#berserker rage
sailorgundam308 · 3 months
I have this headcanon about berserker Karlach where she simply loses control of her rage.
(It’s based on a type of berserker rage that exists in DND and my own OC’s canon)
Kinda like her moment after defeating the paladins of Tyr - but worse. Much worse and chaotic, more violent and less aware.
I keep thinking what if she went berserk like that during the blood war - pure blind carnage, no consciousness? It could happen sometimes after she consumes a soul coin, when she has a close call, and, bam - she goes NUTS. She slashes through enemies and allies and anything in her way. Until she drops down, having quite literally run out of fuel.
What if one day Astarion is in a very bad situation, suffering or close to death - or she thinks he’s been killed? What if, even without a soul coin, she just loses it?
Her eyes aflame - when she screams you can see the glow of hellfire inside her throat. She turns into something TERRIFYING. It’s like seeing the true Demonsbane of the Blood War right there in the Sword Coast. It’d catch her unexpectedly. The sight of something so overpowered unleashed would seem horrifying for those looking.
It would then become clear why Zariel put her in the frontlines.
I assume once she’s done with raging (someone might have to incapacitate her just to make her stop), she takes all damage and pain at once, collapses unconscious and burning from the inside for days. She’s not supposed to burn so hot outside of Avernus.
Even in Avernus, going berserk like this would put her out of commission for s while, and she’d need repairs. Even if she could predict or control it, raging like that should be unnecessary outside of the Blood War. So when it happens in Faerun, it’s sort of a stunning thing to behold.
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but-a-humble-goon · 3 months
Do Laura's eyes actually glow red when she goes berserker mode? That has to be just an artistic thing, surely? You can't even explain it away as being part of the mutant powers because it also happens to regular humans when they get dosed up with rage gas in the same comic.
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sbnkalny · 2 years
That’s why Craymen has no scenes between his dreams and The angels, I feared to go very far from their fight skills, their man muscle, their cocks and balls And takes the heat street sneat beat.
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thewhumpcaretaker · 5 months
Rage as Whump
Pain, fear, sadness - these are at the core of whump, but anger holds an equally important place. I don't just mean defiance towards whumper as an aspect of the narrative, I mean rage itself as a source of suffering.
Whumpee is shaking/screaming/sobbing with rage but unable to lash out at their target.
Whumpee has gone through years of resentment alone while the person who wronged them walks free, loved by everyone.
Whumpee being forced to act perfectly calm and content while socializing with the person they hate most.
Whumpee blacking out from rage.
Whumpee hysterical from rage.
Whumpee is capable of going berserk (either through supernatural powers or through just normal human force of will) and lashing out recklessly in a way that destroys their own body.
Whumpee risking their life for vengeance because it's all they have left.
Whumpee has a powerful sense of justice, and constantly feels a sense of "wrongness" about the way things are. It's always there, gnawing at the back of their mind.
Caretaker is going to help them get revenge.
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by Uncannyknack
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sid3buns · 6 months
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Oʜ ʙᴀʙʏ ᴡᴏɴ'ᴛ ʏᴏᴜ ᴄʀʏ? Sʜᴏᴡ ᴍᴇ ᴛʜᴇʀᴇ ᴀʀᴇ sᴏᴍᴇ ᴛᴇᴀʀs ʙᴇʜɪɴᴅ ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴇʏᴇs Oʜ ʙᴀʙʏ ᴡᴏɴ'ᴛ ʏᴏᴜ ᴄʀʏ? Wʜʏ'ᴅ ʏᴏᴜ ʜᴀᴠᴇ ᴛᴏ ᴋɪʟʟ ᴛᴏ ғᴇᴇʟ ᴀʟɪᴠᴇ?
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torisharp · 2 months
A Paradox for a Paramour (FigAyda)
A FigAyda prediction comic! In this AU Porter is the BBEG because it's funny. However, I don't remember what Porter looks like and i was too caught up in Fig/Ayda fluff to care. Enjoy. (◡ ‿ ◡ ✿)
Some Fantasy High Junior Year spoilers ahead, but it's mostly speculation! I got to wondering what would happen if there was a TPK while Ayda's away with her dad.
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nellfallcard · 1 year
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Guts from Berserk as The Fallen Angel by Alexandre Cabanel, because back in the day when I painted the Alucard version I got a troll saying that "ohhh this is totally not something that has been done a thousand times before", which is actually not incorrect, so I promised him/her/them/it that I would reward his/her/their/its accurate, sarcastically flavoured opinion with a sea of paintings of every character I could think of as the fallen angel :D It took me quite a while to deliver but here it comes! x)
Prints here if interested:
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sp0o0kylights · 7 months
ooo and 5 please! who's saying fuck no about what??
This waaaas a werewolf oneshot I was playing with, separate from Hungry. It features a transmasc Gareth, protective Eddie and Steve, and a personal favorite, Secret Berserker Jonathan Byers.
This was another oneshot that is made entirely of various scenes, so I wrote a quick introduction here to it. It wouldn't make a lick of sense otherwise lol.
(Similar to Hungry, we're playing with dominant/submissive werewolves. Think Patricia Briggs and Ilona Andrews & how they run their werewolf stories based on super outdated but very fun concepts of real wolf packs lol. I have my own little modern twist on them, but there's a difference between a social work/school friend group "pack" and a Wolf Pack TM. )
Hellfire won't be out for another few minutes, but neither Steve or Jonathan talk much as they wait. 
It's a peaceful kind of silence they share, particularly between two people who aren't friends, but ended up as family anyway. 
Which is why both startle hard when the doors to the school slam open. 
One of Munson's wolves storms out, looking over his shoulder instead of ahead. "What part of fuck no don't you get!?" 
"Come on." Wheedles another voice, and Steve and Jonathan both watch as a sandy haired boy in a letterman jacket pursues the first.
Slowly, casually, and with the air of a predator.  
"Don't fight it so hard, baby!" The harassing party coos, in a smug mimic of Danny Zuko. 
"Do not call me that." Munson's wolf--Steve can't recall his name but he thinks it starts with a G-- whirls around.
The guy seems to be made of both fury and anxiety, backing away even as he spits and snarls--though his actual emotions are hard to get a read on given he's drenched himself in scent-neutralizing cologne.
(Steve almost sneezes when he scents it, but manages to keep himself together.)
The Hellfire kid's putting up a fight, but its clear from the way he holds himself that he’s a more submissive wolf--and a bad match to the dominate one chasing him. 
Jonathan tosses a glance at Steve. 
"I'll call you whatever I like." His pursuer tells him, a smile unfurling on his face. "Especially after I make you my bitch." 
Steve shoves off the car the same time Jonathan does, but he ends up being the first to the scene, surging forward to step in-between the two.
Hardened battle buddy he is, Jonathan takes this as his cue to fall in behind him, sticking near Munson's wolf. 
"Andy." Steve identifies, voice cold. "What the hell do you think you're doing?" 
"Harrington?" Andy replies, thrown off his target and showing it. "What are you doing here?"
"Putting you in your place, apparently."
Andy's head snaps back, eyes narrowing in mounting rage.
"Excuse me?" 
Steve cocks his hip, hands on his hips.
"Not until you swear off hunting down submissive wolves, you fucking walnut." 
"That isn't what this is, Harrington. Mind your business." 
He makes to go around Steve, and finds the older wolf won't let him. 
"I told you to back off." And the voice Steve speaks with then, is different. 
Steve's wolf is the dominant party here, and he's making Andy feel it. 
Andy growls at him, an inhuman sound, eyes darting from Steve, to Jonathan and back.
He's outgunned and he knows it.
Tension grips them all as Andy meets Steve's eyes in challenge, before clearly thinking better of it.
He drops his head, stepping back.
"Fine. But I'm not giving up, Grace. We're doing this, sooner or later." 
"My name is Gareth." Munson’s wolf snaps, and Steve knows Jonathan will hold him back if he tries to escalate things, 
Submissive has never meant unable to fight, after all. 
Steve keeps an eye on Andy as he retreats another step, and it's all too clear he wants a parting shot.
"Now we both know that's not true." He says, and Gareth hisses like a kettle, fury emitting off him in choked waves. 
Steve clears his throat in warning--he's done playing here, and no matter how much he hates fighting, his wolf has no such qualms.
Andy's eyes dart to him once more, before he whirls around on a heel and storms back through the school doors.
Right in time to plow through the rest of Hellfire.
"Get out of my way, freaks." Andy spits, shoving his way through. 
Will yelps in surprise, caught off guard and off balance, falling back into the lockers with a crash.
His head smashes against metal and he slumps for a moment, stunned.
Mike and Dustin both turn to shout at Andy, Lucas slotting himself to Will's side and trying to get a look at his head.
Behind Steve, Jonathan's eyes go dark.
Munson and Gareth both choke as power floods the parking lot, bloodlust pouring off the elder Byers in waves.
He knifes forward, past Steve, hands blurring in a slurry of shifting muscles and bone until his fingers elongate into sharp, wicked claws. 
It's a controlled change, a feat very few can accomplish--and a deadly one, given Jonathan's reacting out of instinct than anything else.
"Jon." Steve calls, power ringing out from his voice.
(Can see, from the corner of his eye how even Munson, the second most dominant wolf present, flinches from it in surprise.
Steve isn't. He might be a trash fighter, too worried about preventing injuries to inflict them, but his wolf doesn't share the same sentiments.
It's not a disconnect. Rather, it's an agreement he has, with his wolf half, and it serves them very well.)
Jonathan freezes, and it's immediately clear by how tense his muscles are that he's not doing it on his own.
That Steve's using his position in the Pack to hold him, magic and Pack bonds pulsing between the two.
"Steve." Jonathan warns, all too calmly. 
Steve's wolf doesn't rise to the challenge. Doesn't consider it a challenge, even if most wolves would. 
Amber pours into Steve's pupils, the mark of the two halves of a werewolf blending themselves together.
Just as Jonathan did.  
"Check on the kids." Steve and his wolf say together.
 Jonathan's face twist in a snarl as his body shudders under the command.
"Fine." He says after a beat, and Steve's Pack magic releases its hold.
Jonathan's hands twist again, bloodlust fading from his scent, frantic energy draining from the air like a hole punched into an inflatable pool. 
"I'm fine." Will calls out to him, and Steve eases himself back into his own natural state, the threat of Jonathan murdering Andy neutralized. 
He turns to check back in on Gareth, and finds the younger wolf has pressed his face hard into Munson's shoulder. 
"He okay?" Steve asks.
It's redundant because of course Gareth’s not okay--but that's not the question he's really asking.
What he's asking, is if Eddie has Gareth.
Steve has never quite been sure of Munson’s pack status--he knows some clubs and friendships are closer than others, and many can act similar to how Steve’s own capital P Pack does. 
Knows through the kids that Munson runs his group more similar to a proper pack than your normal little high school friend group.
That does not mean Gareth will get the care he needs right now, hunted down like he had been.
"Yeah." Eddie says, understanding relayed in a nod. He turns his gaze to the right of Steve's face, the polite thing to do when two dominant wolves to interact. "Harrington, we need to talk." 
It's in a tone that'd normally have Steve's hackles up, but given what's happened, Steve soothes down his wolf.
Follows when Eddie gently pulls away from Gareth, handing him over to a teen Steve is pretty sure is named Jeff before edging Steve away from the crowd. 
"Can you tell me what Andy said to him?" Munson asks, and his tone is odd.
Off slightly, like he's trying hard to be extra careful. 
Steve chooses not to read into it. 
"He called him names. Bitch and baby. Said Gareth shouldn't fight him so hard." 
Eddie stares at him then, eyes burning into Steve's own, and Steve's wolf itches under his skin at the audacity of it. 
"Anything else?" Eddie demands. 
"He said he wasn't hunting, that it wasn't what it was." 
Munson frowns. "No, did he call Gareth anything else?" 
Steve's dropped the polite urge to keep his eyes averted, now staring dead into Munson's eyes, unable to ignore the direct challenge offered in it.
"He called him Grace, but I figured that was just another insult."
Steve’s voice is clipped. He’s not eager for a fight, particularly not against the guy the kids won’t shut up about, but his wolf is already closer to the surface than it usually is.
Munson stares at him for a moment longer.
"Think you and Johnny boy over there can keep that last bit to yourselves?" 
It's too much like a command, a threat of force in Eddie's voice that's backed by hints of his own wolf shoving forward.
The Steve of old would have been downright violent when faced with that. 
The Steve of now, the one who'd gone three rounds with the Upside Down; who sat drugged out of his mind in a bathroom while Robin confessed to liking Tammy Thompson and then looked at him like he might kill her for it, keeps himself in place as he looks Munson over. 
He’s not imaging it, there is a challenge there--but Steve pauses to think about what he’s being challenged over before he responds. 
How Munson isn't so much focused on Andy, as he is on the name he'd called Gareth.
His eyes flick over to find the younger wolf staring right at them. 
The guy’s arms are wrapped tightly around the middle, a poorly hidden tremble rolling through his body.
Steve hadn't taken Andy's words at face value but Eddie’s request reframed things in his head, and he’s silent as he works out why, exactly Gareth's name matters so much. 
No wonder the kid had drowned himself in that awful, scent neutralizing cologne. 
"Yeah. I'll make that happen." Steve agrees, his words heavy with promise. 
"Thanks." Eddie inclines his head. 
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recurring-polynya · 3 months
"Just do as you're told," Mogget said firmly. "Think of yourself as Abhorsen's sworn sword-hand, if it makes you feel better, though in this present era, you'll find common sense is more important than honor. "Very well", Touchstone muttered, humbly. He stood up and put on the underclothes and shirt, but couldn't get the trousers past his heavily muscled thighs. "There's a kilt and leggings in one of the chests back there," Mogget said after watching Touchstone hopping around on one leg, the other trapped in too-tight leather."
if you, as an author, aren't introducing your male love interests like this, what are you even doing with your life?
(from Sabriel, by Garth Nix)
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sailorgundam308 · 4 months
Crazy murderous eyessss
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Raging must be such a rush
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phoenixcatch7 · 11 months
We should totally have more jl fics where someone is acting ooc and immediately everyone is trying to determine whether they're an imposter or brainwashed or possessed without making it obvious.
Like, a running joke on the tower. Batman makes a sarcastic joke and flash immediately asks him to blink twice if he's under mind control.
Someone starting a sentence with 'Not to be possessed but -'
People calling off sick by saying 'if I come in today that's not me and you should arrest them' and then dragging themselves in to pick up something they accidentally left and everyone takes the mick by saying stuff like 'this isn't you! I believe in you, you can fight this!' when they're grabbing a hoodie from a chair like har har.
Superhero community slang just in general slipping into their civilian lives. Clark says 'before I start I assure you I have not had my will superseded by mister mind' as an ice breaker at a presentation and gets weird and worried looks all night.
It actually ends up helping on several occasions because it's so very very hard to infiltrate an extremely high risk team and then respond in kind without missing a beat when people casually accuse you of being an imposter because you didn't hold your pen the way you normally do. It'd wreck any controlling consciousness' self esteem XD. They've made several shapeshifters cry.
Also the exasperated sighs when you make a suggestion you normally wouldn't and everyone starts squinting at you looking for anything out of the ordinary.
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angeldmn · 3 months
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beevean · 3 months
Carmilla: rants about there being discrimination against women in Dracula's court
Dracula when Carmilla insults him and his dead wife in front of everyone: Well ok I'll let it slide
Dracula when Godbrand makes a valid point: The fuck did you say to me you fuck!?
Well there's discrimination all right
clearly, Dracula jugs that Respect Woman Juice because he's such a loving husbando <3 /s
I'll never be over Carmilla's out of nowhere "There are perhaps four other women in this castle and they all glare from the edges, either disempowered by posturing man-children or too paralysed by sheer fucking rage to do anything"
one, there are only three women in the castle, Carmilla being one of them. two, ah yes, the sheer fucking rage of the most tragic victims of sexism in the story, these randos right here
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I remember when they were about to save the day, but the Evil Penis-Endowed Men told them to shut up and cook blood in the kitchen because they're just women <3
well I would remember, if they bothered to be characters.
Then again, NFCV's idea of showing Carmilla's abuse at the hands of a man is a flashback that only depicts her killing her master like a true #girlboss, because god forbid we see her in any other light. Why bother actually showing us the pain she went through and fuels her ever-growing rage, when she can just talk about how she deserves to take stuff from stupid old men like the most shallow parody of a radfem? 🙃
something something the abused woman is always shown in a strong light and are only told in passing of her weak moments such as her having nightmares (?), while the abused men are humiliated and fetishized. gotta do the big think on this 🤔
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sourswords · 4 months
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From Prowl's personal database:
[SOUNDWAVE Faction: Decepticon Rank: Communications officer, spymaster (Note: Member of Decepticon High Command.) Current alt mode: Tape deck (Note: Tactical advantage of this mode unclear.) Abilities: Telepathy; highly-advanced audio processing; low-level sound manipulation; command of multiple cassette spies Personality: Extremely loyal to both Megatron and the Decepticon cause; reticent, focused, patient, hardworking; intelligent and tactically-minded, but apparently uninterested in leadership. (Note: Unlike many Decepticons, I have never seen Soundwave angry. I am not sure if he is capable of anger, but if he is, I would hate to see it.)]
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balaclava-marks · 1 year
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//bear shifter seb//short comic
As a bear, Sebastian has periods where he doesn't remember he is human. Sometimes he wakes up covered in blood. He can change at will but he can't seem to suppress the change, to force it down. If he waits for too long, the outcome will get worse, days, sometimes a full week gone from his memory. The anxiety of checking the news after waking up naked, smelling of pine needles. The bear pelt he changes into always makes its way into his field of vision sooner or later and sometimes when he puts it on he finds himself consciouly letting go of his memories, fanning the flames of instinct to take over. On those occasions, he isn't scared of losing himself anymore, it's like he was always meant to be a bear, like the man's life was a bad dream. He cries when no fur covers his weak, naked body anymore, sometimes out of relief, sometimes mourning the loss.
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