#black tv series
blacksapphicguide · 11 months
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Harlem (TV series)
2020s TV series. Produced by Tracy Oliver. | 3 seasons (Ongoing).
Plot points:
Variations in lifestyles and career.
Black relationship issues.
Biracial identity.
Interracial dating.
Coming out.
Interracial sapphic couples, black sapphic couples.
Black heterosexual couples.
Guest appearances from Black Hollywood.
Black sapphic characters:
Tye [lesbian] Jerrie Johnson Quinn [bisexual] Grace Byers Aimee [pansexual] Rachel True Nikki Peppermint Zoe [lesbian] Courtnee Carter Melissa [lesbian] Ebonée Noel Alicia [lesbian] Aisha Lomax Shayla [lesbian] Claudia Logan Evan [lesbian] Okema Moore Mae [lesbian] Stacia Stein
Tye x Anna (interracial sapphics) x Shayla (black sapphics) x Melissa (black sapphics) x Zoe (black sapphics) x Aimee (black sapphics) - Quinn x Isabela (interracial sapphics) - Evan x Alicia (black sapphics) - Mae x Paula (black sapphics)
Sex & Nudity - Severe
Graphic sex scenes and sexually suggestive situations.
Violence & Gore - None
Profanity - Severe
Frequent use of bitch, fuck, shit, etc.
Frequent use of the n-word.
Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking - Mild
Depictions of social drinking due to night outs at the club and dinner.
Smoking of weed.
Frightening & Intense Scenes - Very Mild
Instance of a character being robbed at gunpoint.
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citree · 1 month
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I just want to start a flame in your heart~ 🔥🧡🔥
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twinsarekeepers · 5 months
“This isn’t the Arch, seaweed brain. You’re not pushing me into the stairwell again.”
First of all, LINE DELIVERY?? Leah Sava Jeffries is an ACTRESS because ‘seaweed brain’ is actually so corny and it would simply feel like fan-service if they included it earlier or in another context but this was so natural and I was so swept up by all the other amazing things happening that I was excited about it but also keyed into the rest of the scene.
But the way this perfectly displays her fatal flaw. She will not let this boy trick her again (spoiler: he does). She was caught off guard at the Arch because she wasn’t familiar with his game but now she’s ready. She WILL die for him and that is final.
“Yes, I am.”
This was CRAZY?? Percy Jackson #1 mentally unstable man because how is he determined to win every ‘sacrifice myself’ off with her? And he says it to her face too. He does not care for the games anymore, he’s fully telling her that he needs her to live.
“I’m not going to let you this time. It doesn’t work that way!”
This made me so incredibly sad. Annabeth is still thinking in transactions. She’s thinking about how he made a sacrifice in the Arch so it’s her turn now. This is how relationships work. This is how every relationship she’s had works. She literally can’t comprehend how he doesn’t see it that way. How he could be selfless enough to sacrifice himself for her TWICE. How he could care about her enough to believe she deserves it even after she was the reason they were in the Arch in the first place (my baby my baby say it with me now you’re my baby).
“It’s why you’re here!”
“Excuse me?”
This was so soft like I just *screaming crying gif*. The last time she said ‘excuse me’ to him she was pissed off about him bringing up Athena but now she’s just confused and sad. Like, she trying to figure out what he means by this. Does he think she’s so heartless and robotic that she’d just let him die for her own gain?
I also love how they don’t have her say ‘what?’ because it just adds this extra layer of how Annabeth has trained herself to be more mature in everything she does, even her language, because she believes that if she’s not perfect, she’s not worthy of love and affection and maybe even existing (literally sobbing wtf).
“When I was choosing my team, I told Chiron I needed someone who wouldn’t hesitate to sacrifice me if the quest required it. He agreed. That was you.”
I was confused at first about this because I thought Annabeth knew Percy thought this about her until I went back and watched the choosing ceremony again. He’s definitely keeping his voice lower as he speaks to Chiron and both Chiron and him are raising their voice as they address the other campers so makes sense that she wouldn’t have heard him.
But also, this just adds so much to literally everything. Because, in the beginning, Percy didn’t think him and Annabeth would become friends. He genuinely did think that she would sacrifice him if she had to and he thought he’d be able to curb it. He thought he’d be able to fight Annabeth if it came to it because she might choose the quest over his mom and he couldn’t allow that.
But now here he is, after getting to know her, and seeing her vulnerability and bravery and strength and courage and wisdom and passion and everything that makes her so beautiful and wonderful and amazing and his friend. She’s his friend and she’d never betray him. She’d never sacrifice him. She’d rather sacrifice herself before she ever did anything to harm him.
And he’s apologizing to her. Listen to the way Walker says the last line (again, THE ACTING). It’s literally a confession because he feels so bad that he ever believed that about her. And now he’s making her do it. He’s making her do this thing that he once thought she’d have done without hesitation. He’s thinking about the Fates cutting that string and he’s thinking about his own words to Chiron and how Chiron agreed and he’s thinking about how Annabeth said that prophecies aren’t always clear and he fully believes that he’s figured it out. This is fate. Annabeth would sacrifice him and complete the prophecy. She’ll be the friend that betrays him but not because she wanted to and he will fail to save what matters most, his own life.
This entire exchange was very insane. It’s my Roman Empire. I can’t stop thinking about it because it shows their motivations and their viewpoints and their internal struggles so so so well like I can’t even … I’m having a malfunction.
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crunchycrystals · 9 months
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this makes me want to cry
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roachliquid · 1 month
Man. It really bites seeing Maximus (from the Fallout series) be so heavily overlooked by the fandom, when he is such a well-written character. Bar none, he's one of the best fictional examples I have ever seen of someone raised in a high-control group.
The Brotherhood of Steel, in their entirety, are given all the classic traits of a cult or HCG. They boast about having these grandiose ideals, all of which revolve around controlling other people's behavior. They use those same ideals to justify abusing lower-ranking members, implying all the while that it serves some greater good. And despite their supposedly rigorous beliefs, they're happy to turn a blind eye to unsanctioned abuse - because it serves the same purpose of keeping people "in their place".
Then we're introduced to Maximus - a young man who has made the mistake of taking those ideals seriously, but due to the environment he's been trapped in, was never taught how to act on them in a real and meaningful way. And in the process of figuring that out, he fucks up. (He fucks up a lot, because the Brotherhood wouldn't dare teach him anything that might help him function without their support.) But he genuinely wants to do the right thing, and we see that come through time and again as he slowly learns how to be his own person.
And yet, even with all that growth under his belt, getting away from the group isn't that simple. Because, like any high control group worth its salt, the Brotherhood doesn't want you to leave. Sure, they'll threaten to kick you out (or in this case, kill you) - because it keeps you in line. But they'd much rather have you under their thumb, so he still has to deal with the threat of getting sucked back in.
As a cult survivor, I rarely see people like me depicted accurately in the media. We're almost always either scheming sadists or helpless barefoot victims - you rarely see a nuanced depiction of how a regular person, with both good intentions and the skills needed to get away, can still end up trapped in that kind of group. Maximus is an incredible example of how that can play out, and I hope more people come to appreciate both him as a character and how well that dynamic was handled.
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dorcasmckinnonn · 9 months
I believe in the annabeth chase supremacy. bow down to your queen.
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smoustart on insta
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jiilll · 2 months
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william 🤝 perseus : “me (a loser blondie), *would* jump into hell for the gorgeous baddie i pulled by being a dumbass”
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alrightymoose · 1 month
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But It's Pretty..! im really not great at realism or rendering but it was fun to try again :D black and white with a splash of color really gets me. Im not too comfortable with how i draw crowley yet, but i'll get there. this show has such an iron grip on me (not expecting it to let go anytime soon) this looks way better zoomed in. Drawn on the Nintendo Switch
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aliferousdreamer · 3 months
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the-watcher-in-the-sky · 10 months
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atwellfilm · 5 months
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What If...? – Episode 05x2
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batcavescolony · 4 months
just saw someone say Rick Riordan making a TV show is just as bad as anything JKR has done. BFFR you're comparing Rick Riordan trying to make his world more inclusive, changing some parts because of money/time constraints, or just making changes cus he thinks they're needed, to JKR being a terrible person!
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cyberghu0l · 4 months
Sore Loser
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you and clarisse are on opposite teams for capture the flag. not only can she not protect you, but she loses to you. and she doesn't take losing lightly.
clarisse la rue × daughter of Apollo!reader
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this is the time of year everyone looks forward to.
capture the flag
everyone had their own secret alliances, and each cabin had their own secret techniques. everyone did anything it took to win. every year, chiron divides the cabins into two teams. last year, you stayed faithful to your girlfriend and fought by her side all the way to victory. this year was different.
the list of the two teams was announced during dinner.
"lastly, cabin seven. blue team. same rules apply, i wish each team success for tomorrow's game." he went back to his table and the kids returned to their conversations.
you looked over to clarisse, who was sitting across from you. you could tell she was angry about the teams, but she didn't want to show it.
"clar, are you gonna keep playing with your food or actually eat?" you asked after watching her poke her chicken for 5 minutes straight.
she picked her head up from her palm and looked at you. her lips pursed.
"im not hungry anymore." she got up and tossed her remaining food into the fire and walked away. you sighed and continued eating.
that night after everyone was asleep, you snuck out to the Ares cabin. you peeked through the window just next to clarisse's bed. she was lying down, only staring at the ceiling. you knew she only had trouble sleeping if something was bothering her. you tapped the glass slightly, gaining her attention.
she sat up and looked at you with furrowed brows. you waved for her to come outside. she rolled her eyes, but she couldn't say no to you. she slipped on her shoe, got a sweater, and quietly opened the door. you smiled, seeing her in her pj's and messy bun. some strands of hair falling into her face. she handed you her sweater, which you immediately slipped on.
"c'mon." you took her hand and led her to your spot. it was behind your cabin, deep into the woods. there was a clear area that had perfect view of the lake, stars, and each path just in case someone came.
you sat on the grassy patch, clarisse followed next to you. "i know you're upset about tomorrow." you started. "y/n, i really don't want to get into this." she threw her head back in annoyance.
"clarisse, can you just listen. it's only for a day, and it's just a game. you know i will never lead anyone to you. can you just let it rest?" you put your hand on her thigh, trying to get through to her.
"fine! it just sucks, i don't want you to lose to me." she said. you retracted your hand at her statement. "what's that supposed to mean? you think we can't win?" you questioned her. "no, of course you can, angel. we've just been on a winning streak for two years." she tried hiding her smirk.
you scoffed. "you're unbelievable." you got up, walking back to your cabin. "y/n, seriously? it's like you said it's just a game." she followed you. you ignored her pleads till you got to your cabin. "good night, la rue."
you two always had a rule about never going to bed angry, but you weren't mad at her. you just needed time to think about how to beat her.
the game came quickly. you were standing with your fellow teammates as chiron explained the rooms. you watch clarisse from a distance. admiring her in the sun, wishing you were by her side, but you knew you had to put your feelings aside. the contch blew, and everyone let out a war cry. you were given orders to follow the ones who would take the flag.
you knew clarisse and her half siblings would be guarding, but this made Annabeth use you a deploy.
"okay, here's what's gonna happen. we're gonna spilt up. y/n, take the front where clarisse is guarding. you already what to do. try not to make it ugly." you nodded at luke's plan. he told everyone else their positions, now it was time to execute it.
you walked up to the holding area. you were instantly met with the Ares siblings holding their swords out at you.
"listen, im just here to talk okay. you guys can go back to guarding, i just wanna talk to clarisse." you spoke with your hands up.
she raised a brow, unamused, but let you proceed. the rest went back to their positions.
"did you come to distract me or talk about last night." she asked bluntly. "last night, and if you may know, annabeth doesn't even know im here." she smirked.
"you know i actually am sorry, okay? for last night. it just came out wrong, and i didn't think you'd react like that." she looked at you with pleading eyes. "thank you. and you know this is really weird for me too. i like being here with you." You hit her lightly, earning a chuckle from the brunette.
she began talking again, but you found yourself zoning out behind her. you saw each of her siblings being taken out by the group you were sent with.
classic sneak attack, so luke
"uh huh." you replied to whatever she was saying as you watched luke take the flag from the pole.
"so you think the camp should burn down?" she said, snapping your thoughts back to her. she turned to look at what you were staring at. you had failed to turn her head back to you. "no! luke!" she cried. she turned back to you with a look of disgust.
"clar, don't!" you grabbed her armor, buying luke sometime to run.
you took out your sword
"don't make me do this." you said taking your stance in the dirt. "you chose suicide." she pointed her blade at you, charging to you.
you knew all her moves like the back of your hand. you knocked her foot, making her lose her balance and falling to the floor. she had given up just as you had her blade under your foot and yours pointing at her.
her chest rised and fell with huffs of her breaths. "im sorry." you said before taking off to your territory.
you had made it right in to celebrate with your team mates.
the next couple of days were unbearable. clarisse was going out of her way to ignore you. her half siblings included. it tore you apart knowing it was all because of a game.
one day, you had enough and went to her cabin to confront her. she always took some time after sparring to bandage up and you knew she'd be alone. "are you gonna keep ignoring me like a sore loser or let me bask in my glory?" you asked as you leaned against her bunk bed.
no response
"clar, im being serious. you're killing me. i thought you would've been happier for me, after all i did learn from you."
"i didn't teach you to be conniving." she said sternly while putting ointment on her arm.
"i was just doing what i had to do to win. you taught me that." she exhaled and looked ahead.
"i gotta admit. you looked fucking gorgeous sparring with me." she looked at you with a smile. you returned the gesture and took her hand in yours. she held it up to her lips and kissed your knuckles gently.
"im sorry, angel. " she said sweetly.
"im sorry, too." you spoke softly.
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guys are my stories beginning to be too long? i feel like they are but series are lame in my opinion:/ i only rlly do them if i have ideas to continue the story but tell me what yall think
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twinsarekeepers · 14 days
Walker and Leah being the top result when you put percabeth in the search engine WAR IS OVER
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captofthelaney · 3 months
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nick and charlie hearstoppper | 02.07 | sorry
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renaissanceousia · 4 months
oh they're cooking
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