#becuase shes talking about her problems <3
lovers-lake · 1 month
Day 5's non high f/o is Sadayo Kawakami
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elevant39 · 1 month
Narrative in ACZ
So this time I want to talk about the narrative in ACZ and why I personaly love it. So what I love about ACZ (and the reason why it´s my favourite in the main line series) is how it kinda works like a legend or a fairy tale. What I mean by this is that there is not a single "correct/canon" version of the game. This is possible because the gameplay isn´t actually taking place durring Belkan war. What we are playing is what Brett Thompson´s documentary thinks happened in it. The problem is that he doesn´t really have all the details. The closes he can get to them is Pixy, since he actually knew Cipher more personally and was with him the longest time, the only other people being Eagle Eye and PJ and.... yeah... But even then it´s been 10 years so most Aces will not remember everything. All that remains it´s their emotions and memories about Cipher and the effect that he had on them by shoting them down.
Even Pixy himself isn't really that reliable (It´s funny because he is also partly a narrator of the game with Thompson). Not only did he knew Cipher only up to Stage of Apocalypse, but Cipher literally changed his life by preventing him from launching V2 (and causing all the suffering that he later witnessed on the ground Zero). Cipher in a way saved Pixy, by stoping him from something he could never come back from. So I wouldn't be surprised if Pixy´s view of Cipher probably isn't completely objective. And this ties to Cipher and the Ace system. Cipher isn´t really a character. He is a perfect vessel for player, he is like a rorschach test. He is what ever we want him to be. And this is thanks to the Ace system and how it allows the player to roleplay Cipher how ever the player wants. Do you believe Cipher was a total merc?; Do you think that the Razgriz route is the one for you?; Or do you want a mercenary that becomes a knight but after Pixy´s betrail falls back to his merc ways?; Or maybe you like a knight that becomes merc and after a lot of retrospective after Pixy´s betrayal becomes a soldier? All of these and infinite more are possible. Which is why I kinda hate when some people in the fandom insist that there must be canon route. Because having one defined route would kinda kill all of this. Sure people might still talk about them, but why waste your time on all of these non-canon routes? When merc is totally canon because of AC5? Why try to analyse your story in your own route when the only that matters is the canon one? So why I am bringing this up? Becuase this (infinite interpretation) combine with complete erasure of who or what Cipher did is what makes ACZ acts almost like a legend of fairy tale. Because the only way Cipher can live on is throw the stories of others like Pixy and other Aces. But since it´s been so long nobody will ever trully know how it all went down. Simular thigs happens with fairy tales and legends like Cinderella, there isn´t one true story. In some versions the fairy godmother doesn´t even exist and she got her dresses from hazel nuts. In others there were 3 nights with balls that Cinderella went to. Sometimes she has help from all sotrs of animals others it´s just pigeons. Sometimes her step mother locks her up, other she is given the task to separate peace from ashes perfectly. But still there are some constants, because these constancs are what make it a tale of Cinderella. And same could be said about the Belkan war. Cipher and Pixy will always win in B7R. They will liberate Directus and destroy Excalibur. Pixy will always leave for AWWNB. PJ will always buy flowers for his girlfriends. And Cipher will always fight Pixy in the end. But everything else? We simply don´t know and more importantly can´t know. And that is what is so beautiful to me. Because then the interpretetion of the story and Cipher can be anything you personally believe. And the story doesn´t force you to one interpretation of it. But it encourages you to think about the story and why your version is the one that you like specifically. So yeah this is why I love this game so much and why it´s my favourite in the series. Thanks for reading.
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George Cubbins/Karim headcanons?
there’s not much i can say about this man becuase he is already perfect.,.but i will try
-i do think he is legally blind without glasses like that bitch can’t see anything
-he gives demiboy vibes, and pan/bi <33 love him fr fr
-i think he has all his friends’ egg orders down pat. lockwood likes his on toast, intact, but so that if you poke it with a fork it’s a little runny, lucy likes hers fried but a Little bit soft, holly eats hard-boiled ofc, flo drinks those awful raw egg shakes for 💪protein💪 and she probably gets lockwood in on it too. kipps just eats dry fucking toast.
-lockwood was a malnourished british boy raised on entirely greige food and george really said hell nah we giving you the real persian shit, high-fived his mom, and went to work
-lucy also comes in knowing only bIscUiTs n gRaVy and george is determined to condition her like pavlov.
-i think he smells like cardamom. he just does ok
-special interest in the problem!! lucy and george have to remind him to eat. they even tried to cook for him once and almost started a fire.
-once when he was sick they actually did cook for him and were absolutely WARLIKE about getting it right (george couldn’t sleep bc they were yelling at each other about tablespoons) but they got it no fire or anything and brought some food up to him and he started crying
-i think he wears cool little bracelets
-i saw a post once that because he was raised in a #engineer family, he knows absolutely egregious amounts of engineering and just assumes this is normal. “what do you mean you don’t know all the hazen-williams constants, everybody knows the hazen-williams constants.”
-i’m so bad at headcanons whakdkdnsjd
-this boy cares so much it hurts. have you ever seen him talk about the Problem or his friends or his family?? he cares so deeply about so many things and HE JS THE BEST OF US FR FR
-he loves his found family hope this helps <3
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realcatalina · 11 months
Catherine Parr's depiction-Part 2: miniatures
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-Those you knew and those you didn’t think was her. Until now.
According to Philip Mould, Catherine’s own records show that up 7 miniatures were done by John Bettes the Elder alone! None have been atributed to him this far.
Plus she employed 3 female miniaturists! ...There is bound to be many miniatures of her! Problem is, which?
There are many miniatures which people tend to label as Catherine Parr. However in just one case it is both identified as her and we are certain it is her because of the jewelry and features-the miniature bellow.
First miniature: formerly in the collection of Horace Walpole and now located at Sudeley Castle:
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(No idea why I can't find it in HD online.)
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Some say it is by Lucas Horenbout, idk tbh(with miniaturist it is much harder to tell, because you can do fewer tests), but importantly this time the backrgound is in such good state I’d say it is intact. So likelihood of age being correct is pretty good. XXXII=32 years of age. So c.1544, because her birthyear is not certain-it’s c.1512.
The styling of hair would also suggest it is c.1543/1544, unlikely to be of later date.
2nd miniature which once existed, but probably no more:
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This is nearly exact match to previous miniature. Many people assume it is based upon it-but the upper bilement is different. Plus different cross, it’s not t-shape cross, more likely the ruby cross:
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Possibly two different ruby crosses, hence possibly two separate miniatures. But I am not certain of it, so I am at the moment putting them as same one. 
Imo the 1st and 2nd miniature were a matching pair, done at same time. Just part jewelry switched, as with Jane Seymour’s portraits and Anne of Cleves miniatures(those mislabelled as Howard). I call these 'twin' portraits.
Parr bought many jewelry from France(and elsewhere), including billements, and she had her favourites in which she kept being portrayed in. Thus you cannot do chronology based upon biliments-becuase it won’t fit! She didn’t always wear new ones, she rewore those she already had.
She doesn’t seem to be fond of partlets(which are not that great indication of dating anyway), hence one would have to rely solely upon shape of her headwear and styling of hair, to try to narrow down the dating.
In larger portraits I could say conclusively, but in miniatures, it’s much harder. So in this post they are put in order as i think they chronologically go, but i am definitely not certain of it. Take it with pinch of salt. 
3rd possible miniature(which once existed) is assumed to be based upon one of her much larger portraits-those  done by Scrots in c.1545-1546 because you can see the resemblence. But it doesn’t seem to be perfect match. Yes, gown and brooch with crown are same, pendant same. 
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But rest of jewelry is not same.  Different billements and jewels lining the gown.
Her billements and bodice jewels look more like bodice jewels in portrait by master John, though i am not sure if they are exact match(maybe just similiar style):
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(The jewelry in similiar style is also on lesser known portrait of Henry VIII.)
Similiarities to 3rd made me immediately question identification of another miniature(on right).Because that looks like same person.
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4th possible miniature-currently labelled as Mary Howard (with no solid evidence of it):
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Dressed extremely lavishly. Parr was known for that.
Mary Howard as King’s daughter-in law (widowed by 1540s) probably by law could dress so lavishly...(I mentioned this when talking about lady in purple).But you can bet it’d be talked about and chances would be that it would be directly mentioned in records.
Imo it is mislabelled portrait of Parr. And the newly atributed original portrait of Parr really drives up that theory home! And I even wonder...if both could be by same artist. It's very strong resenblence.
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I was 90% sure it was Parr before...now I am ready to write to national museum of Sweden about it. (Inventory No. NMB 935)
They should at least take Parr into consideration. Also, they have slight mistake in information about it.
It’s labelled as after Holbein, by some mistake they put it under artist, instead of dating. Because yes, this is after Holbein, after 1543, but it is not done after his work, this is not a copy of his work. It is period original by another miniaturist.
Miniatures aren’t as easy to date(even roughly). They cannot run as many tests upon them. Because usually they are painted upon cards and are very small and kind of fragile. And that makes it harder to identify the artist.
1st and 2nd have one maker imo, and 3rd and 4th have different one-hence the differences in face and posture.
Different miniaturist=different face.
Usually not drastically different face, but can happen. And that is why you also have to look at rest of the outfit.
But how come this miniature shows blond hair? In part 1 I explained that portraits with red or reddish brown hair are all copies and there were strong suggestions that Parr's hair was actually dark strawberry blond. Jersey's portrait being proven as original, proves that she truly had dark golden hair(literally golden), and in rare instances that can be depicted as light blond instead.
It's not darkening of pigments, but likely fading of it. Fading of red pigment within the mixture.
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On this miniature gold and hair seems to be in cold spectrum, while they are supposed to be at least slightly in warm spectrum of colours:
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And if you change that, the hair starts to look more strawberry blond.
The miniatures from this artist might explain the notion she was blond. He/she painted her hair as very light(more than it owed to be), his/her work faded in colour and turned blond and people assumed it was her original hair colour. 
(Same way when darkening of pigments caused blond hair to go brown, people asume that is the original colour.)
I truly think this miniature,from all the miniatures people call her, has the biggest shot on being actually her.
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(smile vs no smile here.)
Tbh I am surprised that the identification as Mary Howard, Duchess of Richmond has not been questioned by experts as of yet.(As far as i know) Because the sumptuousness of the outfit, is something not even a Queen Consort would wear on normal basis. (Well maybe Parr with her lavish style would have.)
Not in Henry VIII’s reign. In Elizabethean times there was explosion of goldwork(golden embroidery) or silverwork among nobility.(Imo Elizabeth changed sumptuary law). But prior, it was highly unsual. Except on royals.
Henry VIII and his son were depicted with it in 1540s portraits constantly. But Parr having only 1 portrait with goldwork(with red cloak)? I found it odd, because a big amount of goldwork embroidery we can already see on Mary Rose(d.1533), we see bit less of it on Jane Seymour  and I always knew there are some missing depictions of royal women with it. This is one of them:
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Also you should note that lower necklace is styled in non-english way. This is netherlandish style(present already in 1510s there), possibly Parr was searching for style of her own and experimented. 
(It is not found in depiction of english women from Henry VIII's reign otherwise. I think it is literally the only example.)
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It is a black gown, heavily embroidered with goldwork(in knots patterns-which were popular also in gardens, which Parr also loved!) and hundreds of pearls are sewn upon it. Frankly, the miniature doesn’t do it justice. It’s beyond sumptuous. Catherine Parr was known for being very into sumptuous outfits.
Had Mary Howard been as well, i think there would be mention of it somewhere.As widow of King’s bastard son might have been allowed by law to wear such thing, but i doubt she’d dare.
I also wonder if Mary I could have inherited that dress or had similiar. Because there is period description which states that ‘princess Mary had items of costume embroidered with 581 pearls in total.’ This dress could have such amount.
That she was described as princess, doesn’t necessarly mean that she couldn’t be Queen at the time of the report, because occasionally Kings were described ‘as most ilustrious prince, the King Henry VII etc.’ Idk why, but they did this and it confuses the heck out of modern reader.
Possibly Mary inherited the gown from Parr, or they had two. But it'd be great spectacle.(Which I hope somebody will recreate.)
Alternatively...if it is not Parr...then it should be Mary. She is recorded as having such gown and she resembled Parr to great degree.
And that could explain why the fingers are shorter...but then perhaps the artist wasn't that good with hands. But then the mouth imo resembles Parr more...and Jersey portrait to incredible degree.
Now for the part which fans of Parr might not enjoy.
Don’t hate  me for this, please.(Or at least be polite). I know people are convinced these are Parr:
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I will have to disappoint you. I don’t believe Parr is in either of them.  
Hair colour? Explainable. I went over it in part 1, read it.
Similiarities in posture? Yes.
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Similiarities in face? Yes.
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Does the dating fit?  it's borderline. I know for certain that these are between 1538-1543, but in my opinion more likely to be 1540-1542, but I could be off by one year.
And who is to say Parr couldn't have miniature done prior to becoming Queen?(possibly after already catching King's eye).
Could she afford the same bilements as rich and powerful women wore in time prior to becoming Queen? Not likely, but she was on friendly terms with Mary I and Henry started to persue her. So perhaps she was gifted some. 
So far, all is explainable! But there are two big problems.
Problem A on left, and problem B on right:
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They fit Katherine Howard and Mary I way better!
Tbh Parr loses to those two each time. She doesn’t resemble these two miniatures nearly as much as those two do! 
Some of the differences could be explained by artist's skill not being that good(Parr employed 4? miniaturists. Several of them linked to highly over-praised Horenbout, who managed to make everybody ugly.)
...So it's possible that the miniatures are simply not that well executed. But more of proven original depictions of Parr we have, the less likely it seems to me that these two depict Parr:
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I am not feeling it. Sorry, but I really don't think it is Parr in either of them. (But i am only human, I do mistakes. But at this moment I don't believe it.)
I hope you've enjoyed this and don't you worry, I know of several larger condidates on Parr's portraits.
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starrrberry · 1 year
hii ash what is the phantom of the opera? ive heard of it and it sounds so fucking badass and i am Curious
okay. gonna write a rambly type essay. SUMMARY: so poto is originally a novel written by gaston leroux in 1909 set in france, centering a mysterious masked man, erik (aka the phantom, the opera ghost, angel of music) and a naive, kind girl who's ridiculously brave and selfless called christine. from now on ill be talking about the musical version as i am yet to read the book ! also, the pair have INCREDIBLE music ability - christine has the voice of an angel, and the phantom is incredibly skilled at many instruments as well as have the kinda voice that probably wouldve awoken smth in me when i was ten. -christine is an orphan, her father died when she was.. eight? ish. and shes just very sad and lonely. -when her dad died, he said he'll send a angrl of music to her -erik is super super obsessed with christine and kinda stalks her. but -shes like kinda chill with it at the beginning and she even follows him into his lair? which like okay you go girl or smth. -but then she finds out oh shit !!! hes kinda freaky man. and she faints <3 -if erik had his way he'd probably just force her to marry him, but problem! -another man, raoul, who is christines childhood bestie, is here. and -hes in love with her! christines also in love with him, but imo its only because he reminds her of her father (woop woop daddy issues) -THINGS HAPPEN and i cried. just trust me on this idk how to do summaries. CHARACTERS: erik - MY BOY !!!!!! hes so traumatised and he was abused a lot because he was born with a facial deformity and nobody ever touched him ever. so he just grew into this really angry, resentful but also strangely hot dude. he gets a MILD mild redemption at the end of the movie/musical, and hes the most pathetic silliest sewer man in the world im so so obsessed with him. hes a really complex character and i could get into it but i wont because its 12am. christine - in the musical/kinda movie, shes portrayed as very meek and mild. however shes really brave and kind of a badass! like "this haunted face holds no horror for me now. its your soul in which the true distortion lies" um okay?? callout i love that. shes not wrong, his soul is fuuuucked. poor boy. her mother died in childbirth, her father died when she was young, shes alone in the world apart from a scarily hot stalker whos teaching her to sing, and shes a ballet rat in the opera populaire. ill delve more into different interpretations of her in different media. raoul - pretty rich boy. also christines childhood best friend and suitor. my boy has no thoughts in his head i was him for world book day.
meg giry - christines current best friend! shes so cool in the movie shes a side but shes loyal, brave, and probably a lesbian. also shes cares so sososo much for christine im just. ough. la carlotta - they hate to see a girlboss winning :( shes literally done nothing wrong ever i adore her shes so extra and such a bitch aa <3 there are more but the first three are the most important
DIFFERENT MEDIA: theres a movie (2004) which stars gerard butler as erik and emmy rossum as christine who are both SO OSOSOSOSOOSO PRETTY !!!!!
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in the movies, erik is portrayed as quite suave and dramatic, as well as agressive and fiercely obsessive. basically, the same as how he's portrayed in the rest of the media. also ! his name isnt included in both the movies or the musical. its also very aesthetically pleasing speaking of ! theres also a musical which is pretty well known, written by andrew lloyd webber. i would say my favourite actors, but it may be a little doxxy, so i'll refrain. however, i will say that sierra boggess, one of favourite christines is WOW ! she's fiesty and seductive, not as mild as the other portrayals. thats why i love the musical version, one because it is MAGICAL to watch irl and two becuase you can play around witht the characters to fit your eye. theres a book, which gives more insight into erik's past, and also several adaptations of the novel, the most notable being susan kay;s "phantom" CONTROVERSY: i will say that the toxic relationship between christine and erik is heavily romanticised, christine experiences a lot of stockholm syndrome (shes also swedish!) and she just has a Bad Time. however. its fiction and my taste in men is fucked up beyond belief! but many people dont see it that way since erik is a kidnapper/murderer, people are NOT happy that he is shipped and loved by so many people. but like man we know ! if this happened in real life we'd be outta there like a shot, if this was a REAL PERSON we would NOT be doing this! its ridiculous to me that so many people cannot grasp that this is fiction, an escape from the rules of the real world. CONCLUSION: its more than just a romance, its a study of so many different things, like how trauma can affect different people, how growing up in certain types of environments can shape a persons life. its more of a tragedy really, not a romance as much, so if you like media which leaves a hole in you only fanfic can fix this is def for you. if you want to get into it, i recommend starting with the musical or movie, probably the musical. i didnt do it justice with this ramble, honestly its incredible and theres endless interpretations and endings (i havent even mentioned the book!)
also all the songs slap and theyre majority operatic but modern!!!!!!!
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bethhiraeth · 2 years
I figured I should make so post to introduce myself, so… hello! welcome to my blog, I'm El (or Beth, I really don't care). Some things about me:
I get a few nicknames, the most common is El/Elle (yes my real name, not just one I use becuase of El Hopper, my beloved), but Beth is perfectly fine too:) go wild
My pronouns are she/her
I am autistic and possibly adhd. i am usually pretty good at picking up on tone, but if it is kind of unclear (eg something sarcastic but completely believable/ not in an overtly sarcastic tone), I would appreciate tone indicators so I don't completely miss the point of what you are trying to say lmao
My main fandom is Stranger Things, however I also occasionally post about various books, Percy Jackson, Sherlock and Good Omens
Also Mike and Will are in love and I'm making it literally everyones problem. I also love ronance, percabeth, and elmax/elumax
I'm a Nancy Wheeler kinnie, take from that what you will
And Mike Wheeler’s biggest defender. Don’t you dare talk shit about him
I love reading, and am hoping to major in Literature and/or Classics
I love rainy days and books and fuzzy blankets
And music! Right now I am into 80s rock (and just general 80s music), like fleetwood mac, the cure, etc. i also love fall out boy
I have an ao3 account and I love writing, but a lot of the time I am too tired or lack the motivation to do much unfortunately. However, I am in the middle of writing a few things that I will post soon (hopefully)
Feel free to DM/send asks to me! I promise I don't bite, and I am always more than happy to have discussions, give advice, or just generally to talk to anyone:)
On that note though, I want this blog to be a safe space for everyone, so please be kind. No discrimination or hate of any kind will be tolerated. ALL are welcome <3
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infamous-raven-x · 1 year
ask game: shun, spectra, alice
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> Sexuality hc: Pansexual/Transexual
> Favorite ships: Shun/Sellon, Shun/ Fabia
> Brotp: Shun/Marucho, Shun/Dan, Shun/Alice
> Notp: Shun/Dan, Shun/Alice
> Random hc:
-- Shun didn't started his hormonal treatment until he move out of his grandparent house.
-- Shun is so chill and peacefull that he turns into a boring person, he has problems in his relationships because his personality is not for everyone to handel, so he need to be pared with someone mature that doesn't gets bored of him at the 3 months of knowing him.
-- He is bestys with Alice because I consider them to be Trans friends that would reunited during the week to drink tea and shit talk about there friends and finish it with "But who are we to judge? ". (Honestly Alice would trust only him in really important problems like documents, her safe contact and taking care of her childrens????)
> General opinion: I'm starting to think a bit more into Shun since when I was little I really didn't liked him and I started to appreciate him more when I rewatch the second season and noted that he was in love with a bird????, anyway, I really see Shun as the Wine step-mom of the group.
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> Sexuality hc: Aromantic/Intersexual/Bisexual
> Favorite ships: Spectra/Alice
> Brotp: Spectra/Mylene, Spectra/Gus
> Notp: Spectra/Gus, Spectra/Lync,
> Random hc:
--Spectra doesn't really give a shit about your feelings, but really he has a huge issue trying to even properly acknowledging his own feelings, the condictions on his family with Clay been and absent parent and his mother's death put him in a delicated position, mostly becuase he started to sick that atention by corporal means, his position of a public figure has brought him diferent standars in beauty and behaviours, so at the sametime that he develops anorexy, he also fells more and more in the world of sexualize himself for the confort of been important and notable.
--Would Clay be heartless enough to take his Intersexual child as a test subject to make true a treatment to help intersexual persons in Vestal been capable of having offprings even with there hormonal problems and helping there non-funcional organs to be funcional again?, and the answer is yes, yes he would.
--On his relationships, he is like a cat, don't force on him and don't try to control him, must of the time he just got into relationships because he doesn't like to be alone, but he's not that bad, if you get into a mutual understading with him you can really see a relationship working even if he is not romanticaly attract.
--Some people see Spectra as a Rooster, I see him as a Mother hen we are not the same.
Also Spectra darkest wish is to have 4 childrens because deep deep deep inside he likes childrens and wants the tradictional happy big family in vestal estandars but he has to keep up his icy edgy lord ass actitud for appearance
> General opinion: Spectra is you favorite bitch ass toxic chernobyl level girlfriend that would kill for you and then spit in your face.
(Also, uhhh... Why my thoughts on Spectra are always so angst and edgy???, Still my lit' meow meow)
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> Sexuality hc: Transexual/Bisexual
> Favorite ships: Spectra/Alice
> Brotp: Alice/Julie/Runo, Alice/Shun
> Notp: Alice/Lync, Alice/Shun, Alice/Klaus
> Random hc:
-- Alice is the rich aunt, but she looks like a mear mortal side by side with Marucho the OG rich aunt of the brawlers.
-- Alice in the beginning was one of does positive people that bothers everyone om trying to be always positive and see the good side of life until the Masquerade incident happend and Alice learn to embrace her dark side.
--Alice has a lot of problems taking decisions, they give her a lot of anxiety and the only thing that she miss from her Masquerade personality is the fact that she didn't overthink stuff, so she really like to just follow the lead of persons (name it Dan, Runo, her other friends, Spectra, etc.)
--Doctor Michael didn't adopt Alice because he wanted another daughter but becuase the goverment agents see potencial in Alice with her high IQ and so since Doctor Michael was old, they put Alice to pursue hos investigation when he died.
--She doesn't know a lot of things of her origin because she was born with a lot of goverment expectetions and her contact with the Brawlers was a interesting coincidence.
--Alice would probably be the smiling girl with pure heart that if you tell her the joke of helping you to burry a body she will help you and even brought her own shovel.
--Alice was that type of child that saw CSI in the TV and ended up working as a Criminologist becuase she lives the dream.
--Alice would be pink goth with my melody them things.
--She has Depression, but she doesn't remember why... in fact Alice has PTSD from the years she was in the Gulag but she doesn't remember does years because she block out does memories.
> General opinions: My secret agenda of making Alice a Russian/Urss agent is taking form!.
>>>Let me a character name and I will tell you my hc in them!
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am3ricanj3sus · 28 days
no song of the day today. i didnt feel to connected to any songs today and it didnt feel right to put one. anywyas though. im wirting on my laptop today. it feels weird. i feel weird. maybe its just how life has been going. a issue that ive been having most of my life pop up again and im tired of dealing with it.
basically i was life long friends with this girl and yk we had our ups and downs (a whole lotta downs) but we alwyas got on with it. well she got on with it. she would randomly get mad at everthing, blame me for it in someway and i became the problem. it happened mutiple times and i grew sick of it but i really didnt care. maybe i sound cocky but ik that at the end she would come back. she always did.
but like 8 months ago. she started seeing this guy. and it escalated quick. she like asked us his name and who he was then a week later she tells us "oh my boyfriend dropped me off after we got food" so ofc we're like boyfriend? okay... and we didnt bring it up. the thing is, our friend group didnt like the guy she started seeing. he was rude to our friends and has done someover all shady stuff. so we just warned her and wow suprise she didnt listen and got with him. then she got all offended when we didnt comment on the fact her bf brought her home. so we gave her a small "yay bf!" but yk we told her we dont like him so we really didnt want to talk about him. and thats what fucking set a wire off in her dumbass brain. she was going on about how we never support her, which was the craziest lie ever because we all supported her and her other crazy ass ex bf and all the dumb stuff she does. and we were like "hey we can be friends still, we just really dont want to talk about him" and like the whole time she was texting this guys and she was telling him "omg theyre ruining my mental health"
and i think i may have pushed a little over board but i was sick of her asking like some entitled bitch that needs her friends to agree with her all the time. so i kind of just brought up everything shes ever done to me :) like the time i too her to disneyland and she literally complained in the car, ON TWITTER, about how she had to go back and we were forcing her. and its like, girl. my mother payed for you to be here. do NOT play. and i understand her frustration to a point becuase we were at the park that morning from like 9 to 1 but we had like a 6 hour break at the hotel and didnt go back till 7. and we couldnt just leave her there becuase her mom didnt want her to be alone in the room so its like... girl you have to come. so were in the car on the way back to the park and shes like spaming her twitter "theyre forcing me to go back! im crying. i dont want to be here" SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU UNGREATFUL LITTLE BITCH. like girl... girl...BITCH. i couldnt even.
then i brought up the fact that she let her ex bf like disrespect tf outta me. like he burped in my face, didnt say sorry, disrespected my family and callled me a bitch unprovoced. like she just let these things happen then got mad when i defended myself. talking about some "you had no right to say that to him" girl he had no right to act that way towards me but okay,
then i just brought up how much she just disregards me. like im nothing. and i truly felt like that the entire time i was friends with her. an that was most of my life.
she didnt respond to that message. she simply left the group chat then blocked me. couldnt take the fucking heat ig.
and i dont care what happens to her. she could burn in the deepest pit of hell. and maybe ill go to hell for saying that. but i mean it. ive never wanted someone to suffer more.
and that leads me to this topic. she has no friends now. and im glad. she doesnt deserve anything or anybody. no one deserves to be put through what i went though with her. theres so much more that happened with her that i dont even want to relive. but shes like searching for attention now. she texted a mutual friend of ours recently and i told him, dont text her back. and he fucking texts her anyway. now im not trying to dictate who he can and cant be friends with but she did him dirty too so i dont know why he even wanted to talk to her.
and thats anothet thing that pisses me off. people feel bad for her. like what the hell. even people that were with me the night of the argument. they feel bad that she has no friends. and i get having sympahty for her but what the hell. you were there, you know what she did so why on gods green earth do you feel that for her? it just sets this rage in me on fire and i want everyone to disappear.
i genuinley cant. like omg. it just makes me so angery and people dont get why im so mad about her. she just fucked over 12 years of friendship over some guy she only dated for 6 months.
but to make myself happy. i realized im over my crush on my friend. i think it was just a spur of the moment thing really. he has a gf now so its whatever really. ill miss that time of my life.
i didnt see mr c today im so sad. i even walked around a little during his prep and i didnt even see him walking around with his teacher besties. its okay though. i guess ill get over it :(
i did see my coco pookie though and i dont know what it is but its like im not looking for him as much anymore. i mean he wasnt here the other day and i missed him but when he has been here i dont even watch him that much. its just. i dont know. maybe i just want him to be around since he was my crush this.
another day. another slay. i love yapping. this was the first time i gen got out most of my emotions about that bitch and it have this weird relief. like my chest feels light in a way. maybe writting should be a daily thing for me. love love love. muah ha ha
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nedsmarie44 · 2 months
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Gotcha !
Serial killer Matt x reader ! Part 1
It wasn’t supposed to happen like this. She wasn’t supposed to figure this out. He hadn’t even planned on killing her. He should be on a plane with half way across the world right. But he wasn’t. He was running for his life. All he could hear was his ragged breathing and the dogs chasing his scent with police right behind them.
Six months ago*
Y/n woke up and went downstairs to greet her dad for breakfast. Her mother wasn’t around but her dad and her had the best bond a father and daughter could have. She saw her dad frantically grabbing all his files together with a donut in his mouth. Her dad was the chief of police. She noticed lately he had been spending more time at the station so she knew something was up.
“Big day?” She asked with a smirk as she poured coffee. She handed her father the glass of coffee as he finally finished his food, “there might be a serial killer on the loose” he said with worry.
“A serial killer? But that never happens here.” Y/n stated. Her father nodded. “Which is why I need you to be in the house right after school. On days you have practice or work is fine but right home after.” He said with a warning. Y/n tried to protest but he walked out the door. She thought he was being unreasonable. Nobody had even heard of such a thing, it wasn’t even on the news but somehow the police had already gotten a tip about it.
The serial killer had taken the lives of 3 women. All close in age. All blondes with blue eyes. He would leave them in places he knew they would be found. And he always left a smiley face at the scene of the crime. It was like he was taunting the police. 3 families were eating for answers. A whole town on edge wondering if there daughter was next. And yet they had no leads, no suspects, no evidence. Whoever this guy was….he was good. And he knew it to.
He was good looking on the eyes. His smile was flawless. He was easy on the eyes. And he had two brothers who looked just like him. The girls fell at his feet so he had no problem picking his victims.
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One morning He walked downstairs and greeted his brothers as he grabbed a bowl and spoon when the local morning news caught him off guard.
“ local teen Sadie Jean was found brutally stabbed to death in the baseball field of Brandon Park.” His brothers were shocked Becuase Sadie was an attractive and well liked girl. They couldn’t fathom who would take her out.
“Sadie and I had a history project to complete tonight. I can’t believe someone hates her that much that they could do that to her” his brother said. He nodded his head in agreement knowing her blood was on his hands six hours ago. His brothers and he grabbed there things and head to school.
For y/n walking into the school felt like a long dreaded conversation that kept repeating itself. No one knew who did it so everyone thought everyone was a suspect. No one really talked even though rumors flew around the school like a ball waiting to be chased by a dog. Y/n wasn’t really friends with Sadie Jean but they had made small talk previously from both playing volleyball. Every small talk they made was nice and sweet so how could someone hurt her? How could someone be mad at her?
As the day dreadfully went on y/n was counting down the minutes til the final school bell. As she stood at her locker she saw Matt sturniolo and his brothers walking down the hall. There was something about Matt that she just couldn’t put her finger on. Matt held felt someone looking at him as he looked back at y/n, he winked at her and continued to walk down the hall. And as he left that’s when it hit her. the last time she saw Sadie Jean alive, she was walking with Matt sturniolo.
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hhorror-vacuii · 4 months
I liked season 3 but i didn't appreciate some things, like the fact that Eden had to comfort Simon about her miscarriage. I mean, Simon was the father and had the right to suffer too, but i feel like they made it all about Simon when Eden was the one who lost her child. But that's my opinion ofc. I disliked the friendship between Simon and Gaius too because for me it's strange that Simon, who hated a tax collector not so long ago, befriends a roman soldier so easily lol. Also the way they're portraying Thomas and Ramah's "love story": maybe i'll be mean but i really couldn't care less about them, they're awkward and not in that soft sweet way and i find Matthew and Mary much more interesting even if they're not in love. I know that their relationship isn't the focus of the show, but their scenes take up time from other storylines that deserve more space.
Oh, of course, yes to all of the above.
I think both of the problems with Simon stem from the fact we are supposed to see him as the main character. Whereas I would much rather all of the Apostles, and all of the female followers were treated equally. But sometimes there are entire episodes when Philip, or James the Younger, or Thaddeus don't speak even one line. I guess it's fine in the long run, because everything needs to be balanced out, but I don't like how uneven it is at times. And I don't actually view Simon as the main character, because he is so unlikeably, it's hard to find any saving traits in him. There is a lot of talk about how he's the leader of the group, but... is he? The real saint Peter probably was, but in the show, in how it is written, it looks more like Philippe would be the leader, or James the Elder, becuase they are constructed as characters with leadership qualities, where SImon is not.
About the miscarriage: I didn't like it either, though I think it was just handled very clumsily by the show, becuase there was a time jump the viewers were not made aware of. I mean, I only learnt there was a time jump when Eden was talking to Simon? Becuase the whether is always the same, and the characters always look the same, it's impossible to tell otherwise. And I guess I can understand why it was handled the way it was - Eden did have some support in other women, Simon's vice is that he's not even asking for help, and it comes biting him in the ass - but no matter. In season 1, I actually enjoyed immensely the scene when Jesus talks to Eden and tells her she has another part to play and she too will bear sacrifices, because it put the emphasis on how everybody can serve God in different ways, but when the time came, I didn't like the storyline one bit. As for Gaius and their friendship... was that meant to show that it was Simon who helped to fix the cystern, therefore Eden could go to mykvah, therefore he inadvertentently helped her? I guess I could see it that way, but I still don't like it. For 2,5 seasons Simon was at Matthew's throat for the same thing (broadly speaking ofc), it makes no sense to have him have such a rapid change of heart.
As for Thomas and Ramah... Huh, I guess Thomas may be in the future the disciple who will ask "Is it better not to marry, then?". I'm guessing they will not go down the road of actually marrying anybody off, altough, on the other hand, many disciples probably had their own families. But I am not a fan of this storyline either, because it is one thing to have Thomas be in love (I'm fine with that and it could be balanced as a story: what do I choose, following Jesus wholly or sticking with my normal life?), but I would much rather more focus on Ramah. She's a good blank slate to show a plausible way to be a woman in the Ist century without cliches (she learns to read and write, she is a businesswoman, she's very independant while following some customs which would seem constraining to us in the XXIst century). I also liked Kafni, her father, and the way he reacted to Jesus, thinking he owes Him his daugther. This is way more interesting to me than any love story.
Thank you! I think a lot of people agrees season 3 is the weakest so far, here's to hoping season 4 will improve!
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fallenrain40 · 6 months
the warrior cats fandom has a massive issue with erasing characters who are so clearly aspec-coded, or show a LOT of semblance to aspec experiences… but the moment anyone tries to erase other characters with lgbtqia+ undertones (ravenpaw, barley, tallstar, jake, flipclaw, mothwing, rowanstar) all hell breaks loose. which is good! any character w/ lgbtqia+ undertones should not be erased.
but what about aspecs? mousefur, tall shadow, leopardstar, shadowsight, hollyleaf, needleclaw, juniperclaw, flametail, echosong… all of them get people saying ‘well that’s just a headcanon! they’re not *really* aspec!” or “you can not take a partner and be allo!” which. sure, okay… but where’s this attitude, then, for the other cats who are widely accepted by the fandom to be queer? where?
Yeah, though it's definitely not a warriors fandom exclusive problem... mousefur is basically confirmed aroace, and though I'd seen ace headcanons for her, they were very few. I actually think I've only seen like, 3 people say mousefur is aroace? which is just wild to me, why don't more people talk about this. And she gets shipped with longtail SO often still- another odd thing I see is a lot of people tend to only really pay attention to aroace headcanons if a cat says they don't want to have kits... despite the want to be a parent having nothing to do with being aroace???(or just ace. they seem insistent on erasing the aros even more.) yet if a cat is just not interested in relationships, welp that's just too bad apparently. they are gonna get shipped with someone. shadowsight is one of my favorite aroace cats. he has never showed ANY desire to have a mate and unlike other medicine cats, never seems to be bothered by the fact he will never be allowed to have a mate. yet people ship him SO MUCH, with rootspring, with sunbeam... I also kind of hate how everyone just accepts blackclaw was mistystar's mate... despite them literally never being shown in a romantic way. yes, she had his kittens, but how does that make him her mate?? what if she just wanted kits? it's really annoying how this fandom ties wanting to have a family automatically to wanting a romantic relationship... it's also quite annoying how the fandom just HAS to ship every medicine cat that doesn't show romantic interest in anyone. Kestrelflight? "obviously into jayfeather." Puddleshine? "Alderheart and him for sure are in love." Shadowsight? "Let's ship him with everyone we possibly can!" Mothwing? "She and Leafpool are together and if you say anything else you are homophobic-" Hollyleaf is an interesting case becuase I always saw her and Fallen Leaves as an alloace couple... but at the same time it does bug me that a lot of people jump to showing that line of her not wanting KITS to be a reason why she is aroace. (though she probably also mentioned not wanting a mate?? i dont remember) Leopardstar is another aroace I really like. I honestly hate her super edition for introducing a love interest for her. It's incredibly annoying. anyways i started rambling i think haha. I have more to say about cats that I see as aro or aroace, and how the fandom just kinda ignores them all. like Mistystar. but this is already too long.
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everyone says im fucking annoying. maybe i am.
i tried being nice and being considerate. i dont want much i just wan someone to care and acknowledge me. im tired of being the stupid one, the one who has to consider ive tried so god damn hard to make it easy for you people but every thinf i do seems to annoy you i feel like every time i try to talk to you you start getting annoyed and maybe youre right and im spoiled and im a brat i wont do that anymore, i’ll try my god damn hardest to not leave a trace in this house . since being in your presence seems too much for you i try not asking for anything anymore. i’ll stop complaining i’ll keep everything to myself. you want that right? i wont be a bother anymore. iltt stop trying to care for you or beg for your praise and affection. i can look for it by myself.  why is making a suggestion about my birthday such a big deal for you i can do whatever i want on “MY” birthday why does me talking about it piss you off. fine i wont celebrate my goddamn rbirth and iwont celebrate it again. i wont care anymore about whattever. ill be out of your way. im sorry im even alive and pullking you dfown and im such a waste of space and im an obese trash elepphant ‘who cant stop eating and whos spoiled and a bitch with no manners and cant do anything right i cant do anything at all and i should never have fucking existed i keep wishing that i nevere existed. every second of every day i wish you to be happy and to just let me not exist anymore.
i cant keep wishing because nothing ever fucking happens i wish i just died when i could, every near death experience i hope it killed me and i hope i never s here. i hate being in a place where everyone and everything i do is considered wrong and im always wrong and always bad and always a bitch whos spoiled and a child. i want to die. and its  not a joke anymore. i just want someone to love me and understand that i make shit thats not good and that i dont always say the right things and that im always trying my best to be considerate. but being considerate is not enough for everyone. im already ugly and im already fat and stupid if i just died everyone would forget about me in a week and in a yer everything will be better for everyone becuase i am just a dumb rock thats a burden to them and if i go then my sister will have her oen room and all my parents love and they can finally give her the care she deserves. if i go D could finally be happy with her new friends and let go of our group to be herself. F and H will be fine . E and H and A will be too. im not a big part of their lives, C and A will have forgotten me by now. and my parents have one less problem now, they can focus on my sister, and after she moves out theyll be free from the horrible kid they have. ill be free from putting myself esteem as high as how others apreciate me. because everything i am is what evereybody else thinks of me. and im nothing no one will remember me in a year . i die now. i wish i died now i wish i just fell asleep and died. im so sorry to the people whos lives i disturbed i hope you guys will ignore all my shit and all the crap i put you through it must have been so so annoying. i wish i died back then. and i wish i die here and maybe i can gain enough courage this year. who knows i sure hope i do. i dont think i can handle life. to the new friends i made im sorry you had to put up with me . im really sorry mom and dad im sorry your second kid is a piece of shit who cant do anything and always humiliates you and annoys you .. i wish i wasnt here too and i wish i was dead so long ago. i hope truly one day i can finally go through with something and maybe thats the only thing i can get right..
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fangirlingpuggle · 2 years
Well... I have been sleep deprived and feeling sick today and apparently my brain decided that coming up with some random not serious ideas for a season 1 of a remake/adaptaion series could go(...after remembering that the awful one was actually a thing) apologises that these are will probably make zero sense and very dumb... I am still super tired.
(Note in my brain they’d only be covering the first 3 seasons so Valtors foreshadowed a lot, also fairies power only has the first 3 stages and enchantix is final/full powered form)
So all the fairies/different realms are not human and that shows all having different traits ect and that being very clear in the show, however Bloom being a bit like a changeling appearing completely human originally and season 1 as her powers start unlocking is her regaining traits and losing her human disguise (more on that further down).
The girls are all good friends no drama or conflict there, just bonding and the general agreement of ‘I have had these friends for 1 day and if anything happens to them I will destroy this entire realm’
So Bloom has to keep pretending to be Varanda for much longer and that being where conflict comes form (only the winx and later the specialists know the truth... which leads to ‘Why are you calling Varanda Bloom?’ ‘Uhhhh it’s a nickname!’) the main thing of season 1 is the winx trying to figure out how Bloom has powers and when it becomes clear she’s not human where she’s form... none of them recognise the traits Bloom’s showing and when they try to research it... all the books are blank... (because of Valtor whose foreshadowed form season 1 as only 3 seasons but they don’t know about that yet) but they keep trying eventually finding some stuff about Sparx/Domino.
They run into the trix who are also looking at this, the trix still trying to find the dragon flame.
Faragonda is less all-knowing mentor here she has no idea who Bloom is at first and when she starts seeing clues she’s suddenly very worried
It’s only when Bloom starts using fire magic that everyone realises WHO Bloom is... only problem this is revealed when her identity is revealed and Bloom due to misunderstanding with the real Varanda leaves because thinks going to be arrested for impersonating a princess... only this leaves her venerable and she gets power taken... as well as FINALLY getting full story of what happened to Domino/Sparx.
Bloom is able to gain power back as the last of Daphne’s spirit helps her, though it completely destroys her human disguise, which had also been suppressing her power because the dragon flame is crazy powerful and an infant having it... not good. So Daphne’s spirit had been holding it back and when the last of the spirit fades she’s got all of it... and a lot more dragon features... they’re able to defeat the trix but there’s now a lot of attention on her.
She’s also told all about the company of light and everything right away Faragonda and Griffin reveal about her parents and everything they know up front... they don’t talk about them normally 1) because of grief and 2) there’s really no knowledge left because Valtor basically stole it all and kept it as one last fuck you when he realised they weren’t going to win... because part dragon flame he’s been able to keep it., also becuase of how important/crazy powerful dragon flame is was king of kept a secret from anyone not the royal family.
Other point... the whole Sky love triangle thing...doesn’t end like it did before... instead both Bloom and Diaspro dump Sky... they do fight but then come to the realisation of ‘...wait...the fuck are we doing? we didn’t do anything wrong we were both lied to...WTF’ yeah Diaspro not a villain here...
And as I am writing this just realised Fairy of dragon flame and fairy of gems... now I shipping it slightly for the aesthetic...huh... also now i’m thinking baout Disapro getting a character arc helping the specialists with gem sword...
Anyway...sorry for my dumb sleep deprived ramblings
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Whacky Gotham, Goofy New York, and Chaotic Paris.
(Part 1) (Part 2) (Part 3) (Part 4) (Part 5) (Part 6) (Part 7) (Part 8)
Chapter 6: Evade The Bats, and Beat The Crows
The girls are in the old living room setting up clues (that are absolutely... useless) around Gotham. One being a picture Harley and Multimouse took earlier that day.
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"They might think to look here after they realize the clues are fake." - Steph
"Then where else would they not think to look?" - Maria
"W.E, I can get you and Harley in without them knowing easily." - Barbara said with a confident smile.
"But they'll have to go incognito... especially you Harley, no offense, but your outfit stands out just a tad." - Steph
"Ehhh, none taken, I'm sure I can tink of somthin' else tuh wear." - Harley
"I can help with that, but I'll need some clothes and some sewing supplies." - Maria said already thinking of what she could make.
Cass gave a nod and headed out of the room, after a few minutes she came back with t-shirts, jackets, sweaters, shorts, jeans, etc. and droped the pile of clothes infront of the group. She then handed Maria a sewing set she got from Alfred.
"Thanks Cass. I'll get to work on making our costumes." - Maria
"Let me help yuh wit' dat hun." - Harley said as she picked up most of the clothes for Maria
"Thanks." Maria
•—–·Let's see the Chaos shall we·–—•
"You never told us she could use magic!" - Red Hood looking under the table
"I wonder if she can infuse magic with coffee..." - Red Robin said looking in the cabinets for the third time.
"Stop looking for coffee!" - Red Hood
"She could've hidden in here." - Red Robin said while crabbing a mug
"I haven't had enough sleep to deal with this." - Selina then walked over and flopped herself on the couch and proceeded to fall asleep on impact.
"Maria get your tiny self back here right now or else!" - Tony
"Or else what? She Knows MAGIC! What else does she know that you haven't told us?!" - Red Hood
"... I never told you becuase it's meant to be a secret!" - Tony
"Oh, so now you agree with keeping things a secret?" - Red Robin grabbing the coffee
"What else can she do Tony." - Batman
"Well... she's great with tech, can kick butt in a LOT of different ways, has magic, and if she wants to, she can find and know where everyone or anyone is, but I think she gets massive headaches from a wide search like that." - Tony
"Anything else?" - Batman
(Tony thinkng of all the tiny gods she has in jewelery, and that she keeps Paris/friends and family safe on a daily basis, and that she is the well known designer MDC...)"No..." - Tony
As ivy was listening to them talk, she continued to search her garden, until one of her plants had a message fo her.
"Hello Ms. Ivy, please don't help Batman and Iron Man find us, we promise we'll be careful." - Maria
"Where are you?" - Ivy asked whispering into the plant.
After a few minutes Ivy got a detailed plan that Maria, Harley and the girls came up with to evade The IronBat group (Maria thought that would be better than ManMan group 'But it's Bat MAN and Iron MAN, so it has tuh be The ManMan group.' was Harleys defence, but Maria won that one.) and Ivy agreed to help as best she could.
•—–· Over to the Miraculous gang ·–—•
Plagg is cackling like there's no tomorrow.
"Guys something must be wrong, Plagg won't stop cackling, he won't even touch the cheese I gave him!!!" - Adrien
"There's no time for that, we need to find out where the hell Maria is!!" - Chloé
"Hahahaha, Ti- heheh Tikk- pffhaaaaaaahaha!!!" - Plagg
"He's trying to form words!" Adrien cradling Plagg in his hands "What is it my friend? Don't do this, you're to young...*sniff * you're to beautiful!"
"Hehehehe Shhhh- hahaha, she- she- haha...heheh- I'm so p-hehe-Proud wahahaha " - Plagg
"Proud?! She?! Where?! Who, is it Maria?!" - Chloé
"Hhhhhhhhahhaaaaaaaaaa" - Plagg
"Oh God he's wheezing!" - Adrien
"Hey guys, Peter and I got the snacks, found out where Maria might- oh kwami." - Alix walking into the room to a zombie looking Chloé, a panicked Adrien and the Kwami of death/bad luck/chaos laughing himself to death.
"Has he finally lost it?" - Peter
"She has become a true cat! hahahahahaaaaa heheheheeeeeee." - Plagg
Everyone in the room but Plagg "Oh fu-"
•—–· Over to the Batfam ·–—•
So everyone is panicking because for the past hour none of them could find Multimouse. Robin is sitting on the couch next to a now fully awake Selina, Red Hood and Nightwing are once again feeding each other the worst possible situation she could be in, Tony may or may not be hyperventilating, Red Robin is drinking coffee, and Batman is as stoic as ever... well on the outside anyway, on the inside, it's a warzone. Ivy is drinking her tea, slightly worried, but also hiding a small smile.
"What if we ask Oracle to try and help us find her?" - Red Robin
"... Right... Yes, ok let's do that... Bats you do it, I need to sit down." - Tony
•—–· Back to the girls ·–—•
The girls moved everything to the Bat-cave so they could set the route they would take, then the Bat-Computer started ringing.
"Hide!" - Steph
"Where, dere's nuttin' tuh hide behind!" - Harley
"Quick under the Bat-Computer." - Barbara
As soon as Harley and Maria hid under the Bat-Computer, Batman and the rest of the Batfam was on video call.
"Hey guys, what do you need?" - Barbara acting like nothing happened
"We need you to search for Maria, she's in a dark gray suit with pink accents, and she's with Harley." - Batman
"Ok, no prob, I'll contact you when I've found something." - and with that Barbara exited the call.
"Should we start heading out?" - Maria
"Yup, and here are your ID badges, don't lose them. I'll give our Batfam fake sightings, and lead them far away, then once you reach W.E I'll slowly start leading them closer to you." - Barbara
"Thanks, keep in touch if they decide to split up." - Maria
"Roger that." - Steph said giving a solute
Soon Multimouse and Harley are running over roof tops again, doing tricks, and stopping petty crimes, Barbara is leading the Batfam all over Gotham, and then they got to W.E, after Maria transformed back, they entered the building. Thanks to Babs, they entered without any problems and had free roam for the entire building, with some exceptions like new weapons designs, or the roof. They were hiding in the building for about an hour on the 7th floor when Barbara called in.
"Hey girls, you might want to be careful, I spotted some of Scarecrows goons a few blocks away, they seem to be heading in your direction, I'd say about 6mins tops until they reach W.E. Best to find a good room to stay in, or get out of there." - Barbara
"Thanks fawh de heads up Babs." - Harley
"Ok, we'll try to get out, let us know if we should turn back or not." - Maria
"Got it, and be careful." - Barbara
Maria and Harley then made their way back down, they were taking the stairs, because they figured it would be quicker, once they were on the second floor, they started to calmly make their way through the doors of the stairwell. That's when Scarecrows goons busted in, shouting for everyone to get down, Harley made sure to stay as close to Maria as possible as the goons gathered everyone to a wall. They were told to not move, talk, or do anything to anger them, once everyone was up against the wall, that's when Scarecrow came in. As he entered the room some of the employees started to look very scared, when Maria looked over to Harley, she saw her mouth 'it's ok', afterwards the goons had them all tied up and on the floor sitting down. Scarecrow scanned them before speaking.
"One of you will be testing my newest and most potent fear toxin as of yet. We can do this one out of two ways." He said lifting up two of his needle syringed fingers. "1. You can be a hero, and let yourself be my newest test subject, aka the boring way or 2. I pick whoever I want, aka the slightly less boring way. Now, who wants to go first?"
•—–· Over to Batman ·–—•
The Batfam was running around the other side of Gotham, now without Tony, because someone ( ehem Thor, ehem) was making a giant mess at Avengers Tower, and was fighting Loki... again. It was when they decided to call Oracle that things took another turn.
"Oracle have you foun- " - Batman
"They're at W.E. and Scarecrows there, I can't get in contact with them, and I can't get into the cameras at the moment, I need you to get your butts over there now!" - Oracle
"Wait you were in contact with them?!" - Red Hood
"Not the time! Just get over there before someone gets hurt!" - Oracle
"We're on our way." - Batman
They all then kicked it into high gear and were running to W.E, and out of everyone, Damian seemed to be the most visibly panicked, if him running twice as fast as everyone was any indication. At the speed they were going, they would be there in 20mins or less... hopefully.
•—–· Back to Maria and Harley ·–—•
So while Scarecrow was giving his little speech, Maria whispered into a plant to let Ivy know their situation, she wasn't able to get an answer before she and Harley were pulled away from the crowd.
"And what do we have here? Harley Quinn and a child. How interesting, well then, which one of you would like to test my new fear toxin?" - Scarecrow
"Eh, do me, I bet I got a lot o' trauma and fears from my time wit' Mistuh J. dat yuh would just love tuh see." - Harley
"... As tempting as that sounds I think I'll test it on your little friend here, after all, I know better than to mess with one of the Sirens." - As Scarecrow said that, one of the goons dragged Maria over to him. She didn't panic, she was actually really calm, which worried Harley even more because, remember all that emotional trauma she saw Maria had? Yeah, not the best match for the fear toxin.
As Scarecrow grabbed Maria, she locked eyes with Harley, and gave a brief smile before she felt a sharp jabbing pain in the side of her neck. Her vision went hazy, and from Harleys' point of view, she went a little limp from it.
As Maria started to see again she could hear screams, car alarms going off, and explosion in the distance, when she looked up, she saw them, her friends, her team... her family, they were all there lying infront of her... none of them moving, all of them were lifeless, looking as though turned into a gray husk of what they once were, and beside them were all the Kwamis, and their respective Jewelery, broken and shattered. She felt the tears fall as she looked around. Paris, the once beautiful city of lights, was now a wasteland, everything had a gray tone to it, people, animals, everything that had life... was dead.
And then she heard laughing, a sick disturbing laugh that was all to familiar... Lila. When she turned and saw Vulpina, she felt sick just looking at her.
"You have failed Maria, everyone you knew and loved is gone, all because you weren't here." - Lila
All she felt in that moment... was pure anger, she began to struggle, but somthing was holding her. She kept hearing that stupid laugh, and kept struggling harder and harder.
"You were never good enough, you were meant to always be our everyday Ladybug, but you never were, you never cared for us, and that's why, they're all gone, because you weren't good enough." - Lila
The last four words kept playing over and over in her head, until something clicked, she wasn't in Paris, so how did she get there? The last place she was at... was with Harley, she was in the W.E. building, and had fear toxin injected into her. As she came to that realization, she could hear the laughing fade just a bit, she closed her eyes and focused on finding everyone's souls, when she did, she saw that Scarecrow was right infront of her, a goon next to Harley, and a goon behind her, the other goons had left and were on the first floor. She snapped back when she heard Lilas' voice again.
"You always were stubborn and never accepted the real truth, as class president aren't you supposed to just roll over and do as you're told." - Lila
Maria was done listening to her, and decided to kick Lila in the face (since someone didn't think to tie up her ankles.)
"Just go rott in hell already you lieing fox!" - Maria
Maria didn't get any answer, all she knew was that she hit whatever was really infront of her hard. Maria then heard Lilas' voice morph into a heavier, more distorted voice.
"That's a first, guess I'll have to increase the dosage." - Scarecrow
She then felt another jabbing pain in her neck, all she could do was scream from the pain, her head was spinning, and all she could hear was laughing, sickening laughter that came from both Lila, and now Hawkmoth. One thing Scarecrow didn't account for, was the deep hatred Maria held for both individuals he made her see. Because soon after he gave her more fear toxin she got her footing, pushing back into the goon behind her before using the goons' grib on her to do a half backflip into kicking the guys face in, quickly knocking the goon out, when she stood back up she only saw Hawkmoth, surrounded by her lifeless team and family, she only saw red, and charge right at him. She kept punching and roundhouse kicking him, giving one final charge, ramming into Hawkmoth before she felt weightless. She never heard the panicked scream Harley let out, she never heard the shouts that came from the Batfam just reaching the second floor, before she hit something... something rapped around her holding her from falling any further, causing her to start thrashing around thinking it was Hawkmoth, before seeing he was also grabbed by something. She struggled ignoring the slight pain that went through her harms and legs. She slowly calmed down as she felt her feet touch the ground again, she then saw another Hawkmoth that was now mixed with Lila hug her, she tried to break free, but realized that it wasn't Lila or Hawkmoth... It was calming, and her voice was gentle, it was Ivy. She only heard a few words, that's when she felt something blow on her face, and after a few seconds, she lost conscientiousness.
Harley came sprinting down and was by Ivys' side in less than a minute. Ivy could tell Harley was worried and joined her in hugging a now sleeping Maria.
"I'm sawhry Ives, It all just happened so fast, and she was so awesome at kickin' Cranes @ss, I din't get her out of dere quick enough." - Harley said as she looked Ivy in the eyes, with tears threatening to escape.
"It's alright Harley, none of this is your fault." - Ivy replied comfortingly to Harley
As the two hugged Maria Batman came over.
"We'll take it from here." - Batman
"Hell no. We ain't leavin' her side." - Harley
Batman just let out a sigh, after he dealt with Scarecrow and his goons, Batman, along with his sons, Ivy and Harley, all headed back to the Bat-cave where the other girls and Alfred were waiting.
If anyone noticed Robin looking over to Maria with a concerned look, they just ignored it, and continued their way back home.
Chapter 6 complete! Hope you'll liked it, and are havin' a fantabulous day, stay safe and rock all those positive vibes. !BUG-OUT! 🐞💮🐞
〜(꒪꒳꒪)〜 Tag List 〜(꒪꒳꒪)〜
1st Place★: @animegirlweeb☕ , 2nd Place★: @jumpingjoy82, 3rd Place★: @zalladane, 4th Place★: @jayjayspixiepop, 5th Place★: @arty-shadow-morningstar, 6th Place★: @smol-book-nerd, 7th Place★: @irontimetravelflower, 8th Place★: @fandom-trapped-03, 9th Place★: @meme991001, 10th Place★: @buginetye, 11th Place★: @blackroserelina, 12th Place★: @jessigurl-design, 13th Place★: @adrestar , 14th Place★: @moon5608, 15th Place★: @little-bluestar, 17th Place★: @myazael, 18th Place★: @our-preciousss, 19th Place★: @wolf2118, 20th Place★: @nyx-in-line, 21st Place★: @kking13, 22nd Place★: @lunerlover2024, 23rd Place★: @moonlightstar64, 24th Place★: @corporeal-terrestrial, 25th Place★: @kashlyn, 26th Place★: @tbehartoo, 27th Place★: @heart-charming, 28th Place★: @solangelo252, 29th Place★: @t1dwarrior-of-earth, 30th Place★: @lady-phoenix-of-tardis, @lupagrimm
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antiloreolympus · 3 years
8 Anti LO Asks
1. as a mythology buff, i honestly think it was really weird of rachel smythe to take Hecate, a goddess who helped Demeter search for Persephone after she vanished and heard her screams and shared in Persephone and Demeter's joy after reuniting... and then just make her into Hades's like... total bro who plays aggressive matchmaker to h/p to the point of trying to break up Hades's current relationship. but honsestly i refuse to believe rachel smythe did literally any research before making this comic judging by how she depicts the mythology she's taking inspiration from so honestly im not suprised
2. I don’t know if anyone on here has discussed this, but LO very much plays into the idea of “good victim vs bad victim”.
A “good victim” has suffered many things, but despite it they still remain cheerful and happy and pleasant, they do not put others out or lash out at them even if they are triggered, they do not become petty or angry or hold onto negative emotions. They, in essence, “get over it”. Thus, the narrative rewards them: they get many friends, a love internet they’re happy with, and a happy ending. This is what Persephone is. She’s the “good victim”. Despite her many hardships, we know she will not suffer in the end. She will get everything she wants and more. 
Then there is Minthe, the “bad victim”. They too have gone through many hardships, but they’ve become cold, angry at the world, they lash out and have trouble opening up and connecting to others, they even hurt others, themselves victims to the toxic pain they can’t get rid it. They do not and have not “gotten over it”.  Thus, the narrative punishes them, even when they try to better themselves. It’s never good enough. These characters often are lonely, the cast are large do not like them if not outright hate them, and they more often than not end up dead. This is what Minthe is. She is not a pleasant person, she’s a victim of a manipulative older man and a cruel, unjust society and system, and we know how her story ends. It’s in pain, her maiming/possible death framed as a joke and not even a genuine hint of sympathy towards her fate. She was a “bad victim”, she “deserved” what she got.
Now, you only often see this in fandom, since the actual works that deal with victims of trauma and how they react will often try to give more nuance to every shade of victim they may have on cast, but it’s very disturbing to me that Rachel seems to eagerly play into this idea, like she gets joy out of punishing a victim she created and watching them suffer even more at her hands. It’d be one thing if she kept Minthe a shallow, one dimensional character who was just evil for the sake of it, fine, but her showing us her actual complex nature and the very real struggles, trauma, and manipulation she went through, especially at the hands of our supposed “heroes” of the story, just to have her demise framed as a win for Persephone and a joke for the audience to laugh at? That’s highly disturbing to me. It’s one thing for fans to act that way, but the writer themselves? It’s very dark, to say the least. 
3. "I'm invested in working with fairy tales and folklore for my next project" oh no no no oh god please no. Fairy tales have been through enough hot takes and modern "betterments", they really don't need Rachel "Apollo is bad, actually" Smythe to add to it
4. Quick question
Greek Mythology is mostly incest.
So what if someone who is actually good at writing and storytelling and consistent artwork
Kept it in
For example Zeus and  Hera arguing like the married couple they are
And Hera uses older sibling card
With Zeus dumbfounded face
I don't know why but I want it but would it be weird since it's incest
Most fanfics always keep it out. Just keep it in if you want it to be closer than the actual methods you know
Hera is youngest daughter of Cronus and Rhea and older than her brother Zeus, who was also her husband.
I want to do it but like I have no clue how to start a webtoon so you know💀
5. Oh god, Hades not needing therapy because Persephone's "love" is enough? To quote my lord and savior Kennie JD: "not the p*$$¥ being therapy!"
6. uuuuuh sexual trauma warning.?
So I was writing a comment on the "Re: bpd" ask and i had a realization about persephone
She reminds me of how I was about the idea of sex
I'm demisexual and have sexual trauma and the idea of sex excited me but I wasn't able to like, do it. Me and my partner would mess around but because Mctrauma i couldn't do it cuz I hadn't exactly worked through my trauma and i wanted to get through that because i was finally experiencing sexual attraction.
Kinda reminds me of Persephone. The problem is at that point it had been 6-7 years since my trauma occurred and persephone's happened like last month.
Considering how everyone talks about persephone being a self insert i think Rachel has some things to work through
Also made the realization literally as im typing that Rachel's attitude towards asexuality could be because she's demi and doesn't fully understand what that is or means
becuase if you're ignorant enough you can 100% end up describing demisexuality as "being asexual and then like, slowly turning gay."
this ask weirdly personal so fuck it this is gonna be anonymous feel free to delete if it makes u uncomfy 
7. That’s also a part about Hubris Rachel clearly doesn’t get: it was always committed by rich, often people in high authority, NEVER lowly farmers or the poorest of ancient society. They always knew better. Niobe was a queen! Minos was a king! Arachne was the rich, spoiled daughter of a really successful merchant. Sisyphus was a cunning king. The trojan war was kicked off by royal drama. The list goes on and on. You have to notice these things and genuinely study the myths or you become like Rachel, who seems convinced the poorest people would be stupid enough to not only defy their bosses, but the gods themselves? They would be the last people to do such a thing! They don’t have the ingrained sense of entitlement and arrogance like the rich and powerful to even dare act like that towards the gods, as is the case with hubris. Because of this, Rachel ends up creating a narrative that the rich and powerful (literal GODS) are the real victims to those cruel, uppity poor people, going as far as to say in comic they deserve to be slaves for hades’ benefit and they’re wrong for ever hating Persephone for, you know, murdering them because she had a bad day! They should know their place! It’s absolutely insane that she doesn’t actually seem to realize what she’s writing. Unless she does, which is an even bigger issue, and shows a really dark look into how she views the world and society and how it should be run. It’s all a bad look. 
8. Have you seen the "The demon, is here in the room right now?" meme
Welp, that's literally Persephone and her "feeling"
I legit saw that video about a dude faking a mental illnes (and seeing a demon that made him do bad things) after he commited a crime and that was so cringy and I can't stop thinking about Persephone confessing her AOW like that
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liittlenightmares · 3 years
IM GLAD YOU HATED THE ENDING BECAUSE I DID TOO 😡 ok but serious talk? I think that after all that buildup just to have six "betray" mono at the end is just such a waste and made no sense. Because multiple times throughout the game six had many MANY chances to lose Mono and she still didn't because I believe they genuinely built up a friendship. I mean just take the very last scene itself, if Six had always wanted to get rid of Mono she wouldn't have gone put of her way to catch him at the end?
YEP YEP YEP. Those are my thoughts exactly. They didn't show these moments of bonding for them to have been fake. Those were VERY much real. And very much important. And so much went into developing this. Trust aspect. And then it's just thrown away with little to no explanation or with vague implications. I respect the devs and I know they had this in mind and whatnot but god I can't help but feel that it's just. Why? What's the point in destroying that? You could've had Six like. Miss him accidentally or he doesn't jump far enough or something and that STILL would've been heartbreaking but at least you wouldve known that that trust and friendship was still very much there. I think the problem is that I'm. Uncomfortable with the concept of Six's intentions being up to interpretation. You want to believe that she didn't mean to be mean at all, but you can never fully 100% defend it, not entirely, and it just bugs me. I don't like thinking badly of herSJEHDJDB
But you're right. Some people have been saying things like, "Oh, she couldn't kill Mono initially because he HAD to be in the signal tower" but why? What motivation would Six have for Mono specifically to get dropped there? If you're going by the time loop theory, Mono already destroyed the thin man. If six had saved Mono, he wouldn't have become the next thin man. They would have gotten out, essentially breaking the loop. There's no motivation for her to let him fall to avoid him becoming the thin man, because he only becomes that WHEN SHE DROPS HIM. That would be the exact opposite of what she wants: the thin man coming back. So I think that pushes out the possibility that she was waiting until the signal tower to kill/betray mono or something. That doesn't make sense at all. With that in mind, this leaves the option for her to have literally let Mono die anywhere else at any opportunity if that truly was her goal (which I don't think it is). Like, yeah, she needs him to progress, but she doesn't know when and where she'll be able to progress alone or not. She's been on her own before and knows how to go about things. She wouldn't just be keeping him around for no reason, and she certainly wouldn't stay with him if she didn't care about him considering her independence. There's MULTIPLE times where she's shown to have empathy, caring, etc. Reacting when he dies or falls, taking his hand, offering her hand, etc.
Something terribly wrong happens when she gets taken by the thin man, especially when that glitched/shadow form of her appears. She tries escaping back to Mono, but she gets pulled back and taken. She gets distorted into a monster. But EVEN THEN she doesn't react with hostility at first. She's cautious of mono, but recognizes his voice at least, following him when he calls to her. She will swat at him warningly if he gets too close, but it's not enough to hurt him, and it seems more wary becuase she's so focused on that music box. This form of hers just screams her true feelings to me. She's a scared kid clinging onto something that gives her comfort, and of course she reacts badly to mono hitting it, even if he had the best intentions. So...monster Six's actions really genuinely make me feel that six does care about mono, that she isn't just. This sadistic mean person.
Something is very, very wrong with that glitched shadow form of her, and I feel like that form is 100% responsible for six dropping mono. It's not a coincidence at all the shadow form shows up immediately after six escapes. Those events have to be linked, and not just to Six's hunger. That occurs after the shadow disappears.
I'm kinda rambling at this point and I should be asleep but. Point is. There's a LOT of nuance to this and I don't think it's as easy as "six did it on purpose becuase she's sadistic" or whatever. There's. A lot going on here. And it's confusingFKFHDJ
Anyway. six and mono you both deserved better than this </3
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