#but also trying to gather evidence that he's the killer
ghouljams · 1 month
Serial Killer!Ghost but he isn't actually the killer he's just awkward as hell, and has weird hobbies. You're convinced that this huge butcher that stares everyone down and has the most unsettling aura in the world is the serial killer that the police are trying to track down, I mean... look at him. He's got skulls hanging up like decor all over the shop(he just likes taxidermy) and he's always glaring at you(he ran out of contacts and can't find his glasses) and he always talks to you in this monotone voice and short sentences like he doesn't care if you live or die(he's autistic). He's gotta be the guy.
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moonrisecoeur · 3 months
thoughts on this post aka detective leon and serial killer reader. warning for dark content obvi, mentions of weapons, blood, bodies, murder. also sub leon makes an appearance as usual lol. fem!reader too!!
sorry for the wait lol i’ve been folding laundry anyway let me cook
you know that fucking cop is onto you, he knows more than you want him to but for some reason, even when you know you’ve messed up and are sure you’re gonna be caught, you’re not. no one knows about the evidence you accidentally left behind, clues that trace back to you. when you go back to try and ruin the crime scene to throw the police off the scent, it’s all gone. just a dead body and all of the blood you love to spill.
it bugs you a little bit. where did it go? but you watch as the cops search the crime, hiding in the bushes behind the house when you see the cop you… you just know is the one who did it. he looks like he’s seen that crime scene already, and there’s something bunched into his pocket. that looks almost like your glove that got caught on something and left behind as you were escaping.
you realize he’s looking you dead in the eyes as you make painfully awkward eye contact with him. he smirks and looks away. you wonder why he isn’t telling his colleagues about how he saw you, you wonder why he seems almost amused by you. it’s driving you mad.
you’ve seen him before. you recognize him now. you don’t know his name, but he’s got blonde hair, long enough to cover his blue eyes. looks like a doll. he’s a detective, always showing up to crime scenes in those pretty, expensive suits. he wears a nice watch, cleans himself up well.
you get your hands on his file, all of his records, the time he spent as a patrol officer, back when he was younger. his hair was shorter then. his eyes a bit brighter. he was cute. and now… he’s much more than that. he’s distinguished.
leon saw you once, before you could run out when you realized the cops were coming in. he remembers how you looked. bloody, gloved hands holding a kitchen knife. you didn’t see him, but he saw you. he sees you again in the bushes, and you see him this time. it’s a moment where everything stops, and leon feels his dead heart pitter pattering like it hasn’t done in years.
you kinda lose the light in your soul when you become a detective. he’s more somber now than he was when he was on patrol, but what can you do?
he finds out everything he can about you, cross referencing the evidence he finds that everyone else seems to miss with every little thing he can gather, in hopes of figuring out your name, or anything about you, honestly.
he’s come to the conclusion that your sloppiness is caused from the pleasure you take in killing. you leave too much evidence behind, too many clues, christ it’s like you want to be caught, but leon can’t help but be fond of you now that you’re intentionally leaving clues for him to find. little messages like ‘for my favorite detective, ♡’ on notecards next to the body. no one knows what you mean. leon’s becoming more obsessed by the minute.
he’s learned everything about you, every motive, every killing, why, when, how you did it all, and his coworkers know nothing. they’re not even sure how many you’ve killed, much less know anything about you.
it’s betraying his morals, sure, but who really cares? he’s killed people before, he’s no better than you. sure, he tried to convince himself he did it to protect the innocent, but he’s got his own thirst for blood. can’t really blame you for doing for fun what he does for work. you lose your morals anyway when you’re a detective.
he covers for you, gives excuses and ideas to lead the other detectives in the wrong direction. destroys evidence for you. lies for you. he’s desperate for you attention, and he finally gets it when you come into the police station.
you’re not disguised, not dressed to hide your identity. you look.. normal. you smile at the person working the front desk. you’re polite, charming, courteous. leon almost passes you by before double taking and realizing that it’s you.
“well, hello, it’s nice to meet you, detective kennedy,” you smile, reaching out your hand for him to shake, which he does awkwardly. you realize that he’s a lot less cool than he seemed when you first saw him. his lack of social skill is almost charming.
“are you… what are you doing here? are you turning yourself in o-or something?”
“i wanted to see you,” you say simply to him.
he blinks, confused.
“do you want to speak with me? or should i just go, detective?”
“i.. i think we should talk,” he smiles back eventually, “i want to talk to you. really talk.”
you meet him later, after his shift. you tell him your story, your motives. even though he knows them, he lets you talk. he likes listening to you. he tells you about his work, what he’s done to protect you, and when you ask why, he shrugs, “you’re too pretty for prison.” he matches your bluntness.
it takes everything in you not to burst out laughing, amused by leon kennedy’s mind, how his brain even works.
he continues, “but listen, if you’re gonna keep… you know, killing people, you need to run it by me after the fact. i need to get there and make sure there’s no evidence that other detectives will find. don’t worry, i’ll get you a burner phone and everything. just call me when you do it. i’ll help.”
“hmm.. alright. now.. do i owe you anything for your.. protection, detective? should i.. show you how appreciative i am that you’re helping me get away with murder?” you lean in close, suggestively. leon can’t help that he’s easy to seduce.
“i.. i think you don’t owe me anything, but.. if you’d like..” he stutters. you smile. he’s so cute to play with.
he takes you back to his place. you tell him he wouldn’t like yours, with the victim you have tied to a chair in your bedroom. he raises an eyebrow, and you try to calm his worries by saying, “its fine, i drugged him so he wouldn’t wake up until tomorrow… do you wanna watch me torture him?”
“i’m… okay, baby,” he says, his voice gravelly and soft at the same time.
you hook up obviously when you get back to his apartment, and it’s the best sex of his life. maybe it’s because he likes dominant women already, but there might also be something thrilling about a woman putting her hands around his throat who’s very well capable of squeezing until he stopped breathing entirely.
thankfully, you don’t asphyxiate him. you lay in his bed with him afterwards, and there’s something so strangely normal about the way you curl up into his side as he draws shapes on your back with his fingertips.
“are you ever.. gonna kill me?” he asks, out of the blue, stirring you from your drowsy state.
you look up at him, and he’s worried you’re considering it. there’s a gun on his nightstand. he panics. you would never get away with it, he’s sure. your dna is all over his body, his clothes, his apartment, surely you’re not that sloppy of a killers.
“i haven’t decided yet,” you say simply, resting your head on his chest.
you chuckle, sensing anxiety and tension in his body at your response to his question, “i would only ever do it if i thought you were gonna betray me or something, pinky promise. no matter how… beautiful you would look dying..”
he gulps, and you feel endeared by his fear. he’s.. cute when he’s nervous.
the next day, he wakes up. he puts on another suit, and another fancy watch. he drives you home before he goes to work, and he kisses your forehead before he gets back into his car, “am i gonna be seeing you again tonight?” he asks.
you chuckle, “i’m counting on it, handsome. trust me when i say i look very good in red.”
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eclairsnme · 10 months
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♡ POV: Being The Itoshi Brother’s Elder Sister ♡
Part 1/ Part 2/ Part 3/ Part 4
More trouble and very dilf (prick) boss and yandere kaiser!!
tags: idol!you, crack comedy, reunion, familial love, sfw, somewhat of a brat (⁎⁍̴̛ᴗ⁍̴̛⁎), lack of common sense, dilf boss, kaiser is giving me psycho killer mannn (✦థ ェ థ), red flags!!
*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*
A few years ago,
You picked up the phone and read a message.
It’s a punishing journey here.
It was from Sae, your younger brother.
After reading the message, you flipped the phone to your manager.
You could not be bothered to reply to him as... well, you are in a middle of a scandal.
A rival company is trying to sue you for plagiarising their music.
I mean like ew? (¬、¬)
You debuted in the music industry one year ago and had already gathered a massive fanbase and caused a wave in the industry.
Many were hailing you as the pop star of the century. Recognised not only domestically but also worldwide.
The songs were written by you and with the collaboration of acclaimed song producers.
When all of your songs dominated the Billboard chart, you solidified your status as the youngest and most celebrated star of this era.
You know what they always say, behind every success has its own trials and tribulations, and yeah you were now experiencing that exact phenomenon — a scandalous scandal, a bad suing kind.
The rival company had been trying to produce their very own pop star using you as the manual, however, it was to no avail. Obviously.
You snorted at that. No one could compete with you, naturally.
Therefore, they had to resort to underhand tactics. Such as, wrongly accusing you of plagiarism without any ounce of evidence and trying to sue you to boot?
Huh! The audacity.
More absurdly, he annouced all that mumbo jumbo on the stupid bird app! That hellhole of an app.
It goes without saying that the news spread quickly like lighting speed! Both fans and haters became aware of it and rumors and negative comments began to circulate rapidly. They really popped off there.
What else popped off? Keyboard warriors. They came and showed the heck up. They have never typed their opinions so quickly.
Before you could defend yourself from such an outlandish claim, they had already painted you a bad reputation. You cracked a displeased smile.
It appears that your followers and supporters have left you abruptly and without any hesitation.
And they call themselves loyal fans. You pouted. People’s minds sure do sway rather quickly. That bandwagon sure has lots of passengers.
Today, a crowd gathered outside your studio to protest against what they perceive as your "sinister" conduct.
How very rude!
Prior to your debut, you had anticipated that your first scandal would involve a dating rumour with a super hot man. However, the current scandal being circulated is merely a laughable joke and not the kind you had expected.
The music you made was definitely yours last you checked. It was unquestionably from this absolutely talented brain of yours.
“Pest,” you grumbled.
Oh and what a pest he definitely is. Actually, he was more disgusting than those creepy crawlies. He had a greasy face, greasy hair and an incredibly bad breath.
You shivered. Yucky.
“That bastard!” The boss of your company slammed the table.
Your boss was a tall and well-dressed individual in his mid twenties. He was an efficient and smart, young man that had personally scouted you and propelled your career (well, that is a little too much credit to him but yeh yeh).
This company had a few B-listers if you squint... hard enough. You were his first pop star and damn, you exceeded all his expectations. Not to toot your own horn, but yes you are quite literally The Best.
After learning of the absurdity, he was absolutely furious. He was frothing in the mouth like how baristas froth them age-old milk. You found it quite funny to see his handsome face contort to such comedy.
You hid your giggle behind your hand.
He stopped and knelt down in front of you, "I understand that this situation is difficult for you right now, but I assure you that we will find a solution and overcome this obstacle together."
Even the dumbest person would know that refuting the so-called "claims" was a simple task. However, the bigger issue at hand is the individuals who have already turned their backs on you. Unfortunately, you are currently considered the most disliked public figure.
Can you believe that? Me!
To that, you grunted and took a heavy whiff of the musky meeting room.
Gain back their support?
You suddenly stood up, causing your boss to fall back onto his buttocks.
An idea crossed your little noggin. Your idea is truly exceptional, with a level of creativity that is almost unparalleled. Some people might even dare ask, "From that brain of yours?"
A true visionary of the century you would say. You snickered to your own delight.
“What’s going on?” Your boss asked in confusion.
“I know just the way to make him eat his shit!” You bellowed, lightly brushing the nonexistent dust from your Miu Miu garb.
Oh yes, eat shit he will. Bet, his shit would be the best-tasting shit he will ever consume.
Present day
You, the top idol, stood in front of the screen fake crying your heart out for your dear little brother.
“Do you not love me anymore?!” You dramatically placed your hand over your face, wiping away the fake tears.
Rin covered his ears at that infamous phrase coming from you.
As the situation “escalates”, even Rin’s teammates started to catch on to your act. As in, they actually fell for your poorly executed acting.
“Oi, Rin your sister is calling for you! You bastard of a little brother making her cry,” his teammates and Karasu collectively shouted at him, accusingly.
This was too much for Rin to handle, the embarrassment was too excruciating. He was so close to believing that you were not his sister. Heck, did you hear his internal thoughts? Because he could vaguely hear you crying louder. He shuddered.
To Rin, this was the equivalent of having his mom unexpectedly appear in the classroom and announcing every speck of mole on his body to everyone. Yet again, he shuddered.
You, on the other hand, were just about to tease him more when Mr Manager tapped on your shoulder.
“Your next schedule is in an hour, you need to get ready.”
Ah, talk about getting blue balled. You frowned. You were just about to have fun with Rin.
"Schedule? I thought I was done for today?" You gave him a look of disapproval, with your lips tightly pressed together.
"I-it's the meeting with the boss!" He spread his arms wide in disbelief, brows downturned and mouth gaping like a goldfish.
"That person would not mind," you turned away from the screen and shrugged your shoulders, "no big deal missing one or two meetings."
"You mean, multiple (all) meetings?"
Wow, talk about being unnecessarily observant. You rolled your eyes. If your eyes could roll to the back of your skull that will be great.
So, your boss has this thing where you have to meet him and then goes on to lecture you on your bad public image blah blah blah. A broken record. That is what he is. He needs to learn how to shut up.
"Please you need to attend the meeting or else," your manager took a deep breath, "he will be really angry at me. Since he also specifically mentioned the severity of your behaviour this time around."
"Andddd?" You nonchalantly glance over, not sure why you should care.
Your boss sure is a pain in the buttocks. You can handle yourself well without him. What about the severity of your behaviour this time around? This was not your first rodeo.
"Wait!" You yanked the collar of his shirt, "What do you mean by the severity of my behaviour this time around."
He miserably clutch onto his shirt to ensure he would not die to accidental asphyxiation.
"T-he paps!" He released himself from your grip and whispered into your ears, "They took a photo of you smooching a man! Boss was super - and I mean super duperrr - angry! Since this morning, he has been attempting to hide the entire situation from the public."
Smooch? The only thing you smooched was...
So, someone did catch you getting first base with that German guy.
"Smooch?" Anri gasped, a little too loudly. Actually, loud enough for the entire Blue Lock facility to hear.
Smooch? The Blue Lock players repeated after Anri.
Anri clasped her mouth shut.
Erm oops. (Ŏ艸Ŏ)
Turns out, the screen was still on for everyone to witness.
"End of today's entertainment — hope everyone feels motivated by the special appearance of the wonderful idol," with a click of a button, Ego had the screen turned off to the disgruntlement of the players behind the screen and to the joy of Rin.
"W-we have to go!" Panic filled Mr Manager's voice as he tried to drag you out of the room.
"But my Rin!"
"You are welcome here anytime," Ego interjected.
"Really?" Your teal eyes lid up.
"Reward for work and work for reward. It is widely acknowledged that when individuals receive recognition for their diligent efforts, they tend to exhibit improved performance and exhibit a more optimistic outlook. As a result, it is imperative to provide incentives that are based on performance. By the way, I must take a moment to express my genuine gratitude for your presence here today, Miss."
You blinked at his response, "I don't know what you just said, but I will be back for my little brother, Go-go!"
Ego briefly reflects on his nickname and then lets a faint smile appear on his face, "Hope to see you very soon too."
"Ah, the boss is already calling me! We have to go!"
"Bye-bye, big melon woman!" You did not forget your manners, as you made your way out.
Anri shyly waved back at you.
Damn, I really want big boobs.
His sharp eyes met yours.
You gulped.
You felt like a deer caught in the headlight. It was just a smooch — a very normal German etiquette. No biggie. Right?
Your boss held a photograph of what you believe is the source of this man's frustration.
You took the photograph out of his hands, "I spy with my little eyes a man and an exceptionally drop-dead knockout woman engaged in - you know what? This is actually a really good photo! We could hang it-"
"For goodness sake!"
"-on the wall."
He ruffled his neatly tousled coif into a slightly messy one.
"It is just an old friend," You fidgeted with the ends of your dress.
"Friends do not eat out each other's face!" He exasperated, loosening his tie.
"I don't think you get it. This photo shows very clearly, the nation's biggest star and the German prodigy footballer exchanging salivas! This is big big news! And it will be a scandal if people catch wind that you are going around smooching high profile people! What would people think of you? We have been through so many ups and downs together but this is your first relationship scandal. I can already imagine the looks of your fans-"
"Aren't you being a tad bit dramatic? Isn't it normal for a pretty girl like me to have relationships?"
"You are an idol!" He shouted, a little too loud that you flinched, "And what is this thing that your Manager told me? Regarding your desire for a boyfriend, please keep in mind that as an idol, you have a certain image to uphold."
You stood up and slammed the table, a little too hard — you felt your palm throb underneath. You took angry steps towards him and placed your still throbbing palm on his face ever so not gently.
He stared into your teal eyes and you saw the big gulp he took.
Taking another step closer till your head was right beneath his chin, you stared up at him and squeezed his cheeks with all your might. He groaned and grabbed your wrist.
"What is that for!" He softly clasped onto his tender, reddened cheeks. You harrumphed back at him.
"HA! Idol this idol that." You snorted, "what if he is actually my boyfriend? Have you thought of that? Plus, my fans are mature enough to understand. We've practically grown up together. Don't be delusional, old pal!"
Ah, I am really digging my grave.
"You know very well-" You eyed him sharply, his mouth clammed shut.
"Kaiser and I are super in love and so what if some paps caught us? Is it really possible for someone like me, a young and attractive woman, to remain celibate forever? I am certainly not a nun." You let your mouth run, nervously.
Wow, my grave has been dug real deeeep, very spacious if I say so myself.
To be honest, you were not even too sure what you were even saying. Your boss was being such a prick. Prickly prick. Ugh.
"When did you even meet that guy with your full schedule?" He asked, hands still on your wrist.
"Our love needs no words. Whence our eye meets, we are in love," You physically cringed at your words. Seeing the goosebumps rising from your boss's arms, you were not the only one who thought so it seems.
Great. Just great.
"Let us set this straight. So you are telling me that you are in a relationship with that football player?"
"Why do you act so surprised? C'mon, I have two fine brothers who are also football players. What can I say? I just love a man who can treat the ball right. It is all bound to be. Therefore this is no scandalous scandal you should be worried about."
He releases your hands and stuffs his hands inside the pocket of his suit, reaching for the cigarette pack. He let out a deep breath and then proceeded to light a cigarette. With a shaky breath, he exhaled the thick smoke, his head throbbing from pent-up exhaustion and frustration.
You almost felt sorry for him, almost.
"Sooner or later, the news will explode. I will have a statement prepared for the media. Get ready."
Oh jolly, will you look? My grave is the size of an Olympic pool! How spacious. Sorry, big man.
Your boss was a good man that cared for you. But sometimes it gets overbearing. Very red flag. Do you think maybe that's why he's still single? I mean, he's got a lot going for him - eligible bachelor, CEO, and let's be real, he's pretty good-looking. But there's gotta be a reason, right?
Ladies, if you need a man you can call me.
Kaiser smiled to himself.
The brightness of his phone deepened his smile into one of a Cheshire cat.
On his phone was a picture of you helplessly holding onto him as he savoured your lips.
"Aren't we cute together?" He said to no one in particular as he caresses the rose tattoo on his neck.
Oh, how the world so nicely revolves around him that fate has brought you back to him.
It would be wonderful if you could be in his embrace at this moment.
He puts down the phone and closed his eyes.
Be patient. Mein göttin.
"You should go back to sleep," Sae's soothing voice nearly put you to sleep as you struggled to stay awake.
You heard rustlings on the other end of the call, pretty sure he was in the middle of his training.
"I made a fool out of myself today!" You lamented, snuggling deeper into your silky covers.
"Aren't you always a fool? What did you do this time? Lo siento. Estoy hablando con mi hermana-" You could hear another feint voice conversating with him. Must be his teammates. You yawned.
"- I am sure it is nothing too serious as always. You are tired, go sleep," Sae returned to the conversation.
"It is really really bad..." you spoke softly, rubbing your face onto the silk.
"Did you kill someone?"
"My boss looked like he almost died but no," You stretched your aching body, "I think I just got myself a boyfriend, more like I just told my boss a big lie that is about to be publicised...That guy is not even my boyfriend and when he hears of this garbage - oh boy is he definitely going to have a heart attack. I am in big trouble."
"You dug your own grave," Sae said, cooly.
"I know right, the grave is swimming pool sized."
"Who is the unlucky guy?"
"Kaiser Mikel?" You attempted to recall his surname.
Sae paused for a second before he replied, "Michael. Michael Kaiser?"
"Oh, you know him?"
"I do. He is a... good player. Sister, how did you even get involve with him?" This time, Sae sounded genuinely curious very unlike his usual disinterested self.
"You see," you hugged your bolster tightly, "some bugger quote on quote took a photo of us exchanging salivas."
"Excuse me?" Sae choked, "Exchanging salivas? Mierda-" You could imagine your brother's incredulous yet icked face right now. Well, he wanted to know and you delivered. 「(◔ω◔「)三
"You heard me right."
"I wish I did not just hear that. But Kaiser and you?" Sae did not fail to exaggerate the last part almost in a manner you did not enjoy.
"Why did that sound like you are mocking me?" You grumbled underneath your soft duvet.
"I don't think that guy will mind being your boyfriend if that helps," Sae shook his head thinking about the German prodigy.
"Really?" you exclaimed, your eyes sparkling with sleepy excitement.
“Yeah. He- Dame un momento. I have to go now. I'll send you a text message. Go to sleep now," he paused briefly, "and have a good night."
There the phone line goes. Silence.
As if Sae had actually cast a sleeping spell on you, your head sank back onto the plush pillow and you succumb to silky sheets pulling you into a dreamy languor.
A boyfriend sounds nice... right?
Ring. Ring. Ring.
The sound of incessant phone ringing filled your room, grumbling under the sheets, you unwillingly pick up the phone.
"Who is it?" You drawled on every word in a drowsy stupor.
"Guten morgen, mein engel!"
You ended the call.
When did you fall asleep? You were having such a nice conversation with your brother too.
As you glance towards the window, you notice that the sun has barely even risen. Feeling lethargic, you let out a groan while still in bed.
Five more minutes...
Your dark lashes fluttered shut as you inhaled the fresh scent of cedar from your sheets. You sank softly into the mattress as sleep slowly envelopes you-
Ring. Ring. Ring.
You moaned softly.
"Five more minutes..." You spoke quietly to the spirits in your room.
Ring. Ring. Ring.
"Five just five-"
Ring. RIng. RIng.
Your eyes snapped open, half awake and half annoyed.
"What is it?" Mouth still dry as you tried to sound as harsh as possible to the rude morning caller, but it came out sounding like a meek, saddened mouse.
"Is mein liebling still sleepy?" The timbre of the caller's voice sent chills down your spine.
You know this voice! You rubbed your sleepy eyes and cleared your dry throat, "Kaiser?"
"Yes, Liebling." He purred.
Your bare arms prickled, sending you chills.
You were still sleeping, right?
"Er- wwie komme ich zu Cologne (*how do i get to Cologne)?" You spouted a random German phrase you so happen to remember from your travels.
"You are very cute," he lightly chuckled.
Oh damn, maybe you were half asleep but that was a pretty nice-sounding chuckle. Still, you did not understand what he just said.
"Someone reached out to me and said you are very much in love with me and that we are in a loving relationship," he continued softly, clearly enunciating each and every word you did not understand, "I am very very flattered, Liebling."
You feigned laughter in response, not sure what you are laughing at but he was laughing too so you are safe.
"Yes, it is a joyous occasion," Kaiser laughed in tune with yours.
Seriously, what is this man saying? You thought to yourself between laughs.
☆〜(ゝ。∂)the end (for now) ☆〜(ゝ。∂)
sike! Extras!
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Sae is very unimpressed by Kaiser's courting of his sister. He does not know much outside of soccer but he sure as hell knows that Kaiser's method was, to say the very least, strange. He just hopes the German fella does not hurt his sister. That would be extremely troublesome.
<thank you, darlings for your endless love of reading this! My heart is full SMOOCH SMOOCH ଘ(੭ºัᴗºั)━☆゚*:.>
<also, how would you react if you met someone like Kaiser irl, because girlfriend he is screaming red flag to me>
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faux-ecrivain · 6 months
Yan Investigator
(Fourteenth Official Post)
(Yan’s name is Samuel Goodman)
(This is more of my old writing style.)
(Trigger Warning: You are a serial killer in this post and there is also blood, mentions of death and kidnapping.)
Yan investigator who was hired by his client to find his client’s wife, of course he accepted, because he needed the money. 
Yan investigator who finds his Client’s wife, but she sadly passed away.
Yan investigator who discovers that maybe his client’s wife’s death wasn’t an accident, maybe it was murder.
Yan investigator who starts to ask questions about his client’s wife’s (her name is Anna) whereabouts. 
Yan investigator who immediately finds you suspicious, especially considering that strange smile on your face. But then you mention other suspicious individuals and you treat him so kindly, there’s no way you could be the killer.
Yan investigator who finds that Anna’s death is quite similar to other deaths in the area where Anna was found. He concludes that Anna was a victim of a serial killer.
Yan investigator who studies the past serial killers victims, who finds that the killers M.O usually involves playing dress up and posing their victims.
Yan investigator who begins to find evidence linking you to the crime, but he has to be sure.
Yan investigator who learns that your a photographer and a makeup artist, but surely you wouldn’t be dumb enough to base your M.O off your skills. (You are)
He groans and face palms, for some reason he found you to be frustrating. This could be due to the fact that you don’t answer any of his questions and keep running the conversation in a circle. He massages his temple and exhales sharply. “Okay, let’s try this again. Where were you Friday the 21st of November at 11:30 p.m during the year 2023?” He made sure that this was a clear enough question, surely you can answer that.
You tilt your head and place a finger on your chin, you narrow your eyes and pretend to be remembering that night. Then you shrug and respond with a rather air headed tone of voice. “Dunno, can’t remember. Would you like something to drink?” Samuel resists the urge to strangle you, as you respond in a rather annoying manner. This is the seventh time you’ve asked him if he wants something to drink  and the fourth time you said you didn’t remember. He can’t tell if you’re playing stupid or just playing pretend.
Yan investigator who gives up on questioning you directly, no, he’ll go about this is a different manner. He’ll earn your trust and then gather all the evidence he needs. So, he begins to befriend you, which is surprisingly easy. You’re quite friendly.
Yan investigator who finds himself denying the possibility that you could be the killer, although he knows he shouldn’t be so quick to dismiss such theories, but you’re so friendly, so charming and everyone likes you.
Yan investigator who, over the course of a few weeks, begins to view you as a potential spouse rather than a simple suspects.
Yan investigator who is appalled at your willingness to share everything about your life the moment he simply asks you to share some secrets. (You mean he didn’t have to spend hours questioning you, all he had to do was have a sleepover with you and share some embarrassing secrets?!?!?) 
You even show him mementos of your victim and confess that you killed them because they tried to leave you. Which, Samuel wouldn’t lie, it made his heart flutter at thought of your devotion. (If you could call it that, but i would call it possessiveness) Then, you tell him that you’ll do the same to him if he ever tries to leave.
He stares at you, mouth agape as he tries to formulate a response. He’s flattered but also intimidated, how should he respond to this? I mean, he’s never has a criminal (or anyone for that matter) speak to him in such a way. (Samuel has issues) He can’t help but think about the idea that you love him so much (platonically of course, not that he cares) that you would do whatever it takes to keep him with you.
But now he has a moral dilemma, should he turn you in or hide the truth and blame Anna’s death on someone else? Unfortunately his morals dictate that he just call the police, so he backs away and says he’ll be right back. He tries to ignore the puppy dog eyes you give him when he leaves you in the basement. He manages to find his phone (which wasn’t hard, he just misplaced it) and begins to call the police. Then you interrupt him, your voice so innocent and your gaze so confused. (“What are you doing, Samuel?  I thought we were friends.”) His morals waver and his mind is distracted by your disappointment.
He tries to speak, explain himself and then you start shaking your head. You sigh, expressing your disappointment with his behavior. (“I thought I could trust you, I suppose I was wrong.”) Then it’s like your mood has switched, you’re not mad, but you aren’t happy. You approach him and he swears that you radiate danger. He decides to just call the police, but it’s too late. You stop him and even crush his phone, he can’t help but wince when the glass digs into your skin, and yet you seem unbothered by the pain.
Yan investigator who tries to escape you, tries to fight back, and even tries to manipulate you into setting him free. 
“You don’t have to do this [Y/N], just let me go and I swear I won’t tell anyone!” He cries as he tries to escape from your grasp, you have him pinned down, his arms restrained and he felt an abundant of mixed emotions. “I’m not an idiot, Sammy, I know you’re lying.” Ah, it seems you’re actually smart and your dumb, forgetful behavior was just an act.
Yan investigator who eventually stops fighting and just hopes you’ll be merciful. Although, he’s confused when you don’t kill him and instead drag him down to your basement. (It’s very creepy down there) You tie him up to a surprisingly comfortable chair. 
He’s baffled, shouldn’t he be dead by now? Was this part of your murderous process? But no, you just don’t feel the need to kill him and you want to keep the cops off your back. So, you’re going to keep him captive for a few weeks, until the heat dies down and he’s officially brain washed. Then you’ll let him go and he’ll never tell anyone about you, hopefully, you don’t want to kill another friend.
During the first few weeks of captivity Samuel would constantly struggle against his binds and was always trying to convince you to free him. However, it was like you couldn’t hear him, you ignored his cries for help and barely reacted when he snapped at you. Eventually he found fighting futile and decided to take a momentary break from struggling, so he behaves and gives into your desires. 
Surprisingly, you take great care of him during his imprisonment. You feed him well and when he starts to behave you give him the right to roam the house. You indulge whatever habits he has and will give him whatever he requests, as long as he doesn’t try to escape. At some point, a few people come looking for him, but you manage to distract them with your faux stupidity and your confusing speech patterns. 
Samuel learned not to try and get anyone’s attention after you punished him, by mauling the one who attempted to rescue him. By the time you release the poor being, they were far too mortified to remember anything about you or your place. So, he doesn’t try that again and can only wait until you’ve decides to let him go.
Yan investigator who gets far too comfortable with you, who begins to fall into a strange sense of normalcy. He begins to imagine a domestic life with you and it occurs to him that he might not have a very strong mentality. 
Yan investigator who begins to treat you as a spouse, which makes you rather uncomfortable, and seems almost reluctant when the topic of leaving comes up.
Yan investigator who begs to stay with you when you try to free him, he promises to be obedient and he swears to be faithful.
Yan investigator who feels so empty when you do get him to leave, he doesn’t know how you managed it, but he wishes you hadn’t.
Yan investigator who undergoes a psych evaluation due to concerned relatives and then is mandated (by his mother) to see a therapist. (Despite how often he claims to be sane, he believes his behavior is perfectly normal.)
Yan investigator who is reluctant to appear in court when your trial comes, but his family persuaded him too, and despite his strange remarks about the situation you are charged with multiple counts of murder and kidnapping.
He feels so disappointed and angry when you get sent away, he expresses this to his therapist and, regardless of the advice they give him, Samuel decides to visit you in prison. He makes it a habit, he visits you basically every week, no matter how much you try to shoo him off. However, with each visit to his therapist he finds that maybe his friends and family were right, maybe you are a bad person.
He express this to his therapist, who commends him for realizing this, and then to you. You tell him that he’s right, that you’re a terrible person (at least you recognize your faults) and you tell him to stop visiting. 
(“[Y/N], you’re a terrible person.” He states with a stern tone, you smile and nod your head. “You’re right I am, which means you shouldn’t visit me! You should talk to someone better than me, someone that didn’t kidnap you.” He observes your expression, analyzes your response and then sighs.”)
Yan investigator who pities you and can’t help but visit you, I mean, it’s not like anyone else is visiting you. But now he has a chance to get better and he’ll do just that. Hey, maybe he could get you fixed too? 
(Well, that’s the end, hope you enjoyed it and if you like this, let me know.)
(if you’re wondering what happened to Anna, well the police found evidence that you killed her and also charged you for that crime. As for Samuel, well he retired from the private eye business and decided to open up a small woodworking shop.)
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nogacheloveka-blog · 3 months
The Bad Sanses somehow ended up in the Backrooms. №9
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This is the translation of the another post from Russian to English. I understand English, but it is very difficult for me to write in English, so I asked chat GPT to help me. I have corrected some parts, but there still may be mistakes.
I encountered an organization called "To Be Determined". It inspired me to create this drawing. In this organization, there are 6 people who trade highly nonfunctional and peculiar items. I immediately imagined it as a shop run by lost Temmies (Flowey and Bob) from different AUs within Backrooms.
I noticed that there aren't that many prepared posts about bad guys in the backrooms - maybe two or three more. A couple of weeks ago, I started a new job and haven't been drawing much.
I think these posts about bad guys will be once a week, on Saturdays.
Please wish me inspiration =)
The new rooms were similar to Level 0 in their structure. Clusters of office rooms, with and without office furniture. But now there was a pleasant addition in the form of windows. The closed door of the previous place, as before, disappeared behind them when they passed through it. Nightmer seemed calmer without the negative water supply. (Again, being able to clearly distinguish the auras of his wards was definitely pleasant)
After some wandering, Nightmare sensed another presence nearby. Within seconds, everyone heard a distant
This exclamation certainly wasn’t what Nightmare wished to hear, yet if these were Temmies (or something like them), then they might provide information — even though their brains seemed similar to confetti made of narcotic flakes.  At the same time, the place where the Tems might live cannot be too dangerous.
Following the sound, the group found themselves in a medium-sized office room. Soft bean bag chair (Error felt nostalgic for Antivoid) and strange objects, presumably for sale alongside an old cardboard box, occupied one corner. Something resembling Flowey danced as if trapped in an animation loop near merchandise, becoming slightly animated upon seeing customers. Two monsters dressed similarly to Temmies sat nearby. Bob stood apart, his expression frozen, suggesting he had eaten Temmie Flake.
As it turned out later, two more monsters from this group were missing, busy gathering supplies and goods for the little shop. They all seemed to come from different AUs.
Here were also computers, many of which were operational. They tried to access the Undernet and various sites. They couldn't. Instead, they entered a sort of knowledge base. A local Wikipedia or something similar. The browser already contained open tabs, but they couldn't open new ones - there was no network connection. Someone had left the browser open, he took the equipment with him. And, oh, it seemed they had found gold while looking for copper: by reading the text, they understood that the author of the notebook was making notes from this knowledge base. This was easy to understand by the style. There were about a hundred open tabs: items and entities, but mostly levels. From the amount of new information, their heads were spinning. Some levels were described in an unusual way, requiring attention to details to extract additional information. And nothing about exiting from here. There were levels-dead ends, levels-traps, but nothing about a real exit from here.
However, on the other hand, it became evident that there weren't many people in the Backrooms, and they moved individually due to the nature of how many levels was work. Almost everything here seemed to be trying to kill them. But it appeared that not even the dimension-killer could do anything against their DETERMINATION.
Temmies struggled to provide clear answers regarding humans; instead, they simply told strangers, "Temmies too pieople," and strangers treating them like quirky yet harmless folks. How could such a system work? Perhaps these humans were slightly mad. Or perhaps very tolerant towards others' differences. Either way, avoiding contact would be wise.
The presence of monsters in these places brought some comfort. The Bad Guys weren't the only ones who had a rough time. That was good. But the fact that some other monsters they encountered were distorted beyond recognition - like the Smilers - raised serious concerns. It was nerve-wracking.
While Error, Cross, and Dust were exploring the local equivalent of the internet, others used the suddenly freed-up time for themselves. For example, they tried to trade. They all had some amount of monster gold and items to exchange, which Temmies agreed to accept. Horror bought a "Strange Amulet," sweets, and some food to diversify their diet. Almond Water was certainly good, but it was getting boring, and they never tried to cook Greasy Marshmallow. Considering the amulet useless for himself, Horror gave it to Dast.
Strange Amulet ATK: 10 DEF: 10 Made from butterflies in the stomach. It smells of hopes and dreams turned to dust. Allows forming new friendships.
Killer bought numerous boxes of Temmi Flake and Flowey Seeds, several paint cans, and countless small parts of mechanisms along with some mysterious steel scraps, strange red shavings - it seemed he enjoyed them. He also tried planting grass, but Horror stopped him.
Temmie Flake Restores 1–10 HP and sanity *represented by cut yellow wallpaper soaked in Almond Waters
Flowey Seeds Restore 10 HP *represented by seeds coated in Greasy Marshmallow
Nightmare didn't particularly need any products, but somehow excitedly Temmies looked at his tentacles (too much positivity) and offered a discount. Eventually, he purchased a notebook containing maps of certain stable levels from them. Unfortunately, those maps were unsigned. Since he wasn't sure if damaging traders would be beneficial, he decided to go the honest route this time around. After all, merchants held a special status across worlds.
The group stopped at this location for a couple days to record all the information from the site that could be useful to them. It turned out that sequential exploration of levels was only possible up to level 12. Beyond that, entrances and exits from levels led randomly, and any movement scheme resembled a pot of spaghetti. But in theory, they needed to explore this entire pot to find a way home. There were levels that looked like a one-way ticket, empty, unexplored, strange, surreal, remote, and destroyed. Overall, they could work with this.
Temmies didn't mind their company. Soon returned two departed collectors - underfell!Temmie and Temmie in "Temm Armor". They were surprisingly normal compared to the other merchants and shared some information:
People here can also be dangerous just like Fallen Child of Dungeons;
Many who live outside bases and settlements are mad to varying degrees especially those who haven’t drunk Almond Water for long;
Monsters can safely trade with lone humans;
People at outposts and bases usually think rationally and may attack if they realize you are not human. But even with them, you can negotiate.
Nightmare belongs to Jokublog Killer belongs to RahafWabas Dust belongs to Ask-DustTale Horror belongs to Sour-Apple-Studios Error belongs to CrayonQueen Cross belongs to JakeiArtwork
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Hello there do you have any Rantaro Amami x m!reader headcanons to spare? (Pref ones in the killing game but whatever works with you)
I have many a Rantaro headcannon to spare! I was thrilled when I saw this request, he's my favorite of the v3 characters! I hope you enjoy!
Rantaro with a boyfriend who's in the killing game
Warnings: Mentions of death and murder
Technically Male! reader but I didn’t use any pronouns
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-From the get go he was lowkey (highkey) terrified that something would happen to you, although he wouldn’t tell you that right away, and he certainly wouldn’t let anyone else figure it out either
-Rantaro is very protective of you, he’s not gonna let anything hurt you as long as he’s still able to breath. It doesn’t matter if you’re as strong as Nekamaru or as scary as someone like Mondo, he is keeping you as close to him as possible at all times
-He debated telling you to pretend that the two of you have no relationship so people can’t use it against you in the future, but that would mean he couldn’t hang around you all the time to keep you safe so he decided against it
-No matter where you are, he’s more touchy with you than he normally would be, like holding your hand all the time or doing the side hug thing. It’s his way of both telling you that he’s here for you and also telling others not to fuck with you
-He’s reluctant to let you hang around anyone by yourself, he trusts your judgement but also it’s a killing game and you can never truly know what someone’s thinking or planning
-He’s a very comforting presence during the whole ordeal, Rantaro knows how to soothe your anxieties about dying or just the murders in general
-Once a murder inevitably happens, he tries to shield you from the scene as much as possible, but if you want to investigate the body he won’t stop you, instead working with you to gather as much evidence as possible. He stays with you the entirety of the investigation just in case the murderer comes back for another round
-During the trial if your podiums are next to each other, he holds your hand throughout the ordeal, a silent reminder that he’s right there with you
-If you somehow ended up being the killer he’ll be so upset. He would never have been able to fathom you killing someone, but he can’t help but feel like it’s partially his fault for not stopping you and for not being able to convince you that there was another way out
-if you ended you ended up becoming a victim he’d be beyond devastated, he’d try so hard to investigate and be useful in the trial but it’s too much for him, he can’t handle it. He’d be even more closed off after that, barely talking to anyone for the rest of the game
-He again attempts to shield you from seeing any of the executions, but if you end up seeing them anyway he promises that he won’t let anything like that happen to you
-He asks you to let him stay with you during the night, he understands if you aren’t comfortable with it but he really wants to make sure your safe during the most dangerous time in the game
-It’s during the night he’s most vulnerable and cuddled up next to you where he tells you how much he loves you and needs you with him, borderline begging you to stay alive. to stay with him. As strong as he is, he couldn’t handle your death, so he’ll make sure he won’t have to.
-Don’t die, he needs you as much as you need him during this
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hayleythecannibal · 3 months
Twisted Minds: Act II- Chapter Seventeen Takiawase
TW: Crime scenes, Gore, Crying, Implied Death, Death, Lobotomies, BEES, Cannibalism
Warning this is Fem!reader. You can also find this on Wattpad and A03 under the name @HayleyMarieOfficial. Comment if you want to be added to the taglist.
Taglist: @punkin-time @miaowkitty @gabriella-aesthetic @urlocalfanficwriter @dilfdemolisher
Twisted Minds Masterlist
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Nimble fingers tie the lines of leader and tippet, wrapping the end of one line around the other. “Wrap the leader around the tippet. Four, five, six times. Tuck the end between the lines. Tighten. Trim.” The fingers produce a small pair of scissors and trim. WILL GRAHAM wearing waders, thigh deep in water. Will finishes tying the leader and the tippet together.
“It's called a blood knot.” Will is talking to ABIGAIL HOBBS, also wearing waders, standing next to him, watching him complete the knot. ”Your father taught you how to hunt. I'm going to teach you how to fish.”
“Same thing, isn't it? One you lure, the other you stalk?”
“One you catch, the other you shoot.”
“What are you trying to catch?”
“The one who caught you... and didn't let you go.”
“The one that got away.”
“Catch a fish once and it gets away, it's a lot harder to catch again.”
“Have to be smarter than the fish.”
“You have to connect to the fish. The fish is in the current, you're connected to the river. Have to be still. Have to be close. Have to think clearly, control your emotions and act efficiently. Never let the fish know you're fishing.”
“Don't fishermen always lie about what they catch? Or don't catch. Everybody thinks you're lying about the one that got away.”
“That's why I have to catch him.”
“I hope you do.” Will gathers up his pole, ready to cast his line. “Last thing before casting a line:
name the bait on your hook after somebody you cherished.”
“So you can say good-bye?
“If the person you name it after cherished you, as the superstition goes, you'll catch the fish.” Will casts the line and watches it plunk in the distance. “What did you name it?”
Will stands in the middle of his cell, or figuratively in the currents of the river of his mind. The RIDGES OF HIS IRIS look like sand dunes. A KLAXON SOUNDS down the corridor and Will's PUPIL FLUCTUATES. Will Graham holds the HUMAN MURAL CRIME SCENE PHOTO on one side of the bars, while BEVERLY KATZ and DR. Y/N L/N stands on the other.
“You both were right. Killer was in the mural. Just where you said he'd be.” Bev says as she looks between us. “The lion among the lambs.” I say softly as I look into Will’s eyes. 
“His name was James Gray. Found his vehicle near the farm. Enough DNA in the bed of his truck for us to be confident he's the Muralist.” Bev says as Will glances at a REPORT in the same file as the mural photo. “You found as much evidence on him as you did on me.” Says Will as He glances up from the report.  “I'm glad you said it.” Beverly says with a nod. 
“Who sewed him into the mural?” Will asks as he continues to gaze upon the Report.
“We don't know. But clearly, he didn't do it himself. He may have had a partner. Another killer. Maybe they had a suicide pact.” Bev says as I shake my head, “There was no partner. This Muralist acted alone right up until he was sewn into his own mural.” I say just as I had before. 
“No signs of a struggle.” Beverly says as she points to the man in the mural. 
“Whoever he is, this second killer understood the Muralist well enough to find his canvas. Well enough to convince him to be part of it. He's charming and he's insightful.” Will says as he looks at me with a knowing soft smile. We both know. He finally Knows that I know too.
“You have an idea who that might be?” Beverly asks and i tilt my head. “I do.” I say softly with a smile, My plan is excellent. “Please don't say, "Hannibal Lecter."” Bev says to me, and I raise my brows at her amused. “I'm saying Hannibal Lecter.” Will says as he spots my nods at him. 
“Didn't you stop ringing that bell?
“Not for you. And I'd appreciate if you kept the ringing between usThree.”
“God's sake, Will. I'd say you lost your mind, but look where we are.” Beverly indicates the cell block around her. Will doesn't blink. “I'm not asking you to believe anything you can't prove. I'm just asking you to prove it.” Will says, I act surprised but he knows i'm not. She considers the request a moment, then shakes her head.
“Hannibal Lecter has no reason–”
“That's exactly right. He has no discernible reason other than his own amusement and curiosity.” Will says. “That's hard to prove.” Beverly states and i shake my head with a soft smile. “Whimsy. That's how We'll catch him. There will be a very clever detail to find on James Gray. He wouldn't be able to resist. Something that's probably been overlooked. Something hidden.” I say as I grasp her hand and Will’s. 
“I'll look for clever details. But I'm not looking for Hannibal.”
“As long as you're looking. You look out there. I'll look in here. And Car-” i stop him.. “I know what i'm doing, lets just hope.” I smile sadly.
Heavy SMOKE drifts through the air. A man in a BEEKEEPER SUIT steps WAFTING MORE SMOKE skyward with his portable BEE SMOKER. BRIAN ZELLER and JIMMY PRICE (also in beekeeper suits) positioned over the discolored corpse. “Hive seems well established. Basic nest architecture in place.” Jimmy says as Zeller's eyes dart over Price's shoulder to find – JACK CRAWFORD Standing at a safe distance, sans beekeeper suit. Zeller and Price immediately approach, pulling off their bee helmets.
“Local police were supposed to exterminate the bees to work the crime scene. But apparently, somebody shut that down.” Jack says as he swats away bees. “I did.” Jimmy says simply. And then Zeller repeats “He did.”
“Colony Collapse is already wiping out the bees, there's no reason to murder them too.”  Jack eyes Jimmy, then indicates the body by the tree. “How long has he been out here?”
“From the decomp, I'd estimate death at two weeks.” Zeller says curtly,  “Which makes sense with how much honey is being produced. I love bees. The drone is nature's most-talented suicidal swordsman. When he mates with a queen, his ejaculation is so explosive, it's audible to the human ear.” Jimmy says as the other two men look at him interestingly. 
“How audible?” Zeller asks curiously,  “A little "popping" sound. Kills him dead. Rips his endophallus right off.” Jimmy says until Jack clears his throat. “Do bees naturally hive in animal or human carcasses?” Jack asks Jimmy.  “No. The victim was purposely repurposed as a human apiary.” Jimmy says as he gestures towards the body.
“Purposely.” Jack says softly. “Somebody removed eyes and part of the brain to make room for a hive.” Zeller says as Jack and his interest piqued --
Beverly offers Hannibal and Y/N a small container of SMELL-BLOCKING
OINTMENT; he raises his hand in polite refusal. And I simply shake my head ‘No’. “Zeller's in the field, otherwise I'd ask him to help me with this.” Beverly says as she smears a dab inside each nostril, then pulls back the sheet revealing JAMES GRAY, the remains of the stitching still laced through his flesh.
“You Both were surgeons, right?” Bev asks, and I Nod. It is True before I was a psychiatrist and Criminal profiler I was a Trauma surgeon and ER Doctor. “I was a surgeon and a doctor.” Hannibal says as we look upon the body
“What's the distinction?” Beverly asks us. “A surgeon can stand to look at a mutilated body. But a doctor can't stand to see a life wasted.” I say softly as  Beverly swings the MAGNIFYING LENS over James Gray's body.
“Have you found any evidence on the Muralist's friend?” Hannibal asks, “That's what I need your help with. Might not be a friend. Might not even be an acquaintance. Whoever killed him, understood him. That doesn't mean that he knew him or even met him before he killed him.” Beverly says and I sigh. She sounds like Will.
“So often you open your mouth and I hear Will Graham's words come out.” Hannibal says as Beverly stares, resists a smile, i look at her with a look that says ‘whatever you say i'm not involved’, then confesses: “Will and I have an arrangement.”
“Oh?” Hannibal asks and I tilt my head in acted confusion.
“He's agreed to consult with me on cases, if I keep investigating the murders he's accused of.” Beverly says, Oh Bev he will have his eye on you now. “I'm happy to hear that. Will needs a champion now more than ever.” Hannibal says with an amused voice.
“He has you two, doesn't he? You think there's a chance he could be innocent. I know you do.” Beverly asks us, I nod and intake a breath as Hannibal’s hand goes to my lower back. “I believe there's a possibility. How is your investigation going?” Hannibal asks as his hand drags across my lower back. 
“I have nothing but Will's word. I'm just relieved he's not saying the killer is you anymore.” Beverly says as she starts to prepare for what seems to be an autopsy. “At least not to me. Who does Will believe killed the Muralist?” Beverly wheels over a tray of autopsy tools, including scalpels, scissors, rib cutters, vibrator saws and forceps. “Doesn't know. He thinks, if James Gray's killer hid him in the mural, he may have hid something else.”
“A signature? What kind of killer seeks to depict the unconscious, instinctual strivings of his victim by sewing him into his own human mural?”
“It wasn't just for appearances.” 
“You have to get to the truth beneath the appearances.” I say as Beverly wryly hands him an autopsy scalpel. “Freud used psychoanalysis to delve into the subconscious mind and reveal a patient's true intentions.” Hannibal says as he accepts the scalpel
“What were James Gray's killer's true intentions, if not friendship?”
“Only by going deep beneath the skin will you understand the nature of this killer's pathology.”  Beverly studying Hannibal as he places the scalpel...
Will Graham sits in handcuffs and shackles, accompanied by the medical flair necessary for his session. Dr. Chilton sits opposite him, regarding him with curiosity. “Before I start asking you questions, I need some confidence you'll be telling the truth when you answer.” Chilton says as He presents Will with a CONSENT FORM on a CLIPBOARD. “What's this?”
“A consent form. You're agreeing to a narcoanalytic interview. You. Me. And our friend, sodium amytal.”
“Something to loosen my tongue.”
“Something lawfully used in the evaluation of psychotic patients.”
“What would you use to induce memory loss in a patient, psychotic or otherwise?”
“Of course.”
“Psychological trauma or neurological trauma? Or both.”
“What sort of neurological trauma?”
“The protein synthesis that moves memories from short-term to long-term can be interrupted, but that requires tools and skills. And a certain level of unorthodoxy.”
“Does Hannibal Lecter possess those tools and skills?” Chilton studies Will a moment, then: “Dr. Lecter has indicated to me that he is open to the unorthodox when it comes to treating patients.”
“I wonder how that subject came up.  Sharing stories of the unorthodox?”
“Sign here.” THE SIGNATURE LINE Will signs his name. ON A VEIN The needle of an INTRAVENOUS DRIP pierces skin. A SYRINGE'S PLUNGER It glides down, drug solution SURGING, showing striations as it is PUSHED in a single direction. AN INTRAVENOUS DRIP The contents of the SYRINGE enter the stream, coursing toward the vein in Will Graham's arm.
He allows his head to loll back, feeling the drugs hit his system, and stares at the FLUORESCENT LIGHT above him. The rhythm of his circulatory system filling his ears. A FLUORESCENT LIGHT It flickers faster than the naked eye can see, but as the
drugs overtake Will's vision, the FLICKER SLOWS, gradually becoming a quick STROBE and then a slower STROBE. His head rolls back onto his shoulders, eyes open, lit by a STROBE LIGHT flashing in the same rhythm, fast as a rabbit’s heartbeat. SWEAT is already on his brow. 
Hannibal stands outside the nurses' station as Dr. Chilton descends the stairs, frustrated and apologetic. “Dr. Lecter. I am so embarrassed. Didn't get my message? I canceled your appointment with Will Graham.” Chilton says with a smirk as he Aproaches. “Is everything all right?”
“I can explain. Shall we?” Chilton leads Hannibal up the stairs of the cell block. “Will's at a delicate place in his therapy. I don't want to confuse him any more than he already is.”
“Confuse him? Isn't it your opinion he's an intelligent psychopath?”
“It was, but my opinion is evolving. After administering a narcoanalytic interview, therapeutically-vital information has come to light.”
“What sort of information?”
“What Will Graham suffers from may not be a single condition, but a continuum of illnesses, all with different neurological mechanisms. Some naturally occurring, others appear to have been induced.” Hannibal stops on the stairs. “Induced by whom?”
“Did you ever use any kind of light stimulation in your treatment?”
“Light stimulation is a standard tool for neurotherapy. It's meant to increase cerebral blood flow.”
“Evidently, it was overloading his visual cortex. Creating seizures, lost time, gaps in his memory.
Almost strategically, it seems.”
“You suggesting it was intentional?” Hannibal questions with the tilt of his head. Chilton stands on the next step, rising to Hannibal's eye level, but lowering his voice conspiratorially. “All our conversations about psychic driving. You were so curious and eager to hear what I had to say while saying very little yourself.”
“I had very little to say.”
“I've been thinking about the possibility you may've been psychic driving Will Graham all along.”
“A bold accusation, Frederick.”
“To know with any certainty if you were manipulating Will's memories, I'd need to understand how and why. Under a cone of confidentiality.” “As a professional courtesy.”
“You're not the only psychiatrist accused of making a patient kill. We have to stick together.”
The "Bee Man" from the Meadow lies on the morgue slab, the honeycomb removed from his hollow head. Zeller and Price stand over the body, comparing notes with Jack. “Duncan Halloran, fifty-two, divorced and bankrupt. Reported missing six months ago.” Zeller says as he shows Jack. “A week prior to his disappearance, Mr. Halloran lost a workmen's comp claim for chronic back problems.” Jimmy says as he comes up beside Zeller. “What do we know about his death?” Jack asks the two men. 
“Considering any postmortem morphological changes, it looks like his white blood cell count was through the roof when he died.” Zeller says as he shows the lab results. “Are you telling me his killer was a fever and/or a massive infection?”
“Lock them both up.” Zeller quips. Jack studies the remains of Duncan Halloran: “No money. No family. No reason to live. Alive or dead or dying, who put him under that tree?”
“It's possible we're dealing with a religiously-motivated individual here. In Hinduism, honey is one of the five elixirs of immortality. In Christianity, the bee is considered to be an emblem of Christ; his mildness and mercy on one side and his justice on the other.” Jimmy says as  Zeller draws their attention back to the corpse.
“Look at the orbital bones. The sphenoid here.” Jack and Jimmy move to the slab. Zeller indicates the magnifying lens positioned above the eye sockets. THROUGH THE MAGNIFYING LENS Small holes dot the cradle of the eye. “Tiny punctures. Behind where the eyeballs would usually be. Something long and sharp was pushed into the brain. The man was lobotomized.”
He lies on an examination table, restrained at wrists and ankles. Docile, he stares blindly at the ceiling, quietly moaning or mumbling in an unintelligible babble as Zeller and Price perform a "living autopsy" on his naked flesh. Zeller shines a small flashlight into Lloyd's eye sockets.
“Multiple holes this time. Over a dozen. Both eye sockets. The lesions severed most the nerve
tracts to the frontal lobes.” Zeller says, THROUGH THE MAGNIFYING LENS Jimmy examines Lloyd's skin, which is covered in BEE STINGS. “He's covered in bee stings. It's like he got swarmed. He must be floating in apitoxin. Probably can't feel a thing.”
“Him not feeling anything's got nothing to do with bee stings. He's been lobotomized. Welcome to the world of the living dead.” Zeller says as  Jimmy points to a MONITOR displaying a MAGNIFIED area of Lloyd Roat's skin.
“There's a pattern.” Jimmy and Zeller take a closer look at the MAGNIFIED AREA as
Beverly ENTERS and approaches the living autopsy. “Hey.” Jimmy and Zeller turn to see Beverly standing in the doorway. “Look what the Katz dragged in.”
“What are you looking at?”
“A pattern.” “A pattern.” Jimmy zeros in on the area in question. Several bee stings
appear more inflamed than the others. “Some of the bee stings triggered allergic reactions, others didn't.” 
“Look. The inflamed bee stings are all in line with the body's meridians. On acupuncture points.” Zeller says as he points them out.  “The killer's an acupuncturist?” Jimmy asks confused, “The stings are hiding needle marks.”
“What did you say?”
“The stings are hiding needle marks.” Zeller says as Beverly as realization dawns...
Body storage compartments open, the BODIES displayed. Beverly is re-examining the stitches on James Gray's body. THROUGH THE MAGNIFYING LENS - ON GRAY'S FLESH Hidden beneath the EQUINE SUTURE FILAMENT is a FINER SURGICAL SUTURE which has been used to close a SCALPEL INCISION. BEVERLY  Stunned by what this could mean.
“Stitches are hiding stitches.” Grabbing SURGICAL SCISSORS, she carefully removes both sets of sutures and opens the wound. "Only by going deep beneath the skin will we understand the nature of this killer's pathology." It's empty. A bloody void.
“He took his kidneys.” As Beverly quietly considers what that could mean --
Will sleeps on his cot, drenched in sweat. The rhythm of his breath rises and falls in his ears. In the distance, he can hear an argument growing somewhere down the corridor.
“I think I'm losing my mind. Just tell me if he's real.”
“I don't see anyone.”
“No, no, he's right there.”
“There's no one there.”
“You're lying.”
“We're alone. You came here alone.”
“Please don't lie to me.” Will OPENS HIS EYES, sits upright, swinging his feet off the bed, holding his head in an attempt to silence the voices. “What's happening to me?” Will reacts to the proximity of the voice. He turns. On the other side of the bars is HANNIBAL'S DINING ROOM. MEMORY HANNIBAL stands next to MEMORY WILL, who is doused in sweat,
mid-seizure. Seated at the table is MEMORY GIDEON.  Will stands and crosses to the bars, looking into...
Memory Hannibal looks into Memory Will's rolling eyes and confirms to Memory Gideon: “He's had a mild seizure.” PRESENT-DAY WILL standing on the other side of the dining room table, watching himself. “That doesn't seem to bother you.”
“I said it was mild.” Hannibal sits at the head of the table, opposite Gideon. “Are you the man who claimed to be the Chesapeake Ripper?”
“Why do you say "claimed"?”
“Because you're not. You know you're not and you don't know much more about who you are beyond that.” Gideon is struck silent by that assessment. Hannibal sits opposite Gideon at the dining table. “A terrible thing, to have your identity taken from you.” He is stunned at the recovered memory. He closes his eyes. As he opens his eyes,  Will is lying in his bed. He stares up at the ceiling as Will is merely a man in a box.
Will Graham, Dr. Y/N L/N and Beverly Katz. Pictures between them on the table, of the Muralist and the voids where his kidneys were. “Whoever killed James Gray, didn't just take his leg.”
“Was he missing organs?” She stares at Will, curious how he figured it out, then:
“His killer took both of his kidneys. None of the other bodies in the mural were missing organs.” Bev says confused on the matter. “They had a different killer.” I say simply. She presents a PHOTO illustrating the stitches on sutures. “Sutures hidden under the stitching that wove him into the mural. One crime made to look like another.”
“Like the Copycat.” Will says and i realize something….“And the Chesapeake Ripper.” I say softly and Bev looks at me confused.  “Now you're saying Hannibal Lecter is the Chesapeake Ripper?”
“Also the Chesapeake Ripper. Were the kidneys surgically removed?”
“Dr. Lecter was a surgeon.”
“I know he was. I asked him and Y/N to consult on James Gray's autopsy.” Bev says as The pit of Will's stomach drops out. “If you invited him with an actual agenda, Hannibal would know it.” Will says.
“He said, "Only by going deep beneath the skin will we understand the nature of this killer." Thought it was a little corny, even for him.” Bev says. 
“He's toying with you. He toyed with me for months.”
“He pointed me to the evidence.”
“He pointed you to an absence of evidence. He's baiting a hook. Stay away from Hannibal Lecter. Go to Jack. Tell him everything.” Will says and I can’t help but agree. “I can't bring this up until I can back it up. The Chesapeake Ripper kept surgical trophies. If Hannibal's the Ripper, what's he doing with his trophies?” Beverly says and I look at Will. 
A horrible thought crosses my mind. Will closes his eyes, considering the possibility. The dinner Parties….The Sudden invitations to dinner…..Him being happy anytime someone indicates the pleasure in eating the meat he serves….The cannibal jokes….I reel from the horrifying realization, then: “He's eating them.” Beverly stares as Will suppresses a shudder, knowing that he's been eating Hannibal's trophies, too.
Katherine Pimms surrounded by JARS OF HONEY and larger METAL HONEY EXTRACTORS. The SUNLIGHT through the JARS OF HONEY casts the room in a warm glow. DOWN THE HALL A SILHOUETTE fills the etched glass of the front door. The DOORBELL RINGS. Katherine Pimms opens the door to reveal Jack Crawford standing on her front porch with Brian Zeller and Jimmy Price. Beyond the porch, TWO POLICE OFFICER “Katherine Pimms?”
“I'm Agent Crawford with the FBI. Agent Zeller and Agent Price. We'd like to ask you a few questions about former patients of yours.”
“Mr. Halloran and/or Mr. Roat?”
“Would you like to come in?” Crawford, Price and Zeller question Katherine Pimms. “When was the last time you saw Duncan Halloran or Lloyd Roat?” Jimmy asks seriously.
“Whenever their last appointments were. I can check my calendar, if you want. Have you found them?”
“Yes, we have. Mr. Halloran was deceased. Mr. Roat may as well be.” Zeller says with a cold stare. “Poor Mr. Halloran. If there were a single example that we're not all created equal, it would be him.” Kathrine says sadly. “What were you treating him for?” Jack asks her.
“That man trudged from one terrible disease to another. He had severe combined immunodeficiency. Life didn't seem to be going his way. I find people don't get their own way because they often don't know themselves where that way leads.”
“Where was Mr. Halloran's way leading him?” Jack asks. “He couldn't envision a dignified end of life. Much nicer for him to die in a meadow, head full of bees. Did you taste the honey? Couldn't bring myself to. It seemed morbid.” Furtive glances around the room at that admission.
“You left him in that field to die?”
“I brought him to that field to die. But I didn't kill him. Just quieted his mind so he could die in peace.” Kathrine says, admitting to the ‘Crime’  “And Mr. Roat? Quiet his mind, too?”
“Oh, yes. He suffered from crippling arthritis. After he was quieted, I saw him walk pain-free for the very first time. I watched him wander off and I knew... I knew then that this moment now, here with you, was inevitable. I was good as caught.” 
“You wanted to be caught.”
“I wanted people to know I can help. I can't make the pain go away, but I can make it so it doesn't matter.”
“You can't help anyone anymore. Not like this. Not where you're going.”
“I bet I can. You think I'm wrong. You stand there and intellectualize another person's pain of being alive relative to your own. If you can imagine yourself surviving that pain, you can imagine them. But we are not created equal, are we? I've protected these people from hopelessness. And that's beautiful.”
“These people?”
The door OPENS and Jack ENTERS the beautiful floral environment, overgrown and borderline unkempt. Jars of honey refract the harsh sunlight into amber beams of warmth. Scattered BEES flit from flower to flower, gathering pollen. Something moves, concealed in the plant life ahead.
He trains his weapon on the movement. Then something else moves. He swings around to see a BALD MAN with his head down. Then a WOMAN, her hair matted to her face. All of a sudden, A MAN WITH a SHOCK OF HAIR is standing very near Jack, his eye sockets dripping honey.
Jack lowers his weapon. It's clear none of these lobotomized people mean anyone any harm.
Jack Crawford, horrified by what he's found, turns to Katherine Pimms standing in the doorway behind him, flanked by Zeller and Price, both dumbstruck by what they see.
“They were suffering. Is it so wrong to want to end that for them?”
Beverly knocks on the door, looking inside. No one there. Zeller rounds a corner, carrying a GIANT HUNK of freshly-harvested honeycomb, presumably from Duncan Halloran. “Hey. Have you seen Jack?” Beverly asks the obnoxious man.  “There was some emergency with his wife. Dr. Lecter called and asked him to meet him at the hospital.” Zeller says to her.  “Is Mrs. Crawford all right?”
“We don't know. He wouldn't say.”
“So Hannibal's at the hospital, too?”
Night. through the meticulously-tidy kitchen. A SHAFT OF LIGHT cuts through the DARKNESS. Finds Beverly Katz standing in front of the OPEN REFRIGERATOR. Beverly is engulfed in its light. The shelves stacked neatly with exotic foodstuffs. Beverly lifts hands in latex gloves and pulls open clear drawers, but no cuts of meat. Not what she is looking for. Closing the refrigerator, taking us back to DARKNESS. She pulls out a PENLIGHT and switches it on. Moves to the PANTRY DOOR, which is locked. She squats and takes out a lock-picking kit, inserting two tools into the lock and working. EXTREME CLOSE ON THE LOCK BOLT
It turns and clicks.
Beverly opens the door. She steps inside, the room illuminated by the large glass-front freezer. Beverly moves toward it, past an AERATOR sitting on the counter, filled with red wine. She slides the door open and peers within. FROZEN FOOD --vacuum-packed and sealed. She moves things around. Her gloved hands smearing the condensation on the slick plastic.
Her face lit by the glow of the freezer's light. She reaches inside and lifts out a vacuum-sealed KIDNEY, and ANOTHER.
“Gotcha.” She leaves one and slips the other inside her coat. She CLOSES the freezer, turns and knocks the aerator of wine off the counter. It CRASHES to the floor, SHATTERING. Beverly silently curses herself out, then something catches her eye. The spilled wine seeps between the cracks in the floorboard. Beverly runs the toe of her boot along the seam in the floor.
The triangle of light illuminates narrow, steep steps that spiral into the darkness below. FEET come into view as Beverly, gun drawn, slowly comes down them, flashing the penlight before her. It catches highlights, off reflective tiles, of the room around her. She finds a SWITCH and a series of overhead fluorescent lights FLICKERS ON, one by one. Beverly reacts to what she
“Omigod.” The last overhead fluorescent FLICKERS ON behind her, revealing HANNIBAL STANDING SEVERAL FEET AWAY. As she turns, he MOVES.
PROWLS the floor as GUNFIRE ERUPTS from below, muffled, but clear. BLAM. BLAM. BLAM. Finally, BLAM, a bullet BLASTS through the floor, splintering the wood in a hole.
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katy-133 · 23 days
Spy Backstory Theory (Team Fortress 2)
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(Image source: Valvearchive dot com/archive)
This is something I've been thinking about for a while so I wanted to write about it.
To start, I need to set up some points (with supporting evidence) as a foundation to build upon before getting to the theory, so that we're all on the same page.
Point 1: Spy genuinely loves Scout's Mom
In the TF2 comics ("Unhappy Returns"), Spy changes his mind (about leaving the situation) upon hearing Scout say that his mom will be upset:
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There's a whole panel dedicated to a close up of Spy taking a deep breath like, "Urgh, I'm gonna have to do it now, aren't I?"
Spy visits Scout's Mom in the Second Annual Saxxy Awards Valve animation:
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One of Spy's revolvers has her depicted as a pin-up model etched into the side of the barrel, which you can see clearer in weapon's the texture file:
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I also want to take a moment to note that this weapon is named "the Ambassador" in the game. An ambassador is a diplomat sent by a country as its official representative to a foreign country. So this is associating Spy with the idea of, "a person sent from another country" in relation to Scout's Mom. Stick a pin in that for now.
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(Image source: Sniper Vs Spy Update, Day 6)
In Meet the Spy, the enemy Spy reveals a series of photos showing Spy and Scout's Mom together:
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Conclusion: Spy has a reputation of being a "lady killer" ("and mankiller," according to his bio on the official TF2 website) and liking his romances "in groups of six" (in-game line). But this love for Scout's Mom is not fake, nor short-lived, and is an emotional bond that is mutual, not a one-time fling.
"For he is the Spy - globetrotting rogue, lady killer (metaphorically) and mankiller (for real)." - Spy's Bio, Team Fortress 2 Website
Point 2: Spy wanted to be a good father to Scout
I think Spy would have known about Scout's Mom's previous 7 sons (Scout canonically has 7 older brothers according to his bio on TF2's website, and we can infer that they're Scout's half-brothers and are not biologically-related to Spy), as he would have had the means obtaining this information (or being given it) before he even met her. So we can assume that he was knowingly romancing a woman who had 7 sons already. The amount of children she had did not scare nor deter Spy away.
"The youngest of eight boys from the south side of Boston, the Scout learned early how to problem solve with his fists. With seven older brothers on his side [...]" - Scout's Bio, Team Fortress 2 Website
The plot of Valve's short film, Expiration Date is Spy helping Scout train for asking Miss Puling out on a date because it's Scout's dying wish. All the mercs believe that they each have 3 days left to live, and this is what Spy dedicates his last hours to.
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Spy is seen comforting a child in the Smissmass comic (A Smissmas Story):
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He instructed the child to stab the child kidnapper with an icicle (against Miss Pauling's wishes, who is on the phone), which is messed up, but ultimately saves the kid.
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Out of all the mercs, Spy is the one who takes the time to listen to the kid's feelings and trying to comfort him.
Point 3: Spy knows how to be responsible
Spy is characterised as being the merc who does the big speeches that boost the morale of his teammates. Examples include his speech in Expiration Date and his speech in Spy's Rally (a cut alternate Meet the Spy monologue).
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This characterises Spy as a leader who can look out for others on him team. Not the same as acting as someone's father, but we can gather that Spy can handle responsibility and isn't afraid of it.
Deduction: Spy wanted to be Scout's father and the husband of Scout's Mom. What stopped him?
In the TF2 comics ("The Naked and the Dead"), Spy tells Scout that he ran away, which implies the reason was from fear.
Spy: "I was young then, and I ran from the explosion."
What was the source of this fear? If not fear of being a husband, if not fear of being a father, if not fear of facing responsibility...
It was fear of his family being attacked.
My theory: Spy worked as an operative agent and Scout's Mom was his cover story
Before joining RED/BLU, Spy worked as an operative in an MI6 style organisation in intelligence and espionage, similar to James Bond (whom Spy often is linked to in the game's Spy Achievements and some of Spy's in-game lines, which reference Bond).
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"They should call you whiners Dr. NOOOOO!" -Spy attacking when Ubercharged by Medic
As a cover story for one of his future missions, Spy was assigned Scout's Mom as a woman he should marry to help himself blend in, similar to a sleeper agent (a spy who maintains a normal civilian life until they are "activated" by their agency to come out of hiding as an asset). She's a single mom (assumedly--Scout doesn't mention her previous marriages) from Boston, America and Spy would be seen as someone from another country (due to his lack of a Boston accent and his place of birth being France, according to his website bio), so enemies trying to tail Spy may be thrown off by a cover story ("Well, he's probably staying longer in America because he's in love with this woman. He's not a spy").
"Country of Origin: France" - Spy's Bio, Team Fortress 2 Website
Spy met Scout's Mom and ended up actually falling in love with her, which was not according to plan, and would have been considered a major flaw on Spy's part by his organisation.
This is comparable to the phenomenon where actors who play love interests towards each other in a fictional work end up falling in love with each other in real life during production (this has been documented in film productions like Willow and Crocodile Dundee). Your behaviour towards a person can affect your emotions towards them, even if it begins as an act. You "become the mask" in a sense.
This is apparently an issue with actual sleeper agents, as they're meant to not communicate to their superiors (as they've "gone to sleep") for long amounts of time (such as decades) and therefor have difficulty remaining motivated and loyal to their superiors and not forming attachments.
So the plan was for Spy to be in a fake relationship with this woman, and remain emotionally separated from her, but it turns out that Spy was so bad at doing this that he still loves her to this day and continues visiting her long after leaving his career.
Before Scout was born, Spy ended up in a romantic relationship with Scout's Mom, with the intention of marrying her and becoming a father.
Through his work in the past, Spy had gained many powerful enemies. Possibly his own organisation was also not happy with him wanting to settle down as a family man and wanted him liquidated (killed off) rather than leave him alone with the amount of information in his head that he would have gathered from his work (as he could either use that info against them, or their enemies could try to get that info from Spy).
Side note, because I wanna talk about 60s shows I like: This is comparable to the plot premise of the iconic opening for 1967's The Prisoner (note: TF2 is set in 1968), which is considered to be a spiritual sequel to 1960's Danger Man (as both star Patrick McGoohan and share plot elements). The opening of The Prisoner shows a secret service agent resigning from his job (against his superior's wishes), rushing to his home to pack his things, but then being kidnapped by someone either working for or against his organisation, as we see his records getting X-ed out but an automated filing system marked "Resigned." This is basically what TF2 Spy was trying to avoid, but worrying about his future wife and kids.
Danger Man is about a secret service agent, and is likely another source of inspiration for TF2's Spy (though I could not find evidence of TF2 directly referencing Danger Man/The Prisoner). Danger Man's association with Spy appears to be a fandom thing than official. You know that one song a bunch of TF2 fan edits reference or use for Spy-focused frag edits? "Secret Agent Man"? That song is used for the opening of Danger Man.
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(Hey look, Jerma985 made one!)
(Okay, end of side note)
Spy's enemies and his own organisation found out about the relationship. Look at these photos. They have these odd black closeup edges (similar to a "thumb on the lens" effect), like it was taken by a hidden camera. They're taken from a distance, giving them a feeling that the cameraperson was hidden and not seen by the subjects (Spy and Scout's Mom).
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After Scout's Mother became pregnant with Scout, Spy realised that he had a target on his back and that his family would always be in danger so long as he was with them. Maybe this realisation happened because a Spy came home one evening and found an enemy agent breaking into the house and he had to fight them off. To protect his family, Spy left and later joined RED/BLU as a spy.
I'm sure both Scout and his mother would have said that it was the wrong decision, and that Spy himself came to regret his choice when he got older, but that was the decision a younger Spy had made in the moment.
But even after all that, Spy still visits Scout's Mom in secret, and is willing to spend his last 3 days alive trying to fulfill Scout's dying wish.
But Spy will never take off his mask ever again, because that may once again reveal himself as "the agent that got away" to his superiors and enemies.
TL;DR: Spy left out of love to protect his family from his past enemies.
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blue-slxt · 11 months
It Was Supposed To Be Us - Chapter 3
🔞Minors Do Not Interact🔞
A/N: Getting into some sensitive territory in this part. All characters are aged up.
Previous Part | Next Part
Pairing: Neteyam x Fem!Omatikaya!Reader
Warnings: This chapter contains some potentially triggering content for DV so please proceed with caution. There is also: making out, dry humping, and mentions of a hangover.
Word Count: 3.3k
Summary: Ralu starts to catch wind of your feelings for your "friend".
The morning sun rays seep through to wake you the next day and the light makes your head pound before you’ve even opened your eyes. Your whole body feels heavy like lead and there’s a pressure throbbing behind your eyes. You’re finally able to peel them open and look around. It hurts to move your eyes and they’re puffy. Were you crying? How did you make it home? The last thing you remember was being at the party with Neteyam and then…Ralu. He took you away. And the hurt on Neteyam’s face was evident. The remembering makes your eyes well up with fresh tears. But crying would aggravate your already head-splitting pain. The healing tent probably has some herbs you could take to help you not feel like you’re dying.
Carefully, you push your body from your hammock and change your clothes out of last night’s wardrobe. The clan is already starting to stir awake, and people are getting through their daily chores. Surely, the Tsahik would already be in her tent. The walk to the tent is like torture. As still and quiet as the morning air is, it’s still too loud for your overly sensitive ears right now. You finally make it to the tent, and, to your surprise, Kiri is there with Mo’at. “Oh, hey Kiri, I didn’t expect to see you here.” “Well, I never stopped my training when I was gone so it only made sense to continue when I returned. What are you doing here so early?”
“I have a killer headache right now. Was hoping you might have something that could help get me through the day?” You rub your temples trying to relieve some of the pressure.
“Let me see what we have.” Kiri gestures for you to sit while she shuffles around the tent gathering various herbs and roots. “So, who was that man that you disappeared with last night?” she continues grinding the herbs and adding liquid while she speaks.
You stare at your feet in front of you, partially out of shame, but also because it gives you something to focus on so that you don’t feel so off balance. “Ralu. He is the man that my parents have promised me to.”
She nods her head in understanding, “I see. Now my brother’s mood makes more sense.”
You sink a little more into the floor. “Is he upset with me?” She bends down to offer you the bowl to drink from. “I don’t think he is upset with you. It is a surprise, though. When we were gone, he talked about you often. Even when our parents were urging him to finally take a mate, he would hear nothing of it. He said you were waiting for him. Truth be told, I thought he was delusional to think that you would put your life on hold for him.”
She watches as you sip from the bowl slowly so as to not churn your stomach. “But I did. I waited for him every day, Kiri. I’ve never wanted anyone besides Neteyam. It is not my choice to be with Ralu. My parents arranged this without caring for my wishes. Even now, you guys are back, but my parents still think I am being childish. And I don’t want to hurt Ralu, he’s done nothing wrong, but I don’t love him. I barely know him.”
“Well, you will only make him and yourself miserable going through with it if your heart’s not in it.” She places a hand on your knee, “Look, I’ve seen the way that Neteyam looks at you and he’s bent our ears for years with talk about you. He is clearly head over heels for you. And obviously you feel the same. It shouldn’t have to be more complicated than that.”
Her words are a welcome comfort, but it is short lived. ‘It shouldn’t have to be more complicated than that’. But it is. You let out a deep sigh and drink more from the bowl she gave you. Is it right to defy your parents? To walk away from Ralu? Would that be selfish? You don’t know any more. You finish the last of the drink and hand Kiri the bowl. “Thanks for the help and the advice. I think I need to sit on this one for a while.”
Kiri smiles at you, “I’m always here to help…in whatever way you need.”
Kiri was always a good friend to you, even as children. She was level-headed and gentle, and she understood what it was like to be different.
“Now that I know where you’ll be, I’ll be sure to come by and bother you sometime” you joke.
You always left interactions with Kiri feeling lighter. That is, until you bump into a familiar face while leaving the tent. “Oh, hi Neteyam.” And suddenly, you’re hurling right back down to reality.
“Oh, hey…” his ears are pinned down.
A heavy silence hangs between you for longer than a beat until he breaks it. “I just wanted to say sorry.” What was he apologizing for? He had done nothing wrong. If anything, you should be the one to apologize for letting things go as far as they did the other night without telling him the truth.
“I didn’t realize that you were spoken for already and I crossed a line that I shouldn’t have. If I had known—”
“You don’t need to apologize. It’s on me. I should have told you. But it’s not like how it looks.” He looks at you confused, but before you can explain further, “Yawne!” A shiver runs up your spine.
You both turn to see Ralu jogging over to you. Perfect, because this moment wasn’t already hard enough. He comes over to you and lightly holds you by your arms, “I was worried about you after last night. I wanted to be sure you were feeling better.”
You internally sink away from his touch. “I am fine. Thank you for getting me home.”
“I’m just glad you are feeling better.” He finally turns to acknowledge Neteyam and he puts his arm around your shoulders. “Hey, I see you’re up bright and early too.”
“Right, just on my way to the healing tent to speak with my sister” he gestures to the tent behind them.
Ralu’s grip on your shoulders tightens ever so slightly and it makes you squirm. He gives Neteyam a smile that’s just a bit too wide but doesn’t reach his eyes.
“I should be getting back home. I’m still really tired.” You say trying to get away from this weird building tension.
“Here, I’ll walk you.” Ralu insists. You nod accepting his offer, not wanting to be rude.
“I’ll see you around Neteyam.” You give him a small wave as you’re escorted away. What you don’t notice is the glare Ralu shoots Neteyam as you’re leaving.
And now, for the second time, Neteyam is forced to stand and watch as you leave him with another man holding on to you. His nails dig into his palms squeezing his hands in fists at his side to hold himself back from reaching out and going after you. When he turns around, Kiri is already leaning against one of the posts watching him. “Skxawng” she mutters.
It felt like the day dragged on forever. The drink Kiri made for you earlier helped to ease your headache, but your body still felt sluggish all day. Just getting in and out of your hammock was a challenge. Next thing you knew, it was time for communal dinner. You will your body to move forward, hoping that maybe you’ll be able to get a moment alone with Neteyam so you can explain the situation to him in full. He needs to understand that you haven’t abandoned him, but you are being held against your will. It seems you would have no such luck, though. As soon as you step foot out of your family’s tent, Ralu is already there and he’s insisting on joining you for dinner. It’s not exactly like you can tell him ‘Hey, I need to go talk to Neteyam and explain to him that I actually love him and don’t want to be with you’.
He sticks by your side all night long. He never lets you out of his sight so getting a moment alone with Neteyam was nearly impossible. Instead, you had to settle for small fleeting glances from across the way when the two of you would catch each other’s eye.
The following week is suffocating. Ralu is suffocating. It seems you never get a moment alone anymore. Every time you leave your home, he’s there. When you go to forage, when you go to meals, hell, it’s a wonder how you even get a chance to bathe by yourself.
Even now, the pressure is weighing on your mind too much and it’s interrupting your sleep. It’s the middle of the night and all you want is sleep, but instead you’re wide awake and left alone with your thoughts. Maybe, this could be a chance to have some alone time. Tiptoeing out of your home, you stay as silent as possible making sure to not wake your parents when you leave. You peer out of the front to ensure that there’s no one around and quickly make your way out and through to the forest.
It feels like you can breathe again. Being surrounded by the late-night sounds and not having someone breathing down your neck the entire time is just what you needed.
Your body instinctively heads for your spot. You can see it just ahead in the distance and the gravity of all you’ve been dealing with is starting to catch up to you. You push forward hoping to outrun it, but the tears escape before you’ve fully made it into the clearing. When you break free from the foliage, you fall forward on your hands and knees. Every breath you draw in burns your chest and only fuels your distressed sobs.
The tears flow freely down your face now and you make no more attempts to stop them. Why was this happening? Why were you being punished? You throw your head up searching the night sky for answers, but you catch something off to the side. “Neteyam?” he was already here.
You scramble to sit on your knees and wipe your face with your palms. Your cheeks now burned with embarrassment from your shameful display. It’s not like he’s never seen you cry before, but you still wanted the ground to just swallow you right now.
“Sorry, I-I didn’t know you’d be here” the tears keep coming.
His lips are pressed into a tight line, and he silently pats the spot next to him on the ground. You hesitantly move to sit next to him and silence falls. This should be ideal. You’ve been wanting a moment alone with him all week so you could explain yourself. Now, you’re here and it feels like you’ve forgotten every word you know.
You manage to muster a small ‘sorry’.
“It’s okay. I’m…happy for you.” You can see on his face how the word ‘happy’ leaves a disgusting taste in his mouth.
“Please don’t be” your head falls into your hands and Neteyam is watching you waiting for you to elaborate. “I didn’t promise myself to Ralu. I never chose to be with him. My parents arranged the whole thing because I refused to have anyone else besides you, but they didn’t think you were coming back.” Your eyes burn from the tears. You turn your head to look at him and the tears in his eyes are beginning to overflow so you reach out to touch his face. “I never stopped believing that you’d come back for me ‘Teyam.” Your lip quivers shaking your words.
“So, what should we do?” his voice is barely above a whisper.
“I’m not sure, but I do know that you’ve always been the only one for me. It’s us. It was always supposed to be us. You are everything to me, Neteyam and I can’t lose you. Not again. I want to try. I want to fight for us.” Your free hand finds his and now you are both fully facing each other.
He breathes out a deep sigh letting his forehead fall forward to rest on yours. Eywa, he’s even pretty when he cries. Everything about him is perfect and magnetic. Without even trying, he just captivates you and draws you in more and more. Before you even realize it, your lips are hovering just over his. His eyes are fixated on your lips, “We shouldn’t” he whispers.
“Then stop me.”
You let your lips touch his tenderly in a small, quick peck. But when you move back, he chases after you, capturing your lips again. The kiss is feverish and impatient. Right now, nothing else matters in your mind besides pressing as close to Neteyam as physically possible. Your hands busy themselves running through his hair, but he keeps his hands resting on your waist. You decide to take the initiative and guide one of his hands to cup your breast. “Neteyam, touch me.” Your eyes are pleading and your words are breathless. You can physically feel him give in to his impulses and allow his hands to roam up and down the curves of your body. His lips leave yours only to find your neck and trail kisses up and down your skin. Your skin is on fire in every spot he touches. His sharp canines graze your earlobe making you shiver in his arms. You can’t stop the small moans that flow from your mouth and every sound just eggs him on even more. He wants to hear all the sweet sounds you can make.
He pushes forward to lay you down on the ground and holds himself above you. His arms hook themselves under your thighs and a small moan leaves your lips feeling the pressure his hips put on yours. He rubs the entirety of his length along your soaked core. Even through the cloth, he can feel the heat that you radiate. His hips buck into you harder when you drag your nails down his back. His tip bumps and slides against your clit in just the right way and it makes your legs twitch with every impact. You can’t help it as your mind sinks further into your lustful haze and you allow yourself to dive deeper.
“Neteyam…I want you.” His whole body stills and pulls away to look you in the eye. You can read the hesitation in his expression. It’s as if your words have finally snapped him out of the trance you pulled him into. “We can’t” he whispers and your face falls. He backs up off of you and lets you sit back up while you take a moment to steady your breathing and calm your hormones.
“Am I no good?” His face softens, “Oh, ma girl, it is not because I don’t want to. I can’t think of a single thing I want more. But I want to do it the right way. I want to properly court you and publicly show how I feel about you and that’s not possible right now.”
You can’t help the way your tail swishes back and forth with excitement at hearing him call you his girl again. Oh, how you missed hearing it. He notices and a small smile tugs on his lips. You knew that Neteyam was very traditional when it came to these kinds of things and he wanted to do it right and you understood that.
“We will figure something out together. I will fight with you. I am a warrior, you know.” He playfully holds his head high reenacting the way you first met. It’s enough to make you giggle and lighten the mood. He was good at things like that.
“Okay, well, for right now, could you just hold me? I’m not ready to go back yet.” Who knows when you’ll be able to get another chance to be alone with him again? If Ralu had anything to say about it, you’d stay glued to his side at every hour of the day and night.
“Of course, tíyawn.” Neteyam sits cross legged and opens his arms out towards you inviting you in. You happily crawl into his lap and let his arms become a fortress around you while you snuggle into his chest.
The following day is the same routine that you’ve been caught in lately. The second you step out of your home, Ralu is there to greet you and accompany you on all your daily tasks. However, there is one thing that is different today. His demeanor is odd today. Any other day, he’s constantly smiling and touching you and almost annoyingly upbeat. He was none of those things today. He was solemn and reserved, barely even looking you in the face. It was odd, but a welcome change in your mind.
At the communal dinner, Ralu sits right next to you just like he’s done every day for the past week. On the other side of the fire, the Sully family is eating and chatting with each other. Of course, your eyes are locked on Neteyam. You notice how his tail taps the ground when he laughs hard at something Lo’ak said. It was a cute little habit he’s had since you were children. It brings a small smile to your face and Neteyam looks over at you. Heat races to your cheeks from being caught staring and you drop your eyes quickly to your food in front of you. Unbeknownst to you, Ralu caught the whole interaction.
He huffs and sets his food down, “Can we go talk somewhere? Alone.”
His tone is dead serious. It’s unnerving since you’ve never seen him without his super polite, friendly aura. You hesitantly nod your head and follow his lead away from the crowd.
Neteyam watches the two of you leave dinner and he lets out a big sigh. It still hurt his heart, but he knew he needed to be patient with the situation that you were currently in.
Ralu leads you back to your tent and since your parents were at dinner, you’d have some privacy to talk about whatever he wanted. He stomps through the entrance and you follow behind him. The second you’re away from any prying eyes, he whips around to face you, “What the hell is your problem?”
“Excuse me?” you question stunned at his sudden flip.
“I have been nothing but kind to you and done my best to show you that I could be a caring mate, have I not?” he moves closer to you and his stance is intimidating towering over you. You try to take a step back, but he forcefully grabs your wrist to hold you in place.
“Let go.” You try to pull free, but his grip just tightens. “You’re hurting me!”
“You think I am stupid? You think I don’t know what you’re up to?” he spits.
“What are y—”
“Cut the shit. I can smell him on you. You think I don’t see how he looks at you?” he’s seething in front of you and throws you by your arm to the floor.
You’re terrified now, but your body won’t move. Why won’t your legs move? Move! Run! Scream! Get out of here! And yet, your body is at a complete standstill. Ralu kneels down to your level and snatches your face to look him in the eye.
“Let’s get one thing clear: you belong to me. And I do not like to share. So, you are going to tell your boyfriend that whatever the fuck you’ve got going on, is done. Understand me?”
You yank your face back from his grasp and let off a loud warning hiss at him. This sets him off.
He scoffs in disbelief to himself before standing over you again.
“You little bitch.” He sneers before he raises his fist.
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anonymousewrites · 8 months
One Hell of a Love (Book 2) Chapter Sixteen
Sebastian Michaelis x Demon! Reader
Chapter Sixteen: One Hell of a Hire
Summary: The true surprise visitor is revealed, and the Phantomhive Manor attends Sebastian's funeral.
            “Well, now that the Professor has gone, I shall see to luncheon,” said Sebastian, smiling with (Y/N) as if they hadn’t just scared a man out of his wits and threatened him.
            “Wait,” said Ciel. “I kept silent because it seemed like you purposefully didn’t want to bring it up in front of him, but you haven’t yet explained how Phelps’s murder occurred.”
            “Oh, quite right,” said Sebastian.
            “In an interesting turn of events, Lau had the right idea,” said (Y/N). “We had a surprise visitor.”
            “What?!” cried Ciel.
            “Yes. While I was free to roam before arriving as Jeremy, I caught him and showed him special accommodations here,” said Sebastian, crouching and pulling a crate wrapped in chains from under the table.
            “You did? Oh, good. After seeing his little friend, I thought I’d have to track him through the woods,” said (Y/N).
            “The killer is in there?!” Ciel deadpanned.
            “Yes,” said Sebastian.
            “…Let me see what’s inside,” said Ciel.
            “Are you sure?” said Sebastian.
            “Don’t put on airs, open it!” commanded Ciel.
            “Very well,” said Sebastian, breaking the chain and opening the box.
            Two snakes lunged from the crate at Ciel, and (Y/N) caught them. Ciel jerked back in surprise.
            “Well, they certainly still seem to hold some ill will against you,” remarked (Y/NN), holding the snakes.
            From within the crate, a figure could be seen. (Y/N) nodded as their suspicions were confirmed, and Ciel’s eyes widened.
            “Y-You’re Snake!” he exclaimed.
            Snake, the circus performer, stood in plain clothes, bound in rope and gagged. He glared at the group sullenly.
            “Why are you here?!” demanded Ciel as Sebastian removed the gag.
            “The day after Black, Smile, and Cat snuck into the tents of Joker and the other first-stringers, they all went missing! It must have been your doing! -says Wilde,” said Snake. “So I followed the scent of Smile’s costume and went after him. -says Oscar. We found a townhouse, and two helpful men thought we were friends of Smile ‘Ciel’ and brought us here. -says Emily.”
            (Y/N), Sebastian, and Ciel deadpanned. Of course Agni and Soma had gotten it wrong.
            “Those fools!” Ciel gritted his teeth.
            “All the same, there is nothing we can do to rectify that now,” said Sebastian.
            “Soma really is too friendly,” said (Y/N).
            Ciel coughed and faced Snake again. “Uh, so, you’re saying they vanished because of us?”
            “Yes! The minute you three joined our troupe, they all started acting strange! -says Wordsworth. I knew somehow that Joker and the others were hiding something from me.” Snake looked down. “But! They called me their comrade and their friend even though I looked like this. They said we were family. You stole them from me! I’ll never forgive you for that! -says Wilde.”
            Poor thing. He had no idea what they were doing, thought (Y/N).
            Ciel enlightened Snake. “Your circus troupe was kidnapping children one after another from each stop on its tour. We joined up with you to seize any evidence of those crimes.”
            “Joker and the others were kidnappers…?” Snake’s eyes widened. “L-Lies! You’re trying to trick me with your nonsense! -says Oscar.”
            “Nonsense? Perhaps,” said Ciel. “Before I could gather the necessary proof, my identity was discovered, and they disappeared. In that sense, I may had indeed stolen your peace away. But I also wanted to rescue the children who were suffering because of your friends.”
            Sebastian and (Y/N) glanced at Ciel. So that was the story he was going with. Now that was a lie that could blow up in his face if it were discovered.
            “Naturally,” continued Ciel. “I would like to rescue you as well.”
            Snake watched in surprise as Ciel freed him. “What do you think you’re doing?! -says Wilde.”
            “Young Master!” warned Sebastian.
            “Snake,” said Ciel. He extended a hand. “Come to my manor.”
            Sebastian and (Y/N) blinked.
            “What are you saying?! -says Keats,” said Snake.
            “Didn’t you hear me? I said I would like to rescue you,” said Ciel. “Even now, we’re still on the hunt for Joker and company. Of course, I ask for the sake of solving the case, but…don’t you think that staying here would be the shortest route to seeing them again?”
            Lies like these always end up causing trouble. (Y/N) narrowed their eyes slightly.
            “Having lived with them in the circus, I know they’re not evil,” said Ciel. “They were nice to everyone they met and cheerful to boot. That’s why I want them to atone for their sins and obtain true happiness. All of them, including you.”
            “Including me…” Snake’s eyes fell to the ground. He reached out and took Ciel’s hand.
            “I never imagined you would install him in the manor,” said Sebastian as they left the greenhouse, leaving Snake to relax within.
            “It’s better than setting him free and having him make attempt after attempt on my life,” said Ciel. “His ability to manipulate snakes seems like it might come in handy as well. Besides, I’ve been wanting a pet.”
            “You lied to him,” said (Y/N). “Aren’t you concerned about the possible consequences?”
            “If I continue the ‘lie,’ it will eventually become the ‘truth,’ ” said Ciel. “It’s just a matter of swallowing it all up in the end.”
            “…Quite,” said Sebastian.
            (Y/N) wasn’t nearly so convinced.
            “More importantly, how do you explain yourself to the other servants?” said Ciel.
            “Ah, yes, they don’t know I’m alive…” said Sebastian.
            “I have an idea,” said (Y/N). They grinned. “And you’ll have fun, Sebastian.”
            Inside a coffin, Sebastian lay still as Agni, Tanaka, Baldroy, and Finny carried him from the church to the grave. Undertaker stood beside the gravestone, for once somber, and Elizabeth held back tears until they bubbled over. Finny and Mey-Rin were already sobbing, and the tears streamed down their faces as the coffin was lowered into the grave and covered by dirt.
            “Ciel!” She embraced him. “Sebastian is such a liar! He vowed he would never leave your side. How could he do this?!”
            Soma grabbed him from the other side. “Don’t cry, Ciel! ‘Cos we’ll always be together, okay? Forever and ever!”
            “Both he and I are truly fortunate to have people who care so much for us so much,” said Ciel. “Come, let’s return to the house.”
            The group turned from the grave, huddled in a group of black.
            Then the bell rang.
            (Y/N) smirked but let Finny be the one to turn in curiosity.
            “The bell on the headstone is ringing…?” Finny blinked. “But there’s not even a breeze.”
            “Oh, dear. Oh, dear.” Undertaker chuckled. “Is this really any time to be cooling your heels? That bell ringing, why…it means he’s still alive.”
            “Dig it up!” cried Agni, Finny, and Baldroy. They ran forward with the shovels they had just buried Sebastian in. Finny ripped open the coffin, and Sebastian sat up.
            “Goodness,” he remarked. “I finally managed to get out of that. Everyone al—Eh?”
            While (Y/N) grinned, Mey-Rin, Finny, Baldroy, and Elizabeth tackled Sebastian in a hug. They wailed and cried their thanks and worry over him as they refused to let him get out of their hold.
            “Everyone, please calm yourselves,” sighed Sebastian, unable to escape the affection.
            “Glad we went with a safety coffin!” chirped Undertaker.
            “How lucky,” said (Y/N) brightly.
            “This is a miracle!” cried Agni, crying in joy. “Oh, gods! I thank you!”
            “Whew,” sighed Sebastian after he extricated him from the group and left them to cry for joy against each other. “What a relief to have fooled them with that level of shock tactic.” He glanced at (Y/N). “Though I believe you intended for me to be attacked.”
            “With hugs? Oh, absolutely,” said (Y/N) brightly. “It was entertaining.”
            “Sebastian.” Tanaka walked up to Sebastian. “I return this to you.” He pinned the butler emblem onto Sebastian’s tailcoat. “This is the proof that you are the butler to the Earl of Phantomhive. And right now, it belongs on your chest alone.” He smiled before turning away. “The butler of the Phantomhive family is not permitted to pass away before his master does. Remember that!”
            “And so, Sebastian, from this day forth, you are my butler once more,” said Ciel.
            Sebastian knelt and put a hand to his chest. ((Y/N) decided that although they had liked Sebastian leaning over them, him on his knees was nice) “Yes, my Lord. I shall devote myself wholly to serving you until the day when lies become truth comes to pass.” He smirked before standing. He paused and called to Elizabeth, “Oh, yes, Lady Elizabeth. Excuse me for my impertinence, but please allow me to correct you on one small matter.”
            Elizabeth blinked. “Did I say something?”
            Sebastian winked and put a finger to his lip. “I never tell lies.”
            (Y/N) grinned. Sebastian was well and truly back.
            “So, Snake is getting along with everyone,” said (Y/N). “What a relief after all that hard work.”
            “If I recall, I was the one who had to die,” said Sebastian in amusement. He sighed dramatically. “And you shed hardly a tear for me.”
            “Well, you weren’t dead,” said (Y/N), rolling their eyes. They smirked. “What a pity for Earl Grey when he finds out.”
            “Yes, I imagine he’ll be frustrated,” said Sebastian. He rather enjoyed the idea.
            “After causing you all that trouble, he deserves it,” said (Y/N). “He was quite brutal with you.”
            “And yet it still didn’t cause any grief in you,” sighed Sebastian.
            “Again, you weren’t dead,” chided (Y/N). “And you can handle a bit of pain.”
            “No sympathy?” Sebastian tilted his head and smirked. “You truly are a heartless demon.”
            “Who taught me to be that?” said (Y/N). They sighed. “But if you insist upon me humoring you, then yes, I wouldn’t be pleased if you died.” They glanced at him. “You’re my only friend, after all.”
            Sebastian paused, not anticipating the honesty. “You wouldn’t be pleased?”
            “Sebastian, you know I wouldn’t,” said (Y/N). They loved him. To lose him would be unthinkable. “I mean, I didn’t like seeing you in a coffin. Demons like us don’t deserve to be placed in little boxes.”
            “You didn’t enjoy your time in a coffin? Not ornate enough for someone like you?” said Sebastian with a smirk.
            “I didn’t go in a coffin,” said (Y/N). “Remember? I burned to death.”
            “Occasionally the humans still bury burned bodies, if I recall correctly,” said Sebastian.
            “Oh, they made sure there was nothing left of me,” said (Y/N). Their gaze was far away for a moment, and Sebastian realized he had touched too far. They snapped out of it and smiled at him. “Anyways, better not to be stuck in a coffin. Who else would torment humans if I’m not here?” They turned away and walked to their chores, clearly not looking to speak more.
            Sebastian watched them go. What was their human life? And what humans should I tear apart for daring to harm my love?
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ghouljams · 1 month
Actually I think it's funnier if Ghost is the only member of the 141 that isn't a serial killer. Like you meet this creeps friends while you're trying to gather evidence and they all seem (comparatively) normal. The 141 warns Ghost about you poking around because they ALSO think this weirdo is a serial killer and offer to take care of you but Ghost just doesn't get it. He doesn't pick up on any of it. He has work to so, why does he care about murders in the area??? He doesn't.
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disacurveball · 7 months
(This is post is also written from the point of wanting these figures and their stories in the Magnus Archives universe. Trying to keep in line with the historical contexts and figures in TMA, so most are British, except one because it's crazy to me.)
Jeremy Bentham
This whole post is inspired by how absolutely crazy it is that Jeremy Bentham is not in the original TMA series. YES, I get it was to allow Robert Smirke's architecture be front and center to the TMA plot, but I still think it is criminal. He is briefly mentioned in MAG 41 because of reasons I will explain, but briefly mentioned is not enough.
Quick rundown of this dude for those unaware: Bentham was the English philosopher to come up with the idea of the panopticon prison, and Millbank prison was originally proposed and designed by him in 1799.
I feel like there are quite a few facts about Bentham that could make killer plot points in the TMA universe: one is obviously his creation of the panopticon as a way of "humane reform" for prisoners and subsequent criticisms. And....Also he had himself publicly dissected and his skeleton was put on display as an "auto-icon" TO THIS VERY DAY. It's in the student center at University College London. It's a wax figure now with his skeleton inside. It haunts me. Alice and Sam should visit him.
Robert Knox
The Burke and Hare Murders took place in 1828 in Edinburgh, Scotland. Within the span of ten months, sixteen killings were committed, before William Hare agreed to give up details in exchange for prosecution immunity. His partner, Burke, was executed (His skeleton still remains at the Anatomical Museum at Edinburgh to this very day.)
What sets this case apart is Burke and Hare's claim it was done for "scientific purposes." All of the corpses were sold to anatomist Robert Knox, who used them for both dissection for his own study and at his anatomy lectures. While he claimed he had no idea that Burke and Hare were murders, reasonable doubt can be cast on that claim. This very-public case contributed to the Anatomy Act of 1832, which further regulated to study of human dissection to prevent events like this and "resurrectionists" digging up corpses.
In a TMA statement format, I would absolutely love a letter from Robert Knox, after his reputation has been trashed from being involved in this very public murder case, detailing his denial of ever knowing these cadavers were murdered. Of course, it's obvious he's lying, as there is some supernatural happenings surrounding his studies that just get worse the more he works with these two men. (Either Slaughter/Flesh for sure.)
Sir John Franklin
Ok, so, TECHNICALLY Sir John Franklin & The Crews of the HMS Terror and Erebus are in TMA already. In MAG 98, that Algernon dude outbids Maxwell Rayner for an artifact from, you guessed it, the HMS Terror. I think this could be a wonderfully great tie in that could connect the TMAGP universe to the TMA universe if another artifact from it is found.
I just want more of it because the disappearance of the HMS Terror and Erebus are just TMA statements waiting to happen. The HMS Terror and Erebus were two Royal Navy ships, under the command of Sir John Franklin, who ventured into the Arctic in 1845, in order to find the Northwest Passage and gather magnetic data. They disappeared, and during rescue expeditions it was discovered both ships had been abandoned as the crews attempted to trek overland to Fort Resolution 970 km southwest.
There are so many different ways you could take this story in the contexts of the TMA universe: there is evidence cannibalism occured, so obviously Flesh there. The Dark could be invoked, as both a connection to MAG 98 and the fact that the Arctic's sunless winters swallowed them. The Corruption could be used as well because there is evidence the canned rations were tainted with lead and botulism. Finally, the Vast because of the endless nothingness of the landscape they found themselves in. Admittedly, I am a big AMC's The Terror fan, and I think TMA like that show, would be a great place to represent this story's themes of the hubris of man and the British Empire.
Florence Nightingale + Mary Seacole
Both Florence Nightingale and Mary Seacole were British nurses who were pioneers in sanitary medical conditions during the Crimean War. I think less background is needed with these two, but I'd like to see an anti-Corruption artifact come from one of them, like in MAG 45 the syringe that once belonged to John Snow (19th century medical pioneer who deduced that dirty water was linked to cholera). Lowkey would also love a statement set in Scutari Hospital during the Crimean War, Florence Nightingale or Mary Seacole fight the Corruption?? Please, for the love of god.
John Lambe
Congrats...you made it to the start of the more obscure section. Get ready, because this is. A case.
"Doctor" Lambe was an astrologer and a quack physician (in his time period's context, 1545-1628, that means a person who had no formal medical training, not necessarily a charlatan, although Lambe most definitely was.) He was the personal advisor to George Villiers, 1st Duke of Buckingham, who, I don't know why he kept him around because this guy claimed he could read fortunes and find things in his crystal ball. Literally, everyone thought this guy was the Duke's personal sorcerer, which was not great for the nation, because the Duke was close to King Charles I, which if you don't remember from history class was the king who got executed and Oliver Cromwell ran England as a republic for a little bit. Regarding Lambe, a plaque even got put up in London referring to him, saying, "Who rules the kingdom? The King. Who rules the King? The Duke. Who rules the Duke? The Devil."
So what I'm saying here is that this guy is a ye olde Web avatar, which could be discovered in some government files by Alice and Sam regarding the Civil War.
Margaret Cavendish
Okay, I feel like in an alternate universe (*cough* TMAGP *cough*) she could have been the most formidable foe to Jonah Magnus. She was a 17th century (before Jonah's time but with avatars it doesnt matter) philospher, poet, scientist, and fiction writer, and the first woman to attend a meeting of the Royal Society of London (an upper class academic society which we know Barnabas Bennett was involved with in MAG 92).
Academic contemporaries os her day called her mad for her unusual and bold manners and interests that bordered on "masculine." Despite being bold af, the reason I think her and Magnus would square up is her work on natural philosophy. She claimed the use of artificial instruments that are used to study the world "delude" academics, specifically the experimental philosophers in the Royal Society. For example, when Robert Hooke created the diagram of the flea, she said using magnifiying glasses to enlarge the flea's image have no practical purpose because it doesn't help anyone afflicted by them.
Therefore, her philosophical writings are literally the antithesis of The Eye's voyeuristic knowledge-seeking. I'm not entirely sure what entity she'd be an avatar of (though her book The Blazing World gives major Spiral vibes), I just want Jonah to have to square up with an enemy in the Royal Society and have a conniption over it.
Gaspare Tagliacozzi
Last guy. He is not British, but I swear....As The Flesh's certified number one fan, I just need this statement/story in the TMA universe.
Operating in Bologna in the 16th century, Tagliacozzi was one of the pioneers of plastic/reconstructive surgery. Due to the dueling culture amongst upper-class men who felt they needed to protect their honor if insulted, there were many rich men during his time who had lost their noses. This was seem as a great social stigma, the nose was seen as the most important part of the face, and more importantly, it showed you lost that duel. So these rich men had the time and money to hire Tagliacozzi...(He also did surgery on other groups as well, but all of his literature he wrote was tailored to this group.)
Tagliacozzi was inspired by natural botany for the idea of his reconstructive nose surgery; he studied how plants and trees grew over time and applied the same logic to human skin. What he would do was this: He would attach a mold in the shape of a nose to his patient's face, he would attach this to a graft of skin on the arm, and over the course of three weeks, the living skin would grow over the nose mold.
I don't think I have to explain this one. It's my duty as the Flesh's number one fan to give the people good material to work with. (Also could be Stranger.)
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therichantsim · 1 year
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Isaac Bishop Blackburn's origin story summed up.
I thought I'd give a summed-up origin story of Bishop Blackburn for readers of "Things Fall Apart" by @cinamun.
Isaac Bishop Blackburn is the twin brother of Isaiah King Blackburn. Isaac Bishop is the oldest by 43 seconds. They were the only children of Moses and Donna Blackburn.
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Moses was the sole provider for the family working at Landgraab Lumber Mill in Moonwood Mills. Donna was a homemaker. Isaac Bishop better known as just Bishop grew up in a religious but very loving household. Moses was stern but also gentle. Donna loved her boys but something in her spirit knew something was different about Isaac Bishop. It became very clear once he was of school age. She could sense that her son lacked natural affection but he knew even as a young child how to appear as though he did. He would play his parents against one another. When discussing these things with her husband Moses would be in denial. He felt Donna favored Isaiah. He accused her one night, "It ain't natural for a mother to love another child more than the other, especially twins." She insisted that it was not true. "I love both my boys. Moses, a mother knows when something ain't right with her own child, especially a praying mother!" she would protest. They would argue about it in private but never in front of the boys (or so they thought).
This was the 70's so there wasn't a whole lot of talk or discussion about psychology in the black community especially in poor urban neighborhoods. They grew up poor on the south side of San Myshuno in the Spice District. Isaac and Isaiah were not very close. In fact they barely got along but things took a turn for the worse when Moses died. Isaac showed no emotions whatsoever. Moses had a brother he was very close to who looked after Donna and the boys. Elijah took care of them but he lived a lifestyle that was the complete opposite of his brother Moses. So when the boys were teens Uncle E taught them the hustle. There were rules but Bishop doesn't follow rules. His Unc tried to keep him in line and unfortunately paid the ultimate price for it.
So, Isaiah took a different approach and began to gather all the evidence he could on his brother. He helped the feds build an airtight case against him as well as planted extra evidence. He felt like that was a sure fire way to get this menace off the streets and keep his mom from having to bury her son. Bishop amassed a small fortune before going to prison for the next 30 years. He also ended up running things on the inside and before managing to fake his death to escape. He laid low and had a crew that did all his dirty work. He had the best of the best: hackers that could break into the tightest cyber security out there, thieves that had pulled off some of the greatest heist, muscle for knocking dudes out, bad bitches for con jobs, crooked cops and last but not least dumb but loyal flunkys.
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The first order of business was revenge. He wanted whoever set him up to pay dearly. He lost 30 years and he wanted them to lose everything. Once he learned it was his own brother. He began to wreak as much havoc as possible on his life. He sought to ruin his good reputation, his marriage and then ultimately end him.
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Except he underestimated the power of favor and Isaiah had a lot of it. Ultimately Isaiah took a few pages from his brother's playbook by faking his death to get close to him. (which was not easy since Bishop was technically dead) Leaving Bishop in the hands of a hired hitman he pissed off by trying to kill him a few years back. The hit man was a professional killer for federal agencies and the rich elite who came out of hiding to pay old boy a visit. Since we didn't see him die, perhaps somehow he managed to escape death's grasp and now is laying low again. Unfortunately, with our good sis Mercy Carruthers. Now, that was the condensed backstory all nice and neat for ya. Now back to the regular program.
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jkmaeden · 2 months
Beauty To My Mission✘ | KTH
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Summary- Two professional spies meet for a mission to find out who killed jeon sungmin, and why his older brother had been missing. The case is hard, all the evidence you've gathered just doesn't make sense together....maybe there's a specific hint that's missing? What is the missing piece? And why was it so hard to find? Well...it was actually right Infront if you the whole time.
Pairing- spy!taehyung X spy!OC
Genre- non idol ff, friends to lovers, coworkers to lovers, angstttttt, true crime
Warnings- pg13+, a lotttt of illegal shi, murder, blood, gore, true crime, spying(obviously), mental health and physical health, weapons, OC low-key turns out to be a psychopath, cutting, abuse, and violence
.ᐟDISCLAIMER.ᐟ I am not responsible of any icks y'all get while reading because Ive warned you, there's a lot of angst and gore in this. other than that feel to read if you're 13+
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the sounds of police sirens in the area are too loud to ignore as you're walking out of the supermarket with a cup of noodles in your hands, its 2am so it was a huge possibility of crime accuring, but you were currently walking in a "rich people neighborhood" as your friends called it.
your car needed a gas refill so you left it at the gas station and went to get yourself something's to snack on, it was unusual to hear any kind of noise at this hour since most rich people worry for their sleep schedules and try to sleep early.
Your nosy self decided to get closer to the sirens and the crime scene, maybe you'll have something to talk about to your colleagues tomorrow. As you make your way to the sound of the sirens you notice the paramedics were also there, carrying a rather familiar man on a litter bed towards their unique vehicle
You hold your noodle cup in your teeth, taking a closer look at the man laying on the litter, and notice an obvious bullet had passed through the bodies head, was he...dead? Just as you were about to pull your phone out to call your friend, an old man walks up to you
"Curiousity got you?" The old man sweetly smiles at you and you wonder what an old man is doing out at this late hour, don't they sleep really early?
"Oh? Yeah. Do you've an idea what happened?" You ask genuinely eager for an explanation
"that's jeon sungmin, I'm his neighbor, apparently he was shot in the head in his office 5 hours ago, but the killer used a silencer so no one had heard a thing." The old man explains
"5 hours ago and they're just now finding out? Ouch." Was this man living alone??? How could he have no sensors or alarms in the house?! Judging by the building this man was probably a billionaire, did he think he was like immune or was he suicidal?
"Yeah, his bodyguard had to leave home and he didn't want to get another one"
"That's stupid, he risked his life because he was too lazy?! Now all his money is probably gone too, his wife and kids can't even enjoy their fathers worth" you chuckle quickly silencing yourself realizing that probably seems inappropriate at the moment.
"Actually, the killer didn't even take a penny." The man says with a tone of shock then continued "the man doesn't have a wife or kids either, his only daughter died in an accident and his wife was also murdered by one of his rivals." Ouchhh. That stings
"Oh...so if no money was taken, it was probably something to do with hatred and revenge more than it had to do with actually wanting the man's worth. Do you've any idea who that might be? Like who had a rivalry with him?" You asked getting more and more curious
"Well, not really a rival but he has a brother, which is the person everyone's suspecting. He lives in that house over there" the man points at a mansion that looks nothing less than the one you were standing in front of "he's been gone for a few days now, and since the accident the police have been trying to contact him but no response has come their way." The old man tells you his rising suspicion of the murderer
"Brother? That mustve hurt. And just going full blown silent too? I think if it was his brother, he'd be over here acting sad or something" You say looking at the police arranging some things with eachother, remembering the cup of noodles in your hands and taking a quick sip of it
"Well, it was nice talking to you kind man, I hope you have a good day tomorrow." You bow respectfully to the man Infront of you, he bows back with a soft smile and nod and you take that as your que to leave and walk back to your car at the end of the neighborhood
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You walk into the SRP headquarters, today's Sunday meaning a new mission will be assigned to the level 10s in the office. As part of the spy team, usually you're put as a main in the mission unless it's a non visual.
Here's how the SRP rules work, basically, the management team sets specific people on missions depending on their levels, level 1s being the easiest and level 10s being the hardest. You've been working here for 8 years, which usually would make someone level 6-8, but for you, you were a gem.
Your boss had always chose you for anything that involved thinking and solving, not only were you smart, you were a great actor.
Some of the missions you did early on was pretending to be a mob wife to save another mob wife from her abusive husband, and despite being surrounded by people in the mafia industry absolutely everyone believed you, some even try to reach out to you till this day to check on you.
Basically, you were the girl ace of the office, everyone either was your biggest admirer or your biggest one-sided rival. You always somehow made it in every conversation at the office, always someone's main topic.
As you walked closer to the assignment table, you saw more and more people reaching to read their assigned mission for the week, or month; depending on how hard it was. The moment you step close to the level 10 board, you hear a very familiar squeel coming from beside you.
"WERE TOGETHER AGAINNNNN YAYYAYYAY!" your best friend, hyejin exclaimed. You always loved ending up with her, though she was on the investigator team, you two still talked a lot during your shared missions.
"Really? Which mission?" You get closer to the board, you didn't have to look around too much because your face was right at the top of the list, "the case of jeon sungmin" the mission read. "Yes!" You exclaimed fisting your elbows, except...your face wasn't the only one at the top next to the mission.
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"Kim taehyung?" You read the name out loud, your head falling to your shoulders, brows raised, as you try to take in the name. Your thoughts were interrupted when a man's voice answered them for you
"Yes my lady?" You turn you head around slowly at the call out, taking in the man Infront of you....damn. damn was all that filled your brain, that man was fine, he was so damn fine!!! The black hair, the eyes, the height, the posture, the outfitttt, wearing a white stripped shirt,sleeves rolled up with business attire pants, gosh this man was sexy, and gosh did your expression not hide that at all. You hear a chuckle errupt from the man, his boxy smile showing. Damn it! He was adorable too!
You cough, standing up right and placing your hands in your pockets to contain your own posture. "You're agent KTH?" You ask trying your best to keep your voice stable. "Yes, that would be me, OCT." He knows your title...hes definitely not new then. Why have you never seen him?
"KTH? Couldn't you come up with something more... creative?" You asked genuinely curious, titles were created to hide the the names of the agents, yet here he was, making his title his name.
"Ah, I actually didn't even pick that out myself, I just woke up to my manager screaming how he accidentally typed in the wrong code. I wanted the title to be "THV", had a whole argument with my manager cause of that" he laughs explaining himself
"Damn, for a manager that's a dumb move, but THV sounds so good! you're a level 10?" You turn back checking his ID making sure "how come I've never seen you around here?" You ask
"Well, I was part of the invistigation team but I went on a mission as a sub and the managers loved me, so here I am" he shrugs, so he was so good at acting they switched him to a spy?
"You must've done amazing." You nod in amusement
"I'm very glad I switched y'know." He adds "oh? You didn't like being an investigator?" You ask confused "oh no it's not that, I just get to work with art pieces as you now." He says confidently, as if it didn't take him thinking to say those words. It wasn't the first time someone complemented you, but somehow it felt like it "oh?" You chuckle to get rid of your thoughts "art pieces?"
"Yes, you're an absolute beauty." He grins sweetly, taking your face in making you stutter slightly "beauty..why thank you, THV." taehyung laughs, bowing politely while still grinning, gosh his visuals were killer. "See you later?" You say tilting your head "absolutely, beauty." He blows you a kiss before turning around and leaving leaving you in a state you were never in before, what even were you feeling???
"Ugh, I'm not supposed to be excited! I'm sharing a mission!" You say angrily, your friend who has been standing there the whole time smirks coming closer "oooohhhh, new office ship?" She says wiggling her eyebrows "hyejin shut up!!" You shout leaving the place quickly, everyone was looking at you confused, you were always so calm, what was going on?? Hyejin laughs quietly leaving the place behind you.
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"Mommy, why is it so dark here??" The little girl spoke
"It's fine baby, it's just the landlord doesn't have money to turn it on at the moment" answered her mother
"The landlord?" The little girl tilts her head innocently, her big eyes showing even through the dark
"Yes baby, the landlord" the mother caressed the little ones cheeks
"Isn't the landlord daddy?"
"Oh! No!! No no ! It's um..we don't live with daddy remember? Daddies home is owned by daddy, our house isn't."
"But, why don't we live with daddy?" It hurt the little girl, why did they have this life while their father lived his best?
"He's too busy beauty, he doesn't have time to take care of us." She defended
"How come you always have time for us?" The thought stabbed her
"That's different, I don't have work." She defended again
"Daddy can take a day or two off though." It makes sense right?
"No no, he can't!"
"He can." The older brother jumps in, waking up from his nap
The mother sighs, fixing her sit
"My sweet loves, I promise you...daddy isn't a bad guy! Hes just going through a bad time right now."
"Mom, when will you stop hurting us and yourself by lying about him being good? He was never good." The older boy says in a tired tone
"Mommy, how come you always say he's so good? He's never talked to me before.." the younger says
The mother sighs again, laying on the unfurnished floor of the dark room and closing her eyes in attempt to fall asleep
(See mother, how you always said he was a good guy? To me, you were always right...but I'm afraid there were moments where you weren't. this time brother was more right than you...oh you were too kind, too good for him, too good for this world, so good the world couldn't keep you going through it for long.)
What. The. Actual. Fuck. Did. Taehyung. Just. Read.
He stood in his place, the random notebook in your room had intrigued him, deciding to read through it even if it looked like an invasion of privacy. but just from the first page he's already crying? What was this even about? Did you love to write? And why the hell was your writing so sad????!!
He decided to put the note book back in place, leaving the room quitely and looking around for you again
"There you are! What took you so long?" You asked eyes focused ont he laptop informt of you. You decided to start working on the case as soon as possible as your mission was tomorrow, you had to at least get to know your character.
"Sorry, I think your waters broken or something cause for a second it stopped working." He says making up an excuse for his long leave
"Oh? I'll have to check that later." You say, still eyeing the laptop
"What did you find?" He says sitting next to you, taking one of the chips laying on your table into his mouth and resting his elbow on the head of the couch
"This whole neighborhood is full of billionaires, like rich rich people."
"How do rich people act?" He asks with muffled sounds, mouth full of chips
"Like assholes." You reply almost too quickly, making him quirk you an eyebrow
"Idk what rich person made you think that, beauty, but they didn't deserve to even sight you." He says too casually, looking at your laptop reading whatever article you had opened
Your eyes fixed on his face though, taking in his words. Was he right? Were you a prize that the people whom have hurt you lost? You wonder if you're truly the good person in other people's story a lot.
"You ok beauty?" Taehyung asks you with a face of concern
"Yeah, just thinking how lucky I got with my first partner." You reply swiftly, trying to boost your own confidence that had left the instant you met this very fine man.
"Oooh, getting flirty?" He smirks making a funny face, earning a laugh from you.
Soon anough, the management team sends you all the information you need to know about the neighborhood you were going to spy in, how they dress, act, live, ECT... And for once, you feel really excited to start on this case. Especially since you had already seen it in person.
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hey there!! I hope the experience was good? I live reading opinions so pleaseeee don't be a silent reader and express your opinion in the comments or asks, and if you have any recs for this or for any other series I'm more than happy to see them and maybe even write them if I like them .
➤credits to @cafekitsune for the dividers
➤ID made by me
➤all pics from pinterest
➤this whole story is my own work creativity, if you're inspired by it I'm more than happy to see something similar but not too similar being written, just credit me 𖹭
➤if you wanna be in the taglist, leave a request in the asks box!!
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starry-blue-echoes · 2 years
No thoughts, head empty, just Jotaro’s First Meet With Diavlo.
It is. Fun to say the least :)
So imagine it. Everyone’s sitting and waiting outside by the boat for Bruno to eventually come back. They aren’t quite sure how long it will take, but they assume it won’t be long. Jotaro is ofc keeping an eye on Giorno who’s doing his fun Overthrowing The Boss planning.
Then the time jumps start happening.
And Jotaro is immediately on the defensive.
The last time he witnessed jumps like these was during his fight with Dio before he learned how to stop time. And while this doesn’t seem to be that, this does seem to be some kind of time-based Stand. The Boss was the clear culprit, he was supposedly the only one on the island and the time blips only began once Bruno went inside with Trish to meet with him. There’s also how, if Giorno’s tracer is accurate, the three are moving down instead of up like the instructions told them.
It’s a trap, he realizes. If the Boss took Trish like that, then clearly he didn’t want to meet her. He wanted to kill her. He was incredibly secretive, and a daughter? That could easily be traced to him.
And he remembers Egypt. Remembers how they had no idea what they were getting into, that the cost of their lack of knowledge was so very high. That in order to learn Dio’s ability, one of them had to give his life
And he remembers Morioh. Remembers how he had simply been trying to gather evidence but stumbled headfirst into finding the killer. How he’d been taken out so quickly in that fight, leaving a 15 year old child to keep him safe. How in order to learn Kira’s identity, said child so very nearly lost his life.
And right now, Bruno and Trish are the ones inside with no clue.
The pieces fall into place.
They might die.
They might die and he would have done nothing to stop it.
He’s the power house. The fastest and strongest. He’s supposed to protect everyone. He’s supposed to keep them alive.
And he isn’t going to fail again. He can’t.
He jumps up from the boat, hitting the ground running with Star Platinum by his side and the energy of the time stop rushing through him. He needs to save as much time as he possibly can, so the second he’s forced back into regular time, he forces the ability back on to save a few more precious seconds.
By the time he gets into the basement, barely 8 seconds have passed.
And for a moment, he feels as though he’s trapped.
Bruno is in front of a red Stand with a haunty face.
And the Stand is already driving a punch into his stomach. Jotaro can see the bones beginning to bend, the skin beginning to tear, begin to see the fierce expression of someone who hasn’t realized they’re about to be placed on death’s door
He remembers Egypt, he remembers Morioh, Dio and Kira both with the same face and mocking words and he’s trapped he’s too far he can’t do anything useless useless USELESS-
Desperation grabs his mind in a death grip and before a plan has even formed in his mind he’s already grabbed Bruno and yanked him behind him.
And when time resumes, Jotaro can’t even feel the pain. He can see the crimson staining the ground, can see his hands holding his internals inside, but he couldnt feel any of it.
The punch didn’t even go all the way through, and he was still standing, so it was probably fine.
Naturally, next comes the Star Platinum Beatdown with the bonus of time stop to get more punches in.
But then the Stand disappears. It’s behind him now. And Jotaro barely has enough time to pause before it can land another blow.
He can’t fight him now, he realizes. Not while there are other people here who could die if he makes a mistake. And, now that he’s looking closer, neither Trish nor Bruno are unharmed. Trish’s hand has been cut off, and Bruno’s ribs are very clearly broken.
He needs to bring them to Giorno to get fixed. He needs to protect them. He needs to keep them safe.
So just as quickly as he’d arrived, Jotaro grabs the two of them and leaves.
He repeats his goal like a mantra in his head, trying to distract from the bloody trail he leaves behind, distract from the growing black at the edges of his vision, distract from the cold and numbness and exhaustion that’s beginning to set in as he forces time to stop again and again and again
By the time he returns to the boat, a total of 34 seconds had passed
The second he reaches it and the Gang spot them, he allows his grip on reality to slip.
And Jotaro Kujo slips into unconsciousness with a lullaby of screams filling his ears
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densi-mber · 5 months
Special Agent Plant Killer Blye
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AN: Hi there¡ Set in 4x12, Paper Soldiers. This deleted scene pic is still one of my biggest missing scenes for Densi. It would have been adorable to watch them banter and then create a more intimate/friendly moment.
*Pic source: Jacqniv’ IG, 4x12 Deleted scen
e. (Hope I uploaded it as it should, lol)
Densimber. Day 17 Prompt: Write a missing Kensi, Deeks, or Densi scene.
The case was solved, the day was over. It’s been a long and stressful week so the team began gathering up all their belongings to go home for the weekend. They were skipping their usual Friday’ night beer this time, still they stayed inside the mission for about an hour talking about their plans and of course, they took that moment to deepen into Kensi’s misfortune with gardening.
As usual, Deeks began naming all the plants that she killed since they first met, coming up with ridiculous stories about their death cause. Kensi tried to defend herself but Callen and Sam joined the party on Deeks’ side, so her fight was completely lost.
“Okay, I’m leaving. Please be careful and do a favor to human kind, do not get close to any living creature, plant or animal.” Callen was the first to leave, followed by his partner who also gave her a charismatic good-bye. They both hugged her as usual and she took advantage and pinched them.
“You also have something to say before leaving? Because I’m won’t be be so kind to you.” Her look was dangerous but mischievous, she was really having fun.
“Well, I think all the evidence is enough to close the Serial Plant Killer case…” He began picking up his bag, but sat in the chair looking for something in his drawer. “But as I am a charming and benevolent person, I’ll give you a chance to correct your sad history.”
“I think we need to reevaluate that charming part you’re talking about because…” She stopped talking as Deeks pulled out a box. Her curious self took her next to his partner, to investigate the box as if trying to find out what it content was.
“What’s this?”
“It’s a gift.”
“I can see that. Who’s that for?”
“For you.” His smile was different. She knew it was for her, but she wanted to hear him saying that. “You can open it here, or at home. Either way, I have to be there.”
“And why is that?” The way she continued to challenge him was encouraging Deeks to make it more difficult for her.
“Because those are the rules. You take it or leave it.”
Kensi looked serious for a brief moment, as if pondering her choices. She obviously accepted his request and chose open it at home. Deeks was tempting his fate, and physical integrity, and he also made her stop to buy dinner.
“Will I ever get home today? Can you stop coming up with ridiculous conditions?” Deeks was really enjoying having his partner on her nerves.
“Be patient Kensalina. You’ll thank me later for spending so much quality time with me.”
“You’re delusional.”
After arriving home and eating the Chinese take-out, Kensi was finally given her box. She began inspecting it, trying to find out shape and size of what was inside. “Will you open it as a normal person?” He earned a cold look.
As she opened the box, her stern face turned into a soft smile. Kensi let out a small laugh while pulling out a fake plant with a bow. After admiring it, she looked up to Deeks.
“You’ll never kill this one, and no one will ever notice it’s fake.” He was also smiling, trying to memorize her face. Her reaction was adorable.
“I should be offended.” Kensi tried to act tough but the softness in her body was hard to hide.
“It’s just like you. It’s forever strong and radiant and no one will ever crush it down, no matter how hard life is to this plant, it’ll survive anyway. And the bow it just like me, spectacular, shining and essential.” He continued smiling after his clever description of their partnership/whatever else they were. “I don’t want you to be sad about this, maybe gardening it’s not your thing but you’re great in many other.”
She didn’t expected that, though she knew he was not trying to mock her, Kensi was grateful for his words. Maybe it was the beer, the tiredness or his gesture what made her to stop her “thank-you” mid-sentence and approach him, still with the plant in her hand.
“Come here.”
“Oh you wanna a hug?” Deeks’s face of disbelief made him look so naïve, she quickly realized that he was completely taken aback.
They hugged then, taking time to relax on each other. “I really appreciate you trying to make me feel better. And I really appreciate having you as my partner.” Kensi’s face was still in his neck. He felt a tickle that made him feel so much more.
“Just as your partner? Because this bad boy could…” They both began laughing at his innuendo as Kensi tried to shut him up with failed threats.   
 AN 2: Hope you like it and sorry for any mistakes¡ Let’s continue enjoying Densimber¡ :D
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