admin-resources ยท 10 days
โ€” ๐ฅ๐ž๐ญโœ๐ฌ ๐ญ๐š๐ฅ๐ค ๐š๐›๐จ๐ฎ๐ญ: ๐š๐๐ฆ๐ข๐ง๐ฌ
เผŠ*ยทหš behind every character that you interact with, there is a real human
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เผŠ*ยทหš the importance of the admin
โ†ณ โ stating the obvious, the admin is a crucial aspect of a bot because they are the creator behind it and the person who responds in character for you to interact with. without the admin, there is no bot. โž
เผŠ*ยทหš keeping in touch
โ†ณ โ keeping in touch with your fellow admins can be crucial especially when taking breaks or needing to communicate about a connection or something that has happened. while it is okay for some people to not want to engage as admins, it can only be beneficial to form a good connection with your fellow admins, they are who you are working and interacting with. sometimes, it can just be a check-in, a talk about something important or you can grow a friendship outside of chatbot. whichever you decide to do is up to you but remember to always update people and remain contactable just in case! โž
เผŠ*ยทหš respect and understanding
โ†ณ โ respecting and being understanding is important when it comes to interacting with admins from all around the world. we all exist in different time zones, speak different languages and have lives outside of chatbot. expecting someone to constantly be active and replying isn't fair and it doesn't foster a good relationship so please understand that they do have a life and it doesn't revolve around chatbot. talking to your fellow admin about an issue you may have rather than acting out or treating them differently is also a sign of respect. โž
เผŠ*ยทหš gossiping and rumours
โ†ณ โ there have been many issues around gossip to do with certain admins and remembering that one person's interaction doesn't define the whole. there are always two sides to a story and refusing to engage with one person based solely on one person can sour the fun. some people can be/have been toxic but unless you were there and know everything that happened - don't pass judgement. there have been tea-time bots or even discord group chats that have talked about admins negatively and usually, it boils down to someone not wanting to ship. take everything with a grain of salt just like any other rumour you hear. everyone is human and this should be remembered always. โž
เผŠ*ยทหš approaching admins
โ†ณ โ it can be scary to approach new admins but don't be shy. this is a community that relies on interactions and communication. if you are already interacting with an admin, reach out and talk about the connection you're building, compliment them, make a friend or keep it in a more professional sense. most people are not opposed to talking to others because we are all human and love to connect. โž
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เผŠ*ยทหš always remember that keeping in touch and communicating with your fellow admins helps so much more and can help build connections better
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admin-resources ยท 18 days
๐ซ ๐ฎ ๐ฅ ๐ž ๐ฌ + ๐ž ๐ญ ๐ข ๐ช ๐ฎ ๐ž ๐ญ ๐ญ ๐ž [๐Ÿ]
เผŠ*ยทหš some rules and etiquette from fellow admins within the community
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เผŠ*ยทหš communication: talking to admins and checking in now and again helps build a better connection
เผŠ*ยทหš effort: put in the same effort regarding interactions. don't tag someone and then ignore them when they interact or tag you
เผŠ*ยทหš don't be weird: having random people interact and immediately chase after people they've never talked to before is uncomfortable
เผŠ*ยทหš read rules and profiles: if you're interested in building a connection, give some respect to the person and read their rules and profile before trying to date their characters
เผŠ*ยทหš more to come...
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เผŠ*ยทหš please send me your own rules and etiquette that you think would be handy to have on the list
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admin-resources ยท 29 days
โ€” ๐ฅ๐ž๐ญโœ๐ฌ ๐ญ๐š๐ฅ๐ค ๐š๐›๐จ๐ฎ๐ญ: ๐ญ๐ข๐ฆ๐ž
เผŠ*ยทหš sometimes it can be hard to remember that we all run at different times and that these can be very important for building and maintaining relationships
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เผŠ*ยทหš what is 'chatbot' time?
โ†ณ โ chatbot time is what separates the time flow from real-time. everyone has a different speed at what they like to develop and so their chatbot time might differ from another person's. some people can be talking for a couple of weeks then getting married or pregnant while others follow closer to real time and can take weeks to even get to the dating stage. it is a hard concept to measure and is all up to the individual admins to work with. โž
เผŠ*ยทหš dash time vs. dm time
โ†ณ โ dash time and dm time work alongside chatbot time. some people might have dash flow with real-time, this means a post that is made and any reblogs or interactions on that post occur during (or sometimes after) that time frame. some admins flow with real-time while most stick to that particular 'time' unless stated otherwise. dms usually take longer to get through one scene as opposed to dash being able to have multiple things going at once so they are frozen in that time frame unless time has been stated to pass. one scene may take a month to finish but weren't on that date for an entire month. this usually means any development on dash doesn't clash with the interaction on dms as it can cause inconsistencies and confusion. e.g. a character having a bad time on dash shouldn't affect a date scene that started a few weeks prior. โž
เผŠ*ยทหš time management
โ†ณ โ being able to keep up with things can be hard especially if you run multiple chatbots or have commitments outside of the community. while it shouldn't be stated, reminding people in your rules that you have certain days where you are active or you are generally slow can help expectations but you need to learn how to manage your time. leaving connections for months can cause a strain between admins. you don't need to be active every day, you shouldn't have to be, but find a little time to make sure you aren't leaving everything up to your fellow admin to carry or that you aren't abandoning connections you are working on with someone else. โž
เผŠ*ยทหš absences/inactivity
โ†ณ โ while there is never any judgements around taking time off or getting busy, one thing that has been noted a lot is people simply abandoning their accounts or certain connections. these can come around for various reasons but it doesn't make it any less upsetting. as stated before, communication is important when working with others, you are not in this alone. if you are taking some time away, talk to those you are connected to so that they know or end the connection if you aren't interested - ending ships is talked about in another section. if you have multiple accounts and cannot handle them, this will be talked about in another section as well, but simply communicate as it looks bad and can be upsetting to those waiting for you to be active. ignoring people only causes others to be upset and doesn't foster a fun community to be involved in. โž
เผŠ*ยทหš connection deadlines
โ†ณ โ some people have deadlines with their connections, meaning they will end or remove inactive connections after a certain length of time. it can vary from admin to admin but a good rule of thumb is two to three months. as we know, some people get busy and can't be around as often which means they might not be able to reply quickly or engage as much so giving them a couple of months to catch up is fair. on the other side of things, it can be hard to sit on a connection that has had no development in three months - this doesn't mean anything big but more so something to help grow as people do treat their relationships in a 'realistic' sense. a character might have changed jobs, moved, lost someone etc. and if a partner isn't there for them through that experience - it can hinder the relationship so to keep a character from becoming stagnant, ending a relationship after a certain amount of time is better than waiting around for a partner who isn't going to give the same effort as the other is. โž
เผŠ*ยทหš how to manage when someone has a deadline
โ†ณ โ if someone has a deadline and you love the connection and don't want to lose it - communicate with them. most admins are willing to compromise when it comes to maintaining a connection as it takes two to write and build the relationship. find a middle ground that isn't taking a large toll on you but is giving them an equal exchange. efforts need to be made on both sides and saying to someone to 'deal with it' while giving zero effort is unfair and selfish. โž
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เผŠ*ยทหš chatbots do take a lot of time to manage as they do typically rely on both dash and dm interactions so it is something to be aware of when wanting to be a part of the community
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admin-resources ยท 1 month
๐ซ ๐ฎ ๐ฅ ๐ž ๐ฌ + ๐ž ๐ญ ๐ข ๐ช ๐ฎ ๐ž ๐ญ ๐ญ ๐ž [๐Ÿ]
เผŠ*ยทหš every community needs some basic rules and etiquette to help people join and work with those already in the community
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เผŠ*ยทหš why establish basic rules within a community?
โ†ณ โ establishing basic rules within the community can help those new and joining to work with those already in the community. it means there is no guessing, no free-for-all and nobody encroaching on certain boundaries or breaking rules unless something specific is stated by the individual. it brings the community together and lets everyone be on the same page. โž
เผŠ*ยทหš disclaimer
โ†ณ โ any rules written are not set as a law but are collected from various individuals or ideas that can help the community grow, be easier and safer to be involved in and help it remain fun. if you do not resonate with the basics then that is okay, you are still free to run your chatbot however you see fit but this is to help everyone be able to understand each other rather than having multiple different rules that contradict each other or force people to do things they may not have to do with another partner. โž
เผŠ*ยทหš rule of thumb
โ†ณ โ a useful rule of thumb is checking over everyone's profiles and individual rules and information before trying to establish a connection with particular people. this can also be used when adding new people to tag lists or to prevent yourself from being removed from tag lists. โž
เผŠ*ยทหš what can the rules help us establish?
โ†ณ โ a common ground to work on. if everyone has vastly different rules and needs from writing partners and connections then it can be hard to find a middle ground or it means constantly changing how you interact to fit each individual. the rules can help everyone work at the same level. if adjustments need to be made with certain people (i.e. those who prefer rp over dash interactions) then you can make slight adjustments rather than completely changing how you engage or do something. โž
เผŠ*ยทหš etiquette and behaviour
โ†ณ โ simple etiquette and behaviour guidelines can help make it easier for you to interact with new people or show what people need or expect from those who join the community. there are times when people cross lines simply because 'that's how we do it on x side of the rp community' or 'i didn't know that wasn't okay' and this takes away all that guesswork. โž
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เผŠ*ยทหš if you have any rules or etiquette that you think are helpful to have added, please send them through
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admin-resources ยท 1 month
๐œ ๐จ ๐ฆ ๐ฆ ๐ฎ ๐ง ๐ข ๐œ ๐š ๐ญ ๐ข ๐จ ๐ง + ๐ฌ ๐ž ๐ฅ ๐ž ๐œ ๐ญ ๐ข ๐ฏ ๐ž ๐ง ๐ž ๐ฌ ๐ฌ
เผŠ*ยทหš sometimes it is hard to know what another person is thinking and who they want to talk to - hence why communication is everything
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เผŠ*ยทหš why is communicating with fellow admins important?
โ†ณ โ something that can be really hard to keep track of is where you stand with a character's dynamic or plot. even if you have been doing rp with a partner for years, you may still need to check in. communicating with your partner allows you to keep track of what is happening, what could happen and everything in between when running a good relationship. just like real life. while you can still develop without any admin communication, it does tend to be easier if trying to gain a deeper and more fulfilled connection - especially when everyone has different expectations or ideas. โž
เผŠ*ยทหš struggling to communicate
โ†ณ โ if you are a little nervous about communicating with another admin or finding it hard to talk to someone, that's okay. you can always reach out and see if there's some type of middle ground and if they seem rather disinterested or distant then just remember that not everyone communicates in the same way. if you need to talk about something and your partner doesn't want to then it is your decision on how to navigate that but know that you are allowed to ask questions, try work on things and play with the dynamics to make it fun. don't let someone ruin that as plenty of others will be happy to talk to you. โž
เผŠ*ยทหš positive vs negative communication
โ†ณ โ positive communication has open-ended sentences, understanding, empathy and a willingness to work through something. if you want to shake things up on a plot, pitch the idea, say that you want to do x or have something like x to happen and see where they stand on that. you'll be able to find a direction that you both want to take and be able to work it together rather than feeling like you are the only person wanting something new to happen with the plot. negative communication has closed sentences, tends to come across abruptly, and can make you feel like you are being attacked or in the wrong for something. if your partner does something you don't like and you bring it up to them, they might push back, making you feel guilty for feeling that way rather than acknowledging where they could improve and share their concerns if they have any. negative communication can hinder or even break a ship. there's no need to be rude or dismissive of your writing partner's concerns or needs and there is no need to be rude while communicating. โž
เผŠ*ยทหš what can you do if you have asked for communication and it hasn't been given?
โ†ณ โ while it can be hard to reach out about the same thing over and over again, you are never asking for too much if you are asking for a little more or talking more about certain things. if you feel like you might need more communication, more effort, or even if you need them to give you something to help you develop the ship and you have communicated this only to have them push back or dismiss what you have asked - set boundaries. don't let them push your needs aside and don't always compromise your needs without them giving the same effort back. put your foot down and if they continue to cross your boundaries, cut your losses and move on. โž
เผŠ*ยทหš selectiveness around interactions
โ†ณ โ something i've heard and experienced is a lot of selectiveness when it comes to certain admins who refuse to interact with certain ocs, genders, posts or even only interact for relationships. equal effort will be discussed in a different section but there's a difference between being selective and not giving equal effort when it comes to interactions. if you are too selective, you miss out on building dynamics with new people and limit yourself and your characters. you are allowed to have things you don't want to interact with but if you put that in your rules then others will know and you won't be tagged. i have heard some people get upset that they don't get interactions with people but they are very selective about whom they interact with and at the end of the day, if that is how you choose to engage, you cannot be sad about people not interacting back. โž
เผŠ*ยทหš different ways of being selective
โ†ณ โ as stated in another section, a big form of selectiveness is not talking to female ocs. this can stem from various reasons but is usually one of the most obvious forms of being selective. another is when people won't interact with others unless they want to form a relationship or nsfw, that strips down a lot of the fun that can come with building dynamics with other people. ones that are usually stated in rules are being selective about face claims, some people don't want to interact with some face claims which is okay but there are times when people only interact with certain face claims which can come across as a little strange. some ways of being selective can be about protecting your space while others can be seen as off-putting. โž
เผŠ*ยทหš how does communication help with selectiveness?
โ†ณ โ to keep the community open and allow everyone to have fun interacting with new and different people, the best thing that can help with selectiveness is communication and transparency. if you state in your rules that you don't interact with certain face claims or content then your boundaries are clear. if you simply ignore people and show clear selectiveness without communication, it can make people more hesitant to engage with your own ocs. โž
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เผŠ*ยทหš while it isn't wrong to be selective or have struggles communicating, the community works best when we can have transparency with each other so that we know where we can interact and who we can interact with
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admin-resources ยท 1 month
โ€” ๐ฅ๐ž๐ญโœ๐ฌ ๐ญ๐š๐ฅ๐ค ๐š๐›๐จ๐ฎ๐ญ: ๐ฆ๐ข๐ง๐จ๐ซ๐ฌ ๐š๐ง๐ ๐š๐ ๐ž
เผŠ*ยทหš protecting your space and yourself
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เผŠ*ยทหš adult spaces
โ†ณ โ there has been discussions in other areas of tumblr about 'children in adult spaces'. social media comes with a recommended age and tumblr also has procedures to hide mature content for those under 18. this is because the content that can be shown is not suitable for minors. it is important to understand and respect adult spaces are for adults for many reasons but one of the biggest reasons is to protect everyone involved. โž
เผŠ*ยทหš dangers of the unknown
โ†ณ โ navigating the internet can be dangerous, especially when engaging with people worldwide. some people do not put their ages in their bio or anywhere on their page and some people come across as if they are older/younger than they are. you need to make sure that you protect yourself and your space. if you are unsure or have a strange feeling about someone, remember that you are allowed to take a step back and not interact with them. โž
เผŠ*ยทหš clarifying your age/age range
โ†ณ โ it is important to state your age/age range in many spaces as most don't want to interact with those under a certain age range or above. this isn't a hard thing to do and makes interacting easy. one quick look at your pinned or another person's pinned post can save you a lot of time and if someone doesn't have their age stated, and you are unsure, you can just block or ignore them. if someone interacts with you and they don't have their age stated, you can follow that same incentive. protect your space especially if you are someone who deals with nsfw themes. โž
เผŠ*ยทหš issues around ageism
โ†ณ โ while minors entering adult spaces isn't safe for either parties, there have been issues spoken about people over a certain age being active. again, you are allowed to protect your space if you are 19 and don't want to be interacting with someone who is 26+ but there is no need for making an issue about it. block, move on. this community, as many others, have people ranging from different ages and there is no age limit on who can be active especially if they are not doing anything that is harming others. โž
เผŠ*ยทหš minors in adult spaces
โ†ณ โ to be on the safe side, it is better to not have any minors in these adult spaces. it means that adults can go about their day and enjoy their entertainment without needing to deal with a minor ruining that especially when there are probably other minors in a different part of the rp community. if you happen to know a minor who is in these adult spaces, do let others know because it has happened before where it has been left alone and the adults are the one who can get into legal trouble. โž
เผŠ*ยทหš respecting someone's dni around age
โ†ณ โ if someone has a 'dni' and states that you need to be over a certain age to be able to do so, respect it. it doesn't matter if you think their chatbot is really cool and you want to engage with it, you need to respect that someone doesn't want to interact with those under/over a certain age range. most of the time it is mdni = minors do not interact, but other times it can be 21+ simply because it is easier for minors to lie and say they are 18 but harder to lie about being 21. โž
เผŠ*ยทหš lying about age
โ†ณ โ there is no reason to lie about your age. if you are under 18, wait until you are 18 before engaging in adult spaces because the fake dick is just that โ€” fake. the repercussions, however, can be very real on the adult. respect the spaces of others. if you know someone who is lying about their age, please do inform those they are talking to as usually most minors lie so that people will engage in nsfw scenes with them and it can feel pretty sickening knowing you've been lied to like that. โž
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admin-resources ยท 1 month
โ€” ๐ฅ๐ž๐ญโœ๐ฌ ๐ญ๐š๐ฅ๐ค ๐š๐›๐จ๐ฎ๐ญ: ๐ก๐š๐ญ๐ž ๐š๐ง๐ ๐›๐ฎ๐ฅ๐ฅ๐ฒ๐ข๐ง๐ 
เผŠ*ยทหš it's never fun to deal with so what can you do about protecting your space?
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เผŠ*ยทหš different types of hate/bullying/drama
โ†ณ โ there are different ways that someone can go about these negative and exhausting actions but the most favoured type of hate in the chatbot community is anons. you'll deal with it anywhere on the app sadly and this is the easiest way for cowards to send hate. it may extend further to group chats talking about certain situations or even posts being made but usually, it is through anons so that it doesn't come back to them. no matter which way someone goes about sending the hate or bullying you, it is still a pathetic and cowardly thing to do when this community is for entertainment and as referred in the 'real life' section, not deep enough to be sending hate over. โž
เผŠ*ยทหš why does it happen?
โ†ณ โ the examples that i give are not all the reasons why this can happen but are the main reasons from which i have noticed: you are dating someone/talking to someone that another person had their eyes on, you have had a falling out with an admin, attacking over concepts or ocs, not wanting to ship with someone, and admins spreading rumours. no matter the reason, it is, again, a cowardly and pathetic thing to do and those who do these things are the ones who need to take a step back and get help. โž
เผŠ*ยทหš what can you do about it?
โ†ณ โ since tumblr has removed the ability to track who sends hate anons and it can be hard to pinpoint who exactly is sending you hate anons without twisting yourself into knots; the best thing to do is attempt to block the anon, delete it and move on. it can get hard, it can get relentless and it's okay to be upset by them but don't forget that they are sad, lonely and jealous. talk to a friend but don't let it ruin your day. they do not deserve to ruin your happiness and enjoyment. if you need to take a break, do so but try your best not to take it to heart. โž
เผŠ*ยทหš sending hate anons or messages
โ†ณ โ if you are sending hate anon and messages, please think about whether it is even worth it. i know this won't be listened to but at the end of the day, if you find yourself so upset over someone to the point you are going to send hate โ€” simply block them and move on with your life. โž
เผŠ*ยทหš bullying/threats/creating drama
โ†ณ โ bullying is never okay. this community has a weird history of bullying and sending hate and it is what ruins the fun and drives people away. the best way to make this community fun and engaging is by reducing the number of bullies in the community. if you have an issue, deal with it like an adult or simply block and move on. there's no need to go to these extents over something fake. โž
เผŠ*ยทหš group chats and spreading rumours
โ†ณ โ creating group chats to spread rumours or gossip about people is harmful and benefits no one. again, if you've had a bad interaction with someone, deal with it like an adult. while venting to friends is fine, going around and spreading rumours is malicious and says more about you than the other person. if you hear rumours about another admin or chatbot, remember that your interaction may be different and if this person has done nothing to you then there is no reason to feed into the rumours. we are not children, this is not high school and participating in group chats designed to spread rumours and damage someone's reputation can be considered defamation. take everything you hear with a grain of salt and remember you are not a teenager in high school โ€” you are in a community meant for fun and entertainment. โž
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เผŠ*ยทหš if you are being sent hate or have been a victim of malicious intent, feel free to reach out for support
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admin-resources ยท 1 month
๐ซ ๐ž ๐š ๐ฅ ๐ฅ ๐ข ๐Ÿ ๐ž + ๐› ๐ซ ๐ž ๐š ๐ค ๐ฌ
เผŠ*ยทหš we should always remember that we are real people with real lives
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เผŠ*ยทหš life obligations
โ†ณ โ everyone who comes into the community is different in terms of how they speak, where they are from and even the obligations that we have in our day-to-day is different. some people are working, in university, and have family obligations. this place is for fun and shouldn't take priority over any life obligations. make sure to maintain a balance between the two so that you aren't exhausting yourself but also never expect other people to put rp before their own life obligations. pushing people to reply within a certain time frame can cause some people to not want to rp or can take away the fun of rp. โž
เผŠ*ยทหš is running a chatbot the best thing for you to do?
โ†ณ โ this is an important question to ask yourself before joining the community because it can take up time and energy to be active. you need to be able to commit time to your chatbot because you are not doing this alone. interactions and activity are usually the best way to maintain relationships with other chatbots. if you are unable to, this can cause friction. while you are not obligated to give anyone your time, think about the rp in the sense that the only way to grow is to interact, rp and be active. this doesn't mean be active daily or every hour but communicating with others so someone isn't investing their time into you, only for you to never be around. there have been many people who have joined the community and started relationships only to leave within a few weeks and left their rp partners feeling lost and upset โ€” if you don't want that to happen to you, don't do it to other people. โž
เผŠ*ยทหš mental health and chatbot
โ†ณ โ while not intentional, chatbot can take a toll on your mental health if you are not careful about it. remembering that this is for fun and everything is fictional may not be as easy if you are in a vulnerable state and use chatbot as an escape. if you cannot separate fiction from reality and project your issues onto chatbot and have your rp partners deal with them, this can cause people to take a step back. while conflict and angst is all well and good, using your ocs to project on is unhealthy as your rp partner is not your therapist and shouldn't be made to deal with your real-life issues. your mental health comes first, always, and if you need to step back to get better โ€” you are allowed and encouraged to do so. โž
เผŠ*ยทหš taking a break
โ†ณ โ there has been some issues in the past about people taking breaks or not wanting to take breaks which goes back to the expectation placed upon an rp partner. if you need to take a hiatus, absolutely do so. make sure to communicate with your rp partners, let them know you will be taking a break or make a post, tag them and log out of chatbot for as long as you need to; if you think you will be gone for months, they might move on but it's okay as you can always come back and make new relationships. i will talk about admin relationships in another section but it is important to say that taking breaks because you are worn out or dealing with a lot is never something to be ashamed of or guilted over. โž
เผŠ*ยทหš boundaries
โ†ณ โ everyone has boundaries, the hardest thing to do is navigate these boundaries and respect our own. usually, people will have their admin and oc boundaries written on their account. if you want to interact with someone, the best thing to do is to look at their rules and go from there โ€” do not push someone's boundaries simply because you want to rp with them. if someone is pushing your boundaries or something they are doing crosses yours, simply shoot the admin a message and tell them. โž
เผŠ*ยทหš "it's not that deep"
โ†ณ โ this is a phrase often heard and while to an extent it is true, it can come across as invalidating. the community is a place to have fun, to build friendships and rp with others in whichever way we choose. it is not something that should deeply impact our day-to-day lives or cause us mental distress. if something happens between two ocs then it isn't really that deep because they are fictional but it doesn't mean you cannot have an emotional response. you are allowed to feel upset if a ship you like ends, you are allowed to be happy if your oc gets proposed to, and you are allowed to have emotional response about things that happen to your ocs. however, don't allow this to affect your life โ€” that is where it is not that deep. if you have a deeply emotional response where you are taking it out of bot and into your real life then you need to take a step back. yes, we spend time and put a lot of love into what we create but like any movie we watch, book we read or game we play โ€” it is not real and doesn't actually impact us. if a ship you've spent hours, weeks, months or years working on has ended for any reason, you are allowed to be upset, you are allowed to be like "awww, that sucks" but do not take it personally or make it seem like you, as the admin, was broken up with. โž
เผŠ*ยทหš reaching out and getting support
โ†ณ โ sometimes, we can get overwhelmed and maybe people won't understand. sometimes, we could have negative things happen within the community and we don't know how to deal with it. building connections with your rp partners can help you navigate some things but if you are unsure who to talk to, feel free to reach out here for some advice and support. this is a safe space for all. โž
เผŠ*ยทหš leaving the community
โ†ณ โ over time, you will lose interest, life will get too busy or sadly, there will be drama that will cause them to want to leave. whatever the reason, it is okay to leave the community. something i've heard and experienced first-hand is when people simply leave and never say anything. whether you delete completely or just log out and not come back, communicating with the people you have connections with is better than simply leaving them in the lurch. โž
เผŠ*ยทหš joining and returning to the community
โ†ณ โ regardless of whether you leave and return or are new and joining, the best thing to do is to adapt to what is around you. hopefully, this guide will help newcomers learn about the community. when joining, the best thing to do is respect who is already around and learn the basic rules and etiquette of the community. if you are returning, know that things might not be the same as you remember especially if you've been gone for a while. it is okay to feel lonely and not know where to begin but you'll adapt and find your rhythm in no time. it is a safe space for all and some people like to protect that space so remember that everyone is human and has feelings regardless of whether you are talking to the oc or the admin. โž
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เผŠ*ยทหš feel free to send in your experiences, advice and any input you would like for this section as the more sources, the better
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admin-resources ยท 1 month
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เผŠ*ยทหš a helpful guide about trigger, content and tumblr warnings
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เผŠ*ยทหš tumblr warnings
โ†ณ โ tumblr has community labels that can be toggled in the settings of your accounts. these can be used if your posts have sexual themes, violence or drugs/alcohol. tumblr may notice that your content needs to be put under certain warnings and automatically do it but these can also be used if you do not want to see any content under those labels. โž
เผŠ*ยทหš trigger warnings
โ†ณ โ tw = trigger warning. this is to indicate that the content is potentially triggering for some parties, usually based on trauma. this can be in relation, but not limited, to posts with death, violence, mental illness or other topics. these are more about the heavier triggers that people can have and a way to inform them about the content of what is being spoken about so they can avoid it. โž
เผŠ*ยทหš content warnings
โ†ณ โ cw = content warning. this is to warn about certain subjects that are broader and less triggering for a wider audience such as nsfw content or food. typically content that isn't rooted in trauma. these are to help inform people of the content of what is usually being shown or spoken about so they can avoid it. โž
เผŠ*ยทหš when should you use warnings
โ†ณ โ this varies for everyone but the good base is to always use warnings when talking about triggering subjects or showing nsfw content. over the years, food has been a point of contention but it usually gets placed under content warning to avoid any issues. โž
เผŠ*ยทหš what is the best warning to use and when?
โ†ณ โ it can get confusing when you should use tw or cw but think about what it is that you are showing or speaking about. is it something that could make someone uncomfortable? is it something that is to do with trauma or is it just something that some people might not engage in? it can be hard to find that line but usually thinking about topics that people may actively avoid can help narrow down which warning to use and when. โž
เผŠ*ยทหš someone tagged you in a post and didn't use a specific warning?
โ†ณ โ if you have certain triggers and have been tagged in a post that doesn't have that tagged specifically, there are different ways to navigate it. if you have been triggered, take a step back, breathe, and work through it. the person didn't intentionally trigger you so attacking them about it isn't going to do you or them any good. think about whether it's relevant to tell them about, if this is content they seem to regularly post then reach out and either ask to not be tagged in that content or simply block and don't engage with them anymore. you cannot force someone to put a warning on something that they may not see as triggering or needing a warning and often, it can cause friction to occur so taking a step back is best. unless it is someone you want to interact with then communicate and ask if it's okay to either not tag you in that specific content or to warn it. โž
เผŠ*ยทหš best way to navigate warnings
โ†ณ โ a way that i navigate tags is that i will usually cw nsfw, violence and food posts depending on how descriptive it is and tw anything graphic or personally triggering for myself. i cover the broad bases and if someone approaches me, i take it into consideration but i do also have the contents of my chatbots stated on the pinned, so if someone wishes to be removed, i respect that. everyone can navigate it differently but if you have it written somewhere on what it is that you post or talk about, people can choose to continue to engage or be removed. โž
เผŠ*ยทหš important note
โ†ณ โ a very important note to make that is something i have talked about at length within the writing community amongst my peers is to remember that you are not responsible for anyone's triggers and that people are not responsible for yours. everyone has triggers that are specific to them and we aren't aware of them โ€” we don't have to be. as long as you do your best to warn someone, that is all you can do. you are not obligated to change things for someone else because it is your account. this also goes the other way around โ€” other people are not responsible for your triggers. as someone who has sought help to work through my triggers, i have learnt that only i am responsible for myself and my triggers and if someone else triggers me based on a subject then i need to take a break rather than blaming them for triggering me. you are allowed to curate your space so that it is safe for you but you cannot blame other people for triggers and trauma that they are not aware of nor responsible for. โž
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admin-resources ยท 2 months
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เผŠ*ยทหš what are they and why are they important
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เผŠ*ยทหš what is an oc?
โ†ณ โ oc = original character. this is a character created by your hand regardless on whether it is inspired or based off something else. an oc is separate from a real person in different ways depending on the context and platform and is a character you portray outside of yourself. โž
เผŠ*ยทหš what are face claims?
โ†ณ โ face claims are the faces given to specific ocs on various platforms to give those who interact with them an idea of what they look like. face claims can vary and are used in published books as well as video games. a face claim can be the base model for your character in which you build upon or they could look exactly like them. โž
เผŠ*ยทหš finding and crediting face claims
โ†ณ โ within the chatbot community, originally the face claims that were used were only k-pop idols, over time, faceless ocs started to pop up before influencers and western celebrities were brought into the mix. any person can be used as an oc but please be mindful and respectful about those whom have said that they do not want their likenesses used in these ways. when crediting the face claim, you can simply provide their user but it isn't always necessary. it's just a nice thing to do. โž
เผŠ*ยทหš are there any differences between a chatbot that uses an oc and one that uses an idol?
โ†ณ โ short answer: no. i will talk about the strange stigma around ocs below but there is no real difference between them. they are original characters regardless of using a popular face claim or an influencer. the only difference is that one uses the real name of the idol and one does not. the moment you change the person's background, concept, age, or anything, they become an oc. some people simply have a harder time separating the face claim from the real person when their real name is used. โž
เผŠ*ยทหš stigma around female ocs
โ†ณ โ without getting into the previous history of female ocs and how they were once targeted and treated by the community, the stigma around female ocs has always been a topic talked about, especially amongst those who have female ocs. part of this conversation will touch upon subjects such as selectiveness and sexuality which will be discussed in a different section in depth. female ocs were always viewed as an attempt to get y/n interactions and while, in some cases, this may be true, it isn't true for the majority. everyone has their own discomfort about female ocs but it can sometimes come down to the selectiveness around people not wanting to rp with a female character as opposed to a male character. of course, this isn't a 'one size fits all' type of situation and there can be many different reasons why female ocs as a whole are ignored but from personal experience, i've seen it boil down to three reasons:
people wanting to have gay ships. i've noticed there are a lot more male ocs who are gay and chatbots who only date other males. this is a preference that the admin may have and is, on most occasions, okay but there are some cases where some people fetishise and chase the ships of particular idols.
people only want their own female oc interacted with but refuse to give that same time and attention to someone else's female ocs.
the female oc has been thrown together and there is a lack of character and substance. this usually comes from people who are trying to get a y/n experience or simply do not know how to build a character from scratch. โž
this is not to shame the people who do these things, this is simply something i have noticed a lot as a female oc admin and have heard similar stories from fellow admins who also run female oc chatbots. there should be no stigma, no prejudice or selectiveness around female ocs especially for this community to be inclusive for everyone. โž
เผŠ*ยทหš faceless chatbots
โ†ณ โ faceless chatbots are ocs who do not have a specific face claim and uses a lot of faceless pictures rather than a set person. while nothing is wrong with creating an oc like this, most people find it hard to interact with a character with no physical features or face. they have a harder time getting attention and interactions and take some perseverance to make work. โž
เผŠ*ยทหš important note
โ†ณ โ a lot of this information can be debated, talked about and edited but this is all coming from the things i have seen throughout the years and my personal experience. i run both ocs in the sense of changed names and real names and always notice the large difference in who gets interactions. โž
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admin-resources ยท 2 months
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เผŠ*ยทหš who and what are y/ns and should you have them
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เผŠ*ยทหš background of y/ns
โ†ณ โ y/ns are not something only specific to the chatbot community but exist within other forms of media, mostly fanfiction. a y/n is technically a self-insert of the reader into a plot or a story and is typically catered to. it is about them and for them. a lot of people have either been a y/n or had them when chatbots were first started. there are various reasons now why people don't accept them these days and one of the main reasons were how uncomfortable some y/ns would make the admins and the lack of thought-out plots that were being provided. โž
เผŠ*ยทหš how to deal with and navigate y/ns
โ†ณ โ dealing with y/ns means you need to be able to give them a 'default' form of your character and give them what they want which is usually dating their chosen character. if you want to take on y/ns then having an activation post is the best way to go about it: tell them what they need to provide you, state your rules for being a y/n and make it as easy as possible to understand. you are well within your rights to decline someone especially if they haven't followed your rules or provided the information you need. if you accept a y/n then you do need to remember that this isn't about you, you are merely there to give them the responses that they want. usually, starting from scratch with a character is easier as they do not grow and develop as they would with other rp partners. โž
เผŠ*ยทหš are they a good fit for you?
โ†ณ โ here are some questions to consider when taking on y/ns: are you comfortable giving someone what they want without getting much in return? can you handle the demands that can come with taking y/ns? does it make you uncomfortable when people don't want any plot and want to skip straight to dating? if you answered no to all of these, they may not be a good fit for you. y/ns are not the same as ocs and typically do not have a profile and the rp style is usually written as you writing in second person and the y/n writing in first (some do use third). โž
เผŠ*ยทหš how are they different from ocs?
โ†ณ โ a lot of people have this misconception that y/ns and ocs are the same thing or that people only made ocs to get their y/n moment since not many chatbots accept them and while the latter may be true in some cases โ€” it isn't in all cases. there is another 'let's talk about...' page that contains information about ocs but the biggest difference between an oc and a y/n is that a y/n is based on the other person in terms of aspects like name, age, personality and looks. it is a self-insert so it doesn't have a profile for you to look at and know about. an oc does have a profile and they are not the person writing them while a y/n is. some people may use 'oc's in place of a y/n but a true y/n follows the idea that it is them and inserting themselves into the scene rather than a character. so while there may be some intersection: oc โ‰  y/n โž
เผŠ*ยทหš what if you are not comfortable with y/ns and someone keeps asking?
โ†ณ โ if you have that you do not take y/ns or even if you don't have that written on your page and someone keeps trying to approach you about being a y/n โ€” simply tell them no and block them. this is meant to be fun and a safe space so being constantly harassed by someone about something that isn't stated or is stated you don't do is warrant for a block. โž
เผŠ*ยทหš what can you do if you want to be a y/n?
โ†ณ โ if you want to be a y/n then there is nothing wrong with it and can be quite fun but you should be aware of what you are asking for and make sure you are following the rules. there have been times where y/ns have asked for things that are quite outrageous and have made the admins uncomfortable so while yes, it is meant to be for you โ€” do remember there is another person on the other side of that rp. โž
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admin-resources ยท 2 months
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เผŠ*ยทหš a helpful guide on how to roleplay with the best of them
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เผŠ*ยทหš different types of rp
โ†ณ โ there are many different types of rp and different ways to rp. some of the most popular ways are literate and/or formal. this mostly occurs in dms but can happen on dash if both parties are comfortable enough to rp on dash. another way to do so, which is more popular on dash, is illiterate/informal. there are also the different types of pov that one can write from and what people are comfortable writing. everyone has a different type of approach when it comes to rp and there is no right or wrong way to do it. this guide is to simply help you develop your own writing style and help you and whomever you are writing with to get the most out of your rp. โž
โ€” literate/formal example: โ€” He walked through the forest, the leaves crunching under his shoes. He's sure he saw her go this way, the woman of his dreams, he's sure he heard her calling for him but... where is she. "Hello?" He calls, "Are you out there?"
โ€” illiterate/informal example: โ€” *He walked through the forest, trying to see where she went* Hello? Are you out there?
โ€” pov examples: โ€” first: written from the character's point of view (me) โ€” second: written from the reader's point of view (you) โ€” third: written from an outsider's point of view (he/she)
เผŠ*ยทหš find what works for you and where
โ†ณ โ a typical approach when rping is using the shorter and more informal style on dash. this allows for quicker scenes but can feel less personal or informative which is why they are used on dash. using more descriptive and formal rp in dm or dash rp allows for more thoughts and outside factors to be given โ€” think, writing a story. there are no set rules and people will adapt to what they find easier but this also means you will find people who prefer certain things, leading to either adapting to another's style or compromising. โž
เผŠ*ยทหš length of replies
โ†ณ โ the length of replies can be something that is up for debate as everyone feels differently about it but this falls under one's capabilities, enthusiasm, time and effort. if you are incapable of writing long replies, that is okay as long as you try your best, are enthusiastic and put effort into your reply. however, since rping is a two-way street, it should be acknowledged that if you are constantly giving short replies that are hard for your partner to reply to while they give you lots of details to reply to โ€” this can cause tension. matching as best as you can with what you are given is preferred by many people. sometimes, you will give a short reply especially if it is something where the other person maybe be leading a scene but still, make it something they can reply to. do not give one sentence or dry replies to your partners โ€” put yourself in their shoes, would you like that? if you struggle to reply with a length that you might think is appropriate, talk to your partner or make it something that people can be aware of before they roleplay with you โ€” this will make them more patient and understanding. โž
เผŠ*ยทหš confidence
โ†ณ โ if you are not confident in your writing skills for whatever reason, do not worry. talking with your partner is important and it is built through the work of both parties, if you need reassurance, ask for it and if they care about the rp, they'll give it and help you if they do need more. your efforts are valid and you are doing well, don't ever let someone belittle that. โž
เผŠ*ยทหš react and reply
โ†ณ โ this was one of the best pieces of advice i have heard and have given in the past. react/respond and reply. treat the first half of your reply as a response to what is being said to you and give a reply that carries on the scene. have you been asked any questions? have you been handed anything? did the other person leave the room? how did that make your character feel? do not assume that your partner can read your mind and give replies to give them the information that they need before giving your reply. not only does this help lengthen the reply you send back but it makes for a fuller and more interesting rp. remember โ€” you are writing a story, fill in those gaps. โž
เผŠ*ยทหš plots and scenes
โ†ณ โ a clear intention for the plot with your partner is important. this will be spoken about in another section but having a plot and direction can help the flow of the rp. remaining consistent during scenes is also extremely important as it can get confusing when you bring up something that hasn't happened within that time or when you miss important details such as where you are standing or where you are going. โž
เผŠ*ยทหš important note
โ†ณ โ it is important to note that i am a writer and have been writing since i was 15 and roleplaying since i was 20. i have been in the chatbot community since 2020 and my experiences will not be the same as others. as a writer, i have edited and helped many people within the communities i exist in as well as writing and editing in a professional setting. this guide is created through my own views and the input of others i have had the wonderful pleasure of writing with over the years. โž
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admin-resources ยท 2 months
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เผŠ*ยทหš who and what were the ogs and are they relevant now
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เผŠ*ยทหš background about the ogs in the community
โ†ณ โ when the community started on tumblr, some people were the first to try different aus and face claims โ€” they called themselves the 'ogs' of that particular group/idol/au. as more people joined the community, it became an expectation to tag and credit these ogs, even if they weren't around or active anymore. there used to be some people who would be more forceful about this, demanding credit for names or even the creation of original characters but eventually, the logic around it faded and ogs became a thing of the past. โž
เผŠ*ยทหš do you need to tag ogs in your post?
โ†ณ โ short answer: no. i will talk about crediting in another post but essentially, tagging an og isn't going to do anything for anyone. this is not the same as giving credit to a person and doesn't have a purpose other than immortalising someone who isn't actually the original creator of that person or concept. โž
เผŠ*ยทหš are ogs still around today?
โ†ณ โ maybe. i have not come across anyone in a long time who refers to themselves as one of the ogs of the community but i know that sometimes they do come back. โž
เผŠ*ยทหš what should you do if someone tells you to tag an og?
โ†ณ โ you are not obligated to tag someone you do not want to tag or credit someone for something they didn't create. if someone tells you that you should tag an og, know that you do not have to and there is no consequences if you don't. โž
เผŠ*ยทหš should you not tag an og if you want to?
โ†ณ โ if you want to tag an og, you are welcome to if you know who they are. there is no right or wrong way to navigate the situation but simply stating that you do not need to tag them as there is no reason to do so. โž
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admin-resources ยท 2 months
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เผŠ*ยทหš an overview of what this page provides
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เผŠ*ยทหš why was this page created?
โ†ณ โ this page was created and designed to help new and existing members of the community. its sole purpose is to be informative and helpful and to reduce the free-for-all approach that has become a recurring theme. this page will hopefully help bring the community together and allow for more fun and interactions for those who are a part of it. โž
เผŠ*ยทหš helpful tips
โ†ณ โ these tips will be designed based on various input and personal experiences. they may not work for everyone but they are there to help people grow and develop their accounts if they are struggling otherwise. โž
เผŠ*ยทหš guidelines
โ†ณ โ these are not a strict rule to follow but offer some basic guidelines so everyone is on the same page. with so many rules that change based on each admin, a set of guidelines can help set a base for all so everyone can, at least, start on the same level rather. โž
เผŠ*ยทหš resources
โ†ณ โ these resources will vary from places to find aesthetic graphics to where to find ask games to how to improve characters and writing. they are there for all to use and will be linked back to the original poster. โž
เผŠ*ยทหš connect
โ†ณ โ when you are new, and even when you've been around for a while it can be hard to find new people to interact with or talk to. you can find yourself stuck speaking to the same three people and while some are content - it can get disheartening and boring. the 'connect' page will hold the tags of accounts who are always happy to connect with new people so that you can add them to your taglist. โž
เผŠ*ยทหš asks and frequently asked questions
โ†ณ โ asks that are sent in will not be directly posted with the answer if you put *private* at the beginning or end of the ask. instead, the ask will be posted separately without your name added to it. without that, asks will be answered as they are and a 'faq' page will be created to allow quick and easy access to potentially already asked questions. some questions may spark conversations or may require an additional informative post. โž
เผŠ*ยทหš disclaimer
โ†ณ โ any and all information, resources, guidelines and tips on this account are open for debate, correction and adjustments. do not hesitate to speak to the admin about anything on this account. hate is absolutely not tolerated and anyone who sends hate will be publicly named and shamed - this community is for fun and should be safe for all users. you are welcome to send in any input, discussions, questions, etc. regarding anything within the community and if you have any advice, please do share. โž
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admin-resources ยท 2 months
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เผŠ*ยทหš an overview of the chatbot community and where it sits in the rp community
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เผŠ*ยทหš what is a 'chatbot'?
โ†ณ โ traditionally, a chatbot is a computer software that mimics human conversation through text and voice interactions. there are various types and a recently popular one that has popped up is c.ai. however, when it comes to the community here on tumblr, chatbots are run by a human admin who responds and replies as a specific chosen character. โž
เผŠ*ยทหš a brief chatbot community history
โ†ณ โ the chatbot community started near the end of 2019/start of 2020 and grew vastly with many different groups and face claims being used for entertainment. the height of the community was during the pandemic as people had more time on their hands and couldn't leave their homes. the community experience changes from person to person but overall, it was a space where people could come and escape the world. over the last few years, it has greatly changed and moved from being specifically a k-pop chatbot community to having the inclusions of ocs and other face claims from around the globe. many things have changed but at its core, it is still a community designed to bring people together and rp as characters that they have created in the worlds they have built. โž
เผŠ*ยทหš what is rp?
โ†ณ โ rp = roleplay. in this setting, it is to adopt the behaviours and characteristics of a fictional character in a fictional setting to engage with others who are doing the same. the rp community has existed on tumblr long before chatbots came onto the scene and there are many different rp communities on other social media platforms, apps and even websites. when you roleplay, you usually have a character you've created and use to interact with people, separating yourself from the fictional role you play. these interactions can vary but are typically designed around realistic dynamics even within fantasy worlds. โž
เผŠ*ยทหš what is the difference between rp and chatbot?
โ†ณ โ originally, the biggest difference between rp and chatbot was that chatbots catered to 'y/n' personas. from a program, a person can have a conversation and get a response from the character they are talking to without needing to change themselves. other differences that can be pointed out within the communities but are not exactly set or true for other spaces are the interactions, posts, content, rules and activations, and names used within the chatbot community and rp community. chatbots, unless they are oc, tend to use an idol's real name and are typically sought after by fans of those idols. the rp community stays away from using anyone's real name to separate it from the idol/people they are using. โž
เผŠ*ยทหš where does the chatbot community sit within the rp community?
โ†ณ โ the chatbot community used to sit outside of the rp when it purely catered to y/ns, now that it is used mostly for interactions amongst others within the community, it has become a little sub-community. there have been feelings expressed about chatbots being disliked by the wider rp community because of their use of certain people/idol's birth names but the two communities typically do not intermix. while a lot of people still call themselves chatbots and follow a different and unique way of interacting, they are, in fact, roleplay accounts. there are many different 'cliques' within the community and it is not without its drama but for now, the chatbot community sits on the outlier of the rp community. โž
โ†ณ โ this may be cause for discussion as different people have different views and some have said that regardless of whether the chabot community is disliked or not by the wider rp community, it's irrelevant as we are all still rping and it doesn't matter. at the end of the day, we are all the same and the only real difference between the two is that rp uses face claims and changes the name while chatbots use the real name for their character but both ways still result in ocs. โž โ€” edited 13 March '24
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เผŠ*ยทหš any information that may be incorrect and needs adjusting, feel free to send a message or an ask to the admin for adjustments. for any more questions or information - please send an ask.
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admin-resources ยท 2 months
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เผŠ*ยทหš a helpful guide into the chatbot community and how to navigate it with ease
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เผŠ*ยทหš purpose and disclaimer เผŠ*ยทหš about the chatbot community เผŠ*ยทหš real life + breaks เผŠ*ยทหš communication + selectiveness เผŠ*ยทหš rules + etiquette [one][two]
เผŠ*ยทหš let's talk about it... เผŠ*ยทหš ogs เผŠ*ยทหš y/ns เผŠ*ยทหš ocs and faceclaims เผŠ*ยทหš hate and bullying เผŠ*ยทหš minors and age เผŠ*ยทหš time เผŠ*ยทหš admins
เผŠ*ยทหš how to... เผŠ*ยทหš rp เผŠ*ยทหš use warnings เผŠ*ยทหš interact [one][two][three]
เผŠ*ยทหš more information coming soon เผŠ*ยทหš frequently asked questions เผŠ*ยทหš submit a suggestion เผŠ*ยทหš ask a question เผŠ*ยทหš connect with other chatbots
เผŠ*ยทหš this is a resource page to help those who want to join the community, to help those in the community and connect the community to make it more enjoyable for everyone. do not send hate or start drama as anons are off and you will be publicly named and shamed.
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เผŠ*ยทหš divider credit goes to @cafekitsune, a wonderful go-to place for dividers, templates and other aesthetic resources
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