#because it would be to have two weeks to recover AND mod
dawns-beauty · 1 month
The problem with making mods is that it feels like you have to make mods for your mods and then mods for those mods sometimes.
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aziraphales-library · 6 months
Hullo lovely people! Wonderful work as per usual; I hope you guys have recovered somewhat from the devastation of the S2 Finale....because I have not. 😭😭😭 Do you happens to have a list of fix-it recs? And if you haven't, I would like to toss TheBobblehat's 'Revelations' into the ring!
Hi! Here are some series two fix-it fics for you...
and now that i know (i wish you'd left me wondering) by angelwiththebluebox (T)
It had been 4 weeks, 3 days and 21 minutes since Aziraphale walked into that elevator. Not that Crowley was counting. Because he wasn’t.
A Proper Apology by cyankelpie (G)
A series of phone calls following the end of season two, in which an angel learns to apologize.
the human custom of wrong love by pinklemonades (T)
He supposes he should’ve seen it coming from the moment they met in the garden when their lives became inextricably intertwined to the point of mutually assured destruction if either of them tried to leave. (or in which Aziraphale realizes that Heaven will never care for him the way he wanted them to, Crowley can’t figure out why he can’t let go and leave as easily as Aziraphale did, and the two lovers realize they need to learn how to love without hurting)
Separate Ways by Fire_Traveller (T)
After Aziraphale returns back to Heaven to take on Gabriel's job, Crowley is left behind with the shattered pieces of his life and his heart. He tries to adjust, but it doesn't go all that well. Muriel tries their best to offer support, but in the end, it takes Aziraphale and a proper talking to each other to patch up the broken pieces...
there's something so lonesome, something so wholesome by sherashalala (G)
Muriel has been appointed as the assistant bookshop keeper of A.Z. Fell and Co., and they like to think that they're doing a very good job at it. Especially if Muriel has been actively been coordinating with both of their bosses-- Mr. Aziraphale and Mr. Crowley. Secretly to the people of London, Muriel is an Angel! (Nina and Maggie know that Muriel is no human) And being an Angel, Muriel can feel Love in the bookshop. So much of it. So much whenever either of their Bosses come and go. Obviously, as an Angel who has the best interest of their boss in mind, they're going to have to find a way to propagate this. ~+~ Basically: Muriel tries to get the ineffable husbands to make up.
To Err is Human; To Save the World, Divine by LupusDragon (T)
Almost immediately after arriving in Heaven, Aziraphale realizes his mistake and returns to ask Crowley for forgiveness. And ask for his help in saving the world all over again.
And the one you mentioned...
Revelations by TheBobblehat (T)
Muriel has officially been designated the keeper of Aziraphale's bookshop. While running it, they find what the humans call a Die-Airy, and uses it to log in their days on Earth, and everything they see while in the heart of London. Including a potential reunion between the shop's former keeper and his closest companion.
- Mod D
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fereldanwench · 1 year
WIP Wednesday
I was tagged by @wanderingaldecaldo to share some stuff I'm working on so AU rambling it is!
(Also I just realized that I am once again so behind on keeping up with my mentions and asks. I need more hours in the day. 😭)
So as some of y'all know, I am a long-time Tomb Raider super fan, and facets of OG Lara Croft almost always influence my OCs because she is just goals. Valerie was no exception here--Her canon street style and effortlessly cool and tough yet elegant vibes were very much inspired by the one and only Lady Croft.
When I realized that across these three mods (one, two, three) I could make a Tomb Raider Underworld-inspired outfit for Valerie, that just became my sole reason for living for like six hours.
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Initially, I wasn't planning on delving into a story or anything with the shots--I just wanted to play with some Tomb Raider-esque settings to get a little break from the high-tech/low-life urban setting to refresh the muse--But then I realized this could actually be the perfect setting to explore another idea I had been sitting on for a while.
I had wanted to play with a Yakuza!Goro AU for some time now (turning to a life of organized crime if Arasaka hadn't picked him up has always seemed like something that could have been in the realm of possibility based on the little bit he shares about his childhood), and Lara does get tangled up with some Yakuza shenanigans in some storylines so 💡💡💡 Treasure Hunter/Yakuza AU: I Only Play for Sport (based on Lara's iconic one-liner in the intro of the 1996 game) was officially born!
Work has been nuts the past few weeks, and I didn't really feel like trying to figure out how to mod tats on Goro myself, so I asked the wonderful @86maylin if she was up for a private commission. Luckily, she was. 🙏🙏🙏 (Thank you again, May!)
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This has also been another journey into building with AMM--I have a few very specific scenes in mind, and I wanted them to be in totally original settings created specifically for this AU instead of defaulting to my usual locations (like Hanako's estate).
To kick that off, I decided I wanted to make a little living space for Goro. I got a lot of good practice building a stage, essentially, when I did the little villainess shoot a little while ago, so I felt pretty confident that I could put together something loosely inspired by the Tokyo penthouse Lara visits in Tomb Raider Legend.
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That game is almost 20 years old now, though, so the assets there were obviously very limited, and I wanted to make something a little more complete and cozy for Goro's home base, as it were. I'm still not finished with it (maybe like 75% of the way there), but I'm pretty happy with the progress:
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And another huge thank you to @bnbc and @arasakas-ronin for y'all's prop packs because they have done a lot to add some of that cool-artifact-treasure-hunting goodness to the scene. (I've used a lot but I think this toy set and this decor set were most prominently used.)
And as for the story itself?
Well, no one's here for the plot, right? 😅
I am slowly working on a couple of photostories inspired by some scenes in the Tomb Raider movies and games, and I have a general gist of the premise: Valerie is a wealthy heiress with a fondness for adventure and recovering lost artifacts with presumed supernatural abilities, and Goro is the right-hand man of a Yakuza boss who has a similar interest in such artifacts. They end up having their sights set on the same artifact (currently unknown to me, lmao, although I am very aware of the issues with the genre when it comes to, yanno, glorifying white Westerners stealing shit from other cultures so I want to be mindful that I don't fall into that same pitfall) and sexy rival treasure hunter shenanigans ensue.
So this is what I've been working on! It's a total pet project, I'm so excited about it, and I figured the time between now and Phantom Liberty coming out would be the best time to just go ham with photomode and mods and create a totally self-indulgent crossover that combines my great video game loves.
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And one last thing before I shut up, because I wanna share how Tomb Raider has always been a part of Valerie's background: her surname, Powell, was inspired by Manfred Powell, the antagonist in the 2001 Tomb Raider movie. Bonus fact: I used the name "Nishimura" in this photo story, which is also the name of two characters in the Tomb Raider universe (Lara's friend Toru Nishimura in Legend and her girlfriend Sam Nishimura in the 2013 reboot.)
Okay, if you read all of this, you're now legally obligated to share something you've been working on, too. 💙
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winterironmonth · 1 year
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We apologize for being late for those of you who like to have time to plan what you are going to write in advance for events like this, time got away from us both last month but here are the prompts to show our two favorite iron dummies some love!
WinterIron Month is a month long event with the intent to create new works but also recommend works created by others! There are two (2) weeks in which prompts are given. There is one (1) SFW prompt week, while there is one (1) NSFW prompt week. During these two prompt weeks, there are three (3) prompts given each day—you can choose which one(s) to do—and you are more than welcome to combine all three prompts for a day.
All types of creations are accepted whether it be writing, artwork, moodboards, fanvids, playlists, crafts, or anything else! The type of work you want to create is yours to chose from.
The other two weeks are rec weeks, one (1) week for SFW recs and one (1) week for NSFW recs. During these two weeks, there are a general (or at least we tried to make most of them broad/general) category in which you will recommend another creator’s work that falls under that category!
You can participate as much as you would like, there is no minimum amount or maximum! We just want people to have fun.
At the TOP of your work, please state which WEEK, DAY and TYPE of prompt (e.g., ‘SFW Sunday: Word’ or ‘NSFW Wednesday: Dialogue/Sentence’. Please don’t do this: ‘SFW Thursday: Birthday’) you’ve done, to make it easier for us mods, to tag accordingly when we reblog!
To help us see/find your work easier, tag us @winterironmonth in your post.
Add your work to our collection, and also state which WEEK, DAY, and TYPE of prompt you’ve done in the SUMMARY section (e.g., ‘SFW Sunday: Word’ or ‘NSFW Wednesday: Dialogue/Sentence’. Please don’t do this: ‘SFW Thursday: Birthday).
If you still have more questions, check out our FAQ or check out our faq tag.
SFW Week One (March 1st-March 7th):
Wednesday (March 1st):
TROPE/AU: Second Chances
WORD: Dancing
DIALOGUE: “The first time you smiled it felt like the universe aligned.”
Thursday (March 2nd):
TROPE/AU: Secret Kisses
WORD: Curses
DIALOGUE: "You need to know that I have grown to care for you. Deeply."
Friday (March 3rd):
TROPE/AU: Bodysharing
WORD: Medicine
DIALOGUE: "Let's not BeReal, let's BeEngaged... That was corny, huh?"
Saturday (March 4th):
TROPE/AU: Breakfast in Bed
WORD: Stars
DIALOGUE: "I don't know if I can't bring myself to speak it."
Sunday (March 5th):
TROPE/AU: Small Town Dynamics
WORD: Masks
DIALOGUE: “You know where to find me.”
Monday (March 6th):
TROPE/AU: Natural Disaster
WORD: Helmet
DIALOGUE: "You can't divorce me just because you lost in the game. It doesn't work like that!"
Tuesday (March 7th):
Trope/AU: Roommate AU
WORD: Banana
DIALOGUE: "One of us is clearly smarter than the other."
SFW Recs Week Two (March 8th-14th):
Wednesday (March 8th): Your Favorite Slow Burn Fic
Thursday (March 9th): Most Underappreciated Fic You've Read
Friday (March 10th): A Fic You Had To Mentally Recover From
Saturday (March 11th): Your Favorite AU Fic
Sunday (March 12th): The Funniest Fic You Read Recently
Monday (March 13th): Your Favorite Canon Fic
Tuesday (March 14th): A Fic That Inspired You To Write
NSFW Week Three (March 15th-21st):
Wednesday (March 15th):
WORD: Whip
DIALOGUE: “I swear it was an accident.”
Thursday (March 16th):
TROPE/KINK: Blindfold
WORD: Massage
DIALOGUE: "What's that saying? Save a cowboy, ride a horse?? Or was it save a horse, ride a cowboy? Yeah, I dunno. I just know I want to fuck you."
Friday (March 17th):
WORD: Brothel
DIALOGUE: "Are you really that oblivious?"
Saturday (March 18th):
TROPE/KINK: Muscle Kink
WORD: Licking
DIALOGUE: "There is no such thing as a nice murderer."
Sunday (March 19th):
TROPE/KINK: Body Worship
WORD: Seduction
DIALOGUE: “Let me see those eyes.”
Monday (March 20th):
TROPE/KINK: Sensation Play
WORD: Defiance
DIALOGUE: “Don’t hold back.”
Tuesday (March 21st):
TROPE/KINK: Oral Fixation
WORD: Meddling
DIALOGUE: "Ruin me."
NSFW Recs Week Four (March 22nd-28th):
Wednesday (March 22nd): The Last NSFW Fic You Read
Thursday (March 23rd): A Fic You Started For The NSFW But Stayed For The Plot
Friday (March 24th): A NSFW Fic You Will Always Go Back To Re-read
Saturday (March 25th): A Fic With Your Favorite NSFW Trope
Sunday (March 26th): A NSFW Fic That Made You Cry
Monday (March 27th): A NSFW Fic That's Sweet Like Candy
Tuesday (March 28th): Your Favorite NSFW AU Fic
Free Choice Week Five (March 29th-March 31st):
There are no set prompts or recs this week. You have three (3) days of free choice! You are welcome to use any prompts you haven’t used from above, or you can rec other works that didn’t fall under our categories!
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Happy New Year! The Torchwood Archive turns two today! Thank you so much for continuing to support fic and creators as we catalog our favorite Torchwood stories across different platforms.
Below are fics are recommend by you, or followers and our mods, about change, new beginnings, and/or the new year.
Do Not Go Gentle by Someawkwardprose (JackIanto | complete | 17796 | M)
His hands were shaking. Lisa was dead.
He fished out his lighter from his coat (the nice peacoat Yvonne had bought him for Christmas, year before last) and opened a window. Lit a fag with trembling fingers. Lisa was dead. They’d killed her, the whole bloody team, and he hated them.
Lisa was dead, and he wasn’t.
He watched the smoke twist and curl, dancing out of the open window and into the night.
or, Broken, if Ianto Jones hadn't stepped into the Ferret.
a rectangle of a perfectly blue sky by MonsterMince (CarlaJackPeris, JackIanto | complete | 7638 | T)
Jack learns that if he opens his bloodline connection with Carla, then she can help him recover memories of his team. They learn more about each other's lives and loved ones during their trek, and in the end, those memories of loved ones lost drive him back to the Veda to atone and to help them rebuild. For Persis.
From the Dust Returned by Paycheckgurl (JackIanto, OwenTosh | WIP | 11017 | T)
Ianto, Owen, and Toshiko are back…but things are not the same as they were. Team Torchwood tries to adjust to new coworkers, the march of time, and their new hardware while a mysterious computer virus harms more than just computers.
All I can do is hold you tight by Beleriandings (Gwen&Jack, JackGwenIantoRhys | complete | 3084 | G)
Gwen found Jack, as she had expected, on the roof.
Ghost of New Year's Past by Clare_Hope (Jack&Tosh | complete | 2346 | T)
Tosh picks up the ghost machine in the Hub and is shown what happened there on New Year's Eve, 1999.
Auld Lang Syne by BricklingGhost (TeamGwenee) (Gwen&Owen&Tosh&Ianto | complete | 1864 | Not Rated)
Gwen did not fear ghosts. Except for the exact ghosts she wanted to see above all else
Straysverse by NancyBrown (JackIanto, IantoOC, IantoAmy, AmyRory | series, complete | 93,539 | Various Ratings)
Amy recreated the universe and brought back the dead, but the dead don't fit there anymore.
The Blessing of Cruel Angels by Vera (Vera_DragonMuse) (OwenTosh | complete | 8129 | M)
In one possible world, Owen makes a phone call that will change everything.
forever, and what comes after (JackIanto, GwenRhys, Gwen&Ianto, Rhys&Jack | complete, series | 10028 | T)
“Hm, imagine if they did,” Ianto said. “Torchwood would have to come out of retirement.”
In which Gwen and Ianto relax at a spa, Jack and Rhys attempt bad science, and Anwen is just along for the ride.
Sweetness Follows by ShastaFirecracker (JackIanto | complete | 6241 | G)
After one of the most horrific weeks of her life, Rhiannon refuses to let her brother disappear into his mysterious job again without giving her some real answers - or without introducing her to the man he's in love with.
Operation Awesome by A_N_D (Gen | complete | 13958 | G)
"You're going on and on as though traveling in space was the only thing that made Donna's life worthwhile."
"Yeah," Clyde backed her up. "And on behalf of those who haven't, gee thanks for suggesting there's no point to our existence."
"It's really quite illogical to keep saving the planet and then assume that its inhabitants' lives have nothing to value," Luke added.
"So shouldn't we be focusing less on how to get the Time Lord bits out of her head and more on helping her develop here?"
Everything that Donna Noble learned to be on her travels, all that self-confidence, came from within. Just because she can't be reminded of the Doctor doesn't mean she can't be reminded of how awesome she is.
The Children of Time won't leave one of their own behind.
The View From Here by sherlockpond (JackIanto | complete | 2971 | G)
“That view... reminds me of my first day,”
“You too, eh?”
“I think he brings everyone up here,”
“God, he is such a show-off,"
The End is Where We Start From by Aliciajazmin (JackIanto, Gwen&Tosh, Ianto&Tosh, ToshOwen | complete | 2451 | T)
Thanks to the use of nanogenes, Toshiko Sato survives Gray's attack. Unfortunately, the same couldn't be said for Owen Harper. So what happens next?
All that we have, and all that you need by Beleriandings (JackIanto, GwenRhys, Lois&Team | complete | 7077 | T)
After the 456, Lois goes to work for Torchwood Three in Cardiff. It takes a little bit of adjustment, but she soon finds out that's only the beginning.
A Matter of Choice by thirteeninafez (JackIanto, Gwen&Ianto, Ianto&Martha | complete | 27602 | T)
A story about making difficult choices for the people you love, and the forgiveness that somehow has to come thereafter.
No time like the present by Beleriandings (gwen&Jack, JackIanto, Gwen&Ianto | complete | 1964 | G)
Jack raised an eyebrow. “Gwen Cooper… have you been secretly planning to come out of retirement?”
“Not on your life,” said Gwen. “But I have been doing a bit of… freelancing, I guess you could call it.”
In this new skin that we have grown by Beleriandings (GwenRhys, JackIanto, GwenRhysIantoJack | complete | 15787 | E)
After the House of the Dead, Gwen and Rhys bring Jack and Ianto home.
Children, Daleks, and Mopeds: How Gwen Cooper Got Her Groove Back by Paycheckgurl (GwenRhys, Gwen&Jack | complete | 9603 | T)
Following a disastrous shopping trip that put her at the center of an explosion, Gwen finds a little alien boy.
Or: The series of events in which Gwen acquired another child, had a much needed conversation with Jack, bought a moped, defeated a Dalek with a boxing glove, and learned that loving yourself and saving the world don’t need to be mutually exclusive
A coda to Revolution of the Daleks where I explain why Gwen has a son all of a sudden.
Should I Stay or Should I Go by Paycheckgurl (Gen | complete | 1080 | T)
Martha Jones sets out to freelance. But deep down she knows she’s running.
A Hundred Ways to Say Goodbye by AVAAntares (JackIanto | complete | 10401 | G)
Thirty years after the death of Ianto Jones, Jack Harkness discovers a cache of letters from him.
Torchwood Hall by BricklingGhost (TeamGwenee) (JackIanto, GwenRhys | complete | 10762 | Not Rated)
There is something curious about Torchwood Hall and its enigmatic owner. Heroine in training Miss Gwen Cooper resolves to get to the bottom of the estate's mysterious inhabitants, and finds herself immersed in a world more dangerous and glorious than she ever could have imagined.
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gloryride · 10 months
was tagged by @therealnightcity @chevvy-yates @morganlefaye79 💗💗
As I've fractured my elbow, I'm on a hiatus. My left arm is immobilised for a week, so I will be very slow.
But I can list what I have in mind, what I've planned to do, and what I've started to do.
The sequel to the meeting between Vanessa and Valentin. I've got the idea that Jackie will ask Vanessa to be nicer to his choom. I've got the whole script in my head, dialogues, even the camera angles. All that's left is to do it.
The rest of my fic. I last updated it in February. I've had writer's block since I started working. Moreover, I prefer to write in French and then translate to English. It takes a lot of time and energy, but I can only write partially in English. I'm going to use voice dictation to get ahead while I recover. Then I'll just have to translate. For those interested, I'm using a combo of DeepL and Grammarly.
Continue the story Vanessa and Valentin's AU where they're nomads. After all, he'd invited her for a drink, so it would be a shame if he didn't.
A two-part story about how Enzo wants to sell his brother's car in 2074, but his father refuses because he was the one who gave it to him. And how Enzo goes to Night City for the first time to look for Virgile ... Enzo's 19yrs preset is already done !
Enzo and Jay first meet. Before they got together, there was a car race where Enzo lost his McLaren. I still remember my arrogant baby driver being quite cold to Jay, like, you know who I am. And also his face when he loses, because for him it was impossible! It doesn't matter if it's Chevvy or me doing it, btw! Because I've also got the rest in mind. After all, he's going to have to tell his dad, and Dad won't like that his son gambled away his million-dollar car just for his ego.
Put my old mods in XL. I've already got designs for the aprons. I've got new styles for my suits. And I've got my shorts. And 2 more things ...
A collab with Meluminary. All I have to do is create the structure and make the icons. My only hand should be enough for that.
I'd started doing custom poses. I'd stopped for lack of time, but I wanted to try again for a break in particular. It remains to be seen whether I'll need both hands for Blender.
In the meantime, I'm trying out voice dictation on my iPhone, so I can write as little as possible because I look like an old lady typing with two fingers and one hand. It could help me unblock my handwriting.
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Someone on a Skyrim Discord recently described Inigo as 'an inactive mod that hadn't been updated in seven years' and my first response was total jubilation.
Thank the gods someone finally said it. They're absolutely right. The mod is unfinished, hasn't been updated in years, but people treat it as the be all and end all of follower mods. It truly isn't. I know Inigo brought a lot of joy to a lot of people's lives and the mod was excellent for 2015... but it's not aged well.
Turn away now if you don't want to read the specifics of what I find off putting about the mod.
8000 lines, including ones focusing on trivia like how much of a given item you have, or what day of the week it is, or the weather, but nothing whatsoever on any DLC content.
Inconsistent characterisation - he comes across as comforting best friend and occasional source of wisdom but his backstory isn't conducive to that at all. He's a recovering skooma addict and former bandit, that's the guys who waylay travellers and kill them for their stuff, and he killed the last two companions he had. He thinks you're the last one who's survived somehow. This should not make him a lovable bestie, this should give you the creeps. And yet we're supposed to believe he's worked through all this in weeks and healed. I'm all for a former bastard getting redeemed but the redemption seems to have happened offscreen which is unsatisfying.
Backstory infodumping - modern mods have the backstory revealed organically over time. Like how a person would do it. Not one conversation where thirty years worth of backstory gets dumped on you at once. And you have to sit through this in order to unlock the summon spell and personal quest. Which involves meeting the Most Annoying Man In Skyrim and you're not allowed to kill him. You are in fact expected to take it on trust that your mentally not well bestie is actually the saviour of the world from some unknown threat. No evidence of course beyond the vague psychic visions of the aforementioned Annoyance. You just have to take it on trust. And because no updates in years, you never get to find out what happens next.
And finally a lot of the backstory just feels more like a children's story than an actual adventure. Inigo falling into the clutches of an evil wizard who turns people into chickens and rabbits to act as spies. Mr Dragonfly. Inigo's adventures with his brother. Just could have been a lot better executed. You're infodumped on and told how to feel and if your feelings don't align with that, it's clearly your fault. And that's not good storytelling. How much better would Inigo have been if you'd come across the campsite where they killed Fergus and couldn’t save him but you could save Inigo? And then later adventures happen and you get to find Mr Dragonfly together. Have that adventure with Chicken wizard together. Langley's attempts to reach you just start happening without needing to unlock the tragic backstory. An opportunity missed.
As it is, the next generation of followers have clearly learned from all this. Remiel does better on the weird pet front and personal quest that lets you kill the annoyance. Redcap does better at lovable goofball who's ferociously loyal no matter what. Gore does better at the redemption arc and traumatic past bit. DLC commentary is treated as a valid item for the to do list, not something for the creator's moderators to all wonder why so many people want that. And the next gen followers all talk to each other!
Inigo could be that too... but it was never to be.
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cadmusfly · 2 years
Current recounting of projects for self accountability purposes, but mostly they're on the backburner because I'm in uni heck
SbS - unfinished writing draft at 65k words - I'm a little stuck because I hit some really high points that I wanted to hit. I need to fight the temptation to restart a new draft. I miss my boat boys (I mean I miss all my characters but my boat boys are the ones I rotisserie blorbo in my head)
Shipshape - age of sail asynchronous ttrpg - mechanics are partially rewritten but I got stuck (do you see a pattern) on how to deal with health and how to hook it into the attributes which I've redone - thinking about stealing some ideas from Forged in the Dark and Sparked by the Resistance games though
Also I want to run another Shipshape game after I emerge from uni heck and after I rewrite the mechanics! I have a vague idea involving a polar expedition aiming to search and recover a vanished previous polar expedition looking for the... South East passage, probably not outright horror but possibly mildly supernatural. Maybe December or next year for six weeks.
I was going to write some retrospectives on it but just sort of fell over and then time passed whoops - but I would like to release this as an actual TTRPG that can be played either around a table or asynchronously, though that would require a lot more work (and while I want to use AI image synthesis for small icons I'd want to commission people for illustrations and cover art, if I actually manage to ever get this into a publishable form)
The Wires - AI art comic - conceptual sequel to The Captain's Dream in that TCD cited only public domain artists and TW is intended to cite no artists, but absolutely no relation in terms of subject matter whatsoever, not making a lot of progress here but this is a much shorter term project than the above two
XIVLogger - plugin/mod for a certain video game - This is technically a project I have. It exists. People use it! and also the autologging broke and I should fix that
At some point looking at my website and actually doing something with it and fixing the link to my thesis because that broke even though i made a promise to keep it up - website - uh
Boris - Boris - Boris.
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forbidden-creepypasta · 5 months
The Red Star
As most nostalgic, pre-Playstation oldfag gamers know, Chrono Trigger was one of the best RPG's of its time, and continues to maintain a huge fan base to this day.
Among the most hardcore Chrono Trigger fans, many movements to produce 3D renditions of the old Super Nintendo game in a "nextgen" feel have been attempted, but SquareSoft has shut every operation down with threats of licensing rights lawsuits and prosecution. For this reason, many talented game developers took to modding their own versions of the game to play with close friends or by themselves, because releasing these fan-mods on the internet would result in a huge risk.
One such game freak who lived in Silicon Valley the year that the primary CT remake was released decided that he was fed up with SquareSoft's attempt at butchering a classic story line that was already strong enough as it stood without introducing an entirely new continent with a complicated back story (Chrono Break). His online handle is known as "Anderson," but no other information about his whereabouts have surfaced since he released a small, two gigabyte mod based on the original SNES game entitled "Red Star."
The file mirror where the mod could be located has been lost since 2005, and only five people have reported their experiences with the game on the private forum tracker where the game was first uploaded.The forum posts are less than three sentences long and consist of nonsensical, cryptic statements, such as "This can't be the way it ends" and "won't stop falling, won't stop falling, redstarwontstopfallingpleasestopfallingpleasestop," and "You can't save Crono. Don't try. Forget about this game...."
I am one of those five, and the last remaining player who is willing to tell my story. The others have cut themselves off from technology completely. They don't even have computers or consoles anymore. Mostly, they stick to the outdoors or confine themselves to an almost Amish existence.Two of them are dead. I found the game by rifling through one of the deceased player's garbage bin outside their apartment until I could recover her hard drive.
Before playing the game, I had a lot of questions, but was only able to physically locate one other person who'd downloaded the modded file. I swore that I wouldn't reveal his identity, but he lives in the Rocky Mountains, in complete isolation. He doesn't own a phone, and when I knocked on his door to request his findings to compare to my own, he brandished a twelve gauge shotgun and told me never to bring up "that thing under the earth" again. I could only assume that he was referring to Lavos, but the fear in his eyes suggested that he thought the game was real. That's the only way I can explain it.
Being an almost religious Chrono Trigger fan, I took a week of vacation at work before I finally switched out my hard drive for the one I found in the trash outside the dead girl's place. After firing up my computer, I found the file in the recycle bin, but it had not been permanently deleted. The icon was a red knife, similar to the sprite of the knife that the "prophet" Magus used to attempt to destroy Lavos after the Mammon Machine disaster in the Ocean Palace. I restored it and double clicked my mouse.
The program immediately full-screened itself, and when I attempted to alt+enter and shrink the playing window, the game didn't respond. It was like its own hacked instance of a ZSNES emulator, except the graphics and textures were nextgen quality. The title screen still consisted of the game's name, but instead of a swinging pendulum back and forth to symbolize the theme of time travel in the game, it just sits, completely motionless.
When I pressed start and proceeded to start a new game, I didn't get the chance to name Crono or choose "Active" or "Wait" for my battle status.
I expected Crono to wake up in a nextgen 3D rendition of his upstairs bedroom with the sound of chirping birds and his mother pestering him to wake up and get to the Millenial Fair.
Instead, the opening shot is a pan over of West Cape, where the player can choose to fight or recruit Magus as a party member in the original game. In Red Star, Magus isn't there, and Crono should be dead at that stage in the game.... but he's not. Chrono is standing over what appears to be a group of graves, which would be identical to each other except for certain key items that adorn the tombstones.
Crono himself is wielding his sword and staring at the ground with his eyes closed. He is clearly weeping, and at this point in the game, I decided that I was a little upset with the game designer for providing no explanation whatsoever of what was going on. I felt like a troll had doctored a fucked up scene in the game to insult CT fans everywhere. However, that's when I noticed the symbols carved on the tombstones.
From left to right, each of them had some sort of illustration etched in the stone. The first was a sparkling pendant, which most unanimously agree is Marle's, from when she first bumps in to Crono at the fair and triggers the disastrous time travel sequence that kicks off the original game's plot line. The other easily distinguishable graves are Frog's, where a drawing of the Masamune is clearly visible in the stone with the Hero's Medal draped around the blade. On the tombstone to the right of Frog's, a pair of thick horn-rimmed glasses with the left lense busted out rest on its top surface.
The other graves have been rubbed off or filed away with the intense winds of the 12,000 BC time period. I knew they were Crono's teammates, but I didn't understand why they were dead at the very beginning of the game. In the nextgen graphic system, I suddenly felt a very real connection with Crono, as he was no longer a small 16-bit sprite on the screen, but a 3D rendered model who appeared to be in a great amount of pain.
After witnessing Crono's fit of depression and his moment of reflection at the graves, I gained control of his player model. I immediately opened the menu to see if he retained any of his abilities from the first game, and to scope out my inventory, status, and items.
The major difference I found from the start of a normal game is that Crono is completely maxed out, almost as if he had every item and possible stat point from a previous run through, but he has no equipment except a sword with a glitched out title for its name (it's undiscernable, but it looks like "Egg Reaver."
However, having not chosen New Game +, I was surprised to see that all of his techniques were learned, with one addition to the list past Luminaire. The spell was called "Double Jeopardy."
When I lead Crono out to the world map, I discovered that the futuristic ruin of 2300 A.D. had arrived thousands of years earlier in the timeline. Instead of domes, there were only wiped out huts and burned out continents as a result of the Day of Lavos, which I could only assume occurred in 12,000 B.C. instead of 2300 A.D.
I spent a good three hours walking around random places, looking for an actual blip on the map that would lead me to something new, but with every empty hut I walked in to, Crono seemed to glance at me through the screen for a second, as if irritated. His face seemed to say "Why are you wasting my time?" Every hut held nothing but an empty fireplace. There were no save points or chests or vendors. I didn't understand what I had to do, and there was a stabbing in my head that got worse the more I explored the wasteland of snow and destruction. Instead of taking twenty seconds to travel from one place to another like in the SNES game, the 3D rendered 12,000 BC was harsh and I often found myself getting lost because there was only an occasional tree in the harsh snowy landscape. It was like trying to navigate through the Icicle fields in FFVII, except without red flags to mark your position.
Eventually, I found a skygate in the middle of nothing but burned out plains and snow that continually fell, and melted because the ground was scorching hot. I assumed that Lavos must be directly underneath the Earth, having already risen up to destroy humanity. I expected to see a Death Peak or a Black Omen ---- SOMETHING that would signify Lavos's reign over the world, but the peculiar skygate on the burning pitch was the only thing of note I'd discovered in my ordeal of playing through Red Star, almost five hours ago.
Confused by this and exhausted with walking around an empty scorched continent after almost four hours, I took a break and walked downstairs, leaving Crono in the middle of the skygate. I didn't press the A button yet, but instead of waving his arms at me to hurry up, he just stared at me blankly, looking defeated. I decided I desperately needed a glass of water and some Advil. I would need to be ready to confront whatever was on the other end of that teleporter ---- which I assumed would be a modded, hacked out version of Lavos that was insanely hard and had to be solo'd by Crono himself.
I was wrong.
When I returned to my computer, Crono's demeanor had changed for the better. I can't say that I was eager to return to playing when he was basically mourning and moping around in the blizzard like an emo kid, but my discovery of the skygate changed his expression somewhat. I started to think that maybe I was one of the first players to find this small area in the huge, mile long expanse of nothingness. Crono started waving his arms at me like in the SNES version, but instead of looking like a puppet sprite, he looked ready to kick some ass. This was the Crono I remembered ---- even though it seemed as though his entire party had perished, he was still ready to face Lavos by himself, just as he sacrificed himself the first time in the original game.
I pressed the button and used the skygate. I couldn't have been prepared for what I would see. Neither could my spiky, red haired, katana wielding friend.
The game wasn't a game anymore. The growing headache that I had experienced since I had gained control of Crono a few hours before instantly culminated in to an explosion of hallucinations and a feeling of "swirling" in my brain.
I didn't feel as if I were possessing the player model, but I was having an out of body experience. I could see myself playing, far away in my darkened room, my eyes glued to the screen for a moment I'd been anticipating for a decade.
Closer to home, though, I was more aware of the game environment. I felt as though I was standing right next to Crono, but I could control him at the same time. I didn't feel my fingers on a keyboard or control pad. I simply thought of what putting the commands in to the menu would feel like when I played the game, and Crono obeyed. I felt myself being dragged along as he moved up a wet corridor that resembled the tunnel to the second form of Lavos in the original copy. I was a passive observer who decided the hero's actions, but whatever I chose, I felt privy to the mercy of my own commands.
I knew that when we faced Lavos, I would be terrified, and I also knew that the tunnel wasn't very long. We were almost there. The ground was burning in to my feet, if I even had any feet in this place.
I expected to see a powerful being, unlike anything I'd ever witnessed before, but there was nothing in the chamber except for an egg.
The Time Egg --- or Chrono Trigger.
Confused by this, I moved Crono closer to it, but I couldn't figure out why the egg would exist here when it shattered to bring back the deceased Crono on Death Peak in the SNES port.
I tried "pressing" every button, skirting the corners of the chamber --- everything. I wasn't in combat. There was nothing to do here.
That's when I started checking menus in my head. My inventory was empty except the Egg Reaver sword, but one thing had changed between the West Cape loadout and the one I had now.
Double Jeopardy was now yellow on the tech list instead of white. I could use it.
And I did.
Crono fell instantly to his knees. I couldn't move him. In the same moment, the egg exploded, and in a burst of hot light, the only thing I could focus on was the figure of beautiful, blue-haired girl. I recognized her as Schala after some time, as her graceful figure was much different than the small Nintendo mode, but the blue hair was a real giveaway.
She ripped the sword from Crono's paralyzed grip and ran him straight through the heart with it. He fell in a lifeless clump, the life from his sharp green eyes draining in to a nullified, blank stare, all in the course of a few seconds.
She turned her sharp gaze to me, and I'll never forget what she said next.
There's a second Red Star. A second Lavos.
I could think of nothing to say. I was only puzzled by her actions, and simulataneously distraught that the coolest character out of every role playing game ever made had just been murdered in front of my own eyes.
"Why did you kill him? He's the only hope you had against another Red Star." I sounded like a fool, and I felt like a helpless, gaseous spirit in her presence, but I tried to reason with her.
He was destroyed by the first Time Devourer. The Chrono Trigger brought him back to save us, but he had to meet his fate. No one before you came this far.
"I killed Crono." I said in shocked disbelief.
Yes, but you've also ended the ice age and saved us from the second reign of Lavos. Time has been restored, and it will progress as it should have before the second red star began to fall.
I stared at her, and although I was a fan of her resistance to Lavos in the first game, she'd just destroyed the best piece of my nostalgic, RPG childhood. I hated her. In the next moment, I could feel my feet on the ground, and I was suddenly aware of my eyes, my hands, my physical body.
I was in the game, and that's where I wanted to be. I had one last question for her.
I picked up Crono's sword, and it felt light and powerful in my grasp. I felt an electric surge of energy in my arm that seemd to beg for me to start moving, to start harnessing that power as a weapon.
I stepped forward, and I could still see the command menu in my head. I lined up my arrow on my favorite tech of all, and one that I believed would be fitting for Crono's killer. I selected "Confuse."
"Why are you still here, Schala?" I asked.
I don't know. The fabric of time and fate has been protected for eternity, but the Kingdom of Zeal has passed, and I have no further place in the world. Neither do you. We are stuck here. It seems that Anderson did not provide scripts for an instance in which the game was actually completed.
"You know, Schala, for a Chrono Trigger sequel, there's not a lot of combat in this game." I said.
Lavos has been vanquished. There is no further need for violence in our world
I gripped the sword a little tighter. It sizzled in my grip, aching for my target.
"I beg to differ." I said with a smile.
Credit to: Violent Harvest
0 notes
dammitadolfnomorecake · 11 months
Rage Fire Institution
Accelerating. 38.
Locking his door behind him, Tatsumi collapsed on his sofa. Burying his head in his hands, a vague headache had settled in and refused to leave. He’d been off his game and he knew he wasn’t imagining it. Maki had been jealous. Maki had been jealous of him talking with Fleur. Even if the alpha had recovered in his absence to fetch lunch, there’d still been questioning confusion when Tatsumi had returned showered, changed completely out of the clothes he’d worn that morning. He’d slicked.
For all his self talk about not stepping over the line between them, his body hadn’t listened. As he’d reached out to wipe the paint from Maki’s face, he’d felt it happen. That was the whole reason his knee had ended up in the wet paint. Then Li had made the comment over having someone he loved being in his pants, and his body had betrayed him further. By the time he’d made it back to his quarters he’d become a mess with slick having no other choice than to deal with it, shower, and hope no one could see the shame he felt over it.
The afternoon had run smoother. The pilot scramble had done its job. Mixing the second years in with Anthony and Stella, he’d called in the favour of fourth years for them to verse. Teams swapping after each mock battle so no one knew who they were with until just before it started. The chaos was good. It kept him focused… and gave him a reason to keep his mind on more than Maki. The way he’d looked at him that morning had felt so intimate. As if the alpha would kiss him at any moment, or, more correctly, as if the alpha were waiting for him to kiss him at any moment. The signs had all been there. The funny beats his heart gave should have been the dead give away… not realising during tutoring Maki that the reason he was so excited to call him was because he missed him beside him.
They had three weeks to go. Maki wasn’t as far as he would have liked him to be with his barrier mods, but his friend was giving it his all. It’d all be over so soon.
Instead of resting, Tatsumi showered again, then dressed warmly. With Maki being his sole focus, Tatsumi hadn’t visited Donny’s in a few weeks. He knew he could have reached out by message, yet he wanted to see Donny’s face to face. With Suzu’s treatment plan he’d probably not be able to visit the club. Not when he’d be hormonally unstable as well as hormonal and unstable. Taking a capsule car to Donny’s, the rain continued falling. A small flickering red light above wet steps was the only sign that the club was there and open.
Heading inside, Tatsumi went straight to Cherry. The woman smiling happily as he took a seat at her bar
“Hello, gorgeous. I thought you’d forgotten me”
“I could never forget you. Is Donny in tonight?”
“Sorry, love. Hyluk got himself in some trouble and he’s sorting out his visa. Let me get you a tall drink of soda, you don’t look like you want to drink tonight”
“Thank, Cherry. I think drinking is probably the last thing I should be doing unless you want me snoring on your bar”
“Not on the bar. I’m sure I can find space back here if you’re desperate”
“And risk you kicking me every 10 seconds? I think I’ll take my chances on this side. So Donny won’t be back tonight?”
“No, lovely. I’ll get that shot ready too”
With Donny not there, Tatsumi’s plan to fill him in flopped before it could even begin. Busy with her bar, Cherry dropped the shot off, before getting back to the orders. His cola would have to wait. Picking up his customary shot, he made his way to where his friends waited, continuing his custom as he placed the shot down in front of the photo of his team, then lifted the photo down. They’d have loved watching the trainee pilots. Thomas would have laughed until his face was beet red. Kaji would have mocked and teased them over being useless and unable to coordinate. Garth and Matthew would have found a way to trick their way into two mechs to cause chaos. Dan would sat in a sulk with a cigarette hanging out his mouth as he traced formation ideas onto the gym floor. Rei, Lee, and Everit would have claimed they were too old, yet would have watched any and all footage they could get their hands on. The three of them were a team to themselves, subbing in and out were needed, but Tatsumi had still considered them friends, despite the ten year age difference.
“Sweetie, I brought your drink over. How are our boys today?”
Tatsumi skipped mention they were dead seeing they both knew they were
“The frame’s a little dusty”
“Ah, I’ll give it a clean when I get to it. What about you? You seem tired”
Placing the photo back, Tatsumi forced himself to turn away to face Cherry
“I’ve got that kid on military training”
Cherry chuckled, handing over his ice cold cola as she did
“Might explain why he’s hasn’t been doing the rounds this season. He gonna with this competition of yours?”
“That’s the plan. Whether he can or not is up to him”
“Is that what you’re looking for Donny for? I can call him in”
“It’s part of it. I’d rather tell him in person. You know how good he is to all of us. I really owe him, but I’ve got to get this kid through the next month”
Cherry gave another chuckle
“Lord give you strength with that one. He’s got a hell of a mood on him when he wants. He doing good?”
“Yeah. He really is. He’s piloting an Erebus now. He’s got so much to catch up that it’s all I can do to make sure he’s in it everyday”
“Ah, at least you’re both keeping out of trouble. I remembered to bring them a drink on your behalf. What’d you think they’d be making of all of this?”
“They’d laugh themselves stupid. Kaji would have been giving me hell about teaching after the shit Skylark put us through. But I think they’d be proud of Maki. He’s got his shit together and his shot right there to take. Say, Cherry, you don’t know any half way decent alphas do you?”
Cherry raised an eyebrow as she gestured to the crowd in the club
“I know them as well as you do, though I don’t know if should be introducing you around. They talk too much shit here”
“That’s why I said half decent. I’m trying to think about how to move forward”
Cherry shook her head
“You’ll do better at that fancy college of yours. Everyone’s got their scars here. I don’t want to see that pretty face bruised”
“You think they could take me?”
“I think once it happens it too late, my love. Come sit back at the bar. Company will do be good until you’re ready to go”
“I thought you said I looked too tired to drink”
“And I thought you were smart. Company for me. A pretty face always makes mamma feel better”
Linking arms with Cherry, Tatsumi ducked his head
“A pretty woman on my arm, maybe my luck’s looking up?”
Cherry laughed happily, patting his arm
“Flattery will get you everywhere. Tell mamma all about it”
With Donny a no show, Tatsumi found himself returning back in his room at his home rather than the school, it was early enough for it to be too late to do anything other than sleep. Cherry had talked his ear off, as if preventing anyone else from doing the same. He hadn’t been looking to hook up, but he had hoped to find someone he could at least pretend to be interested in enough to take his mind of Maki seeing Donny wasn’t available, and any and all feelings needed to be nipped in the bud. Messaging Stella and Anthony, the pair would be moody come morning run, but it was safer in the immediate future to force his mind onto other people.
Crawling into his old bed, the plushness was a welcome comfort. Joyce took care of the linen in his room, despite it not being part of her job description. His room never smelt of pheromones, nor did it hold memories of past lovers and mistakes. It was almost a sanctuary in that respect with the only alpha ever making it into his bed being Maki that one time he’d come with him. Waking up to Maki every morning… he could see that too clearly.
Despite the far too many thoughts in his brain, Tatsumi fell asleep, blissfully unaware he’d forgotten to set his alarm for half an hour earlier as he wasn’t on campus.
Waking up at 4 am, Tatsumi had barely managed to sit up before realising he was going to be late. There were no two ways about it. If he raced to campus he still needed to shower and change before meeting with his three pilots. If he showered and dressed at home, he’d still be late, but he could buy some good will back by stopping for food on the way. The second option the safer one, though it would probably lead to questions over why he’d had time for food but not time to be there on time.
Racing through showering, shaving, and trying to find clothes, his comms beeped at 4:30, just as Tatsumi was locking the door behind him. He’d quickly checked his mother, wishing he could have at least talked to her about his plan for therapy. She had 24 more years of being an omega than he had, and even if they’d disagreed, she would have accepted his decision. He’d have to find more time before the competition to visit, and make sure that Joyce had all the details for Skylark, and the hotel they were staying at in case of an emergency. Seeing how much she’d liked Maki, he probably also should have gotten her a ticket for the competition, but then again he wouldn’t have been able to spend actual time with her and the other students may have found her presence there strange.
Continuing to race through his morning, by the time he’d picked up breakfast and coffee, then made it to campus, it was 5. Not bad considering the distance and waiting time, yet bad enough for him to worry that the three pilots would have slacked off without him supervising. Heading to the running track, it wasn’t until he saw his three pilots that his heart finally started slowing back down. They might have been jogging, but they’d been responsible enough to know that they needed to keep up their training. Standing on the sidelines, Stella caught sight of him, waving as she picked up the pace, leaving the other two to take after her once they’d figured out what was going on.
Pilots by nature were competitive people. By the time his team reached him they were flat out sprinting. Stella narrowly keeping her lead as she reached him first, then slowing down to a stagger before dropping to sit. Maki and Anthony tied, though Tatsumi mentally deducted points from Anthony as he hadn’t slowed enough not to need to jump over Stella’s legs. The omega was sure he was about to be questioned by Maki over his lateness, but instead the man bent at the waist, panting as he regained his breath.
“Good job, you three. Sorry I’m late, but I come bearing food”
Stella made a recovery on the spot, getting to her feet and staggering over to him
“Yep. I don’t know what you and Anthony drink, so take one of the two closer to you. There both flat whites”
Stella laughed as she took one of the cups
“Oh, so you know Maki’s order. I’m calling favouritism right there”
“He likes as much sugar as coffee in his cup. Preferably like a slurry rather than a civilised coffee. I’m sorry I kept you guys waiting”
Coming over, Anthony took the other cup
“Never mind that, what are you wearing? I don’t think I’ve ever seen you look so casual. Is that a T-shirt? And jeans? Did you stay out partying all night?”
Tatsumi rolled his eyes. His home wardrobe not as well equipped as his one on campus, especially when it came to winter clothing
“Yes. You caught me. I didn’t come home all night and was left to fend for myself. I have no excuses”
Anthony took a sip of his coffee, grimacing as he did
“I appreciate the sentiment, but next time, I take mine without sugar. Did you think to ask? You could have told us you were getting coffee. I’d have told you what I like”
“Not really seeing it was both an apology and a surprise. You’re not the only one’s who’ve been busy this morning. Maki, come get your coffee. Good job, you three. I was worried you’d lounge off without me”
Anthony ran his fingers through his damp hair, tilting his chin up as he did
“It was nothing. Someone had to step up”
Stella elbowed him hard, the pair dissolving into bickering
“Idiot. Don’t go getting a big head, you were late too”
“You can’t rush the master in the morning”
“Yeah, and you wanted to slack off”
“Hey, you did too”
“Yeah, but not completely… you wanted to go back to bed. Maki, aren’t you going to take your coffee?”
Straightening up, Maki seemed to need a moment to think. Normally he’d have jumped at the chance. Food and coffee was Maki’s morning language and until he had both, the alpha was prone to grumping
“Sure. Thanks, Prof”
Even if it seemed forced upon him, Maki finally took his coffee
“You’re all welcome. Let’s head to the lab, it’s too cold out here to stand around talking”
Anthony wouldn’t let it rest
“It wouldn’t be cold if you’d been here with us. You left us running because you stayed out partying. Did you at least remember to use protection? And I hope they dropped you off safely”
Heat rose in Tatsumi’s cheeks, while his heart flopped. He didn’t want Maki thinking he slept around… but at the same time he also wanted to cover up his developing feelings as much as possible
“I might not have spent the night on campus, and I’m flattered you think I have enough time to date while teaching you three”
Anthony laughed
“You’re blushing. Someone definitely got laid last night”
Damn him and his cheeks, Tatsumi opting for revenge”
“If you must know, I spent the night with two lovely ladies, but alas, no protection was needed”
“You sly dog! Get it, Professssor!”
Stella elbowed her friend again
“He’s saying he didn’t have sex, moron”
“He said lovely ladies. Only one thing’s better than a lovely lady, and that’s two”
Stella cast Tatsumi pleading eyes
“Can you make it stop? You’ve got him all excited for nothing”
Anthony crossed his arms
“Look, you can’t get between the brotherhood here. I think I know what men want”
“Oh, so you speak for the whole male species?”
“I do when I’m right”
“You’re heading right… in the wrong direction. Seriously, Tats, some help here?”
Stella didn’t deserve to suffer Anthony’s stupidity this early in the morning
“Stella’s right. I met up with an old friend, then crashed at home. Today’s ensemble is brought to you by the fact almost all my clothes are here. If you’re all that concerned over how cold I am, I’m happy to hold your coffees while you warm back up”
Anthony pulled a face, Stella’s expression turned smug, and Maki couldn’t be anyone but himself
“Is Eve alright? She’s not sicker, is she?”
Shaking his head, Tatsumi now regretted teasing Anthony. His core temperature was dropping by the second with his suggestion of heading to the lab ignored
“No, I mean, she’s alright. She was asleep by the time I got in and was still sleeping when I left. Once we’ve had breakfast, we’ll do some light two on two. Anthony, you’ll be my partner. Stella and Maki, I want you two talking strategy. Any new moves or ideas you want to try, we’ll do them all this morning. Consider a reward for good behaviour”
Stella grinned at him, Tatsumi thinking he’d finally won his students over, until she rejected his plan
“Tats, today I’m going to be your partner. Anthony and Maki need to work on their teamwork”
Maki and Anthony both looked at each other, Anthony shrugging his shoulders
“Works for me. At least I won’t have a TC to protect”
“Protect? You do realise Tats has had the military experience right?”
“And? That wasn’t in a TC. He’s retired now”
“He could still kick your arse and you know it”
“Not even. My Frog won’t lose to a dumb TC. Tatsumi probably couldn’t even boot an Erebus”
“Of course he can, idiot. I don’t see you offering him your frog”
“It’s not like you’re offering your mech either”
“That’s because I’m a girl”
“Not with an attitude like that”
“The only thing wrong with my attitude is your face, dweeb”
Sensing Anthony was about to lose his temper, Tatsumi raised his hands
“Alright, that’s enough from the both of you. Save it for the arena. Seeing you all keep ignoring me, I’m heading to the lab. Anyone not there in the next 10 minutes is running laps in their mechs until they drop”
Starting walking off, his three pilots jogged over to fall into step with Tatsumi. Stella changing topic
“I think I’m going to start running more often until the competition starts. Is running in the morning better than running before bed?”
“Yes. Pilots don’t rest themselves enough after prolonged training. It’s better to try get a good nights sleep before you start adding running everyday”
“And you?”
“I like to run every morning if I can. You’ve seen Maki’s training schedule, if you want to swap onto the same schedule that’s fine seeing yours and Anthony’s are close enough that it doesn’t warrant too many changes. I don’t mind, but you’ll need to keep your grades up, so I’ll expect you to come to the tutoring part too”
“I could probably use a bit more motivation there. You know, people would never know how nice you are if they didn’t meet you outside a nag session”
Both Maki and Anthony snickered at the word “nag”. Tatsumi definitely hadn’t set out to label himself the official nagging student. He’d hated being nagged at…
“I’ve been told I’m quite the nagger”
“You are, but like, no offence and all that, but I totally didn’t think you knew how to chill. Honestly, with what Skylark said about your military presence I can finally see what he meant. You don’t just nag because you’re expected to”
Anthony backed her up in his own way
“As much as I hate to agree, it’s true. I was dreading having you train us, but it’s way better than class. To look at you you’d think you just escaped some institution where they keep you in a straight jacket, but you’re the same guy who beat all those students in that TC. You’re a total head fuck, Prof. You should think about cutting your hair and bulking up… then you’d look more like a pilot”
Tatsumi snorted at his trainee’s round about compliment
“I keep telling everyone I’m too young to be a professor but they never listen. As for my hair, I haven’t really given it any thought”
“I’m telling you, Prof, cut your hair and you’d pull all the girls you could want”
Trust Anthony to make it about the girls when Tatsumi just wanted someone to agree he wasn’t all that old
“Didn’t I just say I’m not a professor?”
“Yeah, but Maki calls you Prof. So do the science kids. If they’re calling you Prof, we’re calling you Prof too”
Maki had always been the one calling him Professor thinking that he actually was. Now that everyone was calling him Prof, the name wasn’t as fun. He’d kind of looked at it as an inside joke, shared between him, Li, and Maki. He’d not realised how far it’d spread
“You can call me Prof, but don’t expect me to keep answering. Hell, even Tatsuma is nicer”
“Nah, not Tatsuma. That bastard Skylark calls you that when you’re not around”
Shaking his head, Tatsumi supposed he was grateful that Tatsuma wouldn’t catch back on
“Oh, he does it when I’m around too. And that bastard has high hopes for you three. He’s in the shit too if you fuck up”
“Yeah, but it’s not like you’ll get fired if we don’t place”
“No, but I can be fired if the school committee finds your training inadequate before competing. I’m hoping the three of you will go easy on me, considering I’m suddenly old enough to be a professor”
Anthony gave a laugh
“Shit, Pr-… Shit, Tats, you’re part of the team. We’re not about to snitch on our team mate. Anyway, what’s with Tatsuma? The only part that makes sense is how tall you are”
Whatever mood Maki seemed to have been in lifted as he finally joined in on the conversation
“Skylark told him to go plant himself and grow some personality. I think he’s got more than enough personality that he’d spawn a whole fucking forest if he got any more”
Anthony slung his arm over Maki’s shoulder
“New kid, I think you and I might be closer in thought than I thought. What do you say we wipe the floor with these losers?”
“Sounds good to me, but you can’t make him cry”
Anthony promptly released Maki, shoving his shoulder playfully
“On second thoughts, maybe not. Where’s the fun when you don’t make them cry?”
“Where’s the fun on extra laps if you do?”
“Wouldn’t it be worth it?”
“I’m not getting benched this close to the competition because you made the Professor cry”
“Nah, man, where’s your sense of adventure?”
“Safely inside the school rules until this competition is over. Just you wait, I’ll make you cry next”
“Oh, ho ho, big words from the newbie? I like it, I like it”
It seemed to Tatsumi that being late might have been the best thing to happen yet. Maki was close enough to be laughing and joking with his fellow pilots, those bonds of friendship would really lift their coordination as a team. Catching a wink from Stella, both of them fell silent and let Maki and Anthony argue about running laps on the way to the lab.
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yenahas · 2 years
Gtr evolution gtr2 mod
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Hurtle them round any of the 40-plus circuit configurations and any misgivings about spartan presentation and fusty graphics soon evaporate. Find it next to Crashium and Pleaseslowdowndearium on the Periodic Table). Cars like the Aston Martin DBR9, the Lister Storm and the Gillet Vertigo Streiff would be rubbish at a boot sale - what with having boots the size of actual boots - but on the track, they're in their element (Zoomium. Most of the newbies are the kind of alarmingly well-endowed automotive porn stars that go through life without ever visiting a Tesco car park or attending a boot sale. The closest thing to a populist feature in GTR: Evo is the crammed garage RACE's 20-strong field of touring cars and open-wheelers have had to shove over and make room for two dozen additions. GTR, GTR2, GT Legends and now this, an expanded version of last year's excellent RACE 07 have all had SimBin's input and have all put realism firmly before razzamatazz. It's almost as if they consciously decided to channel all their skill and industry into trivialities like physics, track modelling and AI. Enough said, we move on.It's almost as if the studio considered such things unimportant. I know who are the other people, they don't know me like they think. I do recall begging you, along with others, to use at least TC because you had so many issues with the aid-less car.
The CTDP mod was new to me, everyone else on the server had TC and some I think had ABS (I tried with and without) and I don't remember the MSN talks but I was always vocal when it came to something I thought was unfair. That's the 2005 CTDP mod, I was referring to 1979. > a little secret: I am very far from alone in my > You might think I am mistaken then, about your > chat logs and replays, and I was the last person > know this because I hosted the race, I had the > gripped about too in the MSN chat afterwards. > until nobody was left on the track, and you > You kept on bitching in the chat for a restart > Renault (the best car) and I drove the Minardi > crashed out again in the T2-T4 complex, still on > crashed out in T1 on the first lap, recovered, and > I was the ONLY ONE on the server doing that!! You > and no, you did certainly not race with no aids. > I have raced plenty enough with you to know you, > played rFactor on the hardest mod around
It's only after we've lost everything, that we are free to do anything. but I shall let you in on a little secret: I am very far from alone in my perception of things. You might think I am mistaken then, about your character as a racer. I know this because I hosted the race, I had the chat logs and replays, and I was the last person to leave the track. You kept on bitching in the chat for a restart until nobody was left on the track, and you gripped about too in the MSN chat afterwards. You had 2 weeks of practice, I had zero practice. You drove the 2005 Renault (the best car) and I drove the Minardi (the worst car). I was the ONLY ONE on the server doing that!! You crashed out in T1 on the first lap, recovered, and crashed out again in the T2-T4 complex, still on lap 1, wrecking you car. I have raced plenty enough with you to know you, and no, you did certainly not race with no aids. > Morbid trolling, wow, shame I saw the day. > and I was involved in 2 accidents and always > aids at what was my 2nd week of owning the game > played rFactor on the hardest mod around without
GTR 2 is also cracking, although the EVO content carries a lot more with it, you can probably download the mods for GTR2 anyway. rFactor is great for it's adaptability and online play. it may be that I'm used to rFactor too much now and the very user friendly layout, so I don't get on with the GTR Evo layout, it feels like it's screen after screen. I do prefer the older layout of GTR2 than the new one. just to have the mods i like in one place. Even if it's playing the raceX conversion of race. I've owned Race, GTR2, rFactor, and now GTR Evo which has race 07 with it, and although I play GTR evo a bit I much prefer playing rFactor. A lot of effort goes into these mods and the majority are very good with people making a game that others will like, not to make money. I don't feel that any I have are acrcady in any way, the opposite infact I feel they are very good, being made by gamers for gamers. Theres no date set so don't hold your breath lol. I got told not to buy rFactor because rF2 was due to come out soon.
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dear-ao3 · 3 years
the lore of dear-ao3
yes. my ao3 blog has lore. no i did not do this on purpose. i just work here.
who am i? you might be asking. a very good question. i am saph, your mod. the one and only mod. i run this blog in all of my tired college triple major glory, and by run i mean that i usually forget this blog exists until i click on my inbox. its the middle child of my blogs.
but that is besides the point. this is a post about the lore.
all was peaceful up until the night of february 4th, 2021. i was minding my own business, going through my inbox after i had let the tags stack up for a few days when i came across this lovely tag:
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and i said haha, that passes vibe check, it can get posted. so i slapped on these tags:
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and posted it. said post is here if you would like to look at it
and then the asks started rolling on. people agreeing with me that montana wasnt real. people began asking me my opinions on other states. in a fit of why the fuck not i posted as many as possible before i hit my post limit for the day (a feat that i had never and will not ever reach again). after the monstrosity of a night, people decided that i should keep posting state discourse at a one per day rate on account of the fact that i still had so much of it in my ask box. i agreed. we all found a new normal.
and then. less than two weeks later. disaster struck.
the morning of february 12 was just like any other. i dragged myself out of bed at 7:30 after a sad 5 hours of sleep, at some watery oatmeal, threw my hair in a ponytail and logged into my west african technique class because it was still covid times and i was taking classes from my bedroom. i finished class 2 hours later and flopped down on the floor with my 32 ounce hydroflask and my laptop to scroll through my tumblr inbox and find a good state discourse for that day. this was the ask i chose to answer on that fateful day:
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no one, not even the writers of the gods of november 5 could not predicted what would happen next. people went apeshit, they couldn't fucking even. isn't delaware that thing that holds food? isn't delaware that song by the plain white tees? isn't delaware that ship that exploded the internet?
my poor head nearly exploded.
within 24 hours the post had over 70k notes. a week later it was featured on the hellsite hall of fame blog. someone made a delaware post blog. we still truly haven't recovered from the ripples that are still emanating from this monstrosity of an infinity stone that is the delaware post.
surely saph, you might be saying, surely that is all? surely that is all you have had to endure?? to which i say nay nay!! there is more, my dear reader!!
i was getting tired of my ask box being flooded with state discourse so i asked people to send in their favorite fanfic stories. they were all pretty standard as far as fanfic stories go, writing smut in the back of religion class, turning in johnlock fanfic to a professor, even writing fanfic about professors....the usual. and then. i got this ask:
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which is, yes, a little unique but i have definitely seen weirder.
and oh, the weirder definitely came my friends. it came in the form of this anon a few hours later:
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people were losing their minds over the gosh darned telletubbie saga!! people started asking people they knew names owen if they had this elusive crumpled fanfic sitting in their backpacks, but alas owen was never found and after that night, anon was never heard from again. i fear tinkie winkie may have gotten to them first.
and thus, all went back to normal, or, as normal as normal can ever be on this unholy blog that is dear-ao3. until. dc.
people did not know that dc is not a state!! you might be thinking, saph!! how on earth is that possible? to which i say, i have no idea!! dc literally stands for district of columbia, and a district is not a state!!
so what started out as good natured memery eventually accumulated into me explaining to my thousands of followers that dc is 1. not a state and 2. that it should be. oh and sam wilson. he was in there too. i don't quite remember why.
but avast!! this sudden explanation of the fact that dc was not a state resulted in someone coining the term professor saph. which someone else pointed out was just me getting upset that people didnt know how to use google to learn basic geography. that may in fact be true.
seriously. please learn how to use google. its right there.
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and no!! that was not the end either! then people started getting adventurous. coming into my askbox and asking me about birds and hats and cheesecake. trying to ruin the small semblance of order that this blog has!!
but i would like the record to show that the cheesecake anon was very polite about the misunderstanding and is welcome back at any time. we are actually engaged (after i turned down all of the people who proposed to me in my inbox). although no one knows when the wedding might be. but they have a blog, @cheesecakeanon
the same kindness, my dear tumblr users of the court, is not extended to the bee movie anon who decided to inbox me the entire gosh darn bee movie.
but then someone thought that it would be nice to create the states of ao3 (i don't know either okay, like i said at the top, i just work here. and im not even paid). the states, which would be led by none other than angstexas:
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and people thought this was the funniest thing ever grace their dash boards. they began sending in other states like flufforida and no nut new jersey and many others that i haven't posted yet because they make my eyes bleed!!
it was at this point that i decided that i had had enough state discourse. i was going to solve it and i was going to solve it once and for all!! but which states would be the only ones that exist? who would get the honor?
well the answer was simple. it lay in the only people that this blog stans: shane madej, hailing from the corn state of illinois; sam wilson, representing the bayou state of louisiana, and b dylan hollis of the who-the-fuck-even-knows-whats-out-there state of wyoming. these would be the only three states to exist.
and so i made a map.
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now certainly, certainly this must be where the lore ends! but no!! there was one more key piece!! and for that we needed to return to professor saph.
as the beginning of may rolled around along with it came the tears of high school students salty enough to be the sole supplier of the morton salt company. thats right, ap season. and i, a war torn ap test veteran myself, decided to give them my resources. and thus the state discourse went from memes to genuine knowledge once again as i handed out dbq pointers and study videos left and right.
and then i moved on from professor saph because chaos is my truest form. one fateful evening i received this ask:
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and naturally, i had to try it. but i had no tictacs or orange juice. so i had to call in the big guns, @thewitcherbog discord server. and @geraltrogerericduhautebellegarde (with the help of their husband) was more than happy to offer their services. according to them, it did taste like worm orange juice. the more you know.
and then at some point i called ben barnes basic and forgettable. so forgettable that i even forgot that i made that post. but aparently i did.
it was just after the fourth of july and i was feeling chaotic. so i opened my chaos cookbook and consulted the things that i could cook up. state discourse? been there done that. telletubbie fanfiction? no thank you. oh! what about tomato soup cake?
thats right. i harnessed the power of b dylan hollis himself and made a tomato soup cake.
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people were impressed. they were shocked. they wanted more. but alas. saph the chef has been retired ever since. legend has it that she may return one day.
oh and its probably worth stating that exactly on the 6 month anniversary of the delaware post it became a world heritage post. seriously its highly unfortunate that all this tumblr clout gets me nothing in life cause it would be fun to put on a resume.
all was quiet on the western front of my blog as i returned to college in person. well except for that one time when i was accused of being homophobic because im not gay. i was swamped once again with work and my triple major duties once again, barely paying this blog so much as a glance during my insufferable journalism class.
once arriving at school i had hinted several times about a designer axe story at the beginning of the school year. however, the statute of limitations for this story expires in may of 2023 so all you greedy buggers will have to wait.
but in lieu of me sharing that story you all started wanting other stories. and so i shared the great black wallpaper story from junior year of high school.
does it make sense? no. did it have a point? also no. did it need to be included in the lore? definitely not. but now i have made all of you think about it again, so youre welcome.
hey its my blog lore and i can do with it what i want
and then. on the morning of september 25th 2021 i was reminded of the utter fury and rage that i hold for the absolute monstrosity of a title that is high school musical the musical the series.
because honestly. the mouse has made some absolutely batshit stupid decisions in its genetically altered, entirely too long life, but the decision to title a show high school musical the musical the series definitely tops that list so much so that its on a whole different list. and thankfully you all agreed with me otherwise i would have been throwing more than hands.
despicable titles were not the only thing that i wanted to throw hands with at college. one fateful night during my history class i decided to eat a bag of jellybeans. and low and behold the bag had no less than NINE BLACK LICORICE JELLY BEANS. it was outrageous. true blasphemy. a heresy at its finest. half of tumblr was outraged on my behalf. half of tumblr was outraged that i hated black licorice jelly beans. i still have yet to forgive that half.
and then i told the wide world of tumblr that i have a boyfriend. a himbo if you will. named brad. my loyal followers acted like very concerned and protective parents at first, but soon the himbo passed the test and people quickly became very invested in him and his taylor swift listening journey. i think a few of them plotted to steal him from me, but alas he is my himbo. not theirs. he would give me his kidney, not them.
and yes, the tags are still here, but does anyone read them anymore? the world may never know. the state discourse is to dear-ao3 as the hot daga is to buzzfeed unsolved. one day, it will become too powerful for its own good.
until the next update, your tired mod,
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aziraphales-library · 3 years
hey! do y’all have any recs for fics where aziraphale or/and crowley dance? fics where they dance together would be especially cool, but i’m not picky. 😎
Well! There are some amazing dancing AUs if that's at all what you're after...?
Loosely Ballroom [M], WIP by marginalia_device, mortifyingideal
Dust off your dancing shoes, because it’s that time of year again! The new season of Strictly Come Dancing starts TONIGHT on BBC One! A brand new crop of celebs are getting ready to compete for the coveted Glitterball trophy, and they’re a mixed bunch— ranging from beloved telly presenter Eve Gardener to washed-up stage and screen actor Anthony J Crowley.
Whose tango will tantalise? Whose cha-cha will charm us? And who will be doomed by their dreadful, dreadful salsa? Join us every second Saturday at 7pm to find out!
Aziraphale is a professional, Crowley is a contestant, and the BBC needs viewers. Does what it says on the tin, if the tin has a whopping great “STRICTLY COME DANCING AU” label on it.
don't call me angel [M] by LeilaKalomi
When Ethereal Electronics sends its software developers on a retreat at St. Beryl’s Resort, Aziraphale Fell, constantly mocked by his coworkers, feels trapped. But at the retreat center, he finds himself drawn to Anthony Crowley, a dance instructor, and sees an opportunity to help someone in need as he rediscovers one of his youthful pastimes—ballroom dancing—and finds a new passion altogether in Anthony Crowley.
Loosely based on Dirty Dancing.
~Mod N
And here are a few canon-compliant fics in which Aziraphale and Crowley dance...
Taking Steps by JoyAndOtherStories (G)
Crowley was in a state of shock.
Admittedly, this shouldn’t have been surprising, given that his recent experiences included near-death, body-swapping, car explosions, bookshop conflagrations, and rebellious eleven-year-olds defeating the forces of Heaven, Hell, and independent contractors.
But that had been two weeks ago, and though saying he’d recovered would have been not so much stretching the truth as utterly shattering it, his current state of shock was…something different.
“Say—say that again, angel?” he managed. “You said…you wanted to try…new things?”
Basically: Aziraphale wants to try new things. The first one he comes up with: Salsa dancing! Meanwhile, Crowley really just wants to snuggle with his angel. Fluffy pining ensues while they figure out that they actually both want the same thing.
Shall we dance? by Samara Lilly (NR)
“Do you dance?” Crowley snorts. “Who do you think invented the famous Studio 54 in New York? Of course I do.” Aziraphale pulls a face. “That’s not dancing. That’s… moving around.” “You think I can’t dance?” Crowley sits up straight now and eyes the angel over the rim of his dark glasses. “Doesn’t matter what I think,” Aziraphale tries to make a neutral face. But he finds the idea of Crowley dancing very, very… interesting.
Dance with me, my old friend by amerande (T)
During the taxi ride back to the bookshop, Aziraphale considered the many ways in which he’d left the Ritz over the years. The first time: contented and excited to tell Crowley about it, to perhaps share it with him. Several subsequent times: alone, but with the delightful memory of an afternoon or evening basking in Crowley’s company and attention. After that: with Crowley, walking through London, to the bookshop or to a museum, talking and sharing time. Once, eleven years ago: in Crowley’s Bentley for a night of drinking and plotting to avert the apocalypse.
This was the first time they’d taken a cab together.
- Mod D
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Maybe modern scenario with Sylvain and shy coworker? Happy Birthday!!
Thank you! And since you didn't specify the job I'll try to make it a general thing.
Modern AU- Sylvain with shy coworker reader
You were working together for quite some time now. You never really saw each other outside of it nor did you strike any conversations.
Although he tried to all of the sudden. And he always was really sweet to you. It made you feel bad that you weren't able to start any conversations with him yourself.
He took it slow, one step at a time so you'd feel comfortable around him... Although he was acting like a fool from time to time making things harder.
Like seriously... He would blatantly start flirting with you and it took him quite a bit to realize that while you might or might not be flattered you weren't comfortable with the situation.
But when he dropped it, it was really enjoyable to spend time with him. He was mainly goofing around but as long as he made you smile it was a win for him.
You often ended up with him walking you home without really realizing it. Only after you got in you thought "Wait a second...!"
It didn't make things awkward between you two... Until you realized your feelings for him.
It was a bit problematic to date a coworker right? Or was it more of a boss and employee that was bad? He couldn't possibly feel the same anyway- you saw him acting like this around other people so he probably was just being friendly. That must be it!
You weren't blind Sylvain was dating around a lot... Few of the girls went as far as to make a scene in your workplace when they saw him.
Your emotions overwhelmed you and you weren't sure if you could handle to see him for a while...
So you managed to get a week off since you were so lucky to actually get sick around the time you started to feel this way.
But since Sylvain was worried he started texting you. Mostly asking if you need him to drop anything off at your place. Medicine, food and stuff like that.
You told him that you were fine and didn't need any help after that you let yourself be alone with your thoughts and figured things out.
The second you were back Sylvain helped you out with basically anything. He said that he did a lot anyways and had nothing to do (an absolute lie).
It was mainly because he wasn't sure if you were fully recovered.
He actually ended up saying that he cared a lot about you and apologized for being so clingy all of the sudden.
And you admit it was weird for him to suddenly get so serious. As he explained further he said that he likes you a lot.
Well you're close friends, surely that'd mean he likes you too. Nothing romantic for sure.
And then he asks you on a date.
Wait... Date? Did you hear it right?
You did. He was waiting for your answer and you being silent just made him laugh it off awkwardly.
Buy then your mouth acted on it's own and you said that you wanted to go out with him.
And from that things went forward. It didn't have a huge impact on your work other than him stealing a kiss during your breaks.
~Mod Bernadetta
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acnelli · 3 years
First Time Falling
This is my entry for the @hpqueerfest 2021. Thanks to the mods who hosted this! And a big thank you to my great beta-readers @nagemeikenu and @static-abyss who put up with my phone-writery (writing time is hard to come by these days).
This story was inspired by Prelude and Fugue by shes_gone, and it’s set in a world where Harry didn’t go to Hogwarts, but had been prepared for his destiny.
Pairing: Harry Potter/Ron Weasley Rating: T TW: strong language, mentions of war time, mentions of drug and alcohol consume Prompt: Falling in love for the first time as an adult (late 20’s-early 30’s) Summary: Harry Potter –Head-Auror and Savior of the Wizarding World– spontaneously asked out a cute redhead and it turned to so much more than he could have ever hoped for. 
You can also read this on AO3 and FFN.
*** *** *** *** ***
Not bothering to knock, Ron Weasley marched into Hermione Granger’s office. The heavy mahogany door slammed against the wall, making Hermione jump up from her chair.
“Ron,” she shrieked as a bunch of paper fell off her desk. “What happened?”
Instead of providing his best friend with an explanation for his sudden intrusion, Ron paced back and forth. The panicked look in his eyes made Hermione assume the worst.
With one swift motion, Hermione stepped in front of the redhead, forcing him to stop his frantic pacing. “Ron, please talk to me,” she pleaded, taking his hand into hers. “What’s going on? Is someone hurt? Is your family okay?”
Hermione’s worried expression and the panic in her voice finally brought Ron to his senses. “No, don’t worry, Hermione,” he sighed as he closed her office door. “I’m sorry! But...do you have time for a quick cup of tea in the cafeteria?”
“As a matter of fact, I do. This report is giving me a headache and I need a break.”
Hermione grabbed her purse and gestured for Ron to lead the way.
“I swear, Ron, if you almost gave me a heart attack over something Quidditch related, I’ll hex you into next week and make your new Firebolt disappear forever,” Hermione added as they made their way down to the Ministry cafeteria.
Ron glanced over at the bushy-haired witch, suppressing a grin as he told her his distress was indeed about Quidditch. They grabbed their beverages and headed towards a free table. Gracing him with a dark look, Hermione gestured for Ron to finally tell her what’s going on.
“Harry Potter asked me out on a date!”
This statement caused Hermione’s drink to go down the wrong way, resulting in a violent coughing fit and her spitting out the tea.
“What?” she wheezed out between coughs, as Ron cleaned his face and shirt with his wand.
He waited patiently until Hermione recovered, both from the coughing fit and the shock. “See, even you don’t believe me,” Ron sighed, harshly rubbing his hands over his face, “I don’t blame you, though. I can’t believe it myself, after all.”
Finally being able to speak again, Hermione put her elbows on the small table and leaned forward, determined to not miss a single thing about this story. “Spill! How? When? Where? And don’t you dare to leave out even the smallest detail.”
Ron shook his head, still in disbelief about what had happened to him just twenty minutes ago. Not being able to wrap his head around it, he decided to tell Hermione today’s events from beginning to end.
“Today, Robertson sent me a memo to come to his office to discuss the ridiculous complaints about the Tornados/Harpies game last week,” Ron started and couldn’t help rolling his eyes about the things he had to put up with at work sometimes. “So, I went there, gave him my report about the match and a brief overview. Thank Merlin, he only asked his usual useless questions about referee bribery claims. I was ready to launch into a whole speech but he suddenly dismissed me and told me to write up a statement for the press.
“I was just on my way back to my office when I met Seamus. The fucking wanker had the nerve to claim the next Cannons match for himself. I know he did that just to spite me so, naturally, I gave him an ear full about it as we waited for the lift. We only noticed Harry Potter standing right behind us when we got inside the lift. I probably sounded like an idiot but Seamus and I kept the conversation up because I always get second-hand embarrassment when people stop talking if Potter walks by or joins the lift.”
Hermione patiently listened to his ramblings, restraining herself from telling him to get to the point already.
Ron sipped on his tea and shook his head. “You know what? I read too much into this. Just realised that I’m acting exactly as everyone else does. What’s the big deal? Just a bloke who wants to have a pint after work.”
Hermione stared at Ron, expecting him to go on with his story, but he just kept sipping his tea.
“How did he ask you out?” She accidentally raised her voice but Hermione was finally losing her patience with him.
“I told you, he most likely-”
“Just tell me the damn story, already!” Hermione snapped, blushing a little when she noticed the people on the other tables giving her funny looks.
“Alright,” Ron said, raising an eyebrow at her. “Calm down, barmy woman.”
“You're the one marching into my office like a lunatic. Spill it! Now!”
With a heavy sigh, Ron continued with his story, curling his hands around the tea mug to keep from fidgeting.
“Seamus had already gotten off at another level, so it was just me and Potter in there. I tried to avoid the awkward silence, so I asked him if he followed Quidditch and was going to listen to or even watch the Tornados match tonight. He said that he does follow Quidditch and that he intended to listen to the match at home but if I'd be up to it, we could listen to it at this new pub that just opened in Diagon. He totally caught me by surprise, but I must've agreed because he told me he'll meet me at the fireplaces at 5. Then he left the lift. Then I freaked out and came to your office.”
Ron marked the end of his story by taking another sip of his tea before he defiantly crossed his arms in front of him.
“Jesus, Harry Potter actually asked you out! Oh my God!” Hermione almost squealed, grasping one of Ron's arms.
“Nah! I don't think so anymore. I bet he just wanted to have a pint and was only being polite when he asked me to come along,” Ron said. “Who'd ask someone out like that anyway?”
“Someone looking for a partner?”
“Yeah, but think about it, Hermione. Why would he ask me out? The guy is not only fucking famous, he's also devilishly handsome. He could have anyone he wanted.”
Ron looked at Hermione as though she'd just declared the desire to live as a chicken.
“So? So, why would someone ask me out while on a random stroll through the Ministry? Who'd think ‘Oh, that freakishly tall ginger with more freckles than skin looks kinda awkwardly cute. Let's try to get a leg over?'"
“I dated you,” Hermione interjected.
“You don't count.”
“Well, thank you!” Her sarcasm was all but ignored by Ron.
“I just know I'll embarrass myself tonight,” Ron insisted, looking quite unhappy. “Let's go back to work. I still have to write that useless report.”
“Devilishly handsome, hm?”
“Shut up!”
**** **** **** ****
Harry didn't know what had possessed him to ask the cute ginger out for a pint.
Maybe it had been the Prophet article speculating for the umpteenth time about when the Savior of the Wizarding World would finally settle down and make some black-haired, green-eyed babies. Rita Skeeter had many ideas about what worthy witch could conquer the heart of Harry Potter. All things considered, the article had probably not been the worst thing written about him so far.
Sometimes he wondered if he should've taken Sirius’ advice to feed the press and public meaningless details of his life. It wouldn't stop the constant speculations and made-up affairs, but it probably would reduce the paparazzi following him around, the crazy fans sending him love letters and maybe, they would find something more newsworthy than where Harry Potter bought his toilet paper.
But he hated the fact that people demanded this from him. He was 29 now, and while the great hype about him was over, he still seemed to be interesting enough to write about, even over a decade after his defeat of Voldemort.
He knew the majority of the Wizarding World was sincerely grateful for what he'd done. There were so many parents thanking him for the simple fact that they're still alive and able to see their children grow up.
It reminded him that it was all worth it. The sacrifices, the nearly friendless childhood, his secret life away from the public, the growing up with the knowledge that he might not live long enough to celebrate his 17th birthday. All of that had resulted in ending Voldemort once and for all.
When he'd destroyed the Dark Lord and his Horcruxes though, Harry’s hope of finally living a normal life got crushed soon after. In the post-war world, it had been next to impossible to lead a life like everyone else. Because of his childhood and his training by Alastor ‘Mad Eye’ Moody himself, he learned not to trust easily. And since occasions to make friends or interact with strangers had been few and far between, he never really learned what to look for in a friend.
He was well aware that he was complaining about a comfortable life. His parents had left him a respectable amount of gold, and Sirius bought him a flat in London after he graduated from Auror Academy. Maybe he'd gotten this job because of his fame and reputation, but he knew he deserved the position as Head Auror. There was hardly anyone with the same amount of training and experience he brought to the table, and he was under the impression the people working for him did genuinely like him as a boss. Two of them he even considered friends after all these years.
Aside from the two friends at work he also had his family. He had Sirius, Remus, Andromeda, Tonks and his godson, Teddy. He wasn't alone by any means, but he'd never met someone he could possibly fall in love with. Hell, aside from one of Tonks’ old friends from school and her father's attempts to set him up with several of his countless nieces—and later nephews when Harry told his family girls didn't do it for him—he'd never even dated. Toby—a fellow student from elementary school and the only friend his age—dragged him to Muggle pubs and clubs, resulting in the occasional snog or even a shag with a stranger. Needless to say, his first time hadn't exactly been romance novel material and it sure wasn't something he liked to think about. Sometimes, Harry feared that he would never fall in love, that he wasn't capable of developing those feelings for another person.
Those unpleasant thoughts combined with the Rita Skeeter article may have been the result of his sudden impulse to just go for it and ask the redhead out. But it also could have been the brilliant blue eyes, the kind, shy smile and the lean shoulders. Harry was sure, though, that the main reason for it had been the fact that this man hadn't treated him like a Messiah. It had just been an easy conversation, even if it had been only two minutes.
Harry hoped it would remain that way when they watched the game later. In fact, he could just brush it off as a friendly meeting with a fellow Ministry worker if Cute Ginger wasn't interested in anything more.
But when he thought about the redhead’s lopsided grin, Harry felt a foreign flutter in his stomach and he couldn't help but hope for more, even if it was just another visit to the pub.
**** **** **** ****
In the 30 years of Ron Weasley’s existence, he'd never been on time for something not work-related. Today, though, he was almost ten minutes early as he waited by the fireplaces for Harry Potter.
Again, he felt rather pathetic. For a hot second, he considered waiting in a nearby bathroom to pass the time, pretending to get to their meeting place just in time. But then he reminded himself that he wasn’t a petty teenager anymore, and even if Potter found it pathetic, Ron didn’t expect a repeat of tonight, anyway.
He decided to just treat this like a meet-up with Dean and Seamus every other Thursday after work. Just two guys, enjoying a couple of pints together, talking about Quidditch. Nothing special. Nothing to freak out over.
The atrium was busy as ever but he spotted Potter right away when the Head-Auror stepped out of the lift and made his way towards the fireplaces. He still wore his magenta work robes and Ron couldn't help but notice how sexy they looked on him.
“Hi!” Potter greeted Ron, smiling somewhat shyly. “Ready for some beer and Quidditch?”
“Sure! But I forgot to introduce myself earlier, so I figured I'd do that now,” Ron said, giving the dark haired man a smile in return, as he offered his hand for a proper introduction. “I'm Ron. Ron Weasley.”
“I'm Harry.”
**** **** **** ****
“No way! How did he get out of there?”
Harry barked out a laugh at Ron's tale of a night out with Seamus and Dean. His outburst was loud enough for the other guests of the pub to look in their direction. Ron found it amusing how a simple change into Muggle clothes, different glasses, and a slightly lighter hair colour resulted in no one recognizing the Boy-Who-Lived.
“Since it was a Muggle police station, Seamus had to spend the night there. Statute of Secrecy, and all. We picked him up the next morning and filled him in on what he'd done the night before, including showing everyone his pale arse.” Ron grinned deviously at the memory. “I invented some things for good measure. Unfortunately, Dean is too good for this world and told him a few hours later that I was taking the mickey.”
Harry shook his head, chuckling. “That reminds me of Remus searching the whole of London for Sirius, only to find him several hours later in a hidden spot on the roof. He was gazing at the stars and totally stoned. Combined with Firewhiskey, he didn't remember a single thing from that night.”
“Sirius?” Ron looked quite interested at the mention of his Godfather’s name. “Sirius, as in Sirius Black?”
“Yes. He was my Dad’s best friend. And he's my Godfather.”
“I'm just asking because I'm related to the Blacks. My grandfather married Cedrella Black.”
“Yes, I recognize the name. Her face got blasted off the family tree,” Harry said, and at Ron's raised eyebrow quickly added, “Sirius’ mother blasted everyone off that tree who didn't uphold the Black family's motto ‘Toujours pur’. So, Cedrella must have gone against the high and mighty Black Pureblood tradition.”
“Well,” Ron said, taking a swig of his beer, “she married a Weasley. I'm sure that alone was reason enough to disown her. The Weasleys have been notorious blood traitors since forever.”
“Sounds like your grandmother had good taste in men if you ask me.”
Harry winked at Ron, and the redhead felt the burning blush creeping up his neck.
Ron was once again amazed at how little time it had taken him to lose his nervousness. But Harry Potter made it very easy for him. Harry was confident, yet humble and polite. His humor didn't have Ron's sarcastic edge, but the redhead found Harry delightfully witty with a good amount of sass.
Ron didn't know what he expected but it was undeniable how easy it was to talk to Harry. He could only hope the raven-haired man enjoyed this just as much as he did. Harry laughed at his jokes and seemed genuinely interested in Ron's more-than-mundane life.
As much as Ron tried to see this as a meeting with a good friend, he couldn't help the warm feeling in his chest every time Harry smiled at him or his leg accidentally bumped against Ron's. And if the alcohol hadn't gone to his head already, making him imagine things, Harry's eyes kept flitting down to Ron's lips.
When the woman behind the bar announced the final round, they decided to call it a night since it was one of Harry's work Saturdays tomorrow.
As they ventured out of the crowded pub and into the cool night air, Ron was disappointed about the evening coming to an end. Time had flown and he was sure they could've talked for several more hours.
“Would you mind if I walk you home?” Harry asked just as Ron wanted to wish him a good night.
Ron nodded, not being able to suppress his smile as Harry obviously remembered him mentioning that he only lived a few blocks away.
They kept their pace slow and walked a little closer to each other than necessary, their hands bumping against one another. Every touch sent a jolt through Ron's body and he wanted nothing more than to take Harry's hand.
Eventually, they reached their destination. During the entire walk home Ron had gathered all of his Gryffindor courage to ask Harry out, this time for an official date.
“I- um,” Ron started, rubbing one hand against the back of his neck to ease his nerves. “I really enjoyed this evening and I was wondering...Maybe I got this all wrong, but you seem interested, and well, I'm interested too. And if you're not, that's totally fine. But...caniseeyouagain?”
And before Ron's face had the time to go completely crimson, he got his answer as Harry took his hand to pull him close, leaned up and kissed him.
Harry pulled back from Ron's lips, his stunning, green eyes slightly darker than usual and holding a hopeful glint.
Ron didn't give himself the chance to overthink as he put his hand on the back of Harry's neck and kissed him again. A deep groan escaped him when Harry licked at Ron's bottom lip and Harry took the opportunity to slip his tongue inside.
Ron was positive that he'd never experienced something more incredible than kissing Harry Potter. The only things he was capable of paying attention to were Harry and the wild thumping of his heart. And while it was exhilarating and new and positively made him weak in the knees, it also felt a lot like coming home.
Having lost all sense of time, Ron couldn't tell if they'd kissed for a minute or several hours when they broke apart. Harry's hands still gripped his shirt and Ron let his own hands glide from Harry's dark hair down over strong, well-defined shoulders to finally rest at his hips.
Both of them tried to catch their breath and Harry, who finally let go of Ron's shirt to put his arms around him, smiled up at Ron almost shyly.
“Yes, you can see me again,” Harry said, grinning.”What are your plans for tomorrow night?”
“Well,” Ron pretended to think about it for a second, “I thought I'd do this.”
And with that, he leaned in to kiss Harry again.
“I think that's a brilliant idea.”
**** **** **** ****
Just as he turned off the radio and grabbed his coat from the rag beside the door, a loud knock sounded through Harry's now quiet flat.
“Ten minutes early. Eager, aren't we?” Harry said as he opened the door for a tall ginger with a picnic basket in one hand and a broom in the other.
“Says the one waiting right beside the door like a good dog.”
Ron shoved his way inside, putting down the basket and broom before pulling Harry into his arms.
“Happy Birthday,” Ron murmured against the other man's lips. “And I thought I was supposed to give you a present, not the other way around?”
Harry pulled back a little, apparently confused. Ron grinned at him and squeezed Harry's arse. “Thanks for wearing my favourite pants today.”
Chuckling, Harry pointed at the broom Ron had brought with him. “No way I'll fly on a broom in these. Good thing I also packed my joggers.”
Ron hadn't told him where they were going for Harry's Birthday. He'd just instructed Harry to be ready at 9 in the morning, so they'd be back in time for dinner at Grimmauld Place with Harry's family.
Only two months had passed since their first kiss, but Harry already felt as though he'd known Ron for much longer. Every kiss, every touch, all the teasing and banter, and late night talks felt so completely natural, yet blissfully exciting.
“Come on, grab your broom. We're on a tight schedule.”
Ron winked at him and before Harry knew it, they were standing in the middle of a giant Quidditch pitch.
There wasn't a single soul besides them, but Harry immediately recognized the giant Hogwarts House banners from his family's keepsakes of their school years. Aside from that fateful day when he'd fought Voldemort on those grounds, he'd never visited the school. Not before, not after.
Harry tried to swallow down the lump in his throat. The surprise must be the result of one of their late night talks, when Harry confessed that his deepest desire while growing up had been to go to Hogwarts.
“Are we allowed to be here or do I need to arrest you for breaking into school grounds?”
Arms wrapped around him from behind and Harry could feel Ron smiling against the back of his head. “I wouldn't be opposed to playing the big bad Auror and the naughty Suspect later, but this is actually 100% legal. Having contacts with important Quidditch officials has its perks sometimes. And my annual chess game against McGonagall helped too, I suppose.”
“Okay then,” Harry said, lifting one of Ron's hands to his mouth to brush his lips against his knuckles. “Fill me in on that plan of yours.”
Ron let go of him and reached for their brooms, tossing one of them at Harry. “I thought we'd fly over the grounds first, so I can show you everything from above. The castle looks fucking amazing from up there and the Great Lake is a sight to die for when the water reflects the sun.”
Ron mounted his broom and flew in slow circles around Harry as he continued to talk. “I hope you don't mind that I invited your family for dinner. But I thought we could all show you the castle, introduce you to our favourite spots and secret places. Andromeda can show us the Slytherin common room. I've never been there myself. I'll show you the kitchen first. That's where I'll cook dinner later while the others show you around.”
Jumping down from his broom, Ron looked at Harry with a mixture of excitement and reluctance as he rubbed the back of his neck. It was a telltale sign of the redhead being nervous, Harry had learned in the last weeks.
“So, I thought this to be fitting for a 30th Birthday. I wasn't sure what to get you that you don't already have, and I reckoned this might be fun.”
Harry didn't know what to say and his silence only made Ron doubt his plan more. It always baffled Harry how Ron didn't realize how wonderful he was. He wished Ron could see himself through Harry's eyes.
Right at that moment, as Harry looked into Ron's blue eyes, it hit him. In fact, he knew he'd been harbouring these feelings inside him for weeks now, but only now he could see it with shining clarity.
He was falling in love.
The feeling was new, something he'd never experienced, but still he recognized it for what it was.
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So I’m about to go in for a wisdom teeth consultation a couple days after my ritual. Just to go over what happens; not the actual thing yet. But I was wondering how the papas would react to their s/o getting wisdom teeth removed? I think I should go into that more. Who would record their s/o because they believe it’s the funniest shit and the one who actually takes care of their s/o?
(I’m actually really freaked out about it. It’s not hurting, but one is definitely coming in pretty quickly and I just hope ya know it’ll be good)
~Dorky anon (Hope you guys are doing well!!! I know these times are hard on many 💕)
OMG dorky anon i missed you I hope youre good aside from the obvious. (I got a wisdom tooth out a few years ago and it sucked but it was more uncomfortable than painful. i got a little mouth so when it was coming in it was pushing all my teeth together really tight so i was just happy to release the pressure. I also didn't have to be knocked out so idk abt that)
Papa I: They didn't have dentistry when he was young, just like, period, but all his teeth are dentures now anyways so he's very experienced with the practice. I'm assuming anyone old enough to be dating this fossil also has dentures or at least isnt young enough to have wisdom tooth issues, so this would literally never be something he would have to deal with. he would for sure babble some weird shit about how wisdom teeth are connected to your brain and soul and have some deeper meaning. you say "Ok grandpa why dont you go sit in your favorite chair" and he shrugs and goes to sit in his favorite chair
Papa II: Would take care of you, but he has no bedside manner, so he would be really weird about it. he would make food and drink accommodations you need, and when you were still high on gas he would probably get sick of it quick. if it lasted long enough he would get drunk so you could be on the same level of completely incoherent.
Papa III: would 100000% film you acting a damn fool. if you said some particularly rancid shit he would set it as his ringtone so whenever you called it would repeat it over and over. he would probably put a funny voice mod over it too. but he would also take care of you the best? in his eyes this is like open heart surgery and you need round the clock care and youre on bed rest for three weeks. he'll treat you like youre in hospice for satan sake. buy you baby food and squirt it into your mouth cause you cant suck (and he will make the unfortunate "so no head?" joke, and you will not laugh) and so you dont have to raise your arms cause knockout aches and pains.
Cardinal Copia: (id just like to take this time to mention that i will never call him papa iv or popia because i dont like canon and nothing thats happened with the band in the past two years is real but anywhore) He would also film you but only because he thinks its cute when youre stupid and he would totally make you watch it later. would send it to all your friends and family to show them how cute you are. would also baby the shit out of you and at the first sign of complication he would rush you to emergency just in case. it's more of a hassle than a help, but at that point, if it shuts him up...
- Rosie, who hopes it goes well and expects to hear all about it when youre recovered
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