#but other than that -- today's thursday meaning i'm a little busy in the evening...
good morning!! <3
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personasintro · 9 months
Mutual Help | #01
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↳ 𝐬𝐲𝐧𝐨𝐩𝐬𝐢𝐬; in order for you to pretend to be his girlfriend, he helps you with your sexual desires ⏤ he calls it mutual help
⇢ 𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: jungkook x reader
⇢ 𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞: fake dating au, fluff, angst, smut, slow burn
⇢ 𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: explicit language
⇢ 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 3.4k+
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𝐚/𝐧: this bombass comeback wouldn't be as amazing and special if it weren't for @kithtaehyung who made the best new mh banner anyone could ever make!!! ryen, thank you bub so much for putting up with my indecisive ass and taking the time to make not only this banner but different versions before that! I truly appreciate it and I'm thankful you're a part of this!!
ogs know this one is reposted but I hope everyone will enjoy it whether they're rereading it or reading for the first time! lastly, thank you for the endless love and support, i love y'all ♡
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𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐱 | 𝐧𝐞𝐱𝐭 ⇢ 
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The hallway looks exactly the same, which there isn't any reason why it should look different all of a sudden, but considering you haven't been in this building for the past few weeks just makes you want to notice the slightest change. But there is none. It still smells sterile with a little bit of sweetness which reminds you of cinnamon. You're not sure why, nor do you really dwell on it too much.
You could imagine your Thursday evening differently, which means laying down as soon as you come home and turn on Netflix, trying to spend at least twenty minutes finding a good show. That's been your routine for weeks now, but you're not complaining. It feels that void of loneliness in your smart one bedroom apartment.
Although, you can't help but feel nervous when you picture the message you got from Jimin.
'come to Jungkook's, he needs us' 
He never explained anything further, nor replied to the tons of your messages or missed calls. You wouldn't be on the edge, if you've seen or heard from Jungkook. Apart from some occasional messages like 'what's up' or 'what were you doing today?', your communication went downhill. But you don't blame him or yourself for it. You were both busy and probably still are, to even hangout like you always used to.
It bothered you for some time, not hanging out with your best friend like you used to. But you've grown used to that small but painful fact that you don't have to see each other every day. Plus, after some time you've realized, you can still be best friends with someone without having to chat with them 24/7. Gratefulness is how you'd describe your feelings. Grateful that your friendship works, even though you don't get to spend your time with each other that often.
Your knuckles meet the wood of Jungkook's front door in a gentle manner, which is a complete opposite of your inside feelings as you've this weird feeling inside of you. The message Jimin sent you was weird and you haven't heard from anyone since then.
And when the door finally opens, you're glad you're met with Jimin himself as he stares at you with hopeful eyes and a breath of relief that escapes his plush lips. You rush inside, already taking off your shoes and jacket while you confusingly stare at your friend that looks more than relieved to see you.
"What the hell happened? You never texted me back." you tell him, or more like scold him rather than properly greet him.
"Ah, sorry," he cringes, pulling out his phone before he notices the bunch of messages and missed calls from you. "It's just—"
"This is bullshit."
The grumpy and raspy voice unintentionally cuts him off, booming inside of the apartment causing your ears to naturally perk up. Is it just you or his voice got deeper? You look at Jimin with a questioning gaze, who sees the confusion on your features as you hear Jungkook's grumpy and annoyed voice. Rather than explaining something to you, he sighs and with a quick cock of his head towards the living room, you both walk inside.
You're surprised when you see Taehyung there as well, opening a beer can before he pushes it into Jungkook's hands. Surprisingly, the mentioned guy is slouched on his beige couch, wearing one of his baggy shirts and loose sweatpants with his hair looking like he hasn't brushed them for days.
Taehyung's eyes meet yours as soon as you step in, noticing the mess around including two pizza boxes thrown on the floor and empty cans of coke and beer on the coffee table. "Oh, thank god!" Taehyung breathes out the same sigh of relief, causing you to greet him with a confused 'hello'.
Although, you don't wait for any reaction because your best friend finally acknowledges your presence in his home, head lazily turning in your direction as you walk up to him.
"Great," he mutters, almost rolling eyes at the sight of you. "Who called her?" he eyes the two of his best friends, scoffing before he takes a gulp of the beer that Taehyung handed him.
"What kind of reaction is that, asshole?" you react right away, frowning at your best friend that hasn't seen you for weeks and this is his first reaction.
"Don't mind him, please. He's just a little bit drunk right now." Jimin quickly jumps into an action, noticing your fireback and unappreciative tone that's aimed at none other than Jungkook himself.
He rolls his eyes at Jimin words, but doesn't say anything else before Taehyung watches you with cautious doe eyes. He sits in a chair, arm leaned against his knee as he anxiously bites his nails even though he tries to act casual. You don't buy it.
"What the fuck is going on?" you ask them, pointing towards Jungkook that looks like a truck just hit him.
Jimin opens his mouth, but Jungkook glares at him which ends up with him shutting it right away and when you look at Taehyung, he doesn't even spare you a glance.
"Which one of you called her?" Jungkook speaks up, eyeing the two of his friends as they point to each other causing you to snort. Cowards. "I'm fine. I don't see a reason why you make such a big deal out of this. I'm fine."
The fact that he had to repeat the same sentence twice, just proves that no — he's not fine. And before the wheels in your head start to work and roll, Jimin's voice speaks up in a clear, yet quick tempo.
"Kiko broke up with Jungkook."
The room goes silent, faint sounds coming out of the television are filling out the thick silence in the room as Jungkook freezes, not even glaring at his friend that apologetically shrugs at him.
One of the reasons why you haven't got to see your best friend that often is, that he simply found a girlfriend. Trying to combine his work, personal love life and you was already hard. But you get it. You're not mad or annoyed at him, because the two of you still kept in touch. It was just a matter of time until some of you found someone and naturally, there wouldn't be that much time to spend your days together. It was bound to happen and you knew Jungkook would be the first one to find someone.
He's your best friend, but you're not blind. He's one of the most handsome guys you've ever met, not just that but his personality is something that most girls would fall for. His attitude is pissy right now and now, you know the true reason behind it. But the Jungkook you know, is one of the most caring people you know. And not only that, but he's funny, intelligent and perfect at almost everything. He's the whole package and any girl would be lucky to snatch him.
And that girl, or perhaps you should say a woman, happened to be Kiko. A Japanese beauty that their mutual friend introduced them to one another. It clicked off immediately. Even you've noticed it when Jungkook Rain checked almost every plan you had together. He started to stare into his phone with all those puppy heart eyes whenever she texted him. At first, you found it annoying because it was just plain rude, watching him text her every five seconds instead of trying to hang out with you. But then, you just stopped caring and whenever you went silent, he'd just pushed his phone away and tried to gain your attention.
It was stupid, because you knew if you gave him attitude or silent treatment, he would just feel bad and tried to focus on you. Until the both of you stopped hanging out with each other that much.
"She did?" you mutter, staring at Jungkook who stares in front of him with a wiped out gaze. You've never seen him in this kind of state. "I'm sorry, Kook."
"Yeah, well, shit happens." he grumbles, clenching his jaw as he takes another gulp of beer that's securely clenched in his hand.
You've seen Jungkook having a couple of girlfriends, but you know that his relationship with Kiko was different. He wasn't just any girlfriend that he tried to get to know, she was someone that he completely fell for and couldn't stop talking about. He's in love. And even though he's being an ass to his friends right now, it's just his coping mechanism and you know that whatever Jimin and Taehyung has been doing, hasn't helped much. He plays tough right now, hiding his true feelings under this cold and uninterested facade but you know him better.
And when he keeps glancing at you before he quickly looks away, it's almost as if he can hear your exact thoughts.
"Well," you hastily speak, clapping your hands together as you lightly smile at everyone in the room. "You don't wanna date anyone whose name is Kiko." you try to joke, a laugh and snort erupting from Jimin and Taehyung who has obviously found your little joke funny.
Jungkook on the other hand, looks even more pissed off because he never looked at you with so much anger and annoyance as he's looking right now, causing you to squirm in your spot. "Real class, Y/N." he barks at you, causing you to slump in defeat before Jimin squeezes your shoulders in comfort.
"I brought you banana milk. I didn't know what happened, so I thought this would be a nice and quick save." you lightly tell him, sitting at the end of the couch, next to his sprawled legs but he doesn't move them away.
"Jeez, I'm not some fucking kid. Banana milk won't fix my broken heart." he scoffs, shaking his head while the three of you are even surprised that he just admitted that he has a broken heart. Well, clearly but since he's been putting up this tough act, it still comes as a shock. Judging by the look of Jimin's and Taehyung's face, they seem to think the same thing.
"I know that, Kook," you quietly tell him, hastily grabbing one of his ankles as you squeeze it in a manner to comfort him. He doesn't budge, that means something. "Is there anything we can do for you?" you ask him, not really sure if he's even going to answer that.
His brows furrow while he fumbles with his fingers, the slightest pout adoring his small lips as he thinks your question through. The three of you watch him with curious eyes, wondering what the hell is this guy thinking of. He looks at you, then at Jimin and Taehyung before he softly sighs.
"I mean... there's nothing you guys can do." he says softly, taking another gulp of beer that tastes like piss. Korean beer is just not good, and you're surprised that Jungkook even drinks it. But he never had any problem with any alcohol, that man can drink and eat anything.
There's nothing you can think of that could possibly help him out of his heartbreak. The only thing for you to do, is to be there for him. And if drinking a beer that tastes like piss is some kind of twisted way of helping him, you're in. So, you reach out and grab one of the unopened cans before you open it with a loud 'click', taking a gulp of it.
"What are you doing?" Jungkook sits up, staring at your scrunched nose and distaste written all over your face.
"Drinking with you." you shrug, taking another huge gulp of it. The more you drink it, the less it tastes awful.
"But you hate this beer." he reminds you, scowling at you and your nonstop gulping, hand twitching to get it away from you.
"I know," you shrug, grinning at him. "It doesn't taste that bad. Now come on," you nudge him with your leg, raising your can to him. "Cheers." you call out to him, ignoring his big doe eyes that stare at you with a slight confusion before he sighs.
"Cheers." he mutters, clicking his can against yours before the both of you take another gulp.
The two of you are completely unaware of your friends' faces that are washed with relief and knowing eyes as they stare at you and Jungkook. All it took was just to call you to save the day. Jungkook might not be in his greatest mood or show his appreciation for you to be there for him, but drinking without constant complaining and cursing is still a better result that Jimin and Taehyung managed to get.
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"I've never thought I'd ever drink this much of this piss beer." you croak out, putting another empty can onto Jungkook's messy coffee table. You sit back, head falling onto his shoulder as you silently inhale his scent. It always reminded you of his fabric softener that smells like a baby, mixed with his cologne that is very faint on his clothes.
"How do you know what piss tastes like?" Jungkook asks, raising his brow at you while the corner of his lips twitches in amusement. "Do you wanna tell me about your weird kinks?" he cocks his head at you, causing you to groan as you hit his shoulder but it does nothing to him, he doesn't even budge.
A chuckle roars in the back of his throat, a first sound that can be considered as a positive emotion.
"It's not like that." you mutter, growing embarrassed at the thought of Jungkook thinking about your kinks. Not that you know about them that much. You might think there are some things you might like, but you never had anyone to try it with. How possibly could you know? But the idea of you having a piss kink, or whatever that's called, makes you want to gag. Maybe it's the beer or just a single thought of it, who knows.
Jimin and Taehyung already left, once they saw Jungkook loosening up, they took that chance to go home and leave the two of you alone. Not even once he talked about his heartbreak, you silently watched a TV show that Jungkook turned on whilst drinking a beer and munching on some crackers that Taehyung handed you before they left.
Glancing at Jungkook, his face is illuminated from the screen whilst he's watching a TV show with slightly furrowed brows. And when it finally stops, he sighs and grabs the remote to browse through some other movies and TV shows. He keeps browsing through them for a couple of minutes, muttering a pair of curses when he can't find anything he likes. You turn on the lamp in the very corner of his living room, causing him to frown even more from the sudden light.
You sit next to him, staring at him as he sighs and looks back at you. "What?" he asks unbothered, the remote still clutched in his hand.
"I'm sorry, Kook," you tell him silently, reaching for his shoulder which you squeeze in comfort, like you previously did with his ankle. "I know that you loved her."
And you see his facade crack, when he sucks his bottom lip as he quickly looks away from you to blink away the tears that are threatening to fall. You've never seen him this vulnerable.
"Love," he mutters, causing you to let out a confused 'huh?' in response. "Not loved her, but love. I still love her." he corrects you.
"Why did she break up with you? You don't have to tell me if you don't feel comfortable enough, but you guys seemed so close together."
It doesn't make any sense. Jungkook kept talking about her even through your messages, and you could practically feel the happiness radiating from his single messages. His whole Instagram is filled with their pictures, or just single shots of Kiko that Jungkook has taken and captioned with a single heart emoji. You've never seen him being so in love before. That's when you've realized that Kiko is different from any other women that Jungkook was seeing.
You don't push him into answering, the last thing you want for him is to get upset with you. But you can't keep walking around eggshells for this whole night.
"Apparently, she just wants some time for herself. She wants to explore other things, whatever the fuck that means." he bitterly chuckles, eyes filled with anger but you know it's just hidden hurt.
"Maybe you'll find someone else, Kook. You're still young."
Scoffing, he shakes his head. "She's the love of my life. I really doubt there's someone else for me. I was about to ask her to move in with me."
Shit, he's really serious about her.
"You did?"
He nods, biting onto his lower lip before he lets it go, fumbling his eyes before he sighs in defeat. "I love her." he whispers, his voice sounding so vulnerable that it makes your heart clench.
You go straight into hugging him, enveloping his huge body to yours as he starts to cry into your chest. For the first time, he finally breaks in front of someone else rather than himself. He clutches to your body, tears wetting your shirt but you don't mind it, grabbing him even tighter. He cries, something he doesn't usually do in front of everyone. You realize how he kept holding himself in front of Taehyung and Jimin when all he wanted was to cry it out.
"It's okay, you're going to be okay." you tell him, cheeks pressed against his hair that got super long since you've last seen him.
He sniffles, wiping his eyes before he slightly pulls away. "It happened two weeks ago and I'm still such a fucking mess." he scoffs at himself.
"Two weeks ago?" you exclaim, surprised by the new information. "It happened two weeks ago and I know just... now?"
He glares at you and you quickly shut your mouth. "Not everything is about you, Y/N." he reminds you.
Rolling your eyes, you're about to curse at him for being so rude but then you remember his state. He's just hurt and in a way, he's right. "No, that's not what I meant. I just... I'm surprised that you didn't tell me sooner. If it weren't for Jimin, I don't think I'd be here right now." you explain, thinking about all possibilities that could happen.
"I was going to," he mutters, reaching for a bottle of water instead as he takes a few gulps. "But I needed some time to myself. I didn't want anyone to see me like this." he points out towards his slightly puffed eyes.
You just wished he'd tell you sooner. But you don't tell him that. It's not selfish to think that, because you just wanted to be there for him sooner. Nobody should go through such a heartbreak alone. Not when he has you and other two friends willing to be there for him.
"You know that you can tell me anything, right? I'm always here for you." you remind him, flushed cheeks when you see his eyes already set on you.
The friendship between you and Jungkook is mostly surrounded with you teasing each other and in a way, he's like an older brother to you. You don't get all sentimental with each other, even though you're always there for one another. It's an unspoken rule and natural feeling that your friendship has.
"I know," he says softly, giving you the best little smile he can muster. "And I'm so grateful for that. I know I was acting like an asshole and I'm sorry, I just... I'm really happy that you're here."
You don't get to hear such words often, especially coming out of Jungkook's mouth, but that's why you're even more pleased to hear them.
You smile back at him, silently thanking him and also saying that it's okay and you get it. It's quiet for a moment. Jungkook fumbles with his fingers as you silently watch him, noticing a few new tattoos that decorate his honey skin.
"Y/N?" he asks suddenly, causing you to hum in return. " You know when you asked me, if there's something you could do for me?"
"Oh, boy. What is it this time?" you joke, causing him to silently chuckle under his breath.
What could he possibly want to know? The last time he wanted something from you, was to clean his whole apartment because he twisted his ankle. But whatever that comes out of his mouth next, never occurred to you before.
"Can you pretend to be my girlfriend?"
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© 𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐫𝐨 (𝐧𝐨 𝐫𝐞𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭𝐬 𝐨𝐫 𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐬𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐝) | don't forget to reblog ♡
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cher-rei · 4 months
afterglow- pt.4 [ T.A.A ]
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pairings: trent alexander arnold x fem!reader
summary: young and aspiring marketing and business major jamie carter (you) is privileged with working alongside the liverpool marketing and public relations team while also getting entangled with their star player and right back, trent alexander arnold.
genre(s): friends?? to lovers, work romance, fluff
[wc: 7.8k] [part 1] [part 2] [part 3] [part 5] [part 6] [part 7] [part 8]
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the atmosphere in the training center's gym was thick. not just because of the humidity but because everyone was in genuine awe as they listened to trent talk about what happened a few days ago at their match.
it took him three days to think the situation over. nobody in their right mind would ask whether or not someone had a partner without there being an ulterior motive, right? right??
your question had kept him up for hours at night, but it was so nonchalant that he didn't know if he was supposed to think anything of it. it didn't make sense. so he turned to help from his teammates, and considering that half of them were in relationships, they would give him solid advice. (which was laughable)
"she wants you," dominik deadpanned which caught everyone's attention but nobody was convinced.
virgil crossed his arms and looked him with his eyebrows quirked. curious to hear his reasoning. "and how would you know?"
dominik snickered. "because I do. she's one of those girls who flirt nonchalantly. to her, she might just find it fun to tease you right now with no actual intention but it'll get to her."
once again the room fell silent as eveyone tried to wrap what he said around their heads.
"is this guy serious?" robbo asked and pointed to dominik who just shrugged from his position on the mat.
just then someone walked into the gym, ready to bring forward their own opinion. "if she likes you then her intentions will be clear."
the spotlight was now on the group's manager but his opinion wasn't appreciated at all. apparently it was too outdated.
"women don't work like that anymore boss," ibou retorted and got a choir of agreement but their boss still shook his head.
he turned to look at trent, who looked more troubled than before, and he couldn't help but stifle a laugh. "trent, do you like her?'
the right back who was deep in thought broke out of his daze that was utter turmoil. "I mean I don't even know her. we've had like two conversations."
"did you enjoy those conversations?"
the team began to grow invested in the little back and forth and stopped what they were doing to pay more attention. it was nothing short of heated- the way that jurgen was firing questions at trent and how he nearly buckled with each answer.
"I mean yeah." he focused his gaze on the floor. "I find her amusing I guess. but maybe that's just me."
"oh no, it's not just you," ali scoffed as he recalled their conversation the other day. "she is quite the charmer. very easy to talk to and nothing short of playful."
trent snapped his fingers back at ali in agreement. "yes. that."
conversation broke out in the gym again with everyone voicing their opinions on the matter to try and figure out whether or not trent actually liked her. but he kept on saying, "I don't know. I just met her."
jurgen got up from one of the chairs in the room and gave everyone a wave, but he knew they weren't paying attention. "thursday."
that single word brought their attention to the door where their boss was standing with a lopsided smile on his face.
"we're playing at raiffiesen on thursday," curtis prompted in an attempt to get an answer and jurgen nodded, his attention turned to trent who wasn't playing the match that thursday.
"jamie won't be joining us because her pitch is due that morning. do what you want with that information but if you like her, I'm sure you'll know in no-time. but take your time and get to know her. she's quite the character."
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you were taking an uber to work today instead of driving by yourself. It had been a while since you took public transport, you genuinely considered it such a hassle and just took the blow and paid some extra cash for an uber.
the reason for this, however, was strange. before you left the house this morning, you had gotten a call from jurgen asking you if you could accompany martin diggle, who was the head of coaching at the academy to the academy that afternoon seeing as they were considering broadening their promotional content for the boys on that side.
you agreed of course but the confusion in your voice was clear even after you put the phone down. why did you have to go with him? there were plenty of other staff with more experience than you anyway, but you brushed it off and focused on today's main goal.
getting your pitch approved.
so when you walked into the office with your head held high and a look of determination on your face you hadn't expected to be hit with a, "I see where you're coming from and the first project is fresh. we'll get back to you after further discussion. thank you ms carter."
it was nothing short of a blow to the gut. it wasn't a rejection per se, but it wasn't an approval either and that didn't sit well. how long were you going to have to wait? was marvin just being nice? was your pitch that bad? was it too impractical? were you being selfish?
"was it that bad?"
your head shot up at the question. you lifted your gaze from the the floor, tightening your grip on your laptop bag that was slung over your shoulder. a look of confusion settled on your face, expecting to see martin since you'd be going with him.
instead you were face to face with trent, his back leaned against his car- a black range rover. he pushed himself off the side of the car and shot you a smile to which you furrowed your eyebrows.
"what are you doing here?" you asked, not taking a step further.
a dry chuckle fell from his lips. "you mean at the liverpool hq? the hq of the football club that I've been playing for nearly my entire life?"
you could see the amusement dancing in his eyes knowing that he got you right where he wanted you. okay so maybe it was a dumb question, but it made sense. he had no reason to be there— he should've been at home resting.
"hilarious." you faked a smile. obviously he knew what you meant by the question and decided to tease you but you weren't in the mood.
trent couldn't help but stare at you, his eyes roaming your features and taking in as much of you as he could to cure his little predicament and the many questions swarming through his mind.
he still didn't know much about you, and stalki- i mean viewing your socials could only get him so far. he knew that you had an older sister, he knew about your ex boyfriend michael, he knew that you had and amazing sense of style, and that you loved your job with a passion.
but that wasn't enough to feed his curiosity. he wanted to know more than just the surface level attributes. he needed to know more.
"are you even listening to me right now?" you asked while waving a hand in front of his face. you'd been talking for quite some time and you were convinced that he wasn't listening at all.
trent shook his head with an amused smile and opened the car door he was standing infront of. "get in."
your eyes lips parted in shock. "I'm waiting for--"
you were rudely cut off by the feeling of your phone vibrating in your pants pocket and you quickly answered it, yours eyes still lingering on trent who knew exactly who you were talking to.
"no it's fine. he just got here anyway." your tone was soft and polite but the look that you were sending the right back was nothing of the sort.
when you heard martin hang up you hurriedly put your phone back and made your way into the passenger seat of trent's car, still holding the door open for you. "aren't you just adorable?"
he smiled at your mocking tone and sent you a look that made your heart jump. "well aren't you just an ego booster?"
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when you got to the academy that early afternoon you didn't really know what to expect. but oh gosh were you left in awe. talk about prestigious.
your eyes roamed the buildings interior, the occasional gasp leaving your mouth which would get a stifled laugh from trent. he walked beside you with his hands in his pockets, a huge pang of nostalgia washing over him as he reminisced on his academy days.
"I can't believe you actually got the opportunity to train here," you gasped when you stepped out onto the field, where you saw the u18's doing their drills.
he let out a knowing hum and lead you over to where the academy's u18 coach- jay spearing was stood, leading the group of teenagers. if there was one thing that you knew then it was thar liverpool's academy players were nothing short of astonishing.
trent, curtis, jarell, and soon you could feel that a few new kids would be added to the list.
"what do we have here?" jay asked in surprise when he saw you and trent approaching, a smile present on his face when he saw the right back.
you watched as the older man brought trent into a hug, patting him on the back adoringly and sharing a few words before trent gestured to you. "this is ms c--"
trent's voice subtly cracked in uncertainty when he stopped mid introduction, which was strange. he turned back to you and then to jay with a smile. "--this is jamie. the head of our p.r team."
an impressed hum left jay's lips as he recalled what jurgen had said not to long ago about you. "It's nice to meet you jamie. I hope trent isn't bothering you too much. he's a bit of a handful."
he nudged the younger on his arm and you couldn't help but stifle a laugh. "I'm afraid that's an understatement."
trent put his hand over his heart in mock offence and gasped. "I could say the same about you."
the three of you spent a few more minutes talking about the team and how jurgen had been coming over quite a bit to view some of the youngsters for reserves, seeing as they were playing exceptionally well.
"he's had his eye on bradley, beck and doak for a while now. kaide gordon as well, but he's been out due to an injury."
you both listened to jay give his rundown on the recent observations while you watched the group of boys do their usual target practice. however, it was obvious that trent was scouting and you were thinking of ways to get these boys out in the public.
"do you think they'd let me take them out on a field trip?"
the question caught trent's attention as he turned to look at your side profile. "a field trip to where?"
you shrugged your shoulders, not too sure yet. "a hike."
"a hike?? are you craz--"
"--shush trent they're coming." you shut him up immediately by hitting his chest, your attention fixed on the group of boys walking your way.
now normally if you were to see a professional footballer, probably the blue print for the new generation and beside him a girl who was on the p.r team and a social media influencer of sorts there wouldn't be much debate as to who you'd want to meet.
both you and trent knew that, and you couldn't see the way he was mentally preparing himself to be greeted and questioned while you stood there silently and observed the interaction.
or well so you thought. what you didn't expect was for trent to get a head start and greet the group of boys, praising them for their hard work and offering to take a few pictures so that you could post them and it actually made a lot of sense.
you got your phone out and got ready, but to your surprise he was shot down. "we're actually here for jamie."
"what?" you both said in unison in visible shock.
"we're fans," one of the boys said sheepishly and you felt your heart melt.
trent was dumbfounded. he didn't know what to say or do, still trying to accept the fact that he was openly rejected. but you on the other hand tried to play it off as cool as possible.
it was normal for fans to approach you in public, but the fact that you had a fanbase and supporters was something that would always come as a shock. you didn't do much to deserve it, or at least that's you thought.
a smile drew to your lips, making sure to send trent a look. "well aren't you just an ego booster?"
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spamjam._. added to their story
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"so, how did it go?"
you jumped up at the sound of maya's voice echoing through the empty apartment. "son of a bitch."
all the lights were off so you assumed that she had gone to bed already and tried to shut the door as silently as possible, but here she was. sitting on the couch with a cup of coffee and the lamp on.
you dropped your bags to the floor and tried to lessen the fright that you had gotten but your sister couldn't have cared less. "It's nearly 10. no way you just went for ice-cream."
you felt like a rogue teenager at that moment. mentally preparing yourself for a scolding and at least 2 weeks of being grounded. "well sorry to disappoint," you joked and took off your jacket. "the ice cream was amazing though."
maya couldn't believe your answer and tore the blanket off her body to follow you into your bedroom. she watched as you got your things ready so you could shower and proceeded to bombard you with as many questions possible.
and you gave her the same response each time. after the academy, you took a drive to kill some time, got ice cream, and then you were dropped off. literally nothing happened.
"we just talked about normal things--" you tied up your hair, "--the weather, the state of our economy, why the earth is flat. nothing strange."
maya pulled a face and shook her head, "I hate you so much, ugh."
it wasn't long before you made yourself comfortable in bed, creeping underneath your blankets and succumbing to the warmth and security that it brought you. your mind drifted elsewhere for a moment and you were back to your anxious state.
the pitch.
it had only been a few hours but you were starting to rethink the entire idea. you could say that it was rather selfish of you to use yours and trent's little bet as a form of entertainment but it was a win-win situation. the team would get to practice but in the form of games and so much more fun, while getting their publicity.
that was entertainment.
you were just about to put off your phone and head off to sleep when you got the email. the green light.
dear ms carter,
apologies for the late outreach but I had a few things to sort out back at the office.
regarding your pitch however, I'd like to happily inform you that your pitch was approved by the directors as well as jurgen who was more then delighted to give it a go.
I trust that you have the logistics sorted out. and that you are able to start filming by october 9th seeing as the team have a busy match schedule for the rest of the month, so we'll need your undivided attention on our schedule as well.
I am excited to see how you take charge of this project and I hope it leads in your favour.
marvin colesmen
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spamjam._. added to their story
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trentarnold66 replied to your story
trentarnokd66 seriously, project carter😭
spamjam._. I am not about to get copyrighted by mbappe
and besides, I got ali on my back which means I'm about to beat the shit out of you
trentarnold66 all this for some content. talk about dedication. and you're still gonna lose😪
spamjam._. it's going to be fun. trust me.
trentarnold66 hm, I'll take your word for it. congrats btw 👏
spamjam._. stopppp. you're making me blush😊
trentarnold66 oh that's horrible. I'm gonna have to start keeping my distance.
spamjam._. you're not that great bro
trentarnold66 we all have our own opinions
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Friendly Sex - Chapter 6 - The Darkroom
"Ok Google, play Smells Like Sex by Sizzy Rocket."
The response the latest update has been phenomenal and I'm so grateful to you all, here's a smutty little something, something to say thanks. Throws Fred Benson under the plot bus. Chapter 7 should be up by tomorrow evening (10/04 9pm GMT), the updates might then be a bit more spread out as I'm back to work.
Chapter warnings: MDI (18+ only), oral sex (m receiving), rough oral sex, throat fucking, female masturbation, explicit language, smoking, mentions of drug taking, mentions of upskirting, slightly mean!Eddie?, Eddie calls reader a whore but she's into it, overuse of pet names (sweetheart, etc, etc) as ever at this point.
You made it to Robin's practice with seconds to spare, not that it mattered, mentally you were checked out.
You had kissed Eddie, kissed him like you would kiss a - boyfriend, the word jarring in your skull. It was intimate and terrifying. You tell yourself it’s because you’ve been starved of affection for so long, you’re bound to be a little drawn to Eddie, the person who is giving you that affection; but the thoughts wouldn’t rationalize.
You didn’t call him that evening, like you said you would, justifying there was nothing new to say to each other and that he would find a re-cap of Robin’s band practice boring. You would speak to him tomorrow…
You didn’t purposely duck into Ms Thompson’s classroom to avoid Eddie who was walking straight towards you in the corridor, you just remembered a query you had about your most recent paper.
And at lunchtime the weather was so nice it felt wasteful to sit in a packed cafeteria.
You honestly didn’t see Eddie wave at you across the parking lot, too busy in conversation with Robin, and come to think of it, you weren't even sure it was Eddie. 
You were in the shower when your phone rang that night, and by the time you had dried your hair it was too late to call back.
You had to skip the class you shared, ‘dental check up’.
You had work in the evening, no time for plans.
You’re walking between 3rd and 4th period when a strong hand grips your arm, hauling you into the photography club’s dark room, you find yourself with your back to the door, Eddie staring down at you with an unreadable expression.
“What the hell Eddie, I have to get to class!” You hiss, rubbing at your forearm.
“You’ve been avoiding me.” He says calmly.
“I’ve not been avoiding you.” You say cagily, crossing your arms, refusing to look him in the eyes.
“Bullshit.” He snorts, pointing at you. “You got spooked in the woods, why?” 
“I had to get to Robin’s practice, just like I've got to get to class now.” You move to open the door, but Eddie braces his arms on either side of you, effectively caging you.
“You’re not going anywhere until you tell me why you’ve been avoiding me.” He repeats, but his voice has an edge this time.
You bite your lip, eyes locked on the floor tiles feeling oddly tearful, heart hammering painfully against your breastbone with the stress of the situation.
“Hey, look at me.” His tone is gentler than a moment ago, you risk a glance at his face, he looks sad. “Sweetheart, you know the rules, if you aren’t having fun we can just call it a day.” 
“But I am having fun!” You say, kicking your heel back into the door frame, frustrated with yourself.
“So what’s the issue?” He asks confused, his palm coming up to rest against your cheek. “Did I do something wrong? Shit, did I hurt you?” His eyes swimming with concern.
“No, you didn’t do anything. I just -” You struggle to find the words, feeling amped up, unable to think properly in such close proximity to him. “ARGH! I’m not used to this.” You huff out in exasperation, gesturing weakly between the two of you, turning away from his touch.
“Not used to what exactly? Fucking around? Enjoying yourself? Having someone take care of you?” He quizzes.
“All of the above I guess-” You admit, biting nervously at the skin around your thumb, sighing heavily as he pulls your hand away from your mouth. “- I kissed you Eddie, when I had no reason to.”
Your words hang in the air for a second, then Eddie laughs, and honestly you want to punch him in the face. 
“That’s what this whole thing is about?” He chuckles, as you stare open-mouthed like a fish out of water, an angry fish out of water. “Sweetheart, we are two horny teenagers who have great sexual chemistry. There are gonna be times that we don’t have a reason, you’re just going to have to accept that we're gonna kiss and it’s gonna feel really, really good.” His voice drops a little lower, leaning in to brush his lips against yours.
  You could feel yourself relenting, deep down you knew it wasn’t just a really good kiss, you’d had plenty of those with him already, but you quashed the little nagging voice in favour of sucking on Eddie’s bottom lip before biting it in a minor retaliation for laughing at you.
He was on you then, kissing you so fervently your head smacks into the door, but you couldn’t care less. Your hands in his hair tugging harshly, neither of you willing to part even to take a breath. You feel his hands at your hips, squeezing desperately, pulling you away from the door and lifting you up onto one of the countertops.
"Fuck, I've been losing my mind all week, need you princess." He moans, slotting in between your legs like a puzzle piece, his words light a fire in your belly, your hands busy unzipping his pants as he reaches under your shirt to unclasp your bra. Then the door opens flooding the room with bright light, Principal Higgins and Fred Benson staring in confusion.
"What on-." 
The four of you freeze until Eddie clears his throat, a masked attempt at zipping his fly.
"Uh - and that is how you develop a photo, Miss Y/L/N, any questions?" Eddie asks you in an affected tone of authority, you can only shake your head as he helps you down from the counter, hand in hand edging towards the exit. "No? Wonderful, well then we best be off."
“No so fast Mr Munson -" Principal Higgins says, stepping in front of the doorway. "-if I'm not mistaken you’re supposed to be in Mrs. O’Donnell’s class right now. And you young lady-” You feel yourself shrink a little, as he rounds on you, Eddie squeezing your hand slightly. "-where are you supposed to be?”
“Mr Mundy’s class, Sir.” You mumble mortified beyond belief.
“So would you care to explain to me why you are here instead?” He asks, taunting you before the inevitable.
“It’s all Fred’s fault Principal Higgins, he took a bad photo of this poor girl, she was just devastated!" Eddie says, pointing accusingly at a startled Fred. "And seeing her so upset, well it broke my heart Sir. I had to be a good Samaritan and destroy all the copies.” He implores, hamming it up.
You don’t know whether to laugh or simply curl up in a ball and die.
“Detention, both of you.” Principal Higgins snaps. “And Mr Munson, if I find you anywhere you shouldn’t be again, I will have you permanently expelled before you can achieve your diploma. Is that understood?”
You’re shaking in your proverbial boots, but Eddie simply grins, offering a two finger salute from his forehead; definitely going to curl up and die. 
Principal Higgins had the foresight to put you in separate classrooms for your detention, which allowed you an entire hour to panic about Fred Benson. Not only was he an incessant gossip, but he also worked on 'The Weekly Streak' school newspaper alongside Nancy, if he told Nancy what he saw, she could tell Steve and then... let chaos reign.
Eddie was leaning against the lockers waiting for you when you emerged from Mrs Bridger's classroom at 5pm.
"Hey there little jailbird." He smiles, bumping your shoulder affectionately.
"Hey." You mumble back unable to keep the miserable expression of your face.
"Why so sulky?" He asks, falling in step with you as you both head out to the parking lot.
"Fucking Fred Benson, he’s a liability." You say, biting once more at the skin around your thumb, you wouldn’t have a hand left by the end of this year with the way you were going.
"Don't worry about dear Freddie, I've taken care of it." He soothes with a grin.
"You kill him?” You ask hopefully, reaching Eddie’s van leaning against the side, he laughs standing next to you, lighting up a cigarette.
“No I didn’t kill him, just gave him a little unfriendly advice.” You reach out for the cigarette with wiggling fingers, taking it happily and gesturing for him to continue, he rolls his eyes and lights another for himself. “You see, being Hawkins High’s best drug dealer gets me a lot of information, and it turns out our budding photographer Fred has been taking some pretty inappropriate photos.”
“Such as?” You ask warily.
“You ever worn a skirt when you’re sitting on the bleachers?” He asks, you nod on an inhale feeling perplexed. “Yeah, maybe don’t do that around Fred.”
“Oh my god, that’s disgusting.” You say, choking slightly on the smoke.
“Well I don't know baby -” Eddie says in a slow teasing voice, pushing off the van to stand in front of you, warm hands resting on your hips, bringing your pelvis towards his own. “- I can’t say I blame him, the things I'd do to get an upskirt photo of you.” 
This time you roll your eyes, but can’t ignore the heat coursing through your veins at his touch.
“You’re such a pervert Munson.” You mutter.
“Guilty as charged.” He grins, lifting your hand with the cigarette to his mouth, taking a long drag whilst maintaining eye contact; it makes your knees go weak. “You keep looking at me like that princess, you'll find out just how perverted I am.” He warns breathing out the smoke.
“Maybe I want to find out.” You say with a coquettish smile, pressing your hips forward to brush over his crotch, placing a lingering kiss on the pulse point in his neck.
Eddie snatches the cigarette out of your hand, stubbing it quickly under his sneaker with his own, yanking the passenger door open.
“In. Now.” He commands, eyes black with lust.
“Why?” You ask innocently, but your heart is thumping violently, blood rushing straight to your cunt.
“Because sweetheart, we’re going for a drive and then I'm going to fuck your mouth.” He says darkly.
Eddie had driven you close to Skull Rock. The ride had been intense, neither of you talking, he hadn't even bothered to put the radio on; four days of pent up sexual frustration bubbling just below the surface, threatening to boil over at any minute.
Eddie took your hand as he pulled you through the woods, the grip almost painful in his haste to get you alone, you're about to ask where exactly he's heading when he stops dead, causing you to bump into his back.
"Ok. Here's good." He says breathlessly, barely giving you a moment to register your surroundings before he's backing you up against a tree trunk, lips attacking you with the same ferocity as in the darkroom.
We have got to stop fucking around outside, you think to yourself, wincing as the tree bark scrapes against your back.
"You still want me to fuck your bratty little mouth princess?" He asks, biting none too gently at your earlobe.
"Please." You say weakly.
He beams at you, kissing you quickly again before stepping backwards.
“Get on your knees for me baby.” He says, the air of authority back in his voice.
You sink immediately like some invisible force is pushing you down, kneeling on the leaf strewn ground, looking up at Eddie; he slips his thumb into your mouth, a shiver rippling through him as you suck on it.
“So fucking pretty.” He breathes out, awe-struck, thumb leaving your mouth with a string of saliva.
You reach up, hands trembling slightly as you unbuckle his belt, trying to focus on the task at hand but Eddie is making it difficult with the way he’s looking at you; like you’re the most precious thing in the world but also like he wants to eat you alive.
You pull his pants and boxers down enough to unleash his length, taking him in your hand you find he’s already impossibly hard, making your mouth water. Pumping him steadily, kitten licking teasingly at the red and swollen tip, before placing soft kisses all the way down to his balls and back again.
“Open your mouth princess.” He instructs roughly.
You lick your lips before tucking them over your teeth, tongue stroking the underside of his cock as you take the first half of him without issue, moving slowly back and forth his cock throbbing in your mouth  
“Fuck. Take me in sweetheart, all the way.” He growls, hand moving to gather your hair up into his fist, his hips jumping forward allowing his cock to slip all the way to the back of your throat, a small gag and shudder running through you.
“That’s it, good girl.” He growls encouragingly.
He holds you there for a moment by your makeshift ponytail, and god help you, you can feel your own wetness pooling in your panties; a low heaviness making your inner walls clench. You dip your fingers below the waistband of your jeans, to rub slowly at your bud. 
“Want me to fuck your throat?” He asks again, and you whine around his length, trying to nod. “Ok, breathe through your nose baby, just breathe.” 
Eddie begins to slide in and out, using the hold on your hair to keep your head tilted up, his lust-blown eyes focused on your face. You’re drooling, each thrust of hips making his cock kiss the back of your throat, your fingers moving quickly over your clit moaning around him.
“Oh fuck, do that again, moan for me again sweetheart.” He pleads, you moan again as instructed, his grip on your hair tightening almost to the point of pain, making your eyes water.
He thrusts quicker and harder, thoroughly fucking your mouth, your nose meeting with the coarse hairs at the base of his cock.
“Fuck yes, keep breathing princess, you’re doing so well for me.” He pants. “Look at you taking my cock like a fucking pro.” 
You whimper, a fresh rush of wetness coating your fingers, swirling it around your swollen clit so close to cumming, rising up slightly higher on your knees to give your hand more space to work. Eddie notices your movements, his breath hitching, cock jumping in your mouth.
“Jesus you getting off to this sweetheart? He laughs wildly, eyes wide in adoration. “You like me using your mouth like a fucking whore?” You try to nod again, gagging, choking on your own desperate moans.
“Oh fuck, you’re gonna make me cum baby. Is that what you want princess, want me to cum down your throat?” His thrusts are getting sloppy, cock filling your stretched mouth at a brutal depth. “You wanna swallow my cum sweetheart?” He groans.
“Mhmm.” You moan heavily in response, feeling your own orgasm break, hips rocking as your pussy clenches around nothing.
“Fuck, fuck, take it, swallow it all.” He begs, thick ropes of cum coating your tongue, pooling at the back of your throat. 
"Oh my god." He says, his thumb tracing across your swollen lips once more as you swallow. 
  He drops to his knees in front of you so suddenly that you think he's fainted, until he grabs the nap of your neck and pulls you in, kissing you so passionately it's borderline violent. 
"You alright?" He pants, both of you sucking down air as you break away.
"Yeah." You whisper croakily.
"It wasn't too much? I didn't hurt you?" He asks caressing the sides of your throat with gentle hands, eyes searching yours.
"No, it was good. I'm good." You smile, feeling immensely proud of yourself.
"More like fucking outstanding sweetheart." He breathes out, kissing along your jaw. "Should give you a trophy."
You flush in a mixture of pleasure and embarrassment at his praise.
"Somehow I don't think my dad would be too happy about having it on the mantle." You say, and you both burst out laughing, Eddie's hands still holding you tenderly about the neck.
"I'm sorry for avoiding you." You mumble, ducking your head to place a small kiss on his cheek.
"Water under the bridge sweetheart." He grins. "Come on, let's get you home." Holding out a helping hand to you as he stands.
Eddie shuts off the van two blocks from your house, you had enjoyed smoking and singing along to KISS on the way back from Skull Rock, the awkwardness and tension seemingly resolved, allowing you to remember why you had liked spending time with him to begin with, even before all this.
"So-” He says slowly, hands shifting across the steering wheel nervously. “my uncle is working a double shift tomorrow night, did you - uh - maybe wanna come over and hang out?"
"Hang out?" You repeat, your tone full of insinuation given what had just happened between you.
"Mind out of the gutter sweetheart, I am not that kind of guy." He says, acting scandalized, you raise an eyebrow in disbelief. "Ok, so I am that kind of guy, but I genuinely mean to hang out. We can order a pizza, have a couple of beers, smoke some weed, and watch a movie. Get back on track, I'll even get us some snacks." He coaxes.
The little alarm bell was ringing shrilly in your head again telling you it was a bad idea, the whole thing was too familiar, that there was no way you'd be able to just hang out with Eddie.
"What kind of snacks?" You ask with a small smile, effectively chucking the alarm out the window.
"Whatever you want princess." He grins broadly.
"Red Vines, none of that Twizzler shit."
Taglist: @avalon-wolf @mystars123 @lolalanaie @eddiemunsonsgf2 @eddieslildarling @bakugouswh0r3
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hyunsuks-beanie · 2 years
Nerd! TXT Reaction to You Dressing Naughtily Innocent During a Study Session
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Mellow speaks: As a way of fangirling about the concert today (honestly, Thursday's Child Has Far To Go was what I needed to heal from my hurt), I'm gonna post this one!!! Enjoy my lovelies!
Tagging: @sweethyuka @yedammi @enhacolor @axartia @hyunsuksmygod
All he was planning on doing was sticking to business, because he feared that if he let his guard down, it definitely would backfire on him. He was just going to help you tutor you, throw you a short quiz, and leave. Easy peasy, or so was the plan. But of course, fate....or rather, you, had other plans, the sweater paws your oversized sweater making his heart flip inside his chest when you opened the door. 
But that was until his eyes traveled down, his mind only belatedly registering the fact that the sweater seemed to be the only thing you were wearing over your underwear. Let's just say, focusing flew out the door that very instant, his thoughts racing a mile a minute as he watched the sweetheart neckline slide down your shoulder, revealing more of your cleavage than was good for his health.
And as if that wasn't enough, you even had to run your bare foot up his leg, silently telling him you're playing with him intentionally. Bending down to pick up a pencil, giving him a show of your pretty ass, your textbook moves are making him lose his sanity. With his pants feeling a little too tight before he can help it, Yeonjun knows just then that neither of you is going to get any studying done. Because he's gonna make sure of that. 
He was shy, okay? Beyond shy, seeing you dressed in nothing but a cutely oversized sweatshirt, the hem of the fabric barely hitting your mid-thigh. It was cute, sure...but in that moment, it was doing more harm to him than good, and all he could think of it as was dangerous. Seeing you like that, he just couldn't help gulping the way he did, looking up only to catch a sinister smirk on your face. 
It was only later that he realized what that smirk meant, another gulp making its way to his throat as he felt your hand on his thigh. He knew he should stop you, place his hand on yours and restrict it from moving around. But he just couldn't bring himself to do it, because wrong even if it was, it'd be a lie to say he wasn't enjoying. Sure, this wasn't what he had in mind when he had agreed to being your tutor, but in hindsight, he was at fault for not noticing your not-so-subtle hints. 
Yeah, he might have been stupid for that, but at least he didn't fail to notice the growing discomfort between his legs when it did matter. And judging from the expression you were throwing him just at that moment, it was plenty clear that studying wasn't going to be on the cards that night anyway. 
Okay, sure. Maybe he wasn't as nerdy as everyone made him out to be, and maybe he did have quite a naughty streak behind that externally awkward demeanor of his. But that doesn't mean he wasn't in for a shock when his eyes landed on what you had chosen to wear for your study session with him. As he admired the way your oversized T-shirt made you look more innocent than you were, he seriously contemplated making a joke out of his awkwardness and lecturing you about how you shouldn't dress so provocatively. 
But he didn't, of course, because that would mean admitting to the fact that he did find it provocative. And in the best way too, with the fabric riding up your waist and revealing your underwear to him as you reached for the book lying across the table. No, he was enjoying himself, and he was planning on continuing with that for as long as he could. 
Though you weren't gonna let him do that, your tiny actions and subtle movements causing his dick to grow hard and making him question if you were doing all this on purpose. Maybe silently enjoying the show wasn't gonna be an option, after all. 
He knew you were planning this. Of course he fucking knew, how could he not. How could he not know when you had been shamelessly throwing him hint after hint even before he had agreed to tutor you? But it still couldn't have prepared him for the sight before his eyes, your pretty legs looking inviting as ever, on display just for him from under the hem of your oversized hoodie. He should have expected as much of you, because when have you ever been one to back down? 
But in his defense, he wasn't resisting your advances because he wasn't interested. On the contrary really. He wasn't keen on giving in because he was afraid of the power you already held over him, without even doing anything. And yet, just in that moment, he had found his resolve fading away, his facade of disinterest going down in shambles the longer you stayed next to him. 
He just couldn't help it. No matter how hard he tried. Before he knew it, he was fantasizing about exploring what lies under that hoodie, his thoughts growing unholy and his member growing harder. He knew you were planning this, but still, just then, he had no choice but to let you have your way. 
Huening Kai
He was confused at first. Because there was no way you could have purposely done this, right? And yet, there you were, playing with his sanity with your sweater sleeve covering your hands and the hem of the fabric riding up your thigh. All he had in mind that night was getting you to ace your test while also earning a few extra bucks, or so he had told himself. But with your ministrations threatening to bring his hidden desires to light, he found that focusing on the task at hand was gonna be rather hard. 
Hard. Just the word to describe another problem that he was currently facing, this one specifically resting right between his own thighs and making things even more difficult than they already were. But from the expression on your face, it wasn't much of a task guessing how much you were enjoying yourself. 
And that's how it had started, the most agonizing time Kai had ever spent with anyone, the tension in the room palpable enough to make him scream. Or perhaps make you scream. 
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finnglas · 1 month
gonna use tumblr like livejournal for a minute, just personal musings under the cut.
I'm so scattered today. I can feel my brain reaching frantically for anything it thinks will give us a little hit of dopamine to combat this horrible feeling of entering the pet-with-cancer gauntlet again. The last time I did this was in 2010 with my heart-cat, and it was fucking awful. I had nightmares for almost a year afterward where I would wake up screaming and crying from dreaming that she hadn't died after all and she'd just been slowly starving to death while I neglected her, or some other equally terrible narrative my subconscious made up out of the guilt of not being able to save her.
I'm hoping that in almost 15 years maybe my subconscious has learned some better coping methods than just torturing all of us.
It also means that I'm questioning any plans that take me away from home, or any decisions to change jobs or... Well, you probably get it. Her first appointment with the oncologist is Thursday, so we'll know more then. Feeling guilty that I have to request time off from work again right after I finally got my requested schedule, but they don't do evaluation appointments on any days I'm already off.
(Just talking out the guilt at this point.)
Anyway. I was going to talk about the projects I want to work on and how I can feel my brain fluttering around them like "maybe this would distract us." Let's see if it does.
I want to finish the final Maya & Grace story and collect them all into a little omnibus that I can do a print run of. Problems: I have to decide where I want them to go. It will also have to be a slightly longer story than the other two-and-a-half to make the collection long enough to print. I also want to revisit/rewrite "Shiver," since I felt like it wasn't ready to publish when I put it out, but I had promised a friend that we would both write Halloween stories that year and then they passed away over the summer, so I felt like I needed to keep that promise somehow. But it needs some finessing.
Night Is For Hunting needs some rewriting too. Basically what got published was my first draft. And that's how I learned that I cannot write to someone else's deadline, even with an extension. I'll have the rights for all three books back in April of next year (April? June?) and would like to celebrate by releasing the Director's Cut of NIFH so that I can get on with the business of writing Wilderness of Horrors.
I wanted to write a thoughtful blog-article type piece on the effect of economic class on my choice of narratives. I realized that I write a lot of stories about people's complicated relationships with their hometowns - wanting to leave, but also not feeling confident in where they're going. I read an advice book once that was like, "What does your character want?" and the answer to almost all of them was "To get out," and it really comes back to the fact that I write small town, working class characters as a default. And when you're from a small town in an economically depressed area, you understand from the start that there's not a bright future for you there. You can graduate high school and get a job at the 7/11 or the Piggly Wiggly and get married to one of your old classmates and have kids that you don't have the time, attention, or money to care for -- or you can leave. You can go to a bigger town with more opportunity and people you don't already know. And you might end up worse, but hey, the dice are there for you to roll. Add to that if you're queer or neurodivergent, especially in a time before the internet, and whew buddy! You've heard that all authors just write the same stories over and over? That's the one I keep writing. I guess because it's mine, in a lot of ways.
Blackthorn is languishing thanks to all the stress and stuff but it was going so well and I really want to finish writing it before I focus on the rewrite projects (there are three). But the rewrite projects are so seductive because lmao they're already written. I just have to fix them. And I'm so much better at fixing them.
All right. clawed myself out of the worst of the abyss for now.
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victorluvsalice · 9 months
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We've hit Fall Thursday in the Chill Valicer Save today, and you know what that means -- Harvestfest! And they had a FREAKING BUSY Harvestfest, let me tell you -- if I counted correctly, this update has NINETY PICTURES in total. Yeah, uh, it's actually a pretty good thing that we can upload more than ten to a post now, isn't it? O.O
Anyway! Morning started off pretty tamely and typically -- Smiler, freshly retraited after the end of the last episode, took Shadow out on a nice walk, while Alice went upstairs to gather inspiration from their fish and then start a new book (a motivational book called "Solving Your Problems With Trains" ;) ) and Victor woke from sleep and got right on studying his Nimble Mind and Emotional Stability potion tomes. I do think it's very cool how higher-level spellcasters have the books float in front of them like that. . . Anyway, Victor discovered three things from all that reading -- the recipe for the Nimble Mind potion (requires parsley and a spotted dirt frog -- figured even if Smiler didn't have that in their collection, they could breed it eventually); the recipe for the Emotional Stability potion (requires a potato and obtanium -- again, even if Alice didn't have that in her metal collection, she could dig it up eventually); and --
The fact that the fossil display shelves made by @somecreativecc ALSO FUNCTION AS A BOOKCASE. O.o Uh, SomeCreative, was -- was that intentional? I'm not COMPLAINING, I just find it a touch bizarre? *shakehead* So, yeah, Victor's tomes went in there with the fossils once he was done with them and gotten his magical "free samples." *shrug* Like I said, not complaining, just -- slightly confused.
Now -- while all this was going on, I was also checking both Shadow and Kelly for signs of illness, because, as you may remember last time, I found a couple of random puddles of sick around the place and wasn't sure which pet was producing them. Shadow seemed fine on her walk, and when I looked around the house again, I found another puddle of sick by one of Kelly's scratching posts. This really seemed to indicate that it was poor Kelly who wasn't feeling well --
A hypothesis confirmed when she came over to hang out with Alice near her desk while she wrote, and another puddle of sick appeared right next to her. I had Victor use Scruberoo to clean up all the sick, then go pamper Kelly with a little brushing as I tried to determine what was wrong. I mean, after all, the cat didn't LOOK ill -- Sim illnesses in both pets and people tend to be pretty visible! The only other explanation I could think of was poor Kelly had hairballs, which -- would be very impressive on a hairless cat like herself! I made a note to get her to the vet later, and she eventually ran off to do more cat things. Leaving more sick behind her. *sigh*
With THAT mystery solved, and Victor's potions learned, I decided it was time for him to get back on fabricating stuff -- namely because I wanted to do some more eco upgrades around the house. So he headed down to the barn, where -- after Repairioing all the broken wind turbines and water collectors, and setting out some sacred candles to help with his still-broken "Fear Of The Dark" moodlet and the scary noises around the house -- he proceeded to make another eco upgrade part. (Really wish I could made those in BULK, but what are you gonna do.) I then sent him to the garden to do the usual tending -- weeding, watering, fertilizing -- as Alice continued working on her book (maxing out the Writing skill in the process! Go Alice!) and Smiler came back from their walk with Shadow. The doggo went to hang with Victor in the greenhouse as he started harvesting, while Smiler entertained Kelly and Alice finished up her book, submitted it to the literary digest (because obviously this guide on Bumby murder deserves it), then went to clean the chicken coop and entertain the cowplant -- which, since we seem to be keeping it for the time being, I decided to name "Toothy." I mean, if the large drooling maw full of sharp teeth fits...
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justaredheadf1fan · 1 year
First one in the US is here
Well, hiyah!
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That gif made sense seeing all the spectacle going on in Miami since yesterday. Not a fan, but what can I do?
I'm starting to think about stopping this blog not even halfway through the season. Just because with a job with such random shifts and maybe only 2-3 free weekends (Barcelona being one of them since we're attending once again) until I'm done in October keeping it up seems kinda tedious ngl. I'll see what I decide in the next few weeks, I'm still getting used to the adult life again 🤣
Press conference - Thursday
I haven't really paid attention to what was said in the pressers, plus they didn't talk about anything interesting whatsoever.
The most interesting thing was about last weekend's drama between George and Sid the Sloth due to Crofty's question. George really is a mood right now. I mean, it was just an inchident, problem with a certain someone is still that he can't take it when someone pulls the same crap as he normally does.
But that's about it. Maybe tomorrow I'll pay more attention, but there's no promises.
Free Practice 1 - Friday
Well, in all honesty, I've watched the first session without watching it. I was drying my hair while FP1 was on and I didn't really pay attention.
There was some trouble for George apparently that they had to fix before he got back on track, the track is almost brand new since they changed the shitty ass tarmac so they all needed to try different set ups to see what works and what doesn't in this new bore of a circuit. Nothing new, all in all.
Hülkengberg did crash with like 20 or 25 minutes to go and the session was Red Flagged immediately. Quick job for once, wish the FIA took it this seriously every single time.
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Other than that, the only interesting enough information is having George, Lewis and Sharl respectively on the Top 3. What a sight for sore eyes, am I right? 🥹
It might be a little too late to watch FP1 but I need to take advantage of the free Friday although I'm getting up early tomorrow for work...
Free Practice 2 - Friday
Okay, not the day to watch F1, truth be told. I'm getting ready for bed while I watch FP2 🤣 I'm being so unserious today it's actually funny. Anywho.
Grape Scotch (this reference might be too "obscure"), that save from Kevin!!!!! He missed the wall by less than nothing, phew!!!
Besides that especial someone having troubles with his car's insides, the rest has been really quiet. Even though I've been busy while watching, I've been paying more attention to this one, all for nothing.
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Geez, thank goodness it was close to the end and nothing else happened. What a bore. When I wanted some excitement I didn't mean my boy crashing!!!
Anywho, more tomorrow. I might die of lack of sleep but I'll watch from my grave then 🤣
Free Practice 3 - Saturday
Ladies and gents, I'M NOT PAYING ATTENTION. You could say that I dislike this GP and you'd be right. It's not interesting, DRS zones have been shortened, nothing's going on. You name it.
I mean, there's really no point in watching this atm. I couldn't be any more bored. This race for me looks more like a circus than a sport. Well, nowadays all of them are, but Miami is the worst representation. It's more important having celebrities and events unrelated to the sport than the actual race weekend. It's sad. I miss the old F1 so much.
It's been painful to write this crap of a "summary", because you can't even call it that. So unmotivating 🤣
I'm sorry this is such a downer, not proud of it. But I feel like if I don't even try and watch it all and make a post and everything I'd be failing my resolution toward this blog.
Anyway, I'll watch Quali later. I hope it's more interesting. I really hope it is.
Peace out!
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eleanorfenyxwrites · 2 years
WIP Wednesday (but it's Thursday again wheeeee)
Tipping away (slowly, amongst all the other things I'm tipping away at) at a fic where Wei Wuxian starts haunting Cloud Recesses, though of course that means he's haunting Lan Wangji specifically. I meant to have it done in time for Halloween/Wei Wuxian's birthday, but alas. I am of course still Wildly Busy(TM), so like everything else I'm working on who knows when it'll be done 🤷🏻‍♀️
Cloud Recesses, as far as Wei Wuxian can tell from the path, hasn’t changed one bit in the year or so since he last saw it. The same warded archway sits two thirds of the way up the endless stairs, two disciples in white flanking it somehow managing to look both bored and stern — a talent Wei Wuxian wonders if they teach the disciples before or after they begin their official cultivation training. He hopes they get to run around and be silly as children, at least, even if their teenage years are stolen away to be molded into something so proper. 
Wei Wuxian, officially a member of the riffraff said guards are meant to send away, pauses on the set of stairs just below those that lead to the entrance and wonders just how in the hell he actually…got here? The last thing he remembers is getting fuzzily tipsy on a couple jars of a strong, strangely sweet wine, in a nameless inn in some nameless town where the only people who had recognized him were some other rogue cultivators passing through. He’d had his drinks, and he’d promised the owner he’d pay for them tomorrow (today?) with whatever needed doing around the place, but now he’s…here. In Gusu. Somehow. And with none of his belongings (or Little Apple) to boot.
A transportation talisman? Wei Wuxian isn’t even carrying any, but maybe he’d drawn one up after he’d gone up to his room? It seems unlikely, but not as unlikely as him having traveled thousands of li in a single night, utterly unawares, and deposited himself halfway up the Lans’ mountain without even knowing how or why.
Whatever. There are more important things to worry about than how or why he’s here. He is, and the prospect of heading inside to see some familiar faces is strangely much more enticing than turning around and heading straight down to Caiyi, loudly though the Emperor’s Smile is calling his name.
“Hey kids,” he greets the guards at the gate around a grin, hands clasped behind his back (and far away from Chenqing tucked into his – well. She’s not there either, but that makes sense, considering he doesn’t sleep with the dizi actually in his belt, and he’s clearly teleported here somehow. Anyway.) “Don’t mind me, I’m an old ah…friend of your Hanguang-Jun’s. So if it’s alright with you I’m just going to step in and have a look around, alright?”
Neither disciple so much as glances at him in response, which is nearly as good as explicit permission as far as he’s concerned. He takes a few exaggerated steps forward, and when they don’t move to stop him Wei Wuxian laughs and practically skips through the barrier with no more resistance than a mildly unpleasant tingling as he steps through it. They must’ve updated it recently – although he isn’t so contaminated with resentment as he used to be he does still cultivate it, even with Mo Xuanyu’s fledgling core spitting and struggling in his chest to draw on. It’s no wonder the wards don’t really want to let him in, even if they have to.
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admitdefeatimdone · 8 months
I dont really care about involvement rn of things
Sometime when things are up between and less for little usually, it is the same as it has been since I moved out of my apartment... The crappy I dont really care anymore for things to this even family matter,, there was current event of life we had to modern history of today standard existing- Israel is facing war same thing for Ukraine ongoing, it been super upsetting about that how many folks in Israel had died their and taken hostage- we now entering the 9/11 event as it is a sequel as history repeated,, even a person was killed (who black) was killed by a police at Alabama, it made me tears on my eye when heard that that he was a father and husband- what happen, two news on Sunday..
As much as I don't feel like posting much and things lately,  though I prefer "real things" and "prefer something more" to stuff, not a mention to other folks who are close to me doesn't show proof and isn't really shown often as a hold being "real," "supportive," etc., and being my fan, most are showing proof and trying, but not enough. For these things, as other folk were meh one of my folks, it doesn't matter, nor do I even care about them.
I had a mixture of feelings a day ago, even in my life that I am used to it, and in my own personal life that I have been worrying about stuff and taking care of my own things and things—rather than not caring for online involvement anymore, like really—I had bad headaches on stinking from the end of September and to early October. When it was too much of things, even my care giver, who sees me Monday to Thursday, even though I call him an idiot and am angry at him for different things and much, he said,It was not professionals calling them idiots,as expected, but since I only told my friend to take the easy of not driving me crazy and things, it was wa what it can expected, but since I only told my friend to take a easy of not driving me crazy and things, it was forgive and forget.
IT is very something that a few people whom I am close to talk to—no name mentioned—didn't talk to me on Sunday. Idk, due to that, she was still busy all week or didn't know when I sent a photo about something I didn't get a reply to.(This has happened twice)
I think I prefer something else more and in a real way. Having fans of mine should have a little bit more meaning, and showing proof they could be of my folks and people who are trying isn't enough. And due to my mood in RL due to family matters getting in the way for relationships over on Sunday because "Dad" hasn't changed, the same usually for RL matters, and usually currently, life right now is a "big let-down world," the so-called "modern life," an excuse-able to the real world...
I'm sorry, I don't feel like posting a group of mine or talking (if it depends on talking if wanted). Due to my mood and how this world to me is a mixture-in-between...
I wish that my former friends, the ex, the so-called fans (they should try again), and the people that left me behind would come back to me and would have to say "sorry" to me and would talk to me about how I'm feeling about it. Time is something, and online is a joke, so as RL is a mixture,
I am not in a mood to post on Discord. I feel like I am nothing special to a whole, but whom I close to or talk to are close friends or people whom I talk to—to think I'm greatfully awesome, so as my own fans; my real fans are some and others are trying—but I have to do MORE OF THAT, still it is not enough really.
I'm not in a mood about things to current... As what happen to online-- it isn't like 2015-19' to me when John name was around,, have been growning out of online things so much- because of the same luck and everything is let-down and super failure due to toxicity and non-sense....
Wait till I be over my mood.. I deserve more and deserved love, have fans, people that are real people of the real nice people...
Julian off!
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passingdaysthings · 8 months
9.23.23 - Constantly, and it's annoying
Today is Saturday.
I am actually doing homework right now, but I am distracted from my thoughts, so I need to get them out before I go back to it. As always, I think pretty deeply about my relationship with Taylor, and it's something that weighs on my mind heavier some days than others. Obviously. Most of my updates are about Taylor, but that's because I don't have much to say about other parts of my life. I really enjoy my work, and the people I work with. I play less volleyball since school started so I don't think too deeply about my mistakes or I don't have time to. I did hurt my shoulder though, and it continues to bother me. It makes serving really hard. I started school again too so I am pretty busy. I will be working volleyball soon, but I don't think that I can do it. I am a little worried about work the volleyball season AND doing school. I think I will just tell Eric that I can't handle it when that time comes, but for now, I will see what I can do. I am also going to pick up beach volleyball on Thursday so I don't think I will be able to help. Actually, fuck. I think I should quit now. I don't think I can handle volleyball and work. I am picking up beach, so that means I won't be able to work Monday or Thursday nights, and then I have class on Wednesday nights. I think the best I could do would be working on Saturdays, but even then, I don't really wanna work on my Saturdays. I just want to sleep in and then do homework without worry. Shit, I should draft my 2 week resignation email right now. I wrote the email LOL. I will probably send it tomorrow morning since the sooner the better. I shouldn't push myself because I don't need that job, and I don't need to sacrifice my mental health anymore.
Back to why I am writing this, it's so weird that I have days where I am more okay with Taylor bs than others, and I think it's something I am getting better with. Mostly because I just remember all the dumb shit he says to me, and I remind myself that I don't owe him anything. I also don't have to put up with his bs as much as I have to no matter how sad he is. I was there for him, and he treats me as if I'm very replaceable from time to time. There are times he says dumb shit though. Like, when I told him my horoscope told me that I am ready for new problems, and he said hi, I am new problems. I told him he was my old one so I hope he caught that. He ended up responding and said he would become my new problems too. I wonder if he hears himself sometimes because he is talking like this to a girl he has no feelings for. I wonder if he even thinks about losing me and our friendship one day. I know that he had lost friends and friendships in the past that have really affected him, but will he treat losing me the same? He will just be sad, hold it in, and then explode one day by himself. Will he just pretend to be angry and not care about me? I wonder when the day will come. I could make it come much sooner by just ending everything myself, but I care too much about him as a person even if he weighs heavily on my mind often. I just know that I will never get involved in another relationship like this unless I confirm that the dude likes me because I really thought Taylor liked me, and I was fucking bamboozled. He just wanted everything, but the title. He wants to intimacy AND emotional involvement, but not the commitment. Tracy said that I already have his highest form of love which is being his friend because I won't be a girlfriend that could possibly cheat on him like all of the ones in the past did. I can just stay by his side forever, and he can will never truly lose me. That was such a funny thing for Tracy to say, but it makes sense.
I need to get back to homework now. Bye, to myself, ig.
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devilishdemise · 12 years
DevilishDemise And FieryInnocence - September 18th, 2012
Anna Belle: Yes, I know. #Donald, please.
[Sighing into the phone, I uncross and cross my legs. I've been on the phone with him for - glances down at my phone - thirty-three minutes. "I don't believe you, Annebelle! I sent you down for the story and you have nothing? Nothing?!" I hold the phone away from my ear. The park I chose to sit at and rest for a bit is empty and I'm glad. When the long-winded #Donald decides to pause so I can speak, I take the chance.]
#Donald, no one knows anything. Why would I lie about that? I've looked and no one knows anything. Heck, even Gil, the owner of practically the only bar around hasn't even heard of Marcos.
[Blowing out a silent breath, I wait for him to go on again. Resting my arm over my thigh when I lean forward, I look down at my fingers and for some reason @DevilishDemise comes to mind. I've been so busy today, I rarely had a chance to think about breathing, but he stayed on my mind. "What about the other places? Restaurants, clubs, gas stations? You've checked them off? Even the newer one - Sin... Sin something?" Frowning, I shook my head even though #Donald couldn't see me. I'd heard of the club but for various personal reasons, I'd avoided it]
No. But I've talked to people who go there as often as possible and no one knows...
[Trailing off when #Donald interrupts, his voice becoming more of a growl. "Fine! Pack your shit and be home by Thursday!" With that, he hung up on me. My eyes fell to the tiny notepad in my hands. I'd talked to about ten people and they all mentioned no recollection of anyone by that name. In a place like this, it shouldn't be hard to realize that perhaps he'd never even been here. But people from his hometown swear up and down this is exactly where he was headed. Chewing on the inside of my lip, I go over the notes I'd made. Nothing. And nothing means one thing for a journalist: head home to find a new story.]
 Darius: -I rub over my forehead, the pressure and visions coming in whenever I linked up with @FieryInnocence. I'd been following her most of the afternoon, always out of sight while @FieryInnocence conducted her interviews. She was having trouble with her leads and I was both pleased that my mind sweep was successful, and saddened that @FieryInnocence's time in Trinity would end soon.
I dematerialize back to my personal space at the warehouse, reforming near the bar and moving to grab a drink before trying to get my thoughts to calm. My head pounding and my body feeling weak from keeping my darkness from overtaking me each time he sensed @FieryInnocence-
Anna Belle: [Unwrapping my last Kiss for the day, I couldn't help the sigh that slipped between my lips when I popped the little piece of heaven in my mouth. Thursday. I'll be leaving Thursday and here it is, closer to Wednesday than I like. I've not heard from @DevilishDemise and all I can think is he grew bored of me or found out about me.. somehow.
Frowning at the thought, I kick the pile of panties and pajamas onto the floor. I know I have to go but part of me doesn't want to leave @DevilishDemise and whatever it is we are becoming, If we are becoming anything. Sighing again I flop back on the bed, almost growling, my body itching to just flail around. One day without @DevilishDemise and I'm acting like this? Something is terribly wrong with me.]
Maybe it's best I do go home
Darius: -I sit in a leather arm chair, a tumbler of Goose in one hand as the news plays across the screen. I'd been ignoring whatever was showing while I tried to ease my thoughts.
I flick my gaze up when I hear the report of an increase of missing and some bodies being discovered seemingly from an overdose. I groan internally thinking this couldn't be good. What the hell was going on in Trinity? I drop my head on the back of my seat and my thoughts turn back to @FieryInnocence, this might actually buy me some more time with her. I blow out a short breath thinking I'd stop by for another visit to @FieryInnocence's hotel tonight- 
Anna Belle: [Sitting back up in bed, finding it absolutely difficult to get comfortable, my mind going over too many things at once. I can't even begin to think about how things will be when I get back to Savannah. #Donald is sure to ride my bottom when I go back with nothing.
Frowning even deeper, I fall face forward on the bed, groaning. The idea of his ranting really has me dreading it. Maybe I could go on personal leave and visit Paris? Or maybe wipe out my savings by shopping on Rodeo Drive? Gah. Whimpering, I hit the bed.]
Help me!
Darius: -I toss back the tumbler, leaving the ice sitting in the glass bottom before summoning up the energy to fade off to @FieryInnocence's location. I reform just inside @FieryInnocence's door, dark eyes watching her with amusement when her muffled cry for help comes to my ears-
Did you need rescuing, Darling?
-I cross my muscled arms over my chest chuckling when I see you startle-
Anna Belle: [Jumps up quickly, swallowing back a scream.]
You can't do that to me, @DevilishDemise!
[Huffs and sinks back down onto the bed, shaking my head, my eyes darting around the room so I don't look at you, possibly showing you the worry filling my eyes.]
No rescuing needed, @DevilishDemise.
[Forces a smile.]
Darius: -I sit back on my heels leaning against a wall with an arch of my brows-
Are you sure about that? What has you so flustered?
Anna Belle: Um.
[Shakes my head again, not knowing how to tell you I'm leaving earlier than planned.]
Just being dramatic, @DevilishDemise.
Darius: -I narrowed my eyes, my vision flickering as I hear your thoughts-
And what has caused this dramatic episode?
Anna Belle: [Glances around the room, still unable to meet your gaze, my eyes landing on the Hershey bag.]
Kisses. I ate my last kiss, @DevilishDemise.
Darius: Kisses?
-A slow smirk crosses my lips-
Are you positive that is the only reason?
Anna Belle: [Nods slowly, a shaky hand picking at the hem of my shirt.]
I'm positive, @DevilishDemise.
Darius: -I tsk softly, reaching into my pocket to pull my cig case free, cracking it to pluck a smoke and lift to my firm lips-
Must you continue to fib, Darling?
-I shake my head, cupping the end of the smoke as I snap my fingers to summon a dark flame to light the end, I shake the fire away as I keep my gaze on yours-
I hope you don't mind.
Anna Belle: [Crinkles my nose up a bit.]
I'd rather you didn't, but I'm used to it.
[Glances up at you, mouth falling open when I see exactly where the flame came from.]
What... how?
[Gives up with a sigh, and shakes my head, dropping my gaze.]
I'm not fibbing.
[Smiles small.]
Darius: I shook with silent laughter pulling the smoke free to blow out a slow cloud-
Mhm...I find that hard to believe. You know you have this cute dimple that peeks out when you fib. It's quite adorable I must say, but easy to read.
-I wink down at you twisting the truth a bit to cease some of your curiosity, hoping you wouldn't grow wise to my gift. I allow my eyes to roam over your small form, your hair slightly disheveled and your silky long legs peeks out from below your night shirt. I groan deeply at the sight, taking another inhale of my smoke before stubbing it out nearby out of courtesy-
Anna Belle: A dimple?
[Rubs a hand over my cheek, shaking my head.]
Now you're fibbing.
[Laughs, a blush forming on my face and neck when I feel your eyes on me and hear your throaty groan.]
But thank you for thinking I'm adorable.
[Grins, peeking up at you from beneath my lashes, tucking my legs under me.] 
Darius: -I licked over my lips slowly watching as your legs were hidden from my gaze, I flick my eyes up to yours with a devilish smirk.-
You're very welcome. So I was thinking we could get together for dinner again before you leave for home on Thursday. What do you think?
-I walk over to drop into a nearby seat, elbows resting on my knees as I leaned forward-
Anna Belle: [My eyes flash to yours, every word gone from my mind. Leaving nothing for me to do but stare at you, trying to figure out how you could have possibly known.]
Darius: -My lips curve into a grin, knowing you'd have no choice but to come clean should you be leaving soon-
Anna Belle: [Opens and closes my mouth, dropping my head forward, nodding slowly, whispers.]
Yes, I'm leaving earlier than planned.
Darius: -I sigh out slowly at your dismayed look-
When are you planning on leaving?
-I wring my hands feeling a soft gnawing start up low in my gut, every instinct in me was calling for me to claim a taste of your body before you ran off to wherever it was you came from before entering Trinity.-
 Anna Belle: [Remembering #Donald's yelling, I lift a shoulder in a halfhearted shrug.]
Thursday morning. I have to pack tomorrow.
[Pinches the inside of my lip between my teeth, frowning at your sudden quietness.]
It was nice, you know? The time I did get to spend with you; the stranger from Redneckville.
[Forces a small smile.]
Darius: -I close my eyes trying to remain calm feeling the gnawing grow-
Yes, it was...I'm happy our paths crossed and your boss sent you on this assignment.
-Cracks my lids tilting my head before moving to sit beside you on the bed-
Will you return for a visit some time? Or will I have to hunt you down, Darling?
-I lift a hand to delicate swipe a loose strand of your golden hair away from the beauty of your face glowing in the dark of the room-
I'd like to hope your leaving isn't goodbye.
Anna Belle: [Leans into your tender touch, unable to meet your gaze, feeling the familiar prick behind my eyes.]
I-I'll try..
Darius: -I sigh out through my nose giving a shake of my head as I tuck the strand behind your ear-
Trying isn't good enough.
-I lean in to gently take your lips with mine, molding them into yours and sliding my palm up to cradle your cheek when I part my lips along with yours when you gasped to deepen it. My chest rumbles with a groan at the taste of your tongue, my magic creeping up to the surface slowly-
Anna Belle: [My eyes fall shut, the surprise of your bold kiss earning a gasp which only leads to you tease your tongue over mine. My hands move into your hair, tugging its ends as my body presses against yours. The pounding of my heart and whirling of my mind and soul almost too much to bear.
But I can't stop. Everything within me is screaming that this is right. That you are what I was meant to wait for. A soft moan forms and spills out against your lips, my nails scratching lightly over your scalp.]
I-I can't promise..
Darius: -I growled against your lips, your nails scratching causing a shiver to run down my body. I gritted out slowly-
You will promise.
-I bite down at your lower lip, tugging it as my palms roamed down the sides of your neck, over your collar bone and down to graze barely over the side of your breast. I hear your heart beat speed up and shift forward to press you back to lower slowly to the bed beneath us.
I hover over you, my breathing coming in short pants as I gaze down into your twinkling blue-greens.-
Anna Belle: [My body arches into your almost instinctively, like it's done it a million times over. Sliding my fingers down along your jaw, my eyes fixed to yours.]
[Closing my eyes, I don't know if I can promise. All I know is that I don't want to go, don't want to leave you. My foot traces over your calf, moving to curl behind your leg, lips brushing over yours.]
I.. promise.
[Slowly opens my eyes, my thumb moving beneath your eye.] 
Darius: -I rest my forehead against yours, breath fanning over yours as I nodded hearing every one of your thoughts almost as my own-
-I surge into your body, hard against soft, another throaty groan leaving me at the feel of your warmth under me and wrap a strong arm beneath your waist, rolling us to allow your body half atop of mine. I turn my face to cup my hand over yours and press a soft kiss in the center of your palm-
You should try to rest, Darling. It is late.
Anna Belle: [Nods slowly, looking up at you, wishing this would never end but knowing it will. As soon as I get on that plane, you'll never be able to find me, especially since you know nothing of me. Tangles my leg between yours, yawning softly against your chest, letting my eyes fall closed.]
I just...
[Squeezes your hand, nodding off, mumbling.]
Darius: -I close my lids, settling with you in my arms and smiling as your sleepy mumbled words before I drifted off with a content hum in my chest-
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kccuddles · 1 year
My Days at school
My story, 2023: Part 6
If you haven't seen part 1, you may want to read that one before reading this one so your all catched up on what happening!
9th of February, Thursday, 2023
So... Today nothing much happened, just now nor.al year 11 I guess.. I really like year 11, it's great so far. I totally forgot to tell you with the Luke situation going on.. These past few weeks of year 11 there has been a new teacher! Usually I'm not really excited about new teachers.. I mean there's not a lot of new teachers that come to our schools because we are a tiny country high school with less than 300 students at the school but still I don't get that excited when a new teacher ever comes to teacher at our school but this teacher is different then all the others that come to iur school normally they are past their 40s and not good-looking at all but this teacher, Oh Boy!!! He's got the looks!! His name is Mr Grierson. He's only 24 turning 25 this may and he's so gorgeous! He's like one of those models that dress in Gucci wear and walk down the cat walks and shows off the clothes... OMG if you put him on the cat walk everyone would be looking at him! He's one of those good-looking surfer dudes! He surfers and he loves to play soccer... he played soccer for a team last year when he use to teach PDHPE but he quite from that big city and came down here into our quiet little town. He has a girlfriend.. which is a shame... well in our state in Australia it's legal to date a teacher but like as if I'd have a chance even if he didn't have a girlfriend! Anyway, he's teaching the Business studies class I'm in so that's pretty great! Every girl... nearly every girl thinks he's cute/hot but ya know, I'm a teachers per so I'll get him to like me as a student eventually.. I mean he's already calling my name out in the role with a nice sigh at the end.. I mean I'm the last on the roll but still... it may be because I'm his teachers pet or it could be because he sometimes gets my name wrong, he explained that it was because he use to have a girl at his other school called near my name but it was spell the same way! Ahh he's so cute!
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the-firebird69 · 1 year
Sunset road Three comments on one of our idiot neighbor posts a posted as nardone and that's the name of the doctor from Marlboro and that business is being ruined right now do you psychiatry business turned out to be Tommy f and it's for the matrix and people are going after them without even finding it and they found clothes there and the idiot is there too because he has a matrix and he knows about it. So people are kicking his ass as well and connected to it are these idiot girls of his who called up and said Andre and then had to have the name Bernard or it'll be too obvious what they're doing I mean what an idiot and they're saying like his granddaddy hey Joe and who knows about the second part there it is so putting warrants out for their arrest even though they have no place to go. And he says he's dug your own grave you're stupid what are you going to do but nothing. And she said that she needs him for his sperm and does it would the first line is always the most powerful unless these b****** are starting to get it because of Trump's idiot b**** and they're going to fight each other and it's begun Thursday night is right around the corner he's trying to put it in the way that you don't have to touch it. Seriously he's leaving it for his wife and she gets it and it's preserved much better and she's using your mind now she's picking it up and using it. You people are all dead and we're going to make sure it happens if this plan it's a bunch of assholes who think that they can talk to us and talk to him, in topic. Now they do it try and steal stuff I'm going to do it to get rid of them in reverse as we have been. But we're going to add some stuff to it now like something from talking to him he doesn't want to hear from you jackasses.
On this morning's agenda by Mac is the fire john rma Lord AKA prumel. So said is asking where you going to go because you don't even know you're trapped and because he knows how you react that's right you're spazzes you trumpsters it's like when you're in the basement with those aliens and here we go too you're starting to yell it and it needs that we know he needs it. It says your girls don't want to go after but because you're giving away you're only advantage you have left that's the money and we shall see a boy we going to make your life worse than it is now cuz you won't get the f*** out of here. Look after any business he has left I'm going to take it over we're going to just take a stock at the stock exchange because we don't want to get him any money we're going to do it for the airliners. And yeah all your friends went down there mixed race different race returns like Garth to go a little Island
The number of other things happening but yeah they're going to go for the sheriff now today if not today tomorrow right now they have fired all but around 200 Port Charlotte now it's Charlotte county sheriff and they'll probably go pretty quick today that's the only thing between you and everything according to you Trump mac Daddy answer last sentence. He's getting really ornery and mean that is the chasse perverted piece of s***. As Peter should I say would say it's just a piece of s***. It says it didn't say it yet but now he is about Trump was Jerry chasse senior. That's right too it's a good reminder to see Marlborough hospital in this city again trying to drag him out of here it's not get more Apb and warrants put on them I guess people out of there in Massachusetts by killing them . We are finally papers now and we're going to sue them and him for everything they're worth she started ruining his life on purpose then. Yeah you stuck to her son and his entire clan and family and clones are going down and with nothing too and they deserve it everybody should witness what has happened to this idiot and what our father and mother had us put him through they're already poor it's great cover but you should see what kind of numb skull this person really is he's been through the mill and now it's just time it's done we have huge businesses giant businesses are hours in your mess in your perimeter today we're going to acquire two companies and there are some side effects more but I'm going to lose those later
**United airlines is a big one with Aaron Mianke he thought he's going to win everything and he really slowed down there and got taken apart because of his attitude here and his talk, we don't want someone around where we can't even get a word in at all insurance edgewise so we started attack him and he got worse and worse and now this is one of the last few businesses he has he's got five businesses that are big and after this he will have four and after the next one three and after the next one too and that's what's happening right now
**if you're not a big shot here you have to be anybody. American airlines were taking over Lock stock and barrel. ours this afternoon, and we're taking over in hostile takeover it still means that we get the stock but it means that his stock s are not to be purchased from them because they are in illegal entity in the United States as they're declared last night that's right Trump and his family that's why the woman is whatever she's doing threatening him I'd plan to be any combatants of the United States my son is mentioning the reason why you're doing this odd behavior and it's to try and treat us so we would erupt into combat with Max and not be able to infiltrate and didn't work and you keep on doing it now you're saying it's someone out loud and if it didn't work already what you're doing now you should know but have a negative effect that you're not smart
**Delta airlines they're taking this over as well each airline is more or less in a similar situation where they have very few trumps working there and hardly any more lock and it's time to take them over the stock is Frozen no it's handed over to us because we're taking over the company and they're a defunct organization is it declared it last night
There's one more airline
**Swiss Air and Lufthansa they're the same company no but both about the same size and we're signing them up to the max are signing up and they have to they can't maintain the s*** airplanes they can't build them repair them they don't want to and they're building spaceships and stuff so we're handling that
They were declared to be enemies of the United States last night and mac daddy will have a word
Thor Freya
Zues Hera finally on these five companies so that was terrible we were doing a lot of work and it was really uphill climb and see why now
There's a lot of work going to publish Olympus
0 notes
comfortscripts · 3 years
I don't want to snog him {Fred W.}
Plot - George has enlisted you to help him win over Angelina but unknown to you, his plan also might have something to do with getting Fred to admit his feelings for you.
Requested? Yes/No
Warnings - Jealousy (Not sure if that’s a warning though), a quick kiss and not fully proofread so I am sorry in advance
Word Count - 1.3k
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"Y/N, just the person I was looking for" George Weasley announced as he waltzed into the common room, spotting you bundled up in the window seat with some muggle book Hermione lent you.
"Oh no, what have you gone and done now?" You say.
George only asks for your help for 2 reasons; Firstly, when he has forgotten to do his Transfiguration homework or secondly, when him and Fred have a prank they need help executing.
He smiles whilst squeezing his tall-self next to you in the window, before looking up with the widest smile you've seen.
"Well my dear Y/N, I have a proposition for you" He says throwing an arm over your shoulder before continuing. "As you know, the Hogsmeade trip is coming up and I am in need of your assistance with getting a certain witch to go with me"
You see, Hogwarts is normally a place of studies and magic but due to the upcoming Hogsmeade trip, all that matters to the Hogwarts witches and wizards is who is going with who.
Two of those swooning fools go by the names of George Weasley and Angelina Johnson. Both of them want to go with each other but are too nervous to ask.
Y/N couldn't say they didn't care about going to Hogsmeade but they weren't going half as crazy as everyone else. Elaborate schemes, sneaky way of finding out who likes who just left broken heart filled halls. Why would Y/N submit themselves to any of that? But that didn't mean you couldn't help you best friends get together.
"Aww Little Georgie has a crush" You say squishing his cheeks between your fingers. "Of course I'll help and if it is any consolation, Angie has a thing for you as well"
George blushes when he realised you knew exactly who he was talking about but quickly played it off with a grin.
'If only you knew that this plan involved your love life as well' He thought before starting to explain the plan.
The plan was simple, you talk George up to Angelina whilst also feeding George information about her likes, her schedule and her current feelings towards him.
The part of the plan George failed to mention was the part where his less attractive twin brother gets incredibly jealous over how close you and George are. One thing to know about the Weasley siblings is that they all get very jealous, due to always having to share everything with their siblings. Fred and Ron were definitely the worst at coping with their jealous side which was exactly what George was counting on.
And with dear Freddie secretly harbouring the largest crush on a certain Y/N, seeing them get friendlier with George will certainly get Freddie to react and expose his feelings.
As it got closer to the Hogsmeade trip, the plan was fully in action. Y/N was constantly nudging Angelina in the direction of George, slowly pushing her to truly accept her feelings for him. But whilst that plan was working oh so amazingly, George's operation 'Get Freddie to stop being a wuss about his feelings' was going even better.
Unbeknownst to Y/N, Freddie had been hearing all of the compliments and praising of his twin. Each word was like an extra ounce of jealousy on his shoulders. In Fred's mind, Y/N was just fawning over George in the way he wished Y/N would fawn over him.
The final straw came the Thursday before the trip. Y/N was sitting at the Gryffindor table with Angelina, Katie, George and Fred, all talking about the upcoming trip.
"So George, who are you going to Hogsmeade with?" Y/N asks with a suggestive eyebrow wiggle, obviously a hint to ask Angie.
"It's funny you ask actually because I was hoping to ask someone special today" George responded with his eyes practically making heart-shapes towards the seat next to you which was occupied by your best friend, Angelina.
Unfortunately, Fred miscalculated where his brother was looking and read it as George making heart eyes towards Y/N. With a quick mutter of goodbye, Fred stood up from the table and stomped away like a toddler having a tantrum.
Y/N watched Fred walk away and wondered what the hell just happened. From the corner of their eye, they saw George looking like he was about to go after his brother. Y/N couldn't let that happen for two reasons, firstly George would miss his chance to ask Angie and secondly, Y/N wanted to be able to comfort the boy she had been infatuated with since third year.
"I'm going to go and make sure he is alright" You say standing up from the table and heading off in the same direction the older Weasley twin did. You knew exactly where he would be.
Approaching the black lake, you saw a certain lanky ginger pacing by the lake. He was clearly angry, you could tell by the way he was cracking his fingers on his right hand over and over again. That was his tell.
"Freddie?" You called out softly, snapping the Weasley out of his jealous trance and stopping him in his tracks.
"What do you want? Came to tell me that you will be off snogging my brother this weekend?" He sneered.
His response caused a sea of emotion to rise within you. Anger, hurt, confusion just to name a few. Why did he think that? Why is he being so rude? Why would he even care?
"Excuse me? I am not planning on doing anything of the sort with your brother but even if I was, it is none of your business" You retorted in a slightly harsher tone than you wanted.
Fred turned to you and just stared before something seemed to snap.
"Except for the fact that it is my business if the person I have been in love with since I was 14 decides to go off and do who knows what with my twin brother?" He marches slowly towards you whilst he goes on his little rant. "So yeah, I am pissed off and it's not like you or him even cared that you have been stabbing my heart all week. You and your stupid compliments towards him or silly hints about going to Hogsmeade but what is worse is that he knows how I felt and he just let you"
Fred stops in front of you and takes a breath, almost to refill his ammo before finishing his speech. "So I guess that you two deserve each other."
Fred looks into your eyes one last time before turning away to head back towards Hogwarts.
Y/N stands in shock. The boy they have been dreaming about since they were a dorky tween had confessed his love. But like an idiot, Y/N just stood there without professing their love. Y/N had always been shy but this is a matter of losing Freddie, their Freddie. Quickly they turned towards the fleeting image of the Weasley boy and shouted.
"I love you Fred Weasley"
Fred halts at the confession and turns to see if it was just a figment of his imagination but he saw them making their way towards where he stood.
"Fred, I have been helping George ask Angelina out, not fawning over him. He is a friend and Godric knows I don't want to snog him. You are the person I want to be complimenting and giggling with. You are the person I want to go on Hogsmeade trips with where we drink so much butterbeer, we feel sick." Finally reaching the shocked boy, you look up at him.
"You are the one I want to love and be loved by, if you'll let me?"
Instead of a response to your question, you feel a pair of warm lips meet yours, a taste of cinnamon and cherry tarts invades your senses. You know what magic feels like but this, this was the stuff that muggles write about and now you finally understood why.
Eventually Fred pulled away, much to your dismay, and as a small smirk graced his pale face he asked "So fancy going to Hogsmeade together, my love?
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baekhansol · 3 years
prologue: pretty please
pairing: werewolf!jackson x f!reader
genre: werewolf au, fluff, smut, angsty ending | rated: mature
word count: 3.6K
warnings: lying, fluff, oral (f receiving), slight orgasm denial, sort of nipple play (reader on self), unprotected sex, knotting, sort of awful sex I'm sorry jackson, angsty ending, and lmk if i am missing anything!
note: so this is the prologue to a series I am writing!! i hope you all really like it! I actually decided today it fits as more of a prologue than a chapter one, so :p please enjoy and maybe give me feedback idk also i know the smut in it sucks i'm sorry
You often found yourself in the library during the day, studying and doing homework or taking a break and watching anime. You had been sitting there for an hour or so, and it was starting to get busy. It always did around midterms and finals; you were just glad you found your own small table to sit at.
You were working on a paper when someone came up, smiling a bit awkwardly. “Hey, would you mind if I sit here? I’ll be quiet, I promise,” He says, hesitating to sit down. He had an accent that you couldn’t quite place, as it only happened with some words.
When you finish the sentence you were typing and look up, you do your best to hide your surprise at how handsome he was. He was absolutely stunning, making you question your own appearance. “Oh, um, sure,” you say, your cheeks flushing with heat as you make room for him.
“I’m Jackson, by the way,” He says as he pulls out the chair and sits, getting himself comfortable across from you.
“I’m Y/N,” you respond, still blushing.
“It’s nice to meet you,” he says, offering a charming smile as he pulls out his laptop.
The next week at the same time, he showed up again and asked, “Y/N, is it alright if I join you?”
You nod, a shy smile finding its way onto your face. “What are you studying?” you eventually ask him, tilting your head slightly.
“Business,” Jackson says, glancing up at you with a smile. “Actually, it’s my masters and I’m focusing on international business. What about you?”
When you tell him, he listens intently and asks polite questions- the right ones, too. Not the usual ones you always get.
The next week you’re running late and stop at the vending machine to grab your favorite candy. Going to your usual table, you do a double take when someone is already there. You pause awkwardly, only to realize it was Jackson waiting there with a second cup of coffee.
“Oh, hey Jackson,” you say, blushing as you join him.
He smiles at you, pushing one of the cups towards you. “I got you a coffee, just the way you like it.”
You suspiciously tilt your head, taking a sip, only to be surprised that it was the way you liked your coffee. “How did you know?” you laugh, getting out your laptop.
“I know some of the workers,” he sheepishly admits. You laugh and open the candy, offering him some.
“I shouldn’t, I’m on a diet,” he says with a pout.
“Oh, come on,” you scoff, raising an eyebrow.
He playfully rolls his eyes before grabbing a piece.
Soon, every Tuesday you would meet up with Jackson in the library. Before midterms, it became every Tuesday and Thursday until finals, when it was almost every day. It was on one of these Thursdays that he asked you, “Are you free tomorrow?”
You tilt your head, wondering what he was getting to. He seemed to always have plans on Fridays during your normal study time, and you tried not to study too late since the library closed early. “Uh, no, I don’t think so? Why do you ask?” you respond.
“Well, I was thinking that I could take you for a date! If you wanted to, that is…”
You could tell he was a little nervous, and you realized you were staring at him blankly. You let out an embarrassed laugh, nodding. “Yes, sorry, I was just… yes, I would like that,” you admit, shaking your head some.
“Great! I can pick you up after your class tomorrow? Just make sure you dress warm!” he says with a grin.
“You already have a plan? What is it? Tell me~?” you ask, pouting a little bit.
“Nope, it’s a secret!” he laughs, smiling brightly. “You have to wait until tomorrow to know!”
The next day, you woke up early to get ready. You wore warm clothes like he said, and did your makeup cutely but not excessively, especially since it seemed like you would be outside. In class, you were extra fidgety and kept checking the clock. It felt like time slowed, but you knew it was from your anticipation.
Right on cue as class ended, your phone vibrated. Checking it, you noticed a text from Jackson saying he was outside the building.
You all but run out of the classroom down to the parking lot, finding him standing outside grinning.
“Will you tell me what we are doing now?” you ask, giving him your puppy dog eyes.
“Maybe,” he teases, leading you to his car. He opens the door for you and even shuts it, getting in on the other side. “Does hiking sound okay? Then takeout and a movie at my place?” Jackson asks. You see a hopeful glint and the worry in his eyes, and your smile grows.
“That sounds wonderful!” you tell him.
“Great!” he says, starting to drive. “You’ll love it! I go here quite often, and it’s very pretty. I’ve seen some deer and some really neat birds before there.”
“Oh, really? Do you know what kinds of birds?” you ask, curious.
“Well, I’m not sure since they’re not the same as back home, but definitely some owls! I went out later than I should have. And I don’t know if it was a falcon, eagle, or hawk. But those too.”
“I think we have all three here,” you laugh.
“Well, that really doesn’t help identify it any, now does it,” he laughs with you.
“Not in the slightest,” you giggle.
“Well I guess if we see them, maybe you’ll know,” Jackson says, turning onto a gravel road.
“What am I, a bird expert now?” you laugh more.
“No, you’re just a native here,” he responds with a little pout.
“Still not a bird expert,” you point out.
“I know, but you will know better than me,” he reasons.
“Maybe, maybe not,” you say, shaking your head as he parks in a small parking lot.
“We are here!” Jackson says, turning off the car. He leads you over to the map by the trail entrance, glancing at it once before heading down.
“We’ll follow the blue markers this time,” he says, pointing them out on the tree.
“What do they mean? You didn’t give me time to read the map,” you say with a huff.
“They mean we’re going the correct way,” he tells you smartly.
“That’s not what I meant and you know it!”
“I know. And there’s nothing you can do about it but follow me and find out,” he teases you, taking your hand and leading you.
You’re both careful not to trip over any of the roots or loose rocks, and you start getting glances of white.
“Is that a river?” you ask, glancing at what looked like ice.
“Uh, maybe,” Jackson responded in an unbelievable manner. Of course he knew, he just wasn’t going to tell you.
Eventually, you made it to more of a clearing. Jackson didn’t even have to point to what it was he wanted to show you. You stood in awe instead.
Winter was definitely there, and you knew that since the little fountains on campus were frozen over. But this, this was a sight to behold. The entire river had frozen over, and what must usually be a gorgeous waterfall had frozen over. The water had frozen against the rocks, sharp spears of it dangerously hanging from the main body of water. You swore if the sun was just right, you could see some of the water on the very inside running down inside the thick, frozen ice.
“Isn’t it beautiful?” Jackson asks you, his voice hushed. All you could do was nod.
The next Tuesday, you got to the library first. “Want to go on a second date?” you bluntly ask him when he joins you.
He laughs before smiling, nodding. “Of course, I’d love to,” Jackson assures you.
You’re not sure if you can ever end up choosing a favorite date by the time finals end. Your last “date” was taking him to the airport. He was going home for the break, and you wanted to take him.
“I guess this is as far as we can go, huh?” you ask sadly, looking at the security checkpoint.
“Yeah, I’m sorry, Y/N,” Jackson says, fidgeting with his ticket as if he were nervous.
“Well, I’m sure everything will go well…” you say, almost more nervous than he was. “I mean, you’ve flown lots of times before, so this shouldn’t be any different…” you start to ramble in an attempt to console him.
He chuckles a little, gently putting his hand on your shoulder before tilting up your chin.
“Y/N, will you be my girlfriend?” Jackson softly asks, his dark eyes meeting yours.
Your heart leaped in your chest. You thought of him as your boyfriend, but you weren’t sure if you were official or not, so it made you a little nervous. But at his question, your lips smiled on their own, and you nod as much as you can for his hand holding onto your chin. “Yes!” you whisper.
“Can I kiss you?” he asks, causing you to blush and nod. Once given consent, he kisses you sweetly.
“I promise I’ll be back soon, okay?” Jackson says as he pulls away and picks up his things.
“Alright… be safe,” you tell him, feeling your cheeks burn.
“I will,” he assures you, kissing your cheek before leaving.
A few days later, when he was over jet lag, you face timed him. You were eating breakfast at the time, and he was eating dinner.
“How are you?” You ask, happy to see him again and hear his voice.
“I’m doing much better now that I get to see my beautiful girlfriend~” he coos playfully, causing you to laugh.
“Okay, okay. How was the plane trip? How are things going back home?” you ask, wanting more details.
“It went well, don’t worry. I am home safe, although it is a bit hectic at times,” he assures you.
“Why is it hectic? You’re on a break~ you need to relax!” you tell him with a huff.
“I know, I know, don’t worry, I am,” he again assures you.
“You better be,” you huff back, pouting slightly.
Just like that, your library dates were replaced with virtual ones. Some days you could only talk for a few minutes, some days you went on for hours. Every now and then, he even would sing you to sleep. You always slept well when he would.
When the holidays came, he ended up sending you a cd of songs he recorded to help you sleep.
When the semester started up again, you would meet in the library Mondays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays this time. You sat at the same table, but also flirted more when you studied. You made sure to keep up your grades, since they were incredibly important to you.
After the initial start up hump of the beginning of the semester, you started to remember something strange about Jackson that you had forgotten or just hadn’t had the time to realize before. It wasn’t quite a gut feeling of danger, but a feeling of something was wrong. He would get sick nearly every month for a few days without fail. In the last week of January, Jackson was out sick for over a week.
The following Monday, Jackson comes back to the library, and you immediately perk up. “Jackson, how are you feeling? Your roommate told me you were sick,” you ask him.
“I was, but I am feeling much better now,” he assures you, smiling.
You felt a tug in your stomach, and you knew he was lying. “Jackson, you get sick more often than… well, anyone I know. What’s wrong?” you insist.
He sighs, his smile faltering. “I have an immune disorder. I don’t like talking about it much, but I often get sick,” he tells you.
So, you believed him.
You believed him until your introductory anatomy course went over autoimmune disorders. He didn’t fit any of the basic descriptions for them. You ended up choosing to do a paper on the topic, so you ended up pressuring him more when he was at your place for a movie date night.
“Jackson, I’ve been working on a paper for autoimmune disorders. I may have to narrow it down to one in particular… So, I was wondering what one you had?” you ask him, wanting to be a supportive girlfriend.
He sighs and seems irritated about it, and you couldn’t quite tell what was wrong. “I’m sorry, Y/N. I just… I feel like I can’t tell you…” he admits, shocking you.
You felt like you had told him everything. You told him about your asthma, how your therapy sessions went, what you wanted to improve on, your insecurities about your body, even sexual things you had thought about eventually exploring with him.
But he couldn’t tell you this? After you told him about your mental health issues? You were shocked and speechless.
After a moment, you finally catch your thoughts. “Jackson… you know you can tell me anything, right?” you say softly, frowning and not realizing you were tearing up.
Jackson’s face softens, and he pulls you into a hug, rubbing your back. “I’m sorry, I know. You’re right,” he soothes, sighing slightly. “I just… don’t want you to hate me or think I am a freak or anything,” he further admits.
“Jackson, I love you. I could never,” you whisper. It was the first time you had said that.
His heart melts at your words, and he started tearing up. You pull away, and he cups your cheeks.
He lets out a short sigh, making up his mind. “Alright baby. Well, I’ll just say it,” he tells you, now opting to hold your hands. Jackson gently squeezes them as he admits, “I’m a werewolf.”
You pause, staring at him as you replay his words in your mind. You then pull away and laugh, shaking your head. “No, seriously Jackson,” you say, feeling anxious. Why would he lie to you?
“I am being serious,” he sighs, running a hand through his hair.
“Then-then prove it,” you say, but it comes out as more of a question.
Jackson sighs softly, tilting his head some. “Alright. Count to ten and come into your room,” he says, going in.
You huff, counting out loud.
You stand up and head towards your room.
You turn the doorknob and say, “I’m coming in now.”
You open the door and are immediately greeted with a massive wolf. Oddly enough, he had the eyes of Jackson.
You quickly shut your door, knowing you weren’t allowed to have pets in your building.
“Um…” you begin, staring at him in confusion. You look around the room, wondering where Jackson was, only to notice his clothes on the floor. “So, you’re really-?” you begin, looking at the wolf again.
He nods and you groan, covering your face with your hands.
You hear him jump off the bed, and after hearing snapping and popping, you glance up and see Jackson pulling his pants back on. You quickly look away, your cheeks heating up as you try not to stare at his well defined body.
“Told you so,” he murmurs, smirking because he knew.
"Well this is rather awkward. What immune disorder do I choose to write about now?" You say with a laugh.
"Sorry babe. Let's go watch that movie now, yeah?" He suggests, taking your hand and leading you back to the living room.
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After learning about werewolves, Jackson would take you on hiking dates. Sometimes he would run around as a wolf, and other times you would ride him like a horse, which was probably ridiculous to look at, if anyone ever saw you. But he liked to show off.
After finals, you stayed with him for a week. You weren't ready to go home yet, but you already had to move out of the dorm you were staying in.
You were cuddling with him and watching a movie. You felt your insides burn with anxiety, having been wanting to tell him something for a while, but too embarrassed to say. See, once you admitted you were a virgin, Jackson took things very slowly with you. You enjoyed giving him blowjobs after he taught you about how he would knot, and the furthest he went on you was giving you oral once.
But now you felt ready to progress your relationship further, but you didn't know how to say it.
"Jackson," you say, feeling your cheeks heating up.
"Yes, baby?" He says, looking at you. He knew something was up and you needed to tell him something, but he honestly had no idea what it would be.
"I… think I'm ready," you admit, nibbling your lip.
"Ready for what?" He asks, raising an eyebrow in confusion.
"Having sex," you bashfully admit.
"Oh," he says, surprised. "Right now?" He asks, trying not to sound too eager.
You shake your head. "No, not right now. But soon," you assure him, feeling embarrassed.
"Well, I don't mind waiting a little longer," he assures you, kissing the top of your head.
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One minute you were grinding on Jackson, making out on the couch. The next, you and Jackson were both naked in bed. He lays you down, hovering over you as he kisses you.
“Jackson, can I give you a blowjob?”
“Don’t worry about making me feel good. I want to eat you out,” he says, pulling away from you and spreading your legs.
“Yes please,” you say, nodding softly.
He kisses your thighs, teasing you by biting and marking them. He knew this made you needy, as your thighs were sensitive. Jackson eventually kisses your clit, causing you to moan. He smirks as he licks your folds, maintaining eye contact as you blush.
“We’ve done this how many times? And you always get so bashful,” Jackson gently teases, quickly going to work.
He sucks your clitoris, his tongue flicking it as your juices leak out and onto his chin. Your hand grabs his hair, tugging as you moan. Jackson uses his strong arms to keep your legs open. He notices your hole clenching around nothing, boosting his ego.
Jackson inserts a finger, curling it up against your g spot, which causes you to cry out his name.
“You’re doing so good for me,” he whispers against your folds, pausing his kisses to your mound as he adds a second finger, working on stretching you out.
“Feels so good,” you whine, gasping as he adds a third finger. “I’m close,” you pant, reaching down to rub your clit. Jackson stops you and pulls out his fingers with a smirk.
“Jackson?!” you gasp, pouting that he took away your orgasm.
“I want to cum with you,” he explains, smiling sweetly.
You sigh and lay your head back down, nodding.
“Are you sure you don’t want to use condoms?” Jackson checks, raising an eyebrow.
“Positive. You said yourself I wasn’t fertile,” you admit, blushing some.
“Alright,” he says, teasing your folds with his tip. Jackson watches as your hole clenches around nothing, desperately wanting his cock.
“Please Jackson,” you huff, not liking how he began to rub his cock against your folds.
“I’m getting myself lubricated,” Jackson smugly responds, grinding into you, tapping his cock against your swollen bud.
“Fuck~” you cry, pulling your hair. “Please Jackson, I want to have sex with you,” you beg, tearing up in need.
“Hmm, alright,” Jackson says, slowly sliding his tip inside of you. He grabs your hands and kisses you, letting you adjust to his girth. He slowly slides in, huffing into your ear softly.
“Jackson, please move,” you beg once he bottoms out.
“Yes ma’am,” he teases you, starting with slow thrusts. Jackson greedily watches your breasts bounce with each thrust, a near-feral grin finding its way on his face.
“Faster, please,” you murmur, doing your best to keep your eyes open as you squeeze his hands.
He readily obliges, and you groan as the sound of skin slapping skin fills the room with both of your moans.
“I’m not gonna last that long,” he admits with a laugh.
You nod and he lets go of one of your hands, rubbing your clit. You grab your breast and pinch your nipples, stimulating yourself as you near your high.
He suddenly begins to cum with a loud groan of your name, his thrusts harder than before. You cry out in pleasure, which soon turns into a whimper as he begins to knot you.
“You’re doing so well, Y/N, you’re doing so good,” Jackson begins to praise. It takes all of his strength not to collapse on top of you, but he manages to nuzzle into your neck and kiss your sweet spot there.
You groan softly, brushing your damp hair out of your eyes. “I love you,” you say, smiling tiredly.
“I love you too.”
You wake up the next day naked and alone in bed. You look around, wondering where Jackson went. “Jackson?” you softly call, looking for him.
But something about his apartment was… off.
You carefully get up, your legs feeling a bit weak, and go use the bathroom. His toothbrush and razor were missing.
You go out into the kitchen and living room, and still no Jackson.
When you go back into the bedroom, you notice that his phone was missing. You open the closet and his dresser, and there were no clothes.
For one whatever reason, Jackson was gone.
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