#blew my mind a little im ngl
fideidefenswhore · 2 years
i now shy away from those chain rank-the-six posts (they seem to draw a lot of hostility, lol), but i thought it would be interesting to look at the rankings of 'six wives' fiction series, there's really only two bestselling series where it makes sense to do this:
weir's series by sales rankings:
Katherine Parr (#32 in Renaissance HistFic)
Anne Boleyn (#34 in Renaissance HistFic)
Anne of Cleves (#44 in RHF)
Katherine Howard (#56 in RHF)
Jane Seymour (#69 in RHF)
Katherine of Aragon (#84 in RHF)
gregory's by sales rankings (more difficult but i went for the center/central of the novel when i couldn't do by the protagonist):
Anne of Cleves/Katherine Howard (#24 in RHF)
Anne Boleyn (#33 in RHF)
Katherine Parr (#42 in RHF)
Katherine of Aragon (#60 in RHF)
bonus, suzannah dunn's by ranking (now i'm fascinated):
Anne Boleyn
Katherine Howard
Jane Seymour
Katherine Parr
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anissapierce · 1 year
Curious who was the first person who made you realize tht ppl who do p*dcasts n radio could be like smokeshows
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asexual-spongebob · 3 months
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The Waves That Lap The Shore - Chapter 26 - Cyclone Patrick
Paani my beloved genderfluid fail. also I’m sorry for the lack of Shellie and Peso lately. But I bet they’ll have more focused on because of the whole Edda thing. ALSO HOLY SHIT BUD? Yeah >:3 I love bud <3 their just a guy. Love their sibling dynamic w/ pancake. So here’s my hc for him :) Bud - they/he, demiboy   This is so random but I watched some episodes w/ bud so I could get a good idea of his character and how he acts and such and I gotta say. I love him. Silly guy :) I watched the Caddisfly episode and it gave me a good idea of how him and pancake’s dynamic works. Ngl I absolutely adore it <3 I like to see it as older sibling and little sibling kinda dynamic :3 also random but I’ve been very excited to release this chapter.
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Shellington, Peso, Kwazii and Paani were chilling at Paani’s house. 
“We should show them the stones.” Peso whispered, Shellington nodded 
“We  found these stones at the bottom of the Moon Pool.” Shellington said, placing them on the table.
“We think that they mean something because they’re shaped like our powers.” Peso added “I’ll take this thanks.” Paani mumbled, snatching the one that was shaped like a lightening bolt, Kwazii then snatched the one shaped like a burning fire.
Paani was in Kwazii’s room. He had went back with the other fish dudes to the Octopod. He pulled out his bracelet kit and started making an anklet for himself. 
He felt, unusually uneasy after he had put the anklet on, he felt knots form in his chest. 
Hm… this feels kind of weird… 
Maybe I just need to go for a swim. He thought 
Paani rushed down to the Launch Bay and went out for a swim on her paddle board, she hoped  it’d clear her mind.
Paani went out to sea, surfing near Mako Island during the sunset. But then, the full moon rose. Paani stared at it as if she was staring into someone’s soul.
They snapped back to reality after being knocked down by wave. 
Paani could feel clenched their hand into a fist, huh?? I don’t think I moved that? 
However, soon his hand was clenched tight. Strong winds began to form, the water became rougher and rougher by the minute. 
I need to stop this! Paani thought to himself, trying to unclench his fist, but he couldn’t. No matter how hard he tried.
A huge boom came from the sky, huge strikes of thunder came from the dark gray storm coulds,  heavy rain pouring down. 
Paani backed away, he had started a huge storm. 
He didn’t know how to stop it!!!
The winds blew faster and faster, it had turned into a cyclone! and Paani was trapped in the eye of it. 
Dashi was in the HQ with Tweak. “Hey Tweak. The storm tracker is picking up some strange activity. This huge cyclone just formed off the coast of Mako out of nowhere-“ Dashi remarked nervously , Tweak spat out her sweet tea “Oh me oh my!” Tweak gasped.
“Dashi, sound the Octo-Alert!” Tweak urged “got it Tweak!” Dashi replied, hitting the Octo-Alert button.
Octonauts! To the Launch Bay!!!!
“What seems to be the problem, Dashi?” Captain Barnacles questioned, him and other Octonauts looked at her nervously. 
“A- a g-giant cyclone formed o-off the coast of M- Mako Island out of nowhere! Dashi stammered “Cyclone Patrick!” Dashi exclaimed. 
“THEY NAMED IT CYCLONE PATRICK?! FUCKIN’ CYCLONE PATRICK?!” Kwazii laughed, everyone gave him a disgusted look. 
“Kwazii! This isn’t a laughing matter!” Dashi scolded, turning to the cheeto colored cat “Sorry Dashi..” Kwazii apologized “Jumpin’ Jellyfish! Paani must’ve looked at the full moon!” Shellington blurted “What does Paani have to do with this?” Captain Barnacles questioned, raising an eyebrow.
“Oh shit. Um. We forgot to tell you but um. Paani became a merperson-“ Tweak answered, Captain Barnacles just gave her a thumbs up in response. He proceeded run his fur throw his paws. 
“Dashi, Tweak, you go take the Octo-Ray and find them.” Captain Barnacles commanded, “aye aye cap!” Tweak saluted. 
“IM GOING AFTER THEM!” Kwazii proclaimed, jumping into the Launch Bay tank. “But Kwazii! It’s dangerous!” Dashi began “you should stay here!” They insisted “I’m going after Paani if you like it or not. He needs me right now.” Kwazii insisted. “We’re going to.” Shellington proclaimed. “Fine…” Dashi sighed.
Dashi and Tweak hovered over in the Octo-Ray. 
“It’s hard to drive through these damn winds…” Dashi frowned. Tweak nodded in agreement. 
“We’re right below ya Dashi.” Kwazii meowed, “got it!” Dashi replied, giving the cat a thumbs up. He then hung up on her.
Kwazii lead Shellington and Peso to the cyclone. 
“Kwazii what  do you think you’re doing?!” Shellington gasped “Saving me partner.” Kwazii said sternly. 
“Where do you think they are?” Peso questioned “I think she’s in the middle” Shellington guessed 
“Paani!!” Kwazii called out “g-go a-away…” He heard a faint stammer in a horse and nasally tone.
“Shiver me whiskers! Paani is trapped in the middle!!!” Kwazii yelled, his voice muffled by the strong winds. 
The waters began to soften, so did the winds.
It had become calm enough to where Kwazii could swim through. 
Kwazii pushed himself through those rough, horrible waters. Until he was able to reach Paani. Kwazii swam over and placed a comforting paw on the macaque’s shoulder “it’s okay matey, we’re here for you!” Kwazii assured, Paani gave Kwazii a glance of uncertainty.
He had eyeliner running down his face, Poor thing….Kwazii thought with a frown. 
Shellington and Peso swam close. 
“It’s okay, we understand how you feel right now.” Shellington reassured, Shellington noticed the moon start to set, making way for the rising sun.
I- I can’t do this a-anymore. 
Then. After one last huge blot of thunder came from the clouds, Paani collapsed his hand unclenching, and Kwazii catching him in his paws. 
“PAANI!” Kwazii screeched, this was like the “Kwazii burnt Mako” incident all over again! But this time, Paani was the one whose powers got out of control, not Kwazii! 
Peso rushed Paani to the Octoray, Kwazii was sobbing like a baby, Shellington was comforting him.
“It’s okay Kwazii. Everything will be okay.” Shellington soothed as he stroked the cat’s back, Kwazii sobbed even more. 
“But what it’s not.” Kwazii croaked “trust me, Paani is in good hands, or shall I say, flippers. Peso will take good care of them.” Shellington assured, handing Kwazii a tissue.
“T-thanks Shellington.” Kwazii sniffled, blowing his nose. 
He felt like he’d been punched in the stomach, this is your fault. He blamed himself.
Paani awoke, what happened last night? They asked themself glancing around the sick bay what the hell were they doing here?
Hm… that was a weird dream. Paani thought 
Paani got up walked into the HQ. 
“I had such a weird dream last night.. I had started a cyclone.” Paani recalled, then directing his attention to the television screen. 
“Mysterious cyclone “Patrick” formed out of nowhere on the coast of Mako Island. It is not known what caused cyclone “Patrick” the news reporter said in a thick Australian accent.
Paani felt his stomach drop.
“Y-you mean it w-wasn’t a dream? It was all real? Paani began to tear up. 
“Hey it’s alright pancake!” Kwazii mrrped, pulling Paani into a hug. 
“No. It’s not. I could’ve put everyone in serious danger!” Paani cried in Kwazii’s shoulder. 
“M-my parents s-should’ve named me “Paani Shithead Macaque.” Paani sobbed into Kwazii’s Spice Girls shirt. 
“Matey. Do not fucking say that about yourself.” Kwazii meowed sternly.  “You are not a shithead.” He added.
Paani pulled himself away from Kwazii. 
“I FORMED A CYCLONE!!! ITS NOT FUCKING OKAY!!! I SHOULD’VE KNOWN BETTER!” Paani wailed “IM SUCH AN IDIOT!” Paani grunted. “Well you’re my idiot” Kwazii mewed softly, hoping it’d make Paani feel better.
It didn’t… 
“No. It’s not okay Kwazii. I could’ve hurt someone!” Paani sobbed, he started to sound like a broken record. His thick eyeliner running down his face into a black river of tears. 
“But you didn’t! Everyone was safe in the end!” Kwazii assured. 
“I know. I just feel so guilty. This whole situation could’ve been easily avoided..” Paani sniffled “is it okay if I step away for a moment?” Paani asked “of course pancake, take all the time you need.” Kwazii answered softly, “I’ll be here if you need me!” They added.
Paani went to Kwazii’s room and cried into Kwazii’s pillow. 
Tunip and the vegimals could hear the sound of sobbing from Kwazii’s room “what should we do?” Tominnow questioned “hm… maybe we should bake some fish biscuits for Paani? That might cheer them up.” Grouber suggested, the others nodded in agreement.
They rushed to the kitchen, Pikato, Halibeet, and Sharchini were in the kitchen with Shellington.
“Howdy dad, we’re gonna bake some of ‘em fish biscuits for Paani. We heard him sobbing and we thought it might cheer him up” Codish explained “Aww, that’s very nice of you” Shellington smiled. 
The Vegimals got to work, soon they were finished mixing the ingredients and the fish biscuits were ready to bake.
Tunip popped them in the oven.
Paani could smell something sweet coming from the kitchen is that fish biscuits? He questioned, sniffing a few times.
It was!
Paani jolted out of bed and rushed down to the kitchen “Howdy Paani. We heard you weren’t feelin’ too good so we decided to make you some fish biscuits. We hope you like ‘em” Codish smiled “aww thanks Vegimals.. I appreciate it very much.” Paani smiled back, getting a warm fuzzy feeling inside. 
A few days later
The news of the crazy cyclone Patrick had spread like wildfire. Everyone was talking about it. 
Paani and Ryla sat on the dock drinking grape juice. Meanwhile Kwazii and Shellington were playfully fighting and Peso was eating his lunch. 
“Hey Paani. Did ya hear about cyclone Patrick? Absolutely crazy how it formed out of nowhere!”
“Oh um… about that… I need to tell you something.”
“Oh? What is it?
“I formed cyclone Patrick…”
“Oh um- this is gonna sound really weird but- I went to this place on Mako Island became a merperson- just like Peso, Kwazii and Shellington but he became a merman at those Irish Sea Caves-“ 
“Oh- well I’m glad everything didn’t get out of hand with the cyclone!”
Paani nodded in agreement. 
Paani was in Canada with Bud, who he kind of saw as a younger sibling, he hadn’t known him for that long but he still felt that way.
Everyone had mentioned Cyclone Patrick. It was almost inescapable. Everyone they’d spoken to since the event had asked them if they’d heard about it. 
When Paani was down in Florida with Dashi, Tweak and Ranger Marsh, Ranger Marsh had asked him about it. 
“Hey Paani, lad, did you hear about cyclone Patrick in Australia? Sounds like something that would’ve happened  here in Florida.” 
When Paani was chatting with Tracker in the DMs, Tracker asked them about it. 
“Hey Paani, did you hear about cyclone Patrick ? Natquik told me about it”
When Paani was chatting with Pearl, even shementioned it. 
“Did you hear all about Cyclone Patrick? Shellington told me about the crazy cyclone!” 
Bud and Paani had been chatting as if they were siblings. Wow.. Their like the little sibling I never had. Paani thought to themself.
“Did you hear about cyclone Patrick? I heard about the crazy story on the news today.” Bud mentioned why does everyone keep bringing up cyclone Patrick wtf Paani thought with a sigh.
“Is something wrong?” Bud asked, noticing Paani’s sigh. “Oh um… can I tell you something?” Paani sighed again “yeah sure go for it!” Bud said.
“Well um.  You know how Peso, Shellington and Kwazii are um… merpeople right?” Paani began, Bud nodded in response “well um..” Paani paused for moment this is such an awkward conversation… He thought “basically I’m also a uh.. fish.” Paani finally said.
“Oh cool!” Bud grinned well that went smoothly Paani thought relieved.
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ji-yaaan · 3 years
°•°•𝐒𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐭 𝐍𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬•°•°
Yandere!Lilia Vanrouge × Reader
Warnings: Mild yandere, Delusional behavior, Obssesion.
Note: Uhm this was a draft I made from last year I forgot to post lmao. Anyways- Ngl this is more like angst tho :'D forgive my shit writing this was a year ago :'D
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Lonely dewdrops trickled as the curtains of dark grey skies covered the heavens above. The smell of petrichor and damp nature was faint yet comforting. Under the thick linen sheets was a painfully familiar embrace. Arms that tightly held your waist as if you were to fly away at any moment.
The warmth you shared in the tight embrace was intoxicating so to say. You felt like giving it all up and melt beneath this man's arms. Drowsiness invaded your mind like an addicting drug. You can't help but feel your eyelids grow heavy and melt in the midst of the fae's arms.
Not long after, the figure shifted his position and burried his face in the small crook of your neck. His soft raven locks tickling the corners of your ears.
You know yourself what you're doing is wrong, but the bittersweet temptation continues to drag you in and simply accept his gestures and advances. 'Just a little bit more' you thought.
His lithe fingers makes their way to intertwine it between yours. He held your hands tightly, but your heart simply ached more for his touch. His lips that kissed your skin gently was such a temptation per say. Yet... his fleeting touches was painfully addicting like poison, but just a little more won't hurt right? Just a few more moments to bask under his warmth...
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"Can't we just go back to what we used to be, my love?"
A pained gaze meets yours. If you were to be honest, it felt like it would be alright to give up everything and go back to lilia's arms, but you simply can't...
"After doing all of the things you did? Why should I trust you again Vanrouge?"
You held back your tears as you remember the vivid memories of a broken mirror shattered on the ground. Your last hope to come back home was gone within seconds as the glass touched the ground and broke to pieces. Everything was long gone, but a pair of ruby eyes gazed at your soul as it was reflected in the broken pieces of glass.
"Now now, I didn't know you'd grow this cold my dear, but I was just doing that so we could be together, no?"
The fae chuckled to himself. His pale fingers held your chin up to look back at him with your glossy eyes. A lonely tear fell on your cheek. It was a pathetic look enough to make you look so pitiful.
"Don't cry now my love, you know it yourself right? You love me too right? Why don't you be a doll and stay by my side, no?"
The pale moonlight illuminated the fae's face, quite the ethereal scenery enough to make you dizzy. The sound of the gentle rain accompanied with lilia's lullaby was hypnotizing so to say. Yet the fleeting touches simply made you crave for more even if its poison.
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It's quite ironic if you think about it. Lilia seemed to love the idea of you more than he loves you. Yet you simply can't help to keep holding onto the fantasy of him truly loving you. But alas, a rotten obsession won't lead to a beautiful ending, no?
'Just a little bit more' you thought.
"Let's make this easy and not make me hurt you along the process alright?"
As the cold wind blew, your consciousness slowly fades away as the dizzying warmth under the linen sheets and an embrace of a certain someone held you tight. If only you were to wake up to the old times when Lilia seemed like he truly loved you, yet all the sweet nothings are a mere dream and fantasy to mask his underlying obsession.
"I won't let you escape me, dear."
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Note: no words... its like 8am I haven't slept yet sighhhhh. Oh yeah but im back? Time to re-learn writing sighhhh. OH BUT I HOPE YOU ENJOYED THIS EVEN IF IT'S EW THO༎ຶ‿༎ຶ♡
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ally-127 · 4 years
my request... joshua angst where there's an argument on ur anniversary n you can decide whether to make it a happy or sad ending!! thx ally :-)
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pairing: husband!joshua x reader word count: 1.6k warnings: reference to sex, slightly suggestive material music: ‘lose’ by niki a/n: okay like this is more fluff than angst,, im sorry- my mind literally blanked out when i was trying to think of what they could argue about. but enjoy this romantic af, poetic(?) piece that i also enjoyed writing ngl. thanks for requesting @chocosvt , i hope u liked it...luv u the most <3
“come on kiddos, it’s time for bed!”
you ushered your seven and three-year-old into their shared bedroom, your lips stretched wide into a grin at their playful giggles.
“goodnight, mum,” your daughter, seven, hummed as you tucked her into bed while your younger son climbed clumsily into his beside.
you dropped a kiss on her forehead and turned to your cheeky son, who still had that smile of his. you give him a huge smooch on the cheek. “goodnight, you.”
with both children wrapped up in their sheets comfortably, you flicked off the light switch and closed the door quietly behind you.
a sigh couldn’t help but escape your lips as you shuffled your way back into your room to finish up some work, but before you did, a certain glow caught your attention.
the kitchen was dark all around when you entered, lit scented candles dotted around the table and the only light source in the room.
the flames danced in the breezy air of your apartment, lighting up not only the bouquet of lisianthus on the table but your husband, joshua, who sat on one of the chairs, staring wistfully at the flowers. a glass of wine sat solitarily in front of him, the stain on the rim a sign that he had already started to drink without you.
the beat of your heart was now apparent as ounces of dread slowly settled into the pit of your stomach.
you forgot.
“are we not important anymore?” he began, taking the glass in between his fingers.
“what do you mean?” you remained standing, feeling as if the soles of your feet had been embedded into the hardwood of the floor.
“did it completely slip your mind, or am i now the least of your concerns?” continuous rhetorical questions, or rather, questions of accusations, escaped his beautiful mouth.
you could kiss it a thousand times and still, your need for them to be on your skin would never be satiated.
“jihyun and—“
“do not bring our kids into this,” joshua was painfully serene, like the calm before the storm; the storm in which you could see in the depths of his eyes. “you forgot we’ve been married for ten years.”
you cursed under your breath.
how did you forget?
bringing the subject of work into the argument was pointless now, it only seemed like an excuse.
“i was waiting all day,” he finally shifted his almond-shaped eyes to you. “for you to run into my arms, to kiss me, hell, even to just smile at me. but no, you didn’t even look at me once.”
joshua, on a break from being a performer, occupied himself with taking care of the children and the apartment. he had plenty of time on his hands, his heart full with a sincere wish to spend it with the people he loved most in the whole universe.
you, a full-time working mother, had recently just been promoted in your company. with new responsibility came heavy workload and a brand new project dumped into your control. it was overwhelming, and it blinded a tremendous amount of aspects in your life, including your husband himself.
you realised you didn’t even meet joshua’s eyes as he got them ready for school this morning, while he adjusted their jackets and shouldered their little backpacks to carry it for them, knowing fully what date it was.
you simply kissed your daughter and son goodbye before you took half a litre of coffee with you out the door without uttering a single word of goodbye to your lover.
now, as you stared at him from where you stood, you could feel the effects of neglecting him for the longest time hurling back to you like a tidal wave.
there was no trace of a smile, of the crinkle of his eyes, of the lines that would form at the ends of his eyes that deepened over time and with age.
the expression that stared back at you was foreign, stoic.
there‘s a saying: you don’t know what you have until it’s gone.
you knew it wasn’t gone, but the absence of his smile made your heart sink into the bottomless pit of your regret. it was a horrifying feeling.
suddenly, you wanted to do all the things he said you didn’t, smile at him, run into his arms, kiss him.
“i’m sorry,” you almost lost the capability of speaking, your voice small as you gathered enough courage to take more steps towards him. “i really am. i’m such a fool.”
he stood up, his height casting a dim shadow over you. the plastic of the wrapper crunched in his hands when he extended his arm, offering the bouquet of your favourite flowers in your favourite colour to you. joshua could never forget that.
you took them with shaky hands, eyes looking everywhere but into the abyss of his caramel eyes.
“you are not a fool, my love,” he engulfed you in his strong arms, a familiar place, a place you missed often and could call home. a place you almost forgot was your home. “you are my wife,” he kissed away the single tear of remorse that escaped the duct in the corner of your eyes. “my beautiful, strong wife.”
your head on his chest, your fingers fisted in the material of his shirt, you held on to each other for what seemed like the first time in a long time. his woody scent had the effect of waves crashing against the beach and echoes of seagulls in the distance—it calmed you immensely.
everything about joshua calmed you.
it felt like you could remain in his arms forevermore, until the morning sun rose and the lisianthus wilted in the grip of your hands.
“i love you,” you told him, quietly, setting the bouquet aside to sink into his touch.
these were the words he wanted and needed to hear the most, to reassure himself that you did still love him the way he loved you, to make sure that work had not completely overtaken your senses.
“i love you too.”
fingers rubbing your back in soothing strokes, joshua kissed your temple, then the tip of your nose. to reach your lips he had to angle his head in the slightest, long eyelashes fluttering as he reached his destination.
a hum of satisfaction escaped your lips, conjoined with his, knowing fully that you didn’t deserve it yet you savoured every minute. your arms were secure around his neck, not a millimetre of space to be seen between your torso and his.
as joshua pulled away to gasp for air, he reached into his pocket for his phone, tapping away at the screen. half a second later, music began to play from the speakers he had installed on the corners of the ceiling.
your husband enjoyed music, thrived in it. it was his natural element, his escape from everything and life itself.
“dance with me, darling,” he whispered as louis armstrong blew the first few notes of his trumpet, a light melody that entranced your step into aligning with your lover’s, barefoot in the kitchen, head on his shoulder.
“remember in college,” you pondered, reminiscing the iridescent days of your youth. “when we would dance around the communal kitchen in the refrigerator light?”
“when i snuck out of the dorms to visit you half-past two in the morning?” the smile on his face reminded you of how much you truly longed for it, like a breath of fresh air after being suffocated for so long.
he grinned at you like you were back in the heart of a bustling city, of seoul, the thrill of the unexpected running through your veins like a drug. you found an impossible love, forcing the rebellion, suppressed deep enough in yourself until you forgot about it, to resurface again as you met him.
you had never felt as daring as you did when you first saw him.
“we lost so much sleep,” the airy sound of your chuckle urged joshua to tug you closer, dancer feet still in time with the rhythm of jazz buzzing in the background.
“first college, then jihyun,” the way in which your daughter’s name left his lips made the knot in your heart twist, your entire being captivated by his voice.
he twirled you around, stars—no, the entire galaxy—sparkling in those brown eyes as you spun to meet him once more.
“and jiyoung,” the sound of your youngest son’s name elicited a permanent smile from your husband, perfect teeth peeking through.
“i don’t regret a single second of it,” he said, mellifluous in tone, filled with content.
“i don’t either,” sometimes, the possibility of being in love for so long was a question to you that you could not answer.
magic doesn’t exist, but it did then, in that night, surrounded by wicks, aglow in passion, organic scent of lemongrass wafting in the air.
jazz-driven steps, hungry gazes and the brush of his fingers under your sweater made you wonder if you were back in the era of your faded youth. it was as if you were reliving each night of delirium once again, of heated sex in the darkness of your compact bedroom, of muted grunts and the slapping of skin that reverberated off the chipped walls.
joshua lifted the sweater up your head, up your arms. the music, transitioning ever so timely from armstrong to the weeknd, your eyes widening and your hips swaying ever so slightly to the bass. his grin twisted into a smirk, eyes narrowing in desire and the previous storm behind them calming into a wave of dirty intentions.
“take the week off for me, love,” kisses were peppered down your neck to your collarbone as he whispered each word into your skin.
you promised him you would, and you did.
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kareofbears · 3 years
persona 5 strikers thoughts and feelings
This is going to be a long post. Like, the type of post you’d only really have time to read when you’re trying to sleep but you’re not ready to be unconscious yet so you’re just looking for something to do to spend your time with minimal effort. 
So in 2018, a masterpiece was born into the world: Into the Spider-verse was released and it was amazing—it’s honestly the best spiderman movie we have without a doubt, and it’ll be very far into the future before Spider-verse is beaten as the best spiderman movie. Them’s the facts. Then in 2019, Spider-man: Far From Home was dropped. It’s a great movie! Great characters, great continuation of who these characters are and works fantastic as a continuation of a story. It’s really hard trying to take the torch of a previous movie (or in Marvel’s case, juggling twenty something movies) and come up with a new movie that both works on its own, as well as being the next step in this series of films. Thus, with that idea in mind, I think it’s kind of unfair to judge into the spiderverse and far from home, because these are two movies with two completely different objectives in mind. 
Okay, so this is still a persona 5 strikers post, I promise, but the idea is the same: Persona 5 could basically do whatever it wanted—new story, new characters, new everything, and it’s just plain old awesome. However, Persona 5 strikers did not have that sort of freedom. It was bound to the original game, and it had its own rules and stuff it had to keep intact, characters they had to work with, and on top of that, it had to justify its existence as a sequel (lets pretend money doesnt exist lmfao). 
SO, the big question is: did it do that? Did it justify its existence? 
And my answer: holy fuck did it ever do that
I came into this game knowing the extreme bare minimum. I knew there was someone named Sophia, and i knew there was roadtrip, and i knew there were Personas. That’s my knowledge of it before i played it on the Switch.  I should also clarify like, early on, that i was not expecting anything from this game. At all. I was the world’s biggest cynic of this game—if you scroll down my p5s tag far enough, youll just see me complaining about a game that hasn’t even come out yet. I was fully expecting to have this be a Waifu show, and any male character that isn’t Akira to just be shoved aside like some kind of nerd in a high school hallway, and i have never been more pleased to be wrong. In fact, i actually owe it an apology, because of how fucking rude i was for no reason!!! Because this game deserves everything to be honest. 
Persona 5 strikers is, frankly, insane. Insane in the sense that it got to pull shit off that just would never have existed in the original game, because the original game is scared. It had to be as impressive as possible and garner as much attention as possible. Strikers does not have that problem—every single person who bought that game does not need to be convinced that persona 5 is a good game. They already played it. That means Atlus can just fuck around and have a good time, and man did they have a good time. There’s still scenes that still shock me if i think about it too hard, because i’m used to atlus having to follow this sort of rule set when it comes to persona 5 (or any of the main games im assuming, but i havent played them.) And on top of that, there’s still shit that’s Atlus Trademarked Branded in a good way. The style of story of story telling, and revealing the mystery that is so integral to what p5 is, is still there. 
So, to make this even a little bit comprehensible, i will make a list! 
First of all, What is this game?
In short, this game is an OVA of an anime. It’s bonus side content that has one thing in mind: to showcase these lovable characters more by putting them in fun situations. That’s it, and it is just phenomenal. That was the main point of, i’d say, like forty hours of the game. It’s just fun times with fun characters. 
But to get deeper of what i think is happening, or what they were thinking during the development, is that this is a second opportunity. Persona 5 (as we all know) had a lot of problems, and we were not quiet about those problems. We yelled it all out, made posts, made complaints on every social media platform ever. And Atlus heard all of them, and Strikers is a way to mitigate those mistakes. Aside from being a fun OVA, Strikers also works to be a deeper exploration of these characters—more specifically, the characters that did not receive much in the original game. Creating this sequel is having the ability to redo what they felt (or to be more specific, we felt) in the original game while adding new ones. I will get to that in a second.  
The format of the game 
Absolutely brilliant to throw them on a road trip. P5V already forced us to experience Shibuya for 200+ hours, and im so glad that they didn’t do that again. Going from town to town, making us experience these new places alongside our favorite characters is so good, and it just makes sense. It’s fun, it’s lighthearted, and it’s actually shockingly good. But one thing i do want to talk about early on is the way the story unfolds and the villains that they use, and what they do with it because it’s very interesting. 
So as we explore japan and stuff, we encounter jails, and with those jails comes an antagonist. This antagonist works to be a parallel to one of our characters. That character will find it in their hearts to feel bad for the antagonist, because the antagonist could have been them had the original game not happen. At first I thought all of the thieves were gonna get an antagonist, and i was really hyped for the ryuji one. And then came to hour forty of the game where i realized “yeah that’s not gonna happen. There’s just not enough time.” And i was right, and the game ended. But i am not salty at all, honestly, because the people who got a direct antagonist were: Ann, Yusuke, and Haru. (we wont count zen and sophie). 
Is there a trend??? Yes. these are all characters in the original game that have received the worst treatment by atlus. The three of them are basically cast aside the minute they finished their original arc, and its horrible! BUT that’s why this is the path that atlus chose for them—to give them more depth, and screentime, and a way to show their inner self. That isn’t to say that the ones who aren’t those three (makoto, futaba, mona, akira, ryuji) didn’t get anything. Futaba still has her thing at the end with ichinose, and she was very prevalent and animated during the rest of the game. Mona and Akira have to be a focal points, that’s just the nature of the game. The other two though, I will talk about in depth in a second.  
Y’all i poke fun at shumako fans sometimes cause its kind of easy and fun, but i honestly love makoto. In my very first playthrough of p5 (my first ever jrpg game, first persona game, i had no idea what i was doing), i had only maxed out two characters: ryuji and makoto. And i know she had a lot of screentime and love in the original game which is great, but i truly felt like she was dissed in this game. Her only roles were
A driver
Someone to tell them “we don’t have a choice. Let’s keep going and see where this takes us.” (seriously, if you replay this game, you will see how much she does this)
Idk, i just wish she had more to do, especially compared to how much love they gave the other characters. 
But let’s talk about some of the new characters! 
Damn you atlus. Damn you and your insistence at bringing in cop characters. I was fully on board with hating zenkichi, i was fucking ready for it. I was convinced that there was nothing they could do convince to like zenkichi. I was immune to their copaganda. 
And then i ended up loving him, which makes me sad a little bit. I didn’t realize how desperate i was to have an adult who has a persona. Someone who wants the world to change just as much as they do, while still having that aspect of them that makes them adult. Like??? As someone who is technically an adult, its a breath of fresh air. An adult. Who fights. For justice. Using a persona. And god i love akane so much, and her obsession with the thieves (that scene is probably in my top ten fave scenes of the game). Also what i loved about zenkichi is that he fucking hates the cops!! He hates the system of the cops!! And thats why i actually really started to love him!! Because i thought it was atlus saying that the systematic problem of the police cannot be solved by one person, and zenkichi threw away his badge. I actually cried at that part!! 
But then he became a cop again, and i was just :/ but as a character, i really love him to bits and would love to do a study on him, or at least use him as an outside pov. But! i absolutely love his persona, since im a les miserables fan hehe
she’s probably my favorite new aspect of the game. I was ready to not like her—again, i just suck like that, lmfao—and when i saw her, i was scared that she was just another waifu. I mean, she was very cute after all. But then as the game went on, i thought she was a little too cute. And even further into the game, i finally slapped myself in the face and realized oh my god shes not a waifu. Shes a sister. 
That blew my mind, im ngl to you. A female character that isn’t supposed to be romanced? By jove, what a miracle! 
And she…is an amazing character. Im sorry, i just love her so much. I love her so much that she  probably ranks as my fifth or sixth favorite character which is surprising even to me. Everything about her is delightful and invigorating. She’s funny??? Her comedic timing is amazing, and she has such chemistry with the rest of the team. She’s actually useful to the plot, and while her character design is a little too on the nose for me in terms of cuteness (i mean, good god she’s wearing oversized sweater to show how cute and tiny she is, and her hair has literal hearts in it), she is absolutely lovable. 
But what i actually really wanna gush about for a second is sophia at the last stage of the game. You get the idea, i dont really like to get excited over things, so at this point i figured that there was nothing this game could do to shock me. 
And then sophia had a persona awakening. 
Like. holy fuck did i yell. I didnt realize what was happening until the music had already kicked in. and its just so fucking smart!!! Sophia??? The ai?? With no heart?? gOT A PERSONA???? AWAKENING??? BECAUSE SHE LEARNED WHAT THE HEART IS AND THE PASSION THAT YOU NEED IN ORDER TO GET A PERSONA??? I started crying honestly, because it was just so smart. And looking back on it now, its obvious!! Of course it would lead to this, it only made sense that the culmination of her character arc leads to her getting a persona, nothing else would have been as good. Also, her voice actor is just amazing?? When she was talking to ichinose at the end, i actually got incredibly emotional because of the line reads. Its just so spot on and it really captures the essence of sophia.
Muah. five stars Atlus. You got me. 
Ryuji <3!!!!
Oh man. Oh boy. Okay. so where do i start. 
Yall know i love him. Hes probably my favorite fictional male character of all time, and he is the one i was the absolute most cynical about in this game. I was expecting literally nothing. Nothing. Like. nothing. I thought he was just gonna keep being used as a joke, or a gag, and he’s gonna be super horny all the time for the other girls and it was gonna make me mad and there was gonna be some insane homophobic/queerphobic jokes in every other scene and i know i was being unfair, but i cant help it. 
And then i played the first two hours of the game, and i cried the entire time. Because ryuji has never been better than he is in this game. Its crazy. 
The ryuji in persona 5 strikers is who ryuji should have been/how he should have been treated this entire time. From the actual funny jokes (for example, the gold bar joke + his reaction to it in the beginning of the game), defending his female friends instead of being the one people need to defend from (natsume arc), and the fact that he was the one to be there with morgana and akira in the very beginning of the game. Its such a small thing that they didnt even need to do, but it was such an integral part of the original game for me, that i just was convinced that nothing like this was going to happen. But then it happened. Its just small stuff like that that could have been overlooked but it wasn’t because this game? Persona 5 strikers? Fucking loves ryuji. 
The actual respect they gave this boy is insane and i wasn't ready for it. Like, they gave the shujin trio lunch, they gave the little charm of the katana when they were in natsume’s jail, and, in my opinion this is the second-best thing that they could have given ryuji is sophia. Ryuji and sophia are the pinnacle of a brother & sister bonding relationship in the game that isn’t akira & futaba. And its really prevalent too?? Small stuff from the beginning of the game (pulling her out of a jail, calling her shorty), but then you have the iconic “shut the fuck up” scene, and that scene was so well characterized and written and voice acted, that somehow him saying “fuck” was the least exciting part of that scene to me. Ryuji is an older brother to her, like its undoubtable, and its only further cemented at the end of the game where Ryuji helps out ichinose because he knows how much sophia cares about her. This game. Love ryuji. And i love. This game. 
You know what else i love? Akiryu. 
Guys. i was fully prepared to starve in terms of akiryu. But theres just. So much of it. I wont get too deep into it, because i think this aspect of the game for me still needs marinate a little bit. Like, what was that last shot when EMMA died and Ryuji walked to approach Akira so they could relish in their victory together?? And the smile from both of them??? What the fuck. That was amazing. Also Joker being saved by Ryuji when he was about to fall from the cliff to save sophia??? WHAT. The LEADER AND HIS RIGHT HAND MAN? WHAT. anyway. If theres anything i want to keep for myself in my own brain, its the akiryu aspect of this game, so i wont talk too much about that part of things (instead, itll probably manifest in fic lmfaooo). 
Sure, there’s tidbits of stuff i dont like that they gave ryuji: sexualizing ann in that one cut scene and making him touch the jails even though it hurts, and i recognize those and frown at them, but for the most part, i am blown away with how they treated him.
Basically, Ryuji has never been better. From the opening of the game with him being the first text message and the one to sling his arm around akira, to the very last cut scene where it was ryuji wordlessly leaving because he’s so confident that they would never be separated for long, this game adores Ryuji and i am so so happy to say that.
The Royal aspect of things
Yeah, i had to talk about this, but itll be a short thing i just wanted to point out. Because the last part of this game...is persona 5 royal. Which is curious. Like taking reality and giving that power to someone else so you dont have to experience suffering anymore? And even like, the final section just looked a lot like the top half of maruki’s palace?? And whats even crazier is that we had a boss fight with sophia, just like how we had a boss fight with sumire? Royal and Strikers have like, the same thesis statement. It’s kind of uncanny.It’s interesting, it’s like atlus came up with these two ideas, and then just decided they liked both of them so much that they just did it twice. I don’t mind though—actually, in terms of how the last Palace/Jails go, i probably like them both about equally. 
Though i did love the final battle in this one more than i did in royal. Splitting into teams?? Thats cool as fuck, and really innovative and i didnt see it coming. It also kicked my ass. A lot. 
Now for the last stretch: the small stuff!
The music — bomb as fuck. In my heart, Daredevil is ranked the same as Rivers. Axe to grind is also amazing, but Daredevil owns me
Akechi — i really debated whether or not to talk about him, but i figured a bullet point should be enough. Im really shocked that he wasnt in this at all. Like not even a name drop. If this is an OVA, and the point of the game is to please the fans, and akechi is arguably the fan favorite character, i was really ready for something. But there was nothing, except for the pancake hallway if that even counts as a reference. Thats it. Thats all i wanted to say about him.
The humour — FUCKING HILARIOUS im convinced that in my fifty hour playtime, five of that is dedicated to me laughing and unable to continue the game 
Akira — so much personality! His lines of dialogue are crazy sometimes (like. Whats up with him saying Ryuji has ‘nice abs’ when they were in bath? Im crazy and even i dont know what the fuck that could mean) 
Battle system — oh my god i almost forgot to talk about this. I love it! I kind of miss the turn based aspect just because i found it very comforting for some reason, but this hack and slash style of gameplay is so invigorating because i do feel like it justifies shit like the baton pass and huge attacks.  This battle system fully encompases how the Phantom Thieves are supposed to fight, you know what i mean?
Anyway, thats my thoughts on strikers. Loved it. Amazing. 9.3/10, wouldve been higher but Konoe’s Jail almost bored me to death. Also im a monster and i didnt do any requests that isn’t a fun one, teehee. As if i play persona 5 for the persona aspect of things.
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ovanrie · 3 years
here’s a personal longass ramble under the cut bc my adhd brain can’t resist extensively elaborating on every thought and experience it has at any point in time!! read if u want ig??
so i recently found out im like partially colourblind - i suspect slight tritanomaly, which basically means
i see pale yellow or blue as white or gray
i have a hard time distinguishing between similar shades of blue and green (like, i cant tell when its more blue or more green or right in the middle)
i have a hard time telling apart similar shades of red/orange/pink/purple/magenta and sometimes orange and yellow
i have a VERY tough time distinguishing dark colours, especially blue and purple
and like,,,, its just been so fascinating and mindblowing that my perception of the world has actually been different all this time and i never noticed??
like, its nothing severe or anything, and i can still function in daily life ofc since its a pretty slight colourblindness, but its just so weird to me that people can just,,,, see stuff that i cant?? or they see it differently??
bc suddenly it makes sense, all those times when like my family/friends teased me or criticised the fact that i couldnt tell whether a shirt was more blue or green, or called me blind whenever i called green blue and i had to pretend i could see it after they pointed it out even tho it just looked blue to me
and it made sense how i, like, couldnt tell the difference between three (apparently) different shades of red eyeshadow?? like ive been told theyre like. noticeably different. and theyre just identical to me
but it feels so weird like,, people can actually see yellow and purple in the rainbow? people can see yellow in the goddamn rainbow??? bc to me its always just been. a white stripe. in the rainbow. and of course logic and common sense tell me that its scientifically impossible for white to be in the rainbow, but it just is for me and i always figured “oh thats how everyone sees it probably, this isnt weird, lets just accept it, yellow must be some mythical colour they put in the rainbow just because”
and like?? people can see purple in it as well??? bc to me its just dark blue with like dashes of magenta??? like, the rainbow, to me, basically looks like
tiny slither of red - hella orange - white stripe lmao - hella green but also kind of aqua?? - ????? - aqua - dark blue - ??? tiny specks of magenta here and there
and then people tell me there is genuinely yellow in the rainbow?? and im supposed to just believe em???
and like its amazing to me how people can just see yellow marker on paper. like. they can read yellow on white without needing an outline. like i can tell its something vaguely yellow but i cannot read it for the life of me, and like they can easily tell when a message on whatsapp’s been read with just a glance, when i have to stare at the little check marks bc the whatsapp blue is so pale that it looks gray to me, and people actually can see the difference between shit like peach and salmon and pink and light red and warmer oranges and people actually know whether cyan is green or blue or equally both while its such an enigma to me like what the FUCK is cyan
and dont even get me STARTED on the magic of ✨accessibility colour filters✨
cause like apple has the option to set a filter for each type of colour blindness, and like, when i put on the tritanopia filter everything is so much bluer and i can actually SEE when someone reads my whatsapp messages by just glancing at it, or i can see that the emojis are actually pretty yellow and not some weird orange?? and like, in one of the group chats im in on whatsapp, one of my friends’ names on there is coloured purple but i always was so convinced it was navy blue and the filter just blew my goddamn mind bc holy shit you’ve been purple all this time????? and i can actually see the purple and yellow stripes in rainbows?? altho ngl the yellow stripe still looks kinda white even with the filter rip
but like. just. its so weird to find out your perception of the world has always been just slightly wrong and it really reminds you how subjective the world really is bc i probably would’ve forever thought the rainbow just had white in it and that my friend was navy blue in that stupid group chat and now im just wondering what other things i might be seeing just slightly off than what they should be
perception is the weirdest goddamn shit
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shhh-no-ones-home · 4 years
green looks good on you  vinny mauro x reader
Request from @gardenjungle : "If you are taking requests, I would LOVE if you could do an imagine where the reader has a ton in common with Chris (likes hockey and Harry Potter, is a vegan, etc...) so they’re super close, and Vinny is super upset about it because he likes her sooo much and “Chris gets all the girls” ??? Vinny gets no love and you’re one of the only people who writes about him often. I’d also love if you could get a little sexy action in there"
Ngl this is like 1600+ words and i wrote it in like twenty minutes and loved every minute of it. i really hope you like it! i didnt end up adding anything ‘sexy’ but its pretty gratifying to say the least lol.
Song: gold by sleeping with sirens
tag list: @musicsexandpizza69 @svintsandghosts @alilpunkrock @cynic-spirit @theoneandonlykymberlee @ryansitkowskiswifey @joeybarber @thisplace-ishaunted
i rocked back into the couch, laughing at what chris had said. he was sat next to me, very comfortably, as we chatted amongst ourselves. we had been very close friends for a very long time and i was over the moon that he'd invited me to travel with them for this tour as the videographer. not only did i get to expand my portfolio but i also got to connect with my best friend and his band.
"okay but do you remember that one fall at the orchard when you tripped on that apple and ended up face first in the dirt?"
he laughed out and i sent him a shocked expression.
"i thought we agreed to never bring that up!"
i protested, the other guys around us sort of laughing along, them only half paying attention as they played a new video game. their focus was above our heads.
"but it was hilarious. i looked up for a split second and BAM! there you went."
he said loudly, being a little more expressive at the 'bam.' i shook my head at him.
"okay then, if we are ratting each other out about stupid shit weve done,what about that one time you got your hand stuck in the Christmas tree ties on your dads car?"
i said matter-of-factly. his eyes got wide.
"hey! that was an accident and you know it. we couldve taken my whole arm off!"
he said in his defense.
"i thought it was hilarious."
i said sternly back, smiling widely at him. he stuck his tongue out at me, a notion i gladly mirrored. then he grabbed me around the shoulders, pulling me to him. i screamed at the sudden motion, looking to vinny and rick who were sitting across from us for some guidance but they were to into the game.
"you two are too much."
ricky laughed out, looking at ryan for a second as he walked by. chris pulled me closer before licking a stripe up my face.
i said pulling away from him and wiping his saliva off of my face.
i said, grabbing his face and blowing raspberries into his cheek. he laughed incredulously, pushing me away from him.
"youre nasty."
he said mimicking my notion and wiping his face. i punched his arm lightly before swinging my legs into his lap, him holding them there and looking down at me endearingly.
"so are you."
i said back, shaking my head at him, nose scrunched.
"you know you love me."
he said, bringing his face closer to mine.
"well yeah."
i said back, squinting at him.
"i think im done for tonight."
vinny said suddenly, pausing the game. ricky sent him a look like 'wtf?' and watched him stand.
"im gonna go get some air."
he said and we all watched him walk off the bus.
"that was weird right?"
i asked and they all nodded. i had a good few chances to talk to vinny since tour had started and he seemed like a really cool guy. someone id be lucky to call a close friend by the time tour was over if not something more. part of me felt bad, like chris and i really where too much for him to handle in that moment. but this was how we always were. we practically survived our teens years together, losing touch for a bit but inevitably going back to the way things where when we found each other back.
"you guys mind if i go out there too?"
i asked and they all sort of shrugged at me, chris letting my legs go so i could stand. as i did i leaned down and kissed the top of his head.
"dont miss me while im gone."
i joked and he rolled his eyes at me.
"of course not."
i laughed a little bit as i descended down the stairs, pushing the door open and seeing vinny leaning against the bus.
"you okay?"
i asked softly, walking to him and rubbing my hands together. i had sort of forgotten how cold it had got. it was late fall after all but the bus was so warm and inviting i didnt even think about grabbing a jacket before leaving. i half shivered as i walked closer, his face being illuminated by the street lights outside the venue.
"uh yeah, everything's great."
he said a little condescendingly, kicking his foot into the gravel under him.
"im sorry if we were too much, i guess when we get together we have a tendency to overshare and its not for everyone. but i suppose thats what you get when youre comfortable with someone the way we are."
i tried to defend to him and he let out a short sigh-laugh.
"its no big deal, you guys really like each other. its cool."
i smiled.
"yeah, hes my best friend."
vinny nodded once.
"how long have you guys been together? i dont recall him ever talking about you before."
i drew my brows.
i asked and he seemed just as confused as i was.
"look i get it, chris gets all the girls, being the front man and all."
he seemed a little jealous.
"but i dont think he ever mentioned you before tour started and then one day he told us about some girl coming on to film us. but clearly you guys are close so do you have like a, i dont know, like a open relationship type thing?"
i laughed a little bit.
"you think chris and i are dating?"
he half shrugged.
"well yeah, its kinda obvious."
i shook my head and took his hand in mine.
"vinny i can assure you that chris and i are just friends. if anything hes like the brother i never asked for nor wanted but got anyways. but life just does that sometimes."
he looked down at our connected hands and let go of me promptly.
"i guess it just doesnt seem like that."
he said a little hurt. i sighed and leaned against the bus next to him.
"it would be kind of weird to bring it up to him but i like someone else in this band, if you wanted to know."
i said, looking at him a little hopeful he was picking up what i was putting down.
he said sadly. i sighed, i guess not.
"yeah, hes super cool, and nice, and ive really enjoyed connecting with him."
i shivered as the wind blew and he finally looked over at me.
"are you cold?"
he asked, ignoring what i had just said. i nodded a little bit, crossing my arms over my chest.
"just a little bit but i ll be fine."
he shook his head at me.
"no way, here."
he said taking his jacket off. at least he had long sleeves on. he placed his jacket over my shoulders, pulling it together in the front.
"thanks vin."
i said as we both returned to our positions against the bus.
"would your new dream guy do that?"
he half joked, i could still hear the venom in his voice. he was absolutely jealous. i thought it was funny because now he was jealous of himself.
"actually yeah."
he scoffed, hiking his foot up on the side of the bus.
he said looking away from me. i stepped closer and nudged him.
"he would because he just did."
he looked at me and drew his brows together.
"wait you mean?"
he asked, his face turning to that of shock. i nodded.
"god, yes. vin ive had a crush on you since i got here."
i laughed out.
"i didnt think you would like me back and then i realized just now that that was utter bullshit."
he half smiled.
"and whys that?"
he asked a little cocky.
"you were jealous of chris and that has only happened to me a handful of times in my life. once in highschool when my boyfriend said he would break up with me if i didnt stop hanging out with him. once when i graduated college and my then boyfriend accused me of sleeping with him. and right now."
he looked down a little ashamed.
"yeah i guess that wasnt fair of me to do. i just figured since you guys hit it off so fast that you were into him."
i laughed a little bit.
"dont get me wrong i love him with my whole being, but seeing someone go through puberty just does something to your vision of them ya know?"
i asked and he laughed back, nodding.
"okay, well if you really are into me, would it be stepping to far to ask you out?"
he said hopefully and i grinned widely at him.
"i would love that vin."
he sent me a tired smile in the dim street lights.
"may i also be so bold as to ask if i could kiss you?"
i let out a nervous laugh. i was really gonna let that happen huh? i nodded.
"id like that a lot vin."
he stepped closer to me slowly, placing his hand gently against my cheek, running his thumb over it. his hands were rough and calloused from playing the drums so long but i didnt mind. it kind of felt nice. he looked deep into my eyes before leaning down and capturing my lips in his. all of a sudden it felt like home, like this was it, the thing id wanted for so long and never found. his other hand made its way to my waist as he deepend the kiss. i sighed into him, practically melting against his mouth like chocolate left outside in the sun on a hot day. when he pulled away he rested his forehead against mine and smiled like an idiot, one i gladly returned.
"fucking finally."
i heard from behind me, the bus door clicking closed. both of us turned to look, seeing ricky and chris standing there grinning from ear to ear. i had a mad blush splayed across my face now and was thankful that the light was behind me so it would be harder to see.
"how long have you been standing there?"
i demanded, walking to chris and punching his arm. he laughed in pain as he rubbed his arm.
"long enough to see the sparks fly."
he teased, pushing me back. i rolled my eyes at him.
"get your ass back in the bus."
i said opening the door and escorting him back inside. he made kissy noises at me as rick followed him up the stairs. i shook my head and turned around, jumping a little bit at vinnys presence behind me.
"rick had kind of been waiting for that for a while."
he said, looking up at the now closed door. i raised a a brow.
i asked and he sent me a bashful smile, scratching the back of his neck lightly.
"ive been crushing over you for a while too. and being jealous of chris just as long, rick's been pushing me to say something. i guess it just took one last little push."
he shamefully laughed out.
"at least now we're on the same page."
i said before standing on my tip toes and bringing him down to kiss me again, both of his hands going to my waist.
"now come on, im still cold and the bus is much warmer."
i joked and he nodded along.
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notnctu · 3 years
Hey, you should really pay up now....
Cause you can't live in my mind free rent and expected not to pay *insert Taeyong smirk*
(I send it again cause tumblr didn't send it) Fun fact: I actually got into nct because of Shotaro👉👈 and after I learned their names, my bias list changed dramatically until it dissolves into nothing😭😭 but Shotaro and doie still hold a special places in my heart. 😭 But Joyce, you could never know when or who to give CPR to 🤷‍♀️😏 (screw me, I never know how to give CPR tho) but I'm genuinely curious about what will their reaction be if I shoot them with a pick up line. What do you think will their reaction be? 👀👀
Ooooh, I'm actually a fan if bts before they blew up and after the fandom got toxic, I left. I don't stan many groups tho but the main one are Got7 and SKZ and I pick up nct after the two member got added.
And granted, I woke up late today 😭😭😭😭
Plssss let this pass tumblr
-flirty anon.
HI BABE I ANSWERED IT AS SOON AS I GOT IT ): why is tumblr not on our side im so frustrated im so sorry ): ngl i got scared when i saw the first line that i had to pay up,, i was like i have no money w h a t 
omg so you’re a baby nct fan too?? :ooo  i havent been in the fandom for long, but welcome! everyone here is so nice and pretty <3 i love taro he’s my second son hahaha like his mannerisms are timid so i hope he can open up a little more when he feels more comfortable, but i love that cutie sm !! 
haha depending on the member you give a pick up line to, it can go a lot of ways. they could cringe, become flustered, give one back LOL my bet is that taro would be flustered too
OMG ME TOO IVE LOVED THEM SINCE WE ARE BULLETPROOF PT2 hahha its been ..... a long long journey :’) but yes i respect your decision! honestly its just become a natural fade out for me, i still enjoy their music and i still love jimin so much but i dont keep up with them. do you have a bias in got7 and skz?? 
good morning?? good day?? <3 
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🙃 📚 🌗
@ekstez sent: Hewwo! How about '🙃 Which is easier: faces facing left, right, or front view?', '📚 How many layers do you typically use?' and '🌗 Is night or day better for drawing?' 👀
...the fact that you both sent the same stuff kills me ngl lasdngasdf
artist ask meme
🙃 Which is easier: faces facing left, right, or front view?
im a strong 2/3-face-facing-to-my-right advocate for no reason other than “apparently im more used to read mangas rather than western comics so it becomes natural for me to draw my characters facing to my left, because the mangas are read this way”
im not even joking when ppl told me i draw them like this bc of mangas it blew my mind
📚 How many layers do you typically use?
as little as possible, really. one for sketches, one for lineart, one for base color and depending on the levels of shadings and lights i want to use generally i add 5 or more ...more or less 10, more of course if i want to make a big big scene with background and more characters ofc
🌗 Is night or day better for drawing?
late noon to evening. generally i get to focus more in the darker hours than the morning-early afternoon tho
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becksfm · 4 years
hey CASEY “BECK” BECKHAM , welcome to dillon university . has anyone ever told you you’re GAVIN LEATHERWOOD’s twin ? no ? well okay , i heard you are TWENTY - TWO & a JUNIOR at the university . we hope BIOCHEMISTRY isn’t kicking your ass too much , especially since you’re a STUDENT PHYSICAL TRAINER . see you at the next game, BECK & character’s cismale + he/him . 
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it’s me & i’m here for round fuckin’ two , friends . this time i bring you resident GOLDEN BOY . . . a whole 6′1 of soft boy energy . . . floppy overgrown curls . . . king of talking - your - way - out - of - everything . . . retired hockey player . . . a man of Many Talents , of which the most astounding is his ability to look like he’s got it all together when , in fact , he does not ! under the cut , you’ll find a lil more about him . . . & if you wanna plot hmu @ 𝙘𝙝𝙖𝙨𝙚 𝙨𝙩𝙤𝙠𝙚𝙨 𝙨𝙩𝙖𝙣#9956 on discord or pop into my ims here !! 
𝑩 𝑨 𝑪 𝑲 𝑮 𝑹 𝑶 𝑼 𝑵 𝑫 .
dillon , texas born & raised . on the outskirts of town is a ranch that is enough to house the beckham family: mom, dad, and all eight beckham children . beck is the second oldest , with one older sister , four younger sisters , and two younger brothers . . . not necessarily in that order . 
mother , sophia mattheson - beckham is a lawyer based in austin working with the ACLU , and father , michael beckham has a small private practice in dillon working as a pediatrician . they weren’t home often , but when they were , they spent as much time with the kiddos as possible . it’s just . . . they were so rarely home that it really didn’t matter. 
with the beckham name, though, comes the pressure to be SOMETHING GREAT , and that’s something that’s been a part of beck’s life since . . . he can remember . little league & kindergarten grades were always taken a little too seriously , and it didn’t help that his older sister was a shining example of perfection . 
growing up it was hard not to like him. he was quiet for the most part , but goofy when he wasn’t . there was a little extra charm about him that just gave him an all around magnetic pull . kids wanted to be his friend and he wanted to be theirs . he fit in , but around home , he was the odd man out . beck was always a little more interested in sports rather than math or music rather than reading . it wasn’t to say he wasn’t smart , it just kind of –– bored him?? where his family was v
there was give and take with beck–– the golden boy of dillon but the black sheep of the family . he could play hockey if he kept his grades up. he could take guitar if he was also on student government and model u.n.. his parents would applaud him on his grades but never cared to hear him play; they’d show up for debates but rarely ever saw a hockey game. it was touch and go, his relationship with them, and it still is.
DESPITE IT ALL though, you wouldn’t catch him complaining. he bore the crown of homecoming king his senior year and never went to a dance without a date. teachers loved him, so did his coaches. he found a best friend in one cameron sloane –– ( because of course he did ) –– when the sloanes moved to dillon , and they were an unstoppable kind’a duo on and off the ice.
when it came time to pick a college, he really . . . had his pick of the lot. coulda gone anywhere, but there were roughly six reasons , all with the same last name , that kept him close to home. his parents even agreed that if he went in as pre-med, they would pay for the whole thing . . . and even make time to watch him play hockey. 
things were good for a long while, until they weren’t. you can usually see the stars on the outskirts of dillon, but one night, his sophomore year, you couldn’t. storm clouds covered ‘em up, and he tried his damndest to get cameron to stick around a celebratory party until it passed, but sloanes are stubborn and there was no changing his mind. 
cam passing away was like losing a brother, and he spent countless hours pacing in a hospital waiting room . . . hoping for good news and never getting it. beck had never known loss like that, and it knocked him into a bit of a tailspin . he quit hockey and didn’t register for school the next year . he spent a lot of time at a family residence in austin and even more time drinking . for the most part . . . he kind of DISAPPEARED , losing himself in the process for a good nine months.
they say it takes a village to raise a kid, and it took a village to drag this one out of a spiral. his parents. his siblings. his friends. and eventually . . .  dillon’s football coaching staff. a loud knock on the door from coach buchanan and a swift kick in the ass from coach sloane, a man who knew the kid almost as well as he’d known his own son. come work for us, they told him . . . and it was a way to get him back on track under a watchful eye that. wasn’t quite as critical as his parents
so that’s where we are now . . . back at dillon, a year behind, and working with both the football and cheerleading team as a physical trainer, playing a heavy hand in making sure both teams are the best conditioned in the state of texas. his grades are looking up, and he’s still on the fast track for med school, much to his –– and his parents’s –– surprise. 
the beckhams don’t talk about his little stint of a spiral. no one in dillon does . . . unless in tones of hushed whispers alongside judgmental looks. beck doesn’t mind it too much ,though . . . even takes it as a challenge 
𝑷 𝑬 𝑹 𝑺 𝑶 𝑵 𝑨 𝑳 𝑰 𝑻 𝒀 . ( i’m getting tired so this gon be ugly )
you want inspo?? i’ll give ya inspo!! richard campbell gansey the third ( dick 3 babiiiie ) is my main inspo for beck. you’ll also find a lil bit of jim halpert, a lil bit of rob maclanahan from miracle ( even tho he w as a real person too shhh ), and *insert big eyed emoji here* grizz from the society 
ever since he can remember, there’s been pressure on this kid to be something great . . . so he feels like if he has the capability to do something, he has to do it. . . there’s no choice in the matter. a lot of this stems. from his parents, but he’s also really just . . . overly critical of himself sometimes
boy is a fucking PARADOX okay bc sometimes . . . . with the way he talks. . . . he accidentally puts his damn foot in his mouth . he’s smart so occasionally comes off as condescending , but he’s . . . incredible in conversation with people he needs to impress because he’s hella charming
that said... this quote is REALLY important and REALLY summative of beck: “Gansey had always felt as if there were two of him: the Gansey who was in control, able to handle any situation, able to talk to anyone, and then, the other, more fragile Gansey, strung out and unsure, embarrassingly earnest, driven by naive longing.” –– let’s dive into that!! when he feels like he’s got a sense of control of the things around him, when he’s in his element or in his comfort zone, when he’s feeling confident , the boy is a force. he can talk you and anyone else out of any situation, and he has. he can make friends with anyone put in front of him, and he has. when beck is ON . . . he is on . . . but it’s a bit surface level because when he’s not wearing the crown of GOLDEN BOY and he’s . . . vulnerable . . . or unsure . . . or stressed . . . he tends to put that foot of his in his mouth and spit. out whatever it is he’s thinking. he’s honest to a fault in this sense, and he’s hopeful beyond compare. 
an introvert. . . . can CHARM u but doesn’t want to because honestly that is so draining and he’d much rather be at home. the popular type but only has a few friends that are really really close to him
loyal to a fault . . . will give you 392847 chances that you don’t deserve .. fool me once shame on you ! fool me twice shame on me! fool me three time what the fuck bro now ur just taking advantage of me 
very . .. calm and even tempered.  he’s a mediating type and like . . would rather find a conflict resolution than sWING u feel me
he’s cute.  .. . and. people love him but .  . . despite it all, he really doesn’t let that go to his head?? the boy was raised to believe you had to earn things and he’s just. idk . . .. humble king
eloquent as fuck ( lol good luck @ me writing that shit )
quick witted and very sharp
probably a lawful good type ngl :\
Does Not Do Well.With Change. when his older sister left dillon to go to notre dame??? boy damn near blew a gasket how dARE SHE go that far away!!! 
v close with his sibs . .. . activate Dad Mode. he loves all of them equally and definitely does not at all favor the 10 y/o baby brother of the family or his sister closest in age, who is also a student at dillon. doesn’t favor them ONE BIT 
u want a vibe for the beckhams??? “ the beckhams were courtiers and kings . when there was no castle to invite them, they built one” ( we stan ONE weird author lady named maggie)
insomnia!! the boy nEVER SLEEPS1! always thinking. always planning what’s next. gotta go gotta go gotta go.
kind of .. . a hopeless romantic :\ dated the same girl for most of high school but when she fucked off to ole miss she broke up with him in a text. so that .. . . . .. went well for him ..... still a dumb bitch tho and would love to hold ur hand
wire rimmed glasses, wool sweaters, light colored hoodies, distressed denim, cuffed pants, :\ chelsea boots :\
phobia of bees. there’s literally no reason for this other than my own, personal, geeked out pleasure
prank king
Smart Jock Type
plays guitar to relieve stress and you bet baby’s got some pipes here u go 
literally nothing like nicholas scratch DO NOT call him daddy
tall and doesn’t know what to do with all the extra limb like .  . . . . the fuck
will push you to your personal best in any conditioning circumstance
okay I THINK THAT’S ALL . . .. i’m a big fan of basic plots that kinda ebb and flow with chemistry BUT!! gimme the basics man . . . a roommate . . . a past hookup or two . . . some spicy friendships or . . . fRENEMIES even u know the drill
ok that’s all i hope u love him bc i am v nervous about playing A Man buT IT IS WHAT IT IS U KNOW
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svt-energyskincare · 6 years
“fruit boy?”
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ten? the boy whom hates fruits w a fuming flame? what happens when he meets the girl who works at the local juice bar? hMMmm (warning: this is about to be the most cheesiest+extrA thing ever but omg bUT IDC LESGOOO LOL)
✭ ten is a man who despises fruits more than anything in his life
✭ this is literally fact #6 in the 1st chapter of the FACT BOOK
✭ i mean everybody and their momma’s know that ten despises fruits, he can drink fruit juice, but if it’s raw fruit ….. bye sweetie!
✭ he was the kid that always picked fries instead of fruits for the side in his happy meal
✭ and tbh, he’ll always be like that at heart
✭ but his best friend johnny literally is the opposite
✭ kiddo who would always order the fruits, and even snatched the fruit in other’s happy meal when they weren’t looking, the fries who ?? kid
✭ and tbh, he’ll always be like that at heart too
✭ so whenever johnny and ten had a day of rehearsing or recording ahead of them w the rest of da boys, they would almost always make a stop at the local juice bar in the morning
✭ which of course, always resulted in a thicc groan from ten bc where’s the green tea
✭ which always resulted in a retort from johnny saying “well they have gReeN aPple smOoThiEs iF yOu aCtuAlLy liKed fRuitS”
✭ they always had (yes, h a d) to go to that particular juice bar because not only was it convenient since the sm building was right next to it
✭ but also to avoid them having to buy completely new phones bc the rest of the boys were actually blowing their phones up if they didn’t get what they wanted, which johnny didn’t want bc the boy’s already dropped his phone enough give him a break boys lol:(
✭ doyoung: guys, are you at the juice bar?
✭ ten: no
✭ johnny: no
✭ renjun: no i saw them leave!
✭ ten: RENJUN
✭ johnny: no guys we’d have to drive like 30 minutes back to get your drinks
✭ renjun: ah c’mon we’ll get you guys walkers if you get us some
✭ chenle: LOLOL
✭ renjun: get it? cause they’re old hAHAH
✭ kun: i feel attacked and that wasn’t even for me
✭ winwin: aw i want some smoothies :(
✭ haechan: what’s manager hyung’s number again? hmm..
✭ ten+johnny: …….
✭ ten+johnny: ………..
✭ ten+johnny: ……………… fine
✭ mark: can i get a banana smoothie!
✭ doyoung: could i get caramel americano pls n thx
✭ yuta: but they don’t have those
✭ doyoung: wHA
✭ taeyong: yogurt smoothie!
✭ ot7: oh! could i-
✭ ten+johnny: oKAY
✭ as for johnny and ten, if they didn’t already cop their coffee elsewhere, they would always order the same ol thing and luckily, this place was one of those places that was technically a juice bar, buuuuut ofc it had other stuff like milkshakes, smoothies, etc- but hey not complaining thO
✭ so johnny’s usual: tbh he doesn’t have 1 bc when i tell u that the boy is a full on beverage (and coffee) connoisseuR-
✭ ten’s usual: a plain yogurt smoothie with 2 lil muffins (well actually it’s not really a muffin … it’s lowkey a lil cupcake but ten likes to call it muffin, so if he says it’s a muffin, muffin it is amirite)
✭ and usually the workers at the place memorized their orders AND the rest of the members by now bc of how often they came, so they wouldn’t even have to tell em! would ya look at that
✭ however on this particular day, there was one worker who had never looked so confused in her whole life
✭ who is this confused as hELL gal u ask????
✭ correct! yes sweetie, it’s you :’)
✭ it was your first shift at the juice bar and honestly you were sO NERVOUS
✭ but luckily, your coworkers were p chill and nice and willing to help you out whenever you needed !! yay 4 friendly coworkers
✭ you were spacing out, listening to the music they had faintly playing in the background as you waited for the first customers to come in for what felt like forever
✭ well, it was 6am afterall
✭ snapping you out of your daydream or morning dream whatever tf you wanna call it, your coworker eagerly shook the absolute hell out of your arm and started whisper-yelping
✭ ”oh my god they’re back!”
✭ ”what? who?”
✭ ”oh my god! this is the best morning of my life!”
✭ “you’re freaking me out what are y-”
✭ before you could ask anything else, literally all your coworkers scrambled to their stations and started making smoothies like their life depended on it and you’re like uhhHHH wtf are y’all doiN
✭ but that’s when you glanced up at the two boys walking in, and you honestly were stunned for a hot minute
✭ you knew who they were, of course you did, everyone did are u KIDDING
✭ but you literally wanted to pinch yourself because they legitimately looked like WALKING 3D SIMS W/ ALL THE PRETTY CC LOL
✭ prettiest boys you’ve ever seen with your own two eyes? you betcha!
✭ they weren’t even looking at the menu, but rather their phones and you could hear them groan lmAo and believe me you tried your best not to stare at them, but your eyes were like what did u say? disregard what u just said and continue to stare? okay!
✭ luckily a few moments later, they finally stopped groaninG and went to the front to order
✭ ”good morning! what can i get for you?” you asked johnny w the biggest smile you could muster up from your immense lack of sleep from the first day nerves… and oh! also! how could i forget, the iNTENSE nervousness of talking to these 2 sims lmao
✭ there was a silence in the air bc your coworkers were trying to stop from revealing their giddyness, but tragically failing which made johnny and ten lose focus and laugh ever so cutelY about it
✭ ”i’ll have a strawberry milkshake wiiiith….” johnny said, tapping his finger on the counter debating whether or not if it was too early for a sugar rush (also yes, he did just order a milkshake at 6 in the morning. did someone say ICON)
✭ ”whipped cream?” you asked which made johnny bust out the biggest smile
✭ ”how’d you know!”
✭ ”oh come on, a shake without whipped cream? that even sounds wrong”
✭ ”you read my mind!” johnny said in between laughs and handed you the amount of money for the coffee
✭ at this point tbh you didn’t feel that nervous anymore surprisingly, like something about johnny just made you feel sO comfy?? he was so friendly and welcoming bIH HE’S AMAZIN
✭ and yup, just when you thought your nerves were gonna pack their bags and go tf home ….. ten pops out from behind johnny like one of those wind up toys w/ the jumpscare just waiting to happen
✭ as soon as you saw him, your nerves literally said LMAO U THOUGHT, OUR FLIGHT ISN’T UNTIL TOMORROW
✭ you finally met eyes with him, and you swear to gOD that he hypnotized you
✭  what were those …. galaxies in his eyes ??? they sparkled just like the stars did
✭ and little did u know, ten was like muffin who ??? he didn’t even know what the hell that was, he was too busy thinking about how pretty u weRE
✭ also did i mention that ten is literally your biggest crush? no? OOPS OK ANYWAYS
✭ ”s-sorry” you managed to blurt out with the shyest smile ever, followed by regret bc you realized you lowkey blew your cover lol
✭ ”what can i get for you?”
✭ ”i’ll have 2 double chocolate chip muffins please” he said with the cutest smile ugh
✭ “oh and one of those macaroons! the chocolate one” he added, standing on his tippytoe’s to point over the glass im:(((
✭ ten’s smile never left his face and the more you looked at him, you noticed how confident n not shy he was, so you were like HHHHokay y/n, you gotta step tf UP DON’T U DARE TURN INTO A RED ASS APPLE
✭ oh and speaking of apples
✭ just a lil after you took ten’s order, you heard footsteps coming up from behind you
✭ you’d recognize those scary high heel clicks anywhere hHH your manager was coming to check on how you were doing
✭ and with a cringe to your eyebrows, you huffed and gave in before you could get in trouble on your first day
✭ ”oh, would you guys like to try our new morning … madness smoothie?” you asked them as u could practically feel the manager burning a hole into your head by how intensely they were glaring at yoU
✭ oof you cringed at the damn name of the thing, they sure did notice and started piecing 2 and 2 together
✭ just when you thought you’d done your part of promos, your manager “AHEM”’d you, signaling that you, indeed, were wrong again
✭ “uh- it has strawberries, apples, oranges-”
✭ as you were listing the painstakingly lengthy ingredients to them, ten’s expression changed from that cute lil smile, to an almost in pained, scared look?? OMG
✭ but to your surprise when you were done reciting the declaration of independence, he piped up with a quick ”sure!”
✭ both you and johnny looked at each other with this shook (is that still a thing?bye) expression at his sudden excited tone, johnny looking more “what the fick???” than you were
✭ before you could even say anything, ten slid over his money to a very much confused you, nodding with a look that read ‘go ahead hun’ :’(
✭ you did your thang on the register, and in the bg you could hear your manager walking back into the back-room, which made you make an obvious huff of relief
✭ ”dude why’d you order that?” you managed to hear johnny whisper to ten
✭ ”mm?”
✭ ”you-”
✭ ”hyung, shhh it’s okay” ten said a lil too loud
✭ ”hm?” you piped in, curious as to why they were bickering in asmr
✭ you noticed ten patting johnny’s back, but almost in a way where he was like ‘don’T SPILL THE TEA’ you know what i mean? but they both just shook their heads to you w/ a smile, reassuring you it was ‘nothing’
✭ as you and your coworkers worked on their orders, ngl you’d occasionally glance over at them and it legit looked like they were sharing some kinda juicy secreT bc whenever you’d look, johnny always had this cheeky smile on his face looking at ten
✭ after you finished their orders and your coworkers finished the rest of the memorized members orders, you called them up to get them in which they hurriedly rushed to the counter in the softest way (idk how them walking could be soft BUT IT IS)
✭ ”thank you!” they said in unison, making the lil awk tension break again
✭ they grabbed their drinks and food which made u kinda :( bc when will u see them again -sigh-
✭ ten looked at his phone, checking the time you assumed bc when he put his phone back in his pocket he looked #panickedt
✭ ”ah hyung we’re gonna be late. well, thanks again!” ten said to you, definitely not forgetting to shoot you another heart clenching smile
✭ “thank you, have a nice day guys!” you smiled back
✭ then you shared that same look from before, all heart stricken and iSH OOF, ten had to snap out of it quick or else the rest of the members would kick his booty for being late
✭ ten wasn’t one to be shy of showing his feelings, like he absolutely thought you were beautiful and he couldn’t help but lük, but the manager was gonna pop off if they didn’t leave so-
✭ ”you go ahead, i gotta get the straws real quick” johnny called out to him before the door closed to the juicery
✭ you handed him a straw from behind the counter to him, which he shook his head at ??????
✭ bih u were confused as hecc
✭ johnny gave you this certain look and you just knew what it meant, see from the get-go y’all had a bond!1
✭  johnny sensed the tension between you and ten the second he ordered, like it was undeniably obvious and he knew you knew, and you knew that he knew, and he knew that you knew that he-
✭ that look he gave you gave that away rip!
✭ you stood there like hhhhh what what wh-
✭ he laughed and leaned over the counter, and in the most nonchalant, yet all-telling tone he said:
✭ ”he doesn’t like fruit”
✭ and with a smirk and a wave, he was outtie
✭ BIH YOU WERE LIKE ??!!? but realistically telling yourself like ‘huh well that’s odd, wonder why he bought it then’ and ‘he probably got it for johnny’
✭ at first you really didn’t think anything of it other than the fact that he was trying 2 be a sweetie pie, but your coworkers who so eagerly were bombarding you with screenshots in your work gc (they were your mini nct skhH) strongly disagreed
✭ what were these screenshots you ask?? well-
✭ ‘Y/N’
✭ ‘WHAT’
✭ ‘NO WTF’
✭ (3 attachments: screenshots of tweets saying:)
“OP was at the juice bar earlier and saw Johnny and Ten! 😭 They said that the girl asked if they wanted a fruit smoothie, and Ten said yes!”
“OMG ten ordered fruit????? he doesn’t do that?????”  
“life goal: to be the cashier at the juice bar who literally got ten to buy a fruit smoothie”
✭ ‘dude… they literally think ten has a crush on you’
✭ ‘LOL’
✭ and your mini nct’s weren’t lying… literally your mentions were blowing tf up with a bunch of “omg! found her @” and “girl wtf you’re famous”  
✭ but like….. you still didn’t get why people thought he had a crush on you based on that little interaction because it just was so minisicule to you, but as if twitter was trying to virtually smack you in the face, the tweets starting flowing in again
✭ this time, about people’s conversations with ten at a recent fansign omg
✭ “OP asked Ten about why he got fruit at the juice bar, and he just looked at her and smiled, and said ‘shhhhh’?”
✭ “OP asked Ten if he liked fruit now since he recently bought some, and he replied immediately ‘no no no, of course not’ ?!”
✭ one word…… WHY
✭ not only did you have all these tweets flowing in to convince you otherwise, you just remembered what johnny said to you before he left and nOW you’re like ……. okay what tf is up, it’s just fruit what is going on, why and where-
✭ oof you just couldn’t wrap your head around as to why it was such a big deal online, and it was truly bugging you and it’s not like you could ask them again what he meant
✭ 1, because you were too shy n nervous to
✭ 2, because you didn’t know if they would come back to the shop
✭ deep sighs all around my dude :(((
✭ those two always went to that shop, mostly in the mornings you heard
✭ and since you’d been working a little under a month there now, your boss started to schedule you for shifts where you didn’t need a supervisor anymore, which were 12 times out of 10 in the evening bc they were always lacking on those shifts
✭ so honestly, you haven’t worked a morning shift since your first day, the day you saw ya boys
✭ ........... (yes u knew this was comin)
✭ until one of your coworkers had to call off last minute on their shift and you were the worker they called in, that is ;))))
✭ boi when u got the call to come in, you got so !!!!! because what if you saw them again
✭ you missed them, johnny was so funny and you felt like you guys got along so easily almost instantly
✭ and ten, he’d always been your crush even before you talked to him, so that whole thing- your heart never failed to yodEl whenever you thought about him
✭ yes, they were idols, and yes you had been a fan, yes the encounters were short and probably seemed small to others
✭ but you couldn’t help it, ya know?
✭ anywho, the morning came for you to take on that shift and man were u nervous lmao
✭ when you got to work, literally only one other coworker was there with you
✭ as soon as you flipped that sign on the door from closed to open, OOO IT WAS GAME TIME
✭ the game plan: if they come back, try your best to ask them, i mean u gotta at least try, especially since the whole twitter thing AND let’s not forget why johnny felt the need to tell you what he did, you hAd to know
✭ the morning went slow, and it was raining too, so it was slower than usual since rainy days were obviously chill in dayzzz
✭ so you just tidied up around the place and waited, even did that thing people do in the movies where they look out the window while it’s raining while a slow song is playing in the bg …… except you were just staring out the window from the counter to the pop that was playing in the shop lol
✭ it wasn’t until mid 7 am that people started coming where you could finally stop acting like you were in a dilemma in the newest drama
✭ it was pretty steady then, you took orders, made them, served them, then tidied up, daydreamed out the window, basically on repeat for the rest of your shift
✭ you were on lunch break FINALLY, you swore u were gonna pass out from boredom if you heard the same pop song you daydreamed to three times already
✭ you sat along the chairs on the side of the shop, just sipping your drink, going through your phone awaiting the time for your rinse and repeat routine to get back into play *sigh*
✭ the quiet aura of the shop suddenly got interrupted as the bell rang chAoTically, followed by the squeakiest footsteps
✭ ”hyung, we shoulda brought two umbrellas”
✭ ”it’s not my fault i was blessed with this heavenly height”
✭ ”oof”
✭ your head perked up as you heard those voices, those familiar voiceS U MISSED :(
✭ you looked over and there you saw them :(
✭ ten and johnny :( right there :(
✭ their hair was just a little dampened from the rain, little water droplets on their cheeks, and their typical banter :(
✭ then all of a sudden you remembered the pact you made to yourself; “if you see them again, you gotta at least try to ask them” or else you’d forever be mAd at yourself
✭ the thing is, how tf are you gonna get their attention ??
✭ like do you just walk up to them like ‘hey!!!’ ??? like you weren’t even sure if they even would remember you omg
✭ oh lordt you could hear their voices getting closer and closer, why did it have to be raining and why did people have to camp out here for the free wiFI, there were like 5 seats open and they just so happened to be next to you wHY
✭ next thing ya know, you heard them sit to the side of you, just a few seats down
✭ ”where are they?”
✭ ”dunno, they said they’re coming”
✭ ”they said that 10 minutes agO”
✭ ”aish lucas”
✭ then again, you heard the door push open abruptly like an emergency and then another squeaky shoe sliding across the floor
✭ …. and sure as hell that was lucas and also a cheerful haechan following him
✭ they looked around adorably confused, probably looking for the 2 sims to ur rigHT
✭ you were trying not to glance at them but ugh timing ficking hates u! so when you looked up, they were already on their way to johnny and ten to the side of you
✭ when you looked up, lucas looked at you and he immediately smiled like his whole being softened a bit which made you uwu!
✭ but haechan on the other hand kinda froze in his tracks, and glanced crazy fast back and forth between you and behind you
✭ there were no words exchanged, but rather looKs exchanged bc haechan was looking at you with a look that he knows what’s going on, whATEVER THAT IS
✭ you couldn’t see it but ten and johnny were both confused as ever too, but now you could feel their stares burning into your fricken back just like your manager’s that day they came in sksk
✭ they literally actually gasped and scooted their chairs out
✭ ”hey!!! long time no see!!” johnny pops up in front of you with the biggest smile
✭ ”we’ll get the stuff ready in the car. meet us kay?” they all scurried out way too obviously quick, they didn’t even order yet i’m skAHAH
✭ leaving you and ten to each other on the benches in this tension of silence
✭ yes you heard me right, JUST you and ten
✭ these sneaky boys smh
✭ you and ten shared a mutual “???!!?” how obv could it be sksjdjdif
✭ ”so-”
✭ ”hey-”
✭ you both cut each other off which caused you to blush the same way you both did that day AWW
✭ you weren’t sure if ten would even know about how big your guys’ lil interaction became bc you weren’t sure if he even checked the internet
✭ but oh honey, he was all aware.. the amount of times it was brought up at the fansigning!1
✭ in a panic to fill the awkward silences that was inevitable to happen, you nervously and impulsively blurted out ”so, how come you don’t like fruit?” omGF
✭ he just started chEESIN and laughing to himself and you were like ???!!!
✭ “i couldn’t help myself!”
✭ “how come?”
✭ “you know!”
✭ “no, what is it!”
✭ “ah no, you know” he started teasing you omg
✭ “ten :(“ (yes you could hear the frown in your tone loL)
✭ “wah, you know my name?” he clutched his heart and leaned back like the drama queen he is
✭ “hey! don’t change subject!”
✭ but no matter how many times you asked, this baby would just sip his drink and give you the look (which by the way, your coworkers were on iT like, they brought out his drink as soon as the others left im???)
✭ yes, you know what look i’m talking about. the one where his eyebrows wiggle, and he’s staring at you like he knows some piping tea sister!
✭ he isn’t gonna budge, he’s taking that one to the grave, but honestly he just is teasing you because he really has 0 problem with telling you that he really got the fruit because he thought you were really pretty and he noticed you were getting nervous bc of your manager behind you and he didn’t want you to feel uncomfortable, so he bought it despite his hatred for fruiT , but he just thought it was cute how huffy you got JSJS
✭ and ten is def one to pick up a fruit cup, pose for a pic with it, and then immediately drop it, shaking his head in TERROR
✭ so yes, someone who doesn’t like fruit bought a fruit smoothie, maybe it’s no biggie.... but if it’s at the level of fear as ten???
✭ the difference is stARK
✭ interrupting your back in forth playful nagging chat with ten, in popped a hurried haechan with his head peeking out the front door
✭ “hyung, could you hurry up and talk to your girl, manager hyung is going to yell at us!”
✭ “haechan!”
✭ “hyung i’m sorry but we gotta-”
✭ “okay byebye~”
✭ both of you froze in your place as haechan closed the door and rushed back to the car, where you could see johnny and lucas peering over at you guys, motioning to ten omf
✭ you built up the courage to look at ten to see his reaction and he was not having it sksk this boy was literally glaring at haechan through the window like ‘wait til we get to the studio’
✭ and as if things couldn’t get anymore chaotic … in comes your manager saying “y/n could you hurry up and talk to your boyfriend later? your lunch ended 5 minutes ago” FJSKF
✭ you didn’t even want to see what his reaction was, you were so embarrassed but ugh even in your time of trauma, those were the CUTEST lil laughs you’ve ever heard
✭ but before your boss would come back and fire you, you rushed over behind the counter and took ten’s order, two double chocolate chip “muffin’s” and a little yogurt smoothie again :’)
✭ you did your thang as the lil hard worker you are, and when it came to writing his name on the side of the cup… you were like.. ‘hm okay, since ten wants to be all cute n shit… two can play at that game’
✭ your sneaky self smiled and quickly signed it with a smug, proud look on your face which made ten go ???!!! girl what did u do
✭ you gave it to ten and he thankfully smiled, sipping it as if to test run it first
✭ he did that thing where something tastes so good you start reading out the ingredients on the side of the box or dancing as you’re chewing lol he even exaggerated it a bit because he thinks your smile is so prettY
✭ ”fruit boy?” he read off the writing you on the side of the cup
✭ ”mhm”
✭ ”me?”
✭ ”mhmmm”
✭ “why is there a heart?”
✭ you were trying your best to mimic how ten was so confidently teasing you earlier by not letting you know the answer, but you were failing because even looking at him made your heart do the tHING, so all that came out of your mouth was the most flustered “u-uhhHhHh”
✭ “wahhh, someone’s blushing”
✭ “hey!”
✭ there was that pretty smile again as he looked at the little heart you put beside it along w/ a smiley face, but he never was one to blush, instead it was you w your red cheeks and red ears aWW
✭ in the same confident tone, even leaning closer, shaking his finger at you saying “gwiyeo”
✭ this boy was so happy seeing how flustered you were SMH, that same cheeky smile never left his face im-
✭ you guys were so focused on each other and being playful w each other to actually notice that people were looking at you guys all crazY, and if they weren’t then they were deffo taking pics bc honey you both were giggling and lightly nudging each other
✭ idk what was with you and these nct boys, but you felt comfortable with them easily… like ten made you BEYOND nervous but you still felt like you’ve been knew him???
✭ which was probably why so many people were gonna take your guys’ interaction further than just the normal now, especially with how red your cheeks got and how sly ten’s smile was
✭ you loved that little sly smirk of his and his playful nature, and he adored how blushy your cheeks got whenever he looked at you a little too long
✭ and honestly, you didn’t even need to say that to each other, with the look in your guys’ eyes??? oh c’mon 
✭ “you still need to tell me why yo-“
✭ “mmm-mmm” he sing-songed, sipping his lil drink
✭ “tEN”
✭ “neh?”
✭ “ten!”
✭ “fine. guess”
✭ “no tell me!”
✭ “mmmmm…. that’s not fun”
✭ “uGH”
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izurukuras-blog · 7 years
sdr2 boys and an ideal date with their s/o?
thank you for requesting love!!! this was soso cute im glad i could write about it~
sdr2 boys and their ideal date
note; i’m pretty sure they’d all be happy wherever it was as long as it was with you, but this is based on things, in my opinion, i think they’d be most comfortable and happy to do!!
hajime hinata (video game night date)
his favorite thing??? with his favorite person???!?!
picks out stacks upon stacks of games next to the multple consoles for you both to play
would order in pizza and get a ton of pillows for you two to sit on because he wants it to be somewhat nicely prepared okay blesshim
iNdiReCtIvElY cOmPeTiTivE
won’t admit defeat for the life of him
thinks its cute when you lose and you are all huffy and puffy
“one more round… pleaSE i wASN’T EVEN TRYING THAT TIME”
if you beat him again,,, be prepared for lovetackles
nagito komaeda (late night park date)
poor nervous lil komaeda
i mean he’s nervous about everything related to you
he still cant believe you go on dates with trash like him
but he’d love night park dates
because you could hold his hand while you two looked at the trees
or hug his side if a cold breeze blew by
he totally doesn’t think about this all the time
overall he just adores you in general
he thinks little talks while walking with you are the best thing too
he just stares at you lovingly while walking
byakuya twogami (cosplay dates)
okay lisTEN
as cheesy as it is
his favorite thing in the world is to dress up with you
it doesn’t even have to be out somewhere extravagant
you could be both just at home in some cute little cosplays
and he’d be absolutely content
sometimes he’d do absolutely laughable ones
like he’d walk out into the living room with a Full Ass Mario Cosplay with the geekiest smile EVER
and you’d just go
“…just tell me where the peach costume is”
you two would just end up playing mariokart in your cosplays for hours
gundham tanaka (dog cafe date)
he’s going to combust??? you and ANIMALS??
you two would get your cute little drinks and then go into the play room with all the doggies
he’d melt seeing you squeal at the pups
would 10/10 take pics of you holding/petting the dogs
because he can’t resist i mean lOOK HOW CUTE YOU LOOK
would just watch you full of admiration
he’d make sure to meet each pup and give them all equal amounts of attention
but if one had taken a liking to you specifically and saw how perfect you two were
he’d step aside to the manager and be all like
“how much is that dog going for”
you two cuties would probably end up taking one home ngl
kazuichi souda (shopping spree date)
he’s absolutely in love with you
so treating you like the prince/princess you are is his favorite date in mind
he’s so cute he just wants u happy ugH
would love seeing you try stuff on
“souda..does this look okay?”
this sweetheart bless him he thinks you look absolutely stunning in everything
if he sees you severly eyeing something
he’s gonna either get it secretly or make you try it on
blushes so hard if what your wearing shows skin
its his weakness poor boy
teruteru hanamura (home baking date)
you guessed it
would ask you what you wanted to make before hand
would make sure everythings set up and ready to be prepared because he wants to make it the least stressful for you and him
you can be sure he’s going to try to come up from behind you and help you with whatever you may be doing
rolling the dough???
filling the baking tins???
mixing the batter???
he’s snaking his hands around your waist and directing your hands claiming “he’s helping you out”
he just wants to be all cute and close to you
my heaRT
fuyuhiko kuzuryu (buzzfeed unsolved binge date)
i feel like fuyu baby doesn’t like to do too many outdoor activities
partially because he thinks “all stereotypical dates are stupid”
but a cozy, casual night in????
watching two guys go into haunted places that have intense crimes and/or murders involved??
he’s in
it wouldn’t be set up with food or pillows and stuff
i feel like you’d be watching it on your laptop wrapped up in bed or something and he just
subtly slide under the covers
and peer at your laptop
after a while he may pull you closer to him
it wasn’t subconciously
nekomaru nidai (movie night date)
he’s a very casual guy who’d love to just be lazy with you
that’s why he loves movie marathoning with you
lets face it
his favorite movie would be the rocky franchise
so of course he’ll convince you to watch it with him along with the others you chose
he’s a cute mushy romantic alone with you
so he’ll be that stereotypical guy and slowly inch his arm around you while yawning
its so cute tho pleaSE
knowing him if he sees you getting sleepy
he’ll offer you one of his infamous massages, from the ultimate masseur himself
such a silly and caring boy bless his heart
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verdigrisprowl · 7 years
June 5 Dancitron Movie Night - Star Trek: Deep Space Nine “In the Pale Moonlight” and “Our Man, Bashir”
I don’t remember what happened tonight. In the Pale Moonlight blew my mind a little. What a good episode.
Me 9:19 pm ((just pretend im not here, im just lurkin)) ItsyBitsySpyers 9:19 pm ((np!)) Shock 9:19 pm (( I, too, am mostly lurking, eheh.)) Windchill 9:19 pm (( I am using hotel wi fi in a tiny shitty town using local AK carriers so if I disappear, u know why. )) ItsyBitsySpyers 9:19 pm *Soundwave stretches out on his usual couch, knowing he won't be sharing it this week, and waits for others to arrive. Everything's ready for them when they do.* ((roger!)) Res 9:21 pm :> *slides right into the couch* HI ItsyBitsySpyers 9:22 pm *Soundwave stretches a long arm to point at a different couch where all the minis are piled.* Res 9:22 pm *skitters over to the BETTER couch* Windchill 9:23 pm *APPEARS.* B 9:23 pm *trundles in and looks around to see who all is here* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:23 pm *Small nod to Windchill. Good to see he's not locked up in confusion anymore.* ((SEVEN MINUTE WARNING)) Windchill 9:24 pm *He gives a sweeping wave of the entire room: everyone is effectively greeted.* Res 9:24 pm *literally rolls into the mini's couch* *is a bowling ball* *chirp* Shock 9:25 pm (( //Casually jamming to all of this.)) ItsyBitsySpyers 9:25 pm *The pile seems to engulf Swoop. He has been Absorbed.* Shock 9:25 pm (( Man, I am gay.)) Res 9:25 pm *peep* Whirl 9:27 pm *trots on in, empty-c;lawed tonight* Me 9:28 pm ((... who decided "ex's and oh's" is a love song??)) ItsyBitsySpyers 9:28 pm ((...Tarantulas?)) Windchill 9:28 pm ((*SPITS* )) Me 9:29 pm ((it's like an anti-love anti-commitment sex song)) Whirl 9:29 pm ((PFFT)) B 9:29 pm [[*wills love song playlist to play love stinks for giggles* Whirl 9:29 pm ((it needs to play the Most Romantic Song, Ever, which is Tender is the Night)) ItsyBitsySpyers 9:29 pm *The pile now scatters, leaving Laserbeak perched on one of Swoop's knees and the twins charging over for Whirl and, presumably, Windchill.* *Ravage parks himself near Bevel and uses the side of her leg for a pillow. Goodnight.* ((Warnings I can think of off the top of my head: the first episode has authority doin Things, the second episode pokes solid fun at james bond movies and their tropes so expect those)) Whirl 9:31 pm *well, he's got excellent company tonight; he takes a seat with his three pals* Pfft. "Single Awareness?" Does anyone actually SAY that? Res 9:31 pm *waves hi to bird* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:31 pm //Huh? Say what?// B 9:31 pm *Ravage has given Bevel a gift. Bevel is pleased* Whirl 9:31 pm The whole "singles awareness" thing. That's the cheesiest thing I've ever heard. ((YEEEEE)) Shock 9:32 pm (( Oh ***shit*** we're watching star trek???)) *Shockwave is here, hello.* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:32 pm ((you're damn right. two of my favorite episodes. two more once prowl is released)) Windchill 9:32 pm *Time to sit his giant butt down, as close to Whirl and the twins as is possible without actually sitting ON them.* B 9:32 pm [[\o/ Star Trek ItsyBitsySpyers 9:32 pm *Soundwave tips his helm to Shockwave. Long time, no see.* Whirl 9:32 pm *gestures magnanimously to Windchill, looking at the twins* Either of you care to make use of my footstool? Windchill 9:33 pm ...What? Shock 9:33 pm *He nods back. It has been a while indeed, but he has time for the occassional sci-fi.* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:33 pm \\HOW 'BOUT IT, FOOTSTOOL?\\ Whirl 9:33 pm ((arrgh gotta refresh)) Windchill 9:34 pm I dunno... *He makes a show of scratching his chin.* I was under the impression that we had an /exclusive/ relationship. Whirl 9:34 pm ((thank u, sorry about that)) Shock 9:34 pm *He takes a seat.* Windchill 9:34 pm But, perhaps, I'll make an exception for one night. Whirl 9:34 pm Well, you're so good at holding my feet up, how could I NOT offer it to my pals? ItsyBitsySpyers 9:34 pm //Ain't like ours weigh much.// And up they go. Windchill 9:34 pm ..I AM good at holding your feet up. Whirl 9:35 pm *settles for crossing his own legs, hugely amused by all of this* Res 9:35 pm *carefully picks up bird so he can sprawl out on the couch, one wing over the back of the sofa, the other laying off the edge, and then sets Bird on his tummy* B 9:35 pm *would probably break something if she even tried to put her feet on most bots* Res 9:35 pm Swoop couch now :> Windchill 9:35 pm *Windchill is only vulnerable to people being nice to him, not to feet.* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:35 pm {{Neheh. Warm couch.}} Whirl 9:36 pm ((JEFFREY!!!! COOOOOMBS)) Res 9:36 pm Could be on fire couch keheheh Whirl 9:36 pm Pfft, hell yeah, Swoop! ItsyBitsySpyers 9:36 pm ((he plays so many roles snif you don't even know. not so much in these, but across the series.)) Windchill 9:36 pm (( GDI I'm stuttering so bad pfffft. )) B 9:36 pm [[Jeffrey Combs is the best in Trek ngl Whirl 9:37 pm ((he is always a JOY)) ItsyBitsySpyers 9:37 pm ((MY BOYYYY)) Res 9:38 pm What movie? ItsyBitsySpyers 9:39 pm {{You see, you see.}} Res 9:39 pm Surprise? :V ItsyBitsySpyers 9:39 pm {{Us call it that.}} Res 9:39 pm Explodey surprise? :> ItsyBitsySpyers 9:40 pm {{Nooo, that other time.}} Res 9:40 pm :< Windchill 9:40 pm *Is, as usual, content to sit and do little but be an effective footstool.* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:42 pm [[One should.]] Res 9:42 pm Talk talk talk Whirl 9:42 pm *squinting at the screen; he's piecing together this from his position of no context* Pfft. Shame you didn't show this while Prowl was visiting. *sidelong glance at Soundwave* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:44 pm [[Indeed.]] *Glance back at Whirl.* [[Perhaps he'll send it later.]] Whirl 9:45 pm *pauses and considers this* ... *deep breath. Whirl is struggling with an internal, unseen force. it's difficult. It's one of the most difficult things he's had to do. With some emotional wrestling, he manages to do it: something decent, for once* Me 9:46 pm ((why are the movie nights prowl misses never the movie nights with stuff that prowl wouldn't care about. :,) Whirl 9:46 pm @Soundwave: Y'know, my own snide commentary aside--maybe not. Don't think he needs to see this sorta thing right now. Res 9:46 pm Blue ItsyBitsySpyers 9:46 pm ((i had planned this one before he got restricted ;; but i picked two more he might like for another night don't worry)) Me 9:46 pm ((i know, it's always a surprise which nights I can't come to)) Res 9:47 pm Fish Me 9:47 pm ((usually a surprise to me too)) Res 9:47 pm Blub blub ItsyBitsySpyers 9:47 pm @Whirl: [[Why is that?]] {{Where all him water?}} Res 9:47 pm Cup ItsyBitsySpyers 9:48 pm *Laserbeak cackles. A good answer.* Res 9:48 pm *immediately joins in the screechy laughter* Bad movie. All talk. No stabbing. B 9:49 pm Stabbing happened off screen. Whirl 9:49 pm Q-Quark. Pfft. Windchill 9:49 pm It's not the same. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:49 pm *She paps his head with a feeler.* {{You wait, it in second one.}} Res 9:49 pm <3 Whirl 9:49 pm @Soundwave: Well, you might have noticed, he's been kinda down lately. Res 9:50 pm *no longer cares about the movie even a little* <3 <3 <3 Whirl 9:50 pm I gotta say, I like this guy. The man puts pressure on him, he takes advantage of it. Weaselly. And hilarious. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:52 pm @Whirl: [[Of course he's noticed. You have some insight on it, then?]] B 9:52 pm *leans forward a little, really into this* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:52 pm //Hey, desperation's good for everybody who ain't.// Windchill 9:52 pm *Is, externally at least, not responding to the show.* Whirl 9:53 pm *swivels his helm to look at Soundwave, somewhat surprised* @Soundwave: I figure you'd know more about that than me, all things considered. Ask Prowl, if you wanna know so bad. *nods* Windchill 9:54 pm (( I'm just here for the chat lololol I can't react to the show because I see and hear maybe 5% of it. )) Whirl 9:54 pm ((i am sorry...)) ItsyBitsySpyers 9:54 pm @Whirl: [[One-sided stories are incomplete stories.]] @Whirl: [[And it seems to him you two were speaking the other night.]] Windchill 9:54 pm (( It's FINE I'm just explaining why you're not getting much out of me in that regard. )) ItsyBitsySpyers 9:54 pm ((D: i'm sorry... if you ever get a chance, it's a star trek episode called In The Pale Moonlight and worth watching)) Whirl 9:55 pm Yeah. Wish I had that kinda leverage a long time ago. *shakes his head* Of course, if you're tough enough, you can make your own leverage, right? Windchill 9:55 pm (( I'll try to remember to look it up when I get home. :Oc ))\ Smart enough, Whirl. Smart enough. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:55 pm //Both.// *Grin.* Res 9:55 pm These funny humans ItsyBitsySpyers 9:56 pm {{Them not human! Them alien.}} Res 9:56 pm What alien? B 9:56 pm ... Windchill 9:56 pm *Whispers.* You. Res 9:56 pm Keheh Swoop not alien. Swoop pterodactyl. Windchill 9:56 pm *No, Swoop, you ARE the aliens.* B 9:57 pm That alien sounds like Ratchet. *is uncomfortable* Windchill 9:57 pm *Then Swoop was an alien.* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:57 pm {{It living thing from other planet, not own planet. You all aliens, nehek.}} Pause. {{Not Bevel. Other all.}} B 9:57 pm *preens, not an alien ha* Windchill 9:58 pm *Hand SHOOTS up towards the ceiling.* I'm an alien /invader./ Which is even cooler by Earth standards. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:58 pm \\WHO YOU INVADIN'?\\ Whirl 9:58 pm @Soundwave: We were. It was personal. *shoots Soundwave another look, this one wry* You're going to have to learn to talk to him sooner or later. Might as well get an early start. Me 9:58 pm ((he should maybe have made that threat BEFORE the program was made on the unalterable crystal)) Windchill 9:58 pm I invade everyone and everything. Me 9:58 pm ((since now it's too late for the threat to motivate him to try harder)) Res 9:58 pm Nuh huh Whirl 9:59 pm It's true. He does. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:59 pm ((he's new to this, gotta give him some slack)) Whirl 9:59 pm ...and you're absolutely right, Sh--Bevel. He... I thought that guy sounded familiar. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:59 pm @Whirl: [[Amusing.]] But fine. For now. Whirl 9:59 pm How much you wanna bet this plan backfires hilariously and they make new enemies instead of new allies? Res 10:00 pm Me Swoop no care. Want fights now. B 10:00 pm It is really weird, Whirl. Windchill 10:00 pm I do. Earth...Tarn...Other places...my boyfriend...my boyfriend's house...Whirl's room... *he taps his chin* There's not much left that I haven't invaded. Res 10:00 pm Dinocave never get invaded. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:00 pm *Soundwave freezes.* Windchill 10:00 pm I've even invaded movie nights, technically. This is an occupation. Whirl 10:00 pm @Soundwave: Just the truth. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:00 pm [[Tarn?]] Windchill 10:00 pm Tell me where it is and I'll invade it. Whirl 10:00 pm Add my neck to the list. Res 10:01 pm Inside volcano Windchill 10:01 pm Yep, I invaded that. /Never again./ Which volcano? Res 10:01 pm Mount St Hilary ItsyBitsySpyers 10:01 pm *"That". Not "them". The city. Okay. Relax.* Res 10:01 pm You come. Dinobots beat up. Keheheh. Windchill 10:01 pm *He turns, albeit briefly, to Soundwave.* Yeah, Tarn. Whirl 10:01 pm Did you invade Tarn by stabbing him? Or shoving something up his tailpipe? Like... a grenade? Windchill 10:02 pm I'm gonna come. *Waits a beat.* And beat YOU up. *Fist, meet PALM.* Whirl 10:02 pm Oh, damn. It's on, now. You two GOTTA fight. Res 10:02 pm You TRY, keheheh. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:02 pm {{Peh. Him Swoop crush you.}} Res 10:02 pm *internal screaming* <3 Windchill 10:02 pm I'll kick your butts. With my butt. And, no, Whirl. I don't know WHAT you're talking about. *He's never even heard of anybody calling themselves Tarn, that whole spiel got lost in translation, buddy.* Res 10:04 pm *chitters and fidgets, bird ur the best* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:04 pm *Naturally~* Res 10:04 pm Him have blue energon. Like Bird. Whirl 10:04 pm *stares at him for a moment, nonplussed, but does not pursue the subject* Res 10:05 pm Swoop energon pink. *pulls out what's left of his rations* See. Pink. Windchill 10:05 pm Pink is a good colour. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:05 pm *Bird tries to steal some* Windchill 10:05 pm I'll get to see a lot of it when I kick your butts. Res 10:05 pm *gives* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:05 pm *OM NOM* Res 10:05 pm Pffkeheheh! You come fight Us. Us KILL you. Kehehehheheheh. Whirl 10:06 pm Not allowed. Res 10:06 pm Dinobots allowed to kill people :> Whirl 10:07 pm I'm not saying YOUR bosses will stop you. I'm saying if you permanently remove any of my friends from the multiverse, I will come and kill you back. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:07 pm [[No killing.]] Windchill 10:07 pm If they kill me I might actually be impressed. It's not as if anyone's managed before. *He preens.* Whirl 10:08 pm Well, I wouldn't do it HERE, obviously. Res 10:08 pm *totally chill and giggly from Laserbeak compliments* Kehyah! Whirl 10:08 pm And scuff up a perfectly nice bar? HA. B 10:08 pm *laughs* FAKE Windchill 10:08 pm Yeah, I mean. What if I leave a butt dent in it? Whirl 10:08 pm Oh, this is GREAT. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:08 pm *Saves that line* B 10:09 pm *ok actually paying attention again* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:10 pm //Good riddance.// Me 10:10 pm ((holy shit)) ((that twist)) Whirl 10:10 pm *BURSTS out ;laughing* B 10:10 pm [[Best twist [[Wait for it Whirl 10:10 pm *UNCONTROLLABLE* Res 10:10 pm *huffs* All good stuff just SAYING. No seeing. *still totally all smiles cause of you Bird* Me 10:10 pm ((BETTER TWIST)) ItsyBitsySpyers 10:11 pm ((this is an absolute fan favorite for a reason yo)) Res 10:11 pm Keheh! Him bad at fighting. Maybe him get lucky. Other guy cut fist on tooth! Me 10:12 pm ((hot damn)) Whirl 10:12 pm ((oh my go my internet DIED RIGHT AS HE BEGAN)) B 10:12 pm [[i'm so sorry Me 10:13 pm ((and I didn't bring prowl)) ItsyBitsySpyers 10:14 pm ((he'll send it later if you like)) Whirl 10:14 pm *gestures to the screen* This is basically Autobot command. Right here. Me 10:14 pm ((nah, no good/no fun if I don't get to react to it live)) Whirl 10:14 pm Underneath all those noble speeches OP likes to give. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:14 pm [[Of course it is. We knew that long before your faction did.]] Res 10:14 pm Grimlock better. Optimus talky talk talk bot. Grimlock bite stuff :> Windchill 10:14 pm (( Why is it playing for me now?? )) B 10:14 pm :| Windchill 10:15 pm (( Nevermind lol. )) Whirl 10:15 pm *sidelong look to Soundwave* I knew he was a hypocrite before there WAS a faction, Soundwave. Me and him go way back. Res 10:15 pm You Whirl Optimus friend? Whirl 10:15 pm No. We're not. Res 10:16 pm Ok B 10:16 pm *hunches in on herself at all this Optimus talk* Res 10:16 pm KEHAHA! Pop! Windchill 10:16 pm I like her eyeliner. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:16 pm @Whirl: [[One of many reasons he finds your company enjoyable.]] Res 10:17 pm Eyeliner? ItsyBitsySpyers 10:17 pm *Ravage stretches and paps Bevel in the process.* Windchill 10:17 pm Eyeliner. It's a line, around your eye. Whirl 10:17 pm Doesn't mean I won't do what he SAYS, of course. Who's ever been FRIENDS with their commander? *snorts* Res 10:17 pm Me and Grimlock friend Brothers Whirl 10:18 pm *okay, points to Soundwave, that takes him genuinely aback; Soundwave gets a brief, startled look* @Soundwave: Well. ...good, then. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:18 pm *Small nod.* Whirl 10:19 pm ((garak u did that on purpose)) ItsyBitsySpyers 10:19 pm \\HE SAID THE THING.\\ B 10:19 pm *looks at Ravage, yes?* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:19 pm *Frenzy groans and flops* Whirl 10:19 pm Yep. They're doomed. Res 10:19 pm keheehee Whirl 10:19 pm So, does this count as eyeliner? *looks to Windchill and gestures to his whole. Eye. Situation* Res 10:19 pm Big ship ItsyBitsySpyers 10:19 pm @Bevel : =Ignore.= Windchill 10:20 pm Hmm. *Squints, and leans a little closer.* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:20 pm {{It space station. Like Trypticon! ... Thinner.}} Windchill 10:20 pm I figure, if you say it does, then it does. Res 10:20 pm Trypticon ship? B 10:20 pm @Ravage: It is really hard. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:20 pm {{No, him-- Okay, yes, him ship NOW. Not ship before. Station before. Then dinosaur. BIG dinosaur.}} Res 10:21 pm :V ???? Dinosaur????? ItsyBitsySpyers 10:21 pm {{Biiiiiiiiiig.}} Whirl 10:21 pm I'm going to say... no. Res 10:21 pm BIG big? Windchill 10:21 pm *Shrugs.* Whirl 10:21 pm I feel like you have to earn that sort of thing. This just came with the head. Windchill 10:22 pm Earn...? ItsyBitsySpyers 10:22 pm {{BIG BIG BIG.}} Whirl 10:22 pm Like, apply it. Artfully. Res 10:22 pm OH, that lot of big. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:23 pm *Ravage has nothing to say to that so he'll just. Rumble quietly and be a little heater.* Whirl 10:23 pm Like when folks paint themselves for special events, or use those foils, or whatever. Res 10:23 pm KEHAHA DEAD ItsyBitsySpyers 10:23 pm \\THAT COUNTS AS GOIN' WRONG, YEAH?\\ Windchill 10:24 pm *Shrugs.* I don't know. It's just makeup, unless you're one of those folks who have it built in. Res 10:25 pm Them kill ship? ItsyBitsySpyers 10:25 pm {{It... sleep.}} B 10:25 pm *hums gratefully* Whirl 10:25 pm *shrugs back* I'm gonna assume that nothing about this head was designed to make me MORE attractive. Res 10:25 pm Him spy. With bar like Bird :> ItsyBitsySpyers 10:26 pm {{Peh. Him place small.}} Whirl 10:26 pm So we'll go with, "no." If I ever do decide to do that eyeliner thing... believe me. You'll KNOW. Res 10:26 pm Bird better! Windchill 10:26 pm Okay, I trust you. I'll know. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:26 pm [[And he certainly doesn't have anything that does -that- in his home.]] *...Not this one anyway.* Whirl 10:27 pm Pfft, here it is. This is the something wrong, all right. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:27 pm *Rumble snickers* Windchill 10:28 pm *Streeetches his upper half, so he can't dislodge feet from his lower half. CONTROLLED STRETCH.* Ew, green. Whirl 10:29 pm *snickers at that file folder manuever* Res 10:29 pm *yaaaaaaaaawwwns* back to talk talk Windchill 10:29 pm *That's it, that's his commentary. Green sheets.* Res 10:30 pm Her was sleep on datapads Windchill 10:30 pm Man, her boobs are about to escape. Whirl 10:30 pm Honey Bear. Res 10:31 pm oh dead keh Whirl 10:31 pm If I get another pet barnacle I know what I'm gonna name it. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:31 pm *Frenzy's face wrinkles up* Windchill 10:31 pm ... ItsyBitsySpyers 10:31 pm \\FOR REAL? BUT IT'S... CUTE.\\ Res 10:32 pm Him have bird eye :V Whirl 10:32 pm So's the barnacle! Res 10:32 pm 😶 ItsyBitsySpyers 10:32 pm \\NUH-UH. THE BARNACLE'S COOL. THAT'S DIFFERENT.\\ Whirl 10:32 pm I happen to find them adorable. Windchill 10:32 pm Barnacles are kinda cute. They have like...tongue things. And they eat. Whirl 10:33 pm *gestures to Windchill* See? Res 10:33 pm Barnacle is boat thing Windchill 10:33 pm And they sit around. Whirl 10:33 pm They live in space, too. I've got one. Windchill 10:33 pm *That's his criteria, apparently.* Res 10:33 pm Space boat Whirl 10:33 pm Once, it dismembered someone who was trying to come and get me in my room, so I named it Killer. Res 10:33 pm Awesome! Whirl 10:34 pm *nods* Windchill 10:34 pm *Thinks.* Whirl 10:34 pm And then over the next few months I fed it the tentacle that it bit off. Windchill 10:34 pm It didn't try to kill ME. Whirl 10:35 pm Well, obviously, it didn't feel threatened, Windchill 10:35 pm *Maybe because he stayed on the opposite side of the room. Maybe because he wasn't hostile. Maybe because Killer wasn't hungry.* Res 10:36 pm No life support. Them not live long. Bleh! Keheh. Windchill 10:36 pm *COULD choose to take that as an insult, but doesn't.* Good, 'cause now I'm still alive to appreciate Killer being a barnacle. Whirl 10:36 pm *nods graciously* Windchill 10:36 pm Doing barnacle things. Whirl 10:36 pm Lemme know if your Junxy ever decides you lot need a living garbage disposal. Windchill 10:37 pm *Mutters.* He is a garbage disposal. His spawn, too. Whirl 10:37 pm *SNICKERS* A match made in heaven, right? *nudges* Windchill 10:37 pm I don't eat GARBAGE. Res 10:37 pm Beachcomber geologist :> Windchill 10:38 pm ...Usually. Whirl 10:38 pm *laughs louder* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:38 pm //Duh. He's a stoner, ain't he?// Whirl 10:38 pm *LAUGHS EVEN LOUDER* Windchill 10:38 pm *Jaw drops.* Res 10:38 pm Yup *no idea what he's agreeing with* Windchill 10:38 pm *Doesn't know what the context is, but knows a pun when he hears one.* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:39 pm *Rumble looks smug. He's proud of that one.* Whirl 10:39 pm *gets a hoild of himself* I... I still can't get over this guy's name being Quark. Res 10:39 pm Why? ItsyBitsySpyers 10:39 pm //How come?// Whirl 10:39 pm I know a guy named Quark. Res 10:39 pm oh Whirl 10:39 pm Microscope. Has a long head. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:39 pm //PFFFFhfhfhf// Windchill 10:40 pm Sounds like a NERD. Res 10:40 pm Perceptor is microscope :> Whirl 10:40 pm Yep, I know that guy, too. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:40 pm //Naw. Their Perceptor's a sniper.// Res 10:40 pm nuh uh Whirl 10:40 pm He is. Crazy about plants. Paid me good money to make him a clock out of wood. Res 10:40 pm Bluestreak sniper ItsyBitsySpyers 10:40 pm //Uh-huh! I think. That's what I heard.// \\...WOOD?\\ Whirl 10:40 pm Our Perceptor--*draws himself up* Isn't just a sniper. He's a WRECKER. Windchill 10:41 pm What a combo. B 10:41 pm Cool. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:41 pm \\AN' YOU WAS SURPRISED 'BOUT WHEELJACK.\\ Whirl 10:41 pm I don't think anyone made it official, but he went to G9--he counts. Res 10:41 pm G9? Whirl 10:42 pm And, yeah--wood. Plant material. Windchill 10:42 pm *He's going to try to avoid indulging in any sniper discussion. Last time ended in more trouble than it was worth.* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:42 pm \\I KNOW WHAT WOOD IS!\\ Grunt. \\JUS. WHY?\\ Whirl 10:43 pm Also... fair. But Perceptor's a crack shot. G9 is... a pretty awful place. City-wide prison. Got run over my an unstoppable Decepticon, turned it into his own little torture-park. Res 10:43 pm Sucks Whirl 10:43 pm And, I dunno, ask Quark. He loves plants. Windchill 10:43 pm *Thinks really loudly about wood. The euphemism. You're welcome, any telepaths snooping about.* Whirl 10:44 pm I carved one, and I'm gonna grow the other. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:44 pm *Soundwave gives Windchill a sudden Look* [[Must you.]] Res 10:44 pm Me Swoop feel earthquake before. Not so bad. Wobbles. Windchill 10:45 pm *Was expecting that, gives only a sly, sidelong glance in return.* I must. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:45 pm //What, like - grow the whole thing? All the gears 'n scrap?// Res 10:45 pm What that movie..... Water world Whirl 10:46 pm *nods* It's an experiment. If you come visit, I'll show you. Res 10:46 pm Blub blub Windchill 10:47 pm Sounds like a slow experiment. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:47 pm //...'N don't his plan mean all the lava makes rock on the outside? Like. Sure, the planet's shrinkin', but it's growin' a new shell, so... what's to drown?// He scratches his helm. He's not a scientist. Maybe he's wrong. Windchill 10:47 pm *He likes quick experiments, if you know what he means.* Whirl 10:47 pm It is. All told, it's gonna take about a year from start to finish to do, maybe longer. It's been about... six? Seven months? So I've got a ways to go. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:48 pm //...Yeah, I wanna see.// Windchill 10:48 pm Don't confuse me with your big numbers. Res 10:48 pm Lava fun. Me Swoop go flying to islands. Pacific. Throw stuff in. Fwoosh! Glub. Ahh! Kehehehehhheeee! ItsyBitsySpyers 10:48 pm //Uh, the clock wood stuff. Shrinkin' planets too, but.// B 10:49 pm *finally tunes into the conversations happening around her* Wood clocks? Whirl 10:49 pm *bobs his head* Sure th--pfft! Yeah. Just lemme know when. *looks to Bevel and nods* Yep. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:49 pm ((god i love garak)) Whirl 10:49 pm (9he is GREAT)) Me 10:49 pm (("he only wants you for your mind, he can't appreciate your body." That sounds like a good deal to me.)) Whirl 10:50 pm ((omg garak)) Windchill 10:50 pm (( Tbh. )) *Is biding his time, waiting for someone to say something he can turn into another loud thought innuendo.* Res 10:50 pm ???? : / Whirl 10:50 pm ((but she looked so cute in the glasses for real)) Res 10:51 pm Fighting now? B 10:51 pm That sounds really cool, Whirl. Res 10:51 pm teeny tiny itty bitty gun Me 10:52 pm (("it's my fantasy. trust me." "NO!!!!!!!!!")) Whirl 10:52 pm *nods to her, a little uncertain but pleased; he is not used to such frank compliments* Quark really liked it. *stunning banter, Whirl* ((I KNOW RIGHT)) Res 10:53 pm *looks at bird, headtilt* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:53 pm *Rude, serpent human. A -little- bit of ego hasn't left him dead.* {{What?}} Res 10:54 pm Bird have ego *not at all an insult* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:55 pm {{Noooo. Bird just tells truth~}} Whirl 10:55 pm A lot of people say I have an ego. I like to think of it as assurance. Res 10:55 pm *snickers* Always truth bird? ((Omg)) Whirl 10:55 pm (ajdlks HA)) ItsyBitsySpyers 10:55 pm {{About best Bird? Always.}} Res 10:56 pm You Bird aaaaaare best :> Windchill 10:57 pm *He just had a thought.* *A murderous plot.* *And a rhyme.* *He'll leave a few minutes early, and wait outside the door for Whirl.* *Then he'll PUNCH HIM IN THE TIT.* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:59 pm *...Should he tell Whirl about this?* Whirl 10:59 pm I still have... very little idea about what that show is even all about, but that was surprisingly entertaining. Windchill 11:00 pm *Causing said tit to fire and blow his hand off, killing him instantly.* *Tell him he DARES you.* Whirl 11:00 pm *THINK ABOUT WHAT YOU'RE DOING, WINDCHILL* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:00 pm [[Well, you don't expect him to run all of it in order, do you?]] Windchill 11:00 pm *BUT THE PLOT GOES DEEPER.* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:00 pm ((rabbit where is my screen)) Res 11:00 pm *reaches out with the tips of his claws and touches the very tippy tips of Bird's wings* Windchill 11:01 pm *Like some other things he can think of, you're welcome.* B 11:01 pm Oh, that was a tv show. Res 11:01 pm *makes said wings flap just a teeny bit* Whirl 11:01 pm Actually, yes. You seem like an "in order" kind of entertainer. But I have no idea how much of whatever-it-was there is. Res 11:01 pm keheeheehee ItsyBitsySpyers 11:01 pm *Bird huffs* Res 11:01 pm *mimics the huff* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:01 pm [[Approximately 8000 minutes.]] [[He decided to make an exception.]] B 11:02 pm I want to watch the rest now. Whirl 11:02 pm Oh. Pfft. Well, damn. Windchill 11:03 pm *He'll be dead, and his butt buddy will surely avenge him. He'll hunt Whirl down and sit on him. Death by the Biggest Butt. That's it, that's the plot.* Whirl 11:03 pm *what a horrible fate* Windchill 11:04 pm *Almost as horrible as someone lying in wait to punch you in the nipple.* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:04 pm @Bevel : [[Perhaps later. Buzzsaw has insisted on your lessons resuming.]] Res 11:04 pm *yawns and streeeeeeetches, wings and twiggy limbs everywhere* B 11:04 pm @Soundwave: *surprised* Really? ItsyBitsySpyers 11:05 pm @Bevel : [[Of course.]] boomtank 11:05 pm -trots in- Windchill 11:05 pm *Well, look what the cat dragged in.* B 11:05 pm @Soundwave: Ok! Whirl 11:05 pm *uncrosses his legs to he can streeetch* Res 11:06 pm *flops his hands on Bird and offlines his optics* sleep Windchill 11:06 pm *Waits.* *Gives Whirl a /look/ from the corner of his optic, just so he knows something's up.* *But not in THAT sense.* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:07 pm {{What? Why sleep? Bird not sleepy.}} Whirl 11:07 pm *catches it; tilts his head and blinks back. He looks nonplussed* Res 11:07 pm Swoop sleepy. What Bird want? No sleep. Windchill 11:08 pm *Just smiles, slyly.* B 11:08 pm *why so many love songs?* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:08 pm {{You Swoop sleep. No fighting if tired, bad fight.}} Whirl 11:08 pm You taking requests, Soundwave? ItsyBitsySpyers 11:08 pm *Because the mun got stuck in that mood earlier, mostly.* [[As always.]] Whirl 11:08 pm If we're doing oldies--Come A Little Bit Closer. Jay & the Americans. Res 11:08 pm Sleep then fight, play. Ok? :> Windchill 11:09 pm *The moment you turn your back, Whirl, he will strike.* B 11:09 pm *oh good. she's worried she missed a romance that didn't seem to involve a fake person in the show* Whirl 11:09 pm *the real romance was us + the discussion about barnacles obv* Windchill 11:09 pm *Truly.* boomtank 11:09 pm -what did he miss?- ItsyBitsySpyers 11:09 pm *Well, there's Whirl and Windchill, Bevel.* Windchill 11:09 pm *SHHHHHHHHH.* Whirl 11:10 pm *join the mass misconception that they are somehow dating. It must Grow* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:10 pm *An episode Prowl would have loved about decisions like the sorts he made, and one Soundwave found amusing about a program imitating a human spy story* Windchill 11:10 pm *Feed it, make it grow big and strong until it's unkillable.* Whirl 11:10 pm *going to lean back to enjoy the song* boomtank 11:11 pm -missed the entire show?- Res 11:11 pm *falls straight into ZZZZZs, fully intending to wake up and terrorize the multiverse with Bird* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:11 pm *Unfortunately, this time* boomtank 11:11 pm -whoops- ItsyBitsySpyers 11:12 pm *Rumble listens carefully. This is a bit mushy for Whirl, ain't it? Must be something to-- oh there it is* boomtank 11:12 pm ....I missed it all, huh? ItsyBitsySpyers 11:12 pm [[You did. It will not be the only foray into that world, if he can help it.]] Whirl 11:13 pm *snickers softly* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:13 pm *Rumble suddenly explodes into laughter* Whirl 11:13 pm *looks to him* Right? B 11:13 pm *has been struggling all night with the urge to pet Ravage because he'd probably hate that because he is not a pet even if she wouldn't mean it like that* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:13 pm //That's -great-, sweet Onyx.// boomtank 11:13 pm Ah. Uh...what world? Whirl 11:13 pm Hilarious, AND catchy. ((omg the lyrics. beautiful)) Windchill 11:14 pm (( CRIES. )) ItsyBitsySpyers 11:14 pm [[A collection of alien creatures navigating the troubles of their world.]] Me 11:14 pm ((the lyrics are beautiful)) ItsyBitsySpyers 11:15 pm ((it's PAINFUL)) Me 11:15 pm ((did u see the transcriptionist's note)) Whirl 11:15 pm ((please don't knock on Pipes)) Windchill 11:15 pm *He can knock more than three times, he's pretty sure.* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:15 pm ((i missed it what was it)) Me 11:15 pm ((they put a note at the very beginning that said "stop telling me i spelled things wrong, i was 11 when I made this video")) ItsyBitsySpyers 11:15 pm ((HAHA)) Whirl 11:15 pm ((AWWW OMG)) B 11:15 pm [[awww Whirl 11:15 pm ((THAT MAKES ME LOVE IT MOPRE)) Me 11:16 pm ((RIGHT?)) boomtank 11:16 pm -curious noise- That sounds like most shows, really ItsyBitsySpyers 11:16 pm ((it was star trek, ftr)) boomtank 11:17 pm ((aw man! ItsyBitsySpyers 11:20 pm [[And one for the disillusioned in the crowd.]] Whirl 11:20 pm I'd go wit Love Bites. Shock 11:20 pm ((Alright, I need to sleep. It was great hanging around again. Will there be more star trek in the future?)) B 11:20 pm *tries to think of love songs she knows if this is the theme tonight... oh never mind theme done* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:20 pm ((eventually yes!)) Windchill 11:20 pm It sure does. *Wink, wonk.* Whirl 11:21 pm *snorts* You're in A MOOD tonight. ItsyBitsySpyers 11:21 pm {{That more than Bird wants knowing about Whirl, nehekhek.}} Windchill 11:21 pm I'm ALWAYS in a mood, haven't you noticed? Honestly. *He tosses his head.* Shock 11:21 pm (( //Waves.)) Windchill 11:21 pm It's like you don't even know me. Shock 11:21 pm *With the stream over, he exits.* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:21 pm ((byee! good to see you around 😃 )) boomtank 11:21 pm ((g'night! Windchill 11:21 pm (( Goodnight! )) B 11:21 pm [[Nice to meet you, Shock Whirl 11:22 pm ((night!)) You must have a hell of an imagination if you think I can bite anyone or anything, Laserbeak. ...also, this is true. ItsyBitsySpyers 11:22 pm {{Bird meant bite -getting-.}} Whirl 11:22 pm ...*considers* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:22 pm {{It not funny if joke explaining. Meh meh meh.}} Whirl 11:23 pm Nobody's ever bit me. I mean, not unless they were trying to kill me. Windchill 11:23 pm *Another very sly expression.* *Not YET, fucko.* Whirl 11:23 pm *LOOK YOU FARTKNOCKER* Windchill 11:23 pm *Shhh, you love it.* Whirl 11:24 pm Anyway, on that... probably weird note, I'm out, losers. *Gonna hop up and stretch again* Windchill 11:24 pm *Waits. Turn around, sonny jim.* Whirl 11:24 pm Drop me a line when you wanna swing by. *nods to Rumble, and then pauses... and looks briefly to Bevel* You, too, if you're interested in this clock I'm growing. ItsyBitsySpyers 11:25 pm //Yeah! Yeah, sure!// B 11:25 pm *nods enthusiastically* I can do that! Whirl 11:26 pm *bobs his head in farewell to the room in general. Well. He feels good about tonight. And now it's time to leave and possibly get punched in the tit* Windchill 11:26 pm *Cups his hands for the world's loudest stage whisper.* HEY WHIRL. Whirl 11:26 pm *pauses, one foot raised* What? Windchill 11:26 pm NICE ASS. ItsyBitsySpyers 11:27 pm *Rumble howls and falls over* *Frenzy joins but in the opposite direction* \\I KNEW IT\\ Whirl 11:27 pm *instant deadpan stare. After a moment he spares a similar look for the twins* Windchill 11:27 pm *And thus the REAL plot unfolds.* B 11:27 pm *so lost on what's happening right now* Whirl 11:27 pm *it's honestly a lot better this way* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:28 pm *They are now 100% convinced Windchill has a thing with Whirl.* Windchill 11:28 pm *Wolf whistles.* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:28 pm *Even if the Boss says otherwise* Windchill 11:28 pm *Note that, while he seems pleased with himself, he's not laughing.* Whirl 11:28 pm *once he makes sure everyone gets their dose of deadpan stare he puts his foot down and gives an elegant leg, bowing* I aim to please. ItsyBitsySpyers 11:29 pm //Got good aim.// Windchill 11:29 pm *HEY, HITTING ON WHIRL IS HIS JOB.* Whirl 11:30 pm *actually snrks in the middle of his bow, that was clever* boomtank 11:30 pm -muffled snickering from over here- Whirl 11:31 pm *straightens* Are you done? Anything else you lot need to let me know before I'm out of here? Windchill 11:31 pm *Shoos at Whirl with his hand.* That's all you get. ItsyBitsySpyers 11:32 pm *Rumble scratches his chin* Windchill 11:35 pm Goodnight, Whirl. Go home to your butt-dent bed. ItsyBitsySpyers 11:35 pm //I was thinkin' kind of a nice everythin', but what he said's good too.// *Shrug.* //Seeya, nerd.// Whirl 11:36 pm *snorts, once again pleasantly surprised by a compliment. Y'all are spoiling him* Windchill 11:36 pm *They luv u.* Whirl 11:36 pm And that's rich, you calling me a NERD, Pun-meister. ItsyBitsySpyers 11:36 pm *Suddenly a spooked look. No no no don't tell.* Whirl 11:37 pm *he points at Rumble with a claw, but doesn't say anything* Time for me to go home to my butt-dented bed. ItsyBitsySpyers 11:38 pm *A wave from Frenzy, who's still upside down-ish.* Windchill 11:39 pm *Hand over spark.* When you lie down on your butt dent, think of me. Whirl 11:39 pm *will bob his head at Frenzy, who has clearly not recovered* Lord. Would that I had the luxury of IGNORING IT. One day you're gonna fix that. Windchill 11:40 pm *Briefly wonders how comfortable a butt-dented berth can be, but says nothing.* Whirl 11:40 pm When I finally get tired of complaining about it. Windchill 11:40 pm One day, when I pound the rest of your bed level with the original dent. ItsyBitsySpyers 11:40 pm *Noisy, NOISY snickering* Windchill 11:40 pm With my fists, probably. *A smooth recovery that is not, and too late besides.* Whirl 11:41 pm No, you have to do it with your butt. Windchill 11:41 pm Fine, I accept, Whirl 11:41 pm I'll get, like--Grapple or someone to just. Hold you like a hammer. Windchill 11:41 pm I think I can manage my own butt, Whirl. I am the master of my own butt. Whirl 11:41 pm Only one person can handle your butt. That's, of course, Riot. boomtank 11:42 pm -annnnd this conversation is taking a weird turn. He's out. G'night!- Whirl 11:42 pm Damn, you're distracting me with butt talk again, I'm ESCAPING while I have THE CHANCE. Windchill 11:42 pm Yeah, get out of here. Before I say something you actually regret. Whirl 11:43 pm *ESCAPES* Windchill 11:44 pm *And now, Chill will sit there with tiny feets for company a while longer.* *Even if those feets fell on the floor a while ago.* B 11:44 pm *is content to listen to whatever direction the music went in for the moment* boomtank 11:45 pm ((tanks for the music though, gotta go, byyyye ItsyBitsySpyers 11:45 pm ((byeeee)) Windchill 11:45 pm (( Goodnight!! )) ItsyBitsySpyers 11:45 pm *The tiny feets will try to get back up on him despite being on the floor.* *So they're sorta sitting upside down now.* Windchill 11:46 pm *Listen you guys, footsies is not a game you can win with this one.* *OR IS IT.* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:47 pm *Is that a CHALLENGE because Frenzy WILL find a way to get on anything anywhere at any time* Windchill 11:48 pm *If they weren't so small, comparatively, he'd rest his giant feets on them in turn. However, he's not actually in the mood to piss off Soundwave by doing anything that might be misconstrued as threatening, so he'll make grotesque CHALLENGE faces instead.* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:50 pm *Frenzy sits up and walks around to Rumble's side of Windchill. He then keeps walking and gets a good distance away.* Windchill 11:51 pm *Oh joy.* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:51 pm *If Windchill doesn't move, Frenzy's going to run, get a boost from his brother of the mighty upper body strength, and aim to land on Windchill's head* Windchill 11:52 pm *Holds only EXACTLY as still as someone who has absolute confidence in his own survival can do, which is completely.* *THEN he howls.* B 11:54 pm *entertaining as Frenzy is being right now, Bevel should get going, but first...* @Ravage: Can I pet you? ItsyBitsySpyers 11:55 pm *Ravage squints up at her.* *He holds out one paw and gives her A Look. You may pet that. Briefly.* *Meanwhile, Frenzy will sprawl out, like you do.* Windchill 11:55 pm *Has a mini for a hat!* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:56 pm \\I CAN SEE THE WHOLE WORLD FROM HERE.\\ Windchill 11:56 pm *Stops screaming.* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:56 pm [[Thank Primus.]] B 11:56 pm *tries not to look too happy while she briefly gets to pet the offered paw* Windchill 11:56 pm Look, you guys. I have a fancy hat. B 11:56 pm @Ravage: Thank you. Windchill 11:58 pm *Tilts his head and purses his lip JUST ENOUGH to blow up at Frenzy's toes.* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:58 pm *Ravage pulls his paw back in and flicks it a few times before loafing. At least he didn't clean it.* *He laughs and wriggles around to try to escape the air. And falls off. Also like you do, but like you wish you didn't.* Yesterday ItsyBitsySpyers 11:59 pm *Rumble just facepalms.* Windchill 12:00 am *SHUDDERS like someone dropped an ice cube down his figurative bra, but it's just a flailing mini.* B 12:02 am I am going to go now. *stands up finally* Goodnight, everyone. ItsyBitsySpyers 12:02 am {{Byeeee!}} *Bird will fly out with Bevel. She's been wanting to hit New Praxus today anyway.* Windchill 12:03 am *He waves, lazily.* B 12:03 am *the company is not unwelcome* ItsyBitsySpyers 12:05 am *Soundwave stretches. One more bit of music and then he's going to have to handle some... business... elsewhere.* *That sounds worse than it is. He's just telling secrets and poking around someone's head.* Windchill 12:07 am *Streeeeetches, and grunts.* Time for me to go, you punks. ItsyBitsySpyers 12:09 am \\AW, OKAY. NEXT TIME, HUH?\\ //We oughta beat Whirl to his seat 'n footstool on him.// Windchill 12:09 am ...Do what next time? ItsyBitsySpyers 12:10 am \\SEEIN' YA 'ROUND HERE, 'N ALL.\\ ((i was gonna make that the last music but i like this one lmao)) Windchill 12:12 am (( *Squints at you, Rabbit.* )) ((I think it ate a whole TWO MESSAGES. )) ItsyBitsySpyers 12:12 am ((what's the last you got)) Windchill 12:13 am (( I wrote two but see them nowhere. )) ItsyBitsySpyers 12:13 am ((:( rewrite?)) Windchill 12:13 am (( As much as I feel like, HEH. )) Windchill 12:14 am Yeah, next time. *He perks up suddenly, the words 'next time' triggering some sort of recollection.* ItsyBitsySpyers 12:15 am *Curious glance* Windchill 12:18 am *Hands clap together.* The bitty likes the bug songs. ItsyBitsySpyers 12:19 am *And now they both perk.* //Yeah?// \\REALLY?\\ *PUFF WITH PRIDE* Windchill 12:19 am Yeah, her eye gets all WIDE. Windchill 12:21 am And her arms go...*he raised his fists, then thought better of it.* Well, I'd show you but it's not cute when I do it. ItsyBitsySpyers 12:21 am //Naw, c'mon. We got a couple minutes.// \\I WANNA SEE.\\ Windchill 12:22 am Okay, hold on. I have to do it RIGHT. Windchill 12:25 am *He picks his feet up, puffing out his cheeks and screwing up the rest of his face and slowly windmills his limbs in tight, hilariously ineffective circles until his eyes go wide enough that they threaten to pop out of his head.* ItsyBitsySpyers 12:27 am *Both twins snort and giggle* Windchill 12:27 am *Holds this for a few seconds before he realizes he's too old to do it for any longer, and vents EXPLOSIVELY before sagging back into his seat.* Like that, but more hideous. ItsyBitsySpyers 12:28 am //Listen, if her optics - or jus' one, right? - if it pops out, I ain't responsible.// Windchill 12:29 am Just one. It's NOT going to pop out. ItsyBitsySpyers 12:30 am //Good. That's only fun in fights.// *Stretch.* \\OKAY, THE BOSS IS FUSSIN'. WE GOTTA SCRAM.\\ Windchill 12:30 am But...can you scram faster than I can? *Forgets how old he is just long enough to bolt to his feet and out the door, into the night.* ItsyBitsySpyers 12:32 am *Rumble snorts again.* //How're we supposed to tell him if he ain't around to hear it? C'mon, bro.// *And upstairs they'll all head.*
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ham-lin-ton · 7 years
Post hamilton feelings
okay so i just got back from NY today and hamilton was AMAZING! ngl i was a little afraid it wouldn’t live up to the hype, but the hype is Real y’all!! my full hamilton #Review is below and feel free to shoot an ask or a msg if you have questions or just wanna Yell with me about it, i still have a lot of feelings and Opinions. and besides for hamilton, NY in general was ofc amazing! it’s so big and loud and bright and beautiful!! the buildings were so cool looking i felt like such a tourist taking pics of all the buildings and shit but i couldn’t help it, i loved the #Aesthetic so much. i had so much good food and cocktails! we toured the morgan museum and library and it was so cool to see all these old documents and abstract art. the strand was so cool, i bought a second hand vintage aesop's fables book and a cool hamilton themed canvas bag, i honestly could have spent all my money there. we p much walked from midtown (our hotel was in hells kitchen) to lower manhattan (west village) all day on the 31st and the rooftop party on new years eve was so cool! the empire state building was all lit up and was right there. if you got my snapchat you probs saw the pics and the following drunk snaps... there was an open bar, so i had a good time lmaoo
okay first of the theatre is beautiful, and i had front mezzanine seats so i was on the 2nd level. my view was great, i could see everyone clearly and i only had to lean forward a little bit because of the dude in front of me and his fat head.
okay im gonna get my criticisms out of the way first so i can get back to gushing. now some parts i wasn’t quite sold on was thayne jasperson as laurens/philip and seth stewart as lafayette/jefferson.
now i’ll be honest i love jordan fisher okay so im maybe a bit biased here lmao. he’s a babe and i love his voice so much (if you haven’t heard lin and jordan fisher doing your welcome, 10/10 would recommend), so when i saw that jordan wasn’t playing my boi john laurens that night i was disappointed, ngl. i really wanted to like thayne, i really did. but. he just.... did Not do it for me. his voice is very...young and boyish sounding. higher pitched and almost squeaky in parts. it suited him well as philip when he’s playing a child but as john laurens?.....ehhhhh. he just could not sing out those smooth crooner melodies like anthony ramos and i kinda felt like he trying too hard to sound like anthony. also thayne is....very white. and tbh the line “but we’ll never be truly free until those in bondage have the same rights as you and me... wait till I sally in on a stallion with the first black battalion” just did not have the same bite coming from a little white boy.
as for seth stewart.... his lafayette was a bit forced. the accent was kinda jarring and distracting. during my shot he was really rushing it. i felt like he was trying to take it too fast and bust out those guns n ships level raps right away. when the whole point is that lafayette is unsure with english at first so he’s a bit slower and more hesitant but then by guns and ships he busts out with that IMTAKINGTHISHORSEBYTHEREINSMAKINGREDCOATSREDDERWITHBLOODSTAINS! and you’re like whooooooa! character development!!! and that did not quite happen. i was impressed that seth actually managed to pull of those guns n ships raps really well tho. so his lafayette didn’t quite do it for me, but his jefferson was amazing! jefferson has moves and swagger lol! you like him but you kinda hate that you sort of like the guy cause he’s an asshole, but he’s also charmed you a bit as well. you’re kinda sitting there like WAIT i don’t wanna like this guy but i sort of do!!
keep in mind that i have no other comparison other than the soundtrack and watching the bootleg a couple times. i was overall impressed at how true to the soundtrack it sounded!! the voices that really stood out to me were javier munoz (hamilton), brandon victor dixon (burr), nicholas christopher (washington), andrew chappelle (he’s a switch for p much all the parts but that night he played herc/madison), and mandy gonzalez (angelica). everyone was amazing but these people just really jumped out at me
javi is really enjoyable as hamilton, like i do enjoy lmm’s voice but let’s face it y’all he’s a rapper and a writer at heart, he doesn’t have those traditional broadway pipes. he still moves you and hits you right in the gut with his voice, but it is unique and distinctive, especially on broadway. so hearing javi, a objectively better singer, do hamilton was very refreshing and enjoyable. he also brings so much passion and intensity to the role and almost like a mischievous? quality as well.
dixon as burr was also very good... the burr songs (wait for it and room where it happens) were def like the highlights of the show. dixon kind of has more of a rapper quality to his voice than leslie odom jrs’ burr, who has that velvet and smoke jazz singer kind of voice. wait for it utterly took my breath away. he starts off so calm and controlled and by the crescendo he is passionate and intense, enraged even. it’s the most worked up you see burr and it’s amazing to see him go from 100 to 0 and bring it all back down to the burr like calm and control that we see all the time with him.... dixons voice was so strong and intense and when it ends and he’s standing there in darkness with just the lone light shining on him and quietly whispers “....wait for it”... ahhhh! one of my fave burr moments was how during aaron burr, sir at the line “you wanna get ahead?” burr grabs hams plain brown jacket he’s wearing at the time and like gestures and looks at it like really? you expect to get ahead looking like THIS
nicholas christopher had such a stage presence! and it’s amusing to notice that he is literally the only person in the show who can seem to say no to Ham outright. i also loved his Look, hes bald and has a big beard and when he comes out in right hand man banishing the sword it looked so badass. one last time was so intense and i was impressed that nicholas christopher managed to pull of those chris jackson runs, he sounded almost exactly like chris jackson on the soundtrack
andrew chappelle is also one of my faves, his hercules was amazing and he pulled of the swagger and presence really well but he really shone as madison. he adds so much sass and exasperation to madison, especially when it comes to jefferson. you really get the sense of him just humoring jefferson
now someone who REALLY blew the roof of the place with their voice alone was mandy gonzalez. she also played Nina in In the heights, and now she plays angelica. satisfied was one of the best parts and her voice just filled the whole theatre til it was bursting!! and the choreography and use of the turntables during satisfied was impressive, they literally rewind everything to how the scene is set during helpless when angelica, eliza, and ham meet.
speaking of hamilton and eliza omg, they were so cute??? like they’re so sweet with each other and are almost always constantly touching hands or touching in some way when near each other, which makes it that much more sad later when during non stop he tears his hands away from eliza (and angelica too) and during quiet uptown when hamilton tries to hold elizas hand and she jerks her hand away from his. another thing about quiet uptown was that when eliza decides to forgive him, hamilton is pretty much breaking down. like his shoulders are shaking and he’s openly crying and eliza is standing there impassively coldly ignoring him until she holds his hand and they turn to each other.
rory o’malley is delightful as king george, he is so petulant and ridiculous that you can’t help but laugh he had the whole theatre cracking up.
alysha deslorieux and peggy/maria was amazing! she has the same smooth low quality to it that jasmine has and say no to this was actually quite sexy. the soundtrack does not do it justice. hamilton and maria kiss pretty deeply with a lot of heat for like 10 seconds and during that part where hamilton is practically moaning “yes! yes! yes!” yea maria is essentially giving him a lapdance at that part, it was a very sensual scene.
parts i cried/teared up during (yes i am weak and emo okay)
-wait for it
-that would be enough
-dear theodosia
-the laurens interlude
-one last time
-it’s quiet uptown
-best of wives and best of women
-who lives who dies who tells your story
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