#boy wonder cf
vyrotek · 6 months
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qadirvyrotek · 6 months
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lyrics724 · 2 years
Frikitona (Mix)
[Intro] Chosen Few! Let’s do something called “Freakyton” Sandunguero! Let’s do something called “Freakyton” (Part Two!) Ms. Trina! Chosen Few Remix! Vamo’allá! Let’s go! Where my freakytonas at? Uhh! Uhh! [Chencho Corleone] Por eso friki-friki-friki-friki-frik Freaky-freak, frikitona Dale frikitona Por eso friki-friki-friki-friki-frik Freaky-freak, frikitona Dale frikitona Por eso…
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crayonflop · 2 months
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it should be a legal requirement that every drama has to include montages of cha eunwoo doing manual labor and stuffing his face inserted between otherwise unrelated scenes
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mrs-snape5984 · 3 months
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„You look beautiful undone…and my heart's connected.“
„We learn the most when we least expect it. We learn the most when we break in two. (…) It's the cracks that let the light shine through…“ („Beautiful Undone” by Laura Doggett)
“Her hands were brushing a strand of his silky hair out of his face and in this exact moment, Julia’s whole existence got just one purpose: She would always protect this way too skinny, raven-haired boy with his adorably crooked nose and those beautiful - and yet so sad - obsidian eyes!”
This is a tiny snippet from one of my stories, which I’m only writing in order to cope with my own pain. I guess, I won’t ever be bold enough to share them publicly and my friend @vulnus-sanare has the duty to burn my laptop as soon as I’ll be gone one day (even though she threatened me to share my dirty work with the people in our beloved Snapedom).
But this little snippet fits perfectly with the amazing artwork, which my friend, the extremely gifted @snake-queen7 drew for me.
I’ve always had a soft spot for Severus in his younger years. All I’d wanted was to keep this boy safe from harm, making him feel loved and cared for…because this is exactly, what he deserved!
In my stories, Jules is Sevy’s friend, his lover, his protector, his guardian angel, his saviour, his powerful goddess of revenge. And to be honest, you don’t have to be a psychologist to understand, where this is coming from. Julia’s strength and her determination to make the world a better place for her beloved Severus are rooted in my own feelings of helplessness and despair.
My reality with ME/CFS couldn’t be more different from my stories. I feel trapped. Trapped in my own diseased and disabled body…trapped in my room….trapped in my darkness…trapped in a life, in which I don’t feel appreciated anymore.
I’m feeling more and more like a useless piece of furniture, which someone has hidden in a dark chamber. Still good enough to keep it, even though it’s not in plain sight…or at least not bad enough to waste it eventually.
Where’s my light? Where’s my saviour? Where’s my way out of this hell? I guess, it’s just like Severus has said: “Well, it may have escaped your notice,but life isn’t fair!” (“Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix”)
I’ve always loved Severus for his resilience, his stubborn determination and strength. Since 21 years, he’s not only my comfort character and the love of my life…he’s my role model, my inspiration to keep on going…to keep on living.
So, I’m clinging to him and to all the things, I’m using in order to cope with my misery: I’m a loving mother of three wonderful children. I have a handful amazing friends with a deep understanding of my grief and despair, but who also appreciate my dry humour and my sarcasm. I’m still capable of pouring out my feelings onto paper, creating something beautiful in my stories. And I’m full of gratitude for the artists of Snapedom, who are helping me to bring my creative ideas to life with their art.
And that’s exactly, what you have done for me with this delightful piece of art, @snake-queen7! Thank you for giving me some comfort and peace for my troubled heart and soul by drawing Sevy and Jules again. You are wonderful and I appreciate not only your outstanding art, but also your kindness and compassion. Thank you for everything! 🥹
🖤Sevy & Jules🖤
🖤Severus & Julia🖤
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ilvero-love · 10 months
Clothes Maketh the (Wo)Man (or the colour coding of the Iron Trio)
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I saw a post recently wondering about the significance, if any, of the colours our Iron Trio wears💙🖤🧡. It prompted me to go looking. Like everything Complete Fiction seems to do in regard to this show, the choices are careful and deliberate.
Lockwood is black and white🖤🤍 He has a business to run and his suited appearance declares that he is prepared to do just that. He’s business like because he has to be. The success of this company rides on his back and the choices he makes. He is ambitious certainly, seen in his constant striving to take Lockwood and Co to the top and in his drive to put them into the public eye, often at the expense of other’s wishes. But it’s understandable. He has bills to pay and people (George and Lucy) that rely on him. Even after they successfully square away their debts, Lockwood remains conscious that there are still other bills to pay.
Lockwood presents an adult façade to the world. Even Lucy (in the book) is surprised to realise he is scarcely older than her upon first meeting him. But, whilst he may appear an adult, he’s still very much a teenager navigating his way through a world where children are dispensable and adults, despite their general uselessness, still call the shots. It’s Lockwood’s sneakers and pink socks that give him away and reveal the teenage boy behind the façade. This was such a clever choice on the part of Complete Fiction 👏 They remind us that whilst Lockwood has been forced to grow up too quickly, at heart he is still a teen.
So, black and white. Very simple and clear cut. Except life isn’t like that, is it?Only Lucy has insight into how tenuous his grip on control can be, and we see this in the delightful stairwell scene 💖💖💖
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😍Take a moment everyone- right, where were we?
Ah yes, Lucy and her blue persona (colour not mood). Lucy’s blue is a nice foil to the green of the ghostly world they inhabit. Both blue and green are heavily associated with nature. I don’t know what that means here, but it’s interesting to ponder.
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Blue is traditionally seen as a colour of constancy, loyalty and reliability. She certainly provides this for Lockwood. But it’s also a strong colour, hence its traditional association with boys. A practical colour, heavily associated with working, it feeds into Lucy’s active strength.
(Some of these ideas came after reading the interesting article https://www.allure.com/story/beauty-and-the-beast-blue-dresses-in-female-centric-films . Not sure I agree with all of it but certainly food for thought).
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Finally, George 🧡 Orange radiates warmth. George is the only from a stable family background, only leaving because of a burning desire to solve the Problem. 
Orange can represent physical comfort, which, when you add it to his cooking prowess completes the picture. Despite taking a while to warm to Lucy  (understandable when it’s just been him and Lockwood for a year) once he’s in, he’s all in 💯
Orange can represent physical comfort, which, when you add it to his cooking prowess completes the picture. He’s homely-he embodies home. As Lucy says to Lockwood, “Portland Row is my home-You and George”. And despite having taken a while to warm to Lucy (understandable when it’s just been him and Lockwood for a year) once he’s in, he’s all in 💯
It is interesting too that orange is also a complementary colour to blue, meaning that you can argue that George balances Lucy, providing stability for Lockwood.
So, there you have it, my thoughts, nonsensical or not, on the colour coding of our three heroes 🧡💙🖤
Maybe, just maybe, they were completely random colour choices based on what CF could source. But knowing Complete Fiction, I somehow think not 😉
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chronicallyday · 3 months
Okay so because Jena Malone made a TikTok video to respond to the question of what makeup was worn for the Pride & Prejudice movie, I came up with a crack au idea that I shared on discord with friends for post-mockingjay (Finnick lives ofc). It was me telling them my thoughts on how the victors probably all wanted to live privately away from the spotlight even though people like Plutarch wanted them to continue having public personas (like when he asked Katniss to sing for a show)
But what if Johanna Mason one day out of boredom and annoyance decided to do some behind the scenes reveals, just unhinged stuff and she like broadcasts this live and Plutarch has no idea how she’s streaming it. It’s Beetee ofc.
Johanna: oh you wanna know why you never saw me shit? Oh it wasn’t Capitol censorship. You see bears when they hibernate they eat a whole bunch of stuff to clog themselves up before hand and—
Plutarch: make it stop make it stop make it stop
Beetee: I’m gonna need a while to fix it. I did my job too well when I gave her access
Johanna: —and I was 17 of course I didn’t want anyone to see me shitting on national television and then someone sneaking up behind me to kill me while I was doing my business
Haymitch watching with Katniss and Peeta in D12: I should have asked Blight (most likely her mentor) more questions when he was alive
Finnick: pls pls someone be recording this somewhere
Annie: genius. I was too stressed to think about needing to go I just held it in most of the time
Johanna hearing about that later: you held it in for how many days??
Annie: pretty sure the first time I peed that whole time was during the flood
Finnick would try to be supportive with head pats but he’s slowly losing it. Boys had it easier when it came to relieving themselves and he was her mentor so he knew she struggled T^T
But also
Finnick: The real reason the Career pack exists is so we can use the facilities and not be killed with our dicks out
Enobaria just agrees with what he says for the laughs
And honestly I wonder about the bathroom situation cuz Katniss mentions one time that her urine is brown from dehydration in THG but in CF there is not a single mention of any of them needing to use the bathroom
I’m going to assume they were all peeing in the salt lake whenever they were swimming in it
Dr. Aurelius is probably so fed up with the victors at some point cuz they decide to meme their own lives and laugh through the pain
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12dollarcupcake · 7 months
Ok folks, I’ve been looking at *a lot* of Halsin reference photos in his basic Druid armor and I’ve got very minor beef.
Where are the closures?!? How does he put it on???? There’s clearly not a center front closure, he’s got those little turquoise bear paw charms and the leather doesn’t have a seam there. There’s a cf seam in the collar of the gorget/throat piece (which does look like a separate piece from the lower one) but it doesn’t continue down the chest piece. (Breastplate? Cuirass? Not my area of special interest)
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So we look at the back, and *also* don’t see a center back closure. Again, it would be obvious if there were a seam in the leather (like there’s one in the collar, but it’s stitched shut) and there isn’t. I suppose one could argue for a puzzle-piece type placket/overlap with those giant scale shapes but that seems a little far-fetched to me. There’s also enough going on in the back that a costumer/cosplayer could conceivably sneak one back there and it would be fine, but that’s not the answer I’m looking for.
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Which leaves us with side closures, but I don’t see any clear indicators of those either from slight-side angle shots. Also the lower of the chest belts doesn’t appear to have either a closure or belt loops to keep it in place, so it stays up with the constant outward pressure of Halsin’s upper abs I guess??? How would he get out of it? Shimmy it down his hips like a hula hoop? The upper belts could have hidden closures under the insignia on the front or under the leaf pauldrons, and have belt loops on the back showing where they are anchored in place. But the lower one????? How???
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I costume theater & opera people for a living so I’m looking at this from a construction perspective and let me tell you, I am perplexed.
As a side note, when I first saw the white suspenders/stole/skirt combo I would have sworn the hanging bits were just lapels with button holes or something for the straps to slide through, and even though I’ve seen enough stills to know that no, they’re like the hanging peaks of a stole or fichu situation, I still maintain that they’d look fuckin cool as lapels, particularly because lapels wouldn’t flop around in space the way I guarantee these bad boys would. Also, I did briefly wonder why anyone living in the woods would choose bright white fabric, but I figure there’s probably some laundry-version of create water that these folks know and stopped spending any brain power on that particular train of thought.
So yeah, what are folks’ thoughts on this one? How does that armor come on and off, besides expediently whenever Tav summons their beefy druid bae? I think my vote is side closure, and possibly shoulder seam closures hidden under the pauldrons, with similar shoulder-seam closures on the neck/gorget thingy.
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vyrotek · 6 months
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qadirvyrotek · 6 months
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yikesola · 10 days
I feel like I haven’t been around FOREVER but I’m just so busy— I got into the Functional Restoration program I’ve been trying to get into since December which will really really (hopefully) help with my daily managing of fibromyalgia and ME/CFS, so that’s wonderful! Also my best friends got married this weekend so it was a whirlwind of a beautiful exhausting time :) also also I got denied for disability benefits because the government hates anyone suffering :( also also also my friend is bringing me to the Avril Lavigne greatest hits concert next week! It’s a lot happening, most of it very good✨ and boy am I Tired™️ 🥰
Excited to catch up with the boys — I hear Dan got to fulfill his swinie dreams <3
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greenerteacups · 24 days
Did Narcissa have a miscarriage, or lost a baby that was a girl ?
I'm re-reading year one and two, and these two excerpts that stands out to me.
“Five years in Azkaban, five years, I was alone with my boy… a one-year-old boy. And when he came back, he didn’t want… wouldn’t allow… it wasn’t safe, he said, not for a daughter, a lovely little girl for the whole world to hate…” She turned her head into Draco’s chest, and wept.
and this one in the summer between year one and two
For some reason, she took particular delight in Pansy. There was something about having a girl around the house, he supposed, that created a feeling of instinctive allegiance and understanding between them, and she had delighted in taking Pansy shopping at the local markets. They gossiped and drank coffee (that Pansy wasn’t supposed to have) and chatted about whatever the hell women did in pairs, and Narcissa spent unholy quantities of Draco’s inheritance on fine silks and trinkets and bottles of wine for Pansy’s parents, with whom she had exchanged almost a dozen letters before Pansy was allowed to come.
perhaps I'm grasping at straws here, but number one, if Narcissa got pregnant again then she cannot choose if she'd have a boy or a girl. Second her treatment of Pansy could be a sort of wish fulfillment, but I wonder if there is another reason for. Maybe a bit more tragic reason.
I mean, I can say that it's definitely canonical Narcissa wanted a daughter, cf. the chapter "Narcissa," but as for anything else — who am I to tell you? The only power I have to say what the story means is what I've written and what I'll write in the text of the fic. Beyond that, what happens in between the lines is your call as much as it is mine.
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resident-gay-bitch · 1 year
Jay's Fic Recs :)
these are all wonderful, wonderful fics i have read and think you should too <3
(if they are on tumblr i’ll drop their url so you can find all of their things :)) some of these links go to Ao3 and Wattpad as well)
happy reading!
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Eddie Munson
June Baby singlemum!reader x eddie - this is so cute, please give it a read it makes my heart squeeze. @luveline
Love Bites vampire!eddie x fem!reader - this is just very cute. highly recommend if you want a vamp fic with not too much monsterness @luveline
Worlds Apart eddie x fem!reader - this is timeline accurate, but naturally veers from cannon because character is added. you had broken up with eddie four months prior because of a horrible dream, the events of season four happen and it brings back deep dark feelings and a whole lotta love. cant really say much else without giving it away. @munsons-maiden
Meet The Munsons stepbro!eddie x fem!reader - okay, this one has me in shambles. it’s great and not gross. i loved the tension in this and the finale was just MWAH *chefs kiss* @mypoisonedvine
FREAK eddie x oc!jay - Jay is from Australia but she moves to Hawkins and meets Eddie. They fall in love, yadda yadda. long multichap. follows timeline, but starts in 1985 post mall fire. lotta angst, lotta hurt, looootttttaaaa comfort. they heal eachother. there are heavy themes in this so read the warnings. @resident-gay-bitch
Gareth Emerson
Too Late gareth x fem!reader - readers been in love with Eddie but he starts dating Chrissy and she turns to Gareth for comfort and ends up catching feelings for him instead. very cute. lotta angst. @resident-gay-bitch
Gareth x Eddie
Pretty Boy ftm!gareth x eddie - oh my god. i love this so fuckin much. so angsty and so much pining i live for this shit. honestly, reading this has made g x e my fav st ship, probably even my fav ship ever. childhood best friends tropes always get me. go give it a read :)) @dylanwritesgood
My Starboy closeted!gareth x oblivious!eddie - gareth loves eddie, always has, always will. but eddie’s straight… right? - lotta angst, lotta unrequited love and pining. so much heartahce. this has quite mature and explicit themes, so make sure to read the warnings before each chapter :) happy readings @resident-gay-bitch
Jay’s Steddie Fic Recs- sorry, the list got too long so i had to create another page for it :) good news though, you wont run out of steddie fics here.
Drabble? wayne munson x scott clark - we don’t know where this came from, but we know where the fuck it’s going. please hop on the scott x wayne train because the seats are comfy and the view is beautiful - seriously, more people need to write for this - this peice is magnificent - we need fanart for them PLEASE @unclewaynemunson @flowercrowngods
All The Young Dudes wolfstar & jily - best fic ever, hands down, written by the gods. read it weather you like the marauders or not.
Crimson Rivers jegulus & wolfstar - hunger games au - i know this fic has been archived but it just needs some more recognition because it’s AMAZING
Text Talk sirius x cf!remus - modern no magic au. sirius accidentally texts the wrong number and ends up catching feelings for the random boy behind his phone.
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peachycrime · 8 months
Hi, I remembered your HC about Spider with cystic fibrosis and I was wondering how you think this situation would affect the Quaritch recom? I mean his thoughts and feelings, maybe he would pull the strings to get Spider new lungs?
ohhhh my gosh, i definitely did make a post about Spider having cystic fribrosis,
to recap this au, spider has CF, he lives on Omaticaya land in a local clinic created basically for him? When he was around 2 years old they found out and Norm pulled some strings to get not only the materials but the needed personnel to take care of him. Mo’at weaved a bag for his nasal cannula which is always on his hip. He grew up in the clinic since they deemed it too dangerous for him to be outside too much. He met the Sully’s while still young, Neytiri was of course hostile at first, but how long can you go being angry at an innocent, chronically ill child before you feel guilty?…. for Neytiri, pretty damn long but she got there. he still loves to climb and do superhuman shit . At first he was extremely reckless bc he undervalued himself but some scoldings and tears for the Sully kids after his actions caught up to him. He started being more delicate about his health.
Now for this ask, this would be him having CF in the canon universe. Oh boy. Lots of neglect on that part, adults always willing to scold him for being reckless but never willing to step up and look after him. especially being on Pandora where getting a lung transplant literally isn’t an option…not for the faint of heart. He came to accept his own mortality, had he been on earth, he probably wouldn’t had gotten a transplant due to overpopulation(longer waiting list) but he would’ve atleast had treatment. Here? i’m a world where he had it constantly push his body and organs to keep up? yea it’s not easy.
The recons at first thought he has using the cannula as an alternative to the mask. A visit to the lab and some blood samples later they find out that it’s not the case. Quaritch feels oddly guilty, he knows it’s a genetic condition, meaning the he was partly at fault for it. The other numbnuts don’t really care if i’ll be honest. They’re shocked Spider survived as long as he did, and lowkey respect it but that’s it. Not much pity or sympathy, it doesn’t really affect them since none of them carry the gene.
Spider let’s his guard down and mentions how he’d never be able to get new lungs in a moment of vulnerability. So Quaritch mentions the possibility of new lungs to one of the lab guys bc he’s a bit of a softie but mostly also wants to use to his advantage. Get the wild child to live you by giving him everything g he desires yknow. But of course, the general hears about it through the grapevine.
General Ardmore tries to bribe him with new lungs, it’s cruel. It’s something Spider had wanted since childhood and now it was so close but so far away too. He’d never betray the Sully’s but it still hurts to turn away everything he ever wanted. Quaritch tries to get him to accept which leads to a huge argument with Spider something like this,
“Fuck off,”
“You don’t t know anything about me, you I’ve been living with this for years, you think I’m that naïve? Fuck you, your general— and your lungs.”
“Get away from me, stop trying to be something for me. You were made in a lab, you’re not my father— you’re the reason I’m like this anyways.”
The words hurts more than Quaritch wants to admit, he realizes that he cares for the kid, his kid.
Sorrows, sorrows, prayers.
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bibbibib · 5 months
Peeta and his dad
So, we know Katniss is quite fond of Peeta's father, Mr. Mellark. She calls him kind and has evidence for it: the trades he makes with her (she goes to him and not his wife), the generous trade he makes to Gale on the morning of Reaping day, the way he comes to visit her in the Justice Building, bringing her cookies and promising he'll look after Prim.
At the same time, when talking about Peeta's home life, we mainly focus on his mother. People have long been putting two and two together and saying Peeta's dad must have been passive and complacent, failing to protect his child(ren) from her abuse. But we don't talk that much about how Peeta feels about him. And there are enough clues in the text.
First of all, let me start by saying I believe Peeta loved his family and cared about them, even though their relationship wasn't the healthiest and was very complicated. We know he gets angry when he's left out of Haymitch and Katniss' plans during the Victory Tour, because "he also has people he cares about to protect". He visits his family after he moves out - we know that from CF. When he comes back from his captivity in the Capitol, he asks why they haven't come to see him. He mourns them by the ashes of the home they all shared, and, in his hijacked state, blames Katniss for their deaths.
However, apart from the memories form when he was very young, Peeta, who we rarely hear talk about his family in the first place, doesn't have many positive things to say about his dad. The boy who once wondered why a woman would prefer a miner to his father now just talks about the weather with him, when he and Katniss pass by the bakery in CF. Peeta doesn't have qualms for mentioning, on live TV, the story about his dad and Katniss' mom, even when his own mother is now going to find out what her husband told her son, with whatever repercussions for him. When Katniss tells him about the cookies, he's surprised, and one thing he says is how he thinks his father always wanted a girl.
I think Peeta, in the first book especially, was finally angry with his father for failing to protect him. His mother wasn't the only one he blamed. Later, with the confidence he gained after the first Games, with moving out of his family home and having new connections to other people he loved, he might have been strong enough to say it is what it is and move on. But 16-year-old tribute Peeta, sure that these are his final days, would only get surly when mentioning both his parents, except from the time he told a story that embarrassed them.
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fireemblems24 · 10 months
Scarlet Blaze Ch 10
I don't remember if there's 13, 14, or 15 chapters per route in this game, but here we go with SB Ch 10.
I keep remembering Ingrid is dead 😭 And we forced Shamir to join us by threatening Catherine 😭
Oh, boy, Claude just became Edelgard's bitch boy. Can't say I didn't suspect this.
Why, though? Edelgard just said in her support with Balthus she intends to conquer all of Fodlan. Does she see Claude as the least threatening? I'd like to know why Claude thinks it's a good idea too.
So I take it this time Claude is getting shoe-horned into Edelgard's story rather than Byleth's? I wonder if we'll see this in AG and GW too. Or if it'll be a bit different.
I'm having Shez be such an ass. He turned down sparing with Holst and made things awkward.
Is Claude still king in this route?
"We'll be invading Fraldarius" no 😭😭.
Edelgard just called it an "invasion" too. So at least she's honest.
I love how Hubert is spinning Dimitri wiping out the Western lords as some evil thing. But, like, those people organized a genocide.
DOROTHEA, my beloved!!! THANK GOD.
Claude, Edelgard, Linhardt and just about everyone else is bemoaning all the people who are going to die in the war. for daring to . . . defend their lives But my girl Dorothea is the only one who seems to realize that her side is the cause of the bloodshed. Not the people who would never have to fight if Edelgard didn't force them too.
"Whatever our intent, we're the instigators here. We can't expect the enemy to do anything less than defend their land with tooth and claw." Dorothea is queen. A hypocrite, but at least the game realizes who's really at fault.
"When people think someone is after what the possess, they respond with fear - even if the thought is all in their head." - Ferdinand. Except, it's not?
Edelgard openly wants to rule their lands with absolute authority. She's already stolen everything from one of her enemies, why should the Kingdom believe they wouldn't get the same treatment Rhea did? I wish the game would make it clear what Edelgard would do to Dimitri and co if they did surrender. Because, like, does anyone really think Hubert would leave them alive? Or Edelgard for that matter? If she wants to rule the Kingdom, Dimitri and most of the Blue Lions would HAVE to die. Wouldn't she throw Dimitri and his supporters out of their homes and replace them with Empire nobility at best? It's not in their heads.
Hey, at least this is the first interesting thing that's happened in SB since the prologue lamo. I hope it's not just back to CF now except Claude is now Edelgard's toady.
Ok guys, for anyone who's curious, this is where I picked up after finishing FE Engage. Feels a lot less daunting knowing I'm already a good numbers of ch into every route.
Weird support. Ferdinand is getting respected and admired by a Black Eagle instead of being the butt monkey. Caspar is thinking and questioning having something in his life other than furthering his reputation via killing people. I like it.
Ferdie called himself a master of none and admired Caspar back.
Wasn't this B support the one where we learned Edelgard had a single sole supply line? Lamo.
Dorothea's not going to keep taking notes for Linhardt lol.
She got hurt, so Linhardt took notes for her. She's surprised, but pleased.
She told him he had his own charm, and he's like "please, no." I love him.
I don't think this support really showed a new side to the characters, though. It felt like an emptier version of their OG one.
Shez wants her to trust him. She says she does now.
He feels purposeless and wants to be her bodyguard.
Lamo, one of Shez's response options is "stand there slack-jawed." I forgot how much I liked Shez.
He wants to defend Edelgard because her promoting him changed his life.
Hapi is trying to make nice with Hubert.
They're bonding over coffee.
Now they're having coffee and talking about it. I'm more of a tea person, tbh.
Sorry, but this was boring af. Never thought I'd say that about a Hubert support.
Dimitri took Cornelia down in this route too. Badass.
Ashe is so miserable, poor dude. Mercie isn't happy either.
I honestly really don't like CF!Caspar, but SB!Caspar seems even worse, like he's just his dad's little killing-happy puppet.
Randolph is still a little shit. He WANTS to invade the Alliance. IDK, I just cannot fathom wanting something like that of any country let alone an ally.
Lamo, Edelgard literally just said might makes right.
Shit, I just remembered that Ingrid's dead in this timeline.
Hilda legit just asked Claude why he's made a strategy that limits casualties. Are people from Faerghus the only ones who don't love killing people? She is doubting the Empire at least. She really doesn't like Edelgard, lol.
Not seeing Ingrid with the others hurts. They're really out here just trying to stop everyone else from trying to murder them.
See this is why Dimitri's the best one - "The old ways must die - with that I agree. But shove that down the people's throats, and you risk breaking the very land you're trying to rule." If Edelgard had her way, there'd be nothing left to rule except the Empire.
Yeah, the reason you can't work with the Empire, Dimitri, is that Edelgard wants to rule all of Fodlan. Her alliance with Claude has made it really clear that the Empire still intends a hostile take over of even their own allies. Which, honestly, I do appreciate SB for being a bit more honest than CF.
I really don't want to fight Rodrigue. I do think it's funny that your enemy always hires Jeralt though.
I'm guessing Jeralt gives Byleth his sword in every route.
Starts with her screaming and shrieking about something.
Anna showed up! She's selling something to Bernadetta that will help her with her shyness. Also sells her something shifty. Or tries. Because Bernadetta assumes Anna's up to no good (probably true) and buys nothing.
Shez calls her judgmental lol. He's not wrong.
This is their only support. Kinda weird given their past history.
She's eating plants. Ferdinand is concerned she's eating bad stuff. Ferdinand wants to have a competition over who collects the most edible plants.
Poor Bernie. His "competition" really reminded me of those guys who are like "oh, prove it, name xxx!" when I say I like this sport or that fandom because I must be lying to impress them or some shit. (except I don't think Ferdie is being sexist here, just annoying af).
Bernie gets hurt and one of Ferdie's plants can help fix it.
Also, he lost.
I can't imagine this is going to be anything but nauseating.
Haha, Edelgard just said in another world they may have lost Monica forever (to TWSITD).
Edelgard says she only saved Monica because it was the best move lol. And like, we know this is actually true because, well . . .
Ohhh, wow, they really went there. Edelgard tells Monica to her face that she only rescued Monica because it suited her, didn't plan on it, and would let Monica die if it helped her goals.
I know a lot of times people play off Edelgard's harshness as "oh, she's just insecure and saying that!" But here you can't really make that argument because it happens in Houses lamo.
She literally didn't rescue Monica because she needed TWSITD soldiers.
Learning this changes exactly nothing about Monica.
It added some stuff to Edelgard, but Monica is still horribly one-note.
I know a lot of people like their Houses support chain, but I kinda don't? It's drama over something really silly.
Edelgard is here. Ugh. I want Dorothea, not her.
Oh, good grief, it's going to be about the same annoying thing. Ferdinand is remembering seeing Dorothea and being stunned by her beauty.
(like, imagine getting pissed off that someone stares at you when you're butt-ass naked in public and dripping wet)
Dorothea's a lot more reasonable this time, getting flustered hearing this.
Every time I log back into this, I remember that Ingrid's dead :(
Oh, God, please tell me that I'm not killing Rodrigue and Felix now.
They go from "oh, bummer, we have to kill people to! Let's go Empire!!!" Bit of a whiplash, but Dorothea's the only one who seems to realize they're killing people and not NPCs lamo.
Same conversation between Shez and Arval. Guessing I'll get it in AG when it's time for recruiting Byleth too.
Ok, like with Golden Wildfire, I'll try to unlock Byleth. But unlike with GW where I reset and tried a few times, I'm only trying once. Because I really want to finish this and get to other games. AG is the only route where I'll put in real effort to get Byleth because I care more about those characters getting a fully happy ending than the rest.
I think I failed again lol. It changed from a side goal to the main goal to fight Byleth. I didn't move around the map fast enough.
God, I love Rodrigue.
Rodrigue died. I'm guessing if I recruit Byleth, that doesn't change? How many other Blue Lions does SB force me to kill?
Cut scene time. So who dies in SB?
LAMO, it's Randolph. OFC it's Randolph. This guy is just allergic to surviving.
Is it bad I'm more upset that Rodrigue died? He's a WAYYYYY better person than Randolph.
In case you didn't read my GW reaction, I was quite pleased to see Byleth actually pissed about someone almost hurt their dad given how little they ask Edelgard about her involvement in that in CF.
I like how they expect us to care about Randolph. Like, Judith, makes sense. She's close to Claude. She's cool. Randolph is really unlikable and has no special connection to anyone except Fleche.
Does this mean Fleche will cause a level where she goes crazy against Byleth?
This conversation falls so flat compared to the GW one. Because in GW, you were talking to Claude. Here, it's . . . Fleche. In GW it was actually an emotional moment (and made me feel a bit guilty). Here, not so much.
I do feel bad for Byleth and Alois though.
Ok, the Sothis-Byleth merging happening.
I love how they go from celebrating the deaths of Faerghus to lamenting their own loses, without any acknowledgment that THEY are responsible for all of this or that the people they killed were just as "alive" as they are.
Haha, even SB lets you recognize that Randolph means very little personally to you or any of the main cast.
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