#goose eldritch god tubbo is what the feds see him as
agardenofideas · 5 months
qtubbo is a federation experiment, born from a normal goose egg and was just a normal goose, then feds decided to play god and gave the goose oposable thumbs and the ability to speak;
they decided to play god and made a god instead, one with the wrath of a goose with more power than before, when they realized their mistake, it was too late to eliminate the goose turned boy,
he gained a type of immortality, he could no longer be put down for good
so they studied their wrathful aberration of a god of chaos and destruction, and set a trap, which the goose happily sprung
if they cannot kill it, fridge it
and the containment worked, the menace was gone
until they had the islanders retrieve people from the frozen stash prison and too late realized-
they forgot to put the young god in a different fridge
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