#but I will try to get back to being social and active and such sooner than later!
synonemous · 6 months
goodbye and so long, Patreon
I am just coming on here real quick to let you all know that I've officially closed my Patreon. it was time.
and, let's be honest, I was getting sick and tired of getting emails reminding me to submit An Official Photograph of myself to regain full access to my account. you can't even fucking change your account rating (as in, from mature to general audiences and vice versa, or so I assume) without submitting a photo first. like are you kidding me?
I'm sorry to see my account go, and hope I can find a replacement sometime next year (because I will not have time for that in December, unfortunately). here's to hoping next year will start looking up on... a lot of fronts, honestly. 2023 has not been a good year so far, and it's not looking like it's gonna end on a good note either.
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ozzgin · 9 months
Hi! I love your works, especially the baki ones. Is it okay for me to request something, like a continuation from your last pickle fic, where the reader is baki's S/O. What if the cute stage then develops into a "potential mate" type?
I really feel like baki would instantly go full on Hanma on pickle tbh, can I get your take on it/headcannon regarding this?
-🍲 anon
I had been wondering if I should leave it as purely platonic or include some tension, so I can definitely do that! Thank you for the suggestion!
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Baki Headcanons: Pickle meets Baki’s significant other (II)
Featuring Baki, his cute partner and a Pickle who’s starting to reconsider their playful friendship.
Pickle may be somewhat primitive compared to modern times, but on the social front at least he is very much aware of the nuances that come with a relationship. He’s had friends and mates and knows the difference between the two. Therefore, he’s not entirely ignorant of the current circumstances: you’re Baki’s mate and more of a playmate to himself.
This at least has been made clear to him, sure. But, and here comes the but, having a mate is not some arbitrary decision to be set in stone. It’s more a matter of competition and what one has to offer. And as much as he enjoys the little games you’ve devised and the overall bonding activities, he really can’t help the little tug that bothers his heart every time he looks at you. What is life about if not following one’s wishes and desires?
Even before he reaches this conclusion there’s plenty of hints that unfortunately go over your innocent obliviousness. The hugs that drag along more than usual. The focused gaze that disregards any other distraction. Pickle’s hair ruffles that linger a moment too long as his hand subconsciously wanders to your cheek instead. Baki has been doing his best to ignore the little flirting attempts to avoid you teasingly calling him jealous. He has nothing to worry about, in any case. Right?
Pickle sees his opportunity and does not hesitate to seize it: what better way to show you that he’s a superior choice than utterly defeating and humiliating your tiny boyfriend? When Baki approaches him with the challenge proposal, the large prehistoric man is nearly dizzy with excitement. After the speedy quarrel that leaves the young boy unconscious, Pickle hastily approaches you and does his best to imitate the strange lip contact he’s often observed you initiating with Baki. Your high pitched reaction of surprise is enough to have Baki awake and instantly back on his feet.
Needles to say that an angered Hanma is a scary opponent. You have to plead for the bloodied outcome to stop before Baki does anything regretful. Seeing your boyfriend’s wild, predatory expression quickly drains the blood from your face and reminds you the kind of family you’ve joined. Pickle doesn’t exactly share your fear. He’s certainly shocked about the sudden twist in strength, but more than anything he’s frustrated with himself for losing the bet that would’ve guaranteed your companionship.
Alas, the Jurassic man does not give up just like that. Perhaps being at the top of the food chain for so long has gotten him rusty, too comfortable with his skills. This was an embarrassing reminder that there’s room for improvement. Maybe he’ll even give it a try to these mysterious techniques the previous fighters displayed. He can take his time. But one thing is to be established and indisputable: you will be his mate sooner or later.
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suhjihanma · 8 months
☩ ℑ𝔫𝔫𝔬𝔠𝔢𝔫𝔠𝔢 𝔦𝔰 𝔅𝔩𝔦𝔰𝔰 ☩
☩Kink (10) : Age-gap. ☩Pairing: Toji Fushiguro / Female Reader ☩Word Count: 1,951 ☩Content Warning: Barely legal, massive age-gap (reader recently turned 18. Toji hinted towards late 30s-early 40s), turning of legal age, dirty talk, mentions of suggestive sexting, hooking up, building experience inside the bedroom, hints of a no-string relationship, mentions of teachings, Toji simply wants to 'corrupt' your purity even more. ☩Author's Note: This kink can skirt around the contents that may be disturbing. You have been warned. Minors, kink shamers, and ageless blogs do not interact. I was originally supposed to post this yesterday, but my period cramps had me in a choke hold. If you're curious enough to read, then likes and reblogs are much appreciated. Also, I will post an updated master list post tomorrow since tumblr decided to hide my posts regarding kinktober on my blog. Funny since they're others roaming around this site with nudes.
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The feeling of the premature cool breeze grazed gently across the tall yet beautifully builded back of a man who was quite certain that he was under prepared. As to why he was waiting in the breeze questioning his life choices, Toji Fushiguro couldn’t pass on an opportunity that was going to be placed in front of him sooner than not.
Sunset was pulling its curtain across the city skyline as he waited patiently in the cold, with the slight occurrence of becoming one second of timidness. The street lights continuously flicker along with the crowd passing along the grit filled sidewalks. Toji’s head, that was occupied with the numerous profiles of women with ‘copy-catted’ personalities, now gain attention to the passing masses. People that had plans to attend, memories to create, and all other things that Toji could mention off the head. It wasn’t as if he was a people-watcher, but he wanted something to get his mind off from things. 
It was one of those things where he continuously questions his moral rights and wrongs. He could be better than any man yet, he steers across things that have no genuine value. As the activity of people watching began to bore the mind of an anxious wait, Toji quickly fumbled across the screen of his phone, tapping and swiping through every profile that garnered the attention of the personal male gaze. Endless body dresses that hugged tightly across well graved curves, smiles that brighten the room of a nightclub, and to even the pestering pets that seemed to be across every photo, Toji’s endless swipes of a potential could gain him more satisfaction than seeing it in person. 
The eyes cater to the imagination, after all.
Besides the careless decisions of choosing which profile to like or dislike on, Toji had already picked out someone to meet up in person. It was not wrong, per se, to just slowly kill time by waiting for someone. Someone that piqued his interest while being on the so-called “god-forsaken” dating app. A person who actually had some personality of sorts, and didn’t follow any ridiculous social trends that were making its way across users in the social media age. 
That person was you.
It all started with a conversation about the concepts of luck. Some are born with it, others have to try their damndest to reach the pinnacles of it. A snarky comment was made on one of your dating prompts that was listed on your profile. You answered a question about “What was your luckiest night?” and you stated you won three gambling scratch-offs in one week (but you didn’t mention how all three scratch-offs were given to you on your birthday). Now, Toji and you were providing counterproductive arguments on skills, talents, and other unnecessary topics that grew away from the main topic at hand. As the topic became more intense, so did Toji’s findings of word choice.
Toji flipped over to the ‘messages’ section of the app and saw the conversations that he had with you, prompting the whole meetup. Prude, yet exhilarating as Toji was a man of pure excitement. The rush of overtly sexual heeds grew to be more enticing with every message being sent. 
“ If you want to test your luck, try it with me.” “Really? So corny, yet, I like it.” “You’re gonna like more when I’m pinning you down in that mattress.” “Oh my god.” “With clothes off that is” “So, are we just gonna be fucking on screen or meet in person?” “Coffee shop nearby the pier tonight.” “I’ll be there...”
Toji felt himself getting uncomfortable underneath his beltline. The stiffness slightly grew by each sigh, reminding himself of his behavior in public. Toji could feel like many women might find this off-putting. This could be the start of something. Anything. As a man pushing towards the doors of middle-age, chasing women who didn’t satisfy his needs became tiresome. What happened to a woman who wasn’t scared to become enticed by different things, to be put in her place, anything to be dominated by a man’s hands? Toji’s mind raced with every description as he looked up to the sky, clouds murked in gray while a faint, yet , gentle voice eloped his hearing. The faint question of a hello soon to get his attention as he looked over, eyes slowly widening with delight with a small smile on his face, wordlessly greeting the person standing in front. 
“Hello. Are you, Toji?” 
The woman that was standing in front of him made Toji want to ditch the formal etiquettes of greetings and engage in being the feral man that he is. The dark-colored dress didn’t do justice to man's imagination as he wondered what could be underneath that curvaceous frame. The ampleness of the breast weighed at the top, and the hair that was well kept even with the cool breeze that was circling around. A striking woman at that, Toji was lost for words until you greeted yourself again, this time with more of light humor.
“Yes.” He gulped. 
You couldn’t help but to smile at his sheepish nature. 
The continuous awe became more prevalent until you decided to cut the awkward-like air.
“My body can't be that amazing, can't it?” You suggestively curt your words with a smirk before sitting down on the bench Toji once previously sat on. Toji’s trance was soon broken as the humorous banter created an alleviating conversation. A scoff was made as Toji sat down next beside you. The infectious smile crept into a suggestive smirk of his own. 
“Body nice enough to make a man silent, that’s for sure.” Toji stated. The side of her hips was touching the fabric of his pants, along with the sweetly made body perfume that dances across his nostrils, the man’s gaze soon to be all over your body. Not that staring wasn’t any bad, but being beside you, the impure thoughts that Toji could dream of with any woman proved to be more strong.
 The phone that was placed snug in his pockets soon was taken out of his hands. As he glanced over your profile briefly, he looked over at the pictures before taking another well-studied glance at you. As he quietly studied the profile that was in his hands, a profile that reflected well on personality and mannerism, Toji decided it was best to engage with the bantering atmosphere. 
“Can’t believe that you’re young and have a body like this,” Toji compliments, noticing the age listed on your profile.
“Well…” Stammering your words, finding to complete your sentence grew to be hard as you looked down at the concrete before a sense of heat formed across your cheeks. Toji studied you with confusion before you blurted out something of personal social regret. 
“I just turned eighteen two weeks ago.” The redness grew to be more irritating as you looked at him with an awkward glance of regret. Embarrassing at best, you wished you could force your body to crawl into the fetal position, sulking at your social skills. The dooming head of shame became more strong as Toji stiffened his laughter. 
“Forget you heard that.” You quietly grumbled, your head now downcasted to the dark concrete floor that made itself a platform of your designer heels. You wanted to curse yourself for saying such idiotic things in front of a man, yet for some reason, the air that surrounds you two grew to be quite forgiving. 
“Really? Barely legal.” Toji jokes before stiffening out another laugh. The continuous bantering that came from the older man grew to be tiring as you looked away towards him with a displeased expression. Toji looked over towards you and his face softened once the realization of the jokes became tasteless for the evening mood. “Forgive the jokes.” He apologized, placing his phone away in his pocket again before he rose from slumping on the bench. A posture that many men do not present when facing potential in a relationship. 
“You are forgiven, old man.” You joked, a genuine smile forms across the corners of your mouth. 
“Says the person who had ‘shitty’ sexual encounters.” Toji quotes you before smirking.
Seeing the eyebrows raised from the man next to you, you tutted quietly before tucking a strand of hair behind your ears. Toji’s expressions grew to be priceless as the gentle banterings ascended to deeper, yet sensual, conversing. 
Two eyes crossing one another, body warmth shared with being close under the chilled night sky. The scene had become more intense with the hints of hooking up. No strings attached. It wasn’t as you wanted casualness, you simply wanted someone experienced. Gone were the days of ‘shitty sexual encounters’ of sneaking off into your room or car, going down on some pubescent, raging teenager who couldn’t hold an orgasm for one minute (you gave those guys the catchphrase ‘one-minute-men’). Now, you stood against someone that had more experience than any other man you have been with. 
And, Toji was the perfect example of a well-experienced man.
Speaking of experiences, your mind randomly crossed over a conversation that you had with him in regard. Hearing his endless teasing and boasting about how women fawn over a man that has such ‘heavenly’ fingers is anything but ridiculous. Staring aimlessly at his sculpted thighs that hugged his black jeans ever so snuggly, your mind instantly plays the messages that were received and back.
“You might gain more experience with me, baby.” “Really now? How?” “Got to break that body somehow.” “Uh-huh.” “I can show you how to squirt. Suck a nice cock while getting played with a toy.” “There’s Pornhub for that, love.” “Yes, but how about it in real life?”
The mindless conversation of battling horniness soon waned as you now saw Toji looking over at you, his hands sneaking over to the waist that rested on the back of his arms. A gentle smile greets itself again before he whispers something in your ear. 
Toji simply wants to break you.
“Still want me to erase those ‘shitty encounters’ that you had? Fuck you so deep that you have a craving for older dick?”
The gruff voice that became smothered with honey and sin made you want to form a puddle between your legs. The bassness made every strand of your hair stand at the back of your neck as you looked at him with doe-like eyes, pondering about what move he will make next. With such grit, the filterless choice of words became more enticing that came from Toji’s smooth lips.
 The light in his eyes flickered as he looked over at you with eyes slightly narrowed. Eyes that showed his nature of being a fiend for everything that has such a semi-pure physique facing in front. Disgusting, many might seem to find, yet for Toji, it was something he couldn’t escape from, especially a woman like yourself, showing off every hint of piqued curiosity and pureness.
Hearing that sentence filled with gruffness in his tone of voice, you gulped quietly before answering his question, narrow eyes not leaving the blessed assets of your beauty. 
“And what if I don’t hold those strong cravings?” You lightly tease. 
Adding fuel to the fire only amplified Toji’s yearning for you as he got closer to your face before placing a chasteful kiss on your redden cheeks that now became heated with lust. 
“Then, I’ll just keep fucking you until you have them. Every day, every night.”
And with that, the two of you left your seats from the bench to grab the last batch of strong, roasted coffee within thirty minutes of closing time.
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Completely random question but what do you think about the male loneliness epidemic?
I think it is valid to discuss men's issues but from what I've seen is literally men holding onto toxic masculinity and traditional gender roles that they resent and actively harms them while refusing positive changes that could create an impact while wanting women to do something about it.
I think men have every right to discuss their own issues while not expecting women to solve it for them or looking inward on how the biggest perpetuation of the rigid gender expectations for men is by other men. The answer to the loneliness epidemic isn't easy pussy or a girlfriend. Most women are socially expected to be accommodating, emotionally sensitive, and internalize their problems to avoid causing trouble for others around them. The most isolated and unwell women can act out and externalize their issues, but when they kill or harm others it's typically themselves or people closest to them; this is horrific and these women shouldn't do this obviously, but it's a different kind of horrific act from the way many of the most isolated and unstable men will be much more likely to kill and harm total strangers (ie. The majority of serial killers and mass shooters).
I also think that men who only bring up the male loneliness epidemic when complaining about how feminist cunts are ruining what it means to be a man should contribute to the growing male suicide epidemic, because they don't actually care about the men they're using as a cudgel and a gotcha to complain about women having more agency and the ability to say no. If you think women are inferior, then solve this problem yourself. If you think women are equals in terms of social intelligence and emotional regulation to men, then maybe you can try to emulate the way we've coped with loneliness and form community. After decades of being mocked about dying alone surrounded by boxed wine and cats, plenty of women are realizing that's a better prospect than putting up with the modern dating scene. Maybe men can find a way to cope with loneliness the way we have, foster a sense of community, etc.
It doesn't help that the communities that get the most notoriety among men are sex traffickers like Andrew Tate, closeted gay misogynists who harbor pedophiles like Nick Fuentes, coked out child neglecters like Rekieta, and incel forums where they commiserate and feed their own delusions about how interpersonal relationships work. Internet Daddies will never fulfill the social need that men and boys are wanting and the sooner they realize that the better. The same goes for the parasocial relationships with women like Vtubers, idols, Twitch tiddy streamers, and Only fans thots. They're paying for a delusion and a fantasy that's as real as a credit card statement and it goes to show that women are just as capable of grifting off male loneliness as other men.
TLDR: I feel bad for the men and boys genuinely trying to escape the crabs in a bucket mentality that is male socialization, but the majority of guys bemoaning the male loneliness EpIdEMic are the crabs pulling others back into the bucket and should boil themselves
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websterss · 1 year
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𝐑𝐄𝐐𝐔𝐄𝐒𝐓: Hi!! So I've seen your account recently and I really would like you to write jatp luke Patterson x reader, when the Reader is always so goofy and childish. So they are sick like they have a very bad fever, and they are very weak and Luke takes care of them, and maybe sings a lullaby to help them sleep by singing to them and rocking them please. 
𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆(𝐒): um cussing mostly, and fluff
𝐏𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆: Luke Patterson x fem!Reader    
𝐀/𝐍: Hope you enjoy it! This is my shortest story omg. I am fully recovered from having the flu this past week, so I’m trying to get back into my writing, but it’s still a slow process for me, because I was really drained of energy for a week, so be patience with me lovelies. ♡
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“Y/n, I know you’re in there!” Rapid thuds against your window can be heard. The loudness that vibrates through the window shook through your body. You pull the duvet over your head to hopefully muffle the sounds of your annoying friend.
“Come on, let me in!”
“Goaway.” You muffle yelled. Though to your annoyance, it simply slipped your mind that Luke has the ability to poof in and out of places. Perks of being a ghost. “No. I wanna be at peace!” You whine as you sense his presence before you.
“Hello to you too, sunshine.”
“Goaway.” Your voice muffled under your blanket.
“Can’t do that. Julie specifically told me to come and help you around the house since she’s at school.”
“Why!” You kick out the duvet off you. Moving around frantically, part tantrum. “I don’t need a ghost. I need a goddamn miracle-“ You stop feeling clogged up air in your chest causing you to cough. “God I hate being sick.”
“Do you need anything?” Luke walked over, pressing the back of his hand against your warm tempered forehead. “No fever.”
“I just wanna sleep honestly.” You sigh heavily. Turning your head to meet his eyes. “I have this massive migraine that I’ve been trying to cure with ibuprofen for the last couple days, but I stopped because I’m scared of growing an addiction.” You muster a grin, finding the bit hilarious. “Then there’s my congested nose, trying to breathe has been a bitch. I keep waking up in the middle of the night in coughing fits because my lungs can’t get any air.”
“You gotta tell your lungs to work man!”
“I’m trying!” You laugh, heaving a slight bit then feeling the urge to cough again. “This sucks. I don’t even know how I got sick. It’s like all my energy just got drained right out of me. It’s ruined my whole week.” You let your arms fall in defeat by your sides. “I’m sorry, Luke. I know I said I’d be there for the band’s rehearsals but— I barely have the energy to get out of bed these days.” A faint smile paints your face.
“Hey, don’t sweat it okay. Rehearsals will still be there for you to watch after you get better alright? Besides, we can always record what you’ve missed.” Luke sat on the edge next to you. His comfort dissolves the aches and pain that run through your entire system. The mere thought of knowing someone wanting to look after you, gave you hope for a full recovery sooner rather than later. “Though you’re not missing much honestly.”
“Only my social life.” You dismissed passively. “Can’t believe I’m stuck here and you guys are making music. Unfair.”
“Well, if it makes you feel better-” He pointed at your side, activating your flight or fight response. You laughed moving away from his hands, never one to enjoy being tickled. “We’re not really having much luck with coming up with new songs.”
“Now that I found it hard to believe.”
“No seriously, it’s like we ran out of inspiration.”
“Oh come on! You guys seriously haven’t written anything while I’ve been at home sick?”
Luke shrugged. “We’re all missing our muse…” He reached forward to boop you on the nose.
“Please, I’m no muse.” You half heartedly laugh.
“Maybe not the guys, but definitely mine.” He nodded surely.
“Well then, I’m honored.” You reach forward and take a hold of his hand. Twiddling with his fingers. Intertwining and untwining your hand with his. “Any chance I can hear something?” You batted your eyes playfully. A pout full on display. “Would you sing for a poor sick girl?” You force a cough out of your mouth. “A sneak peek of what’s to come?”
“You sure know how to persuade a guy.” Luke smirked.
“What can I say–“ You cough again. “I’m pretty convincing.” Your eyes crinkle, a sleepy haze falls over your tired form.
“Alright sleepy head, I’ll give you something.” He brought his hand up to lightly brush away some flyaway hairs from your eyes. His touch softly lingering. Soothing the slight ache that didn’t want to go away.
“What’s it–“ You yawn big. “called?”
“Well, Julie, the guys, and I haven’t really settled on a name yet, but I think we’re inching closer with Those Eyes.”
“It sounds nice…” You adjust yourself into the bed. Bring the covers up to your chest. The thing about having the flu was that you had the tendency to get shivers here and there, other times hot spells causing you to kick off the covers. A continuous back and forth situation. Right now you were just simply feeling cold. 
“It does. It’s a little slower than any of our other songs, but I think it’ll be a nice touch to the album.”
“Let’s hear it, rockstar.” You hummed. Placing your hands flat over your covered stomach.
“Give me a second.” Luke scoffed humorously. He began making a rhythmic beat on his jean clad thigh, head slowly bobbing as he tried to find his pitch. He took a deep breath and began singing.
“Cause all of the small…things that you do…are what remind me why I fell for you...” His smile grew seeing you start to slip into a deep slumber. Your breathing evening out and becoming slower. He leaned forward, letting his hands caress the side of your cheek gently. His heart fluttering as you subconsciously leaned into his touch. “and when we're apart, and I'm missing you. I close my eyes and all I see is you...and the small things you do.” He leaned back and watched you sleep. His favorite pastime, knowing you were getting rest, and at peace in the comfort of your bedroom. “Sweet dreams, peaches.” Then he was gone in a poof. Silence filling the space, and your sleep unbothered.
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Feedback would be great as I am still very insecure in my skills writing longer fics.
You can find the first part here on AO3.
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Otome au
I do not take any responsibility for you reading this no matter which age group you are from!
WARNINGS: Yandere themes, stalking, obsession, possessiveness
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Sweet poison-Pt. 2 (preview)
If Vil could turn back time he would.
Hearing something tear the young King looked down at the paper laying in front of him, his writing feather piercing through, leaving a giant tear in the document. If he had known how hard it would have been making sure that he would survive and come out as the winner, the survivor, on top was something he had imagined a bit easier. And it was easy, at the beginning at least.
When Rook told him that smaller Nobles were starting to get dissatisfied with their as good as non-existing influence over the political happenings he had laughed. This had been the moment when he had thought that thing would come and go. Fast and without any trace once this was over. But no. A new player had entered the stage, involuntarily involving themselves with the plot, his plan.
He had started watching you out of pure curiosity. You had become something unpredictable in all of this. A green contrast to his own purple. But ok. Good. He was flexible. Vil thought that you would be just like any other servant, minding your own business but then you got close to Neige. And you didn’t even mean to.
To show his brother that the world was much darker than he thought it was, always seeing everything in a good light, Vil had ordered him to work. Being the shunned one out of the half-siblings Vil had always known that the servants would use you whenever they saw it fit and you would let them. Sooner than later he was instead of just polishing silverware cleaning the entirety of the courtyard. Foolish brother of his.
And then you came and helped him. In the beginning it was just a nice gesture. Helping him collecting all the small branches that had broken off of the trees but soon there was something akin to a friendship between the two of you. Neige, in his usual ignorant ways, brought books to read with you after the two of you were done.
Usually, commoners weren’t able to read so Vil thought that Neige ended back then his only friendship, you seeing this as something offensive. As if the young man was trying to put himself over you in social standing. But there you were, reading it to him without any struggle. That was when Vil saw that you weren’t like the other servants.
And this was also how he started to watch you more and more, through his mirror of course. You could only stare at a person so long until they noticed. Soon this became one of his daily activities. Laughing at the jokes you made, listening to your worries and making sure that you were at least treated politely by the others. Not like anyone was rude to you in the first place but one does never know.
Then the day came. The day on which Neige gave you his name. Only his first one, even his brother had enough sense to stop himself from giving you his family name since those were only reserved for people with titles. But Vil saw that you knew. That small slip-up was enough for you to realize that the person in front of you was at least of somewhat importance. He also knew that you would be even more of an enigma for him if you didn’t share things about yourself with Neige, and also with him, Vil.
The small distance the dark-haired male had to you was something that ignited the fire in his stomach even more. He as an onlooker could only dream of getting this close to you but it wasn’t like he could change anything about that. “Rook, I know that you are there. Come out.”
Appearing seemingly out of thin air the famed hunter made himself present. Vil never showed it but as always he was impressed with the skills of the blonde. If he didn’t know any better he might have confused him with an assassin sent after his head. “Oui? Is there something I can do for you?”
Placing his hand against the glass the king looked down at his brother and the individual he was so interested in. “Separate them and whilst you are already on your way, bring Epel here. There is something I need him to do.”
And oh, was it a glorious moment when your gazes crossed for the first time. To be fair, it couldn’t be a good thing for you, panic evident on your face, stumbling back into the castle all whilst thinking that you would be safe from his gaze in there. But you weren’t. You never were. All those times he watched you, you being oblivious to the eyes gazing through the mirror upon you whilst you traveled through dreamland.
And even Vil could see that his behavior wasn’t exactly “elegant” or “gentleman-like”. In fact, he sometimes was disgusted by himself but a desperate situation calls for desperate measurements. Apparently watching you like a hawk was one of those. But this couldn’t go on for all eternity (or rather as long as the two of you lived. Not everyone was like the king beyond the roses).
Turning his gaze towards the servant in the corner he took note of his position. But of course, he was close to him, always ready to do what he wanted, and easy to monitor. Perhaps this was the solution. Perhaps he just needed you as one of his closest servants. Perhaps this waste of space behind him was not as loyal as he claimed? Well, not that Vil card anyways. Soon that position would be free and you were ready to fill in.
Motioning with his fingers forward the poor soon-to-be framed commoner stepped closer. “I think it is time for us to allow others to rise in their qualifications. Did you see them? Train them. Do not waste time. I do not want to hear an excuse why you can’t.”
As he heard the door shut behind the man another standing right beside Vil took his attention. Smiling he focused on the violet-haired individual. “Epel, I think there is something I need you to do and prepare for…”
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saw2goth · 3 months
Tell me about your version of hyde. I want to hear all about the critter, please,,,
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Here is a list of things because I don't want to be writing massive paragraphs lawl:
- Transman & bisexual, in an open relationship
- Not very aware of his surroundings and can often find himself bumping into things/people and getting into fights unless he's alert
- When he's alert his eyes go wide like an owl O_O which usually happens when he's startled or caught off guard. When he's on edge like this he can lash out.
- Loves to party, get shitfaced and meet new people he otherwise wouldn't mingle with in his regular life. He uses Hyde as an excuse to keep both of his social circles separate, but will occasionally drop hints in the hopes that Utterson will catch onto him somehow.
- Was genuinely hurt when Utterson didn't recognise him at first.
- Will act out harshly when he's upset or offended. He has an avoidant personality so he's usually the first to lash out at someone close to him if he thinks he's going to lose them anyway. As Jekyll he is usually left to deal with the aftermath of that, but will further isolate himself anyway if things get too much.
- The serum makes him sick. It takes a huge toll on his body, usually the mornings after when he transforms back. He has a lot of chronic pain which is why Hyde still has to use his cane despite being smaller and younger looking.
- Transformation is extremely painful for him but the euphoria he experiences after the fact is one of the things that keeps drawing Jekyll back besides the freedom he also gets from it.
- Very blunt. Kind of an asshole even. Depending on the situation he can usually play things his way if he needs to be polite to get himself out of trouble but if it's not a dire situation he will just tell you where to stick it.
- Type of guy to get up behind you and smash your head into your food just for a laugh tbh
- Danvers was the only guy he ever directly killed and I will die clutching onto this headcanon after being shot with hundreds of arrows
Uhhrm,,, this is all I have right now but thank you for asking about him!!!!! <3 I love him a lot can you tell. He's nothing like the book counterpart of course, but he's also not trying to be a direct adaptation. I'm actively crossing over all of my gothlit interps so a lot of changes have been made (for example; a handful of us have just collectively decided Henry Jekyll was childhood friends with Ebenezer Scrooge from A Christmas Carol and Wolfe MacFarlane from The Body Snatcher LMAOO). In my Hyde lives AU, Hyde has an encounter with Ebenezer years after they had initially drifted apart before either of them even remember who the other is. It's only until Jekyll gets back in contact with him that he realises they had reunited a lot sooner than he thought and he goes hm. Oops. I probably wasn't the nicest to him. Should probably make amends for that. 🧍 ANYWAY I DID END UP WRITING A PARAGRAPH OOPS???? SORRY FOR THE RAMBLE LASKMDKGM
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sayafics · 11 months
Just For A Moment - Part 4
I was supposed to be working on a new chapter for my TWD series, but I'm not feeling amazing right now, so I decided to channel all my emotions into angst.
I am still quite new at writing, but I do hope you guys enjoy it. I guess this chapter can be considered a filler chapter, but I think it's an important one all the same.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 5
Part 6
Months had passed since Aurora had left Intelligence. Her absence was a void that couldn't be bridged, and it had gotten to the point where Voight had stopped trying.
There wasn't much left of the Intelligence Aurora had known - Antonio had left shortly after her, and the people that remained held a much different dynamic to when she was there.
The most notable difference was seen in Jay.
There was no other way to describe it. He was a shell of the man he had been when Aurora was in his life. The Jay that existed back then was only a hollow echo now.
The team had tried their best to keep him occupied, keep him distracted, but his mind drowned in the thoughts of her.
After Aurora had left, Jay became reclusive, his presence at Molly's became rarer, his smiles scarce, and his laughs had died the moment he found her resignation letter.
If Aurora was still here, the one thing that might have pleased her would have been how much Jay had distanced himself from Hailey. The thought brought a bitter smile on Jay's face, the realisation that if he had let Hailey go sooner, then he would still have Aurora. It was a thought that had been haunting him every moment he was alone with his thoughts. Which was a lot.
Jay would avoid social gatherings, ignore birthday invitations and victory celebrations, he wouldn't speak to his friends and colleagues unless he had to, and even then, he spoke with short words and only gave what was necessary.
Their worries for him grew as the days passed. He was quick to anger and harder to calm. But most of all, he was quiet.
When Aurora had first joined Intelligence, it was as if someone had struck a match in the dark. She was a glowing light everyone found themselves gravitating to, a light Jay gravitated to in a time where he was lost in darkness.
As their friendship blossomed to love, the Intelligence office was always a lively environment, even when the team was working diligently to file their paperwork Kim could hear the quiet giggles and whispers Jay and Aurora would share from their paired desks on the other side of the room.
So, with Aurora's disappearance and Jay's detached behaviour, the office was condemned with silence, a kind so tense and thick that Kim, Kevin, and Adam found themselves trading excuses to get out of the suffocating environment.
Throughout it all, despite his silence and his reluctance, Hailey tried.
Hailey tried to speak with Jay to reconnect with him and comfort him. She couldn't understand what had changed so quickly, and her heart ached at the idea that Jay didn't love her. And it broke at the thought that perhaps Jay didn't even like her and that she was, as he said that night, just a mistake.
Still, she tried.
During the long months of Aurora's absence, Jay had been religiously investigating ways to find her - he had spoken with Voight, with her old colleagues, he even tried to go undercover and see if any of her old aliases were active. But it seemed, where ever Aurora had left to go, it wasn't in Chicago. It wasn't where Jay could find her.
Still, he tried.
There was never a moment where Jay had given up finding Aurora, but his hope of succeeding dwindled as days grew into weeks, which passed into months. Every failure at finding a lead only succeeded in pushing him further off the edge, causing him to drown further in his guilt and wallow in his misery.
That is, until today.
It had taken hours of convincing, begging even. But Adam had gotten Jay to agree to a round of drinks at Molly's to celebrate their success on a recent case. If Jay was being honest, it was the offer of free alcohol that enticed him most - a favourable way to pass time so he wasn't stuck with his own thoughts.
He was in his car, parked by Molly's when he looked out his window into the bar.
And there she was.
She wore a radiant smile as she spoke to friends and old colleagues. She was dressed in her usual attire, her hair flowing freely down her back. She moved animatedly, excited to be back amongst those she now saw as friends. Her eyes, bright and wide, flickered between those who surrounded her. That is, until they stuck on one person. Her head craned up to meet the eyes of the man who stood over her shoulder, Jay couldn't see either of their faces now, but he could imagine the shy smile they exchanged as the man placed a gentle hand on the small of her back.
His breath caught in his throat, an overwhelming sensation akin to falling festered in his chest. He broke out in a cold sweat as his eyes burned at the realisation - she was here.
Jay wanted to do nothing more than launch out his car and embrace her. He wanted to beg for her forgiveness until she gave him another chance. But most of all, he wanted her to look at him with love instead of the emptiness that welled in her eyes on that night.
But he knew he couldn't.
He couldn't face her. The possibility of being rejected, the thought of Aurora being unable to look at him, let alone speak to him, sent a stroke of fear through him.
No, he couldn't deal with that.
Jay's hands found his keys. He turned the engine on and drove.
He didn't know where he was going, but he could feel hot tears sliding down his cheeks as the guilt that flooded his mind began to devour him.
He couldn't find it in himself to be angry at the prospect she had moved on, and he didn't feel worthy enough to justify feeling sad. Her name was scrawled against his heart, but it seemed that he had torn his own name out of her's.
Jay hadn't shown up to work the next day.
The team had met Aurora at Molly's yesterday, her presence taking them by surprise as they greeted her with blossoming smiles and pained eyes.
Adam had turned to the door, wondering if Jay had caught sight of the girl yet. One glance towards the window confirmed his suspicions, seeing Jay's car take off quickly. A sight Aurora had noticed too, causing her eyes to dim as her smile faltered. A heavy hand came to rest on her shoulder, squeezing in comfort, and Aurora placed her hand over the man's who stood behind her in a silent thanks.
When Jay hadn't shown up to work, the team had written his absence down to the fact he was either too heartbroken to work, or he drank too much alcohol that he was unable to leave his bed.
Voight had told the team to give Jay his space, having gotten a text from the man to tell him he won't be coming in. And for the most part, they all adhered.
That is, except one person.
Hailey was nothing, if not stubborn.
She had received the cold shoulder from Jay for months now, and knowing that Aurora was back in Chicago was her last straw.
Hailey showed up at Jay's apartment within the hour, knuckles stinging at the force she rapped the door with.
But no answer.
She didn't relent, choosing to call for him now, too. Hoping to cause enough of a disturbance that he felt urged to answer.
"Jay! Open the door! Come on Jay, I'm not leaving until we talk."
She heard the tell-tale sounds of the door being unlocked and lowered her hand, only taking a step back after she saw the state Jay was in. Her face fell as she regarded him in pity.
She had come here hoping to convince him to choose her, to love her.
It was only now, after months of silence and cold rejection, she felt hesitant she may not succeed.
Jay's eyes were bloodshot. He squinted under the artificial light, a five o'clock shadow blooming on his face as his undereyes were dark and heavy. She could smell the booze on him, and a glance behind him showed bottles of alcohol littering the tables and cabinets. He was in the same clothes he wore yesterday, and at the sight of her, his face twisted into a grimace.
He regarded her silently, waiting for her to speak but Hailey found herself stunned to silence.
"What?" His voice sounded scratchy, but she couldn't miss the venom in his voice, as though he blamed her for what happened between them - like he wasn't an active part.
"Gallo's back."
Jay rolled his eyes in annoyance, stepping back to slam the door in Hailey's face. But she threw her hands against the door, hoping to stop him, "wait, stop. Jay, please."
He gave a suppressed sigh before opening the door again.
"You have spent months ignoring me, Jay. You called me a mistake, and you let me leave."
Jay's eyes lit with anger, "you knew. You knew I love her, and you still came to me and pretended to be my friend - all so you could sleep with me. And I'm the idiot that was dumb enough to do so."
"You didn't seem to care that night," there was something akin to hope in her eyes, as her voice slowly rose, "you wanted me, you needed me that night. What's your excuse for that, Jay? Because clearly, whatever you told Gallo wasn't worth her time."
"I don't have one," Jay lowered his head as shame clouded his thoughts, a harsh laugh escaping him, "you know, I tried to tell myself that, maybe, I was too drunk to know what I was doing, but, I don't know. I knew what I was doing, and the truth is, I don't know why I did it. I just know that it was wrong, and if I ever had to re-do it, I would have never let you in that night. Hell, I never would have done any of it - I wouldn't have been your friend. I was the idiot for letting you come close and for ignoring Rory when she said she was uncomfortable. I just wish she'd for-"
"Are you serious? Jay, she left. She left you, I'm still here. I'm the one that's still trying, after all this time. Not her, me."
"I don't care. I don't want you, Hailey. I never did."
Hailey's eyes stung as they filled with tears, a broken whisper echoed in the space between them, "liar."
But Jay's face was resolute. It was the most sure she had seen him in months - "I don't love you, I never claimed to. What happened between us was a mistake, one I can never take back, but I will spend the rest of my life praying I can. She was your friend too, Hailey. She tried her best to be, to make me happy because I told her that's all you are to me. The truth is, you're nothing more than a colleague now."
With one final look, Jay stepped back and closed the door, ready to drown himself in alcohol as he stewed in his miseries.
Hailey stood on the other side of the door, tears streaming down her face as anger wreaked havoc through her heart.
When Aurora had left Chicago, she had cut off everyone she knew and went back to the life she had tried to escape. It wasn't easy going back undercover, pushing her own feelings aside and living a facade.
But it was what she knew. It was a skill she was so well acquainted with that she found herself immersed in her new persona with ease.
Assignment after assignment, she joined gangs and cartels, danced in strip clubs and brothels, played the good guy, and then the bad. Her job was easy, go in, gain their trust, get a confession, or lay a trap, and repeat.
Months had passed since she left Jay, since she left Chicago and yet a moment never went by where she didn't think of him. She saw him in everything she did, from drinking a stale cup of coffee to cleaning her gun. She remembered his eyes, the way they would always find their way back to her, recognising her in any crowd and picking her out in every room.
She missed him.
Of course she did, she ached for him and her heart yearned for him.
She had thrown herself into cases when she re-joined the CIA so quickly after leaving Chicago, barely giving herself time to mourn the relationship she had cared so dearly for.
And if she was being honest, it was something she would've been happy to continue doing - ignore her feelings for Jay and the heartache he caused her - if it hadn't been for Voight.
Voight wasn't blind. He could see how Jay was getting worse, could smell the alcohol on his breath when he came to work, the anger in his eyes as they worked on cases, the cold shoulder he gave to everyone. Jay refused to get help, he refused to take a break too.
Voight had already lost his best officer, he couldn't lose his best detective too.
Voight knew that if he forced Jay to take a break from Intelligence, they would likely never get him back.
Jay was always one drink away from packing up and searching the world to find her.
So, Voight found her instead.
And he had an interesting offer.
What do we think? I know this chapter is much more focused on Jay and his feelings rather than giving an actual play-by-play, but I think Jay's difficulties dealing with his emotions is very important to the story and will play a big role in how Aurora reacts to him when they see each other again.
I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter!
Who do we think the mystery guy Aurora was with is?👀 Could it be a fireman or doctor we know? Or someone completely new? I know I have someone in mind!
Don't be afraid to comment ideas below <3
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kame-writes · 3 days
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Cannibals Curse Part 1
- Arrival in Hell
Alastor arrives in Hell, lost and confused.
Unfortunately for him, sinners who indulged in Cannablism in life have an extra curse on their soul. Rosie takes him to Cannibal Town to help explain what's going on.
~ A03 Link~
(Other days are art over on @kame-artist)
Alastor blinked awake in an unfamiliar place. It wasn't completely unheard of, but almost always those times preceded a long and manic night out at a speakeasy, usually with some questionable stuff Mimzy had managed to get her hands on. And he knew for a fact that she was out of town for the last week.
Looking around, he was in the middle of a dirty built up city. That was concerning. No where in New Orleans fit this description, and he knew almost every inch of his town. Had he been taken out of the city? 
Maybe someone had caught up with his less than legal activities, and had brought him here to dispose of him? That still didn't narrow things down, he was involved in numerous illegal activities. 
He was sure no one outside of Mimzy knew about his tendencies to make unsavory people 'disappear’. But most of Loiusiana probably knew about him being a bootlegger for his local speakeasy. His area barely cared about the prohibition laws, speakeasy weren't as underground as they were in the larger cities, secrecy was a social courtesy rather than a necessity. There was bound to be plenty of people with a grudge against him that would pull a stunt like this.
One thing he did know was that he needed to get out of the open. It was too exposed here, what he needed to do was find a place to hole up, and assess the situation. He wasn't physically hurt as far as he could tell, though he did feel a little out of sorts. He had a splitting headache, and his senses seemed a lot more sensitive. Was he drugged? The whole street seemed to reek of something foul, like sulfur prehapes?
Pushing himself up to his feet, he quickly moved down the street, blissfully being ignored by the few people he passed. Keeping his head down, he didn’t pay them any attention, and they seemed to do the same. He focused instead on making sure no one was following him. He seemed to have just been dumped here unceremoniously and left to fend for himself?
Everything seemed to be in shades of red, even outside of the tinted monocle he occasionally wore to help him identify colours better. Ahead of him, the city blocks seemed to give way to a quaint, old fashioned housing estate. The red tones more muted and pink, trimmed with white. It looked a damn sight more inviting than the dark and dangerous looking streets he was on right now.
There was a sign at the entrance, and Alastor got closer to see what it said, laughing in startled amusement at the words.
‘Welcome to Cannibal Town’
Either this was some bizzare tourist attraction, or someone's idea of a joke. Either way, the irony was not lost on him to choose there, of all places, to try and get his bearings. Why, if it were real then he'd fit right in with his occasional ‘distasteful’ eating habits, he thought with a wide grin.
He was distracted from his surroundings by the absurdity of the sign, looking for any indication of a ticket booth or something that might indicate it to be some sort of attraction. He didn't honestly believe that anywhere would be so open and blatant about such a detested practice, it must be an ironic name, or a joke with the locals.
He heard the quickly approaching footstep far too late to react, no sooner had he heard them, then he was grabbed from behind roughly, and felt a sharp blade at his throat.
“You new around here little doe?” The voice was a gruff growl, sounding more animalistic than human. “Then let me be the one to welcome you to hell~” His voice dropped into a sickening purr. “Do as I say and follow me back to my boss. He'll help you settle in real nice, and give you protection. For a small fee, of course. Wouldn't want a pretty thing like you getting h-”
Alastor cut him off by suddenly smashing his head backwards into the other man's face, grinning in satisfaction when he heard a shrill scream as he stumbled backwards, dropping the knife that had been held to his throat. This wasn't the first time Alastor had had to fend off an attacker, he was far from helpless.
He swung around, ready for another attack, but was caught like a deer in the headlights at the state his attacker was in. He was clutching a hand over his face, which was bleeding profusely from an empty and gory eye socket, as if it had just now been gouged out. He also had a large slash next to the still intact eye. How on earth had a headbutt caused damage like that?
More shocking than that, the man didn't look completely human. He must have been wearing some kind of animal mask? But that didn't explain how seamlessly the blood flowed from his injuries. Two large horns curled from purple scaly looking skin, and the mouth was far too large, with too many teeth. Maybe he really had been drugged, and this was all a weird delusion after all?
Alastor quickly shook himself out of his surprise as the man suddenly lunged for him again, swiftly dodging and half skidding, half rolling to grab the discarded knife. Adrenaline was pumping, every sense enhanced to almost overwhelming, especially his sense of smell. The scent of blood filled his mind and clouded his judgment, he needed more of it, needed to drain the body of it all, rip his flesh and consume. 
Somewhere, in the back of Alastor's mind, he knew something was wrong. These thoughts were not entirely his own, not in this intensity. And they came with a need, a hunger, that was like nothing he had experienced before.
Murder was an art, he took pride in his work. Stalking his prey, baiting the trap, luring his victim into his snare to snuff out the light of a wretch that the world would be better off without. This was not an art. This was a bloodbath. All instincts and no style. And yet he felt a high uncomparable high and drive to throw his entire soul into the slaughter.
His body moved on autopilot, his consciousness about what was happening fading in and out, until the other creature was pinned to the floor beneath him, bloody and staring up with a terrified and pleading eye.
Alastor toyed with the knife for a moment, before stabbing multiple times at the man's chest. He grinned maniacally as blood spurt and bubbled from the wound, the grating wheeze of a death rattle music to his ears, hearing lungs begin to fill with blood, downing his prey in it. He raised the knife once again and slashed at his throat for good measure, listening and watching with empty dark eyes for the tell tale sign of a life finally fading away.
Blood rushed in Alastors ears, his grin stretched impossibly wide, teeth far sharper and more numerous than humanly possible. The hunt was successful, and now he got to gorge himself on his reward.
A sickening creak and snap that seemed to come from inside his own head echoed all around. His body ached, he felt limbs pop out of joint as his body morphed and distorted grotesquely. But all he could focus on was the hunger. 
He was ravenous. Everything inside him was screaming like he hadn't eaten for many years, a starving man who finally was being offered a meal. The mess of flesh and blood beneath him no longer registered as a body, only as food. An antidote to the insatiable hunger that poisoned his soul. His mind screamed at him to Feast, to consume. To fill the empty void inside of him.
He descended on the remains like an animal, knife abandoned in favour of using teeth and claws to rip into his meal and satiate the appetite that had overwhelmed any and all sense of self and sanity.
- Next
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changingplumbob · 1 month
Pancakes Household: Chapter 9, Part 6
Onyx finishes their last day attending active high school solo
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Onyx: Anyone seen Mrs T
Mrs Hensley: For your information Mrs Tinker is taking the younger class today, you’ll just be stuck with me
Onyx and Carson pull faces at each other over Amie’s desk. Mrs H is not a favourite of theirs. She is much more strict than Mrs T and Carson won’t soon forget when she yelled at him for not being in class before class even started. The idea of an hour of math led by her does not fill the soul with joy.
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Mrs H: For today’s lesson we shall be focusing on the pie chart. Now there are several types of pie chart…
Darwin: *whispers* Apple or raspberry
William: *whispers* Definitely apple
Darwin: *whispers* Hot with ice cream, the only right answer
Mrs H: We will be focusing on teaching you two types which come in different forms, and yes- this will be on your exam
There is a general murmur of discontent through the class at the idea of exams.
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After the class draws to a close Onyx realises the girl they gave Halloween candy to is sitting behind them, and decides to go say hi. She’s a little confused at first, after all she never saw their face under the helmet, but she gladly goes to lunch with Onyx and their friends, explaining that the bus from her town to the school only started recently.
Mr A: Pancakes. Were you paying attention in class
Onyx: Yes I was. You know my brother is starting this week so you’ll have to refer to me by my name soon
Mr A: But Pancakes is your name
Zhafira: *whistles* Wow, what a jerk
Onyx: I think he just finds calling us by our last names easier, he seems pretty daft for a principal if I'm honest
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Carson: What did you do in art then
Scarlett: Oh we got to do these magazine collages, trying to represent one colour through various images
William: *sighs* I miss Mrs T
Onyx: You want to check out the roller rink?
Carson: I’ve still got some science homework to do, sorry Nyx
So Onyx goes and mucks about on the computer until it’s time for science class. Something glitched though and everyone got called to class at 3pm and the class day ended at 3:15... I have no explanation.
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Back home Bob has the house to himself and Ginger while the younger Pancakes are off to their after school activities, Onyx has cheer-leading and Fergus has drama club. Bob is pretty happy with how the visit he and Eliza paid to the social worker went. They seemed to make a good impression and the woman assured them they were being put on the wait-list. Bob doesn’t normally like the idea of cheating his way through something but has called Aaron asking if he can keep an ear out for any situations that could get him and Eliza an infant sooner.
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At the moment he’s running names through his head. If they’re lucky and get a young enough one they should be able to pick a name. The drone beeps reminding him that he’s meant to be talking to his fans, whoops, lost the train of thought there. Bob is able to cook a little on auto pilot these days but he should be following along with the baking closely to avoid disaster. Luckily the cake comes out perfectly! All ready for Fergus' birthday.
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As Bob leaves for shift the kids arrive back and Onyx goes straight to setting the table.
Eliza: Are we ready for dinner
Onyx: Yes, I’ll grab Fergus
Eliza: I think you two should know I got promoted today
Fergus: YES! Treat time
Eliza: Why do you say that
Onyx: Mum last promotion we got the treehouse
Eliza: That was for rebate day
Fergus: *scoffs* Like that’s a real day
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Ginger: *whines* I want to go walkies
Onyx: I know Ginger, I know, just let me finish this homework
Ginger: *whines* Hurry up, it's been 15 years
Onyx: Alright, pie chart done. Where’s your harness
Ginger: *barks* in my pockets
Onyx sets her up and then the pair head out for a night walk. Luckily they live in a good area so Onyx isn’t worried about their safety.
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President, just two steps away from the top of the corporate ladder! Eliza feels proud she’s managed to get this far. The promotion also came with some bonus vacation days she’ll be able to use as substitute maternity days when they can get an infant. She continues the needlework she was doing and despite pricking herself once or twice finishes it off nicely.
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Ginger: *barks* Is it bedtime mother
Eliza: Don’t worry Ginger, as soon as Bob gets back and eats, we’ll go to sleep
Ginger: *barks* I call dibs on the middle of the bed
Bob had another uneventful shift, before he can get a promotion he needs to increase his fame and baking. Nevertheless despite being gloomy he feels like it’s slowly getting closer. After finishing his meal he heads to bed to find Eliza sitting up awake.
Eliza: What did Aaron say? Can he pull any adoption strings?
Bob: He’ll put the word around to keep an ear out but it could take some time. Don't worry, it'll happen
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capcavan · 7 months
Riko ship meta I could not spam the other day bc tumblr had stroke!
Riko/Renee Rinee
Renee would be first and only ever woman Riko is interested in, their relationship starts slow held back by Riko's inability to feel at ease in fox tower and distrust towards himself
Everyone labels the relationships as Renee taking in a pet project to fix while Riko is hungry for any sort of attention, only Kevin and Andrew see that it's beginning of something serious (if Riko will allow it to be) , because Andrew knows Renee and Kevin knows Riko
Renee can not cook meanwhile Riko's arm is broken and so he gets to teach her how to not fuck up pan cakes
Renee enjoys sparring with Riko, due to her past experience she does not feel comfortable with stronger men, knowing Rikos fighting style and knowing well that she could with with him in a fight calms down her anxieties, Riko is excellent boxer but when it comes to real fighting he has no chance against her.
in future when she's more comfortable and trusting of him she will teach him to better defend himself
She sees him as doberman with cropped tail and ears, going through life not understanding he had been mutilated.
Riko is not prepared for Renee to finish collage much sooner than he would the separation is extremely hard on him
Girl and boy, Riko is stay at home boywife, Renee plays exy for few seasons before retiring to enjoy home life. (i have way too many different head cannons about Riko's parenting and his issues with parenting sent asks])
they are soulmates they are always together no matter of au or story progression they always love each other in some way
Kevin dislikes seeing Riko move on and work on getting better, he is scared that there will be no place for Kevin beside new "fixed" Riko
Kevin is scared of future, and tends to romanticize their time at the nest finding comfort in time where he was the centre of Rikos universe
Riko is the one to drag Kevin to start therapy - they have group sessions
Riko gets king chess piece tattooed on ring finger , Kevin gets a cown
Size kink 100%, Riko does not realise Kevin likes how much shorter Riko is
very unhealthy but stabilizing with time reltionship
Riko seeks punishment for bad things he committed , and Jean is comfortable to provide them
Jean takes dominant role between the two Riko willingly gives everything away to him, he's too scared to be left alone
Jean knows broken bones hurt, but the tender pain of emotional distress is unmatched , he will make Riko taste both
Jean does not feel any pity for Riko, Riko does not want any pity
but after some times passes hurting is not as relieving any more and its time to care
Jeremy is one of not many people Riko is actually afraid (of course he is drawn to him)
Jeremy is son of politician and in the know about Moriyamas activities
Jeremy likes teasing Riko about his poor social status [being just moriyama family commodity rather than actual part of the power]
Riko entertains him mainly hoping the relationship might be useful for him in future
Nathaniel is little sadist he got it after his daddy, he loves using Riko as his canvas for cuts and scarification, most days he spends time modifying Rikos skin or tending to old cuts
Riko can't deny things to Nathaniel
Nicky is very active and always looking for partners whatever or not on the list or with Erik's approval
Riko enjoys teasing him
They really are not together, it's just a lot of teasing and Nicky wanting to get laid and everyone around making it into meme
Riko/Jack -Jack wants to be to Riko what Riko was to Kevin in nest
andrew is one of people who are very honest towards riko [openly tell him to fuck off] riko takes comfort in someone who is not trying to be nice/pity full towards him, he needs people to hold him accountable for things he done
riko learn to play the game by andrews rules not even interacting with andrew but seeing the way andrew interact with everyone, any time someone makes mistake riko sees? he uses it as occasion to never make this mistake himself
andrew is not amused, not mad either, there is some pleasure in knowing that someone is tailoring their personality to match all of his needs
andrew is the only person able to handle riko physically and set hard boundaries with him
after all the training he put into this dog he refuses to let anyone else have it
daddy issues
kevins daddy
authority and praise
I'm insane about them
aaron is cute smart and pretty and likes being told so, he also looks extremely good next to renee so that's perfect ot3
Size kink now Riko understands why Kevin thought him being short is hot
Ravens love riko and idolize him
they see riko as one of them , left behind abandoned good only for one thing- exy
the difference is unlike them riko does not realise this
thanks to that he can do something they can not - dream
and they love being close to that dream
seth befriends riko to piss off other foxes
seth dates riko to piss of kevin day
seth has many siblings his big brother sense are tingling and riko loves the attention
they are fucking assholes idiots and troublemakers
weed and alcohol
that is planned for badger in fox den I have no clue yet how this will work but I have warm feelings
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lavenoon · 1 year
Since I can't read yet I come here with a question instead! (And if this wasn't already planned and won't spoil anything, of course). Because I'm an absolute sap, how does the first kisses happen with each of the boys?
So, the truth is, nope no kisses were planned - because while I am absolutely a hopeless romantic, I often forget there's a part after the mutual pining. Whoops!
But our idiot trio... They grow closer and don't even really notice. Like walking a mile and just thinking about each individual step, then looking back and going "Oh"
The reveal is a midpoint for that - they grew as close as they could for the roles they occupy in each other's life, and afterwards have that relationship as solid base to build even more on top of it.
Now for the actual kisses?
It's Y/N who takes initiative in both cases - the boys are a little more aware of how down bad they are, desperately trying to flirt while a lot of it either flies over Y/N's head or they interpret it as "normal" behavior (which it is, but still, way to miss the point, dear). So the little bird is the one who has to have their "Oh." moment!
I think. Well, this is me, and on the fly adaptations are the norm, so yes.
This realization comes late (because I am a whore for mutual pining, even though it's not quite self-aware in Y/N's case), after HQ finds out that they know each other's identities.
In the end, our dear star agents are let off the hook easy, due to some combination of "Well, we kind of knew this was going to happen sooner rather than later, our mistake to not separate you immediately", Dawn being a convincing bastard along the lines of "Knowing each other's identities can be quite the advantage, actually. We can join each other's long-term missions without any risk to our civilian identity, and you know how effective we are in the field", and also some bit of plot armor, I suppose (lmao)
But I've mentioned it before - they get one "test" mission to see just how efficient their trio is, and if it's worth looking past the (unintentional) breaking of rules). I still kind of want this to happen on a cruise? For Reasons(TM)
Robin poses as a high-standing trust fund kid, a role they despise but which explains both the need for a bodyguard and why no one has actually seen them before when they introduce themself. They play the role decently well by simply channeling their snappy attitude they used to show towards Dusk back in the day (and of course, still sometimes do, but much much more affectionate these days)
Dawn is the daytime bodyguard, mostly present for the afternoon meetings and keeping Robin from just. Mauling the sleazy business people they're forced to mingle with. They get flustered more than enough, still more used to the nice neighbor, so to be out of their comfort zone within the mission and then kept off balance by their way too smooth rival/ bodyguard?
It gets worse when they just feel that twitch in their fingers, watching as illicit deals go through, and they can't do anything yet. Sun makes sure to hold them back, a firm but gentle hand on their shoulder before he takes their hand to brush over their tensed knuckles. Signals them that yes, he saw, too - and it'll be okay. They'll take care of it together as soon as they can, and there's absolutely no doubt about that in his mind. The confidence is infectious, and Robin has a small moment of realization just how much they trust and understand Sun, and how much more they want to learn - they couldn't imagine a life without him long before already, but this makes them aware of that terrible need for more, still. All this condensed in the short thought "God, I want to kiss him."
They need to process that.
Unfortunately, Dusk doesn't help. Smug as always, he's their escort for any of the evening activities, more focused on the social aspect and having fun. Some dances, smarmy cocktail parties, plays - you name it, there's something going on, and for the sake of information Robin has to attend as much as possible.
They try to interact with everyone else, but truly just cannot stand these people, and are too unused to playing nice. They regularly tap out, and just go back to their bodyguard - scary guy, really, don't they mind? "Not at all, he's a sweetheart! (:" *cut to Moon standing near the wall, glowering with thermal vision and sharp teeth, arms crossed to hide the twitching fingers* "... Right." But they go back, and notice that it's reassuring for them both. They drag him onto the dance floor at some point, missing steps and dancing out of tune, because they just get so caught up in their usual banter. One comment just nearly breaks them, and they fear they're threatening to burst their cover with how loudly they want to laugh. If only they could shut him up with a kiss -
And thus the crisis begins. They bide their time for a day or two, just processing that yes, they're in love with their - their.
Their everything sounds so incredibly cheesy - but they are, aren't they? Neighbors, rivals, friends - they touch each other's life on all accounts.
Theirs, they settle on. That's what they want the boys to be, anyway.
They don't know when it started - they just look back, and it looks like this was always the way things would have gone. Of course they ended up here - every step only took them closer to this point.
It's time for the next one, then.
Turns out they're just a bit of a romantic sap, and they look for "good" moments. Fortunately for them, I am also a romantic sap, and will god mod their universe to fit my cheesy needs.
They get Dawn first. They have a moment to themselves, after a long afternoon of boring meetings, and Robin stays behind in the room for a moment to breathe. Dawn waits near the entrance, glaring at a few people that just carelessly shoulder check him. Lets out a noise of disgruntlement, then crosses the room to check on Robin. They assure him they're fine, they just need a moment without this stuffy atmosphere. They glance up at him - and the amount of brain cells that activate in that moment is unheard of for them.
Perfect opportunity. "Lean down", they ask him. "Your tie's messed up. Let me fix it?" And Dawn - well, he's positively surprised for sure, that's a bold step for his little thief! So he is not complaining! He obliges, so so happy and confident that they finally started making some advances! He does not expect that they are about to just skip a couple steps entirely. Tug him down by his tie, the other hand settling on his shoulder, but the kiss itself is surprisingly delicate after the startling force to get him there. They pull back after a moment, trying to assess - and Dawn is just completely stunned. Well. They were pretty sure, but... "I didn't misunderstand, right?"
That's when Dawn snaps back to reality, and just cups their face with both hands, widest grin on his face before he mimics that first kiss again and again. But it's too passive for him, and they got their human kisses, so now he's adding a good nuzzle into the mix, all while Robin starts giggling. He's a little eager, after months of pining - so the two of them may stumble into the chairs and desk behind them. The noise does startle them out of their little moment, but then Robin looks at him, and just entirely deadpan says "Don't tell Dusk. I'm going to get him."
Dawn loses it, which is saying something, and they join in immediately after. He does promise to not snitch, though.
They don't have to wait long. Another on deck cocktail party, and they end up staying late long after the staff cleaned up the last of the drinks and snacks. The night sky out at sea - that's a view even Dusk will let them stay up for. They just lean on the railing, listen to the waves crash against the ship, and crane up their necks to look at the stars. After a while Robin does feel that, so they crack it. Dusk, very much interpreting that as "that sounded bad", just immediately looks down to check on them. They blink, surprised, when he's all worried with his hands near their neck, just fluttering and checking for an injury that isn't there. Yup, they think. This idiot gets it, and now. So they cup his face, resulting in a surprised little jolt when he locks eyes with them. Idiots already getting kissed. A little more insistently than Dawn, perhaps, but also over just as quick. They pull back again, look at his stunned expression, and grin. "Yup, been wanting to do that for a while."
Dusk... Appalled. Offended. Insulted to the core. He grabs them by the lapels of their suit, dragging them forward, and just shakes them (gently). "Then why did you wait this long?" And they're just holding onto his wrists and giggling, going "But this was perfect!" "I'll give you perfect -" "Like right now?" "Right -" And he blinks at them, and yeah, actually - like right now. Some of the remaining staff do remind them they aren't alone at some point. They just kind of slink back to their room then - giggling to each other like the fools they are.
They do kind of agree to leave any further new PDA for after they return home, and somehow the pining becomes much more bearable with the thought that it's only a few more days. There's a date - and then they'll discuss going on one <3
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antheiantics · 2 years
Breaking down ENTJ stereotypes to uncover the true face of the type pt.1
1. ENTJ individuals are cold and emotionless
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Okay, that's by far the most idiotic stereotype of them all and one I haven't been shy to object to in this blog of mine. That's the main reason why I chose to cover it first.
First things first:
No one is emotionless. We all feel things. ENTJs just choose not to show it that much. We are analytical, observant, and what one might call stoic. It's not like there isn't something that has hurt, bothered, or offended me, I just try and find a way for it not to prevent me from doing my day-to-day tasks. No one likes to have to work or communicate with openly emotional messes. Of course, it's a good thing to express yourself... shutting yourself out or pretending everything's fine is an option but never a solution to the issue, and we ENTJs love solutions. They're practically our drive for anything which kind of explains the fact that we're good at finding and establishing them. Being able to control ourselves in tight situations or around certified stress inducers, as I'm keen on calling humans, is essential to us. Anyone can lose their composure, it's always easier to let go than to keep it down. ENTJs understand that and sometimes even unconsciously strive to achieve it, whilst still being on the job to look presentable and socially active. That's where it becomes tricky - to look like you have it together when you don't, to maintain the appearance of the "fine and successful way of life".
Smiling, actively participating in conversations, sharing ideas and opinions, debating when needed, backing down (reluctantly, if it must be somehow defined), taking charge or navigating others while they lead are all part of the things we make ourselves do, to maintain our image of the always prepared person that's capable, well-organised and a tower of strength. To other people, we might seem proud and conceited at first. Sometimes we appear as robots because we take on situations a lot more different than how it's normally expected. We take in shocks well and are durable. Sometimes we think so much, that we forget to react appropriately because we were busy thinking about the possible outcomes. To put it simply, brainstorming is on 24/7. ENTJs are prone to a lot of overthinking. If there are three possible scenarios of how a certain event might go, we come up with four. That's not to say that we're the only ones capable of doing that, a lot of people are overthinkers too, but the main difference between them and us is that their overthinking is derived from possible past experiences (traumas, toxic relationships, anxiety) and ours is more like a personality trait. I can't recall a moment in my life when I wasn't thinking of possible scenarios for all the different kinds of situations I was in. Sometimes it even became too much. I was too aware and that slowed my reaction time to a negative number because my brain was so ahead of the present moment that it already counted the event for passed, finished achieved, you name it - in other words, over.
Being emotionally strict with ourselves isn't an ally to us either. I've had moments in which I've hardly managed to get a word out because I'm so confused about how I feel that my brain just stops working.
When it comes to feeling spectre ENTJs are as well developed as any other person out there (excluding the issues, varying from person to person). However, if we speak about the full emotional spectre, our operating system starts to glitch. Emotions are not unfeelable but are hard to process and when they are hard to process they become a burden. And what do ENTJs do about burdens? Yep, you guessed it right, we remove it.
That's all there is to it. Emotions are not a burden, but when they do appear as one, we push them away for later so we might navigate smoothly throughout our lives. The coldness that's negatively looked upon, is the fruit of the constant thinking of possible outcomes, statistics, and solutions.
Part 2 will come sooner or later, depending on the interest this blog gets. Hope you enjoyed reading, thank you in advance for appreciating my work.
See you soon.
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irene-dimension · 9 months
a guide to overcoming stomach growling
a bit of a lengthy post here! let me start by saying anyone with a k*nk or f*tish on this topic can kindly leave and DNI freak
so, stomach growling is something i have dealt with a lot, especially in academic settings. there is nothing more humiliating than eliciting a loud noise completely out of your control in a silent classroom. i wanted to make this post to share a few tips i’ve learned over the years, things id wish id known sooner. this topic can be really embarrassing to talk about, and those who deal with this issue often have no one to turn to for help. so if i can help even just one person with this post i would be satisfied :)
firstly, i think it’s important to understand what exactly stomach growling is. It’s the sound of food being processed through your digestive system, a perfectly normal process. food provides a buffer to those loud noises, the absence of it removes that buffer making the noises more noticeable.
minimize the possibility
- when getting dressed don’t wear tight clothes that will press into your stomach
- don’t skip breakfast. make sure to eat a balanced breakfast. for example, I’ll have a yogurt with granola mixed in with a side of grapes and strawberries. any combination that you find works for you
- chew properly, this makes the food easier to digest and will minimize the noise
-try not to inhale through your mouth while chewing
- make sure to drink water with your meals/snacks !! personally i have seen a difference by drinking the correct amount of water with food. however, you don’t want to over do it. if you’re in a situation where you only have access to water and you begin to feel the grumbles come on, take a few small sips. don’t take huge gulps or drink too much, this will make the sounds louder
accommodate and adapt
- pack a small snack or multiple snacks to bring with you to school or any activity. it may feel a bit embarrassing to be eating during class, but i promise no one really cares that much. it is much less embarrassing to eat a little snack in class than to have your stomach growl
- make a snacking schedule ! this is something that really helped for me. for some, small snacks throughout the day work better than 3 meals. id see what classes allow food, then decide which periods to eat. for example, id eat at the end of second period, then the beginning of 6th
-bring a smoothie. ive done this for the past 3 years
- know your limits. of course, you should try not to let fear of something out of your control hold you back. how and ever, i know personally just how much it can affect decision making. don’t feel bad for accommodating yourself, you deserve to feel comfortable. this can be applied to anything but here’s an example—if it is possible, opt for a shorter class length. take a 1 hr class when possible over the 4 hr one.
mental aspect
personally i believe that the mental aspect of this issue plays a HUGE role.
anxiety can actually worsen these sounds, turning it into a terrible cycle. you fear making the sounds, which in turn causes you to make the sounds. i think anxiety is so critical to this. maybe you have anxiety about something completely different, maybe anxiety about interacting with people in social situations. your brain picks one thing to hyper focus on and redirects all your attention to something you weren’t even worried about in the first place. it is also interesting to note that the gut has the second most nerve endings, after the brain. some research has been conducted to look into their connection, but it’s still a pretty new topic.
- if you are in class, try to really pay attention to note taking. it helps to be focused and physically engaged on something else
- have a bracelet or something to fidget with
- EARBUDS. i truly don’t know what i would have done without my earbuds. they definitely provide a distraction, and this distraction can lessen the sounds
-gum. this can be another helpful distraction, the chewing may trick your brain and buy you more time until you are able to leave the situation or have a snack
- try to remind yourself that everything will be alright. if someone wants to make fun of you for something every human on this earth experiences then that makes them an asshole
i think ive covered most everything here ! i hope you were able to find something in this post useful and are able to apply it to your life. if you have any questions feel free to ask under this post or dm me. stay safe out there 🫶
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repo-net · 10 months
The Ideal Summer
(Essentially, a fanmade DR:S interaction between Kotoko and Nagisa)
The distant noise of birds chirping and the ocean waves pounding against the sand drifted against my ears, waking me back to subconsciousness.
I'd been up all night trying to formulate and write down every idea I have regarding our paradise. Admittedly, I'd been making less progress on that than I'd hope, but...
I don't mean to sound as if I'm doubtful of our mage, nor to seem as though I'm blaming her for my failures to create an unanimously enjoyed blueprint, but it feels like most of the visions that I have for what our paradise would transpire as wouldn't be shared by her. I'm certain that there's little reason to be so worried about such minute details, considering it's likely just a difference of opinion.
Yet I cannot stop myself from being tempted by that creeping doubt in my heart. Like something's not right. That vulgar gang leader talked to me the other day about trying to socialize more and attempted to call me out on how I'm apparently afraid of girls, which is completely blasphemous. I see two of them every day, and one's far too stubborn for her own good! Besides, it's been weeks now and I've more or less gotten accustomed to living with all the adults here. I'm still hesitant to even approach most of them, but there's a select few here that I do welcome the company of.
If only I'd met you sooner...
I'm keeping my eye on a few of them though. They're not exactly hostile and are actively trying to hunt us down, but it's still important to stay alert and beware of any predators trying to strike us down from our position on the food chain.
Another morning, another opportunity to correct myself and lead by example. Being the vice leader comes with the responsibility of having to set yourself as the standard to be followed by your allies. And if I catch those three snacking on the sundaes in the lounge again...!
The blueberry flavor should make it obvious that chubby chef made it for me!
I get up from my bed, making sure to fix my blanket, bedsheets, and pillows before leaving it alone. I grab a pair of my plaid polo and the shorts with the same pattern on it, before grabbing my socks and putting on my shoes. Just as I reach out to grab the bowtie on my desk, I can sense my feet vibrating - and my ears shaking from a disruptive force outside.
"An earthquake...?"
The hut I was staying in was close to the beach; so if there was rumbling, I'd likely be one of the first people to feel it.
About half a minute passes in silence, and I eventually go back to my routine, still staying alert. I attach the bowtie to my blue polo underneath my main one, and wrap the golden scarf I've carried plenty of memories with around my neck. One more check in the mirror to comb my hair, choosing to ignore my cowlicks since it's futile to even try and style them any differently than how they choose to stand up.
Seriously though, what was that nois-
"Kyahaah! My robot's working to perfection! I just made the cutest and meanest entrance in the history of humankind! There... hack- sure is a lot of smoke here though. Bleck!"
"Now, prepare to fall under the might of my brand new, customized denture gun! Hmm, I hope this thing doesn't actually kill people. I still have a lot of things I want to do with your disgusting demon body."
As if on instinct, I grabbed one of my shoes and threw it at the voice I now recognized so clearly, a loud thud coming from the dust that blocked me from seeing her, yet I could tell by the wail she made that my toss was accurate. The smoke clears up, and I can see that she was laid out on the floor, staring at the ceiling cluelessly. I can almost see the stars circling around her head...
She scrambles back to her feet, patting away the debris off her clothes as she rubbed her eyes, placing a hand somewhere on the center of her forehead. Guess I know where I hit her now.
"Ugh... my adorable face. What happened to me? Eh? Nagisa? Wait, what the heck are you doing here?"
"I should be asking you that! You barged into my room, broke my door with your 'robot', and then threatened to slay me with this... -"
I pick the gun up from the floor. It was made to fire out toy teeth. On the handle, I can see 'KS' written on it. So that scrappy, pathetic mechanic made this...
"... Whatever this is! Can you explain yourself first?!"
"I uh... isn't this that super ugly white-haired guy's hut? Noogy toe or whatever his name is. Big Sis Junko told me this is where he's supposed to be."
"You mean Nagito Komaeda? You got the huts mixed up; he's in the one right next to mine! How could you make such a ridiculous error? And more importantly - why are you even going around wrecking people's living spaces in the first place?"
"Monaca's orders! Or at least, Big Sis said it was her orders. She said she wants to move on to the next stage of our conquest of the island and converting it into paradise; and that's neutralizing all the adults with particularly dangerous talents!"
Already??? But now wasn't the ideal time to strike, there was still so much time left to spend to plan properly, and... as much as I'd never admit it, I still had more to talk about with some of the people here. We could still take a much more peaceful method that didn't involve something so violent, why was she being so brash?
"That... doesn't make any sense. Why would Monaca order such a risky move so early? Are you certain that the info you got from Eno- Big Sis was valid?"
"Gah, look at you, you're being uppity and a worry-wart again. You really need to learn to enjoy life some more, like a panda! They just sit around being cute and never having to worry about some disgusting adult touching them in places they don't want to be touched in. I'm sure it's fine, and besides; I've kiiiinda been wanting to do this for a long time too. Heeheehee."
"Well, it's..."
Do I dare say it? I'm putting my own reputation as a Warrior of Hope on the line here, to defy what Monaca wants (at least, Junko says it is, and I still need to hear it from the mage herself.) would likely have everyone turn on him. And yet, everything about this was rubbing me the wrong way. Surely, she'll understand...? Monaca's a kind person, after all. She's likely just been frustrated or something, and got trigger-happy. Havoc like this should be avoided if possible. I'm certain she can be reasoned with.
"This is a mistake; we shouldn't be acting so headstrong, especially when we still have plenty more days to spend on this island. We need to gather more info on the adults here before anything else - and even then, an attack like this? It's too much! Especially since you went after the wrong target! I almost had a heart attack because of your stupidity!"
"H-Hey! It was an honest error! And besides, I totally thought I had the right hut - his luck must've switched your places or something! He's one of those guys with that other brownie luck junkie that has some sort of magical powers that protects them."
"His 'luck' has nothing to do with it! My morning's already been ruined because of your antics! Wouldn't be the first time it's happened either... why do you always have to be such a headache for me?!"
"... !"
... That shut her up. Seeing her so quiet and acquiescent was a sight I don't normally see. She folded her hands together, looking down on the floor with the eyes of a child being scolded by their parent. Crap, that seemed to have actually hurt her feelings a lot... I feel horrible now. Why oh why did I say that...
"Sorry, I... went t-too far. I've been a little stressed about... the future, I guess. You can hit me if it makes you feel better."
"No, it's... fine. I get it. I know it must be hard having to deal with a girl like me. And all of us, actually. You're so strict, y'know. And you try way too hard to act cool. But I don't think we'd be complete without you."
"Youchouch! Don't grab my hair, and especially not there!"
"Pfttt. Are these things sensitive or something? I really need to get my hands on you and style you up myself one of these days. You're just way too adorbs to not try that!"
"Seriously though, sorry about everything. Here, I'll help you clean this mess up. And then let's go to Monaca and talk to her about all of this, okay?"
"Yeah, okay... and get your robot's axe off my door, please. I'll need to stay somewhere else now that it's broken."
"Well, even if you gave me all the peeled chestnuts in the entire universe - there's no chance I'm going to let you stay in my room! And I doubt Monaca would be fine with it too. Hmm, how about with the other boys?"
"You want me to try and coexist with Masaru? He snores like a bull, has the energy of a bull, and would just irritate me."
"In that case, you can go and stay with Jataro then! I heard he found some gross earthworms the other day, actually."
"... I think I'd rather jump into the ocean and drown myself."
I spent the rest of my morning cleaning with Kotoko, and contemplating on finding a new space to live in.
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nehswritesstuffs · 7 months
Baratie: Home to Chefs, Strays, and the Occasional Sword Goblin - Part 7
Still not dead--just running into a couple plot blockers while busy turning another maladjusted Northern lad into an accidental dad. When all is said and done, this is going to be a bridging chapter (so not filler, but also not too plotty), but I figure a reward for your patience is warranted.
First chapter on [tumblr] - [FFN] - [AO3]
Prior chapter on [tumblr] - [FFN] - [AO3]
A letter arrives, a snail call is made, and comfort is offered. [3269 words]
Sitting on the balcony outside his bedroom, Sanji read quietly in the warm sun with Asido cuddled into his side. It was a day off for him, so he was spending quality time with his nephew, the boy presently tuckered out after pushing himself hard during training. For not having a directly-altered Lineage Factor, he certainly was unnaturally athletic and capable of learning quickly. Even his little body had limits though and he was now snuggled into his uncle’s side as he slept. Sanji idly scratched at the boy’s scalp, which pulled out a content squeak. He braced the book against his leg as he turned the page one-handed, not wanting to disturb the kid’s nap. Actually, this was nice… admittedly.
Eventually, Sanji’s ears caught the News Coo coming on the wind. When it was in sight and clearly headed towards him, he put the book face-down and waited for the bird to glide his way. It gave him a letter and waited shiftily, not leaving until it got a bit of the crisps Sanji had been munching on. He looked at the handwriting on the front and knew this was something he couldn’t let slide—Reiju had replied to him, after weeks of nothing, despite the inherent risks involved. Opening it carefully, Sanji checked to make sure that Asido was still sleeping before going over his sister’s flowing script.
‘Thank you for letting me know you received the azuki in a timely manner. I was not entirely certain who to gift them to, but I’m glad to know I chose well. Beans like the azuki are said to be auspicious and extremely versatile. I hope they only bring good things to the Baratie.
‘I do not know when it is that I can visit, though it is something I would like to do sooner rather than later. Father is planning future campaigns now with Notice as a physical base, monetarily, militarily, and socially. That much is public knowledge and assumption, making me free to write it. What they do not know—details I’m sure you recall so I do not compromise them—is that I am already going through much of the same treatments Mother did; Father is trying to build his Perfect Germa, and now there’s nothing I can even take to ward him off. All my future children will be perfect in his eyes. He has even taken me off active duty for the duration of the treatments and the lack of things to do is… unnerving. I was placed in Mom’s room; you know the one.
‘Please do not tell Zeff of our correspondences—I know how much he distrusts me. That much is something I would not blame him for, as I’m not exactly the center of charming stories. I think every day of what I have done to you, both in the past and now, and I shall likely never stop. If I could hold you in my arms and never let go again, I would. I wish you could have been at the wedding, that I might be at yours one day, and that they would have both been performed out of love. For now, I guess I shall have to learn to live with being pen pals, in a way.
‘Until the next letter,
Sanji carefully stuffed the letter back in its envelope before placing it in his book as a bookmark. His blood boiled at the thought of Judge torturing his sister—let alone anyone else—with his Lineage Factor experiments, but to keep her hostage in their mother’s old room while doing so? The threat was unspoken but clear.
One wrong move and she would meet the same fate as Sora did all those years ago.
After taking a deep breath to steady himself, Sanji gently shook Asido awake. “Azuki bean, time to get up.”
“I don’t wanna…” the boy murmured.
“You won’t be able to sleep tonight if you keep going,” he said. Asido rolled out of the chair and flopped onto the balcony floor, making his uncle roll his eyes. “Come on—we can visit with the geezer in the meantime.”
That got Asido perked up and the boy jumped to his feet, seemingly awake in an instant. Sanji shook his head and sighed before following his nephew through his room and over towards Zeff’s.
“Grandpa Zeff! Grandpa Zeff! Uncle Sanji taught me a lot of stuff today!” The boy nearly skipped into the old man’s bedroom, coming to a stop at the foot of his bed. He tilted his head, staring at him. “Why are you back in bed? It’s early.”
“I just feel like it, azuki,” Zeff bristled. He let out a wheezing cough and Sanji paused.
“I don’t like the sound of that,” he frowned. Now that he got a look at him, Zeff was pale, the bags under his eyes more prominent, and the book seemed too heavy for his hands.
“It’s just how I’ve been coughing the past few months.”
“No… that’s how you were coughing when I first dragged Chopper over here,” the younger man said. He checked Zeff’s temperature with a hand to his forehead and hissed—he was hot to the touch. “Shit. I’m getting the fever reducer.”
“I’m fine.”
“You’re sweating through the sheets you fucking stubborn old coot.” Sanji pulled a bottle from a nearby table and poured two pills from it into his hand before shoving them into Zeff’s along with his water glass. “Take this.”
“Fussing over nothing,” Zeff grumbled. He took the medication, however.
“I’m fussing because I’m not ready to lose my dad just yet,” Sanji replied icily. Zeff looked away—that was probably the only word that Sanji could use that could get him flustered—and muttered something under his breath. “Hmm? What’s that, shit-geezer?”
“I’ll go when I’m good and ready you prissy little eggplant!” Zeff snapped. Sanji rolled his eyes and glanced over at Asido, who was fidgeting nervously.
“You should have seen him when I first rolled back into here,” he scoffed, trying to seem aloof for the boy. “Don’t worry; part of why we’re here is so that the old man gets better.”
“Yeah. Now stay here and make sure he doesn’t move while I get some more of the medicine he was on before.” Sanji ruffled Asido’s hair, ignoring Zeff’s grumbling about how he wasn’t going to take the shit anymore. It was all a bunch of hot air, the younger chef knew, and gave his nephew a wink before heading out into the corridor. It was just his luck that Zoro nearly ran into him by the stairs, causing him to jump in surprise. “Ah, fuck, marimo. Perfect timing.”
“What the fuck do you want?” the swordsman grumbled. “It’s my day off.”
“Yeah, and the old man just took a turn,” he said, motioning back towards the door with a flick of his head. “Go watch him as I grab some medicine. Kid’s in there now.”
“Fuck,” Zoro huffed. “I thought we were watching the kid, not traumatizing him with elder care.”
“Just shut the fuck up and make sure they’re both fine,” Sanji snapped. He quickly descended the stairs and went into the geezer’s office where he was storing the rest of the medicine since it generally stayed cooler than the rest of the ship. Bringing it upstairs, he had to dodge a few of the other cooks before he had Zeff’s room in sight. The geezer was still coughing profusely, while Zoro had collected Asido in his arms so that the boy could hide his face in the moss’s shoulder.
“I don’t need that shit,” Zeff wheezed between coughs. Sanji ignored him and began to pour a spoonful of the lime-green liquid into a spoon.
“Don’t be a fucking pussy,” he scowled. Sanji waited until it seemed like Zeff recovered before jamming the spoon in his mouth without warning; it worked and Zeff took the stuff. “There. Was that so bad?”
“Could’ve been better,” Zeff cringed. “Can’t the reindeer make medicine that tastes decent?”
“You know that if there was a way, he’d’ve found it by now.” Sanji deposited the spoon and medicine both on the nightstand and looked over his shoulder—Zoro wasn’t there and neither was Asido. “Alright, now get some fucking sleep and I’ll come check on you for dinner.”
“I’ll just stay here then, wondering if I should murder Patty and Carne when I see them next.”
“Not only you wouldn’t, but you couldn’t.”
“Just wait until I get better and fucking watch me.”
Sanji simply rolled his eyes.
The thing was: Zeff didn’t really improve, let alone get back to where he was before.
He was still coughing a lot, his heavy wheeze reminding Sanji of how he’d get on particularly rough days, making him glad he was attempting to cut back on the cigarettes. A fever would come and go—sometimes high and sometimes barely there—and he was sweating a lot. Between Sanji, Patty, Carne, and Zoro, someone sat with the old man most of the time, only giving him a reprieve if they were all asleep. After nearly a week Sanji had enough of his yoyoing and left the moss-brain in charge of Zeff while he slipped into his room with the Den Den.
It rang. And rang. And rang.
“Hello!” Ah, it was Chopper’s bright and cheerful voice—the last time Sanji had called, Kureha answered. That had been an… experience to say the least. “Who might I ask is calling?”
“Hey, Chopper, it’s Sanji.”
“Oh, hi Sanji! Ah! There’s your eyebrow! The snail must be slow to copy today. Are you calling to give a report on Zeff’s progress?”
“That’s almost why I’m calling,” he replied. “The old man’s having a relapse; started almost a week ago and although it’s stable, it’s not getting any better.”
“Huh… that’s an interesting development. It should be something we can work with, though. What are his current symptoms?” Sanji told him and the snail nodded along. “Has he stopped any of the rest of his treatment?”
“Not that I’m aware of; even put him back on the original shit you left us with.”
“Then that makes this all the more interesting. It might be a delayed immune response by his specific blood type. Instances are rare, but they’ve only been observed in normally-healthy people under thirty-five.”
“Is the medicine still effective?”
“Yeah—there should be no reason for it to have waned in efficacy. I’m just wondering what could have triggered this response.” Sanji could see the snail’s face scrunch as Chopper pondered the situation—he was always such a professional when he got into Doctor Mode. “Have you been giving him additional fever reducer?”
“Yeah, like you showed me before you left,” Sanji replied. “It seems to work for the fever fine, but he still has his cough, and if the shit wears off then it gets real bad before the next dose kicks in, so I’m technically overlapping.”
“It’s good that he’s responding to that at least. At the amount prescribed, he can’t overdose or find his tolerance messing with it, not for a long while yet.” Chopper went quiet for a moment, the only sound being a shuffling of papers. “Do you think you can keep him under control like that for a bit longer?”
“I can do my best.”
“Excellent; I’m going to be coming over in a couple weeks. Robin and Franky are scheduled to pick me up and the five of us will make the trip together. We can make it a pit stop before we see Usopp, Kaya, and the girls.”
Sanji had to think for a moment. Oh yeah, that’s right, he wasn’t the only one in the crew who had found themselves thrust into parenthood over the past few years. “Hey, uh, Chopper? Can I ask you something?”
“Anything!” Sanji could hear the cheer in the reindeer’s voice, which honestly broke his heart.
“Can you make sure you bring along the right equipment to give a young kid a checkup?”
That piqued Chopper’s interest. “Is Usopp dropping the girls off with you early? I know they’re due for one and that you had offered to take them.”
“No…” Sanji bit his lower lip—there was no going back from this. “There’s a young boy I have here, nearly five, and I don’t know the last time a doctor looked him over. You’re the best there is.”
“I see.” The line went eerily quiet as Chopper contemplated the new information; he honestly preferred when the reindeer blushed and swore at such a compliment. “Can I ask how he came to be under your care?”
“You can, when we’re not speaking over a tappable line.”
“Fair. Is he there now?”
“No, he’s with the moss.”
Another pause.
“Zoro’s there…?”
“Live-in babysitter and geriatric’s companion extraordinaire, that one,” Sanji scoffed. He frowned when Chopper didn’t respond. “What’s wrong?”
“Nothing—I just have a lot to prepare for,” the reindeer said.  “You know, Luffy’s going to freak out when he learns about this.”
“No one’s seen Luffy in years—he’s going to freak out about a lot of things, to be fair.” They shared a bit of silence, where Sanji could tell his old crewmate was attempting to not panic. “I cut back because the kid’s around, if it’s any consolation.”
“You did?!” The snail’s face brightened again. “That’s great! How often do you go through a pack now?!”
“I dunno… about a week? Five days?”
“That’s already an improvement!” Chopper marveled. “You used to chainsmoke for months straight; being near a pack a week is impressive!”
“Well, let’s say I have some pint-sized motivation.”
“That’s good! That’s good!” There was another voice in the distance—probably Kureha—and the Den Den cringed. “I’ve got to go! I’ll send you some extra medicine by Coo and I’ll see you in a couple weeks!”
The Den Den clunked off and the imitation of Chopper vanished from the snail’s face. He left a snack for the snail and left his bedroom, heading out into the corridor the same time Zoro was exiting Zeff’s room.
“Patty’s turn,” the swordsman grunted. He caught the look on Sanji’s face and raised an eyebrow. “What’d Chopper say?”
“He’s sending more medicine via Coo, but he’s not coming for a while yet,” Sanji replied. “Apparently this shouldn’t even really be happening… not to the old man, anyhow.”
“We’ll get there.” Zoro awkwardly placed a hand on Sanji’s shoulder. “You know we will.”
“Yeah.” Sanji did not brush Zoro’s hand away, although he did walk out of his grasp, heading over to Asido’s room. He found the boy reading at his desk, legs kicking merrily in the air as he jerkily pulled his pointer finger over the varying speech bubbles, sounding the words out quietly. “Hey, what’cha got there?”
“Oh, just Sora,” the boy replied. He held the tankobon up and beamed. “I don’t have to ask for a lot of help with the words! Isn’t that neat?!”
“It is,” Sanji agreed. “Hey, listen: I just got off the phone with another old crewmate of mine. He’s a doctor and is going to come here to check on Grandpa Zeff. Have you met a doctor before?”
“No. What’s a doctor do?”
“A doctor tries to make sick people healthy, or make sure that healthy people don’t get sick. Have you ever been sick?”
“Nope! That’s when you don’t feel good, right? Like Grandpa Zeff? Is that why your doctor-friend is coming over? So that he can make Grandpa Zeff better?”
“He is, and while he’s here, he’s going to make sure that you and Zoro-oji and I are still doing alright, to check and see if we caught anything.”
“Really-really; his name’s Chopper, and you’re going to love him. He’s a reindeer.” Sanji watched as his nephew’s eyes grew in wonder and a million questions raced through the boy’s mind. Asido’s mouth couldn’t keep up with his brain and the boy began to stutter, only making vague noises instead of words. “He’s not coming for a few more weeks yet, so don’t get too excited.”
Too excited? The boy was practically bouncing off the fucking walls.
It took a while to get Asido calm again, Sanji only really able to do so with promise of updates on when Chopper was scheduled to arrive. With the boy somewhat placated, his uncle slipped back out into the corridor, only to see that Zoro was still standing there with his arms crossed and leaning against the wall.
“Don’t you have anything else better to do?” Sanji sniped. He closed the door behind him, hopefully shielding Asido from whatever fight was about to happen. “Well…?!”
Zoro did not answer, instead remaining where he stood.
“Your room’s that one, if you were wondering,” the blond sniped. Fuck, of all people, it was the marimo he had to put up with. He made a move to head down the stairs again to start on dinner when Zoro pushed himself off the wall and grabbed Sanji’s hand. Before he could react, Zoro had yanked his arm and pulled him close for a hug. Sanji tried to get away, but the idiot’s grip was too tight.
“Calm down,” Zoro grunted sourly. Okay, so at least he wasn’t completely cracked.
“What the fuck is this about?” Sanji hissed through grit teeth.
“Take a breath,” the swordsman said. “You’re doing that thing again.”
“What thing?!”
“That thing where you’re going to keep fussing and stressing until you drop.” Sanji kept struggling, not wanting to use a kick in such tight quarters. “It was shit when we were with the crew and it’s shit now.”
“You can’t tell me what to do, shitty marimo.”
“No, but I can tell you that the kid’s beginning to pick up on your pissy habits,” Zoro warned. “I’m glad he’s not like your shitty-ass family in the emotional department, but this is going to mean you’ll have to watch it.”
“My nephew, mossball, not yours.”
“…that you want me to help you watch, so put a fucking cork in it.”
Sanji sighed and let himself grow limp, resting his forehead against Zoro’s shoulder and allowing his own arms to fall to his sides while the idiot held him up. There was no fucking use in fighting this, so he closed his eyes and breathed in deep through his nose—at least the marimo had showered recently.
“Alright, alright, I’ll try not to stay so fucking wound up, for the kid’s sake if anything.”
“Good.” Zoro gave one final squeeze before he let Sanji go, the blond pushing away from him with his face flushed pink in embarrassment. “I don’t care how weird you are about it: I will get your head out of your ass if you get it stuck again.”
“I’m not that limber; find a better turn of phrase.”
“If I have to put something else up your ass in order for you to calm down, I will.”
Sanji’s face went from pink to red as he almost ran to the staircase. Stupid fucking marimo saying stupid fucking inappropriate things outside his nephew’s door… worse yet, outside Zeff’s door. He did his best to calm himself down the the time he entered the kitchen, though it still felt as though all eyes were on him.
This was exactly the shit he wanted to avoid with Zoro there, and yet it was happening anyhow.
He was gonna kill Usopp.
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