#building confidence and overcoming shyness
reallytoosublime · 6 months
Welcome to Episode 2 of our empowering series on "The Art of Public Speaking". In this episode, we'll delve into the essential aspects of building confidence and conquering shyness to become a more effective communicator. 👉 Subscribe to my channel to stay tuned:    / @wakethefup22  
In this episode, we're going to share valuable insights, practical tips, and inspiring stories that will boost your self-assurance and help you conquer your shyness. If you're a seasoned speaker looking to refine your skills or a beginner striving to overcome your shyness, this episode is packed with practical tips and techniques to help you succeed.
Here Lamide Diji shares his personal experiences and insights into how anyone, even introverts, can transform themselves into fantastic speakers in public. He delves into the importance of habitually taking uncomfortable actions and pushing their boundaries to build confidence. Lamid emphasizes the significance of positive visualization, embracing curiosity, and maintaining a positive environment to reduce self-doubt and anxiety when approaching strangers.
The conversation covers the ups and downs of entrepreneurship, with Lamid sharing his perspective on emotional control and the balance between stoicism and embracing emotions. He believes that entrepreneurship is not just about growth but also about enjoying the journey and having fun in the process.
Lamide Diji, a master in helping individuals find their voice and speak with confidence, shares his inspiring transformation from a shy introvert to a dynamic public speaker. His approach to habitual uncomfortable action is a key element, along with personal development and the joy of embracing life's adventures.
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sparklymentalitypanda · 6 months
Welcome to Episode 2 of our empowering series on "The Art of Public Speaking". In this episode, we'll delve into the essential aspects of building confidence and conquering shyness to become a more effective communicator. 👉 Subscribe to my channel to stay tuned:   
In this episode, we're going to share valuable insights, practical tips, and inspiring stories that will boost your self-assurance and help you conquer your shyness. If you're a seasoned speaker looking to refine your skills or a beginner striving to overcome your shyness, this episode is packed with practical tips and techniques to help you succeed.
Here Lamide Diji shares his personal experiences and insights into how anyone, even introverts, can transform themselves into fantastic speakers in public. He delves into the importance of habitually taking uncomfortable actions and pushing their boundaries to build confidence. Lamid emphasizes the significance of positive visualization, embracing curiosity, and maintaining a positive environment to reduce self-doubt and anxiety when approaching strangers.
The conversation covers the ups and downs of entrepreneurship, with Lamid sharing his perspective on emotional control and the balance between stoicism and embracing emotions. He believes that entrepreneurship is not just about growth but also about enjoying the journey and having fun in the process.
Lamide Diji, a master in helping individuals find their voice and speak with confidence, shares his inspiring transformation from a shy introvert to a dynamic public speaker. His approach to habitual uncomfortable action is a key element, along with personal development and the joy of embracing life's adventures.
Our expert speakers will share their personal experiences, insights, and actionable advice to help you develop the confidence you need to shine in any public speaking situation.
Whether you're preparing for a job interview, delivering a presentation at work, or just want to become a more engaging communicator in social settings, this episode has something for everyone. Join us on this journey of personal growth and self-discovery, and unlock your true potential as a public speaker.
Towards the end of the video, Lamid and the host take on a pull-up challenge to demonstrate the importance of small steps and persistence in personal growth.
If you found this video helpful, please give it a thumbs up, subscribe to our channel, and hit the notification bell to stay updated with our upcoming episodes. Feel free to share your thoughts, questions, and personal experiences in the comments section. Let's learn and grow together on this exciting journey toward mastering the art of public speaking!
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remington-tuff · 8 months
Taking off my mask
What’s a topic or issue about which you’ve changed your mind? When I started my WordPress blog in 2020, I was quite introverted. It wasn’t easy for me to open up to people or groups I wasn’t used to. I created the blog as a place where I could freely share my thoughts, just like chatting with friends, without anyone interrupting. If someone found it weird or implausible, they could always leave…
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mizu-nights · 5 months
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# shy s/o
★ — chars ; akito , toya , rui
★ — notes ; hihiiii sorry for excluding tsukasa, i usually just accept up to 3 chars per req! REALLY CUTE REQ sorry it's rather short </3 hope u enjoy reading !!!
★ — notes (2) ; mentions kohane and nene , otherwise none!
★ — requested by ; @akitosheart
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★ shinonome akito :
first thing he's reminded of is kohane, actually. from before she joined vbs, of course.
definitely teases you about it, then explains to the person that you're just shy like that. if they make a bad comment about you, expect akito to defend you! he's not going to let someone insult his s/o, no way.
akito does want you to try and open up more, though. he knows it's hard—after all, kohane used to act similarly—but you do need to work on. don't worry about it, he'll be there every step of the way.
if you end up overcoming it, he won't ever let you live it down. in a lighthearted way! he'll remind you of how shy you were before, how you'd always hide behind him in those situations... it's all to see your adorable red and annoyed face.
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★ aoyagi toya :
similar to akito, he is also reminded by his unitmate. that's inevitable.
toya is a rather quiet lover, but he will tell the person that you're shy when suddenly approached like that. he lets you hide behind his back as he talks to whoever it is, then relaying the message to you.
still, he worries for you. what if he isn't available and you get randomly approached? he'll try to help you overcome it, mainly by introducing you to his other friends.
overall, even if he is calm and usually silent, toya tries his best for you. he doesn't want you to feel uncomfortable, so he'll help you until you feel confident enough to do it!
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★ kamishiro rui :
considering his childhood friend is nene, he's not fazed by your shyness at all! nene acted in a similar way, so he knows how to help you in these situations.
another one who would defend you in certain scenarios, we all know what he said to tsukasa.
rui would also build a robot for you, like with nenerobo. probably not a big one, though. maybe just a simple little bot that you can easily carry around, and it can speak for you? whatever you prefer, your boyfriend is already making plans on it!
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atomicwrite · 1 year
Random Shadow hc for my fellow shy people! ♡
🖤 Shadow the Hedgehog x Shy!Reader Headcanons
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⚠ Warnings: None
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• Shadow would initially be drawn to you because of your shyness. As someone who often keeps to himself and struggles to connect with others, he would find your quiet and reserved nature intriguing.
• At first, you might be intimidated by Shadow's aloof and mysterious personality. But as you two spend more time together, you would begin to see the caring and protective side of him that he usually keeps hidden.
• Shadow would often go out of his way to help you feel comfortable around him. He might take you to places where you feel safe and offer you quiet moments of solitude when you need them.
• Over time, you would open up to Shadow and share your fears and insecurities with him. Shadow would listen patiently and offer you words of encouragement, helping you to feel more confident in yourself.
• As you become more comfortable around Shadow, you might start to initiate physical contact with him. This could start with small gestures like leaning against him or tapping his shoulders.
• Shadow would be patient and understanding with you, always respecting your boundaries and never pushing you to do anything you're not comfortable with. He would always make sure you feel safe and secure in his presence.
• As your relationship grows stronger, you would start to see a softer and more vulnerable side of Shadow. He might open up to you about his own fears and insecurities, and you would be there to offer him comfort and support.
• Despite your differences, Shadow and you would find common ground in your shared desire for safety, security, and a sense of belonging. You would support each other through difficult times and celebrate each other's victories, knowing that you have found something special in each other.
• Shadow would also show you a more playful and carefree side of himself. He might initiate activities like playing games or going on adventures, which would help you feel more relaxed and comfortable around him.
• Your shyness might also inspire Shadow to be more patient and understanding with others. As he spends more time with you, he might develop a greater sense of empathy and learn to be more open and accepting of those around him.
• Shadow might also help you overcome your fears and anxieties by showing you how to confront them head-on. He might teach you self-defense techniques or offer you guidance on how to assert yourself in social situations.
• You might also encourage Shadow to open up and share more about his past and his innermost thoughts and feelings. Through your support and acceptance, Shadow might begin to heal from his own traumas and learn to trust others more.
• As your relationship deepens, you and Shadow might start to rely on each other for emotional support and comfort. You might share intimate moments of vulnerability and honesty, which would help you build a stronger and even more trusting bond. You two really trust each other.
• You might also learn to appreciate Shadow's strengths and abilities, seeing him not just as a protector, but as a skilled and powerful ally. You might feel a sense of awe and admiration for him, which would only deepen your feelings of affection towards him.
• Over time, you and Shadow might find yourselves falling in love, drawn to each other by your shared experiences and the deep sense of connection you have developed. You would learn to communicate your feelings openly and honestly, and build a relationship based on mutual trust, respect, and understanding.
• Sonic might initially be surprised by Shadow's interest in you, but he would likely be supportive of his rival's/friend's romantic endeavors. He might tease Shadow a bit, but ultimately he would be happy to see him finding happiness with someone.
• Rouge might be more observant of your feelings, given her expertise in interpersonal relationships. She might sense the attraction between Shadow and you before you even realize it yourselves. She would likely encourage you to explore your feelings and offer advice on how to navigate a romantic relationship.
• Amy might be a bit more protective of you, given her own history with Sonic. She might be wary of Shadow's intentions towards you at first, but as she sees your relationship develop and sees how happy you are, she would come to accept and support their relationship.
• Omega might not understand romantic relationships, but he would certainly support Shadow and you in whatever makes you happy. He might offer logical advice on how to make your relationship work and provide his technological expertise to help you overcome any obstacles you might face.
• Shadow would likely take a direct and straightforward approach when confessing his feelings to you, while also being mindful of your shyness and discomfort with expressing your own feelings.
• Shadow would start by finding a quiet and private place to talk to you, where you would feel comfortable and at ease. He might take you to a secluded part of the forest or a rooftop where you could be alone.
• He would begin by expressing his appreciation for you, telling you how much he enjoys spending time with you and how much he values your presence in his life. He might point out specific moments where he felt a deeper connection to you, such as when you showed courage or kindness in the face of adversity.
• Shadow would then reveal his true feelings, telling you that he has developed romantic feelings for you and that he wants to pursue a relationship with you. He would be clear and direct, but also respectful of your boundaries and comfort level.
• He would also reassure you that you doesn't need to feel pressured to reciprocate his feelings, and that he values your friendship above all else. He would want you to feel safe and respected, and would be willing to take things at your pace and comfort level.
• Finally, Shadow would offer his support and encouragement, telling you that he is willing to work through any challenges or obstacles you might face together. He would want you to know that he is committed to making your relationship work and that he values you as a person, not just as a romantic partner.
• After Shadow confesses his feelings to you, you might initially be surprised and taken aback. However, as you process his words and reflect on your own feelings, you might come to the realization that you have romantic feelings for him as well.
• You would likely express your feelings to Shadow, telling him that you also have feelings for him and that you want to pursue a relationship with him. You might be a bit shy and nervous, but ultimately you would be honest and sincere about your feelings.
• Shadow would be overjoyed to hear that you return his feelings. He might express his excitement and relief, telling you how happy he is that you feel the same way. He might also express his gratitude for your honesty and vulnerability, telling you how much he values your trust and openness.
• The two of you might share a tender moment, perhaps holding hands or embracing each other. You would likely feel a deep sense of connection and intimacy, knowing that you have finally acknowledged and acted on your feelings for each other.
• From there, Shadow and you would begin to explore your new relationship, taking things at your own pace and enjoying each other's company. You would likely face some challenges and obstacles along the way, but you would be committed to working through them together.
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theambitiouswoman · 9 months
Hi sweetheart <3
I’m having a bit of a mental dilemma at the moment...when I was a kid, I thought conformity was key and really let my shyness sit in the forefront for most of my life, thinking that was what my family and society wanted from me.
But now that I'm in my early 20's and have to make a career decision I can't push this feeling down any further. I know now that I'm meant to live my life more publicly and really go for things creatively and in the entertainment field. It feels completely undeniable that I really do LOVE the spotlight, and the right place for me is in entertainment - though I'm too embarrassed to act on it. How do I become comfortable with truly being seen...whilst also feeling my loved ones judging me for it? 
Sending all my love xoxo
Hi babygirl 💞
It is great that you've realized your passion! It seems like you are ready to embrace it, but are worried about how your loved ones will react because they might have different ideas? Embracing your true self and pursuing your dreams is a brave step. The key is to first accept and love yourself for who you are and what you want.
Talk to your loved ones honestly about your dreams and why they make you happy. They may come to understand and support your dreams, especially when they see your dedication and happiness. You may feel guilty for disappointing them. You may still have some doubts because it goes against everything you were taught to believe. Self doubt, family expectations, fear of judgement, risks.. are all normal feelings when we are venturing into something new and different and really creating a life for ourself. Like I said, pursuing your dreams takes courage and we will always have these mental hurdles to overcome on the way. But we have to want things so much, that our fear doesn't matter.
Getting comfortable with being seen, especially in careers like entertainment, can take time. Start by accepting and liking yourself for who you are, including your desire for attention. Try to replace negative thoughts with positive ones. Build up your confidence by practicing and learning more about what you love to do. You can begin with smaller audiences and gradually work your way up. It's important to remember that everyone starts off as a beginner and everyone makes mistakes. Just put yourself out there. Do not be afraid to be your authentic self. You can't live your life for other people.
Follow your heart <3
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Building Confidence in Social Settings
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Tips for Navigating Social Situations with Confidence:
Prepare Ahead of Time: Before attending social events, spend a few minutes preparing. Think of some topics or questions you can discuss. Familiarize yourself with the event or gathering, and if possible, find out who will be there. Preparation can significantly reduce anxiety.
Focus on Others: Shift your focus from yourself to the people you’re interacting with. Show genuine interest in others by asking questions and actively listening. This not only takes the pressure off you but also makes others feel valued and appreciated.
Practice Positive Body Language: Your body language plays a crucial role in how you’re perceived. Stand tall, make eye contact, smile, and use open gestures. Positive body language can boost your confidence and make you appear more approachable.
Breathe and Pause: If you start feeling anxious, take a few deep breaths. It’s okay to take a moment to collect your thoughts before responding. Pausing briefly can help you feel more composed and in control.
Embrace Small Talk: While small talk may seem trivial, it’s an important social skill. Use small talk as a way to break the ice and gradually transition into deeper conversations.
Overcoming Social Anxiety and Shyness:
Challenge Negative Thoughts: Social anxiety often stems from negative self-talk and irrational fears. Identify and challenge these thoughts. Replace them with positive affirmations and remind yourself of past successful interactions.
Gradual Exposure: Start by exposing yourself to less intimidating social situations and gradually work your way up. Begin with small gatherings or one-on-one interactions and build your confidence over time.
Practice Mindfulness: Engage in mindfulness exercises to stay present during social interactions. Techniques such as deep breathing, grounding exercises, or mindful meditation can help manage anxiety and keep you calm.
Seek Support: Don’t hesitate to seek support from friends, family, or professionals. Joining a social skills group or working with a therapist can provide valuable tools and encouragement.
Icebreakers and Conversation Starters for Networking:
Compliment Genuinely: Start with a sincere compliment about something specific, like someone’s outfit, a presentation they gave, or an achievement they’ve shared. Compliments are a great way to open up a conversation positively.
Ask Open-Ended Questions: Encourage more detailed responses by asking open-ended questions. Examples include, “What inspired you to get into your field?” or “What do you enjoy most about your work?”
Share a Fun Fact: Offer an interesting or quirky fact about yourself to spark curiosity and invite others to share something about themselves. For instance, “Did you know I once climbed Mount Kilimanjaro?”
Discuss Common Interests: Identify common interests or experiences. Whether it’s a hobby, a recent event, or mutual acquaintances, common ground can make conversations flow naturally.
Use Current Events: Bring up recent news or trends relevant to the context of the gathering. This can be a great way to engage others in discussion and see where the conversation leads.
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How to Build Confidence in Speaking English
Many people find it challenging to speak English confidently. However, overcoming this fear of making mistakes with the right approach is possible. To improve your English speaking skills, avoid speaking too fast, softly, or in short phrases. Overcoming the fear of making mistakes requires the right approach, time, practice, and English-speaking classes. Check out here for more tips on building trust when speaking English.
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setagaya-division · 11 months
ENIGMA Team Dynamics
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As the oldest of the three (and the one with any actual combat experience), Mina is situated on the front lines more often than not. Her strange body provides her with an ample advantage against her opponents, making her stronger and more durable. She has an overwhelming drive to protect her younger brothers, and hates to see either of them get hurt. Her ability is considered dangerous because it effectively weakens her opposition while also forcing them to bypass their turn.
Despite his thin body and relatively weak physique, Elliot is considered to be the team's main form of defense, though he is able to shift spots with his younger brother and become a supporter as well. Unlike his siblings, he doesn't have much confidence in his rapping ability. However, when he gets motivated and angry enough, he is able to put aside his fears and become a true force to be reckoned with. His ability puts an unbearable weight on his opponents, making them less of a threat.
Though he is the most musically-gifted and the only sibling with any experience with a Hypnosis Microphone, Yorii is often placed in the back by his older siblings. He acts as the support for the team, though he can easily switch spots with either of his siblings. His ability is considered the most dangerous out of the team, since it basically forces his opponents to waste a turn.
— Mina
Elliot to Mina is her younger adopted brother, whom she loves and cares for as if he were her actual brother. After rescuing him from a Chuohku laboratory, she took him in as one of her own, and the two now live and act as brother and sister. Unlike Yorii, Mina doesn't get annoyed with Elliot. In fact, she understands his shyness and his reluctance to talk to people. She is quick to defend him any harm or danger, even going far as to torment the people that bully and bother him at school (Yorii frequently tells her that she is hampering Elliot's growth by doing this). In rap battles, her feelings are the same: she is quick to defend and shield Elliot from any harm. And should she somehow fail, she will quickly punish the person responsible for harming him. She also doesn't judge him for any mistakes he makes; instead, she tries to bolster his spirit more.
Yorii to Mina is her youngest adopted brother, whom she also loves and cares for. Unlike Elliot, however, she can frequently get annoyed with the singer, particularly, when he is acting like a shameless flirt. Despite that, she does care for him. Though the two had trouble building up trust after their initial greeting, over time, Mina started to care for him just like Elliot. Whenever she is depressed, she just has to take a look at Yorii and his contagious optimism instantly makes her feel better. In rap battles, though she doesn't defend him as much Elliot, the older sibling will still come to her youngest sibling's defense when she sees he is hurt and in trouble. The two often work together to deplete their opponent's stamina.
— Elliot
Mina to Elliot is his older sibling whom he is eternally grateful to for rescuing him from a Chuohku laboratory when they were younger. Though at first, her appearance and her habit of drinking blood bothered and scared him, he eventually realized that Mina did not choose either of these things. As such, he is now less critical and more understanding of her condition, and tries to do everything he can to find out more about it in hopes of finding a cure for her. Besides that, Elliot, as stated, cares and loves for her older sister, and doesn't care at all that they aren't of the same blood. Together, the two of them work to find out more about themselves and who they are.
In Rap Battles, Elliot tries his best to overcome his shortcomings for both his and Mina's sake. He hates that she has to defend him, but this actually works out well for him: the more hits she takes, the more Elliot gets upset at the opposition, prompting him to step up and fight back.
Yorii to Elliot is his younger brother whom he cares for. However, like Mina, Elliot can also get annoyed at his younger sibling's mannerisms; mainly, his frequent flirting with girls older than him. It either leads to Elliot either reminding him of his promise to Kanra, or him comically hitting Yorii upside the head in an effort to get him to knock it off. Their relationship, in a sense, is a bit like that of Hifumi and Doppo's of Shinjuku.
Despite that, Elliot is both thankful and caring for his younger sibling. He somewhat envies Yorii's ability to make friends and chat with people easily as the quiet nerd wishes he could do that, himself, at times. In Rap Battles, Elliot and Yorii often work in tandem with each other, switching roles and positions whenever the situation calls for it.
— Yorii
Mina to Yorii is his adopted older sister whom he loves. Though the two didn't really trust each other at first, a liking for the two eventually formed after spending time together. Like Elliot, Yorii also tries to get Mina to overcome her shyness by getting her to talk to people. He knows that Mina's condition is a result of Chuohku, and as such, he works with Elliot to try to find a cure for her. Yorii also lets Mina "feed" for him when she is in dire need of blood. This doesn't bother the singer as his body instantly heals within a matter of minutes.
In Rap Battles, both Yorii and Mina work as a tag team, depleting their opponent's stamina and energy by either stealing it or forcing them to surrender their turns.
Elliot to Yorii is his adorable older sibling, though sometimes its hard to tell who exactly is the older one and who is the younger one by their personalities. Despite being younger in age and his somewhat childish and immature behavior, Elliot frequently looks to Yorii for guidance since he is better at dealing with people. Plus, Yorii doesn't step in to help Elliot when he is being teased or bullied, believing that he needs to man up and defend himself.
Despite that, Yorii does actually love and care for his older brother. He counts on Elliot to keep him on track when his mind goes wandering around cute girls. Plus, Yorii frequently tries to get Elliot more comfortable with talking to people so he can overcome his shyness and approach people; particularly, the young Goth girl that Elliot is smitten with.
In Rap Battles, Yorii, like Mina, doesn't get overly bothered when Elliot makes mistakes, choosing to encourage him instead. When Elliot somehow succeeds and makes a good move, Yorii is quick to follow-up behind him.
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Spsp free ticket to brainrot ramble
Do it
Ramble bout the rot
random rambles and oc infodump under the cut~
1.thinking about king dedede and his super fucking fluffy robe and drawing him in fancier robes nfkalsdf i think im getting better at drawing him which im really happy about!!
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oh my gosh i really want to animate him sometime and just like my lord he is such a silly little guy and just a great character and idk ii just ijsutsuf asnjdkfnalskfj if i do as much as think about the magolor epilougue i get emotional cause HE IS A SOGGY CATBOY I CANT NDKFJNSDKFDS fdfasdj im thinking of animating him to a clip of regret message (the vocaloid song, part of the daughter of evil arc of the evilious chronicles~)
3.this one manga/webcomic idea
bassically its about this like, videogame/anime/cartoons/generalweebness/etc/shop/cafe/library
like you can get pastires or snacks and drinks and hang out there and play videogames or read manga and watch anime, and they also sell merchandise related to those
and the shop owner is this girl right here!
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her name is chari (pronouned like cherry)
she's very shy and she opened the shop to be somewhere people can hang out, make friends, and feel like they can be themselves, however Chari didn't trust herself to convey the welcoming positive energy that she wanted, nor handle talking to visitors, so she built a robot to help her: this robot is casette!
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cassettes purpose is to keep up the welcoming positive aura of the shop and assist visitors, this includes her gigantic database on information related to varius media as well as fandom culture, they can find anything at the shop in seconds, recomend visitors new games/anime/etc, and her database is updated frequently, she also has a visitor database, where she can store information on everyone's preferences and behaviors, their very much a learning ai, so essentially Cassette's experiences will build onto his personality as well as knowledge, Cassette's base personality was developed by picking traits that would be required for her job (passionate, friendly, optimistic etc) than having like, a pool of other traits that are common for the shops target audiences to have and randomizing some to be selected as part of his base personality
bassically the story is just slice of life focused on fandom culture, i guess like overcoming shyness/social anxiety?? like making friends and surronding yourself in a positive and healthy enviorment, with cassette learning more from their expieriances helping visitors and evvuentually kinda helping for chari to build up her confidence, (which was outside of cassettes initial purpose)
and the shop exists in this weird dimension so visitors come from many different worlds and planets,
i dont know what id call it yet but itd be in comic format with a manga inspired art style~
heres some characters that will be visitors of the shop
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and also more chari art
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anyway~ thanks to anybody that read all this :DDDDD ndfkasj feel free to share what your brainrotting over rn in the replies/notes/etc
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remington-tuff · 8 months
Taking off my mask
When I started my WordPress blog in 2020, I was quite introverted. It wasn’t easy for me to open up to people or groups I wasn’t used to. I created the blog as a place where I could freely share my thoughts, just like chatting with friends, without anyone interrupting. If someone found it weird or implausible, they could always leave their thoughts in the comments. I didn’t want people around…
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wellnessplus · 25 days
Level Up Your Dating Game: A Review of the Stealth Attraction Digital Membership Area
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I've always considered myself fairly confident, but when it came to dating, my confidence took a nosedive. I struggled to make meaningful connections and found myself stuck in a cycle of awkward first dates. Determined to improve my dating life, I embarked on a quest for resources and stumbled upon the Stealth Attraction Digital Membership Area. Let me tell you, it's been a game-changer.
Unveiling the Mysteries of Attraction
The Stealth Attraction Digital Membership Area offers a treasure trove of information on the psychology of attraction. From understanding body language to mastering the art of conversation, the program dives deep into the science behind what makes people tick. The modules are well-structured and easy to follow, packed with insightful videos, articles, and downloadable resources. I particularly enjoyed the video series on decoding body language – it opened my eyes to the subtle cues I was previously missing!
Practical Tools for Real-World Results
The Stealth Attraction Digital Membership Area isn't just theoretical. It provides a wealth of practical tools and techniques you can implement on your next date (or even that upcoming social gathering!). There are modules dedicated to crafting compelling online dating profiles, formulating conversation starters that spark genuine interest, and navigating the often-tricky world of texting etiquette. I found the role-playing exercises particularly helpful – they allowed me to practice my newfound skills in a safe space before putting them to the test in real life.
Building Confidence From the Inside Out
The Stealth Attraction Digital Membership Area goes beyond just teaching you dating tricks. A core focus of the program is building your confidence and self-belief. There are modules dedicated to overcoming shyness and developing a positive mindset. I found the guided meditations and self-affirmation exercises particularly valuable in helping me approach dating with a newfound sense of self-assuredness. This newfound confidence has permeated other areas of my life as well!
A Supportive Community
What truly sets the Stealth Attraction Digital Membership Area apart is the supportive online community. The members' forum is a vibrant space where you can connect with others on a similar journey, share experiences, and ask questions. The sense of camaraderie is fantastic, and I've received invaluable advice and encouragement from fellow members.
An Investment in Yourself
While there are many free resources available online, the Stealth Attraction Digital Membership Area offers a level of depth, structure, and support that's unmatched. It's an investment in yourself and your dating future, and I can confidently say it's been one of the best decisions I've ever made. If you're looking to take control of your dating life and attract the kind of partner you deserve, then the Stealth Attraction Digital Membership Area is definitely worth checking out. tunesharemore_vert
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Building Confidence in Social Settings
Discover practical tips for navigating social situations with confidence, strategies for overcoming social anxiety and shyness, and engaging icebreakers to spark conversations and forge meaningful connections.
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Tips for Navigating Social Situations with Confidence:
Practice Active Listening: Focus on being present and attentive during conversations. Listen actively to others' perspectives, ask questions, and show genuine interest in what they have to say. Active listening fosters deeper connections and demonstrates confidence in your communication skills.
Project Positive Body Language: Pay attention to your body language, as it plays a significant role in how others perceive you. Maintain open posture, make eye contact, and offer genuine smiles to convey warmth and approachability.
Prepare Ahead of Time: Before attending social events or networking functions, prepare a few conversation topics or questions to initiate discussions. Having a mental script can help ease anxiety and provide a framework for engaging with others confidently.
Set Realistic Expectations: Understand that not every interaction will be flawless, and that's okay. Accept the occasional awkward moment or lull in conversation as part of the social experience. Be kind to yourself and focus on learning and growing from each interaction.
Find Common Ground: Look for common interests or experiences to bond over with others. Shared hobbies, experiences, or mutual connections can serve as natural conversation starters and help establish rapport more easily.
Overcoming Social Anxiety and Shyness:
Challenge Negative Thoughts: Identify and challenge negative thoughts or beliefs that contribute to social anxiety or shyness. Replace self-critical thoughts with positive affirmations and reminders of your worth and capabilities.
Gradual Exposure: Gradually expose yourself to social situations that trigger anxiety, starting with smaller, low-pressure settings and gradually working your way up to more challenging environments. Each positive interaction builds confidence and resilience.
Practice Relaxation Techniques: Incorporate relaxation techniques, such as deep breathing, mindfulness, or visualization, to manage anxiety and promote a sense of calmness before and during social interactions.
Seek Support: Reach out to supportive friends, family members, or professionals for encouragement and guidance. Joining social groups or therapy sessions focused on social anxiety can provide valuable support and strategies for overcoming challenges.
Icebreakers and Conversation Starters for Networking:
Ask Open-Ended Questions: Encourage others to share more about themselves by asking open-ended questions, such as "What do you enjoy doing in your free time?" or "What inspired you to pursue your career?"
Share Personal Anecdotes: Break the ice by sharing a relatable or humorous personal anecdote. Vulnerability can help create a sense of connection and authenticity in social interactions.
Offer Genuine Compliments: Pay genuine compliments to others on their accomplishments, attire, or contributions to the conversation. Sincere praise fosters positivity and goodwill in social settings.
Use Current Events or Shared Experiences: Start conversations by referencing current events, trends, or shared experiences relevant to the social setting. This can provide a natural segue into deeper discussions and mutual interests.
Remember to be patient with yourself, challenge negative thoughts, and seek support when needed.
Be yourself 💗
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relationshipg2uide · 28 days
Silence No More: How to Overcome Shyness in Communication
Learn how to overcome shyness in communicating and establish solid relationships. Discover how to build confidence, improve communication skills, and overcome social anxiety.
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otaviogilbert · 1 month
Shy No More | Simple Steps to Build Confidence & Connect with Others | Motivate Me101
This video is your guide to overcoming shyness and stepping into a more confident you. Learn relaxation techniques to calm your nerves, replace negative thoughts with positive affirmations, and gradually expose yourself to social situations comfortably. Discover the power of active listening and engaging with others. Plus, find tips on joining activities you love to meet like-minded people and express yourself freely. Celebrate every victory, big or small, on your journey to confidence. Believe in yourself, embrace your uniqueness, and step boldly into the world!
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amazonbooksauthor · 1 month
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Empower Your Shy Child: Unleashing Confidence and Self-Esteem:
As parents, guardians, and educators, our greatest aspiration is to see our children flourish, brimming with confidence and self-assurance as they navigate through life's myriad challenges. However, for some children, shyness can act as a barrier, hindering their ability to express themselves and engage fully with the world around them. Fortunately, there are invaluable resources available to help nurture and cultivate confidence in shy children, and one such treasure is Meera Mandakini's latest book, "Empower Your Shy Child: Unleashing Confidence and Self-Esteem."
In today's fast-paced and interconnected world, where communication skills and self-assurance are paramount, "Empower Your Shy Child" emerges as a beacon of hope for parents, guardians, and teachers alike. With a wealth of practical techniques and insightful strategies, Mandakini's book serves as a comprehensive guide to not only understanding the root causes of shyness but also equipping caregivers with the tools necessary to foster resilience and confidence in their children.
So, what sets this book apart from the myriad of self-help guides available on the market? Mandakini's approach is refreshingly holistic, drawing upon a fusion of psychological insights, real-life anecdotes, and evidence-based practices to offer a tailored roadmap for each child's unique journey towards confidence and self-esteem. By delving into the underlying psychology of shyness and low confidence, Mandakini empowers readers to dismantle misconceptions and embrace a more nuanced understanding of their child's behavior.
Moreover, "Empower Your Shy Child" transcends the confines of traditional parenting guides by seamlessly integrating actionable exercises and activities designed to spark creativity, foster resilience, and bolster self-belief in shy children. From interactive journal prompts to confidence-building games, Mandakini ensures that her readers are equipped with a diverse arsenal of tools to support their child's emotional and social development.
Furthermore, Mandakini's empathetic and compassionate tone resonates deeply with readers, offering a sense of reassurance and solidarity in the often-challenging journey of parenting a shy child. Through her heartfelt narratives and practical advice, Mandakini instills hope and optimism, reminding caregivers that with patience, persistence, and unconditional love, every child has the potential to overcome their inhibitions and thrive in their own unique way.
In essence, "Empower Your Shy Child" is not just a book; it is a transformative journey towards unlocking the full potential of every shy child. Whether you're a new parent grappling with the complexities of raising a shy child or a seasoned educator seeking innovative strategies to support your students, Mandakini's book is an indispensable resource that promises to inspire, educate, and empower. So, dive into its pages, embark on a journey of self-discovery, and witness firsthand the profound impact of nurturing confidence and self-esteem in the shy children in your life.
Available now on Amazon, "Empower Your Shy Child" is poised to become a bestseller, igniting a revolution in how we perceive and support shy children. Join the movement today and embark on a transformative journey towards unlocking the boundless potential within every shy child.
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