#because i way more easily lose track or lose interest or get distracted and struggle to return the more breaks between episodes
absentlyabbie · 7 months
"the binge model for shows is bad, fuck bingeing"
the problem isn't the show dropping all at once or some folks enjoying being able to gobble down the entire plot at once or in sizable chunks at the pace of their choice
as usual, the problem is shitty corporations mining any and every form of enjoyment and entertainment for profit and manipulating viewer preferences in service of that goal until they break them, then continuing to beat that poor, rotted horse like a gory pinata
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strawhatsoraya · 2 years
Yo ! How are you doing ? :)
As an ADHD girl, I was wondering if I could request headcanons for Corazon, law and Luffy with a female SO who has ADHD (inattentive type) ?
To help you with it (especially if you are not familiar with it) my symptoms are :
-forgetting and loosing things constantly
-being overwhelmed when there's is too much things happening (especially at work), like multiple people talking close to me ect, If someone talks to me and there's someone else speaking loudly or close to me I won't be able to filter anything that's being said to me and I'll lag haha
- when I'm sitting I'm either constantly moving (fidgeting, scratching my skin all the time, looking around...) Or I'll look super calm and absent, zoning out completely and working on autopilot and just daydream constantly or planning stuff in my head
- I often get distracted during conversations, I think about something else and I'll miss half of what they were talking about. I'm either going to bid my head and deal with the little infos I got or ask "what is happening? What did you say?" Even though I was there looking at my friends the whole time and when they don't respond and move on I feel isolated :( I have two people close to me that often asks me if I understood everything and I often say no and they repeat, it helps me (but I know it's annoying to do so I don't expect it)
-I will often not look in someone's eyes when they are talking to me but looking around or let my eyes get lost in the void. I'm listening (if the conversation is short) and responding but idk why I won't look at you
- I actually harm myself fidgeting when I walk and scratch my leg with my shoes (I can't help it) and it gives me scares and I bleed :( (I'll try fidget toys and see if I can get over this)
-im so bad with time I constantly am paranoid of being late so I'm always one or two hours early at meetings because if I'm not too early I'm late, there's no I'm between (when I'm with my friends they must tell me to chill and that we will be on time if I follow their rythm and it helps)
-im afraid I'm being too obnoxious and childish sometimes :( so I often apologizes when I'm happy, (but recently I've been told I shouldn't because it's funny and it's nice to have some positive) example when I'm outside with people : "OH this is so pretty!", "It's so beautiful!", "Look at that tree ! So beautiful!!!" Every 10 seconds, jumping around ect. BUT with people I don't feel comfortable with or not enough I undereact to hide how easily excited I am to the point people think I'm not interested
I hope this helped! Thanks 😊
Hey! I'm doing well for a Sunday lol. Thanks for sending in your request. As someone who struggles with ADHD I totally related to your symptoms lol. I constantly lose track of my belongings, and have the worst time management ever. I have like 100 alarms on my phone and somehow manage to snooze them all. It's a problem. I know. Anyway, I wrote a few drabbles for you for this cute little headcanon. I hope you enjoy!
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 eyes that (don’t) commit
He hadn’t noticed at first. It was a truth he’d be too ashamed to admit. He hadn’t noticed the way your eyes always flit from spot to spot–quick as a butterfly, your attention always split in between worlds. He hadn’t noticed the way you always responded a beat or two too slow, or the way you’d repeat his last words like a parrot–a cute one–as if that would help jog your memory; or perhaps you were stalling, trying to buy time.
He never really understood why; truthfully he didn’t see a reason for it.
You were you, and that was fine. You laughed at his jokes, and had once, very boldly, with your whole chest made fun of his laugh only to confess very quickly that you loved it too; loved how it made you laugh, and what more could Cora ask for?
Your laughter followed his own wherever it went. It didn't matter if your eyes didn’t. He knew your heart was with his.
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where focus goes energy flows
At first, it irritated him. You were unable to follow through for lengthy conversations. He’d be staring at a book, expecting you to understand his instructions. When he’d look up, you’d be staring blankly, a little smile on your lips. 
It was both infuriating, and endearing.
You always seemed embarrassed after, deeply apologetic. You’d say the word over and over and over, like it would ease his heart. A ‘sorry’ did nothing for him. The expression on your face, the pained look behind your eyes was infinitely more worrisome than any bit of conversation that you had missed.
How many before him had failed to understand you? How many had turned your heart away because they lacked a certain kind of tolerance? He couldn’t tolerate the mere idea of it.
The day it finally clicked, he found you in a corner of the Polar Tang, as if you were trying to remember where you were headed. He chuckled beside himself, and gathered you in his arms, squeezing you tightly.
“I really hate it when you say: huh,” he could hear your voice now, see you blinking. It made the corner of his mouth twitch. “But it’s okay. You can keep saying it as many times as you need.”
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what a plot twist you were
The Sunny could be so loud sometimes; in so  many ways. You could handle the chaos most of the time. You thrived in it, almost, the way there were always so many conversations going on at once. It did; however, become inconvenient when you were trying to pay attention to your boyfriend.
You were both sitting on the head of the Sunny, ocean vast and wide ahead of you. You knew you had been observing the rippling water, the way the waves became white and foamy as the ship sailed on. Then what had happened? You’re not sure.
It’s Luffy’s pinger poking your cheek that brings you back. You turn your head slowly to look at him, eyes wide, head empty. He smiles widely at you, a small wheezy laugh shaking his shoulders. 
“Penny for your thoughts?” he asks brightly, eyes crinkling at the corners. You return his smile. This is what you loved about Luffy; this and many things. The easy way he made you feel like you belonged, right there next to him. No judgment. No pretenses. 
“I don’t have any. Do I still get a penny?” you ask him. Luffy’s chuckles become softer, a little mischievous. His eyes narrow slightly, as he wrinkles his nose.
“How about a kiss?” he says and he leans to capture your lips with his.
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pcktknife · 2 years
how does emmet find yamask ingo?
tldr: yamask ingo travels all the way from sinnoh to unova w/o being caught and becomes something of a small poke celeb. emmets runnin errands and theres a big crowd of people watchin trainers get there ass kicked by this yamask (all fail to successfully catch it in a pokeball no matter how many tries) and emmets like screw it i love battling and theres smth tippin him off abt this pokemon so why not. and theyre very equally matched very oddly in sync but whatever emmet prevails and is also the first person to catch this yamask. emmet gets home lets it out its ball and gets the first proper look at the very recognizable mask and well family reunion ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
ok so imagine a yamask is chillin in present day sinnoh. freshly returned memories and determined to get home. it goes about its life as a pokemon does and every now and again is maybe in a battle with a trainer who wants to catch it. this yamask is not beat nor caught so easily no matter how many people try. enough trainers figure out that theyre all encountering the same one and its like a small town news story. and as this yamask is travelin thru countries (its a long trip from japan to new york phew) and this pokemons kinda getting a reputation for being uncatchable and difficult to beat. its okay to approach as long as youre not attempting to catch it or anything. and some people get interested enough to try to like track this pokemon as its makin its journey (its obvious its got somewhere to be. theories on where its goin and who exactly it was get goin on small forums) so through the different regions the yamask remains uncatchable for whatever reason like its too bent on not getting caught like its really persevering. It gets to nimbasa city, unova and just like previous regions trainers are interested in testing their luck and strength to see it they can get this yamask for themselves. quite a few rounds happen and theres a crowd now cheering taking bets its pretty dramatic. another young trainers whole team has fainted and up walks a very well known local. everyone whos lost so far are certain if they couldnt do it this guy can hes very hard to beat on the nearby battle subway most people struggle to fight either subway boss but emmet is particularly difficult to beat. large crowded battles like this arent odd to see especially in unova and emmet hasnt quite been in the mood to participate in any recently because bigger more stressful things in his life rn. but it may distract him for a moment and this yamask is very very good at battling and battling is very fun so why not give it a shot. if he loses at least he enjoyed himself for a moment. the battles very heated and the two battle like they know just how the other will move. they move almost in sync too. it comes kinda close but emmet throws a standard pokeball and everyones watching bated breath people are recording phones shaking in their hands as the ball twitches and then stops and the yamask has been caught.theres cheering (and booing from those who had chosen to bet against emmet) people congratulate him and the crowd eventually dies down and emmet goes home. during the fight he hadnt gotten the chance to look at the mask and if this was such a big deal surely itd have to have been someone very important.and when he sees the mask shares his face he falls to his knees and hugs his brother without any hesitation.
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kateis-cakeis · 3 years
Alivebur Has A Crush Analysis
Alivebur is a character who has been through the highs and lows of life. We have seen him lead, we have seen him fall, and we have seen him come back and try his best. What we have not previously seen, however, is Alivebur in love. In the last few streams from his POV, his interactions with Quackity have stepped into the realm of possibility that to Alivebur, this is more than a simple rivalry. Therefore, this analysis will explore Alivebur's possible crush on Quackity by going through the streams to show development, and looking in depth at expressions.
The Book
When Alivebur takes the Project Nevadas book from the chest, he regards it and Quackity's name softly, sounding emotional, almost like he's on the verge of tears - especially as he says 'my kinsman':
“Quackity… My, my old rival! My… my kinsman. We’ve been through a lot, we went through a lot together. And I- And I-” - (Wilbur’s resurrected gentleman of L'manburg: 1:02:11, 5th May)
It's a very emotional line, and truly the first time during the 5th May stream that Alivebur seems genuinely comfortable, suggesting that this is the first time he realises that Quackity is the only one (from his perspective) who isn't afraid of who he was before he died.
Furthermore, it suggests this is where he first gets the hope that Quackity sees him as human.
He even reads the book with a gentle tone, suggesting that he thinks Quackity wrote it with a softness.
In the 31st May stream, Alivebur still has the book on him, and keeps the contents to himself, at first, stopping midsentence as he begins to read it to Tommy.
“Let me read you the book, let me read you the book. ‘My dearest friend, Wilbur’. Uh. And then there’s just some other stuff.” – (Wilbur’s A Deck of Cards with a Green Smile on them: 14:53, 31st May)
Due to him having no idea he was going to be up against Quackity yet, it is likely he kept it to himself because it was too personal to share - only later showing it to Tommy as a plea to why he shouldn't join Quackity.
In between reading the first part and uttering 'uh', Alivebur opens his mouth to say more, but no words come out. As if he couldn't physically read it.
Then he goes on to 'read' Tommy the book, except he makes up the contents. What is interesting here, is how he seems to slip:
“It says: ‘My dearest friend, Wilbur. I’ve really missed seeing you. Come to Project Nevadas. Your best friend, Quackity.’ He’s not my best friend, Tommy, don’t worry, that would be you.” – (Wilbur’s A Deck of Cards with a Green Smile on them: 16:28, 31st May)
Tommy has pushed him for what's inside the book, so Alivebur 'gives in' and starts to read it, coming up with what he's saying on the fly. The slip? 'Your best friend', we know in the 25th July stream that one of Alivebur's goals seems to be Quackity being his friend, making this line all the more obvious that this is something Alivebur wants, to be Quackity's friend, and to be on his side.
When he gets rejected from Las Nevadas, he opens up the book like he's trying to make sense of it:
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Because Alivebur took it as a call, took it as an invitation to join Quackity and be on his side - something that Alivebur seems to want. Perhaps because it would be a place to belong, a side to stand with, someone to stand alongside who isn't afraid of him.
Hence why he was petty and challenged Quackity, because he was rejected by the only person who Alivebur thinks regards him as a human.
Alivebur keeps the book on him in the following stream, Healthy Competition. Where, in the middle of talking to Phil, while looking in his inventory, he gets distracted by the book, losing track of what he was saying as he looks at it:
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This suggests that Alivebur is keeping the book on him because it's precious, and because he's yearning. It isn't something he's keeping safe in an Ender chest like he used to do with history books, but rather something he's keeping on him, almost like he's keeping it close to his heart.
It's personal, enough to distract him in the middle of a conversation in a way we haven't seen from Alivebur before.
When he's making plans, he doesn't get distracted easily, usually sticking to the point, but here, he trails off in the middle of a sentence, pulls the book into his hand, struggles to open it, and looks for just a second before putting it away.
It's definitely not something that Alivebur would do at all, and is certainly new. Which, in turn, heavily suggests a crush because it is something we've never seen before.
Later in the stream, as Alivebur tosses the named steaks over to Ranboo, Alivebur pulls the book into his hand again. His expression drops almost, he stops in a sense, eyes dipping down. There's a sadness this time:
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Like a sad longing. Perhaps the book is a reminder too, of what he truly wants, to be alongside Quackity, to be his dearest friend like it says.
While Alivebur doesn't look at the book in the 3rd and 4th Aug streams, he does still have it on him, showing that he does indeed keep it on him at all times. Evidently, the book is very important to him.
Therefore, due to all this, it can be heavily suggested from the book alone that Alivebur has a crush. Keeping it on him at all times, regarding it softly, being unable to share the contents at first, looking at it with a longing or a sad yeaning, all show that the book is precious to him in a way that proves feelings.
The Crush Question
More under the cut
When Alivebur talks about how Quackity challenged him, calling the look in his eyes cool - before then admitting that he almost called it hot, Tommy proceeds to ask if Alivebur has a crush, to which Alivebur says:
“I have a complicated relationship with Big Q, but I don’t think it’s at that level yet.” – (Wilbur’s A Deck of Cards with a Green Smile on them: 44:55, 31st May)
There is a lot to this line, for example, 'complicated relationship' suggests, within this context, that he's referring to their very colourful past, where they were political rivals, allies, perhaps friends, and also almost lovers.
Considering that Alivebur says he doesn't think it's at the level of a crush yet does indeed suggest that he is aware of his attraction and/or feelings for Quackity.
We know from Niki's birthday party that Alivebur had feelings for Quackity then:
“Sometimes, uh, you know, my, my, my feelings towards some people... in this room get the better of me.” - (Karl's Dream SMP with Niki: 1:46:37, 2nd Nov)
During that pause, that ellipsis, Alivebur looks straight at Quackity before continuing. It is clear that at this point he did have feelings, hence why he kissed Quackity, and why later in that stream he sang songs of love and hate to him. Complicated relationship indeed.
So, 'complicated relationship' possibly does refer to all their past, to everything they've been, or almost been. That paired with him thinking his feelings aren't at the level of a crush yet - at this point - does heavily suggest that this is something that is progressing.
Either he will later realise his feelings have gotten to the level of a crush, or that it's been a crush for a while, but the important part here, is the use of 'yet', he's expecting it.
In turn, Alivebur's answer to Tommy's question does suggest the existence of feelings already, as well as Alivebur acknowledging it can become a crush.
Crush Behaviour
In recent streams it has become increasingly evident that Alivebur is behaving like he has a crush already. Even in the first stream where this becomes evident - the 31st May one - he displays signs of a crush.
To begin, one of the most evident signs of a crush from the 31st May stream are the longing sighs:
It's the way he sighs with his whole chest. The way he's trying to speak but sighs instead, as if that's all he can say, as if it conveys everything he feels.
The lines the sighs coincide with are interesting to note too:
“He’s, he’s um, he’s, I guess my, my yang. He’s the yang.” – (Wilbur’s A Deck of Cards with a Green Smile on them: 47:56, 31st May)
The first sigh takes place between 'he's um' and 'he's', and only then gets out what he wants to say, that Quackity's his yang. Which, from that, it can be suggested that the sigh comes from thinking about Quackity as his light, his other half, as something he can't exist without, something like a soulmate. Because that's what 'his yang' suggests on its own, but paired with the sigh, it shows how he's thinking about it, and from the tone, he's also longing for it.
And then there's the line for the second sigh:
“Because when you’ve got people like Quackity over there, who are just- You know, he said it best, I’m not gonna talk shit about him behind his back.” – (Wilbur’s A Deck of Cards with a Green Smile on them: 1:10:00, 31st May)
Here the sigh takes place when Alivebur cuts himself off after the 'just'. It's more of a breathed sigh, and it has a 'aw' sound to it. There is a feeling of more attraction here than longing. He's thinking about Quackity again and then sighs like this, almost in a happy way. It's almost got an amazed feel to it, as if that's how he feels when thinking of Quackity here.
Then he goes on to say he's not gonna talk shit about him behind his back, which also indicates a crush type behaviour, because while he's setting himself up to be Quackity's rival, he stops himself from doing what most would when they're against someone.
The sighs aren't the only part of the 31st May stream that have a crush behaviour feeling to them. This is also clear when Tommy asks if Alivebur and Quackity were kissing.
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He nervously laughs after Tommy asks, and stares at Quackity, with his hand over his mouth. The nervous laugh suggests that Alivebur does feel something towards this question, something positive but guarded, hence his hand over his mouth, and why he stares at Quackity.
And then he deflects. He doesn't answer Tommy's question, he just changes the subject. It's clear from this that he's hiding his true feelings here.
“No, I don’t think I wanna kiss him. It’s um…” – (Wilbur’s A Deck of Cards with a Green Smile on them: 50:29, 31st May)
This is backed up by him saying he doesn't think he wants to kiss Quackity. He clearly has some complicated feelings about it, hence the use of 'think' instead of just leaving it as no.
Evidentially, there is some guarded part of Alivebur that isn't sure what to feel about kissing Quackity, but judging by the use of 'think', and nervously laughing while staring at Quackity after being asked if they were kissing, it seems like he's thought about it.
The next blatant crush behaviour happens in the 25th July stream as Alivebur is talking about how he met up with Quackity:
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The body language here, the way he seems to fiddle with his arms, it's a very nervous thing to do, and since he's talking to Phil here, it suggests he's nervously talking about his crush to his dad.
The full line shows this even more:
“Yeah! I met up with him, and I hadn’t seen him in ages. It was, I’m gonna say it, it was nice. It was a nice time. I- I- It felt good, it felt, uh, you know, he didn’t, he didn’t seem afraid of me, which is cool.” - (Wilbur’s Healthy Competition: 7:38, 25th July)
He begins with that he hadn't seen him in ages, which is especially interesting because this is true of everyone, it's been 13 years for Alivebur, but the way he says it here makes it sound so casual, like it had just been a little while. Perhaps it suggests how human and alive he feels around Quackity.
He goes on to say it was nice, that it felt good, and how it's cool Quackity didn't seem afraid of him. Which suggests even more so of just how human and alive Quackity makes him feel, that he simply had a nice time. Especially with him saying it felt good, which shows how this isn't just an intense rivalry for Alivebur, it's something that makes him feel more positive emotions.
The most damning evidence for Alivebur's crush behaviour, however, comes from when he's waiting for Quackity on the 4th Aug stream.
“Wait here, look, I promise you, just you wait. Just you wait. Ready? Ready? Are you ready? Are- Are you- Are you ready? Um… Uh…” - (Wilbur’s Unhealthy Competition: 11:06, 4th Aug)
He expects Quackity to be there as soon as he is, but when he's not there, Alivebur begins to get nervous, um-ing and uh-ing. After two minutes of waiting around, Alivebur then proceeds to proclaim that he thinks he understands Quackity, and how his brain works, only for him to prove he doesn't give a shit:
“This guy. Ranboo, I swear to god, like I, I feel like I understand him, I feel like I know how his brain works, you know, how his- how the- how the cogs in his mind go. And then he just, and then he just goes and proves that he doesn’t give a shit.” - (Wilbur’s Unhealthy Competition: 12:56, 4th Aug)
The reason this is evident crush behaviour is because Alivebur starts getting self-conscious about how Quackity feels about him after waiting two minutes. He assumes that as soon as he arrives on the border, Quackity will be there instantly.
It's very reminiscent of real life, where some people may get self-conscious if their crush doesn't text them back immediately. Except with Alivebur, instead of a text, he turns up on Las Nevadas's doorstep and expects Quackity to drop anything he's doing to tell him to fuck off.
However, the most blatant part of this piece of evidence is when Quackity asks if they've been waiting long, to which Alivebur replies with:
“Uh, I’ve just arrived, you know, I just arri- I, I haven’t been long for you. I, I wouldn’t- Quackity, you think, you think I’d wait for you?” - (Wilbur’s Unhealthy Competition: 14:35, 4th Aug)
He pretends he's just arrived, trying to act suave, that he wouldn't wait for Quackity, just like how Quackity didn't instantly greet him the minute he turned up. He's brushing it off here, but even he himself knows that he isn't acting as smooth as he would like:
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He glances away as he drinks from the bottle, then closes his eyes, scrunching up his face. It's an embarrassed 'oh god did I really just say that?' type expression. It's the type of expression you would expect to see from someone who feels like they've just embarrassed themself in front of their crush.
That's what is evident here when everything from this scene is put together, that Alivebur is acting like he has a crush.
Finally, the last bit of evidence we have right now that indicates Alivebur is expressing crush behaviour is when he says he feels alive after interacting with Quackity:
“I feel alive, Ranboo, I feel alive. Someone’s looking at me and talking to me! I’m alive, I’m alive! This is great.” - (Wilbur’s Unhealthy Competition: 27:22, 4th Aug)
You may notice here that the 'someone's looking at me' is similar to what cc!Wilbur said from Alivebur's perspective in the recent reddit comment about him (here), that 'no-one even looked at him' before he died. Alivebur is excited, even seeming to be happy, that someone is actually paying attention to him, looking at him, even if it's in a rivalry sense.
And it's only Quackity that makes him feel this way, despite Ranboo being there, talking to him. It suggests that what Alivebur is feeling with Quackity is unique, and makes him feel more than the friendship he has with Ranboo.
Most of all, the excited and stressed 'I feel alive' and 'I'm alive!' not only suggests that just talking to Quackity makes him feel alive, but that it could be making his heart beat faster every time he sees him and interacts with him.
This is implied through the line because to feel alive in this excited sense induces a reaction, and that probable reaction of feeling alive - being excited, suggests his heart is beating faster. This links back to Alivebur having a crush because when a person is around someone they have feelings for, their heart beats faster.
Lastly, in the latter half of the quote, when he says 'I'm alive!', he looks towards Las Nevadas, and sighs in what sounds like a happy tone. This shows that it is indeed Quackity that is making him feel this way.
All in all, everything from the sighs to the way Quackity makes him feel alive, does indeed suggest that Alivebur is displaying crush behaviour towards Quackity, and therefore, indicates that he has a crush.
Homoerotic Tension
Another factor that ties into the evidence that Alivebur has a crush, is the homoerotic tension he has towards and with Quackity.
The most obvious occurrence of this is when Alivebur bites his lip at the idea that Quackity won't like the burger van:
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“So he didn’t like it? He didn’t like you setting up the cookie stand? … Okay. Okay. No, no, no, that’s good.” - (Wilbur’s Healthy Competition: 21:33, 25th July)
As soon as Ranboo says Quackity didn't like it, Alivebur smiles, licks his lips, and then bites his lip.
In this context, there's no anxiousness here, so the only reason he could be biting his lip is because of his attraction to Quackity. A lip bite in this sense means that Alivebur is restraining himself, as well as experiencing desire.
It's a very clear attraction to Quackity, which further shows that he is attracted to him in all senses. This is also a foundation for where his feelings are coming from, and because we know Alivebur's type (he likes a challenge and thought the look in Quackity's eyes was hot when he challenged him), it becomes evident that the lip bite is a reaction to the idea of Quackity being angry at him.
And in the 4th Aug stream, this is explicitly said:
“When you smashed the window and blew up the wall? I’d be pissed, and I bet he is, dude.” - (Wilbur’s Unhealthy Competition: 7:20, 4th Aug)
“Ohh boy! Ha ha ha ha, ha! Oh, this is good, this is- this is exactly what I want. Did you see how- Dude, dude, Ranboo, he was trying act like I didn’t get to him.” - (Wilbur’s Unhealthy Competition: 26:47, 4th Aug)
Therefore, due to Alivebur expecting Quackity to be pissed, and him saying it's exactly what he wants after interacting with him, it's clear that him smiling and biting his lip after hearing that Quackity didn't like the cookie stand, comes from wanting Quackity to be angry with him, and so, links into his type, proving his attraction to him.
This links back to his possible crush because a lip bite like this definitely isn't an expression someone would make about a friend or just a rival. Which means it's explicitly attraction to Quackity, and further suggests that him having a crush on him is very possible.
Another notable moment that shows tension in this sense is when Alivebur says Quackity is a hard man to refuse.
“But I get it, I get it, you know, Quackity… He’s a, he’s a hard man to refuse.” - (Wilbur’s Unhealthy Competition: 24:09, 4th Aug)
The reason this suggests homoerotic tension and attraction is because of what 'he's a hard man to refuse' suggests. It's as if Alivebur is saying to Quackity that he can't say no to him, which shows how he is drawn to him. It also suggests that if Quackity were to ask something of Alivebur, he would do it, as he can't refuse him easily/can't say no.
The most interesting part about this is how Alivebur has never been manipulated or persuaded by Quackity, and therefore, in Alivebur's case, this sentiment is coming from their history, and possibly refers to the rivalry they have always had. Alivebur didn't refuse Quackity from running against him during the election era, and he eagerly gunned for a rivalry once he was rejected from Las Nevadas.
All of this indicates that Alivebur saying Quackity is a hard man to refuse has romantic connotations to it and suggests attraction to him.
Overall, the homoerotic tension, and Alivebur's attraction shows how it's very likely a crush has built off this foundation, and suggests why Alivebur is so drawn to Quackity.
In conclusion, Alivebur has a crush due to the way he talks about and interacts with Quackity. It is clear in the way he holds the book close and regards it softly and with a longing, and how he doesn't think his feelings are at the level of a crush yet, as if he fully expects it to happen. Additionally, his yearning sighs, the way he nervously laughs as Tommy asks if they kissed, his body language when he talks to Phil about him, and how he attempts to act smooth in front of Quackity only to be embarrassed by what he said, all suggest he's behaving like he has a crush. Furthermore, biting his lip when thinking of Quackity and saying he's a hard man to refuse show his attraction, and therefore, his likely crush. Overall, Alivebur has a crush due to all these factors.
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boldlyanxious · 3 years
Kiss and Run
Jasonette July prompt 16: heist
July masterlist
All masterlist
All things considered this was probably the best night for her heist. It didn't make sense at first since the Wayne gala was the social event of the season and they definitely had more security than usual. But that was mostly concentrated on the manor and everyone trying to get in, not seldom used storage buildings beyond the garden.
It had taken her a long time to track down what was labeled as a ceremonial item but she knew that it was a missing miraculous. She had managed to get through all the paperwork but it just wasn't listed. The last person recorded to have handled it was Jack Drake. The item had never been sold. She looked through all the records of the items sold after his death and it wasn't listed. All the things his son kept had been moved to the Wayne estate when the Drake estate was sold.
Marinette snuck in as the guests were arriving. She made sure that her outfit was fitting for the occasion but would not draw unnecessary attention in case she was spotted. She didn't actually need to enter the manor. She blended in with the guests but headed to the building to locate the item quickly. She took Plagg with her to assist with remaining hidden and for the additional night vision.
It has been far easier to get in than she had expected. The building was a lot larger than she realized and it had taken longer than she liked to find what she needed. She was fairly certain she had found it. She didn’t have very precise details on what the jewelry would be so she ended up with 3 pieces that were from the same archaeological dig. That would have to be close enough. Based on how they were stored, she didn’t think they would miss them. Honestly she could probably wear them into the party and meet the whole family and they wouldn’t recognise the items. But she wouldn’t push her luck. It had taken over an hour to find them and she still needed to get out of here without being discovered.
She had just closed the door when she heard voices around the corner. She slipped around the other side and dropped her transformation. Getting caught while transformed would be suspicious. Wandering around in formalwear would just look like she wandered a bit too far when she went out for fresh air. Luckily she planned ahead and had a champagne flute and a small bottle in her purse. No one would have cause to question her too carefully if it was clear she had too much to drink.
“The alarm definitely went off again. There are some guests out this way so maybe it was an accident. I can see the door. It is locked.”
She could hear the man on the phone. She focused on getting further away from the door and towards the garden area from which she could exit the estate grounds. She could hear the man continue his conversation but she chose distance over information. She almost hit a man in the shadows when she heard him move suddenly. But the man from the phone had moved this way too. She thought he might be following her. She needed to do something fast to explain her presence without causing more questions.
She pivoted to the other man and pulled him down by his tie. He seemed stunned by the sudden action but she kissed him before he had a chance to say anything. The alcohol now on her breath would be an incentive for most men. The man on the phone saw them and gave a look before heading the other way. She was so relieved she barely noticed that the man in front of her had pushed her against the wall but he had not returned the kiss. His eyes danced with amusement as she tried to slip away and then looked up at him when she realized she was trapped.
“That was some quick change back there,” he said. “You went from a Halloween costume to formalwear almost instantly.”
“I don’t know what you mean. I just stepped out for some air. I probably had too much to drink.” she forced herself to stumble over her words and then let out a breathy giggle.
“Nice cover. What did you find so interesting in the storage? You were in there awhile but your bag isn’t very big so you had something specific in mind.”
“I think there has been some mistake."
She tried to keep her voice slow and even, hoping that Plagg would take the opportunity to recharge. She didn't think it would be an issue, he couldn't see a wheel of cheese without eating it. She slid her arms up around the man's neck and tried to pretend it had no effect on her when he moved closer. Really she was just trying to get her back away from the wall. He slid his hands down to her hips and smirked at her. She tipped her face back up towards him but without waiting to see if he took the bait she pushed off from the wall and twisted out of his arms. She dropped low and swept his legs with her foot.
Her dress was perfectly capable of a quick get away but not quite as easy to fight in as the suit. The leg sweep caused him to stumble but he was much more agile and with much quicker reflexes than she had anticipated from a random guest at a society function. She would think it was just a Gotham thing, but she had actually lived here long enough to know that wasn’t the case. Most of the residents seemed to have very little interest developing skills to fight back. Perhaps they had seen what happened to those who fought back and would prefer to wait until the incident was over and hope they didn’t become a target.
She turned back to the man to decide whether she would have to fight him or if she could run away. But as he stumbled he reached out and grabbed her bag strap. He didn’t need to do anything else. He had what she had come for and he might even think he would find identifying information in there. He wouldn’t because she knew better, but he might hope. She tugged back on the strap and with the force of both of them it snapped.
Luckily it snapped with the small pouch on her side so she gave another yank to get the rest of the strap away as she turned and ran for the gate on the far side of the garden. She weaved in and out of all the obstacles hoping to slow down his larger frame. He would likely have the advantage if it were a straight shot but she intended to make it hard on him. She was still shocked when she made it to the gate and he wasn’t right behind her. She opened it just enough to slip out before closing it quietly behind her.
She stayed in the shadow along the wall making her plan for the best path through the grounds. If she could make it to the trees she should be able to get away without risking capture. She cursed as she bumped into something sticking out of the wall. It grabbed her arms and pushed her against the wall. She looked back up to see the same man. He must have chosen a different path through the garden while she was slowing herself down in an attempt to slow him down. His knee slid between hers pinning her dress to the wall and restricting her movements. He easily held her struggling wrists in one hand.
“That is some pretty coarse language coming out of that pretty mouth. Did you still want to kiss me?” He used his free hand to tilt her chin up.
“I was just doing that to create a distraction. Let me go.” She struggled against him but she couldn’t get loose.
“I think it could work. We should try it just to find out.”
“Are you the security here? Pretty sure you are supposed to take me to your leader rather than trying to seduce me.”
“You are giving me such mixed signals. I thought you wanted to seduce me.”
He had leaned down to whisper that in her ear. She froze as goosebumps covered her neck and arms. He used his free hand to trace with his fingers behind her ear, down her neck, and along her collar bone. He chuckled when she shivered. She adjusted just enough to lift her mouth up. He tilted his head down to her and their lips met. His lips slid against hers easily. She pushed herself against him as she slid her tongue against his lips. He granted her entrance and met her halfway. She was careful to give just enough attention to kissing him that he wouldn’t notice how she was moving.
She twisted each wrist gradually until she was very close to breaking his hold. But he suddenly shifted again and grasped her wrists with both hands. He didn’t break the kiss until her wrists were pinned on either side of her head, her bag still dangling from her left hand. “Nice try,” he said as his lips pulled away from hers. He brought her wrists together in one hand and pulled the bag from her. Her grasp slipped away and he suddenly released her. “You can go. Feel free to come back and try that again any time.”
She made a frustrated noise as he winked at her. She rushed at him but his arm blocked her far too easily. She had nothing to lose as he had already seen her detransform so she used her last resort. “Plagg, claws out,” she called. The sudden change and the bright light gave her the opportunity to use her staff to sweep his legs. When he went down she kicked him in the gut and used the staff to hit the purse from his grip. She didn’t wait to see his reaction; her priority was escape. She didn’t manage it though. His arm shot out and grabbed her leg before she could get out of his range. Damn his lightning reflexed.
She stumbled and turned to pull away from his grip. She extended her staff to push off but once again he defied the odds and had jumped up and tackled her. They rolled over, each of them fighting for dominance. Marinette lost the fight as she looked over to locate her purse. She had been on top but her split second attempt to determine her escape route gave him the ability to turn her over and plant his weight over her. He placed his knee painfully on her hip to limit her movement and held down her shoulders.
“Very Catwoman look. I like it. But you didn’t manage to land on your feet.”
“I didn’t have a chance to land. Some brute knocked me over and landed on top of me.”
“You were trying to kiss and run. We could get back to the kissing.”
“But you told me I could go.” She batted her eyelashes at him. “Did you change your mind?”
“I don’t think I ever want to let you go. But I don’t see the need to force you to stay. Whatever you stole won’t be going with you.”
He hauled her up and reached down for the purse again. She only had the one chance to use his lack of knowledge against him. So when he moved back up and held both her wrists together to pull her along with him, she let him. But as soon as he turned his face away she extended her staff lifting them both. She relied on his quick reflexes to protect him until she could get him in her grip. She vaulted them both away for the trees she had planned to use for her escape. She made several jumps into the trees until she found a good sturdy tree that looked like it would be easy to climb down from.
She dropped him in the high branches and took the purse back from him. He tried to hold on to it but she continued extending until she was out of his reach. She pushed forward to the next tree to talk to him while she was out of his reach.
“I really wish I had a reason to come back and try that trick again.”
“Am I not reason enough? You did already seduce me.”
“I’m pretty sure you were trying to seduce me. But my need to keep this safe would complicate that. I won’t return it.” She shook the purse to show what she was talking about.
“You did kiss me. Twice.”
“Sorry to kiss and run.”
She vaulted away. She trusted that he would easily manage to get down on his own. She didn’t notice that he had slipped out his camera to get pictures of her before she made her escape.
@jasonette-july-event | @theymakeupfairies | @emjrabbitwolf | @vixen-uchiha | @trythisagainlove | @trippingovermyfeet | @tbehartoo | @adrestar | @zynna
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softgaycontent · 3 years
Autistic Amity Analysis:
(Spoilers up to S2E2 Escaping Expulsion)
CW for: referenced child abuse, ableism
Good post here as well on Amity being Autistic. I may touch on some of the same points because the source material is the same.
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Amity's father, Alador, is fairly overtly autistic. It runs in families.
Justifications real quick because he doesn't mask like Amity so it is easier to point to clear signs:
Fairly non-expressive, holding the same half-lidded expression that Amity does as default
Extremely interested in animals/creatures, to the point of being distracted by them in the middle of conversations
Unbrushed Hair / lack of attention to or care for grooming, even at important functions or for family portraits
Very intelligent / creative / technical (a successful inventor)
His body language and the way he holds his hands over one-another after Odalia crushes the bug-thing
Unsure if this is Odalia knowing her husband well or her being very rude (probably both), but she is constantly doing things like bringing him back on track or gently moving him away as they're leaving the school. He does look kind of annoyed when she reaches inside his coat for their business card though.
NOTE: I think if Odalia had any real influence over Alador at all, she would have at least made him tidy up for the family portrait (he has unbrushed hair, goggles, and abomination goop on him). She either truly respects him for who he is or can't make him do anything.
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Odalia seems genuinely fond of her husband. She sees him as her equal, and expects others to respect him as well (introducing him as the greatest inventor in the Isles). Unfortunately Amity, as her child, is not given the same room to be herself. She is expected to have all the strengths as her parents, with none of the "weaknesses".
It would not be surprising if Alador struggled growing up autistic and truly believes that teaching Amity to cover it up is better for her. It's unclear how much of her overall abuse is perpetrated by each of her parents, but Alador does seem to be an active (not just passive) participant at least some of the time.
In Lost in Language, the twins justify being cruel to Amity because "she's got to learn", and that as "her family" they are responsible for showing her "tough love". This is clearly something they picked up from growing up in an abusive household, but it may be something they particularly believe about Amity, their weird little sister who doesn't act quite like the other kids, and gets upset too easily.
Amity's necklace may have started as a way for Odalia to remind Amity in public places to make eye contact with people, to stop stimming, or otherwise mask. She has worn it since at least whatever age she is in the flashbacks of Understanding Willow (6-10?).
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Special Interest
Amity and Luz both really love the Azura books. Luz is canonically neurodivergent with ADHD, which has some overlaps with ASD.
One of Amity's main forms of expressing herself seems to be in relation to the books. She draws herself as or with the characters often, befriends Luz more easily because of their shared enjoyment of the series, and tries to replicate a scene from tGWA in real life (Thorn Vault).
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Amity is fairly stoic. She is not super expressive most of the time, and her eyes are often held in the same half-open way her fathers are. Exceptions being when she is very angry or (more rarely) comfortably happy that her eyes open fully and more of her face changes.
Amity taps her hands against her knees when she is excited in Wing it Like Witches, and really tends use her hands to express herself a lot.
Her siblings make fun of her for getting so mad that her whole face goes red, which seems like the sort of reaction you might have if you were taught not to stomp out your anger like you want to, and hold it in instead.
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One symptom of ASD is feeling very passionate about what is fair and what isn't.
Amity is shown consistently to get very angry over fairness. First, when Luz and Willow cheat by pretending that Luz is an abomination (taking Amity's badge), then again when Eda and Lilith cheat in Covention, and finally at the fact that her siblings never get in trouble despite their frequent troublemaking.
This is the thing that drives her to anger more than anything.
She seems visibly mad at her mom while her friends are being expelled in Escaping Expulsion up until Odalia reminds her that she didn't uphold her end of the deal (re: the expo) at which point Amity gives in and looks defeated instead. Seemingly, she accepts that this was her fault and there's nothing she can do.
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Amity seeks comfort in dark, quiet places. Her favorite place to spend time is a secret little room in the library. In Covention, Amity finds a dark corner to sit in to calm down.
(Arguably the fort that she and Willow built in the flashbacks of Understanding Willow was away from the other campers and out of the sun as well.)
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Amity seems to like being touched (by Luz and Willow) clearly friendly ways, and strongly dislikes being touched at all other times.
Amity's siblings mostly seem to touch her in ways that annoy her in Adventures in the Elements. First on purpose, squishing her in a lean between them both, then possibly on accident, as Edric copies the hair ruffle Eda had just done to Luz. Amity seems to visibly dislike the feeling, and the fact that it messed up her hair.
She also really hates it when Hooty touches her; although most characters acknowledge him as annoying, she really loses it when he touches her again.
When Luz hugs her in Understanding Willow, Amity does not reciprocate, even though she seems to enjoy the gesture. She also reacts noticeably to the fact that Luz is still holding her hand after they arrive back in the owl house.
She seemed to enjoy keeping a close proximity to Willow when they were kids.
Amity takes Luz literally when she says, "I'm picking up what you're putting down."
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OK this one is purely a bonus headcanon about Amity's undercut. :)
Amity's hair is shown to be rather thick in her concept art, and Emira also seems to have very thick hair, so the reason it is not big and poofy in canon is probably due entirely to her undercut.
A lot of autistic kids have sensory issues around having their hair brushed, which only get worse with large, thick hair which tangles easily.
I like to think that Odalia had a lot of trouble brushing Amity's hair and putting it up into a neat style every day. much less teaching her to do it for herself. Eventually, she gave up and took Amity to get her hair cut, eliminating a lot of the thickness with the undercut, and providing Amity with a hairstyle she could easily manage herself.
Amity loved it, and also really likes running her hands over the short parts when she is by herself.
(While Odalia is too harsh about the way Amity behaves and looks, she will usually actually meet her half-way on sensory accommodations, like comfortable sheets)
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lnnlove · 4 years
somebody else | j.m.
summary: you and jj had only recently broken up after he wouldn’t commit to being in a real relationship with you. you’re at a party on a friday night at the boneyard when you notice him staring at you with the guy you’re moving on with. based on the lyrics to somebody else by the 1975.
pairing: jj maybank x female reader
word count: 3.3k
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So I heard you found somebody else. And at first I thought it was a lie.
“Here you guys,” Kie says as she drops off some food at the table that JJ is sitting at with John B and Pope on the deck at The Wreck. It’s Friday afternoon, and they’re getting something to eat before they go set up for the party at the Boneyard.
She falls into the open chair in between John B and Pope, with her gaze falling on JJ as he starts eating. She doesn’t look away from him, but sits in silence with an all-knowing expression, waiting for him to realize that she’s looking at him. 
He finally looks up and realizes that she’s looking at him. He looks down at his shirt to see if maybe he dropped a piece of food, but sees nothing there. He wipes at his mouth seeing if there was something on his face. When he exhausts all of the usual reasons for her to be staring at him, he finally asks “What Kie?”
She exhales. “(Y/N) is here,” she says plainly, hoping not to come across to insensitive. She knows that he needed a warning before seeing you. 
“Okay... she has the right to go where ever she wants,” JJ tries to deflect, but he can’t suppress the sinking feeling that grows in his stomach. He tries to play it cool so that no one will notice. He hasn’t seen you since the fight that ended your relationship. He shakes the memories out of his head that try to creep their way in. 
“She’s with someone. They’re on a date,” Kie adds. She can’t make eye contact with him.
“What?” JJ spits out. He let go of trying to be cool. A memory of you crying in your car flashes in his brain and he feels a sudden pain like he’d just been punched in the stomach.
“That’s a lie,” he tries to laugh it off initially, thinking Kie must be joking. His fake smile fades when he sees that Kie is serious. “You’re kidding right? That can’t be true,” he says more serious as he shakes the feeling of guilt and regret back out of his mind.
John B and Pope have stopped eating now, looking around between JJ and each other, communicating with their eyes. They know that he’s not ready to see you, especially with somebody else.
“Why? You think she should still be hung up on you?” Kiara retorts. She is still a little mad at JJ for letting you go so easily. She loves you and wishes JJ wouldn’t be so stupid since all you wanted was to be able to call him your boyfriend publicly instead of messing around in private.
Yes! JJ thinks to himself. But he knows better than to say that out loud in front of Kie. How can she already be moving on when just a few weeks ago she was moaning his name in his ear and asking him if she could be his? 
“No, it’s just surprising because it feels soon,” JJ clears his throat and says quietly, almost under his breath, trying to brush it off like it’s not eating him up. 
It’s silent. No one knows what to say. Well, Kiara knows what she wants to say but she doesn’t want to kick JJ when he’s down. 
“You know what,” JJ breaks the silence. “I’ll see you guys at the Boneyard. I’m not hungry anymore.” And he leaves the table before any of his friends can interject. 
They notice that he walks the long way around the restaurant instead of going though it. 
I don't want your body. But I hate to think about you with somebody else.
JJ walks along the beach down to the boneyard in a mood that he can’t explain. He’s been wandering around for an hour since he left The Wreck, just lost in his thoughts about you. 
You don’t want her. JJ reminds himself every time he feels his thoughts slip to you. Yeah you made that very clear when you broke up with her. His deeper thoughts fire back and a flash of your face the night he told you he’d rather lose you than be only yours pops into his mind, making him stop in his tracks and sit down in the sand. He feels cold. 
JJ sits there for a long time, his mind going back and forth like crazy thinking about the night you last spoke. His mind doing mental backflips, trying to convince himself that he made the right decision and thinks to himself one last you don’t want her, not even just her body. 
But the thought of you with somebody else makes him feel an unexplainable sickness. He can’t stand to think about it any more. 
JJ instinctively reaches into his pocket and pulls out the bowl he packed for the party that night. He quickly lights it and after the first exhale immediately starts finding peace. He takes a few more hits and can finally pick himself up again, resting assured that he made the right decision in ending things with you. 
JJ gets up out of the sand and walks faster toward the party, eager to have some drinks with friends and distract his mind with something else.
I'm looking through you while you're looking through your phone. And then leaving with somebody else.
“There you are,” Kie says to JJ as he approaches her, John B & Sarah, Pope, and some other friends sitting around a fire. JJ smiles and accepts the cup that his friend is handing to him. 
“Thanks,” JJ says and takes a seat in between John B and Kiara, catching up on the conversation that they’re having. He tries to join in, but everytime he opens his mouth, he changes his mind, so he sits quietly by the fire staring off into the distance and drinking his drink.
John B notices his oddly silent best friend and leans over to ask “You okay man? You’re really quiet.”
“Yeah, I’m fine just listening,” JJ responds without making eye contact. John B notices that he’s looking out at the party and knows JJ better than to pry any further.
Pope notices too, he sees JJ eyes moving rapidly among the crowd, scanning the faces and thinks he’s probably looking for someone to take home when he suddenly sees them stop and his expression harden, then soften, then harden again.
Pope follows JJ’s line of sight to a log around another fire. The glow of the flames illuminates your figure, lighting up your pretty face. Oh no Pope thinks to himself. He knows JJ enough to know that he’s not as okay as he wants the other Pogues to think, they’ve just been entertaining it so that he doesn’t push them away.
“Let him look,” Kie says quietly as she interrupts Pope’s train of thought. She hopes that him seeing this will make JJ realize what an idiot he was and maybe just maybe he’ll snap out of it.
You’re sitting next to somebody else on the log, trying to keep up with the conversation around you, but can’t seem to speak up in time to get a word in. The others are talking about things that you don’t care much about and you can’t seem to force yourself to fake it like you normally can. All you can manage to do is take out your phone and scroll through your feeds, thinking about times when you were happier, and pretend that you can’t feel JJ staring through you from where you noticed he was sitting.
You can’t even force a fake smile to fool him. She looks miserable, JJ thinks to himself while he stares at you across the beach.
I’m going over there, JJ thinks and just as he stands up, a girls he’s never seen before jumps in front of him and says “You want to get a drink?” JJ accepts and just like that, now he’s leaving with somebody else. Thank god she snapped me out of that. He thinks as he walks away with the touron who reminded him that he was right to end things.
No, I don't want your body. But I'm picturing your body with somebody else.
JJ leads the touron away from the party to a spot where he’s taken tons of other girls. He hasn’t even asked her name, but the dark side of his mind likes not knowing.
She hastily starts kissing him, JJ struggling to keep up with the sloppy kisses. JJ likes her eagerness and guides her down to lay on her back as he shifts himself to be over her. The movements spark a memory in JJ’s mind of the first time he can remember laying you down like this and how his heart was beating out of his chest that night. In his mind, he’s looking at you standing on the beach with your toes in the water motioning for him to come join you. 
No, I don’t want your body. JJ angrily thinks at the memory of you, wondering why he can’t get you out of his head, trying to refocus on the touron currently tugging at his shirt and pulling his head down hard to kiss her. This is the first girl he’s tried to be with since your fight. He’s trying to prove to himself that he was right, he wasn’t ready to give this up to be exclusive.
JJ is kissing her hard, trying to fein interest when in the back of his mind, he knows that he’s not interested. He’s on top of her now, with his blonde hair hanging down in her face for her to run her fingers through. When she does, he remembers how much he likes that feeling and has been craving it since the last time he had you.
(Y/N) used to do that, he thinks as she is scratching at his bare back. And now she’s doing that with somebody else. His thoughts backfires. He shakes it off.
Things progress rapidly and JJ thinks he’s ready. The touron reaches behind her neck and starts to untie her bikini top, but JJ can’t shake the thought of your body and how it fit perfectly in his strong arms. It’s the body he wants to see right now. And it’s the body that somebody else gets to touch and kiss and please, his mind won’t let up.
Before she can get the knot untied, JJ interrupts her and says with a sigh “I’m sorry, I can’t let you do that.” He can’t look her in the eye. He doesn’t want to take advantage of her like this when he’s picturing your body instead of hers.
“What? Is something wrong?” she asks. 
“Not with you. I just can’t give you what you want,” JJ responds and offers her a hand up as he stands up himself. 
Our love has gone cold. You're intertwining your soul with somebody else.
JJ walks back to the party alone, understanding now more than ever that he’s blown it with you. It’s over, he thinks. Our love has gone cold. 
He looks around desperately for you, all the places he can think you’d be at the party. You’re not on the log where you were when he walked away. You’re not dancing with your friends like you used to to impress him. You’re not sitting down by where the waves crash. You’re nowhere to be found. And neither is the guy you were with.
“They left,” Kiara approaches JJ, knowing exactly what he was wondering, and confirming JJ’s fear. She puts her hand on his shoulder and doesn’t say anything else, trying to comfort her friend because she knows he’s finally realized his mistake. 
I’m too late, JJ thinks to himself. But he realized his mistake too late. She’s intertwining her soul with somebody else. Because you wouldn’t give her that, his mind takes over now, a wave of sadness coming over him. 
JJ shakes the sadness off - avoiding it being his only defense mechanism when dealing with hard emotions. He can’t admit defeat. He takes a deep breath, puffs his chest, and nods his head. You can do this, he thinks. 
“Whatever,” he says bluntly, “I don’t want her anyway.” JJ walks off, keeping up his persona and leaving Kiara rolling her eyes and shaking her head behind him. She can’t believe he won’t let himself feel things.
I'm looking through you while you're looking through your phone.
When JJ comes back to the party, his closest friends know what’s coming. They’ve seen this before. When he is hurt, he acts out trying to prove that he’s anything other than hurt. 
JJ fills his cup, downs it, fills it again, downs it, and fills it again. Drinking to forget it one of his favorite activities. He has to build up his wall against you and he’s got to do it fast. 
JJ is not sitting quietly on the log anymore. He’s shouting stories and shotgunning beers. He’s animated, making his friends laugh. He’s getting all of his energy out that’s been pent up all of this time. I’m fine, he thinks. See? I’m fine.
After two or three hours, he finally sits down in the sand away from the fire, just to catch his breath. He looks out on the ocean and to the moon, letting his eyes wander around the beach. His attention is pulled to a bright light down the beach, away from the party. At first he thought it was the reflection of the moon on the wet sand, but it was the light from a phone. 
JJ squints, trying to see who it was, but he immediately knew once the figure stood up. He could recognize your long legs and the way you walk from a mile away. 
He doesn’t know if it’s the sudden clarity he found about your relationship, or all of the alcohol he’s consumed, but he can see through your act. You’re lonely. 
JJ stands up and gravitates towards you. He can feel himself walking fast after you, as you walk further away from the party, looking at pictures of the two of you on your phone that you have to delete in order to move on. 
“(Y/N),” JJ calls out to you. You stop dead in your tracks, and drop your arm so that you’re no longer looking through your phone. You are scared to turn around and face him. 
I don't want your body, I don't want your body. I don't want your body, I don't want your body.
“(Y/N),” he repeats. His breathing is heavy, but not from running after you. You are still standing with your back to him, tears welling in your eyes at the sound of his voice. You can’t let him see you like this. 
“(Y/N) talk to me,” he demands. You swallow your tears and turn on your heels to face the boy that broke you just two weeks ago. 
The look on your face sends JJ spiraling. It’s the first time he’s seen you up close since your fight in the car. He feels an uncontrollable urge to take you in his strong arms but he knows he’s lost that privilege. There was a time when he would have done lots of bad things to anyone that hurt you like this, but what’s he supposed to do when he’s the one who did it?
“What?” you try to hiss out, but it comes out like a whisper. You can’t show how hurt you are so you try to mask it with anger. 
“I see you found somebody else,” JJ chokes out. He’s upset but he’s trying to act like he’s happy for you so that you can’t see. “That’s..... good.”
You ignore him. “I see you’re taking advantage of your freedom tonight,” you scoff back, hinting at him with the touron. 
It’s dead silent. Only the sound of the waves crashing on the beach offer any noise other than the heavy breathing and loud hearts beating between the two of you. 
“What am I supposed to do when I see you off with somebody else?” JJ growls in response. He’s angry now. 
“Oh so you can have your freedom to see other people but I can’t?” you scream back at him, using the reason he broke up with you like a dagger against him. You’re angry too. 
Before he can respond, you continue yelling “No JJ, please tell me why you’re allowed to break up with me because you’re not ready to give up random tourons to be only mine,” your words are sharp in his stomach, “but I have to sit around with a broken heart, not allowed to move on because I’m only yours.”
You stand there momentarily catching your breath. You haven’t torn your eyes away from JJ’s, staring daggers through them. “It must be because I’m not enough for you. Is that it?” You won’t let him get a word in because you’re scared of what he’ll say. 
You continue yelling, all the things you’ve thought for the last two weeks after JJ ending things that you didn’t get the chance to say to him then. 
It makes JJ’s head spin, realizing the pain he caused you and his doubts about his decision coupled with his cool exterior trying to show that he regrets nothing and that he was right to do it. He’s torn up. He turns away from you and brings his hands up to his ears to block out the fight.
I don’t want your body. I don’t want your body. is on repeat in his mind, trying to win over the side of his mind that wants to give in to you and admit that he made a huge mistake. 
“Really? Because you staring at me across the beach all night and following me out here and repeating that you don’t want me over and over again makes me think that you do!” You finally stop. 
JJ, instantly sober at the realization that he was saying that out loud, turns again to face you. You can see right through his act too. 
His face is flushed. He’s panting for air, and his heart is pounding. It’s like his voice is paralyzed, he can’t say anything. 
When he looks at you, you are soft again, finally quiet, and the tears that you have been choking back have spilled over, running the mascara on your eyes and catching the reflection of the moonlight as they streak down your cheeks. 
“And I still want you,” you break the silence with a whisper, your eyes closed and eyebrows furrowed, bracing to be rejected again, ready to make that the last thing you ever say to him.
JJ barely heard it, but the small sound of those words coming out of your mouth finally convinced him that he made a mistake letting you go. 
He lunged forward, determined to close the space between you in this moment. In an instant, he is in front of you. You can feel his warm body and you’re looking up into your favorite eyes. It only lasts for a second before your face is in both of his hands and he is kissing you with such intensity that you have to hold on to him, to keep from falling down. You lock your arms around his neck and lace your fingers into his hair, making sure that he won’t pull away from you again. 
When he does, he can only pull away an inch or two with his forehead still pressed firmly into yours, just enough to get the words “and I only want you,” out. 
“I’m ready,” he says into your lips and you kiss him back with everything that you’ve been saving up during the days you were without him, thinking to yourself finally.
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thirstyfortaglines · 3 years
My girlfriend will outlive me but that’s okay because I love her
Yanfei x Gender Neutral!Reader
1.5k words. Fluffy-ish writing with reader and Yanfei just talking. Tiny bit angsty since there’s some talk of Yanfei’s lifespan being a lot longer than the average human’s.
The rather loud bustling of the streets as the remaining day stalls became more loud in an effort to attract any last customers to their wares before they set up shop for the night was muted to the pair that strolled down its streets. Usually interested in the goods themselves, you and Yanfei had decided to pass on any actual shopping that particular evening in favor of simply taking in the environment of the harbor which was relaxing in its own way with the familiar clamor of the environment.
Despite instigating this outing, wanting to get out after finally finishing a particularly hard job, she was uncharacteristically quiet. For the last few days she had excused herself from the usual excursions around the harbor you two shared, the emotional drain from the child custody case she had taken on leaking into her non-work life. It wasn’t like you could have just told her to care less or to try and let it affect her less, Yanfei loved her work and her dedication and investment in each and every case was what made her so good as a legal adviser. The downside was just that in emotionally charged cases she tended to struggle a bit, the lack of a real definite cut and dry answer or compromise proving taxing on her as no amount of investigation would solve it.
Gently nudging her to catch her attention, she met your gaze. “Something weighing you down?. Even if we weren’t dating I’d still listen to you as your friend. You can always talk to me,” The offer hung in the air for a few moments, the silence bringing up concerns that perhaps it had sounded demanding.
Before you could fret too much, however, she responded. “In a way, yes. It’s a rather heavy topic so let’s discuss it at the end and just enjoy our evening out.” Yanfei’s tone was matter of fact, leaving no room for discussion on the matter for the time being. At least whatever was affecting her wasn’t doing so to the point where she was unable to compose herself quickly like she usually did.
Still not quite sure if she was really okay, you reached and held her hand like you normally did, giving a reaffirming squeeze to it which was reciprocated.
“Now come on, everything will close by the time you get to the stall if you keep on being this slow,” she pestered as she took the lead in moving through the street, letting go of your hand in favor of emoting while she spoke.
“We go to the night market, it’s just becoming sundown.”
“It’ll be well past morning at the rate you’re walking, and if we hold up any stalls who are nice enough to still be open by the time you make it there at that snail’s pace that would be a violation of the ordinance on stall times that requires they only be set up at their allotted time slots, of their own choosing of course.” She was evidently teasing you, her exaggerated nagging tone giving that away easily. As she turned back to make a face at you of mock exasperation at your still average walking pace, you surprised her by having moved right next to her.
“I’m not moving that slow and I won’t lose track of you. Not everyone in Liyue has bright pink hair and is even half as energetic as you.”
Unsurprisingly, she was only surprised for half a second at best before she had a retort lined up. As the two of you continued your walk, playfully arguing while pointing out various wares to each other and occasionally checking out stalls, the warm yellow of streetlamps slowly grew stronger.
It had quieted down for the night, or perhaps it was the place where the two of you had decided to settle at, a patch of grass on the terrace overlooking the harbor, by the time your legs had begun protesting and Yanfei had conceded to stop for the night and rest.
A warm kind of silence filled the air as you rested against each other, the kind that just settled unspoken and naturally.
“Regarding what was bothering me earlier, it was nothing much or perhaps it’d be more prudent to say nothing that will be of pressing importance anytime soon,” she began. Pausing before continuing, she looked at you for affirmation to continue and that you were listening. Not wanting to really verbalize a response and interrupt what she had going on any further, you nodded to indicate your attention. “While I have little fears of children or us separating and whatnot, unlike the case I just dealt with, it did bring some fears to light for me that hadn’t really come to the forefront of my thoughts before.”
She took an extra moment to prepare her words as she turned to fully face you. “There is no doubt in my mind that I would like to spend the rest of my life with you, our long withstanding friendship and now romantic relations a testament to that fact, the fears of your inevitably passing as my lifespan theoretically should far exceed yours are present.”
Yanfei raised her hand in a motion to indicate for you to stay quiet right as you were about to say something, she knew you too well and a small smile broke across your face at that despite the rather heavy conversation topic.
“However, I am not someone who is willing to let the upsides of life pass me by in favor of cowering in fear of what will happen. I’ve thought this through, though not much as the answer was already evident from the start, but I’d like to spend the rest of my life with you and even if that isn’t possible I will do my best. I hope you feel the same.”
Flustered at her words, you were at a loss of words for a moment. Upon seeing your reaction, Yanfei’s expression once again relaxed from the previous serious face she had been wearing, the same one she used to mask her anxiety during her work which was enough to betray her true feelings to you despite how calm she appeared.
“Yeah, I love you a lot too, which is what I’m going to assume that’s what you meant. I won’t lie, I have thought about it before but you’re right that it’s a long way off. Let’s just enjoy the time we have together, and I’ll be sure to make good memories for you to remember” Deciding to counterattack in light of her smug expression, you leaned forward and pressed a kiss against her cheek, the scent of flower perfume and the fried food stalls you had visited together mixed in a rather strange but comfortingly familiar way.
From there, the conversation naturally flowed back to what it usually was, ending with Yanfei standing up and brushing her skirt off.
“With that off my shoulders, I feel up to doing another investigation. I got a request for another case as I was exiting the courthouse earlier today and was already given the downpayment for it,” she began, the usual glimmer in her eyes back in full force which you were more than happy to see.
“Is it another case of false advertising at another stand selling trinkets?” you sighed, tone laced with tiredness that was only mostly fake. “I thought today was supposed to be resting as time off from your last case?”
“That was yesterday, it’s already a new day. The peace and prosperity of Liyue won’t stand without people there to keep everything in order.”
“It also won’t go away if you decide to take a day or 2 off.”
“Oh hush and help me find out what place was selling those frost jade crystals, I have a feeling they’re false as they didn’t seem to have cryo energy within them and the only really nearby source of them that’s reliable is shipments from Snezhnaya and whatever the traveller brings from the cryo enemies in Monstadt. Neither of those two have relations with the seller which is exceedingly suspicious,” she began, already involved and trying to get an angle on the situation. It was cute, but it’d be even cuter if she wasn’t already halfway down the stairs to the main part of the harbor while you had been distracted trying to figure out what she was trying to investigate.
“I’m hurrying up, I’ve got it,” you called out just as she turned around to probably call on you, mirroring how she had quieted you before when she anticipated your response. As you rushed to get off the ground and not fall down the stairs, you almost fell.
“If you die early from chasing after me and falling down the stairs I will personally not let your soul leave your body. Now hurry up and be careful, the sun is rising soon,” Yanfei teased, turning back around and sprinting down the stairs rather gracefully. Benefits of being alive for hundreds of years included knowing the exact architecture of Liyue Harbor and how to sprint down stairs without tripping it seemed. Sighing, you called out to your girlfriend as you ran after her though you were still smiling.
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sector-i-closed · 4 years
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Requested by anon
Model au + photographer!Hongjoong
Mingi x Reader x Yunho
Warning: Exhibitionism, anal fingering, double penetration, orgasm denial but reader comes, spanking one time
The day at work was not favoring you well in the slightest.
Already you had unwittingly succeeded in getting into a cat fight with a fellow model and your skin was also a mess after a breakout of acne littered your face and created chaos for the makeup artists who fussed over your appearance.
You were extra anxious today and wished that you could relax, trying to find comfort that the steroid that was used to control the inflammation of your acne that your dermatologist tried to console you but the best they could do was prescribe the steroid for you.
"Focus, focus on the camera, Y/N!" Hongjoong barked out, knowing that he could get a better face from you as he remained behind the camera lens, snapping away.
You were struggling to zone into autopilot, which was where you functioned the best for both photoshoots and fashion shows.
Part of the reason why you were more distracted then usual was this particular shoot required you to be partly exposed for the fashion spread of the upcoming issue of the magazine that you modeled for most of the time, though what made it awkward was that you were paired with two fully dressed male models that made you feel smaller than you really were and the attractiveness of the pair was enough to unnerve you, let alone the humiliation of being exposed and posing with them was enough for fire to rush directly to your face and awaken every cell of your body.
"Are you okay, Y/N?" The male model that you had came to know as Mingi spoke near your ear, his low voice prompting you to involuntarily shudder beneath the other male model known as Yunho's fingertips where his large hands held your waist.
"I'm- I'm fine... Just camera nerves..." You bit down hard on your lower lip, hating how you trembled at the effects of the male's that surrounded you.
"You've got this sweetheart. We all do..." Yunho encouraged as he tried to convince himself that everything would be alright as everyone moved their forms in front of the camera.
You wanted to sob in frustration, feeling a sense of arousal in your system and you chided yourself for feeling such a strong, intoxicating sensation around your coworkers.
"Hongjoong, it's time to go lunch!" The fashion coordinator who was named Yeosang called out to the photographer.
"I'm not leaving until I'm finished with my subjects." Hongjoong muttered sternly at the fashion coordinator.
"You'll leave if I bring Seonghwa to get your ass taken care of! Your fatigue is showing and to put it mildly you look like shit because it's apparent that you're not sleeping." Yeosang folded his arms across his chest and you watched the scene unfold before you with your coworkers.
"Don't bring my boyfriend into this!" Hongjoong scowled, "And this is what happens during fashion week.
Pack fashion shows to photograph into your schedule and the ad campaigns for the following season and that equals little sleep but I'm not complaining about it." Hongjoong shrugged, returning his attention to you, Yunho and Mingi.
"But it still doesn't give you the right to burn yourself out. I'm calling Seonghwa so he can get you to at least eat something." Yeosang threatened, visibly worrying for his friend.
"Alright fine! Fuck it! I'll go for lunch and come back to my project." Hongjoong growled irritation while the fashion coordinator smirked in response to the photographer leaving quickly.
Yeosang followed after him and other personnel left, leaving you and the two male models alone.
"Should we go?" Mingi voiced his question to Yunho as he took notice in your extremely flustered appearance.
"We don't have to! I brought my own lunch! I would love to share it if you two are interested!" Yunho replied cheerfully.
You groaned quietly at your own state of undress, promptly plodding to the bed that was being used as a prop for the photoshoot.
"I'm good..." You replied, bringing the sheets to your chest and lying down on your stomach.
"I'm willing to share!" Yunho pouted, whacking your ass playfully with his hand. A far more erotic sound then you intended to release drifted from your lips and immediately you froze in place, regretting your vocalization immediately.
"Uhm..." Your eyes were wide with fright as you looked up at Yunho who looked equally as alarmed as you did.
"Shit... That sounded so hot." Mingi quirked an eyebrow at you as he carefully drew closer to you, supporting himself by leaning against a bedpost and proceeding to gaze down at you from where he stood.
"I'm- I'm..." You stuttered out, feeling embarrassed by your vocalized actions as lust involuntarily clouded your vision. Mingi immediately recognized the look in your eyes, leading him to move closer to you as he gauged your reaction.
"'m pathetic..." You mumbled under your breath, clinging to the sheets as you desperately tried to reel yourself in from losing yourself to the feelings that ran rampant in your body, fighting an inner war with yourself regarding weather you wanted him to get closer to you or for him to stay as far away from you as possible when he was eyeing you so dangerously.
"You've done well to resist this long. It's up to you baby if you want to continue resisting or taste what you're wanting to experience." Mingi touched your back with a firm touch, sending shivers down your spine as you moaned out loud without attempting to restrain it this time.
"She's so needy for us. I wonder how she got this way!" Yunho cooed while touching the other side of your back.
"She was squirming at the way that your crotch would occasionally brush against her backside and her body was so hot..." Mingi's hand languidly moved along the warmth of your skin, sensing the smoothness of your flesh beneath his fingertips.
"Hngh...~ p-please...~?" You whined, drawing a blank as to what you were begging for. Arousal freely seeped from between your legs and the intense craving to be filled was overwhelming your sensibility to preserve your dignity.
"I'm not going to do anything unless you tell me what it is that you want." Mingi smirked as he stopped his hand at the small of your back, feeling goosebumps form beneath his hand.
"W-want to be f-filled up..." You moaned out reluctantly, turning onto your back to seductively gaze up at the two males that stood above you.
"Filled up by whom?" Mingi was enjoying dragging it out, even with the risk of the staff returning to the photo studio was adding to the excitement of the moment. You looked at Yunho then at Mingi, "Both."
"Come here, doll." Mingi beckoned to you from where he lied down on the bed, his pants down to his ankles as his feet rested flat on the floor.
You had stripped off your jeans and was now fully naked and you felt little inhibition in the present moment as you sauntered over to Mingi and straddled him.
Heat flooded your body when you sensed Yunho moving up behind you, "You're beautiful as you are in every way imaginable." Yunho murmurs softly and reached between your legs to pet your pussy, gathering your slick on his fingers and moving on to massage your perineum and then your anal entrance with slow circles that gradually gained confidence with each desperate mewl that you uttered while on top of Mingi.
"Just like that, babygirl." Mingi growled as he cupped the back of your head with his hand and pulled you in for an aggressive kiss, easily blurring your consciousness as his tongue invaded your parted lips with a needy ferocity that left you weak in the knees as he brought you down on his hard cock with his free hand.
You whimpered vulnerably from the firm intrusion of his cock pushing inside of your dripping pussy, feeling pleased from how well he stretched you with his girth.
Yunho was groaning from the feeling of your entrance greedily sucking his fingers deeper inside of your ass.
"So good and tight. I wonder if anyone has ever done this to you before?" Yunho asked curiously, withdrawing his fingers from your stretched entrance and shortly afterwards replacing his fingers with his cock.
"A-ah~" You whimpered, being unable to speak because of the pleasurable sensation of Yunho stretching your ass with his length.
"Shit I can feel you, Yun! So tight for us, princess." Mingi groaned as he sucked amarking at your sensitive pulse point.
"I can feel you too, it's amazing! Her ass is perfect, taking my cock so well." Yunho slammed his hips into your body, following the same rhythm as Mingi had set which was a rough impatient one.
Sweet, sexual wails left your lips as you closed your eyes from the overwhelming bliss of your body being filled by cock and used for pleasure.
Your eyes slid shut as you felt your orgasm approaching after several moments of being stimulated beyond your wildest expectations and Mingi's cock was twitching erratically with each thrust that was growing sloppier and sloppier beneath your body.
His moans mixed with your high pitched cries and Yunho's erratic breaths as he gripped your hips and chased his climax.
"C-can I cum pl-please~?" You begged, uncertain as to who was responsible for giving you the go ahead as you helplessly took the pounding that both of their cocks were giving you.
"No, let's get back to work. You three can play later~" Hongjoong's amused tone froze the male models in their tracks and you felt your orgasm rip through you at that moment, the humiliation of being caught pushed you over the edge and both Mingi and Yunho were astounded just as much as the photographer was.
"F-fuck..." You whimpered as you shakily removed yourself from the males.
"You may rest a moment to calm yourself, Y/N. Then we're back to work." Hongjoong nonchalantly remarks as he converses with another staff member who seemed to be shaken by walking in on the three of you.
"Can we continue this later?" Mingi asks near your ear as he held you to comfort you after your unexpected climax.
"S-sure..." You smiled at him weakly and giggled when Yunho nuzzled into you.
"I'm glad! I wasn't ready to say goodbye!"
Tagging @yunhoes-twancings-nsfw and @hanatiny my lovely people I love you sm 💖💘💓
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grumpy-triceratops · 4 years
Obey Me Brothers Playing Among Us
I played Among Us once and am obsessed, so just like with d&d, I wanted to combine it with Obey Me! Hopefully I’ll do the others tomorrow since I always forget how long these take me ^^; Lucifer
Red Main
Refuses to play unless the rules are explained to him thoroughly beforehand
Not only will he love being the imposter he will be terrific at it
We all know he can hold a secret so he’ll easily shift the blame
Will not vent and give others the chance to catch him that way
When he’s not the imposter he’ll be the one getting tasks done and always rushing to fix sabotages 
Will continue to work even if he’s a ghost
He will get secretly bitter every time he’s killed, tricked, or voted out
Tries to hide it but will laugh every time Mammon is voted out
Yellow Main
Will try really hard but be really bad especially if no one tells him how to play
He gets caught venting at least 60% of the time
Really bad at lying 
Usually the first one voted off unless someone really messes up as the imposter
Won’t admit it but he refuses to kill MC even knowing its a game
Does his tasks poorly and lazily 
Will straight up skip a task if he can’t figure it out and he rarely takes care of sabotages 
He will stick to MC’s character like glue, both out of fear and “for their protection”
Will be devastated if they are the imposter and kill him
If he’s a ghost he won’t do his tasks but he will still continue to follow MC around even if they are the one who killed him
The Most Likely to Call an Emergency Meeting For Stupid Reasons Award goes to... Mammon!!!
He tends to just go along with whoever everyone else suspects
Blue Main
He’s played for an insane amount of hours so technical wise he’s amazing
He’s also watched tons of videos and read all sorts of strategies
Knows every map by heart 
Fairly good at keeping his cool but can slip up especially if its MC who is pressuring him 
Levi plays with lightning focus and will probably be the first to get his tasks done
Will almost never get caught venting but will use the vents efficiently 
Still will be voted off as an innocent on occasion because he often works alone and doesn’t have good alibis 
He’s also one who will regularly check the security cams
Will get really salty when he loses or kicked off when he’s innocent
Despite this he’ll still finish his tasks as a ghost if he somehow hasn’t already
Green Main
Will probably pick up on the rules fairly quickly even if they aren’t explained to him beforehand
This game is entirely his jam and he will probably become close to being as obsessed as Levi
Will prefer to be a crew mate more than the imposter but will have fun as both
He’ll use the vents and somehow nearly never (if ever) get caught venting
Very good at covering his tracks and shifting the blame
Satan is super strategic and will of course go full on detective
Will also try and shift the blame to Lucifer to try and vote him out whenever possible, but only as the imposter
No matter how tempting it is Satan as a crew mate won’t vote out Lucifer unless he truly thinks he is the imposter
Surprisingly cares more about solving the mystery than taking jabs at Lucifer
He’ll occasionally watch the security cams but prefers to try and find the culprit more directly
Loves calling emergency meetings and discussing theories
Will be annoyed with Mammon’s constant pointless meetings that distract him from what he’s doing
Satan won’t be as interested in doing the tasks or stopping the sabotages but still will do it
He will 100% leave people as bait with suspected imposters to try and catch them  (definitely not based on how I personally play)
If he’s voted out when he is innocent he will be IRATE 
He’ll give off a long angry list of reasons why could not have been the imposter and will be baffled at how people don’t get that
He’ll finish his tasks as a ghost unless he is upset whether it be about being unjustly voted out or people not listening to his theories and letting who he knows to be an imposter go
Pink Main
If someone doesn’t explain to him how to play he’ll whine until they do
Really not that interested in the game though once he understands it 
Honestly his favorite part will just be dressing up his character
Will not be happy about having to turn off his mic and deprive the world of his beautiful voice
Rarely does his tasks and even more rarely fixes sabotages
Asmodeus won’t even do that much as an imposter, if there’s more than one he will rely on them to do the work
If he’s the only one then he may try sabotaging or killing but very sparingly and with no real plan in mind
Won’t vent because he doesn’t feel like it
Really, he’d probably kill someone in a room full of people without batting an eye
Won’t even care if he gets voted off as the imposter
He’ll still enjoy watching Mammon get voted off 
Will probably follow people around just cause
He will not do anything as a ghost
If he’s murdered he’s going to take that time to do something he actually cares about like his facial routine or paint his nails
Only votes if he feels like it whether its because he thinks it’d be funny like with Mammon, or because he has some personal vendetta like if someone suspects him when he isn’t the imposter
However people probably won’t often suspect Asmodeus since he’s always running around with others
Orange Main
Will have a hard time picking up on the game if its not explained to him beforehand and even then it might be rough
He’ll probably spend most of his time in the cafeteria and be sad to find out there’s no way to get food in the game
Will not like being the imposter since he doesn’t want to hurt his family even in game
Also he’s super bad at it 
He tries to get into the mindset of being the imposter by imagining someone took his food like Belphie suggests but even then it doesn’t really help and it makes him hungrier
Like Mammon, if he’s venting he is almost guaranteed to get caught
He also cannot lie and is really bad at trying to cover for himself
Won’t really think to use sabotages that often 
If he isn’t caught he’ll probably lose because the tasks all get completed 
As a crew mate he will do his tasks with a bit of a struggle depending on the tasks
He also won’t understand when sabotages need to be fixed and will probably ignore them
Ghost times are snack times for Beel even if his tasks aren’t complete  
Beel would almost never be unjustly called the imposter since he’s such a bad liar and everyone knows he struggles too much playing the game to be a tricky imposter
Cyan Main
Even if Belphie is taught the rules he’ll probably just run around doing whatever, like Asmodeus it will be rare if he does his tasks or fixes sabotages
Belphie will go out of his way to make himself look suspicious: standing staring at people, chasing them around menacingly, hanging out on vents etc.
Will die laughing when he gets wrongfully voted off
He doesn’t have to be imposter for him to try and accuse and vote people off constantly
Will vote every round regardless of if he thinks someone is guilty or not
Loves it when he can cause infighting in the meetings
He’ll also occasionally call emergency meetings just to try and stir up trouble
Sort of enjoys being the imposter but isn’t too competitive about it
If he gets caught venting or murdering he’ll just shrug it off
Secretly though he won’t murder Beel or MC as imposter, he just can’t
But if he’s paired up with both or either of them he’ll be extra excited to go on a murder spree with them
Nap time comes when he’s a ghost, very hard to wake him up once the match ends to get him to start another round
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plus-size-reader · 4 years
Robbing the Cradle
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Dean Winchester x Plus size!reader
Word Count: 1932 words
Warnings: none 
Summary: Dean falls in love with a younger reader, and really struggles with it.
Dean had put up a huge fight when it came to you, at least at first. 
He didn’t want to be in love with you, and he didn’t want to admit how happy you made him. He didn’t want to but clearly that didn’t change the fact that he had fallen so deeply in love with you that he couldn’t dig himself out.
You were nothing more than a child, at least as far as he was concerned. You were only twenty-two years old, practically still in pampers and he felt weird about it.
After all, why didn’t you want to be with a man your own age? Didn’t you want to have a normal relationship? Why would you want to be with someone like him when someone better was right around the corner. 
Dean wasn’t the most thoughtful, or well adjusted man in the world, and that wasn’t a secret. 
He knew that there was someone who could be better for you.
Still, you showed no interest in anyone other than him. It shocked the man to his core, that you never once talked about what you were missing out on, or wanting to do anything other than what you were doing. 
He just didn’t get it.
From Dean’s point of view, you should have been desperate to get out and experience life but who better to show it to you than Dean? That was the only thing that you ever said when he brought it up. 
You just didn’t understand how he could ever worry about something like that. After all, how many guys your age were going state-to-state, hunting monsters and saving lives?
Dean Winchester was one in a million...whether he chose to believe it or not.
Take today for example, you had tagged along with Sam and Dean to track down a poltergeist that was committing a series of gory murders in a small town. 
It had been a ridiculously stressful hunt, and it could have been dangerous but you had never felt more alive. You were obsessed with the thrill of the hunt. In fact, there was only one thing you liked more.
...And that was drinking. 
You had learned early on that going to the bar with the guys after a hard case was the best way to unwind. There was honestly nothing like it and you had never passed up a chance to go after everything was over. 
Which was good, considering the fact that Dean also really liked to hit the bar when he was stressed. 
...But he wasn’t the only one. 
There were a ton of guys with really hard lives and things they’re running from. Everyone had things they were trying to forget and liquor just aided in that journey. 
Unfortunately, that wasn’t the only thing liquor did. 
It also made some men lose their tact, which with a beautiful woman around, was never good. It was a bad combo and Dean was really figuring that out tonight. 
“What’s wrong Dean?” you wondered, in a sing-song tone, even going so far as to throw your arm over his shoulder casually. 
The action was a little goofy with the slight drinking you’d been doing but you were in no way drunk. 
You had just been trying to get him to play pool for an hour now and tonight he was practically a bump on a log. 
...It was no fun at all. 
Especially not considering how much fun Dean was when he was in a good mood. You just missed it tonight, and you had no idea what was on his mind.
  “Nothing’s wrong, just got a lot on my mind” he tried, but you knew better. 
He may have been older than you but sometimes his pouting made you doubt it. You and Dean had been together for too long for that to work. 
The two of you had nearly died today and all he could think about was the hunt. It was kind of unbelievable. 
However, you were missing the biggest part of this whole thing. You had no idea but you and Dean weren’t alone in your casual affection. At some point, you had caught the attention of a group of strangers. 
...But you hadn’t noticed yet. 
You thought that there was something wrong with you, or that he was bored of your company. 
“Please Dean? Can’t we just play? I wanna have a good time and forget about the monsters” you begged, your voice nothing more than a purr in his ear. You were desperate for a little fun, especially after such a long and stressful day.
Though, you still didn’t know that across the bar stood that group of younger guys, not much older than you are. 
They’d had their eyes on you since you two walked in, and it was really starting to bother Dean.
He couldn’t stand it. 
Dean had been around the block before, and he had been that sort of guy. He knew that they were talking about him, and that they were weighing their options about what their chances were with you. 
They thought that he had robbed the cradle, and they were planning on taking you away from him...and why wouldn’t you go?  They were young, and built and they could offer you the world.  
How was he supposed to compete with that?
“I’m not really in the mood tonight, why don’t you play without me?” he suggested, waving over to the table begrudgingly. He felt bad about it but he just couldn’t fake it tonight. 
These were the sorts of things that really got to him about the age gap that you two had. Other people constantly had their eyes on you, as if you didn’t know what you were missing out on. 
Though, you both knew that wasn’t the case. 
As far as you were concerned, you weren’t missing out on anything, and Dean didn’t ever get that far. He was fully in love with you, and as long as you wanted to be with him, he would take it. 
...But not tonight. 
Tonight, he just needed to sit by himself and stew over everything that was bothering him. 
It was the way the Winchester men dealt with things, and there was nothing he could do to change that. 
You nodded, taking the hint and heading over to the table. Luckily, you were able to reach out to a few people at the pool table and join their game. They were nice, but you found it really hard to take the distraction. 
You were just worried about Dean. 
So worried, in fact, that you completely missed the one brave guy out of the pack who approached you. He had just chugged an entire beer can, and he was feeling on top of the world.
Clearly, that had led him to believe that you wanted anything to do with him. Even if you were putting out every single signal telling him that wasn’t the case.
As far as you were concerned, it didn’t matter if this guy was David Beckham or the queen of England. 
The last thing you wanted right now was for some average Joe to bother you. 
Not that your very clear body language kept him from coming. 
Before you could say or do anything about it, his arm was slung around your shoulder, a clumsy stumble following. He wasn’t smooth by any means, but weren’t too worried about it.
You were a literal monster hunter. You could handle a handsy frat boy that was too far out of his depth. 
Both you and Dean had handled worse. 
“Can I help you?” you wondered, a heavy sigh leaving your lips as you shrugged him off, not even bothering to drop your pool cue. You didn’t imagine this would take too much time at all.
The Bozo to your right only laughed, smiling at you with a lopsided grin. “I was thinking more along the lines of how I could help you” he suggested, the words leaving his throat in a sick tone.
It made you want to be ill. 
This guy was a creep and you knew for a fact that he had nothing to offer you. Though, before you could inform him of that simple fact, an all too familiar hand fell down on his shoulder. 
...Because as it would turn out, Dean couldn’t just sit by and watch.
He knew that you could handle it, but he couldn’t help himself. As much as he tried to stay out of it, it made his blood boil to watch someone paw at you like that. 
It wasn’t in his nature. 
“Is there a problem man?” the younger guy wondered, looking at Dean as if he’d committed some sort of serious offense. If only he knew what he was getting himself into.
You could tell that Dean was doing his best to keep calm, which was good. However, you couldn’t be sure how long that patience would last. 
If you knew anything, it wouldn’t be long at all.
Dean Winchester was a lot of things, but patient wasn’t one of them. 
“No, there’s no problem at all...except for the fact that you’ve got your hands on my girl” he started, his jaw tensed slightly as he addressed the frat boy by your side. 
He seemed just as upset as you could have expected, though he was doing a pretty good job of keeping it hidden. 
“Wait, hold up, this is your girl? Is that what you’re telling me?” the stranger laughed, looking between the two of you with a grin on his face. 
...Obviously that was the funniest thing he’d ever heard, but you didn’t get it.
There was nothing funny about it and as soon as he said it, you found yourself getting angry. Not only was this guy a creep, but he was also gonna question a man like Dean? 
He must have been an idiot. 
However, before you could step up and make that point, Dean stopped you with a calm glance. 
You hadn’t been prepared for that reaction, but Dean had. From the moment that you two started doing this whole thing, he had been waiting for these kinds of reactions. 
A guy like him had no business being with a woman like you, and he knew that. 
“Look man, I get it...but yes, this is my girlfriend and I’d appreciate it if you backed off” he suggested, knowing it wouldn’t go down that easily. Though, he wanted to give this kid a chance. 
After all, he was just a young guy trying to have a good time and Dean understood that, not that he was going to let this whole thing slide if he kept it up. 
...And of course he kept it up. 
“Oh yeah? You’d appreciate it?” he scoffed, glancing down at you. “Can you believe this guy, honey?” he just kept going, laughing. 
You could have killed him. 
There was only one thing that you knew in this moment, and that was that this wasn’t going to end well.
“Are you alright baby?” Dean checked, smiling at you in a tired sort of way. It had been a long day, but you nodded, anyway. 
“I’m fine, are you okay though?” you hummed, returning the favor. He seemed alright, but the bruise blooming on his cheek proved potentially different. 
That jerk had got one lick in before Dean knocked him out. 
Little did you know, but in that moment, Dean had actually never been better.
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sarahlevys · 3 years
One Person's Guide to Coping with AD(H)D in the Workplace
Howdy! This is a non-exhaustive overview of a few things that I have learned to put into practice to cope with my ADD in the workplace.
For some background context, I have ADD but do not currently manage the condition via medications due to some side effects that negatively affect my quality of life. Currently, I hold an executive leadership position at the company I work for, and manage individuals with ADHD. I use ADD to describe myself because that is the name that was given to me when I was diagnosed.
I don't intend to speak as a sole authority on this subject; I've just been asked to provide ideas and thoughts on this by friends. The coping mechanisms in this post are by no means not intended to be the only coping mechanisms that exist.
Your Mind is Different
I've learned to accept the fact that I will easily get side-tracked, distracted, and have days in which I simply cannot focus on things during the time in which I either want to focus, or have been told (by supervisors, bosses, my own internal guilt mechanism, etc.) that I should be focusing on.
All of this is okay! My mind rarely, if ever, works on command when it's time to do something that I'm not intrinsically motivated to do, like work. And sometimes, even when I *want* to do the thing – like a hobby or something I genuinely enjoy – I can't focus. All of that is still okay.
Be gentle to yourself. A coping mechanism that works one day may not work another day – or even later, that same day. It's okay to multi-task, to lose focus, or to get hyper-focused on something you should or shouldn't.
Allow yourself the grace to not always use a planner, a habit tracker, or similar.
Some Things to Try
You'll note a common theme in all of these: these don't always work for me all the time. Trial and error is totally okay!
If you find yourself itching to do something else at the same time as something you're working on – e.g., check your text messages – go ahead and do it. Sometimes, if I don't let myself give in to those impulses, they build up in my mind until my focus on what I'm 'supposed' to be focusing on gets shot to all hell.
That said, on those moments where I settle into 'the zone' or 'flow,' I am sometimes I'm able to go ahead and shut off whatever might pull my focus. Roll with it and do whatever's right for you in the moment!
In meetings, depending on the stakes of it, I might play a bit of sudoku or doodle; doing something that's low pressure, even for a few seconds, can often help me feel like I've 'multi-tasked' or 'slipped into something else' long enough to refocus on the meeting at hand.
Taking notes during a meeting, especially by hand, also can feel like multi-tasking, even if I'm not.
Standing up during a task or call often helps me focus. (Sometimes it doesn't!) Either way, even if it's just for a little bit, I still am usually happier for being able to physically fidget or stretch more than I would in a seated position.
Listening to music while I work helps me feel like I'm multi-tasking, even if I'm not – but I know this doesn't work for everyone! And like everything else, some days it works for me, some days it doesn't. I personally prefer music with lyrics, but I know others who don't.
Give Yourself Breaks:
Sometimes, when I'm moving really quickly – e.g., if I'm going through a lot of tasks, going from meeting to meeting, or trying to think and do a lot – I feel myself getting short of breath/tense. Breaks are really helpful to me!
Focusing is hard work! Try to give yourself at least one 10-15 minute break in both halves of your work shift.
Allow yourself the space to also zone out for a few minutes here and there, too.
Sometimes, even just walking around my home is enough to refresh my brain.
You might have success with the Pomodoro Technique: https://pomofocus.io/ This involves trying to work for 25 minutes, then taking a 5 minute break regardless. Repeat this for as long as desired – typically it'll be done 4 times (for 2 hours), followed by a 15 minute break.
Thinking Through Things Before Sending Them Loose:
My biggest struggle! I'm a big blurter, both out loud and via text/typing.
My first plan of attack is to, once I've typed through something, to pause before hitting send. I'm a fast typist with +100WPM, and I have to literally (sometimes out loud!) tell myself to not hit send right away so I can slow down and read through what I'm saying before I do hit that send button.
When communication is handled verbally, I physically try to weigh each word as I speak it, and focus on hearing each word before going onto the next.
I have learned to accept the fact that I will often trail off and lose my train of thought, and I will admit that out loud to whoever I'm speaking to – even if they're a client or someone important – so I can buy myself a little more time to sort things out. Being open about this takes pressure off of me.
Resist the Urge to Speed Through Work:
My other big struggle!
If you feel comfortable, speak to your manager about fail-safes and review processes that currently exist in your work environment. At my job, we've created internal processes that always involve someone else reviewing your work (no matter who is executing the task) so we have built-in failsafes.
If you do take a task quickly, for whatever reason – e.g., if it's something comfortable to you, or you're running out of time – speak to whoever you're doing the work for in order to make sure your work is reviewed, or to buy yourself more time to review your work before you hand it in.
Talk to Your Supervisor:
Ideally, you have the kind of relationship with your supervisor where you can explain that: 1) multi-tasking doesn't always mean that you aren't paying attention, whether you're actually multi-tasking or chasing something that'll give you the feeling of multi-tasking; 2) single-focus is hard. Even if they don't necessarily change anything about your operations processes, having that awareness goes a long way.
You may even consider talking to your other team members about this; I sometimes can come off as impatient or rushing when i don't need to be, and I've also talked about how I often go off-topic or off-track and people know that about me.
If you get a lot of same-day tasks that can pull focus from what you've planned to do today, you may want to talk to your supervisor about requesting a minimum of one day's notice for your work or to request communication when a same-day task is being sent your way.
Create Control For Yourself:
A big part of my instance of ADD is needing to control everything so that I know exactly what's happening at all times and nothing's going to distract me more than i already innately am. I've learned to (somewhat) let go of the control thing, but of course being able to do that means being aware of when it's popping up.
With this in mind, I try to be mindful of when I'm feeling tense or out of control – a bit trigger for me is when a bunch of unexpected meetings or communications crop up, for example – and to pay attention to how I'm feeling and what I can do to solve it, or to roll with the punches.
I've found that taking the time to think about the next day and set up my planner for the following day in the afternoon before signing off, or after work has closed, and then reviewing that again in the morning of, really helps. Of course, I don't always remember to do it. But when I do, it really help!
Organize Your Work & Find Low-Pressure Accountability:
The way that I organize my tasks for each day differs based off of the day or my mood. Sometimes I organize them by priority, sometimes by the amount of time that I think it'll take me to do something, sometimes by client, etc. Be flexible!
At my work, we do a daily check-in with the whole team where we say what we plan to do that day, and I've found that group accountability to be really helpful. That might be something your manager might be interested in providing to you (e.g., a quick message in the morning to let them know what you plan to do).
That said, accountability can sometimes feel like too much pressure if you don't always do everything on your list. Ideally, you can talk with your supervisor or even a trusted co-worker to set up an environment in which it's okay for things to roll over or for priorities to shift depending on how a day is going.
Find a Flexible Way to Organize Yourself:
Paper journals/planners and I don't mix; when I forget to use it, the empty pages give me guilt, and the permanence of pen also makes me anxious since things in my mind are so fluid.
With this in mind, I prefer digital means since I can rearrange and move things around. I personally use an iPad Pro and a Pencil to take notes in digital note-keeping software, but this can be cost-prohibitive. If you struggle with paper methods of organization, consider using note-taking software or even Google Docs to create a plain-text bullet journal so you can move things around.
That's all I've got! Please let me know if you found this guide helpful, and what other coping mechanism or ideas I should add to this (with credit to you!)
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cali-holland · 4 years
Wanna Play a Game?- Harrison Osterfield One Shot
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Pairing: Harrison Osterfield 
Prompt: You and Harrison pass by the time in quarantine by playing games
Word Count: 2000
Warnings: might be some swearing, making out a lil, harry & tom being dumb but we love them
Masterlist   Harrison Osterfield Masterlist
*Gif is not mine*
“Hey, lovebirds, what do you want for lunch?” Harry called out to you and Harrison as he walked outside onto the back porch, where you and your boyfriend were currently hunched over an intense game of chess. You and Harrison had been dating for a little over a year and, with quarantine, decided now was a good time for you to move in with him, which meant with him, Harry, Tom, and Tuwaine. Now on week five- maybe six or seven, you stopped counting- of quarantine, you and Harrison resorted to playing different board and card games, such as chess.
“I’m fine with anything.” You shrugged, moving your pawn a space forward.
“Sandwiches?” Harrison asked with a hopeful smile as he moved his bishop a few spaces.
“Why’d you do that?” Harry raised an eyebrow at his friend, “You just left your knight open for attack.”
“I didn’t see it.” He replied.
“Well, thanks, Harry, for giving me my next move.” You laughed, taking Harrison’s knight with your pawn. It was then that Harry looked at the disproportionate amount of pieces on the board; you were absolutely crushing Harrison.
“I thought you were good at this game, Haz.” Harry pondered. Last time he played against Harrison, he lost without even getting to take any of his opponent’s pieces.
“No, you just suck.” Harrison snickered. He moved one of his pawn’s this time. “Go make us sandwiches.” 
“I’m surprised I’m winning too. Last time, you beat me so easily.” You said.
“I don’t know.” Your boyfriend shrugged, leaning over the board to distract you with a kiss.
A few days later, you and Harrison were playing the Game of Life with Tom, who had insisted on being included this time. Harrison was the banker, claiming he was best at keeping track of the money, and you and Tom weren’t about to protest.
“Get married, hey!” Harrison cheered as his car landed on the chapel space. You gave him a quick kiss, making Tom jokingly gag.
“Ok, next time, I don’t play this with a couple.” He told himself, acknowledging his place as the third wheel in the room.
“Get yourself a girlfriend then.” Harrison joked, pecking your cheek.
“Yeah, yeah, just go.” Tom waved off the comment as the blue eyed boy put the small pink ‘person’ in his red car before spinning again.
As you kept playing in the living room, Harry eventually wandered in, wanting to see an update on the game. He watched the three of you go around the board a few times, until he noticed Harrison’s.
“Your salary’s 80,000, Harrison.” Harry said as if it was obvious.
“And?” Harrison replied, picking up a few bills for his pay day.
“You’re only giving yourself 60. Can you not count, mate?” He laughed.
“My bad. I thought I had Y/N’s salary for a moment there.” Your boyfriend played off his mistake, grabbing another $20,000 from the bank.
“Haz, you said you could handle being banker!” You playfully slapped his arm.
“And I thought I was shit at math.” Tom laughed.
“Hey, I haven’t been shorting you two, just myself.” Harrison said, trying to hide his embarrassed blush, before adding, “Accidentally.”
“Oh sure.” You teased.
“I’ll just be banker then, god.” Harry took the bank from Harrison and sat it down in front of him.
“You tried.” You laughed as Harrison shifted to wrap an arm around your waist. Now that he didn’t have to take care of the bank, he was free to cuddle up to you while playing, and you were not complaining about it one bit.
“What’s the game today?” Tuwaine asked as you and Harrison sat down at the table on the back patio with a board game box in hand.
“Scrabble.” Harrison answered, helping you set it up.
“You don’t want to play with them.” Tom said, messing about with the chickens, before Tueaine could even ask to join.
“Why not?” You asked, in faux offense.
“Too coupley.”
“Oh like this?” Harrison teased, cupping your face then proceeding to dip his tongue into your mouth before properly kissing you. You laughed into the kiss at his overdramatic attempt to make it sloppy and gross.
“Yeah, no, I’m good.” Tuwaine said as his interest returned to his laptop in front of him.
“Gross.” Tom whined, making you and Harrison laugh.
You and Harrison started your game, filling up the board with easy enough words. You argued here and there over if words like “thor” counted as actual words- and yes, you caved and let him play that as a real word. The game started to get harder as more spaces were filled up on the board. Harry, Tom, and Tuwaine all eventually made their way over to watch the two of you play, since there was literally nothing better to do.
“Zebra.” Harry said, looking over your boyfriend’s shoulder.
“What?” Harrison asked, looking back at his friend.
“Zebra, right there.” Harry pointed to the open space hanging off your ‘squeeze’ from two rounds ago.
“Yeah, you’ve had those letters this whole time.” Tuwaine laughed.
“Piss off.” Harrison swatted his friends away.
“How the hell can you guys see that?” Tom questioned, looking at the scrambled ‘b r e z a’ on Harrison’s side along with a couple more letters.
“You’ve had a good word this whole time? Why the hell have you been playing just three letters?” You looked at Harrison in disbelief. He’d been acting like he was struggling for the past ten minutes, but he’d been sitting on legitimate words.
“I didn’t realize it, I swear.” Harrison chuckled almost uncomfortably, placing the letters. You could tell by his laugh that he had definitely realized it, but didn’t want to play it.
“Well, I can’t do anything.” You sighed, defeated. Harry and Tuwaine looked over at your tiles- Tom didn’t even give it a chance.
“Yeah, you got nothing.” Harry admitted, looking at the useless letters in front of you. Agreeing with him, Tom and Tuwaine wandered back inside with Harry following them.
“Good game, darling.” Harrison said, starting to clean up the board. He’d won just based off his last word, placing it on a triple score. “Do I get anything for winning?”
“Come here.” You smiled, leaning in to kiss him. Harrison’s hands found your waist and shifted you into his lap with ease, needless to say the other three boys were glad they were gone.
As the week continued with more games between you and Harrison, you started to grow suspicious of his gameplay. It seemed like mostly every single game you would either be tied or he would be losing, which was fairly odd since you normally were the one losing.
“But you always win at Uno.” Tom whined when Harrison suggested the five of you playing Uno, as if being locked in a house together wasn’t straining enough. Despite his complaint, he still sat with you, Harrison, Harry, and Tuwaine at the dining room table, ready to play.
“It’s the only game we haven’t played yet.” He insisted.
“Are we stacking?” Harry asked.
“Of course.” Tom replied, shuffling the cards before handing them off to Tuwaine to deal them out. Harrison reached over and grabbed the edge of your seat, pulling your chair closer to him. He rested his arm around your shoulder and pressed a kiss to your temple.
“No cheating. We’re watching you two.” Tuwaine warned, pointing at you and Harrison.
“He can’t see my cards.” You said, taking your cards and holding them in such a way so that your boyfriend definitely could not look at your hand.
The game went on as well as any Uno game could go- as in, Tom complaining about ending up on the receiving end of the draw fours, Harry continuously playing reverse cards, Tuwaine somehow consistently having just three cards, Harrison picking up at least one card every round because he “didn’t have any cards to play”, and you having decent luck with a fairly good hand.
“Haz, you really have no cards?” You questioned as he went to pick up a card again on his turn.
“I don’t! Harry changes it to yellow right before my turn every time.” He reasoned, continuing to draw a couple more before finally placing down a yellow card.
“Did you-“ you looked at him in disbelief as you realized the card he put down was not one of the four he had picked up. “Let me see you cards.”
“What? No, that’s cheating.” He defended, his ears turning red.
“What are you hiding?” You inquired, leaning closer to him.
“Nothing, it’s your turn.” Harrison stated, brushing off the subject.
“Mate, you did just put down a yellow that was already in your hand.” Tom acknowledged.
“Are you reverse cheating?” Harry questioned, looking at the fat stack of cards Harrison had- well, the second largest compared to Tom’s.
“Haz, show me your cards.” You insisted, trying to peer over to look at his hand.
“Stop it, just go, darling.” He replied with a smile. You eyed him suspiciously, but continued your turn anyway. 
A few more rounds carried on until you and Harry both had Uno. When it was finally Harrison’s turn to go, you couldn’t help yourself from spotting his deck as he picked up another card from the middle- more specifically you spotted the assortment of cards, including the numerous black wild cards.
“You’re cheating.” You accused him instantly.
“No, I’m not.” Harrison let out a whine at the repeated argument.
“You have four wild cards and you’re still picking up cards.”
“Four wild cards?” Tom exclaimed.
“God, Harrison, you’re messing up the game.” Tuwaine laughed.
“And you have each color.” Harry pointed out, peering over to see Harrison’s hand. He quickly put his cards down, only increasing everyone’s suspicions, “Why the hell are you still picking up cards?”
“I’m trying to help you win.” He mumbled in defeat, displaying his array of cards. Really, he should’ve won already; after all, he was the reigning Uno champ of the household.
“Haz, you didn’t-“ You were cut off by Harry connecting the dots suddenly between games.
“Is that why you were shit at chess and scrabble? And shorting yourself in Life?” He asked. Frustrated, Harrison wordlessly got up and left the room. An uncomfortable silence filled the dining room and you winced hearing Harrison slam his bedroom door.
“I’ll go talk to him. You guys continue without us.” You said, excusing yourself from the game and table, and hurrying off after Harrison.
“Haz,” You knocked softly on the door. When there was no answer, you only spoke up louder, “Harrison.” With still no reply, you opened the door to see your boyfriend sprawled out on the bed with a clenched jaw and a deep frown on his face. You let out a small sigh, silently laying down beside him. Harrison wrapped his arms around your waist and you entangled your legs with him.
“You look pretty sexy with your jaw clenched like that.” You teased, running a hand along his jaw before moving it up to his hair. His eyes found yours and he smiled appreciatively at the soft touches. “You know, you didn’t have to let me win.”
“But you suck at chess and Scrabble and Uno- Life is more luck, but still. I just didn’t want to keep winning.” He admitted quietly, his face intimately close to yours as he spoke. 
“Then help me win. Don’t reverse cheat.”
“I just wanted to help.”
“And I love that about you. Your heart’s always in the right place.” You kissed him gently before pulling away, “I’ll win on my own terms, alright?”
“Alright,” He let out a sigh of relief that you weren’t upset with him over purposefully losing. He kissed you again, “I love you too.”
“Should we go play another round?” You asked, and Harrison hummed, thinking about it for a moment. He smirked at you, leaning in some more so that your lips were barely touching.
“I think I know a game we can play for a few rounds, where we both win.”
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cant-blink · 3 years
Summary: My first written story for Gigan and Showa Ghidorah. Gigan is trying so hard to go the honest route in earning Ghidorah’s forgiveness, but one’s true nature will always come to light eventually.
Never before has he felt so frustrated over one person...
Or was it three people...?
Eh, it was one person, all three heads spoke as if they were one, so...
He’s getting off track. He casted a glare at the golden dragon, wasting his time destroying plants of all things. This planet drew the serpent in with the promise of life, but the only life here were boring ass plants. Ghidorah didn’t seem to care, he was wiping them out anyway like it was the only thing he could think of.
Gigan wondered if there was anything else better for this three-headed asshole to do.
Guess he shouldn’t expect different. He heard about Ghidorah through his masters. He knew the dragon was created by another race, specifically to destroy. Not that different from himself, actually. He still remembered the days in the nest, back when he was all flesh. And fluff. And eyeball. And more fluff.
He would rather not be reminded of how cloyingly cute he looked, but alas, his masters thought it necessary to keep baby photos of him. And download them into his memories, never to be erased...
Point was!! He used to be mortal, whole, before he was old enough to leave the nest for his first hunt. He never got to enjoy that first hunt, for his Masters came and took him. Changed him. Kept him under that blasted mind-control Ghidorah hated so much. Blamed him for.
As if it was his fault. He wasn’t the one who studied Ghidorah’s creation. He wasn’t the one that got the bright idea to enslave him. Sure he was involved in his capture, but it wasn’t like he was in control of that.
The damn dragon and his damn grudges.
Not that different from himself, actually. Gigan can hold a mean grudge if he ever cared enough to.
Hell, he would probably hate Ghidorah more if it wasn’t for their shared past. Both created, made the way they are, by unnatural means. Both had their Masters destroyed (though from Gigan heard, it was Ghidorah that turned on his own creators, as well as destroyed Gigan’s Masters as revenge). Both were free of the mind-control and free to do and roam as they please.
And here Gigan is, spending that freedom following a dragon that didn’t even want him there.
But it’ll be worth it. He was never one to take “no” for an answer, and he admits, he saw something in Ghidorah. Perhaps it was his massive wings, resembling his own sails but much larger. Or perhaps, it was the gold scales that resembled the original gold feathering of his species. They were beautiful, the way they caught the light, as if from a well-preened female.
Gigan lost his own gleaming feathers a long time ago, gone was the last remnants of what he truly was. In the back of his mind, he wondered if THAT was the true reason why Ghidorah didn’t lust for him the same way.
He shook his head. He knew that was bullshit. He’s been following this dragon long enough to see that he showed no such interest in ANYONE. Not even fellow dragons, it seems, ones that resembled him far more than any other lifeforms he had stored in his memory’s database. No doubt, those draconian creatures served as blue-prints for Ghidorah’s creation. But even then, Gigan saw no courtship behavior, no attempt at casual conversation even. No interest outside of the usual “kill them all”.
Gigan loved the kill as much as the next person, but Ghidorah REALLY needed a hobby.
“Hey,” he called out from his seat upon a sizeable pile of boulders, his voice holding a mechanical edge to it. Ghidorah’s response to his voice was immediate and already full of tension so thick, Gigan can slice through it.
“Leave me alone.” Those words again, Gigan’s heard it plenty and it just sounded like noise to him at this point. So he ignores it, as he gave a casual stretch of his arms and tail, before leaning back on the larger rock behind him.
"Whaddya say we get outta here and go to the bar? Grab some drinks, have some fun. Kill a few folks."
"Heh, bet you don't even know what the bar is."
"Nor do I need to know." Ghidorah hissed, clearly not amused by the cyborg’s playful tone as he turned back to the forest blazing around him. “If you’re there, I want no part of it.”
Gigan frowned, but he doesn’t lose his cool yet. This was all a game of patience, a battle of wills, and he will not be the first to break. He will continue to wear this dragon down until he gives in. 
“You’re destroying plants, of all things!” he pushed. “The bar is a much better time than this place. I’ve sharpened these bad boys-” He lifted the blades on his arms for emphasis. “-for the past hour just hoping for something interesting to happen.”
“Then go,” Ghidorah grunted. “Do something useful for once and stop distracting me with your half-life.”
“Oh~?” Well, this was new and served as a confidence boost as he pulled himself up from his seat and stepped over towards the golden dragon. “I’m distracting you, am I? Tell me more about my ‘half-life’ then.”
Ghidorah’s left-most head turned to glare at him, while the other two Gravity Beamed the forest around them.
“I grow tired of having to filter out your presence when I’m looking for new victims to destroy. My crests constantly detecting you and throwing off my hunt for lives more worthy of my time than you will ever be.”
“More worthy?!” He shouldn’t feel so insulted by that, but he does. Especially when the three-headed monster turned away fully. “These are nothing but damn trees you’re wasting time on! They don’t even scream and you think this is more fun than I am?!”
“These trees,” Ghidorah continued without even looking at him. “It gives me great pleasure to snuff out their life-force. They scream in their own way. You, on the other wing, only give me annoyance with your constant blabbering and useless ‘apologies’.”
“Useless apologies?!” Gigan sputtered, his sails fanning open wider with indignation. “You’re lucky you’re getting ANY apologies from me! You know how many others I’ve apologized to? A grand total of ZERO!! But, nooo, apparently that’s not good enough for you!”
“Because I know what a real apology looks like,” Ghidorah growled. “I have seen many who fall at my feet, seeking forgiveness for whatever crime they felt they committed to earn the fate I bestowed on them. I see more genuine regret from those pitiful creatures than I see in you.” 
Gigan said nothing for a long moment, the red glow of his eye growing brighter as his anger begins to build. But his voice remains calm.
“So basically, you want me to beg at your feet.”
Ghidorah turned his heads again, watching him for a moment before a cruel look grows upon all three of his faces, his own red eyes gleaming.
“That would be a start, wouldn’t it?”
The cyborg’s tail tip clicked loudly with agitation before he broke eye contact. He should just leave, track the dragon down another day and avoid this bullshit altogether. But if this is what he had to do to finally make some sort of progress...
Ghidorah better be the best lay he ever had.
Swallowing his pride, he stepped closer and with another moment’s hesitation, he lowered himself down. One knee, then both knees. All three of his sails flatten to his back. It was the single hardest thing he’s ever done, and he dared not look up at the dragon. He didn’t want his embarrassment to be seen on his face.
“I’m sorry,” he grumbled through his teeth.
“For what?” Ghidorah pressed and Gigan’s tail tip gives another sharp spin. It takes another moment to respond, resisting his body’s urge to upper-cut the tip of his blade into one of those stupid chins. But he doesn’t and his voice softens.
“For what my Masters did. For what I did. I wasn’t in control, but I’m sorry anyway.”
“Hm...” was the only response he got and he finally gives a single glance towards those three faces. And no sooner than he did that than a golden foot slams itself right into his exposed chin and throat, causing him to fall back. He was stunned for a moment, his senses both organic and mechanic struggled to get back online. He almost missed the words being shot at him with venom. “As if I will ever accept anyone’s apologies, much less yours.”
The amount of sheer rage that boils from within his core was unbearable. This game, he lost it. He broke as he pushes himself up with his elbows to glare seethingly at this good-for-nothing, piece-of-shit lizard!
“That’s it! I tried playing the nice guy with you, but I’m done.” He pushes himself to his feet, storming over to the three-headed asshole who stands his ground. “I’m done with your damn attitude!!”
“Then leave, or die.”
“Oh, you would like that, wouldn’t you? But I’m not leaving empty-handed. I’m getting what I want, whether you like it or not!”
He swiped for Ghidorah’s middle head with a scythe, the dragon pulling back with the slightest of nicks. Without hesitation, he slammed all three heads into Gigan’s chest to push him away. But the cyborg was not so easily swayed, as he kept his footing and jumped for him with an arm raised. His sights remained on the dragon’s middle head and he just needed one good hit to-
A Gravity Beam met his chest, causing him to fall to the ground. More beams around him brought rubble exploding from the ground and onto his face and chest. Before he can recover, he felt a heavy weight crash onto him, Ghidorah’s feet planted on his shoulders, wisely avoiding the buzzsaw on Gigan’s chest.
Those red eyes glared down at him, those three mouths opening to no doubt unleash another blast of energy. Gigan wasn’t giving him the chance and lifted his tail up, lunging it forward to stab the end into the dragon’s back.
This got a shriek, as a spray of blood escapes from the wound. Gigan gathered his strength, pulling his tail back to get Ghidorah’s weight off his shoulders. He shifted to get to his feet and swung a blade towards the middle head, but it struck the side head that thrashed in the way.
But Ghidorah can’t pull away from Gigan’s grip, those sharp ends fastening onto his spine. One wrong move would cause irreversible damage and clearly, Ghidorah was unused to having blood drawn. Those scales were hard and durable but even they were no match for the weapons the cyborg yielded. 
Such a shame though, that he had to stain those beautiful scales.
It’ll be worth it though, as he makes another swipe and successfully landed the tip of his blade directly into the base of Ghidorah’s middle skull, behind the horns where his mane met scales.
Got it!
The jolt that went through the dragon’s body can be felt, and Gigan couldn’t stop a smirk on his face as he met the wide eyes of his newest victim.
“What’s wrong, Ghiddy? Did you forget?” He opened the blades of his tail tip, and pulled his tail free of Ghidorah’s back violently, with another spray of blood. Ghidorah lets out another shriek, but he doesn’t run. “I know far more about you than you’re willing to admit. Have you never wondered how I’m able to track you down so well? You think being mind-controlled left you unscarred?”
The cyborg struck again with a blade; this time, across the dragon’s chest to draw more blood, causing Ghidorah to stumble backwards. Gigan snickered, stepping forward.
“You still have that chip,” He lifted a scythe once more, tapping the pointed tip right into the wound he left in Ghidorah’s head. He can see the blood already beginning to mat into that oh-so-luxurious mane. “The same chip my Masters and I activated when we first met, remember? Of course you do, that’s why you never tried to kill me, huh? Because you knew that I can do it all over again.” 
The blade tenderly moved from the wound left down to the dragon’s mane and all the way down that neck, tracing the dragon’s blood onto those scales. “I wanted to go the honest route for once, thought you would be worth the trouble. Figured it was the least I could do.”
Ghidorah still does nothing to fight back, even when Gigan kicked him and sent him crashing down onto his wounded back. Another shriek escapes, but this one was filled with anger. Gigan can see it, the way the dragon’s muscles convulsed beneath those scales. Ghidorah was fighting the chip, a battle sure to be lost.
“I guess I should thank your Masters as well as my own,” Gigan continued as the dragon carried on his mental struggle to keep control. “For being a rather stupid bunch, they chose such a strategic spot to ensure you can NEVER truly be free. For all your grandeur, you always were just a pawn for someone else. Even without the mind-control, all you’ve ever done was follow the programming given to you like a goddamn robot. Yet you call me the half-life?”
He planted a foot onto Ghidorah’s chest, staring down at those six eyes that began to lose focus. “Well, this ‘half-life’ owns you now. So let the fun begin~.”
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brytmoon · 4 years
i feel like i'm being really annoying about it to ppl so i'm gonna vent here about struggles i have that might be undiagnosed adhd symptoms since i don't have a very big following except for two close friends (sorry y'all)
1. hygiene, such as brushing my teeth in the morning and showering, is hard. it's been hard my whole life but even now, i'll stare at myself in the mirror or scroll through my phone as i try to convince myself to brush my teeth. (this may or may not be related, but i hate going to the dentist, too.) with showering, it's hard to find the time. i always make sure to shower as often as possible (which is every other day, usually) or i make sure i don't smell if i haven't because i'm scared of having b.o. with both, i have to motivate myself to do it with fancy toothpastes and mouthwash or nice-smelling shower gels and lotions. I'm guessing this is executive dysfunction???
2. I've been incredibly disorganized my whole life. i once thought i had adhd when i was younger because of how disorganized i was. I've always had a super messy backpack and a super messy room (it's really messy rn) but i always know where everything is. i had a ds for at least ten years but lost it a couple months ago in the middle of playing it. where did it go???? i have no idea bruh. and i lose my phone all. the. time.
3. i'm terrible with procrastinating. turning in projects and essays at 11:59 after bullshitting it either all day or mere hours before the due date??? a constant. having failing homework grades and having ntis in every class, no matter how much i enjoy it??? a constant. i once did a whole project i hadn't started on until the morning of the due date. i worked on it while in other classes and at lunch and turned it in 3 minutes before the dropbox closed. anything that's not what i enjoy or zaps the fun out of what i enjoy, i procrastinate with. I've sat in front of the computer screen and almost cried so many times because i couldn't get myself to type up a scholarship essay, which OBVIOUSLY would greatly benefit me as a broke college student, but it doesn't matter bc my brain thinks it's boring so why not push it off?? because i procrastinate, i tend to overwhelm myself so much that i break down at least once when an assignment's due because I've formed a terrible habit of pushing myself to overexertion to get a project done that's meant to be done gradually.
4. bouncing off that last point, I'm terrible with time management and remembering events/due dates/assignments to complete. I've tried using schedule apps and alarms. I've tried to plan out my days. I've tried forming routines and habits to get things done at appropriate times and it doesn't work. that schedule app i downloaded and spent so much time filling out? completely forgotten in a week or two. i swipe away the notifications and pay no attention to them. since everything's virtual now, there have been important college information zoom calls, but i forget about them and miss them. i can't remember events, due dates, or assignments if i don't write them down. since i meet every other day or sometimes once a week for a specific class in college, i can easily forget something mentioned earlier that week that's due the next week over the weekend. i have to remember to write in my agenda in order to remember to do something important, which can be stressful and convoluted 🙃🙃 so my bad time management results in further procrastination and missed opportunities, which makes me feel awful about myself late at night when all i can think about is what i should've done better or differently.
5. chores and hobbies are... interesting. when i do get the energy or motivation to clean or draw, i will hyperfocus on them. if i finally feel like cleaning, I'll skip breakfast and/or lunch and won't take care of myself until I'm done. same happens with drawing. and as stupid or funny as it sounds, i find getting up to go pee so annoying!!!! I'm in the middle of doing something i FINALLY want to do and then i have to get up to go use the bathroom. i don't want to break my concentration bc it's an inconvenience. then with hobbies (y'know, things i want to do and enjoy) i procrastinate!! I've been trying to watch atla since everyone loves it and i like it too, but i put off watching it and other shows like crazy. i play instruments and love to do so, but don't practice very often and spend a couple hours doing so when i do because i remember how fun it is. when i do laundry, I'll remember to put the clothes in the washing machine and start it. but then I'll forget to either put them in the dryer, take them out of the dryer, or fold them. i often have to rewash loads because I'll forget they're in there or I'll have a pile of clothes sitting on my bed for days because i procrastinate with folding them and putting them up.
6. i am the most motivated and have the most energy at night. over the summer, I'd stay up until 4 or 5 am on a regular basis. I'd be the most productive during that time but my sleeping schedule would be so off because of it.
7. so people with adhd crave things that produce dopamine, right? well i snack on candy all the time. and i mean it when i say it's ALL THE TIME. my favorite one is red hots because they're crunchy and spicy. eating candy helps me focus and is probably a form of me seeking more stimulation, but it's bad because of my teeth hygiene issues and me hating to go to the dentist. i also can't do tasks quietly. i have to be listening to music or watching a video while working on something and there are times when i want to do both while working??? so now when i watch something or listen to music without working, i tend to need something to do so i scroll through Instagram while having the show on even though it makes me miss what's happening sometimes.
8. i don't really fidget much i don't think?? but i do weird stuff while listening to someone talk. in school, i often doodled on my worksheets and got in trouble for it. I'd draw eyes in the margins, characters I'm fixated on, squiggly lines, and would color in my o's. or while listening to a family member vent, i dance around or listen while scrolling through Instagram. i also have a baaad habit of picking at my skin (dermatillomania). I'd focus on picking scabs for a really long time when i was alone and bored and have scars on my face and legs from doing it. I've picked at my face since i was a kid and absent mindedly do it every day.
9. i can get quite distracted and have to ask for directions to be repeated because i won't hear them?? like my brain won't process what someone said until they say it again when i'm actually fully paying attention. my mom will ask me to run an errand for her and she'll need to repeat it to me because i'll get distracted while she's explaining or i'll forget what she said after walking away. i get off track in conversations a lot and can't really listen well when there's a lot of other noise going on, like in cafeterias. i'll be talking to one friend and hear another interesting conversation down the table and pause while speaking bc my attention shifted. i also can lose my train of thought quite easily when waiting to speak and forget what i was saying and not be able to remember it for the life of me. so I'll interrupt sometimes so i don't forget
10. when talking to friends, i feel like i talk about myself a lot. i like to use my personal experiences to connect with what they said and be empathetic to them, but i worry this comes off as being conceited. i heard that it might be an adhd thing i do to keep myself engaged in the conversation.
i think that's all of them??? I'm so sorry to anyone who has to scroll through all this jgjrjrj but i guess it's good to make note of this stuff in some way because i articulate my feelings better when typing instead of speaking. and this'll be helpful to reference when chatting with a future therapist which i will hopefully get soon! and if anyone sits through this and has any advice, I'm all ears!!
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amintyworld · 3 years
okay so the scenario is basically that during the s1 finale, phil decides that killing his own son is too much, and techno unintentionally ends up killing tommy for the final time in the wither fight.
tommy leaves mellohi to tubbo in his will.
wilbur ends up regretting his actions, and moves into NLB. tubbo, however, still holds resentment towards wil bc he partly blames him for tommy's death. wil doesn't particularity care to stay in NLB, feeling the tensions there, and in his desperation to fix what happened to tommy, he studies revival.
he learns that to revive someone, you need to go to where they died and use both totems and the thing(s) must important to them. so, he decides he needs to track down the discs.
around this time, phantommy shows up. he acts incredibly clingy towards everyone, especially his old friends. he loves hugs, but even small contact with him gives people wither effect. he tries to help with the construction of NLB, but gets distracted easily and offers less then average builds. tubbo adores him, while wilbur hates him and sees him as a shoddy attempt at a replacement of his surrogate brother.
wilbur tries to get mellohi away from tubbo, but doesn't trust him enough to tell him WHY, so tubbo refuses and the already existing tensions increase tenfold. wilbur, knowing that he's overstayed his welcome, leaves, and moves into the abandoned pogtopia. phantommy follows him, saying that he 'wanted to help wilby.'
pogtopia, and wil along with it, falls into a state of disrepear, dispite phantommy's small efforts. wil becomes obsessed with reviving tommy, and decides to approach phil, who had moved into the arctic along with techno, about getting his assistance.
phantommy didn't end up joining them, and instead stayed in pogtopia, like an echo of what once was.
techno was struggling in the arctic, with the voices conflicting, but overall he did feel guilty for tommy's death. so when wilbur approached phil, and him along with it, to assist in the kid's revival, they agreed.
as the three of them strategize on getting the discs, techno suggests trying to team with dream, seeing tubbo as an adversary. wilbur reluctantly agreed, and they met with the green bastard.
dream revealed that schlatt gave him a book with the power to revive the dead, and promises to use it on tommy on ONE condition. they get cat to him, permanently. out of better options, they agree.
back in NLB, things are looking grim. after wil left, quackity began to discuss the butcher army with the cabinet, with tubbo being much more willing to resort to violence against their enemies after tommy's death. they create a list of three names. dream, techno, and wilbur. but they have another problem to deal with.
there have been sightings of something... odd on the smp. a figure is being seen, wearing a stiched together cloak and a smiley mask. however, it seems much more.. human. then the dream they know. it's been spotted around NLB and pogtopia, and seems to be looking for something. the butcher army add it's name to their list, but decide to learn more about it before resorting to violence.
the green festival is planned, and the arctic trio find out about it though interrogating a VERY distressed fundy. they plan to crash it, make some empty threats, and secure mellohi from tubbo. however, as the festivities begin, things start to go VERY wrong.
dream shows up late, with the company of the dream-like person. he announces that a member of the NLB cabinet has made a huge mistake. he leads them to the broken remains of the community house, and accuses ranboo of blowing it up. since ranboo has his memory issues, he's unable to deny it, and things get messy.
dream demands mellohi, and tubbo immediately shuts him down. he proceeds to order big q and fundy to open fire on dream and his associate for accusing ranboo, but before they can do anything, wilbur and techno reveal themselves to defend dream.
things escalate from there, and wil and tubbo end up in a screaming match where tubbo admits to his struggles as president and grief over tommy. after hearing this, wilbur begins to feel guilty. after all, the kid is only tommy's age, and he has an entire nation on his shoulders. so, as a sign of trust, he decides to confess his plan to revive tommy.
tubbo, to his suprise, is on board with the plan. he has his reservations with trusting dream, but hands over the disc. techno is upset at wil, because even though he's decided to live a more peaceful life, he still holds resentment towards government. he leaves, feeling betrayed and hurt. the dream-person leaves with him, heading north.
dream puts mellohi in his enderchest. after doing this, he lets out a maniacal cackle. he tells them that there's no way that he'd just GIVE them tommy, and then he hands them a compass. it's labeled 'your tommy' and it points to somewhere far away. he tells them to come alone in a week's time. seeing no other option. they agree.
so, after a week's worth of preparing, they arrive, though they have a notable lack of any kind of armor. dream takes them down to a secret cavern, and there they find a hallway with an area for every item that's ever meant something to anyone. some of the spaces are filled. others aren't. at the end of the hallway, there's a cage big enough to fit a person inside, labeled 'tommy', but it's too dark to see into.
they start to fight dream, but are quickly outmatched. dream corners tubbo, and tells wil that he can have tommy if he lets tubbo die. wilbur ponders, with tubbo shouting at him to pick tommy, but wil refuses, deciding that no more blood will be on his hands. dream laughs, saying that he's just too predictable, and calls to the dark cage. a figure emerges from it. it's tommy, complete with a stiched together cloak and a smiley mask.
he looks exausted, completely at the end of his rope. tubbo runs to hug him, only to be met with a sword threateningly close to his face. it seems that in the months with dream, he's ended up bending to the madman's will.
the four begin to fight, but wil and tubbo are clearly on the losing side. dream and tommy move the two into a corner, with dream blowing up their belongings and tommy looking incredibly distraught. dream starts monologuing about what awful deaths he's going to give the two of them, when tommy interjects with a 'that wasn't part of the plan.'
the two of them begin to argue, and wil + tubbo take it as an opportunity to try and convince tommy to come with them. the teen looks confused, and seems to want to accept the request. before they can get much farther, though, dream stabs tommy in the chest, killing him.
wil and tubbo are shocked, and they realize that there's nothing else to do. as they surrender, though, phil and techno come through the nether portal, leading the rest of the server, and the group corner dream.
tubbo + wil rejoice the calvary's arrival, and they both take a turn taking one of dream's lives. as they get to the third one, though, he tells them that he could still revive tommy. the two know it to be true, so they agree to sam's proposition to put them in the prison.
as dusk falls on a very tedious and tragic day, tubbo and wil go to the bench, listening to tommy's retrieved discs and pondering the future. as they're there, they hear a suspiciously familiar voice. it's tommy, thanking them for their persistence and telling them a bit about his time with dream. as the sun rises, tommy starts to fade, and he leaves them with three parting words.
see you soon.
Okay like first off I love this??? So much???
It’s so interesting on so many levels. Technoblade dealing with grief is giving me “the one you should not have killed” vibes.
Tubbo resorting to violence makes me wonder if anyone in NLB compared him to Schlatt and how that went-
But man,,, Wilbur striving to revive Tommy??? My heart??? 🥺😭
I wonder what made Techno move to help after he thinks he’s been betrayed?
What’s been happening with Tommy?! Did Dream build a base for him to live in?? I’m so curious on what their interactions are like in the shadows...
Man this is angsty but also so wholesome with everyone coming together to help save Tommy no matter the cost... also we get Wilbur and Dadza moments and thats great. 🥰
Man green blob got sideblinded by the Artic Duo... idk why but I imagine Technoblade just grinning as Dream’s face falls and the piglin just points his crossbow at him - “WE WIN THESE!”
I do wonder tho... if the prison was originally built for Tommy in the original storyline and here Tommy dies... why would Dream build the prison then...?
Anyway I love this, tell me more when you’re able bc this AU sounds awesome!!!!
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