#bts scenery
fuckyeahgoodomens · 3 months
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"Built in just 4 days without traditional materials, the set highlighted cardboard's aestethic appeal and potential to revolutionize film and television set design, emphasizin its cost-effectiveness, minimal environmental impact, and recyclability."
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Bts photos from the making of the 1941 Soho :)
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fighting-naturalist · 11 months
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Shanks Face Journeys™, courtesy of the man himself:
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meroutro · 1 year
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I still wonder wonder beautiful story,
happy 4 years to this beautiful song. 
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venusvity · 6 months
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IN WHICH … VENUS wins Artist of the Year.
TRIGGER WARNINGS … None! The girls cry, but that's about it! It's a happy moment for them 🤍
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"Artist of the Year goes to..." The pause the announcer takes, leaves the girls on the edge of their seats, all their eyes big and full of hope as they watch the stage. Jiah and Chloe hold hands tightly while Yoonah has her hands linked together tightly as if she's praying; Bliss mimics her stances but with a more stressed look in her eyes as Sena picks at the fabric of her dress anxiously.
"Venus! Arist of the year!" Claps fill the arena as the girls sit in shock as the news settles in. The girls look between each other in shock, Yoonah slowly arising to her feet, ushering her girls to follow. The other four rush to stand, bowing to their colleagues who clap for their achievement as Venus makes their way to the stage, waving to the cameras and crowd but still clearly in shock.
Once they get on stage, Yoonah bows and takes the heavy trophy with a deep bow. When she rises, she looks behind her at the girls with a dropped jaw, still in shock at the fact they won yet another award. One of the most important of the night. Jiah laughs at Yoonah's gawking, covering her mouth as the get in their usual formation.
Yoonah has to adjust the microphone so it's at level with her. She takes a deep breath, smiling brightly as she looks around before counting down from three quietly.
"Forever one! Hello, We're VENUS!" The girls say their introduction in unison, bowing in unison as well as the crowd continues to clap and cheer for them. Yoonah and Jiah watch the crowd with the usual admiration in their eyes, Yoonah lifting the trophy up and shaking it cutely.
"Woo! Wow!" Yoonah cheers into the microphone with a slightly shaky laugh. "We've won so many awards tonight. Every time I get up here, it's like my heart is beating in my throat and I forget all my words...I'm just so grateful that we were able to make our comeback together as five." Yoonah takes a pause, smiling even though her eyes begin to fill with tears. She looks away as Bliss rubs her back, tilting her head and looking off at the audience to avoid crying herself.
"I've always been proud of the progress we have made as VENUS, but to be awarded for it means a lot to me. I'm very proud of us and our team for coming back stronger than ever. I need to thank my mom, my dad, and our amazing producers and managers, and I also want to thank Flowerbank Entertainment for always supporting us and giving us the freedom to express ourselves in a warm and safe environment. Thank you so much." Yoonah delivers the rest of her speech with no tears shed and with a calm composure, bowing once again.
She moves out of the way for Chloe to step to the microphone next, dabbing her eyes as she does so before laughing when Bliss holds her shoulders. Chloe waves cutely to the crowd, met with a wave of cheers as she adjusts the microphone to be lowered so she can speak into it.
"Thank youuuu~ constellations!" Chloe cheers cutely into the microphone, putting one finger on her full cheek before standing up straight to get serious. "We're very honored to take home another Daesang, especially one so special! Artist of the Year! That's amazing! Especially since we were nominated against so many other amazing artists. It was a pretty rocky road for us this year, but...Um," Chloe feels herself getting choked up despite being one of the more composed members, covering her mouth as she tries to hold her tears back. She shuts her eyes as a quiet sob leaves her lips, causing the others to reach over and comfort her. Yoonah rubs her back as Jiah and Sena squeeze her arms with quiet words of encouragement.
Chloe lifts her head, dabbing her eyes with the back of her hand. "Um...I'm just happy we're still together. Thank you to everyone who kept us together, and thank you so much for this award." Chloe concludes with a nod, wiping her cheeks as Jiah steps to the microphone, adjusting it so it's tall enough again.
"I want to thank-ah!" Jiah interrupts herself, becoming overcome with emotions, slapping her hand over her mouth and whipping herself around to hide herself from the camera. The rest of the girls laugh, Chloe and Sena, rubbing her back as Yoonah wraps her arms around her in a tight hug, and Bliss pats her head with teary eyes. Sensing Jiah isn't going finish her speech, Bliss takes the award from Chloe and moves to the microphone, the most composed of the bunch.
"We are so very grateful for this honor. We want to thank our beautiful team, our families, and our amazing constellations because we wouldn't be here without you guys! We have so much in store for next year, and we can't wait for you all to see it! Thank you so much!" Bliss concludes their speech with a beaming smile and wave. The girls bow together one last time before they walk off stage, dabbing their eyes with accomplished smiles on their lips.
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arcanespillo · 8 months
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so cool . i want to do this as a job. SO COOL
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bidonica · 4 months
Notes from today's playthrough:
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"Roadside factory" oh do you mean HELL????
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kosmoseok-2 · 2 years
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scenery by taehyung
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circus-babe · 1 year
No survivors | 01
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Synopsis: A new hope to this cruel world.
Genre: Apocalypse au, smut
Warning: Mentions of death, killing, weapons, blood
Pairing: Yoongi x Reader
Word count: 3,5k
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Your anxiety was growing by the second, your hands shaking from fear. Who could ever blame you?
The world was getting destroyed, if it wasn’t already. Stores vandalized, broken glass shattered all around the roads, and even blood splattered around like a crime scene.
Except there wasn’t any.
It wasn’t always like that though. The world used to be a peaceful place, yeah maybe there would be some bad things on it but it can never compare to this.
What was supposed to be a small virus made innocent people turn into the creatures they are now. Those horrible and horrific creatures.
Called walkers or Zombies. No name is any better.
This is not what you ever imagined when you said a new world would come. You didn’t expect to see people being eaten alive by those undead things. The sight of them screaming, trying to fight for their life is so sad.
Yet you can’t do anything.
Everyone's for themselves now, this world has become so selfish. Anyone would kill to survive and it doesn’t mean it’s always to kill those undeads.
Some people take it up to themselves to hurt humans for food, water, or any other resources.
The government failed everyone, warning all people to wear masks and follow the safety precautions just for it all to go to shit. Without telling anyone what truly happened.
After five months of this happening you aren’t sure how you survived. In no way have you gotten used to the feeling of being outside though. The feeling of danger once you step outside your hiding spot. Looking around for any undead before taking any steps further.
The world became more fearful and it’s up to you to fight through it. To survive with what you got. And it’s not much. You’re brave in some parts, you managed to come outside a couple of times. Bring food for yourself and others but that bravery isn’t always there.
Sometimes fear washes over you and you freeze. The fear when you see a lot of them in an area and not knowing what to do. It’s scary but you have to suck it up. You are learning to.
Peeking through the corner, you see some undead looking in the other direction, something that made you relieved, but not too relieved.
Not trying to get any distractions, you quickly hid back on the wall. Feeling yourself getting nervous by the seconds.
This isn't the first time you've seen the undead nor will it be the last. Sometimes you do hope it's the last time you see them and that this is just an awful nightmare you will wake up from, unfortunately that hope is slowly fading away.
Mostly because it doesn’t seem to get any better no matter how much time passes by.
As your grip on the bat got tighter, you slowly focused yourself towards the sound of the undead.
The horrifying and disgusting sound each one of them made. It's unbelievable to think that those undead out there were once normal humans. Humans that were just living their regular lives not knowing all of this would happen. The thought of the pain they had to go through makes your heart shatter.
But now is not the time to cry, you need to be strong to survive. No weakness is allowed and that means not crying over bullshit that happened before.
There’s many rules that are being applied now, rules you created yourself. The world changed you and you have to accept the change before it’s too late. If you are weak you die, if you are too slow you die, if you are alone without actual knowledge you die.
No other solution.
"Okay y/n if you do this right you will live" you whispered to yourself while pulling the black bandana to cover your nose and mouth.
Every time you went outside, you always got your face covered with blood after hitting them to death. Not a pleasant thing to say but it was true. So this time you brought a bandana. The bandana your father used to wear on his wrist because it was his only thing he got left from his parents. Which now makes you realize how valuable the bandana truly is.
As you took your last deep breath, you started to make your way across the street without getting any attention from the undead.
Taking slow steps and not trying to make any noise, which was truly important to not do in this situation. You continued walking closely to the wall, eyes scanning the area, and your hand clutching to the bat.
Once you reached the end of the concrete wall, you started crouching towards a bush on the side of the road, making you pause when you heard an undead way too close to you. Heavy breathing, you crouched beside the bush, trying to stay as still as possible.
Without moving, your eyes slowly averted to the undead that was making its way closer to you. Bit by bit it moved its legs slowly on the dirt road. You wanted to move, however if you did the undead would see you right away and kill you. If you are too close it can smell you as well. So for now you have to pray that it goes towards a different direction.
The undead continued to come closer towards you, making you even more nervous. You hit many undead before, that’s nothing new. But there was always fear that surrounded you whenever you saw one.
It’s normal to be scared, mostly in this situation. But fear isn’t always good, and you should know that more than anyone.
The only solution you could think of at this moment was to hit it. That’s if the undead gets too close to you.
As you were getting ready to stand up and hit the undead, you were quick to be stopped when a gunshot was loudly heard. Confused, you looked over towards the destroyed store the sound of the gunshot came from. There were people here besides you?
It was a relief knowing there were other people trying to survive just like you, but there was also fear. Everyone is now for themselves, humans turned selfish. And if you are an obstacle you get crushed.
Instead of going towards you, the undead now started heading towards the sound, making you sigh in relief. Once you saw it far away from you, you started to crouch your way out and towards the empty home.
Not letting the bat go, you looked over towards both sides and once it was clear you crossed the road quickly. Smiling, you started running towards the house but stopped once you heard a scream, a scream that was so damn powerful.
Gulping you turn towards the sound which came from the same shop you heard the gunshot from. There is definitely someone there that needs help, but are you willing to risk your life for them?
There’s no time for being the hero, in some situations it is okay to be selfish. As harsh as that sounds it’s reality now.
Biting your lip you looked over, trying to see how many undead there were. And not surprised you are met with more than six of them. Shaking your head, you turned away from the shop not really wanting to risk your life for whoever was in there.
Once again another gunshot came from the place making you feel guilty. You know damn well that if it was someone else they wouldn't have helped you or even try to. But you are not like that, you can't be. After all, this was once a peaceful world. Might as well try to make it better at least for a little.
Sometimes you hate your weak heart.
With a sigh, you turned around and ran towards the shop not caring about anything other than saving whoever was in there.
Quickly you stopped though, trying to analyze the amount of undead inside and out, for the most part whoever was in there got half of them. Which concludes that they are out of bullets now.
There were too many for you to fight and if you tried to, you would die. So a plan is the right move. Nervously, you started to look around scanning anything that can help you but you only landed on a big rock.
If you use that big rock to smash the glass window from across the road the noise will attract the undead. Since they mostly go for sound and not much of actual hunting. Quickly, you made your way towards the rock, which you slowly picked up for its weight.
"This is it y/n. Either you do it or you die" you firmly said to yourself, not letting fear get to you.
The biggest mistake you can do in an apocalypse is let fear get to you, that is called suicide. To be able to survive you need to act without thinking which it's what you are about to do.
With all the force you had, you threw the rock across the road and into the big window who in just seconds shattered everywhere, making some glass cut your face. Without hesitating you ran away from it and into the back of the shop. Pushing the door open with your leg as you quickly headed inside, but stopped in mid track.
"Are you okay?" you asked, walking closer to the person who was holding his arm in pain, while blood was dripping onto the floor. All kinds of thoughts were crossing your mind. What if he got bitten? Were you too late?
"Hello?" you spoke up again, coming closer to the person who slowly turned towards you, his face showing you that he was visibly in pain. Scared you waited for whoever it was to speak.
"Thank you" the person spoke up, making you confused but you nodded either way. Slowly your eyes averted to his hand which was covered in blood. It didn't look like a bite, you seen way too many of them to know that what he has isn't one. He was stabbed in the hand.
"Your hand"
"Yeah.. i landed on the wrong side of the floor" he laughed lightly, while trying to cover the pain. Coming closer to him, you examined his hand to check for any other deeper wounds which thankfully you didn't find.
"Come with me" you said, not letting him say anything before you dragged him outside of the shop while still being careful of your surroundings. The person was more of a friendly person than you expected it to be.
In an apocalypse it is very rare to find someone with a friendly vibe. Not that you are asking for it with this whole thing happening. Everyone is rather harsh than kind. But it’s nice to find someone friendly enough.
Without saying a word the person followed you towards the house you were going to enter earlier. Closing the door and the extra locks on the side of the door, just for safety.
Silently, you made your way towards him.
"Alright dude, let's fix this wound" you said, making him sit on the couch as you went to look for the first aid kit you saved for emergencies, while putting your backpack with some food on the side.
You aren’t sure if you have enough food for two. With how rare it is to find something that isn’t expired or already empty, wasting it is dangerous. You have a couple of cans that will last you and him for approximately one week.
And then you have to go hunt again.
"Why did you do that?" he asked, watching you rummage through the cabinets until you found the aid kit. Ignoring his question, you walked closer towards him, kneeling down and signaling him to extend his hand towards you, which he slowly does.
"This will hurt" you told him as you poured some rubbing alcohol into a cloth and pressed it into his palm, which he immediately hissed at. His eyes stayed on his hand while yours were doing just the same.
The whole time there was this awkward silence, just like when you first meet someone. A silence you hate so much. It was the reason why you would hate to meet new people.
The process didn’t take too long, after disinfecting the cut, all you had to do was wrap it up.
While you were wrapping his palm with the bandage, you noticed the sadness in his eyes, and if it weren’t that noticeable you would’ve ignored it.
Instead it made you wonder what was going on in his head. Something probably happened back there that hurt him not just physically but mentally as well. It’s common in this new reality.
"Are you alright?" you finally decided to break the silence and ask him, trying to make a conversation with him. He slowly looked towards you and gave you a small nod.
"Yeah" he looked down at his hand again, without taking your eyes from him you gave his shoulder a touch. Something about him seemed familiar, maybe it was because you found those same eyes and look familiar.
"You lost someone, didn't you?" you asked, recognizing that same familiar face and look he was giving you.
You weren't always alone, you were once in two groups. And one of those groups just had to be your family. You were determined to help them, to keep them safe and protected, especially your younger sister which you loved so much.
Unfortunately that's not what happened since at some point the undead caught up to you and your family. Biting them in the process. You never intended on leaving them, you were actually planning on dying with them, but they wanted you safe. They wanted for you to continue living which probably was the worst decision you have ever taken. It's been almost two months since that incident happened but you'll never forget it.
"Yeah.." he quietly answered, making all those memories of your family come back to you once again. "You know my mother once did the same thing you are doing right now. She helped me with my wound just the exact same way you are doing it." he softly laughed, keeping his eyes on his arms which now you realized the meaning behind it.
"Thank you" he said, finally meeting your eyes which had a little more happiness in them. Giving him a small smile you caressed your thumb on his free hand.
Something about him was just so calming. It felt as if you knew him for years as if he was your best friend. Being with him felt so comforting yet so heart warming which you haven't felt ever since your family died.
"Don't thank me, I'm sure anyone would've done it" and by the look he made you knew he figured out your lie. There's no way anyone would've helped him, not with these circumstances. Everyone's for themselves right now, which you find so selfish but you understand where they are coming from.
Surviving is what they are aiming for and people will slow them down. You learned a lot about being a burden with a small group.
After your family, you didn’t have much. Your survival skills were lacking and when you found another group they took you in. Teaching you ways to kill the undead with just smashing their brain with a knife, or smashing their head with a bat.
You thanked them for that, and only that. You then figured out they were going to betray you. To which didn’t happen because you ran away from that place and ever since then, you have been surviving on your own.
You aren’t sure if they are still alive, but you don’t really care now.
“Are you alone?” you stood up, walking back to the table as you started taking out the cans from your backpack, side-eyeing him from time to time
“No, I was with my friends.” he silently said, and if it wasn’t so quiet in the house you were staying at you swore you wouldn't have heard it. “But we separated when the undead started surrounding us.”
It would mean they all took it for themselves, running towards different directions trying to save themselves. That’s smart, the only thing is finding them is difficult.
“So you don’t know if they are alive?” you said, the sentence coming out more bitter than you intended it to be. It was true but the way you said it sounded harsh.
“No, but I hope they are” he silently said, making you sigh once you took out the last can and a couple of water bottles you found.
“What’s your name?” you asked, walking closer to him with a small water bottle, handing it to him as he slowly took it. “Jungkook and thank you” he said, to which you just nodded. “And you?”
“Y/n” you said, as he started drinking from the water bottle, sighing with relief once he gulped it all down. You could tell he was thirsty. It made you conclude he was out there for a while.
“Are you alone?” he asked, putting the empty bottle on the coffee table. “Yeah” you answered quickly, making it short. He should’ve known that when he didn’t see anyone else in the house.
“For how long?” he then decided to ask, making you shrug. It’s been some time, maybe over two months since you truly didn’t stay much with the other group. It’s been just you after that.
“About two months i would say” you said, making him nod as he took out his backpack. “I have some stuff here, some canned food and some chocolate. Here, take it.” he laughed at the last part, taking out a chocolate bar from his backpack as he handed it to you.
With a small smile you took it. God you haven’t seen chocolate ever since this started. You missed it so much. Opening the chocolate bar, you split it in half, giving the other one to him.
“Until you find your group, you can stay here, i don’t mind” you said, standing up as you motioned for him to do so. To which he quickly did, silently following you towards a room.
The house was small, it was one of those cozy homes that didn’t have much space. But it did you the favor of keeping you hidden. You know that at some point you have to move locations since the food storage is running out.
So you will enjoy it for the time being.
“There’s two rooms here, you can sleep in this one” you said, opening the door as it revealed a small room. A bed and two nights stands besides it.
Nothing special but it helped.
Closing the door, you walked towards the other door. “And this is the bathroom, with how they will soon cut the water, the water is limited but you can shower” you said, opening the door as you pointed inside.
You got used to this home. It wasn’t yours, you used to have a small apartment in one of those buildings, but with everything happening you had to leave and find your family, to which luckly they came to visit you for the summer.
It wasn’t much luck though.
“So that’s all, are you hungry?” you asked, standing in front of him as you now got to realize his height. You didn’t notice just how tall he is.
“Yeah” he shyly said, making you chuckle.
With that you both walked into the kitchen, opening two cans of corn and eating that for the day. You both had some conversations here and there but there was still some awkward tension which was normal.
As night time started approaching he went on to shower and once he was done you went and showered as well. It was a well needed shower. The last thing was sleep, you could tell he was tired and with undead out there you decided to keep guard for the night.
He wanted to guard though, talking about how it wasn’t fair to you but you insisted until he finally agreed and headed to bed.
You aren’t sure if keeping him here was a good idea. Starting with the fact that it’s an extra person. Another human being you had to look out for. You aren’t sure of his skills or how great he is at defending himself.
You aren’t great yourself but you’re getting the hang of killing them more easily. And it’s not just about safety but food and supplies as well. The place you were staying in was a bit far from those shops. Around a twenty minute walk back and forth.
It was going to sting now that you had him but it was nice having some company. You got used to being by yourself but it still felt lonely from time to time.
He seemed friendly, a bit too friendly. But you assume he wants to have a positive attitude in this situation.
As the sky turned dark, you stood by the window checking around if any of them would come around. Switching from the living room towards the kitchen, the backdoor and back to the living room.
It was your duty now and you somehow felt responsible for him as well.
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laf-outloud · 1 year
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That truly is a stunning sunset! It must have been amazing as an EP to see the wonderful work being done on WIndy!
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atxn8 · 10 months
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Yes!we will have Scenery, Winter Bear and SnowFlower Official release
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flutterbysnowflakes · 5 months
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He’s such a babe TM
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A snacc
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fighting-naturalist · 11 months
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just in case you wanted to see him get body-slammed by peter deluise, michael shanks delivers
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Intro to Tumblr
✦ 𝙉𝙖𝙢𝙚:Zaza, Z, Grimlin
✦ 𝘼𝙜𝙚:17
✦ 𝘽𝙞𝙧𝙩𝙝𝙙𝙖𝙮:July 11
✦ 𝙕𝙤𝙙𝙞𝙖𝙘: cancer
✦ 𝘾𝙤𝙡𝙤𝙧: purples or cool colors
✦ 𝙈𝙤𝙫𝙞𝙚: monster high (boo York and 13 wishes)
✦ 𝙎𝙝𝙤𝙬:Fairy tail
✦ 𝙁𝙤𝙤𝙙:Shepards pie
✦ 𝙃𝙤𝙗𝙗𝙮:Being a grimlin
✦ 𝙎𝙚𝙖𝙨𝙤𝙣:fall
✦ 𝘼𝙣𝙮 𝙚𝙭𝙩𝙧𝙖 𝙛𝙖𝙘𝙩𝙨 𝙮𝙤𝙪'𝙙 𝙡𝙞𝙠𝙚 𝙩𝙤 𝙞𝙣𝙘𝙡𝙪𝙙𝙚: It takes 3-5 businesses days for a response
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andromed-ae · 2 years
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43 notes · View notes
voxyldy · 10 months
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Scenery, Winter Bear and Snow Flower will be officially released on streaming platforms on Monday, Aug 28 at 1PM KST
Source: WeVerse
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