#but im still this hopeless romantic who wants to be friends with all my friends friends and all my friends to be friends
snixx · 1 month
life went forward and the world moved on but I never got over among us (2018)
#but no one:(( will play it:(( with me:((#i miss amogus with my ex best friend and all her friends#she was just like me fr she loved introducing all her friends to each other its another reason i loved her so much#and why i struggled so much when my high school best friend started making friends outside of me who didnt like me#one of them even gave me this long ass lecture on KAVYA YOU DONT NEED TO BE FRIENDS WITH ALL YOUR FRIENDS' FRIENDS YOU KNOW#oh and you cAnt jUst Ask pEoPle tO bE yOuR fRiEnd (jokes on her we're friends now. kind of ive been ghosting her for a while but not the po#Int 💀)#and look i learned that. sort of. but i still struggle with it sometimes#like at least with my best friends i always wanted to know about and be involved with everyone in their lives you know#which ive realized now is not practical#but im still this hopeless romantic who wants to be friends with all my friends friends and all my friends to be friends#even if i barely have the energy for it anymore. i guess losing her drilled that in#also another thing i realized is. its good to keep your friends separate sometimes because if the chain breaks you dont lose a whole system#which wasnt even a point of consideration for me back then because like i said. hopeless romantic. why would we ever fall out#but yeah it was hard having to accept that sometimes the whole world doesnt want to be friends. and people are allowed to dislike each othe#shocking i know#anyway what am i even talking about how did i get here#girlblogging.pdf
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wonusdoll · 10 months
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Synopsis: Jisungs a hopeless romantic and gets jealous easily
Content: fluff! cavity inducing fluff so fluffy i wanna cry
pairing: Childhood Bestfriend!Jisung x reader
notes+ WHY DOES NOBODY WRITE FOR JISUNGGGG i had to take matters into my own hands so here you go :D this was originally gonna contain smut but i couldnt help myself with the fluff anyways, enjoy!!
You and Jisung weren't always friends. When your mom introduced her best friends second grader son, 4th grade you didn't mind. Until he started playing with your stuff, jumping on your bed, stealing your snacks, and blaming you on things he did and getting you in trouble.
Naturally, you started resenting him, dreading when he would come over, and chose to ignore him at school, finding it embarrassing whenever he would go over to you and your friends at the playground and ask to play with them. your friends found him cute, but you, you hated him.
Going into your middle school years, he slowly got more tolerable. He started understanding boundaries but still was the same annoying little kid.
In some point of time, Jisung turned from an annoying little kid who yelled and cried all the time to one of your closest friends. And then when he finally started high school, you guys started hanging out willingly, without his mom forcing him to go over.
Some days you would catch him in your living room watching tv with your dog, or accidentally walking in on him showering in your bathroom, or in your kitchen making ramen. Sometimes he would bring his friends over to your house. You honestly didn't mind that much as long as they never broke anything, or disturbed her in any way, which jisung made sure never happened.
"Jisung?? That you??" You yelled from the top of the stairs after hearing feet shuffling and the front door opening and closing. The two of you made plans to watch horror movies and have a sleepover to celebrate the new season of autumn.
"Nope!" Jisung yelled back, making you go downstairs with a grin. But you immediately furrowed your brows and bit your inner cheek, upon seeing 6 other people. you knew them, jisung would bring them around sometimes but you didn’t know them.
"Jisung, whats going on?"
He grinned annoyingly cutely back and held up some convenience store bags up and nodded towards his friends, "They wanted to hang out but my mom banned us from the house after last time.”
You scoff and look at him like he was crazy, "What- are you kidding me?" You say just above a whisper, flickering your eyes between him and the guys behind him, "I thought we were gonna hang out?? You didn't even ask if it was okay to bring them over? if you wanted to hang out with them instead you should've just told me."
With a smirk, jisung was much closer than you remember him being, he tucked a few stray strands of your hand back, "I'm sorry princess i should have asked, hm? If we're too much of a bother we'll quiet down okay?" He pulled away and looked into your eyes, pleading and begging for uou to say yes.
You mask your flustered state with a sigh and wiping your face with your hand as if annoyed.
"Fine, whatever, just— leave me alone im gonna go study" you warn making him grin and ruffle your hair, juxtaposing his previous act. He's called you princess numerous times before, even when you guys were kids but in that tone, that voice, and devilish smile, it felt different.
You wanted to tell him off for joking around with you like that, making you feel that way. It was something you always felt around him but maybe it was his perfectly messy hair, his oversized hoodie making him look so comfy, his soft plump lips, or his hand in your hair, or the name he called you, but the feeling became overwhelmingly strong, like when a candles been burning for hours and slowly the fire grows bigger and it fills the whole room with its pleasant fumes.
You hung around with them for a bit when you took a break from studying because you couldn't focus. but the reason you couldnt focus was sitting right across from you on the couch, sending lingering glances everybody noticed.
When he catches your gaze you turn away with a light blush but when you catch his, he doesnt shy away, keeping eye contact with you with a look in his eye that you couldnt read for the first time.
In the time you got to formally meet his best friends, you surprisingly got along with all of them. Huang Renjun was the one who stuck out the most out of the 7, other than Jisung who kept eyes on you the whole time.
You got to have a one on one conversation with Renjun about each others favorite music artists, which were quite similar, and art itself. You were already interested in art but with the knowledge and story telling Renjun excitedly provided made you want to learn more. So you guys planned a hang out the next day to an art museum Renjun was fond and familiar with. 
You posted the day out with him on your story with Art Deco - Lana Del Rey in the background.
Jisung always made sure to heart and reply to your story even if it was as simple as an ootd, but this time he didn't. You furrowed your brows and looked at the views and there he was, also active. You tried texting him regularly but you were left on delivered until 7 hours later but all you got was a
"sorry lol"
It hurt your feelings, you couldn't lie. So you texted him again not even 5 seconds later.
"too busy being active to answer? lmfao"
He leaves it on read for a few minutes before replying
"too busy hanging out with renjun? yk we all made plans tgt”
You scoff at his attitude
"whats your problem?? it was HIS choice to hang out with ME. not like you wanted to."
"chill out i just wanted them to meet you, didn't know you were gonna be all over them tho"
"fuck you."
You threw your phone at the end of the bed and hug your pillow against your chest as tears welled up in your eyes. You didn't know why you were so affected by his words, usually you wouldn't even press him so much about not answering, and would just leave him alone but seeing him be so uninterested left a mark on you.
A few nights later you were watching a scary movie in the darkness of your living room when you heard knocks on your front door. you paused the movie to make sure it wasn't from the tv, and when they come again, you look at the time.
"Who's here at 11:30 at night" You whisper to yourself and cautiously approach the door.
Thunder suddenly struck making you whimper and jump back, but you decide to just rip the bandaid off, after all horror movies aren't real right?
"Jisung?!" You exclaim, seeing him standing there out in the pouring rain with his head down ashamed.
You quickly let him in, taking his soaked coat off and telling him to wait while you get a towel.
He was silent while you scolded him for being out in the rain so late without so much as an umbrella.
He finally brung his hands from behind his back, revealing your favorite flowers in an articulated assorted bouquet wrapped in paper.
"Sorry if they're kind of ruined.. I ran all the way here" He sniffles and scratched his nape awkwardly.
You bite your lip remembering your last interaction, "You wanna tell me why?"
"I'm sorry y/n im so sorry im such a fucking loser and a coward for getting mad at you  I never wanted to hurt you i just was so angry that you hung out with Renjun that i took it out on you without thinking and ive been trying to figure out how to apologize to you so i went to the flower shop like 10 times in the past 2 days because i wanted to get you flowers but you have 5 different favorite flowers so i got 5 different bouquets for you then realized that was too much so i just got one with 2 of your favorites but felt bad that i left out the other 3 so i got another one with all of them but they didn't look good so i spent the whole day learning how to make a bouquet to make it perfect for you then realized it was already night and thundering and you hate thunder so i ran all the way here and now they look horrible and ugly and-"
"JISUNG." You put a stop to his rant with a chuckle and put your hands on his pink dusted cheeks. He pants out and looks in your eyes to find any anger or disgust in them but you were smiling, "Hey its okay, i promise its okay," You take the flowers from his hands and bring them up to your face to smell them, "they're beautiful ji, seriously."
He takes another pan over your face to scan your expression to really make sure you weren't mad and one he realized that, he lets out the breath he was holding and chuckles, then laughs a bit harder.
You laugh along with him then card your fingers through his wet hair, "Did you really learn how to make a bouquet of flowers for me? And run all the way here in the rain?" You ask, softly now.
He smiles and takes your hand away to hold it instead, "Yeah.. you know i would swim across the whole ocean just to get these to you. Also whats wrong with learning a new skill, i always wanted to learn how to.. make assorted flowers.." He dryly chuckles at the end.
you could hear your heart thumping out of your chest when you feel the pressure of his eyes staring into your own, as if trying to answer a question he hasn't asked. so you ask your own.
"Jisung," You start making him nod, "Why were you so upset?" You ask, making you swallow thickly.
and suddenly you're hyper aware of everything going on, your breathing, your blinking, the rain and thunder, his facial expressions, his thumb caressing your hand.
Jisung doesnt answer for a second, trying to find the right words. His mouth was drying up, he opened his mouth to speak but nothing came out so he gulped.
He was now holding your hand with both of his hands, "I love you." he blurted, "I love you and Im selfish and only want you to myself, I just wanted to treasure you for my myself and not let other people see how amazing and perfect you are because i was scared you'd fall for them and forget about me so when i saw you were with renjun and saw how excited you were to talk to him and hang out with him i felt.. rejected? in a way? like he had something i didn't to make you feel that way. So i was sad and upset and jealous— god, i was so unbelievably jealous, and i know im not allowed to because we're only best friends and you're allowed to be friends and talk to anybody you want to but i just- i just didn't want you to notice anyone else, and leave me.."
He ended his rant with a sigh and closed his eyes shut, mentally preparing for you to laugh in his face and friend-zone him, but it never came.
When he opened his eyes you were just standing there, not saying anything, with a smile on your face.
You giggled as he looked at you with an expectant look.
His brows furrowed and his hand started slipping from yours “That- thats it? Just okay? You couldn’t have let me down any better-“
“Okay, I wont leave you.”
His expression softened, watching as you laughed and hugged him tightly, burying your face in his chest, “Jisung park, I will never leave you and you can never leave me, if you do i’ll have to kill you.” You tried to threaten him but he just found you adorable, and picked you up in his arms.
You guys laughter filled the room, bouncing around the rooms, sounding almost louder than the rain and thunder.
Suddenly, your enemy turned into your bestfriend who turned into your lover. And you couldn’t have it any other way.
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auspicious-manner · 1 year
welcome back! just some simple domestic fluff with mike faist and famous reader! get to this whenever you feel like it! lots of love<3
thank you for the kindness! <3
i’ve missed writing for mike! also have you guys seen the new challengers trailer AHHHHH IM SO EXCITED IT LOOKS SO GOOD!!! i have a few challengers themed mike stories in my inbox/drafts, so expect those somewhat soon ;)
also it’s been a long time since i’ve written a fluff fic, so sorry if this sucks lol
fem reader x mike faist
warnings: anxiety and mentions of depression
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you loved nearly everything about your life. being an actress, singer, and now a writer has given you more confidence than anything else.
you started as an actress. ever since you were little, you would put on shows for your entire family with costumes and scripts. they weren’t simple either; you would perform full dramatic monologues, emotional scenes, and romantic moments with your stuffed animals. your mom didn’t have to hesitate putting you into acting classes.
into your teen years, you booked commercials and small roles in children’s shows. then, right when you turned eighteen, you got your big break when you gained a major role in a movie alongside some of hollywood’s biggest stars, directed by none other than steven spielberg.
from there, business offers and acting gigs flew in. everything seemed to be happening all at once. it was all so overwhelming. but fame is what you wanted, right?
that’s what you thought, at least. as a child, you glamorized the picturesque hollywood starlight life. you wanted everything from the glitz to the glam. you didn’t realize that being famous came with this sense of dread that one wrong move could end your entire career. you felt unworthy of being in the spotlight all the time. so, in order to keep those intrusive thoughts from rearing their ugly heads, you kept so busy that not even a single thought could even cross your mind.
you knew you could sing, and you began writing songs and releasing music. you even went on a north american tour. then, when the tour slowed down, you wrote a novel. you kept so busy that you lost track of who you really were. what you felt you were meant to do.
sure, you had success and had more connections and fans than anyone could dream of. but what did it matter when you felt so alone?
you began closing yourself off. the limelight was making you anxious, and you couldn’t bring yourself to be seen in public in the state you were in. it all felt so hopeless. you considered living of the grid and going incognito in order to escape the expectations placed on you. for months, you stayed as hidden as possible, and it only made things worse.
being a long time friend of steven spielberg at this point, he sent you a personal invite to the premiere his new film west side story. you almost threw the invite in the trash. the thought of going out on a red carpet again and seeing all of these faces with bright, flashing cameras was out of the equation for you. yet, you missed the feeling of being dolled up. you missed feeling pretty.
when the big night came, seeing yourself in the dress that you had picked out didn’t feel real. you felt like you and not you all at the same time. your mind was conflicted; you knew the glam of hollywood was what made you happy, but since it had been so long since you have felt that way, you felt oddly out of body.
it was a long, off white dress with a leg slit and a completely open back. the dress had sleeves that stopped just below your shoulders, and it hugged your body tightly but not uncomfortably. your wavy hair fell onto your shoulders neatly in a half up half down, your curtain bangs framing your face. for the makeup, you tried to keep it relatively natural, and you didn’t want to draw too many eyes. you paired the look with some heels and a purse.
looking in the mirror, you tried your hardest to feel positive. you looked beautiful, you felt beautiful, yet something still felt wrong. maybe it was because you had no one by your side if you got anxious. as far as you knew, you would know one person there.
the car sent to pick you up took you on a ride through new york as your heart rate quickened. when you arrived at the scene, the bright lights and red carpet gave you chills.
after walking into the crowd, it didn’t take long to find steven. he pulled you aside into a fatherly hug. it felt good to be near someone as familiar as him.
“Y/N, long time no see!” he said excitedly as you hugged him.
“it’s been a while, hasn’t it?” you replied, pulling away.
“what have you been up to? knowing you, i’m sure it’s something great!”
you smiled, trying to create a facade. “oh, you know, a little bit of this and a little bit of that,” you said while nervously laughing. you couldn’t tell steven spielberg that you’ve been in a slump and that the most productive part of your day is waking up and making something to eat.
“i’m excited to see whatever you have up your sleeve,” he said, going to your side and taking your arm. “now, there’s someone i’d like you to meet.”
he guided you through the crowds, and you kept close to him. everything was becoming overwhelming.
you approached a man with his back turned to you. “Y/N, meet mike faist. you two could have a lot to talk about.”
the man turned around, and the first thing you noticed about him was that his eyes seemed to be glowing. they were brighter and bluer than anything you’d ever seen. they were absolutely stunning. upon further inspection, you realized that you recognized him from the posters for the movie, and knew he was playing riff.
he smiled at you, almost as enthralled with you as you were with him. he held out a hand, and you took it gently to shake it. you hoped he didn’t feel the sweat building on your palms. “Y/N L/N, it’s lovely to meet you.”
you grew flustered. “how’d you know my last name?”
mike looked taken aback. “doesn’t everyone?” your smile fell slightly, and mike noticed. “i’m a big fan of your work. your songs, your movies, and i recently started reading your book too. you’re amazing at everything you do.”
steven patted your shoulder before walking away, leaving you with mike. mike had a presence about him that made you feel welcomed and seen. it’s been a while since you felt that way.
“so, mike, what else have you been in?” you asked, wanting to know more about his work. he knew so much about yours, and you felt a little embarrassed that you didn’t know more about him.
he smiled and looked down. “i was a newsie in newsies on broadway, and i covered jack kelly. i played connor murphy in dear evan hansen on broadway, i was in a tv show called panic, and a lot of other stage and film work.”
you nodded, squinting your eyes slightly. “you know, i’ve seen both of those shows on broadway, and i didn’t realize until just now that that was you.”
he laughed. “am i not memorable?”
you giggled in return. “i don’t think it’s that. i just think i’m missing a little part of my brain.”
you and mike continued to talk about your respective careers. you noticed that he was so easy to talk to, and that he listened to and hung onto every word that you would say. it gave you butterflies, and you wondered what was wrong with you.
sadly, you remembered you’re at mike’s movie premiere and he had to do interviews and talk to other people besides you. you could tell he wanted to stay with you, but knew he had other obligations. before he left, he said, “we’ll see each other again before the night is through.”
you’ve had plenty of men try and charm you, with the efforts always falling flat. you’re no stranger to keeping your feelings under control and learning to not date in hollywood. it was too easy to be played by the wrong guys. but, your heart was telling you something different about mike. he made you more nervous and giddy than anyone else ever had and you barely knew him. you started to forget about the fact that you’ve been a hermit battling with your mental health for the last few months.
you caught up with a few old friends from the industry that you had recognized in the crows before it was time to go to a private screening of the film.
you watched as everyone funneled into seats in the theater next to their plus ones and friends. you stood back, scoping the area for empty seats. you felt frozen as all the seats seemed to fill.
“follow me,” a voice said close to your ear before taking your hand and walking with you down the rows of seats. you noticed it was mike and you smiled to yourself.
he took you close to the screen, but not too close, and sat down with you. you sighed. “thanks for saving me back there, i was getting stressed.”
mike tilted his head. “you’re from around here. you’re used to red carpets and screenings, aren’t you? i didn’t think this would stress out someone as experienced as you.”
he was right, it shouldn’t have stressed you out. you were so used to hiding away for so long that this all felt new to you again like it did when you were eighteen.
mike noticed your expression change, and he turned to you. “i’m sorry, i shouldn’t have said anything. but you’re worrying me a bit, is everything okay?”
you tried to brush it off. “i’m fine now, really. crowds just get me anxious-”
“i’m not just talking about tonight,” mike said, leaning in towards you. “the world has caught onto your unprecedented disappearance from the public eye. that can never mean anything good. are you sure you’re okay?”
you bit your lip, holding back tears. it was one thing to keep everything to yourself and pack it away and never confront what you’re actually going through, but to hear someone else say it put it into perspective for you. you had completely lost track of your vision and goal in life. you had lost track of you.
mike put his hand on your leg comfortingly, taking the silence and the glossy tears hidden in your eyes as a sign that you weren’t okay. the silent support he sent was exactly what you needed in that moment. a stranger was the person you least expected to comfort you.
before you could both think to say anything else, steven appeared at the front of the crowd and gave a speech, followed by the showing of the movie. every time mike appeared on the screen, you got chills. he was amazing. his performance made you hate riff yet feel some kind of empathy for him. that was due to mike’s spellbinding performance.
occasionally, you would feel mike’s eyes glance at you when important scenes came up. it’s almost as if he wanted to see your reaction. he wanted your approval.
then, after two and a half short hours, the movie ended, and the theater erupted in applause. everyone stood on their feet and you did the same, small tears running down your cheeks. you looked at mike, and his smile dropped when he saw you.
“why are you crying?” he asked.
you sniffled. “it was so amazing. you were so amazing.”
mike turned red, and he reached down to envelope you in probably the best hug you’ve ever had. he had the widest grin, and it wasn’t just from the movie.
you and mike traded numbers, and from that night on, you became inseparable.
mike awoke something in you that hadn’t been seen in a long time. he made you feel inspired at motivated and comfortable. you hid yourself away from the world in fear that the public would turn on you, twist your words into something far from the truth. mike dispelled those feelings for you; you felt like yourself again around him.
after the night at the premiere, mike made the first move in wanting to talk to you. you face timed each other for hours each night, staying awake into the early hours of the morning just talking about anything and everything.
you went out for a coffee date a week after the premiere, and it seemed clear to both of you that there was more to be discovered than just a friendship.
as you were walking through central park with mike, keeping your head slightly down as to not attract any unwanted eyes, you boldly brushed your hand against his, letting it linger for a moment. his hand moved away, but creeped back into place when he realized what you were doing. he slowly grazed his finger tips against yours as he walked, and he reached his fingers out and your hand fit neatly into his. you continued to hold hands for the rest of your walk.
when you arrived back at your apartment, you both sat down on the couch, your bodies turned inwards to face each other.
“i feel like i’ve know you my whole life, but its only been a week,” you said quietly, looking into his eyes.
mike smiled lightly. “i’ve never clicked this fast with anyone.”
you both paused, and mike hesitated before he spoke again. “can i ask you a question?”
you nodded, and he went on.
“there’s always been so much speculation about your love life in the media, and dating rumors and whatnot. i don’t like believing anything the media says, but i want to hear it straight from you.”
you smiled to yourself. the media liked to pull things that weren’t actually there and make up stories for fun. you’ve never actually had a real date since you’ve been in the business, let alone a relationship.
“i haven’t found anyone worthy yet.”
mike nodded, scooting closer to you. you could tell he was aiming to put his arm around you, but hesitated to see your reaction. you leaned in, telling him without words that it was okay, and he rested his arm around your shoulder as you laid close to each other. you immediately felt comfortable under his arm.
“i admire you, Y/N. i always have. i like that you know what you want, and that you know yourself. that’s a really great quality to have.”
you blushed, but your happiness faltered. you leaned your head back on his arm. “yeah, i guess. too bad i haven’t felt that way recently.”
mike looked at you, frowning. “why? if you don’t mind me asking.”
you weren’t typically the one to open up quickly to strangers. but mike felt different. he wasn’t going to judge, or make you feel bad about yourself. he was comforting.
“i’ve hid myself away from the world because i’m scared. i’m so insanely scared of messing up and having the whole world turn on me. so, i did the only thing i could think to do. i locked myself away in hopes that it would help,” you giggled nervously. “it didn’t do shit.”
you were smiling at your own misfortune, but mike stayed somber. “i’m sorry, Y/N, that’s awful.”
you shrugged. “yeah, but i did it to myself.”
mike sat up, tucking a piece of hair behind your ear. you froze under his touch. “the world needs your brilliance. don’t be afraid, there’s so many people ready to guide you and protect you from anyone trying to take you down. i’m here for you, i promise.”
you bit your lip, unable to say words. mike was so incredibly kind. all you could do was whisper a thank you.
mike put his arm back around you, and you leaned into the couch together. “if there’s anything i can do to help, let me know,” he said quietly.
you leaned your head on his shoulder, looking up at him. “you already have.”
mike smiled, turning red. “you’re cute.”
you felt complete. you hadn’t known mike for that long, but he filled a part of your soul that had been gone for a while. he made you feel liked again when you couldn’t like yourself.
you sat up and looked at him. your faces were only a few inches apart. at the same time, you leaned in, and your lips grazed each other before interlocking. it felt euphoric.
you pulled away, remaining close, and you smiled at each other. “you’re the most talented person i’ve ever met,” you whispered to him.
mike lightly placed his hand under your chin. “that means a lot coming from you. i love everything you do.”
you leaned in again, feeling your old self coming back again. you felt renewed. mike made you feel like the star you are again.
you rested your forehead on his. “thank you.”
mike tilted his head slightly. “for what?”
“for making me feel worthy again.”
mike smiled lightly, then gave you a short but sweet kiss. “never forget that you’re beautiful and wanted.”
a small tear escaped your eye. mike was everything you needed. you almost felt in denial that someone like him could be making you feel this way because you were so used to men not valuing you. you were moving fast with mike, but it felt right. you were never one to believe in love at first sight, but this was pretty damn close.
you leaned into his side again, and his hand rested on the back of your head. you could get used to this.
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luvistqrzzz · 8 months
TRIVIA : LOVE — enhypen hyung line oneshot series
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Finding love is not easy they say but what happens when you fall for someone at the most unexpected time in an unexpected way? — whisper a small oops and continue to fall further into the loophole of love.
aka the chronicles of a hopeless romantic soul
PAIRING && GENRE — hyung line x f!reader, can be read as stand alone oneshots, crack, ansgt, fluff, happy ending, more tba in individual fics
TAGLIST — open send an ask or comment to be added (you will be tagged for all the 4 fics) — @flwrshee @aosbie @rsmura @enhastolemyheart @yannew @sophiko22 @www-jungwon @nwjws @in-somnias-world @zzinyl @mrchweeee @ghostiiess @ilovecheese09
PERMANENT TAGLIST — @rikizm @str0l0gy @yenqa @heetoldme @crxzs @s00buwu @nhularin @bunreis @hysgf @mochamvgz @myonos — will be added in all parts
STATUS — to be released !!
AN — TYSM FLO @dollikis FOR THE MAIN BANNER ISTG SHE'S SUCH A GENIUS 🫶🏼🥹 I CANNOT GET ENOUGH OF IT ILYSM FLO my banners for the rest of the fic look like shit 😻🤞🏼 i feel the general summary is so cringe ( if someone comes up w a better one then pls help 😭) ALSO the fics in the series are based on rom com books tbh ive been planning and editing the masterlist for the past two weeks ahaha so idk how to feel about it... technically im still on my writing hiatus but ill try to start working on the fics after exams,,, hope yall look forward to it hehe ^_^ !!
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"It was like I was trying to memorize him — in case this was the last time I would ever see him." — (failed) STEPS TO NOT MISS YOUR EX
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There were a lot of ways your sister's wedding could have gone wrong but none of them included you crossing paths with your ex who happened to be the assistant wedding planner.  Alternatively, where you were apparently "over" Lee Heeseung but an (almost) disastrous wedding made you think otherwise.
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“Here's the thing about writing Happily Ever Afters: it helps if you believe in them.” — LETTERS TO YOU, ME AND THE BEACH
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When a crippling writer’s block and an almost broke bank account forces you to move to an old family home, you didn’t expect to cross paths with your arch nemesis from high school, the ever obnoxious, Park Jay. But maybe the series of events that unfold during the summer could help you with a romantic book or two.
a luvistqrzzz rendition of beach read by emily henry — [ read here ]
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“Note to self: Do not under any circumstances fall in love again.” — A 1000 WAYS BACK TO YOU
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When Jake realizes he doesn't want to be (only) friends with you anymore, you are already moving halfway around the world and he's left alone on the other side of the line. Will it take two oblivious idiots 10 years and more than a hundred missed chances to see the feelings they've been hiding for long?
a luvistqrzzz rendition of where rainbows end by cecelia ahern — [ read here ]
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"Well sure, who doesn't need a boyfriend? But realistically, those exotic creatures are hard to come by. At least a quality one.” — A STRANGER'S GUIDE TO LOVE AND CHRISTMAS
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For Sunghoon, Christmas is like any other day, only a hundred times more crowded. But then he stumbles across a notebook at the local bookstore. A notebook full of... dares. As he and the anonymous author spend the entire Christmas eve swapping stories and dreams around the city of Seoul, where will it lead Sunghoon to?
a luvistqrzzz rendition of dash and lily's book of dares by rachel cohn and david levithan — [ read here ]
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works belongs to @luvistqrzzz do not copy repost or translate my work
reblogs and feedback are heavily appreciated
networks- @hyfenet @enhanet @en-web @k-films
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sicariodechinchulines · 9 months
Damijon headcanon: Dami doesn't flirt, he COURTS.
•We tend to forgot WHERE and HOW Damian was raised. He just doesn't get the concept "Highschool sweetheart". when he first mentioned that, they were at a gala.
"-Im not interested on playdates, that's a waste of time.-" and they nodded because that's SOOO him, but then... "-If someone is interested on my being and dare to ask for my hand, I expect them to be ready for marriage. If not, then is just to be mean a ephemeral game that I won't even bother to remember, they shouldn't either."
Unnecessary to say that reporters we're so fucking excited with that response, so much that they didn't notice Dick Grayson hanging from a chandelier.
• and yes, he had a girlfriend before, even shared some kisses with other ladies and acted like a gentleman for them, but the truth is: he didn't take them seriously.
• Dami was ready for living alone and single, that's not the big deal, but Jon appeared again, and things started to get weird... in an amusing and warming way. Jon was now a mature good looking man, strong and good-natured as always. The little naive and childish boy was gone, and now was a man; a man worthy of his attention, in any areas.
• Without saying ANYTHING about his feels, he started to court Jon in the way he learned was appropriate, the problem is: Jon Kent is not a lady.
• Flowers, luxurious gifts and expensive jewelry. People started to suspect if Jon became some type of sugar baby for Damian, but when is questioned, Jon unsuspecting, answer "I don't know, rich people are weird"
• yes, people, Damian does HOLD the doors open for Jon, while ignoring the people behind, usually ending on them smashing their faces with the door.
• They rarely travel on cars, but when they do, Dami open the door for him; the bats are BEWILDERED by that.
• Needless to say that Jay DOES want to beat the shit out of him. (I don't blame him, if a sort of Arabic prince- heir of one of the biggest fortune in the world- a fucking Robin is trying to conquer MY boyfriend, I would love to beat the shit out of him too.)
Even if he's mad at him, don't see the point on competing with a child, because after all he's not even 15.
• Everyone knows that this boy is weird in SOOO many ways, but waiting 4 years until the object of your courtship is legally able to touch you, is little to much... even for Superman, who lost his virginity in his late twenties.
• Clark never say anything about that matter, first because he doesn't want to feed rumors, and second..
Because if he ADMIT that he would be okay with Damian marrying his son, Batman will KILL HIM.
•Even if he is worried about the future that Damian and Jon hold as best friends or partners, he can't denied that Damian devotion to Jon is cute.
Sorry but Clark is a hopeless romantic who loves his wife DEEPLY
(and he doesn't like Jay at all, he doesn't knows him as much he would like, neither is happy with the amount of info about his son that is on internet now thanks to jay's activism... but this ray of sunshine don't talk about that because, wHAT IF HE IS BEING HOMOPHOBIC OR SOMETHING?? Don't want to stress his boy with that.)
• after the SHOW Damian Wayne gave at that gala talking about his expectations on a partner and the PROPER way of courtship, the rumors about the younger Wayne being a heartbreaker like his father were over. NOW, they love to talk about how amazing and romantic Damian would be as a boyfriend.
When in an interview, a reporter mentioned Tim Drake-Wayne the titular "The teens dream: A prince like Damian Wayne. His thoughts about dating and how court a lady" he dissociated for 1 whole minute.
• the worst-best come now. Still hanging from that titular a journalist did DARE to ask about PRE-MARITAL SEX. (yes, Bruce demanded that journalist, yes, Bruce won.)
"- Isn't obvious? I'm against it, at least for myself. I don't find shame on waiting the proper person to lost your virginity with... even if I fall in love with SOMEONE who isn't virgin anymore, I'll wait anyway."
And yes, that was a hint for Jon. Jon didn't get it, but the press did.
It was funny how teen boys were so spiteful towards him and how teen girls were so delighted. Damian set the bar so high for Gotham boys.
• even with all the gifts and flowers and food, Jon is the ONLY ONE who don't notice. His mother did, his father did, Batman, Redhood, RedRobin and Nightwing DID, even StARFIRE AND THAT'S A LOT. a night after a mission she just said "Correct me if I'm wrong... but the little Robin is courting Superman according his culture standards, isn't?" And the whole Bat Boys just stared.
"That's adorable... a little gentleman!"
• They usually cuddle. It was hard for Jon getting used to it after YEARS gone, but Damian was weirdly okay with it, even pleased Jon can say.
But there was something unsettling. He don't cuddle him as before, instead he do it in a way that makes Jon feel incredibly conscious about himself, but safe anyway.
Damian does it on purpose, holding Jon head close to his chest when they are on the couch, caressing the side of Jon's jaw and lightly touching his temple.
If Jon is being lucky and Damian too tired, he will press his nose against his curls and close his eyes, answering anything with a lazy "mmh"
• Bruce is worried. He's not Clark, he's not tHAT optimistic. He knows his son and how unhinged and dangerous he can be, and see this said devotion as a time bomb. What if Jon is not that good??? Or Damian manage to CONQUER the teen's heart and decide to guide him into a darker path???? Jon probed that he can DIE for him in most of one occasion, Damian is starting to act the same and is unsettling.
Sorry if isn't readable, my mother language is Spanish and i learned English from comics, translator and weirdly poetic AO3 p0rn. If you're that kind, please point out my mistakes or care to give me an advice so I can better my grammar, ty so much!!!!
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lnfours · 5 months
idk if im late or not for the snow day req 🤧 can i req this with lando? tysm 🧡
all too well - bad breakup, you lost your self-esteem, why not you? "i can still remember it like it was yesterday"
IM BACK! my semester started the other day and i’ve been busy as fuck but don’t worry we’re cleaning out the inbox today!
anon, i hope you enjoy this! i’m so sorry it took so long 🥲 i had to include a fluff ending bc im too much of a hopeless romantic
cleaning out my inbox
the house was empty, quieter than normal as you sat on the couch. the ran pattered against the roof, droplets dripping down the glass that mirrored the tears on your cheeks.
it had been a few months since you broke up. his busy schedule and yours intermingling only causing more harm than good. you felt like you never got to see him, and when he was home you were always busy. obviously you knew what you were getting into with his profession, under the impression that you both could make it work.
but after six months of trial and error, you both decided that despite the overwhelming amount of love you had for each other. there was no one else who could compare to him. there was no better feeling then the love you had for each other.
your friends had all played the classic ‘boys suck’ and ‘find someone knew’ cards when in reality it took all of you not to book the first flight to whichever city he was in that week and get wrapped up in him all over again. to breathe in the smell of his cologne and laundry detergent, the smell that felt like home.
your thoughts were interrupted with a knock on the door. you wiped your tears quickly, glancing down at the time on your phone and wondering who was paying you a visit this late in the evening. especially unannounced.
you unlocked the door and opened it to reveal the man who had infiltrated your thoughts for the past three months. gorgeous green eyes meet yours, brown curls stuck to his forehead because of the rain. backpack resting on his shoulders as a small carry on luggage sat beside him. he wasn’t really sure what urged him to tell the uber driver to drop him off at your doorstep instead of his own place, but he was glad he did the moment your eyes met.
“sorry,” he mumbled softly, awkwardly shifting after taking in the silence between you, “i should’ve texted.”
you shook your head, opening the door for him to seek shelter from the rain, “it’s okay, come in.”
he did as you told him to, leaving his bags and shoes by the door as you made your way into the kitchen. he shrugged off his hood, running a hand through the wet curls as you reached up on your tippy toes for a mug, “want some tea? it’ll warm you up,”
“teas good,” he nodded, sending you a soft smile, “thanks.”
you turned the stove on, fire igniting under the kettle, turning to face him on the opposite side of the island.
“why’re you-?”
“were you-“
you both started at the same time, exchanging a slight chuckle before he shook his head, “you first, your questions probably more important than what i was gonna ask.”
you nodded, licking your lips, “i was just gonna ask why you’re here,” you said, immediately rambling after, “- not that i mind, i did say my door was always open if you needed something but…”
you trailed off and he nodded, swallowing thickly, “i don’t really know, to be honest,” he said, suddenly more interested in his fingers as he broke eye contact, “i’ve been thinking about you and what happened between us over the past few months and i,” he took a deep breath, “i missed you.”
you bit down on your lower lip, “lando-“
“i know, i know,” he said, finally looking up to meet your eyes again, “i should’ve probably texted, and i had this entire speech rehearsed in the car from the airport but when i saw you, it all kind of just went out the window. i can go if you want me to-“
“no,” you cut him off, “no, i don’t want you to go.”
he nodded, “i just felt like telling you i still loved you in person was a better idea rather than telling you over the phone.”
you heart stopped, jumping up to your throat. you didn’t know what to say, you hadn’t really thought about what you’d say if he ever came back. you just assumed he had moved on and forgot everything about you, just like every other man had.
but he wasn’t like those guys. that being the key reason you fell in love with him to begin with.
“and i’m sorry for being so shitty,” he said, “for not being the perfect boyfriend to you. i know it’s a slim chance, but if you’re willing to work it out, so am i. i want everything life has to offer with you.”
you swallowed the lump in your throat, “i’m sorry, too,” you breathed out, “i wasn’t totally understanding about your career and how hectic it was. if im being honest, i never stopped loving you. even when you were gone, i couldn’t keep my mind off of you.”
he approached you now, coming to stand in front of you. you smiled gently up at him as he spoke, “a complete redo, for the both of us, a clean slate - if that’s okay with you?”
you nodded, “very much so, yeah.”
he smiled down at you, his arms winding around your waist as yours wrapped around his neck. he hugged you tightly against his body, the smell of his cologne filling your senses. the smell of him; home.
the tea kettle whistling pulled you apart, you reaching to turn to the stove off as you grabbed the kettle. he watched you with love filled eyes as you made the tea, holding his mug out to him with a smile when you prepared it to his liking.
you remembered.
“so,” you said, smiling over the rim of the mug, “tell me everything i missed.”
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seobstarr · 5 months
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His body struggles to move through the crowd of bodies as he makes his way to her, constantly trying to squeeze between people. “Found you!” He chuckles, taking a deep breath from all of the pushing and shoving.
“And you wanted me to dance…” She scoffs playful as the red cup lifts to her lips, Theo’s body leans swiftly over the countertop they both rested against, his forearm grazing against hers.
After a couple of minutes of painful silence his eyes dart to the ping pong table, where their classmates were. “Do you wanna go play?” He nudges her slightly to catch her attention and her head whips to focus on the activity he pointed at.
“Beer pong?” Her voice questioned
“Yeah, it could be fun!” He hoped to god she didn’t reject him, considering how all she’s been doing was sitting and observing everyone at the party
“Hmm, sure why not” Theo sighs in relief when she agrees to the offer with a light shrug and smiles, his hand interlocking with hers (making sure he didn’t touch the still wrapped one from the coffee incident) and leading her through the crowd.
Her body tensed as he gently guides her through the crowded living space, his hand tightening when it was too hard to push through the bodies. The blood rushes to her cheeks and her smile starts to become more prominent.
“Hey, Theo! Was wondering where you were” Keeho, who had just got done missing his turn, swung his arm around Theo in a childish gesture.
“Had to do something first, my bad.”His eyes dart down to the locked fingers between the both of you then goes back up to link with Theo’s nervous eyes “Hm, I see now…:
“Manager” Keeho smiles
“Hey, Kyo!” Y/n fastly waves back with her free hand
“Are you guys here to play?”
“Yeah, thought we could give it a try” Y/n says again and Theo nods.
“Cool, we just finished this round so you guys get next. Y/n, you’re on Sumin’s team. Theo, you’re on mine,” Keeho explains and Y/n quickly unlocks her hand from Theo’s grasp to walk over to the right side of the table.
“Y/n, right?” Sumin points.
“Yeah! You must be Sumin?” She nods from the introduction.
“Yup, glad to meet you! I think we have a class together, no?”
Y/n’s brain racks at the thought of her, at any familiar feeling “Introduction to Philosophy?” She questions back, the lightbulb in her head brimming with inquiry
“Yes! You sit in front of me most of the time!”
“Right, it’s good to see you!” Y/n says back, giggling a little. “These are my friends! They’ll be on our team.” she nods in solidarity as Sumin hands her a ping pong ball.
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tags🍰: @inthesunnn @captivq @nini-04 @hopeless-romantic-mentality @222brainrot @therealbobbyshloby @miyukisv @jilxe
(pink couldn’t be tagged)
:( but senior year is NO joke (i’ve been watching one piece instead of working, i made it to timeskip :p) but i promise things will pick up from here 🫡 alsoooo after this i think i wanna make a sequel with riize, smth ab sungchan since i made him bitchless in this smau😭 AND AND AND proud to say that riize and stayc WILL be main characters in this story starting from here on out !!!
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hyunverse · 2 years
you're the only friends i need ♡⸝⸝ hyunjin, seungmin, felix
best friend!hyunjin, felix, seungmin && reader.
genre — fluff, drabble, platonic.
note — decided to make this a continuation of my oneshot, "midnight existential crisis." hope u don't mind anonnie!! if u want a redo then just lmk <3 idm, i love writing best friend!skz content. anyway, listen to ribs by lorde for ultimate feels.
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laughters bounce off the apartment walls, smiles radiating as shiny as the night stars. you're so happy, yet you feel like you're going to cry. there's nothing as bittersweet as graduating.
"do you think they'll realize that 4 robes and caps are missing?" felix questions, gulping down his saliva.
in order to celebrate the four of you graduating from university, seungmin had suggested to flee from the ceremony while still wearing the robes and caps. he claimed that after paying thousands for the sake of education, the four of you deserve to at least steal the robes. hyunjin and you had always been the easily swayed type, so you had no problem going through with the plan. felix mentioned the guilt he would feel, how stealing is immoral — but he agreed, anyway. it's the power of peer pressure.
hyunjin pats his shoulder, "it's fine, lix. we'll return it tomorrow, okay? we'll say that we genuinely forgot."
“and lie? hell no,” felix defends, eyebrows cutely furrowed.
seungmin rolls his eyes. it’s constantly like this — convincing felix to do things that aren’t very. . . morally correct would take quite a while. it almost always works though.
“yongbok,” seungmin says, “guess what else is a lie? your life. you’re still living it though, so just calm down.”
upon seungmin’s remarks, felix lets out a huff. fighting with seungmin is like pouring water onto an umbrella — useless. the boy’s head is filled with comebacks.
you shake your head at their shenanigans, “let’s just take pictures.”
flashes fill the apartment, along with giggles. it’s all fun and games, basking in the company of each other. for the last few months the house hasn’t been full with noises — everyone too occupied with their own studies. for the first time in a while, everyone gets to be at the same place at the same time. you could feel the void in your heart getting full again at seungmin’s out of pocket comments, hyunjin’s enthusiastic claps and felix constantly hugging you.
before you know it, a carton of apple juice is being carried to your makeshift photo booth (which is just a white cloth being hung im your living room, and a tall wooden stool. hyunjin claims that it’s rustic and vintage, perfect for polaroids.)
“time for a toast, time for a toast!” felix exclaims, pouring the juice in shot glasses.
“seriously? apple juice? have we gone too broke to afford alcohol?” seungmin pipes.
you smack the back of his head, causing the graduation cap to fall off. the boy rubs his head, sending glares towards your way.
hyunjin clicks his tongue, “let’s not get drunk on graduation night, seungmo, i don’t want to forget such an important night.”
“okay go off i guess, hopeless romantic.”
hyunjin rolls his eyes and helps felix pass around the shot glasses.
“okay,” felix clears his throat, “who wants to start the toast?”
“me,” seungmin raises his hand, “cause if y/n or hyunjin starts, it’ll be sappy too early.”
the oldest boy scoffs, side-eyeing the youngest. it’s a surprise all of you survived three years of seungmin’s brutal remarks. it’s also a surprise that after all those words, none of you have grown immune to them. always caught off guard.
“just start your speech already!” an australian accent replies.
“okay fine,” the raven head gives in, “fuck university. shake ass, get that money!”
laughters erupt in the atmosphere, started by hyunjin’s wheezes.
the night goes on, chaos enveloping the four of you. what started with a playful pillow fight ended up with you and felix on the floor, wailing.
“it’s just,” felix sniffles — at this point, it seems like he’s drunk on apple juice — perhaps the placebo effect truly works, “no more university means childhood is over. we’re adults now. adults!”
seungmin’s eyebrows start to furrow. his pink lips part to say something about childhood ending the moment you graduated high school, but hyunjin’s elbow digging into his waist stops him.
you vigorously nod at felix’ word — it takes all of seungmin to not say anything, “you’re so right lix, it’s scary, isn’t it. we might have to pay taxes soon.”
“no! not taxes. that’s too grown up,” felix wails again.
once again, seungmin wants to say that they already pay service taxes everyday, and once again, hyunjin elbows him.
“oh my god. that means we won’t have to fight each other over who gets the bathroom first because we don’t have 8 in the morning classes anymore,” you sigh out in realization.
felix’ eyes couldn’t be wider.
“fuck. you’re telling me i won’t hear hyunjin’s hair dryer at seven fucking a.m anymore?”
behind the calm facade, both hyunjin and seungmin suddenly feel heavy. as if all that realization just dawned upon them — and it really did just click into hyunjin’s head. being an interior design major, he out of all people was the most eager to leave university. now, it doesn’t feel as sweet anymore — merely bittersweet, as bittersweet as the latte he’d drink every other night to survive in his course.
hyunjin holds back a gasp. seeing both you and felix break down is enough. he needed to be the strong one in that situation, so he sits and watches the two of you converse.
“i’m going to miss this phase so much,” you say between sniffles.
“yeah, me too,” hyunjin adds before placing a chaste kiss at the top of your head.
just like that, a crying session begins. at the end of the night, hyunjin has to carry you bridal - style, while felix practically begs seungmin to give him a piggy back ride (and makes seungmin promise to return the robes and caps the first thing in the morning.)
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“god, god, god,” you mumble — a prayer.
yet, no matter how many times you stare at the numbers displayed on the online banking application, it won’t change. two digits (the first beginning with a one) stare back at you, mockingly. like you’re the biggest loser in the world. honestly? at the moment, you feel like you are.
“calm down y/n,” hyunjin comforts. his voice is softer than usual, like a lyrebird imitating the sound of love.
“i can’t,” you breathe out, tears pricking at the side of your eyes, “i’m officially broke. and jobless.”
your phone sounds a soft thud when you toss it onto the bed. the bed dips once you jump onto it, where hyunjin is waiting with open arms. his arms and chest are inviting — wide and warm, ready for you to bury your face into and cry. seungmin quietly sits beside you.
"you'll be okay," hyunjin comforts, pulling you into his arms, "things will turn out okay."
seungmin nods, large hand rubbing your back. you don't have any energy besides to sniffle and shake your head.
"it won't be okay," you cry out, "i've sent so many resumes but none of them emailed me back."
"and that's okay, y/n, we'll help you with that. seungmin will help you write more resumes, i'll design them and felix will be there to hug you everytime you're stressed. we're here for you, promise. just hold on."
seungmin excessively nods again, "yeah. jinnie's right."
you lift up your face to meet hyunjin's, eyes teary and nose all snotty, "it feels like i'm being too dependent on you guys."
hyunjin clicks his tongue, "not at all lovely, you've been so independent this whole year. sometimes we all need help."
a frown is plastered across seungmin's face the moment he spots more tears running across your face. using his sleeve, he wipes the tears. it doesn't matter that your eyes are constantly leaking water — he's willing to wipe the tears over and over again.
"i'm literally broke guys, seriously," your heart feels so heavy — it could burst, "i don't think i have enough money for next month's rent. i think i'll stay at my family's . . . maybe it's about time."
"no!" hyunjin slightly raises his voice in panic, "it's fine. stay. i have some money from work, seungmin does too. . . felix seem to have a stable job. we can more than support you for a couple months. "
it's your turn to say no.
"can't do that jinnie. . . don't have the heart to. you're freelancing, it's not always stable, seungmin's tutoring multiple kids a day just to get by, and felix works too hard for me to let him support me. i can't do that to you guys, it's wrong. but thank you, seriously."
"we really don't mind, y/n," seungmin speaks up, "it'll only be temporary anyway, at least until you're all set up. i don't mind tutoring extra people for you, and i know felix won't mind, he'd insist on helping out."
speak of the devil — felix walks into the bedroom. hair messy, and a pout plastered across his freckled face.
"lix?" hyunjin raises an eyebrow, "what's up?"
the question has felix' lips quivering, like he had been holding onto one straw the whole day. frankly speaking, he had been.
"fucked up so bad," felix mutters, plopping down on the bed beside your figure, "fucked up a cake and it was literally today's special."
you frown, "c'mere lix, it's okay."
"i don't feel like it's okay. feels like i'll lose my job after only a week."
"don't say that," hyunjin cooes, "you're an amazing baker. they won't dare to fire you."
felix merely shrugs, too tired to even function. the four of you end up staring at the ceiling. seungmin soothingly traces his pointer on your arm and it leaves goosebumps in its wake. it's his silent way of telling you that he cares.
"you okay, lix?" you quietly ask.
"yeah. you?"
"jobless and going broke, but i think i'll be fine."
"ah," felix sighs, "i'm here for you, okay?"
the duvet shuffles when felix turns his body to face you. you reciprocate, scrunching your nose when you feel his finger tap on it.
"you're not alone in this, you know? don't be scared to ask for help sometimes."
"thank you, lixie, really. i feel like i owe you guys so much."
hyunjin shakes his head, "nonsense. you're our best friend. we're always here for you."
seungmin nods in agreement, "if you don't want to accept us supporting you financially for a while, then perhaps you'd like to tutor as well? i know some kids who need help with the subjects you're good at."
your heart goes warm at their remarks, feeling nothing but grateful for your best friends. they're always there for you — for all the times you've leaped out of joy, the breakdowns after break ups, the grieving over a dead fictional character — they've been there for everything. you couldn't ask for better friends.
"thanks, guys."
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taglist (send an ask to be added) — @zoe8stay
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hello I would LOVE to just hear you ramble about any rarepairs or ships you like in general hehe, your art is super cute btw!!
Holy Wow okay so i never get to talk about these sillies so here we GO !! Most r mlm or wlw !!
• Lucky/Lefty
This one is So special to my heart and its so silly really, i just think they would look so cute together. Im under the impression that Lefty is a touch younger than Lucky, based on his voice, position in the shop, etc. i like to imagine that Lefty grows up looking up to Lucky for a long time and never knows why hes just about Leftys ‘favorite friend’ when one day he drops his freakin hot dog in shock after realizing that he very much thinks of Lucky when hes not even around, what he might be up to, being mad when he talks to ladies, MUCH, much like someone who has a big fat crush.
He puts it off forever and thinks hes maybe just Going Crazy, takes Pinky on an unsuccessful date, does all these ‘manly’ things that he was taught growing up.
I like to think that there would be a dance at the school, and Lefty doesn’t feel like going with anyone. No one matches up with the feelings he’s been having for his best friend.
Lucky, being his right hand (lol) man, still makes him go because, “theres plenty of broads here who’ll dance with ya”
And when Lefty is spending time out in the lot, instead of inside the gym with everyone else, Lucky comes looking for him. I think he would notice when Lefty is upset or deterred, given his typical upbeat personality.
I think that Lefty would babble about how he hasnt felt right and that he thinks somethings up with him, maybe eating those hotdogs from the gasstation all the time isnt a good idea.
But Lucky gets it.
Nothing big happens, Lucky pulls him in by his shoulder, both boys far more snazzy-looking than they ever did on a regular day. They would take things really slow, so much so that no one even hardly has an inclination that they might be together for a WHILE. It would probably take an observation from Vance, i imagine, being queer himself.
I actually love to imagine that Vance catches Lucky bringing Lefty lunch and cigarettes, and its like that scene in spongebob where spongebob realizes squidward likes krabby patties LMAOOO
I feel like they would have a VERY sweet relationship, very casual around the other greasers, like best friends who are joking about bikes and then they start smooching. They might be more careful in public, especially on their side of town, where some less-than-tasteful opinions are shared on minorities, but they would still be very much proud of their relationship :,3 these r two i could see being highschool sweethearts and being fiances/married in the future.. sighs queerly
• Tad/Parker
This is a pairing i love because its so sweet, but also so tragic just generally because of their statuses and reputations :((( 💔
I think this interest would start on Parkers end, honestly! He seems very sweet, compared to a lot of the Preps. He is also a hopeless romantic at heart, and always dreams of having someone to take care of and make happy, regardless of gender, really.
I think Parker would notice how he feels about Tad very clearly. He realizes that he’s hoping to spar with Tad more often, urging to his friends that “Tad needs the practice with someone who believes in him!” and they all look at him like. What Do You Mean By That..
And then when Tad comes around with bruises that didn’t originate from their matches, Parker worries. It’s summer, so, the sunglasses on Tad’s head arent exactly unusual for the weather, persay, but unusual for HIM.
Parker knows he can’t exactly beat Mr. Spencer till he sees jesus, so he settles for making Tad comfortable. Parker wears sunglasses, anytime Tad does.
I think that they would be very secretive, considering that their families both want them to grow up, take over companies, and marry a woman, who might or might not be blood related to them. That idea is distasteful to both, of course, so they spend their alone time in the boxing ring, or in Parker’s room at the Harrington house, dreaming of an intertwined life in the City.
Besides, they know they arent the only ones sharing a bed on occasion behind these walls.. (cough theyre all gay)
These two would probably have an exclusive, secret relationship in highschool, break up for college and to maintain their secret, and would end up inevitably meeting again in their adult lives. I like to think that they would try to just have a friendship, but wouldn’t be able to ignore how intimate they used to be with one another.
• Justin/Ted
This one.. euehueheheh
Theyre both so silly looking. Reminds me of “we’re pretty cute for two ugly people” 😭
I think that Justin has a big fat disgusting crush on Ted Thompson. He is REVOLTED and so inlove.
I like to think that Justin possibly played football as a child, or has an interest in it. Maybe this is just because he wants to grow closer to Ted, but i can actually see him wanting to play football on occasion.
He would go to football games, insisting to his friends that he was going to watch the Jocks fail, and to pull pranks, however, no one ever sees him doing…any of that.
Usually, hes perched in the bleachers, eyes trailing a body on the feild as they pound down other players and the rival. He’s kind of obvious, but he will always deny any sight of him pining.
Justin keeps a journal much much like a girl. I dont mean boys dont have journals, but Justins is solely for all his queer thoughts and gossip when Gord is busy and can’t listen to him bitch through a glass of brandy.
This journal has plenty of daydreams of Ted written in it, handwriting messy in the areas where Justin felt particularly embarrassed to feel this way, almost like if he wrote it sloppy enough, it wouldn’t be eligible, therefore, not real!!!
I think being a jock, the school would have Ted put in Art class and shop class, to try and level out his education and make sure it wasn’t all football.
Therefore, Justin and Ted get paired one fateful day for an art project. They have to do portraits of eachother. Both are very ticked about it, but.. maybe moreso ted, than Justin, because he has way too much fun during those couple of days.
He has an excuse to sit with Ted Thompson! And Talk to him!!! Oh me oh my!
And he does just that, he talks his way into sitting with Ted at lunch, and convinces him that they really need to finish this project, considering Ted’s grades are constantly suffering when he isn’t paying nerds to do his work.
Ted is a tough guy, and everyone knows it, its painted on his face. However, when Justin finishes his portrait a day or so later, Ted is stood infront of him, face looking dumb as ever. Because, justin is a great artist. He wishes the kid could have done his highlights with the way he captures him on lead-smudged sketch paper.
And Ted asks to keep it! Justin is extremely stupid in love and obviously accepts, running off to the Harrington house to bury himself in his bed and scream.
I think they would have a rlly cute back and forth non-exclusive thing going on..Justin insists on studying with him to get his grades up, alone, in Ted’s dorm room, of course :3 Ted walks him around sometimes because hes just sure that Justin will run his mouth to someone who would take it way personal, Justin constantly quips that he can handle himself, but never deters the Jock when he comes around to chaperone Vandervelde to his locker.
Ill post Actual headcanons soon but these r kind of the explanation of dynamics and stuff between the relationships :333 THANK U FOR THE ASK!! IVE BEEN YEARNING TO TALK ABOUT RAREPAIRS UGHH
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matsaysyes · 4 months
hey this might sound weird but im currently writing a story that heavily involves talking about the experience of being aroace. i js wanna be as accurate and inclusive as possible so if you could share some thoughts or experiences you think should be included that would be literally incredible
thanks! <3
I don’t mind at all! I think a big thing in the AroAce community is a feeling of loneliness. Not just because you won’t have a traditional romantic/sexual relationship with someone. It’s also a big feeling of loneliness within alloromantic/allosexual groups and even lgbt+ groups. I think the video by Jaiden Animations does a really good job at showing that. There’s a lot of pushback from people that Aromantic and Asexual aren’t real and that romantic feelings and sexual feelings are the same. Those are a lot of the issues that AroAce people, like myself, have to deal with.
Obviously the experience of being AroAce isn’t just all negatives though. Aromantic and Asexual are both spectrums and there are lots of different specific identities within them. It’s not just black and white. A big misconception about Aromantic and Asexual people is that you don’t want to be in those types of relationships or you have a low libido or you haven’t met the right person yet, etc. This isn’t true. Being aroace means you have little to no sexual and romantic attraction. You can still have sex with people or date people.
Some people of course don’t want those types or relationships but some do. Some people want a type of family unit. Living with someone who will always be with you maybe even have a child. All/most of it being platonic. This is what we call Queer platonic relationships. When you have a relationship with someone that is in between platonic and romantic/sexual. It can vary between different people because aro and ace are spectrums. It can be with someone almost like a life long friend who you live with. It can also be a life long friend who you might kiss and have a kid with (adopted or otherwise) even without the romantic and sexual attraction. Of course with these types of relationships you have to fully communicate what you want and how you feel.
I will now get into the specifics of how I personally feel. This paragraph will of course not be the same for everyone on the aroace spectrum. I personally am repulsed by the idea of sex. On the other hand I’m a hopeless romantic which makes me with I had those feelings towards people. It’s very hard for me to imagine what being attracted in those ways to people would be like. I don’t understand crushes or when people are called hot. Even though I long for a romance once I actually get one I feel absolutely disgusted when people flirt with me or kiss me. I love my friends and family dearly and I hate being called a robot for not wanting to date someone. I hate whenever having a friend you care about (especially one of the same gender) always turns into an investigation from everyone about whether or not you like them. Especially in school.
The biggest thing I want people to take away from this is that if anyone ever try’s to understand or represent a group (especially if you’re not apart of it) you should ask people who are. Multiple people, especially when those groups are spectrums like the Aromantic or Autism spectrums for example. I hope that I could in some way help you with your story. <3
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4kominato · 11 months
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Part II: Let Me Love You
[[ Part I ]]
A/N: hi friends! im back with a little surprise hehe 😬 i really wanted to do a continuation of this one since yknowww kazutora is my fav and im a hopeless romantic... i just couldnt leave it as a one night stand 🤧
@yukihime-mikeys-girl if youre still around!! 🫰🏻
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Pairing: Hanemiya Kazutora x F!Reader
Genre: Angst, Fluff(ish towards the end), Smut - SEXUAL CONTENT
[[ WARNING ]] contains Tokyo Revengers season 1 spoilers
Word Count: 4.3k
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The bell on the front door jingled as you pulled it open, allowing yourself into the familiar pet shop run by none other than your bestie, Chifuyu, who rudely failed to greet you upon your entry.
“Not gonna say ‘hi’ or anything?” you snapped as you walked up to the register where Chifuyu was tidying up and preparing to close the shop.
“Hi,” he responded sarcastically to your snarky comment, not even glancing up at you as he continued on with what he was doing.
“Brat,” you jeered before moving on, “Where’s Tora?”
“Beats me.”
“Damn, are you salty today or what?” you remarked with a scoff. “What’s wrong?”
“It’s just… so annoying. Why is it him? He didn’t do anything special, but the girls are always swooning over him… What about me?” he pouted with a slight tinge of pink tinting his cheeks and tips of his ears.
“What girls are you even talking about? Me?”
“And literally all the cute female customers…”
“Aw, Chifuyu. You’re cute too, just a bit soft is all,” you teased, poking his cheek to which he smacked your hand away. “It’s not like I’m dating Kazutora anyways. You don’t need to make a big deal out of it.”
“Yeah, but… at least he’s getting some…”
“Hm, but you’ve always struck me as a more of a relationship kind of guy. If you really want, I’m sure I can find a friend who’d be down to hook up with you.”
“That’s cheating if you set me up...”
“Fine. Have it your way. But seriously, where’s Tora? My dick appointment is late.”
“Ugh,” Chifuyu huffed with a disgruntled groan before making his way to the back of the shop where the staff room was. “Kazutora, your fuck buddy is here!” he yelled almost too loudly considering the shop was still open… At least there weren’t any customers.
“Geez! Why are you yelling something like that?!” Kazutora replied, obviously flustered when the two of them emerged from the back.
“You should be grateful you have a fuck buddy y’know,” Chifuyu snapped back.
“I never said I wasn’t?” He shook his head in disbelief, pinching the bridge of his nose as he walked up to you, “What’s up with him today?”
“I think he’s on his man-period. While you were in the back, he was bitching to me about not getting any. Maybe we should invite him for a threesome next time,” you chuckled.
“Yeah, no…” Kazutora grimaced at the idea and quickly urged you out of the shop. “Kay bye, Chifuyu! See you tomorrow,” he waved as the two of you walked briskly to your car and hopped in. “I think… he might be jealous of me actually. He was talking to me earlier about how he’s had a crush on you ever since he met you. Did you know?”
“Yeah,” you answered without further elaboration, focusing rather on starting the car and heading over to Kazutora’s apartment.
“And…?” he prodded, unsatisfied with your answer.
“And… he’s not my type…” you admitted with a shrug. “That’s why we’re just friends.”
“Oh…” was all he managed to say, leaving the rest of the car ride silent. He didn’t really know what he was expecting you to say, but he expected a little more than that. It made him think more about how you’d approached him at the New Year’s party a few months before. You were pretty aggressive in your advances with him so does that mean… he’s your type?
Once you’d parked the car, the silence continued as the two of you made your way up to Kazutora’s unit, though, the lack of conversation didn't really bother you since your only goal at the moment was getting some dick. The moment Kazutora opened the door, you wasted no time swiftly guiding him over to the couch where you straddled his lap. Your arms encircled his neck, and without hesitation, you crashed your lips against his, smoothly sliding your tongue into his mouth. Although he was reciprocating physically with his hands running up and down your thighs, and his lips and tongue moving in sync with yours, mentally, you sensed he wasn’t fully into it given his efforts were ever so subtly lacking compared to your usual sessions.
“Are you okay? Is something wrong?” you asked worriedly as you sharply pulled away from him.
“U-uh… Yeah, I’m fine,” Kazutora replied nervously, cupping your cheek in his hand and trying to pull you back into a kiss, but you resisted.
“Don’t lie… I can tell you’re not fully into it and you've been all weird since the car ride.”
He let out a defeated sigh, knowing he’d been found out and there’s no way you’d be letting him off the hook now, so reluctantly, he answered.
“It’s just… you mentioned earlier that Chifuyu isn’t your type… but you seemed so determined to talk to me at the party. So I was just thinking…” he trailed off, not wanting to finish the sentence out of embarrassment.
“That you’re my type?” you suggested.
“Uh… well…” he chuckled nervously, a tinge of pink tinting his cheeks and ears as his eyes fell to the floor. “Yeah…”
“Well, duh,” you scoffed, “I thought that was the first thing I expressed to you that night at the party.”
“Yeah, but… why? I just can’t understand…” he vented quietly, “Chifuyu is so much better than me… And if not him, there are so many other cool guys in Toman too, so… why me?”
“Well, if you’re going down that road…” you started, pausing for a moment before elaborating. “There is someone else in Toman I used to like. We met in high school and we used to hang out all the time. I’d always help him study, and then we’d go get taiyaki after… and sometimes if I was lucky, he’d take me for night rides on his bike…”
“Mikey…” Kazutora muttered under his breath, remembering how you’d told him Mikey was your high school classmate when you had introduced yourself.
“Yep,” you answered with a half hearted smile, “He introduced me to some of the Toman guys, mostly the captains and vice captains. That’s how I got to be friends with Chifuyu.”
“So what happened with Mikey?” he inquired further.
“He rejected me,” you answered bluntly. “That was hm… I don’t know, maybe a little less than a year before that party. It took a few months or so for me to get back on my feet because that rejection really hurt. And then after that, I went through a ‘hoe phase…’ I did actually consider sleeping with Chifuyu during that time but… I'd figured out he had feelings for me so, y'know, didn’t wanna lead him on and hurt the poor guy. It wasn’t until a month-ish before the party that I fully recovered from the heartbreak… and then I met you.”
��But we’re only hooking up… if you’re looking for something serious then why not go for Chifuyu? You said you’re over Mikey now, aren't you?”
“I get where you’re going with this, but I really don’t think I’m meant to be with Chifuyu,” you insisted, brows furrowing in frustration. “Call me dumb if you want. I don’t give a shit, but to me, it feels like fate brought us together, whether we're exclusive or not. I just don’t think it was a crazy coincidence that you walked into my life the very moment I was ready to move on.”
“Hate to break it to you, but I think you’re gravely mistaken,” Kazutora scoffed almost passive aggressively, “Are you forgetting I rejected your relationship proposal? We won’t be anything more than fuck buddies if I don’t allow it. I’m telling you now, if a relationship is what you’re looking for, then Chifuyu’s your guy, not me. Trust me, he’s better for you.”
“Why do you keep saying things like that? You can’t decide who’s better or worse for me. I’ll decide that for myself!”
“Kinda hard for you to judge that when you don’t even know shit about me,” he sassed, making your blood boil.
“Then why don’t you tell me more about yourself, dammit!” you lashed out now on the verge of tears as you furiously clenched the collar of his shirt, “I want to know more about you, but you won’t tell me a damn thing! How the hell would you know how I’ll feel when you tell me everything? You’re just making assumptions and putting your own words in my fucking mouth!”
“You don’t get it because you don’t know!” he snapped back, “Anyone in their right state of mind would hate me if they knew.”
“Well maybe I’m fucking insane then! No matter what excuses you come up with, you still can’t decide for me how I feel about you! After all this time, I–I’ve grown to love you so much, Kazutora, you don’t even understand…” Your voice trailed off into a fit of sobs as you finally released his shirt, your arms falling limp while your head fell forward onto his shoulder.
As much as he wanted to comfort you, he couldn’t. Not knowing he was hiding such a dark secret from you. How could he bear to touch and hold someone as precious as you in his filthy, bloodied hands? He wanted to be selfish and keep you for himself while running away from the shadow that loomed over him. He thought that maybe if he just kept running with his eyes closed and never looked back, then it’d go away… maybe. But at the same time, another part of him knew it was never going away and his ignorance of the subject was unfair to you and would only hurt you in the end; if anyone deserved to know, it was you, whether he liked the outcome or not.
“Thank you… for loving me, but falling for me was a huge mistake…” he replied dully, his aura becoming suddenly cold and lifeless. “The person who killed Baji and Shinichiro… was me.”
Amidst your little sobs and sniffles, you couldn’t help but gasp in shock at what you’d just heard. It resurfaced a memory of a conversation you’d had with Mikey way back when, during one of your night bike rides with him:
“Y’know the guy I mentioned who killed Shinichiro? The same guy killed Baji too. I’ve forgiven him in my head, but in my heart… it’s still hard for me to accept. It’s not like forgiveness can bring either of them back, y’know?”
It was Kazutora, you thought to yourself as you sat still, cries finally ceasing though tears continued to fall. There was no ill intent in your reaction, but for Kazutora, the silence was so piercing that he just couldn’t bare it.
“See, I told you,” he retorted, carefully untangling himself from you in preparation for his escape. “No one would love a murderer. Just leave.”
The moment he stood up from the couch and started storming off to his bedroom, your body moved on its own, shooting up in an instant to chase after him, and thankfully you caught him in the doorway just before he could lock himself in.
“Why?” you whined, tears streaming down your face once more as you held tightly onto his waist, your head pressed firmly against his back. “Why do you keep making your own assumptions?” You waited for an answer, but there was nothing. He only stood there slumped in defeat, so you continued on with your monologue, “I get that it’s hard to tell people about something like that. I get that it’s hard to live with a burden that heavy. I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t shocked, but that doesn’t do anything to change how I already feel about you. Yes, maybe you did something horrible in the past, but people aren’t stagnant. People can change over time, and the Kazutora I fell for in the present isn't the same Kazutora from the past. The Kazutora I fell for is caring and loving and fun to be around and I can’t imagine a life without him. Please don’t let your past hold you down and stop you from living the life you want to live…”
“But…” he started, voice cracking as his breath hitched in his throat, “I-I don’t even deserve to live… why should I live how I want?” Holding a hand up to his face he began to sob, his unsteady figure slipping through your arms as he sank to the floor. “I stole not one, but two innocent lives… I… should be dead…”
Kneeling down next to him, you hugged him from the side, even tighter than you had earlier and spoke softly against his neck, “I’m not saying you can’t feel guilty or to forget what happened, but even if you do feel that way, you still have to move forward. If you keep sitting around sulking and dwelling on something you can’t change, then you’ll just be in the same spot forever. Everything in life has a lesson to be learned and even in the worst situations, you have to find what that is so that you can grow and improve in the future. You can’t keep hating and reprimanding yourself forever. I think you’ve already taken a lot of time feeling sorry; now it’s time for you to start doing something about it.”
Though he’d heard every word you said, he couldn’t bring himself to acknowledge you in his overly emotional state. Gently, you tucked some of the blond strands that hung over his face behind his ear, revealing his glossy, reddened eyes and a steady stream of tears rolling down his pale cheeks. Leaning in, you placed a chaste peck to his lips, then pressed your forehead against his. “I know you’ve been struggling to love and accept yourself and it’s understandable given your situation. But since you can’t right now, then please let me. More than anything, I want to embark on this journey with you and help you as much as I can, every step of the way.”
Still, you received no verbal acknowledgement, but rather he responded through actions, breaking out of your embrace so that he could hold you in his arms instead. He held you so tightly it felt like he was afraid you’d slip away if he loosened his grip even a tiniest bit; it was the most affectionate gesture he’d ever expressed toward you in the past few months since you’d been hooking up and it really just made your heart melt.
“Thank you,” he finally muttered against your neck once his breaths steadied to occasional little sniffles after recovering from his emotional breakdown, “Thank you for always being there for me.”
“You don't need to thank me,” you nearly whispered whilst shaking your head at him. Cupping his face in your hands once more, you wiped the remnants of his tears with your thumbs before continuing, “Just make me yours, please.”
Slowly leaning in, you sealed your words with a kiss, hoping to relay to him just how strongly you felt about him… in more ways than one. Butterflies filled your stomach when you felt him reciprocate, and as his movements synchronized with yours, your hands glided gracefully from his cheeks down the sides of his neck to rest on his shoulders to pave a path for your lips to follow. They drifted first to the side of his mouth, then slowly they trailed along his cheek to his jaw, then along the length of his neck. The soft hums elicited in the process were confirmation enough that he wanted this just as much as you did and you could proceed further, so your fingers found the buttons of his dress shirt and made quick work of them to finally expose his toned abdomen.
“So… we doing it on the floor, or?” Kazutora questioned half joking as you slid the garment off his shoulders, letting it fall to the ground.
“Mm, that’s kinky,” you teased in response, “If you want to then I don’t mind.”
Instead, he guided your legs around his waist, supporting beneath your thighs before standing up from the ground and carrying you over to his bed, carefully laying you down atop his fluffy comforter. “You’ll be more comfortable on my bed. The floor is too hard,” he stated firmly with no sign of uncertainty at all in his tone.
“Wow, such a gentleman—” you barely finished complimenting when he captured your lips once more and hastily began to undress you. You could see the lust growing in his eyes with each garment he discarded, and soon enough, he had you stripped down to just your panties. He bit his lip as hooked his fingers in the waistband and pulled the drenched, skimpy material down your hips, then thighs, leaving behind glistening threads of your arousal along your inner thighs in the process before he finally slid them clean off your ankles and chucked them to the floor.
“Goddamn…” he gawked at how wet you were for him, the sight sending a surge of blood rushing downward. He was so mesmerized that he couldn’t resist swatching a sample with his middle finger to grant himself a little taste prior to the full course.
“I’ve been sooo pent up, baby,” you whined in a baby voice as to rationalize why you were so turned on; this was the first time he’d ever seen you horny to such an extreme extent. “That’s why I was complaining to Chifuyu about my dick appointment being late.”
“I’m so sorry I kept you waiting,” he barely made out before delving down between your legs, his soft lips encircling your swollen, touch-starved clit whilst he slid two of his slim digits into your warmth.
“Mm, Tora. It feels so good,” you moaned, knowing well that he loved being acknowledged and praised during his performances.
After months of helping him and teaching him just how you liked things, you could confirm via the spine tingling stimulation of your g-spot on top of the perfect combination of sucking, tongue flicking and swirling against your clit that he’d mastered the art of going down on you. It was almost disappointing how quickly he had your toes curling and back arching, already on the verge of release; you hated for this bliss to end so soon. Ultimately however, you succumbed, your fingers finding Kazutora’s smoothly pulled back hair and unintentionally disheveling it with the height of your high inflicting an unbearable pleasure that initiated from your core and coursed through your entire body.
He licked his lips as he sat up from his position between your legs, simultaneously ripping off his hair tie and letting his luscious blond and black locks fall over his shoulders before proceeding to undo his pants. You observed him intently as the outline of his erection came into view through his thin, dark briefs, and despite having come literally just minutes ago, the void between your legs was aching with desire and frankly, Kazutora was taking way too long to undress for your liking.
“Tora…” you grumbled, sitting up and reaching forward to stroke his still confined member, “Why are you going so freakin’ slow?”
Chuckling at your desperation, he patted the top of your head as he answered, “To tease you.” You only pouted at him in response, earning another giggle from him before he tugged at the waistband of his boxers and fina-fucking-ly revealed his beautifully hard cock with precum oozing from the tip. You’d barely even given him a chance to fully strip down when you encompassed his shaft with your hand and started stroking him like there was no tomorrow.
“Jesus!” Kazutora winced at the sudden intense stimulation and grabbed you by the wrist, “You’re gonna rip my dick off.”
“Shut up,” you snapped back playfully, but still you slowed your pace for him not wanting him to come yet anyways. “I’ve been waiting for so long now and you still haven’t fucked me. I poured my heart out to you and confessed my love and I’ve gotten nothing in return,” you recited in a dramatic manner, to which he rolled his eyes at you.
“Don’t act like I didn’t tell you something significant too.”
“Oh, you definitely did, but there’s something even more important I was hoping to hear from you,” you stated expectantly, taking a break from pumping him to instead wrap your arms around his neck and pull him down on top of you. Staring deeply into his glowing yellow orbs, you could see his gears turning, trying to figure out what it was you were expecting of him when something seemed to click.
“I love you, too…?” he answered like a question which forced a laugh out of you.
“Pft, I don’t know. Do you?” you jested.
“I do!” he replied defensively, “I just wasn’t sure if that’s what you wanted since I didn’t say it earlier…”
“Say it again like you mean it,” you demanded whilst squishing his cheeks with your palms.
“I wub you!” he enunciated as much as he could with his cheeks being squished, which wasn’t much but it sure was cute.
“I love you, too,” you giggled and pulled him into a quick kiss, your arms retaking their place around his neck. “Now hurry up and fuck me. I’ve been waiting this whole time.”
“Hey now, we’re not fuck buddies anymore,” he disputed as he shifted to position himself to your entrance. “When there’s feelings involved, they call it ‘love-making,’ Right?”
You knew he was being somewhat serious, but somehow, the fact that he’d made such a clear distinction was actually the most adorable thing ever and you had to hold back your urge to laugh at him. “Yes, you’re right, I’m sorry, Tora. Would you please do the honors of making love to me?”
The little smile that tugged at corners of his lips in response absolutely warmed your heart… for only a short-lived moment that was abruptly interrupted by the feeling of his whole length filling you up to the brim.
“Better?” Kazutora asked breathily as he wrapped your legs around his waist and rocked his hips in a slow steady rhythm, observing your reactions to gauge if he was doing a good job.
“Much,” you sighed in relief, having been deprived for what felt like forever. You weren’t really sure why, but he felt a bajillion times better today than he ever did; maybe it was the anticipation, maybe it was because you were a couple now, or maybe it was both, who knows? But what you did know was that as he picked up his pace, the feeling of him hitting glorious depths within your core made you feel like you were ascending into heaven.
“Shit,” Kazutora mumbled under his breath as he started to slow down, “I’m already getting close, I’m sorry. I thought my stamina was getting better, but I guess not.”
“Love making is different than fucking, isn’t it?” you interjected, gently caressing his cheek with the back of your fingers. “Feels so much better, right? It does for me too.” you assured. “Keep going. I won’t last much longer either.”
“Okay,” he agreed  and complied immediately, his slowed thrusting becoming erratic in the blink of an eye and in no time at all you could feel your whole lower region tingling, teetering toward the brink of climax.
“Ah, Tora!” you moaned at the feeling of your body slowly falling victim to the inevitable euphoria that awaited you despite your efforts to delay it. You managed to hold out for maybe five more seconds before you were enraptured, the breath-taking sensation making you writhe beneath him while your tender walls pulsated around his girth, enticing him to come undone with you.
In your final moments of ecstasy, he finally followed suit, the throaty groan along with the feeling of his warm essence spilling out deep within your core being indicative of that. You let out a heavy, but satisfied sigh as Kazutora took his last few strokes and withdrew himself, his thick seed slowly seeping out of you while he rushed to grab tissues from his desk to clean you up. He took his time tidying up both you and himself, and also making sure he didn’t miss any spots that may have dripped onto the comforter, but the moment he tossed the last dirty tissue into the trash bin he rejoined you in bed and snuggled up close to you without saying a word.
“Hey, Tora,” you decided to break the silence after he’d made himself comfortable.
“Hm?” he mumbled against you, not moving even an inch to converse properly with you, not that you minded though.
“Y’know Chifuyu is gonna be pissed about this, right?”
“Ugh,” he groaned, pulling you closer to him before continuing, “Let’s not talk about him right now…”
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“Hey Chifuyu, guess what?” you blurted out spontaneously as he and Kazutora closed up the shop.
“You’re pregnant,” he answered dryly and carried on with what he was doing without batting an eye.
“The fuck?!” Kazutora responded with wide eyes, bewildered by Chifuyu’s drastic guess.
“Uh… I mean I suppose that’s possible, but no, not what I was gonna say…” you chuckled nervously. “Kazutora and I are d–”
“Congratulations,” Chifuyu interrupted aggressively before you could finish, and next thing you knew, he was grabbing his stuff and booking it to the door. “See you tomorrow, Kazutora.” And with that he was gone, leaving Kazutora to finish the rest of the closing duties.
Kazutora facepalmed with a sigh at how things went down, though he wasn’t at all surprised. “You were definitely too blunt. He’s gonna be so petty to me tomorrow…” he griped as he wrapped up his sweeping and put the broom back in the closet.
“He cut me off so I didn’t even say it technically…” you argued back defensively. “We need to find him a girlfriend…”
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sunny-speaks · 1 year
First Kiss
Characters: Henry Morgan (@homecomingvn) x Reader
Pov: you’re just chillin’ with your good buddie Henry, your best friend. One you may have had like a tiny little crush on… You’re whining about how you haven’t had your first kiss, complaining on and on about all these hopeless guys who’ve never liked you back.(Am I indulging myself? Ofc i am) or relationships you couldn’t pursue because you had academic pressure on your back? (ok now im totally projecting)
Fic under the cut! Have a good time reading !!
You were sprawled out on Henry’s bed, whining about how post-secondary school was kicking your ass, how life was kicking your ass, a lot of things that were kicking your ass. To be fair, adulthood seemed much better in YA novels and shows compared to… ugh, reality. Honestly, why do they produce such bullshit to make it seem fun?
“Buttercup, I’m sure things’ll get better for you! Just give it some time, mhm?” Henry added on while you noticed you had grumbled that last line of thought out loud. They then turned all his attention back to his FNAF game before you let out a wistful sigh.
“At least they make it seem so… rose-tinted. What I would do to actually have a love life, I swear to God.” You combed your hands through your hair, the summer heat making you perspire more on your friend’s bedsheets as you groaned at the thought. “Dude, I can’t believe I’m this old and I still haven’t had my first kiss. God, what am I even waiting for at this point…?” You dejectedly mumbled the last part to yourself.
Henry, albeit barely noticeable, perked up at the word ‘first kiss.’ They could hear the discouragement in your voice, ears picking up on that last note. “Well, guess we’re both hopeless romantics then…” 
“I don’t know, I’ve always thought that there’d be this great guy waiting for me when I got old enough. He’d want nothing more than to be the best partner, and he’d just sing my praises. I know it’s kind of…” You flushed a little at your wording, “Self-serving. I know you care about me and all! But it’d be nice to have someone care about me romantically. Ugh, my expectations are too high, aren’t they?” You sat back up, legs dangling off the edge of the mattress, hands fiddled with in your lap.
Were you being too obvious on what you were trying to signal him? You wanted a partner, a boyfriend even, and your best friend would be so perfect and you really wanted him to at least reject you and give you closure rather than drag this out. But if things turned out positively? Well, that’d just be a cherry on top.
He totally wasn’t your first friend and first love. Totally not the only one who you would never outwardly confess to without prompting. Totally not the one that you’ve loved since childhood.Totally not the one who made all your past loves pale in comparison. Totally not th―! You were getting distracted.
“Yeah, don’t think anyone would wanna kiss me…” You muttered to yourself under your breath.
Henry quickly paused his game. He wanted nothing more than to jump out of his seat and say ‘I want to be the best partner! I want to sing your praises! I care about you romantically! If I’m not good enough, you can do anything to fix me! I’ll be whatever you want me to! I’d make sure no one could ever hurt you again! If they did, I’d make them pay suffer rethink their decisions!’ But that would come off a little too desperate. He’s waited years for you.
It wouldn’t kill to wait a little longer.
Well, if only he knew how much you liked him. He was a little… dense when it came to others trying to court him, after all, he never thought that he’d be the object of someone else’s affections. Henry hummed out their reply after some thought, trying to subconsciously hint that there’s someone out there who’d love to be your partner. Even if he didn’t outwardly say it was himself. “I don’t think they’re too high. Maybe there is someone out there perfect for you. Besides, who wouldn’t want to kiss you?”
You sarcastically chuckled with no malice behind it, “Maybe all the people I’ve liked in the past?”
He opened his mouth, sputtering rebuttals, “Well that’s because they were clearly all blind! They just have no taste! You know what?” He gets out of his chair and stands in front of you, pointing an accusing finger at your window.
“What?” You raised an amused and curious eyebrow at his mild aggression to your past crushes. 
Still gesturing to the window, he referred to your past admirations. “Clearly, they’re just dumb, because I would totally kiss you! And I would enjoy it!” He puffs out his chest in some sort of… pride at his words before realizing what he said. “Uh.” After a single noise from him, his face almost erupts into a bright red. “I- wow, um. I- Yeah, uh…”
As he struggled to mentally compute what he had just said to you, to your face, (oh my god he was going to die from rejection or embarrassment or even both, ahhh―) and how you were gonna react, you were in our own world.
Everything going through your brain was a disorganized chaos alarm that had only one cohesive thought.
Which was to shut up his mumbling by kissing him.
And so, that’s what you did. No fear, no hesitation, no consequences. You snaked your hand up to the back of his neck, feeling a couple of goosebumps. You gave him chances to pull away as you drew your heads closer together. Your fingers entwined themselves into strands of his golden hair, nails gently raking his scalp.
Fuck, you left him breathless. You looked up at him through your eyelashes and he swore his heart stopped for that solid second. The question ‘Is this okay?’ was left unsaid, but not unheard when he gave you a shaky whine in response, “Please, yes…” was muttered from the pretty lips of his. Pretty lips that you were about to kiss.
It was inexperienced and a little awkward at first, teeth clacking against each other awkwardly as you both got a feel for what you were trying to do. It was chaste as you pulled away rather quickly to see a very flushed Henry begin to open his eyes that were closed to soak up all the pleasure before you went back in for another, his eyes fluttering wide in surprise.
“Hhn—?” You pulled on his scalp a little, tilting your head to the side so you could slot your mouths together a bit more easily. He jolted a little before slowly hovering his arms around your waist before deciding to settle them there. He keened and pulled you closer to him until there was barely any space between the two of you.
Of course, oxygen was, unfortunately, necessary for one to survive and that need had caused you to pull away from him. The two of you stared at each other for a moment, as you drank up the sight of a dazed Henry who looked back at you with reverent eyes, clearly more than interested in continuing kissing you.
You soaked up all the attention before gently booping him on the nose, “You enjoy that enough?” You gave him a small teasing grin, regardless of your internal panic over how that was your first kiss, with the first guy you’d been friends with, with the first guy you ever really loved like that. God, maybe YA shows weren’t bullshit?
He stammered, light puffs of air passed through his mouth as his eyes darted everywhere except towards yours.
You weren’t that bad at kissing… you hoped. “Was I so good at kissing you that I took your breath away?” You instantly cringed at your words as they slipped out of your mouth. Why did that seem so cheesy?
After a moment of silence, he quietly mumbled, “...yeah.”
You could feel heat rise to your face at his reply. He was too adorable to not tease and he was too honest for his own good. 
“... That was my first kiss too.” He quietly admitted. If it was to you or to himself, neither of you knew. “I’d been saving it for you, buttercup.”
Your heart leaped in your chest at the implications of his statement, hope filling your eyes. “Well, there’s no easy way to say this. Henry, I’ve liked you for years now. It was on and off, if I’m being honest. But you’ve always been the one constant in my life, you’ve always been there for me, supported me. Henry, I really, really, really do like you. I, uh—” You paused, it was so much harder to confess after you had kissed, because it was usually the other way around first. “Will you date me?”
He held a shaky hand to his mouth to barely hide the biggest grin on his face before exclaiming in elation, “Of course, buttercup, a thousand times yes.” He gently began peppering your face with soft, chaste kisses. The temples of your face, the crown of your forehead, the corners of your eyes, the tip of your nose before planting a soft gentle one on your lips.
He picked you up and sat laid on the bed, before getting you to lie beside him as he draped his arms over your shoulder and pulled you in closer. He snuck his head into the crook of your neck and let that guide him to sleep.
“D’you mind if we take a nap, love?”
“Geez, already pulling out the ‘L word,’ Henry? You move quick!” He could feel your laughs reverberate through your chest as you looped your hands around his waist. “Of course we can take a nap. All that excitement tired me out for sure…”
He looked over your shoulder, pulling your warmth closer to him, to see a picture frame with a photo of the two of you.
He had been patient for so long. Clearly, it had paid off.
Once again, go check out Henry Morgan from @homecomingvn's tumblr !! They are very cool !! Also I hope you don't mind that I tagged you, I can always remove it if you'd like?
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suchagallabitch · 7 months
🫵weekly wednesday tag 🫵
omg I (simple old me?) have been bestowed upon the honour of coming up with these questions??? i would like to thank the academy for this most sacred honour 😋
1. if you could switch bodies with anybody for only one hour who would it be and what would you do? I think I gotta say taylor swift OBVI. first off im gonna dropping ME! acoustic version. Then I’m gonna hope lover deluxe is already recorded, drop that. If not i will make sure to text Jack and tell him that we need to record it so that i get it either way 😼. Then I would find out the definite truth of what happened between her and Karlie Kloss. I’d wire myself (as in me- me) a few million dollars, pet the cats and then post something really random on her instagram story. Literally want to make the public go absolutely bananas trying to figure out why taylor posted a random twitter meme. I have a lot of faith to believe this could all happen in an hour but I would try. SO hard.
2. whats your most trivial / dumbest hot take?I don’t think we should still be discovering animals. like what do you mean in the year of our lord 2023 we are STILL finding animals?? no they should all be discovered and if they havent been then i think they should stay undiscovered.
3. if you had to teach a college course what would it be in? I feel like we’re all expecting me to say something Taylor related but honestly I could teach a masterclass on the psychology of Ryan Murphy. I hate that man and i have so much to say about him and his productions
4. season 12 of shameless is suddenly happen and youve been put in charge! what plot point(s) are you gonna make happen? I cant think of anything substantial to actually contribute but i want Carl Gallagher to have a fruity little vape. I also want to see him quit the force and flourish in a new job!
5. who would be your godly parent? (can be any mythology). I’m gonna go with greeks as a Percy Jackson stan. I asked my bsf who is an expert in greek mythology. She said: “you’re a Aphrodite child cuz you’re a hopeless romantic and you appreciate beauty. You’re very particular in how you’re viewed and how everything you produce is viewed (what you write, how your feed looks like, etc.)” - I’m gonna have to agree with her on Aphrodite
6. what’s something you love about yourself? I think i’m so very very funny
7. describe your day in 5 emojis: 😴👁️👩‍💻✈️☕️
8. what shameless character do you think you could beat in a fight? Realistically i think the ONLY person i could beat in a fight is Liam and honest to god im not even sure i could.
9. tell us 2 truths and a lie, we’ll try to guess the lie!
- I’m double jointed
- I sleep on the left side of the bed
- I’ve never had pumpkin pie
10. do you have a pet(s). if so how did they get their name? I do! my son (cat) is named Chidi after the good place!
11. show us a meme (or picture) that captures your essence
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self explanatory.
12. whats your typical coffee / tea / beverage order? see i gotta have a special lil drinky drink everyday and i mean my little drinky drinks are free so i am likw 80% gingerbread chai at any given time. Alternatively, an iced chestnut praline latte w/ praline cold foam.
13. use a song to describe the last 5 years of your life?
2019- its nice to have a friend- taylor swift
2020- ribs - lorde
2021- nothing new - taylor swift
2022- first love / late spring- mitski OR orlando- leith ross
2023- true blue - boygenuis OR now that we don’t talk - taylor swift.
Thank you friends thats all i got :)
I Tag: @deedala @darlingian @michellemisfit @mybrainismelted @too-schoolforcool @gallawitchxx @gardenerian @sam-loves-seb @thisdivorce @xninetiestrendx @scarcrosseduntouched @juliakayyy @y0itsbri @grumble-fish @grumpymickmilk @transmickey @surviving-maybe @metalheadmickey @heymrspatel @auds-and-evens @deathclassic @flamingbluepanda @crossmydna @sleepyfacetoughguy @vintagelacerosette @depressedstressedlemonzest @thepupperino @squidyyy23 @energievie 🫶🫶
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koishua · 2 months
10 QUESTIONS FOR U - valentines edition
favorite color of roses?
favorite flowers?
you can send a love letter to anyone. fictional/idols/celebs. who?
which idols have the best rizz?
most rizzful mutual?
favorite petnames/nicknames? giving or recieving?
fictional characters you're in love with?
have you ever had an online crush?
songs that you want to play at your wedding?
fav breakup songs?
fav love-themed kpop song?
mutual with beautiful themes?
pink vs red ? coquette vs old money / preppy?
favorite sweets?
aww thank you!! you're super lovely and loved too :((
blue roses, but i really really like light pink ones as well. the flower shop i used to work at had a bunch of colours hehe
i really really really like carnations and freesias and also there's a magnolia tree close by and its pink flowers are to die for
girl bye im way ahead of you im sending one to yoshinori lmao but like not in a romantic sense like i have never thought of him that way but i really do want to send him a love letter of sorts to express how much he means to me!! platonically!!
rizz... i would have to say for me personally heejake, jiwoong, jimin bc he's an actual people magnet, sunwoo omfg sunwoo goodbye?????? but the thing is san imo too?? i also kind of wanna add ningning too bc i would fold in point two seconds... also yunjin bc as much as i have always been a loyal chaewon ult, i would quite literally pass out if she looked at me like she looks at the girlies she's effortlessly rizzed
none of y'all have rizz goodness gracious bye in my head all of you are either cute or scary gremlins
i get called a bajillion nicknames irl idek atp?? but here i really really like it when ria calls me enna i just find it so so cute but i also like it when people call me vie!! it's short and simple and also kind of humorous bc c'est la vie. ps. i die of joy when ppl still call me vera from time to time tyvm it's like being reminded of my roots AS FOR PET NAMES!! i once got called kitten and it made me promptly hurl it was insane just insane it felt like an out of body exp. i love it when my friends call me girlie tho it makes me feel like such a girly pop. one of my friends calls me her honey and it's saur heartwarming. as for giving....... i like to call people my child lmao they could be older than me idc all of my friends are first and foremost my children. other than that i can't really call anyone anything else it's so awkward for me to give any sort of affection lol
im in love with natsume hyuga from gakuen alice idk if y'all know but me personally oof that black cat oof oof i used to burn with a passion for him. also chat noir from miraculous... im sensing a theme here. also jeong guwon bc he's an ass babygirl that i find super duper annoying but also sth about him being so big and protective like GIRLIESSSSS. although im always ALWAYS reserved for han seojun and han seojun only.
i never had a real online crush so no. really admired? yeah lots
never thought about that yet hold on i feel so ashamed as a self proclaimed the most hopeless romantic!! canon in D— just kidding. probably soft piano versions to romantic iu songs hehe
never felt it, but probably ending scene by iu bc i cry every time
SAURRRR MANY i have to create a list bc im an avid romantic genre listener omgomg
i haven't seen them in a while im sorry i can't pick ;-; @atrirose @boyfhee @yrhome @niningz @blueprint-han @cotccotc off the top of my head?? love your mobile themes muah muah i haven't seen your webs so i can't say much about them but im sure they're great!!
always a sucker for deep red and the old money aes. even had individual themes for both!! and i love when ppl dress preppy but i can't pull it off :(
I LOVE ANYTHING CHOCOLATE !! AND COFFEE !! opera cake, tiramisu, brownies, profiteroles, etc etc!!
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amalgamezz · 5 months
About your aro post in your tags you said you don’t care for any loves (romantic, familial [<- I don’t feel that one too :D] etc.) does that go for friendships as well? Or are you more of a person who doesn’t care for connection at all? I hope I worded that right…
heya, thank you for this ask, and no worries, your wordings are fine! sorry, this will be a long one because my audhd demands that i should provide full contexts 😔
as i interacted and got to know more about aplatonic and loveless communities, i found a certain solidarity/kinship with them. ever since i was in elementary, friendship has never been something i actively seek myself. i still got along well with classmates. my relationships with coworkers are chill and good. i have mutuals and friendly acquaintances here and there to talk about our shared interests. i try to maintain a good relationship with my family because capitalism sucks ass, especially for single people. in a way, this, too, is how i practice relationship anarchy — to give each casual and non-casual relationship i have a function and learn to appreciate them instead of putting the burdens on one or two committed relationships. for me, friendship has become a label for happy coincidences born out of those relationships after long and frequent interactions, if both parties desire a name for it. i have some positive connections with friends who i trust with my life, and i would mourn intensively should i lose them, but tbh, im not sure if i would personally call it "love".
i was lovequeer before i am loveless. im actually still considering myself lovequeer in a way that i strongly believe that love doesnt have to be romantic and that no kind of love is superior to the other. my personal relationship with love is complicated, but mostly sour. as an aro, i am a fierce defender of non-romantic loves. it annoys me greatly when people casually throw amatonormative phrases such as "there is no platonic explanation for this" or "friends dont do that" around. it is usually a hopeless and lonely battle because people dont really care about "not all loves are romantic" until you reject the concept of love altogether. more often than not, it becomes a gotcha towards aros who express their frustration with obsession over love by society.
this frustration, too, drew me closer to the concept of lovelessness. lovelessness means different things to different people, but for me, its the rejection of love being a superior, necessary, or moral trait of a human being. i had a knee-jerk reaction at first when i learned the term, but the more i read about it and introspect, the more it resonates with me. i remember how my parents hit me when i was a kid. i remember my aunt chewed me out in front of my entire family for expressing my wish to stay single and childless. i remember being driven to tears as my dad sneakily threw out a gift from my friend that i hung on my car and replaced it with a rosary. when asked why, they said because they wanted what was best for me. because they wanted me to be happy. because they loved me. it all sounded contradictory, but i have been with them long enough to know that they were being genuine. i dont wanna think its not a real love because i dont find it useful and more often than not, it only makes me question myself if i have been a fair evaluator and get guilty when i think im not. instead, i just have to accept that good intentions dont always bring good outcomes. their love is real, but its like a sun that burns and hurts more intensively the closer i get to it. i started coming to terms with love being a neutral but strong emotional motive that drives humans to do something — just like pleasure, joy, anger, sadness, envy, etc. whether you do good, bad, or neither because of it solely depends on you. i can acknowledge that they love me, but that doesnt mean they should be able to use it as an excuse to hurt me. this applies to all kinds of love.
i have nothing against love or the people who cherish it, but as i start dissecting and understanding more about love, it becomes less and less significant in my life. i start to realise that i dont need to love someone to bring them happiness or do good for them. i dont need to love my friends to care for or emotionally support them when they need it. i dont need to love my mutuals or even strangers to consider donating for their groceries. i dont need to love the victims of war to condemn the hideous crimes committed against them by some certain govts. love doesnt make me human. i just simply am, and im happy with the loveless relationships/connections i currently have.
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futurecorps3 · 11 months
hello darling!
many congratulations on the 800 followers milestone, im so so proud of you for getting so far; it's entirely well deserved and for you to put in the time and effort to organise an evident with so much thought is incredibly considerate of you, thank you so much for doing so (ɔˆ ³(ˆ⌣ˆc)
on that note, i'd love to participate in your celebration if that's alright with you, my love
i'd like to request a 🩸 Kir Royale please for the Harry Potter Fandom, Marauders era, if you can, but im not opposed to Lightening Era either
and just some info on me :
i love men <3 ; i am open to listening to all sorts of music genres so long as it fits the mood, however, i tend to lean more towards R&B/Soul/Hip-Hop, Indie and Alternative Lo-fi, my favourite movies are all studio ghibli or animated movies, my top love languages are acts of service, quality and physical touch. i love deep conversations and listening to people tell me their story - getting to know more about other people is one of my favourite things to do. i want to be a mother one day, im a hopeless romantic who is very much into self-care and self-pampering, i also love baking, especially cookies and apple pie. i love art but enjoy paper crafting and watercolours the best and my aesthetic would be soft girl/light academia. i love my friends and family and value them above anyone else to the point where, if they were threatened/hurt in anyway, i would get incredibly angry and overprotective, which is rare for me to be.
some bad traits now... TT^TT time to expose myself - i can get pretty lazy, i tend to get into planning my life a little too much, i have perfectionist tendencies, im horrible at replying to people and can't resist chocolate and donuts or dairy products even though im lactose intolerant...i also tend to ramble sometimes for example, this paragraph XD
p.s thank you so so much for the kind mention in your celebration event post, you really didn't have to since you did most of the work, nevertheless, that was still so incredibly kind of you so thank you c⌒っ╹v╹ )っ huggies for my lovie!
Honey this means the world! Thank you so much mwah mwah kisses
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James! Like I can totally see him baking with you (while eating the ingredients as you do so hehe), spoiling you with art supplies under the condition you paint something for him, and that whole protectiveness of friends and family screams Prongs!! He also dreams of being a dad one day so yeah <333 I actually headcanon him being lactose intolerant too so dw, he’ll eat the things you shouldn’t with you shamelessly. ❤️
p.s Thats the least I can do to reciprocate how sweet and kind you’ve been! Huggies all the way back for u
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