#bram: hi child
etrevil · 9 months
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Akutagawa: sir, we found your daughter at aisle seven, near the biscuits. Please don't lose her again or we'll get sued.
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faemothra · 2 years
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poor lucy
image description: lucy westenra, now a vampire, is staring directly at the viewer. a light source off screen is illuminating her, reflecting off her widened eyes like an animal caught in headlights. her expression is unreadable, a mix between shocking the viewer or being shocked herself. her mouth is agape, fangs bared, and with blood smeared across her lips and running down her neck, spilling onto the front of her nightgown. her hair, appearing dark auburn in shadow while a pale blonde in the light is wildly flying around her in every direction
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Okay but forreal, now more than ever I desperately NEED Aya to eventually wreck Fyodor's shit somehow. I already wanted her to get her revenge before, but I didn't think Fyodor would even remember or know who she was, and would massively underestimate her for that reason (just like Jouno knew that Fukuchi would underestimate her). But now the story has instead created this twisted, fucked-up dynamic between them, where Fyodor not only knows her, but is protective of her for reasons that are not his own: he has taken the pure, noble, kind, fatherly love motivating Bram to protect Aya and warped it into something horrific, vowing to protect her body only while not caring how much her heart and mind has been scarred, and claiming to be doing it for her own salvation, when he cannot possibly understand the selfless feelings Bram had that made him want to protect her and care for her — feelings that he does not have. He may genuinely have some sort of affection for children (the way he treated Karma, "blessings for the children", this), but it is twisted and hollow and is quite possibly only him unconsciously acting out the motions due to behavior instilled in him from the feelings of all the people he's subsumed in the past.
All this is to say that, now the narrative has specifically pitted Aya and Fyodor together as direct enemies: she not only had reason already to hate him because he killed Bram, but because he's also taken Bram's love for her and defiled it, dishonored it and him and all that he was; meanwhile, Fyodor has given himself an arch nemesis that he no doubt takes great pleasure in seeing how much she hates him/how much despair he's brought her, but paradoxically at the same time feels a compulsion to "protect" her that draws himself to her and that he can't ignore. Aya has to defeat him somehow (not permanently, mind you; Dazai will undoubtedly be his final end), and the setup for Bram being able to fight back enough to stop Fyodor from the inside with her help is all right there, too. Their love for each other is still enduring, stronger than ever, Fyodor is proof of that right now, and they will be able to defeat him together, at least enough that Bram can be freed and come back to Aya. Dazai told Fyodor that he would lose because he doesn't understand and underestimates the power of friendship bonds and love, and there is no better a time for that to happen than here, when he is literally using someone's strong love for and connection with someone (acting as that person and claiming to know how they feel and to be the same as them) in a way that he cannot understand, which will be his undoing.
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radioactivepeasant · 1 year
Fic Prompts: Zelda Tuesday
At the very edge of the Gerudo desert, right at the foot of the mountains, a watchtower balanced between two climates. Sometimes blisteringly hot, other times bitingly cold; it was a post no Hylian in their right mind would volunteer for. Of course, soldiers had whispered that retired marshal Bram was a little bit mad as it was, which was why no one was particularly surprised when he chose the watchtower for his home.
Bram didn't take his duties all that seriously-
At least, not the duties expected of him by the crown.
He didn't spy on roving Gerudo bands from his tower, or collect tolls from the Rito to remind them that they were subject to the King of Hyrule. Instead, he spent hot days napping in the sun, and cool nights attending the only duty he found worth pursuing: teaching his daughter to protect herself.
Linkel was a stout-hearted lass, full of courage and mischief alike. But courage without strength and wisdom could only get a child so far before they ran into trouble of one kind or another. Bram didn't insist that Linkel practice swordsmanship, as the knights of Hyrule had nagged him to do when the mark of the Triforce appeared on her left hand. There were plenty of things a body could use to defend themselves in a pinch: hammers, axes, crossbows, even cutlery! He saw no reason to enforce old traditions under the guise of "destiny" A blinky triangle on a ten year old's hand was no reason for everyone to lose their heads!
Linkel delighted in trailing along behind her father at night, terrorizing the local chu's and driving moldorms away from the slopes where a travelers' stable sat. Frightened horses caused Situations, and Situations were -- as her father often complained -- a Hassle. During the day, she attended lessons at the stable with several Gerudo and merchants' children around her age, or scampered up and down the foothills like a rabbit with little oversight.
Or at least, she did, until a Sheikah mistakenly accused her father of spying for the kingdom of Holodrum, and everything just got needlessly complicated.
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rosalinesurvived · 2 months
AU where Karma’s a secret DOA member because he deserved more and i need to see him with Sigma and Nikolai 😭😭😭
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your-friend-bram · 1 year
June 24
…What to say? What can I say?
I am so sorry, Jonathan. I know it’s hard, and the things happening to you are horrible, but I also know how capable and strong of a person you are.
Your friend,
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blue-howlite · 1 year
I need to ramble on Bungou Stray Dogs.
I'll start by the shorter ramble, the one about Bram Stoker.
Spoilers ahead, both about Bungou Stray Dogs and Dracula (the book).
So, in the manga Bram told Aya that if the sword impaling him was to be removed from him a great darkness would be released, something like that, just scary stuff you know.
And on the spot one would think "Awww old vampire man trying to be intimidating, so adorable".
But what if he is not just trying to be intimidating?
In the book "Dracula", in the end (spoiler), when the count is killed, the narrator says that the count seems to have found peace, implying that by dying Dracula was freed by the 'curse' that made him such an immoral creature. This same passage is actually repeated many times in the story for other characters as well, the first time when the "thing that took Lucy's place" is killed, leaving Lucy's body and letting her soul free, then when the three sisters (the ones that were in the castle and that Johnathan saw) are killed.
It's like the vampire condition isn't just transforming the person, but it's actually replacing them with something else. Really cool, the closeted gays of the time were really something else (yeah I'm looking at you Stoker, we all know you had it for Irving).
Anyways, what if this was applied to BSD Bram Stoker? What if the sword in his brain is the only thing allowing him to be a rational being, and once removed the "vampire" would take control of him? This would probably explain his unwillingness to turn other people when he was first introduced, since he is the one in control, not vampire-Bram.
These are just my ramblings, earlier I was imagining an OC with a background related to Bram (and the story of Dracula) and then I landed on this detail.
I wouldn't be surprised if after defeating Fukichi and solving things with the other Hunting Dogs we had a boss fight ADA vs vampire-Bram. The author is making us see him a lot, and when authors do that for secondary characters (especially initially negative characters) it usually means they're about to kill them or make them turn against the protagonists.
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erizee · 7 months
they really brought up fucking cesare lombroso in dracula noooo
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dathen · 11 months
We’re so used to the sexual reading of the entire book of Dracula, which takes the sensuality of the early chapters and jams everything that follows it into the same metaphor no matter how poorly it fits, but I feel the segment we’re approaching works much better with a lens of chronic illness and disease.
Vampire legends are inextricably intertwined with disease. Many of them are said to have been birthed by burying victims of disease too soon, who later seem to rise from the dead. But what’s more is that Stoker and his family have deep-seated trauma over disease: his mother had to flee her hometown at the age of 14 because of a horrific cholera epidemic, and Stoker himself was bedridden as a child from an illness that no one could identify.
Found this quote from Irish Historian Mary McGarry:
Bram as an adult asked his mother to write down her memories of the epidemic for him, and he supplemented this using his own historic research of Sligo’s epidemic. Scratching beneath the surface (of this essay), I found parallels with Dracula. [For instance,] Charlotte says cholera enters port towns having traveled by ship, and can travel overland as a mist—just like Dracula, who infects people with his unknown contagion.
I bring this up because a lot of academic analysis insists that Lucy sleepwalking is proof of her being the Slutty Woman archetype that needs to be punished. This suggested symbolism is hilarious when put next to the text saying she inherited it from her father, but I’d like to suggest a different angle from the lens of disease suggested earlier:
Lucy’s sleepwalking is a condition that predates Dracula but makes her an easy target for him to prey on. Through the lens of disease symbolism, she now is someone with chronic illness or disability who is especially vulnerable to infectious disease. This becomes a cross-section of Stoker’s trauma regarding disease: his own mystery illness and his mother fleeing a plague.
To wind down my rambles with a bit of a soapbox, I feel this adds a very poignant layer to the struggle to keep Lucy alive. The COVID pandemic showed a horrifying level of casual ableism vs disabled and immunodeficient individuals, shrugging off their vulnerability and even their deaths with “well COVID only kills them.” There’s something deeply gratifying at seeing the way everyone around Lucy fights to the bitter end to protect her and refuses to just give her up to Dracula, whether it’s Mina physically chasing him away or the suitor squad pouring their blood into her veins or Van Helsing desperately searching for cures. The vulnerable deserve no less than this. They’re not acceptable casualties.
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weridointhecorner · 5 months
Palestinians are starving. Its a deliberate tatic by the IDF to kill them as a part of their zelous genocidal crusade. It's a huge humanitarian crisis at unprecedented levels. They are resorting to eating animal feed and skinning cats. Drinking seawater. Suriving on one, what could generously be called a "meal" per day.
I worry that this may become a new norm or a stereotype. Like, think of those poor starving kids in Africa will become think of those poor starving kids in Gaza. It'll become a way to gulit you into eating more instead of calling out politicians and sending aid. Do you know what I mean?
like, the great Chinese famine (1959-1961) produced a stereotype that China eats dogs, it was used as a basis for undue prejudice. It was taken as a sign of their barbarism and inhumanity rather than a sign of their great desperation. Do you know what I mean?
like, Ireland still hasn't recovered from the Irish Famine (1845-1849) in terms of population and its affects are still in place. Ireland still has reasonably strong ties to the native Americans who sent them aid then, Irish Americans are tracing their ancestral roots and Bram Stoker's Dracula only exists in part because his mother's bedtime stories about the famine gave him vivd nightmares as a child. I sort of wonder how this Palestine will affect our culture, and it will affect our future because of how much its affecting us now with the footage, and the protests and everything. Do you know what I mean?
I don't know what I mean
🇵🇸 🇵🇸 🇵🇸 🇵🇸 🇵🇸
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alwaysmicado · 7 months
keep you warm
1.3k | Joel Miller x f!reader | one-shot
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post-outbreak, established relationship, pregnancy Summary: You reveal to Joel that you are carrying his child. He vows to keep you both safe and warm, always. A/N: This fic is a bit different from the things I've posted so far and it was so much fun to write. I put my heart (and tears) in it and I hope it will bring you as much comfort as it did me. 🤍 masterlist
There are darknesses in life and there are lights, and you are one of the lights, the light of all lights. - Bram Stoker, Dracula
The car engine growls softly as it cruises down the winding road, surrounded by a kaleidoscope of autumnal hues.
Joel has his hands placed firmly on the wheel as he glances over at your sleeping form, your silhouette painted in the warm glow of the sunset. The air inside the car is filled with a comfortable silence, the weight of your continued journey hanging in the atmosphere.
As you navigate through the autumn landscape, daylight begins to fade, casting long shadows that sway with the curves of the road. Joel steals a glance in the rearview mirror, squinting against the diminishing light. The forest on either side of the road stands like a wall of rust and amber, a silent observer to your passage.
You stir in your sleep, a soft moan escaping your lips. Joel reaches, caressing your cheek gently, tracing a promise with tenderness he thought long gone. 
Until he met you.
A few miles ahead, Joel spots a fitting spot by the edge of the forest. He eases the car to a stop, gravel crunching beneath the tires. The engine hums into silence, leaving only the rustling of leaves and the fading whispers of the day.
“We’re here, darlin’.” 
Your eyes flutter open to Joel’s soft touch, his hand brushing away the remnants of sleep. You both step out, the cool evening air enveloping you like a gentle embrace.
Setting up camp unfolds as a familiar routine. Joel sparks a small fire, the flames dancing in the encroaching darkness. The scent of burning wood mixes with the crisp fall air, creating an ambiance that is both comforting and hauntingly beautiful. You arrange your sleeping bags near the fire, a makeshift sanctuary in the wilderness.
As you sit by the fire, the warmth casting a soft glow on your faces, Joel pulls out two cans of beans and some beef sticks. You eat in companionable silence, the crackling of the fire punctuating the stillness.
Yet, Joel can’t help but notice the subtle changes in you—grimaces and absent-minded belly rubs.
He sets his half-eaten bowl down, a subtle tension settling into the contours of his expression as he watches you closely. “You ain’t lookin’ too good, honey,” he notes, his voice laced with concern, slicing through the ambient crackling that reverberates in the air. “Somethin’ not sittin’ right?”
Gazing at Joel across the fire-lit expanse, his weathered face bathed in the flickering glow of the dancing flames, your heart swells with love—and dread.
You clutch your belly as you double over, a sudden, strong wave of nausea overcoming you. Startled, Joel’s eyes widen, but he reacts instinctively, abandoning all else to rush to your side.
With a tender urgency, he crouches beside you as you vomit, his hands moving intuitively to cradle your back. His voice, usually rugged and steady, softens into a soothing cadence. “Easy now, darlin’,” he murmurs, rubbing comforting circles on your back. “I’m right here.”
Your body tenses with each convulsion, tears mingling with the involuntary heaves, but Joel’s steady hands and reassuring words calm you.
As the waves of nausea subside, he eases you back, offering a makeshift cloth to wipe your mouth. His gaze holds a blend of worry and tenderness, the firelight flickering in the depths of his eyes.
“Thanks,” you manage, your voice still shaky.
“That’s alright, darlin’,” he replies, a crooked half-smile playing on his lips. “We look out for each other, remember?”
Nestling closer to the warmth of the fire, Joel wraps a comforting arm around you. The quiet forest listens, an unspoken witness to the vulnerability shared beneath the starlit sky.
“You gonna tell me what’s been goin’ on?” Joel asks, his voice a gentle yet firm prompt.
You swallow hard and nod weakly, lifting your head up from his shoulder to meet his gaze. His brow is furrowed as he searches your watery eyes for answers. “What happened, darlin’?” he asks, wiping away the lone tear that is tracing a delicate path down your cheek.
The unspoken secret sits heavy within you, a silent burden that has been shaping every whispered conversation and stolen glance over the past few weeks. Each passing day deepens the weight, a constant companion in your shared journey.
The fear of Joel’s reaction, the uncertainty of the world you are living in, and the vulnerability of bringing innocence into chaos weave a complex tapestry of emotions, a heavy cloak draped over the anticipation of a new life.
You have never been more terrified. 
“Joel, I–” your voice is shaky and you need to gather all your strength to not break down into a million pieces. “I think I might be pregnant.”
The revelation hangs in the air, momentarily freezing time. Joel’s eyes widen, a mosaic of emotions crossing his face—shock, concern, disbelief, and then a surprising warmth.
He reaches for your hand, squeezing it gently. “Pregnant?” he repeats, his voice softer now, tears glistening in his eyes.
“Mhm,” you sniffle, your vulnerability echoing in the quiet night. “I swear I wanted to tell you before, I just–” you hiccup and wipe away your tears with the sleeve of your jacket. “I’m so fucking scared, Joel.” You look into his warm eyes for reassurance, your lip quivering, your whole body trembling with anxiety.  
Joel’s expression softens further, a tender smile tugging at the corners of his lips as he puts his hands on your arms, his eyes boring into you. “It’s gonna be alright, darlin’.” He pulls you into a gentle embrace, the firelight casting a comforting glow around you.
“We’ll figure it out together.”
As Joel’s reassuring words wash over you, a tangible weight lifts from your shoulders, carried away by the currents of relief. You allow yourself to breathe out a heavy sigh and let your tears run freely as you cling to the man who has saved you in more ways than he will ever know.
In this moment, beneath the vast canvas of the starlit sky, you find solace in each other—a fragile yet resilient hope kindling in the midst of your endless journey. 
Later, as you settle into your sleeping bags, Joel’s arm draped protectively over you, you feel a surge of gratitude. The warmth of Joel’s body pressed against yours creates a safe haven, momentarily replacing your fears with the undeniable comfort you both find in each other’s arms. 
“Sarah always wanted a little brother or sister,” Joel breaks the silence with a murmur, his warm breath ghosting your neck. “I wish she could be here to experience it.”
“I’m sure she’s going to look after her little sibling,” you whisper with a soft smile on your lips, tears silently pooling in the fabric of your sleeping bag. “Just like she’s been looking after you all this time.”
“I’ll do everything to keep you and our child safe and warm, my love. I promise.”
In the quiet cradle of the night, you drift into sleep, the rustling leaves and the forest’s whispers weaving a lullaby for your dreams.
Joel tenderly places his hand on your small bump, whispering promises to the precious life growing within, his words a secret shared with the quietude of the night. 
He lifts his head to look at your face, a soft smile gracing his lips as he cherishes the serenity painted across your features.
“You are the light of my life.”
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oikasugayama · 5 months
Hi can I request a chart on bsd boys with a super shy s/o ☺️
of courseeeee <3 i was horribly shy as a child and still am to some extent, so some of these assumptions are based on my own experience!
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Though he likes your shyness, he sometimes finds it annoying
Akutagawa (likes that you keep to yourself in public so enemies tend to overlook you, but he doesn't like having conversations on your behalf because you're too shy to make a phone call), Fyodor (likes that you're quiet and keep to yourself when other people are around, but doesn't like when you get shy toward him), Jouno (likes that you don't approach people or start conversations, but hates when he has to guess what you want because you won't just say it).
He likes that you're shy and finds it very cute when you need him to help you with social things.
Nikolai (you cling to him in public; sometimes he likes to disappear and watch from afar as you panic and search for him because the look of joy and relief when you finally spot him goes straight to his heart), Ango (feels like you're safe from harm because you keep to yourself and let him run a lot of errands for you; he loves feeling needed by you), Sigma (is surrounded by bold people, so you're a breath of fresh air being fairly quiet and calm; he'd do anything for you at the drop of a hat and doesn't even realize you need the help because you're shy), Junichiro (is also fairly timid, so he likes having a quiet, introverted relationship with you; you spend a lot of time at home playing games and cuddling; he can overrule his own anxiety to do things for you), Bram (is endeared that you're quiet and shy when others are around; he hates when people consider you his trophy wife or ask if he has you under a spell; he'll get in fights with people over this), Poe is the only person you've ever met who's as shy as you are; he hides in public, he trembles when he has to ask for something; only you and Ranpo know how fun and silly he actually is, and only they know the same about you), Mori (adores your timidness and enjoys controlling you as much as you'll let him; it's not necessarily toxic but it can certainly get there...), Oda (considers you as beautiful as the cherry blossoms in the spring after a dark, cold winter; he'd do anything for you, no questions asked), Chuuya (enjoys protecting you, helping you, cheering you up; he does wish you could have a bit more confidence because he wants everyone to know how radiant you are, but he's content keeping your shine to himself).
He generally finds it cute when you get shy, but wants to help you be more confident.
Fukuzawa (understands that it can be scary to talk to people, so he never pushes you and while he happily does things for you, he also gradually coaches you into being more confident), Dazai (selfishly loves that you cling to him in public and need him to do things like order at restaurants on your behalf; he just wishes you knew how much power you have and thinks it'd be hot if you acted really confidently sometimes), Tachihara (feels so important when he gets to help you, but sometimes he wishes he had a bold, dynamic partner who would go out with him and do all the crazy things he wants to do without shying away), Atsushi (finds you very cute and is happy to do things that you're too shy to do, but he recognizes his own lack of confidence in you and wants you to blossom the way he did), Tetcho (thinks that you're sweet if not a bit naive and wants to make you happy; he also thinks you'd be happier if you didn't need to rely on him so much).
He gets annoyed when you're "overly shy" and wants you to be more confident.
Ranpo (doesn't understand why you can't just say what you want to say and do what you want to do; has no concept of anxiety and is not helpful), Kunikida (gets frustrated when your shyness messes up his scheduled plans; he wants you to be more confident for your benefit but also his), Fukuchi (tells you he doesn't want a partner he has to take care of, and tells you to get used to doing things on your own), Mushitaro (is very independent and wants a partner who is equally so; he gets annoyed when you need help or cling to him in public and constantly tries to make you more independent). (Bonus discussion on the longevity of these four relationships.)
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verysanebsdfan · 19 days
My favs x bday!reader
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Saiki Kusuo (the disastrous life of saiki k), Muichiro Tokito (demon slayer), Killua Zoldyck (hunter x hunter), Neuvillette(genshin impact), Dazai Osamu (bungo stray dogs), our!Ciel Phantomhive (black butler) (seperately) x bday!reader
Synopsis: them with s/o who has birthday, how they celebrate, what do they do etc.
Notes: IT'S MY BDAY GUYSSS!!! I honestly wanna go back to being a little child, but oh well, i still have a few years. probably contains grammatical errors but oh well. not proofread. Am I happy with it? no. Am I gonna publish this? absolutely. i also wanted to include Bram Stoker from bsd but my brain was blank and i had no ideasss :((
cw: none i think?
☆*: .。. o .。.:*☆*: .。. o .。.:*☆*: .。. o .。.:*☆*: .。. o .。.:*☆*: .。. o .。.:*☆
Saiki Kusuo:
Would not make you a surprise party, but i feel like he would buy you your favourite cake, pastry, sweets, snack...just something that he know would make you happy. Nothing extravagant, just an average present, from an average guy. It's the thought that counts<3 Would like to spend some quality time with you, but if you wanna hang out with friends or spend time with family, he doesnt mind. He would make sure everything goes smoothly and you would be safe tho<3 Prolly wouldnt make a big deal out of this...It is just birthday after all, but he loves to see you happy soo<3
Happy birthday y/n...i hope you like the (favourite dessert) i got you
Muichiro Tokito:
It really depends, if you are a demon slayer, you would maybe have private training session, and a cute lunch on a break. Now if you aren't a demon slayer (condolences) he'd make time for you'd watch clouds together, eat lunch and spend some time together, but he is busy so... :( I bet he was smiling teh rest fo teh day though :3
Look...that clouds looks just like (favourite animal)...happy birthday y/n...i love you
Killua Zoldyck:
Thinks celebrating something like an anniversary of your birth is stupid :3 Would definitely ask Gon for gift ideas<3 Now, if you are helping Gon find his dad too, I feel like you two would end up having a play fight of a sort? Yk, to train your nen:3 But if you dont, or its already some time after the og plot line, he'd take you on a date, and give you choco robots! Tease you a little too!
look at yourself, in a few years, i wont even be able to call you a baby :3 is it just me or youre even more beatiful? must come witha age:3 Happy Birthday silly:3
Humans celebrate the anniversary of their birth? Why? He asks, why celebrate being even closer to death. It scared him...your death...It's so close, yet so far. When you explained him that it's to commemorate your past years, and celebrate what's to come. he understood, after all, humans have only finite amount of years to live, so he was going to make yours the best possible. He would clear up his schedule, or at least try. He would get you flowers and then he would take you to a romantic dinner to the finest restaurant in all of Fontaine, and then to a romantic walk by the shore, to watch otters (:3) He hopes many of these so called birthdays of yours would come.
Mon amour...we should do this more often, not only on special occasions...I love you so much...and these..."birthdays" only remind me of...future without you...
Dazai Osamu:
My man will ask you to commit double suicide i am not even joking. Honestly would either not gaf about your birthday or would be really attentive and romantic and i cannot decide.
Would you be willing to commit double suicide with me, on this important day? *smack*
our!Ciel Phantomhive:
It's not like i am lazy to write, but it's really hard to think of anything okay. I believe you would have tea party. A lot of Earl grey tea, a lot of sweets...and chess or other board games. You will just spend quality time with him...and technically Sebastian too, since he will be tending to your needs, and preparing all the food :3
Happy birthday dearest, i hope the cake is to your liking, i had Sebastian prepare it out of the finest ingredients
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danytherelentless · 8 months
A Heartfelt Goodbye
Eddard Stark x fem!reader
summary: after his wife's recent passing, Lord Stark is looking for a governess to raise his children
warnings! smut, cunniligus, p in v, pre-marital sex (big deal in Westeros), asoiaf typical sexism (if you squint)
word count: 3k
note: please forgive me if there are any mistakes or it appears a little disjointed, the editing was shaky at best
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It was more than a year after the loss of his wife that he decided to take on a governess for his children.
He had refused marriage so soon after, and did not think he would ever take a wife again, and had not wanted to have a governess raise his children for it felt an insult to Cat, yet Maester Luwin had been advising him that his children would need such guidance in their lives, especially with them all being so young, and Eddard had finally relented.
He mulled over the options of Northern ladies for some time before deciding upon you. He'd never met you before, but he had known your father, brothers and some of your cousins. Your father had been one of his greatest and truest advisors during Robert's Rebellion, your elder brother one of his friends as well, and he remembers hearing much of you then, though you'd been younger at the time. Patient, caring and wise as a child. Surely you remained so as an adult? You were also unmarried which meant you had no other obligations nor children of your own to tend to. So he sent the letter to your Lord father asking if you would be suited and able to fill such a position in his household.
He received response soon enough and it was settled upon that you would be arriving to Winterfell within the next few weeks.
Your smile was the first thing he noticed upon meeting you, a kind and gentle thing which warmed him to you almost immediately.
"My Lord," you greeted with a curtsy after you had dismounted to stand next to your father and brother who had led you here.
"My Lady. I am thankful you have taken upon this position."
"It is a great honour, my lord. One I hope I shall be able to fulfil."
Robb was the most reluctant of his children to you, though that was expected and understandable as the eldest. His youngest three, however, were instantly enamoured with you, even baby Bran. But it was Jon which made him realise you were perfect for the role whom you treated well as any of his other children.
It took some time of course for the new dynamic to settle, for you to become comfortable with his children and vise-versa, but eventually, even Robb warmed to you. Even Ned himself found that he enjoyed your company. You had to ability to always make him feel at ease or give him the perfect advice for whatever situation he was put in.
He began to fall for you, which felt inevitable given how lovely you were. But he could not help the vicious guilt which he felt. It felt wrong, no matter how much time passed since Cat's passing, it still felt like a great insult to her memory, and to your own honour, though he never acted on his own feelings.
At least not until Robert called upon him when Balon Greyjoy rebelled against the crown.
He sat in the Godswood, the night before he would leave in contemplation. Many of his bannerman had gathered already at Winterfell with more on their way straight to White Harbour. He did not want to die so soon, though that was something he expected just as he had during Robert's Rebellion when he rode away from Riverrun, yet this time it felt so much closer to him. He couldn't bare the thought of Robb being made Lord so young, of his grief. Of the struggle and strife which he would face and the deceit he would no doubt face in spite of his youth. The idea of his little lady Sansa, or his wild little she-wolf Arya not remembering his face as they grew. Of baby Bram not having so much as a memory of him to place to his name.
He thought of you, of never seeing you again, of never confessing the feelings held within his heart. Though his guilt remained to an extent not as it once had, the idea of never getting to tell you made his heart ache something fierce. It overwhelmed any guilt he was feeling.
"My lord," your voice snapped him from his glum pondering.
"My lady. The hour is quite late, the air cold," he could barely see you in the darkness, the only light emitting from the lantern in your hand and the one sitting near his feet.
"I was worried for you," you confessed.
It was a normal thing to worry about. He was beneath no assumption that you felt the same as he, but he knew that you viewed him as a friend for you often spent hours drinking, exchanging stories and laughing well into late evenings together. So much so that he’d had to quietly had to expel rumours amongst the staff to the best of his ability, hoping you had not heard of them. He knew that it was a sign of the impropriety of your relationship, but he just couldn’t bring himself to stop.
"I'll be back soon enough," he found himself reassuring you.
He watches as you walk closer to him, "may I sit?"
"Of course," he spoke embarrassingly quickly.
You took your seat on the tangled roots at his side, shivering slightly as you burrowed closer into your cloak.
"You really shouldn't be out here, my lady. You may catch a chill," he voiced his concern.
"And neither should you. What sort of a friend would I be if I allowed you to wallow out here all alone?" there was teasing in your voice. He found a smile growing across his face.
He looked to you then. You looked truly beautiful in the low light of the flickering lanterns, shadows cast across your face. You seemed quite sad, though he could see a longing in your eyes has he stared at you.
He felt something get trapped in his throat, unable to say anything as he looked upon you. There was a vulnerability which always clung to you, in the way you smiled so freely, the way you spoke so kindly and could be so forgiving. He saw that in you now. Something raw. He craved it, craved you, craved you near him, in his arms. He felt a stirring in the pit of his stomach.
He craved you, completely and utterly. Entirely vulnerable, bare flesh beneath him, moaning for him. His name, not his title, he loved it when you said his name. Not Eddard, just Ned. He wanted to hear it. Now.
He kissed you instead, a hand on your cheek pulling you close to him. Regret flooded him immediately.
"I'm so sorry," he apologised, pulling away, yanking his hand from your flesh, suddenly feeling quite sick. Barely a moment of your lips on his, so sweet and true. The taste turned to ash on his tongue, however.
"That was dishonourable of me, my lady. Forgive me please. I lost myself."
"No," you grabbed at his forearm and moved closer, you leg leaning into his own, "I... I don't mind."
He looks to you then, a goddess at his side. Meant to be worshipped. It was fitting you were both sat beneath a Weirwood tree.
He feels your delicate hand upon his bearded jaw and he allows you to pull him to you, eyes closing as your lips are joined with his.
He can tell you're inexperienced, but he relishes in it. It has been so long since he'd had any company, and he wanted this. With the thought of possible death so close, he could hardly deny himself you, especially if you wanted him too.
He part from you, breathless, "I want you."
He hadn't quite meant to just blurt it out so bluntly, but can't bring himself to want to take it back. It is his truth, after all. And in this moment, it would be wrong for him to not tell you.
You seem shocked for a moment.
"I want you too," you admitted.
His heart stops for a split second before he crashes his mouth back on yours, your tongues tangling together in some dance.
He kisses you for what feels like hours before he remembers you are out in the cold, and then he guides you back to the keep and to your chambers. The walk is silent and you bump into no one, though guards trail you both outside the keep and through some of the hallways.
He is about to part ways with you and leave for his own when you grab his wrist.
"Wait. Why don't you join me?"
Your cheeks are beautifully flushed, and he can hardly refuse such a welcome invitation, though his honour is screaming at him to stop. His desires simply win over, he is a weak man for you.
He undresses you slowly, pulling away your cloak, helping you unlace your dress as you exchange kisses. You help him with his own layers, and soon you are both bare as the day you were born. He looks upon your beauty, across your smooth skin, your breasts, the mound of hair between your legs. He feels his mouth water. He would turn you around and simply sit gazing upon your naked flesh for hours, studying you like a tome of history.
He lays you down upon furs and kisses down your neck, sucking a bruise some too dark into the flesh which he may regret some the next day should he notice, yet he cannot help himself as he listens to your sweet sighs and feels were hands caressing his arms then his chest.
His lips continue down your body, sucking and licking at your breasts and listening to the melodic sounds you bless him with, hands pawing at your thighs as he further parts them. He kisses down you stomach, beneath your bellybutton and then your naval, before finding his place between your legs, eyes upon your cunt, so close to him and oh so delectable.
"What are you..." your sentence is broken by a surprised and quiet moan as his tongue parts your folds and tastes your sweetness. He licks and sucks at you observing each reaction from his place which he could. Every twitch which you body made and every sound which left your lips. Ned took one of your thighs in his hold and brought it up over his shoulder. His nose is buried in the mount of hair above your cunt as he sucks on that bundle he knows will have you see stars.
You moan and gasp, legs tensing around his head and fingers tugging at his dark hair. He cannot help but groan into you, grinding down into your sheets to attempt to relieve the ache in his cock. He resists the urge to fist his cock in hand by instead pushing a finger inside of you, curling it upwards to feel that spongy spot. You are tight and warm and so so wet. He savors every moment of it.
He curls a second finger inside of you, listening to you high keening whimpers and stretches you wider, and then a third.
"Ned!" your fingers tighten and tug harshly at his hair, and his eyes roll to the back of his head as he feels your body tensing as you climax on his fingers. He licks some of it up before he finds himself too impatient to see your face again. He hopes he will be able to do this again so that he may taste you for longer.
You are worn, face etched with sweet ecstasy. He kisses you with your own taste on his tongue, an action which should disgust you, yet you answer with fervour, a laziness to your motions. You wrap your arms around his neck pulling him into you, deepening the kiss even further till your tongue is again in his mouth.
One of your arms caresses down his body as your lips part, your eyes hooded, breathing erratic. Your hand trails over his hip before it wraps around his hard cock.
He thrusts forwards as your fist closes around his tip, jerking downwards experimentally. He wraps his own hand over you guiding it up and down as he would his own in the privacy of his own chambers on lonely nights.
He guides himself within your hand to your cunt, nudging it over your nub, toward your sopping hole.
The thought suddenly hit him hard and fast. So suddenly he jerked back slightly from your touch.
"What... what is it?" you looked concerned, eyes wide, braided hair mussed.
"I shouldn't be doing this, it's wrong." It was dishonourable and an insult to such a fine lady as yourself for him to be debasing you so. You weren't married, after all. Not yet, he thought. He could see you at his side as his wife. But you were not his wife now, and you may never be his wife.
"No, no, no! Please, take me," eyes blown wide, cheeks flushed and chest heaving with each breath you take as you tug him down so gently, "if you'll have me?" His chest clenched at such tender words.
With you begging him so sweetly, he could not resist, though there was a part of him still demanding he stop now, for this was wrong. Yet it was drowned by his raging desire which he had harboured for for so long.
He takes his position once more over you, between your thighs, and pushes himself inside of you slowly and carefully. His eyes nearly roll to the back of his skull at feeling such pleasure, and he nearly thrusts into you as a wild man would, but he resists easily enough for he knew it would cause you harm. He listened as you groaned and your face tugged into a discomforted expression, he felt himself stopping then, ready to pull out should you change you mind.
"Just slowly. Be gentle with me, please," your hands grabbed onto his shoulders, you knees farther parting to allow him better access.
He moves his hips so slowly at first, thrusts shallow and experimental, before his lips captured yours in a passionate flurry of movements. You were so warm, so wet. He knew you were most likely a virgin, a lady such as yourself. That thought only made his feel more hungry for you.
His movements continued as a slow and steady pace, before you whined prettily into his mouth and grabbed at his hip.
"You can move more," you spoke, breathless as he parted from you.
He obliged, building up his pace, pulling one of your legs up and around his waist as his thrusts became deeper and faster with each moan that left you mouth.
He could not tear his eyes away from you, from your sweat slick brow, your squeezed shut eyes and 'o' parted lips. He felt his own release build, but wanted you to finish at least once more for him, so he brought one hand between you and felt for you nub and began to rub at it, listening and watching your reaction as to what was best.
You tightened further around him, legs squeezing at his sides as you came for a second time. He could no sooner hold onto himself and buried his face in your neck and lost himself to you, thrusting without abandon as he chased after his own climax.
He came with a low groan, sucking kisses into your neck, filling you with his seed so deeply that for a moment, he prayed it would take, the thought of seeing you with child so tantalising.
He stayed within you for a few moments, perhaps even minutes, catching his breath and listening to yours.
He presses a tender kiss to your brow before pulling his softened cock from you with a wince. He was unable to look away as he sat up and eventually saw some of jus seed dribble out of you. He had to supress a groan.
"I'm sorry," he eventually broke the silence.
"Whatever for?"
He looked back at you, a goddess much to perfect for someone such as himself, worth more than ten of him, "for dishonouring you, my lady. I would have wed you before bedding you, yet I have not."
"I don't expect you to wed me, my lord," you admitted.
"Please don't call me that now. I have no right to any title after the disservice I have given you," for even thinking of getting her with child.
"You haven't. I wanted to be with you, just as much. I hope you don't think any less of me for it."
"No, I do not."
"Then we are simply two friends having a long and heartfelt goodbye," your smile is sad and small, not one of any joy or happiness.
"Is that all you view me as? Your friend?" he found himself speaking before he could stop, pulling on his underclothes.
"No, no. I... I feel for you. In my heart. I..." you paused and he looked at you, "I have come to love you, Ned. For not only the just and honourable Lord which you are, but for the loving father, and kind man. I enjoy the companionship you have offered me in the time which I have known you, and I have desired more of you for some time now."
He found himself dropping his breeches from hand and returning to your bed where you sat looking at him.
"It is fine should you not feel the same--"
"I do," he interrupted, bringing his hand to your cheek, "I love you."
You leaned into him, smile broadening across your face.
"I will wed you upon my return, my lady. I swear it to you."
He kisses you once more, a deep and long kiss filled with his love, before dressing and bidding you goodnight, feeling wrong to leave you after you had shared something so intimate with him.
Despite himself, despite leaving for war and having bedded you, confessed his love and swore to marry you though he may not even live to see you again after tomorrow, he sleeps well and peacefully that night.
He wed you the same day of his return.
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comments are looked upon fondly here so don't be a stranger ;)
(please no negativity, my heart can't take it. I am a delicate soul)
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lilmo-on · 3 months
Throughout the entire novel Stocker denies Dracula in every possible sense, deliberately reducing him to some sort of country bogeyman. Dracula brags about his Boyar status, while “his peasants” curse him all they want and even try to prevent him on multiple occasions. His own beasts at hand dare question his command, thus he must resort to threats and violence for wolves’ and vampire sisters’ obedience. He carries himself as an ancient lord of dignified lineage, yet has to see to menial offices himself. He wishes to appear welcoming and charming for Jonathan, instead he proves to be ominous and uncomfortable. He expects to be respected and awed for his power and noble status, instead he’s taken as a child-brained fool. He attacks Mina to revenge his pursuers in most devastating way, yet gets his mental connection with her played against him. He strives to impose dread upon men’s hearts, but he’s chased back to his lair no better than a terror-taken fox.
However, confrontation with humankind is far from being the only thing to paint an unflattering picture of the Count Dracula: he stands out drastically even among his own kin. The other vampires are young and agreeable, he is aged and disturbing. The other vampires are alluring by nature, he is repulsive. The other vampires, if sated, are appealing and rosy-cheeked, he is an appalling leech gorged with blood. The other vampires enjoy their beastly aloof lifestyle, he longs for company. The other vampires receive love and compassion, he is loathed to no end.
The Great and Terrible Count Dracula canonically is a guy who’s lacking in every way. Our man Bram Stocker must’ve hated him so much it feels personal.
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