#but he always comes back eventually
aquaquadrant · 1 year
hey its villainous thing anon again (lets js say 🎵 anon bc wow. Songs) and i js wanna say eventually by tame impala fits so well with your ethubs drabble! for me at least, the intense music in the beginning fits really well with how desperately dbubs tries to get patho again after he leaves (like u know that part would be playing in the background while hes trying to fight the jungle) . and literally every lyric hits so hard for the scenario. love ur work :)) -🎵
omg hey there :)
also. holy fuck. i’m speechless… this song is perfect. i could literally visualize the whole scene. the lyrics, the vibe… no notes.
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seiwas · 7 months
boyfriend iwaizumi hajime fixing your posture every time he sees you hunched over and slouching—the way he holds your shoulders and straightens it by rolling it back, thumbs pressing into your shoulder blades.
he gently pushes your lower back whenever he notices you curling into yourself, runs his fingers up your spine too.
and he does it all quietly, your only warning the feel of his hands on you.
it’s almost like he has a radar for it, some posture-sense that tingles every time your back is anything but straight.
when you complain about back pain, he snorts, mumbling a ‘wonder why’ before coming over to knead out the knots anyway.
he buys you an ergonomic chair to hopefully help out, even leaves x-rays and scans of bad backs lying around to give some subliminal message of what could happen if you don’t fix it now.
and when he takes you from behind, pushing down on your lower back to give him that arch he likes, he’s teasing, telling you that you only seem to listen when he has you like this.
he’s really starting to think, should he start fucking you with your back straight?
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infriga · 5 months
Low chaos/clean hands Corvo has such a vibe to him as a character especially Dishonored 1 Corvo like he goes through so much shit and just wants his daughter back and everyone is like "he's too dangerous to let live" meanwhile he hasn't killed anyone, he's just befriending rats and maybe eating some of them and just trying to get through each day without losing his mind. He's basically just a criptid who's constantly in the wrong place at the wrong time and covered in sewer water.
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You really didn't think that one through huh?
idk if im sobbing, wheezing, or choking on my tea <3
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aetherdecember · 5 months
Look, I love BBC Merlin and how they told the lore, but I’m a sucker for the relationship between Arthur and Mordred in the mythology. Specifically, I love how Mary Stewart (author of The Arthurian Saga**) and Nancy Springer (author of I Am Mordred**) wrote about the father/son relationship between them. So naturally, my brain has been conjuring up how I can include that in my Flipping the Coin au.
Since the main premise is Merlin died/Arthur lives, and now Arthur is the one waiting for Merlin to come back, things would stay consistent with canon up to the last episode (when Merlin flips the coin of their destiny and sacrifices himself so Arthur can live and thus stop Camlann from happening altogether). Which is where this idea will start:
Gwen is barren. She and Arthur never have kids. Eventually, everyone Arthur knows and loves dies. He can’t rule Camelot forever, and after Gwen’s death, he no longer wants to, so he fakes his death and wanders off figure out why he’s still here. He never gets an answer for that. Arthur spends the next millennium waiting. He keeps living. He meets people, experiences things he’d never experienced before, and learns things he’d never dreamed of learning. He can’t stay anywhere long, or else suspicions will rise, but he gets to see the world change, how technology advances, and witness humans continuing to be humans. When war breaks out, he joins the battle. It’s familiar. The rush of adrenaline is the same whether he’s wielding a sword or a gun. Only, he can’t see the enemy’s face anymore.
Peace comes again. At some point, he sleeps with a woman, and she happens to become pregnant. Bisexual disaster that he is, he’s had all sorts of partners from both sexes, but has never had this happen, even before the advent of reliable birth control. Later, he’ll learn her name is Morgause. She doesn’t look like the Morgause he knew before, nor does she act like her, but her name haunts him. After the baby is born, she gives him to Arthur, says she has no intentions of being a mother, and leaves. The last thing she had said to him was the baby’s name.
That night, Arthur holds Mordred and weeps.
There is irony in his son being named Mordred. First, in that the legends surrounding him, Merlin, Camelot, the Knights of the Round Table, and all of it, had long ago decided Mordred was his son. And two, in a retelling of that legend, it had aptly phrased what he sensed was happening now. Granted, he isn’t a sorcerer, he doesn’t have magic, so he can’t support his feeling with anything other than he’d been around a long time and knew to his very core that it was true. Mordred’s birth is a signal of the beginning of the end.
Fatherhood brings him a new sense of purpose. Gone are the days of loneliness and drudgery. Every day with Mordred brings a new light into his life. Each smile is a miracle. Seeing Mordred experience things for the first time brings a new appreciation. Being there to watch him grow makes time fly like it never has before. But Arthur is afraid. He doesn’t want to be his father. He doesn’t know how to be a father, or what the right way to do it is. In all the years he’s been on the Earth, he’s never known a man who could concretely say, “This is the way to raise a son,” and actually reap the fruits of their efforts. Too frequently, he’d seen sons grow outside of the visions their fathers molded for them and receive only disappointment and disdain in return. So he was afraid, because he too had been that son.
*cue a series of fluffy father/son one shots of Arthur raising Mordred until Merlin comes back, takes one look, and is is like WTF????? No, I won’t have Mordred for a step son >:(*
**Mary Stewart and Nancy Springer have several other works, not just the stories I mentioned. The ones mentioned are the ones I’m pulling inspiration from ^^
Additional notes below the break:
Guinevere’s barrenness is not a headcanon I typically subscribe to for BBC Merlin. My headcanon is that after Arthur’s death, Gwen gives birth, and their child eventually succeeds her as ruler.
I’ve always seen Mordred’s appearance as the harbinger of Arthur’s downfall. Thus, the reason for the plot bunnies in my brain going crazy with this idea of how I could bring him in, still remain mostly canon compliant with BBC Merlin, and build off some of my favorite parts of the lore. (Mandatory disclaimer: for BBC Merlin, I don’t headcanon Mordred as Arthur’s son. But for the mythology, I do wholeheartedly support that canon.)
Arthur’s choice to participate and live once Camelot is gone is a decision to contrast my headcanon of how Merlin handled it. I don’t think Merlin thrived. I think he stayed busy, and tried to remain hopeful, but I think he was anxiously consumed with the anticipation of wondering when Arthur would come back. In this au, Arthur may or may not know that Merlin is supposed to come back (I’m still working on that detail), but he’s always been around others. I think he would seek camaraderie, and companionship, and that he would connect with others but only to a superficial level. I don’t think he’d exist in a void of loneliness. Plus, he doesn’t have the guilt of knowing he failed because the pressure from the prophecy is very one sided *coughcough*causemerlinnevertoldhim*coughcough*
Anyways, that’s enough rambling from me about this. I’ll probably share some snippets of writing next because there are some fantastic scenes coming together in the draft so stay tuned! ;D
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agardenofideas · 5 months
qtubbo is a federation experiment, born from a normal goose egg and was just a normal goose, then feds decided to play god and gave the goose oposable thumbs and the ability to speak;
they decided to play god and made a god instead, one with the wrath of a goose with more power than before, when they realized their mistake, it was too late to eliminate the goose turned boy,
he gained a type of immortality, he could no longer be put down for good
so they studied their wrathful aberration of a god of chaos and destruction, and set a trap, which the goose happily sprung
if they cannot kill it, fridge it
and the containment worked, the menace was gone
until they had the islanders retrieve people from the frozen stash prison and too late realized-
they forgot to put the young god in a different fridge
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shoezuki · 2 days
I have this hc (and maybe others have said this but hi I’m new here) where Sampo falls first and flirts hard and has fun but doesn’t think it’ll go anywhere, and when Gepard reciprocates finally or even maybe says ily to him, Sampo’s commitment issues strike
Oh fuck yes FUCK YES this is so so sososo good like 100% anon ur. AaughGGH.
totally agree w u that sampo fell first. very much in a sort of 'fuck im in love with this guy and nothing will come from it' way. like resigned to being stuck pining forever but also like. its comfortable. its familiar. nothing has to change this way.
his flirting and jabs and the winks he sends gepards way r like ya they are all to fuck w him and get under geps skin but its also Genuine. ya hes yelling bout how handsome gepard is after gep is left hacking his lungs out from a smoke bomb but Damn the captain does look good.
i think that like. any hint of reciprocation would get him antsy. kinda scared bout it. when gepard doesnt get mad but instead laughs when sampo says a shit pickup line he is absolutely on cloud nine but hes also terrified. hes never been tied down and he doesnt know how to settle and hes afraid of getting too close and too attached. its easier when no one takes him seriously or trusts him yknow? but he can manage gepard flirting back. kind of. like he stumbles more and stutters and cant handle it at all but its still not like gepard feels the same! its not like gepard Sees Him as anything beyond this game a theres
and as Soon as gepard actually tries to reach out to him and confess and find sampo out of their uniforms. sampo feels like a cornered animal
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avisisisis · 3 months
palpatine tried so so hard to erase everything that made anakin anakin — from his appearance to the things he loved — and eventually turned him into a loyal dog, a pet that would always obey him. and in the end, darth vader was more machine than man, but anakin skywalker died, twice, with a human heart beating inside his chest.
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shoechoe · 3 months
might rewatch the vento aureo anime again soon when i get the time
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stealingyourbones · 2 years
Scott Free was supposed to be having just a normal day with his wife, a nice calm picnic in an isolated area so they wouldn't be bothered. They were supposed to eat together and relax and not worry about a damn thing! But that plan vanished as a stranger appeared and said, "Scott Free. I have a deal for you. How would you like to never have to worry about anything to do with Darkside ever again?"
That is how the conversation started and I ended with Scott and his wife thinking about about dangerous bargin the stranger had offered. Darkside would die, permanently. Done by the hands of someone who owed the stranger a favor. The man gave no details on the other person or how they could possibly do it, but in exchange for this he needed a debt. His exact words were, "I shall call upon you for a favor at a later time. Your task will be clear when the time and place is correct." And he refused to give any more details and told them they had 24 hours to decide.
They both agreed it was incredibly Sketchy at best. But... if this person truly knew a way to kill Darkside forever? Could they throw away that chance? This is a once in a life time opportunity but... what of the favor the stranger requested?
After exactly 24 hours the one eyed man came back and asked them their decision. Scott gave a nod and simply said, "yes. Kill Darkside and I will be in your debt." The Stanger grinned and held out his hand for a shake to make it official. Scott yelped and pulled his hand back when something pricked his palm and the stranger shows a single drop of blood on their palm as they say, "a pact sealed in blood. I will be back for you soon."
A week later Danny beats Darkside in single combat, forced to kill the Dark God in order to survive. From his perch, Clockwork gets ready to swoop in, knowing that what awaits Danny on the other side of the portal home is a large number of GIW agents and his parents. Normally it wouldn't be to big of a problem but he did just finish a fist fight with Darkside.
Time freezes as the injured Boy King is forced to retreat into his core due to his massive number of injuries. Gently plucking the core from the air, Clockwork puts on his human disguise and goes to cash in a debt he created with an escape artist one week prior.
After all, Danny needs someone to protect his core until he can reform and after that he will need new parents who can help him understand his new task of ruling both the ghost zone and a hell planet.
Danny getting crazy literal God parents. I love this sm
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xannerz · 4 months
its always surreal to me to see people praise s2 of centaurworld. s2 was so spectacularly bombastic and aimless and it ended in this awkward forgettable fizzle.
i feel like a dick saying it b/c i really do love the show lmao. or, at least half of it lmao (/stares at tnwk). gf and i've been thinking about rewatching it just to write out our thoughts on why s2 was such a poor follow-up to s1 - from the tone to the setup to all the worldbuilding the narrative had to offer in between the (far more) memorable songs of s1. idk. it's sad because cw really had the bones of a cult classic, but idek if you can call it that.
ive seen a few posts commenting on its lack of popularity, and i feel like it certainly deserves more, b/c i do feel like it's a novel idea made w/ love, but the shift btwn s1 and s2 wasnt just in the plot. there was a full-on *fracture* in the quality and direction and i'm still scratching my head over it. more than i should be, probably. but, it's just a bummer.
#centaurworld#centaurworld critical#<- a tag i never thought i'd use lol#ok EDIT: fuck it im tagging this maybe there are others who'll also see their own viewing experiences in this post too#dont mind me rambling#but i got an ask on my thoughts abt cw a long time ago (hi!! i still have it 😭) and ive been wanting to write a detailed response since.#debating tagging this since the fandom's already p small and i dont wanna bump the tag with negativity#even if it is (what i feel is) p fair criticism. but idk people are sensitive and conflate it w hate idk idk#ive seen thinly-veiled hate posts in the t*ngled the series tags and it's always bothered me.#bc you can tell op just like hates xyz character or the show entirely and its like can you just come out and say it LMFAOO#but i genuinely like cw. i so so very much do. so i get bummed out! gf and some other friends and i were so excited for s2 and#when it rolled out ep by ep we were like 'it'll get better right? right?'#also tempted to just draw more cw fanart in general bc the t t s fandom is slow and if half the people dont have each other blocked#theres simply 0 overlap in fave chars or interpretations so lmao#im going back to work i just feel sour LMAO#also adding that i think a lot of people conflate a story eliciting an emotional reaction from you = its good#but ill revisit that and all these thoughts again eventually in another post. we'll see.#and i STILL want a nwk tattoo lmao. or at least an elkie. gf and i love elk bc of this guy! the impact that he has!#xangoeswah
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theloveinc · 4 months
DIVORCE BABES DIVORCEEEE DEKUUUU SO ANGSTY so good MY GOODNESS I love it ahhh the inner turmoil poor reader being left alone
IN A HOUSE YOU BUILT TOGETHER, the same one you’d thought you’d grow old in, with extra bedrooms and a pretty backyard🥺… suddenly alone in the extra large bed Deku picked out to help his back, alone in your bathroom with two sinks and extra wide shower that still has his conditioner sitting there, rotting there, in the corner.
Do you box up his stuff immediately? Do you keep it exactly where it was left, his shirts next to yours in the same dresser?
You know he’s not coming back, you don’t even want him to if he was this willing to give your life together up, but part of you still isn’t convinced that is it: the end. Surely he’ll at least return for his favorite mug, his workout equipment, his All Might figurines-
(But he doesn’t. Not for years at least, not until you’re finally trying to heal and move on and stop shaking at the sight of his name in the news. You’d have always rather he left you at the altar than abandon you the way he did, at least then you could convince yourself it wasn’t your fault—which is what he tells you when he finally does came back and you’re collapsing on the floor.)
(And if you have a child, the way you have to put this all aside just to care for them, putting the only effort you have left into raising an entire human not to be as naive and stupid as you.)
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softquietsteadylove · 2 months
Proposal AU
Thena takes care of a very exhausted Gil!
Something sweet and soft 🤭
Gil groaned, trying to turn his face away from the light.
"It's almost over."
He blinked, finding his nose buried in a head of blonde brighter than sunshine. He could have just nestled in further, which was damn tempting of course. But he groaned, adjusting in the...hammock?
"You know, you're actually quite lucky," Thena continued in a whisper. Her fingers ran through his hair. "Had I not joined you here, I'm sure your mother or sisters would have no trouble awakening you for what is actually our own party. But with me in here as well, everyone thinks we're too wrapped up in pre-marital snuggling to bother you."
"You're doing an awful lot of talking for someone determined to let me sleep."
She gave his cheek a poke. "I know very well you're awake. You stopped snoring."
"I do not snore," he grumbled, moving his head so she could pull away and look at him. He pouted.
"You snore a little," she broke it to him gently at least, poking his lip back into place. "But I'll forgive you because you're so exhausted."
He yawned completely reflexively, but he at least pressed it into the shoulder of her cardigan. "How long?"
"A couple of hours."
That scared him. He jolted, not that it did much in their hanging basket arrangement. "No."
Thena nodded, though, confirming the statement that had sent fear shooting through him. "Just over two hours, assuming I found you relatively close to when you fell asleep."
"Thena, no," he groaned again, attempting to drown himself in the fabric suspending them off the ground. "No, no, no--my mom worked her ass off for this party, I can't have been asleep for that long."
"Sh," Thena hushed him from those soft lips again. She was being awfully tender with him. "I told her that I was the one who lulled you into sleep. If anyone is to blame, it's me."
He whimpered, though. "I'm a bad son."
"On the contrary," she had the nerve to laugh at him when he was upset. "You are the son who cooked every morsel of food at this party. If you happened to spend most of it in a hammock with your own fiance, I can't imagine she would have anything to say about it."
Well, she had a point. He did cook all of the food. And Ajak was always telling him to try and relax - with Thena - more. He sighed again, unfolding his arms from around himself and resting one over the curve of Thena's waist. "Guess I can't argue with that."
"You haven't missed much," she informed him. "Ajak announced how pleased she was for us."
Gil snorted, pulling Thena closer to him as a breeze rocked the hammock faintly. "That wasn't what she said when I first told her. Nearly took my ear off demanding to know why I hadn't said anything until now."
"You have a lovely family, Gil."
He opened his eyes again to look at the woman in the hammock with him. Some of their relatives had arrived early for this party. They were distant, some more family friends than anything. But it was certainly an escalation to their little lie. They were having to do couple-y things more often. A 'love you' here, a 'missed you' there. A brush of his hand over her shoulder--that kind of thing. He smiled, "are you actually in here avoiding them?"
Thena didn't deny it, which was basically a confirmation. She slid her hands up his chest and nestled her head closer again, approaching a position to tuck it under his chin. "Your mother knows a staggering number of people."
Gil chuckled, tucking her against him so she wouldn't have to close the gap herself. She happily accepted his invitation, practically settling into him like a cat in a sunbeam. "Sorry I left you to handle them all yourself."
"I gave up rather quickly," she lamented. "Said I had to find you to ask you something for the wedding. It worked to help me avoid anyone for nigh on half an hour."
"We're both bad hosts."
"Indeed," Thena agreed, not seeming all that upset about it. She sighed, her hot breath hitting his throat. "I'll apologise to your mother later."
"I'm pretty sure you can do no wrong in her eyes," he assured her. He had just had a pretty solid nap, but it was way too comfortable to continue lying there with Thena to even think about trying to roll out of the swaying hammock. "You'll be her first daughter-in-law. To her only son, no less. An eldest son I'm pretty sure she was getting worried wouldn't be settling down at all."
"Hey," he called to her before she could slide down that slippery slope of regret. He rubbed small circles in her back, "don't worry about it."
She didn't say anything else, but one of her hands slipped around his side and to his back, clutching a fistful of his shirt. She pressed her face into his shoulder.
He sighed, ready to settle into sleep again, feeling the familiar position of Thena cuddled up to him. He was nearly there when he heard a grating voice getting closer and closer.
Gil kept his eyes closed, not in the mood for his showboat cousin who probably wanted to make some dramatic speech about them or drag him up in front of everyone.
"Gil, mom's lookin' for you!"
Thena stirred but he cradled the back of her head with his hand and held the small of her back. "It's a trap."
She puffed out some air at his joke before whispering, "diabolical."
"Very," he whispered back, eyes still closed.
"Here they-oh!"
Gil resisted the urge to tell his brother - in every way that mattered - to fuck off and not wake his fiance. He held Thena firmly, determined to appear asleep.
"It's so sweet!"
"Let them rest, you two--Makkari, put the stick down!"
His youngest sister was no doubt about to poke him in the face with it. His sweet and elegant mother had raised a bunch of animals.
He only cracked his eyes open when he heard them padding away, complaining why he got to skip out on the party duties, like entertaining guests and cleaning up as things started coming to a close.
"We can't sleep in here all night, you know."
"Why not?" he grinned, immediately pulled back into the little world that was the high sides of the hammock bending around his weight. "It's comfy."
"I would hardly call this lumbar support," she argued, although he was pretty sure she wasn't that far from dozing off herself. "And what if it rains?"
"We're in the trees, it's fine," he laughed. They weren't exactly in the depths of the wooded area surrounding the house, but they were away from everything else enough that they weren't the easiest to find in here.
"Gil," she scolded, but made no attempt to get up, or even separate herself from him.
"Mom wouldn't let that happen," he reassured, although it made her go quiet again. "Fine, just a few more minutes."
"Five, not a second more."
"Deal," he smiled. She sounded like she did when they were at work. It felt so far away, they'd been here so long. Not that they didn't deserve the break. And Thena had even more paid time off than he did. He was pretty sure she never took a day off.
Unless she was sick. In which case he would rush home from work and cook up his most healing chicken soup and noodles for her.
Thena didn't stir as he pressed a kiss to her cheek. If anything, she nestled closer to him, "five minutes."
"Five minutes," he repeated, moving his lips down her cheek, closer to her lips. He didn't close the distance quite yet, but Thena didn't pull herself away either. And he didn't need the next five minutes to make his decision.
It was chaste, just the barest brushing of lips against lips. It was like a peck. Thena didn't make any sudden moves or any sounds at all. Only she could lie perfectly still and straight postured in a hammock. "Was that your attempt at bartering?"
He grinned, their heads still too close to really see each other, breath mixing and lips twitching to meet again. "Depends if it worked."
"Fine," he conceded, moving his hands to her cheeks. He gave her another little peck before she tucked herself into the crook of his neck again. This was just another couple-y thing to add to the list, apparently. Not that he minded.
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voidfragments · 9 months
ok but i actually have sm to say about qi rong's relationship with anger. i could honestly just link a fic i wrote about it here bc i think i worded it better there than i ever can again but my ao3 links to my main twt and i prefer to keep rp stuff separate from my personal stuff for reasons sooooo lemme try to write it differently
cw for mentions of domestic violence bc holy shit like 99% of his character traces back to that in some way
the key thing is, of course, that anger is a trauma response for qi rong. he has every reason to be fucking pissed at like, all times, but fundamentally, his anger is not rational. rage and violence are all he knows! his earliest childhood memories are of being abused and seeing his mother be abused! even when he got out of that, he and his mother were bullied and ostracized, and his mother was eventually murdered. violence and cruelty shape his early childhood and in turn shape who he is today (enabled in large part by the queen's reluctance to properly discipline him when he began exhibiting cruel behavior himself).
in many cases, it's about revenge--getting "even", though he usually takes it much farther than the original offense. his father was abusive? he'll delight in warring against people from the same town as him. the yong'an rebellion tore away the one good thing he had in his life--his royal status? he'll crush their entire royal & noble classes in a single night. xie lian fell off the pedestal he held him on, "failed" and "abandoned" him? unforgivable.
very often, it's simply lashing out. the world has been cruel to him, so he'll be cruel too.
mostly, though, his anger just keeps him going. if he doesn't have his anger, then what does he have? sadness, loneliness, despair, heartbreak, misery.
being a ghost adds another angle to it, too--he can't let go of his anger, even if he wants to. well, he could, but then he'd disappear, and he doesn't want that. not yet. it's his source of life. it's also his source of power! and it's easy to forget with how often the rest of the cast and the narrative itself dunks on him, but he has a lot of power. #4 in the entire ghost realm! a near-supreme, one successful furnace trip away from becoming a full-fledged ghost king!
just--imagine, for a moment, being him. an abused kid--powerless--who suddenly learns that he's actually a prince--powerful!--and then, before even reaching adulthood, his kingdom crumbles, and he eventually dies just as powerless as he started. and then all that resentment causes him to come back even more powerful than before. it's no wonder he leans into it.
idk this is getting long-winded but i guess what i'm trying to say is--his anger is both justified and overblown, it is both understandable and irrational, it is something he needs to hold onto no matter how much it hurts him. he is his anger.
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Reminder that 4x20 was not the end of Landon’s story and that he goes on to escape limbo and gain back everything that he lost and live a long and happy life.
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avisisisis · 6 months
To add a little more to that post about how peaches represent SWK and Mac's relationship:
In the mountain, Macaque is the one to crush the peach in his hand. He offered it to Sun Wukong, and when he didn't accept it and instead yelled at him, he destroyed it and threw it on the ground
In the end, it was Macaque who left first, not the other way around. Now, their broken relationship isn't completely his fault, but he did play a part on it
SWK screamed at him when he tried to mend their friendship, so instead of trying again, he left. That's what broke their relationship for good. Not Sun Wukong yelling, not Liu'er Mihou not looking for him, but Macaque leaving and (as far as we know) not coming back. La gota que colmó el vaso, we could say. Stuff had already been going on between those two. SWK never seemed to genuinely listen to Macaque and his promises of staying forever were empty (he never would've been able to stay in one place for so long) and Macaque never even bothered to communicate his negative feelings over this, so when he warned him he was ignored
Sun Wukong left again and again and again, looking for more power to "be strong enough to protect them", and eventually he lost sight of why he was doing it. But no matter how many times he left, he came back. Macaque didn't
#they both did what they wanted from the other#swk wanted mac to be able to leave when he wanted on the condition that he'd always come back#mac wanted swk to stay w him and be loyal to him the same way he was to swk forever#swk promised they'd stay there forever but even if he had tried he would've eventually broken that promise#the one time macaque left swk on his own he never returned#they both hurt each other so much#it wasn't a one-sided thing like so many ppl believe#“oh but swk left and killed macaque! he's a selfish shit!” “but macaque abandoned swk n hes technically the one at fault for everything!”#shut up#i'm not gonna say neither of them were at fault. cuz they both were#but it wasn't one-sided#now the difference between them is how they act about it. swk is trying to be a better person and to not repeat his past mistakes#macaque gets angry and torments mk (who is a child especially compared to him) for being close to swk#and tries to convince him that swk is a terrible mentor when in reality he's never hurt mk (yet. and even then it wasn't intentional)#most of mk's problems w swk come not only from the fact that swk sucks at communication but also from teh fact that everyone's+#talking shit abt him. they're saying swk sucks n make mk doubt him n himself when swk rlly is just trying his best#anyways i'll get more into that later#lmk#lego monkie kid#sun wukong#the six eared macaque#liu'er mihou#swk#the monkey king#shadowpeach#lmk season 4#peaches#avis talks#avis' post
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