#but i may have to do more surgery
batgrldes · 11 months
I am hating my eye right now.
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beaft · 1 month
as a late birthday gift to myself i have decided to sue the nhs
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sisaloofafump · 8 months
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Loosely inspired but the fic So you’ll know where I’ve been by @cacchieressa
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transingthoseformers · 7 months
Breakdown and Bulkhead being exes and there being so many emotions about that
Especially with me remembering the semicommon hc that Breakdown used to be an autobot, which considering how he's often a stunticon and the stunticons are in rid15 gives me the crack idea of
At the beginning of the war Breakdown left the stunticons to join the autobots because of his boyfriend at the time and him disagreeing with Motormaster, leading to MM saying he won't under any circumstances take BD back if shit with Bulk and the bots goes sideways
Shit with Bulkhead and the autobots goes sideways as Breakdown grows increasingly dissatisfied with his role in the autobots, leading to him breaking up with Bulkhead and him joining the Decepticons like he was "supposed to" in the beginning of this scrap
Well. Now he's an ex-autobot in the Decepticons and again the stunticons kept to their word as he burned that bridge, leaving him a tidge of a mess.
Enter Knockout, who's looking to take on an assistant with at least SOME medical experience. Breakdown fills this requirement because i say so and because i love nurse/medic!Breakdown. Breaky says yes because fr what the pits else is he supposed to do.
After a rough adjustment period, they grow close and the more familiar power couple KOBD we recognize and love ensues
In his wiki page tfwiki suggests that in aligned Breaky used to be a scout, actually, who was real super anxious before getting a frame upgrade in order to keep up his grudge with Bulkhead and this did wonders for his mental health from what i can see. This may be another reason why Breaky seeked Knockout out
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54bpm · 5 months
Incredibly Official and Professional Hiatus Notice
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nonokoko-draws · 4 months
Do you guys see my vision
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aria-ashryver · 3 months
caesar keel over yet?
ik you sent this a couple weeks ago, but i thought it was funnier if i answered it today
Diagnosis: Aggressive HER2+ ductal carcinoma, weakly estrogen positive, metastasized, technically incurable Name of Tumor: Caesar Classification: little bitch
108 IV lines / blood tests / self-administered injections
19 Eggs harvested
9 Embryos frozen
8 Supplementary medications
5 Ultrasounds
4 Computed Tomography (CT) scans
3 Mammograms
3 Chemo regime changes
2 Core biopsies
1 Positron Emission Tomography (PET-CT) scan
1 Bone Scintigraphy
1 Multigated Aquisition (MUGA) scan
1 Echocardiogram
1 Electrocardiogram (ECG)
1 round of genetic testing
1 "this is the biggest tumour I have seen in my recent years as an oncologist"
1 reclassification from Stage 2 to Stage 4
1 "this is one of the best responses to chemotherapy I have ever seen"
(and GOD KNOWS how many litres of Paclitaxel, Pertuzumab, and Trastuzumab pumping through my veins...)
We can safely call it. At my last clinic, my oncologist told me he was happy with that my last few scans had remained stable, and that I wouldn't require any surgery or radiation therapy.
Folks. I did it.
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uncanny-tranny · 1 year
Do you think that terfs will calm down with hating on trans women once womb transplants are a thing? Because their whole argument is that "trans women aren't women because no womb uwu"
No, because that frankly isn't their whole argument. They don't argue against trans women solely because "no womb," and if womb transplants were a viable and safe measure, that would absolutely not be a good argument to calm their grievances - a transphobe doesn't deal in a genuine care for others, it a disgust response.
Transphobes already have issues with trans women getting FFS, vaginas, and hell, they even have issues with trans women being fem (or masc), even if they say, "we're okay with gender nonconformity!" as a cover. Because, again, it is a disgust response that blooms in response to their own transohobia, it isn't about being able to debate them, really.
Additionally, with my experience of dealing with that kind of extreme reactionary transphobe, they don't fucking care if they're wrong. Like, do you know how many times I've talked to a TERF who tells me I only transition because of misogyny, only to then talk in circles once I say, "misogyny against me had only increased since I have transitioned to male, plus, I never faced misogyny before I transitioned," because again, it isn't about the trans people themselves per se, it's about this viseral disgust response. It is them trying to reason with their discomfort with hatred. That isn't going to go away when trans care expands or becomes even more advanced.
I really want to stress how important it is to not whittle their whole argument down to "[trans women*] don't have wombs," because you will end up missing a lot of trans people who are affected by this type of extreme reactionary transphobia.
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consolecadet · 2 months
Thinking about how my fine motor skills/manual dexterity are fairly good (relatively fast touch typist, ok at many types of art, envied by peers for my onion-dicing abilities) but my gross motor skills & proprioception are less good and feel significantly degraded by joint problems with EDS (historically bad at sports, often knock things over especially when using a cane, was horrible at throwing/catching objects until Something Changed in 2019). World's least graceful artist
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magioffire · 2 years
as much as i appreciate all depictions of trans masc people in art, this isnt some kind of put down like omg you gotta draw ALL your art like this but... its honestly quite nice to see some trans masc characters that  have breasts  and are completely fine with that. like i get that top surgery scars have just become the visual short hand for ‘trans man/,masc’ character but thats not the reality for every trans masc person, not all trans masc people experience top dysphoria all the time, or even at all, and i feel like if we normalized the idea of breast tissue on men it would help to lessen the social stigma of men with breasts, cis or trans. i just love to see trans masc characcters who still have their breasts because its a reflection of the sort of trans experiences and bodies i am familiar with
#like seeing yourself in media is unendingly important#people who get to see themselves in media on a regular basis may not understand but seeing a character that looks like you#and isnt just a 'hahah fat tranny' joke that is actually extremely good for your mental well being#and you know...its part of the reason why i opted to make vali look the way he does because you know how many people#have come up to me expressing gratitude that someone would ever write someone who looked remotely like them#and wasnt just the butt of some cruel joke#and that they didn't really consider that it was possible for a character of this type to be considered desirable by fandom culture at large#because lez be honest fandom spaces can be very "pretty f/ggots only pls uwu'#again this isnt to put down anyone who DOES draw most of their trans characters with top surgery scars like#thats still important too i get really happy when i see art that includes that because its like the artist and i#are shaking hands like same hat#but even more so when i see a person or an experience that better reflects my own#where i had never seen it before treated with any reverance or respect#i wanna include that same feeling for others in my writing since i cant draw lmfaooo#to me thats the importance of diversity. not a brownie sticker you get to absolve you of being 'called out'#but something you do because you want to express and experience a fuller breth of human experience. not just the most acceptable versions#and help others see themselves in the art they consume#anyway thank u for coming to my ted talk#ooc.#tbd.#i hope this makes a single lick of sense lmfaooo#its 3 am leave me alone#im easily amused and also starving for content that gives me a single smidgen of shared life experience between trans people#this is why if you wanna see yourself in something..U GOTTA MAKE IT YOURSELF and u end up surprised at how many others were#also unknowingly looking for the same thing#and are like hey. thanks for that. i needed that.#and im like same bro :')#and tbf top surgery scars in art MIGHT be that for some people and i love that for them#but for me its seeing beautiful men who dont have 100 percent flat chests because that is apart of the trans male experience too#fuck just the male experience in general
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bunnihearted · 9 months
#anyway so yeah im so sick of hating myself. of missing out on things and being too scared to go after things i want when i have the chance#so sick of almost being 25 and having spent almost 6 years alone in my room missing out on life#and my mom and sister might be moving in the not too distant future#so i have to try to get my life together for real now!!! or homelessness will be awaiting me :D#what i will try to do.. is start going to the gym (w my mom so i dont have to deal w the anxiety of an unknown place by myself sksk)#i'll workout 3-5 times a week. every week. i like going to the gym so if i just get started i dont have a doubt i'll not be able to do it#i'll focus on finishing my english class. hopefully in december even if i have the possibility to get it extended a few months#then i'll start my other 4 classes in january#i'll be patient and wait for my ultrasound and get the gallstone situation fixed (latest in january if i need surgery)#(and i have to try to make sure i eat properly so i dont wind up with b12 deficiency... i cant eat anything without pain but i have to..)#also i have an appt at the psychiatric in mid october. and im still waiting on what my healthcare center says. hopefully i can get cbt#if possible i will really really try to apply for jobs as a personal assistant sometime between january-may#if i have a job instead of being on wellfare i will 1) have way more money 2) not feel constabtly anxious abt being rejected and homeless#i'll stop caring abt me being 'old' and a late bloomer. the planet is dying. who cares if im 28 and start university????#i'll take my time to finish high school. and the thing is i really should get a job before starting higher vocational education#bc the program i want to start i HAVE to have a laptop. and theres no way i can afford that now. cant even save up to it#also need to find and put myself up on waiting lists for student housing/apartments so i can actually move#i hate this city and i need to get the fuck out of here!!!!#but the world is crazy rn and it's super hard to find places to live and find jobs but it's not impossible so i need to try#i cant live like this & i have no idea how tf i'll manage to be a normal person and have a life but i need to try bc what else am i gnna do?
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gailynovelry · 1 year
Sometimes, living under late-stage capitalism is just like. I'm tired of being asked to spin straw into gold in exchange for a plate of stale, soggy bread crust.
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fatsmyname · 2 years
i’m transmasc butch too but tbh your art literally just looks like it’s of cis men. what’s even the point.
well sorry my ocs look like people then lol. it’s kind of the point 🤨
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angel-derangement · 1 year
they do not tell you toe surgery is itchy
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piplupod · 7 months
me like four days ago to an old friend who msged me to reconnect: "yeah no i think things are settling down maybe after this last month of actual hell"
today: mother's medical situation has been handed a kablooey and the next few months are going to be Even Harder
#she is getting a biopsy tomorrow. and um. medications are being fucked with to drastic degrees#and we're going to have to wait several months for surgery when she was supposed to originally get it next month#fucking hell i am so incredibly stressed fjjfkdl i dont want this to be happening at all#i am the caregiver who is in charge of making sure she's conscious and okay at all times when dad's not available#i.e. he is at work or sleeping (shift worker)#and then bc of this im also on 911 calling duty if she ever does have smth happen#which isnt entirely out of the question. augh.#its uhm. a rly fucked thing to have to be the caregiver for ur abuser. im not doing very well tbh fjdkdl#this is also why hiatus is happening rn dhdksl things are so incredibly nightmarish rn#idk how im doing as well as i am <- is incredibly out of touch w reality and dissociating to dangerous degrees#idk!! i am frightened and exhausted and i just am begging whatever higher power may exist to let this be over one way or another honestly#get me out or get me gone or do smth to another of the chess pieces in this game so it can all finally stop#i need to go do 1k more words before bed tonight if i want to keep on track w november writign month#but i also desperately am needing to do my nightly drawing+decompressing fbfjdkdl so idk what to do its already 9pm augh augh#luckily i have dbt tomorrow so i will get to See real live ppl again tomorrow#its been a week since i talked to or have seen anyone outside of family face to face fbkfdl#god i am so fucked fjkfdl this is so so so bad and i cannot do anything abt any of it#i rly fucking wish dbt was helpful for ongoing situations but it seems like its only for short term bad times fjfjdldl#im so gjfkdld this is so fucked and i am aaaaaaaaa#pippen needs 2nd breakfast#vent tw
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saul-goodboy · 10 months
i love my friends because i can say the most cracked out insane shit to them and they’ll be like. huh. yeah that checks out
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