#but I love theorizing
yasmeensh · 2 years
Various doodles of my characters from the past couple weeks. Development is reeeeaaaaaaallllyyyyy slow right now. However, I’m getting some ideas from my coursework. Crazy, but this project is making me remember my coursework better. 
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kindergarten aged neanderthal
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aaand the angsty neanderthal teen.
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canisalbus · 9 months
hi sorry in advance if this is weird but i couldn't for the life of me figure out who machete was reminding me of and just now i figured it out - surku the dog from the moomins. can't remember enough to tell how accurate that is personality wise but something about the image of a distressed pointy-nosed dog shivering in a coat... plus ne on molemmat ahdistuneita queer ikoneita
I love Surku! Surku must be protected at all costs.
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If you ask me, he's even more distressed in the comics.
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I keep him on my fridge door as well.
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But now that we're on the topic of Moomin characters, I must add that I see Machete in various Fillyjonks a lot. The short story Fillyjonk who believed in disasters is one of my favorite pieces of literature ever, when I first read it it shook me to my core, I still revisit it on yearly basis. For someone who seemed so wild and free spirited by nature, Tove Jansson did remarkable job at catching and depicting the essence of anxiety, uncertainty, vague sadness and irrational fears. At least in my opinion.
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hikaaa-bi · 4 months
forget the "entities are desires in tmagp" theory, i raise you "the entities are still fears, but all of the entries we've received so far are from the avatars themselves and not the victims"
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juniemunie · 5 months
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If the game keeps calling us Angel why not go with it ya know
Gaster is the devil for uhh obvious reasons (looks at his association of 666 and darkness, his faustian deal with Spamton etc etc)
Here comes sansnomaly
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rowanraven08 · 28 days
Hc that for Jon’s birthday (the one recorded on tape) Elias gave Jon these old half moon glasses that had fake lenses in them, and he was just a bit confused, throwing them in a desk drawer and forgetting about them. When Martin found Gertrude’s body, she didn’t have glasses, though every picture Jon could find of her alive had her wearing ones strangely similar to the ones Elias gave him. When he wakes up from the coma, he finds he doesn’t need glasses anymore, but feels strange and less like himself without them. Going through his things once he got back to the institute, he found those glasses in the back of a drawer, and made the connection that these were Gertrude’s glasses. He was able to wear them because of the fake lenses, and told no one who they originally belonged to.
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bonnisbon · 2 months
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We see Wukong eating peach chips almost all seasons, specially season 1 and 2? In season 3 he also eats them, but its not as predominant as the first two seasons.
Maybe he is bored and he eats out of boredom, because he likes it, or other reasons, but I think... he does it because of anxiety?
Anxiety eating is so common, it is often caused by strong emotions in order to avoid those emotions, or simply because you're in a lot of stress.
Why would Wukong eat out of anxiety?
Thoughts. Thoughts about the past. Imagine that he is so overwhelmed by those thoughts that his only remedies are eating.
Anyways I'm probably analysing too much, and he is just eating, lmao 😭 I find him relatable. OK 👍🏻
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"Bud, why are you adding profundity to me enjoying a good ol' meal"
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lilybug-02 · 4 months
Maybe the soul as an organ could’ve ancestrally evolved in your AU world’s vertebrates as a filtering organ, like a kidney, that sat over the heart and filtered blood of toxins and what not. Then it could’ve evolved in humans and monsters to also regulate magical energies. Which is why soul entities can possess human souls, because they already act as a storage for magical forces.
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OH. MY. GOSH. This is an amazing theory! KWHFSdkjadnfgl And it even lines up perfectly with what I theorized on how (in this AU) Magic is toxic in concentrated amounts!!! It's literally a gosh-dang MAGIC FILTERING LIVER!
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Dr. Carb is very excited about this new development in fictional evolutionary biology.
The soul probably looks quite different when its inside the body. Its physical- but it is not as "physical" as some other organs. And since filtering magic is so crucial, the soul is closer to the heart so it can filter magic directly from the bloodstream. Yippie!
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tommdale · 4 months
Poppy Playtime Theory
(Chapter 3 Spoilers Ahead)
I think that whoever we play as was attacked by Huggy Wuggy during the Hour of Joy
I mean think about it:
(Chapter 3 photo spoilers below)
Whoever we play as is so scared of Huggy Wuggy, while hallucinating (in Home Sweet Home, the gas-induced dream right after entering) we came up with the much scarier version of him, indiciating that he scares us more than the others (because why wasn't it mommy or even catnap in the dream?)
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And in the second dream (after being knocked down by CatNap towards the end), we hear the haunting screams of people being murdered during the Hour of Joy while we look at Huggy Wuggy, then the blocks he stands on (the ones that spell his name from Chapter 1)
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The Hour of Joy tape that Poppy shows us reveals that he lept from his stand to attack people, meaning that we'd associate the empty stand with the Hour of Joy if we were there for it, right?
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AND it's already confirmed that we worked there, with Mommy AND Ms. Delight saying they remembered us. And on top of all that, Ms. Delight thought we were dead. She tells us she remebers us then asks "How are you alive?"
My general theory for the player is that we worked closely with Elliot Ludwig, enough to know what was going on to be haunted by everything that happened, and close enough to Elliot to have remembered the news report about him in our poppy gas induced fever dream
I believe we were attacked by Huggy during the hour of joy and was somehow the sole survivor, thus making our way back to the facilty, haunted with survivor's guilt, wanting to find anyone that survived
If you have any alt theories please tell me :] I am sick and rotting with the release of Chapter 3
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goldenromione · 3 months
We know Lily rejected James because of his behavior. We also know that, from that point on, James made an effort to correct himself. Their close proximity during that time, as members of the same house, suggests Lily witnessed this improvement as it occurred.
That means it's possible Lily developed feelings for James prior to 7th year. Therefore, there could be another reason why she waited.
One theory is that she wanted to see if he could handle just being friends, and she got her answer during their time as head boy and girl. It showed Lily that James saw her as more than just a romantic pursuit. Knowing that, Lily felt comfortable pursuing him.
Another theory is that Lily was afraid to fall behind academically. She was a muggleborn; she knew that she had to work twice as hard as the other students. She didn't have time to be distracted by a relationship. Friends are one thing, but boyfriends are another.
(And if she fell behind, if she let down her parents and didn't meet their expectations, would it all have been worth it? Would the fractured remains of the relationship with her sister be worth some juvenile relationship with another "freak"?)
Skip to 7th year. This is when you are most comfortable at school. You know your strengths and weaknesses. You know yourself. With that added layer of security, plus the promise of a future outside of the school, Lily would be open to dating.
Overall, I just really appreciate how Lily waited until they were older and more mature to revisit James' past feelings. It gave them time to grow with each other.
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statement-continues · 4 months
Obviously this early on its all just theories: so take everything with a grain of salt. But! I think it's obvious that Alice has had quite a few strange lines concerning the OIAR already and we're only three episodes in. She's considered the main character of the podcast by Rusty Quill (with Sam) but right now she doesn't seem neccesarily more important than Colin or Gwen- and yet she's the one they focus on. And because we know she's more important than the others her weird lines stand out even more. And maybe this is just her sarcastic humor but it still feels important to point out from the get go that these things she's saying are *weird*, and could maybe mean more than we'd initially assume.
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thunderon · 11 months
adult taissa’s senatorial campaign ad tagline being “she��ll lead new jersey out of the wilderness” is some next level audacity lmfao my girl the one time you tried to actually lead everyone out of the wilderness it went disastrously and your gf almost died. so is that really the slogan you wanna go with? is it really??
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So anyway, calling it now (and spoilers for Burrow's End Episode 1), the Red Warren is located in Chernobyl's 'Red Forest' and all the trees are red due to the radiation. The dust cloud was kicked up by vehicles moving along the road and the radiation within the dust is toxic if inhaled but it didn't affect the stoats until it was stirred up into the air by the heavy machinery. (This exact thing happened recently in the news, I believe)
The 'blue' is most likely the glow of radiation as seen through water (it's kept in water to keep it cool so it is always glowing blue). I'm assuming that one stoat saw it and passed the legend down through the generations. They mentioned in the intro that the blue gifted them their intelligence (paraphrasing) so perhaps they are mutated stoats and that's why they have language and societies?
The 'incorrect' and 'unnatural' rocks they talked about are probably overgrown roads and pavement. That would explain the 'burnt' smell. And it would explain why the dust cloud smelled like pavement if it was being stirred up by vehicles.
It was mentioned that Thorn remembered the smell from the clothes of the things he saw. That was a massive hint, as it's been established that animals don't have clothes in this world. So obviously Thorn came across some humans. He probably got his electrical burn from them somehow and maybe he also saw their machines?
Anyway, I'll be interested to see if this is indeed Chernobyl (or perhaps a fictional Chernobyl-like radioactive place)
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waxwing-cedrorum · 1 year
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I have one trailer of information but I have decided she likes frogs.
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pinkeoni · 1 year
“I don’t want you to be my dad! I want you to be my brother!” —Will to Jonathan in season 5, maybe
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butmakeitgayblog · 5 months
"Canon Clarke (I have theories)" may I ask 👀
Ok hear me out! I'm gonna try and explain this as best I can 😅
I believe that Clarke was extremely vocal in bed. If we look at the facts, Clarke has a big mouth and talks a lot. A lot. Often robustly, generally at inopportune times, and almost always out of turn. Girl just barely gave the tiniest of fucks at any given point in time. She did not shy away from saying exactly what she felt at any given time.
It's literally why we love her 🥺
And going off that you're not gonna tell me that didn't translate to the bedroom. How am I, a virgo lesbian with impeccable taste, meant to believe that that woman wasn't just as demonstrative in bed as she was outside of it? Just as vocal?
If you take into account the fact that after 307 everyone and their goddamn brother seemed to be aware of Clarke and Lexa's relationship, the logical question comes: How did they find out? How did literally everyone suddenly know about them without a doubt, to the point they felt comfortable speaking intimately about Lexa to Clarke? Yes Lexa wasn't subtle about her affections, but Clarke before them sleeping together was still very standoffish in her anger.
So what changed?
My theory: word of mouth.
I absolutely theorize that the guards/occupants of the surrounding tower floors quite literally heard Heda kom Body Glitter and Wanheda blowing each other's backs out, and then immediately started gossiping about it. Given the fact that their public interactions up until that point had been cloaked in so much pomp and ceremony, broken up with these strange, sporadic private moments of Clarke spending hours alone in the silence of Lexa's room as Lexa read and slept, to finally hear the sounds of them going full sapphic pauna on each other would've absolutely been something that any warrior would've gone on break and been like "biiiiiitch do you know what I just heard???" about immediately 🤷‍♀️
"Well what makes you think it was Clarke who was loud? Clarke was the one who fucked Lexa into a nap 🤨" you may ask.
To which I say: shut up and you're wrong.
Because, again, look at the facts. Lexa's love language was not only acts, but also she liiived for encouraging Clarke. Lexa was always Clarke biggest cheerleader. Her most ardent and vocal supporter. She was always the one stepping up and telling Clarke that she was capable and strong and everything else Clarke needed to hear in moments when she felt vulnerable. Do you honestly believe, after months of pining, when Lexa finally got the chance to make love to the woman who had stolen her heart and then spit in her face, that she wouldn't want to hear every single last sound of Clarke's pleasure? That she didn't encourage Clarke to completely lose herself in the pleasure of it? Do you honestly believe that when she rolled over and kissed Clarke, when she straddled her and made her writhe beneath her, when she licked through her folds and fucked her in her plush bed of furs, that she didn't ask Clarke if it felt good? If she liked this or that? That she didn't quietly beg into Clarke's ear for her to moan for her? Do you honestly believe that Lexa didn't pay attention to every twitch of Clarke's lips and gasp of her breath and use all those signals to make Clarke completely lose control? And that Clarke didn't give Lexa exactly what she wanted to hear? Willingly? Robustly? That she didn't want Lexa to hear exactly how much she made her feel? As far as either of them knew, this may be the only time they got to experience this intimacy together before their people pulled them apart. Do you really believe they didn't do exactly what they wanted to the fullest extent in those few hours they lay hidden from the world???
Clarke may not have been ready to tell Lexa that she loved her because of the anger and betrayal that lingered between them, but you're not going to ever make me believe that when she made love with Lexa she didn't do everything she could to show it
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bergoozter · 2 months
alright watcherinas let’s theorize ! ✨
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