#but Clavis gets jealous
thewitchofbooks · 3 months
🌹About the Rose Knight (Michel family) of Rhodolite🌹
A few facts about Chevalier's ancestors and the "Rose Knight". From Clavis' story in the "Rhodolite Horror Night" event.
Trigger warnings: War, death, sickness
I'll be putting it under the cut, in case of spoilers:
Clavis and his Mc are about to do a test of courage and they are also about to lift the curse. They find the 150-years-old portrait of a woman, Vivian Michel.
The Michel family took part in the making of Rhodolite, with the production of very strong knights. The portrait might have been 150 years old, but Clavis, just like that, confirmed that the family existed there for a very long time.
And like that, we get to learn about the "Rose Knight". A knight who led every battle in the front lines, as he was the strongest, crowning Rhodolite victorious. Clavis said there was an "anecdote", saying that he once entered the enemy's territory and destroyed it by himself. This information made his Mc think that it did sound like something Chevalier could do too.
Vivian Michel, rumored to be his wife, was wearing on the top of her dress, an insignia of the tiger. The tiger was different from Chevalier's, but it was the same animal (which makes sense on why Chevalier has one too, it wasn't something he just made up). The insignia naturally belonged to the Rose Knight. And in the book Clavis was reading for information, the Knight's wife was rumored to be very sickly.
Sadly, tragedy did strike the Rose Knight. A man who always took a long time to say goodbye and part ways with his wife before every war, was called for a sudden enemy attack. And when he returned to Rhodolite, the news of her passing away left him very saddened. Her funeral was also done a long time ago, before his return. He lost all motivation to fight and left Rhodolite, without anyone knowing where he went.
These are all known from a book Clavis found in the library. He told his fiancée that if she asked Chevalier, he wouldn't know. She thought that he probably wouldn't answer, even if he did.
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lorei-writes · 5 months
HC: Awfully Similar
Chevalier, Clavis, Leon, Jin, Silvio ~1k words Premise: Little (awful) ways in which his child is (awfully) similar to him.
His daughter does not reply to questions when the answer is positive. Additionally, ever since she has learnt to speak in full sentences, she took a liking to the words "indeed" and "drivel".
"Say 'aaah'."
"Drivel, papa."
"Your throat is sore. You have to drink your syrup."
"Indeed. Still, drivel, papa."
His son is dreadfully difficult in the mornings. It's so bad that only Chevalier is (generally) able to wake him up. (That being said, waking Chevalier up is still a herculean task, the difficulty level of which has only been increasing with each child. Uncle Clavis is devastated whenever he has to look after his nephews and nieces... or makes the mistake of scheduling anything before noon.)
None of them like breakfasts -- the only way to get them to eat it is having either of their parents to prepare it. No matter how hard Chevalier tries, they declare to like their mother's cooking better... possibly to mess with him a little bit. (Chevalier? Jealous? Over such trivial matter? What drivel.)
His youngest son has inherited his intimidating aura. Overall, he looks just like Chevalier when he was little. However, much like Clavis, he's also a ball of chaotic laughter. The juxtaposition gives his uncles whiplash every single time.
His son is awfully dramatic.
"Father! Guard! I am being taken from this world, the dawn lights shall welcome me no more!" <- he has fallen and scratched his knee while on a walk with Cyran
"Mother loves me not, papa."
"Oh? Why should you say that?"
"Why? Isn't it obvious? She's cooked me brussels sprouts."
His son is also vert studious when it comes to learning. His primary interests lie in physics and... literature, which explains some of his peculiar claims. (Luckily, Clavis knows how to manage a library.)
Clavis' younger son enjoys pranks and experiments, or better yet, doing both at once. Especially if the target is to be his sister (the youngest sibling). He's also taken to picking locks -- preparing ones he cannot open is something of an evolutionary race between him and his father. Ah, those alluring cabinets with chemical reagents! (Clavis has taught him how to pick locks. He caused this.)
That being said, the little lady of the bunch has a frightful foresight (much like her uncle). The pranks never succeed. (Were she not a near-perfect copy of Clavis appearance-wise, they'd likely wonder whether she was truly his daughter.)
All of his children. All of them. Sneak. Out. And to make matters worse? They split up, so if Leon wants them back at the palace, he needs to independently track down at least three people (the youngest ones usually do not leave their older siblings). Sometimes they also bring friends along! (Clavis' children are the friends.)
Another growing issue-non-issues is that they have made friends in town and now sneak them into the palace. Which, admittedly, is not something Leon is particularly bothered by (assuming he is distracted from the very real possibility of his children being kidnapped, as now everybody knows they are royalty -- nickname change from "Black" to "White" may occur in the next few years). However, the same cannot be said about the visiting nobles.
No matter how much food there was to begin with, none is ever left on the table. His son's have... healthy... appetites.
Both of his daughters are avid readers. However, they tend to get tired easily when reading... so they alternate. They usually pick a book together and read it aloud. (2 pages - change of the reader - 2 pages - change - ... )
Jin has two children, a daughter and a son. His daughter is an effortless charmer -- pretty like a doll, with infectious laughter and jokes that somehow caught on even when all she could say was "gugu gaga". (...At least Jin laughed?) Meanwhile, his son gets into situations. Shirtless.
That being said, it isn't necessarily wrong for his son to get involved. After all, he always does it to protect one of his cousins or his sister (...or to cover for them, but well, solidarity is appreciated). But why shirtless?
They both fight over lollipops. All. The. Time. And when they don't fight over them, they cry due to having none. They are not going to have unlimited teeth in their life! Good dental habits need to be established early on! (Jin also cries in lollipop rehab. Solidarity!)
Jin may have only two children, but their little family also includes four dogs. His children have an interesting affinity towards finding animals in need of help, both wild and domesticated. (You could say that Jin got roped into running the first -- unofficial -- animal shelter & rescue in the entirety of Rhodolite. He's managed to rehome the majority of the animals brought in... save for those four dogs. He just couldn't say "no" after his children nursed them back to health. He was and still is proud of them for doing that.)
His daughter (3 years old) tries to open everything with a kick first. And by everything I mean everything -- a book? Kick! Doll house? Kick! Cabinet door? Kick! Balcony door? First she walks into it and then she kicks.
Silvio's at a loss there. He can't exactly have her wear steal cap boots. (Or... can he?)
To make matters worse, Silvio has made the mistake of taking his older daughter to the docks. She was interested in ships and his work! He wanted to show her! He really had good intentions!
And now she curses like a six years old sailor. Which is to say, poorly and fairly inaccurately, but in large quantities. And she sure is teaching this to her younger sister.
Their favourite game to play is called "Jingle-Jangle", which is a cute term for breaking into their father's closet and turning themselves into an ornate human orchestra. They put on all of Silvio's jewellery and then run through the palace, every so often losing a ring or a necklace, or perhaps both. It creates a convenient trail for Carlo (or Silvo, or Emma -- whoever is first at the scene) to follow... Provided that nobody takes it first. ("Ha?! Papa is so rich he could buy you anything!" were Silvio's famous last words.)
You've seen a typo? Let me know!
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romance-rambles · 2 months
concept: in an alternate universe where the three princes arrive in rhodolite after emma leaves, five years after chevalier's coronation, silvio ricci—"mr. secretly a caring brother"—decides to take a stroll around the capital to clear his mind.
he's been trying to find valerio for ages, and he'd briefly thought that maybe his brother is still in rhodolite, but for whatever reason, he can't seem to get any leads. after making the questionable decision to drink, he ends up wandering into the bustling markets of the city.
a pair of brothers catches his gaze. the older one is buying the younger one a treat—and really, they can't be too old. silvio has had little interaction with kids, but he'd guess them to be around the early teens. and it makes him think of how he was never able to do anything like that for valerio.
naturally, in the middle of cursing his brother out, he happens to hear a vaguely familiar voice professing his love for some woman named emma. he has to rub his eyes to make sure he's seeing things right and—
yup, blonde hair, blue eyes. an earring. the face of a man he loathes, though not as much as his mother.
and in front of his kneeling self—
a clearly pregnant woman who looks on, with amusement glittering in her brown eyes as she gracefully accepts the offered rose. silvio thinks he might be going insane.
"emma" then proceeds to pull him up and the lady selling flowers giggles about how wonderful it is that they're so in love. the guy from the stall next door hollers about how, since it's rio, it's to be expected.
they leave and silvio does not follow them.
what silvio does do is go back to his room in the castle and punch the wall, unable to figure out how he should feel about the fact that valerio is married with a kid on the way. one thing's for sure though:
emidio must not know.
so, silvio packs up and leaves for benitoite, and in about two years, even those in rhodolite whisper about how the second prince attempted to commit treason—and admitted, in a fit of rage, that he was the one who sent valerio to die.
(for this, the king begrudgingly thanks silvio and offers to make him king. but silvio pretends he hasn't already found valerio and vows to find him.)
then, silvio returns to rhodolite.
and finds out that the child valerio's wife was carrying was their second child, after a brat who happens to be the splitting image of valerio overhears asking about "rio" and "emma".
this kid is nothing less than a blabbermouth. within thirty minutes, silvio's aware of his history and "rio"'s too. he knows that valerio's second born is a girl, that he's disappointed that neither of his two children look like his wife, and that they'll probably not stop at two kids. he knows that the kid's name is elliott, that he's named to match the first letter of his mom's name—it's the same for his sister, who is named rhys, after his dad.
and yet, despite the fact that being armed with this seemingly useless knowledge comorts him, he's too much of a coward to try and approach valerio. after all, emidio's dead. valerio seems happier than he ever was in the benitoite's court. isn't it selfish to drag valerio back solely for silvio's pride?
(a part of him is also jealous of elliot's long list of uncles, who he suspects to be rhodolite's princes—most frequent are nokto, yves, leon, clavis, and luke. sometimes, jin and licht. chevalier, surprisingly, does ask after him and rhys, but never visits. sariel keeps tabs on them, just in case)
so he runs before his sister-in-law arrives to take elliot home.
and rinse and repeat. days bleed into weeks and he's not keen about letting them bleed into months, even if he views elliott as a "second chance."
but he doesn't have to.
valerio comes to him.
apparently, he's seen silvio hanging around his son. his wife is delighted that elliott's made a friend, even if he is older than she'd hoped for, and also a bit concerned about silvio's identity, so she wanted to invite him to dinner.
unfortunately, elliott told rio about how silvio once told him to cherish and protect his sister. he said that he couldn't protect his brother from getting hurt, and that he hopes valerio is happy.
the names are what tipped rio off.
there was other identifying information too, but rio already had his memories. the names were all he needed.
you see, he'd started having an inkling of his identity when emma was belle. he'd been pouring over some texts about benitoite and he thought some of it felt strangely familiar. but he kept those thoughts hidden because he was afraid of letting emma know. it was when emidio was arrested that his memoried fully started coming back.
[we now take a brief intermission to talk about how rio married the love of his life:
emma, whilst fretting over her uncontrollable feelings, is looking at the "engagement ring". rio comes in, and for a moment, they simply stare at each other.
then rio correctly guesses that this is something he had on him before. emma confides in him that she thinks it's an engagement ring, which causes rio to realize why she would push him away.
he tells her that he has no interest in returning home. he wanted to die, after all. it's likely nothing was waiting for him. and, if it is an engagement ring, he probably bought it because he knew he'd be meeting the love of his life soon (this makes her hit him on the shoulder). rio thinks he likely wasn't engaged at all.
this causes emma to decide that she wants to be selfish, even if it means living with that kind of guilt.
the rest is history.]
rio: "i really don't want you to meet emma...what if you fall in love with her? she's so pretty, i can see it happening."
silvio: "huh? why would—"
rio: "...but i need someone to testify that i wasn't engaged before i lost my memories. i didn't have a lover either. my wife's been holding onto this misconception, so i want to clear it up immediately."
silvio takes it for the olive branch it is. everyone and their grandmothers know that he's been searching for valerio. it's really no surprise that rio would realize his intentions.
the next night, he joins rio and his family for dinner. silvio brings flowers for emma and gifts for each of the munchkins, and for rio, he shoves a bottle of wine at him. his reddened ears don't have the luxury of returning to normal because elliott starts pointing out how his ears are super red. they have an enjoyable dinner, after which emma reintroduces herself as his sister-in-law and they confirm that they'll hold off on telling elliott, like silvio wants them to.
silvio is a coward though, so he tells elliott on literally the last day of his stay in rhodolite. elliott makes him promise to come back soon, and rio and emma, who are there to pick elliott up, reveal that they might go visit silvio instead.
[this is because someone manages to spill silvio's secret to the king. which means rio would need to establish himself to better protect his family.]
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rou-luxe · 2 months
please elaborate on the grandpa clavis bc I don't know much about Alfons, so idk what to think about that 😭
hEHehEhhAaAaHAHA LET'S GO I HAVE PERMISSION TO GET THE IDEA OUT OF MY HEAD (cracks knuckles) I love them both
analysis under the cut spoilers for Clavis, light spoilers for Alfons
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I kinda quit Alfons route early to go to the English server release because my brain is too lazy to translate everything 😭 so this is just from what I know about him. this is doomed to be inaccurate 💀
warning this gets off topic in some places because my analysis ideas carried me a bit too far because I love them
The central point is that they both use pleasurable experiences to ignore reality. Alfons focuses a LOT on the pleasure part of that, as seen from erm his lack of sleep and mentions it plenty in voicelines. Alfons also applies this philosophy to people other than himself. Alfons sometimes protects MC from uncomfortable realities, like the scene where he and Ellis kill someone, and uses his power to convince MC that it was just a play (Kate LOVES plays).
As seen from his profile, Alfons heavily resents pain of any sort. I already forgot when exactly (chapter 4 premium avatar challenge?), but at some point, MC is crying and he consoles them before you know- this is just an assumption, but I think he doesn't want any sort of emotional turmoil in those close to his heart. He keeps reassuring Elbert that he is much more beautiful than MC without hesitation. Not only is he making sure MC is safe and doesn't get in a horror-esque story (nervously looks at Elbert trailer), he's also making sure that Elbert doesn't get jealous to the point of performing taxidermy on a person... because the events leading up to that would hurt them both. This makes Alfons feel so kind and considerate ngl 😭
Clavis wants to be loved by all. The game sometimes describes him as "lonely" - this is likely because he was overshadowed by Chev as a kid, and because he felt so shaken by his mother's death that he needed attention from others to feel more complete. It also connects to his pranks. He wants to feel something, anything to pretend he's not dying inside. Whether the attention he gets is positive or negative, at least he feels something.
It's mentioned quite a lot in his path that the more pained / scared Clavis is feeling, the more he smiles. It's sort of his coping mechanism. By smiling, he can pretend everything is alright (HIS MOM 😭😭 I'M GONNA FUHGKING CRY SHE MUST'VE BEEN SO SWEET AND BEAUTIFUL AND Cybird I want to see his mom).
He also does somewhat force MC to be around him, but it's not in a Silvio way, it comes off more clingy to me. He's been left alone, abandoned so many times, that he can't bare the pain of loneliness anymore. And thus we get dragged to his breakfast parties. Another coping mechanism. Clavis gets to spend time with MC every morning, gets to cook for her (...it's the thought that counts) and terrorize a couple of his half-brothers... just to forget it all. Clavis even escapes from his prison cell just to see you, the light of his life. (I love him)
"Sylvatica" comes from the scientific name for "forget-me-not". This one is completely an assumption that seems rather unlikely, but perhaps like Clavis, Alfons wants to be remembered somehow.
I can't remember if this was legit or not because I've been scrolling through Tumblr too much but I remember seeing a post that went something like: "Alfons has MC sign (something) papers because after he dies, his curse will make him forgotten and he just wants something to prove that he loved MC" or something. (That post broke my heart so bad.) Is that why he's called a "phantom"?
In summary:
They both have their own ways of ignoring reality, and they are both up to trickery (especially when it comes to MC). Both endulge in enjoyment, it's part of their lifestyle. doesn't necessarily refer to seggs but it does sure sound like it
I'm not quite sure where Alfons' ignorance originates, but all Clavis wants is to be loved. Give him the love.
Okay onto the shorter sillier theories because my heart can't take this
Clavis' epithet is "The Pleasure-Loving Beast", and Alfons' is "The Hedonistic Thrill-Seeker".
Clavis likes tricks and teasing, and so does Alfons. Though Clavis does that MUCH more often.
They also act like they're fucking around but they actually know what they're doing.
They pretend to be worse than they are 😭 (omg shakespeare too... is that my type... 💀)
Others have made this remark before but Alfons feels like a darker Clavis + more unhinged
They both like to cook. And eat. And they both have stomachs of steel.
They both have bad handwriting. Clavis is notorious for this, and Alfons says he has bad handwriting in the first letter of his path.
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Fuck I forgot I had science homework due tomorrow
edit: I forgot another one they both are self-described "gentlemen" 😭😭
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omkookie · 10 months
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♡ Suitors ♡ · Silvio, Clavis Nokto and Luke. 🩷
⌈ ⚠️ 𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐍𝐓 𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒 ⌉ Yandere themes, slightly suggestive, Murder. Fluffy yanderes 15+ ☺️
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He hates the man from the moment he sees him. How dare he approach you? It was very fucking obvious that you were HIS woman. You were covered in HIS Jewellery, wearing HIS fancy collar. It was clear as day that you were Silvio Ricci's possession.
No one should be approaching you. Especially not that sneaky cunt of a nobleman who has a reputation of being a womanizer. After he sees the nobleman put his hand on your waist, Silvio snaps and is by your side in a split second, his hands grabbing the guy so hard that his rings leave imprints on his skin. He shoves him away from you, and you take Silvio’s hand to immediately calm him down. You just know that Silvio will turn this into a fight if you don’t. Silvio huffs, still very fucking annoyed by the nobleman as nobleman dismisses himself, coming up with an excuse to leave, and apologizing profusely as he does so.
When he leaves, you pull Silvio in for a hug, Telling your sweet boy how happy you are of the progress he’s made, and how he didn’t do something like dumping the man in the sea. Silvio nestles his head into the crook of your neck and listens to you, feeling somewhat content with your praise as you give him your affection.
He’s still beyond jealous. How could a scummy little nobleman touch you? Especially when he knows that you belong to Silvio. HIs mere audacity was enough to land him dead in the sea behind the palace. If it weren’t for you, Silvio would have the man tied and then drowned. It’s only because of your kindness and your ability to deal with his yandere tendencies that he got away… That doesn’t fully mean that he gets off the hook though. Silvio is hateful, Very hateful and possessive. He’ll make sure that the man’s business turns into a living hell. May that be a lesson to the scummy nobleman never touch you again.
Oh, But Silivo’s jealousy will get toned down after you give him some kisses! Just don’t surprise him, and make sure that you give him a warning before you smooch him. You don’t want his face to turn the same color as a tomato’s while there are still other people around.
Or do you?
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A very long moment of silence, and cue to Clavis looking at the man with murderous intent. Ooh, what will he do to that man? He’ll dig a pitfall so deep for him, that he can fall in and possibly break a leg. He’ll fill it with poison ivy so that he gets problems with his respiratory system, and–
You notice your lover’s salty frown from across the room, then immediately know what’s up. You dismiss yourself and walk over to Clavis, enveloping your lover in your arms to hold him close. Clavis pouts, but hugs you in return before resting his cheek on your shoulder. “All he did was greet me. Clavis.” You tell him while snuggling against his chest.“
Clavis somewhat calms down, For now… And it’s only because you look so cute when snuggling against him. Still, In his head he schemes what he’ll do with the man late at night, before he returns home to you. He knows who the man is, and he knows how infatuated the man is with you.
That’s why he’ll deal with the matter later.
Now, Is it wrong, or is it right? Taking a person’s life just because they touched something that’s his? Was it immoral to be protective of what you hold dearest to you? Was it okay to stab someone, and then watch as the blood gushes out of them?
Clavis watches the blood seep out of the nobleman’s wound, and although he knows that he should feel guilt he feels nothing. In his eyes, he simply did what was right. The man shouldn’t have touched you. He shouldn’t have tried getting close to you, and it was his own damn fault that he was dead. Clavis kicks his body off of the cliff and watches as it plunges into the depths of a thick fog. The cold night air chills his skin, and the coppery smell of blood still lingers in the air. Letting out a resigned sigh, He decides to finally go back home to you. You’ll surely be waiting for him in bed, and he can’t wait to shower you in his hugs.
He’ll never hold another ball in his territory though.
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Oh. He’s mad alright.
He hates the man from the bottom of his heart. How could a disgusting insect like him kiss the back of YOUR hand? Nokto appears behind you and makes a show out of pulling you close to him by your waist, and then kissing your neck to show off that you’re his. Jealousy easily bubbles up within him when another man does as little as look at you. You are beautiful. Gorgeous, clad in one of the nicest looking dresses which he picked out for you. Other men getting to look at you was bad enough, But, having the audacity to touch you was foul. His display of affection, of course, makes the guy who kissed you leave awkwardly.
Nokto watches in annoyance as the man leaves, and then he pouts, looking like an annoyed little fox. He takes your arm to lead you toward the rose garden.
“Don’t go seducing other guys besides me now.” He teases you, trying to sound as unaffected as possible while you leave the ballroom together. But of course, you can see right through his facade.
In the garden, his lips are all over your body. His hands roam over your skin, and he sucks and kisses every inch of your chest. He loves you. He loves you so much, Your body, mind and soul. You’re perfect, and he adores you. So, don’t leave him no matter what, and don’t look at any other man. He’ll love you sweetly, and he’ll hold you even closer until his jealousy melts away… His jealousy of course, quickly dissipates when you cup his cheeks and kiss him. Your sweet words of reassurance make his heart melt, and he sighs in bliss as he rests his head onto your shoulder.
You coddle him all evening long, giving him your undivided attention and sweet affection. Needless to say, This wild fox is tamed and cuddly on your lap, absorbing all of the love that he can like a sponge.
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Your protective boyfriend doesn’t leave you alone. That’s why, It comes as a surprise to both of you when a rather audacious man starts hitting on you right in front of him. You chuckle, clearly not fazed by the man’s flirty demeanor, and obviously finding him rather ridiculous. Luke, on the other hand, just watches as you reject his advances and laugh at him. You don’t waste any time entertaining the man, and simply hug your boyfriend closer. He wraps a protective arm around you, and shoots a piercing glare at the man so that he finally leaves.
Once left alone, you go back to munching on your honey’d snacks, and enjoying the theatre’s play. You have a nice day with Luke and forget all about the man from earlier,  
Luke on the other hand hasn’t. He knows that the man who followed you to the theatre was a nobleman who was deeply in love with you, and thinking about how the guy must have been stalking you to get here was insufferable. He decides to take things in his own hands that evening so that the nobleman wouldn’t stalk you again. He waits for the man to appear behind a bar before grabbing him by the collar of his neck and slamming him against the building. Before he knows it, He strangles the nobleman to death– and then looking down at his hands, he feels guilty. 
He let his obsession get the better of him, and allowed his impulsive decision to take control of him.
Luke comes home looking like a kicked puppy and confesses what has happened, expecting you to immediately berate him for what he did… But you don’t. He’s surprised when you sigh in exasperation but still comfort him, and tell him everything will be okay. You snuggle against your gentle giant and pet his head until he feels better, and his heart flutters when you run your fingers through his hair. Even after finding out about something like that, you were still so king. Even though he killed someone, you didn’t look at him like he was a murderer. 
You still looked at him like he was your lover.
Luke hugs you tightly, then he kisses your forehead to thank you for not hating him. <3
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aquagirl1978 · 7 months
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Be Still, My Queen (NSFW)
Tempting the Beast (NSFW)
Making the Morning Worthwhile (NSFW)
Marking You as Mine (NSFW)
Adorably Awkward
Want A Bite?
A Hundred Thousand Roses (NSFW)
My Queen
A Crown for Your King (NSFW)
The Tiger Cares
The Glasses Stay On (NSFW)
Pas de Deux
The King's Command
Just a Dream
Just Another Day
Crash Into Me (NSFW)
A Rare Treat
Torment (NSFW)
Season of Change
The Queen's Command
What a Difference a Year Makes
Kiss From a Rose
She is Mine
Twist of Fate
Read to Me
Happily Ever After
The Morning After (NSFW)
More Than Words
Take My Breath Away (NSFW)
My Yellow Rose
It Was You
No Regrets
Finally (NSFW)
Chasing Fireflies
In Your Eyes
His Human Heart
A Trip to Wonderland (IkeRev x IkePri)
The One Where Belle Invites the Suitors to a Picnic (Licht, Gilbert, Sariel, Clavis, Chevalier, Jin)
What kind of undies do the princes wear? (Act 1 Suitors)
Women's Lingerie - Do they wear it and what would they wear? (ALL)
Suitors react when MC gifts them a plushie of their crest animal - Part 1 (Chevalier, Clavis, Nokto, Luke)
Suitors React to a Sick MC - Part 1 (Chevalier, Clavis, Nokto, Luke, Sariel)
Jealous Princes - Part 1 (Chevalier, Clavis, Nokto, Luke, Rio)
Suitors Reaction to Finding a Toy in Your Room (Chevalier, Clavis, Nokto, Luke, Rio, Gilbert)
Children's Books (Chevalier, Clavis)
Dream Wedding (Chevalier, Gilbert)
Grocery Shopping (Chevalier, Gilbert)
MC Reacts to Fight with Suitor (Chevalier, Clavis, Nokto, Luke)
Kisses (Gilbert, Keith, Silvio)
Suitors as Vampires Biting MC for the First Time (Chevalier, Gilbert, Keith, Silvio)
Suitors React to Finding Out Belle is Pregnant (Chevalier, Clavis, Nokto, Jin, LIcht, Sariel)
Chevalier Michel with a Lovey Dovey MC
Taking Suitor's Gloves Off (Gilbert, Rio, Chevalier)
How the Suitors React to an Unexperienced Belle (Chevalier, Clavis, Nokto, Jin)
Suitors Reactions to an MC Who Gets Lost Easily (Yves, Nokto, Chevalier, Clavis)
Suitors Reactions to Attending a Baseball Game (Chevalier's Faction)
Suitors React to an MC with an Eating Disorder/Body Dysmorphia (Leon, Chevalier, Clavis)
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princess-pray-a · 8 months
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Characters: Gilbert, Chevalier, Clavis reader
Paring: Gilbert X reader
Words count: 750
Synopsis : Clavis and KING Chevalier visit Obsidian as Rhodolite representative on birth of Gilbert and former belles (your) child. As Gilbert let's them meet the baby they both witness something that leaves them surprised and smiling in the end .
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Gilbert holds his little baby just so precious, his eyes so soft on her his bloodlust gone the room felt so calm like a shrine ! Everyone including Clavis and Chevalier could feel that the conqueror beast was conquered by a little kid , something not even the most genius of men could do . His smile is so care free as he gazes at his little daughter . “ My little tiny bunny , you look soo much like your mother , let daddy protect you ok !?” He speaks to her his tone coated in honey, after coming out from his world of happiness a joy after being a father for the first time Gilbert glances at Clavis and Chevalier .” Fufu look how cute is my daughter Chev I bet you are jealous but you too have been an uncle , And Clavis I hope you won’t drag my little one into your pranks ! But I am assured you will help me like a good friend won’t you !?”. “ The mood grew slightly tense as Clavis understood who it was before him . The conqueror beast was a beast after all now a protective one . Chevalier heaved a sigh “ Ridiculous, I don’t care”. He was almost going to leave the room when Gilbert blocked his way out .” Aha nope nope atleast have a look at her , no wait fufu hold her see for yourself how charming she is!” With the gleeful smile Gilbert hands his daughter to Chevalier , Chevalier who was clearly annoyed now holds the infant with somewhat awkward clumsy handle on her yet being careful not to hurt or drop the little one . When he gazes at her face her brown doe like eyes sparkle and a giggle escapes her lips while her hands extends towards him, trying to grab him , Chevalier who always had even adults cowering at his intense icy gaze felt a sense of warmth and surprise at how this baby was clearly enjoying herself held by a man known as brutal beast , it probably was because she herself was the daughter of the women with the most beautiful heart in rodholite “ BELLE” and the conqueror beast as her father. Chevalier smiled a little the same soft smile he rarely showed some selected people . “ Ah Chev smiled ! Wow she even won over the brutal beast “. Clavis exclaimed . “ hhaha didn’t I say you Clavis … she “ Gilbert was trying to explain about how wonderful his daughter is when he got interrupted, he couldn’t believe his ears “ ma.. ma … mama” his little baby was looking towards the door while held by chevalier, there stood the love of his life mother of his daughter , you , THE WOMEN. WHO ONCE WAS BELLE. That was your daughters first words . You and Gilbert rushed to her but she was not done yet . “ pa.. pa .. papa fuuup “ she called gilbert. Chev holding the baby didn’t know what to do . He was confused why were both you and Gilbert acting so strange its just some words by a baby while Gilbert and you both were tongue tied and almost going to burst to tears. “That’s our baby’s first time speaking “ Gilbert spoke softly . Now he gets it getting to witness a child’s first time speaking is definitely something to behold he realized how warm Gilbert gaze felt . But what he didn’t anticipate was the child’s next move .“ cheu, chewu, chev “ she called out to him with her so precious smile . How could someone so small be so courageous . It wasn’t anything big but it was big for chevalier it was Important for him. And not only him she glance at Clavis and started calling out to him as well “ clai, clavi, Claveshee “ . Now it was Clavis’s turn to run to Chevaliers side “ dearie me ! You are definitely dangerous taming 3 beasts as soon as you start speaking How am i going to leave your side when you call out to me soo lovingly !you are going to be more courageous than your mother who married the world wide disaster !”Captivating the brutal beast , the conqueror beast and the pleasure loving beast all at once with her charms your little baby was definitely was an enigma who was to turn the world upside down ! . You thought as Chevalier handed you your baby while Gilbert pressed a kiss to your forehead ! While the four of you made your way to the gardens to witness something even more wonderful with you little life in arms.
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A/N CONGRATULATIONS ON MAKING TO THE END ! I was soo much in awwe with the new card for gilbert in jp where emma has been changed to kid it made me write it💓💓💫😌 my hearttt feels blessed hope you like it !!
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Chevalier and Dogs
When Belle came to the palace to choose the next king she didn't come alone. In addition to her over eager friend, Rio, she also brought two senior dogs with her as well. For the most part they were pretty low key, sleeping a good portion of the day and spending the remainder of it glued to her side. The oldest of the two, Holly, was a 14 year old pekingese who was mostly blind but still had amazing hearing. She survived on a combination of spite and a love of food. Sadie, a 9 year old pug, was her polar opposite. She loved everyone and thrived on attention. Her love of attention did cause a jealous streak, though, and she was also a little too intelligent for her own good.
The princes reactions to the new companions were a mixed bag. Leon, Jin, and Luke were delighted to have the dogs around while Yves was bemoaning the inevitable prospect of dog hair getting stuck to his clothes. Nokto and Licht were pretty much indifferent, not seeming to care one way or the other. Clavis simply took delight in everyone elses reactions.
Then there was Chevalier.
While he didn't say anything it was clear he wasn't exactly thrilled at the prospect of having the dogs around. Even more so because they seemed to take an immediate liking to him even though he did nothing but ignore them. For the most part they were content to just be where he was but there would be times when one of them would be bold and paw at him for pets. Still, he would ignore them.
As Belle grew closer to the second prince, spending time in his private library with him and taking walks in the garden, his attitude towards their constant presence started to slowly shift. It started with him giving them a clumsy pet when no one was looking to also just simply letting his hand rest on one of their heads while he was reading.
The biggest shift of all, though, was when he was sitting the gazebo to read and had them both resting on either side of his lap. They snored away peacefully as they enjoyed their pillow. The moment was only broken by Clavis strolling up and pausing at the picture in front of him.
He recovered soon enough, though, and burst out laughing loud enough to cause the previously sleeping dogs to give him an accusing look. Chevalier simply clenched his jaw before returning to his book, already imagining the 'fun' his fool of a brother was going to have with this.
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leonscape · 8 months
“papa! you need to wear a pretty dress too!” the little girl sat at her table setting up the tea party.
“but ana, papa can’t wear the dress,” leon said.
“uncle leon, if i have to wear a dress, then you have to as well!” the small boy next to him said. he was wearing a dress with the bow hairpiece she had insisted on him wearing.
“uh… well you see cal, i can’t fit into-” he told the lelouch boy before getting cut off by said lelouch boy.
“if there is a will, there is a way.”
leon sighed, shaking his head. “look, some people just don’t like or want to do certain things, and you can’t and shouldn’t force them to do those things.”
“you’re just jealous i look beautifuler,” cal said, flipping his hair out of his face.
leon wasn’t sure if callan truly understood him, but then he remembered that you could never reason with a lelouch.
suddenly, the door burst open. “anastasia, did you forget to invite your uncle clavis?”
“your skirt doesn’t match,” cal said to his father.
“what? but it matches my aesthetic perfectly!”
“no it still looks ugly,” cal said, judging his father’s purple leopard print skirt. “also i said the theme was pink and red, not purple”
“but this was all i had.” clavis frowned. he was wearing the skirt over his usual white dress pants, which peeked out from the hem of the skirt.
“it’s okay, uncle clavis. you still look pretty! please sit down and have some tea,” anastasia flashed a bright grin that mirrored her father’s.
“so, leon, why aren’t you in dress code?” clavis asked as he took a seat, smoothing his skirt down.
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yukina-otome · 2 years
Cannon facts about Chevalier (and his MC) part 2
Warning: spoilers.
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-Chevalier likes his tea without milk or sugar.
-Chevalier never locks doors. The only times he does is when he is alone with MC as he does not like to be disturbed when he is with her.
-Chevalier sleeps with his sword by his side.
-When Chevalier sleeps, he bury himself under the covers.
-Chevalier won his first war at 8 years old. 
-Chevalier does not attend balls if he does not have to. And even if he does he only attends for a few minutes before hiding in his private library.
-Chevalier knows how much he scares everyone. For this reason he doesn't like to go to the city and usually just calls merchants to the palace or sends someone to buy the things he needs.
-Chevalier is very bad with kids. When they were younger Yves used to cry at the mere sight of him.
-Chevalier is the only one of the princes who does not have a party for his birthday. He used to spend it alone in his library before he met MC. Now they celebrate together every year.
-Chevalier purposely kills his assassins in a flashy way to get more wrath from the nobles and the anti royalty faction, so that his brothers do not get assassins sent to them. This works as the other princes rarely get assassins. This was confirmed by sariel.
-Chevalier is the richest of all the princes. Aside from his personal fortune and his wealth as a prince, he also has a huge inheritance from his mother's side and once his grandfather dies he will become Marquis Michel. The second richest prince is Clavis.
-Chevalier means Knight in french.
-Chevalier always smells like Roses. This was noted many times by our Belle.
-MC bribes Chevalier with books many times throughout the different routes.
-Chevalier loves living hickeys and biting MC’s neck.
-Chevalier never danced with anyone before MC.
-Chevalier knows how to tie MC’s hair and he does that for her, twice. (In the Summer event, not yet released in the eng version.)
-Chevalier built resistance to all kinds of poisons. This was most likely done by taking small doses of poisons every day until it does not take effect anymore. He most likely did this when he was a child.
-Chevalier is often brutal with the way he touches MC and he does not know how to be gentle. When he does try to be gentle his touch is awkward as he is not used to it.
-Chevalier says he does not get jealous but that is not true: he does get jealous of Clavis many times when he comes to interrupt his advances on MC. He also gets jealous during his romantic ending when his brothers were greeting MC.
-Chevalier actually loves Clavis and he says many times that Clavis has helped him retains some of his humanity before he met MC.
-Chevalier can cook.
-Chevalier dislikes having maids serve him and he does almost everything himself.
-Chevalier's handwriting is neat and beautiful.
-Chevalier actually loves MC a lot more than she loves him. He is also very gratefull to her because she added emotions and colors to his life.
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onceonafullmoon · 11 months
You only cut me when you scream in the mirror
Clavis x GN! Reader (Angst)
Tw! Self-hatred (Clavis), emotional manipulation and toxic relationships
You hate it when he’s like this, when he gets in his stupid little moods of random envy or insecurity and pushes it onto you. And to think, you thought you were the one overreacting, that you were the one reading too far into it.
You resist the urge to scream in frustration as you see Clavis suavely talking up some noble woman, piercing yellow eyes making sure to catch on yours before sliding over to the beauty next to him, pulling some witty comment out of his ass to make her laugh.
And Yves, sweet Yves, shoots you a look from across the room, used to this same song and dance 
(like everyone is, embarrassingly), but nonetheless concerned for your well being. 
But you simply smile stiffly, ready to fix your own mess of a relationship.
He won’t go any further than flirtation, you know he won’t. To his core, Clavis is a loyal person and you know that.
You hate it when he’s like this, when he gets in his stupid little moods of random envy or insecurity and pushes it onto you.
And to think, you thought you were the one overreacting, that you were the one reading too far into it.
Yeah… after the third time you were quick to catch on.
And after that…
Well, you were always a coward when it came to confrontation.
“But…” You think as you down the last of the champagne in the flute before setting the empty glass on a lone table. “That ends tonight.”
And it’s a miracle you think, that somehow as you make your way towards him, your face stays in a completely neutral state. 
Perhaps that might have been due to Sariel’s training, perhaps it was simply your own willpower.
Either way, you glide towards him as surely as a hawk swoops down to clamp on their prey. Bits of their conversation come to you in chunks.
“…my Clavis, you really shouldn’t say things like that.”
“It’s my duty as one of the most beloved princes to take care of the people, isn’t it, lovely lady?”
Ugh. Typical.
Firmly yet politely, you cut into their conversation, a fake smile plastered on your face.
“Well, “most beloved prince” it just so happens that the “people” are in need of your assistance.” 
You give an apologetic look to the woman he was talking to. Both for interrupting her conversation and for Clavis dragging her into his bullshit.
She frowns, clearly wanting to object, but Clavis answers for her.
“Well, what kind of beloved prince would I be then if I couldn’t help?” Clavis says, that obnoxious smirk on his face making you want to smack him.
Instead of dignifying him with a response, you gesture for him to follow you until you find yourselves outside of the ball room, in the foyer sparsely populated now due to the start of the ball itself.
“Pulling me away from the party for a tryst? My, how scandalous…”
Here at last, surrounded only by Clavis and your own growing anger you let loose.
“Are you serious right now? Clavis what is your deal?!” You question, trying to stay calm, but bursting at the end.
“Hmm? Care to enlighten me on my crimes?” He says, almost mockingly.
“Don’t play dumb with me, why are you out flirting with other women?”
“What? Jealous?”
“I’m not jealous, I’m pissed, why are you acting so immature?” You frown, already feeling tears building up despite your attempts to stay calm. “You’re actively trying to piss me off, and I don’t even know why.”
“Why can’t you just… communicate with me?” You ask, regaining some control.
Clavis’s usual smile strains, his eyes creasing in a way that tells you he isn’t feeling as great as he makes it out to be.
“You really should’ve known better than to be with me then. You’ve known I’m this type of person.”
You grit your teeth, annoyed at the same pattern you both find yourselves falling into.
“You’re always like this, you’re always saying you’re a horrible person and then when you do something shitty you say it’s because you’re a horrible person.”
“Because I am.” He says, finally dropping that stupid smile.
Well, wasn’t that a fetching excuse?
That he was born to fuck up and that any other notion of becoming better was some half thought, desperate grab for attention, and that you were the one who was delusional for thinking there was even a chance at something better.
You resist the urge to slap him, throat growing tight in pure frustration.
“You’re fucking not. You’re just a self fulfilling prophecy, just hurting people you love in hopes that they’ll stop loving you, but they won’t.” 
“What would you know about it?” He accuses, eyes narrowing, making your own blaze up in anger.
Anger that despite everything you both had been together, that he would still continue to belittle you as if you knew nothing of him.
“Everything! I know everything about it, you ass!” You finally exclaim, tearing up again. 
“I know why Yves still bakes your sorry ass cookies even after a nasty prank, I know why Sariel still lets you go along with your half baked plans, and I know why Chevalier still calls you by your actual name–”
“Don’t fucking bring him into this.” He snaps, uncharacteristically of him, yellow eyes piercing into you.
You almost flinch, unused to his own swearing and tone, but double down on your words, voice wavering slightly.
“…you and your stupid inferiority complex. That’s not the point. The point is that people will always love you even when you push them away.” 
You breathe out shakily.
“Even I’m still standing here yelling at you for fucks sake. Even when I could have walked away because I… even I…” 
You stumble here, feeling all the words you want to say tangle in your throat, choking you up and sealing your mouth shut.
Clavis looks at you, pulling that same troubled smile on his face.
“Heh…you can’t even bring yourself to say it.”
That’s not fair. That’s not fucking fair and he knows it. 
Since when does not being able to say the words “I love you” negate any of the actual feelings and time and effort you put into this relationship? 
Since when did everything you’ve ever done and felt amount to nothing because you simply couldn’t find the words to say it?
“…fuck you…” You whisper, wavering on the words, tears finally spilling down your cheeks. “H-how is any of this- my fault?”
“You- you who can’t even take responsibility… so wrapped up in your own self hatred to see the pain you cause… how can you say– say that it was my fault?”
You don’t see the look on his face, too busy wiping away your tears.
In fact, you only look up when you hear the tell tale sound of his clothes swishing as he turns to leave.
“…You’re so obsessed with the idea that you aren’t enough that you strive to make it a fact.” You mutter, suddenly feeling more tired than you’ve felt ever since the day you became Belle.
He pauses at this, maybe feeling some sliver of remorse, guilt even. Or maybe he was going to leave like he always did when things got too tough.
It surprises you, at how much you don’t care anymore.
Well, maybe Rio was right when he said that you deserved better, even if you took it as a joke before.
But it was your turn to leave now, and you sighed as you turned your back to walk away before pausing once more.
“…don’t blame me if I grow tired of waiting for you to fix yourself. I’ve already tried, and it’s about time you tried too.”
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clavissionary-position · 10 months
In the Clavis Continuity, I love imagining Emma happening upon Cyran and Kai and Hugo having an animated discussion in the Obsidian language one day. Upon seeing her, they invite her over and ask her how she's coming along with her own studies of the language.
She nervously says a few sentences, and of course all three of them are quick to sing her praises. But even Emma knows her effort was far from perfect, so she asks them to be totally honest with her. After some prompting, they finally relent.
A little too much. The next 30 seconds is filled with so much unintentionally-harsh critique that Emma is practically on the verge of tears. This understandably lands the trio of men in a particularly insidious affair in the Lelouch Trap Series.
This leads to Emma having to launch a full-scale rescue. Unfortunately Clavis catches her in the act. Naturally he's is super-excited about Emma engaging him in his little play session, so he devises an impromptu game out of it. She'll have three chances to free them, but each time she fails, she'll earn a special naughty penalty (to be delivered after sunset in the privacy of Clavis' room).
Because this is Ikepri, Emma gets down to her last shot, having already incurred XXXX and XXXX on her Lascivious Lelouch Ledger. In the meantime, Clavis has also fine-tuned his trap so Emma can no longer physically get to the trio. For their part, they've begun passing the time by listening to Hugo talk about the time he fell asleep during one of Gilbert's speeches at the military academy. It's a riveting story full of twists and turns and Clavis mistakes the resulting gasps as proof that his trap is truly the hallmark of his career in villainy.
Emma uses this opportunity to start singing an Obsidian folk song (learned from the Obsidianite immigrants in the kingdom) for seemingly no reason. At least no reason that Clavis can surmise. But she cleverly changes some of the lyrics to incorporate obscure vocabulary she'd learned from the trio earlier that day. And, in incredible coincidence, that vocabulary is weirdly relevant to helping the trio navigate Clavis' trap and get themselves out.
After Emma 'wins' the game and the trio are safely back in the realm of the unsnared, they begin singing her praises about her singing. And then Kai tells her that she mispronounced one of the words as a very naughty word and that's why they'd started turning red from attempting to hold back their laughter. Cyran and Hugo chastise Kai for being too honest.
Clavis, growing increasingly jealous and needy as he stands by, decides to employ drastic measures and he walks up to Emma, Chevaliers her over his shoulder and absconds for his private quarters, looking nothing like a gentleman but every bit like an insecure boyfriend.
The end.
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lorei-writes · 18 days
OC Thoughts: Esther, Viva & Their Relationships
Inspired by @olivermorningstar ; some characters have been omitted ; excuse any typos and other such errors -- busy + very giddy
Esther: Obviously, she loves him, but her care predates even that. In Esther's eyes, Chevalier has always appeared rather lonesome, the stories told by the people around them having her wonder just how much of the gossip is true. Have he truly done that? Is he as monstrous, as brutal, as they describe him?
Yes and no.
Esther is well aware of the extent of Chevalier's ruthlessness. However, she has also always acknowledged his humanity, reached towards it to cradle it against her heart. To her, Chevalier has never been more than a man -- incredibly strong, resilient, dedicated and talented man, but still a man, just as capable of hurting as anybody else. Everybody has some potential for evil. She's seen his potential for good as well. Nothing is sweeter than his affection.
Viva: Chevalier is the annoying soon-to-be-brother-in-law. She has no clue what Esther sees in him, however, she cannot deny the fact that Chevalier treats her sister well (or at least attempts to do right by her).
Viva doesn't understand why Chevalier would try to obscure his intentions and feelings. At times, she pushes him to be more direct or shares her insight with him. (Nobody loves Esther more than Viva and that much will always remain true -- there are things that Chevalier simply cannot understand, part due to his protective nature). She doesn't need to like him to wish him and Esther everything best.
Esther: They get along fairly well! As it happens, Esther tends to be the representative of foreign affairs faction... or much rather, to be one of the mediators. (Chevalier and Leon do not need to see eye to eye. Viva and Esther? They're on good terms. Leon will not threaten his relationship with Viva by being too harsh on Chevalier, and similarly, Chevalier will not risk pushing Esther away to win against Leon.) However one may look at it! They do end up working together at times. It's generally fairly pleasant.
Esther's glad that her sister found somebody like Leon. She genuinely believes he is capable of making Viva happy and helping her find her place in the world.
Viva: It's... complicated. At first, she hates him, or much rather, she hates the image of him she's conjured up in her mind. He's supposed to be a ruthless "royal", oblivious to the struggles of the common people, somebody heartless enough to abandon his original state without looking back at the people left behind. But when she realises that is not the case? She does not know what to think. She loves him. She hates loving him. She hates herself for ever hating him. A part of her loves hating him, while also drowning in self-loathing.
Once that's all said and done, however? Leon is Viva's rock, her oasis, save heaven. He's the only person she does not need to prove her strength to. She can cry and crumble, and he'll just hold her until she's whole again. Viva adores him. She wants to be better for him.
She's ready to be his protector, his lioness.
Esther: Surprisingly enough, they're good friends! (It causes Chevalier to be mildly jealous at times.) They sometimes bake or cook together.
Viva: ...She enjoys teasing him a little too much.
Esther: ...She sometimes (often) ends up being the butt of his jokes. He finds her reactions rather amusing. (He seems to enjoy embarrassing her, possibly to mess with Chevalier.)
Viva: Sparring partners! They also tend to their horses together. They don't necessarily talk much, but they find each other's presence to be rather comfortable.
Esther: Oh, her initial employer. Oh, the schemer. Oh. Just Oh. Esther sees his inferiority complex and she tires her best to smooth things over between Clavis and Chevalier. (She has scolded Chevalier and asked him to be more considerate of Clavis multiple times.) She feels sorry for him.
At the same time, at times, he's too much. Clavis truly is a younger brother. A mischievous little rascal.
Viva: Partners in crime, especially when it comes to getting people to be truer to their actual feelings. They drink together sometimes. Are his pranks annoying? Yeah. But he digs out those pit falls himself. She does have a fair share of respect for hard-working people and Clavis is no exception to that. She doesn't believe him to be a bad person.
Maeve @keithsandwich
Esther: Esther cannot say she knows Maeve well -- or well, technically, that she knows her at all. They haven't officially met. It was "Queen Viva" who visited the Jadean palace, not Esther.
That being said, there's a certain secret she's found out and she intends to keep it well-hidden. She appreciates Maeve's gentle nature and believes they could get along well. (Maeve also seems rather relatable, given the fact that they both come from the peasantry.)
Viva: Maeve seems like a nice person, however, the majority of her spiritual stuff flies over Viva's head. She's secretly afraid of being disrespectful -- Maeve's a priestess, but she doesn't seem to worship the God Viva knows... Not that there's anything wrong with that. She just lacks the knowledge on the topic.
Viva has the feeling that Maeve wishes for peace. She hopes their relationship will strengthen as they both lead their countries towards prosperity -- together, as allies.
Beatrice @bicayaya
Esther: She's... actually, somewhat intimidated. All the things Esther struggles with, Beatrice seems to do rather effortlessly. She admires her education, elegance and grace. Sometimes she stops for a moment to listen when Bea plays piano.
Esther wonders whether that's what a proper noblewoman should be. Beautiful, delicate, skilled... And she wonders whether one day she could be even fraction of that.
Viva: Oh, Bea is another good object for teasing. Unlike Esther, Viva feels anything but intimidated. She acknowledges Bea's talents and virtues, but at the same time... There isn't anything wrong with not having them either.
She wonders whether Beatrice would perhaps enjoy sneaking out to town. She'd love to show her around, to take her out to the marketplace (especially flea market), and to treat her to some of the treats sold at various stalls.
Oliver @olivermorningstar
Esther: Sometimes it feels like Oliver is the only sane person around. The scientist may be a little eccentric and detached from others, but he has a nice, soothing presence. She appreciates all the effort he's put into figuring out how to help manage her symptoms.
Esther may or may not come by the infirmary just to see whether he's there and to check up on him. She tends to bring some snack and tea along -- nothing refreshes the mind like some home-made treats.
Viva: Oliver's weird, okay? He's weird. He spends entire days doing his research and Viva absolutely cannot comprehend how he doesn't end up bored... At least until she hears about his discoveries.
Truth be told, Viva would love to hear Oliver talk about his research. She can't imagine herself doing his work, but she sees it as extremely valuable nonetheless. (However, at the same time, she may be a little afraid of scaring him through, well, being herself.)
Leyla @violettduchess
Esther: The first word that popped up in Esther's head when seeing Leyla was "vibrant". Esther cannot deny any of Leyla's merits, but their lives are so different it makes her head spin a little. Given their personal beliefs, they would likely be able to get along just fine, however, they may disagree about the methods of accomplishing their goals.
Leyla reminds Esther of Viva. They're both free in a way that's foreign to her. They're bright, decisive, strong, capable, open and daring. Simply brave. She's generally happy supporting such people from the sidelines.
Viva: ... If she wasn't a Queen, she'd love to travel with Leyla. As things are, however? She wants to spar with her. She wants to show her around Rhodolite. She wants to hear her stories.
It'd likely be an another instance of "the boys can't get along, so we shall handle the talks instead". I can imagine them getting into trouble "for the greater good", and both Leon and Silvio following them unwillingly (...and Esther... and then, at the very end of this line, Chevalier).
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chandeliermichel · 3 months
tagging: @floydsteeth and @sh0jun :)
warning: kinda angsty
Her mind was hazy, intensely clouded due to the two glasses of alcohol she had consumed. The taste was strange, Eve thought, but she trusted Clavis enough to have him prepare her a drink. But of course, she shouldn’t have.
Having drinks with alcohol in it were always a big no for her because Eve would get… fierce, passionate, and all that she wasn’t after just one glass.
But the dull, painful thudding of her heart slowed down, and her eyes grew tired. Her head hit the wooden table, brown hair falling around her face likes waves. She opened one eye to look at Clavis who was sitting next to her, and softly fixing her messy hair.
“Oh, nothing, darling.” He whispered softly, a smile on his face. “You look pretty like this.”
Eve closed her eyes again, and let out a tired sigh, face flushed due to the alcohol.
“We…” she began, “we settled this…”
“I know,” he replied after a while.
“I don’t know why you love me.” The girl said truthfully. “I have nothing to boast… about, y’know? Youngest daughter of a noble, pathetic… weak… ugly.”
Clavis let out a measured sigh of annoyance and looked at Evelyn.
“Don’t say that.”
“For my sake, Evelyn.” Clavis replied softly, his usual playfulness nowhere to be seen.
“Because,” he peered into her brown eyes staring at him. Those gorgeous eyes of hers — they bewitched the 3rd prince during their very first encounter. He hadn’t thought much of her because compared to all the other ladies in the ballroom, she was plain. Like a sore thumb sticking out from the rest. She was shy and soft, but honest and protective. That’s what drew him in.
Then he teased her. Clavis teased her so much till her cheeks got red and she gave him a glare and ran away, leaving him smiling at her.
Why had he fallen for Evelyn? And why this hard?
“You are in love with my brother.” He answered bitterly.
Eve sighed and rubbed her eyes. “I am but he doesn’t… love me back. Hey Clavis, he left with Emma, right?”
Her eyes told a million stories and Clavis bit his tongue, to not say that ‘I wish you had fallen for me instead because I will treat you better,’ but he patted her head.
“He did.”
Eve’s eyes stung with tears and she furiously wiped them, not wanting to cry in front of anyone. “I don’t have… ANY chance left. She’s so pretty and kind, I am just… me. Oh…”
His brows furrowed when he saw her eyes. “Eve, tell him.”
The words were bitter on his tongue, and he averted his eyes.
“Tell him before you regret it.”
Damn Chev but he couldn’t let the woman he loved cry. 
Chevalier was reading the contents of the book Emma had brought him. A foreign novel, rare at that. He sighed and stood up from his chair. That’s when he heard the sound of the door to his private library opening.
Eve was there, looking all messy and flushed. He raised an eyebrow but no comment.
“Ah! Oh… you are here!” She exclaimed and her eyes widened.
Chev bit back a smile when he saw her fumble with her words.
“This is my private place, dimwit.”
She nodded and sighed, looking around.
“Emma… is not here?” 
He nodded and moved to put the book on a shelf. Eve laughed, bitterly, which made him stop in his tracks.
“I know you told me that I need to prove my worth…” he words were slurred due to being drunk, “but you don’t even speak to me. Not a word. But you… you smile at her! She laughs with you. You talk about books… I don’t know much about books but I want to make you smile, Chevalier, I want to so bad.”
The tears finally escaped and she staggered in her position. Chev dropped the book and hurried to hold Eve upright.
She cried and buried her face in his cloak. 
“I hate you and I love you so much. I… you… I am so jealous of Emma…!” Evelyn looked up at him through her wet lashes, the words got caught in his throat.
She was radiant. 
“Tell me you hate me, please,” Eve pleaded. “I can’t take this anymore.”
He stroked her cheek, looking almost… fond.
“... Chev?”
He put a finger on her lips but instead pressed a soft kiss on her forehead. Eve gasped in shock and her sobs halted. She hiccuped and touched where he kissed her.
“No, I like seeing you this way, Evelyn.” 
The prince pulled her into his chest. 
“I recognized your worth a long time ago.”
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omkookie · 11 months
He wants to tell you // FWB.
⌈ ⚠️ 𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐍𝐓 𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒 ⌉ None. just light Angst turned into fluff. 15+ and F!Reader.
The suitor is not specified...🩷..And the fic is set in more modern times I suppose.
Personally, I'd pick one of the following for this fic: Leviathan, Cater, Victor, Trey, Belphegor... Licht or Nokto, Liam..Maybe even Clavis... Vlad
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The city is dark, cold and empty with just a few street lights on the side of the road shining down the streets. He checks his phone to make sure that he hasn’t missed a call or message from you, and feels a sense of disappointment when he sees that you haven’t texted him or called him.
How long has it been since the two of you last met up?
It must have been weeks… Or even a month.
Now, he came to your city just to see you. His arrival was somewhat late after using the bus In the evening, But, he arrived. Usually, you’d stay awake until this hour after taking naps during the day, So he thinks that his late and unexpected visit won’t be too much of an issue. After coming here, He hopes that when he gets to your house and sends you a text you’ll come out to see him.
He misses you greatly.
Sighing, he tucks his phone back into his pocket, and fixes his jacket.
It was cold, Really cold. Mornings here were freezing, and he could see his own breath turning into condensation when he breathed out.
‘But it would all be worth it soon’ He thought to himself as he made his way down the street, towards your address.
He passed by closed shops and empty streets, lost in thought about what he would say to you. He wanted to mend your relationship, See you like he used to, and spend time with you again. After your last argument, you no longer saw each other and things changed for the worse. You ignored him, and he was far too prideful to contact you first, but after you stubbornly continued not talking to him and distanced yourself, he realized that he couldn’t keep this up.
It was sad… childish even. Why didn’t he try to fix things sooner? If he set his own stubbornness and pride aside, he could have talked with you and prevented you from going off and dating whatever piece of eye candy you found. None of the men you dated now were good, or even worth a minute of your time. Really, what were you thinking? He heard all about you going to bars to find dates and whatnot from his friends, and it was unnerving.
He was jealous.
He didn’t want anyone but him to touch you.
Little drops of rain started to fall down, and soon they turned into a downpour.
As he passes through the dimly lit street, he finally sees your house on the right, the small flower garden still in front of it remaining well maintained. When he arrives, He takes the metal key out of his pocket and uses it to unlock the door of your fence. Soon shutting your fence’s door closed behind him, and tucking the key back into his pocket as he picks his phone up to text you.
He messages you a vague ‘I’m here. Open the door.’ and watches as the lights in your house abruptly turn on.
He waits for you on your front porch, tapping his foot against the floor in nervousness as he thinks about what your reaction could be. Would you be mad? Somewhat irked? Or happy? He didn’t know what to expect.
You opened the front door, revealing yourself and making his breath hitch in his throat as he finally got to see you after so long. You look at him with somewhat of a frown, your face more confused than annoyed by his sudden appearance at your house.
“It’s 3:00 AM.” You tell him, And he sheepishly scratches his neck as he grins like a fool at you. “I was hoping you’d still let me in. It started raining when I was coming.” He tells you, causing you to let out a sigh of frustration. You open the door wide for him, allowing him to come in, and he does. He enters your house, taking his shoes off at the entrance and putting them on the shoe rack on the left side of your door.
“Honestly, i don’t know why the fuck you would show up at this time. What if I was asleep and didn’t open the door?” You scold him, going off on an annoyed rant. “It’s literally autumn. Barely any of the hotels around here are working at 3 in the fucking morning.”
“Oh well… lucky for me, you opened the door.” He dismisses you, making you shoot a glare at him. “Why are you even here?” You asked, somewhat hostile toward him which was an obvious indicator that you were still salty.
“Well,” He started as he took his drenched jacket off, “I missed you. So, I came to both apologize and see you.” You roll your eyes, And his brows furrow in annoyance at you. “What are you rolling your eyes for? It’s the truth.” He steps before you and wraps his arms around you to hug you, laying his head atop your shoulder. “Just so you know, you can’t act all cute to butter me up so that I accept your apology and forgive you.” You remark, and he tightens his arms around you, “I’m sorry…” He apologizes.
It was the truth.
He really was sorry.
He did miss you… So why can’t he find the right words to tell you that? It’s like everything that he had to say got stuck in his throat, and he couldn’t speak.
“Oof… Okay.” You relent, finally hugging him back as if unable to remain mad at him.
“I don’t want us to ignore each other and not speak after an argument again.” He voices his true feelings, and you listen to what he has to say. “Also… I’m sorry for what I said that day. I should have known better and not given you shit about it.”
You rubbed his back comfortingly as you listened to him.
“I’m sorry too, I should have been nicer instead of coldly rejecting you the way I did.” You let him know, “Oh, No. It’s completely okay… I mean… that was our agreement from the start, So you didn’t really owe me an explanation or anything. I should have known better than to start pressuring you for things.”
He feels relieved as you finally have an honest conversation, both of you admitting your wrongs from the day where your argument happened.
You wanted to sleep with him, He wanted a relationship. He caught feelings, and he started getting possessive, and mad at you when you ignored his texts to see somebody else. He was the one who wanted nothing but sex from the beginning and proposed the idea, Yet, he was also the one who first broke your agreement to be nothing more than friends with benefits.
“Well, Now that we’ve sorted that out…” He looks lost in thought for a moment, seemingly trying to decide how to proceed with your relationship. “I don’t really know what to do.” He sighs, “I’m sorry.” He looks down in disappointment, feeling discontent with himself.
He still loves you.
He wants to tell you
“You can stay here, Don’t worry.” You tell him, not noticing how troubled he looked, or perhaps refusing to see it.
“You can sleep in my bed?” You suggested jokingly, surprising him.
“What?” He asks in disbelief
“Look, I know that we had a rough start, and that I didn’t want to have a relationship with you… But this last month I’ve been thinking about you.” You told him, making his jaw drop to the floor in surprise. “So, I’d like to give us a chance… If you’re okay with it.”
“Of course�� I’d be happy to give us a chance.” He hugs you once more, his arms enveloping you in a tight embrace as he buries his face into your shoulder while holding you tightly.
This time he was lucky… he finally got to have you.
"Do you want a kiss?..."
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ihateliterature · 2 years
I sometimes think about Chev's relationship with his mom
We know very little about her, but what we do know is pretty telling
We know that she was the daughter of the richest noble in the country and the first Queen. She was in love with the King, who couldn't give a shit about her, had a close relationship with Clavis's mom and was somewhat terrified of her son
Clavis mentions in his route that he was the prince most loved by his mom. That can be argued in a few ways. We know that Anita deeply loved her sons although she had a really cruel way of showing it and I haven't played Yves route so I can't comment on that. But what I think is certain is that Leticia showed the most affection towards her son
So I came to speculate about the Queen and Chev and this is my headcanon
I think the Queen was really excited when Chev was born because he is the son of the man she loved and maybe she hoped he would bring them closer especially because for a few years (before Jin appeared) he was the King's first born
I believe she had a lot of expectations from him that can be seen in the name itself. Chevalier, knight, this tells me she wanted him to be strong, virtuous and chivalrous
And in the beginning he exceeded all of her expectations. So she was proud, maybe even a bit petty, thinking that unlike Belle and her potential child, she was a noblewoman who gave birth to a perfect prince. And so she flaunted him, showed him off as a prize to the other nobles, because if the King was not gonna appreciate her for it then she was gonna get all the praise she could from nobles
But the rose tinted glasses fell after a while. The King was never gonna look at her, not even because of her son, which probably became more apparent when he ended up having more and more sons and she realised that she was not special in the slightest. Neither she nor Chevalier
And maybe she saw that Chev's behavior was concerning, that he was too cold and too isolated, too antisocial, but she chose to ignore it because she wanted to cling to the idea that her son was perfect. That was, until the incident with the assassin, when she became scared of her own son, when she realised she gave birth to a beast
And I wonder if Chev ever resented her for it, if he has his own Azula moment. If he ever felt suffocated while being showed off to nobles and that's why he avoids gatherings now. If he ever felt pressured to be perfect. If he ever resented his father for bringing his mother to her wits' end. If he was ever jealous of Clavis for seemingly having such a good relationship with his mom
I really don't believe Chev would have ever held a grudge against Jin and his mom but I wonder if The Court expected if. If they thought that immediately after Jin appeared Chev would try to murder him or the other way around and were surprised when nothing of the sort happened
And lastly I wonder if he was sad when she died, or apathetic or bitter or even a combination of all three
I believe this is the crux of my questions. Did Chev love his mom? Did she love him? And if she didn't or didn't show it, did he ever wished for her to love him?
I'm just so curious about Chev and his backstory, because it's so deceptively simple but it could pack such a strong punch if we saw just a bit more of these two's relationship
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