ready to kill them with limited preamble.
but then he does lose rose and he cannot bear it. he loses her and then murders a bunch of children, gets called out, and then goes pretty much the complete opposite way because he cannot bear any more loss. think about it: nine hears the ENTIRETY of satellite 5 get massacred and is horrified but keeps going. if ten had heard that he would be a screaming wreck.
"ten is a coward" is literally the ENTIRE point? some of nine's last ever words are "coward, any day" because he is sick of being a killer. and i actually fundamentally disagree with that action of his, but i get why it matters. because it shows he changed, and that's not what he believed when we first met him. he thought he was broken and that humans were a bunch of stupid apes, and by the end he is deeply in love with a human and knows he was fantastic.
it is therefore not surprising that davros is the doctor’s worst nightmare because he comes for two regenerations: he breaks nine when he says people can change, but you changed them for the worst; he breaks ten with the reminder that people have lost their lives for and because of him. so you get this pure trauma response of ten offering actual fascist davros safety and yelling at tentoo for "committing" genocide (and tentoo likely reverts back to that nine-era morality not only because he's "born from blood" but because he's actually born from gain - he got rose back).
ten is also a tragedy (where nine is not) because he is ultimately, utterly, completely defined by loss. nine was resigned to his fate (everything has its time and everything dies) and ten was born from hope and love, which systematically get ripped away from him. he was born wanting to live, specifically with the woman he loves, and he doesn't even get to die in the same universe as her.
also the whole "nine would never gitf" ten wouldn't be ten gitf if it was written properly but may i remind you that a couple of hours before he kissed and died for rose he was also blatantly flirting with lynda with a y? "ten was disrespectful he made rose act as a dinner lady" and nine let jabe ask HIM if rose was his prostitute after he’d called rose his plus one. they are not healthy aliens when it comes to people they like!
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neo-nomatrix · 6 months
Sunshine and Midnight Rain
Luke Castellan x Apollo kid!Reader
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word count: 851
summary: Luke castellan and the daughter of apollos love story
a/n: “remember who the enemy is” IM TRYING
Luke Castellan held your heart since the day you met, and you held his.
You arrived at camp a few months after Luke. You were one of the lucky ones, claimed within an hour of being there. Your godly father is Apollo, god of poetry, the sun, music, narcissism, idiocy, stupidity, all that. You had assumed the gods would act superior to all, no matter if they were or weren’t. But Apollo was on a completely different level. You didn’t know why he had taken such a liking to you.
“You remind him of himself,” Your half sister, Kayla, had told you, “an archer who never misses, healer who fixes every wound, gifted singer, and somehow picked up the lyre in a day. And yet, you still ask why Apollo loves you the most?”
“I wish he wouldn’t,” you twirl the golden arrow he gifted you.
“y’know, that hermes boy has been staring since the moment you stepped foot here,” she smiles, nodding to the tan boy sitting on a picnic table.
“Great, more attention,” you keep your sights on the boy, lucas? Luca, maybe?
“His name’s luke castellan,” kayla says, ah luke, that’s it.
“He’s handsome,” you say matter of factly.
“Don’t trust those Hermes boys, all they do is lie,” Kayla leans back and rolls her eyes.
“It’s a good thing I play the lyre.”
“You’ve got a great shot,” a deep voice says from behind you.
You’ve been at the range for around an hour, it’s 4:30, you always practice when no one else is around.
“The whole reason why I come out here this early is so i can be alone,” sure, it sounds mean but you swear you’re not trying to be.
“Sorry, once I see you it’s hard to look away,” you’re not looking at him but you can tell me has the biggest smirk on his face.
“Funny,” you tell him bluntly.
You set down your bow, keeping the arrow in your hand, and sit on the nearby grass. He lays down beside you, you follow his lead and put your hands behind your head.
“That arrow, it’s like it’s made of the sun,” He says amazed.
“A gift from dear old dad. No matter how far I shoot it’ll always come back. Supposed to be a sign of his love or something. But I think he just constantly wants me to be annoyed by him,” you inform him possibly too much.
“Most people would be grateful if their godly parent cares that much,” he says.
“It’s different with Apollo, there is no such thing as true altruism with him,” you bite your inner lip.
“I get that, I’m just tryna say- Hermes never showed up for me, and I'd kill to just have him tell me he cares,” His eyes furrow.
“Guess we both have different priorities,” you smile.
“Opposites work best don’t they?” He smiles back.
“Isn’t it opposites attract?” You wonder.
“Hey, your words, not mine,” he laughs.
“That one’s Orion,” You point up at the constellation.
“He was always my favorite,” he adds.
“Mine has always been Cassiopeia, but you can never see her over here,” You look back up at the sky.
“That one’s Taurus, and then Sirius below, and Gemini above,” you point each of them out.
Even though he hums in acknowledgment his eyes are locked on you.
“You’re staring, again” You mention.
“I told you I can’t help it, especially when you glow like that,” he reaches out and touches your face.
You reach out and grab his hand, running your fingers against his slender digits.
“I’d like to be a constellation when I die, maybe my father will fulfill that wish,” you say to him.
“That’ll be my last wish too, we can lay in the stars together.”
It’s been a day since Percy Jackson came to Camp Half-blood. It just so happens to be your favorite day of the year, capture the flag. You have led the archers on the blue team for years, you’d say you’re doing well for what you’re given. Besides your siblings in Apollo the rest of the kids weren’t as gifted in archery.
As the first conch shell blew you were preparing for your mock-battle. Annabeth in charge of the plan and Percy, Luke with company, and you with the archers. You knew you could, no- would win. The archers took the trees, helping stray company from the skies.
“Today feels like a winning kind of day?” Annabeth asks luke.
“I’ll see you on the other side,” He smiles.
“Luke!” You pull him aside for a moment.
You cup his face the best you can through his armor. “You don’t get hurt okay? I don’t feel like healing anymore wounds from you. Understand?”
“Oh but I love to see you healing” he holds your hand and smirks
“Archers! Move out!” You call your team, eyes still locked with his, smiling.
“so… you and her?” Percy asks the taller boy.
“how could I not? She's perfect. I mean, I genuinely believe I could live without the sun if I just had her.”
And maybe, just maybe, he could.
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soul-controller · 2 months
Selfish Top Bottom
When it came to distinguishing whether a man was a top or a bottom, there was no way that anyone could look at Ryan Thompson and know that he was an absolute top. With the bulky and imposing physique of a powerlifter and an obscenely large cock that was instantly noticeable that no matter how loose or tight his pants were, the man could absolutely be the perfect individual to represent what a power top was.
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Due to living in a relatively small urban town (at least in comparison to a huge city like Los Angeles or New York City), word seemed to travel fast around queer circles to the point where if you didn’t know who Ryan was, you at least knew of his reputation. He was a perpetual manwhore, constantly hooking up with anyone he wanted and discarding them immediately after they fulfilled his needs. Although most people understood that that was just the way that things worked in their community, the same could not be said about Mitchell. Although he had never actually met Ryan or been intimate with him, the young twink knew that it was someone he had no desire of ever interacting with. 
However, all of that changed once Mitchell found out that the hunk had hooked up with his best friend Shane and mistreated him once Ryan had came. As Shane recollected how the stud ridiculed the “pale” and “pathetic” man and told him to leave his apartment as soon as possible before threatening to beat his “weak pansy ass” up, Mitchell could only see red at the other man’s behavior. There was certainly no problem with hookup culture if that was how Ryan wanted to live his life, but Mitchell drew the line at blatant disrespect and homophobic rhetoric. So with that in mind, he decided to put a plan into action – one of complete revenge to teach a lesson to the asshole meathead. 
To Mitchell’s amusement, it didn’t take much for him to catch Ryan’s eye. All he had to do was show up to the same club where Ryan had met Shane and sneak peeks at the ginger-haired hunk’s beefy body and playfully avert his gaze once Ryan realized that someone was staring. After a good 30 minutes of this back and forth, the beefy stud and twink finally met before heading off to Ryan’s place to “have some fun”.
Once they were walking up the stairs to the apartment, Mitchell wasted no time giving a performance of a lifetime by pretending to be fully infatuated as he felt up the man’s thick muscles and remarked about how hot and sexy the stud was. As a result, the duo couldn’t even make it into the bedroom before they ducked into the first bathroom they saw to get more intimate. Upon undressing himself and helping Ryan take off his clothes as well, Mitchell’s right hand began to traverse down the man’s pectoral shelf and cobblestone abs as he quietly whispered under his breath. As the twink’s dainty fingers finally began to graze along Ryan’s impressive and girthy manhood, Mitchell then grit his teeth and smirked as he forcefully wrapped around the man’s cock and balls and tugged.
The immediate tension caused Ryan to gasp and scream in shock, but rather than intense pain, the tugging was soundtracked by a resounding POP that echoed through the spacious bathroom. As he looked down at himself, a guttural scream escaped his lips as he noticed two things – his crotch was completely flat reminiscent of a Ken doll and Mitchell’s frail hand was still holding onto his real cock and balls.
As Ryan desperately asked what was going on, he watched in pure horror as he watched the man whisper more words under his breath which led to a chain reaction onto his detached genitalia. Before his eyes, his cock and balls were losing its realistic organic composition and shifting to gain an artificial shimmer – his cock was turning into a rubber dildo (with a suction cup even added onto the end to fully seal the deal).
While the hunk was acting absolutely manic at the transformation that had befallen him, Mitchell was completely calm and even joyful as he savored the other’s utter helplessness. Revenge felt oh so sweet… and he still had one more thing planned to make it even sweeter! As he continued to recite the words underneath his breath, the young warlock couldn’t help but smirk as he watched his magic going to work immediately. In an instant, the man’s firm muscular butt had been replaced with an insanely large and flabby ass that would wobble with every step he took. 
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Despite wanting to wring out the pathetic twink’s neck, Ryan realized that there was something preventing him from either speaking to the man or physically attacking him. So instead, he could only watch in disbelief as the twink cockily stared at the man before turning and exiting the apartment.
Now alone with his new body and desires, Ryan stood at the sink and looked back at the dildo that still hung from a nearby wall. Despite how eager his mind was in regards to getting fucked, the perpetual top had no practice bottoming and thus knew what he needed to do before he got on Grindr and searched for a man to fill his needy hole…
Eager to read more stories like this? Head over to my Patreon to discover tons of hot transformation fiction including monthly mini-stories like this one!
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*Naughty Dreams – Steve Harrington
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Warnings: wet dreams, protected sex, fulfilling kink, language
Steve's POV
As the credits began to roll, I looked around my family room. The kids who weren't asleep were barely awake. I laughed and turned to Y/N to point it out but found she was asleep too. I carefully stood up and gently laid her down. I grabbed the blanket off the back of the couch and covered her with it.
I went around the room, gently waking the kids. They were groggy and confused.
"What's going on?" Dustin asked.
"I'm taking you home, idiot," I laughed. "Let's go."
When I finally got them in the car, I started to drive away. I had just dropped off Erica and Lucas. All that was left was Dustin.
"I know your secret," he said in an irritating tone.
"What?" I deadpanned.
"You and Y/N sitting in a tree. K-I-S-S-I-N-G," he sang loudly.
"Shut up," I scoffed, pushing his head to the side. "Nothing is going on between us."
"Exactly," Dustin laughed. "And it's driving you crazy."
"What are you. . ."
"You wish something was going on between you guys," he cut me off. I tightened my grip on the steering wheel, my latest dream coming back to me.
He sighed when saw me roll my shoulders. He took it a different way. Which was fine. He's only a teenager. He doesn't need to hear about my wet dreams about my best friend.
"Look," he sighed, "you and Y/N have been inseparable ever since I met you guys. I'd have to be completely naive not to notice what's going on between the two of you."
"Don't be an idiot," I said, clearing my throat. The last thing I needed was to get my hopes up that Y/N and I could be anything more than best friends.
"I'm not," he instantly defended himself. "I've seen it. We all have."
"Seen what?" I couldn't help but ask.
"You and Y/N have this. . . connection."
"We're friends," I stuttered.
"Come on," he snorted. "Just friends?"
"I mean. . ."
"Just tell me the truth," he sighed. "Do you have feelings for Y/N or do you have feelings for Y/N?"
I glanced over at him and sighed. "Yes," I said under my breath. "Alright? Happy now? I don't just have feelings for her. I'm in love with her. Every day I think about how she should be with me. How I could protect her. How I could take care of her. How I would spend every day of my life making sure she was happy."
"Then why don't you tell her?" He asked, leaning his head against the headrest.
"Because. . ." I stuttered. I sighed as I pulled in front of Dustin's house. "What if she doesn't feel the same way?"
"She does."
I snapped my head toward him. "What are you talking about?"
He turned toward me and smirked. "You really didn't know," he laughed. "Welcome to sixth grade, Steve. Best friends fall in love all the time. Especially girl-boy friendships."
"Can you stop being an ass for just one second?" I sighed. "I'm trying to be serious. How do you know that Y/N feels the same way about me?"
"It's the way she looks at you," he said finally not acting like an asshole. "It's the way she runs to you. It's the way she depends on you. It's the way she falls asleep on your shoulder."
"Falls asleep on my shoulder? What the hell is that supposed to mean?"
"My mom believes that if a girl falls asleep on your shoulder it means she trusts you. Completely."
"What are you talking about?"
"When you're asleep, you're at your most vulnerable," he continued. "So if a girl falls asleep next to you, it means she trusts you to watch over her and protect her. Y/N falls asleep in your arms all the time. She trusts you."
"That could be because we've been friends since we were little," I started but Dustin's laugh cut me off.
"Come on, Steve," he chuckled. "Just tell her already. You'll both be a lot happier once you do."
                                * * * * *
I put my car in park and slowly got out. I locked it and headed into my house. I closed the door behind me and stopped when I saw Y/N still asleep on the couch. I smiled, not moving as I watched her sleep.
When I realized it was creepy, I slowly and carefully started walking up to my room. Until. . .
"Oh, Steve."
I froze.
"Keep going," Y/N moaned.
I turned around and saw that she was still asleep. My heart dove into my stomach and my stomach did a flip when I realized what was happening.
Y/N was having a wet dream. . .  About me.
"Steve, that feels. . ." She cut herself off with a moan I longed to hear over and over.
I forced myself to go upstairs. As much as I wanted to listen to her moan my name, I knew I couldn't. I was almost to the stairs when my clumsy self surfaced. It started with me trying to take off my shoes. It ended with me knocking over a lamp.
Y/N jumped awake, looking around confused. She looked over her shoulder and laughed when she saw me awkwardly holding up the lamp.
"You okay?" She asked.
"I'm fine," I said shakily.
She stood up and walked over to me. "Are you sure?" She pushed. "Steve, I know you. Something is wrong. What's going on?"
"It's nothing," I tried. I stopped talking when I saw the look on her face.
"Please," she whispered. "Talk to me."
"I heard you."
"What?" She stuttered. "What are you. . ."
"I took the kids home," I started to explain even though I wished I would shut up. "I know you haven't been sleeping well so I decided to let you sleep while I dropped them off. When I got home. . . You were still asleep but you were dreaming."
Y/N's eyes widened. She took a small step back, her breathing slowing. "What did you hear?" She asked under her breath.
"You," I answered under my breath. "I heard you. . ."
Reader's POV
I couldn't take the embarrassment. Steve had heard me talking in my sleep. I could only imagine what he heard. I wanted to run. I wanted to cry. I wanted the earth to open up and swallow me.
I turned around and started to run away. Steve didn't let me get far. He grabbed my hand and spun me around, pulling me into his chest.
"Steve," I said, my voice breaking. "Please let me go."
"Steve. . ."
"Tell me."
"What?" I gasped.
"Tell me about your dream," he said under his breath. I shook my head, trying to pull away but he stopped me.
"I can't," I stuttered. "It's too embarrassing."
"Maybe if you tell me," he whispered, not looking away from me, "I can fulfill your dream."
"You can. . ."
Before I could wrap my head around what he was hinting at, Steve gently leaned in and pressed his lips to mine. I thought about my dream and his comment made sense. I threw my arms around his neck and kissed him back.
Things escalated as our momentum knocked us back. We laughed, breaking the kiss when we almost fell onto the stairs. Luckily, Steve caught me.
"First things first," I said between my heavy breathing. "Take me upstairs. That's where it happened."
I gasped, turning into a giggle when Steve picked me up and wrapped my legs around his waist. I leaned in and started kissing his neck as he carried me upstairs to his room.
The butterflies in my stomach danced when I heard him kick his bedroom door open. He walked across his room and dropped me onto his bed. I stood up and brought his shirt with me. Without a word, I reached down and undid his pants. He slipped his fingers into his pants and finished discarding them for me.
I slipped my fingers into his boxers but Steve grabbed my hands, stopping me. He slowly slid his fingers into my under and brought them down with him as he knelt. As Steve stood up, his face was inches from my body. When he was standing, Steve put his hands on my bare stomach and pushed me back onto the bed. I giggled as I leaned back on my hands and looked up at him.
Steve reached down and grabbed my legs, opening them wide enough for him. He stood between my legs and nodded toward my shirt. He watched, chewing his bottom lip as I slowly took it off. I tossed it to the side, not feeling an ounce of insecurity as I showed him my body.
"Damn," he moaned as he started massaging my thighs. "Just as beautiful as I dreamt you would be."
"You've dreamt about me?" I asked, subconsciously sticking my chest out. He chewed on his bottom lip as he let go of one of my thighs, reached up, and gently slid one of my bra straps off.
"All the time," he said under his breath. "I constantly dream about you, baby. What I want to do. What I want to see. What I want to hear."
"And what do you want to see?" I asked.
"You," he said, not looking up from my chest. I reached behind myself and unhooked my bra. I saw the lump in his boxers tighten even more as I discarded my bra.
"And what do you want to hear?" I asked, grabbing his shoulders and pulling him so we were laying down with him on top of me.
"You," he whispered, "moaning my name. Over. And over. And over again. Getting louder with each moan."
I reached up and slowly slid his underwear off. I couldn't help but look down at what I'd dreamt about. I took a shaky breath as I forced myself to look back at his face. I slid my hands up his chest and wrapped my arms around his neck. I let go of one of his shoulders and grabbed a condom out of his bedside table.
"And what do you want to do to me, Steve?" I smirked as I showed it to him. He instantly grabbed it and tore it open. I chewed on my bottom lip, holding back a moan as I watched him slip it on.
"This," he said as he pushed himself into me. I arched my back, the moan I'd been holding back finally releasing.
"Fuck," I gasped as he pulled out of me and pushed back in. This was the start of his thrusts.
"That's it, baby girl," he said through his teeth. "Keep moaning like that."
"As long as you keep moving like that."
We both let out breathy moans as our bodies danced in bed. Just like we promised, I continued to moan for him and he continued to move for me. I closed my eyes, arching my back as he changed his pace from fast to slow to fast to slow.
I dug my nails into his shoulder blades as I pushed his chest against mine. Steve moaned as he rubbed his chest, smashing my breasts against his chest.
"Fuck, Y/N," he moaned. He smashed his lips onto mine, instantly slipping his tongue into my mouth, and began exploring every inch of my mouth. I moaned as another part of my dream came true.
Steve broke the kiss and started sucking on my neck. I reached up and ran my fingers through his hair. After a few hickeys had formed, I grabbed his face and pulled him away.
"Son of a. . ." He moaned. I shushed him as I moved him down. He smirked as he caught onto the next part of my dream I wanted him to fulfill. I pushed his face between my breasts, and Steve instantly began making out with my breasts.
"Oh Steve," I moaned as I arched my back, pressing my chest further toward his face.
I felt him smirk as his tongue played pinball with my nipple. I slid my hands down his back until I got to his bare ass. I clenched my hands around his ass cheeks, pushing him into me.
"Don't forget about your movements, baby."
"Sorry," he moaned, still pressed to my chest. "Won't happen again."
We fell into a rhythm as Steve thrust into me and I moved him so he fulfilled different parts of my dream.
"Is there anything else I can do?" I gasped after we switched our positions and Steve was guiding me down on him.
"Call me a special name, Y/N," he moaned as he watched my body. He looked up at me with a dirty smirk on his face. "One only you use when we're fulfilling one of our dreams. I'll call you "baby girl". Now you come up with one."
"Stevie," I moaned as he pushed me down onto him hard.
"Perfect," he growled as he continued. "But only you get to call me Stevie."
"And only you get to hear these noises come out of me."
"I wouldn't have it any other way."
I gasped when Steve quickly switched our positions. I looked at him, nerves flooding my body.
"Was something wrong with how I was doing it?" I asked under my breath.
"Of course not, baby girl," he said softly. "I was about to finish and all of my dreams end with us finishing with me on top. Is that okay?"
I wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling him closer to me. "Sounds perfect, Stevie."
He leaned down and pressed his lips to mine. Our mouths started moving roughly in sync as we pushed each other over the edge. We reached our orgasms only seconds apart.
"Oh, Stevie!" I moaned as he rolled off of me.
"That was amazing, baby girl."
I looked over at him to see him smiling at me. The way he was looking at me made the butterflies go crazy. I leaned over and kissed his cheek.
"Thank you for fulfilling my dream," I whispered. Steve pulled me into his chest, leaning my head over his heart. I closed my eyes, listening as our breathing slowed and fell in sync.
"Y/N," Steve whispered a few minutes later, "before you fall asleep, there's something I gotta say to you."
"Okay," I mumbled, cuddling into his bare side.
"I'm crazy into you," he said, sounding all sighy. "I've had feelings for you for as long as I can remember and I don't plan on not having those feelings any time soon."
"I sure hope not," I giggled as I rolled over so I was laying on him. I sat up, gently scratching his bare chest. Steve sighed as he dragged his hands up and down my back.
"I mean it, Y/N," he whispered. "I've dreamt about this finally happening between us. Now that it has, I'm not going to let anything stop us from being together."
I leaned down and gently kissed him. He pressed on my back, deepening the kiss. He let out a small moan as I broke the kiss.
"Let's make a deal," I whispered, my face inches from his.
"What did you have in mind?"
"Whenever one of us has another naughty dream," I moaned at the thought, "we tell the other about it so they can fulfill it."
I gasped when Steve flipped us over. He leaned down and kissed me harder this time. Our lips moved in sync, our tongues instantly battling for dominance.
Steve broke the kiss, both of us breathing heavily as we came down from our temporary highs. He said my name in a deep voice that sent a chill down my spine.
"Then we have a lot of catching up to do, baby girl."
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on the subject of Frank, Frank & Julie, and Franklydear 
I used to think that Frank will probably be one of the more skeptical puppets, and prone to being one of the first to see that not all is as it seems. And I think the majority of us think/thought this! 
But thanks to Riv i have entirely changed my tune. I think Frank will actively be avoiding the truth & clinging to the illusion. Here’s why!
Frank is portrayed as the most “rigid” neighbor - hell, it’s even part of his design! He likes routine, rules, for things to be ‘just so’ in his eyes. He doesn’t seem to like it when things stray from how they’re supposed to be. Everything has a time and a place. 
(and this might be mildly insane but blame Riv not me bc they said it, but in Just So Frank says “i like it best when red goes in front of the rest”, and if red is Wally… dot dot dot…) 
Then there’s how Frank will very likely be trying extremely hard to be something he’s not. And this is part of his design, too - he’s the only one in the cast without a natural blush. Yes, we’ve seen art where he can blush, but that’s in specific situations. In the bio images Frank is the only one without that little extra bit of color to his cheeks - he has two huge red splotches on him instead. Fake blush. Big and bright and impossible to ignore. 
And I’m gonna be diving a bit into Franklydear & Frank’s relationship with Julie because it’s important to this. 
I have also changed my tune on Franklydear - slightly. Welcome Home seems to be an example of nonlinear storytelling, as we’ve been getting bits and pieces from all over the place. The Live Interview from the early days, WHRP & Wally’s secret vinyl audios from “now”, the bug audios from an indeterminate time… so while I do think Franklydear is “already happening” within the main meat of the “past”, we will likely also get a chance to see before and after. And I do think there will be an after.
But I’m getting ahead of myself! Why do I think we’re going to see an established Franklydear? I’m going to be honest. A kofi post that I accidentally saw when a friend was sharing their screen with me and didn’t notice until it was too late </3 I should have looked away! But I didn’t, and that’s on me! I won’t say what I saw (it would be a theory anyways, nothing explicit or concrete in the evidence!) but it immediately convinced me that Frank & Eddie are in a secret relationship. I want to say more very badly, but if i’m proven right in tonight’s stream then I will be sharing Why I’m right. 
More reasoning that is obvious with this context - the whole “Mr. Dear / Frank- i mean Mr. Frankly!” thing might be part of this fabricated distance. I would completely believe you if you told me that Frank had them both refer to each other professionally to keep up the facade that they’re nothing but neighbors, nothing going on here nosiree. They definitely don’t meet in the woods to be romantic! That added with how unusually playful Frank is with Eddie in 8-14 is interesting… though I can also believe that those audios are from “before” their relationship, given that Frank seems to be dropping a hint with the whole “ You don’t need to be that familiar with them in order to get to know them better!” line. I don’t know - there are a bunch of contradictions that could be them acting, could be differences in the timeline, who’s to say yet! 
Anyway, so Franklydear is likely in a secret relationship, but I think Frank is going to get scared, call it off, and try to force a relationship with Julie. As in lying to her and everyone that he has feelings for her, and fulfilling their “destiny” in becoming a couple. I think Frank is where a lot of the internalized homophobia is going to come in.
In most of the Franklydear art we’ve seen from Clown, Frank seems to be very nervous and flustered around Eddie while Eddie seems to be more calm and forward. Frank has already proven to have a bit of a nervous disposition - he’s certainly high strung. That combined with his rigidity, the airs he puts on, and just… everything about him really, I don’t think he’ll be able to handle the pressure. 
(side note: the way that Clown said that he wishes they hadn’t let everyone know about Franklydear, it’s ok because it’s “not a major spoiler” has been fucking me up a little. Wym it’s not a Major spoiler? It’s so funny… we’ve all been like “Franklydear will be Thee relationship and a big thing-” and then it’s Not. lmao) 
Then there’s the song Clown associates with Franklydear, “Esperar pra ver”. @/Theneighborhoodwatch gave a translation/interpretation of the lyrics - cannot for the life of me find the og ask/post to link, but (if I’m remembering correctly) it was essentially said that the song is about love that doesn’t last / lost love. My friend Akemi (@/akemima <3) provided an alternate interpretation - to quote:
“...to me, it speaks about how they’re both Unable to speak up about their love? and the “wait and see” part is most likely them waiting for the other to make a first step or like. something Hopeful yknow?”
As both a tragedy enjoyer and a happy-end enjoyer, I wouldn’t mind either interpretation being accurate, personally! So Akemi has given us a sprinkle of hope for Franklydear! I think that both interpretations have merit, and hey, they can coexist. We might have them together, then Frank getting scared and calling it off, and then a “third arc” of them wanting to be back together but unable to (yet). Who’s to say! 
For a while I thought that Julie might be the one to pursue a relationship with Frank - both because of the subconscious influence of her “Role” & that she’s bi while Frank is gay. On surface level she would be the most likely of the two to get the wrong/mixed signals and Go For It.
However. Nothing about this project is surface level. 
I’ve already mentioned that I think Frank is going to try very hard to be something he isn’t. And this is backed by how his relationship with Julie is portrayed (another thank you to Riv for pointing a lot of this out & smacking some sense into me <3) 
Frank is all about rules and matching. Julie is all about improv and independence. Riv pointed out that in “Just So” the audio distorts when Frank is changing bowties and Julie asks if it “really matters”. They also pointed out that, apparently in the Halloween outfit references, Frank’s notes indicate that he’s matching with Julie - but Julie doesn’t have any reciprocating notes. It implies that she was doing her own thing and Frank adjusted himself accordingly. Julie goes along with Frank sometimes, but it seems that it’s usually Frank scrambling to go along with Julie. She’s been described as independent and stubborn. Frank is a bit more of a conforming pushover (no offense Frankie, love ya to bits <3). 
Frank is the straightman to Julie’s… I can’t reference the bios anymore but you know! He might be her straightman in more ways than just “he takes things seriously.” 
And really. Frank likes routine, he likes things to be consistent. He’s been with Julie as her best friend / “partner” for so long that I’m not sure if he can easily break away from that - I think a change as big as getting romantically involved with Eddie would terrify him. It might be thrilling for a moment, but then the fear will set in. 
I thought Julie would be the one clinging to Frank, but it’s the other way around isn’t it? 
Frank gets scared & then leads Julie on because he’s trying to act “normal”, the way that’s expected of him. And it fits. One of WH’s themes is the fear of being shunned for / perceived as different by others. Once they know what you are, will they treat you the same? 
And I don’t think Julie would be entirely opposed, either. I wouldn’t blame her for developing a crush on Frank. I mean, it might turn out that she’s “just going along with it” because she feels the same pressure and fear, but hm… I’m not convinced of that given what we know about her character. But if Julie has a little crush on Frank, I wouldn’t be surprised if when he forces himself to like her & initiates a relationship, she either realizes that it really was just a crush, or she’ll pick up on how Frank doesn’t actually have feelings & act accordingly. This option has more merit in my eyes. I think it would also reflect on the “love” theme of her house - I’ve speculated since pretty much day one that she’ll have an arc around realizing that she doesn’t need a relationship or even really want one at present, going against what Playfellow likely wanted from her. 
(and then I start thinking about the whole livestream trivia thing of Julie maybe falling down a hole or into some abyss… and the concept art of her shoes where she’s standing at the edge of a dark abyss… does she fall, does she jump, or is she pushed? If she winds up being pushed, who does it? Barnaby (milk theory babey!) or perhaps she’ll get in a fight with Frank and in the heat of the moment he accidentally causes her to fall, either by pushing or making her lose awareness of her surroundings (backing off of the edge?). I’m aware that this paragraph is a stretch all around! Don’t take it too seriously! A pinch of salt, people!)
There’s not much else to be said so, in conclusion:
Welcome Home’s storytelling is likely on a nonlinear timeline, Franklydear is established but won’t last, and Frank/Julie is probably going to become a temporary thing
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mvltisstuff · 11 months
i got you babe - j.h.k
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summary: y/n worked the hardest she ever has on this new project, and she thinks jonah can’t make it to her premiere.
jonah hauer king x reader
this movie had been the best, and also the most exhausting film y/n has ever acted in. she was working with one of the most important directors in a thriller movie. she knew the filming would take a toll, it required her to almost turn into her character, also carrying disturbing plot moments. she also knew this movie was the movie for her. the promotion was booming across the countries for her and it would likely be nominated for several awards due to the script and production.
she had invited everyone to the premiere. her best friends, her family, her boyfriends family, even her boyfriends cast mates. jonah was the most important person in her life. his career was finally starting to skyrocket. he filmed the little mermaid while y/n was also filming, and both of them were at a complete peak in their career. jonah had held her hand at every red carpet, and she held jonah’s on his. everything the other one did was only brought up with praise from the other.
the couple was laying in their bed on their sides, their legs tangled together as they admired the others features. y/n ran her hand through jonah’s soft hair, and his finger was gliding across her cheekbones. “you feeling ok about the premiere tomorrow?”
“i’m just gonna get it over with. i really wish you could be there,” y/n speaks softly in response.
“i know, darling,” he replies, sadly. “i would give anything to be there with you. you put blood, sweat, and tears into this movie and i so badly want to be there holding your hand. i’m so, so sorry love.”
“it’s alright, jonah,” y/n smiles to hopefully release some of his pity. “when it’s over, i’m coming right back home to you.”
she leaves a quick kiss on his lips, and jonah is unsatisfied. so, he leans in, deepening the kiss and rolling her on top of him. “i like the sound of that,” he says, his sweet accent swimming through his words.
y/n stepped onto the red carpet and was confronted with camera flashes and yells for her name. she could barely see a foot in front of her, immediately getting overwhelmed by the bright white lights poisoning her eyes. the release of the movie had already been stressful enough, she didn’t need more people screaming to get her attention.
the only person she wanted was jonah. he knew every single way to calm her down and whatever she needed to feel better. she knew the same for him, and she just wished he was here to help her. she just wants to feel his presence, his touch. however, jonah wasn’t there this time, and she had to help herself. so, she forced herself through to the end of the carpet, showing off her dress and putting on a fake beam for the photos that she’d probably see on twitter later.
she hid behind the large wall that concealed her from the photographers. she ran her hand over her hair, trying not to mess it up but desperately needing some pressure off of her. she figured she could have at least a minute alone with her thoughts, but her assistant had walked over to her again. “y/n! there’s someone here to see you, they’re being sent in now. they’ve requested for you.”
y/n sighs. it’s just more press or another interviewer to ask the same questions. she doesn’t want to sound ungrateful. the life she’s been given is beyond fulfilling, and she would never want to take it for granted. but right now, she just wants the arms of her boyfriend to hold her.
she walks around the carpet with blurry vision, trying to contain her tears to maintain her perfect makeup. she fans her eyes, dropping the fake smile and following her assistant to the person who suggested a meeting with her. the second she sees the tall man in front of her, she just wants to fly into his arms. so, she walks over to jonah faster and he starts walking too. he meets her halfway, letting her lean into him and allowing him to take some of the pressure.
“it’s ok, you’re alright,” he reassures, placing his hand on the back of her head as her face is buried into his chest. “i’m here, love.”
“how did you get here?” y/n asks, confused but relieved.
“i managed to move some things around. the producer told me you weren’t yourself, so i knew i had to be here. you’re forever my priority, y/n.”
“i love you so much,” she speaks, pulling away from him and kissing his cheek. “thank you, truly.”
“i wouldn’t chose to be anywhere but with you.”
“y/n!” the voice of her manager rolled in. “let’s start getting back out there.”
“can you come with me?” y/n asks, hoping jonah can hold her hand on the carpet.
“of course, darling,” he says, and they walk out together as y/n’s worries start to disintegrate with his touch.
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silent-sanctum · 1 year
During sdc Kakyoin notices that reader and Jotaro like each other but they’re too oblivious to realize it, so he acts as a wingman.
Hello dear anon! Sorry it took a while to fulfill this request but hey, your request has been written ^^. Oh just to add in a lil something, I've written another request that's similar to yours, so maybe you'd like to check it out as well! Hope you enjoy~~
Playing Cupid - Jotaro x Reader
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word count: 2k+
Kakyoin wasn’t the type to be invested in romance. The genre didn’t pique genuine interest from him due to the majority having a plot that involved someone getting paired with someone else and nothing else.
But just because he isn’t one to indulge in romantic content doesn’t mean he’s completely naïve to real-life chemistry. Most especially if the main characters so happens to be two of his close friends- one being a closed-off punk and the other an outspoken gal.
The second you stepped into the scene with utmost confidence and a flustered Jotaro in tow, he could detect the invisible spark between the two, with how the both of you would bounce off of each other’s energy seamlessly without the presence of friction. It’s as if all the bickering, subtle touches, and subconscious choice to stick together came naturally.
And Kakyoin would have enjoyed watching these two people get together... if it weren’t for the obvious hesitation present between you two.
From the delinquent’s part, he could understand. Jotaro wasn’t one to be expressive or open to anyone about his emotions. Everyone had to see the miniscule changes to his face, body language, and gestures in order to know him better on a deeper level, and no one could do that better than you and your keen observation skills towards people.
However, Kakyoin was more confused when it came to your part. You never seem to hesitate when you want something in mind. You often butted heads with numerous Stand users, constantly spoke out to the older adults of the group when you had something to say during the mission, had no issue with dealing conflict between parties as an assertive peacemaker.
But he couldn’t figure out why you couldn’t blurt out a simple confession when it was clear as day that you had feelings for the young Joestar.
It’s not like Jotaro would decline your approaches when he didn’t mind whenever you engaged with him in every opportunity you had. Kakyoin could tell from the way he would look away with a natural blush on his cheeks, the rare smiles he’d show, and the efforts he placed to be around you when he wasn’t the type to do that with others.
You two were into each other but both of you were two idiots that were too oblivious to see that.
So Kakyoin had to put things into course the best his single ass could do.
In certain situations when he found himself in the middle of you two, he’d offer up some excuse to leave you two alone or even suggesting the pair be together during area explorations, in hopes some extra bonding could get you two somewhere.
Alas no progress has been made and he started devising.
The first plan he had in mind was to get either you or Jotaro to think of the other, fueling each other to the point of letting out their inner sentiments. He wasn’t the best at the initiating conversations like you or Polnareff, but he did improve ever since he joined the gang.
He deployed his idea to action and...
“So I’ve noticed you’ve been sticking by Jotaro’s side more often than before. Mind telling me what’s all that about?”
You widened your eyes and flushed a faint pink. “Ah it’s nothing. I just find it more familiar when I’m with him, since you know, he’s the first guy I became friends with among all of us here.”
“I see, but you know what else I’ve noticed?” Kakyoin placed a finger under his chin with a thoughtful expression. “He’s been extra attentive to you lately.”
“O-Oh? You think so? But maybe that’s just because I’m a girl. You know how he is with the non-annoying females...”
“I don’t think so. He wouldn’t waste his time looking after the wellbeing of someone he doesn’t deeply care for. Hell, he’s been doubling his gestures for your happiness and security during the one time you were gloomy.”
You let out an antsy laugh, turning away from his gaze. “Er- He might just be doing those things since I’m his first long-lasting friend and all- Oh! Would you look at that!” You abruptly stood, faking a look to your watch. “It’s about time I meet up with Pol and Avdol!”
“Hey Jojo,” Kakyoin said as he sat on the chair adjacent to the relaxing teenager. Everyone else was out exploring the new area, leaving him the opportunity to talk. “Up for a chat?”
Jotaro let out one approving grunt and he took that response as a “yes”.
“Take this with a grain of salt, but you’ve been unusually close to Y/N these days,” he said that prompted the other to look at him with a pointed glare. “I mean I don’t blame you. She’s a delight to be with and I frankly would say I’m impressed by how you’re spending time with her-”
“What are you up to Kakyoin?” Jotaro cut him off, arms crossed.
“Well you see... I’m curious why the always-reserved-and-no-time-for-bullshit Jotaro Kujo is often hanging out with a girl who’s the polar opposite of him.”
“It’s none of your business,” the delinquent said with no hesitation. Another inquiry was about to slip past him when the other stood, tipping his hat over his face before walking off.
Though Kakyoin could still see that faint red in his cheeks that appered every time you were brought up.
He wasn’t sure if Plan A worked well. The main reason why he doubted it was because the two of you still remained the same as before, albeit with a hint of bashfulness now mixed in.
At this point, it became lowkey frustrating to see you two pining for each other without acting on it, but at the same time, found it lovely to watch you be lovey dovey towards the raven-haired, with the latter softening his demeanor at your every interaction.
Desperate moments called for desperate measures. Plan B arose and this time, he had help.
The guy looked like the type who would indulge in the concept of love. It might be because he came from a place known for romance, or maybe it was naturally ingrained in his system. He did know his ways on how to appeal to the female locals with a semblance of suave.
It would come to no surprise if he had an idea on how to pair you together.
“Pol, I need your help in something.”
The Frenchman busied himself with styling his silver hair up, but he glanced at the cherry-haired student with a smile. “What might that be?”
“You know Jotaro and Y/N? They’re kinda... into each other-”
“And it’s annoying that they’re not together yet! Oh my god, finally someone who shares the same feelings I have!” Polnareff dropped his comb to turn to Kakyoin.
“Right? That’s why I need your help.” He placed both hands on the adult’s shoulders. “They’re driving me crazy.”
“Say no more friend. I will do the best that I can.”
Plan B was put into action which ended up in Polnareff doing most of the work with Kakyoin in the side helping out with the minor mishaps.
The adult did what he did when Plan A was still a thing- had a long chat with both parties... but with extra steps. Unlike his straightforward approach of simply chatting, Pol’s tactics involved getting the person in a preferred activity where he and they could hang out in. Only then when they’re eased into it will he initiate the chat.
Kakyoin couldn’t tell the difference between their approaches but he trusted the older and hopefully wiser person in the room.
But Pol did what he did by taking you on a casual date on a nearby cafe, treating you with food and drinks before having the “friend talk”, while he offered the delinquent quality time for smoking around the corner, only for him to somehow transition into the topic of teenage crushes. Kakyoin helped in convincing them to go with him as part of his contribution.
By the end of the day (or rather the week), not much had changed similar to his efforts of trying to get them to confess, but the Frenchman had assured the bright-haired student to “give it time” and it’ll all fall into place.
Kakyoin didn’t know what he meant by that but he knew better to doubt a hopeless romantic.
Weeks passed and by this time, they just defeated another enemy Stand user and they thought they’d give themselves a small break on a small island where Avdol stayed, waiting for the submarine Mr. Joestar acquired that will transport them to Egypt.
Night came and the crew had just finished supper and now off doing whatever they felt like doing during the resting period. The cherry-haired stood by Polnareff the entire time, discussing matters about the updates of the latter’s plan. According to him:
“If my idea goes through, expect him to enter into pondering mode sometime within tonight. Then, we approach him and offer him ‘the advice’”
“Polnareff, you’ve been saying the exact same thing for the past few days.”
“I know, I know! But hear me out! This night is a moment where all of us are resting. Because there’s nothing much to do, Jotaro has no other choice but to retreat into his head and think, and what else is there to think about other than all of my chat about Y/N?”
“His mother's life?”
“W-Well that too, but also the success of his possible love life.”
Kakyoin would have given up with his so-called advice and perhaps even his whole plan of pairing you two... if it weren't for the envisioned scene happening before their eyes- you sat beside him the whole time until you excused yourself and left, leaving Jotaro still in his spot hunched over and deep in thought.
The Frenchman nudged his side and with a wink, he cocked his head towards the delinquent’s direction, muttering “advice time”.
So they did exactly that with Kakyoin being the one to open up first followed by the adult. In the end, you returned and led the poor confused guy into the forest.
Both Kakyoin and Polnareff were left speechless on their seats as they realized that all this time, they were too hyperfocused on Jotaro’s response that they didn’t consider how you would respond to the whole chat Pol stirred up.
After all, you were the more expressive between the both of you. It made sense and the cherry-haired teen didn’t know why he forgot about that minor tidbit about you.
“Do you think they’ll finally figure it out?”
“I really hope so. I’m getting tired of them just walking circles around each other.”
Few minutes passed and they hadn’t returned from their private talk. Polnareff had retreated to slumber land but Kakyoin stayed awake with his curiosity getting the best of him.
He crept through the bushes, toeing over fallen leaves and twigs to not cause any noise. To his knowledge, there was only one scenic spot in Avdol's place and he was willing to bet that you discovered the area as well.
With the path in mind, the teen continued trekking forward until he could see a break in the line of trees.
He reached his destination with admirable stealth and hid himself behind one of the wider trunks. With caution, Kakyoin leaned over slowly to get the glimpse of success.
On the gentle incline of the clearing, he found you peacefully napping with your body blanketed with his black gakuran, laying across the delinquent’s lap and your head situated on his shoulder, while the latter smiled to himself with a new glow to his face as had his eyes closed and his arm placed behind you to support your weight.
And to that, Kakyoin could finally put his goal to rest and actually allow himself to rest as well.
Guess playing cupid with the Frenchman was something he could again in the future.
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skzwhoree · 1 year
"Yearn For Me"
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Hello guys!!! My last Toji fanfic received loads of love, so I decided to write another anime fanfic.
“Yearn for Me”
Starring : y/n and Gojou Saturo
Description: Gojou is the Model student in y/n’s University. When y/n miserably fails all her classes, she seeks for help from her senior Gojou Saturo who is popularly known as the “Dream Scholar”, Gojou accepts her request but on a rather… spicy condition.
Genre- Smut
Content Summary-  Sub!reader, dom!Gojou, University!au, praising, Overstimulation
word count: 1.7k
This has been a recent fake scenario, and its eating my head, HELPP.
“Not this again! I could’ve sworn I was gonna ace this paper!” but you did not.
Failing in an English paper has got to be one of the most embarrassing moments of your life, what was that all-nighter for? (you literally chatted with your friends online all night)
You teacher on the other hand was not very helpful was he? “y/n this is sickening, are you really trying to improve, because if this is your best, I would rather not see your worst.” It was a dead end. “I will not tolerate any more E’s from you, its either you pass my class or leave it” Dead. End.
The next day…
“Mina-chan, i suppose this is the end for me, this is the part where I sacrifice myself to the gods!” the entire cafeteria is staring at you as you bang your head on the snack table. “y/n you’re so dramatic, why don’t you take extra classes or something, save me from all your rants.” “Mina-chan so rude.” “or like ask a senior to help you out with the assignments”
“Mina-chan don’t you know all our seniors are stoners, all they know is how to smoke weed like a pro.” “Not all of them…” what does she mean by ‘not all of them’, the first thing you smell the second you enter a Year 3’s classroom is cannabis. “Gojou-san is a straight A student.”   That’s a new name.
“Who’s Gojou?” you ask Mina and her face is in complete shock. She even goes as far as to call you a mummy from the Egyptian era to not know who Gojou is. “ARE YOU KIDDING ME?? GOJOU IS THE EPITOME OF BEAUTY.” Who is this Gojou and why is mina going crazy about him, and if he was that beautiful and shiny and glamorous, why haven’t you seen him yet?
“Because he’s too intelligent to attend the lectures, he doesn’t come to the university often. But when he does.. it’s a sight to see” “Mina- Chan you’re so dumb, if he doesn’t come to the uni often, how will I ask him to tutor me?”
Well lucky for you. He was at the university that day, just came to submit some assignment in person because the professor insisted.
 “Y/N !!! is this your luck?? There he is!”
And wow. He was a tall man, broad shoulders, blue eyes covered with his transparent spec’s glass frame, white hair held back with a black band. His aura was magnetic, you felt pulled to him. But it wasn’t easy to just walk up to him and mention your request.
Because, wherever he went, women surrounded him. It was as if he was a celebrity, they clicked pictures with him and talked to him formally. He didn’t seem to be bothered, in fact he acted as if it was a normal occurrence for him.
But you were desperate and if to pass and get an A in your classes meant that you had to walk up to him and ask him to tutor you. You were going to do it.
“Excuse me Gojou-san!” Gojou turned as soon as he heard you call him. “Gojou-san?” he thought.
“Umm can I ask why you were running towards me with that manic look on your face? Do you, by any chance, have any intentions of stabbing me?” he was amused, and his tone was rather slick. Not what you had expected. “N-NO! I – um – I had a request that only you can fulfill.”
He looked confused. Who would not be if you say something so blunt. “Just so you know, I don’t model, so if you’re from an agency, I refuse your offer.” With that he turned the other way and started walking. “What? No! Wait! I’m not from a modeling agency, Humble yourself. I am y/n from Year 2, you’re Gojou-San right?” -who does he think he is- “I think I am?” every word from his mouth was annoying. It was as if he knew he was amazing.
“I’ve heard you’re a straight A student, I’m actually really struggling with my assignments, I was hoping you could help me?” he looked interested immediately, “Sure, I’ll help you, but I take my tution fee in cash only.” Money? Fee? For a broke student like you, does he really think you can pay? “Fee?” you say with a startled tone. “Huh? No money? And you expect me to teach you, what do you think I am, a social worker?”
He started to walk away again, he sighed loudly saying something like “Do I look like a social worker? I think I need to fix my hair.”
 But you were desperate. “Wait! I don’t have money, But I’ll do anything! Please, I really have to pass my class!” He stopped. “Anything huh?”
“What do you mean anything?” he walked closer to you, with a smirk on his face. “umm yeah! I can get you morning coffee everyday, or like cook your favorite food for you, I’m a great cook actually and I could get your clothes dry cleaned for you. You know, like run errands for y-” he stopped you by placing his finger on your lips, “I have servants who do all that for me, how about you meet me in the library for our first class after uni today. I’ll take my payment after that.”
You went back to attend your classes, but something about the way he talked was bugging you. What could he possibly want as payment?
Later that day…
“WHAT?! HE AGGREED TO TUTOR YOU?” Mina yelled at the top of her voice, “SHHHH! Yes he did, we’re gonna study at the library in 5 mins”, And with that you rushed to the library, you didn’t want to be late and ruin your impression. When you reached he was already there, doing something on his phone, others at the library whispered to each other as they looked at him.
You waved to him when he looked at you, and he smirked. As you sat next to him, something that you wouldn’t have thought of in your entire life, happened.
He kissed you.
And the girls went crazy, there was an audible collective loud gasp. He kissed you deep and for once you tried to resist, but he hugged you tight so you couldn’t move. What is he doing? And why ?
After kissing you, He pulled back and started to take out books from his bag. “What? Aren’t you here to study?” you were still too shocked to utter a word. “Are you shocked? Well, don’t be. This is how you’re gonna pay me. That kiss was an advance, I’ll take the rest of the payment for today after we finish.” This? Payment? “WHAT!” you yell in the lowest pitch you can “WHAT DO YOU MEAN, IF THIS WAS THE ADVANCE WHAT IS YOUR FULL PAYMENT?” you say, still in a whisper yell.
“don’t you get it? y/n, I want to fuck you.”
No way. “Wait! I can’t do that!” you were stunned and a little annoyed by his confidence. Who does he think he is, you can’t just let him fuck you. “well then, no lessons for you, can’t believe I wasted my time for this.” And just as he got up he said, “You know, after that kiss, no woman in this room is going to spare you. Too bad.” You look around to see girls looking at you furiously, after all you had just kissed the man of their dreams.
Fuck. Dead End.
Now you were forced to take lessons from him. “No WAIT!” he smirks yet again, “Changed ya mind?” he says as he turns towards you. fuck. This isn’t good.
He sits back down and continues to take the lesson he promised. Surprisingly he was a great teacher. You could tell he put in the effort. But the payment kept bugging you.
After the lesson, he stretched a little and waited for you to pack up your bag. He grabbed you by your wrist and pulled you towards him, just to whisper in your ear, “don’t be scared, this’ll be a deal to remember. I’ll make sure you remember.”
You pant as Gojou surrounds you in his embrace. You’re skin to skin, his length fills you up deep, the windows of his car fog up. Gojou plants little kisses on your neck as you ride him in a slow pace. “Can’t go on, m tired!” Gojou rests back his head as he says, “I like seeing you troubled, want me to help you sweetheart?” another smirk on his face. “yess, please Gojou-san!” you beg, you couldn’t have wanted anything else than gojou to help you, the slow pace was killing you, your thighs were tired. “let Gojou help her little slutty new student” he says as he quickly has you laid on the car seat.
“c’mon, don’t go quiet on me, beg.”
“Please Gojou-San, fuck me, fuck me!” he thrusts into you once, it was a hard deep thrust, “please Gojou!” Another Thrust, and as you beg him like a prayer, he fucks into your hole hard. Your wallas squeeze him tight and he grunts into your ears.
Gojou bites your ears softly, then the back of your neck, your back, your shoulders. He says “I’ve never met someone who feels so good on my dick before” “its like you were made for me to ruin you” Gojou tugs on your hair, as he cums inside of you, his fluids mix with yours as you cum with him, your hole leaks and wets his car seats. Gojou falls onto you, his heaviness acting as a sense of comfort on your body.
And just as you thought it was over.
He thrusts into you again. “Gojou-San! Can’t take anymore!”
“What? Did you think my lessons were that cheap? I’m gonna go on till I fuck with your head”
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA that was it GUYS! Lmk if you want a part 2! BYE.
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smt4flynn · 5 months
drink up
Warning: CNC, this can be potentially triggering, alcohol consumption, brief cunning linguistics, and implied somno. Minors do not interact.
This is operating under the assumption that all of this was negotiated off-screen and that both characters are aware of what is going on in the act.
AO3 tags:
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This was an anon request that I posted on AO3 and I'm now posting here! ('-')b I hope you enjoy!
I forgot to mention this uses gendered terms and is assumed f!reader.
Nervousness radiates from you, anyone in the bar can tell. Just looking at you, someone would be able to tell how utterly out of place you are; you clearly shouldn’t be here. You are dressed far more modestly, and a bit more expensively, than all of the other patrons here, though that isn’t why you are nervous.
If push comes to shove, you are confident enough that you can completely and confidently fight off anyone if they decide to try and rob you. The reason why you are actually nervous is because of the request you are fulfilling for Astarion. It helps feed into you being extremely nervous, however, which plays better into the fantasy that Astarion wants from you.
In a bid to help him be more comfortable with his sexuality, given that he admits he struggles constantly with being sexual yet having to fight off waves of disgust. Most of your encounters are initiated by him, with Astarion dictating how far things will go and when to stop. You are more than happy to indulge him; you aren’t necessarily a sexual person yourself, though you aren’t repulsed by them either. If sex is something he finds important then so do you, though he seems to find that a bit odd.
As time goes on however, you see a remarkable improvement in how he handles himself. You find yourself happier when he indulges his desires with you and is able to go through with without disassociating and detaching himself from the situation -
This, however, catches you completely off-guard.
“You... want to roleplay assaulting me?” you question. Astarion looks at you pensively, then embarrassment mollifies his face.
“Well, it is more like I wish to get you utterly blackout drunk, but I suppose you can put it that way, yes.” he twirls one strand of his own hair around his index, eyes avoiding yours. “It is of course all fantasy, and I understand that something like this can be hard to... back out of, but we do not have to do anything you don’t want to do, darling.”
You look at him thoughtfully. Your hands fidget together and you roll your shoulders back before, “I can do that. What, um, what would you like me to do?”
“Dress nicer than most patrons at a seedy bar would, and I’ll approach you of course, and...” he describes to you all that he wants to do, and though you fluster a little before him, you agree that yes, you will do your best. You are no actor, however.
He doesn’t mind.
You clasp your hands in your lap. The dress you are wearing is soft, comfortable, and it stops a little above your knees; it isn’t anything fancy but it is enough to make you stand out. In comparison to everyone else, you look like a pretty little lamb ready for the slaughter. Your fingers dig into your knees, face growing red from the perceived scrutiny, and -
“Mind if I take a seat, darling?” a familiar, smooth voice breaks you out of your spiral and you look up to see him – looking roguishly handsome as always. He dresses in darker colours this time around, wrapped in tight leathers, and you stutter out your response – he takes that as all the excuse to slide into the chair across from you, mugs already in hand. “You looked so nervous, I couldn’t help but feel sorry for you.” his voice is so saccharine sweet and if you didn’t know him any better, you would have actually believed him.
“Oh, thank you, I – I think?” and your voice comes out softer than you mean for it too; he leans closer, sliding one of the  mugs closer to you, and you look down at it. You aren’t an alcoholic, or rather, you do not drink in general. You, at most, only recognise beer – something that Astarion scornfully calls swill. You do not recognise the liquid inside of the mug, though you do not doubt that he chooses something deliberately strong, knowing your non-existent tolerance. “Did you get this for me?”
He flashes you a toothy smile, fang on show for you, and it makes your heart flutter. He is so utterly attractive, you are once again taken by how much you love him. “Of course sweetheart,” he says, voice honeyed with each utterance of the words and he leans forth, resting an elbow on the table while he gives you a dizzying, beautiful smile, “it’ll help with the nerves, and I managed to get a... decent discount for them, hm?”
You pick the mug up, feeling a bit silly as you look at it blankly before you steel your nerves and decide to take a large swig, much to Astarion’s surprise. It burns on the way down your throat, yet so oddly sweet as it settles on your tongue and slips deeper into your belly. You gasp when you separate your lips from the mug and he stares at you thoughtfully, especially when the alcohol seems to work almost immediately – you feel a bit dazed when you put the mug down, already feeling heat rush to your cheeks.
“My my, that was a bit enthusiastic, don’t you think?” Astarion says, but he nudges the mug back at you when you let go of it, smiling at you all the while. You forget this often because of how comfortable he is with the group, often being a goof in his own way to keep everyone disarmed and relaxed, but it is impossible to see what dances behind those eyes. He looks at you with near-polite interest, something you often do not see from him, and a part of you wonders if he is falling back on old habits.
He nudges the mug again and leans closer to you, almost keen. “Go on, have a few more sips. You look like you need it; loosen yourself up, I feel stiff just looking at you.”
You don’t get to ponder for long if he has been falling onto old habits. You find yourself drinking a moderate amount – well, not really, maybe? He needs only his own ale atop of yours to get you completely swaying, slurring your words and losing your grip on the wakeful world. He looks at you with such gentle sympathy when he makes his way over to you, lips so gentle as he presses a comforting kiss to your temple. “Come along, sweetheart,” he whispers lowly, “I’ll get you a room for you to rest in.”
Everything passes by in a haze. You don’t know how but he does have a room ready for you in this seedy tavern; the farthest one too, the most expensive he whispers into your ear when you desperately hold onto him to try and stay afloat. You keep winking in and out of existence, your gaze so blurry when you look at Astarion and he – in a moment of borderline uncharacteristic glee – seems to revel in your listlessness.
“So gorgeous.” his voice seems so distant, teeth once more bared to you in a facsimile of a comforting smile. You cannot even struggle against him after he locks the door and latches onto you, hands grabby and rough when he grabs the hem of your dress and tugs it up. He bumps against you until you fall over onto the bed, your dress pushed up until your stomach, where your legs and your modest panties are on display, “oh, so cute.” he purrs, hands stroking along from your ankles all the way to your thighs, his grip almost worshipful as he squeezes your plump thighs.
“Nnnn... huh?” your voice sounds off, as though it isn’t even coming from you. He grins down at you; you are so sweet and pliant like this, you can practically see his thoughts reflected on his expression, downright predatory and sadistic as it is. You mumble something incoherent, to which Astarion responds by pressing a kiss between your legs, atop of your clothed mound. You try, sluggishly, to move away, heavy arms trying to push his head back, but you feel so weighted down, head dizzy still with how inebriated you are.
You really should figure out how to up your tolerance. Or perhaps, given how excited Astarion seems to have your body unable to fight back against him, practically charmed, you do not need to. He looks at you so reverently, fingers hooking into your cotton underwear to drag it slowly down. Despite your entire situation, the floatiness of the world around you, the thought of what Astarion wants to do to you, how he wants you practically unconscious and relaxed to the point of it being dangerous, has your folds slightly parted, swollen, and slick from a slow build-up of arousal.
“What a whore.” he hisses out, fingers spreading your folds; you feel so tired, like you could just fall asleep at any moment, and Astarion seems to key in on that. He presses a deceptive chaste kiss against your clit, almost mockingly so, thumb spreading your folds open so that his tongue can drag a long, lazy line between your folds. You shiver, your hips barely jolting against his mouth, though Astarion pins you down so that he can continue his almost kitten-ish licks of your cunt. The world around you is getting darker and darker, the pleasure growing faded.
“Stop,” you slur, your hands once again attempting to grasp at his hair and tug him off. He simply drags your body closer, keeping his face buried in your vulva, encouraging more and more of your wetness to paint his tongue. It’s messy, it’s wrong – you are wrong for this, for letting him enjoy so thoroughly taking you apart. If you didn’t drink so much --
Of course, Astarion loves it. Your feelings are just part of a play, you are aware, and it is so easy to get into the play of trying to get the brutish rogue off of you. His tongue is relentless against your cunt, lashing against your clit, wrapping around it, and all you can do is keen and beg -
“Stop, stop, stop-” your words lose all bite. You are far too sluggish. You realise that you are most definitely going to black out. How strong are those drinks that Astarion gives you?
Your heart skips a beat.
Did he lace them with something?
When you look down at your resident vampire lover, he grins up at you- he knows what thoughts dance behind your eyes. He presses a kiss to your cunt again, a wet smack of his lips against yours. “Good girl,” he whispers lowly, his breath puffing against your sensitive, swollen clit, “just go to sleep, darling, go to sleep, and I’ll take care of everything for you.”
Almost as if hypnotised, your eyes flutter. The world goes black.
You awake, sticky and sore. Your face is buried in so many pillows, wrapped up in the most comfortable blankets, and Astarion sits across from you on a chair, reading what seems to be a smutty, trashy book. His eyebrow raises in what seems to be mostly confusion as to what he reads. When you force yourself up on your arms, you catch his attention just as you flop back onto your front, your legs shivering, and your face burns bright when you feel liquid heat drip out from between your pussy lips. Your press your legs together, blushing even harder when you realise there is... a lot of cum dripping out of you.
He must have been especially pent up, or must have built himself up to empty into you readily, pumping you full of his seed. You roll over and lift the blanket up, shyly looking down at your cunt, and Astarion laughs at the sheer embarrassment on your face when he sees how red your face is. Your pussy looks utterly puffy and flush with how much he uses your body while you sleep, and you cannot believe that you are unconscious for the entire thing.
“Was... was I good for you?” you ask quietly. You feel small for a moment, suddenly wanting to retreat, and Astarion sets the book aside to crawl onto bed with you, wrapping his arms around your stomach where he nuzzles his face into your cheek and smooches your temple.
“You were wonderful.” Astarion murmurs, “perfect, you let me do everything I ever wanted to do.” he pats your face and turns it over to look at him, where he locks lips with you, giving you a passionate kiss that steals your breath away. “Thank you for indulging me, my darling.”
“Anything that makes you happy,” you say.
Despite how oversensitive you are, you find yourself enjoying the odd pain he gives you when he makes slow love to you now that you are awake, peppering you with kisses and reminding you of how much he loves you the entire time.
You are just happy to have indulged him at all.
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pavardscherie · 1 year
girl dad benji has me in my FEELS! do you think you could write about the first time little girl goes to a game and benji is just so proud that she’s there and brings her all around the locker room showing her off to everyone? 💕💕
you’re making me fall even more in love with benji —
it’s been three month since you gave birth to the beautiful girl in your arms. the new role has been difficult in the beginning since benji still had to leave a lot because the games and training sessions didn’t wait for noelle to grow up. but this time, this one saturday, you decided to watch the game against freiburg and show the princess the allianz arena for the first time.
a pair of noise-reducing headphones covered her small ears, dressed in one of the first crimson-red bayern jerseys, benji brought home after a game. seated close to the pitch, you had the best view of your husband throughout the ninety-two minutes, and he even scored a goal. by the time the referee blew the whistle to end the second half with a win for the number one of the chart, benjamin grabbed a water bottle and jogged over to the stands.
behind you, the supporters almost went crazy. screaming his last name, reaching out with their phones and trying to get the match-worn jersey. and he would have been happy about the attention, he would have cared for it if his eyes would not have landed on the sweet, sleeping princess in your arms. the world around him seemed to vanish, it didn’t matter where he was or who shouted his name.
benji’s arms quickly found their way around noelle, picking her up from your lap and holding her tightly to his chest. the fans and cameras went crazy at the sight, taking millions of photos while the defender tried to hide the face of the little one. “i will take her to the team, are you coming with me?”
you nodded your head frequently, relieved to leave the mass of fans that gathered in the front of the stands to receive an autograph from benjamin. and he didn’t want to seem mean, or act like an arrogant fool but as soon as his fingers only touched noelle’s little body, he was pulled into another world. climbing over the stands with the help of a security guard, benjamin led you towards the catacombs, where most of the team already changed clothes and celebrated their important win to increase the points.
before even reaching the locker rooms, the loud laughs of müller and sommer already echoed through the busy corridors. photographers waited at the end, their cameras tightly in their hands and trying to take a couple of very interesting pictures for their websites, and the social media accounts of the club.
you quickly followed the hurried steps of your boyfriend, noelle pressed tightly to his chest and ignoring the incoming questions from the interviewers about the new-born baby in his muscular arms. when benji reached the locker room, kimmich’s eyes focused immediately on him and as the captain, he instructed the team to lower their voices and not interrupt noelle’s tight sleep.
“well boys,” benjamin stepped into the silenced changing rooms, followed closely by you. wrapped up in a rose blanket, and dressed in her sweet woolen cardigan over the bayern jersey, noelle smacked in his arms, moving slightly to cuddle herself further into the warm material and benji’s arms. “i’d like to introduce you to noelle, my beautiful princess. she’s just three months so no touching.”
you stayed in the door, the shoulder leaned against the frame and watching in awe, how benjamin carried the little girl through the attentive gazes of his teammates. after telling him that he could not fulfill his dreams of a little boy following into his footsteps, his mood changed for a couple of days. his expectations were completely overthrown when he saw noelle for the first time. since the first day, benjamin and noelle were inseparable. she slept more in his arms and cuddled up with her father than in her own crib. it was beautiful, a sweet sight and your phone was flooded with pictures of them.
“look at that cute little girl.” sane cooed, smiling widely as the team gathered around noelle and benjamin. most of the mates already had their own children, and always teased benjamin for not going a serious step forward with his marriage. and yet, a new baby in the locker room always seemed like a huge surprise.
“she’s way too beautiful to be benji’s!” müller chuckled, carefully patting benjamin’s shoulder with the dry palm of his hand. “she has your curls.” leon interrupted the joking ways of müller, and ruffled a large hand through the chestnut curls on benjamin’s head.
the praise from the boys, the little resemblances spoken by the teammates made him extremely proud. benjamin’s soft gaze drifted from the smiling mates around him to the little girl in his arms, watching how her small hands moved and tried to grab her woolen cardigan.
benjamin held the whole world in his hands before. being part of a popular and successful club for over two years, and having a certain position in the starting eleven of each game. playing football, doing what he loves so much and earning money for it.
but benjamin’s world changed, turned upside down when the babygirl was born. noelle pavard became all the good things in his life, and added another tad of happiness. and you were allowed to watch his loving gaze, how his brown, soft orbs traveled over the sleeping girl in his arms.
his long pointer finger reached out, carefully stroking over the soft skin of noelle’s strawberry-red blushed cheek. “you know, i made this beautiful, little girl.” benji muttered, his heart swelling with extreme pride.
“sure, but you had a little help.” joshua commented, patting the defenders shoulder and nodding towards the door. benjamin’s gaze followed his gesture, his lips curling into a wide smile at the sight of you. arms crossed, leaned against the doorframe and watching the loving interactions. but it was obvious, that you couldn’t wish for a better dad for little noelle than benjamin.
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munsonslilbunnie · 2 years
missin' out. | eddie munson x reader |
mini-series: pt. i (you're here)| pt. ii
summary: after a failed 'talking stage' with steve "the hair" harrington, you find yourself in a little slump - before a certain someone pulls you out of it and shows you how it's like to be truly desired.
pairing: eddie munson x plus-size!fem!reader | past!steve harrington x plus-size!fem!reader
word count: 4.2k
warnings/cw/tw: body-image issues. insecurities. comparing yourself to other fem!characters. y/n is shorter than most. steve is a bit of a meanie, but that’s just for the sake of the plot lol.
a/n: aaaa you guys have no idea how grateful i am for the response i received from my first post here 🥺 most of what i post on here will prob be fics but i might post lil blurbs here and there! if you have a plot bunny or idea you want me to try and write, pls don't hesitate to request it! i'll try my best to fulfill it <3 anyways, i hope you enjoy this bbs! no beta so all mistakes are mine. p.s. – should i make this into a mini-series? would y'all be interested in it? c:
bunnie's taglist: 𐐪 @angelbbygrl 𐑂
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“hey, uh, (y/n)..”
a soft hum came from your lips as you pressed your landline against your ear, listening to steve’s soothing voice over the receiver, “yeah, what’s up, steve? is everything okay?” you asked softly, twirling the cord around your finger as you pressed your back against the wall, waiting for the man to continue speaking. 
it was weird, to say the least – that you’re talking to the steve harrington. it has barely been two months since that day you stepped into the family video store, waving your hand towards robin, who was quick to shoot back a smile and a wave, motioning you to the new releases at the time. you weren’t expecting anything that day – you came in wearing a simple white tee that ended just below your belly button and a pair of old baggy jeans, with white, beat-up sneakers. you weren’t coming here to impress – you just needed a new movie or two to watch that weekend and you were out of there. your pajamas were waiting for you at home – along with your favorite popcorn and snacks. while you were roaming around the ‘new releases’ section, you had – quite literally – bumped into steve ‘the hair’ harrington, making him drop a couple of vhs tapes that he had in his hands. 
god, you can even remember the way your face had gone completely red as you bent down to gather the vhs tapes for him, muttering apology after apology to the man. you were honestly a bit terrified that he was going to be pissed at you when you didn’t hear any movement from above. you had looked up at the last second, cheeks flushed and brows drawn up as you were getting ready to spew another line of apologies to the man. yeah, you might have had a crush on him back when he was in school, but, uh, he never gave you the time of day, considering your social groups never mingled, and honestly, he was too preoccupied with nancy. but – the look on steve’s face was definitely – not one that you expected. he had looked so cute with those flushed cheeks and wide eyes as he ogled down at you. he didn’t seem like he knew just – where – to look at. he had gone from your eyes, down to your lips, probably down to your shirt, if you wanted to think that way. yeah, steve harrington truly did notice you that day – for the first time ever. 
from that moment forward, you were suddenly hanging out at the video store every other day after school, something that steve seemed to enjoy. before you knew it, he was asking you out on weekly dates – whether to a pretty little restaurant a town over from hawkins, on a stroll around the park, or even to his place to watch all of the new releases that you had been itching to watch. 
you guys weren’t necessarily dating – not yet, anyway. you were hoping that on this date tonight he would finally ask you – to finally put a label on whatever it was that you two were doing. you two already acted like a couple, so why not just go ahead and put a label on it? you held hands, you hugged, you cuddled, you kissed – heck, you knew yourself better than anyone else on this planet and you knew that you were even ready to give him your all. you were definitely ready to go all the way with steve, but you just – wanted to have a label before you exposed yourself in that way to him. 
of course, though, you had your own insecurities that might have been weighing you down these past couple of days. you weren’t like – his past girlfriends, more specifically, like nancy wheeler. you knew you were far different from the girls he normally dated. all of them had been thin, petite. small in a way he could easily wrap his arms around them and have space left over (something that you picked up on early into the ‘relationship’ between you and steve – maybe it was all in your mind, but sometimes it just felt like he could barely wrap his arms around you and have his hands actually touch). you knew you weren’t exactly the smallest girl steve had ever been with – your thighs touched and rubbed against each other when you walked, your arms had a bit of a jiggle to them, your breasts were a little on the small side and it just made your tummy stick out more and look bigger than it actually was. you’ve always had your own insecurities, something that some of the mean girls in school liked to remind you of in the hallways, but you typically didn’t let it bother you. you knew you weren’t like the other girls and that was okay to you. you didn’t want to be like them. you were (y/n). that was good enough for you. and you had clearly assumed that steve wasn’t the type of guy to care about that either – something that you relished in because it’s not like you had a line of people who wanted to date you. you were always the secret. the one people didn’t want others to find out they were dating. it was a nice change – to be involved with someone who took you out to public and made it known that there was something more happening between you two. it was nice. really nice. 
its been a few moments already and steve still hasn’t answered your question. 
“steve? you still there?” you ask softly into the phone, a confused tone in your voice. it wasn’t really like him to just – stay silent. especially considering he was the one who called you in the first place when you should be getting into the shower to get ready for your date tonight with him. “everything okay?”
“(y/n), look, i’m really sorry, but i don’t think this is gonna work out between us…” came a sigh from the other side of the phone. 
it was like you suddenly forgot how to breathe. 
“what? what do you mean ‘not gonna work out’?” you managed to choke out, your heart beating harshly against your chest as your brain tried to make sense of the situation at hand. everything was going so well. what changed? the dates went well. you hung out a lot – sure, it’s been less lately, but that was just because you needed to study for final exams and such, and he knew that – steve knew that and he was okay with it. you were so thrown out of the loop, you almost missed his next words.
“ – it’s not you, it’s me, ya know? you’re a great girl, i enjoyed my time with you, believe me! you’re awesome, (y/n), i just… uh, i just don’t think i’m ready for anything as of right now. ya know, busy with work and stuff,” he replied back to your question. you could practically feel the cringe from the other side of the call when you heard him curse softly under his breath, “i’m sorry, man. i truly am. it’s just… not gonna work out, right now. maybe later, just not… now.”
everything felt so wrong. it was wrong. it didn’t feel right. not anymore. maybe it never did. maybe it was stupid, getting your hopes up that such a gorgeous guy like steve would ever be interested in a girl like you. why should you be so surprised, when he had only ever gone out with girls like nancy wheeler? gosh, how pathetic. how pathetic to think this would have ended any differently than the others. 
“it’s… fine. it’s fine, steve. yeah, yeah. totally fine. i’ll see you around. bye.”
“wait, (y/n) –” 
you hung the phone back up, letting the cord fall from your fingers. you stared blankly into the space, slowly letting yourself slide down the wall until you were flat on your bottom, legs stretched out in front of you as your hands laid on your thighs. 
you let your head tip back, letting it hit the wall softly as wavering eyes stared up at the ceiling. 
another one bites the dust, i guess, you thought bitterly to yourself, trying so hard not to cry. but the familiar burning sensation started in your eyes first – soon finding itself in the back of your throat. a pitiful whimper left your trembling lips – it started off slow, soft. a whimper, which soon turned into a soft cry of sadness as tears started to flow down your round cheeks before it turned into body-shaking sobs that wrecked through you, the sounds of your sobs echoing throughout the empty house. thank god it was friday – meaning your parents were on their weekly friday date nights and wouldn’t be there to see you break down. you didn’t need them to see you like this. not over a guy. 
not over a guy you thought was different. 
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after that last phone call you had with steve, you locked yourself in your room, coming out only to eat or to shower. you didn’t really have it in you to speak to anyone – and your parents definitely noticed. unlike most, they were mostly understanding, so they gave you your space – something that you were really grateful for. on that following monday morning, you finally had the energy to speak to your parents and to some of your friends, but you were definitely quieter than usual. your friends were the type to not overstep boundaries and let you come spill your feelings out to them once you were ready. 
it took you two weeks of keeping quiet and to yourself to finally go to your friends for comfort, who (in their own right) were ready to go after ‘the hair’ for hurting you that way. they knew how excited you were about steve and how happy being around him made you feel. it was definitely something that had surprised them, but hey – your happiness was important to your friends and they honestly just wanted the best for you. cheesy, you know. but considering you have been there for each other since elementary school, it’s no longer a surprise how protective you all were of each other. 
you definitely felt lighter after coming clean and letting others listen to your thoughts and how you truly felt about the situation. while it wasn’t a breakup, since you weren’t even officially dating, but shit – did it hurt like one. 
it even hurts to say now, but it took you a little over three weeks to even step foot back into the family video store after shit hit the fan. 
you had two vhs tapes that were long overdue, but you didn’t have it in you to go back just yet. 
until today. 
weeks after the phone call, you finally made your way to the family video store, hoping to whoever out there that steve wouldn’t be there. you haven’t seen him in three weeks and you would like to keep it that way, thank you very much. 
you parked your car outside, glancing around for the sight of steve’s car, and heaved out a sigh of relief when you didn’t see it anywhere. 
before you got out, you were startled when you saw a van swerve its way into the parking lot, conveniently parking right next to yours, although a little haphazardly. the van looked like it was vibrating from the way the music was blasting at full volume. a small smile quirked up on your lips. you recognized that van instantly. eddie ‘the freak’ munson. the ‘super senior’ of hawkins high. you’ve never spoken to him before – your social groups never mingled amongst each other. your group wasn’t popular – or even seen, most of the time. you were the quiet ones in school. you didn’t get in the way of the populars and jocks, and they – for the most part – didn’t mess with you either. 
you’ve heard all about the rumors surrounding eddie, though. but you never believed them. you’ve seen him in the hallways enough to know that those rumors about him being a satanist or whatever were all just a bunch of lies. yeah, he dressed a little… dark compared to others, but he seemed like a decent person. maybe even like a dork, based on that D&D game he plays. plus, he was the local drug dealer at school. some of your friends have bought from him before and deemed him to be completely innocent – no trouble at all. so yeah, eddie seemed like a decent dude. 
you shook your head. you needed to focus. you needed to make this quick and painless and you wouldn’t be able to achieve that if you didn’t get out of the damn car. 
with a heavy sigh, you grabbed your bag and put the two vhs tapes inside, before hauling yourself out the car. with a slam of your car door, you trudged up towards the double doors, unaware of the long-haired burnet that was making his way to the door as well, head gently swaying back and forth as he focused on the song that was stuck in his head. 
your hand shot out in time with his own, fingers gripping onto the handle at the same time. 
“oh!” you gasped softly when your hands touched, feeling your cheeks flush slightly as your eyes glanced up quickly towards the other hands’ owner, who looked just as startled as you did – even if for a split second. 
“so sorry, m’lady! didn’t see you there for a second,” the man gave you a small grin, the both of you letting your hands fall back to your sides. 
“uh, it’s okay…” you sent him a small grin as well, albeit a little awkward. 
eddie cleared his throat and moved, gripping the door handle and swinging it open. for a second you thought he was going to enter – but, to your surprise, he held it open for you, a wide smile on his (rather cute) face as he motioned for you to go through first, “after you, sweetheart.” 
was it normal for your face to get this red? you weren’t so sure. you just stared at him a little dumbfounded, not used to this behavior from anyone (except for steve). after a few moments of not responding and just… staring, you could see eddie’s smile start to falter, and you were shaken at how much you didn’t want to see him frowning – especially not towards you. 
“t… thank you!” you stumbled over your words as you flashed him a bright smile, making your way into the video store, unaware of the way his wide, doe-like eyes stared after you in astonishment. that was the first time you had ever smiled at him – he wanted it to happen even more now.
a shaky sigh came from your lips as you made a bee-line to the counter, relieved to see robin there. she had called you a few times to see how you were doing after steve ended things with you, calling him a ‘dingus’ and to ‘not worry about a butthead like him’. you were grateful for her, in more ways than she knew. 
“hey, ro,” you spoke softly as you stopped in front of her, hands already digging into your bag as you fished out the vhs tapes. 
“(y/n)!” she called out happily, giving you a bright grin as she leaned her elbows on the counter, “finally decided to grace me with your presence, your highness?” she asked you with a whiny tone, letting her head fall forward slightly, “i’ve missed you! it’s been boring without you here!” 
you couldn’t help but laugh at the girl’s antics, your hand reaching over to gently pat her head, oblivious to the eyes that followed your every movement, watching you – observing you – in a curious manner. “i’ve missed you too, ro. you… you know i just needed to be away for a bit.” you gave her a sad smile before brightening up a bit, “but, hey! let me make it up to you, yeah? tell me what you want to watch and maybe you can come over and watch it with me? we need a girl’s night in!” you added in a whiney tone at the end, fluttering your lashes at her in a way to convince her. 
the dirty blonde couldn’t help the cackle that escaped her lips at the way you were begging, as if she could ever say no to you – not with the way you batted your lashes at her. she grinned at you, glancing behind you for a second when she noticed the audience you seemed to have gathered – a one-man audience, but an audience nonetheless. she quirked a brow at the long-haired metalhead, watching the way his eyes were practically glued to your face, doing a rather shitty job as he hid behind the horror section. ‘hmm, this is an interesting development,’ she thought to herself before giving you a wide smirk, nodding her head to your plan. 
“fine, fine! you’ve worn me down, (l/n)!” robin giggled at the way you clapped your hands. she leaned over and clasped her hands around yours, “how about you go to the horror section and find something that you think i might like, yeah? whatever you choose, i’m good with! i’ll return these for you while you do that.” she suggested innocently, mentally cackling when she heard the soft curse coming from the horror section, something that you didn’t notice. 
you nodded your head in an excited manner and made your way towards the horror section, a happy bounce in your walk. you were so into your own thoughts about what robin might like, that you didn’t have enough time to react when you bumped into a lanky form, a soft ‘oof!’ leaving your lips as you stumbled back. strong hands quickly grasped your shoulders, holding you steady against them.
“woah! you good there, princess?” eddie’s voice filled your ears in a way that made your heart flutter. has his voice always been this rich? this soothing? 
you gulped and looked up at the man, who seemed to tower over you. there was concern in his eyes as he looked down at you, his hands not yet leaving your arms, though his grip was soft, comforting even. “ah, yeah! i’m fine – sorry for bumping into you, i guess i wasn’t paying close enough to my surroundings, eddie.” you giggled nervously, glancing away from him for a moment. 
“shit, you know my name, sweetheart?”
his response startled you, glancing back at him in surprise. you tilted your head in confusion, maintaining eye contact to the best of your ability. “uh, yeah? of course! why wouldn’t i know your name? we’ve been going to school together for a while now, munson.” you laughed softly, shaking your head at his question.
a blotch of red appeared on his cheeks at your response, looking a little embarrassed at how silly his question was, but also seemed pleased with himself that you even knew who he was. “can’t help but be a little surprised, (l/n). a princess like yourself? knowing my name? oh, it does things to my heart!” he gasped out dramatically, pulling his hands away from you to clutch onto his heart, head tilting back as a lovesick expression appeared on his face. a large grin formed on his face as he heard you giggle, cracking open an eye to see the way your lips curved into a large smile, your giggles bright and cute – happy. he could definitely get used to hearing that. 
“oh, don’t be so dramatic, munson!” you playfully swatted his shoulder, not thinking too much about it, “you’re the infamous eddie munson! would be rather dumb if i didn’t know who you were at this point, huh? heard lots of things about you.” 
eddie leaned against one of the video racks, hand gripping onto it as he grinned down at you. “oh, yeah? ‘nd what did ya hear about me, babydoll? all good things, ‘m hoping.”
you playfully tapped your finger against your cheek as you pretended to think for a moment before letting out a quiet gasp, “well! i heaaaard… that you’re, like, this big dork who likes to play a fantasy game with this ‘hellfire club’. mm, oh! and you’re, like, a member of a band!” you looked up at him innocently, though you had a cheeky grin on your face, “did i nail it, munson?”
“a dork? oh, how you continue to wound me, my princess!” eddie pressed the back of his hand to his forehead, holding it there as he fell onto his knees in front of you in a dramatic fashion, which just continued to make you erupt into fits of giggles. he smirked slightly, looking up at you from his kneeling position, seeing that he wasn’t that much shorter than you in this position. it was cute, really. “as for the other part, you hit the nail, (l/n). got my own, big boy band called corroded coffin.” he sent you a grin before finally getting off his knees as your giggles faded into little hiccups, cheeks flushed. 
god, you couldn’t remember the last time you giggled this much in a long time. it felt nice – laughing like this with someone, anyone. you never expected that it would be eddie munson making you giggle like this, but you relished it. it felt nice. he was nice. really, really nice. 
“corroded coffin? interesting name, eddie. i’m sure you’re getting all the chicks with your band,” you teased him, having no real venom in your words as you finally started to take notice of all the titles, trying to find one that robin and you might like to watch. 
“all the chicks? nah, you got it all wrong, doll,” eddie stated as he fell into place next to you, walking by your side with his hands behind his head. he winked down at you when you looked over, “i play because i love to rock out. love the exhilarating feeling it gives me. but… if being in a band gets me a sweet doll like you, that’ll just make things even better.” he was laying it on thick, but he didn’t care. you were sweeter than he could have ever imagined and fuck it, he didn’t want to lose the opportunity. 
your cheeks flushed heavily at the notion of his words, eyes widening slightly as you stared up into his own. you glanced away as you let out an awkward laugh, shaking your head at him, “a doll like me would make it better? dunno if you’re thinking correctly, munson.” you stopped in front of a rack, eyes glancing around but not truly taking note of the titles. eddie’s words were rolling through your mind, trying not to think too much into it. he was just teasing you – he had to be. 
“‘m pretty sane right now, (l/n)!” eddie’s chuckle broke you from your thoughts. his smile was wide and genuine as he watched you. “ya know, i might sound a little crazy right now, but…” he paused for a dramatic effect, leaning close to your face, eyes clashing into one another. your breath hitched the closer he got to you, his eyes unwavering as he mumbled, “i’ve had the biggest crush on you since middle school. you’re the prettiest girl i have ever seen, ya know? like – so pretty, so nice, so sweet. been trying to get your attention for years now, but you never gave me the time of day, sweetheart.” his plump lips formed into a small pout, but there was a sincerity in his eyes and tone that made you believe him. you blinked owlishly at him, trying to get your heart to settle down inside your chest. “listen, no pressure but like… just one date. you, me, tomorrow night? we can go to, like, a diner or a movie or something? would you be down for that, sweetheart?” he stared into your eyes, teeth now gnawing at his lips as he tried not to let his nerves get to him. this was his only shot – ‘please, please, accept,’ he thought to himself. 
was this really happening? was eddie munson really asking you out on a date? god – this was real, wasn’t it? you couldn’t really believe your ears but you were soon nodding your head to his question, your lips forming around words that spilled from your lips, “y…yeah! a movie sounds nice! uh, here!” your hands fished out a notebook and a pencil from your bag, tearing a page from it before jotting down your phone number and address on it. with a gulp, you thrust the piece of paper into his hands, a stunned look on his face. the expression just made everything seem much, much more real. “there’s my number and address! you can pick me up at 6 and we… we can check out what they’re playing! uh, i gotta go now, eddie! can’t wait to see you tomorrow!” you all but squeaked out as your hand blindly grabbed some random vhs tape from the rack and raced backed to the counter, thrusting the tape into robin’s awaiting hand. 
a faint ‘yes!’ could be heard from the horror section of the store. 
robin looked at you with a wide grin on her lips, staring at you with a knowing glint in her eyes. “tonight, you’re telling me everything.”
oh, tonight will definitely be interesting. 
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kissofaeri · 12 days
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aeri is most definitely a daddy’s girl and yasu is a family man. aeri has fond memories of spending quality time with her dad; helping him cook, playing games with him, and even him taking her to work with him at his teaching job. he planned her birthday parties, always showed up for her school celebrations, and always planned events whenever a project aeri starred in would air. aeri is truly his pride and joy.
yasu is the one who keeps aeri grounded; the one who reminds her to take a break from her school work, who tells her to not let her fame get to her head, who just wants nothing but the best for his baby girl.
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aeri and her mom are very similar, many calling the two twins not just physically, but habitually as well. her mother is a doctor and aeri always saw her as poised and put together. her hair was always done, always dressed business casual, and her work, whether is be as a mother or at her job, was always completed. aeri always watched her mother act in a professional manner. some of those traits she picked up along the way.
while aeri’s mom never pressured her, she always encouraged her to be more work-oriented, to focus on her goals in order to succeed. mihii always did what she could to help fulfill her daughters’ dreams.
their relationship isn’t solely work oriented, but as mihii is a work oriented person and that’s mainly what aeri learned from her, it’s how they built their bond.
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aeri and her sister have a huge age gap, being 14 years apart, which is one of the reasons why the two aren’t as close. ruruka also lived with her biological mother up until she was 16. when she moved in with mihii and yasu, aeri was only 2 while hoshi was 5. being older and feeling disconnected from the family, due to having a different mom, ruruka never really cared for building a bond with her younger siblings, opting to go out with friends and focusing on school.
as aeri grew up and eventually moved to korea, her and ruruka didn’t really keep in contact, only texting each other for birthdays and other family matters. aeri doesn’t hate ruruka, but she just never saw a point in trying to get close to her considering ruruka never did. neither of them have the desire to build a closer relationship. they’ll always be there for each other but they just don’t really know each other.
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now while aeri and ruruka aren’t close at all, aeri and hoshi are like two peas in a pod. being 3 years older than aeri, once she was born hoshi took it upon himself to become the amazing big brother. as they both grew up, hoshi always protected her; walking to school together, being the first one to comfort her when she cried, giving her terrible advice, and getting her out of trouble. aeri knows she can always go to him when she seriously needs advice; or when she wants to make fun of him.
it’s hoshi who always brags about his little sister’s achievements and was the main person who convinced her to become a trainee (he cried at the airport). he’s her biggest fan and their bond is like no other.
despite now living in different countries, the two talk often, spending hours gaming and talking about their lives. and when the two are able to meet up in person, they’ll usually hang out at late hours of the night roaming convenient stores and playing at parks like little kids.
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ah, aeri’s baby. kenzi is a british shorthair mihii got the family for christmas. aeri was 10 when kenzi was brought home and since then she’s treated the cat like she was her own child. as the youngest, aeri attached to kenzi the most, opting her cuddle and play for her for hours.
aeri never likes to leave kenzi alone. if she was doing homework, kenzi was on her lap; if aeri had to leave, she’d beg her parents to let her take kenzi with them; if aeri was sleeping, kenzi was laying right next to her. she even tried to take kenzi with her to korea. it hurt aeri to leave her behind so she makes sure her family send her daily pictures and videos to make sure she’s okay.
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lilylovessev · 1 year
an escape || snamione
“Are you sure about this, Hermione?”
Oh, she could sense that Minerva was worried that she’d also jilt Hogwarts too. 
As if she could actually afford to lose out on a job now given her current rather desperate situation. 
She’d already lost her beautiful home, a budding career and a social life. It was all of her own doing, and she completely owned that, but that didn’t make judgement from anyone any easier to endure. It had been horrendous, constantly, since the moment that she’d decided to make a run for it.
Her life straight out of Hogwarts had been chaotic, to say the very least. And now, flash-forward a few years, here she was again. It wasn’t as if she had ever intended to become a teacher. She had been working within the Ministry prior to her world falling apart, making her way up the ladder. Her life had been near-enough perfect, seemingly so. Just about everything had been going to plan, it had all been going exactly as it should. It wasn’t as if she had ever intended to leave her life behind and run away for a couple of years, but that was exactly what had happened. 
Admittedly they had been the most fulfilling, wonderful couple of years of travel. However, at what cost? She had returned and nothing was the same. Of course, she certainly hadn’t expected to have been welcomed back with open arms. Yet, even Harry was finding it difficult to reconnect with her, and that was saying something. They’d get there, eventually, but it was currently like getting blood from a stone.
She could definitely understand the cold reception she’d received; due to having been a runaway bride. She had, quite literally, run away on her wedding day. She’d had the most intense feeling that it wasn’t what she was meant for, and it had overwhelmed her. She had never imagined that she would be the sort of woman that would jilt a man at the altar, yet she had. She’d humiliated him in front of all of their friends and family. It was safe to say that it had immediately made the Daily Prophet. To think that her relatonship had ended up in such an irreversibly damaged state and in the bloody tabloids was horrendous. 
How on earth could she possibly, even now, forgive herself what she’d done to Ron?
She had known that it would inevitably be for the best and that one day he’d realise that, that a marriage between herself and him would never have lasted the test of time. It had been cruel of her to have done it the way that she had done. It had been somewhat immature, and selfish. Oh, she had been told that on many an occasion. She had returned to a barage of abuse upon going to attempt to apologise. She should have known better, but she hadn’t wanted to leave anything left unsaid between them all. Ron was ignoring her, quite frankly. She knew that he was still struggling with losing her. She might as well have been bloody dead to his family. And then Harry wasn’t exactly sure where his loyalty should lay. Her own parents had been somewhat understanding, but even they had found her decision to be callous.
“Are you certain that you’d rather not return to the Ministry? You’re done some incredilbe research here. Look at these pictures...” Minerva spoke softly, peering down through her glasses as she looked through the impeccably well organised files of paperwork that Hermione had brought with her. “You’re overqualified for this role. Your mind would be better elsewhere. You and I both know that.”
“... I have given my research to the Ministry. They were supportive of everything I manaed to do during my time away. However, this is where I need to be now. I don’t want to be in the thick of it all there right now. I don’t feel like that would be beneficial for me at all.” 
She wasn’t going to disguise the fact that this wasn’t completely ideal for her. She wasn’t going to act as if this was wholeheartedly what she wanted to be doing either. Yet, this is what she had to be doing. 
“I’ll do a good job of it, you know that I will. I am a muggle, for all intents and purposes. The curriculum is... mildly enthusing. I’ll have to do something about that. I’ll increase the uptake amongst the pureblood population.” She smirked, “I know that you have reservations, Professor McGonagall. I made one poor error of judgement, amongst the many very good decisions that I’ve made in my life. And that nothing to do with my professionalism, or committment to a job. I can promise, my love-life will never interfere with my work.” She held out her hand across the desk, “So, can we shake on it?” She smiled contently as Minerva eventually took her hand. The relief that she felt was monumental. She was home, even if it wasn’t truly home. She could start building her savings again, and figuring out exactly what came next. 
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starry-blue-echoes · 1 year
So I was thinking about Peanut Gallery and
Oh my god Part 5 is going to be insane and I thought of a way to make it even more so
So Giorno had always known his family was a little off. Sure there was the Stand thing, but there was...... something else
He noticed it first when he was growing him in the Kujo household. How Jotaro was always so familiar with him and knew what he liked even before he did, how he’d have quiet conversations with their grandpa on the phone, how he’d slowly instruct him on how to use a Stand despite the fact that Giorno didn’t seem to have one yet, among other things
Joseph wasn’t any better, however Giorno didn’t notice until he was older and his family explained to him how his grandfather had a precognitive Stand and sometimes got what he knows and what he’s Seen mixed up……. but there was more to it. This was something that didn't feel like it could be explained away by a simple look into the future
And Giorno’s a smart kid. Not only does he have the cunning we saw from Golden Wind, but he also has Joseph and Jotaro teaching him everything they know about observation and planning. It wasn’t difficult for Giorno to realize that something was going to happen in the future, specifically something including him and for some reason his brother and grandfather wouldn’t tell him
But he stays quiet about it. He listens and gathers as much information as he can. He commits everything Jotaro and Josuke teach him to memory and writes down every vague mildly ominous thing Joseph mentions
Josuke remembering and acting differently is really just the final nail in the coffin for him to start planning to act
fast forward a year and suddenly Josuke and Jotaro are bringing up a possible student exchange trip to Italy. How it would be interesting and educational, how it could be used to show Giorno that part of his mother's and grandmother's culture, that he'd be able to make friends, reason after reason that Giorno knows is a front for something. At this point he'd gathered enough information about his future that it had to do with Italy, the mafia, Gold, and a handful of names that Joseph let slip. With all this knowledge and everything he's learned from his family, Giorno feels pretty prepared
fast forward nearly another year. Giorno's been doing some poking around but has mostly opted to let whatever future comes for him happen. After all, most people fulfill their future on the path to avoid it, so sitting and waiting is the best way to avoid doing anything stupid on accident
and things definitely end up happening. He gets cornered by a man named Luca, fights another named Bucciarati (which funnily enough was one of the names Joseph mentioned) and finds himself right in the middle of the mafia
what he didn't predict was Jotaro and Josuke "popping by for a visit" to check in on him. Giorno really doesn't want to risk them getting hurt, so he pretends things are completely normal. They believe him, think that the events which led to his joining the mafia the first time didn't happen, and decide to do some poking around in other places
and Giorno thought he'd be able to keep it secret. That it would be a simple charade to keep up and that he could simply pretend things were normal until his family left
Giorno did not predict that he wouldn't be returning home that night or for the rest of the week
so while he's doing all that with Trish and the Gang, Jotaro and Josuke realize Giorno's misdirection and start hauling ass after them
I'll admit, I'm not completely sure at which point the two sides finally meet up, but it's going to scare the shit out of the Bucci Gang, lead to some very out of context explanations about the family as a whole and what they've dealt with, and when being asked about it Jotaro just responds with a deadpan "because this family's fucking cursed, that's why"
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spinningbuster98 · 2 months
Sonic the Hedgehog 3 & Knuckles Part 3: Taste the rainbow!
I’ve always thought it was pretty funny how Sega used to market Sonic as the anti-Mario, yet here we have a level with giant mushrooms. Anyway Mushroom Hill is a fine one, very cozy and very big and interesting to explore, which you’ll have to if you wanna get the Emeralds as soon as possible!
Flying Battery is good, but a bit overrated honestly? It’s the most gray looking level in the game and it’s pretty boxed in in terms of design despite the number of alternate routes it has. It also features the most ridiculous setpiece in the game: Eggman? You’re damaging your own ship with that beam! And then you gotta wait until it stops crashing before you can start the boss fight!
Finally: Sandopolis. Act 1 is serviceable but everyone hates act 2. I used to as well, but I’ve grown to quite like it actually! It’s gimmick, while treaturous, does not go against the core gameplay principles as it encourages you to go quickly before the lights go completely out, it’s got a nice sense of atmosphere and a nice dose of challenge for what is at the end of the day one of the final stages in the game. The only thing I don’t like is the block pushing, but most of the time it’s pretty brief, with only Knuckles really having an obnoxious section
The way you get the Emeralds in this game is, as everyone knows, the best one in any Sonic game. Finding Giant Rings is fun and rewarding and it keeps being rewarding even after you get all the Emeralds since they will then award you with 50 rings each, essentially granting you a free Super transformation. It encourages exploration in a perfectly natural and fun way.
As for Blue Sphere there was actually a time when I didn’t like this very much. Sure it’s much better technically than the half pipe, but due to its more puzzle focused approach I found that, once you knew the solution, all challenge went away and it was just about going through the motions. I changed my mind in recent years after I started going for those Perfect bonuses, as those require you to complete the entire maze and play skillfully, which makes it all not only harder but also much more fulfilling in my eyes. I only wish that the game gave you something more than just 50k points for doing a Perfect run, but this is a case where the journey makes the destination worth it. i think it’s telling of Blue Sphere’s overall quality that it works not only as a Special Stage but as a minigame in its own right, which Sonic Team must’ve known given how many of these you unlock by Locking Sonic & Knuckles to Sonic 1
Hyper Sonic! Now look I’m not one of those who cry for his return because this or that, but I think he’s phenomenal from a gameplay angle, because he has all of Super Sonic’s advantages and weaknesses but combined with a multidirectional air dash that allows you to break the levels even further and is so, SO fun to abuse! I only wish that the game, y’know...TOLD you about it! As a kid I thought that Hyper Sonic was just a pallette swap of Super, I only accidentally found out about the Hyper Dash, and it took me years to find out accidentally on Youtube that you could aim it! Sonic is also the only character who, I think, gets something truly worthwhile from getting all the Super Emeralds, as you’ll see
I wanna add though that, while I don’t cry about Hyper Sonic’s absence in later games, the reasons that have been given as to his absence are generally both silly and self contradicting. Oh we don’t wanna risk kids suffering from seizures, but we have no problem porting the hell out of Sonic 1 and CD, the former having Special Stages that look like acid trips and the latter having Special Stage 6, which features an entire screen that has the same issues as Hyper’s little sprite. We don’t want Sonic to look too much like DBZ but we’ll make sure that all the games released during the 2000s have stuff like a character blatantly inspired by Trunks, lots of Super Sonic final battles, an edgy rival, a plethora of secondary transformations and most recently having Sonic literally go Super Saiyan 2!
I guess that the inner machinations of Sonic Team truly are an enigma...
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aurumacadicus · 2 years
Well, I have been wanting to write more Steve/Nat lol. I’m definitely not shaking in my boots about writing soulmates. This is a ‘can’t lie to your soulmate’ soulmate au.
“When did you know?” Steve asked.
Natasha turned toward him, surprised. She opened her mouth to ask him what she meant, but he just looked at her, mouth set into a firm frown, arms crossed over his chest. His ‘unconscious Captain pose,’ Tony had whispered to without any humor for once. The muscle on the right side of his jaw was ticking. She took in a deep breath and let it out slowly. Playing dumb wasn’t an option.
“Since I first saw you,” she answered. Lying would be a disservice.
She couldn’t lie, anyway.
“Since you first saw--” Steve began, then choked himself off. He lifted his hand to cover his mouth, closing his eyes and sucking in a breath through his nose.
Natasha said nothing, swallowing around a sudden lump in her throat. She’d never wanted to upset Steve. She never did want to upset her friends. And Steve... Steve was more. She’d never intended to act on it, but she could admit, at least to herself, that she’d had a bigger soft spot for Steve than she had for anyone else. Steve was... old fashioned. Very progressive, in a lot of ways, of course, but his opinion on soulmates... Natasha couldn’t fulfill them.
The Red Room had done its best to burn that part of her away; soulmates will only drag you down, they’ll make you weak, they’ll make you soft, they’ll be a burden. A lot of Black Widows had been known to kill their soulmates so as to not have that loose end. She’d come a long way from then, could understand the upside of having a team to have her back, but she doubted she’d ever turn her back on their lessons completely. She still had a lot of jagged edges, and so did Steve.
Steve sucked in another breath, wet, full of agony and frustration. His eyes gleamed with tears. Natasha wondered if she should apologize, watching as he finally let his arms drop to his sides again. She normally wouldn’t, but your soulmate realizing you’ve known about them for years and didn’t say anything seemed like the type of thing that she should make an exception for.
“It must’ve,” Steve began, then swallowed thickly. Coughed. Covered his eyes for a moment before dropping them again. He lifted his gaze to hers. “It must have been very difficult, finding ways to bend the truth for me.”
Natasha couldn’t help a surprised huff of laughter, shaking her head. “It was the hardest thing I’ve ever done.”
Steve couldn’t help the way the corner of his mouth turned up in response. “I guess I should be flattered. That I could have been the most for you at any point.”
“You’ve always been the most for me,” Natasha told him gently. “You’re the first one I look for at the end of a battle. The one I’m most comfortable with during downtime. I save extra food for you when I know you’ll want the extra calories. I make sure to always get an extra sesame seed bagel.”
Steve’s eyes softened. “You do, don’t you?”
“I’ll never be like the soulmate you always wanted,” Natasha admitted, ducking her head. “The one you dreamed of growing up. I can’t be that for you.”
“The soulmate I dreamed of growing up,” Steve repeated in disbelief. “The one I dreamed of before going into the ice? Before I led a superhero team with mutants and a god and a man I thought was literally a robot for three weeks? That soulmate? I haven’t thought of that person since I woke up, Natasha. I don’t need that old-fashioned soulmate anymore. I don’t want that soulmate anymore. What I want is--is you. In any way you’ll let me have you.”
Natasha took a deep breath, measured, slow, so he couldn’t see how overwhelmed she was. “I’m not sure I could ever let my guard down enough for you to have any of me.”
“Can I hold your hand?” Steve asked.
Natasha blinked, stunned. “Hold... my hand...?”
“That’s all I need,” Steve said, and she stared at him, lump once again forming in her throat. He had to be telling the truth. He was willing to take whatever she would give him, even if it was just scraps.
“Yeah,” she finally said, voice rough. “Yeah, you can hold my hand, Steve.”
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