#but rather giving an opposing view on the whole situation
wileycap · 8 months
[spoilers for ATLA]
I have this fanfic story idea for Avatar, and I want to write some of it out.
The basic premise is: What if Iroh had gone the other way after his son's death, becoming more warlike instead of more peaceful - but Ozai still executes his power grab, and they essentially end up ruling two opposing kingdoms?
After Lu Ten dies, Iroh subjugates Ba Sing Se in grief. He doesn't go full villain, no massacring the civilians on purpose or anything, but he does lay waste to the city, takes the young King Kuei hostage and, as a treat, kills Long Feng. (I really dislike Long Feng.)
Meanwhile, Ozai goes ahead with his plan. Azulon reacts much the same, but he does the ever-popular fic thing of giving Ozai's heirs to Iroh. "You must know the pain of losing a firstborn son!" And, furthermore, he manages to get a hawk out to Iroh, that both of Ozai's children have been written out of his lineage and into Iroh's.
Ozai conspires to kill Azulon by blackmailing Ursa. For her treason, Ursa is banished, as in canon, and Ozai takes the throne.
But the balance of power has shifted. The Earth Kingdom, bolstered by Iroh's legions, is now a contender for total world domination - and that's not exactly a disagreeable state of affairs for a lot of Earth Kingdom kings and generals, who pledge loyalty to Iroh.
Meanwhile, Ozai's Fire Nation controls the seas, but they are quickly losing ground in the Earth Kingdom. The newly crowned Ozai is facing immense amounts of domestic pressure, and responds by cracking down on the homeland, making the already totalitarian state even more totalitarian. The Fire Nation still holds the advantage in the war, but their edge is shrinking more and more by the moment, as many of their best legions were in the Earth Kingdom and are now loyal to Iroh.
To legitimize his rule, Ozai spreads the story that Ursa had been working with Iroh to murder Azulon, and that rather than being a conqueror and a ruler, Iroh is now a hostage for the Earth Kingdom - a puppet to exert influence over the Fire Nation. And furthermore, as she fled, the traitor Ursa had done the unthinkable - kidnapped a member of the royal family!
Meanwhile, Ursa does make it to the Earth Kingdom and to Iroh. And true to the story being spread in the Fire Nation, she does have one of her children with her...
Who, upon seeing the Earth Kingdom subjugated under Iroh, isn't actually very upset about the whole thing. In fact, she's excited: with Zuko stuck in the homeland and her here at the side of the leader whom she now views as the stronger one, with Azulon's letter proving that she is meant to be Iroh's heir... her prospects of becoming the ruler of the entire world, not just the Fire Nation, are beginning to look pretty good. And all she has to do is make sure to kill dear old Dad and Zuzu at some point. And help Iroh win the war. And stay in Iroh's favour, because if Iroh is anything like her father (he isn't, but Azula doesn't know that), he's more than ready to cast her aside if she proves unsatisfactory. So, bring on the tea and Pai Sho: Azula is both patient and an excellent liar.
Iroh, however, is beginning to feel his character development. He would now be content with pushing the Fire Nation back and ruling the Earth Kingdom in the name of his lost son. But Ursa pleads with him: Zuko is still in the Fire Nation. He is in danger. They have to win the war, or at least rescue Zuko.
And what about Zuko? Zuko looks at the situation: his mother and sister disappear, his uncle and father are at war, his dad probably had his grandpa killed, the Fire Nation is slowly going to hell and now his dad is acting suspiciously nice to him. (Well, he is the only heir Ozai has left.) He thinks about it for a while, and decides to get going while the going is good, and just so happens to run into a recently disgraced Lieutenant named Jee, who thinks he might be able to get them a ship and a crew, and hey, the areas near the South Pole are supposed to be pretty far from the war, and what's that huge beam of light on the horizon?
Any thoughts?
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some-pers0n · 2 months
Back on my Peril ramblings again guys
Peril is a character with a lot of polarizing opinions. You've got some people who love her to death, while others who, well, don't. The people who dislike her will go about how she's obsessive. Too clingy and relies far too much on Clay. That or go on about how she's just rude, mean, dangerous, and overall kind of a bad person. I...couldn't disagree more if I'll be blunt.
For starters, Peril is in a difficult situation. She was molded and shaped by her childhood. What she is now is a product of being raised as a living weapon. She was seen as being dangerous and a blight on dragon society. A hazard that, at any moment, could kill somebody. She is danger. She is peril.
Scarlet took hold of that. Scarlet manipulated this tiny dragonet that she stole away from her mother and raised her, feeding her lies in order to keep her docile and dependent. She was never alone. Never to act on her own accord. Anything she did was first of all approved by Scarlet, somebody she trusted and loved in a way. All Peril ever knew was hate and fear, so a dragon showing her any other emotions felt like love.
Peril is...unstable to say the very least. Like I just said, she's got a warped sense of relationships due to her upbringing. She has literally nobody outside the walls of the SkyWing palace. She clings to those she deems as friends and loved ones as she knows nothing else. She craves that feeling of love and especially touch. She has never known the love of a mother's hug. She has never felt the wings of a friend comforting her in a time of crisis. She only wants to be held and loved, but she cannot. She was born wrong. She is unlovable in her eyes. That's what everyone tells her at least.
It's when Clay comes along that things change. For once, she's seeing a dragon who, while still kinda scared of her...is respectful. He holds conversations with her. He's nice, friendly, and when she hears that he tried killing his troop, she immediately relates. It's one of those things that I feel Sick about, where in Clay and Peril both are deemed to be monsters since the moment they hatched when in reality they weren't at fault for anything. Clay and Peril are so good when you actually treat them like characters.
The point is that Peril sees herself in Clay. For the first time ever, she finds a dragon like her. A dragon that at the very least tolerates her. After years of abuse and being shunned and seen as nothing more than a monster, it's basically like Clay is giving her a boquete of roses and confessing his undying love.
She becomes obsessed, even more so when she's eventually free from Scarlet, but that comes later. She holds him to such high regards and views him as a dragon she wants to be around. She's easily jealous when other dragons talk to him. She's protective and constantly wants to be near him. She adores him.
Yada yada, the whole fight scene happens between her and Clay. Scarlet notices that Peril is rather fond of Clay and is using her emotions to manipulate her further. Again, Scarlet is extremely manipulative of Peril. She's the one who molded her into this. She's the one who was responsible for this. She's the one who made Peril feel as though all she could ever be in life was a murder machine, and that Scarlet was doing her a favour by letting that be her existence as opposed to killing her. Scarlet made Peril dependent on her.
So when she's gone...Peril feels lost. She feels like she's the blame for one of the very, very few dragons in her life that at least cared about her being gone. Now she's alone and seen once again as a creep. A weirdo. She doesn't belong here, not in the Sky Kingdom. Osprey is dead (another example of Scarlet toying with Peril's emotions cause the one time she acts out she has to suffer for it) and she's just tossed into the world without warning.
She in turn seeks out Scarlet, eventually finding her. Despite all of the abuse and suffering that Scarlet has put her through, she has nobody else. Scarlet's twisted and distorted love is the only thing she knows. She feels guilty for everything that happened to her.
I think it's easy for people to not really understand Peril if they don't really get her situation. What I lay it out, it sounds pretty easy to understand. Peril is a deeply traumatized and abused character who is shaped by her trauma and struggles to exist in this world as she only knows to kill. She's trying to unlearn all of this. She wants to be better. She's trying to be better.
That's what Escaping Peril is all about: Peril's recovery.
Escaping Peril is the conclusion to Peril's arc, with her coming to grips and terms with her trauma and by the end realizing that she is her own person. Over the course of the book, she struggles a lot. She goes back and forth on her feelings with Scarlet, conflicted on whether she loves her or wants to kill her. Perhaps both at the same time. It's messy and she feels lost and hopeless.
The only real thing that seems to be a beacon of light in her life is Clay, whom is basically not even in this book. Clay is her moral compass here. Anything she does has to be something she believes Clay would approve of. She's doing the exact same thing that she's done for years with Scarlet because, yet again, it's literally the only thing she knows. She is a deeply hurt character who struggles with the whole morality thing because ever since she was a dragonet she's been a child solider. She's trying to unlearn it all.
Which is helped significantly with her friends, namely Turtle. She isn't alone. She has a group of dragons who care for her and like her the way she is. Again, the themes of friendship and togetherness is a very strong one in this arc. The Jade Winglet learn how to be themselves and how they don't need to pretend to be somebody they aren't with a group of dragons who love them for who they are.
Peril...learns. She learns. She grows. I cannot emphasize this enough since some of you guys still don't get that part. Her character shifts and changes and develops over the course of this book. She learns that she doesn't need to depend on somebody for her own actions. Hell, by the end of the book, she burns the scroll of her own volition, knowing fully well that Clay would've hated that. She's acting of her own accord. She learns that she's not a monster and doesn't need to have her flamescales be repressed to be liked.
She's a deeply traumatized character who is trying to get better. She has been getting better, and she will only get better with time. She's happy now. She's happy with her friends and loved ones. Everything will be okay.
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steveyockey · 1 year
Imagine this scenario from scratch. Imagine some God's-eye view of it. Not as it actually happened, in the end, but from the beginning. There is a place full of people. Into this place comes a person who has nowhere to live; who is hungry and thirsty and tired and in obvious distress; who very probably, like a huge number of Americans, including many without permanent residences, suffers from mental illness. Go ahead and grant that this person—homeless, hungry, thirsty, tired, stretched just as thin as those conditions might stretch any person—is behaving erratically; that their comportment might disturb others. So: Who is vulnerable here? Who is in the greatest need of help? What is the actual problem? How might this small ad hoc instantiation of community solve it?
I'm struggling to put this into words. I can't tell if it's because what I'm trying to express is ludicrous or because it's so dully obvious that I've never bothered to actually think of how to say it before. Sometimes you have something that somebody else needs more than you do, and you can afford to spare it, and the easiest thing in the world is just to give it to them. In that moment, to have what you can give them is, itself, a gift, a thing to be thankful for. In my lifetime this society has seemed ever more fanatically opposed to that possibility, and ever more committed to the idea that of all the things a vulnerable person might legitimately need, help—simple material help—is never one of them. But, like, how many people were on that train? How come nobody just, like, offered Jordan Neely a swig from their water bottle? Or, hell, tried to pry off the guy literally strangling him to death right there on the floor? Did any of them have anything at all they could give to the person first suffering, and then just straight-up dying, right in front of them?
Thirty years is no time at all. Jordan Neely was a squishy little toddler yesterday, a gangly kid 10 minutes ago. At 30 he had no place to live. He was hungry and thirsty and tired and upset. He was experiencing a whole stack of separate crises piled onto each other. He walked into a crowded subway car carrying those crises; one of the people there decided that the problem, in that situation, wasn't that Jordan Neely was hungry or thirsty or tired, or that he was in obvious distress, but rather that on top of those other things he was also breathing, and killed him. Somebody else took their phone out and recorded it. That was Jordan Neely's whole and only life. It ended when he walked into a room full of people, homeless and hungry and thirsty and tired, and they helped themselves to his silence.
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madamepestilence · 25 days
I keep seeing people talking about third party candidates' ballot access as though it's this stagnant black box, comparing the ballot access of the Democratic (neoliberal fascism) and Republican (traditional and neofascism) parties to the ballot access of third party candidates, but don't exercise any critical thinking beyond that
I want to politely respond to that, rather than resorting to an ad hominem attack about someone's capability of doing research yada yada
The ballot access for candidates is often viewed from the perspective of what we call a Black Box Model, where people technically know what something does, but not how it achieved that goal - i.e. what the process is
In the case of ballot access, this is determined by having enough signatures from electors - which literally just means your state representative's for your state's Electoral College - in a state-specific petition for ballot access in that state
There are legal documents for these that you can acquire from each state's political party/Independent ballot access websites, or in the case of more intelligent candidates like Dr. Cornel West, Ph.D., they provide the documents and instructions for you on the website, which expedites the process
Here's the thing: you as a voter manufacture the ballot access problem. You can, at the minimum, pledge a signature to a party to grant them ballot access, even if you change your mind by the time of the November general presidential election
If a party receives enough signatures on the ballot access petitions, they have acquired electors, and can officially proceed towards increasing the number of pledged voters for full ballot access
For example, in the time that Dr. West has been running as a Socialist presidential candidate for the 2024 US election, he's gained access in 6 states
That may not seem very fast at all, and you may mistakenly assume that would require him to continue this process for over 4 years, but that's a fallacy of underrepresentative samples and a misunderstanding of statistics via assuming stagnation or steady growth as the only options, rather than considering the voter impact
In order to fix a third party's ballot access, you have to get off your ass and support them - ballot access isn't something just determined by your state governments without your input
If you yourself are unable to participate due to economic or housing situations making it difficult or impossible to commute to petitioning events, then at least take the time to help other people find them so they can help
Here's the part I will be a dick about: Biden is a fascist. If you are voting for Biden, you are voting for a fascist. Your whole, "damage control," thing isn't working anymore - the only difference is whether your rights are taken away by force or by attrition
Y'all cowards who vote for Biden are the exact type of people who would've opposed past civil rights movements, and you need to come to terms with that
You want fascism to end? Give a damn and try, and don't abruptly stop after one single election. "We'll try next election," has been used for decades.
Do it now. Do it angry. Do it scared. But fucking try.
You can help Dr. West here:
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fancyfade · 4 months
hi, i'm the NTT marriage arc anon, thank you so much for such an in-depth response! i see what you mean, it's weird that the narrative doesn't really engage with what it means for kory to never say no to her parents or even how her siblings feel about kory's situation - for instance, i would've liked to see ryand'r react to the position his big sis has been put in. other than her pain over losing nightwing, she doesn't get a lot of perspective at all. i think since the romance angle was the only focus, i was a lot more sympathetic to nightwing viewing this as cheating - though this might be because of my background too, since in recent years we've had a lot of activist/revolutionary movements advocating for staying with your partner of choice instead of the partner that your parents arranged for you and that's where my mind automatically jumps to. so my reaction was basically "yeah nightwing's right, why doesn't kory fight to be with the person she loves instead!!" because wolfman never even shows her trying, yet her anguish over nightwing breaking up with her is the only focus of her inner monologues.
and it's not like any other aspect of this conflict actually gets addressed later during the resolution - dick just eventually just ~accepts~ the fact that kory had to get married and they remain together. so it's like, what was even the point of the entire last arc if it was just gonna end with dick getting over himself or whatever and dating kory anyway, we didn't need all this drama lol. i think what irritates me is that i can't actually blame nightwing for thinking of kory and tamaran as a so-called backwards culture, because the narrative generally shows them as such. real-world xenophobia tends to be based on baseless assumptions, stereotypes, and misinterpretations of another culture, but wolfman literally shows tamaran as an aberrant, war-torn place to be imo. it's frustrating when a work of fiction half-heartedly tries to depict prejudice or bigotry but then inadvertently justifies it.
but anyway, i think what i liked about the cartoon on the other hand, was that 1) galfore, starfire's guardian who she views as family, also seemed opposed to the marriage but there was nothing he could do since he's not king. plus in the cartoon he didn't sell starfire into slavery like kory's family did in the comics, rather she was kidnapped - so it doesn't come across as kory being manipulated by a selfish family member who did her dirty in the past, but instead like she's nobly sacrificing herself for the greater good. imo that gives her agency and emphasizes her tendency toward heroism and self-sacrifice, whereas in the comics she's purely a victim of circumstance and doesn't even get to stand up for herself or what she really wants outside of everyone else's pressures in the end 2) the entire marriage is all orchestrated by blackfire for her own selfish purposes and once the ruse is up, everyone is unambiguously on starfire's side, which was nice to see. i think that relates to what you said about wanting to see someone other than joey react to this whole situation - it was just sweet to see the other teen titans fight for starfire and her planet against blackfire 3) imo robin + starfire's argument in the cartoon is way more balanced than in the comic because starfire actually strongly believes in doing this even if it means losing robin, who she obviously likes. in the comic she says she has to get married no matter what, but at the same time literally begs and screams nightwing not to go when he also takes a stand and says he can't continue dating her when she's literally going to be married to another man. like i know it's heightened 80s melodrama and even the readers at the time were bored by this based on the letters to the editor columns, but it came across as so pathetic to me. in the cartoon, starfire actually pushes robin back with her powers when he tries to persist, and, because they weren't actually dating at the time, i felt like starfire was justified in telling robin to shove off - in the comics, kory is in a serious relationship with nightwing and i didn't understand how she could ever expect him to be cool with this arrangement lol
also personally i didn't take the episode to be equating beauty to virtue, because the alien looks nothing like anything remotely resembling a human being or what an "ugly" person might look like - so i figured desirability politics wouldn't really apply here, but i get what you mean. again i wonder if they had to be so heavy-handed with showing that the marriage is unwanted, because if it were a conventionally attractive guy instead, ppl would try to justify the marriage somehow :/ i also wasn't trying to imply that you were defending arranged marriages somehow, if that's how it came across lol
re: the comparison with the man who tried to kill his wife for cheating - it's disgusting how normalized that kind of view (I.e. "abuse is just a conflict that can always be resolved with twwue wwove!!") was in not just 80s comics, but even comics that came after. i was reading the 2006 moon knight series and something very similar happens and is justified, that culminates with marc physically abusing his love interest marlene. also during 80s avengers, captain marvel is literally assaulted and yet she falls in love with her abuser later because apparently he hurt her out of his love for her or whatever. and more generally i think the 80s were when the "brucie always sleeps with a dozen air-headed models" thing really took off in batman comics whereas before the playboy thing was entirely a ruse, which really goes to show how shallowly writers viewed women.
This answer will hopefully be shorter because I'm on mobile not laptop :p
Yeah, the way korys general arcs are framed in ntt is pretty unsatisfying and Marv clearly does view her as dicks gf before he views her as a person. I think it might be hypothetically possible to dip a satisfying twist on the Tamaran arc, giving kory more support and making it clear how unfair her situation is (and would be even if she wasn't in a long term relationship). And with your asks and perspective I'm also thinking that someone from a culture where arranged marriages exist would probably be a lot more capable to treating the topic with the necessary gravitas.
I think ntt kory has a fascinating dichotomy where she's like. Very clear about what she wants... BUT she has such an abandonment complex (probably from her parents literally trading her into slavery) that she'll put up with way more in relationships than she would otherwise, and she'll put up with so much of her parents (and komandr becomes a convenient hateable avatar such that kory just puts all the issues on kom and does not acknowledge to herself her parents fault in this)
But anyway that's like a whole nother post I'd need to make when not super tired.
Not sure what more to say wrt Tamaran. I feel uncomfortable saying the narrative justifies bigotry. Like, there are abusive practices that hurt Kory, but that doesn't justify Dick being awful to her.
They definitely aren't a real culture, in that Marv made them up for the story, so all we see is what's on page. There's not like a secret "how tamaranean society actually is" guide out there. I think they are mostly portrayed as war like defensively, in that the whole system is invaded by citadel. Kory does clarify that peace is always preferable to war. I think it's portrayed flatly, but not entirely as negatively as you do. That said... it still is portrayed flatly. I'm honestly not sure if Wolfman was even trying to portrayed dick as prejudiced or what, the writing around there was so messy. (And also clarification: I think that at least some of dicks actions here are ooc, or at least not what I put in my interpretation of his character. My interpretation of dick would not leave a woman with her violent husband just bc they agreed they loved each other)
I sadly agree with you that if they made cartoon korys arranged husband physically attractive there would be some people justifying it... fandom is unreal ;_; I don't think u were really trying to pull in desirability politics I'm just terrified of being misinterpreted lol (hence the clarifying "I don't think arranged marriage is a good thing" last post). That said I still do think that it'd be more clear/a stronger moral if the guy looked human.
Anyway I hope I responded to most of your ask! Ty for sharing your thoughts
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Hey! I love your work, I always look forward to seeing your next post.If your not to busy could you do an enemies to lovers for the Cu Quadrant. Please and Thank you!
Hello, thank you for the nice compliments. I really appreciate your support of my headcanons :) It has meant a lot to me!
Usually my headcanon requests are closed, I'll give this one a go. because it's a cu one This is also a really interesting one, I've not seen this concept requested for Cu Chulainn very often, so this is a great challenge!! I may be a bit rusty, but I hope you'll like it.
Notes: SFW, some romance, insert character's gender is not mentioned/ gender neutral x canon
Fate Series Cu Chulainn (Proto, Lancer, Caster, Alter)- Enemies to Lovers Headcanons
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Proto Cu
-Whether it be through a clash of ideals; being on opposing sides- or possibly from even invoking his pent-up anger- as Proto has a pretty short temper, it's not that hard to rile him up.
-However, although he is easily angered- to become his enemy may be more difficult than expected. He is more likely to view one as an enemy if the two of you bitterly clash over ideals he feels sensitive about; if you get in the way of those he wishes to protect; or are simply placed as opponents on different parts of the battlefield. Overall, it could either be a personally motivated dislike towards you, something that threatens his identity as 'Cu Chulainn'- or just him adhering to his duty.
-Those who aim to manipulate him or act as if they're superior will get dragged to equal ground. He will show them exactly why they shouldn't mess with him.
-Depending on context- Proto won't hold back in his disregard and frustrations towards you as an enemy. That means showcasing openly hostile behavior, glaring- the whole lot! Ever the one to struggle with composing himself and suppressing his emotions; although he's mature enough to work alongside you if need be- he'll openly showcase his contempt, dislike seeping from every pore.
-Get prepared for endless bouts of competition, heated debates and a lot of grumbling/ harsh banter shared between you both! Proto Cu is both an extremely fiery AND icy enemy to have, so you'll be butting heads a LOT. Though he does give off the impression of being a rather cool and relaxed character, deep down he has a lot of emotions churning inside- that may be aching to spill out.
-For example, if this is a combative enemies-to-lovers relationship, the two of you may be crossing weapons and awful lot, as well as having him challenge you to duels (he's very defensive over his pride). And even if it's a less combat orientated situation, he's still going to give you a rather hard time, doing his utmost to intimidate you into leaving him alone. He may give you a wide berth at first, as well.
-On the other hand, if the two of you are simply enemies due to being on opposite sides, it is more likely that he'll be less hostile; but certainly a lot colder in temperament at first- or at least until he gets to know you a little better. It may be his way of making his stance clear towards you: he is not one to be underestimated. Look down on Proto, and he'll rip you apart.
-That doesn't mean he'll be opposed to a bit of joking and humor, but if it's decreed that he must kill you, then Proto Cu will doggedly adhere to accomplishing such goals (that's why it's pretty scary to be his enemy sometimes, especially when he's willing to accomplish his tasks at any cost).
-In the case that you're both enemies that are made to work together, or grow to learn more about one another off the battlefield; though Proto will maintain a harsh and grumpy exterior at first (he'll likely complain a lot at first despite begrudgingly helping out anyway), he's a very open-minded lad. This means that the slightest thing that the two of you grow to enjoy talking about or doing together will be enough of a catalyst for him to gradually warm up towards you.
-If you're technically no longer an 'enemy', then there's a high chance that he'll come around eventually. He's not opposed to forgiveness.
-Over time, what starts off as a hostile relationship gradually ebbs into a rivalry, and erupts into friendly banter and many shared moments together, both of you growing closer by the day. By this time, Proto will likely start cracking jokes and maybe even lapsing into annoying pranks, as well as getting a bit more touchy-feely with you; cheerfully aiming to get a little on your nerves- at the same time as gradually letting you into his world.
-It's a natural development, and depending on what sides of you he gets to see; Proto Cu may quickly latch on, becoming rather attached now that he knows that he can genuinely rely on you. Though there's still a lot of back-and-forth banter, and some harsh jabs; he's now genuinely happy to be around you!
-Things may start to take a turn for the strange once his affections start to develop. Despite still operating as rivals, he becomes louder, bawdier and even more of a show-off than ever before; almost as if he's yearning for your attention. Red eyes sparkling whenever you respond in kind, the relationship begins to take an interesting new turn... (also just when did your volleys of banter become so tempting, so alluring?! Proto can't quite handle the heat anymore.)
-As for romance, seeing as you were former enemies; he may be a bit prideful in regards to letting his feelings known, preferring if you were to yield your heart to him first (it'd fill his heart with joy). But as it's Proto, he's not going to be able to hide them that well, as he's not quite as talented at concealing his deeper emotions as the other Cu are.
-It's likely that the romantic development may occur at the most unlikely of times and in a very surreal way, but when it does; it's a moment full of unrestrained passion.
-As lovers, it's bound to be a fun time; as the two of you can keep one another on your toes. There's still a lot of competition and some clashes of pride, but now love and affection rings true within every gesture and touch (also he's much more easily flustered).
-Over time, the atmosphere evens into one of a deep mutual affection. He's so glad that such a strong bond of trust has formed between you both, and hopes that things can stay this way... he'd be heartbroken if you were to return to being foes again.
Lancer Cu
-Lancer's famous quote is 'yesterday's enemy is today's drinking buddy!' This likely means that his views on whether a person is his enemy or not are rather unpredictable, and can change by the day. Just like Proto, it's not that hard to get under his skin, but as he's rather laid back (but also relentless) it would likely be a struggle to become his enemy long-term.
-Similar to Proto, it's more likely that he'll either personally dislike someone (they may insult his pride, or they may clash over ideals that are dear to him, or he may even just dislike their vibes); or simply see them as an enemy because they are in the way of him accomplishing his goals, or are threatening those who he cares for. In that way, I believe that him and Proto are more or less the same in this sense.
-Lancer also seems to dislike those who talk circles around him, as well as those who play him for a fool. Things will go sour at an incredibly fast rate if anybody tries to pull one over Lancer: he'll not only avoid them, but if they really insult his pride, Lancer will overpower them enough to force them to respect him. He'll claw any sense of superiority away; but will still work alongside them if he has to.
-Lancer definitely seems to enjoy bantering and playing around with his enemies before finishing them off- however once they unleash his temper, there's no holding back. He will absolutely eviscerate them, rendering them to dust. His approach to enemies can range from being rather playful and laid-back, to being downright terrifying and murderous at times.
-Depending on as to what made you enemies in the first place, he may range from regarding you rather neutrally, to even extremely coldly. However, if you managed to win his respect upon the battlefield, or in terms of your competing wits etc. then he will definitely acknowledge you as a worthy opponent. But similarly to Proto, he will bite back, and regard you rather harshly at times, showcasing just how intimidating he can be.
-However, if the situation changes, and the two of you are made to work as a team; then he'll help out at any cost. And if it's an entertaining time or he finds a bit of common ground, then he likely won't take that long to warm up to you. All Cu are rather accepting individuals, and that acceptance does extend to even his enemies.
-But that doesn't mean he'll hold back though. Lancer will likely bruise you with some sharp comments and extremely caustic wit- shooting right to the heart of how exactly he feels and regards you as a person. Lancer is not one to pull his punches against a rival!!
-Even when playfully ribbing and bantering with you as a former enemy, he will still showcase in his demeanor that he's not one to mess with; emphasizing just how powerful he is. Even if you're allies now, he will cut you down if you betray him.
-Although if said rival was to invite him for a drink or a good meal... then who would he be to decline?! Despite any ill will he may hold against them, Cu will let all bygones be bygones; celebrating passionately by the side of even his most disliked foes if the occasion calls for it.
-Even better if you're up for some training or a good spar, nothing quite beats venting out his frustrations in a battle. It won't be long before he develops a sense of respect towards them. As for trust, well... that may be a much greater challenge to develop.
-He will ABSOLUTELY get a kick out of making jabs and jeering at his 'enemy-turned-ally', making fun out of them and exchanging light quips in the hopes of annoying them. Even better if you entertain him when he does, Lancer wholly enjoying the reactions he can inspire from you.
-As the two of you begin to hang out in earnest, running into one another and even enjoying fun activities by one another's side; Lancer's perspective begins to shift (rather quickly). Though you get under his skin at times, and you clash a lot- he genuinely enjoys it.
-He gets a kick out of being able to both volley a bit of hostility and friendly support with you at the same time; and before the two of you even realise it, you've become staple part of one another's lives.
-Could this be a rivalry, or something more?? Who knows, Lancer likes to just enjoy things as is. If it's due time for flirting, then so be it. To him there may be nothing wrong with engaging in a bit of passionate romance with a former enemy, especially if it feels good; and the feeling is mutual!
-The progression from enemies to lovers is bound to flow rather naturally. If it happens, he won't be opposed to it at all. Besides now this levels the playing field even more- now he can challenge you in the field of love as well!!
-Even if his lover was formerly his enemy, Lancer will still treasure them dearly, wishing to have an overall good time, overjoyed to finally hold them close. Hopefully the two of you will never become enemies again- he's not sure how well his heart would handle it, no matter how nonchalantly he acts on the surface.
-But for now, he'll cherish every moment as lovers to the utmost (and thanks to your rivalry, it means there's even more room for adventure and fun, which he's grateful for).
Caster Cu
-In terms of motivations for becoming enemies, I feel as if Caster Cu would be overall very similar to Proto and Lancer. Personal motivations, duty, clashes over ideals, disliking one another's vibes, simply being on opposite ends of the battlefield; or being a threat to his loved ones- would all be possible means behind becoming his enemy.
-But I also feel as if he has a very strong energy of 'NOTHING PERSONAL, KID'. As in, if the two of you are enemies, then he may be rather nonplussed about it, especially if he deems the situation as 'not that deep'. Whether it ends in him fighting you to the death or avoiding you, then he'll do whatever he deems is best for the situation.
-Even the way he regards his foes may vary wildly, from those who he views as just happening to face the bad luck of being his enemy, to some that he will direct his utmost wrath towards. I can imagine him showcasing some frustration or reacting negatively to someone who annoys him, but I feel like Caster is generally even less hostile than Proto and Lancer. However, that doesn't mean he won't hesitate to destroy them if it aligns with his duty, or if he deems it correct to do so.
-They would really have to anger him or hurt those who he cares deeply for in order for Caster to become completely murderous and full of rage towards them; and once he reaches that stage, he'll be a horrifying foe to compete against, willing to dive to any lengths to destroy his enemies.
-So with that in mind, Caster is likely to be a pretty chill enemy to have. He won't hesitate to knock a foe with his staff and runes if need be, but if you're working as a team; then he'll go with it- whilst grumbling all the way. He is the wise one, and therefore as a result, he will try to be the bigger person (but if you're picking a fight, then hell, he'll absolutely oblige!!!)
-However, it must be noted that this is the same Caster who once hosted an illegal gambling ring in the Kara no Kyoukai event. He's definitely got just as much of a dangerous side as Proto and Lancer, but what makes Caster an even more terrifying enemy is that he's extremely good at concealing his deeper emotions at times. This means that if need be, he could totally manipulate the hell out of an enemy, trapping them within his web (but as to whether he would or not is context dependent).
-In conclusion, Caster as an enemy is a mystery to me as well, as his approach can vary wildly; and he also can change his attitude towards an enemy pretty quickly as well. As soon as you're his ally, he too will work alongside you- despite any reservations he may hide inside.
-Caster can be very direct with his feelings as well though, so he may be similar to Proto and Lancer in which he may avoid you at first, openly grumble and complain to you about how he dislikes you; laugh at you and tease you in a pretty annoying manner, as well as enjoying being a bit of a pain towards you. He'll still help you as an ally- though that doesn't mean you'll be safe from Caster's jabs, as this guy knows how to smack people in the face with some painfully direct honesty!!
-As time progresses, the teasing rapidly picks up in pace, Caster indulging heavily in having a bit of fun! It's nice, for the two of you to have such a chill time as enemies. Always up for a good time, he invites you out sometimes. There's never a dull moment between you both, even occasionally giving one another a pat on the back for support.
-In addition to that, mutual support goes a long way for Caster. Just knowing that you're there to help out in a pinch-despite serving as former enemies- is more than enough motivation for him to give his all to helping you as well. With every assist comes a fist bump, with every save comes a hearty meal and some good company. It's becoming rather comforting for him to be around you, happy to just kick back; test some new moves- and have an overall exciting time by your side.
-Bygones are definitely bygones by this point. He doesn't mind the past of your relationship at all. What matters more is how the two of you relate to one another right now!!
-Now as for romance, Caster's got a few too many secrets locked within that heart of his, so I'd assume that any romantic developments will be more likely to be of the casual kind at first. Banter evolves into flirting as he teasingly asks if you'd wanna get a bit more... intimate for the night(?!); displaying a clear attraction towards you, yet also giving no clue as to how deeply his feelings may lie.
-Depending on how you answer, things may be 'played by ear' at first. Abandoned cigarettes, wandering hands beneath a waning moon, drifting forest beds that disappear beneath a misty breeze...it'll likely start off as a very spontaneous and exhilarating time.
-As lovers, Caster may remain a mystery at first; but that doesn't mean he won't unravel along the way....
-Honestly, Caster Cu romance headcanons stump me every time. I do think he'd be similar to Lancer and Proto overall, just with more secrets and mystery this time around.
Cu Alter
-In terms of the other Cu Chulainn, they tend to wrangle between balancing their sense of duty with their many emotions; sometimes even struggling to express what's going on within. However, as Cu Alter claims to be lacking in emotion, he serves as a complete juxtaposition to the others, in the way in which he's managed to somehow place duty and instinct above all else.
-In this case, it is probable that Cu Alter would simply destroy an enemy if need be. That's his duty as a tool, after all. To remove all threats, gouging into them with his spear. At first, he views you no differently; entirely committed to his job. Personal thoughts be damned, only actions reign supreme with him.
-However, in the case that the enemy is a good fighter or keeps him on his toes- giving him full permission to unshackle his restraints- then Cu Alter may subconsciously enjoy things a little. Not that he'd admit it aloud, though.
-If he has an enemy that he isn't allowed to kill (i.e. a teammate) or is around an enemy he dislikes for reasons that don't place them as being in the way of his job, then Alter will likely just avoid them as much as he possibly can, and use intimidation as a means to scare them away if they push his boundaries. And if he can't scare them off, well... he'll begrudgingly suffer through their presence if need be.
-Cu Alter will absolutely threaten this enemy at first, pointing his spear directly at them; trying to overpower them with his terrifying aura and presence. If you're not aware of who he's meant to playing the role of by now, then he'll make it abundantly clear how you should see him, especially seeing as he has yet to view you as an ally himself.
-Fear him, despise him. He's your enemy, after all. He doesn't want your mercy, but a rematch? He'll be down for that!!
-He is pretty hostile in general, threatening those who dare to tread close; and openly barking orders and insults, so an enemy of his will be subjected to very similar treatment- only likely to an even worse extent, as he will dislike their company at first.
-It will take quite a while for the relationship to improve. Cu Alter is not as likely as the other Cu to openly showcase his growing affections towards a former enemy.
-However, if Cu Alter grumbles some advice that sounds like sharp insults, that is a very good sign that he may actually like you enough to care about your health. And if his tail starts wagging whenever you're nearby... that's a brilliant sign that he may be secretly coming around to not just tolerating- but genuinely appreciating- your presence!
-The change from being enemies to allies will likely be so subtle that it can be easily missed. Cu Alter doesn't seem quite as friendly nor as open as the others, and won't forgive so quickly; but on the other hand, seeing as he views himself as a beast of instinct- how he regards someone as an enemy may be slightly different to expected.
-This may manifest in him also joining you for events sometimes, or in letting down his mighty walls ever-so-slightly. You may start to see him more often, as he may make less of a concentrated effort to avoid you, and will likely start sharing a few opinions on things (rarely). At some point, he may let his previous grudges go (or maybe not).
-And if you're a lover of combat, then holy moly; he'll be absolutely bouncing off the walls for some simulator training or sparring together (not that he'll openly state that though). In terms of FGO, I feel like Cu Alter may also be more willing to join the former enemy on missions once he grows to care for them, although he's the type to join even his worst enemy on the battlefield if need be.
-As for romantic development, it may be very subtle. It could possibly show in him not minding you being by his side, spiky tail wagging with earnest. Protecting you whenever you're in danger. Listening to you- even when he complains and grumbles at you. If he even goes as far as to openly declare his intent to serve you with his all... then his feelings will likely run very deeply.
-In terms of romance, Cu Alter is very likely to be more action-orientated, as his feelings often come out as a mangled lump; unable to make them clear. One thing is certain though- now that you're no longer foes, he feels somewhat... comfortable around you, almost in awe of how far things have progressed.
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lightningonatether · 1 year
A potentially angsty thought for Plushie AU: Sam is forced to confront the fact that oh yeah, Dream is a person. He is conflicted and has no idea what to do so one day Dream just comes in and "Pushie" is suddenly very volatile and clearly close to exploding yet he doesn't. It's just a whole hour of Dream watching a very clearly distressed/pissed off creeper in clear confusion.
Sam eventually calms down but then Punz walks in and he not only tries to go nuclear again, but is now yowling at volume eleven (He's trying to yell at/curse Punz out)
ohhh haha *hides all the art im planning of dream struggling with chronic pain*.
i do think that sam being stuck in a form that forces him to give up his control over dream while also keeping them interacting is probably one of the only situations in which theres a chance of him realizing dream is human. and you're right, that realization will not come easy. especially since to dream, a stupid creeper is someone he can be more vulnerable with, as opposed to punz, who dream would rather look strong and put together in front of. sam definitely struggles with watching the consequences of his abuse over dream play out in a environment where dream doesnt know anyones watching. and it. definitely conflicts with his view of himself and dream and morality. this is probably why his first escape attempt happens, if im honest, moreso than a desire to get out. he doesnt want to think about the possibility that he was wrong about dream(and about himself)
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car-the-man · 1 month
Doctor who as viewed by a system
warning for mentions of trauma, talk of memory recovery, talk of integration, spoilers for doctor who (new who) and it’s super frickin long
I must preface this by saying I am only a member of one system, every opinion I state is just mine/ours and doesn’t represent the community at large. I will make mistakes talking about this because it’s very complicated as trauma tends to be so please just be mindful that my views don’t reflect all views or all facts. Also when writing I hadn’t finished the flux season yet so this may not be accurate. All that out of the way let’s start with some background, I am an alter, this means I share my body with other people, like roommates but worse (again not a reflection of all views, system dynamics are diverse.) we have different memories especially around trauma, I don’t remember much about it because I’m not a holder. I’ve been trying to regain these memories for close to a year now, I do this with a therapist as you should to if you plan on hunting for memories but I’ve been in between people lately so not much progress is being made. I wasn’t fronting when we got the reveal of the timeless child but it makes me very happy especially seeing depictions of the doctor in a similar situation of separate identities and individuals sharing one life. I think that even before the reveal this show demonstrates how identity and body and life can be separate things. The doctor has one life and is the “same person” tecnechally but the mannerisms and even somtimes memories of different regenerations point to a more nuanced truth of multiplicity. “I’ll always remember when the doctor was me” that quote points to the doctor being and almost sperate concept than “me” even though they were/are the same. This isnt really what most of us think about our system but some view it as people passing through something static rather than the whole thing changing, like a river flowing over rocks as opposed to a coin flipping over. While watching I found myself rooting for the doctor to get their memories back and learn who they are and become whole but now that I’ve processed more I think their whole as they are and that a better result would be them not getting those memories, it hurts and it makes you think it’s unfair but it’s also a rejection of the idea that the doctor is unworthy or incomplete because of their missing memories, it’s this kind of singlet (non system) centric ideal of one soul, one body and one solid timeline of which little is missing which can’t even be achieved by anyone save a few outliers. By not getting their memories back they’d have to come to terms with them not knowing or having control over how people perceive ‘the doctor’ and if it’s done I hope it’s not them rejecting their past but rather understanding their present of not knowing their past, what happened to them is important but it’s not defining. They are who they are and that’s good. They don’t need to become more like the ideal human or time lord and I think not letting them get their memories can demonstrate that, a really interesting arc could be the doctor running out of room for memories, we know that their memory is limited as they don’t know British sign language because they had to make room for flag communication so we know it’s not an endless resource . Maybe one day the doctor has to start deciding who can be forgotten because they need to be able to remember something crucial, maybe that person sees the doc again but the doctor doesn’t see them the same way. Maybe they have to start forgetting themself, maybe their companion has to remind them what their favorite food is or why they ate fish fingers and custard. I don’t know if the doctor could trust anyone enough to give them their memories and information. If anyone I think it would be Missy/the master.
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polar-equinoxx · 1 year
And finally after literally like a week and a half…
My rendition of my Ice is scared of storms prompt✨
Read it here on ao3! (or here if you’d rather :3)
3020 words
≻───── ⋆✩⋆ ─────≺
third person
‘Storm originating from Yellowstone headed for Minneapolis,’ Ice reads on the moving header of the news section on the television.
Oh joy.
“Oh my god, did you see that?” Maverick says from beside him.
“That storm’s coming over here,” he sounded happy, excited almost.
“Great,” Ice manages a fake smile.
Maverick laughs, elbowing him. “Should we go see what rooms we have?”
“Yeah, good call,” Anything to get him away from the news of the inevitable. He’ll be in a different room to Maverick, on his own, so that was one thing he could relax about.
Ice follows Maverick to the front desk of the hotel.
“Ice, Maverick, room four,” their commanding officer, Masarotto, calls out from the front.
“Sir?” Maverick asks.
“Room four?”
“Yes lieutenant, that is what I said,”
Apparently Maverick was as shocked as Ice was.
“Do you have a problem with that arrangement?” Masarotto asks sharply.
Low snickers echo slightly around the group of gathered pilots.
“No, no sir,” Maverick stares at the floor and backs away.
Masarotto gives Ice the key, and he manages to pulls himself out of the stupor he fell in and join Maverick over at the side of the room near the lift and stairs.
Maverick unclenches his jaw once Ice gets over to him. “I’m gonna take the stairs,”
Ice glances at the floor. “Okay,”
He turns to start walking up the stairs, and it takes Ice a second to remember that neither of them actually knew where room four was.
“Wait, Maverick,”
He looks at him, brows furrowed, and dare Ice say, ever so slightly pink across his cheeks.
“We don’t know where it is,”
Maverick inhales. “We gonna.. take the stairs up then?”
Ice nods, obviously Maverick had chosen the stairs for a reason, and he didn’t want to make the whole situation even more awkward than he had to.
They walk up the stairs in silence, and Ice manages to almost forget about the storm that was on its way. Room four was on the first floor, down the corridor and slightly hidden from view. They still don’t say a word until Ice unlocks the door and his heart jumps into his throat.
One bed.
Okay. Okay okay he could deal with this. He could. It was fine.
“One bed?” Maverick’s voice was cracking.
“Looks like it,” Ice swallows. “D-do you have a preference on what side?”
“Do you?”
Ice shakes his head.
“Uh, the… left,”
“Okay,” he actually did prefer the right side anyway. But that was the window side. Fine. He didn’t want Maverick to feel more awkward than he evidently already did.
“Well this isn’t awkward,” Maverick tries a laugh, pushing it out.
“Nope,” Ice exhales, and goes around to the right side of the bed and puts his duffle-bag on it.
All too soon, it was the evening, all too soon, the weather report had said the storm was getting closer. Ice was sat on his side of the bed, rubbing his hand over his face, trying to not completely freak out about the rain starting to patter on the window. He’d drawn the blinds over it, but they did nothing to dull the noise. Maverick was in the en-suite bathroom, Ice had just been in for a shower, so his hair was drying slowly, it was all standing up. He wished it would stay standing up when it was dry, it would be so much easier to get ready, and cheaper, not having to spend half as much on gel and hairspray. He sighs, irritated that the things he had to worry about was both the storm and his hair, and not just his hair.
It was getting late, so he stretches out his legs under the dusty blue covers, leaving half of it open for Maverick to get in easier.
Soon enough he appears from the bathroom, dressed in a black t-shirt that was slightly too big for him and shorts that came down to just above his knees.
“You okay?”
Ice nods, the action easily coming, as opposed to the twist of anxiety he felt inside himself.
Maverick smiles and sits down on his side of the bed. “That storms getting closer,”
“Yeah, I know,”
“I love them, I think they’re so cool,”
“Uh huh,” He really didn’t want Maverick to find out his fear of them, so he makes himself yawn. “I’m getting pretty tired,” he lies.
“Oh okay, want me to turn the light off?”
He nods, waiting until he does so before he slides down under the covers.
“Night, Ice,” he says.
“Night Mav,” Ice responds, and he can hear from Maverick’s ever so slightly disappointed tone of voice that hinted at maybe he wanted to keep talking to him.
Ice does not fall asleep. He can’t do anything, the sound of the storm a metre away from him outside the window doesn’t let him. The wind had picked up speed, and it was howling against the glass, and the rain was hammering against it too.
Then thunder rumbles and he inhales sharply, louder than he would’ve liked.
“You still awake?” comes Maverick’s sleepy voice from behind him.
Ice opens his mouth and holds his breath as another louder rumble sounds.
“Yeah-” he gets out, shifting his legs, the covers held tight in his fists.
“You listening to the storm?”
“Unfortunately,” he says, then he realises what he said.
“Unfortunately? Do you not like them?”
Oh god oh god now he had to tell him. “N-no,”
Maverick makes a ‘hm’ noise, but it doesn’t sound judgemental.
Then he flinches and pushes his head into the pillow as the loudest crack of lightning lights up the room, exhaling hard.
“Ice,” Maverick whispers. “If you’re scared of them just say so,”
He swallows and continues to stare at the bottom of the curtains.
And then Maverick’s hand was on his shoulder. It forces a flinch out of him.
“I’m not gonna judge you for being scared of them,”
Ice exhales as much as he can, feeling tremors escape his shoulders. “But I am scared of them,”
“Come here then,” Maverick wraps his hand around Ice’s upper arm and tugs gently.
He didn’t really have a choice but to turn onto his back, but the exposure felt too vulnerable, so he turns onto his right, Maverick was right there, and he scoops both his arms around him.
“Don’t tell anyone,”
“Why would I?”
He’s about to reply, but the flash and crack of lightning stops him in his tracks, and he tucks his head into his chest, trying to breathe, his eyes shut tight.
“It’s not gonna get you,” Maverick murmurs, his face pressed to Ice’s, daring to hook his legs around his.
Never before had Ice felt this vulnerable, his arms wrapped around Maverick, hands and shoulders trembling. He knew this fear was irrational, he knew it couldn’t hurt him, but god it did not seem that way.
“Did you wake up from it?”
Ice shakes his head. “I didn’t fall asleep,”
“You said you were tired,” his voice is still quiet, concerned.
He swallows, opening his eyes a bit, not that he could see anything in the dark of the room. “I didn’t want you to know I was scared of them,”
Maverick doesn’t reply.
“And I didn’t want to make this more awkward than it had to be,”
“But you made it harder for yourself,” Maverick replies, stroking his thumb on Ice’s shoulder.
He sniffs, but doesn’t quite stop himself from flinching at the next rumble of thunder.
“I’m not going to let go of you, wingman, and anyway, I was the one making it awkward. I just didn’t know what to expect when they said I’d be sharing with you,”
“But nothing, you’re warmer than I am anyway, and I don’t mind, it’s like a horizontal hug, and you give the best hugs, I must admit,”
There was a flicker of a smile on Ice’s lips, and he didn’t care that it was in reaction to Maverick’s words.
“And if you don’t want me to tell anyone, I won’t, you’ll still be The Iceman in everyone else’s eyes, and wingman in mine,”
Ice dares to smile, despite the ball of anxiety inside him, despite Maverick beginning to know the real him, but that wasn’t an issue, he liked him. “Thank you Mav,”
“Anytime,” It sounded like he was going to say something else, but he stops himself.
“You can call me Tom,”
“Are we on the first-name basis now?”
Ice nods. “Why not,”
He can feel Maverick smirk, their heads still close together. “Okay... Tom,”
Ice smiles again, and maybe the storm didn’t feel so terrifying any more.
It was a two day conference, and god it was boring, everyone still congratulating both he and Maverick on their places in Top Gun and how well they work as a team, like no-one knew that working as a team was one of the most important things to do, both in the sky and on the ground. Ice had to admit, he felt a whole lot more comfortable around Maverick, knowing that he’d let him in deeper than anyone before, and he didn’t hate himself for doing that. But the people around the had a point, they did work well as a team, ever since the Layton mission right at the end of Top Gun, a day after graduating. Ice didn’t think Maverick would be able to do it, but he was proven wrong, and he felt so proud of him that he was the one who offered the title of ‘wingman’ to him.
Maverick took it, not before offering the same to him, then they’d hugged, and it was possibly the best hug he’d had in his life. It was over in seconds, but to Ice it felt like it lasted minutes. They’d stayed pretty close to each other after that, but Ice had been longing for that touch that came with the hug they’d had.
Then of course they’d been offered the chance to go to the conference, took it, were assigned the same room with one bed, and that storm had showed up. Then it had spiralled from there. Spiralled in a good way, they’d fallen asleep wrapped in each others arms, so Ice could find no fault in that.
Hopefully the second night would be easier, there was no storm, it had been and gone, passing over them in the early morning, before the sun was even up. But Ice wanted to get something out of the coming night. He wanted to talk to Maverick, really talk to him. He didn’t know how he was going to do it, he just knew he had to.
Maverick stays in the bathroom for a long while, and when he did come out, his eyes were reddened, no real expression on his face.
“Mav are you okay?” Ice asks, putting the book down and watching him get to the bed and sit on his side of it, his head down as he stares at his hands, ignoring Ice’s question.
“Maverick?” he shuffles closer to him.
He doesn’t respond.
“What’s up?” Ice gets over to him and sits next to him, he wanted to put his hand on his shoulder, or something. He just looked so sad.
Maverick clenches his jaw and slowly, slowly puts his head on Ice’s shoulder. “I don’t know,” he says, his voice rough.
That makes Ice slide his arm around him. “Do you want to talk?”
He shrugs and exhales. “I don’t wanna be a downer,”
“You’re not gonna be a downer,” he murmurs.
“Can you just..” he stops, trying again. “Just g-give me a hug, or something, please,”
“Course I can,” Ice whispers as he wraps both his arms around the smaller pilot. “Anything for my wingman,”
He can hear Maverick sigh from inside his hug, squeezing his arms around his middle, relaxing as soon as he puts his head in his shoulder.
What was going on? Surely it wasn’t to do with the conference, it was just full of people going on about how great they worked as a team. Ice didn’t think it was anything to do with him, either, he would have completely shut off and not even asked for a hug if it was. So what had got him feeling so down?
“What is it?” Ice asks him quietly, not loosening his arms from around him.
“Loads of… people today were just..” he sighs, unable to get the words he wanted out.
“Take your time, we have all night,”
Ice can feel him heavily exhale on the side of his neck, feel him clench his jaw, feel every little movement he made against him. “They kept sayi- I mean, uh,” he stops again. “Saying how much they… respected me for, for carrying on after… after um…”
Ice can feel him go still in his arms. Oh.
“It just.. got to me, I guess,” Maverick lifts his head up a fraction and sniffs.
“Mav…” Ice squeezes him. “I’m still here for you,”
“Yeah,” His voice was even shakier, the end of the word clipped.
He didn’t want Maverick to feel so upset, so alone, but he thinks he just managed to make him feel just that little bit worse. Dammit. “Mav, I’m sorry,”
“It’s okay,” He replies, lifting his head up to look at him. His eyes were reddened, highlights in the bottom of them.
“I didn’t want to make you feel worse,” Ice says.
“You didn’t,” Maverick manages a smile.
A smile?
“You allowed me to let myself go, I was holding it all in,”
Ice dares a smile back at him.
Then Maverick pushes him down so he’s laying on top of the covers, and he was leaning on his chest, their faces barely ten centimetres away from the other’s. What?!
“What are you doing?”
Maverick stares at him for a second or two, then he smirks. “Just looking at you,”
Ice raises his eyebrows. “Why?”
“Can a wingman not look at his wingman in peace?”
“You’re the one on top of me,” Ice says, barely containing the smirk.
“Better angle,” Maverick states after a second.
“Uh huh,”
“Uh huh,” he repeats, like it was the most normal thing to be doing.
There’s a moment of quiet before Ice says, “You’re making me nervous,”
Maverick smiles. “Good,”
“Good?” Ice echoes Maverick’s expression. They were so close, surely Maverick could feel Ice’s heart thudding against his forearm.
“Yeah,” Maverick tilts his head, dropping the smile, those brilliant green eyes of his still searching Ice’s face.
Then he shifts his weight to his left arm and cups Ice’s face with his right hand, the tips of his fingers extending from Ice’s cheekbones and down to his pulse point.
Oh Maverick definitely knew what he was doing. “What are you doing now?”
“Bout what?”
Maverick waits a moment, brushing his thumb ever so slowly over Ice’s lips.
“Mav,” It felt like his heart would explode out of his chest simply by the fact it was beating so fast.
“If you’re okay with this,” his voice was low.
“I would have said so if I wasn’t,” Ice matches his voice to his.
“So I am,” Ice whispers. He waits for Maverick to answer, or not, which he doesn’t. “If you wanna kiss me, just kiss me,”
Maverick doesn’t wait any longer to smash his lips against Ice’s.
Ice immediately relaxes into the kiss, bringing up his hands and pulling Maverick into him, they fit together perfectly, like they were meant to be there with each other, like it was meant to be. Which was what Ice felt the moment he’d hugged him after the Layton mission.
The kiss felt like a lightning bolt, like thunder in his chest, but this time, this time it wasn’t scary. This time it felt, dare he say it, good.
Okay, so maybe this wasn’t how Ice expected his conversation with Maverick to go, but he really didn’t care. It was better, almost, knowing he felt the same as he did.
“You still scared of storms?” Maverick murmurs, his head resting on Ice’s chest.
“No,” Ice replies. Then he thinks about it, he was still half in the dreamscape of the kiss. “Well, maybe a little bit,”
Maverick smiles. “What about metaphorical ones?”
“If you mean yourself-”
Maverick lets out a laugh.
“-then no,”
“Thank god for that,”
“You alright sharing a room with me now? And a bed, for that matter,”
“Mhm, I said I was last night,”
Ice smiles at him.
“But even more so now,” Maverick picks up his hand and pushes his fingers through Ice’s hair, letting his hand rest at his jawline, stroking his thumb over his cheek.
“Anyone tell you you’re beautiful lately?” Ice asks him, satisfied when he sees Maverick’s cheeks turn pink.
“Well, you are, wingman,”
“So are you,” Maverick says, smiling.
Ice smiles back at him.
“What happens now?”
“What do you mean?”
“If someone walks in and sees us like this?”
“It’s not like you to be concerned by things like that,” Ice frowns ever so slightly.
“But still,”
“Well, we could tell them that.. being wingmen is…”
“-An intimate sorta relationship?”
Ice laughs. “Yeah,”
Maverick sighs, leaning towards Ice and pressing his lips to the tip of his nose. “D’you really think they’d believe us?”
“They didn’t seem to know what it includes today, so, yeah,”
He smirks. “Well what did they expect, putting us two together in a room with one bed,”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“You tell me, Pete, I did see you watching me, throughout the whole time at Top Gun,”
“Likewise, Tom,”
“Then let’s just agree that we were as equally as down bad for each other,”
“Alright,” Maverick smiles again.
And he looked so pretty, Ice just had to kiss him again, even though he was smiling. His smile made him even more so, so Ice had no choice other than to keep kissing him.
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admin-resources · 3 months
— 𝐥𝐞𝐭❜𝐬 𝐭𝐚𝐥𝐤 𝐚𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐭: 𝐨𝐜𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐟𝐚𝐜𝐞 𝐜𝐥𝐚𝐢𝐦𝐬
༊*·˚ what are they and why are they important
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༊*·˚ what is an oc?
↳ ❝ oc = original character. this is a character created by your hand regardless on whether it is inspired or based off something else. an oc is separate from a real person in different ways depending on the context and platform and is a character you portray outside of yourself. ❞
༊*·˚ what are face claims?
↳ ❝ face claims are the faces given to specific ocs on various platforms to give those who interact with them an idea of what they look like. face claims can vary and are used in published books as well as video games. a face claim can be the base model for your character in which you build upon or they could look exactly like them. ❞
༊*·˚ finding and crediting face claims
↳ ❝ within the chatbot community, originally the face claims that were used were only k-pop idols, over time, faceless ocs started to pop up before influencers and western celebrities were brought into the mix. any person can be used as an oc but please be mindful and respectful about those whom have said that they do not want their likenesses used in these ways. when crediting the face claim, you can simply provide their user but it isn't always necessary. it's just a nice thing to do. ❞
༊*·˚ are there any differences between a chatbot that uses an oc and one that uses an idol?
↳ ❝ short answer: no. i will talk about the strange stigma around ocs below but there is no real difference between them. they are original characters regardless of using a popular face claim or an influencer. the only difference is that one uses the real name of the idol and one does not. the moment you change the person's background, concept, age, or anything, they become an oc. some people simply have a harder time separating the face claim from the real person when their real name is used. ❞
༊*·˚ stigma around female ocs
↳ ❝ without getting into the previous history of female ocs and how they were once targeted and treated by the community, the stigma around female ocs has always been a topic talked about, especially amongst those who have female ocs. part of this conversation will touch upon subjects such as selectiveness and sexuality which will be discussed in a different section in depth. female ocs were always viewed as an attempt to get y/n interactions and while, in some cases, this may be true, it isn't true for the majority. everyone has their own discomfort about female ocs but it can sometimes come down to the selectiveness around people not wanting to rp with a female character as opposed to a male character. of course, this isn't a 'one size fits all' type of situation and there can be many different reasons why female ocs as a whole are ignored but from personal experience, i've seen it boil down to three reasons:
people wanting to have gay ships. i've noticed there are a lot more male ocs who are gay and chatbots who only date other males. this is a preference that the admin may have and is, on most occasions, okay but there are some cases where some people fetishise and chase the ships of particular idols.
people only want their own female oc interacted with but refuse to give that same time and attention to someone else's female ocs.
the female oc has been thrown together and there is a lack of character and substance. this usually comes from people who are trying to get a y/n experience or simply do not know how to build a character from scratch. ❞
this is not to shame the people who do these things, this is simply something i have noticed a lot as a female oc admin and have heard similar stories from fellow admins who also run female oc chatbots. there should be no stigma, no prejudice or selectiveness around female ocs especially for this community to be inclusive for everyone. ❞
༊*·˚ faceless chatbots
↳ ❝ faceless chatbots are ocs who do not have a specific face claim and uses a lot of faceless pictures rather than a set person. while nothing is wrong with creating an oc like this, most people find it hard to interact with a character with no physical features or face. they have a harder time getting attention and interactions and take some perseverance to make work. ❞
༊*·˚ important note
↳ ❝ a lot of this information can be debated, talked about and edited but this is all coming from the things i have seen throughout the years and my personal experience. i run both ocs in the sense of changed names and real names and always notice the large difference in who gets interactions. ❞
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ouchiis · 1 year
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cw ;     suggestive ,  ns/ft.
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⇢   ❛⠀✦    I THINK  OUYE's  sexual  preferences  and  sexuality  as  a  whole  is  relatively  interesting  to  explore  and  elaborate  on.  given  he  was  raised  in  a  rather  conservative  (  as  in  modest  and  chaste  )  household  ,  the  only  reason  why  OUYE  even  really  knows  what  sex  is  is  because  he's  heard  about  it  occasionally  and  read  about  it  in  books.  he's  always  been  too  ashamed  to  try  to  experiment  with  things  ,  and  he's  too  introverted  to  go  seeking  out  any  sort  of  sexual  relationship  by  himself  (  though  he  definitely  wouldn't  be  opposed  to  one  ).  and  given  he's  roughly  a  hundred  years  old  in  his  canon  verse  (  give  or  take  )  .  .  .  that's  a  ton  of  repressed  sexuality. this  man  is  probably  more  repressed  than  a  medieval  monk. ⇢   ❛⠀☾    DESPITE  this  ,  OUYE absolutely  has  the  sex  drive  of  a  goddamn  dog.  while  they  definitely  suppress  their  urges  -  mostly  out  of  shame  or  modesty  -  i  could  realistically  see  them  sleeping  with  their  partner  at  least  every  other  day  in  order  to  be  fully  satisfied  (  with  their  minimum  probably  being  once  every  week  or  maybe  once  every  two  weeks  if  you're  pushing  it  ).  however  ,  on  their  own  ,  they  tend  to  '  put  off  '  actual  acts  of  masturbation  until  it  becomes  too  distracting  to  function  ,  often  leading  to  longer  sessions  due  to  pent  -  up  frustrations.  they  also  don't  experience  sexual  attraction  often  ,  though  their  libido  is  completely  separate  from  how  they  view  others.  (  however  ,  part  of  their sexual  attraction  is  also  due  to  the  fact  that  they're  so  repressed  that  they  don't  know  how  to  healthily  process  being  sexually  attracted  to  someone  without  shaming  themself  for  it.  ) ⇢   ❛⠀✩    HOWEVER  ,  in  regards  to  his  actual  position  ,  i  think  the  first  time  he's  ever  with  a  partner  ,  he  probably  needs  to  bottom.  i  think  bottoming  would  scare  him  initially  at  first  ,  but  his  fear  of  topping  definitely  trumps  that.  there's  so  much  effort  on  his  part  if  he  does  that.  he  doesn't  know  how  to  move  his  hips  at  all  -  he's  only  used  his  hand  to  go  up  and  down  !  how  does  he  properly  thrust  into  it  ?!  even  after  that  ,  i  still  would  say  OUYE  is  primarily  a  bottom  ,  he  just  could  top  if  the  situation  really  called  for  it  (  observational  learning  skills  ig  ).  however  ,  i  will  say  OUYE  absolutely  would  power  bottom  ,  and  i  believe  he  has  some  hidden  sadistic  tendencies  himself  ,  as  well  as  masochistic. ⇢   ❛⠀♡    THIS  entire  ramble  was  sparked  by  the  idea  that  ,  because  they  spend  all  of  their  time  indoors  ,  they  have  a  lot  of  time  on  their  hands.  OUYE  once  spent  this  time  learning  how  to  tie  knots  with  their  tongue  using  cherry  stems.  you're  welcome  for  this  knowledge.
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tbloff · 4 months
“Solace”- Earl Sweatshirt 0:40-10:00
This Track by Earl Sweatshirt quietly released on April 28th, 2015 posted on his old YouTube account under the name “dar Qness” is one of the most vulnerable songs I’ve personally ever listened to.
This song is a look into Earl's mental state after the passing of his grandmother, a chilling portrayal of depression in the form of song.
It’s one of my favorite songs because the real emotion Earl bleeds onto this track, he’s in complete distress and he turned his pain into art.
The beat to this track shows the rhythm of Syncopation, which sonically is very fitting for the incredibly depressing (off-beat) topics of this track.
The first verse opens up with;
“Late for everything, my face to the cement That's how I always seen it I spent days faded and anemic
You could see it in my face, I ain't been eatin' I'm just wastin' away”
When you look at these lyrics they’re textbook signs of depression, he’s overly critical of himself and completely self-aware of the damage he’s causing to himself, rather than eating, doing drugs to cope, and forgetting about what’s going on in his life.
The second line in verse 1;
“Looks like the way that River Phoenix went gon' end up my fate
And when they drag me out the gutter, mail the ashes to my mother”
River Phoenix passed away due to overdoes, Earl knows if he doesn’t change his habits he’ll end up with the same fate for his drug use.
Skipping ahead to the last line in verse one;
“Try to make some sense of all this shit in my brain
One foot stuck in a tar pit of my ways”
Earl sees the gravity of the situation he’s in but feels completely trapped in his depression, Earl also mentions that he has “one foot stuck” implying that he is halfway out of his depression he could more than likely escape if he wanted to but it’s constantly sucking him back in. This concept of being pulled apart by two opposing forces is called “Cognitive dissonance” which is a mental stress/ discomfort caused by conflicting thoughts.“Cognitive dissonance” can also manifest anxiety and depression especially when people have dissonance about their identity or how they view/ perceive themselves, which Earl openly talks about on this verse.
Earl doesn’t want to die of an overdose or waste his life away, but he feels incapable of changing his behavior.
After the first verse is finished, you hear the dynamics of loud piano keys pressing down miraculously going into the next verse, which is fitting for the thoughts in Earl’s mind with how all over his thoughts are. hearing the Dynamics of the piano keys crashing down going into the next verse gives a sense of distress and misdirection in Earl's life.
The song takes a very big jump in timbre coming into this second part of the song, Earl's voice is less energetic you can tell he’s falling victim to the thoughts he’s portraying on himself (self-loathing) he completely crashes and stoops a new low of feeling worthless and out of place on the track.
Moving onto verse 2 on the track, with the newfound tone Earl mumbles the intro to verse 2;
“And if it's like that the whole time
If it's like that the whole time, we’ll be alright, And if it's like that the whole time, we'll be alright Stayin' up all night, but it's alright
And I have been stayin' up the whole night, but it's alright”
Earl is consumed by everything, he’s to the point he can’t even sleep at night, he’s tired but his mind wanders restlessly. Seemingly self-loathing has taken hold of him.
Verse 2;
“It's me and my nibbling conscience, I'm fixin' to give up I've been alone for the longest
It's trouble, the way that we joggin' Nothin' gon' save us or stop us Me and my nibbling conscience, I'm fixin' to give up I've been alone for the longest
This spliff, I ain't splittin' no time soon My brain split in two, it's rainin a bit I hope it's a monsoon, my face in the sink I'm seein' my mom soon, l'm faded, I stink Stay in it, alright.? (Faded, I'm stayin' in...)”
Earl's melody is very monotone, he sounds very sluggish and tired and it seems he’s subconsciously losing any energy and at this point of the track just saying whatever is on his mind. Earl has no hope he hates everything he just wants to sit in a pit of despair he’s undermining his mental health and physical health about seeing his mom, he doesn’t seem to have any motivation to do anything at this point in his life and it’s a completely depressing part of the song.
The song takes a very long break from its second to the third verse, and you just get to hear the instrumental, the best goes polyphonic for a little bit hearing a bottle clashing with other bottles and the sound of one note coming from what’s presumably a trumpet. The instrumental soon levels out and calms down into this chill beat with no lyrics mind you, and after hearing the bottles clank around from earlier this chill part of the track can only remind me of the fixation of calming down after self-medicating yourself, and it seems that’s the case with Earl on this track.
Verse 3;
“I got my grandmama's hands, I start to cry when I see em
'Cause they remind me of seein' her
These the times that I needed her most 'cause I feel defeated
And not by nothin' by myself, my second thoughts, my sec
(And not by nothin' by myself)
My hands, I start to cry when I see 'em
'Cause they remind me of seein' her
These the times that I needed her most 'cause I feel defeated
And not by nothin' but myself, my second thoughts My hectic process of thinkin' and all my doubts, and I think
I know Nak in there sleepin', he on the couch, that's my brother
Give me a boost when my confidence need it, so l love him
To tell the truth, I got a problem with eatin', I be druggin'
To tell the truth, I'm not supposed to be off in here I'm supposed to be sleepin', but I be turnin' and tossin'
To tell the truth, I miss my partna dem
To tell the truth, you can't be loud when you're the wrongest, fam
To tell the truth, I'm at a loss of friends
Well time waits for no man and death waits with cold hands
I'm the youngest old man that you know If ya soul intact, let me know”
The Final verse is the most we see into what’s coherently wrong with Earl. He mentions his grandmother, someone whom he mentions he needs the most at the given point of distress in his life.
Earl then begins to start a few bars with “to tell the truth”, confessing some of the things he’s doing wrong at the given point of his life he mentions drug use, lack of sleep, undereating, and a lack of friends. At the end of all of the confessions his last line is;
“Well time waits for no man and death waits with cold hands
I'm the youngest old man that you know If ya soul intact, let me know”
Earl recognizes that even though he’s having this internal battle in his mind the world going to keep spinning regardless.
Earl may be young, but he feels like he’s at the end of his life, feeling like the “youngest old man that you know”
It may seem like Earl may have completely given up on himself and feels like he has a corrupt soul, but as much grief as Earl faces on this track, only by reaching this low point in his life Earl can find “Solace” in his life.
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louisbfirstpersongame · 8 months
What is a First Person Game?
A First Person Game is a video game that is from a first person viewpoint, so from the characters eyes. And there are many different genres of first person games and I will explore and research them. First Person Games are more environmentally driven due to the fact that you can't see your character.
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It is said that a game being in first person leads to more exploration and a better experience with the environment, this is due to you seeing it through the characters eyes and not a camera floating above the character. It is also better for focusing on smaller details and making specific observations.
"The third-person perspective lends itself well to exploration of a different kind. Third-person exploration is all about the journey. It emphasizes scale and scope. By pulling the camera back from the player, it gives you a wider view of the landscape. Instead of seeing disparate elements of the environment, you see them working together as a whole."
This is said in the article and it is worded perfectly, being in third person means smaller details are not looked at and is all about how you get to a destination, whereas in the first person you focus on the landscape and graphics rather than how you get somewhere it is what you go through.
I'll need to put detail in my game and not have anywhere empty of details.
This article talks about how a first person camera provides more immersion and the player feels like they are the character where as in third person there is not immersion and the player feels like they are playing a character and they can sympathise with the character and almost get to know them.
I will obviously be picking first person as this is a first person project, I need to create atmosphere and immerse the player into the game so they can feel like they are the character in my game. If I fail to do this then my game will have failed as a first person game.
Due to the game being in first person the player tends to focus on the surroundings as opposed to the character and so this means I will have to add finer details and I can have specific things you have to aim at to pick up instead of standing around the area.
The same thing is said in this article, immersion is key for first person games and as shown in the article, comparing the first and third person perspective in the same game really shows the difference. They use the example of 'Alien: Isolation' and the first person footage is much scarier and gives you more anxiety than playing in third person because it feels like you are the character and you are in that situation.
I could add tension to my game to add more atmosphere and immersion.
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booksandwords · 9 months
Safe & Sound by Lucy Felthouse
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Series: The Dreadnoughts #3 Read time: 2 Days Rating: 2/5 Stars
The Quote: “I guess this is what I get for being involved with four men at once, isn’t it? I mean, bloody hell, one bloke is troublesome enough—but four? I must be insane.” — Kim Medhurst
Warnings: None of note
This review is mainly me just word vomiting. There are thoughts on the series as a whole right at the end.
I'm going to start by saying by this series struggled to stick the landing. I may not read reverse harem for the proper plot, rather I read it for the connections between the characters (no not the sex), but your plot that framing that holds the whole thing together has to make sense. And on that, I'm afraid Lucy Felthouse fails. That is why I'm giving it 2⭐, it was only going to be three (at the absolute highest four) but it required everything to work out well. That said I do like the way the end breaks down time-wise. Chapter fourteen is the last on the main timeline, chapters fifteen and sixteen are set two weeks later, the epilogue two months.
We left Cut and Run with Maxim Orlov (referred to as Orlov junior and the wee fella more than a few times) at the gates of Jota's compound asking for entrance, to talk. Safe and Sound picks up right from there, with The Dreadnoughts trying to figure out what he might want, how bigger a threat he poses and quite frankly how to handle the situation. Maxim is an ally, much like Kim, he has opposing views to his father. He wants to use the ygrene to enhance his familial fortunes rather than maintain them while destroying the planet. Maxim is an interesting character to me. I didn't expect him, the way Vladamir speaks to him, the way he speaks to others and he interacts with the wider world. In some ways, despite being the son of a Russian oligarch he is almost the right fit for Kim's harem (sans powers). In all honesty, I really like him.
The Dreadnoughts do eventually talk about their polyandrous arrangement. Laying out the boundaries and actually having a moment where the boundaries need to be addressed and called upon. I appreciate that there was that complication, in the most British way possible. Jota are totally fine with the sharing, in my favourite way to borrow a line from the previous book "We already share family ties, a house and a business. Why not a lady, too?” (Taylor, Cut and Run). The others are fine with it too, getting to something I already wondered if it is the ygrene that has created a bond between them. Jota note that Chastain and Aidan are more reserved with women, that is what prompts the thought that it was the ygrene. I have wondered if given Chastain's issues at times if the ygrene as treated some kind of imperative (see both Michaela Haze's Blood Sugar and L.J. Swallow's The Four Horsemen series).
Have a dump of quotes and comments.
Also, his bark was worse than his bite, and despite his fighting talk, he wouldn’t kill someone without provocation. — This is Kim about Chastain. I really like it as a description of him. It suits him well. It is a testament to just how well she has learnt through personal interaction and through his records. (Kim)
Of course he was eating. Nothing would keep that man from a meal for long. Taylor Greig was to food as she was to a computer. — Like the previous quote about Chastain this is a fantastic pick-up about Taylor. I appreciate that there is a potential scientific explanation for it. (Kim)
“Oh, I dunno… pick the right time and place to go for a walk in Greenwich and there’s a chance you won’t see a soul.” “Hmm,” he replied, brushing his hand over the rough bark of a tree as they passed it, “you might not see them, but they’ll be there, won’t they?” She frowned. “What, you mean they’ll be hiding in the bushes? Like psycho stalkers?” “No.” Smith chuckled. “That’s not what I meant at all. I meant, even if you sat slap bang in the middle of Greenwich Park, and there was no one walking through it, there’d still be people in the surrounding houses, in the shops, the pubs, the restaurants, the museums. You might not see them, might not hear them, might not even sense them, but they’d be there. There’s none of that here. Other than the five of us and the wildlife, there isn’t a soul for miles.” — I know a long quote but I love it. I love it as a way to show the similarities in Kim and Aidan's personalities. The value of peace as well as their shared compassion and interest in bettering the world. (Kim and Aidan)
“All right. Be warned, bossy mode has been activated. Here’s what I want you to do…” — I appreciate this line. The guys like that she is bossy on a level I think. Though blessed be it is not a total turn-on for anyone. (Kim)
I do wonder what The Dreadnoughts (Kim excepted) were doing to help Kim with her research. We know they were helping with Aidan talking his own outbuilding for his tests but he's got a different background to the others. Despite all of them being intelligent men.
Oh oh I definitely have a type in a reverse harem, that type is served so well in Aidan Smith. He's smart, compassionate and a brilliant friend, he's the closest alignment is likely the stoic. His intimate scenes with Kim are perfect. It's teasing and intense. It starts in a bath and ends on a bed. I appreciated it.
“Fuck’s sake! Will you stop doing that?” “No,” Taylor said simply, folding his arms. “Not when there’s a Russian megalomaniac at my front gates, looking fer trouble.” — I quite like this feisty side of Taylor, Taylor and Chastain are already having issues in this book but him Whoosh!-ing people around is kinda fun. We needed to see the many dimensions of Tay before this ended. (Chastain and Taylor)
“Come up wi’ some bullshit excuse fer why ye’re only just answering. We dinnae want tae antagonise him more than he already is. There’s the slightest chance this whole thing might end without the need fer violence.” Chastain snorted. “We’ve got more chance of finding rocking-horse shit. Fucking hell, Josh, I know you’re something of a pacifist these days, but you’re dreaming if you think this can end peacefully.” Realising he was gripping his gun so hard he was in danger of bending it entirely out of shape, therefore rendering it useless, Joshua swallowed hard to dampen down the flare of anger Chastain’s words had ignited. He wanted to drive his ‘pacifist’ fist right into Chastain’s snarky face. “Dreaming or not, mate, there is a crazy Russian prick at my fucking gates, and he isnae going tae go away just because we’re ignoring him, so why dinnae ye shut the fuck up and let Taylor do his thing, all right?” — I know this is a long quote but I wanted to include it. This line made me so angry. Like nearly irrationally angry. I have a love for Josh and struggle with Chastain. The pacifist line was needless and this group needs a balance of testosterone-fuelled protector and calm realist. (Chastain and Josh)
Taylor acting stupid for Vladimir Orlov to stall for time is possibly the funniest thing. He's so good a fast-talking and knows how to stall best for the right person.
To be fair, it shouldn’t be any kind of surprise Taylor already had a good idea of who would be most useful where, either. His superhero-nerd status had come into its own since they’d all had their powers bestowed upon them—gone from hobby to actual life skill. — I hadn't thought of this, honestly, I'd forgotten a little about how much of a total nerd Tylor is. (Kim)
As she’d known he would, Taylor engaged his powers and with a whoosh, he was completely naked, his clothes flung so carelessly around the room it looked as though a typhoon had blown through her kitchen. She supposed one had. Typhoon Taylor. As weather events went, it was definitely her favourite. —This made me laugh. Taylor using his powers to get as naked as possible as fast as possible is perfect. It is fantastic to see a character making sex fun. The only other scene in here is so intense and this is a gorgeous counterbalance to it. (Kim)
The plot does wind up well with no loose ends per se. This isn't the worst reverse harem series I've read but it is certainly not brilliant either. There is better polyandry out there. That said if you are a fan of the genre it is something different. That idea of playing with superpowers and military all through, including the woman. Also, I'm not sure I've ever read a book in this style with Scots used consistently by two characters (I can't remember what Three Irish Brothers did but Aiden's mute). I personality had problems with one of the four men, Chastain, but I loved the other three Jota (that nickname is cute too) and Aidan (marked by the fact that I use his given name rather than a surname as is used in the book). Kim is brilliant though her strength and intelligence are perfect for a series with this sort of scientific premise.
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christ2525 · 1 year
What Your Rising Sign in Astrology Means
What Your Rising Sign in Crystal gazing Means
You may not be know all about your rising sign, in spite of the fact that you likely definitely realize your Sun sign. That is the indication of the zodiac that you were alloted essentially by the date of your introduction to the world. This is the indication of the zodiac which directs the horoscope you read. However, on the off chance that specific parts of that sign don't feel very precise or you've contemplated whether there's another side to everything crystal gazing can say to you about yourself, that is the point at which you really want to become familiar with your rising sign.
What is my rising sign? Otherwise called your ascendant sign, your rising sign demonstrates the indication of the zodiac that was in a real sense ascending on the eastern skyline the second you were conceived. Numerous soothsayers recommend concentrating on both your Sun and rising finishes paperwork for a more nuanced comprehension of your way to deal with life. Certain individuals even observe that What Your Rising Sign in Astrology Mean
How do I have any idea what my rising sign is? Type "what is my rising sign?" in your hunt bar and you'll be given endless visionary number crunchers that will demand the date, time, and area of your introduction to the world. You can pick to learn only your rising sign, which is the least complex methodology, or you can acquire your full birth graph, which is the guide of the whole sky at the specific general setting that you were conceived. Your introduction to the world graph uncovers the position of every planet overhead the second you appeared, including which indication of the zodiac was impacting each. It can appear like you want a PhD to peruse your introduction to the world outline, however by more deeply studying these situations in your diagram, you can find layer upon layer inside yourself.
What my rising sign means Your prophetic birth diagram starts with your rising sign, which falls in the "principal house" of your introduction to the world outline. It runs generally points of view, including your feeling of what your identity is and the way that you introduce yourself to the world. Consider your rising sign portraying your social or outward character. Its qualities address your actual appearance, your style, how others see you, and any covers or safeguard systems you go to safeguard yourself in awkward collaborations. As such, it uncovers how you connect with the world.
So assuming that your Sun sign gives you a role as a serious and direct Capricorn yet others see you as nostalgic, that may be the impact of your rising, or ascendant, indication of Disease. Following is a brief look at the impact of each indication of the zodiac sign when it is in your most memorable house.
Keep in mind, your Sun and rising signs — and your whole birth graph — are planned as data, not a destiny. Soothsaying can offer bits of knowledge into yourself and your way of seeing the world, not as a reason or legitimization but rather to assist you with better grasping the gifts and the limits of seeing and encountering the world through your special character.
Aries Activity overshadows pretty much all the other things for Aries. With this fire sign in your most memorable house, you travel through life dangerously fast, more often than not following your stomach without trying to examine the drawn out results. You will more often than not appear to be energetic, cutthroat, bold, autonomous, direct, and stubborn. Since Mars, the lord of war, governs your rising sign, you make a furious champion and pioneer who esteems your instinct over all else and looks for pardoning as opposed to consent.
Taurus Taurus as your rising sign means you're unfazed in your qualities, dedication, and agreeable, rational nature. You probably radiate savage, trustworthy, and solid willed flows. You try sincerely and epitomize naturalness in its most perfect structure by taking care of business with anything that you're doing, particularly imaginative undertakings. In spite of the fact that you're not materialistic, you certainly have a preference for extravagance, excellence, and the beneficial things in life since Taurus is governed by Venus. Since you have a fairly resolute circumspection, you could make some extreme memories shifting gears and evolving vocations, leaving a relationship, or moving to another city.
Gemini On account of being governed to some extent by Mercury, the planet administering correspondence, you appear to be social, fun loving, inquisitive, loquacious, and savvy. In antiquated times, Gemini was the sign viewed as the courier of the divine beings given its propensity to be enchanting, articulate, and adroit at public discourse. You have a profoundly inventive psyche that produces 1,000,000 thoughts per minute, which is the sign of this air sign. You may in some cases be overpowered by the longing to do everything simultaneously, and this can likewise apply to your affection life-Geminis are famous heartbreakers who are only trusting that their ideal other half will show up.
Malignant growth Malignant growth, a water sign, is governed by the natural Moon. Given your lunar ties, your feelings vacillate as fast as the tides and it assists with being aware of what sign the Moon is in on some random day as this influences you, some of the time decisively. You are undeniably more genuinely delicate than individuals understand yet you are uncannily ready to hold space for other people. You ordinarily seem supporting, sincere, empathetic, thoughtful, and delicate, in spite of the fact that you are picky about individuals permitted inside your home and your heart. Your sign is represented by a crab since you keep a defensive shell around something beyond your actual environmental factors. Despite the fact that you present as kind and glowing, those sharp pinchers in some cases come out when your limits are crossed.
Leo With the imperativeness bringing Sun directing your rising sign, you strike others as sure, merry, charming, loaded with energetic certainty, and started up to understand your fantasies and objectives. Like the Sun, individuals with Leo ascendant are made for the spotlight, possible in a featuring job. Individuals frequently incline toward your glow and everybody sees when you stroll into the room. You're strongly imaginative, whether you really work in human expression or just develop a wonderful Instagram feed. Leos are known as the offspring of the zodiac and, similar to a kid, you live at the time. Relatively few others can stay aware of your blazing — and here and there requesting — energy.
Virgo Earth sign Virgo appears to others as rational, social, informative, congenial, proficient, and anxious to track down arrangements every step of the way. Individuals might portray you as coordinated, set up, and dependable. Deciding planet Mercury implies that you're informative, inquisitive, and conscientious, as well as being profoundly receptive to your actual body. Numerous Virgo rising are attracted to yoga and different types of actual development and recuperating. Your quality of hairsplitting — regardless of whether procured — can be scary to others as you might appear to be somewhat distant and cool from the outset as you investigate what is going on and the characters in question.
Libra With your ascendant in Libra, you strike others as a creative, cleaned, fair, balance-cherishing, and struggle opposed extrovert. Profoundly keen to human expression, you have both a sweet sentimentalism and a sharp, clever tongue, and both these characteristics are evident to every individual who experiences you. Addressed by the sizes of equilibrium, this air sign should be visible as uncertain — and this is precise, for the most part since you're attempting to maintain order and satisfy everybody. Libra is a definitive indication of organization so you're willing to think twice about. With Venus as the decision planet of this sign, you're likewise enchanting, coy, powerful, as well as unbelievably attractive and appealing for ways that go past your actual appearance.
Scorpio Scorpio rising perpetually implies you are appealling, attractive, beguiling, and baffling. Scorpios have gained notoriety for being the most sexual indication of the zodiac, so that might be the thing others notice when they meet you-there's a sure secret charm to the face you present to the world. Yet, Scorpio ascendants are serious in practically all ways and have frequently had previous encounters that made you set up your gatekeeper. Governed by Mars, the hero planet, and Pluto, the ruler of the hidden world, this rising sign, not entirely set in stone, private, vital, and perhaps the most scary from the outset indication of the zodiac.
Sagittarius With your ascendent in Sagittarius, you will more often than not be dynamic, attractive, energizing, amusing, and siphoned about existence, love, and all that the world brings to the table. You're a remarkable narrator with a richness that is enjoyable to be near. Sagittarius rising is known as the confident person of the zodiac given your infectious, cordial nature. Candid and stubborn, you move with certainty and, in any event, when bashful, you don't contract away from life. Droop is governed by go big or go home Jupiter, the planet of development and extension, and that implies that you seldom quit moving, both in a real sense and metaphorically.
Capricorn This world sign is governed by disciplinarian Saturn. With Capricorn as your rising sign, you seem to be reasonable, reasonable, practical, coordinated, conventional, and seriously profession arranged. "Grounded" is the word that strikes a chord for a great many people while portraying Capricorns. Ready for anything, you make progress toward significance in both your own and proficient life. As you age, your serious and dependable nature facilitates and you'll figure out how to appreciate all that you've endeavored to accomplish. Severe Saturn is a stickler and educator, implying that individuals see your desire sole later does your wild and wicked side become obvious.
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alyjojo · 2 years
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The Person On Your Mind in September 🤠 2022 - Scorpio
Whole of their energy towards Scorpio: Queen of Wands
This is someone you’re very attracted to and have sent some sort of passionate messages to, you could work with and be crushing hard on them. They don’t seem to reciprocate your feelings, and may have ghosted you or just kinda shrugged you off and never took you seriously. This is a person that definitely knows what they want, and it’s Pentacles, stability, a serious long term relationship, and money is what matters most to them 💯
Feelings: King of Cups rev
This person feels like you’re emotionally immature, which comes up in your messages, as far as this person is concerned they’re on point with that. There could be a significant age difference, they see you as a Knight and they’re a Queen, the maturity level is very different, which leads to different perspectives and desires…they realize this from the start. I don’t think they ever even considered, you seemed to make a move on them and they went no…and left it behind. They could either be involved with or interested in someone else.
Intentions: 2 Swords & 8 Cups
They don’t intend on giving to this at all, they don’t reciprocate feelings or any passionate & spontaneous action you want to take…it’s not for them. They don’t seem to know how to tell you that, and they probably feel guilty for just leaving it lie or not really communicating, they probably don’t know how to reject you nicely, they just kinda hope you understand.
Actions: King of Pentacles
Either this is the person they’re actually with or interested in, or they are wholly focused on their career & finances. This is a very serious person with very serious goals, they put in the grinding effort every single day and either aren’t interested in relationships, or they have other options they’d rather pursue. This is a person that views things as long term, and they’re willing to put in effort towards building something that lasts, or they’re not going to waste their time.
Their side:
- Too different
- I love your money 💰
Your side:
- Emotionally immature 🤡
- My money is my LIFE 💵
Possible signs:
Sagittarius, Scorpio, Taurus, Virgo & Pisces
If you’re dealing with:
Strength with Knight of Wands underneath shows the desire to rush in and make big waves and big changes is there, the passion, spontaneous energy and fiery motivation burns 🥵 inside of you, but you are trying to act more mature about it and hold yourself back, due to whatever is going on with other people, some of them may be advising you not to.
Aries - probably works with you and is very generous, you make a good team
Taurus - could be worried & stressed over a specific person or is doing well themselves and is intensely worried about something else
Gemini - sneaky, has other options, be careful 👀
Cancer - done with this and getting over it
Leo - not interested in working with you because of a difficult situation, one of you has hurt the other one in some way, feels wounded
Virgo - could be traveling, doing very well and telling you all about it
Libra - has feelings for you but wants to be alone right now, or wants to be alone…with you
Scorpio - very patient & reconciliatory, kind and loving energy, a very good relationship
Sagittarius - happy something didn’t work out, or your/their ego, confidence, arrogance etc. caused things to change forever in some way
Capricorn - has a new love with someone else, or is very detached and skeptical about a new love with anyone in general, but not opposed
Aquarius - they don’t have a good feeling about whatever dynamic is between you, very pessimistic, you make their head hurt
Pisces - loves you deeply and wants to resolve any conflicts or differences between you
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