#but come on y’all do this in a different show where they haven’t been using slurs and offending everyone
macsmacandcheese · 10 months
im ngl I don’t think ppl should be mad about ppl shipping macden because it’s “romanticizing abuse” in a show about like the absolute worst ppl imaginable
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idkwhatever580 · 26 days
Her pt. 2
Pairings: Natasha Romanoff x reader
Prompt: after y/n gets rescued what is in store in the next chapter of her life with Natasha?
Warnings: cursing
Pronouns: she/her
A/N: I’m super excited about this one. Make sure you read chapter one first so you have some insight on how nat and y/n met!!! I hope y’all like it :)))
Here’s part one :))) I’m working on a master list I swear -> https://www.tumblr.com/idkwhatever580/749750524015984640/her-pt-1
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Y/n’s pov
I cannot believe it’s been a whole year since I met Natasha.
She and the avengers immediately took me in and I found myself going over to the compound much more than I expected.
I still have my house in Long Island. But I never stay there really anymore. Ever since Natasha and I started dating I haven’t spent too much time there.
It only took three months for me to virtually move in with her. Although I do wish she’d come with me sometimes.
But I don’t really worry about that since one of the floors in the tower is my new soup kitchen. It’s open twenty four hours a day and there are at least 2-6 people working there at all times.
As promised Tony Stark and SHEILD helped me get my business up and running.
I make homes for the homeless. Sometimes they are bigger more communal homes and sometimes they are tiny one or two person homes.
My first two homes are side by side. They were for gran and pops. They were always my biggest supporters and still are.
My program has changed so many lives. There are so many people out there who just need a little bit of love.
Sometimes the homeless people will use the homes as a forever home but most often they get jobs. Become more financially stable and independent and then they will move out. It’s really great. Because I see so many people I’ve helped become something. Someone.
There are so many who have told me they thought they would never amount to anything. And a few of them have become very successful even as far as becoming a CEO.
I am incredibly proud of my work.
And honestly it’s so exciting to see what changes I can make every single day.
For example. Today is the release date of my nationwide program.
All over the country a program is being launched where homeless people can find shelter, rehabilitation centers, and other necessities for free so they can have a second chance at life. I am doing some interviews today.
Unfortunately Natasha isn’t here. She has a mission. I’m a little sad that she won’t be with me tonight as the program launches but the show must go on.
I check my watch and see it is time to leave for the opening ceremony and I go downstairs to find Happy.
I smile and say
“What’s up Happy! Are you ready?”
He smiles sadly and says
“Yes I am ready. But I must inform you that I am only your chauffeur tonight. Unfortunately I cannot be your plus one.”
I frown when he says this because he was supposed to fill in for Natasha and now I have nobody.
“Oh. Well. That’s okay!”
I smile and cover up my disappointment. He drives me to the red carpet and helps me out. I kiss his cheek accidentally leaving a lipstick stain and I say
“Thank you. Have a good night Happy.”
He usually goes home and I have a different driver drive me home.
I walk to the red carpet by myself and put on my best smile. I make it about halfway through the carpet and an arm snakes around me and this mystery person says
“Am I late?”
I jump and put my hand to my chest and I look at my beautiful girlfriend with a huge smile on my face and I say
“Jesus! You scared me!”
My brain doesn’t even register that she’s back since I’m in the zone and then I do a double take and say
“Wait! What!?”
She giggles when I realize and I slap her chest and say
“I thought you were at a mission?!”
She chuckles and says.
“I got off early enough to make it. That’s why Happy isn’t here with you. I tried my best. But I couldn’t get the best suit”
She looks down at her suit and I look her up and down and say
“You look amazing baby. Perfect right here with me.”
I smile and give her a kiss. We always wear matching lipstick colors so that we can kiss and not get it messed up.
Then I put my hand on her chest and we keep taking pictures.
The rest of the night goes smoothly and I give a speech. I talk to a few people who have helped my journey and then we head home.
I get changed and wait in bed for Natasha. She takes a while so I complain
She comes out of the bathroom and smiles and says
“Yes baby?”
I hold my arms out for her and pout
“I missed you”
She gets into bed with me and says
“I missed you too.”
Once we’re comfy she looks me in the eyes and says
“Goodnight my love. You have done such amazing things for so many people and I am so lucky to be yours.”
I smile and say
“I love you baby. Goodnight”
We kiss and drift off into a nice comfortable sleep.
A/N: guys this is so bad. It feels rushed and blah. Idk how I feel about it. I became so unmotivated and just wanted to move on to the next thing but I didn’t want to just leave it. 😭🔫
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gswiftie88 · 1 year
I understand the turmoil that MH created in the fandom and yes I can agree it’s probably most definitely not the greatest fix to a problem but you gotta do what you gotta do…🤷🏼‍♀️ here’s where things get interesting tho…and I’m not sure if anyone has noticed these massive hints Karlie is giving us (aside from the Easter egg Koincidences y’all have deep dived into((thank you btw your hard work does not go unnoticed))). But she’s been dropping the biggest hints (at least for me) in her instagram.
Ring theory introduced- if you look into her instagram, and I mean really look into it, she has been hella consistent with her jewelry choices. It’s very simple, elegant and very gay lol. She has worn only a handful of rings and I’m not talking about work shoots, her normal day regular posts she wears only 2-3 rings. Her wedding band on her left and engagement ring I would presume but that obviously has to be there for show. The second ring is on the right ring finger (historically significant to the gays as we coined it ours since the left hand is famously cis. I myself (a lesbian woman has worn a ring on my right ring finger if I’m going steady with my partner) along with I’m sure many others do as well. It’s usually cis if paired with a bunch of other rings but since it is solo on that right hand caught my attention immediately. Also let it be known, you see the same or slightly different but simplistic bands on her right hand : example the cartier WEDDING band instead of a classic more cis inspired ring. It looks like a man’s wedding band🤪. Anyway, she has been showing it off in the pictures she has posted recently as to bring attention to it.
Most recent post showcased her and Levi for Mother’s Day - which is just adorable but what literally had me grinning like the Cheshire Cat was her insta story promoting her Mother’s Day post, which she chose the 2nd picture to be the focus for the story. I legit just laugh because she could have chosen the picture of her Josh and Levi which would make sense since he is the father of her children (allegedly) but she doesn’t…she chooses the photo where she is only wearing a ring on her right hand, AND NOT HER WEDDING RING. That is so loud it’s crazy and hella intentional. But…she’s literally hiding in plain sight (unless others have seen/realized this but I haven’t seen anyone talk about it) so I’m claiming it as mine (the ring theory) because it has been the strongest, and most loud signaling I’ve ever damn seen.
I have included evidence. Also threw In a picture of Taylor wearing a ring on her right ring finger as well. She doesn’t do it as prominently as Karlie tho.
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cardierreh15 · 5 months
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Post Human
Hey yall 🫣☺️
***I do not give anyone permission to copy or repost my work!!!
Warnings 18+: Cursing , Mentions Of Parental Loss , Violence , Gore , Other than That— Great Conversation between the two 🥰
Pairing: August Walker x Roslyn (Black!Female Oc)
Description: Roslyn gets caught up with training August on becoming a Herding Master.
Word Count: 4.1K
Song: Pretty Places by Aly & AJ
Taglist: @drewharrisonwriter @kingliam2019 @imaslutforcuddles @headcannonxgalore
Knock, Knock.
The sudden knocking caused Roslyn’s head to pop up tiredly. She snapped her head over to see if Ellie was here but her bed was perfectly made. Clear evidence that she hadn’t even been there the previous night.
Rolling her eyes, she grumbled tired gibberish and rubbed her face. The knock returned.
‘Ugh! I’m coming, I’m coming damn.’
She shoved the comforter off of her lap and stumbled her way out of bed before dragging herself tiredly to the door.
‘Goddammit, Ellie! I ain’t gone keep—‘
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Roslyn pulled the door open to see Maria standing there with her arms folded across her chest with an eyebrow raised.
‘Maria!’ She said surprised as she quickly looked back and stepped down to shut the door behind her. Now she would have to make up a quick lie to save her sister’s ass. ‘I didn’t know you were… making house calls today!’
‘Right…’ Maria said as she stepped back and placed her hands on her hips, ‘Ellie in there?’ She asked, jerking her head towards the door.
Roslyn looked back once again, ‘Y-yeah! She’s sleeping. Y’know— us girls gotta get our beauty rest!’ She gave Maria a gentle punch on the arm as she tried to keep up this facade. If Ellie wasn’t here, she knew exactly where she was and she wasn’t going to sell her out like that.
‘Hmm. Whatever, look. I don’t care if she’s not here. I’ll just simply give you the job.’ She shrugged.
Ros raised a brow, her face instantly hardening. ‘Job? What job?’
‘Oh. It’s nothing you can’t handle! I’m gonna have you riding with August today.’
It had been about 2 weeks since the boys arrived and from what Ros gathered, they were pretty level headed and respectful. They did any and everything Tommy and Maria told them to do. They were almost like the kids they never had!
Even with Mike’s injury, he did the best he could.
Since the day at the bar, August and Roslyn haven’t really spoken. Just when they’d walk past it was always a “hi” or “bye” but they never stuck around for casual conversation.
But that was all about to change.
‘What?! Why can’t he ride with Jesse?! Dina?’
‘Because I have them on different projects today.’
Roslyn let out an annoyed, soulful sigh. As much as she loved her sister, she wanted to wring her neck like a rag.
‘Besides, it’ll give you a better opportunity to get to know him. He’s a very nice guy, Ros. You can’t be hard on everyone who shows up here. His past may not have been great but— we can use him and his brother. I just need your help.’
‘Oh? I know Ms. “I don’t beg anyone for nothing” ain’t beggin’ right now?’
‘I ain’t beggin. It’s a demand. Now, go on now. Meet him at the gymnasium. He spends most of his mornings there.’ She retorted before spinning on the toes of her boots and walking down the steps.
Roslyn grimaced, holding back the litter of curse words that so desperately ached to burn her lips but instead she shouted, ‘Maria! You owe me for this!’
‘More like Ellie does! Hurry up! Y’all better be gone by 10!’ She hollered back.
Roslyn was lacing up her boots when she heard the knob turn. Ellie had just walked into the door with the silliest grin on her face.
‘Hello big sis! Anyone came by lookin’ for me?’ Ellie chimed.
Ros breathed through her nose as she stood up and grabbed her coat off the bed. ‘Yes! In fact, someone did!’
‘Maria.’ She hissed at the name, it bringing her great disdain in the moment.
‘Maria?! What the hell she doin’ here on a Tuesday for?’
‘She sendin’ me on training patrol with August. She was here for you… but she insisted I did it instead.’
Ellie’s green eyes grew slightly at the impactful news. ‘No shit! Well…’
‘It’s fine… don’t even worry about it I guess. It’s said now.’
‘Hey, quit it! Look,’ Ellie sighed out as she pushed her hair out of her face, ‘I’ll make it up to you. Somehow.’
Roslyn’s head fell to the side slightly. She tried her best to remain serious but Ellie began to make silly faces. A smirk managed to curl up on her face and eventually, a laugh escaped her.
‘Alright. Fine. I forgive you I guess! But when I get back, tell me about your night with Dina?’
‘It’s a deal!’
Roslyn walked into the training center, smiling as she walked over to the desk where Dan sat snacking on what had seemed to be a breakfast burrito.
‘Top of the morning’, Dan!’
‘Heya kiddo! How yer’ doin’?’ He asked with a grin spread across his lips.
‘Maria’s got me pulling patrol three days in a row.’ She huffed out, ‘You can only imagine how I’m feelin’.’
‘Mmm. I am sorry to hear that but whatever boss lady says, goes.’
‘Yeah. Anyway, is Walker around? Maria told me I could find him here.’
‘Yup. Sign in for me, he’ll be in the weight room.’
Roslyn picked up the pin and signed her name along the line. ‘Thank you, Dan.’
She walked into the weight room of the gymnasium, her eyes scanning the room only to find him pulling his body up over the pull-up bar.
A thin sheet of sweat covered his arms and back with a few droplets sliding down his skin. His trapezius muscles flexing and pulling with every movement. She’d also taken note of those familiar pink star-like scars on his shoulder and back. Then, there was another scar on his lower waistline that had to be 3 inches long. All of them had seemed to be stitched and patched up pretty clean so they must’ve occurred way before his rebellion.
Curiosity befell her. She’d be sure to ask about it later on. But right now she was admiring what God had created. A single drop of sweat cascaded down his spine and she felt her chest tighten at the sight.
Sure, she’s seen men like this— in their prime and what not but he had it all!
For now, she balled all of that up and puffed up her chest. Roslyn walked over to him with her chin high and unphased. ‘Walker!’
August glanced down when he heard his name being called. He was not expecting to see her here. ‘Roslyn!’ He’d let go of the bar and turned to face her, revealing his thick curly chest hair that was drenched in sweat. And this detailed moth tattoo right below his sternum resting at the center of his torso. That was an interesting choice.
‘I wasn’t expecting to see you here. Where’s Ellie?’
Roslyn held her breath for a second, keeping her eyes on his which somehow equally melted her all the same.
‘Ellie couldn’t make it. So I’ll be accompanying you today.’
‘Oh! Well, gimme a few minutes and I’ll meet you at the Stables?’
‘Fine by me.’ She gave him a small smile with a nod.
She’d been pacing back and forward, creating infinite tracks in the snow until he heard her name being called.
She lifted her head to see August jogging in her direction. She then looked at her watch. It was 9:55AM. At least he made it before 10.
‘You’re late, Walker!’
‘Yeah! I know. I’d figured you wouldn’t want to be training some funky dude so I took a quick shower.’
Well, at least he cared about his hygiene. A lot of dudes in this day in age ain’t care too much bout it since everyone was on death row.
She looked up at him as she tried to fight that smile, but it fell through when she giggled, ‘You’re right. I don’t want to be smelling onions, garlic and horseradish. Thanks for the consideration. Let’s go.’
The pair chuckled as they walked together inside of the stables to retrieve their steeds.
Roslyn greeted her horse with a beaming smile as he neighed and nickered.
‘Kentaro.’ She placed her hand on his jaw and gave him a firm pat on his shiny jet black coat, ‘I know you’re tired my boy. But, one more day?’ She whispered as she gently rubbed at his black snout.
He let out a huff of air and nudged her gently.
‘Thank you.’ She giggled and placed a kiss on his jaw before unlocking his stable and grabbing his reins.
Once she made it to the saddle rack, she placed hers on Kentaro’s back and strapped it down.
Suddenly, she snapped her head over at the aggressive neighing, squealing and nickering in the stables.
August was trying to calm down his horse along with others but she was anxious.
Roslyn handed off her reins to Jesse and jogged back into the stables. She snatched the reins out of the keeper’s hand and raised her hands to let her know that she was not a threat.
‘Shhh. Shhhh. Hey, girl. Shhhh.’
Once she began to calm down, Roslyn rubbed at her brown spotted jaw. ‘Shhhh, it’s okay girl. He is no threat. See? Look— Walker!’
August’s eyes grew before he looked at the trainers and keepers. He pressed his index finger at his chest, mouthing the word, ‘me?’
Roslyn let out a gentle giggle and nodded, ‘Gimme your hand.’ She lend out her palm to him, watching as he stared at her then the horse skeptically. ‘I promise she’s sweet when you get to know her.’
He hesitantly placed his large calloused palm into hers and allowed her to guide his hand over to the side of her neck.
The horse let out a gentle whine before letting out a heavy huff from her snout.
‘Shhh. It’s okay girl…that’s it Hera. That’s a sweet girl.’ Ros looked over at August with a gentle smile as his nervousness seemed to fade but was replaced with relief. A gentle smile curled on his lips. ‘I told you. She’s never really been great with men. I guess the more testosterone you carry, the more you give her the ick.’ She giggled before throwing him a wink.
August chuckled as he scratched beneath her jaw, ‘Well, that’s quite the ironic name. Don’t worry, Hera. We’re going to be the best of friends ya?’
Roslyn smiled softly, placing the reins in his hand. ‘Go head and get your saddle. Meet me by the gate when you're finished.’
August gave her a gentle smile, ‘You got it!’ He watched her spin off and walk off towards the gate. Even a blind man could see that he was checking her out. Watching as her hips swayed and her glutes tighten and relax, followed by a jiggle with each step.
She was quite dreamy.
Hera nudged August’s chest, causing him to let out a winded grunt then a chuckle, ‘Alright girl. Let’s get out of here.
Roslyn climbed Kentaro and sat down comfortably. She then leaned over to give him an encouraging clap on his neck. ‘Such a good boy.’
‘You talk to all your men like that?’
She looked back to see August well acquainted with Hera; sitting high and mighty on his brand new saddle. She could admit, he looked damn good on top of a horse. With his straight posture and broad shoulders. He belonged there. And she had a gut feeling that he belonged here too.
‘Maybe I do.’ Ros retorted with a sly smirk. ‘I see you finally got on with Hera. How she holdin’ up?’
‘Just fine.’
‘Good.’ She nodded before she looked over at Jesse, ‘Get that gate open, we outta here.’
‘Alright. You guys be careful out there and August, stay vigilant.’
August waved his hand once, ‘No need to warn me. I’ve witnessed enough to make an Army Ranger cry.’
Jesse stared at him with a blank glare. As if that was something to be proud of. But at least he knew how to deal with the dangers beyond the compound.
‘Alright.’ Jesse turned and waved his arm towards the guards at the gate, ‘Open ‘er up!’
Roslyn smirked and looked over at August, ‘Army Ranger huh?’
He gave her a gentle shrug.
She shook her head with her smirk unwavering, watching as they pulled the large wooden gate apart. ‘Seem to shut him up pretty good. Nice one.’
‘Hmph. Thanks.’
The both of them gently kicked at the ribs of their horses, causing them to trot on with their handlers at their reins.
‘Wow!’ August breathed out gently, ‘Look at that incredible view.’
‘It is breathtaking isn’t it? You guys didn’t have views like this in Washington?’
‘We did. It just rained a lot in Seattle. And if we weren't on patrol then we weren’t spending our time looking at the wonders of the world. It was too fucked up out there and we didn’t need that constant reminder… or at least that’s what Isaac lodged in our heads.’
‘Mmf. Sounds like a master manipulator at its finest.’
‘You don’t even know the half.’ August scoffed and rolled his eyes, ‘If only my father knew. Stubborn old fool.’
She pressed her lips together, ‘I’m sorry… about your loss.’
August looked over at her with a perplexed glare, ‘My father’s not dead!’ He hissed.
‘Oh! Oh my god, I’m sorry! I shouldn’t have—‘
An exaggerated cackle left August’s lips, startling Roslyn in the process.
‘Wh—what’s so funny?!’ She barked back.
‘You should see the look on your face!’ He laughed so hard, one would think he’d fall off that damn horse. ‘I’m kidding. He’s been dead for quite some time now.’ He added, recovering from his heartfelt giggle.
Roslyn rolled her eyes, holding back a giggle of her own, ‘You’re such an ass.’
‘Maybe but hey, at least I know how to make light out of situations. Y’know? Sometimes I forget he’s dead.’
‘He was hard on me and Mike after mom died. It was like… something snapped inside of him. He used to be a good man. I believed a lot of his choices were for the greater good but… at the cost of our sanity. I’d prefer him not to be there honestly.’
She hated to hear these stories. It was repetitive really. It appeared more and more people had shitty parents than the good ones.
Perhaps this world just created shitty people.
‘That… sucks.’
‘Meh. I think I turned out pretty good.’ He said daft with this goofy grin spread across his lips.
‘Something tells me you didn’t though.’ Roslyn laughed out, ‘But you have to be some kind of crazy to survive nowadays.’
‘Exactly! You get me.’ He chuckled softly. ‘So what about you? Where are your people?’
She should’ve braced herself for that one. Roslyn didn't like talking about what happened to her parents but over the years, the more she spoke of them, the more healed she felt.
‘They’re gone too. Apparently my parents knew Joel and Tommy from way back when. Used to work together I guess. Apparently they were ripped apart by a bloater.’
‘Yeah. In my parents' written will, they wanted Joel to be my Godfather… If anyone believes in that shit nowadays…’ she sighed out, ‘So— he’s my dad!’
‘Fucking hell. Were yall close at least? Got good memories together?’
‘Yeah… some good ones. I mean it’s hard to create anything good in … this.’ Roslyn gestured her hand out towards the open, referring to what this world had become over the last 15 years.
‘I hear you there.’ August added in a remorseful manner. ‘I’m sorry to hear about your parents. It sucks that all the good people have to go. Unfortunately I’ve been a part of the problem.’
Roslyn’s head snapped over at August, her pretty hazel eyes narrowing as she processed his words. ‘You’ve killed innocent people?’
He parted his lips to speak but hesitated as if he’s trying to find the appropriate words.
‘Not because I’ve wanted to. The way we were trained… anyone beyond those walls were a threat and had to be eliminated if found insufficient of use.’ He shook his head softly, ‘And if we failed to follow those orders well… you know the rest.’
‘Damn. That is rough. At least you're here though… you’re already turning your life around. I say… A win is a win!’
August smiled and nodded, ‘I guess you’re right.’
The pair scaled up the worn down path on the side of the mountain. From this point on, they were quiet and kept their eyes peeled.
Luckily, they made it all the way up to the small town’s grocery market. One of Jackson’s checkpoints.
‘Alright.’ Roslyn pulled her reins to a stop and hopped down. ‘We —‘
Suddenly, a loud screech and clicking echoed on the other side of the aluminum door.
The pair snapped their heads over towards the supermarket. Both letting out a shuddered breath in angst.
‘Grab your shotgun. Ain’t no telling what’s behind that door. We need all the fire power we got.’
August gave her a nod and quickly snatched up his weapons off of his steed and made sure they were loaded up.
Before the horses could grow restless from the constant noise and attract more infected, she smacked the rump of Kentaro and did just the same for Hera. They took off running with only the sound of hooves echoing in the space around them.
‘OK.’ She let out a shuddered breath, taking a step closer to him. ‘Don’t let your guard down. I was just here in the past few days and they’re back again. There has to be a nest nearby but it’ll take more than just us to clear it.’
‘Alright. What-whoa…’
‘Are you ok?’ August asked in concern.
‘Yeah. Another day in paradise am I right? Come on. The sooner we can clear this out, the sooner we can reach our final checkpoint. Cool?’
‘Cool.’ He gave her a reassuring smile, ‘Good Luck to you.’
Roslyn returned the smile and nodded before turning around, ‘You too… we’re damn sure gonna need it.’
Once the two carefully made their way into the space, she did a head count of two clickers and three runners. ‘Alright,’ she whispered, ‘You take those guys over there. And I got these three.’
‘What?’ August hissed quietly, ‘That’s three on one!’
‘I’ve handled worse! Plus, I’m here to train you remember? Just if I get hemmed up, help me out!’
August let out a long deep breath through his nose as he peaked over the counter to see the runners groaning in anguish. ‘OK. I got you. Just watch your ass!’
‘Of course.’ She whispered, ‘Now, go!’
The two skulked down the aisles. Making sure not to step on any glass or slip on any water. And one by one, they began to take out the runners first. They could be very overwhelming in numbers, but once removed from the equation, Clickers would have their undivided attention.
Roslyn pulled out her dagger slowly, letting out a shallow breath. ‘Here. We. Go.’ She whispered as she once again began to creep behind the infected to catch them by surprise.
But her luck had to run out eventually right?
With her being only 3ft away, she stepped on a thick piece of glass, causing it to crack beneath her weight. The sound caused the cordecyp’s host to stop clicking and stand up right from it’s hunched over posture. In that moment, she knew she fucked up.
The clicker turned to face her in record time, screeching in her face before knocking the dagger out of Roslyn’s hand.
‘Aah! FUCK!! WALKER!’ She exclaimed as the clicker found a grip on her and tried to sink its strangely structured teeth into her.
She pressed her hands into its chest, trying to combat that unnatural strength and fight back but it was unmatched!
But before it could take that fatal chomp, August shot it with his shotgun.
It didn’t kill the clicker, but August had all of it’s attention now.
‘Come get me you ugly son of a bitch!’
Flailing its arms and shrieking to hell, the Clicker limped over towards August before blowing its head to smithereens; pieces of Cordecyps growth, brain matter and blood splattered on anything that stood in a close proximity.
Once it had collapsed, it continued to click and twitch but not for long.
‘Fuck, I hate those fucking things.’ Roslyn grumbled as she glared down at the host’s lifeless body.
‘You alright?’
‘I’m OK.’ She said.
‘You bit?’
‘Not today.’ Ros sighed, ‘Thanks for the help.’
‘Yeah, anytime.’
Finally, when she felt like the air was circulating in her lungs she placed her hand over her chest, ‘Whoo! No matter how many times you do this shit, no matter how trained you are— every day is a different day with these fuckers.’
‘Ain’t that the truth.’
‘You get these bodies thrown in the ditch in the back. There’s some matches and lighter fluid on the grill out back. I’m gonna go get us signed in.’
‘Copy that!’
She gave him a firm nod before walking in the office and signing down their names. Then she jotted down how many infected she and August took down today.
Roslyn plopped down in the office chair and ran her hand over her face tiredly. ‘I’m getting too old for this shit.’
Pfft, poor girl ain’t even 27 yet.
13:49 (1:49PM)
The last 2 checkpoints were a breeze. A couple of stragglers here and there but nothing they couldn’t handle.
Roslyn and August sat in silence, feeling the weight of the day settling on their shoulders.
She was sitting on a milk crate looking down at her watch as he walked over and pulled his weight on top of the counter.
‘What time do we head back to the compound?’
Ros was filing her crooked fingernails, ‘We head back around 14:30. We’ve got to beat nightfall and the cold.’
No one ever really stayed the night in the mountains. The frigid cold was enough to literally kill someone, even at the end of summer. Plus, no one ever wanted to find out what lurked in the shadows of these woods.
‘Hey, can I ask you a question?’ Roslyn asked as she stopped filing.
‘Sure. Go head.’
‘What happened to you?’
August blinked at the question, trying to process it just like anybody else would in this time. This life was heavy and she didn’t know a lot about him. But he was open to tell her anything she was curious to know.
‘What happened to me meaninggggg?’ He scoffed.
Realizing that he could’ve possibly taken her question offensive, she waved her hands in disarray, ‘oh! No, no. That’s not what I meant…’ her face heated up in embarrassment.
‘I saw— the gunshot scars and the other one… I was just curious about the story behind them.’
‘Aaah.’ August said aloud, ‘You mean those.’
Roslyn nodded with a soft smile, ‘Yeah. But if you’re uncomfortable with sharing you—‘
‘Oh no! It’s fine. The gunshots I had gotten just a year ago with a run in with the Scars and that gash was from my dad.’
Her eyes grew in shock, a lump sitting in her throat. She couldn’t believe what she’d just heard.
‘Yo-your dad? As in your father?! How could he do such a thing?!’
August glanced off to the side and let out a heavy sigh, ‘I don’t know. He was drunk and he attacked my brother who was just 15 at the time. I guess I was beating his ass too badly, he had to take a knife to me.’
‘Wow. Holy shit August!’
‘Mmm. Sometimes bad things happen to good people.. I know I was doing the right thing.’
‘You were protecting your brother! Of course you were doing the right thing!’
‘Yeah, I know. I never doubt that. I’d just wished he wasn’t the man he was before he died.’
Roslyn’s brows tugged into one, her face showing all the signs of empathy and even feeling it in her heart.
And he was right. Bad things do happen to good people. But at least he was here and not with his father.
‘Wait!’ He exclaimed, sitting up straight; his face now beaming bright as the sun.
‘You just said my name! Looks like I’m warming up to you after all!’
She didn’t even realize it until he pointed it out. Maybe it was just a heartfelt moment with him being vulnerable and all, she didn’t need to keep it professional any longer.
Letting out a small giggle, Roslyn shook her head and shrugged, ‘Maybe I decided that I don’t need to address you as if I’m your boss or something but a friend instead.’
‘A friend huh?’ He repeated, his deep blue hues gentle and welcoming.
‘Yeah. A friend.’
Very important Side Note: From The River To the Sea, Palestine will be free. I’d like to make it clear that in no shape or form does this page support Israel or Zionism. The creator of the game, Neil Druckmann is a Zionist and I would like to make it very clear that this page stands in solidarity with the people of Palestine 🇵🇸. Boycott the game, boycott the show! CLICK HERE to find links to support and donate to Palestine & please continue to Boycott! Palestine will be free.
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jukeboxjackal · 11 months
Headcanon- Dating Jock! Carol Danvers
Carol Danvers x fem! Reader
A/n: Hey guys, hey guys. Haven’t been here in a while. If i’m not here, it’s either because of writers block, i don’t feel like it, low motivation, or just general laziness. But enjoy my first actual piece in a while though! I just write sometimes now lmfao
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Ok ok so first of all, just in general information I feel like she is the softball captain. Reason being is softball is stereotypically a gay sport LMFAO but I guess it’s kind of right (I say this as a softball player and a friend haha) and I think she’d be utility playing either pitcher, catcher, or 3rd base
Anyways to follow with the last bullet, I feel like she would definitely have an undercut and show it almost allll the time. She also has a varsity letterman jacket that may or may not on the tag on the inside say: ‘Property of: Carol Danvers ⁺⁽ʸ/ⁿ⁾ ⁽ˡ/ⁿ⁾♡) You definitelyyyy did not write the second part
More in the popular crowd, whether you are too is up to you
Her arch-nemesis has got to be the volleyball captain Valkyrie. For one, they don’t get along and two, she so obviously has a thing for you
She’s usually hanging out with her friends in the halls or the courtyard, but when she sees you walk by she immediately goes to catch-up with you
She’s superr protective of you. When she’s walking with you she’s always holding your hand or she has an arm around you at all times. If anyone says anything even slightly snarky to you she’ll look them dead in the eye and say ‘Wanna repeat that?’
She also loves when you wear her clothes and especially her sports jackets, helps to show people that you’re hers
Her nicknames for you are the cliches, such as: Babe, baby, sweetheart, (Y/N/N), princess, and my lady/ girl. Whereas you like to call her: Care-bear (she acts like she hates it but you know she doesn’t), bubs, captain or cap, and baby
She does get jealous, but only when you’re clearly interested in the other person. Like when you were hanging out with that one ballet girl Natasha Romanoff who was teaching you but was also way too close to you and she told the dancer to back off
As much as I might get some hate for this, I do feel like she might have been a bit of a bully. Not in the way that she’d go out of her way to be mean to others but just to uphold a reputation. Like if she’s with her popular friends she’d snicker and make some snarky rude comment about a less-popular kid, but if you ever saw her do it she’d apologize to you and to the other secretly
She’s super sweet to you, always going over to your house and bringing you something whether it’s food or flowers
She usually gives you rides to and from school
Don’t forget about y’all’s after-game dates!
#6 on the field but #1 in your heart that’s for sure
If you were to also be on the softball team as well, she’d still treat you the same as the other girls (but behind closed doors that’s different) Like the one time where the team had lost a game and she made you guys do laps for every base you could have stolen but after that she took you out to eat and she apologized profusely
Make-out sessions in the locker room and the bleachers
If you don’t play, you still make sure to be at all of her games. Home or away, you find a way (ooh that rhymed)
Let’s not talk about that one time she was pitching and behind the cage she saw you talking to the opposing team member who had to use the bathroom
She’s your #1 gym buddy and vice-versa
Oh and she definitely said I love you first
Overall, she is the sweetest and you would consider her damn-near perfect. She definitely has her flaws but that’s with everyone. Your love is unmatchable.
Hey guys! Sorry if this wasn’t as straight to the point as my last headcanon was, but I just had a lot to say I guess lol. Anyways, I’ll probably come back to edit this in a few hours I just wanted to put something out for now. Until next time!
Thanks for reading! Feedback, requests, and inquiries are always appreciated and welcome!
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we recently told our therapist about ourselves and we was quite understanding. She has a focus on trauma reprocessing so I think she has a background in this in some way.
Anyway, she sent us some information on Internal Family Systems. it was out first time hearing about this and as a general framework this makes a fair amount of sense for us.
We brought it up to our partner system who shared reservations about IFS and after reading more about it, we see where they're coming from.
Have you encountered IFS before? If so, is there any literature you've that you recommend? We're generally curious for the opinions of other systems, as we see the value in it as a framework for understanding ourselves and also the problems with it for what feels like reducing the experiences of other systems, particularly those with DID/OSDD.
hey, we have a little bit of experience with ifs through therapy and reading about it online. online, we have seen how it has been used in the past to dismiss and discredit dissociative disorders (some say that the parts mentioned through ifs disprove did systems being parts themselves). we have also seen it used to prove and affirm plurality, even plurality without trauma (some say that the parts that make them up through ifs do in fact make them plural).
our own host (hi) greatly benefits from ifs, and has been trying to understand the different parts of himself (not parts as in headmates, but parts as in parts through the ifs model) in order to show himself more kindness and self compassion. treating the different aspects of himself as separate individuals in need of care and attention has really been helping him, and we’re trying to support him in this however we can. we hope to be able to share this mindset with some other members in our system who similarly struggle with self hatred.
we think that recognizing each individual alter as their own multi-faceted person, each made up of their own parts with wants, needs, and desires, has really helped to humanize those of us in our system who were so dehumanized in our youth. each alter, each part, is complex and is capable of having their own parts that come together and make them up. does that make sense?
as far as literature, most of what we know about ifs we’ve learned through therapy. however, we currently have the book no bad parts: healing trauma and restoring wholeness with the internal family systems model (<- amazon link) on our reading list. we haven’t read it yet, so we can’t say for sure how helpful it is, but it looks like it’s going to be a good read.
we don’t believe that there’s any framework or model of viewing the self out there which is 100% good or 100% bad. not everyone is going to get something out of the ifs model, and that’s okay. if you find that ifs works for you, and that each member of your system coming to understand their own parts helps them heal and become better people, then awesome, you should definitely use it! if you find your system feels dismissed or demeaned by the ifs model, you shouldn’t be required to use it at all. not every framework is going to work for every person all the time, and that’s okay. heck, for systems, not every headmate may benefit from the same frameworks that the rest of their system uses, and that’s okay too!
sorry if this response seems frazzled or all over the place. we had completely finished responding when tumblr crashed, so we had to try and rewrite this from memory (oops). we hope that y’all can learn and grow together, with or without the ifs model. if you choose to not use it in your recovery process, hopefully your therapist will be understanding. wishing y’all the very best.
🐢 kip and 💫 parker
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honeypiehotchner · 2 years
We Used To Be In Love (Hangman x Fem!Reader) — part four
This took me WAY longer than I wanted but I weirdly couldn’t figure out how to get here. SO this isn’t my best but I do weirdly love it. Sorry I’m so busy 24/7 :( I miss y’all sm
Warnings: nothing really, just some angst!! (this one is basically all fluff :))
WC: 2.5k
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You’ve created a monster, you texted Jake. The shower head he installed lights up. I hope you plan to chip in on the water bill.
He said he will, and for the first time, you think you actually believe him.
The girls are in heaven with the damn shower and you wouldn’t be surprised if Amelia asks Maverick to put one in at her house. If they can get it past Penny.
Ever since that day, Hangman and Rooster have been hanging out here a little more often. Rooster still gives you that same weird look, and you still choose to ignore him.
You tell yourself it’s different this time because it isn’t just Jake at your house. Rooster is always here too. You’re not hanging out with just Jake alone. You’re also hanging out with Rooster. And Amelia and Belle.
Game nights are frequent, movies sometimes follow after the girls have gone to bed, and you’ll indulge in a glass of wine.
None of that negates the fact that Jake comes a little earlier and always stays a little later than Rooster, though.
Like right now, when Jake is ringing your doorbell, arriving an entire two hours early from what the three of you agreed on in the group chat with Rooster.
Amelia and Belle are at a friend’s house to work on a school project and spend the night, so tonight is supposed to be the first adults only hangout night.
“You’re early,” you comment, pushing the screen door open for Jake.
“Early is on time,” he replies like usual, and he’s hiding something behind his back. He uses his free hand to take his Stetson off his head when he crosses your doorway. “Hi,” he smiles.
“Hi…” you raise your eyebrows. “What are you doing?”
“What do you mean?” he says, immediately defensive, albeit playfully.
“You have that look on your face.”
“What look?”
“Don’t play dumb with me, Jake,” you scold him gently. “What’s behind your back?”
“Oh, these?” He pulls a bouquet of flowers out, a shit-eating grin on his face. “I just found these at the store and figured I’d bring them over, you know, in case there was an empty vase lying around.”
You sigh, shaking your head at him as a smile crawls its way up your neck. “You’re ridiculous.”
“Thank you,” he says. “So… Do you happen to have an empty vase?”
You give him another look and walk off toward the kitchen. He follows you quietly, leaving his hat on the back of the couch. It’s not like Texas, where every house has hooks for hats by the front door.
In the kitchen, you bend down and grab an empty vase from underneath the sink. When you pop back up, he’s standing right behind you, his face much softer now.
“Seriously,” he says, being serious for once. “I got these for you.”
“Why?” You can’t help but be suspicious, even though you appreciate the gesture.
He shrugs. “For putting up with me.”
You scoff, setting the vase on the counter, crossing your arms over your chest. “Really?” That’s a cop out of an answer if you’ve ever heard one.
“I’m sorry,” he says, backtracking slightly. The two of you have talked about this, about how you want him to stop making a joke out of everything. “Truth is, I know they’re your favorite, and I wanted to get them for you. Because I just wanted to. And because I love you.”
It’s the second time now that he’s said that— That he still loves you. You haven’t said it back, even though it’s true. You do.
There’s just that thing about first loves: you’ll always feel some level of love for them. Especially if you share a kid with them. And if you’ve never loved anyone else.
“I know,” he says, still holding the bouquet tight in his hand.
With his hat hair and his sad eyes, you’re almost transported back to high school. The day after your first big argument, when he showed up on your front porch looking a mess, with flowers in hand and apologies overflowing.
“I know,” he says again, quieter. He doesn’t know what else to say.
The two of you stare at one another for a second. You search his face, his eyes, looking for any ounce of insincerity, but you find none. You find genuine sorrow. Genuine regret. And somehow, that’s harder to deal with.
“What are you really doing?” you whisper, finally taking the flowers from him and putting them in the vase. You turn your back to him to run water into the vase.
He takes a moment. “I’m asking for a second chance.”
You sigh, almost shake your head as you turn back around. “I…”
“I know,” he says again. “And if you say no, I understand. I don’t deserve one. I know that. But I also know I love you and I never stopped and… I just want one more chance. To make it right this time. I can’t expect forgiveness for leaving you like that and making you raise Belle all on your own and I can’t understand how hard that was, but I know it was hard, and I want to make it up to you. Or at least try to, if you’ll let me. Please let me.”
He takes a step back from you, expecting the worst, but he continues. “I just want you to know that the time I’ve spent here with you and Belle has been amazing, and if anything, I’m grateful that you opened that up to me and let me spend time with the both of you. Because Lord knows I don’t deserve it.”
You watch him for another moment, chewing on the inside of your cheeks. You’ve longed for this moment for years, and now that it’s here, you’re scared.
You’re scared, but you love him more than that. And you’ve seen the smiles he’s put on Belle’s face — and Amelia’s too. He’s good. He feels too good to be true, but you can’t let that fear stop you.
“You get one chance,” you say, and he lifts his head. “One, Jake. That’s it. That’s all I have left to give.”
He rushes forward, smiling like an idiot, bliss written all over his face. “That’s all I need. You don’t need to give anything else. Nothing else. You’ve given enough.”
“And I can’t do any back and forth. For my sake and for Belle’s. You’re either in right now or not at all.”
“None of that. I’m staying. I know what I’m getting into.”
“And I’m still waiting to tell Belle about you. That’s still my decision.”
He nods. “Yes ma’am, it is.”
You narrow your eyes. You don’t know what to do when he dodges all of your defenses like this.
“Okay,” you finally say. “One chance. That’s all you’re getting.”
“Thank you,” he breathes, and he sounds genuinely relieved, like he did that day in high school when you forgave him for the argument. “Thank you, honey.”
“Mm, be careful,” you warn, but jokingly now. “You still need to take me on a date first.”
“Of course,” he replies. “How ‘bout right now?”
“Isn’t Rooster coming over?”
“I may have told him what I was up to.” And as if on cue, Jake’s phone buzzes with a text from Rooster. He pulls his phone out of his pocket and reads aloud, “Hope you two have fun. Hope you didn’t get punched in the dick. Wow.”
You laugh loudly, and Jake looks up and grins. He’s missed that laugh.
“Where do you wanna go?” he asks. “Your pick. What’s your favorite place around here?”
“We don’t go out to eat that much,” you chuckle.
“What about a place you’ve always wanted to try?”
That still brings no ideas. “How about,” you start, “you find the place while I go get changed.”
“Deal,” he nods, grinning like he’s won the lottery.
What Jake ends up picking to eat is a small, hole-in-the-wall, family owned restaurant that mainly sells burgers and hotdogs. The tables and chairs are old, the tile flooring looks straight out of the seventies, and it’s perfect.
As with everything else that has been happening, it brings back memories of high school, when you and Jake first started dating. One of your first dates was exactly like this, except both yours and his parents were sitting in a booth together just across the room. Everybody knew everybody back home, so that wasn’t the first time the four of them had met. But it was the first time they all talked as future in-laws.
Or, at least, that was the idea. It’s just how things were. A lot of relationships that began in high school ended in marriage -- or, at the very least, engagement -- right after graduation. It wasn’t a surprise to either of your parents to hear you and Jake talking about marriage after being together for just a year.
The real surprise was when Jake ended things. And, of course, your subsequent pregnancy, but that wasn’t much of a shock, either. Lots of girls were pregnant by graduation, some showing more than others.
And pregnancy was seen as beautiful. A gift. You agree. Belle is and always will be a gift. But you and Jake had talked about this. You both wanted to wait. You’re glad he remembers those conversations enough to apologize about it today.
Now, the days you used to long for are here, but they look different. Now you’re sitting here with Jake, on a second “first date,” laughing like you used to and remembering what it felt like to be in love with him, wondering if it always felt this good.
He reaches across the table to hold your hand, and you feel butterflies for the first time in thirteen years.
“I love you,” he says, and he means it, and you believe him, even if you can’t say it back just yet.
The two of you don’t talk about anything serious at dinner. You let dinner be dinner, carefree and like a real first date.
He tells you about the planes he flies and who he flies with, outside of Rooster. He tells the funny story of the night he met Maverick and threw him out of Penny’s bar. He does most of the talking because you’ve missed him and because everything you have to tell involves Belle, and you don’t want to risk any unfounded arguments.
The anger inside of you has dimmed a great deal compared to the first day you saw him again. But it hasn’t fully gone, and you don’t know if it will, not until Belle meets him -- as her father. Until then, the protective mother inside of you will always harbor some anger. Toward him, but also, toward yourself.
When Jake walks you to your front door, you want briefly to let him inside, but you know better. Instead, you kiss him on the cheek, and you let him go.
“Thank you for tonight,” you say as he steps back.
“Thank you,” he says, smiling gently with his hat over his heart. “I appreciate the opportunity, darlin’.”
He makes it so hard to keep a level head.
You pull him back in for another kiss on the cheek, only this time, with your faces so close, you can’t help yourself.
You press your lips to his, taking a step further into his arms. You hear his hat hit the floor before both hands circle your waist, tugging you closer. You cup his jaw, holding his face the way you used to all the time. He feels and smells and tastes exactly the same, but grown up. He’s still yours, despite the time and circumstances that separated you.
When he pulls away to breathe, he squeezes your waist, as if to make sure you’re real.
“I’ve missed you,” he says.
And you nod. “I’ve missed you too.”
For the next few days, Jake is over as often as before, but for a different reason, and it has been too easy to get used to.
When Penny and Maverick return from their honeymoon, the first thing you do is highjack Penny for some advice.
“Am I a horrible mother? I feel like a horrible mother.”
Penny drops the clothes she was holding and stares at you. “What?”
You’re supposed to be helping her unpack, which has really turned into her listening to you talk about everything that has happened while she sorts through her clothes.
“For keeping Jake from Belle,” you cry. “For telling her nothing about him.”
“Okay, listen to me, you are not a bad mother,” Penny says seriously. She pauses unpacking and sits down on her bed, facing you. “You did the right thing. You needed to protect her -- and yourself -- and that doesn’t make you a bad mother. Sure, things are more complicated now than they maybe needed to be, but that’s not your fault.”
You nod, listening to her words and taking them in. You know she’s right. “I really never thought he’d be back like this.”
“Believe me, I know that one,” Penny exhales, standing up to resume her task. “It’s confusing.”
“That puts it lightly.”
“Yeah,” she chuckles. “But it’s worth it, and I think this is too.”
“I just have to figure out how to tell Belle,” you murmur, taking one of Penny’s shirts out of her suitcase, just to do something with your hands. “I don’t know what to tell her.”
“She’s old enough to know the truth,” Penny shrugs. “Tell her that. It might help if you’re both part of that conversation.”
You hadn’t really thought about including Jake when you tell Belle the truth, even though it makes perfect sense to do so. “What if she hates me?”
“She’s not going to hate you.”
“What if she does?”
Penny stops again, and waits for you to look at her. “She won’t. And if she does, it won’t be for long. The two of you are close. She’ll talk to you.”
“Have you talked to Jake about this?”
“Not yet,” you sigh. “But I will.”
“You should,” Penny says. “Talking helps.”
You snort. “You sound like his mother.”
“I’ll take that as a compliment.”
“It is,” you smile. “But that’s enough of me. How was the honeymoon? Tell me everything -- almost everything. Don’t tell me about the sex.”
“Why not?” she teases. “It was good.”
Because Amelia and Belle somehow didn’t get enough of one another after their long sleepover, Belle is spending the night at Penny’s.
Which means you and Jake have the house to yourselves, and like the grownups you are, you spend the night in pajamas, watching movies on the couch with an obnoxious amount of snacks. He puts an arm around your shoulders and pulls you closer, and you steal most of the blanket.
You say you won’t let him stay overnight, but then it’s 1am and he’s carrying you to bed, crawling under the covers next to you and holding you close. You let him stay, tucking your head into his chest, where you sleep soundly through the night.
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ms-cartoon · 1 year
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Seen the few sneak peaks of some upcoming episodes of HB. We might meet Moxxie’s family (mainly his father). Sorry if I’m being nitpicky, but I was kinda expecting his father to be a little bit different from his son, as well as have a different voice. It’s like he’s a literal clone of Moxxie but slightly taller with a deeper and cunning tone in his voice. And from what I’ve heard, he’s supposed to be a mobster or just apart of some kind of dangerous gang (correct me if I’m wrong). So yeah, I think his appearance should be a little bit different, more tough if anything.
Blitzo stays an a**hole to his co-workers I see. Even after that DeEp and HeArTwArMiNg conversation, he had with Moxxie back in season 1 ep 6 (Which didn’t hit deep at all). You think that after he humiliated himself in episode 7, he’d dial it back with his behavior. But I guess Viv can’t have a comedy without someone unnecessarily being a jerk.
We finally get to hear Andre’s voice. He actually sounded exactly how I imagined; almost deep and haughty. I guess it’s made clear that he and Stella have a good relationship. I’ve seen some comics that show that Andre was possibly very mean to Stella during her childhood which probably would explain her behavior and why she acts so cynically. 
He and Stella are having a discussion with Stolas, and Andre brings up that Stella deserves something since Stolas cheated on her?? Which makes no sense to me?? Cuz, yes, Stolas did cheat, but why would Stella even care?!! The show already made it clear that she never even liked Stolas from the start. She didn’t even like being married to him and was only throwing fits and getting him killed simply because she was petty and liked tormenting him. What exactly does Andre and Stella hope to gain from this anyway? Neither of these two even out-rank Stolas. And what exactly has the divorce done that caused any harm to the Goetia’s. When Stella confronted Stolas, she made it seem like the divorce was gonna be a huge issue, but as far as I know... it did nothing. And they already had Octavia who’s in her late-teens, so what’s the threat here??
If they’re gonna keep bringing up the cheating, then maybe they shouldn’t have retconned Stella as a character and kept it to where she is only pissed about the affair. Maybe not have her be an evil b*tch since birth and hate Stolas for whatever reason?
Idk man!! Make it make sense!!!
We also finally get to see Barbie, Blitzo’s sister. I thought those two had a decent sibling relationship as most of us did, but it turns out... those two had a falling out as well. Barbie says, and I quote “Come on, Blitzo! Haven’t you f*cked up my life enough already??”
Jeezus!! Another one?? 
First, it was Fizz, then Verosika, and now his own sister!!? I mean, it’s expected, cuz Blitzo is an a** and he definitely deserves it, but is he seriously that much of a bad influence he screwed up his own sister’s life? Like, is she just over-exaggerating it?? What did he do that was so screwed up, she started to despise him? Hopefully, she won’t be like Verosika or even Stella; just straight-up petty and b*tchy for no reason. I know I’m wrong though.
Also, I see that she and Moxxie are fighting... wonder what that’s about. Probably something dumb.
And I also see that Blitzo and Fizz are having a talk. Not sure what it’s about. It was only a few seconds of Fizz talking. But from what I can assume, they might be discussing their relationship as friends (or ex-friends), maybe having a slight argument? Don’t know if those two are ever gonna reconcile in the end. All I know is that this kind of arc should’ve been explored way before we got into Stolas’s backstory with Blitzo (which we clearly don’t give the slightest sh*t about.) What happened with Fizz and Blitzo that caused the two to split up seems way more interesting than how Stolas and Blitzo met.
Here’s another thing that caught my eye (and y’all this one’s my favorite to laugh at). Stolas is shown being kidnapped by Striker, tied up n all, and even stabbed with a dagger!?
I’m sorry, but are we just gonna forget that Stolas is a POWERFUL FREAKIN’ DEMON??? The same guy that can do this -
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And this -
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And even turn into THIS -
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..... Like, are we sure he’s more powerful than Alastor??? What’s the point of him being a powerful demon prince if all he’s useful for is being a damsel in distress??? Less than 3 times Stolas is shown to be powerful when the plot says so, which is almost NEVER!!! It’s irritating!
Ugh! I just know I’m gonna go through hell watching this (no pun intended). And I’ve already seen the last few recent leaks to these episodes. This just adds on to the ridiculous bull.
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itsstrange · 2 years
Just Take My Hand
Fandom: Chicago PD
Relationship: Jay Halstead x Reader
A/N: Hey Y’all!!! It’s been a while!! I’m sorry I haven’t updated for nearly two months! I’ve just been busy with school (finals are coming) and I’ve also been trying to finish up a Fic for all you Butcher sluts! 😏 which is taking me a while since I’m extra like that. BUT ANYWAYS! To keep y’all fed with at least a lil something I’m dropping this antsy fic for all you Halstead Lovers! 💙✨
Just like you, I’m missing him dearly, so let’s pretend together that’s he’s still apart of the show yeah?
Also, credit to owner on the Gif. IF ANYBODY KNOWS THE OWNER LMK PLS!! I couldn’t find their handle! ✨
Summary: Sometimes being a Detective takes a toll on Jay, leaving him to deal with the trauma after work. Luckily, he’s got a light back home to guide him away from the darkness.
Word Count: 745
Warnings: (Yes-ish) Panic Attacks, Comfort, fluff, angst, kissing, Halstead needs FcKiNg Hugs!
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You were awaken by the sound of a door shutting, then the sound of keys landing in their bowl by the entrance. You were use to him coming home late, would even fall back asleep with ease knowing he’s finally home, and safe. However, tonight, it was different. Something inside of you knew, you didn’t know how to explain it other than, you knew. You hear his boots walking down the hall towards your shared bedroom, then the sound of your door gently opening and again hearing him making his way towards the restroom.
You turn to lay on your back and looked to your left where your bathroom was. You can see his shadow from underneath the doorframe. After a minute or so, maybe less, you slowly get out from under the covers and make your way over with bare feet. Once within reach with the door, you slowly turn the handle and pull, revealing a hunched Jay by the sink. Through mirror you can see the his eyes are tightly shut as his head hung low and from the way his entire frame shook with each quick puff he would try and intake, you knew right away.
He was having a panic attack.
“Breathe,” You calmly tell him as you turn him around and grab onto his hand to place it on your chest, “Breathe with me Jay,”
Panicked, wide, blue orbs stare at you, but manages to calm his breathing awhile leaning heavily against the sink and keeping his hand on your chest.
“Breathe Jay. You’re safe,” You softly call out to him, reminding him he’s home, here with you,
Just by his panicked attack you knew the case must’ve been hard, he normally never has an attack after work, if he does then he’s able to control it, but from the way his breathing is coming out in harsh puffs you know it was a tough day and triggered it much harder this time.
One hand still plastered on your chest while the other gripped tightly on the sink, your own hands covered the one on your chest as you watch him try and take in breaths through his nose. They were shaky inhales, making him lose concentration on calming down but as long as he kept listening to your voice as you assured him and kept his eyes on you as you too do the breathing exercise with him, he’d soon get over the attack.
After a good 10 minutes the panic attack subsided, leaving an exhausted Jay leaning heavily against the sink, but it wasn’t long for the tears to start slipping down his face. You were right there once again, assuring him with soft words, letting him engulf you into his arms as he hides his face in the crook of your neck. Every now and then you’d feel warm droplets fall on your shoulder, but you didn’t care, all you did was hug him tighter and continue with your soothing voice.
“Let’s go to bed Jay,” You whisper, he nods but doesn’t let you go, just simply holds you tighter,
A soft faint chuckle escapes from you but you don’t do anything, just remain in his arms until he’s ready to let you go and get in bed, which didn’t happen for another five minutes, but once he did he immediately engulfed you in his arms again once in bed.
“I love you,” He mumbles against your forehead,
You smile, burying your face deeper into his chest, “I love you too,”
He didn’t fall asleep right away and neither did you. Yes your eyes were closed, but you weren’t exactly falling asleep, not yet at least. His blue eyes were faced up towards the ceiling, mind wondering about, but the way your fingers were lazily drawing shapes against his skin kept him from wondering back to the dark side. Eventually, you began dozing off, your fingers were slowly coming to a stop every once and a while, but what finally made you go to sleep was the soft faint snores coming from Jay.
Slightly opening your eyes you lay still to hear it again, when you hear his faint snore once again, indicating he has fallen asleep, a small smile tugs on the corner of your lips. Softly pecking his bare chest, you rest your head on him once again before slowly drifting away into a peaceful sleep with the love of your life in your arms.
-Hope y’all enjoyed this short one meanwhile I continue in finishing the next work! I sincerely appreciate y’all’s patience! Love Ya! ♥️✨
-Make sure to Turn On Post Notifications!!🔔 for more Updates!!
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joyswonderland1108 · 1 year
Once again, Army are disappointing.
So i’ve been going with my day peacefully and my friend sent me this : https://www.pannchoa.com/2023/02/instiz-hybe-solo-discrimination-summary.html
Now am i even surprised that people seem to be having an issue only when it comes to Jimin? No not surprised at all. So let’s get over some points shall we? I’ll try to make this post as short as possible.
“Jimin got to work with 20 Bighit's producers + foreign producers on his solo over the past year”
Honey you do realize that it’s up to the boys whether they want to work with one producer or a 100 right? It depends on what you’re aiming for, what type of work you’re trying to do, how many tracks you want to go for, different style you’re diving into, etc.. No one forced Jimin to work with 20 producers nor did they force any other member to work with less than 20 producers. 
Somehow i feel like it’s a bit disrespectful towards other members, like what if THEY didn’t feel the need to work with producers at all for example? What if they feel that they are more than able to do this or that with only one producer? Each member got to choose what to do with their solos, of course propositions were on the table but they get to choose or skip some. 
Jin chose to release a single instead of a full album, do you think he didn’t have enough time to work on an album? That for some reason they were only aware about MS at the same time as we were? He had plenty of time to decide whatever he wanted to do with his solo and decided to go for a single, at least before MS he might be having more projects for after. 
Wanting to make Jimin the bad guy while you’re unconsciously underestimating the other members, lowkey an insult to them and their talent and their own desires their own wishes.
“Jimin's solo was scheduled to be in February and they suddenly switched to March 24th”
Jimin’s solo was never scheduled to be out in February y’all sick mfrs just took an unofficial article and ran with it. It wasn’t “suddenly” switched to March 24th it was meant to be out on March all along, if y’all impatient asses could wait for an official statement/announcement you would’ve known that but no let’s just take the first article that drops and completely dismiss everything else right? 
Then they went on saying “Suga will be releasing his album in April, meanwhile his tour is starting on April 26th” because that what he fucking wants? If we were to go by the logic that “Jimin is ruining it” same could be said about Yoongi but no one of us is bitching about it cause we’re all happy with their upcoming solos and those of us who are sane enough know that that the boys are happy with their schedules. 
Need i remind you that after Jimin himself confirmed that his solo would be out on March, BH/Hybe promoted Yoongi’s tour and well obviously expecting an album to be out before the tour when the supposed order for promotion should’ve been Jimin first since well.. his solo will be out before? But no one is complaining right? No one thought it was odd to promote a project coming in April before a project coming in March but for some reason if the roles were switched y’all would be spitting Venom at how Jimin’s work is being promoted before Yoongi’s. Akgaes are disgusting really. 
Small reminder for your forgetful asses, saying that “Jimin is ruining” Yoongi’s solo, Yoongi actually worked with Jimin on his solo so with all due disrespect stfu. 
“Jimin's music shows + video fansigns”
What music shows dickheads? Unless i’m missing a chapter i haven’t seen any talk about music shows yet. Will he be doing those? Maybe, is it being said somewhere? Not that i know of, not that i’ve seen it anywhere. But also what’s so bad about it? We’ve got Hobipallooza, we’ve got Jin in Argentina with Coldplay, Joon did his own music show and Yoongi is going on tour, so where’s the problem? Why would it somehow be such a bad thing is Jimin wants to do that too?
Speaking about fansigns, “ Jimin's fans are claiming that this is because the members get to choose whether they want it or not, so they're insinuating that only Jimin loves his fans while bashing the other members “ Well.. No bitch, to each their own way to show appreciation towards fans, it’s not that they choose whether they want it or not, they actually choose HOW to do it. 
“ The other members also said that they wanted to go on fansigns/music shows but it's the company who is insisting on not giving them any of it “ Says who? You do realize that doing video fansigns can be such a hassle, it can also be very overwhelming and just because members said they wanted to do it it doesn’t mean they’re all ready for it now. But i feel like you keep on forgetting that Joon’s music show was a bit of that too, the way the fans were really close to the stage, got to interact with him but then again those were mature fans, not brain dead rats on the internet saying nonsense.
This whole barking feels to me like a projection, y’all are just mad this and that member aren’t giving y’all what YOU were expecting from them or what YOU wanted from them because they decided to do this their own way. They’ve said it during the Festa dinner that they wanted to show their own colors and by that it means also showing it through their own ways, they know better than you and me how to deal with it, so who tf are you to judge or to think you know better? 
Talk about appreciation towards fans, if it was just about fans like this, if it was me, i wouldn’t’ve acknowledged your crusty asses at all, y’all are so undeserving of these boys kind hearts, you keep on repeating the same bullshit over and over again yet these 7 men keep on giving and being kind, keep on interacting with us, keep on thanking us, if anything they should be throwing “fuck yous” at this stupid fandom. 
“Jimin's collab, ambassador, photoshoots, fashion week and 3 weeks TikTok... Jimin has been releasing consecutive contents like that”
I don’t know if y’all are stupid or stupid? No comment.. 
You do realize that Jimin didn’t go beg for brands to choose him right? You do realize that it’s basically the other way around, same thing that happened with JK and Fifa, Hybe or JK didn’t have to go beg Fifa for it THEY reached out to him and wanted HIM for the anthem (Then again stupid shit like this happened with JK too, akgaes getting butthurt).
If a brand sets their eyes on some celebrity THEY will reach out to them and negotiate, Dior, WKorea, Elle, etc.. THEY wanted Jimin, now if he refused them y’all would be saying that he’s trying to be all high and mighty. Gentle reminder that when it was Tae going for Celine no one batted an eye and for some reason Jimin got dragged because of that too, calling him lazy while Tae is on high demand, but for some reason when it’s Jimin’s turn now, y’all gotta blame him for it too? Great, just great, very logic. 
“Jimin have been releasing consecutive content” Um.. Barbara i don’t know if you’re being serious right now? Jimin have been mia for a long time just because he’s more active now y’all are complaining? Are you forgetting that Hobi and Joon are more active on social media platforms? Joon have been posting song recommendations on his IG story as a hint towards his Album but none of y’all were complaining. 
Yoongi is still working on his ambassadorship with Valentino but y’all aren’t giving it a chance to even come fully alive. 
“The solo albums order was supposed to follow the order of enlistment, but they gave Jimin his solo first”
Again, brainless. There’s no order of enlistment if we were to go by this logic then why isn’t Hobi in the military yet? Or why did he release his Album before Jin’s single? Why did Joon release his album before Yoongi’s? If there’s an order of enlistment the logic says that Yoongi should enlist after Jin right? So why is Jimin somehow the only obstacle in this equation? 
So if Jimin or any other member really is already done with his solo and Yoongi somehow still has 3 or 4 months to go until he’s fully done with his own solo album then they should just sit there, arms crossed and wait? Yeah yeah cool, very logic indeed, ah yes, smart brain.. 
I know i didn’t cover everything in this post, i said i’d try to make it short but well failed miserably but also this is as short as it can get, with me forgetting to mention a lot of other details. With that being said, Jimin’s album is coming, Yoongi’s album is coming, y’all bitches better be ready!! And to whoever will be able to see Yoongi on tour, i envy y’all T-T But do have fun 💜💜
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rocketturtle4 · 10 months
Thai QL Favorites Tag game
This is my first tag game I’m rather excited,
Thanks @waitmyturtles and @lurkingshan for the tag.
My time on Tumblr has been less than 2 months, and prior to this I primarily watched TV for escapism and wasn’t particularly fussed about how closely shows adhered to reality or its values, so some of that will definitely be reflected here. (Previous genres of TV I’ve been invested in are anime and fantasy, I have seen soooo little western romance or queer cinema or high school movies or a lot of things).
Disclaimer: Emphasis on favourite over best
Also I appreciate Thai BL way more since coming to Tumblr but I have seen rather few shows in that time so there’s a ton I need to watch or rewatch with context that I haven’t yet (Moonlight Chicken, The eclipse, Bed Friend, ITSAY, He’s Coming to Me, My School President and more) so I can’t include them on this list like everyone else seems to be!
I honestly think brevity is an extremely envious skill, and I do not have such skills so here goes.
Favorite Thai QL: SOTUS S (Including the Our Skyy episode) or maybe To Sir With Love, It hasn't been long enough for me to tell yet but both those shows made me scream in different ways
Favorite Pairing: I assumed this was like character couple but some Tumblr searching suggests otherwise. I have watched 0 behind the scene’s footage except what rolls through tumblr and my youtube shorts and I am still learning actors names (Y’all have a habit of referring to actors in photos by their pairing name (e.g. offgun) without context on which one is WHICH so it’s hard to learn names that way lol.
Having said that I started watching BL because Between Us was airing and rolled through my youtube shorts and my first 3 BLs were all watched because of BounPrem (BU, UWMA & Cutie Pie) because I liked their dynamic.
Most underrated actor: see previous statement on my actor confusion. I'll sit down and make a list with pictures one day... or maybe not because that seems creepy
Favorite Character: Arthrit. Seriously I have rarely gotten so attached to a single character, I loved him so much, my demi ass had no idea what I was supposed to do with my actual fricken emotions. I finished SOTUS S with 50 screenshots of him FOR NO REASON. Also, Ae in Love by Chance killed me dead.
Favorite Side Character: I’m taking this as a pairing and choosing ForthBeam from 2 Moons 2, a very recent watch of mine. I thought MingKit was going to be my favourite part of that series and then ForthBeam showed up and knocked them straight out of the park.
Favorite scene in a QL: I sat here for a while deciding whether or not honesty was the best policy, and I decided yes it was SO:
It’s from Love In The Air and it’s a scene between Pai and Sky where Sky is sleeping (nearly recovered from being sick) and the camera switches between Sky’s sleeping, somewhat exposed self and Pai and his ever fraying control as he looks at and away from Sky's sleeping form and he leans closer, and closer, even as he tells himself not to, even as he speaks out loud 'not to loose control now' he leans closer still. Then Sky wakes up, just as Pai’s face is centimetres from his, and Sky asks ‘are you going to jump me P’Pai’ and Pai breathes rather quickly and heavily as he leans back stands up and announces that he needs to use the bathroom before walking swiftly away.
(if this wasn’t Thai only Takara-kun to Amagi-kun’s restraint scene would win)
(I did not have to look that up, this scene LIVES in my brain, at all times)
Although Tian & Lomfon’s final confession and kiss has been looping so often it might be a serious contender, It’s just too soon to say.
Favorite line in a QL: It’s not technically one line but AePete in the locker room after the makeout where Ae asks Pete to be his boyfriend (or some variation thereof) SEVEN TIMES wins for me. That boy is determined to have a clear answer.
Most Anticipated QL (& why): I don’t keep track of upcoming BL, that’s 70% of the reason I initially got Tumblr, everyone’s excited for Only Friends so that one. Or there was one with the pair from Bed Friends that looked interesting, or ZeeNew’s actually with the prince.
Healthiest relationship in a QL: I have not thought about this very hard, but WinTeam maybe? Although they need to communicate better. Also ForthBeams relationship actually seems really healthy too.
Most toxic relationship in a QL: VegasPete, although a rewatch of Kinnporsche with additional context might change my thoughts, (also I haven’t seen tharntype)
Guilty pleasure series: Don’t Say No & Love in the Air although I feel guiltier about the second and I love the first more.
Most Underrated Series: I do not know enough about how series have been rated to make a call, but I was shocked to be told La Pluie was doing badly on mdl so that one.
I tried to check who’d already been tagged and not double up so there arent a lot, but feel free to ignore either way! @shouldiusemyname, @plantsarepeopletoo, @troubled-mind @dribs-and-drabbles
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the-himawari · 1 year
A3! Minagi Tsuzuru - Translation [SSR] MANKAI Party (3/3)
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*Please read disclaimer on blog
Kazunari: There’s still time before the event, but… happy birthday, Tsuzurun!
Banri: ‘Grats.
Omi: Happy birthday. If we’re celebrating, then I’ll bring these out? Here, I made these.
Tsuzuru: Pastries…? Did you go out of your way to make these for me?
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Omi: Well, cooking is like my hobby, after all.
Kazunari: Looks yummy!
Banri: Do snacks just follow when Omi’s around?
Tsuzuru: Thank you so much, Fushimi-san. Banri and Miyoshi-san too.
Izumi: Great job, everyone. Tsuzuru-kun, I swear I spotted Mizuno-san in the lobby. Do you know anything about that? I thought I should say hi to him if he came…
Tsuzuru: No, I haven’t heard anything… Umm, I wonder…
Izumi: I only caught a glimpse so I’m not certain or anything! I mean, it’s possible it was just a lookalike.
Tsuzuru: I guess that is a possibility… (But if Mizuno does happen to be here, then the VLOG segment is going to be a bit tough to get through…)
Izumi: Ah, Tsuzuru-kun. It’s about time, so please get ready.
Tsuzuru: Alright…
Kazunari: What’s up? Tsuzurun, don’t tell me you’re nervous?
Tsuzuru: Well, a little, yeah…
Omi: You have us if you find yourself clamming up. Don’t worry.
Banri: What he said. If anythin’ happens, just leave it to us.
Kazunari: Settzer, Omimi and I are gonna hype your b-day event up to the max!
Tsuzuru: …Thank you. All of your words eased my nerves a bit. Alright, let’s head out?
Tsuzuru: Hello, everyone.
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Guest A: Tsuzuru-kun, happy birthday!
Guest B: Happy birthday~!
Tsuzuru: Thank you for celebrating for me. And thank you very much for coming to my birthday event today. I’m Minagi Tsuzuru. Let’s jump right into it. I will call over my three guests.
Kazunari: Hey there, y’all~! It’s Kazunari Miyoshi ☆
Banri: Sup.
Omi: Thank you for gathering together for Tsuzuru today, everyone.
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Guest C: It’s Kazunari-kun, Banri-kun and Omi-kun~!
Guest D: Hello~!
Banri: Let’s all have a blast celebratin’ Tsuzuru today.
Guests: OKAY!
Kazunari: Ooh! Great crowd out there!
Tsuzuru: Haha. I appreciate it. Now then, we’ll start the “VLOG Viewing Party”. I asked Fushimi-san to film a VLOG for me with the theme of “a sight I want to show my fans”.
Omi: I know I’m the one saying it, but I think the VLOG came out really well.
Banri: Can’t wait to watch it.
Kazunari: Roll it, roll it~.
Tsuzuru: “Hi there, it’s Minagi Tsuzuru. Fushimi-san is the one in charge of the camera.”
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Omi: “Hello.”
Tsuzuru: “We’ve come to the riverside today. The thing is, I get asked quite often in my fan letters and comments on how I take my breaks. It’s been hard to find a chance to answer that, so I thought I’d take this opportunity to actually show you guys.”
Guest C: I’m so happy!
Tsuzuru: “When I get stuck while I’m writing, I find that doing something different helps get the ideas flowing.” “So, when I gaze out and walk by the waterside like this, I can both relax and come up with good ideas. It kills two birds with one stone.”
Kazunari: I totes feel that! Going on a walk switches up your mood, and there’s times where an idea suddenly pops into your head~!
Omi: I see, Kazunari can sympathize since he creates his own works.
Tsuzuru: Even though our creations are different, we still “create them” in the same way.
Tsuzuru: “Hm? Oh, there’s dandelions blooming over there. Can we go take a quick look?”
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Omi: “Sure, no problem.”
Tsuzuru: “They bloomed here, huh… I’ve been here so many times, yet I had no idea.”
Omi: “Looks like a new discovery. Do you like dandelions, Tsuzuru?”
Tsuzuru: “Hmm, I suppose you can say that? I have an emotional attachment to this flower. I find myself looking for it whenever spring comes around…”
Kazunari: I love dandelions too! They have the feel of spring!
Banri: Right, I feel like Tsuzuru had those placed in front of his mirror.
Tsuzuru: Ah. So you did notice, huh?
Tsuzuru: “It’s a flower of a precious memory with a friend.” “We’ve been friends since elementary school, and he’s the one who inspired me to start writing scripts.” “There was a period of time we weren’t in contact with each other. But we reunited and we were able to become friends all over again.” “Now, that friend comes to the theatre every time to watch my performances. And he sends me fan letters and dandelion bouquets.”
Omi: “…That’s a great memory. And a great friend.”
Tsuzuru: “Yes…!”
Guest B: I’m glad they’re friends again!
Takeru: “Tsuzuru nii-chan!?”
Yuzuru: “Omi onii-chan’s here too!”
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Guest C: Tsuzuru-kun’s little brothers!?
Guest D: Eh, Omi-kun’s younger brother too?
Kazunari: Aren’t those Tsuzurun’s little brothers! How come they’re on screen!?
Omi: Truthfully, it was a coincidence we met.
Yuzuru: “Tsuzuru onii-chan, upsies!”
Tsuzuru: “Okay, okay. Up we go.”
Yuzuru: “Yay!”
Guest A: Tsuzuru-kun’s holding him…!
Guest B: I feel so soft~!
Tsuzuru: “Alright, let’s go for it!”
Yuzuru: “Woohoo!”
Takeru: “Let’s play tag!”
Banri: It’s a legit game of tag.
Kazunari: Tsuzurun’s little bros look like they’re having fun too!
Guest C: Tsuzuru-kun is adorable~!
Guest D: I want to play tag together~!
Takeru: “I’m thirsty.”
Yuzuru: “Tsuzuru onii-chan, I wanna drink juice!”
Tsuzuru: “There’s a vending machine over there. Let’s go buy some?”
Yuzuru: “Let’s gooo!”
Kazunari: Tsuzurun’s totes as usual in the second half!
Banri: Well, that kinda stuff’s valuable for his fans. It’s good, ain’t it?
Guest A: I’m glad I got to see the usual Tsuzuru-kun!
Guest B: I’m happy we got to see Tsuzuru-kun as an older brother!
Tsuzuru: T-Thank you very much. I wasn’t sure whether to include the part where I was playing with my younger brothers… But I left it in because I realized once again that spending time with my family was also a breather for me. Did my VLOG answer everyone’s question?
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Tsuzuru: That’s great. I hope all of you find your own way to unwind as well.
Guest A: Thanks!
Guest C: I’ll try taking a walk too!
Mizuno: …Tsuzuru-kun’s VLOG was spectacular.
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Tsuzuru: …It’s about time, so I have to take my picture. Fushimi-san, can I ask you to do the honours?
Omi: Of course. I’ll take a great picture suitable for your birthday.
Tsuzuru: What should I do for my pose…?
Banri: Why don’tcha strike a pose you like?
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Tsuzuru: If you say a pose I like, I’m not sure…
Kazunari: I thought this might happen, so I prepped a pen and notebook!
Tsuzuru: When did you bring those!?
Kazunari: I actually hid them here during our rehearsal~.
Tsuzuru: I didn’t notice at all…
Kazunari: If it’s you, then it’s gotta be writing!
Banri: There are times when you make notes for your scripts. I think it’d make sense for you to take a photo where it looks like you’re writin’ something.
Omi: How about we take one like that, Tsuzuru?
Tsuzuru: I don’t see why not. The items have been prepared for me and all. …Like this?
Banri: Oh, lookin’ good.
Kazunari: That’s you, alright~.
Tsuzuru: You think so?
Omi: Okay, I’m taking it. …And pose.
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visiblenostalgia · 8 months
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10/14–2023 — ☀️ 🌙 Libra Eclipse
This is a fun synchronous thing to ponder and think about and maybe some of you might want to pay attention to it.
Warning: discussions of war and other triggering topics like politics.
The eclipse is happening at the end of the week. Saturday the 14th, peaking at 11:52 AM (CST)
But that’s the synchronous thing about it? Taking a gander at it, the eclipse occurs at the south node. The south node being about excrement, pushing out, letting go, the stuff that is not needed for us. A point where the butterfly comes out of its cocoon. But to add onto this,
The solar eclipse flies south much like the south node is directed.
The vice versa will occur with the north node total solar eclipse on April 8th of 2024 next year.
“The solar eclipse flies north much like the north node is directed”….
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My predictions are murky with this, but I have been able to take note of the occurrences that happen before the major event.
Proceeding the Full Moon in Aries (whom was conjunct Chiron- wounds and healing and the north node — hunger, destiny) is the war declaration in Israel with Hamas. They haven’t stopped since and the war seemingly has its fate to go for a long and painful time.
I will also go forth to add on that they are in fact fighting over holy lands that they proclaim to protect. (More on this at the end of the post)
My bets is the stopping point or climax of all wars herein before they really pop off is the Saturn Neptune conjunction at 0 Aries in ‘25 or ‘26.
But on the topic of the annular, with the saturated south node eclipse happening in Libra, one must think of the quote “diplomacy dies in darkness”. What have we seen so far? The war with Hamas and the fight in Ukraine (I will add on them too, due to their almost exact implications but different starting time frame)
Another bet I have is that the wars will seemingly pop up everywhere on all fronts but all not in the same way. Next year begins the 2024 Elections for the United States and there are already signs of agitation and violence on both ends of the spectrum. The bipartisan system we’ve built in the 1770’s now crumbling at the seams. With the help of the Pluto return of the United States.
What does this mean for the north node though?
Bringing up the effects of a north node in Aries eclipse that also moves north as it trenches along; one must say that there will be striving for individuation, war, fighting for your country and peace thereof,….among others.
Wildfires, weather systems and patterns, as well as anything having to do with heat will begin to also become more severe or irrefutable.
For those going through their Nodal Return with these eclipses, and if you feel the pains of change and seeing the atrocities of the world happen on your screens/households/life…
I must be honest, these times look like they’re not gonna end soon. They’ll only ramp up and all we can do is bite down on the bullet that’s been shot. Triumph over this through perseverance, experience and knowledge so the next time that this nodal pattern occurs, we know how to handle it.
And to end it off, fighting over the holy lands that you wish to protect is very ironic because you end up destroying the sacred texts that have been there for centuries.
I’m not too entirely Christian (not devout and monkish in a way), but to fight on sacred lands of a religion and then to say your protecting it only just to be killing a bunch of people for it…
you’re not protecting it by all means
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And breathe…..
Prayers and manifesting good times in our own lives ahead y’all. Keep everyone in your circle no matter how distant or close in mind. Show them some love and show them you care. Be there for them. These next few to several years will not be easy.
BONUS BIT: I’d like to also add on that if one thinks of it in a certain way, Terra (or mama Gaia, Mother Earth) is kind of going through contractions with this new world order. In a way the solar eclipses coming up are like the famous active labor pains that come through in childbirth. Will all the pain in change, there is forward movement in trying to make a new world order that will be better for us to inhabit this place together in the end.
Idk just a thought. Toodles!
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aceofthegreenajah · 1 year
WOT Season 2 Predictions
MASSIVE spoilers ahead y’all
Information used on this: Memories of how books 2-4 went. Any info on season 2 I've come across on tumblr.* Story structure for how an 8-episode season is structured**
inciting incident, establishing the 'season question'. Season 1 was 'who is the dragon reborn'.
new normal; fun and games. Now that the inciting incident has happened, we live in our new situation for a while.
Story turn 1: something changes, things get even realer.
Midpoint: a visually explosive mini-climax
New normal 2: now that story turn and midpoint have changed things, what now? Might be a bad guys closing in episode.
Story turn 2; dark night of the soul - we lose things, things get worse, new information comes out.
Climax - season question is answered. Might be the explosive finish.
Resolution - finishing up what is left, telling us why we need to watch the next season.
Now: I've way overbloated some episodes in this outline I have. I've also failed to expand Moiraine's storyline sufficiently. AND I'm super unsure where to slot Thom and Verin. Verin could be in any plotline, or even switch mid-season, and Thom could be anywhere except with Perrin. (Give me your ideas, please!)
Season’s plot question I expect to have something to do with Dragon Stuff again, or as a second choice, Ishamael and/or forsaken. But I haven’t figured out how to form it. Ideas welcome. Now onto my outline:
Episode 1:
A plot: Perrin takes Loial to a stedding. We find out more about Loial; find out he can't be healed without the dagger; join the Hunt. Ending the episode with Perrin meeting Elyas and realizing they're alike.
B plot: Egwene and Nynaeve have arrived at the tower and are at odds. They're dealing with Rand's 'death' in very different ways - Nynaeve by hating Aes Sedai even more, Egwene by distancing herself from thoughts of home and moving on towards Aes Sedai training with full force. They're inducted as novices, but explained by Siuan that they're being fast-tracked to accepted.
C plot: Moiraine sets out to track Rand by ta'veren shenanigans. Rand sleeps and dreams of Ishamael, who reminisces about the past and how they always fight. Rand insists Ishamael is dead - Ishamael laughs and Rand wakes up with the heron burned into his hand.
Other: Ishamael wakes the forsaken. Mat is held at the white tower, and dreams of Manetheren and being at war.
Episode 2:
A plot: Elyas explains wolfstuff, they use the wolves and wolfdreams to track PF. Might see Hawking's statue and find the dead Myrddraal. We get to know the rest of the hunting party better. Faile is either part of the hunt from the beginning or becomes a part of the hunt!  
B plot: Siuan explains Nynaeve's block and Egwene's dreaming abilities. They meet Elayne, find Mat. Mat vs Gawyn and Galad? Egwene keeps dreaming of Rand, meets wise ones in her dreams***.
C plot: Rand kills a whole group of darkfriends a'la book 3 (That is just such a good scene to introduce his declining mental state. I'm not sure if it fits here but I want it to fit somewhere!). Rand ends the episode by falling asleep against the portal stone and finding himself Somewhere Else.
Other: Forsaken meeting and/or darkfriend social.
Episode 3:
A plot: Rand has been in the portal stone world for a while. Ishamael appears in his dreams and insists he can get Rand out and/or teach him to channel, Rand always refuses. Runs into Grolm and Selene. He has to channel on purpose to get out of the world.  
B plot: Accepted trials - at least Nynaeve, possibly also Egwene.
C plot: Perrin runs into whitecloaks who are holding Bain or Chiad captive. Manages to set her free, rest of the Aiel show up to rescue them from the mess. Bain and Chiad owe him a debt, whitecloaks hate him with the passion of a thousand suns. We find out why the Aiel are on this side of the spine.
Other: Mat gambles around; his luck is explored; in trying out his luck and figuring out how it works he ends up finding the red stone doorway and enters it.
Episode 4:
A plot: Rand arrives in Cairhien - the heron mark blade & Selene's presence convinces everyone he's super important. He sees the sa'angreal on the way in. He uses the misunderstanding as a way to get into libraries to get more prophecy information and runs into Moiraine AND Verin. Ishamael keeps sending him dreams about how actually destroying the wheel is great, you should try it, Lews Therin! Verin confronts Moiraine like she does to Moiraine and Siuan in book 2, and Moiraine HAS to take her into her confidence.
B plot: Mat in the red stone doorway.
C plot: Egwene keeps having Dreams about Rand, one in which a paranoid Rand tries to kill her. Min confirms he is still alive. Liandrin offers to take them to him. As the girls prepare to leave, they give Mat (who is out of the doorway and SUPER determined to run away right now) a letter to deliver for Elayne's mom.
Other: Perrin has a wolf dream about forsaken. Padan Fain delivers dagger to Seanchan.
Episode 5:
A plot: Perrin arrives at Toman head, shit's fucked y'all. Has a wolf dream where a paranoid Rand tries to kill him. We explore the Seanchan to build up how bad it is if the girls get captured.
B plot: Rand trains with Lan in the sword. Rand / Moiraine / etc are attacked in Cairhien, Cairhien descends into chaos. Rand freaks out over the little dead girl a'la book 4, trying to heal, except he can't, doesn't know how, and she dies in his arms. And you can't heal death Rand, stop trying Rand.
C plot: The girls show up at Toman Head. Either they are betrayed by Liandrin, or we incorporate Juilin Sandar somehow and he betrays them a'la book 3. Egwene is captured.
Other: Mat is delivering the letter, finds out shit's fucked in Andor and there's a plot to kill Elayne. Leaves for Toman's head asap.
Episode 6:
A plot: Life as a damane.
B plot: Rand finds out he needs to go to toman head somehow, Flicker flicker flicker.
C: Mat might meet Aludra on the way?
Episode 7:
Plotting rescue plan, Mat arriving at Toman head. Thom reunites with Elayne if he hasn't already. Rescue starts, with Mat running with fireworks as a distraction, Nynaeve collaring a sul'dam. Faile falls into sleep with the sleep ter'angreal and Perrin is off to rescue her?
Episode 8:
Rand arrives in Toman head just as everything is going to shit. Everyone else is off rescuing Egwene or possibly in Perrin's case Faile. Mat blows the horn at some point when they're in deep shit, and Ingtar sacrifices himself likewise. Rand duels Ishamael and wins, when he dies Moiraine is freed.
Min finds injured Rand and helps.
At the end: Egwene gets a letter from the wise ones. Nynaeve and Elayne intend to hunt down Liandrin. Min leaves to report to Siuan. Rand meets with Rhuarc or some other Aiel and intends to go to the waste. Moiraine is not going to let him out of her sight, and ALSO not going to let Mat out of her sight because HELLO, he BLEW THE HORN, so they and Egwene are accompanying him to the waste. Thom goes with Elayne cos that's practically his kid. Who takes the horn? Min or Moiraine, dunno yet.
Perrin goes to get Loial healed at nearest stedding and then leaves to go home. Loial and Faile accompany him because of course, Bain and Chian because they owe him a debt. Except oops, stinger: Valda and Fain are at two rivers!
As you see this is still missing: caihien’s king dying (by Thom’s hand or not), most Thom stuff, wtf Lanfear’s plain in Cairhien is...
Some stuff is probably cut. Portal stone world from Rand (even though I think it's nice to get to know they exist this way it's not necessary), or Faile, or Egwene's accepted test...
Episode 7 is kinda sparse so you could push some Rand stuff forward and free space from earlier episodes. But I spent like two hours on this and now it’s past midnight so any modifications have to wait until some other day. tell me what you think!
* some ideas courtesy of @amemoryofwot
**courtesy of Ali from Wheel Takes, listen to their podcast! They discuss season structure most in their WOT on Prime Episode 1 coverage.
*** this might come at any point but it has to come at some point
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docholligay · 9 months
Ep 5: Taissa
Hello! This is about up to Episode 5 of Yellowjackets, and ONLY episode 5 of Yellowjackets. I have not seen beyond the fifth episode, at all, and know NOTHING about this show. Please do not spoil it for me.  Things that are spoilery in nature, for me, include: saying things like  “Just wait!!” confirming or denying anything I put forward, outside information about the cast interviews or creator statements, leading questions like “Do you think “blank moment” means anything?” etc. Remember  that Y’ALL HAVE SEEN THE SHOW AND I HAVE NOT. This informs the way you  talk about things relating to the show. Just be really careful is all  I’m asking. Also: If there is LITERALLY any stance I  could take on this show or character that would make you upset, please  just fucking block the tag
If you WOULD like to discuss the show and my takes on it, the Discord is right here! I don’t go there, so it’s a great place to get every emotion out.
Please thank @sailorsunspot and @moonlight-frittata for backing this odd way of doing a liveblog, and remember my tip jar is always open
Taissa’s absolute inability to be anything other than herself, anything other than an animal with teeth and violence, is wonderful. 
When the wolf is outside, the wolf is not coming for Taissa, the wolf is Taissa, but even with that still being true, the wolf is something she has to protect her family from. It’s this part of her she’s attempted to keep hidden and secret, that she’s attempted to tame, but like everything else at this point in their lives, it’s returning, it’s ready to feed. 
Important note when she sees the wolf: Her thought isn’t, “Why the fuck would there be a wolf outside in the middle of a major city on the east coast?” her thought is “I need to kill it” On some level, she knows this thing is waiting and that it’s waiting for her and it is her and it threatens everything she loves. SHE threatens everything she loves. 
When she sees the “Spill” paint across her door, my thought was in fact that she had done it in some sort of trance or something. (Or that it was Misty because at this point for me literally everything could be Misty) 
And this wolfishness is, to an extent, passing onto Simone, who all of a sudden is very okay with putting Bathurst’s daughter into the middle of all of this, and even Taissa mentions herself that she thought Simone was above that. Sammy is becoming something completely different, Sammy is talking to “the bad one” and is that the shadow Taissa? I think back to where he specifically says, ‘I know you’re not the bad one.” Now that’s not just saying, “There is a bad one” that’s saying, “there is a bad one that I think could be mistaken for you in some way, but I don’t worry because haven’t” I do think it is absolutely wild that Simone thinks their child is seeing ghosts and painting threats on front doors because Taissa is a less present mom, but okay. 
All that does is show that Simone, though she has a tiny moment, is not made for the life of a wolf. She says “I would never ask you to” about dropping out, but that’s what she wants. She doesn’t want the life of the predator. And Taissa WANTS that for herself, the peace, the walking away, but it isn’t what she’s born to and it isn’t where she thrives and that’s why she can’t drop out. It’s why she has to lie about the painting on the door, because she has to justify to the world why she needs to stay in the race, why she needs to continue the hunt. She sees the word “spill” and we now know that doesn’t mean “spill the story” but “spill blood.” Lottie tells us so. 
This wolf is in the house, this wolf is coming, but this wolf has also, I think, been here the entire time.
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mcfiddlestan · 1 year
Y’all can ignore this post. I’m kind of just purging thoughts.
So I finally got my insurance/doctor situation managed. I saw a doctor in late February and, ofc, they ordered a bunch of other appts for me bc I haven’t been checked out by a doctor — aside from injuries — for more than a decade. So I have/had appts scheduled for a Pap smear (my first, so that was a yikes day), mammogram (not looking forward to this), an EKG to check where my heart murmur is at and if I still need to medicate before seeing the dentist. I had to do this when I was a kid. Six pills of whatever meds before and four more after. Bc apparently whatever they use at the dentist, even for a regular cleaning, can kill me bc of my heart murmur (I was born with a small hole in my heart.) And after the Pap smear, I now have a pelvic ultrasound scheduled bc I have super painful cramps on one side that the NP wants to check out.
Anyway, part of the first exam was a mental health check, and I guess some of my answers sent up a red flag. Right away that day, the doc prescribed me anxiety meds. A month’s worth. When I had a week’s amount left, I called for a refill but I have to have a follow up before I can get it. (After this I can get refills with no issues.) I also started weekly sessions with a therapist which have been AMAZING. Just getting out of the house for a couple hours (I’m a stay at home caregiver for my dad — and my mom before she passed) and talking to someone who’s putting my needs and mental health first is kind of awesome. Anyway, I ran out of my meds a week and a half ago and don’t have the follow up until the 19th. Last week I was fine. Didn’t feel any different. This week tho… hoo boy. 😮‍💨
On Monday my sister gifted me and my brother a gorgeous 5x7 frame of a collage of family pix. So I look at that whenever I miss my Mom. But it seemed to trigger something in me. Stressed and on edge the next couple days it hit me bad on Thursday. Tv shows with storylines featuring a lost parent kept setting me off. I sobbed like four times off and on all day. When I recalled my day to my sister that night, my dad was just sitting there and snickering here and there. I ignored him bc it’s something he’s done a lot. Today, he and I didn’t interact all day, until dinner time. And he copped an attitude right away — he did it again like ten minutes later with my brother and a yelling match ensued. Immediately I was on edge. Then a stupid thing set me off and I had to leave the dinner table. I’ve been in my bedroom for almost an hour sobbing.
All this word vomit to say, my anxiety meds have worked wonders and I need the 19th to hurry up and come.
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