#benjamin sparkes
cappycodeart · 2 years
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I posted these to insta but I should probably post them here too! Been working on revisiting / rewriting a bunch of side characters from my highschool phase and keeping track of that information on my toyhouse. Giving these characters proper sheets has been tedious but a lot of fun!!
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bavarianmillionaire · 2 years
maybe they do deserve to be at the top
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178 notes · View notes
evilhorse · 8 months
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I’m Green Lantern.
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bijoumikhawal · 2 years
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Diversity loss: sisko does not wear proper eye or ear protection while welding
110 notes · View notes
musings-of-a-rose · 2 years
Light Me Up - Chapter 11/Epilogue
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Pairing: Benjamin “Benny” Miller x f!reader
Word Count: 7000+
Rating: M for mature - 18+ only!
Warnings: Mature themes and some canon mentioned. Just like ao3, “creator chooses not to use warnings.” If you click Keep Reading, that means you agree that you’re the age to handle mature themes. Also by clicking Keep Reading, you understand warnings may not be complete in order to avoid spoilers for the story.
Notes: This is it. The final chapter. I can’t believe it’s time to say bye to Benny and Sparks. So I won’t! While this is the official end of their story, I will ALWAYS be open to asks, drabbles, one shots requests, etc because I’m never letting them go. Writing this fic is what started my love for Benny (and look at how far that’s gone!)
Thank you to each and every one of you who have read and reblogged, commented, etc on this fic. Words cannot express what that means to me.
**Originally I was going to post an optional epilogue in a separate post BUT I decided to combine it. It’s tacked on to the end of this one and will have a couple of tagged warnings for topics included. Be aware that you do not need to read the epilogue if it’s not your jam as there are no major plot points in it. I just wanted to write a little more!
**Reader is ethnicity inclusive despite stock photo bias
**If you want to be added to the taglist, join here or let me know!
<<Chapter 10
Light Me Up Masterlist
Benny Masterlist
General Masterlist
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“You know, I had that ring for a while,” Benny confesses as he pulls you closer to his side, sliding the blanket up a little higher on you both.
“You did?” Your head rests on Benny’s bare chest, your hand playing with his chest hair as you stare at the ring now adorning your left ring finger, a soft smile on your face.
“Yeah. Went out and bought it right after I told you about Will. I thought for sure you’d leave me after the way I treated you, but you didn’t. I knew then and there I wanted you in my life always. I just had Frankie hold the ring so I didn’t lose it.” He chuckles. 
“Wait..Frankie knew before tonight?”
“Oh yeah. Since that day. Paili was in on it too, but not until tonight.”
“She was really good about not telling me, especially for a kid.”
“Well,” Benny reaches up and scratches the back of his head. “I actually had something planned. Much bigger. But then I just saw you at the bbq and we were surrounded by friends and I just…I couldn’t wait.”
Shifting your body, you look up and stare into his big, blue eyes. “It was perfect, Benny.”
He leans down to give you a soft kiss. “So…any thoughts as to when?”
“Hhhmm…I’m not partial to any specific time. You?”
Benny smirks. “Tomorrow?”
You slap his chest lightly and he yelps, chuckling at your response. 
“Alrigh’, guess that’s a no on tomorrow.”
“Benny, I need my family there too. And so do you.”
“Can’t we just elope?”
“Do you really think either of our families would let us?”
Benny laughs. “Paili would definitely kill me.”
“After she was done killing me.”
Silence for a few moments before you speak.
“What about a smaller wedding? Meaning just close friends and family?”
“I love it. Makes it more personal.”
Benny clears his throat before speaking again.
“I was thinkin’...what if we rented out all those cabins? At that place you’ve always wanted to stay…Snug Harbor? Out in Washington State? Then we could get a vacation house on the west side with a water view for our honeymoon.”
Your head snaps up to his as you find his eyes. “You’re…serious?”
“I am.”
A giddy laugh escapes you as you sit up, straddling his lap and placing your hands on either side of his face.
“I can’t believe you remembered. I must have mentioned that way back when we first started dating.”
“I remember everything you tell me about yourself.”
Leaning forward, you kiss him, moaning when you feel his hand slide up your body. He breaks the kiss briefly to ask:
“That’s the plan then?”
“That’s the plan.”
Benny kisses you and lays you back on the bed, pulling multiple orgasms from you before you both collapse, falling asleep tangled up in each other’s arms.
“What do you mean 3 weeks from now?” You’re trying to contain yourself but you swear the representative from Snug Harbor just told you that the only availability they have for the entire harbor to be rented out is in 3 weeks. 
“Yes, 3 weeks from now, miss. We do have excellent wedding planners who could help-”
“I’ll have to call you back.” Hanging up the phone, you pinch the bridge of your nose, setting your phone down on the table. 
Benny comes up behind you and starts to massage your shoulders. “Everything ok?”
Sighing, and slightly moaning at his touch, you shake your head. “Just got off the phone with Snug Harbor.”
“The only time we can rent the whole place is 3 weeks from now. Otherwise it’s off season, so half the island is closed and it’s bad weather, or they’re booked for like 3 years.”
“Ok let’s get married in 3 weeks.”
Turning your head slowly, you look up at him. “What?”
Benny sits in the chair next to you and scoots it closer to you, taking your hand in his. “Let’s get married in 3 weeks then.”
“Benny, I-”
“It’s just our family and close friends. We don’t have to be all fancy.”
“But..a dress, food, flowers, I’d have to-”
“You can go shopping now.”
“But the dress will have to be altered and that takes time-”
“Sweetheart,” he leans in close. “You keep forgetting that money can open doors. I don’t like to use it like that but this is for your wedding dress. We can find someone who will alter it in time.”
“I….do you think so?”
He smiles and his whole face lights up. “I wouldn’t care if you walked down the isle in one of my old shirts. But I know a dress is important to you and I’ll do my best to get you what you want.”
You let out a puff of air you didn’t know you’d been holding. “3 weeks?”
“3 weeks. What do you think, Sparks?”
You take a moment to evaluate. If you didn’t have to worry about a dress or anything to do with the actual wedding, would you hesitate? If it was just you and Benny and someone who could marry you?
You’d marry him right now.
“I think we’re getting married in 3 weeks.”
Benny whoops, slapping his hand down on the table before gathering you up in his arms and spinning you around the kitchen, his smile so wide that it could be seen from space.
“Is 3 weeks up yet?”
Planning wasn’t as bad as you’d thought it would be. You had hired a wedding coordinator in Friday Harbor, who took down all the things you and Benny wanted or didn’t want at the wedding; everything from food to colors of the wedding, to types of flowers, indoor or outdoor, types of chairs, all of the little details most people wouldn’t think about. The only thing you had to worry about was your dress and Benny’s suit. 
You thought dress shopping would be terrible, but you happened to fall in love with a dress at a mom and pop dress shop, knowing it was the one for you. They were happy to alter it for you and would have it done in time for any additional alternations. 
The dress arrived without any issues, and any hiccups with the planning were taken on by the wedding planner. You’d settled on a ceremony on the grass overlooking the small harbor, before moving inside to eat. It was Benny’s parents, plus the boys and their wives or girlfriends and kids, and your parents and brothers and their families. Paili and Roaslie were over the moon at getting to not only vacation in the same place, but they were both walking down the isle as a flower girl and ring bearer. 
The one bedroom cabin you and Benny would be staying in until your honeymoon was in the middle of the front row of cabins, overlooking the harbor. Everyone had arrived 2 days before the wedding so they could get settled and then have the bachelor and bachelorette parties. You and Benny had suggested having them together, but the look on Santi’s face made Benny cave and you both agreed to do them separate: The girls were all in one cabin at the very end, playing dirty games and drinking, and the men on the opposite side of the row of cabins, doing much the same thing. All the kids were having a sleepover in the suites above the main hall, supervised by a nanny.
The bachelorette party was fun, but a few hours (and a few drinks) in, you felt compelled to go for a walk. Not really sure why or where, you slip out, no one noticing you’d gone. You walk behind the cabins, stumbling slightly on the pebbled path, before you run head first into something solid. Not something. Someone.
“Oopmh!” the someone said as you collided.
“B-Benny?” You ask, blinking a few times to try and see through the dark. 
“Sparks?” Benny responds, reaching forward and grabbing your arm. “ ‘s that you?”
“Why’r you out here?”
“Why are you?”
Benny sways slightly. “I…I came to fin’ you.”
“Hoped you’d be in the room.”
“I..I was hoping the same.”
Benny leans down to kiss you but misses and sucks on your chin. 
“Wanna ditch the parties?” You ask, looking up at him.
“I doooo.” He says, trying to be quiet but not really succeeding. 
Creeping around the front of the cabins, you see that you both happened to stop at yours, even in the dark and slightly drunk (or more drunk in Benny’s case), you both had sought each other out. Benny follows you inside, closing the door behind him. You manage to get a quick text out to Monica, telling her you’d gone back to the cabin and not to disturb you, when you feel his hands on you, hastily and sloppily trying to rid you of your clothes. Tossing your phone down on the table, you spin in his grip, pulling him to you and kissing him as you walk to the bedroom.
Somehow, you both managed to remove your clothes and Benny pushes you down onto the bed, immediately hovering over you, planting kisses across your lips, neck, chin, moving down to your chest, chuckling when you gasp. 
“Benny..we..shit…isn’t this bad luck to see each other before the wedding?”
“It’s so damn dark in hear sweetheart, I can’t see you anyway.”
Brain still fuzzy from drinking, you can’t fight his logic. “That…that makes sense.”
He starts to kiss down your stomach, but you stop him, pulling him back up your body and kissing him deeply.
“Want you inside me.”
“Whatever you want.”
Benny, still drunk, takes a few thrusts to get it right but when he does, he pushes in quick, overly excited that he finally found the right spot. Frantic breaths and whines fill the cabin, your names escaping from each other’s lips as he sets a rough pace, pulling your leg up on his hip to hit that spot inside of you. 
“Oh shit, Benny!” You come, moaning his name as you pulse around him, hearing your name spill from his lips as he comes moments later, thrusting erratically into you. 
Benny collapses on top of you and on instinct, you start massaging his scalp, listening to his hum of contentment…
Knock, knock, knock
A hard rapping on your cabin door wakes you from where you’re sprawled across the bed, naked, with a slightly drooling also naked Benny tangled up with you in the sheets. Glancing over at the side table, you notice the time and groan - you both were needed at a quick breakfast before getting ready for the wedding.
Today, I’m marrying Benny.
A smile pulls at your face as you hear the knocking again, more insistent this time. 
“Benny - you gotta get up,” you speak quietly in his ear, getting a moan in response.
“Because I can’t get the door and someone is-”
Benny groans again, but pulls you tighter to him. “Tell ‘em to fuck off.”
“Well I would but you have me pinned.”
A sleepy, deep chuckle comes from him as he nuzzles into your hair, inhaling. “Yeah I do.”
“Fuckin’ Fish always gotta be on my ass.” Benny grumbles.
“We are getting married today and he’s trying to keep you on schedule.”
A slight pause before one of his blue eyes opens, finding yours. “Married, huh? You sure you still want to marry me?”
“I’d stay with you the rest of our lives whether or not we get married.”
Both of his eyes open now, bright and shining, full of love as he pulls you to him, kissing you softly and deeply. 
“What did I do to deserve you?” He asks softly, talking more to himself than you.
Opening your mouth to reply, another series of knocks, now more like pounds, come from the front door.
“He’s so demanding,” You chuckle, Benny doing the same.
“Yeah. But we better do what he says because he ain’t leavin’ until we do.”
Benny detangles himself from you and opens the bedroom door, walking towards the front door. 
“Benny! Pants!” You yell after him, laughing as he waves you off.
Hearing the door unlock and open, all you hear is a series of swears from Frankie, mixed in with “put some fucking clothes on, man!” before Benny is back, laughing as he looks around for some jeans and a flannel shirt. 
After breakfast, served in the small hall where your wedding dinner will later be held, you were whisked back to your cabin while Benny was forced to Frankie’s. Neither of you were to see each other until the ceremony. Which you thought was complete bullshit but you humored everyone.
The hair and makeup team came and started taking care of everyone, even people not in the bridal party if they wanted it. Paili and Rosalie were beside themselves with the treatment, calling themselves queens as they strutted around the small cabin, pretending to be Anna and Elsa. 
Monica agreed to be your maid of honor, or matron of honor, as she and Frankie were married. Her rainbow colored hair was swept up into a beautiful style, the colors winding beautifully around her head as she watched your face for any sign of hesitation. When the makeup team took a short break, she leaned in to you.
“Any cold feet? Jitters?”
Shaking your head, you admired the way your hair moved in the mirror. “No. Why?”
“Because it’s Benny. Had to check.”
Glancing up at her, you see a small smirk tugging at her lips as she grabs her drink, using the straw the makeup team demanded everyone use. 
You stand at the door to your cabin, waiting for the song to end and yours to start. Paili and Rosalie had already bounded out of the door on their queue, happily tossing flower petals and island approved bird seed on their way to the alter, a couple of your sister in laws not far behind. Monica gave you a quick hug and a wink before she walked out, the door closing slow enough for you to see her unite with Frankie from the other side, a wide smile on his face. 
The music fades away and you hear the first notes of the song you had picked to walk down the isle to, not wanting the regular processional or Canon in D. Glancing down at your hands around your bouquet, you gently brush your fingers against the delicate necklace that’s wound there, your grandmother’s that she had left for you when she had passed. 
“And…go!” The wedding planner had opened the door and called to you from behind it, moments after the song had started. You hear the shuffling of people as they all stand, waiting for you to arrive.
Taking a deep breath, not out of nerves but out of anxiety that you’ll trip and fall flat on your face, you exit the cabin and walk down the patio, taking your dad’s arm and smiling up at him, seeing tears behind his eyes. 
“Don’t let me trip,” you say quietly, half chuckling, half serious.
You make it to the start of the aisle, wildflower petals, sourced and approved by the wedding planner on island, decorate the aisle. Pausing, you wait a moment as you see Frankie tap Benny on the shoulder to let him know it was time to turn around.
When he turns, your breath catches in your throat. He’s beautiful, in his all black suit, his shoulder length hair brushing the tops of his shoulders, the blonde reflecting the sun as if he were some sort of demi-God. His eyes are bright blue and shining with love and tears, as he takes you in, some of the tears making their way down his cheeks, just narrowly missing the biggest smile you’ve ever seen him wear.
Blinking, you realize that you too have started to tear up as your dad pats your hand, moving you both forward. He’s leading and you’re grateful as your eyes are glued to Benny’s. Everything else fades into the background, as if only the both of you existed in this moment. Reaching the end of the aisle, you turn to your dad as he gives you one last hug before sitting with your mom. Taking the last few steps, you finally find yourself in front of Benny, his hands immediately reaching for yours, giving them a small squeeze.
The officiant starts their speech, saying something about love and trust, but all you see is Benny, his eyes never leaving yours as he takes you in, a breeze rustling his hair as it comes in off the small harbor behind you both. As if at a distance, you hear your name from the officiant and repeat when they say, eyes still glued on Benny as he takes a ring out of the little box that Rosalie is holding up, trying her best not to drop it. He slides the ring on your finger and pulls your hand to his lips, lightly placing a a kiss to your fingers. The officiant speaks to him next, Benny repeating his parts. If it wasn’t for little Roaslie tapping your side, holding the box up for you to take Benny’s ring out, you’d have completely forgotten, your focus completely taken up by Benny. Taking the ring out of the box, you give a quick wink to Rosalie before turning back to Benny, sliding his ring on his finger. A few moments later, all you hear is the word “kiss” and he’s on you, his hands gripping your face to pull you closer as Benny kisses you deeply. Cheers and clapping sound from your friends and family before Frankie leans in and says “There’s kids here.”
Chuckling, Benny pulls back first, that smile spreading across his face as he takes you in, placing his forehead to yours momentarily before grabbing your hand and turning you to walk back down the aisle, hearing the wedding planner announce to everyone that there are horderves and drinks ready and that dinner would be served when you both returned from your photo session. 
The photographer and videographer drove you out to several locations on the island, taking a multitude of photos that would turn out gorgeous. They drove you back, took a few more around the harbor before calling it and heading inside to set up in the hall where everyone else was hanging out. Benny takes your arm and starts to follow the photographer, but you pull him back, calling to the photographer.
“Can you tell Frankie, the Best Man, that we need like 15 minutes before we’re coming in? I know he has to announce us and all that.”
“Sure,” she says knowingly.
Pulling Benny’s arm, he looks at you quizzically as you guide him towards your cabin, opening the door and closing it behind him.
“Everything alright, sweet-” Benny’s words are cut off as you practically throw yourself at him, gripping his suit jacket and pulling him towards you, kissing him frantically. He kisses you back, arms winding around you until he suddenly breaks the kiss.
“Do we have time?”
“I’m making time.”
Benny chuckles as you manage to make out and walk to the back bedroom, pushing him down on the bed. He undoes his pants, pulling himself out as you climb up him, straddling him. Pushing your underwear to the side, you sink down on him, both of you ready to go. Moaning out his name, you pause for a moment, but Benny sits up, pulling down on your shoulders as he starts to deep thrust into you, watching your face contort with pleasure, both of you breathing heavily. It’s not long before you’re both coming, moaning each other’s names as he thrusts sporadically into you, Benny’s head dropping to your chest as you both take a moment to breathe. 
“We still have our clothes on,” he chuckles.
“I’m pretty sure the wedding planner would kill us if we messed up these clothes.”
“Well you took a big risk coming to this cabin then.”
“I’m willing to risk death if it means I get to feel you inside me.”
“Fuck, sweetheart, don’t say shit like that if you don’t want me to do somethin’ about it.”
Tightening your muscles around Benny, who was still inside you, you speak quietly. “And what if I want you to do something about it?”
His eyes darken as he looks up at you, pushing you slightly to get you to stand up. When you do, he stands too, telling you to get on your hands and knees on the bed. Smirking, you hike your dress up so you don’t wrinkle it, crawling up the bed. A warm hand pushes your upper back down, sliding back to grip your hips as he pushes your dress over your hips, moving your panties to the side. 
Benny thrusts into you quickly and sets a rough pace, letting the sounds of your pleasure guide him as he rails into you, careful not to hurt your dress. 
“Oh God, Benny!” You moan, feeling his hand snake around to rub at your clit, quickly sending you towards the edge.
“You looked so…nuhhh…fuckin’ beautiful. I can’t believe..uuhh…you said you’d marry me,” Benny manages to say between thrusts, his own pleasure starting to catch up to him.
“I couldn’t wait to be Mrs. Miller!”
“FUCK!” Benny yells, coming loudly as he continues to thrust into you, feeling you tighten around him as you come too, your body lit up like a live wire, fingers and toes tingling with your release. 
Benny takes a moment before he pulls out, quickly grabbing a cloth to clean you both up before you straighten up, smoothing down your dress and smiling widely at the fucked out expression on his face.
“So the last name gets you going. Good to know,” You wink at him.
“I didn’t know it’d have that affect on me. Damn.” He fixes his pants and pulls you to him, kissing you more gently than you thought he would. He starts to deepen it but a knock at the door interrupts what would probably have turned into round 3. 
“Fuck more later! Everyone wants to eat!” Frankie yells through the door, unable to keep the smile out of his voice. 
Benny winks at you before taking your hand and leading you to the door, opening it to see Frankie with a giant grin on his face.
“We’re comin’. Keep your pants on,” Benny says, closing the door behind him.
“We’re all starving because you couldn’t keep your pants on, Benjamin,” Frankie retorts, a friendly tone to his voice.
“Actually, that was me,” You say, feeling your cheeks heat up as Frankie looks at you, eyebrows raised in surprise. “I…couldn’t wait.”
Frankie drops his voice, pink creeping up his cheeks. “I get that.”
The reception was a blast. Benny had surprised you with your first dance by secretly taking dancing lessons, literally sweeping you off of your feet in time with the music. People ate, danced, speeches were made, and Benny was required to dance with both Paili and Rosalie, although you saw Paili sneak a few more dances in with him while Rosalie batted her eyelashes up at Will, who couldn’t turn her down. Frankie danced with you for a song while Monica danced with Benny, all of you twirling around the dance floor. 
In lieu of a bouquet tossing, you presented your bouquet to Benny’s grandmother, the last living grandparent between the both of you. Her eyes filled with tears at the gesture, clutching the beautiful arrangement to her chest as she hugged and kissed you both. You also decided to not have a traditional wedding cake but instead a pie bar, a variety of flavors made in a local bakery adorning the decorated table. Once you saw the kids starting to nod off while they were standing, you decided to call it a night, heading back to your cabin as everyone blew bubbles as a send off. The second you got in the door, Benny helped you out of your dress and you took a quick shower, wanting to get off the several layers of makeup plastered on earlier by the makeup team. Benny took a shower after you but by the time he came out, you’d already passed out on the bed, completely exhausted from the day.
You knew you’d both be too tired to head to the house where you’d spend your honeymoon directly after the ceremony, which is why you stayed in the cabin. So you decided to invite everyone to breakfast in town, a reservation for all of you already made. 
Walking in late, your brothers and of course the boys all wolf whistled and winked, knowing exactly why you were late. And if there was any doubt, the nervous shuffling of your feet and the rapidly rising heat in your cheeks just proved they were right.
After breakfast, everyone headed off to do their own things while you and Benny packed up your tiny cabin that you’d live in for the last few days and drove to the house Benny had rented on the west side of the island, making sure there was not only a water view but water access, a small, private beach all to yourselves, none of which you were aware of.
The house was beautiful, a long winding driveway with pine trees lining the edges lead up to a larger 2 story home. Benny parks the car and walks around to open your door, smiling at the look of awe on your face as you take in the flower beds and trees. The first thing you notice is that it’s quiet - no neighbors or anyone to share the house with. 
Benny takes your hand and you blink, turning your head to look at him.
“This is gorgeous, Benny!”
“Just wait- it gets better.”
He leads you to the front door where he types in the pin code to unlock it. Opening it, you start to walk forward but his arm shoots out blocking you from entering. Before you can ask, he’s swept you up in his arms, one behind your knees and the other your back as he walks you over the threshold, gently closing the door behind you.
“Benny! You didn’t have to do that,” you say, chuckling to yourself.
He gives you a wink before setting you down. “I definitely did. Take a look around and I’ll grab our shit.” He turns to head back to the car to unload while you take in the house.
It’s like it walked out of a magazine - modern kitchen with a northwest feel, a giant stone fireplace in the open concept living room with a large, handmade wooden dining table set a little higher than the other rooms. There’s a staircase to your right that you had every intention of  heading up - until your eyes took in the entire back wall of windows and how it opened up to the water.
Gorgeous views of the Salish Sea as far you could see, a craggy shoreline with the island’s pine trees around the edges take up the space beyond the little deck that housed a hot tub. A simple, man made path leads down to your own private beach, complete with driftwood logs to sit on and a fire pit already made up. 
“Holy shit,” you breathe out, completely taken aback by this unexpected view. 
“You like it?” Benny came up behind you, wrapping his arms around you and leaning down to put his chin on your shoulder.
“I…Benny I never expected this,” your hand gestures to the view as he hums in your ear, turning to gently nibble at it. 
“Well, you said you always wanted to have a water view. West side, right? For the orcas? I wasn’t expecting the bea-”
You cut him off, spinning in his hold and pulling him to you, finding his lips immediately. He kisses you back, chuckling when he feels you trying to undress him.
“You haven’t even seen the bedroom yet.”
“Great idea - let’s go now.”
He laughs, a bright, mischievous smile stretching across his face. “Yes, ma’am.”
“Don’t you mean Mrs. MilLER!” You yell out the last half of your new last name as Benny picks you up, throwing you over his shoulder as he climbs the stairs practically 2 at a time, passing a couple of doors before finding the master bedroom and tossing you down on the bed. 
Neither of you waste time, both trying to help the other shed their clothes as you press kisses in between the stripping. Once Benny wriggles free of his pants, he pushes you down into the bed, your back feeling the soft fabric of the comforter as he pins your hands on either side of your head. He notches himself at your entrance, feeling you shift your legs open wider to accommodate him. He stares down at you, his face only a few inches from yours as he brushes some stray hair from your face, a soft smile on his face.
“I love you so much, Sparks.”
“I love you so much, Benny.”
He kisses you softly before pulling back, wanting to watch your face as he gently pushes inside, smiling at the way your pleasure contorts your expressions.
“I love how you feel inside me, Benny.”
“That’s because we were made for each other.”
Rolling your eyes, you smile at him lovingly, retort dying on your lips as he pulls his hips back and pushes back in, adding an extra deep thrust once he’s fully inside, smiling wider when you cry out his name. Pushing your hands against his hold, he eventually releases you and they immediately grab onto his ass, pushing him deeper as you moan and writhe under him, your body feeling like he’s hitting every pleasure point as he makes love to you. 
Coming suddenly, your nails dig into his back as you moan out his name, Benny still deep thrusting to carry you through your release, quickly following with his own as you come down, heavy breathing as you simply lay there holding each other. 
“I fuckin’ love you. So much, sweetheart,” Benny mumbles into your chest, having laid his head there after he came.
“I love you too. So much, Benny.”
The next day, you’re in the kitchen with Benny who had insisted on making dinner for the both of you (as you’d had reservations in town every other night). It wasn’t anything fancy but you loved watching him move around the kitchen, his randomized playlist playing through the kitchen speaker. His hips sway to the music as he sings along. The song ends and a quiet one comes on.
“I can’t believe we’re actually married!” You say, sitting up on the kitchen island as Benny turns to you.
“I can’t believe you said yes.”
“There’s no one else in the entire world that I’d rather spend the rest of my life with. I’m proud to be Mrs. Miller.”
Benny moves quickly, slotting himself between your legs as he kisses you. “Well now, Mrs. Miller, it’s time I get to taste what’s in the kitchen.”
Humming into his mouth, you reply “Shouldn’t it be the other way around since you’re cooking?”
“Shut up and spread your legs.”
Benny pulls a stool over and sits in front of you, any sarcastic comment you had leaving your brain the moment his tongue was on you…
2 weeks had passed since the start of your honeymoon. You’d done nearly everything the island had to offer: whale watching, zip lining, every tour they had, a wine tasting, feeding alpacas, kayaking, mopeds, all of it. Anything you did Benny gave it his all and you were slightly jealous that he seemed to master things with ease, as if he’d always done them. 
You couldn’t stay jealous or even annoyed with him for long - not with the way he’d make up for it when you were alone. He’d made love to you nearly everywhere in that house, not even pausing to worry about people with binoculars when he fucked you on the beach, saying if they wanted to watch him make love to you they were welcome to stare at his ass. 
As you packed and left the house for the last time, you turned and took one more look, etching the memories into your brain to remember them forever. Benny wrapped his arm around you and pulled out his phone, making sure the house was in the background as he snapped a candid photo of you both kissing in front of the house with a promise to return one day.
A couple months after your honeymoon, you found the perfect house. It’s checked every box that you and Benny had and you bought it in a heartbeat. It only needed a little paint and some new furniture, which had arrived and all the boys came together to help you assemble it. 
Once your new house was finished, you hosted a giant cookout, having everyone come over for food and swimming in your new pool. It was a great day filled with family and laughter that lasted well into the night.
The next morning, you woke before Benny, quietly tiptoeing downstairs to make coffee. Assembling your drink, you sipped from your mug, staring out the back window to your dream backyard, taking in the morning light as it reflected off of the dewy grass. A few minutes later, you heard Benny shuffle downstairs and grab a mug, making himself a cup before he moved to stand next to you, taking a sip as he wrapped his arm around you. There was nothing planned today, no wedding planning, no honeymoon, no furniture to assemble or party to host. Just you and Benny. And you couldn’t wait to start the rest of your lives together.
Notes: Ok, folks! The official fic ends here and I’m feeling a way about it. I absolutely LOVE Benny and Sparks and I really struggled with ending their story. Please absolutely feel free to send me asks or drabble requests or whatever for these 2 because I am 100% NOT ready to give them up. Thank you so MUCH for reading and I hope you enjoyed it! 
There is an optional epilogue! I say optional because it’s going to discuss themes of pregnancy, labor/childbirth, and Benny being a dilf. I realize that’s not everyone’s jam, especially with reader inserts and that’s ok! The way this story flowed, I knew I’d be able to set it up so that those who don’t want to read these elements didn’t have to worry about missing any major plot points. 
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2 years later….
The timer on your phone goes off, causing you to jump slightly at the beeps sounding off in the near silence of the room. Turning it off, you take a deep breath and look at the man sitting next to you, his blue eyes shining nervously back at you. He takes your hands and holds them for a moment, rubbing little circles into the backs.
“No matter what it says, Sparks, we can always continue tryin’ like we have been. Ok?”
Nodding, you let out an exhale. “I know, Benny.”
Hands shaking slightly, you reach up and flip over the tiny plastic stick that was sitting on your counter, holding your breath as your eyes take in what was showing in the little window.
2 very bright pink lines.
“It’s positive!” You start to cry, ecstatic that it finally happened after months of trying. Benny whooped, his voice echoing off the walls of the bathroom as he gathered you into his arms, hugging you tight but avoiding squeezing your stomach. 
“We’re gonna be parents!” He says, his own voice cracking with overwhelming joy. 
From that moment on, Benny’s focus was all on you. His hyperfixation turned to that of pregnancy and childbirth and how he could be the best, most supportive partner during each of these times. He got you whatever you craved whenever you craved it, held your hair back when the morning sickness took over, rubbed your back and told you comforting things when your hormones would overwhelm you, give you massages, literally anything you asked for, Benny did. 
And he was no different in labor. You’d both gone to the labor classes at the birthing center, also opting to take a hypnobirthing class. The moment your water broke in the middle of the night, Benny was by your side, waiting and timing contractions for you so you didn’t have to until the best time to finally head to the birth center, your bags already in the jeep. 
Labor was hard work, but between your mental preparation and Benny’s support, you knew you could do it. Benny was by your side the entire time, even when you labored in the tub, dabbing at your forehead with a cloth and rubbing your back, applying counter pressure to your hips if you needed it. You knew your body was made to do this and Benny made sure you knew how strong you were. 
A few hours after you arrived at the birthing center, your first son Emmett was born. Skin to skin was immediate for you and the bond was instant, Benny cutting the cord as he watched you both in complete awe after having “caught” Emmett a few moments before. Once things were settled, Benny gathered up Emmett in his arms, tears freely flowing down his face, a wide smile plastered to it. 
“Hey little dude. I’m your dad. I can’t believe you’re finally here,” Benny coos to him as he bounces the tiny baby, not noticing how your heart was aching in a good way from watching the interaction, tears streaming down your face.
A few minutes later, Benny walks over to you and places Emmett on your chest, helping you to adjust your position to start feeding him. He pats your hair away from your face and you look up at him as Emmett eats.
“You’re amazin’ you know that? Look what you made.”
“We made, Benny.”
“Yeah but you definitely did all the hard work.”
“I don’t know. You definitely did some hard work too.”
He chuckles. “Don’t you ever get your mind out of the gutter?”
“Not while I’m with you.”
Life with newborn is always an adjustment, no matter how many kids you have. Benny was there with you at every feeding until you finally told him to get some sleep and that you could tag team it. No sense in both of you being sleep deprived. 
He threw his all into being a dad, diapers, playtime, all of it, Benny did with such love and care that it hurt your heart to watch, but in a good way. Benny would lean Emmett against his bent legs, bending over him making goofy faces and voices while Emmett stared up at him, eventually the blank stares turning into smiles as he got older. 
Seeing Benny simply hold Emmett also set you on fire. Something about this tall man holding a tiny baby, your tiny baby just lit a fire inside you. 
That fire brought you 5 additional kids. 
When your youngest was 4, you decided to have a play day in the back yard, inviting everyone over for a cookout. Benny spent a few hours the night before setting up a bunch of lawn games. However, when it came time to play, the kids all had a different idea.
“Let’s play get dada!”
“Wait just a minute - oh shit!” Benny laughs as your 6 kids chase him around the yard, trying their best to get ahold of him. 
Sitting back in your lawn chair, you laugh as one of them manages to get ahold of him somehow, bringing down Benny as they all launched themselves on top of him as he tries to army crawl out of the dog pile, unsuccessful due to his laughing. 
Santi’s newish girlfriend sits down next to you and looks at Benny, who was somehow managing to crawl his way out of the pile.
“Why did you have so many kids?” She asks, half joking but mostly serious. “I’m not sure I could even handle one.”
You look back at Benny and the love pouring out of him for each of your kids and it echoed back at him in all of their faces. 
“How could I say no to that man? How could I resist climbing him like a tree?”
Benny overhears this part of your conversation and he manages to walk over. “It’s true. All these kids were her idea!”
You smack his leg as he chuckles. “I’m just irresistible.”
Before you can retort, your kids have whisked him away again, this time to play one of the games he’d set up.
Later that night, you catch Benny as he walks past the foot of the bed, kissing him deeply as he lifts you into his arms, feeling your legs wrap around him. He turns and lays you down on the bed, hovering over you.
“Told you I was irresistible.”
Chuckling, your eyes reflect back at him his own desire. “Oh shut up and fuck me.”
General Taglist:
@frankie-catfish-morales @chaoticgeminate @janebby @astoryisaloveaffair @balekanemohafe @greeneyedblondie44 @hoeforthefictional @marvelousmermaid @hauntedmama @giuliarogers-blog @icanbeyourjedi @diaryofkali @sunnshineeexoxo @livingmydreams13 @adventures-of-a-noodle @sara-alonso @theewokingdead @punkerthanpascal @giggly-otter @f0rever15elf @phandoz @dirtytissuebox @jadore-andor @gallowsjoker @lovesbiggerthanpride @sarahmilesbendrix @booksarekindaneat @mrsudontknowme @swol-bear @charlispersonallyhell @xoxabs88xox @amneris21 @gooddaykate @alindeluce @avengers-fixation @paintballkid711 @harriedandharassed   @ladykatakuri @marrianena  @practicalghost @withakindheartx @batdarkladyvampir @justanotherkpopstanlol   @mermaidxatxheart @alexxavicry @ichigodjarin
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lost-in-sokovia · 2 years
the wizarding world of the weir-fields
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my first calvin fic, and it’s a halloween one🤭
warnings: none, fluff with no plot🤪
“amuck! amuck! amuck! amuck!” your six year old daughter gleefully yelled as she jumped about your living room, scotty running around her legs. her long, gingery hair flowed down to her back as the skirt of her dress swished about. this halloween had been the first year eloise had watched the classic film “hocus pocus,” and your darling little girl fell immediately in love with the youngest sanderson sister, sarah. she thought sarah was beautiful, funny, and who she wanted to grow up to be.
she knew from the moment that movie finished that sarah sanderson was exactly who she wanted to be for halloween. so, you got her a red and purple dress very similar to the young witch’s, loosely curled the tips of her already long hair, and even let her put on red lipstick and mascara to complete the look. el was ecstatic and squealed incredibly loud when she saw her reflection of the final product in the mirror. her energy was high and you hoped a night of trick-or-treating would put her down easily that night.
“y/n, is ben almost ready?” you heard your husband call from the living room where he waited with eloise. you finished drawing the small lightning bolt on your eight year old son’s forehead and smiled at him as you admired him wholly.
“yep, we’ll be out in a minute!” you replied happily. eloise was going as sarah sanderson, and since she was a witch, ben insisted he go as harry potter so he could be a wizard. he was just starting to read the popular series, and you thought it was a wonderful idea to have your two kids go as magic characters. “look how nice you look, ben!” you complimented. ben adjusted the round black glasses on his face and gave a small smile.
“you think daddy will like it?” he asked nervously, always dying for his father’s approval. you nodded, smiling warmly.
“i think daddy will love it. let’s go show him,” you said. ben held your hand as the two of you walked back out into the living room from your bathroom, calvin watching eloise bounce about and run off some of her energy. scotty barked at ben when he walked in and quickly ran over to sniff him. calvin turned smiled at his son, eyeing his costume up and down through his glasses.
“well if it isn’t young mr. potter?” calvin said fondly. ben did a small little bounce at his father’s approval and eloise ran into your arms.
“mommy! is it time to go tricker treating now?” she asked as you hoisted her up into your arms. ben shook his head.
“el, it’s ‘trick-or-treating,’” he corrected. your daughter blinked.
“that’s what i said!” she replied simply as you giggled. calvin stood up from the couch and looked outside the window, the la sun casting an orange glow into your home.
“let’s get on our way, weir-fields,” he announced. you kissed el’s cheek and plopped her down as she grabbed her little plastic witch’s cauldron to collect her candy in. she bounced about and ben took calvin’s hand before being led out the door. you coaxed your hyperactive six year old out the door and took a deep breath as calvin locked the door behind you. you locked eyes with him and smiled.
“our kids are the cutest,” you whispered sweetly. your husband gave a small smile, glancing around at all the halloween decorations gracing the neighboring homes.
“i think you’re right,” he winked back. you took his free hand and smiled, setting off into the evening as eloise bounced and jumped about ahead of you.
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tallmadgeandtea · 2 years
Turnsgiving 2022: Day 3
Loyalist or Patriot
To no one’s surprised, I am obviously on the side of the Patriots during the Revolution. In fact, the title of my Turn fic is taken from a Thomas Paine quote, so for today’s prompt, I decided to make fake posters for an SS&SP tv show featuring my favorite Patriots!
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mandoreviews · 5 months
📽️ The Choice (2016)
Oh man do I love me a good Nicholas Sparks movie. This one is a classic Nicholas Sparks story, complete with the storyline that will make you cry. The two leads are so good, especially Benjamin Walker. He was perfect for this part. I’ve watched this movie more than once, and I know I’ll watch it again.
Sex/nudity: 2/10 (implied sex, making out, women in bikinis, men making comments on bikinis)
Language: 2/10 (fairly mild, especially for a PG-13 rating)
Violence: 2/10 (spoilers)
Overall rating: 7/10
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auburnlaughter · 4 months
WIP Wednesday: Plant Company
Thank you for the ask! As I was writing your sentences, I realized that I never actually planned out what Alta Station looks like and I'm 13 chapters into this story, which up until this point has taken place mainly *in* Alta Station.
WIP Wednesday Game-Plant Company (original story)
Allan's eyes widened as Gatling acknowledged over the comm.
"You really think he might try to leave the station?" she asked as she followed Haskell to the nearest exit and out into the third atrium.
Alta station was built as a series of specialized wings that extended from a set of three atria ringing the station's main reactor.
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saraiisstanky · 1 year
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Martha and her dads
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Neil at the banquet and before Edens
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Will redraw
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Parker redraw
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Have some old to new doodles I made cuz I haven’t been able to draw without burning out in seconds 🙌
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benwalkerupdates · 11 months
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teresa palmer & ben answering for each other during an interview for the choice (2016)! every time i remember ballet ben i do have to kick my feet a little.. maybe even giggle…..
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rockrevoltmagazine · 1 year
RAVEN BLACK to Open Festivities on SEX METAL CIRCUS TOUR 2023!
  Dark Metal Carnival RAVEN BLACK has announced that they will be supporting on the SEX METAL CIRCUS TOUR 2023 with LITTLE MISS NASTY and GINA & THE EASTERN BLOCK! Launching April 25th at Fulton 55 in Fresno, RAVEN will be opening the SEX METAL CIRCUS TOUR 2023 as it travels through the West Coast and West Central US before winding through Texas and back into California, wrapping up with an…
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good-old-gossip · 3 days
Journalistic Malpractice of BBC
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The BBC published an article following the May 26 Israeli attack on displaced people’s tents in Gaza’s Rafah, reading: “Their operations so far have not resulted in a bloodbath,” referring to Israel’s actions in the southern besieged enclave.
The article soon drew outrage from internet users, and the paragraph making light of the deadly toll the Israeli attack had on civilian casualties has since been removed.
On May 26, Israeli forces launched airstrikes on a tent camp of displaced Palestinians, which was located in an area initially declared a ‘safe zone’ in Rafah.
When US-made bombs exploded in the congested tent city, it sparked a blaze which spread quickly amongst the flammable plastic tents, killing at least 45 people and leading to many civilians being ‘burned alive’.
The pictures and videos of dismembered and charred bodies – some of them belonging to babies – raised an international outcry as tens of thousands of people around the world took to the streets in protest.
Initially described by Israeli forces as a precision attack targeting senior Hamas leaders, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu claimed the next day that it was a "tragic mistake.”
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sayruq · 4 months
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In a move sure to ignite tensions in the Palestinian territories, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has reportedly agreed to limit the entry of Palestinian citizens of Israel Israelis to Al Aqsa Mosque during the upcoming Ramadan holy Muslim Month. This decision, reported by Israel's Channel 13, comes despite strong opposition from the Shin Bet security service, who warned it could exacerbate unrest. Netanyahu's agreement follows pressure from far-right National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir, who has long advocated for restricting Palestinian access to the holy site. But a report in Israel's Channel 12 claimed Netanyahu remains undecided. No official announcement has come yet. Al-Aqsa Mosque, revered by Muslims as the Haram al-Sharif (Noble Sanctuary) and by Jews as the 'Temple Mount', is a deeply sensitive flashpoint in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
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tarjapearce · 10 months
Okay but…
Miguel’s on a mission, Gabi and Benji are out of the house, leaving mommy alone for some me time, that she spends with her hand down inside her panties.
She gets so into it, moaning and bucking (it’s been a bit since the two of them had done anything) that she doesn’t notice Miguel had entered the house….
Do with this information what you will
Well, yeah. Mama deserves a me time too 🥴🥴 Smut undercut. Lil bit of Dom! Miguel.
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Times like these would suppose a relaxation period for you. You could go shopping, treat yourself with something, you deserved it. Being a mother wasn't exactly easy, and it was kinda rare when you had time for yourself cause one way or another, you'd be worrying over your role.
Miguel was at work, the kids were out. Gabi in her soccer practice, and Benjamin at Peter's playing with Mayday some board games. And you... You just sighed.
Boredom often lived in your head whenever you had nothing to do. You always needed to have your hands busy, house was already clean. An idea popped in your mind. Your feet took you to the bedroom, and you scourged through that special little drawer that hadn't seen the light in months.
Pulling out a key, you unlocked it, revealing neatly folded lingerie, along some little toys. A bullet like discreet vibrator, a couple of lubes, a small bdsm kit you still hadn't opened yet, since you wanted to use it with Miguel. And of course lingerie you still hadn't the confidence to wear.
But it was your chance. Since none was home, your clothes were discarded, and you tried the first one. Red Baby doll with an electric blue g string. It barely covered anything, and you could see your nipples through the red mesh fabric. Miguel said it was one of his favorites because of how bouncy your ass looked back in the dressing room.
Ah, your husband. You still wondered how such a fine and grumpy man had snatched you away for himself. He was hot, undoubtedly, but his way of carry on things were the actual spark that made you want him. The way cursing words flew out of his mouth in that rich spanish, made you swoon.
Thighs rubbed together upon you remembering how possessive and angry he was. How delicious his anger felt between your legs, how big he was to the point of you feeling he was swallowing your body like a black hole.
Your mouth sighed.
The next set was just a little butterfly thong with the crotch open, perfect for a good rile up. The butterfly design in the back cupped your ass gently. It was kind of curious and funny, how well he knew your body. Cause every set you tried just enhanced your body shape. Your nipples went hard at the sudden though of him, touching you, exploring your body, your hands trailing over where he would.
Light pieces of clothing rolling off thighs and torso. You laid on the middle of the bed, legs spreading, heat pooling at the soft caresses your hands delivered. God, you wished he'd be here. You'd certainly give him a show, but the only thing you could do was to wait for him to arrive home. Hands rubbed your inner thighs.
It was unavoidable to not think in that night, you liked when he was angry, cause his cock reached places you didn't know you could feel and get pleasure from. His hands had folded you in half, and you rubbed softly at your clit. Dragging slow lazy circles on it.
You loved every time he knocked the air out of your lungs, sheathing inside you, and stretching your insides, that as he said; were made specially for him.
Your legs trembled as your slit squished, slick in your need. One of your hands toyed with your breast, twirling your nipple between your fingers, as the other kept stimulating around your clit, teasing yourself. Just like Miguel would.
Whining, you smothered your legs together, edging yourself, trying to make it last. You breathed as heat spreaded through your body. If he was here, he'd be eating you out like a starved man.
But he wasn't.
Another needy whine. If he was here he'd surely be massaging your insides with his fingers, luring a wet orgasm from within. But again, He wasn't.
Your rubbings were desperate, your other hand squeezed your breast. But there was nothing that actually matched him. Not even the toys you had. Sure they were fun, but feeling him, going deep inside, his back flexing at the exertion, you scratching him, felt too real, too good and definitely you were needing it.
"Having fun?" The reason of your current desperate state leaned against the doorframe, watching with hazy eyes the scene unfolding before him.
"Shh. No te dengas." (Keep going)
He laid down, next to you, a look you knew all too well. He cupped your cheek softly and kissed your forehead.
"Hands off"
"But I'm-"
"Sin. Manos." (Hands off)
His tone firm, as he sat before you to take a better look of what he just provoked. Hands rested on your side, breathings erratic and needy. Legs weak
"That bad huh?" He shook his head with a smirk
"I need to..." You swallowed and tried to pull him to you, but he shook his head.
"No, no." You whined and plopped on your elbows, supporting your torso on them.
"Open up." He commanded and your hand went immediately on the outer folds, a little squish as you parted them with your fingers.
He hummed in approval. His thumb ghosting over your tiny bundle of nerves, but removed it before you could lift your hips and make any sort of contact, a smug smile in his lips
"Tócate" (Touch yourself)
Your nimble fingers stroked your own flesh, fast and a little too rough, trying to seek that heat you were melting into before he arrived.
"Hands off" You whined in frustration, but obeyed.
"Stop teasing!" Your voice at the verge of tears
A light slap on your soaked pussy shut you up, your hips bucked and you whimpered.
"Again. Touch yourself. Pero hazlo lento." ( Do it slowly)
The soft friction in your folds curled up your toes, fingertips dragged slow circles, his hands spreaded you a bit further, giving him a full view of you.
"Así, muy bien, preciosa." (Like that, very good)
You groaned, the pooling warmth spreaded through your body. Your free hand covered your mouth but he tapped it away.
"¿Quieres parar?" (You wanna stop?) You shook your head, fingers still caressing your clit. You had recognized the little threat in his tone.
"Then fucking do as you're told, open up. Need to hear you."
Your fingers left the caress away and once more you spreaded your flesh for him. He licked his lips at the sight. Your body trembled, the edging chipping your patience away. Two of his fingers dipped in, earning a shaky moan.
You croaked as he moved them ever slowly inside you. your hips bucking on his hand but he stopped.
"No." He warned and you stilled.
"Goddammit Miguel, please!"
Another light slap on your pussy, this one sent electric jolts through your legs as you sobbed.
"¿Qué te dije?" (What did I say?)
"No" You whispered, holding the sheets tightly, he was torturing.
You shook your head and he frowned
"Uno" (One)
Still no hands on yourself.
"Dos" (Two)
Your hands went to your cunt again, he smirked
He guided your two fingers inside your pussy. The intrusion sending a little chill down your spine.
"Despacio" (Slow)
He warned as he pushed your fingers in and out, you followed, matching his speed. You cooed as he kissed your temple
"Un poco más rápido, preciosa" (A little faster)
His hot breath fanning over your ear and neck, your hand obeyed. The heat was on again, a knot forming in your lower belly. Moanings turned into breathless 'Oohs' and 'aahs' that escaped your lips at every chance they could
"Más adentro, mi amor." (Deeper, baby)
Your fingers were as deep as they could, reaching that sweet spot he loved bullying his cock into.
"No pares, preciosa" (Don't stop)
His voice didn't help. His lips nipping your earlobe, didn't help.
"Miguel" You voice an octave pitch higher. You were close. Breath caught on your throat as the imminent bliss loomed over you, stalking it's way to the brink.
"¿P-Puedo? ¿Por favor? " (Can I? Please?)
"Claro que sí, mi vida. Vente para mi." (Of course darling. Cum for me.)
Your spine finally arched as fire licked you raw. Your toes curled up, insides spasmed, you almost forgot how to breath for a moment. Fingers trapped in the contractions of your inner muscles, slowly releasing them. He licked them clean and then kissed you, a loving smile plastered in his face.
"Good girl."
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ejswift · 6 months
note: i didn’t proofread this so i apologize if there are any spelling errors or mistakes. enjoy!
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pairing: taylor swift x fem!reader
warnings: fluffy, kissing, alcohol intake, tay being upset that her fur babies love you more than her
the night had been amazing so far. you and taylor had gone on your first date and everything went perfect. you two went to a nice restaurant and sat in the far back table where you giggled like school girls and gushed about shared interests.
so now as taylor giggles drunkenly, fiddling with her key to open her door, you can’t help but hope this isn’t a one time thing. she finally opens the door and swings it open, sighing in sweet relief. she kicks her shoes off and turns to face you when you close the door behind yourself as you take in the environment.
your eyes lock back on her and you smile girlishly at her soft gaze. you begin to take your shoes off all while maintaining the eye contact, “what?” you simply ask with a small laugh.
taylor bites her lip to contain her smile and shakes her head, “tonight’s been so amazing. i feel invincible right now.”
you grin at her, walking forward until you wrap your arms around the back of her neck, staring up at her with loving eyes. this is rare, for you to feel this in love on the first date. but you can tell taylor feels the same with the way she smiles down and wraps her arms around your waist. it makes you feel less stupid and shameful.
taylor gazes down at you in silence, her eyes heavy with alcohol and exhaustion of the eventful night. nonetheless, she conserves her energy for you, as she doesn’t want this night to end.
“can i kiss you, please?” she asks softly, a bit of her worried she may have misread your pace and signs of the night.
you give her a reassuring nod, “of course.”
she closes the space and just like that sparks fly in the air around you two. her soft lips move against yours slowly and gently, her movements a bit sloppy due to the bottle of wine you two split at the restaurant.
before you have the chance to deepen the kiss you feel something soft and furry move against your leg. you pull away from taylor’s lips and look down, a smile taking over your tingling lips at the sight.
a cat looks up at you with wide eyes, then a small meow escapes it’s mouth. you unhook your grip on taylor’s neck and crouch down to the cat’s level, letting it sniff your hand. taylor watches the interaction with love filled eyes.
“hi baby.” you coo, petting the cat from its neck to it’s tail. you continue the movement and eventually end up sitting criss cross on the floor in front of the door.
the cat climbs onto your lap and you smile in glee as you scratch it with your nails, feeling successful when the cat begins to knead it’s paws into your thighs.
taylor sits in front of you, criss cross as well with a small playful frown. “lucky, meredith never does that with me.”
you glance up at her with raised eyebrows before looking back down to the cat that purrs loudly, nudging her head against your slack hand. “hi meredith.” you whisper and scratch under her chin.
another cat enters the room and freezes once it’s next to taylor. she picks the cat up and places it into her lap, stroking it softly. “this is benjamin button, he’s my baby boy.”
you lean forward slightly and hold your hand out for benjamin to sniff. after a few seconds the cat jumps out of taylor’s lap and climbs onto your other available thigh. you scratch and pet both cats with a smile on your face.
taylor watches with endearment. the urge gets too strong that she impulsively pulls out her phone, snapping a quick photo. you look up with a grin, shaking your head. she shrugs, “had to save the moment. so the kids can see the first time they met you in the future.” she jokes.
it’s a small joke but it makes your stomach flutter. the thought of becoming official with her to be able to call her cat’s yours as well. you blush heavily and lean forward, planting a soft kiss on her lips.
she grins at you with loving eyes before they widen, “oh wait, you still have to meet olivia.”
your eyes widen more than hers as you gasp, “there’s another one?!”
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