#but they’re fucking abusing a child
obi-wann-cannoli · 1 year
“What does she expect us to do with her seven francs?”
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m4ndysk4nkovich · 5 months
the only main character on shameless who deserves to be universally hated is frank
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katiebell · 7 months
Gideon killing crux, who was so cruel to her, and having a breakdown over the revenge not feeling good broke me btw
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thestobingirlie · 3 months
let’s get our imaginations working for a second, and play a little game.
you are 17/18 years old. the world seems to be ending. you and three thirteen year olds nearly got eaten by monsters today, and those monsters are still out and about doing god knows what.
you’ve been put in charge of protecting those children.
a guy in your year turns up to the house. you know him, he’s knocked you around a little the last few days, trying to intimidate you and make you feel a bit shit about yourself, despite you doing your best to ignore it. his thirteen year old stepsister looks at you in fear and desperation and tells you that her brother will kill both her and the thirteen year old black boy you’re taking care of, if he discovers they are in the house.
what do you do?
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fluffydice · 1 year
TW Abuse
Aren feels guilt over clinging to his abuse, because he’s looked up to his Pops for so long as a role model, as someone who he should aspire to be.
But then he interacts with a toddler, or a little kid, or even people his own age. He can’t help but think about how fragile they are, how easy their skin would give way to bruises and blood, and he wonders how you could have something so precious and vulnerable, one that looks up to you with adoration and unadulterated trust, and tear it to shreds.
And he knows it was wrong, but he still tries to convince his friends otherwise. Because if they agree, that means it’s something he has to let go. He doesn’t have to look it in the eyes and ask questions that he won’t ever get an answer to.
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thinking about c!tommy growing up with a weapon in hand. first sticks and stones, whatever he could find in the tundra to defend himself and hunt for his next meal. then bows and swords, taught to him first by c!eryn who visited him in the wilds and eventually many more when c!wilbur took him in and actually got him an education. c!tommy who learnt to fight a decade before he learnt to read. c!tommy who had to fight each day to stay alive and loved it, the feeling of blood beneath his nails proof he was free, away from the cold, sterile lab.
thinking of him trying so so hard to give up on something more natural to him than breathing because he believes so hard in L’Manberg, because he believes so hard in c!wilbur, even as he gets twitchy, feels like prey. thinking of him in exile, a wolf without his fangs, frightened and anxious and feeling like a lamb to the slaughter, being trained to fight his basic survival instincts to avoid getting hurt in far worse ways than simply being killed. thinking about him eventually becoming so hopeless he decides that weapons don’t matter anyway, because the universe has decided he does not belong in the wild anyway, and pets are declawed, so what’s the point? thinking of him desperately trying to make a pathetic little training arena in his self-made prison underground so he can pretend he's able to fight off the looming spectre over him, because if he can just fight like he’s done since he’s small, fight like a rabid animal, if he just pretends, he can feel like he’s not being suffocated every waking moment.
thinking about c!tommy who feels hopeless and like his means of defence are useless, but clinging onto them anyway, his final stubborn act of defiance. he knows it’ll be taken from him, he'll suffer greatly for even trying to keep the last vestiges of the old him alive, but fuck if he won’t kick and scream the whole time.
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quietwingsinthesky · 7 months
went into the notes of that poll going around about if people want more seasons of supernatural and was immediately slapped in the face with how different my priorities are in this fandom from. a lot of it. what are you talking about ‘destiel endgame’. girl the show has bigger problems to fix than that if it ever had more seasons. they taught a three year old that the best way to be loved was to continuously try to kill himself and then they made him god.
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hollowknightinsanity · 11 months
wait wait wait actually now you've got me curious. what does holly think of pale king and vice versa? is their relationship awkward at all?
it is SO COMPLICATED. ramble time. so glad i can cut posts now
Holly is very scared of PK. Like, genuinely terrified by him. Between the 16 years of near constant abuse and him leaving them to rot in the Black Egg for another 60, Holly is so afraid that he’s gonna pull something similar. Just do a whole 180 and not even pretend he’s not disappointed, and actively belittle them because they failed.
In Holly’s eyes, PK is THE God, and they feel like if they fail or disobey him in any way, shape, or form that they will end up dead in a ditch. No Shade, no shell, no nothing, just dead. Forever. Because they weren’t exactly what he wanted — what he believed they were.
PK, on the other hand, really cares about Holly. It’s hard to not love your kids. He knew since the moment he brought Hornet to the palace that they weren’t a Pure Vessel, but by that point, it was too late to turn back. He couldn’t just throw them back down into the abyss and wait for a new Pure Vessel to pop up out of nowhere. That wasn’t how it worked.
In modern day, his relationship with Holly is very complicated. They act all stoic and emotionless around him, like they always have, but by now he knows full well that they’re faking it. If they weren’t, then Ghost wouldn’t have had to kill Radi. They would’ve done it themselves.
He doesn’t know, though, that they’re beyond terrified of disappointing him. He doesn’t know how badly they’re hurting. He will know eventually — it’s really hard for someone to keep all their emotions bottled up like that — but currently, he has no idea.
PK feels terrible for locking Holly up in the Black Egg. He literally ended up breaking down after the seals were placed.
Holly is afraid of him. Afraid of disappointing him. Afraid of being who they are, and instead keeping up the same persona they’ve had for almost 8 decades, being the complete opposite of what they want to be.
PK finds it hard to not break down in front of them.
Holly is afraid of imploding in front of him.
Instead of being honest with each other, they both pretend to be who the other thinks they are.
Holly, a stoic, emotionless, half-god Knight, born and raised to destroy the Radiance.
PK, a God King, believing that there is truly no cost too great when it comes to glory.
And neither of them have any clue of how the other feels.
And I think I’m about to cry. Again.
TL;DR, Holly’s scared and PK cares but neither of them know about it. So to answer your question, yeah, their relationship is pretty awkward sometimes.
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nappingpaperclip · 5 months
I just got a Spotify ad from meta that said Instagram is ‘working with congress to pass federal regulations on children 16 and younger’s ability to download apps of the App Store without their parental permission’
like they the app store already has age restrictions on every app and you have to have an icloud/google account with a birth date associated to download it… like there are already apps for parents to control kids phone time… like you can just teach your children about internet safety….
If your kid hides something from you it’s because you made them not trust you to handle it respectfully and fairly… how would they even enforce this? what kids need is not LESS rights from the government
maybe I’m being paranoid but I feel like stuff like this is somehow connected to either trans/gay rights (“protecting your children from being influenced on the internet”) or consumer privacy rights (how would they genuinely enforce this in a way they don’t already? ie making you put in your birthday or have an account with a birth date associated with it. are they gonna make u upload your id or something?)
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starlooove · 2 months
This complaint has nothing to do with my fanon canon war It’s that ppl confuse nicer and better. If u think Gotham is better than metropolis yeah sure whatever NICER? Girl.
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bisexualseraphim · 3 months
I’m not like an expert on childcare or anything but I am a human person who has been around for over two decades and I have made a couple of interesting observations about kids during my time on this Earth:
If you scream at a small child, they are probably going to either scream back in defiance or start crying out of fear.
If you get rough with a small child and try to physically drag them around, they are probably going to feel trapped (because they are) and instinctively try to escape.
Doing either of these things will scare the child and make them significantly less likely to do as you ask and stay by your side because they don’t want to get screamed at or hit.
Now, this all might seem like common sense to you; and it absolutely is!
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diverging-tides · 2 years
*Avoid any and ALL pink text aside from the last panel if this disturbs you!*
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(Everyone, it’s Hunter with a genuinely happy expression! In MY au! For the very first time!)
(But was the cost of this worth it?)
A few hours after that movie, the traffic light trio have managed to crack Hunters standoffish exterior by figuring out what makes him happy: letting him indulge his inner bookworm and infodump about his interests without rude interruptions!(they asked a few questions)
It went well, and the group bonded!
Then Red asked about the Emperor’s Coven!
….. needless to say, NONE of them were prepared for the answers they got
(Well, we have reached the moment you all have been expecting! The Traffic Light Trio now know that the fucked up little brother they adopted into the group was WAY MORE FUCKED UP than they ever could of imagined)
(Macaque was aware this kind of fucked up shit was going on, BTW (Flapjack ratted almost immediately after Macaque took Hunter home with him), he was just dealing with the problems delicately whenever the EC was talked about in such a nonchalant way)
(He also consulted an available professional)
(Trust me, this version of Macaque at least has experience with abuse, he knows bringing up “that’s not normal” constantly or out of the blue would likely cause a breakdown, C!PTSD is a complex and very fucked up thing, so he would redirect the conversation or urge Hunter to view whatever abusive shit he’d just infodumped in a different light for a moment)
(The point is, Hunters mental state is much better than when he arrived, training and living with Macaque has very much helped him, which was why he was comfortable talking about the EC with the Traffic Light Trio instead of accusing them of being heretics, or calling MK or Red Son homophobic slurs for daring to ask(Belos was a VERY bad influence))
(Also, about the Darius thing, remember every single coven head (with the exception of Raine MAYBE) were cunts to this child, the abomination head included, and since ASITS hasn’t happened yet, Darius is STILL a cunt for now)
(Red Son usually calls Hunter Corpse Boy, btw, calling him his real name here means he was REALLY caught off guard)
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venting-town · 5 months
Crazy stupid how people preach about FICTIONAL characters doing things such as as rape/dub-con/etc, yet actively consume FICTIONAL media about murder/abuse/etc and enjoy it/say nothing about it/etc
Let’s face it: beings/non beings/etc are hypocrites. Literal everybody/somebody/nobody/anybody/body/etc is
You’re allowed to dislike something. You’re allowed to hate something.
Doesn’t make people who like FICTIONAL rape somehow worse ( or better or etc ) than people who like FICTIONAL murder
It’s still violence. Full stop.
Going on and on about one being worse than the other, yet excusing the other as it being “ not as bad “ is completely ignorant, hypocritical, and flat out stupid.
You aren’t better ( or worse ) than somebody who enjoys one violent FICTIONAL situation than somebody else who enjoys a different FICTIONAL situation.
And yes. Fiction CAN sometimes affect reality. Just like sometimes it CAN’T.
Just because somethings CAN’T doesn’t mean somebody WON’T
Just because somethings CAN doesn’t mean somebody WILL
And I’m saying this as a sex trafficking/torture/abuse/severely traumatized person/entity. Not that this means that somebody who haven’t experienced these things can’t talk, or that somebody who has had it worse can’t talk
Just stating perspective because I want to
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ickypuppi3 · 2 years
they really assassinated two characters for one dumb side plot. like. i’ll never be able to take Karen seriously again. i was rooting for her before that mess.
like she was a pretty alright mum from what i remember? she was there for mike and nancy and i felt bad for her with the whole ‘ted being a crappy husband’ thing
but as soon as the character in their mid/late 30’s tries to get in a 17 year olds pants? fuck that
i genuinely can’t watch any scenes of her anymore without thinking about it
and what purpose did it actually serve like-
billy died
she never had to take accountability
and it was never mentioned again
just fucked up all around
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spacelesscowboy · 1 year
sorry but i still think it is so so crazy and insane to look at a child—ANY child, any teenager, ANYONE, but especially CHILDREN—and hit them. as a punishment or warning or whatever. that is so crazy to me. how could you ever look at a child and bring yourself to hurt them in any way shape or form??????????? that’s insane to me.
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everlocked · 1 year
so sad about the way that autistic girls often get treated by the mental healthcare system 😞 i was in and out of hospitals from the age of 12 and i mostly got told i was “just a brat” who didn’t really want help and just wanted attention, or that there was something wrong but they didn’t know what and i’d just get perpetually passed around to different psychiatrists. eventually ended up being sent to one of those abusive wilderness camps for 7 months
the lady doing my assessment has shown me so much kindness and it’s just absolutely crazy that my meltdown behaviour as a teen was completely dismissed and not seen for what it was. the system abuses autistic kids so badly, if someone had just helped me like i was begging all the professionals to, maybe i wouldn’t have ended up in a camp being abused
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