#but i felt like an asshole
sugaroto · 7 months
Well. Long story short uni-friend said she doesn't support the lgbtq community and I felt really awkward
"Δεν το υποστηρίζω, μακριά από εμένα. Είναι έναντια στην θρησκεία" I don't support it, should be far away from me. It's against religion
And dude??? Like I know a bunch of religious people... the only thing they hate about the gays is that they can't marry that hot 40 years older than them actor from Hollywood cause he's married to a man (or at least that was the mindset when they were 12)
And most of my friends are kind of atheists
It just came of as a surprise?? Cause a lot of people we've talked to are gay and any time they mentioned stuff like "I want a masc woman" she said stuff like "oh I don't know what that means... I don't know much about lgbt" and we were like "haha we're teaching you now" and laughed about it
I mean I thought it was bc "there were no lgbtq people in her village" but I didn't thought she was actually homophobic?
She didn't say it in a mean way? She is very very shy and her boyfriend is studying to be a priest and she is looking forward to becoming a Presbytera (I just found out there's no English word for it jeez) And like... idk good for her I'm used to the παπαδιά being my grandma but you do you
And anyways she was like "I don't support it" and all and I was kind of like "Well I'm a part of it, I thought you knew"
Like literally another girl made fun of my past hair color choices by saying "she wanted to let us all know that she's gay so she did all the rainbow in her hair" and she was sitting with us? I thought she heard it, I thought she knew
Honestly when [friend] called me gay bc of my hair for a few seconds I kind of froze bc there was another girl there to whom I haven't said I'm gay and it felt like outing me, but fuck it I'm out I don't care I don't need to announce it to anyone, the rest of the girls know cause they literally asked me
And anyways yeah I felt really awkward when religious friend said that, she started apologizing when I told her I'm also gay and that she didn't mean it like that but dude-
How have you befriended so many queer girls and don't support it
You're like the 2nd/3rd? Straight person here? The rest are on the community you don't like and want to stay away from you
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egophiliac · 1 day
Wait, the tsun event has a whole bit dedicated to Malleus bragging about what kitchen appliances he knows how to use? Twst EN just got the milk culinary crucible, which means at the same time Malleus is showing off, the entirety of the EN players are learning Leona doesn't know how to use a microwave. The timing really just makes it feel like Malleus is flexing on Leona XD
it's in Mal's card story rather than in the event proper, but yep! after teaching his tsum proper microwave usage, he takes it on a tour and very proudly shows off his extensive knowledge of household appliances. (except when he thinks his tsum fell into the washing machine and doesn't know how to unlock the lid, so he just. explodes it instead. hashtag just diasomnia things. 🤷)
I do think he and Leona should get into a fight about who has done a better job of learning how to use kitchen tools! Leona has the advantage of having grown up in the modern world, but Malleus has the motivation to actually do literally anything. who will win
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acerospectrum · 3 months
i don't understand people who say that aromanticism is a sad thing. personally, i'd never felt more liberated than when i realized i didn't have to date anyone, or that the reason i felt uncomfortable with romantic affection was not because i was a horrible person
for me, being arospec means the freedom of not having to fulfill society's expectations of what my life should be like. it means that i can allow myself to find happiness in things that are not romantic relationships. and it means i can stop getting into relationships without actually being attracted to the other person.
i know those are things that alloromantics can also benefit from and should internalize (amatonormativity hurts everyone, after all), but being arospec makes it even more liberating, if that makes any sense
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gunstellations · 4 months
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In the world I love
In a different world
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foxprints · 9 months
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Self indulgent drawing of Murderbot <3 It and ART are cruising through space, just the two of them, and Murderbot is relaxed and comfortable. ART has more than a few feelings about this and saves an image to its archive -- unfortunately Murderbot is aware of ART watching it and it flips off one of the drones.
(it doesn't dislike the attention ART is giving it... it just makes it a bit flustered!)
See some bonus images (including ones without text) below the cut, along with an explanation of some of the design choices!
I am 100% in the camp of Murderbot having a much more expressive face than it realizes, especially when it's alone and/or comfortable.
All text in the images with a color block behind it is essentially metadata that ART has attached to any tag it makes for Murderbot.
The blue inorganics are purely because @hazelek found a post with early 2000s vibrant, semi-transparent tech and we were joking around about MB getting aesthetic upgrades lmao.
About half the tags in the last image are courtesy of @scificrows alkdjfl;kj thank you dearly for those additions!
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yugsly · 8 months
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Lol I love the versatility Tulio's puppet has, I love it when he frowns he's just :( it's very very cute
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torturedpoetdean · 1 year
imagine one day you’re on your third flight of the day doing your silly little flight attendant job and you’re exhausted, and ready to be home, and you’re smiling and dissociating as your greet passengers as they come on board and suddenly in walks jensen ackles, dean winchester himself, and he smiles and says “thanks” as you hand him a silly little disinfectant wipe. You proceed to hand the basket of wipes to your coworker as you rush to the bathroom to have a full blown panic attack because DEAN FUCKING WINCHESTER is on your flight and you are going to have to talk to him and interact with him and be professional and pretend you aren’t having a meltdown cause you would know those eye crinkles ANYWHERE. Imagine you’re taking dinner orders and you’re repeating to yourself in your head “be profesional, smile and ask for his order, just breathe” and he proceeds to order the cheeseburger and a whiskey neat and your brain short circuits and in your most sarcastic tone out of your mouth comes “yeah sure thing dean” AND THEN YOUR BRAIN EXPLODES CAUSE YOU JUST SAID THAT OUT LOUD TO JENSEN FUCKING ACKLES!!!!! Anyways he laughs and says “my wife says that all the time” then you proceed to die and blackout and work the rest of the flight on autopilot yeah imagine if that happened 😅
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Beast Wars Depth Charge
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humbuns · 2 years
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watchful eyes
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Does your autism also give you anxiety attacks after reacting appropriately to someone being an asshole?
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qroier · 7 months
that little moment during the post purgatory finale podcast when roier asks cellbit y yo que? technically out of character but probably pretty damn near the lines of what roier cubito himself was thinking at that moment
translation of the spanish:
Roier: Ey Cellbit, what happened, son of a bitch? What happened?
Cellbit: I stayed, I decided to stay [...]
Roier: Hey asshole, and what of me?
Mouse: They left you alone, coño,
Cellbit: Take care of yourself
Mouse: You're widowed now.
Roier: Hey, what's with you, you shit?
Cellbit: Take care of yourself, take care of yourself now, okay?
Roier: What is up with you, you shit? What is up with you, asshole?
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eerna · 6 months
sure, Akemi holding a grudge against Mizu even after Mizu tries to bury the hatchet is harsh. but also from Akemi's POV here's a random young dude who seduced her fiancee, ruined any hope she had for a happy life, bullied her at a brothel, gave her a lecture on how to be a woman, kept her prisoner at the aforementioned brothel, and then refused to kill a couple of guys trying to kidnap her after he just mowed down a small army
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thosewildcharms · 2 months
Your rhetorical questions have lit up my brain lol like what if Rick had met Michonne and Andre first instead of Morgan and Duane? 🤯 But anyway on a separate note, it’s so wild to see Rick and Shane’s first scene and Rick laughing along to Shane’s mysoginistic weird ass rant in light of who he is now. He really was just some emotionally repressed small town guy, And while Lori telling Rick “I wonder if you even care about us” in front of Carl was horrible, I wonder what Rick could’ve done or not done that would make her feel that way? And Shane said women’s problem is they don’t know how to turn off a light switch, to which Rick says part of the problem is he’s the one who’s leaving light switches on; I hate to be missing something that’s probably obvious but what did he mean with that?
oh that's a great idea for an AU anon. your mind!
this got long because who am i, so under a read more it goes.
maybe i got my rickgirl blinders on and am giving him too much credit but i thought rick was laughing at least somewhat incredulously at shane's speech (he was at the very least shaking his head a lot until the very end) but yes present-day rick would probably not have entertained that quite so much lol. but to kind of go along with that, my interpretation of light switch thing was rick kind of dismissing shane's, as you pointed out, misogynistic joke by saying he's the one with the issue turning off lights, and also to shift the conversation into the Actual Problems he and lori are having. also in retrospect it kinda feels like the show was lowkey already telling us lori and shane were more suited for each other than lori and rick but i could be reading into that. but listen metaphors have a habit of flying right over my (probably) autistic little head so i could also be missing some hidden meaning there.
as for the fight with lori, there's a flashback (i think in season 2?) where lori is talking to a friend about that same fight and she admits that she was the one who was being the asshole and how she got even more pissed off over how even-tempered and reasonable he was in response. from rick's perspective, he said he would try to talk about his feelings only for it to seem like lori didn't actually want to hear them after all. honestly i think they were just fundamentally incompatible, as we saw over and over in seasons 1 and 2. it wasn't anyone's fault, and their fights probably escalated because they didn't even know how to argue the way the other person wanted them to.
and not to constantly compare rick/lori to richonne, but rick similarly almost never yells or gets mean the few times we see him and michonne argue. the couple of times he did in towl were such an anomaly it set off alarm bells for michonne that something was really wrong with him (and also the situation was just objectively insane). but michonne and rick know how to disagree without getting ugly, and she certainly never has to try to provoke him into communicating because they have a fundamental understanding of each other that rick and lori never had. for sure rick learned from his mistakes with lori but i don't think the rick who was with lori was an entirely different person who said horrible things to his wife. he couldn't express himself the way we see he can with michonne because he just didn't have that type of connection with lori. and to be fair, lori didn't feel that with rick either, and again, that's okay. they probably should have just called it quits well before rick got shot. @cantstayawaycani and @jonesywrites go into this far more eloquently than I did here in their very excellent towl season 1 reaction video that you should definitely watch, because it's wonderful from start to finish.
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wesavegotham · 14 days
These fanon Tim Drake takes/fanfictions that paint him as the ultimate victim during the Morrrison era were always annoying, but if you're looking for a character to write fix it fanfictions about because they got abandoned by their family when they went through a lot of losses and lost themselves in the process, ran away from everything and only had the batfamily try to bring them back home ages after they had already run away and only after first blaming the kid and then not prioritizing bringing that kid back, then Damian from 2018 to 2020 is right there?
Where are my 1000+ fanfictions about that?
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foxprints · 9 months
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As with most of my other Murderbot art, there's a long headcanon that goes along with this piece. This one can be summed up as: ART has an unexpectedly difficult time performing system maintenance on its engines using its repair drones after the alien synthetic incident. Murderbot steps in to help out and then continues to periodically help out because they both find that time together soothing.
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sasukeless · 1 month
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