#branding bridge
brandingbridge123 · 15 days
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" A brand without discipline is a brand in chaos. "
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notyourwatermelon · 8 months
I know people have pointed this out before, but my favorite part about Spy x Family is the introduction of Twilight, masterful spy, best man on the force, intelligent, resourceful, never fails a mission, and then we get to enter the mind of this incredible man and half his thought process is just "whats that the plan is going slightly to the left of what I expected? time to Panic" and I think that's beautiful Twilight said "I'll solve this problem and it'll be fine I just have to have anxiety about it first"
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waffliesinyoface · 3 months
see, the thing about Hidan is he is presented as kind of a one note character. Funny murder man who yells a lot and screams about his death cult. Fantastic. Love that for him.
but the other thing about Hidan is that the akatsuki is almost* entirely composed of people who were fucked over by the system in some way, so if he was JUST a funny murder man, he would be an outlier. (*zetsu does NOT count)
and the other other thing about Hidan is that Jashinism is explicitly about shared suffering. Hidan feels all of it. Hidan revels in all of it. Hidan believes that the bond of suffering is where humans truly understand one another on a fundamental level. He's not just killing and sacrificing people, he's sacrificing himself. He just gets back up.
And given that Pein & Konan's goals as the akatsuki are to crush the world with war the same way that Ame was crushed by war, and Yugakure went from a shinobi village to a hot springs town, implying they lost so much manpower that they literally couldn't function with a ninja-based economy anymore... hey, Hidan? What suffering have you experienced, that you want to share with others?
I want to understand you, Hidan.
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brasiliangp · 16 days
I’m now in this ‘fuck it just post it’ mentality when it comes to f1 content on tiktok and this video of me criticizing max is semi blowing up what if this becomes my brand
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misterlemonzmen · 1 month
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04-29-24 | Andrew Christian filmed many ad shoots on the gay beach west of the Golden Gate Bridge back in the day. MisterLemonzMen.tumblr.com/archive
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cptnjeanlucpicard · 6 days
*Some Qs in the Continuum are bored and decide to both mess with Picard a bit and 'help Q along'. So they send him a dream about what it would be like if he were together with Q* (This is my indirect way to ask the admin what he thinks a relationship between Q and Picard would look like)
*Picard's dream is rather similar to his current life, although Q is omnipresent throughout it. It's...almost peaceful, having the safety net of Q there--although on some level he knows Q would never interfere unless directly asked.*
*Q can't always be physically there when he's doing work for the continuum, but things are still suspiciously nice without Q's physical presence. Whenever Picard is bored, he finds a good book, and whenever he's thirsty, a cup of earl grey mysteriously materialises on his desk.*
*And when Q is there, instead of being a stressful sign of another portion of the trial, it's...almost quiet. He's teaching Q to slow down and try to appreciate the world on a mortal level. He's not sure it's working, but he likes to hope.*
*When Picard wakes up, he first feels almost content, then disturbed. He's not in love with Q, even if that dream was weirdly lovely, he tells himself. He goes about the rest of his day like normal, with the dream still haunting him in the back of his mind.*
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f1cha0s · 1 year
FERNANDO || Everything you lose is a step you take.
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em-allay · 1 year
So you’re telling me the Bad Boys Bread Bridge was all a ploy just so Joel could get a boogie kill? And because no one tried putting a stop to the bridge the bad boys just kept making the bridge bigger and bigger?
Now that’s commitment
Edit/update: as it turns out Joel had the idea to extent the bridge before he became the boogie man and decided to roll with it and use it for his boogie kill. And he succeeded. What a legend!
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myawesomemovielist · 10 months
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my awesome movie list of 2015:
the danish girl  (dir. tom hooper)
youth  (dir. paolo sorrentino)
brooklyn  (dir. john crowley)
carol  (dir. todd haynes)
bessie (dir. ron schmidt)
macbeth  (dir. justin kurzel)
sicario  (dir. denis villeneuve)
mad max: fury road (dir. george miller)
southpaw  (dir. antoine fuqua)
bridge of spies  (dir. steven spielberg)
beasts of no nation  (dir. cary joji fukunaga)
steve jobs  (dir. danny boyle)
black mass  (dir. scott cooper)
the lobster (dir. yorgos lanthimos)
room  (dir. lenny abrahamson)
the big short  (dir. adam mckay)
miles ahead  (dir. don cheadle)
demolition (dir. jean marc vallee)
the revenant  (dir. alejandro iñarritu)
our brand is crisis  (dir. david gordon green)
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concreteshots · 7 months
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brandingbridge123 · 15 days
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" Products are made ; brands are created. "
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ridocgamlynenthusiast · 11 months
Wwhait wait
New villainduo enjoyer blog?? As in madduo? Mutually assured destruction duo? Dreambur duo? Yes? I'm sorry I'm not sure if my eyes are deceiving me
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Alter Bridge - Brandão new start
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foxilayde · 9 months
My laptop crashed the other day while I was writing smut and now I’ve gotta go to the Apple Store today to see if they can get my laptop to turn on. Now, my one question is this— what is the likelihood they get my laptop up and running and the pages application is still running and they read the Jake Lockley filth?
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malusienki · 9 months
you know i do miss living in illinois because on literally every corner you could find a polish deli/polish store. like what. my grandma has a straight up list of places she goes .
so anyway that’s why i hate it here (<- does not have access to a steady supply of polish ketchup) (it’s not all too bad here i just. grr)
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