#but this scene is gonna be a part of another set im working on. can anybody fucking guess what is is
housewifebuck · 9 months
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cvntrlseecvntrlvee · 4 months
home is where the heart is
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↠ pairing: wonwoo x reader ↠ genres: fluff ↠ word count: 900~ ↠ a/n: thinking abt bestfriend!wonwoo today 🥺 also ty to @hannieween who always reads all the little drabbles i type into her inbox, that’s how we ended up with this. she also helped write part of it, the an at the bottom will explicitly say which bits!! hope you guys like it uwu
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bestfriend!wonwoo who keeps you company after your break up with your shitty ex boyfriend.
bestfriend!wonwoo who lets you lean on his shoulder while you guys watch the latest episode of bake off and you’re ugly crying with a tub of ur favourite ice cream.
how he tries to distract you the next day by inviting you to play mario party because some of the boys are over and he doesn't want you to wallow in your room by yourself.
the way, after the boys leave, he takes you into his arms while on the couch and letting you snuggle into the warmth of his chest as you sniffle a little. wonwoo smells like fresh laundry and he rubs a comforting hand up and down your back.
to you, wonwoo was home.
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this is basically yours and wonwoo’s dynamic haha.
and he would never admit it out loud, but he honestly loves it. he loves as you ramble mindlessly, asking him pointless questions about nothing and everything at all. he remains quiet, but every now and then he’ll say is that so? setting you off on another tangent. 
you laugh at your own jokes, which makes him laugh as well. it's the kind of laugh that makes his nose scrunch and makes him push the rim of his glasses up a bit.
and when ur away for the weekend, visiting ur parents, and wonu is home alone, the silence is deafening, and he misses you. 
he misses you during breakfast, how you'd grumble about having to go to work and rant about the woes of capitalism and the five day work week. 
he misses you when he's rewatching the previous episode of bake off on the cold couch alone, and how you'd be telling him about the history of shortbread and something about an alliance between scotland and france. 
he misses you when he's out walking the dog after dinner and how you'd be talking his ear off about every little thing that happened to you that day, in chronological order.
wonwoo's life is quiet and greyscale when you're not there and he misses the colour of your laugh and your smile and the sound of your voice.
one night, he finally convinces you to go out to the movies with him. you've been feeling better lately, and you can't remember the last time you cried about your ex.
he buys you the biggest tub of popcorn, making sure the worker slathers it with extra extra butter (even though he knows its gonna give him a tummy ache later). and he watches you fondly as you try to choose between the buncha crunch or mike and ikes (his two favourites) before settling on both. 
he also gets you a cola slushie, but your hands get cold from holding the cup, making you clasp them together between your thighs when you finally go to sit down, and he wishes, god how he wishes, he could just grab your hands to warm them up a bit.
you guys decide to see the latest action movie, a genre which you love, but sometimes you can't handle the blood and gore that comes with it. so when the bad guy's about to get sliced to hell, wonwoo quickly throws his hand up to cover your eyes.
you grab his hands to move it away because im a big girl, wonu, i can handle a little blood (except your pants are on fire and you absolutely cannot) but he knows this and does not budge.
and when the scene is finally over and he moves his hand away from your face, you're still holding on to it, not letting go
wonwoo sends you a look but you've got ur eyes glued to the movie, as if holding his hand is a normal occurance (it's not) and you're not freaking out like wonwoo currently is (you are, in fact, freaking the fuck out).
wonwoo settles back in his seat, loving the way your hands feel around his and laces his fingers with yours. you keep his hand in your lap, squeezing everytime sometimes stressful or surprising happens on screen and wonwoo rubs back and forth on the back of your hand when you do.
when the movies over, you still don't let go of his hand, and neither does he. not when you’re picking up ur bag to sling over your shoulder, not when he's picking up the empty food boxes to throw away, and not when you're walking home together in the cool of the night, as you rehash the movie ending, swinging your hands between you when you get a little too excited with your theories
you're both still unwilling to let go of each other's hands when you make it back to your shared apartment, as wonwoo keys in the door code, and it isn't until you're in the hallway, in front of your two bedroom doors, that you realise neither of you want to ever let go.
so you don't.
you let wonwoo hold onto you tightly while you tell him you had a lot of fun tonight and he replies saying he always has fun when he's with you. and you get on your tiptoes to press a soft kiss to his cheek, both of your cheeks warming up.
and it isn't until then that wonwoo let's go of your hand, choosing to instead grab your face with both of his and leaning down to kiss you sweetly
wonwoo tastes like a mix of movie theater butter, fruity candy and salted chocolate.
and best of all, wonwoo tastes like home.
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a/n: this is my first time writing something in this sort of format! let me know what you think!! also the first part aboutt he rambling and the bit aboutt he cola slushie are courtesy of v, she's really fab and you all should go read her writing 👀👀👀
here are some lil extra bits that i didn't put into the drabble but i still think are cute to think abt hehe
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gif 1 by @jeonsupershy // this wonu when he finally gets the girl he's loved all his life
gif 2 by @meowonhao-main // this wonu when you shyly nod yes to wonu asking you out to a real dinner date
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this wonu (yes, im obsessed w this photo leave me alone) when you climb into his lap to snuggle after a really shitty day at work
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this wonu when you whine that his kisses are too sweet and you want him to kiss you like a man
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this wonu when he's about to ask you to marry him and legally be stuck w his loser gamer ass for the rest of ur life
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u when u say yes because he's YOUR loser gamer ass and u love him so SO much 🥺🥺🥺
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dreamwritersworld · 1 year
The chore. Part 2 (Sully family x reader)
this is part two of my first story! :) I decided to add the healing and growing of our character to ease the pain and panic that mayyyy or may not come in the next part 😭. I hope you enjoy it! 💕
Tuk had only just now fallen asleep since it’s been a couple of hours flying. I know that sooner or later she’s going to be hungry so I decided to take a break and go out hunting for our meal. I laid her down safely with my Ikran while I went to go hunt. It had only been an hour since I left so I whistled to see if Tuk was at least up, patiently waiting for a whistle back. She wasn’t thankfully but I was indeed so tired so I just decided to set our meal and future meals for the flight ahead.
I slept longer than expected not as much as Tuk though, I could only hope that the trip wasn’t taking a big hit on her. So I started preparing the meal that I hunted and started a fire, moved Tuk even closer in case she was cold. We ate and got back to flying. A couple of days passed and I can tell as much as Tuk tried to hide it, she was tired of flying and searching for “a place to settle”. She just constantly asked me “are we almost there?” All I had to give her was “We’ll see Tuk-Tuk! Just hold on goofball! :)” I don’t have a plan but I hope she doesn’t notice, she should be at peace and I can’t cause anymore trouble, especially since I’m the reason she wanted to leave the forest.
It wasn’t until a couple of hours I felt tears and a frustrated sob that I noticed Tuk was over hiding how she felt. “Im tired of flying. I want to go home. I want to settle wherever you said home would be. But we can settle another place can’t we? I just want a home.” I couldn’t do anything but hold her while she cried because I knew I had to keep going. I soon realized she was starting to catch a fever, a really bad one so I was in a hurry to find a clan to approach.
Her fever was only getting worse she was hanging on but I didn’t have much time. I feel tears build up, feeling like I let her down until I see huts I think we’re close to something. I hear calls, announcing a newcomers arrival, my arrival. I hold Tuk in my arms crying begging for help. “I do not come to harm anyone Please. Help my sister is sick and it’s only getting worse.” I see the Olo'eyktan and Tsahik coming towards us and I take a kneel to show some sort of my respects since I am holding Tuk in my arms.
“Why do you come here on our island for?” The woman speaks. “I seek a place to call home. A place to settle. I understand I am different but I will adapt. WE will adapt. We will learn your ways but please accept us. My sister is burning up and- please just heal her please.” The two turn to each other and discuss with their eyes as I wait and hold Tuk tight “Sister it hurts, everything hurts”
“I know Tuk, I know it’s ok just hang on” they turn back to me and the Tsahik says “Come with me child.” I follow quickly, hearing the Olo'eyktan urge everyone to return to the normal “Everyone go back to your duties!”
I stand by watching her do her work by the time she’s done Tuk is feelings better but quickly rested. The Olo'eyktan walks in as soon as she is done and she turns to me and says. “My name is Ronal, this is my husband Tonowari. How long have you been out flying?” I look up nervous to speak “M-my name is y/n. Who you just treated is Tuk. We have been flying for a couple of days now.” Silence is between us as she contemplates her next words “You seek a place to settle yes? Well you must learn our ways as you already stated. You must not fall behind.”
“Yes, yes I understand thank you. Thank you truly” She takes a moment to look at my face “Child, what is that scar?” I watch as she touches it. “Oh, it was from a fight I was in. Trust me I don’t do those anymore.” She laughs at how quick I was to cover it up. Then they decided that although we were newcomers, we shouldn’t have our own mauri since we were young. I couldn’t argue this since we are their guest, so they settled us comfortably into a far corner of their Mauri.
Finally a real sleep.
I woke up to a meal being cooked and settled on the table. I had greeted the leaders and introduced myself to their children. The girl, Tyseria lead the conversation asking about Tuk and I’s interests and hobbies and we all seemed to get along until it was time to clean up and I was asked to stay longer while the two siblings did chores. Tuk had walked away into our corner to start beading a bracelet with the new materials Tyseria gave her.
In a gentle voice Tonowari said “We do not mean to bring harm but we must know what went wrong seeing as you are a child taking care of a child. How has it come to this?” I looked down slightly saddened taking in what he said as it was true and seemingly sad. Although I had to be honest and stay true to my word, I told them everything, every detail, every word ever spoken about why I fled the forest.
“Well then y/n…we will take care of you and house you. It seems as though it is in your nature to protect the innocent, you have a strong heart. So I am sorry that on that day, the day you were once again shut out and left to die. No one was there to lift you up into their arms, the way you lifted others like Tuk into yours. No one cared for you the way you should’ve been taken care of then, so allow us to care for you now. It’s time to be at peace Y/n. ” and for the first time ever it was ok to cry, cry tears of happiness and comfort. I was finally going to be at peace.
So that’s what they did. We soon became daughters to them. I grew close with Tyseria, took care of Tuk and surprisingly got along with Aonung even if we seemed to always leave conversations with both of us blushing like crazy. At some point it was hard, to lose old habits. I was so used to being on my own and taking care of Tuk I sometimes lost sight of how others perceive me…just a kid.
I unknowingly over worked myself, fighting to show I can still stay on the island, a war nobody even knew was happening. Once Ronal told me to stop working as my hands were starting to bleed, I accidentally got upset and told her “I can’t stop I need to keep going, stopping means I don’t care anymore.” It wasn’t until then Tonowari and Ronal pulled me aside to talk is when I realized this isn’t like before, I’m not alone.
“All right, your not alone anymore and your not a bad person for leaving. You did not come out of the womb as a frustrated person Y/n. You. Y/n, came out of the womb a beautiful child who unbeknownst to her had a couple of wires crossed. So when you have finally received true love. The love you were always meant to have, it set something off in your brain that wants to deny it and keep fighting. You have been fighting a losing game since the first day you were in your other parents care. So you can sit here and continue looking me in the eye and say as calmly as can be, “I’m fine, it’s not big deal, I’m not thinking about it anymore and I am no longer upset at my past.” That. My child, is the disease of silent frustration. It is deadly. The hardest part about having this disease is that no one in the world can see it besides the ones that hold you close. And that is why we are here to show you we care, we are not leaving, we are not going to ignore your feelings, and we will go through this together. As long as we are here no one can hurt you” *
It was moment like those when I needed someone to pull me out of my old habits, even Tyseria and Aonung did.
I was looking over Tuk while she slept, it had only been a couple of days since we arrived but I was still pondering over the fact that I could’ve lost her if I had no solution to her fever. “What are youuuu thinkin?” I heard Tyseria giggle and say. I stood quiet considering if I should even say anything with the two siblings in the room but I decided to anyways “I thought Tuk would be the one…finally.” Confusion was written on their faces until Aonung said “the one what y/n?” I looked back down “the one who’s life I didn’t harm.” I immediately feel their hugs as Aonung said “you didn’t do anything wrong y/n, you did the best for her.” *
So yes it was difficult, but I made sure we knew their ways and observed everything to show Tuk to be better. We got many eyes and compliments because we learned at a quicker rate and speed than anyone at the island ever did. I didn’t want to overwork Tuk, I could never do that to her so instead while we were doing extra practice I taught her in games, the same way we did in the forest. It was going good and she maintained a smile until we were entering our home and I mentioned us having to practice breathing techniques. That’s when she got frustrated.
“No Y/n I can’t do it. It’s hurts. I can’t practice breathing. It’s easier for you to do when you already know the ways. This is the only thing I can’t and won’t do.” I sigh contemplating my next words, this is about survival and if I need Tuk to be safe I need her to learn how to breath underwater especially since she is surrounded by it. “Tuk please I know it’s hard and trust me I don’t know the ways fully either but we will learn. Together.” She’s silent considering what I’ve said “You made it so that we don’t have to fly anymore Y/n, so we that we can be together still. We’re safe now.” I glance down and smile “yea I guess we are” we sit for a moment enjoying the view of the beach. “All this. It’s worth it. All those times you would ask me if we’d find a home, all I could ever tell you was “We’ll see” and your face would fall every single time.”
“It’s better than saying yes and lying to me.” Tuk admits. “That’s what I told myself. But you want to know something I didn’t tell you? I never had a plan, I never knew where we were going. I never knew anything. I just fought and fought and fought and hoped you didn’t notice. I hoped we’d find something before you did. Did I do a good job?” My voice cracks as I start to tear up hoping I didn’t ruin her. “Of course you did sister! Are you crazy?!” I laugh and continue “When I was about to leave and you swore that you didn’t want to stay. Tuk, I fully believe if you hadn’t come I’d probably be lost. I was right to hear you out back in the forest, you made a request and I just had to trust myself and you to make the hard call. To take you with me. How did I get so lucky?” Tuk smiles and says “You made it so we can so thank you. For everything” I take a moment to stare at her and hold in the morning before saying “your welcome, for everything.”
We clean up the Mauri for awhile and continues the night like normal instead this time I felt a small hand reach out to me. “Can I..? Could I maybe sleep with you tonight.” Something we hadn’t done it in what feels like years. “You know like I did when I was little.” I agreed inviting her in. “Yea I-I’m not scared, just tired.” I smiled at her trying to reassure me while she hugs me in silence “….Tuk you’re still little” I hear her laugh and sigh “yea I know” and we drifted off into sleep.
Hope you enjoyed my loves :)!!! 💕
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contritecactite · 8 months
Radio Omens time!! Strap in for my subjective personal opinions made by one person about the full-cast radio adaptation of Good Omens.
We're gonna begin with: I am blowing kisses to the scripting/editing/production team. This thing is an impeccable adaptation. Im-pecc-a-ble. The voice talent is fantastic, the energy is stellar, the pacing is excellent, and the sheer amount of atmospheric info they managed to translate into radio-friendly format? Mwah mwah mwah. I think it's the kind of listening format that's not for everyone, but it is SO for me.
Time for some specific highlights! It was a long day so we're a little extra silly this time. It's also long and not in a reasonable order.
(Ok good my page cut is working this time.)
- Good GOD I forgot the primary voices were Like That. I shrieked (happily) as soon as Aziraphale's mouth opened. This is why I travel alone /hj
-- (Incidentally, I said "oh fuck holy shit I can't do this" when Crowley started talking, but I did it anyway *sighs in bisexual*)
- Hheeeennghsh the opening scene in Eden is. The way it's written successfully sets up who Aziraphale and Crowley are, who they're supposed to be to each other, and a hint at who they're going to be to each other later because they are SO delightfully snippy at one another in this scene. Aziraphale's "oh, it's you" and Crowley's "mmhm, yeah, well done on keeping demons away. Bravo" (heavily paraphrased) will be living rent-free in my head until I have time to write a fic about it.
- So, having Aziraphale do the early narration is an excellent way of setting the tone. What I need you to do, if you've only done tv omens (which is so so valid and I think really is another excellent adaptation), is remember Aziraphale's magician persona. And then imagine him being that for the entire story. The pitch, the rate of speech, the slightly frantic energy, the drama: it's all just part of his overarching character in radio omens, and it's SO good for storytelling.
- Radio Crowley knows what's in all of Aziraphale's infamous Bibles so well that he can quote them. I love this detail, I love it as a means of establishing their relationship during their "let's be godfathers" scene, and I love how hard he's ribbing poor Aziraphale about the extra verses in Genesis.
- Radio Crowley is SO like... tender? I mean, all Crowleys are to some extent Soft but something about this one has just a little extra something. I love the way he talks about his temptations and shenanigans. He's so proud. It eases what could feel like needless exposition because he really seems to like explaining his process.
- That's a bit of the same of what I mean about Aziraphale's personality. Since he's very obviously inclined to dramatize a story, exposition just fades neatly into his character rather than grating on the nerves.
- They reference The Arrangement a lot and usually with a great deal of affection. There's one particular time when they even acknowledge something about wanting to protect each other.
- I adore the way Anathema and her ties to Agnes are introduced. It's so concise but meaningful, and it's just the right amount of setup for her character appearing later.
- The baby swap scene in other iterations relies so much on descriptive narrative or visual language, but you know what? The heavily trimmed down version also works surprisingly well.
- Crowley knows about the hellhound way beforehand (and, of course, he tells Aziraphale. They plan their roles for the party years in advance, which is an extremely efficient way of communicating about that scene to the listener).
- At Warlock's party in the book, Crowley gets all suspicious about a gerbil being gifted to him. In the radio drama, Aziraphale wonders aloud if the gerbil might be suspicious and Crowley tells him not to be stupid. Just struck me as a funny thing to shuffle around.
- Adult radio Anathema is everything to me actually.
- Poor Newt's childhood gets skipped over (unless I missed it, which is possible), but I liked his adult introduction as well; it brings in the whole Witchfinder-adjacent cast at once and makes it super clear how they all know each other without lingering.
- Shadwell. Just. The actor's voicework is so evocative of someone who is very gesturally expressive. There's no way he wasn't swinging his hands around in the recording space.
- The Them are all 100% perfect. Shout-out to Adam for that mind-rending scream that I was not expecting to go on for so long. Interestingly, in chapter credits, the Them are not grouped with the humans! This makes sense, but it also made my brain go !!!
- The horsepeople (both original and extra) were also so good, and that chunk of the cast gave the impression of good chemistry, so the scenes were really fun.
- Crowley says Aziraphale's name a lot. A lot a lot. Actually, most people do; probably for simplicity's sake, there's no "Mr. Fell," or "Nanny Ashtoreth," just "Mr. Aziraphale" and "Mr. Crowley."
- Well, Shadwell does say "Mr. A," and there is a Brother Francis.
- One of Nanny's rules for Warlock is "don't talk to the creepy gardener" rkahjdjs Crowley what is wrong with you
- I did in fact let out another sound when the Nanny voice happened. We're not talking about it.
- When applying for the jobs, Aziraphale just straight up calls dibs on gardener and Crowley complains and says something like "can you see me in a skirt?" and Aziraphale just pulls a date at random on which he'd seen Crowley in a skirt. This was probably also in the book, but I noticed it here and didn't there.
- Crowley's idea of something calming to listen to was a radio gardening talk show ;~; and he likes listening to televangelists for the lulz (I have never used that phrase before in my life but I'm keeping it)
- Having him hear Aziraphale possessing the televangelist was absolute genius for keeping the plot cohesive.
- Seance scene continues to be painful ahahaha...
- Hell's emissaries know that Aziraphale was discorporated and they're mean to Crowley about it in a way that implies Hell has long been aware that they're working together. Intriguing...
- There's mention at some point about how no homes in Tadfield have PlayStations or Xboxes, and I think that's a cool bit of writing to establish the time period (along with Newt bricking smartphones, which I think was said at least in breadcrumbs).
- Almost forgot, but Mr. Gaiman and Sir Terry Pratchett being the policemen trying to book Crowley for speeding in the beginning is so cute.
- When Satan is about to show up, Aziraphale worrying about everyone else and Crowley going "and me!" like hello, I am also in danger, that's my boss?? if u even care?? was SO funny in this version to me.
- Look, there were a lot more things, but it's already been several hours since it ended, so I'm sure I'm forgetting many.
- Oh! Pepper's backstory being transformed into her speech to Adam was SO good on so many levels. It really drove home that Adam does love his friends, it deepened their lore gradually, it made Adam's role and decisions very clear, and it also struck me as "Pepper says trans rights" even if that wasn't the intention, so hell yeah.
- The gag reel leads me to believe that Peter Serafinowicz is A) probably the funniest person alive to work with and B) extremely relatable due to the amount of time spent on the struggle bus. Also whoever put the breaking glass sound over all the accidental swears, I love you forever.
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How about Yandere Elvis becoming obsessed with his latest co-star?
A/n: I can't believe it, a request from one of THE best Yandere writers in the Elvis and Austin fandom crash-and-cure, im so honored, I must be dreaming. I decided to do a black reader because there are not enough colored readers x Elvis, Austin!Elvis and Austin.
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The Star in his eyes
Pairing: Elvis Presley x black reader.
Summary: Elvis thought that it was just another movie, singing and getting the girl like always but what he didn't realize he'd met his true love and he'd have competition.
Warnings: Yandere Elvis, Possessive Elvis, Jealousy, Non-con, and con kissing, Drinking, Threatening, Implied sex and pregnancy, Manhanlding, Fistfight, Close to death experience, Time-period racism. (Hopefully not too long short)
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At first, Elvis didn't think much of you, don't get him wrong it wasn't because of the different skin color. No, it was because you were just the second love interest of his character and he had to focus more on the main interest. Little by little you caught his eye, he didn't know if it was the way the sun shined on your dark skin, casting a heavenly glow, or your quick wit and caring personality or you're simple love of books, and passion for acting, getting your character just right and despite being talked down you brushed it off like it was nothing.
All he knew was you were gonna be his wife someday, he couldn't care less what his fans and the world would feel about it.
You were his and people had to deal with it.
Elvis's eyes closed, feeling relaxed as the makeup and hairdresser, worked his hair, the feeling of her fingers going through his locks allowed him to imagine it was you, the image of him back at Graceland, laying on your lap on the couch in front of the fireplace as you whispered of your love for the rockstar was enough for a smile to creep up on him. Excitement pulled into his stomach and stirred alive his cock, after this he would film a few scenes with you, close very close with you, finally to feeling you in his arms.
"Alright you're done, honey." the dresser spoke after combing his hair back "Thank ya, sweetheart'." Elvis opened his electric blues and flashed his women-swooning smile at the dresser, it only widens as she tries and fails to hide her blush. He loved you but he just couldn't help himself, he said one last 'thank you and walked out of the trailer hearing the excited, happy squeals of the ladies inside, with deep satisfaction and confident booster he sets to find you. He scanned the set of the fake glorious mansion until he spot you getting into position and straightening out your maid costume, God you were beautiful, your hair up in a bun with pieces of hair falling elegant in front of your face, light makeup enhancing your strong features, and oh your lips, those lips, he wanted to make busied from his kiss, wanted to hear mewls, whines, and moans come from your parted lips.
Elvis rearranged his dress pants, to hopefully make his erection less obvious and sauntered to you "Hey darlin', Ya ready?" Elvis questioned as you looked up startled by him, those beautiful eyes shined a brighter shade because of the sun behind him "Ready as I can be." you answer right when the director shouted 'SHOOT' "Amari would you stop cleanin' and just listen to me?!" Elvis yelled, glaring angrily at you, sighing you throw the rag you used to wipe down the center table of the entrance and looked at your co-star "Mr. Truelove-" "Jake-" "-You. are. my. boss and what about Nia, she is your best friend, childhood best friend I will not break that girl's heart." you said with a firm tone and narrowed eyes. Elvis grabbed your hips and pulled you into him, a hand coming to rest on your cheek "Look me in the eyes and tell me you don't want this." Elvis's eyes searched yours "Jake.." you whispered unable to look at him "Amari.." he whispered back as he pulled you into a kiss of hard passionate, lips made to bruise "CUT!" the director shouted, ending the scene. Elvis redundantly moved away, allowing space between you two, "Ya did amazing." Elvis smiled, putting his hand on your shoulder "Thank you, that's quite a compliment coming from you." you smiled back, "So I was wondering if ya'd like to go out sometime." he asked despite already knowing you were gonna say yes.
"No. I'm sorry, I don't like you that way," you said, tone full of sympathy before walking away, so fast he couldn't react in time, a look of shock and disbelief was sure to be on his face. You rejected him? You rejected him, Elvis Presley when girls would do anything to get in his pants or even die to be his girl and you just brushed him off. No, you didn't get to say no to him, you must have been scared, right? why else would you turn him down? He just got to show he was serious bout you, yeah that's right. He'd do it tonight.
Elvis made his way to your stay-in outsider trailer, he reached the mental door in a purposeful stride, and he raised his knuckles when a sound faint in volume stopped him, moans soon followed by clapping skin. Elvis's blood boiled like water hitting its peak in a hot pat, red blinded his vision as he kicked the fragile door down, and as he pulled one of the cameramen out and off you, dragging him out of the trailer, in his birthday suit and punching the man in the jaw casting him to fall. Elvis ignored your pleading demands and your pulling as he lifted the other male by his neck and continued pummeling him until his blood-spattered covered Elvis's fist. Eventually, you were able to get Elvis off your secret love "Elvis what the fucked?!" you shoved his shoulder hard, he stumbled a bit before glowering at you and trapped you between him and the trailer, the white sheet that covered you falling to the ground and his knee pressed against you wet core. "No! what the goddamn hell you thinkin'?! Giving your body to somebody else?!" he whisper-yelled, slamming his hands on the cold metal, you flinched at the loud bang "I-Im not yours. You have no right to do this!" you barked back, trying to push him away "you are mine! That is if you want to keep your career, your life, and your lover boy to live to see another day." Elvis snarled, "Y-you wouldn't dare!" you stuttered " I would. You're my girl now and forever." Elvis reassured you that by kissing you again with another bruising kiss.
That was the day you met your husband, once the news had gotten out of you "Dating" the famous rockstar, hell broke loss at first but cooled down and people came to accept you, and poor Clint, he was smart enough to not press charges or even tell anybody of what happened. You had fallen pregnant soon after your honeymoon, and you weren't surprised, the man couldn't keep his hands off you, and at times you wished you could leave him and his short tamper but the tendering caring, the mindblowing sex made it hard now the baby coming you really was stuck with Elvis..and the worst part you felt yourself fall for the king of rock.
You sighed and rubbed your tummy before laying, spread out onto the king bed. What were you gonna do?
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mushed-kid · 4 months
okay klance au time
(i don’t think it counts as an au, because it’s not changing canon, its just something that could happen after canon)
warning this is long and hard to understand i cant be bothered. u either get it or you dont.
so i haven’t actually thought out all the details and stuff, this is very much just a thought i had:
It’s set after canon, aka everything stays the same. I KNOWWWW that farm lance gets a lotta hate and i get it trust me, but that also stays the same. Non-negotiable because this whole au basically built around that fact!!! so yeah suck it.
okay so everyone’s doing their thang, the paladins are growing up and like young adults, but they’re not teens anymore!
lance is at the farm, and keith works with the blade of marmora or whatever he ended up doing. i can’t remember but that’s what we’re going with. and you know there’s obviously some klance scenes in the last season and in this au that has developed as the next few years passed.
they might’ve started out hating each other and slowly getting better at standing each other, and then friendship developed into a little more, and now they’re basically dating. except they have never said that they’re dating, but neither of them wants to be with anyone else so it’s fine, they know. and they like it that way, it takes the pressure of. (everyone knows but it’s not something that’s brought up)
and anyway point is keith works in space right? and he comes back to earth often because that’s where they all meet, and they try to meet frequently. and that’s where lance lives, so why wouldn’t he? so he stays there when he visits, and it’s nice.
Lance, as always, goes hand in hand with angst. so add some of that. lance has gotten over his feelings for allura. obviously none of them have fully moved on, but with help from the others (and especially keith) he’s come to terms with that. however, that doesn’t mean it’s not constantly affecting him anymore.
he’s already lost allura, and he’s not actually dating keith, but he’s realized that he might not be as straight as he thought over the last couple years. and maybe there’s more to it than just letting keith stay at his house when he visits because he doesn’t have a house, and more because well he might be dating keith but he doesn’t know if keith considers them that. even if it feels that way sometimes
and he’s worried that it’s gonna be another allura-situation. he doesn’t want that, and keith is out in space trying to spread peace and stuff. and lance worries. lance doesn’t want to lose him before he’s even sure that he had him.
and he’s been trying to ignore that thought because everything is fine. keith wont get hurt. he knows what he’s doing and the war is over, so what’s the chances?
but then keith gets hurt.
and the whole thing basically boils down to lance going straight to proposing. because that’s just what he’s like, it has to be good, it has to be perfect. because keith deserves perfect. and it’s not like he can ask keith if they’re dating.
and this is honestly the part i haven’t thought that much about, this idea is mostly based on the setting. but im thinking he gets some help from the other’s at earth to plan it. everyone gathers at lance’s farm because that’s what they always do when they meet up. and everyone is there because keith comes back injured and stays with lance while he gets better.
and lance is nervous because what if he read all of this wrong, he did imagine the rival thing back at garrison, but the others help calm him down. and idrk how but he proposes to keith and asks him to spend their lives together and whatnot.
they have a BEAUTIFUL wedding, and the flowers that remind him of allura are all over btw. they’re in love and everyone’s happy despite it all.
yeah idrk i haven’t worked it out but i like the story. it’s based in the song Found by Dan Davidson. I think it’s cute and it fits with the farm thing. you have to listen to it to get my vision:
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Ok wild fuckass theory that probably works more as some type of fan fic AU or fix-it (loosely) and probably won’t happen but chekekfj
This is gonna be very rambly but bear with me
To me it seems that TFS and new details in Rebirth are setting up that Jenova is in more control than we previously thought. While I still believe there is some level of fucked up symbiosis, I question how much is actually Sephiroth (insane or not) and how much is Jenova. Would Jenova want revenge on Rufus for killing Glenn? Probably not because that is a very human, Sephiroth thing to want.
Jenova is a calamity that destroys worlds, we’ve known this since the OG and we’ve known that the Nibelheim Incident was because Sephiroth was rightfully angry, betrayed, and upset at what he had learned (false info but hey). In Rebirth we see it flashing between Sephiroth and Jenova, especially in the reactor where their faces are overlayed for a second. It makes me wonder, while Sephiroth was 100% having a mental breakdown, would he have killed and burned the entire village if it wasn’t for Jenova’s influence. In Crisis Core before leaving for Nibelheim, he was talking about deserting/leaving after this last mission. Without Jenova, i could see him wanting to get revenge on the people who wronged him, take down Shinra, and other such things. But since Jenova’s sole purpose is to be a world destroying calamity, she would twist that want of revenge on those people into just getting rid of all of it and become a god.
Side Tangent. I find the length of Sephiroth’s bangs to be important on telling what Sephiroth we are looking at (sane, short. insane, long) and Square seems to have just kinda forgotten about CC Seph having shorter bangs ig for optimization but it makes moments like in Chapter 8 of TFS confusing where we see very much sane Sephiroth from right before the CC era with long bangs and it cuts to Sephiroth with the same model, as far as i can tell, at the Edge of Creation. That leaves two options I can think of; 1: the Edge of Creation is a Jenova created sub space or mind space that she has been taking Sephiroth to and he has no idea wtf it is yet (unlikely). 2: That little scene was Sephiroth during the Remake Trilogy slowly gathering old memories and maybe even realizing that Jenova is in more control and influenced him more than he originally thought and is slowly regaining his identity. This feels more likely so thats what im gonna continue this rambling with. But please Square, you can sacrifice a few more megabytes to add another hair model to swap in.
Anyways, going with that Sephiroth is slowly remembering who he was, and how episode 1 of TFS seemed to be drawing some pretty harsh parallels between Sephiroth and Rosen plus everything they seem to be setting up with Jenova, i think Square is setting up a type of redemption for Sephiroth. It won’t be a true redemption but it would be something. The line from Rosen, “There is no place for me in your world,” feels very intentional and VERY Sephiroth. The parallels between Sephiroth and Rosen’s isolation and being trained from a young age to do one thing only for Sephiroth to kill him because Rosen feels that he can’t be a part of society feels like a set up for how Sephiroth’s story will ultimately end. If Cloud and crew somehow manage to separately Sephiroth from Jenova or something, there is no place for Sephiroth in the world anymore for very different reasons than Rosen. He’s killed, tortured, tried to end the world; no one would accept him after everything he did. Clearly, sane Sephiroth felt a lot of guilt over who he had killed and was trying his best to be the hero he never truly wanted to be to maybe right his wrongs. But if he gets his mind back, there is no righting the wrongs he had committed. There is no place for him anymore. He had been a dead man for 5 years anyways. The only thing he deserves is death and to finally join the Lifestream. The only catch is if Cloud can show the same empathy young Sephiroth did for Rosen. Any in the end, I think Cloud will be able to. In Advent Children, he showed some level of empathy and compassion for Kadaj in the end.
In the small snippet of Sephiroth we got in chapter 8 of TFS, he was thinking about how hate breeds more hate but compassion can end that cycle. And I think that is going to be the key to finally ending the cycle of FFVII.
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geneticcatalyst · 10 months
as promised, an exploration of my one pet problem in fandom, or: misinterpretation of jby's first death (ft. zzs)
heres the thing. i occasionally see people reference what seems to be a misconception of the (english translation) text in qi ye. both the fact that its a translation and the metaphorical phrasing make it pretty clear to see why they got the wrong idea, but i firmly believe its still the wrong idea. i am by no means calling the people who got this mixed up dumb or bad, i am simply leaning over their shoulders going 'wait no bestie pls read that again pls read that one more time!!' because this is one of my favorite books and this thing is a key piece of one of my favorite things about it.
i said i was gonna pull screenshots for this post but i think it will be a little while before i get to another reread and i can't ctrl+f the google doc so im just gonna whip this out from memory. if anyone does have this particular passage on hand feel free to pop it in here. the rest of the context/explanations are just from my cursory research, im not chinese or a historian.
cards on the table. the only thing i love more than unhinged gay romances is unhinged platonic soul mates. its catnip to me. i go feral every goddamn time. and i havent stopped losing my mind about zhou zishu and jing beiyuan since that first qi ye scene. what do those guys have going on? not even sure they know but it's A Lot. ive got like 18 other unpublished drafts trying to work that out slash losing my fucking mind at the lengths they go to about each other. that relationship is at the center of both novels even if the spotlight isnt on it. so I admit that my readings are colored a bit by how much i like that they like each other!
which is why im shocked baffled and, ok, lightly salted, to see a few people make the claim that zishu (personally) tortured/killed beiyuan in his first life.
so what the text says is that after helian yi stopped trusting beiyuan (after su qingluan's accidental death), he was basically put to death. but even the emperor has to have a half decent reason to execute someone. the text describes these reasons- ten of them- as zhou zishu's masterpieces. it also refers to them as great shames to beiyuan's standing. what's happening is that helian yi has zishu frame beiyuan for treason or other betrayals against the emperor/the country. it isn't specific as to what, but it doesn't really matter, because its all fake and zishu is really good at his job. so yes, it is fair to say that zishu is the INSTRUMENT of beiyuan's death, but he didn't kill him, he just laid the groundwork.
the text goes on to another slightly confusing line where it says something to the effect of that when each of these accusations were read out in court, each line drew blood from jing beiyuan. that's a metaphor! it's just saying that his reputation was torn apart and ultimately his fate is sealed, despite the phrasing there are no literal injuries happening.
also, i may not have the timeline perfect on this part, but in zishu's introduction in the beginning of the novel, the narration tells us outright that while zishu is partially responsible for beiyuan's death, he was like. cool about it. in what seems to be the first and only time he ever steps out of line or goes against helian yi's command (!), after setting all this up but- if im remembering right- before the news actually breaks in court the next day, zishu warns beiyuan. now this admittedly doesnt do a whole lot because the only other possible option (cut and run) isn't a very good one, but it's the only thing zishu can do. he doesnt have to, but he does it anyway (!). of course beiyuan doesnt even consider doing this, he's stubborn and heartbroken, but he really seems to 1. appreciate the risk zishu took here to try to give him a chance and 2. not hold the whole set up against zishu or take that bit personally.
so what actually happened at the end of beiyuan's first life? he was sent the 3 zhang of white silk. the text does explicitly say this once, but if you're not familiar with the practice it may not click. receiving the white silk from the emperor is what happens when you're too high ranking to execute like a commoner but you've fallen from grace and are being politely asked to hang yourself in order to clear your name. and of course beiyuan, stubborn and heartbroken, does. yes, it's a forced suicide, but it isn't a murder.
anyway, its in that secret conversation, where zishu secretly meets with beiyuan seemingly to try to convince him to save himself and beiyuan outright refuses, that beiyuan promises that if theres a next life (ha), they'll get drunk together. and of course against all odds, there is and they do.
the thing about the idea that some people might think that zishu killed beiyuan is that after that nothing between them makes sense. even if it was at helian yi's request, i just cant see that not permanently damaging the friendship, i don't think beiyuan could immediately pick back up being best friends in the seventh life with that memory in the way. why would zishu go out of his way to warn beiyuan one day if he was perfectly capable and fine with killing him the next? why would beiyuan not only be happy to meet zishu again in the seventh life but also go out of his way trying to save zishu's? none of their other interactions really make sense if you believe there was a murder done there. idk. it clouds the whole throughline of the story which is that they have a bond!
i think maybe people think it is in character due to the other ruthless murders, and they're not wholly wrong, but that's the kicker for me. zishu will murder all kinds of innocents no questions asked, but he's suddenly trying to give an out to his coworker and drinking buddy? hello? thats insane, and that's the point.
furthermore, if you think maybe it would make sense for helian yi to have beiyuan violently killed (since it keeps fucking happening later), i actually have to become helian yi's lawyer for a moment here and say that that doesnt make sense either. helian yi is sitting on a throne gained by shadowy means but he's the Good Guy Ruler and that reputation is important. hes not a cruel person and he may have become paranoid but he still has a shared history with beiyuan. plus, even the emperor has to abide by a certain amount of decorum when he wants to have people killed, especially when that person is also a high ranking member of court. beiyuan's status is basically second only to the royal bloodline, he's essentially the prev emperor's godson, as well as a previously close confidante of helian yi himself. the white silk was regarded as a privileged, dignified means of offing someone. helian yi is perfectly within social acceptability to do this to beiyuan with the pretext of beiyuan's disgrace. but it would be pushing the boundaries for the good and just emperor to suddenly have one of his top advisors and members of high nobility brutally killed like a common criminal. he could probably do it, but it would reflect on him and his reputation too. he could do it in secret, but would have to cover up the disappearance of a prominent court figure. it just makes sense to use the white silk as the neatest, most acceptable legal justice channel here. maintain emotional detachment, be polite, everybody's honor gets honored and such.
so that's the ted talk. theres even some beautiful fanart on here of white-haired first life beiyuan holding the white silk! he wasn't tortured or outright executed, and he chose to obey rather than escape or fight the false claims of treason even though his friend tried to give him the only out he could manage. to interpret things differently really skews the character motivations and plot for everyone- beiyuan, zishu, helian yi- in a way that warps the story out of believability, imho.
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ray's house headcannons
so i've been making nonstop theories about the layout of ray's house/mansion since episode 2 but thought id write them down. (i know that they probably didn't mean for the set to be taken literally but im bored and have time today so im gonna pick its appearances apart) I am taking all of whats presented to us literally because i think it'll be fun!
The Bar Room
i really didnt have a better way of referring to it so Bar Room it is. Now, i am starting with this since it is in the chunk of the house i consider to be "Ray's Rooms" at the time the show takes place (more on that later). This room is really only significant in two scenes:
The first time Sand goes home with Ray
Ray finding his mom's body
We see this room first in ep 2 2/4 when Ray pays Sand to come home with him and be his drinking buddy.
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the above angles are important to me for introducing three things: the bar stools, the lamp, and the curtains
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now we have this shot and followers who remember this post already know but i believe this is a framed photo of his mom on top of the liquor cabinet.
(side note: Im like 99% sure the print on top of the counter is of the Brooklyn Bridge, in Brooklyn NY so shoutout to Boston)
anyway the next time we see the Bar Room is in part 4/4 of the episode in a flashback.
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based on what we see in the flashback i believe this to be the same room since you can see very similar details to what we see in part 2 of the episode. i also think this confirms that the Bar Room is indeed the entrance to Ray's Rooms (which i will scream about later)
The Record Room
next up is the Record Room, which also makes its first appearance in episode 2 and then also plays a significant role in episode 7 2/4
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first I'd like to establish that 1. the Bar Room leads directly to the Record Room, but also that passageway leads to Ray's Bedroom.
the Record Room itself is pretty self explainatory, its a room designed to be a place to listen to the record player. as seen in the shelves of records and the wall prints of records.
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things i found interesting: there are 3 more doors (one not pictured in the above photos) in this room that lead to unknown places, there seems to be another balcony, and also there truly are a bunch of records.
Ray's Bedroom
It is first seen in episode 3 1/4, again in ep 4 1/4 and 4/4 and then ep 7 2/4
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in these photos we see a door on each side of the bed, a balcony on the left side, the same wallpaper that is in the Record Room, a coat rack for his button ups, and then also a few books whose titles i dont know. Also it lowkey looks like Ray is using 3 thick/firm pillows, i love my little prince. I highlighted this in the last photo but it looked a bit like the door to the left of the bed was a bit open, I personally believe these doors to be closets, I think it makes sense and I highly doubt he only owns button downs.
Mew's Mad Dash
I've saved these photos for their own section, but I think this moment is important for two things:
Confirming the layout of Ray's Rooms
Why he is going to different doors
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The first shot we get is of a reflection of the lamp that sits in the corner of the Bar Room
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pictured above: Mew enters through the Bar Room and into the Record Room
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(i told you there were 3 doors) Mew's confusion at the doors leads me to three different theories:
He's never been here before and doesn't know his way around
He's been here before but forgot how to get to Ray's bedroom/ generally just doesn't know where Ray could be
He's been here before but entered through one of the three other doors in the Record Room
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Here we see Mew enter a hallway that leads to the bathroom. important things: the door is open (i believe all the doors get closed by the people who work there until they are opened and left that way by Ray), Mew is facing away from the bathroom while looking for Ray, which implies there is something in front of him (i believe this to be the Bedroom), there is a mirror on a surface with a handle- I think this is the bathroom door left open, like the other door mentioned above, which reminds me of the glimpse we see of Ray's mother's body in a room where the doors seem to be open (idk what I mean by this besides just the sight of their bodies being found in the open, especially because of the vulnerable position his mom was in, does something to me, espeically especially because he is in the open but curled in on himself)
The Downstairs
We get limited glimpses of other parts of the house in ep 10
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based on that first image and other ones i think that the circular railing we see in ray's ep 2 flashback is either very end of these stairs, or further down a circular hallway that overlooks the downstairs. Alternatively this could be a seperate stair case/area entirely.
i personally dont think this counter we see in the dining area is a kitchen, i think its too small compared to a size i'd expect based on what we see of the rest of the house and i don't really see aplliances. i would however see this as a contender for a second bar- like hear me out the cabinets are displaying fancy plates yes but on the counter itself are decanters and crystal glasses, it also the only time we see Ray outside of Ray's Rooms, and i think its because his Bar Room was recently emptied of its supply so he had to come to the other one. also im kinda obsessed with the massive tv in the dining room like majority of seats are at a bad angle to see it, this is the kind of set up they use in like meeting rooms. also there looks to be another chandelier in the room next to the tv.
The Outside
we really only get two shots of the Outside.
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an interesting detail about this balcony is that, if we assume its the one in the Bed Room and not the one in the Record room, then the windows next to it probably belong to the Bar Room, which I assume has windows there unless the curtains were just decoration.
combing through behind the scenes footage confirms that 1. both sides of Ray's Bedroom have a balcony and 2. the Bar Room does lead to the Music Room which has the doors to Ray's Bedroom
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Why I've said all this.
My personal headcannons based on these details is that
What we know as Ray's Rooms, orginally were his mom's. I personally cannot see having a big ass mansion and then deciding the perfect place for your kids bedroom is next to the Bar Room, but also, the Bar Room being where his mom dies and also the Record Room containing her personal collection makes me think that this is where she spent her time. I'd even say the Bed Room could have been hers as well.
I think it could be possible that the mystery doors in the Music Room and Bed Room are way's to get from Ray's Rooms from other parts of the house but because of how the Bar Room attaches to the hallway that leads to the main stairs I will assume Ray typically enters through the Bar Room as we saw him do with Sand in episode 2 and as Mew did in episode 4.
as I said earlier I think its likely the mystery doors in the Bed Room are closets, and I'd say something similar for the Record Room. In terms of the Bed Room I think one door leads to a big closet and the other leads to a room with a vanity/ place to get ready type thing. In the Record Room however, based on the only times i've been in big houses have been famous big houses turned into museums, one of those doors might be one used by the staff to get around the house (i think it would be fun for there to be secret hallways please let me have this). It could also be interesting if one led to another room that we haven't seen. What that room would be, I don't know I don't live in a mansion
actually what if there is a game room and you can get to from the Record Room but whose main entrance is somewhere else
Also, I said i think these used to be Ray's mom's rooms and i stand by that- I think she wanted a place to retreat to seperate from the other people in the house that it doesn't seem she chose to make a family with, I also think Ray takes over the rooms after she dies- not immidiately but maybe a few years after
I think Ray and his mom both leave all doors open and all lights on, in an attempt to make the house seem lived in and inviting- but the staff who work there are instructed to close everything up as they clean (i don't really know how cleaning staff in a place this big work tho tbh)
i think there is a seperate kitchen where they have they're own chef, i do not think Ray has cooked anything in his life ever
i think when Ray was born they lived in the house that becomes the hostel and when he's a young child they move into this house
i think Ray subconsiously took over the part of the house that is a living reminder of his mothers ghost as a form of self punishment and i think it is a necessary step in his healing to move out of those rooms but i think it takes him a while to get there
yeah thats all i have as of now, just wanted put down my thoughts
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mediumgayitalian · 4 months
HELLO omg i love your solangelo royals AU, their flirtatious enemies to lovers chemistry in part 2 is so cute 😭 not sure if you’re planning to write more in the universe (i’m already so grateful for what you have out!!) but i just gotta say i am so curious about nico seeking asylum, and what the circumstances were when he showed up, and i desperately want to read more of EVERYTHING in this paragraph:
“Will was annoyed with him the first day they met. He was annoyed the second time, seething, really, dragging Nico back to the sterile surgical suite to fix his torn stitches. He was annoyed when Nico first shouted at him, bewilderment at this random physician treating him like he was another resident of the palace, not the only son of Hades. He was annoyed, notably, the one time Nico came to the infirmary after spraining his wrist in sword fighting and, in Will’s words, “breathed too loudly.”
i hit that ao3 subscribe button so fast 🫠
anyway, love your writing and all the snippets you post!!!! thank you!!
hi hi hi!! you have been reblogging my stuff!! i am very grateful for it as it makes me feel appreciated enough to keep posting!!
i am absolutely planning more in-universe 😎😎 i want the main fic to be long, slowburn, and will pov; i have lots of scenes rattling around in my brain but i'm still working on an actual plotline lol. if i figure out a way to start it i'm just gonna start and hope the plot finds me along the way lol
okay so the asylum thing. i have Lore and im so pumped u asked so here is my rambling:
my idea, and this whole spiel is pretty heavily inspired by this royal au series i'm obsessed with by @gatesofember (with a sprinkling of setting inspo from this fic by @percyinpanties), is that each olympian/major god is a House. so like House Zeus, House Apollo, House Hades, etc. i just thought it was way cooler than kingdom lol.
nico has been fighting nonstop w his father since bianca died. just. constantly. notoriously. they do not get along. they argue about EVERYTHING.
one day, Prince Nico of Hades shows up at House Apollo, ass o'clock in the morning, barely clinging to his horse, exhausted, and claims asylum.
uproar. basically. like thats DRAMA.
of course apollo loves drama and also cannot refuse asylum without good reason, so he graciously accepts. some fun details about that:
nico is now, before a prince, an Asylum Seeker. by status, he is not royalty outside of his own House if he steps away from the role, which he lowkey has done by seeking asylum from his own House. he has very little say in anything now.
apollo, however, has granted him shelter in the royal wing of the House, granting him a royal suite of apartments as if he was a visiting diplomat/royal/House Hades representative. this does not, technically, change his official status, but it does make abundantly clear that apollo still considers him of royal status. aside from that, he's still a prince, and no one wants to make an enemy of a prince (since he can still easily return to his throne, essentially? like there are no laws stopping him from doing so. this whole situation is just Odd and Weird and Really Good Gossip), they were all gonna treat him like prince anyway. he has the fancy clothes and still wears his circlet and often sits in on apollo's fancy meetings and shit (apollo likes his nerve).
will could not give any less of a shit.
he is the only person in the entire House and probably beyond who not only does not give a shit, and does not give a shit to nico's face.
this is insane behaviour.
will is the house physician, right. so in term of respect, he has a lot of it, but he has no authority outside his own infirmary, really. he gets a lot more respect than his status calls for because he's prodigiously good at healing. like. people tease that he can raise the dead. he can't, but. you know. apollo is the House of Drama, really, so no surprises there.
will kinda holes himself up in the infirmary?? there are a few reasons for that. one, apollo is a very artistically inclined House, and will is not very artistically inclined, so he started working in the infirmary as a kid and basically stayed there lol. the court physician before him was actually apollo's oldest daughter, hygieia, whom will adored to a million pieces and who doted on him lol. (she got him a little physician's tunic when he was seven and he literally wore it until it was threads). anyways. he feels useful in the infirmary, and its also where he does all his studies, so he mostly stays in that area of the castle. two, he doesnt get boundaries very well. he also thinks hierarchy is deeply, deeply stupid. for his own safety his friends are like hey. maybe dont interact with visiting royals and diplomats and shit. because someone is going to stab you one day. (and will is like 'well i'll just fix myself then' and they're like 'will for the love of the gods. please.') plus the east wing of the castle (where the infirmary is) is rly well lit and beautiful and leads right to the gardens and the library, so will likes it there :)
this would usually be a great mix, right? nico, who has been treated very much as a prince his entire life and has had people either walking on eggshells around him or scared of him, who has never had anyone but his father and maybe his sister defy him in his life, chilling in the centre part of the castle with the rest of the more royal members, and will, mr Authority Who? Don't Tell Me What To Do, chilling out in the east. no need to interact with each other.
nico is a dumbass who got hurt on his way to House Apollo. and did not tell anyone bc thats embarrassing. so he collapses right after asking asylum, and is carried to will's infirmary, who waits with his foot tapping until nico wakes back up and tears into him 😭😭 calling him the biggest dumbass to ever cross these lands and getting quite creative with it, really, absolutely running his mouth, and as soon as nico recovers from being bewildered (does not take long) he is like you??? cannot fucking talk to me like that???? i am the prince of ghosts???? fucker??? who do you think you are talking to??? and will is like i brought you back into this world, you fucker, i will send your ass right back out of it if you dont sit down and shut up and write down these recovery instructions. and nico is like ???? meanwhile the nurses in the infirmery who know will's stubborn ass are GIGGLING. like they think hes gonna die but at least its funny.
everyone lowkey expects nico to tattle to apollo and get will thrown out or something.
nico does not. which is weird, because, like, maybe he usually would?? but will makes him so mad he cant even think straight. the second hes released from the infirmary he stomps to his new quarters, seething. he shows up in the infirmary next day with the full intent to start an argument. instead, will tries to put him to WORK. and then gets irritable when nico refuses and kicks him out.
just absolutely insane behaviour. if anyone talked to nico like that in his House theyd be arrested, if not excecuted. hell, if will says this shit in front of apollo he might still get arrested, because what. but nico keeps going back and continues to get humbled by will basically every day.
and, ho ho, what happens?? does he maybe begin to care about will?? no. of course not. will is a pain in his ass.
insert part two here, blah blah blah, nico very obviously does care about will and its embarrassing
he realises right after this that he cares about will. although theres still a layer of denial over it bc will is his fucking nemesis, a pain in his ass, and also a Whole Ass Guy, so.
will begrudgingly allows nico to drag him out of the infirmary on occasion.
he has to admit, that when nico isnt being a diva, he is.
kind of.
a little.
if he had a knife to his throat, he would admit this.
in terms of falling in love, they fall in love FAST. after that barrier of "you're so fucking annoying" "IM annoying?!?!?!" "yes glad you agree" crumbles, they both go TUMBLING off that cliff bro. will takes a cannon to every single one of the bitchy walls nico put up after his sister died, leaving him heart wrenchingly lonely. he treats nico like a person. and nico treats will like an equal, not someone lesser, in fact he treats will like hes not a prince, not a king, but a god. he reveres him. will has never felt this worthy of anythign in his life.
obviously, though.
its vague ambigious royalty times.
their relationship is forbidden and very, very secret.
nico, as a royal, wouldnt face many consequences, but will...
the issue is that will is the most frustrated by the secrecy. nico has always known that he would have to love in secret, he grew up in that truth. will has never lied about anything in his entire life. the whole royal hierarchy makes no sense in any way and pisses him the hell off. he doesnt like having to be cautious about the way he touches nicos shoulder.
4. wrote too many things in one block and got cut off 💀💀 turns out i DO have a plot omg. thank you for asking. GOD i love them so bad.
5. as for the paragraph you liked -- ME TOO I WAS SO PROUD OF IT. IM GLD YOU LIKED. im seeing now ive kinda mixed the first and second "will was annoyed with him" in my brainstorming but eh. ill iron it out later.
6. anyways!! thank you!! expect more for the royal au soon. not sure if im gonna do what i did on my other blog and start slowly updating & posting the long fic, or if ill add some more short ones as i write the long fic in its entirety before posting, but ill figure it out. i have lots to say about them and theres nothing more fun to me than writing secret relationship and rivals to lovers teehee
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myloveforhergoeson · 25 days
Hiya! 😊 You're now a writer for the show. What three episode storylines are you gonna write? (In other words, what are you gonna make the boys do?)
ohm y god i literally have so many episode ideas but i'll try not to repeat any of the ones i've made posts about (except my first bullet bc im so passionate about it) so i'll give you my big list. most if not all will likely be something i DO end up writing about in my own story because ehehe i love making them do things
ones i think i've mentioned before:
a returning to minnesota chapter!! not for anything but nostalgia, getting to see the guy's favorite places, seeing their friends and families, bringing them back to realize how far they'd come. not so shy spon for my fic but i wrote a chapter like this last month and it's probably one of my favorite things i've written to date. it let me explore some of the boys' past, family dynamics, a little bit about Katie and agh i can't believe btr didn't capitalize on that at least once. ik its expensive to fund sets and hire new actors but idk i imagine it like an hour special where they could afford to shell out a bit more. idc when it happens, could be after they sign their record contract or the last episode or whatever :)
sketch comedy episode, something akin to saturday night live or so random
graduation! like you and i talked about lol i think it would be sweet
get me in the writers room stat:
originally i'd planned a "home alone lost in new york" like chapter for my story around thanksgiving where the boys are going to perform at the parade in town but they end up having their own adventure around the city beforehand. boyish antics, screaming gustavo, beautiful scenes, the works. i was just in too much of a slump to actually put it to paper :)
more tour-focused chapters (again, spon for my own fic lol) the episode in Canada was cute and the one on the bus was fun but idk there's just so many elements toward touring that i think they could've capitalized on; homesickness (for CA or MN), hardship of a go go go schedule, or fun things like being able to travel with your best friends and not ending up on the world's most wanted list lol. i know they tried really hard with this one so i don't blame them too much but my vision is just different and that's okay!
crossovers! while i'm so very happy dan schnider didn't have either of his disgusting hands in big time rush, i do remember watching the icarly/victorious crossover for the first time and wishing big time rush were there. it takes place in LA! the victorious kids are singers! carly, sam, and Freddie are pop culture experts! it would've worked really well :) so i'm writing that as a chapter for my fic LMAO
generally either an episode focusing in on or more scenes including james and lucy since the writers wanted them to be together so bad. inherently there's nothing wrong with them being together, but i do not think the relationship was given enough time to develop. give me lucy discovering her feelings for him, give me james not being creepy and obsessive about her; something more needed to be done on both of their parts to make me believe in it
additionally on that note more with jo/kendall and logan/camille; i love them both but they also had little development, just more than james/lucy. maybe they give carlos a gf (not alexa IMO, sorry. that got into weird territory for me idk why they made him be with a "real" person when he isn't other than they were already together irl) earlier and they can all have like conversations about their gfs and how much they love being together idk
and another generally, there were many songs btr put out that i love so much and feel like deserved their own episodes for hehe. i know not all of them have storylines easily transposed but i think they used confetti falling like four different times in the last season when any other love song from their third album could have been placed instead
and also another generally, and i know the early 2000s would've never allowed this for children's television but they should have and i'm the writer now!!!, but more representation all around. maybe some episodes about cultural heritage that didn't make stereotypes the main focus, canon LGBTQIA+ characters, holidays that aren't christmas, aspects like that where all kids can see themselves represented... LA is such a huge melting pot, it's not all white kids trying to make their dreams come true!
good god that was long SORRY AKJBSKJGBAB i have a lot to say and there's a lot im trying to incorporate into my story to add in what i think enhances the already present storyline. that's what's so beautiful about fandom, i love that we can have conversations like this :)
but what about you? anything you'd like to add in? i'd love to know <3 thank you for the question!
ask me a question! save my life!
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riddle0305 · 2 years
Your daughter gets the role of Leia
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Hayden Christensen x f!reader
imagine : you and hayden met on set and years later your daughter gets cast as your star wars daughter
Notes : Y/N - Your Name D/N - Daughter's Name
warnings : None
Y/n walked into her house and was greeted by the pups at her feet, as well as the 8 year old running from her father and his lightsaber.
"mom! darth vader is gonna get me!"D/N said as she hid behuind her legs, she looked and saw her husband still in his suit, lightsaber in hand, minus the helmet.
"oh no, you better go get your lightsaber and fight of the dark side" Y/n laughed and stroked her daughters hair as she moved the grocery bag to the otherside. D/N quickly ran up stairs and into her room as Hayden walked over to his wife.
"why, hello my dark lord, can i help you?"Y/n smiled and tilted her head
"you, my beautiful padme, are home early. i didn't expect you for another hour or two."Hayden put the lightsaber on the couch and greeted her with a kiss on the cheek
"i finished my scene early, figured i go to the store, come home, make dinner"Y/n shrugged and hummed, returning the kiss on his cheek beofre she headed to the kitchen
"how was it having D/N on set?"Y/n asked
"great, yeah i actually have news."Hayden nodded
"they want D/n to play princess leia"Hayden told her
y/n looked at him "seriously?"
"yeah. they were looking for her and i put D/n forward. they kid they had didn't wanna do it anymore."
"what did they say?"Y/n asked
"they said they'd think about it, but based on the fact she was amazing, she looks like leia and us because she is us, im saying the odds are in our favour."Hayden shrugged
"don't get too excited she might not."Y/n shrugged
"come on, babe, shes literally Anakin and Padme's daughter, how could she not?"he hummed and wrapped his arms around her waist from behind as she unpacked the food
Y/n hummed and swayed with him slightly as they heard D/n come back downstairs. "prepare to die , Darth Vader" she annouced
"you wish! surrender and save your mother!"Hayden lifted Y/n and ran away with her.
"okay, just the last few questions"The interviewer told Hayden, Ewan and Y/n as they sat on the couches "its rumored that your Daughter, D/N Christensen is going to be playing Princess Leia, is that true?" he asked
"we can confirm that's true, D/n auditioned and got the part of young leia."Y/n nodded as she held Hayden's hand.
"oh cool! so- was that planned? because obviously you both play a part in starwars franchise as Anakin and Padme, so did the casting directors plan for D/n or..."
"oh no, no, no. i had brought D/n to work with me and she was like ' dad, this is so cool, i want a lightsaber, i wanna dress up' blah blah, you know just pure excitement. so i was talking to Ewan about it and he told me that the girl they orginaly had for leia didn't wanna be leia anymore, she backed out. so i took D/n and i let her audition, you know she wants to be an actress, and i thought it was good practice for her and i was shocked when she actually got the part, no one knew i put D/n in the audition, none of the directors knew she was mine and Y/n"Hayden explained
"i didn't even know he put her forward, i got a call from him while on set of my new tv show and he said "she got the part' and i was so confused, i was like, 'hayden, what are you talking about?" and then he told me and i was so happy"Y/n added
"i couldn't believe it when i walked on and she was standing there, it just- it's amazing how perfect it is."Ewan nodded
"it is, do you think she did great?"
"oh, i think she did amazing when filming but that could be just my father instinct, you'd have to ask ewan"Hayden looked at ewan
"oh she was fantastic, you know, she was amazingly professional and also very funny and she would cause lots of trouble that's how i knew she was definitely theirs"Ewan pointed at the couple
"i don't know weither to be proud or offended"Y/n nodded slowly
"proud, absoultley"Ewan assured her
"okay, and to wrap it we are just hours away from people being able to see this, is there anything you want the fans to know or any last thing you wanna say to them before we get to see this series tonight?"The interviewer asked
Hayden looked at Ewan and Y/n before he smirked and lifted his microphone
"This is where the fun begins"
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uriekukistan · 16 days
how do you … hhow do yiu start writjng. like how do you. opening paragraph…. how do you begin..
sksjdj sorry this took so long, i genuinely rewrote my answer 3-4 times 💀 took me a few hours to figure out how i wanted to answer this tbh bc usually i don't even know what im doing either
also im by no means a perfect writer, i’m still working to improve with every fic, so pls take this w a grain of salt, everyone writes their own way as well…hopefully this isnt too long or annoying or preachy or anything.
i always have an outline of my fic ready before i start writing, regardless of if it's super vague or highly detailed, i also try to think about what the character(s) want from the situation(s) and potential ways that could create conflict (not in an angsty way per se but in a plot moving way). knowing this is super helpful for deciding where to start because different types of openings are good for different stories.
ideas i use a lot!
-> character intro! this is my most commonly used way to start a new story. i like to make sure my MC is in the first sentence so the reader knows who the story is going to focus on. this does have a potential to go wrong, bc essentially, there's the good way and then there's my immortal 💀
when i say to use a character intro, i mean like their mindset/beliefs as they pertain to the plot, main conflict they're facing, or how they're feeling at that moment, rather than "basic info"
ex: megumi fushiguro is 15, has black hair and green eyes, and he's a jujutsu sorcerer and is in his first year at jujutsu tech. in his free time, he reads. he loves animals. he was abandoned by his parents at a young age, so he's wary of others <- boring, bland, sparks 0 interest
VS: Megumi was never a fan of love. Not in books, not in TV shows, not in movies, and certainly not in real life. He hadn’t so much as considered having romantic feelings for someone in fifteen years of living, and he wasn’t about to start now. Definitely not now. Not after what had happened. <- interesting, gives insight into how megumi thinks (and how strongly), sparks interest bc what happened??
hsiao doesn't want to date a coworker because she has a dangerous job, but has a crush on saiko. urie can't express his feelings because he's spent ages bottling them up, and now he needs to grieve someone he didn't realize he cared for until it's too late. establishing these things is really important, and should be done eventually either way.
i think this method works best for stories focusing on a conflict that's more internal because it sets up the characters psyche, but can still be used for external conflict effectively!
-> dialogue: another one that can be tricky, and gets a bad wrap sometimes, but it can very much be used well. it's good to use if the story is focusing on interpersonal conflict, especially if it involves a lot of arguing. usually, i throw the reader into a high tension, fast moving scene with dialogue, sometimes one with a confrontational start, sometimes in the middle of an already brewing interaction.
-> strong feelings: this works best with negative feelings, so i use it mostly for reeeeaaaallly angsty fics. physical pain, extreme sadness or guilt, grief, rage, or high stress work really well for this, because they're feelings that tend to consume everything else. you gotta be ready to dedicate a few paragraphs to really good descriptions that make readers feel. it's a bit intimidating to write and has the potential to overwhelm readers as well, so i tend to reserve it for fics that i intend to be really heavy and upsetting, no happy ending/comfort type fics
-> straight into action: gonna be honest, i try to avoid this one as much as possible unless it's in a multi-chapter fic where the characters/conflict have been firmly established. used outside of this, i think it works best with actions that are literal beginnings, or it feels like part of the story is missing. things like waking up, opening a door (staring at a blank page trying to write..........)
lil tips ig
★ shorter sentences: my usual writing style has a lot of lengthy sentences, but when it's the first thing a reader sees, it slows down the pace immediately. of course, there's a place for long sentences as well, but the average reader is going to go for something that grabs their attention quickly.
★ u don't have to start from the beginning!! honestly i get this from writing academic essays, but sometimes it's easier to write the beginning after you wrote the rest because even if u think u know where ur going, it can change as u write it. tbh once i wrote fic almost entirely backwards 💀
slfkjgnkjnsfglk i hope this was at least somewhat helpful, honestly i wasn't sure what to say, but i'm really excited to see ur fic!!! ik u have a lot of things planned, so i'm sure once you get the first words out there, the rest will start flowing !!!
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bunnyboowrites · 5 months
♡ (adj.) beautiful or creative; divinely inspired; peaceful and perfect.
Cat burglar Nami x BlackFem!Reader
So this is gonna be multiple parts and I'm very excited. I feel like I'm up to this task and I'd love the support so don't be scared to comment or reblog! There will be smut eventually :p Warnings: None Next
   Time and time again Nami would ask how she got herself into these situations. She was about to be late to set because she was too busy shopping again. Her heels clicked on the concrete as she hurriedly walked along the street towards the set. It was a miracle, but she made it with just enough time to get to hair and makeup. She sighed as a nameless assistant rushed to meet her 
    “Don’t call me that, Nami is fine” She rolled her eyes and handed the shopping bags she was holding to… what was his name again “What's your name?” she said with an uninterested look 
     “Oh um Oliver, Ollie” he looked down at the many bags now in his sweating palms. Some being from brands that cost more than his entire apartment. 
     “Ollie, if you drop a single thing on the way to my trailer you will be looking for a new job” She began her journey to get ready and shoot the scene of the day. She was cast to be the female lead in a romance movie about some bad boy billionaire meeting a waitress and saving her from her shitty life and shitty boyfriend. She would never go to movies like that but she understood why other people would.
Part of the appeal is that someone could just whisk you away and she couldn't lie and say she hadn't wished for it herself; when she worked for Arlong Park Entertainment. He said he was her manager but he was more like her jailer. Since then she began working with a new talent agency, she got this job thanks to Strawhat Management. It was run by a bunch of idiots but she still loved and respected all of them. Her thoughts came to an end when she heard the voice of her manager now 
         “Nami, this place is out of food.” Luffy groaned as Robin just sighed and tried to comfort him. 
         “Luffy I told you they don’t keep much food around after a certain time we have some more on the way to us right now. Please pace yourself a bit next time” Robin pushed her glasses up her nose and looked at the orange-haired girl “You have to go get ready, don’t worry I’ll take care of this' ' she said gesturing to their ‘starved’ boss. Nami just nodded, changing into her gown for the gala scene and sitting; scrolling through her Twitter waiting for hair and makeup.
Once the hair stylist arrived they styled her locks into an intricate updo and she put on the rest of the accessories to complete the look. There was a knock on the trailer door and with a rushed greeting entered a woman. She looked to be the same age as her, but what Nami was taken aback by was her beauty. Eyes sparkling behind her glasses, lips plump and glossed, she could be mistaken for another actress if it weren’t for the massive makeup kit she seemed to be carrying with her. Y/N quickly put her things down and began getting everything ready to finish Nami up and sent on her way. 
           “Hi, im Y/N i hope i can work with you for a long time.” The brown skinned woman held out her hand to Nami; she was stunned but was quick to recover and gave her hand a shake. “Well i'm Nami, im hope we do as well” She couldn't deny the attraction she felt towards the woman but Nami prided herself in not dating her coworkers and she would keep it that way. 
  But of course it wasn’t gonna be easy when she was so close to her face, the smell of honey and vanilla filling the ginger's senses. She was holding her breath like if she were to breathe she would mess up the whole look, and she was working on her eye shadow. Nami felt an awkward air settle over them and she couldn't stand the silence anymore. 
       “So Y/N, i havent had you do this before, are you new?” She inquired and Y/N gave a huff through her nose finding humor in her question. 
       “I’m not new, but you blew up on one of our other artists was breathing too loud for you” she murmured in a sarcastic tone “so i mean i'm new to you, not new to how everyone treats you like a spoiled little princess” Nami scoffed but then she bit her lip
        “Well they should’ve brushed their teeth after eating onions. No one wants to smell hot breath.” Nami just sighed, was she supposed to apologize? They were in her personal space with their hot breath.
        “You could’ve been more respectful about it” Y/N put the brush down and wiped her palms on her apron looking through her kit for the red lipstick that would match the gown perfectly. When she found the tube she let out a tiny noise of victory. She opened it up and slowly  leaned in to spread it on the other girl's plush lips. Nami watched and she took this time to actually admire Y/N’s beauty. Her skin was glowing and she had minimal make up on her face, Nami liked it anyway. 
          “Alright all done, see you on set!” The girl's words woke her from her daydream and she watched as she scurried out of the trailer. Nami decided she would read the script over again while she waited for Olive to come and get her- wait that wasn't right.. Shit Oliver. Rolling her eyes she went back to reading.
    They had been shooting this kissing scene for what felt like hours, her costar Traflager Law wasn’t a horrible kisser but she definitely felt his lips against hers more than enough today. He seemed over it as well, with the sigh he let out at hearing the director yell cut and start telling them that they weren’t selling it enough. She just looked down at her manicured nails, but she soon saw a pair of clean white sneakers enter her view. Y/N noticed that her lips had lost some of the red so she was there to get Nami back to her goddess-like beauty. 
       “Hey, you guys are doing great i don’t know why that guy has a stick up his ass” she gave a smile and continued “shouting in french like we don’t understand his vision” Nami let out a snicker and Law cut in 
      “Come on, we’re here to work not gossip” he crossed his arms over his chest and huffed “Let's get this over with so we can go eat” Y/N felt the embarrassment creep in but she kept up a straight face and whispered to Nami “Just think about someone else” and walked out of the shot. Law put his hand on her waist and Nami thought about the advice. When the director started the scene; Law was swaying them back and forth in a slow dance, she let her imagination wander. Smaller hands touching her waist, a curvier body against her, the sweet vanilla and honey scent, and when he finally leaned in to press their lips together she thought about kissing softer fuller lips belonging to a certain curly haired MUA. When they pulled apart she couldn’t help but feel a sense of disappointment when she saw the dark haired man instead. Dazed she couldn’t even bask in the praise they were getting.
       “Wow Nami, it was perfect you looked more passionate!” Sanji said with a love struck smile “You made it so believable” he clasped his hands together and leaned forward in his chair “i think we are all ready to get going so tomorrow bring your a game cause we have another long day of filming ahead of us. Get some sleep!”
   Nami sighed with relief; she was finally able to get back to her trialer and relax. The gown was getting uncomfortable and she felt as if the makeup was sweating away. Oliver followed behind her yapping about the schedule for tomorrow. She was blocking him out of course, she was trying to figure out why she was so infatuated with Y/N. She dated plenty of Men and Woman alike but never did she get the feeling she had now and it was only in her imagination. 
  Y/N was relaxed the minute she stepped foot into her shared apartment. Her Friend Bon Clay in the kitchen make what looked to be their dinner. “Bonnie babe, whatcha making?” she said walking over to the island to watch them as they worked. 
      “Well I'm making some lobster tails and some pasta” they answered with a smile “It's to celebrate your job and how you’ve basically made it” They did an excited turn and she couldn’t help but laugh.        
“Bon, you didn’t have to do anything. But thank you” She hugged them and stretched “I'm gonna go get in the shower and change before we eat” She walked down the hall into her room and was quick to grab the essentials for her shower. Her phone vibrated in her pocket; an unknown number ‘Will be my personal make-up artist?’ she frowned ‘Who is this?’ she replied and she felt a smile ‘Princess Nami ofc :p’ she sat her phone down on her bed and played her shower playlist.
It was a big decision and she didn't want to be too hasty when she finally stepped under the spray of the shower. Running her hand down her face she sighed and came to a decision. She stepped out of the steaming bathroom; towel wrapped tightly around her. She reached for her phone and typed out a response ‘We have to be friends first, can’t work for someone I don’t like lol’ She felt her heart beating faster as she watched the bubble load… ‘Well ofc princess, we wouldn’t want to be disagreeing all the time. Meet me at this address this weekend’ she chuckled and moved to finish her nightly routine.
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stormyoceans · 5 months
Monica I'm really scared. It's ep 11 next week. We haven't got Mork crying. (Sam mentioned to me that we haven't even gotten the day bawling scene from the trailer?) This eye donation thing seems a little bit too happy and hopeful for an ep 11.
I know this sounds bad but I really hope day doesn't regain his sight. Because everything the series built up about how blind people also are able to experience this world will all go down the drain. And some part of me knows p'aof will not do that. But then. It's so cruel. To give Day the eyes, the hope of vision just to yank it back so heartlessly. It's so mean. I am scared for next Friday monica.
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i feel like i should probably wait to answer you because rn the episode is still too fresh in my mind and i don't have the emotional detachment necessary to be, if not positive, at least not utterly and embarrassingly overdramatic about this but. my mood really flipped a whole 180 degrees because of that ending and ngl. im not doing too well ;;;;;;;
the thing is. i don't think the surgery next episode is gonna be successful, but i still so deeply dislike this eye donation plotline regardless of how it's gonna end because what's the point of it? if the surgery is successful and day gets his sight back, then it's gonna defeat the entire message of the show. if the surgery fails and day remains blind, then it just feels completely purposeless since he didn't need this to accept his disability and learn that he can still have a fulfilling life: he had already accepted this at songkhla, and it was perfect. honestly the only reason i can think of for them to go down this road is to have the surgery be unsuccessful now, only to end the series with day getting it again after some years and this time working out to show that 'you should never give up hope'. and i can't even begin to explain just how much that wouldn't sit right with me. and i mean i don't have a disability so i obviously don't have any right to say this, but still
not to mention that i actually still feel like those two moments with day and mork crying that we have yet to see are both related to the two of them breaking up because mork doesn't feel like he can take care of day, so they're gonna make him leave until he can prove to day's mom that he can provide for day. which is another thing i would hate
i just don't understand why would they choose all of this when, instead, p'aof could have had mork and day figuring out their future TOGETHER and BOTH trying to prove to day's mom that they can take care of EACH OTHER. like the show made such a point of making day become more independent and empowered but now they're not allowing him to be. i wanna see him walking outside alone with a cane, i wanna see him go back to school and finish his studies, i wanna see him open up his little bookstore while mork works as a cook. it can still happen, i guess, but i still wish it would have been given more focus
im also the kind of dramatic person who can't be like 'at least we have the first 9 episodes, they were perfect and nothing can ruin them'. unfortunately that's not enough for me. unfortunately i need them to stick the landing or it WOULD ruin the entire show for me. and not being able to get back to it and find comfort in morkday would honestly be heartbreaking for me. and you know, obviously the message and the representation of the show is the most important part in this, but also i would be lying if i said i didn't want to have a damn DVD box set of a jimmysea series to actually hold and enjoy since we won't ever have one for vice versa, but what would be the point of buying the last twilight one if i dislike the ending
ANYWAY. im really sorry ismay, i ended up ranting because i needed to vent but im afraid im only making you feel worse with this ;;;;;;; maybe after i sleep on it i will be a bit more optimistic about this but. im really scared too ;;;;;;; for what is worth im holding your hand and im here for you whatever is gonna happen
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ghostdoctor · 8 months
midoriya analysis because im fucking insane and hes insane
Midoriya analysis because I'm fucking insane and he's insane
Ps i won't be covering the movies bc I like to leave them as their own entities 
pps this contains spoilers
god okay so we all know that Midoriya has SOME kinda issue because... yk.... he was literally bullied and abused by his peers physically, emotionally, and mentally for all of his formative years and that's gonna FUCK SOMEONE UPPPP
but but but Midoriya so so obvi has a thing for escapism!!!! yeah, his quirk thing started before he was diagnosed as quirkless and then abused, but did you see how intense it got after he was abused??? how that was literally all he spent his time doing and how it was the only thing he was known for?? AND THEN. HE MEETS HIS IDOL WHO CRUSHES HIS LAST HOPE. and then said idol proceeds to try and build up an already destroyed boy (it doesn't work) because THEN we see even more escapism in UA because they make it so clear Midoriya spends so much time training and pushing himself to be a better hero because it's the only way he knows how to be useful and escape away from his reality of believing that's he's really not worth all that he's been given. Btw pls dont say that “midoriya is just ideally heroic he doesn't have a hero complex” this is an analysis for my opinion ty 
Midoriya can be viewed as a narcissist for many reasons as well but that is because he's a product of his environment. Honestly there's ways to show midoriya has a hero complex, is a narcissist, has self esteem issues, has a superiority complex, and more. Im slapping midoriya and going “This bad boy can fit sooo many issues it him” 
Another btw before you continue reading: I have really bad adhd and halfway through this forgot what I was writing about so my points get super blurry but I just wanted to state it here. I believe midoriya has severe self esteem issues and a hero complex. I can explain why concisely if anyone asks! 
Going by arcs now because I need some order to follow and regretfully can't just throw my thoughts about Midoriya at a wall and hope they stick (I will happily just spout nonsense at anyone who wants to listen): 
Pre ua-
Most of this I already covered in the above paragraph but I still wanna break down why Midoriya's childhood set him up for a hero complex and a love of escapism. As mentioned before, Midoriya has always had a love for analysis and heroes but it got much more intense after he experienced large bouts of trauma. You can see him isolating himself and getting completely absorbed into his analysis in multiple parts of the pre-UA sections of bnha. His hero complex stems from the fact that there genuinely was no one to save Midoriya. Because he knows what it's like to be alone without help, he takes it upon himself to save people (he basically says this himself too like my god this boy's hero complex is so so clear). Not to mention the fact that his abuser has been called a hero throughout his formative years. like….god….
All might training- 
And THEN all might destroys his dream by telling him he can't be a hero then LEAVES. Midoriya has not had a single good personal hero at this point. Like even his own mother doesn’t save him from this blatantly obvious abuse. So midoriya is just like. Left there to evaluate everything being broken in his life when he falls back on his escapism aka he walks to the scene of a hero feet because “[his] feet carried him [there]” ARE YOU KIDDING ME. he is literally doing something that brings him joy on autopilot. As a response to being told he can't do his life long goal by his idol. Following that he sees bakugou in pain and trouble and this is like right when the hero complex forms. The entire ‘feet moved before you can think’ IS NOT A GOOD THING!!!! He has NO self-preservation in this moment. AND THE ALL MIGHT PRAISES HIM FOR IT. literally cementing his hero complex as a ‘positive’ thing and not at all the self destructive thing it actually is. 
Following this all might tells midoriya he has to be the next symbol and that he has to be the one to make everyone feel safe. That is NOT a healthy mindset for a child to be in. Here Midoriya is told that he needs to protect everyone and this is where he starts to feel the need to be the one to fix everything, this is where he feels that everything is his fault. 
Bro just got put into a hugely traumatic situation and did you see how he literally like blacked out when he went to protect Tsuyu? I’d also like to point out that at this point he's been told by all might that his lack of self preservation is a heroic quality. PLus plus plus being put into a situation like this would hurt your brain function so immensely, the adrenaline rush he must be having at this moment. 
Sports festival- 
Todoroki. Just the entirety of the todoroki thing. Someones gonna go “he was just doing the heroic thing, that makes him hero quality!!” BUT!!! I GUARENTEEEE MIdoriya saw some of himself in Todoroki then. Like, todorokis situation is ‘boy whos in bad situation with no one coming to save him because no one would believe him/step up against the number ½ hero’ and midoriya's situation as a kid was ‘boy whos in a bad situation and no one is coming to save him because no one would believe him and no one wants to help the quirkless kid’. So midoriya obviously took it upon himself to be the one to save todoroki and at this point he's had all mights words drained into him so he probably has taken it upon himself to save everyone in similar situations.
Hero killer- 
Speaking of people in similar situations: Iida! Sooo you're probably going “ghost. Iidas situation is NOTHING like midoriyas” and to that i say LET ME EXPLAINNNN because at this point iida has seen so many people be killed by stain that he more than likely believes no one can stop him but iida himself. This situation is ‘things are happening and no one is actively trying to stop it in the way I should, no one is coming to save this situation.’ so iida takes it upon himself and Midoriya sees this and recognizes it because of his own situation. 
Final exams- 
Bakugou. I have thoughts about this arc. Midoriya has no self preservation here at all. I could quite honestly say I believe midoriya is in some way suicidal. There is no ounce of non hero complex actions here. Midoriya takes it upon himself to save bakugou from failing the entire final exam even if bakugou doesn’t want that. And the their fight afterwards??? Where midoriya is like “youre all I look up to [bakugou]” (side note i hate calling him kacchan)???? WHERE IS YOUR SELF RESPECT MIDORIYA!!! BAKUGOU BEAT THE SHIT OUT OF YOU VERBALLY AND PHYSICALLY FOR YEARS!!!!!! 
Hassaikai and Paranormal liberation-- 
Combining these because during both arcs midoriya shows absolutely ZEROOO self esteem and self preservation. These two arcs are combined because therye basically him on the brink of absolutely losing his shit and fully leaning into the hero complex.
Dark hero (so important r you kidding)-
R you serious rn..this is literally him going ‘no one else is fixing it so I WILL. in a dangerous way this IS the hero complex arc 
But it's also the most self centered arc midoriya has had. His entire childhood has taught him to rely on himself and only himself so it's a given that he would only think about himself when anything happens that he needs to take care of as he's the only one who's ever shown to care about himself and others for a large portion of his life. Midoriya is such a complex character but you genuinely can only tell if you look deeper than what bnha has on the surface of it which makes me sad. I’m not here to diss horis writing and world building skills-he's much better at it than me- I just wish he would go deeper into his characters issues than having them fixed in short spurts (momo)
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