#but personally atp i dont think we will get that far
virgincognito · 2 months
i think the issue is that i have a cold exterior, intentional and careful with what i say and more mature than i am, deep voiced and serious but when when that exterior melts im someone who like to crack jokes infinitively and act on impulse and whimsy in social settings, i prefer when convo feels like two dogs playing with each other....but i cannot help myself but i do feel like i bait and switch ppl bc of that, and i find that ppl often pull back once the layers are peeled.... :(
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the seven + a few others future headcanons
becomes a high school teacher
teaches high school marine biology (idk how it is in other schools but when we hit sophomore year we got to choose different bio classes ie: marine bio, ag bio, med bio + regular bio)
also teaches the mythology elective and is the swim team coach
we already know this queen is an architect with obvious inspiration from greek architecture
learns how to make blue food for percy and their kids from sally
has traveled all over the world looking at different architecture
learns the basics of many languages so shes able to communicate with the locals
her and leo team up to build a small school near camp half-blood for year rounders so everyone can learn consistently but dw they get summers off
love her but shes a nepo baby
she doesnt act like it tho
”are you tristan mcleans daughter?” “who?”
loves her dad to bits but does not like being seen out in public by the paparazzi
marries shel, they dont have kids tho, neither of them want to bring any into the world especially with america’s downfall and the government erasing women and poc rights
is basically leos big sister atp
him and calypso dont last, maybe a year and a half in they split bc calypso wants to explore the world and leo is very emotionally unstable and calypso has a hard time understanding
they end on good terms but dont ever talk unless its with a group of friends
he goes into a trade to become a mechanic and owns his own shop
starts smoking cigarettes/vaping
his friends dont really approve but they understand he cant quit just yet as hes not in a mental space to do so
goes to therapy with a psychologist whos a demigod that specializes in grieving and war trauma
they all go to therapy but hes the last one to do it
he’s still the ‘happy go lucky’ guy hes always been but as he gets closer w the others they start to see the true sadness in him
piper and him grow a lot closer after jason died and have a big sister little brother relationship
my girl stays at camp jupiter
takes nicos place at camp
horse trainer
her and frank also dont work out as a romantic relationship, they felt that the age gap was too much after frank turned 18 and hazel was 15 theyre still friends tho
hazel often visits leo in his shop
as much as leo reminds her of sammy, through therapy she has recognized that theyre separate people and to not push all her past feelings for sammy onto leo
not only does she train horses but she also teaches little kids basic math, science, and history to the younger kids
they all call her ms. hazel
she prefers to teach the really young kids (age 4-7)
wears her hair in different braid styles after BOO
my friggin HOMIE
i relate to frank a lot personality wise
therefore i think hed be a 4/20 fanatic after BOO
hes not stoned during training or during important camp duties
but otherwise you try talkin to him and you dont really notice until you look and see the far off look and red eyes and he just goes “huh?”
other than that hes a great leader
after he gets his cool new look from mars he takes really good care of his body including consistent exercise and eating really healthily (maybe he has a soft spot for fast food when hes hi)
him joining the military does not make sense to me
he lost his mom to war, and he was in one himself, idk about you but i would not wanna join the military after being the main character in a war
he studies to be a veterinarian for exotic animals
when no one is around he shifts into the animal to find out whats wrong
”dr. zhang prefers to work by himself” “why” “idk but hes always right, if it aint broke dont fix it”
rip home-slice
my other homie
my guy does not get taller than 5’8
stays at camp during the summer to train the new and old kids
him and will get a house together
teaches history at the camp school
cat dad (5 cats and counting)
takes nicos last name when they marry bc its cooler
him being a doctor doesnt click w me i more picture him being an EMT
EMTs are hotter anyways
does med training with new apollo kids whenever he gets time
if he’s not busy during working hours he drops by nicos classroom w his fav drink from dutch bros (starbucks is MID) and hangs out with him and his students
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cashmere-caveman · 2 months
read a post about there being next to no record abt the historic edward little again (we dont even know what he looked like!!!) and now im thinking a lot about how he died in uniform again.
hes far from the only character to die in uniform (the marines die in uniform! franklin dies in uniform!) and he isn't even the only lieutenant to do so (gore, under his slops, was in uniform; fairholme, too presumably; irving famously wore his coat that hickey steals later; george wore something that used to be his uniform when he got eaten but imo atp he did not wear it as A Uniform anymore that were just the clothes that he had on if that makes sense) but at the end, he is the only one where i still felt that it was an active choice to wear it.
almost everyone else sheds their layers along the way or turns into something else, but ned starts in uniform and he stays in uniform and that's it.
fitzjames famously sheds his vanity and dies in his shirtsleeves, without any of the pomp and pizzazz of his uniform.
jopson, another character who is to me really connected with a certain mindset of holding up appearances, dies in his shirtsleeves, believing himself abandoned by the very person that was his reason to even wear a uniform at all.
goodsir as a doctor/assistant surgeon doesn't really have a uniform in quite the same sense as many others but when he dresses himself before his suicide it is not as an affirmation of his role, or at least not a positive one. he has sworn to do no harm, but he was forced to do it anyway and now he will add a final evil to his toll of sins in the hopes to balance the scales at least somewhat and for that to work, he must wear his outfit as always. he ends up with all pretenses stripped bare anyway.
tozer, a man so proud of his uniform in the beginning, again, dies in his shirtsleeves, no rank left, betrayed by someone who had convinced him to give up everything and yet! reduced to nothing but an ordinary man, he tries again where before he had given up. he cooperates, he coordinates, he even calls crozier captain again, he tries very hard to do the right thing in what looks like a no win scenario from the get go!! and he fails, of course, but he tried.
almost everyone else also ends up either dressed down (bridgens, armitage, dundy, des voeux etc) or somehow transformed (blanky, to some extend silna with her patched and bloody furs) or in hickeys case, both (iconic underwear & greatcoat combo). little never changes. he sometimes has a little scarf, theres the bandage for his headwound for a bit, he sometimes wears the full parade uniform with epaulettes and sometimes just the regular one, there are at least two different uniform hats and ofc you can tell that he loses weight by the way his shape chages under all that wool but he is always. in. uniform.
and maybe this is just my mind making up dots to connect but i think he might even be the last character that crozier ever gives an order to in his official function as a captain (in the tuunbaq seduction/boss fight scene he has been stripped of his rank, at least according to e.c.).
before his final scene, all we get is little arguing over the orders they are given, and how to interpret them. and he is still wearing his uniform!!! wait hold on im not gonna check but maybe he might only wear a jumper in the tent where dundy lauches his soft mutiny actually, so maybe this whole post is crumbling like a domino line but!!! ignoring this. moving on. (even if it is a jumper i remember him wearing sth dark blue aka Uniform Colour so im claiming it doesnt even matter bc spiritually that hypothetical jumper still is a uniform. im not going to let anything like "accuracy" and "real details" fuck up my post smh 🙄. im joking. however! Moving On as i said) (edit: i rewatched the scene and it IS his uniform actually, just v rumpled. going insane btw)
he doesnt even dress up for carnivale! the only other characters that are not in costume are jopson and crozier and they were literally too busy keeping crozier from dying to even begin thinking about joining the communal arts and crafts session! little is atp the acting no2 of the expedition so u might say he was busy but fitzjames has the overall command and still finds time to have a little gender moment in private and the imperialism-approved version of it for the Big Crowd!! (u could ofc argue that fitzy Always has time for a gender moment and who would i be to argue but my point is: i have no doubt that man was fucking busy preparing carnivale & beginning to prepare the walkout and there still was time to Express Some Character!! so how come ned didn't do anything?)
the one other scene we get where we can catch a small glimpse of characters out of their element before it all unravels (pre tuunbaq attack on the camp) is the scene at night when morfin gets shot. it shows lots of characters in various states of undress (silna big blanket burrito i love you) that allows us to see them differently, like their costumes at carnivale did, but in an entirely opposite direction. while carnivale was about putting on masks, this scene is about taking them off. and it drives me insane because i know that little must be there. he is somewhere in the crowd when morfin gets shot but so far i havent been able to make him out and i need to know what he is wearing so bad. it is actually for science (my own curiosity) ! i really need to know. and i cant help but feel that maybe it is intentional that he is just ~somewhere~ instead of In Front of the Fucking Camera because, well. that would be just ned little, wouldnt it? and we dont even know who that is.
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mandycore420 · 14 days
my opinion on every saw ship i can remember off the top of my head (that nobody asked for)
chainshipping: the thing that got me hooked you really don't even have to get crazy about interpreting anything to reach the conclusion that lawrence is a repressed bi/gay man and then the embrace at the end it's not even a stretch id call it semi canon atp i love it there is so much potential for fluff for angst they can be apprentices together they can feel super guilty over what happened they're two polar opposites attracting the possibilities are endless top tier ship
shotgunshipping: the way their scenes are filmed is crazy there was no need for all that moaning and yet they delivered i think theres potential with the drug use, similarly to chainshipping one of them is poor on the margins of society and the other is a well off doctor so again opposites attracting, you can have lynn caring for and seeing potential in amanda to be a better person trying to pull her out of the jigsaw life you can have amanda try to pull lynn into the jigsaw life, and also theyre incredibly hot together so thats another point in favour
coffinshipping: it was an acquired taste but now they have infested my mind people have written essays on the coffin trap i think it will take a doctoral dissertation to get to the bottom of their fucked up cat and mouse game i should probably reread doztoevsky's entire catalogue now
pintshipping: i dont care for successful woman x pathetic failman but theyre nice them collapsing side by side but still surviving bc of eventual team work is cute
piranhashipping: it's a little crack idea i get every time i watch that scene because "that was even smoother in fact that was downright slick" exchange is sooo funny their faces are diabolical but otherwise i dont see it its goofy :3
john/amanda: ew get away from me disgusting saw 3 does have this element of her being super jealous over him which is kind of peak 2000s jealous girlfriend but theres room for interpretation and i choose to interpret it as far away from that as possible especially after saw x its pretty clear he is a father figure and a teacher maybe even a thought/cult leader type of figure to her so yeah
john/jill: first time im saying this about a straight couple but i wish we saw more of their past and i read a post about john building the coffin for jill and i forgot what their explanation was but the idea of the coffin being this romantic thing for both ships it makes me smile i dont think jill could be a full on apprentice but i think it would be cute if she knew all about the games and just tolerated them like you would tolerate your partner's funko pop collection shes leaving for work and gives john a little kiss while he's screwing together some contraption
hoffrigg: underrated i really like rigg he was the first victim of hoffman's weird way of saying "i love you" (putting your beloved in harm's way) hoffman trying to make him into an apprentice and "feel what i feel" there's definitely potential there BUT i feel if i started imagining a narrative with them they couldn't be endgame i think strahm would homewreck their shit every time
hoffdon/3dshipping: i think hoffman is sitting in that bathroom full of regrets he hasn't met gordon earlier since rigg failed his test and strahm got too close to the sun i think gordon would've been the next victim of his weird psychosexual games but alas the movie is bad and they have a minute and a half of interacting where larry just gets to be super cunty evil and reminisce about adam so i dont think he's on the same page
amanda/gabriella: i really like how amanda cares for her bc she sees her past in her and stuff wish they had more conversations it's a nice concept
amanda/laura: also a nice concept i love seeing amanda care for the victims but theres like 2 minutes of them interacting
strahm/perez: i think they work as exes who remain friends i kinda project me and my guy best friend on them so i don't really ship them but i can see why people would
adam/hoffman (pipeshipping?): i just don't care for the "characters who have never interacted" ships i need something to bite into and also adam would be an acab type of guy
adam/strahm: same as above BUT i kinda want to write them be ghost friends or whatever and also the concept of strahm shooting adam in the alternate saw 4 concept is delicious
adam/amanda: they're kittens from the same litter but at the same time she's way too cool for him
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unhingedkinfessions · 4 months
so like. we're in this discord server and its p sick lol theres not many issues with it tbh but there is smth thats been botherin me and ive gotta get it out somewhere so that i dont feel like an asshole for sayin it in the server itself its very 'kin focused, a lot of ppl in the server are otherkin. so we have a channel for ppl to talk about 'kin stuff. only issue is that its open to anyone who joins the server. which wouldnt be an issue if we didnt have the occasional person join whos a 'normie' and then they automatically have access to the kin channel. we're also all very anti-kff and are very open abt how those ppl arent welcome in our space and are fine with explainin the dif if needed this is context needed for what imma talk abt lol so theres this guy in the server, we'll call him G, and he's just some dude who is in the server and exists in our space. which is totes fine. but. G has a bad bad habit of thinking that being kin = relating to a character/having a comfort character. and we (several members of the server + the owner) have explained that he is wrong several times. he asks what 'kinning' is and we explain. we explain at least once a week atp but for some reason, it just isnt clickin for the guy. that or he is blatantly ignorin us anytime we explain it. but the thing is. he blames not understandin on his autism/adhd. which is genuinely the most bullshit thing ive ever heard bc like. most of us HAVE autism/adhd and we're like... come on dude.... i understand not gettin social norms and shit but at this point, its gettin absurd. it doesnt help that he also blatantly ignores ppl's boundaries and continues to post things that make ppl uncomfortable and then once again, blaming his neurodivergence for his actions. which again. most bullshit thing ive ever heard. i genuinely dont know why this fucker is still in the server atp. he doesnt respect any of us. he's even gone as far as to try and use tupperbox (which we have for system + kin use) for his 'fandoms' as he says. and then ignoring when i told him that he's NOT ALLOWED to do this. genuinely i cannot fucking stand this guy and i want him out of the server because fuck him. if you cant respect our space or us you can get the fuck out. stop acting like you're kin when you say you dont even know what being kin means. stop ignoring us when we try to explain it to you. stop acting like you're absolved from any repercussions just bc you're autistic and downt undewstand uwu fuckin. shut the hell up dude i hate your bitchass. petition for the server owner to ban his ass the next time he says some stupid bullshit
also ik someone from said server follows this blog so hiiii if u see this <333 ik u agree with me bc weve talked abt it before <3333 love you dude /p ur so cool
girl what the fuck
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seffien · 1 year
how i think the promo kids feel about each other because i can: the post.
veronika (ronnie)
on annie: we were...something in elementary. don't know what her deal is now
on yarr: cool dude. can clean the hell out of a weapon and is a good tableturf opponent
on steph: friends til the end. i help her, she helps me. i've only known her for a few months, but it feels like i've known her forever
cal: suuuper good cook and pretty skilled at chargers. i gave him the nickname cal and he really seems to like it.
on kay:
on hiro: he was the first person i met when i got to the splatlands. ever since then, we've had a pretty strong bond.
on tako: ...are you okay?
anenomeno1 (annie)
on ronnie: i will destroy you every chance i get and i hate you.
on yarr: you’re a nerd and a loser. also your glasses are stupid mine are better.
on steph: meh. (condescending)
on cal: you’re such a baby. i cant believe hiro put you as 2nd in charge. it should be me! IT SHOULD BE M
on kay: you’re so pretentious and i hate you. i hope your favorite thing gets as rating on some random rating site so you have to stop liking it.
on hiro: i just know youre a loser who pretends not to be. i know it. i know it. i could beat you up. (could not)
on tako: you get me. we’re best friends for life and forever. …maybe something even more?
yarrwhal (yarr)
on ronnie: i don’t know why she’s a casual player. she could totally rock the field with a just a jammed up splattershot.
on annie: …you can’t even see in those, dude.
on steph: 🤝
on cal: how is he so good at chargers? shouldn’t he be, like, in school? he’s like 12.
on kay: do not touch me do not look at me i don’t want to be associated with you sorry
on hiro: turf master to turf master—you’re cool. we should play in a tourney together.
on tako: the enemy of my enemy is my friend…? actually no that doesn’t sound right.
stephanie (steph)
on ronnie: yo!!!! it’s always so nice to see you! friends til the end.
on annie: you should get help. (well-intentioned)
on yarr: 🤝
on cal: you should cook for me us more often. please? please.
on kay: annoying.
on hiro: we could kill so many people together.
on tako: why do you keep staring at me?
c4l4m4r (cal)
on ronnie: i appreciate the compliment, but i’m really not good at either. luck, i guess?
on annie: hiro told me not to talk to you. sorry :(
on yarr: do you really think i'm that good? :0 you're way better!
on steph: ehehe i'm glad you like my cooking! i'll make sure to always make seconds for you! :]
on kay: (indifferent.)
on hiro: i'll do my best!
on tako: i am NOT a BABY!! :(
kayoss (kay)
on ronnie: oh, of course, the skilled spunky tomboy teenage girl who thinks she's 'just average'. sigh. boooring.
on annie: lol you'll like or dislike anything tako likes or dislikes, you shouldn't be speaking.
on yarr: ugh. i wasn't planning on getting near you anyway. you're stupid and i'm worried your stupidity will infect me
on steph: don't worry, i think you're annoying too
on cal: you're nothing but a baby. don't try and step to me.
on hiro: stop trying to be me. also ronnie will never love you back kthankbye <3
on tako: ugh. you again. get a life, girl
hirooooo (hiro)
on ronnie: hey girl are you. are you a girl because. are you you because. because i love you. i dont think im doing this right
on annie: no you could not beat me up and no i'm not putting you in charge.
on yarr: i agree. we'd make a good team. as long as i get to play with veronika...
on steph: true.
on cal: you're a natural leader! i know you'll go far in life, so don't ever think you won't
on kay: dude if i was you i would **** ******
on tako: what...happened to you?
takotruck (tako)
on ronnie: filthy casual not worth my time. you could never be me or compare to me, so stop trying 💖
on annie: you get me. it's kind of us against the world atp.
on yarr: don't speak to me. i do not respect you.
on steph: hey do you like girls. don't ask me why i'm asking.
on cal: you're a baby LMAOOOOOOO idk why hiro put you in charge
on kay: kys before i come to your house and do it for you.
on hiro: don't look at me. don't touch me. don't speak to me. i hate you and everything you and your little girlfriend stand for. i should kill you with my bare hands you fuc
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nrcnewspaperclub · 2 months
The day we’ve all been waiting for. Day seven of getting banned from every dorm
So Kalim is. Too nice. Far too nice for his own good. There is no fucking way that I am going to get banned from him
Also, I’ve been staying at Scarabia for a bit now since I got kicked out of Ignihyde already, One of my good friends is in Scarabia so I’ve been staying at his dorm, also I figured I’d consult him cuz he knows the housewarden better than I do
However I am in the basketball club, which means I do actually know Jamil fairly well, I’d even go so far as to consider him a friend. Me, him, Floyd, and Ace cause some anarchy a good bit
So we already knew we were targeting Jamil. My friends immediate suggestion was utilizing Jamil’s fear of bugs, but that’s too uncreative, and I wasn’t sure if I could rlly get banned for that. However I did note it as a last resort
My friends second solution was lighting something on fire, but that’s kind of his solution to everything? That or just dying his hair impulsively
That train of thought gave me the idea to try and mess w Jamil’s hair cuz I know how protective he is of it, but friend shot that down cuz Jamil is too protective of it and it’d be way too fuckin hard to pull that off
So my final thought: kalim can’t get me banned, but I can still use kalim to my advantage.
This is where friend clocks out, context my friend is painfully in love with Kalim so I knew he wasn’t gonna assist me with anything that would taint Kalim’s view of him. To which I say, fuckin coward, but whatever 🙄 (ack then again I wouldn’t do anything that would skew malleus’s view of me so I MEAN WHAT WHAY DID I SAY TJAY I DONT LIKE AMLLEUS)
So a lot of ppl think Kalim is dumb, he isn’t dumb, I know that for sure. But he is gullible, and very impulsive. So what I’m saying is he isn’t stupid, buuuuuuut……….
Anyway one sunny afternoon I tracked down Kalim, he was doing Kalim things, and I started making friendly conversation w him. He asked why I was here in the first place, to which I told him I got banned from Ignihyde but made up a whole sob story so he wouldnt wuestion the fact I intentionally pissed off idia lmao
He felt all bad for me and said I was always welcome at Scarabia, then asked why I chose Scarabia. I said bcuz my friend is here and also casually mentioned the fact I’m not welcome in any dorms
Kalim looks surprised and is like “wow, it’s kind of impressive you managed to get banned from all of them.” And questions how I achieved such glory
To which I tell him a short and abridged version of each tale that makes me sound better than I actually am and he’s in awe the whole time. He then starts rambling and is like “it’d be hard to get banned from Scarabia, I’ve never banned anyone, but Jamil has…” and I perked up and asked what the person did to get banned by Jamil
He said that Jamil had banned this person cuz they’d tried to poison Kalim’s food. Appearantly it was like a student plant all along or some blah blah shit, obviously I wasn’t gonna do that bcuz I’m not a fucking lunatic and I like kalim enough
I had the passing thought I could make Jamil think I was tryna poison kalim when I wasn’t but thatd also break Kalim’s trust in me and probably my whole friendship with the friend I’ve been staying with atp so
I was so out of ideas at this point I started reverting back to my friends suggestion of lighting something on fire, but then I had an idea.
The treasure room. I have the perfect signature spell for this, and I have genuinely no clue how this was not my immediate thought
So when Kalim was done rambling I made a comment abt how it was a really great day to go carpet flying, and tjat id ever been on a carpet before. Both statements here are true
And Kalim will famously take any excuse to go carpet flying so if you even mention it in passing he’ll over to take you so he immediately lit up
He leads me to the treasure room and the carpet apparently isn’t where he left it cuz he started digging around for it. Perfect opportunity for my plan!
My ultimate magic is called Hydra Heads, it allows me to make copies of one item, how ever the more copies I make the smaller they get. The original item gets shrunk down too, but it’ll be more durable than the other copies. This is irreversible. So as Kalim was head first in gold coins looking for that fuckass carpet I found a fairly sizeable vase, one thatd someone would notice if it was gone.
I immediately activated my spell, making about 30-ish tiny copies of this vase. I stuffed em all in my bag and acted like nothing happened
Obviously I still went on the carpet because DUH but now my friend is pissed at me cuz I went carpet flying with his crush or some fucking shit idk I tuned him out
Now begin the scheme
I was sitting in the lounge when Jamil stepped into the treasure room and quickly ran out and ran into Kalim’s room. He noticeeeeed anyway I started my paper trail, I placed a tiny vase in the hallway and one in the kitchen, then I tried to look as unassuming as possible
Jamil picked up one of the tiny vases and looked so fuckign confused it was PRICELESS. A few hours oater came basketball practice, id been leaving tiny vases around Scarabia throughout the day.
Anyway I’m at basketball and Jamil is yelling at Floyd because he’s Floyd and he probably did some shit, I took this opportunity to put a tiny vase in Jamil’s bag, as well as a few in the locker room.
I left practice early, telling the coach that my housewarden needed me for something, and Jamil STORMED out of the locker room as I was leaving and grabbed me by the jersey.
I realized he’d remembered my unique magic cuz of that one time me and Floyd pranked the team by using it on like half the basketballs. Jamil went on a whole borderline unhinged rant about how he’d so kindly let me stay at his dorm and I stole from him and had the audacity to taunt him with it, I gave him the remaining tiny vases and ran off
Did I technically actually commit a crime with this one? Yes! Do I feel bad? Nope!
So uh. Where the fuck do I go now.
// should I make a blog for paw anon 👀
congratulations on getting banned from all seven dorms, 🐾. Your journey has been a wild ride.
hold on, what about Ramshackle? Not to get banned from there (unless you want to ig) but you could probably stay there.
//yes, absolutely.//
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arthurtaylorlester · 1 year
malevolent ep 29 liveblog !!
(spoilers obviously)
are we underwater??
who's speaking i cant tell???
i feel like this is john @kayne but it could very well be yellow and larson
oh wait is this past dialogue?
i genuinely cant remember
oh okay its arthur remembering
with silly music in the bg
oh exposition through john i always love it
oh they are so married
a donkey???????
this is so funny
arthur please stop groaning its...
MUSTACHE?? harlan really just said yall wrong arthur has a mustache
john is a bitch wife comfimed/ j
and john is soo petty he doesbt even want yo go to nyc
arthur having to temind john that theyre wanted
john not tellibg arthur they were sitting next to someone the whole time
arthur spite-eating to piss of john >>>>
john are you having second thoughts??
oh that was weird i bet its mr butcher
Oh wait violins is this mr butcher
whats the whispering in the bg
john stop describing im trying to hear the whispers
is this a kellin type?
oh he just needed to sneeze
diseased man get away from
malevolent is a comedy atp. thank you mr guthrie for this blessing of an episode
best season opener by far
"that's ... my arm, sir"
im not angry muttering i do it too lol
"hes using us as comfort? jesus christ" stfu john you did the same
wait isnt there a recession in the 1930s
this train spunds dangerous
oh god oh fuck how is arthur going to read
arthur just what are you doing
is he just making up a story?
how he just talking about himself
or is this an elaborate way of telling the guy to fuck off
who sending a telegraph to 'will henley'
the horror >:)
hes smiling oh this cant be good
this is really good and the sound design!!
they are so bad at communicating that they accidentally revealed their identity
arthur is so smart it makes sense that the guy would try to corner him
so youre going to trap him in a train car
so arthur's escape plan is.... jump out of train. and break his legs. again.
oh snow will totally save you yeah sure
arthur just really likes playing dumb i think
now im on a train and i cant hear shit
john enjoys this?? john is excited My god he is so precioys
"You are my eyes" that had no reason to be so wholesome
"okay... youre overselling it" john critiquing arthurs acting im dead
10 more minutes will this end horribly?
thats mad ahahhahah ... wait a damn minute
"why arent you looking at me" so he doesnt know the full extent of arthur madness
pov the tracks shave off his mustache
sorry this isnt the time for jokes
wait imagine they become friends
it wpuld be real funny
john would be so pissed
oh god theyre going to jump off the train
okay so arthur is manipulating he is soo <33
ny bbg is so good at stalling
hes smiling again?
oh well he paid his respects
i will be malevolent posting later today but alas i have other things to do other than screaming about fictional voices on tumblr
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hecatombi · 7 months
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Here's my wishlist of threads and interactions! Just things I hope to eventually get, if you want to thread any of this with me sometime feel free to always slip into my dms about it! I will on and off write / add to this.
I hope these don't really feel super samey, but i apologize if they do!! ALSO, more AU's are always on the table, you can ask more detail about au ideas i have in mind. trust me, i go to INSANE depths for my wishlists. but. i do want to keep this list as general and accessible as possible in case any one of youse want to pick one to play around with.
good omens or OFMD muses would be cool to interact with!!
More super hero muses interacting with my more powerful guys.
Miraculous ladybug portrals of any kind for randy / rex would be fun!!
Action threads with any of my muses would be pretty fire actually but i'd love it with randy particularly
MORE NORISU NINE MEMBERS!! I would love to establish who becomes linked to a kaiju and who could take on more roles as a ninja! so far, the only established new member has been hachi of @standbowed!! i need 7 more, though. and 8 more spirits to go with every ninja!! dm me if interested :D
travelling through the remaining 8 lands of ninja legend would be sooo fucked but so fun.. twirls hair.... who wants an Adventure long termmmm...
identity reveal. superhero shenanigans. PLAY VIDEO GAMES WITH MA BOY! just hang out with him, it'd be nice.
chai and vash .. i do personally ship them but i'd never force another vash to ship it with me. even them interacting would be so fun though!!
chai moving to somewhere safer or people joining his resistance is always a fun time
honestly i just really want a ship with chai in general. who wants to smoochie the default mii
i have so many ideas for him living with others, trying to find work elsewhere, his status as a brand ambassador to the megacorp that vandelay is,
If your muse is a musician, specdifically a famous one, oh my god let chai fanboy over them!!!!!!!!
i have a million more ideas but i'll refrain from putting them LOL so many ideas.
A non freaky interaction with knives who don't ship plan.tcest would be nice :'D younger vash interactions, dream interactions, fucked up pre death interactions.... anything. would be interesting to explore since we saw so little of them.
bUT ALSO anyone from trigun!! I don't really ship vash super easily personally, but there's like 5 versions of him imuse. i don't really do vashwood personally but i can see why it would appeal to some.
i think vash deserves to not be feared so a thread where he gets appreciation for something he did would be nice. since he gets it so little
someone he could confide in and help heal with given how much he bottles up ..
getting comfortable enough with a muse that he can show off his uncanny true plantlike form!!!! which is SO RARE for him!!!!!!
interactions with other powerful protagonists or people who challenge his morality strongly would be so epic to interact with. it would be so cool.
any interactions with fellow jjba muses! especially caesar, lisa lisa, suzi q, jonathan, dio, johnny, gyro!
would love a thread where he does magician stuff since he's canonically into street magic
any thread where he gets to pull a your next line is and stun your guy. idc the context i just think it'd be REALLY funny
oldseph threads would also be really fun to have if i can get enough peeps interested........
him learning how to make bubbles from caesar or like caesar if caesars dead atp. :D
Tbh more of him dancing and goofing off would be really fun
Adopting more kids always. he's such a good dad!!!!
Maybe someone who breaks his isolation sooner than Avocato did in season1 before everythang went to shit..?
i'd generally like to rewrite season 3 and beyond. like i love final space but i dont like the direction it went all that much personally.. <:/
help him get more comfortable with a new look, as i hc him to be more transfeminine nowadays! would be nice helping him get comfortable in his own skin.
MORE SLASHERS. this is my only real note for now
well that and maybe more. like. medieval interactions.... since mine's a knight and all given AOD.
be on a fixer mission with aiden. you can be co worker,hostage, or even his torturer. i dont care as long as its cool.
meeting more watchdogs muses in general though there.. doesnt seem to be many of those aside from myself
if anyone wants to deal with his edgy fuck ass be prepared for him to be relatively standoffish / prickly, but he can warm up to you if he has to be your work partner.
she needs to make herself some PROPER FRANDS.
Intergalactic jobs on your muses planet!! that would be so fun!! Like imagine she gets a temp job working for your muse....
Terrible room mate anyone? :) give her more roomies cause i doubt there's another puppycat active atm..
bee also flexing her insane robot powers could be epic. rare, but epic. i dont know if she entirely processes how unusual that is though.. huh!
escaping providence would be nice.
thread where he's deprogrammed from the culty weird propaganda of providence
doing normal kjid things like hanging out at th epark, learning memes, playing video games, going to school stuff -- this is allt hings he's never been allowed to do!!
Drawing your muse and entering them into his JOURNALS... ohh the importance of those can NOT be understated.
curing your muse from turning into an EVO!
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pashminalamb · 2 years
‘Tis I with a review *grabs more tissues*
Sae Itoshi
- CAUSE NAH not the guest bedroom ouch 🥲
- Another big ouch cause not Sae degrading me but not in the fun kinky way 😭😭
Aiku Oliver
- Not the leftover college feelings 🤧 those never end well 💀💀
- I love the college friends bit btw I think it really suits Oliver having that one long-time friend that he can be himself around yknow?
- He’s so cold in this but why the heck is it also a turn on 🤨😤🥲
Nagi Seishiro
- I bet watching Nagis face as he plays a challenging game or is losing would be so cute. He’d get this little scrunch between his eyebrows and be unconsciously pouring the entire time and his cheeks would probably look extra squishy too agkjffgkhhg 🥰.
- I lost it when the reader mentioned a diary YOU DONT KEEP DIARIES DUDE SECRETS ARE MEANT TO BE TAKEN TO THE GRAVE I already know how this is gonna go 💀😖
I love how you keep the nicknames consistent throughout all your characters and fics. Ariel, Bambi, Miffy, etc. It’s adorable and a great attention to detail. I also love love love how you hint that the feelings aren’t one-sided from the reader. Just the tiny things like bantering with Sae, Oliver being a gentleman and giving you the couch, and Nagi being all cute and just himself while gaming with the reader at the beginning. And ofc the smut was exquisite as always. Nagi’s was my personal favorite smut wise and Oliver’s was my favorite story wise. Sae gets an A in both (irresistible bastard it’s always the freaking red heads I swear). It almost made my forget the angst. Almost 🤧😭💀. Also the fact that none of them stayed until morning like *cries* this is why i could never do anything casual ever. read abt it? heck yeah bring it on. do it in real life? id be a crying mess after the first night 💀💀. ANYWAYS.
I was waiting for class to start when I saw that you had uploaded and I was like heck yeah but then class started so I had to wait until later. How are you btw? How was your day? Uni still the same? Don’t forget to eat something today and drink a bunch of water and get some sleep!! *sends many virtual hugs*
- ✨ anon
Welcome back !!! <3
Not me chuckling cause this is the nth time i've written angst and atp my bllk masterlist is looking like sebastian's training
But. I have some fluffy hcs coming soon (istg the pace at which I'm going with the angst) ૮₍˶Ó﹏Ò ⑅₎ა
This one is gonna be a long talk but I'm gonna do it anyway
I was thinking abt adding praise for Sae; but he doesn't seem (or rather feel) the type to do that when it is a fwb arrangement. He's very condescending and as far as he concerned, he is done with you when you get off and so does he so nah he's not gonna degrade you in the kinky way, he'll downright be mean; yeah he's an asshole there wasn't much matter in his part cause I'll be covering more of it in the second part. I KNOW. the fancy guest bedroom is where you sleep and he sleeps in his own room and then shamelessly asks you to do his tie the next morning... smh
*sigh* Oliver... where do I even start with this man the way it hit home
Watch me defend this man <;/3
Leftover college feelings never do end well, but YES! *bangs on table* the fact that he can be himself around you + 'we go way back' makes a good reason for him to turn you into fwb. Turn me into a love interest you jackass
He was cold in this one and he is getting slapped next week (I did not stutter. Might make an extra sequel for this one cause... you'll see, no spoilers)
OMG!! YES!! I- *bangs on table and breaks it*
I literally thought of the same thing when I tried to visualize the whole thing with Nagi and how he would be when he games along with the veins on his hands when he holds the consoles and the nerve he had to read someone's diary.
*crying* Nagi giving (y/n) pity fuck, but its good 😭😭
So here's the thing. I can't imagine any of the blue lock characters (or any of the characters I write for) calling someone baby or babe or anything that normal couples call each other in a relationship for some reason? Unless its been mentioned in the manga or the anime (which is like a very rare case) so I come up with names on my own so here's how it went
Sae : Ariel (cause admit it he looks like her)
Miffy : cause my mom made me watch that show and the manga panels with Nagi in it reminded me of it and yeah she loves Nagi cause of it (cause of the 'x' for his mouth) [Even in my tears, your comfort; the opening lines for Nagi's part were taken from the theme song cause we used to sing all the time]
Bambi : Cause I know that he would think you're doe eyed and he has watched bambi and he was upset for two days about bambi's mom
I'm so glad you liked these! (cause c'mon they're adorable)
AND YES! Things weren't one sided. It's always to do with memories and small moments...more of that in True north. I knew that nagi's smut was good cause honestly, i can imagine him having that tiny voice thats raspy and high pitched but mid yk? and there's more of it discussed in the sequel, same goes for Oliver (i'm just hellbent on loving him he's also my screensaver). me crying atp cause i want him to get animated
Oh yeah casual stuff is never fun; I like the thought of affection cause stuff like this can affect a person speaking from experience
i'm actually doing pretty good! started watching a new anime (romantic killer and I feel like riri), finished watching a k drama and i can continue with ghost doctor, been reading and drawing a lot but there have also been downs like the side of my phone case breaking 🥲 and it’s green picked cause it reminded me of Aiku
And it was new too 😭
I had a Gatorade and a protein bar (´-ω-`) ik i don’t eat well but yeah that’s just me. Uni’s going great honestly; working on assignments and presentations and finishing things off little by little. Classes are tiring but I always look forward to learning something new
I hope you’re doing well and having a good day? 🫶🏻
*sending bear virtual hugs* <3
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liliansun · 10 months
Relationship investigator anon here! 😃 allow me to dive into (you) why JENO is terrible for sal. I know what you're thinking - i'm CRAZY. And i am 😭 i'm reading too much into this. I genuinely like their little interactions so far but DAMN boy. Okay so what i glean from these girls' personalities, first of all, is that sal is honestly quite sweet and takes care of the others. So do the others but idk i think you showed that side of sal more?? Like neowa and mal are the savage little devils and we love them for that (sad girl hours for neowa and mal??? GOD PLEASE DONT LET HEM BE SAD) but like sal is sweet and i feel like her having him as a lockscreen is proof that she is falling too fast??,, and she's gonna get hurt bc jeno is quiet and silent and maybe he just don't know what he's feeling until she's sad :((
MAL on the other hand. Like that girl is gonna get so soft for jaemin and then it'll be a push and pull until she gives in and lets him in. Love how he flirts with her tbh and her reactions are everything?? I can't waot fkr their storyy, and I know jaemin will treat her well.
Joy and mark,, do i have tk say anymore?? Like they're already a thing and it's gonna be super sad seeing joy be upset and lonely without her man around BUT THEN SHE and MARK find a way thrpugh it bc mark is a man who solves issues and he wouldn't want his girl to be suffering alone ykwim
And then neowa and renjun. Theirs is gonna be such a finale?? You got renjun who's in love with yn and then neowa who's been pining fkr him for a while and they're both going to hurt esp when he has to face yns rejection to get over it and realize that neowa was right there for him?? Short king stand UP
And haechan and yn , tbh atp i think yn just needs tk have a talk w him and she'll realize she likea him and he does too and that it was all bc he was afraid of letting her know about the personality his frienda knew about. Renjun might be the little bastard causing little uncertainties i think but the love is there.
Jeno though 🤨 he's a dark horse and i KNOW he's gonna hurt sal 😤
I am so psyched for your new stories?? Like actually excites bouncing off my seat and the walls and you're def gonna deliver as always FR i LOVE YOU (im so sorry for the long ass post wtf is wrong with me)
baby. lemme start off with this was so long and i was at work like 😧 well i still am at work but anyways😭
okay i get where you’re coming from w jeno BUT PLEASE TRUST HIM. they’re all gonna get hurt, both parties and it’s gonna suck and you (and i) might cry but it’s gonna be worth it in the end :( and i think i said it in another ask or something but jeno is gonna show how he feels more in jaemin’s story bc they’re like this 🤞(i spent too long looking for his emoji HELP)
omg jaemin’s story i’m too excited to write like y’all thought i was excited to write hyucks but DEAR LORD AM I READY FOR YALL TO SEE HOW THEY PLAY OUT.
joy and mark are already so cute but i just wanna be the first to say they gonna be going THROUGH IT. like y’all thought y/n and hyuck were going through it..just wait 😁😭
AND JUN AND NEOWA,, there is a reason theirs is last and you’ll know the more we progress through the others stories bc like rn we’re (me) hinting at it but they are gonna be so lowkey about it until BAM their story comes to light and it’ll all be like OOO AHH GASP
hyuck and y/n,, i can’t say anything bc it’s still wip rn 👀 but as these chapters i’m writing rn,, it’ll get better for them. y’all just don’t know what i know and it’s kipling me bc i’m like on ch 29? about to write 30? and i think y’all are on 25 😭
and jeno will or will not hurt sal (unintentionally) but it’s gonna be vice versa and i’m already saying too much y’all got me talking about things i’m NOT SUPPOSED TO BE TALKINF ABOJT
AND IM EXCITED FOR YOU TO READ THEM,, you and the other anons and everyone just make my heart so full y’all don’t even know and i love y’all’s feedback and seeing how y’all react it just brings me happiness AND I LOVEYOU 😁😚🫶🤭
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arf2004 · 1 year
ok i never really post anything myself but i need to get this OUT!! ill probably do multiple posts atp bc theres so much. so much in my brain. this episode fucked me up it did it did its like every single episode just wrecks me more than the last it makes me feel new emotions and love and hope and sadness and o related and i dont relate and i empathize and i dont empathize and its so fucked up.
anyways. my first thoughts. the beauty of teds scene with his mom is unparalleled to me. its really justa bpiece of a bigger picture in this episode and even the series. i understand him ona level thats not quite the same but similarly shared. he needs to be happy for the other people around him so that theyre ok. hes "the kind friend". he is the one that is a rock and treats everyone eith respect even if you think they might not deserve it.
but he learned that. thats not something you just are. you learn pain and you learn hurt and you internalize it for far longer than you should to turn out like that. to give a story from your childhood and to be told "i cant even imagine you being cruel to people". to be one dimensional. to be the nicest person youve ever met. if you falter, you break the facade of the comfort and warmth you give to the people in your life, it means they leave you. it means they pull back. it means they walk on eggshells and theyre worried about you at every turn.
the fact that they both told eachother "fuck you" and they both knew that it was ok. it hurt because love hurts. it hurt because when you tell people you are upset with them, it hurts both of you. it hurt because they both knew these things to be true and were too scared to admit it to themselves. and they both fucked up. theyre both human. everyone in this show is so utterly, entirely human. even rupert. the fact that they gave him stories and a real life history doesnt mean that he isnt a shitty guy. just because you admit that someone is human doesnt excuse their actions.
ithink, far more than any show ive seen before, our view on the characters in the show that we see as either evil or infallible changes as the characters' views themselves shift. when rebecca realizes that everyone used to be a little kid, that rupert isnt a looming evil, but a man, a man who is not anything to her but an acquaintance and an ex-husband, we start to see him as human too. when teds mom tells him that his boy misses him, and that hes hurting both of them, we see, for not the first time but definitely the most impactful to me, that he is not perfect. he never was. we see that he is making mistakes. of course he is, we all know that right? but truly, deeper than "mistakes", we see that he doesnt know. he is afraid. he has made decisions that hurt him and his son and he doesnt know what to do. he wont always know what to do, and god knows he hasnt in the past.
we hear the mantra of "nobody is perfect" and we know that, we do. but not only is nobody perfect, but nobody can escape the cycle of missteps and mistakes. it isa part of being that someone will miscommunicate. will trip. will fall. hard. but we arent bad people for that. the world isnt as easy as "good" and "bad" people. we are all just existing and finding the ways that we feel right doing it, even if sometimes it hurts others.
fuck you, ted lasso, for making me feel so much love and compassion for everything in existence.
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npclibrarydump · 17 days
thinking about the scene in my head where the crew finally gets their shit together and meets up to plan for the session, like who still needs their planet quests done and who knows where their quest bed is. and discussing how exactly the battlefield is going to be restored, and how the genesis breeding is going. and then theyre wondering how exactly the "win" thing works. if their new universe is at the end...
alexi's pretty blunt "can we take finn with us?" because its not wrong to assume game 'constructs' wont be able to leave the medium.
everyone goes silent while finn sorta deflects and haws his way around a no. he didnt even see the ultimate reward in his own game, and he probably wouldnt have remembered anyway. "but please, dont worry about it. the most important thing is getting everyone to the end in one piece :)" and because hes sweet and atp more attatched to this group than his own co-players
"i really want you guys to win, more than anything" very sentimental and smiley. but piers isnt having any of that. "we. you are a part of this team now finn, if we win youre winning with us."
and more silence bc its awkward and tbh piers and kastri are the ones who know finn the best atp. finn is surprised and has to hide that... he doesnt really feel that way. but he thanks piers and asks frixaa to move on discussing the plans.
piers is more blunt and well, not grumpy but yk. for the rest of that meeting. and afterwards. everyone splits up to go questing and piers goes back home for more tedious insect science. and after floating around checking on the others for a bit, finn ends up on piers' planet like he usually does.
its hard to tell, but piers is upset with him. or something related to finn? he's a grumpy cynical person anyway, but piers when he's really upset is distant and cold, using work as a barrier to the world while he seethes quietly. finn tries to talk to him, just how they normally would, but piers is uhh. yea
neither of them are super 'beat around the bush' people, so finn just asks. "is it about the meeting?" and piers has to put his tools down. "i'm flattered you think of me as one of you all, really. but the reality is that,.. im not even supposed to be here. i'm only... not alive but resurrected, because of a whole lot of glitches that lined up to revive me."
"im not a player here. my planet isnt here, i dont have a spot on either of the moons, there sure isnt a quest bed out there for me. ive no reason to assume ill be able to enter the new universe with you, and i dont want to... pretend that its true."
piers: "you dont know! im not going to delude myself into thinking that either, but you just... dismiss that it could happen... and i dont care whatever the game thinks, youre- ugh" he doesnt usually get this emotional with arguments..
finn is still... listen. its a self worth thing, the only vital thing he did for his session was die. and so far, he hasnt done anything other than provide the information sprites are supposed to anyway. hes a useful messenger, and he's good at talking to people, but hes not a combatant or magic wielder or planner. he knows hes a coward.
"i just... dont want to get anyones hopes up. yours or mine." he says. "and if i cant leave with you, or something else happens- i dont want you all to hesitate in getting the reward you really deserve..."
piers stands up from his desk, "you deserve it too! and theres a difference between... between hoping itll turn out fine and being just... defeatist and cynical!"
finn half laughs. "hm, i thought you were supposed to be the cynical one." piers deflates, that feeling where you know you arent persuasive enough to convince someone to change their mind, especially about themselves.
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moonjxsung · 2 months
HELLAUR POOKIE I MISSED YOU RAHHHH it has been a serious hot minute since ive been back here hello everyone hello star hello every single 85 anons (woah thats a lot) RAHHH first of all i reread all of your anon asks and your personal updates on your blog and im really upset to hear that youre taking down all of your small drabbles and requests (rip my favorite minho biker story <//3) but honestly i totally do understand where you stand on this and i respect your opinion im just glad youre still here and staying with us !!! (im chaining up your ankles and keeping you here forever who's in who's basement now huh !! yeah thats what i thought !!! [we have conjoined basements])
I MISSED YOU STAR RAHHH i was going through yet another week of "oh shit i think my mental health is depleting but im going to pretend that its not at a critical level right now and immerse myself in studies and hope it goes away" but in fact it did not go away and i dont know how i feel right not BUT ITS OKAY because im rewatching komi cant communicate and i made my 84th spotify playlist on my fifth spotify account and i used to use 4 spotify accounts during 2022-2023 so this is probably like my 600th smth playlist but yk!!! (i made a total of like 30+ this year so far im goign crazy star help me)
speaking of i shoudl send you my new playlist on discord ALSO i saw you and an anon talking about 505 RAHHHHH ARCTIC MONKEYS <333333 i used to be a huge arctic monkeys fan but now im getting back into them i literally have a 505 phase RIGHT NOW ive been listenign to it on loop !!! idk why im so energetic right now rahh i missed you lots oh yeah also !!! my $50 temu package arrived and i like freaked out about it for like a solid 15 minutes then proceeded to lose my ring and brand new keychain in like the next 2 hours (im so upset) its okay though cs they were like 50 cents each i can rebuy it !!! (im still upset) star im not kidding im serious when i say ive spent over 90 bucks on temu during hte past like 3-4 months please help me star im going insane my friends keep saying that im such a loyal temu customer that atp the company is going to start recruiting me to be one of their asian workers in china and ill be enslaved earning two pennies a day for the rest of my life
did you knwo peppermint candy is good
HIIIIIIIII POOOOKIEEEEE RAHHHHHH I MISSED YOU SO MUCH HOW ARE YOU HOW’S IT GOINGNTHTJFJDKDKDJ I will gladly remain shackled to the confines that are tumblr. I love it here (mostly) I LOVE YOU GUYS SO MUCH RAHHH‼️‼️‼️‼️
I’m SOOOO sad about my shorter drabbles (biker!minho story was literally my fav one by FAR oh my god) but hopefully they can pick up again in the future 💔💔 fuck you wattpad thieves. We all booed !
ANYWAYS I MISSED YOU TOOOO I was also having a shitty mental health week and I’ve just been insanely busy like I haven’t had a single second this week to just sit down and take a fucking breather!!!! But we made it to the weekend and I’m alive RAHHHH star lives to see another weekend of interacting w her beloved anons and consuming kpop content 💯💯 I hope you’re doing better though my sweet angel!!!! April has been so shitty but I know we’re gonna make it out of it alive somehow 🫶 ALSO YES SEND ME ALL THE SPOTIFY PLAYLISTS I NEED SO MUCH NEW MUSIC TO LISTEN TO ‼️‼️ I’ve been listening to the arctic monkeys nonstop again bc I was talking about them on here I LOVEEEE HOW WE’RE BOTH BACK IN 505 PHASE SOOOO REAL
Also peppermint candy is good but not as good as you I love you so much RAHHHHH I MISSED YOU SO BADDDJEKSKSKSKS
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prettyboykatsuki · 2 months
hi my lovely fang!! ramadan kareem! also happy belated isagi day!! loll i’m tipsy doing my skincare and watching formula 1 + premier league football (<-being delusional abt my teams winning. i’m no better than a m*n) but my mind ran on you so i said lemme go blab in your askbox <33
not day drinking or anything dw. just came back in from a bday dinner and then we ended up at a nightclub ?? for some reason ?? the music was really good and it felt good to be out with friends. idk, the old me wouldnt have even entertained the idea of going out so i hope ur proud of me for socializing even when i got drained like an hour into the whole thing.
hope the spring's been good to you so far. (i for one am salty since this weather still feels treacherously winterlike to me.) and remember to pace yourself for school.
life has been so interesting lately: moved out of a toxic household and decided to establish boundaries with family (got villainised for it), trying to learn an instrument as a hobby, became a deku fan (‼️♥️☹️‼️) and an arthur morgan enthusiast (⁉️), my kitchen sink randomly flooded and my landlord was an ass abt it, finally watched howl’s moving castle,
always always still thinking of oliver tho. atp i mentally chant his name like my own personal litany against going apeshit in law school. i think u were talking abt songs that remind u of him and i would like to add for ur consideration: that tyler song w/ pharell? called “ifhy”. also DONT LAUGH but i cannot hear anything off the wiped out album without some association to him. some russ songs too. idk what it is abt that bastard but i enjoy putting him in mental aus he has no business being in: like we both know he’d be a regency AU scoundrel or like a rake or smth and yet i’ll be on the subway crafting it in my mind palace LMAO
back in the day i used to depression-watch the encore westerns channel so those scruffy ruffians u have been read dead posting abt are making my ears perk up a little (a lot).
if i was actually writing you as a legit penpal i would decorate your letter and use different coloured ink and stickers and send u a polaroid and stuff. i am so fond of you like whoa. hugging and squeezing and pulling you 🫂🫂🫂🫂 like taffy!! have a great day and an even greater eid !!
-resident oliver gremlin xoxo
RAMADAN KAREEM EVEN THO I AM ANSWERING POST EID AS SOME KIND OF FOUL BEAST!!!! and happy belated isagi day to u twin i hope it was wonderful
i actually heard alot about the f1 stuff from beloved mutuals posting and general internet circulation!!! lots of . stuff going on in that place from what i can tell . i hope ur special sports guys won i love u !!
also glad ur not drinking too much. a birthday dinner and nightclub feel like a random combo sdjhsdkfj but sometimes u just dont want the night to end so i really get it. im not a club girl either it is so overstimulation for me in a way i have a hard time with so im SO proud of you
i feel u abt spring it is so midwest core how cold it fawking is rn fdkjkhdjfkg. but its fine we ball
ALSO SO PROUD OF U!!!!! setting boundaries w fam is sooo dogshit but u did right by yourself and thats all that matters. iA it becomes easier. also instrument, deku fan, and arthur....... ohhh anon it has been a busy and fun life i see.
I MISS OLIVER SOOO FREAKING MUCH IM HAPPY U BRING HIM UP. i agree ifhy by tyler suits him so much im going to throw my guts up fkgjdffgklsd. also no he is very russ song actually.... best on earth ft him and bia.... i will eat glass. im glad his horrible and annoying ass can support the bad beautiful shorty u are thru law school... the most he is capable of im afraid. ALSO WAIT REGENCY AU KIND OF EATS...... WILL BE SIMMERING ON THAT ..... i think him being a sleazy powerful noble who's been enaged a billion times and broken up with even more chasing u a mean noble girl who hates him ohhh .. ohhhhh
ALSO IM GLAD U LIKE MY RDR POSTING. i am. completely out of my mind about them forreal its actually notfunny anymore JKFDJLKS. but thats alright.
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arlecchno · 1 year
YES OMG THE POISONED DREAMS SERIES (from what ive read so far) IS SO SCRUMPTIOUS - the print copies have art in them and im just so obsessed teehee . summers fic and MA over the past few months have been the things i looked forward to in the then - futures . cova is srsly taking all of our hearts hostage w that blessed fic LOL its also real fun that the reader in fic has a hydro vision (this doesnt count as spoilers right ?) because ive always personally envisioned (haha) myself with one too . cova also has other works w alhaitham in it that are like kinda sorta connected to summers fic , my favorite being this one , i love the fic description LMAO
dude ive done so much random bullshit because i used to have SO MUCH extra free time on my hands ??? and , honestly dude ive really been wanting to get back into writing on a regular basis but i have such terrible commitment issues with my personal projects its insane . also if you dont mind could you share some of your a/n that you find particularly silly ? i honestly live for memey authors notes
ive also taken that quiz ! multiple times actually (and many others) LMFAO , it was a different answer every time but its mainly a tie between ei and albedo . which is . heavily ironic . because all my close friends call me a scara kinnie which is like . ah yes another artificial human and then throw a creator of one at me like ??????? atp ive just come to embrace that i might be a little artificially flavored in the brain (/hj) . ive also been called a cyno kinnie sometimes because of the terrible puns i make (they laugh anyways though so i mean ..) anyways yeah so if you wanna assign me a genshin character too feel free to i guess , its honestly fun for me to see people assign me a genshin character they think im similar to .
heres …. a spoon i accidentally drew while trying to draw a fish
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- jellyfish
i've only read the summers fic until chap 4 (currently reading chapter 5) and it's so good. the mc and alhaitham's dynamic is so funny HAHA i keep laughing every time they have their stupid banters especially in the middle of fighting/interrogating people.
mc having a hydro vision is actually so nice too!! in chapter 4 at the part where they were sitting by the water and mc was playing around with the water by morphing them into dolphins and such was a nice addition to them. having a hydro vision sounds so fun and honestly i kinda want it too now LMAO
i'll also be sure to check out the other fic you've linked! cova's work with the summers fic is truly good and they're hella good at writing, so i'm not gonna miss the chance to not read their other works 🥹
and wow!!! i think you'll do a great job at writing again, and if you ever decide to get back to it, i would drop everything to read your work. no really, you're good at drawing, you make poems, you like solving out stuff, you make your own games— what can't you do???? you have such amazing skills and talents, i'd drop on my knees to see more of your work 😵‍💫
i won't deny that writing is such a big commitment and it takes such a huge effort to get back on your feet, and that's okay!! i think it's really neat that you have your own personal projects, i would say that's a total win!!!! hehe
google docs has this section where it lets you add comments in the words you've highlighted and i took every opportunity to make the silliest ones in some lines i've written for ma (would we consider this as proper annotations? i don't think i would...), here are some of them
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i like adding my own author comments in my google docs because personally— it feels like a wattpad comment section, except that it's only visible to you, y'know? pretty silly, exactly, but i like annotating my own work for some reason... i think i'm just hella weird
i kinda see how you'd be an albedo kinnie, actually. well, one, you're pretty artistic, but also, i have a feeling you're kind of a quiet and reserved person irl. i hope i'm not wrong because then i'd be a total fool HAHAHA but anyways... hm... cyno kinnie... you know i can't disagree to that when you've already slipped in a pun on your first paragraph 😔 ngl i giggled when i first read it so... another win for you?
thank you for the spoon jellyfish haha it's so silly that it made my day 😭
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