#because WHY is she looking at him so adoringly-
Colin is stronger than me because if I saw the girl I was in love with dance with someone else while smiling like that ??? I'd have a meltdown in the middle of the ball or maybe turn over a table or two (or five)
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luveline · 11 months
𝐭𝐨𝐨 𝐦𝐮𝐜𝐡 | 𝐞𝐝𝐝𝐢𝐞 𝐦𝐮𝐧𝐬𝐨𝐧
you get upset when eddie's friends think you're clingy. he sets you straight with some unbridled affection. requested here. fem!reader, 2.6k
The diner is bustling with life and smells alike, people in their summer jackets eager to sit down and dig into a plate of greasy, fatty meats. You're just as excited, your fingers curled into Eddie's sleeve and following his lead as he weaves through a gaggle of kids playing between the bar and the booths. 
"Sorry, sir," a young girl says to him, springing out of his path. 
"That's okay," he says, leaning back to squint at you curiously, "Do I look like a sir?" he asks you.
Pale faced, dark-haired, the remnants of last night's eyeliner clinging to his bottom lashes, you can't say you'd look at Eddie and think, Sir. Pretty boy extraordinaire with a rather inviting smile, absolutely. 
"I think so, sir," you say. 
Eddie laughs at you, pressing a hand behind your shoulders to move you along. His friend Gareth waves from a booth tucked in a corner under a white sconce. Jamison sits to his left, and Margaret to his right. You feel a little skip in your pulse at the sight —they intimidate you, and you want desperately for them to like you, only you never know what to say. 
"Hey," Eddie says as you approach the booth. He pushes you gently to encourage you into the seat first. "How's it going? Did we order?" 
"We were waiting for you. They said we have to go up to the bar when we're ready."
"We're late, I get it. Where's Jeff?" 
"He went to the bathroom, like, ten minutes ago," Jamison says with a sigh, climbing to his feet. "I'll go see if he's alright." 
"He's fine. Maggie, are you coming to order?" Gareth says, getting up with him. 
"Yes, finally!" she says. 
The relative chaos of your arrival has you hesitating in your seat. Margaret left her purse and her jacket on the table, and Jamison his keys. 
"You okay to stay here while I order?" Eddie asks. 
You'd much prefer Eddie order for you, but you don't want to be sitting here by yourself if Jamison and Jeff come back before him. You won't know what to say. It won't be their fault. You'll make things awkward for everyone. 
You stand up again, shedding your jacket as you do. No one's gonna steal anyone's stuff, the bar is too close. "I'll come with you."
Eddie slots your fingers together easily, grinning, "Lucky me." 
His friends order first and return to the booth soon after. You and Eddie get cut by a cranky looking old lady but neither of you say anything, nowhere to be and no reason to mind. He tells you about the guitar he's been repairing at work and you listen adoringly, in love with the shape of his lips and how he says every word. He's a great storyteller. 
A new friend appears once you've ordered. 
"Hey, Eddie!" one of the waiters says, appearing from the kitchen with a tray of drinks and fries in hand. "Man, I've been trying to get a hold of you all week. The string on my daughter's guitar flew off, nearly blinded her in the process, would you be able to fix that for me? I'll pay you for your time." 
Eddie waves it off. "It'll only take five minutes, you can drop by whenever I'm home. Why do they keep splitting like that, is she messing with the pegs?" 
"She definitely is. Can I get your number? Macey washed my pants without emptying the pockets."
There's a mad scramble for a pen. You have one in your jacket because Eddie's always looking for one, but your jacket is back in the booth. You promise to make a hasty return and set off for it, glad to see Jeff's alright, standing at the table likely waiting for you and Eddie to get back rather than move your things. You like Jeff most out of everyone. With the whole group collected you know he won't drag you into conversation. 
"She's a bit… much," Gareth's saying.
"How can she be a bit much? She doesn't say a lot," Maggie says. 
You frown. You're the only other she. 
"Not like that, just– the touching and stuff. She's always grabbing onto him like a toddler. I don't think I could stand it." 
"You don't have to stand it," Jeff says. "She's Eddie's girl." 
"Gareth, when was the last time you got laid?" Maggie asks, flicking a hair tie at him, to his annoyance. "You're being bitter. They fucking love each other, man, it's nice." 
"It is a little tiny bit too much sometimes," Jamison says.
You wince. You know it's a matter of seconds before one of them turns to see you standing there. Is it worse to turn around or to approach? 
You walk up to the table just as Gareth says, "Yes! Thank you man, she's too–" 
He cuts off when he sees you with a cough.
"Who?" you ask, full well knowing it's you. Honestly, you're shy but you still get mad, you kind of want him to own up and say it while you're there, and at the same time you're hoping against hope they'll lie. 
Thankfully, they pretend it was about someone else. 
"Nobody," Maggie says. 
"Some girl at the library," Jamison says. 
You lean past Jeff with as sunny an apology as you can manage to grab the pen from your jacket. "Eddie," you say by way of explanation, holding the pen up with a shrug. 
You walk away quicker than you should. It's obvious you've overheard. There's a thump and a, "Nice fucking job, loser." 
Eddie's deep in conversation as you offer the pen. He takes it without stopping, but he makes sure he kisses your cheek. 
"I'm gonna go to the bathroom, okay?" you say. 
"I'll be right there, sweetheart." 
To get to the bathroom you have to walk past the booth again. With the hurt feeling pounding between your ears and what you suspect might be all eyes on you, you make for one of the two doors. The summer sun and the dry Hawkins heat hits you immediately, a second layering of smothering to wrap around the first. You walk around a rainbow chalk hopscotch and into the shade of the smoking shelter, hands at your collar, breathing hard. 
Don't cry, you think firmly. Don't cry. They'll know if you do and that's twice as embarrassing as walking out. Imagine how embarrassed Eddie will feel if you cause a scene.  
You sit on the little perch in the shelter and stare at the floor. There's nowhere to look that isn't stingingly bright, the sun in the white-blue sky glaring down on you and the sidewalk bleached a blinding ivory. You close your eyes against it. Your shoulders hunch in protectively. Your hands find their way to your face. 
Like a toddler, Gareth said. You press your fingertips into your eyes, fighting against the ache. Is that true? Are you childish in how much you rely on Eddie? You take his hand and his arm, you catch onto his clothes when you're worried, you step behind him when you're overwhelmed. 
"Shit," you whisper. 
The breeze washing over you does little to cool you down. You must sit there for a handful of minutes, worried and nauseous. 
"Hey," Eddie says gently. You flinch despite his best efforts not to startle you. 
He looks tall outlined by the sun. 
"You okay?" he asks. 
"I just wanted some fresh air," you say. 
He raises his brows slightly. "That why Gareth just apologised to me?" 
You wince as he sits down. All of you wants to sag into his side, but a small voice tells you not to. You stay ramrod straight, hands pressed flat and clammy to your knees. 
Eddie gives your elbow a rub. His thumb digs into soft skin and the harder suggestion of cartilage and bone before sliding up. He uses touch often to convey silent reassurement. This seems to say, I don't know what happened, but I'm here. 
"I'm fine. We can go back inside," you say, attempting to fool him. 
"There's no rush." His voice tips to a low, rough register. He's keyed in to your upset, no doubt about it. "It's a nice day, babe." 
He gives you a minute. The small feathering of clouds skirts one edge of the horizon to the other, the shadow of the diner stretching tall as the sun lazes down. You push the worst of your feelings from your mind. It's easy to do with such an unshakeable support at your side, his fingers curling down to your forearm, vying for a hand to hold. 
"I heard your friends talking about me. It wasn't all nice," you confess. 
You glance at his face. He has a crease between his brows. 
"Well, mostly Gareth. He said that I… act like a kid. A toddler, that I'm too much, at least for him to stand. And don't get me wrong, Eds, I'm not thrilled that they were talking about me, but I guess I…" You take a short breath and look away from him. "I hate that it's true." 
"You can be mad when people talk shit. I'm mad," he says. "He said you're like a toddler?" He shuffles closer to you on the bench. "Babe, it's not true, okay? You're not too much. Fuck, we're here to hang out and they can't wait ten minutes to run their mouths–" 
"It wasn't like that, it was just Gareth." Gareth's always been the selfish friend. 
"He doesn't get a pass for saying something shitty 'cos he's always shitty. I brought you here," —you peek at him, recognising upset in his tone even when it's the barest inkling— "knowing you didn't really want to come because you get so nervous," —he sounds pained for you— "I fucking told him to leave you alone. I said we wouldn't come around if he didn't stop being a mood killer." 
You worry at your bottom lip. "Maybe that's kind of his point, Eds. You have to look out for me. You had to ask someone to be nice to me 'cos I can't handle it–" 
"You don't have to handle it. The people around you should be nice to you. This isn't high school, you don't have to put up with it, and I told him that." Eddie grabs your arm with the hand that isn't tangled in yours and turns you to face him. "I'm sorry," he says, almost a murmur, "I didn't invite you today to have you humiliated." 
You're feeling a little mortified by the passion of his feelings. He's mad at the wrong person, isn't he? "Why are you sorry? I'm the one who clings to you." 
"I want you to." Eddie holds your eyes, brown and big and imploring you to listen, the starts of his brows sewing together. "I'm sorry because it's not fair. And because Gareth was a dick to you. And for getting mad." He smiles at you ruefully. "I'm being a dick, too." 
"In what world?" 
Eddie leans in slowly, giving you enough time to close your eyes as his nose bumps into yours, encouraging your head up to allow for a kiss. He kisses twice, a third time, pulling away to rub your bottom lip. 
"Are you really upset?" he asks softly. 
You know whatever answer you give him is one he's okay with. 
"I feel so embarrassed," you say. "They knew that I overheard them. Now I feel like I'll be constantly worried about how much I'm touching you." 
"Well, that's their problem. That doesn't say shit about you," Eddie says, wrinkling his nose. 
"I'm really not too much?" you ask. He can likely hear how desperate you are for a kind answer, your throat burning with the effort it takes to stave off tears. 
"You've never been too much. I'm the too-much one. You wouldn't even hold my hand when we first started dating, you remember that? We'd go to the movies and you'd get so flustered when I bought your ticket." Eddie's arms wrap around your waist, the breeze ruffling his sweet curls and sending gusts of his smell your way. You're a goner, dropping your face into his shoulder. "Do you remember that?" he asks again, his face slipping down to yours as he hugs you close. "The first time we went to the Hawk together, I went first, and I don't know why you thought you'd have to buy your own ticket but you got all quiet when I got yours, too. I loved that. You know what I loved even more than that?" 
You smile, knowing he's going to say something lovely. "What?" you ask. 
"I loved how proud you were to sit down with me. You wouldn't hold my hand but you'd put your cheek on my shoulder just like this." 
Eddie rubs the tip of his nose against your temple. "I love how much you want to be near me," he says. "It's not childish, is it? If being closer to me makes you feel better, there's nothing wrong with that. Gareth's just jealous 'cos he isn't getting laid." 
"That's what Maggie said." You laugh. 
"Maggie's a good one. She makes Gareth bearable, kind of." 
You feel the stretch of his back under your hands. Your head is pounding from the sudden rush of big emotions, your tongue dry and throat aching, but you don't have a lick of urgency to get up and go back in. 
"He's such a dick," you whisper. 
Eddie laughs, patting your back. "Such a fucking dick." 
"I can't help being a loser and wanting to hug you so much," you say. You're joking now, but it's true all the same. 
"I tempt the untemptable," he says agreeably.
You laugh and lift up a bit to hug him harder, your face pressing into his neck. 
"You're not a loser," he says more seriously. "You know that, right? What Gareth said, it's not okay, but there's no accounting for idiocy." Eddie sits back on the bench, taking your forearms into his hands for some more soft massaging. "He can think whatever he likes, I'm not the government, but he was wrong, and also it's rude and, again, super shitty of him to do that here. So with your blessing I'm gonna punch him in the face." 
"Nooooo," you murmur. 
"Very soft no. Taking it for a yes."
"Eddie, you can't hit Gareth."
"He should watch his mouth, then." 
You reach up for a second hug. You love that he prioritised how you felt, as well as how eager he is to stick up for you —how mad he is on your behalf. 
"He's trying to take this away from me," Eddie says, leaning back under your weight, arms crossing behind your spine. He looks up at you like you've stolen his breath, lips parted and teeth peeking out with his smile. 
"Do you really want to punch him?" you ask. You sound very fond.
"I hate that he made you feel bad about yourself. And he irritates me." 
Eddie hums like he's thinking for a moment. "No, I definitely still want to hit him." 
You tuck a curl away from his cheek tenderly. "Thanks for wanting to defend my honour, Eds," you say.
"I'm on your side through everything." He looks ridiculously pretty saying such a ridiculously lovely thing. "That's how we work, right? You're on my side too?" 
Your face flushes with heat. "Of course I am, baby." 
"Good. Unrelated to our previous conversation, how much money do you have, roughly? In case I need financial aid in the coming days." He drops his voice to a whisper, "How much even is bail lately?" 
You cup his cheek. "We can't afford it," you whisper back. 
thank you for reading!♡
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starshipsofstarlord · 11 months
klaus mikaelson works other tvd works masterlist
Summary -> klaus hates watching you talk with another man, even if it is his brother. and it his duty as the man that owns you to remind you of whom you belong to (1.4k)
Warnings -> 18+ minors dni, smut, fingering, unprotected sex, possessiveness, some toxicity, jealousy, brief mentions of death and turning, crying
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Venom was poised on Klaus’ tongue as he watched his beloved, glaring daggers at her form as she watched Y/N laugh at something dismal that one of his brothers had said. She was supposed to remember that she belonged to him, she was his mere little human that was his own personal slave for affection.
He sat there, nostrils flaring, as he sipped out of the rich flute, placing it upon the side table before he hauled himself to his feet, stalking toward his girl. She was his, and she wasn’t allowed to forget that, he didn’t care if she was just being friendly, any niceties were reserved for him alone. Elijah sensed the homicidal distress radiating from his sibling, and chose it best to remain by Y/N’s side as Niklaus reached them. “Brother.” He greeted him, bowing his head respectively at the younger one of their family.
Despite the politeness, Klaus wished to scorn the smile that Elijah had caused from Y/N’s face; he had grown more possessive since becoming a hybrid and unlocking his werewolf side. “Get away from my woman, now.” He spoke slowly, reaching towards Y/N and dragging her into his arms as she gently shook. “It’s okay love, I’m here now. Cling to me all you want.”
And she did, her hands balling up the fabric of his shirt as her face rested lowly on his chest, remaining silent as Klaus forbade his brother from sharing the presence of them both in his art room. Because she was his little masterpiece that he had trained to mould around himself, he raised her chin so she was forced to look up at him, their eyes strongly meeting. Y/N knew that she would be in trouble if she broke the visual contact, she had to obey him, he was the one that controlled this relationship, and most times than not her too.
“You belong to me, do you understand that Y/N?” His interrogative enquiry made her physically gulp, but respectfully she nodded at the Original, allowing him to cradle her jaw in his powerful hands until they drifted down her neck, posing a little pressure to the area. “That’s my good girl.” He praised her, which made her utter an almost inaudible whimper, that made him smirk to himself. Oh, how he should have made Elijah stay so that he could witness how she folded under his demeanour, and how she knew that she was all his.
“That’s right, I want that to be the only name that every slips out from your pretty mouth.” He responded, leading her backwards until her back hit a wet canvas, the stroke of his artistic touch adorning the back of her clothing. “Can you do that love, can you only say my name for all eternity.” He still had yet to turn her, he was waiting until they were both ready for that level of commitment, but for now he was content looming above her, blocking her shadow from the eyes of anyone else.
“Yes. Of course, it shan’t be a problem.” He allowed her hands to trail up upon his shoulders, he walked his stature farther into her, trapping her against the material of the splattered canvas. “That’s my girl.” He smiled adoringly at her, meeting her lips lightly with his own before his actions escalated, and he grew hungrier for her touch. His tongue swept within her gasping mouth, holding her still so that he could execute his calculated attack.
Without need of any compliance from his little object, he raised her dress over her head, finding her completely nude underneath, just the way that he liked her to be. And perhaps that was a reason of many as to why he was startled by the sight of her and Elijah harmlessly conversing. He knew that whenever he wanted, her body was conveniently always prepared for him to take her as he pleased, and that was exactly what he intended to do.
Klaus tossed off his long sleeved shirt, exploiting his exterior to his girl who could only trail her hand down his toned stomach, but he grasped her wrist, shoving it away as he continued to strip down to his birthday suit. And now they were both undressed and ready for what he wanted, Y/N moaned surprised yet not by how he effortlessly hoisted her into his arms, and swooned her body against the wall beside them, his fingertips slipping down and down until they were teasing at her wet entrance.
They easily glided into Y/N’s walls, probing her insides with his long digits, two precisely, as he rested his nose into the crook of her neck, smelling how her blood boiled with arousal and finding it relaxing at how her pulse harshly raised from the contact he granted her with. “Look at how ready your body always is for me, it’s like you were made for me. My pretty little thing.” His words did something to Y/N, made her insides twist as he supplied her with the most sufficient way that he could show her his love.
A whine tore out from Y/N’s throat as he respectfully removed his fingers, leaving her feel empty and dismal in his predator like grasp. However the emptiness was soon filled as he pushed his cock into her cunt, stretching her until she felt perfectly full. It must have been some sick joke, he thought to himself and hid his deviant chuckle in the rasp of a groan; it was really as though his mother had endured she was born into the world in the time he needed her most. He was all he wanted, and it was his duty to ensure that Y/N felt the same way about him.
If she didn’t then there would be nothing to stop all hell from breaking loose, sincerely by the hybrid of course. But he was convinced he had nothing to worry about considering the present as he fucked her without an inkling of guilt or compassion for the fact that one day he would make her like him. “Klaus, holy fuck.” Her head collided back into the wall, no doubt giving her an ache within her head, but he only found it that much more attractive as she became significantly more dazed from the hit on her noggin and the strength behind his starved thrusts.
“Hardly holy.” Klaus corrected her, he was the deepest sin that she had ever committed, and ever would. She was wrapped around him like a shawl, clinging onto dear life until she allowed him to take the humanity of it away. She passionately kissed his neck, biting it as though she was growing her vampiric appetite before she actually turned. “Though your cunt feels like heaven.” He muttered, smirking as he thought that nobody would every see her in this state. This was his Y/N, the goddess of his greediest desires, and he would never allow her to slip away.
“Can I cum, Klaus, please?” There were tears of diamond stimulation in Y/N’s gorgeous eyes, it was as though she was compelled by his swift and jarring movements, pleading for his permission to let her release the sparking build up that was daring to explode within her body. “Please, please, please. Want to cum all over your perfect cock.” Oh did she now? Well that was no surprise, it never was, and she always held it together until he allowed her to release, as she knew the consequences if she didn’t. It wasn’t her orgasm, it belonged to him, and she wasn’t allowed it unless he granted her the lustful wish that was laced elegantly in her mind.
“Cum for me Y/N, I want to feel you cum all over me love.” Not even an instant passed and he felt her walls contract gratefully around him, washing her everlasting attraction for the man that owned her onto his length. Once she had finished her orgasmic bliss, he only fucked her harder, causing tears to dribble from her eyes, not stopping until he filled her to the hilt and emptied his cum deep within her. And although they had both finished he refused to put Y/N down, he just wanted to hold her, in this haven alone, sweetly stroking her hair as he thought that he was the luckiest man undead. He had her, and she was all his.
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dollwrites · 8 months
𝗰𝗼𝗻𝘁𝗲𝗻𝘁 𝘄𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀 ∣ smut ( minors dni ), fem!reader, noncon, bondage + gagging, cumming untouched, voice kink, degradation but also some praise, male masturbation, all characters featured are aged 18+
𝗶𝗺𝗽𝗼𝗿𝘁𝗮𝗻𝘁 ∣ please reblog && leave feedback. not proofread so there’s probably mistakes. thanks for reading < 3
𝗸𝗶𝗻𝗸𝘁𝗼𝗯𝗲𝗿 𝟮𝟬𝟮𝟯 ∣ day four [ sampo koski + voice kink ]
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“Oh my, I’ve not even touched you yet and you’re already so twitchy!”
it was embarrassing, to say the least. the way your body reacted to his relentless cooing and crooning. you hated it. in fact, you would’ve told him exactly where he could shove all those sugar-dripping syllables, had your panties not been stuffed in your mouth. you tried to work the fabric out a little at a time, but Sampo’s long digits had ensured that they were secure and deep in your cavern, forcing you to taste your own desire for that loathsome, loathsome man.
“Could it be that you’re imagining all of the not so nice things I can do to you, all tied up like this?” he teases, his emerald eyes sparkling with delight and glued to your exposed core. with your legs spread wide, ankles bound to a long, metal rod that kept them spread wide. there was no shielding your sex from his gaze, as unfortunate as that was. because you knew that he was watching every clench, every drip, every twitch. “You are, after all, completely and utterly at my mercy.” he flashes you a devilish smile.
what you return is a sharp glare, your brows knit together as you chewed incessantly on your own panties, hoping to saw through the lingerie with your teeth and be able to spit it out. because you knew, once you did, not only would you call him every low-down, dirty, rotten thing you could think of, but you knew of a catapult of spit that would have his name on it.
so far, however, no such luck. the cotton dries your mouth out, and what should’ve been sweats, were gurgled groans of faint protest.
“Hm? No?” Sampo asks with a Devil’s smirk, taking a step forward. his right hand juts forward and wraps his large fist around the metal spreader, pushing it upwards just a bit. it pulls your ass off the bed just enough to angle your unwilling yet needy cunt in his direction, and allowed the light to catch your sticky folds, your wetness glimmering against your own skin. “Then, why are you so wet? Because so far, all I’ve done is tied you up, spread you open, and told you…”
Sampo trails off, his eyes flickering with a sudden realization. the realization that makes his grin spread wider.
oh, no.
“Could it be that you enjoy the sound of my voice?” he stares at you, adoringly, with his toothy grin, and when you shake your head, he chortles, and runs his tongue around his lower lip, his gaze dropping back down to your pussy. “Are you certain? Because this pretty little cunt of yours is sparkling—“ your body jolts at his praise, your hole clenching and demanding to be filled. you clench your fists in frustration. Sampo saw the display, and elicited a delighted mewl. “Oho, so she likes praise, does she? To be called a pretty, little cunt? Soft, and warm. And we can’t forget tight, now can we?” he begins to giggle at how easily your body twitched and puckered at every word sang to your core. “A perfect hole like that, already milking like she’s supposed to, is meant to be fucked. But I have something much more fun, before we reach that point.”
you look up at him, hoping the fire in your eyes is enough to get your muffled grunting across.
Sampo seems to ignore your angry sounds, staring into your eyes as if he were a gentle lover, and he swoons. “I’m going to make you cum before I even lay a finger on you,” he says, matter of factly, leaning closer to you. the expanse of his chest was pressed against the bar, hoisting your ass higher into the air. “You’re going to listen to me get off, and you’re going to turn into a needy, dripping mess. Well, more so than you already are. Are you ready?”
it was the best you could do, shaking your head and thrashing wildly against your restraints, but you could tell in an instant that he hadn’t really been asking a serious question. it was another tease. because a moment later, he was fishing around in the open fly of his trousers, retrieving his cock and pulling it through the gap. you didn’t want to stare, but you noticed it was already starting to harden up in his grasp.
“Mm, I can’t help it.” Sampo murmured, breathy, as if he’d read your glance in an instance, spitting in his palm to lather his length in it. “When I see a pussy that pretty and needy start to picket up just for me, I start to get excited.” a low, rumbling sound bubbles in the back of his throat as he starts to stroke himself, his body close to yours, his stance wide. his cock was long and imposing, strong and leaving a subtle shadow on your belly as it hovers inches above you, his fist jacking back and forth. “Uhhh…” Sampo breathes out. the sound coupled with the slick smacking of his sticky fist kissing his base at a rapid-fire pace was almost too vulgar; your eyelids wanted to flutter. “That’s good.” he was stretching out his moans on purpose, teasing you with different variations of his taunting baritone. “Do you want to know what I’m thinking about right now? Hm? What is making my cock so hard?” without waiting for an answer, Sampo leans against the bar, trying to get as close to your face as possible. for a moment, you feel a wave of his breath against the apples of your cheeks, and you turn away, but he whispers, his voice thick with lust. “I’m daydreaming about plowing your little pussy, cutie. Uh-huh, nnn.. I’m going to pound you out so good that you’ll forget your own name. Just thinking about how perfect you’ll look hanging off this big cock like a little fuckdoll…” Sampo moans loudly, and the sound sends need storming straight to your core.
“Just watching you stretch…”
another needy moan, and this time, your cunt trembles, your swollen clit throbbing.
“Feeling you milk me…”
your muscles tighten up. your toes curl.
“Ahh, the way you’ll look so cute with the shape of my cock bulging out of your little tummy!”
your eyes want to cross.
he sounded so needy, and yet so wicked. his moans were all laced with the specter of a whimper, as if he hadn’t gotten off in weeks, and sounded delightfully depraved. not to mention the images he was forcing into your mind, and the visage of him jerking off right above your wanton pussy.
“I bet just listening to me moan and groan has got your tummy all in knots. Hnn, do you feel tight and desperate?”
you didn’t want to, and you tried to stop yourself, but you nodded, letting out a strangled moan.
“Mhm,” Sampo purrs, his grin slightly strained as his pace picks up. his hips had also started moving on their own, matching the rhythm of his wrist, fucking his hand with reckless abandon. “That’s so cute… and so pathetic. Getting all worked up, right on the brink of cumming, just because you hear me moan in pleasure. You must be a truly naughty little thing if the sound of your rival jacking off, explaining how he’s going to turn you inside out, makes you this needy. You’re like a starved animal.”
Sampo seems to really love watching you writhe and whine, seeing your eyes start to roll back as he moans and grunts, because his swollen cock was twitching, too, now, and he was close to his own climax. “Fuck yes.” he hums, gripping the bar tighter with one hand, the other still pumping himself silly. “Close… close…” his pleasured voice now sounds strained, and with a weak gaze, you peer up at him to see his brows furrowed and his jaw tight. the chase for his high taking his toll on his composure. a red tint kisses his cheeks, and his broad chest heaves up and down. “Mmm… you like these sounds, hm? When I’m right on the edge, about to cum for you? About to cum all over you? Yes?” he chuckles, though it sounds as though it gets stuck in his throat with a soft gasp as he bites down on his lip, and allows himself to gargle on a long, euphoric growl. “I can see it all over your face, fuckdoll, that lust… go ahead, erupt for me! Push me over the edge!”
it was as if Sampo had conjured your orgasm out of thin air, and ripped it out of your body with so much force that it left you stunned and twitching. you’d released before you even fully processed that you were peaking, and were trembling and panting, trying to regain your wits when you heard Sampo stutter and moan, splattering his own release across your stomach with a happy sigh.
“Such a pretty sight,” he breathes out, and releases the spreader to allow your butt to hit the mattress again. you bounce slightly, before laying there, defeated, with his throbbing, dribbling cock looming over you. “All trembling and panting, leaking juices all over my bed. If you reacted so deliciously to my voice, I can’t wait to see how you’ll fare when I actually get to play with your greedy, little pussy.”
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mitch-the-silly · 3 months
Alright y'all, I locked in today, so it's time to get fed! Flock around!
Vox x fem!reader
"Can't Seem to Hold Me, Can't Seem to Let Him Go" Pt.2
Part 1
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The moving truck pulled up to the V-Tower’s parking, you hugged your torso as you saw them go inside your shared room with Vox. You were taking your dresser and your clothes, your nightstand and your lamp. You were done with this. He’d refuted you and put you at the bottom of his priority list. It was despicable and you hated the very notion of him right now. After all the time you two spent together…  
You wiped a few tears off your face as you called a Taxi driving off to your new apartment. Vox wasn’t watching you right now, he was sure to be watching Alastor. So you fled to your newly acquired studio apartment. The only thing in the small living space was your mattress, the fridge, and the stove. It looked quite barren, but it was a start. You knew you meant nothing to Vox at this point, so despite the cramped space you were to live in now, distancing yourself from him was going to be a new beginning for you. A chapter of your life in which you didn’t depend on Vox. And while it may hurt you now, you knew that it would eventually fade… right?
However, your departure from the V-Tower wasn’t quite unnoticed. Despite Alastor occupying most of his attention, there came a time in which Vox HAD to sleep. Thus prompting him to go to his room. Of course, he expected you to be there. Yeah, he’d yelled at you today, but you couldn’t be too mad. Nothing an apology couldn’t fix. 
He opened the door to your shared bungalow suite, calling out to you nonchalantly, “Hey babe, I’m done with work for today. You want to… watch a movie or something, I don’t know.” He shrugged walking into the suite bedroom. The second he opened the door, he paused. 
Some furniture was missing. Your nightstand was gone and a painting he’d bought you for your birthday was taken off the wall too, nowhere to be seen. This could not be. What the hell happened to you? He ran towards your closet; it was empty. 
You weren’t kidnapped or anything, you left willingly. 
No no no no. Not now. Not now. This wasn’t possible. The only person who so adoringly loved him was gone. At the cusp of his rivalry with Alastor. The love and validation he solely craved, the very little he had… no, the abundance he had which he was absolutely oblivious to. 
What had he done to make her THIS mad at him?
Fuck… That thing she asked him… She’d asked him if she was important to him and instead of replying to her properly… no, why had he done that? Well… he knew why. Alastor. He wasn’t really ready (and shit, he might never be) to truly delve into why Alastor made him too erratic aside from the obvious rivalry. 
Regardless of all of this, he couldn’t stand the thought of having driven you away. He took the first object he saw and slammed it into the wall. He didn’t know what it was he’d picked up until he heard the shattering of ceramic. It was a mug you’d picked out for him. He’d left it on his nightstand the night before after drinking a cup of tea. He looked down at it, the little red letters on the now shattered navy blue mug made his livid expression rapidly morph into a self-loathing frown.
He had to find her. Now. 
He zapped out of the room, checking cameras, asking around, stopping every sinner in his building for information. And, desperate for an answer, he even recurred to his fellow Vees. First asking Velvette, who somehow had no answer to give him.
Last resort: Valentino. Vox was more than hesitant to ask Valentino of all people about your whereabouts because if he knew he wouldn’t tell him and of course, if he didn’t he obviously would have nothing today, but Vox wasn’t going to pass up a possible lead on finding you. So he stormed into Valetino’s tower, slamming the door open, not even waiting for the girls at his door to open it for him. Upon doing this, Vox was met with an annoyed, nasty look from Valentino.
“The fuck, Vox? What’s up your ass today?... Because it could be me but your little girlfriend wouldn’t like that, obviously.” Val sighed, rolling his eyes. He was watching something on his TV, not wanting to look away because of how invested he was in it (or maybe because he already couldn’t see the screen, so he had to work extra hard to even know who was talking to whom). 
“Real funny Val; where is she? Have you seen her?” Vox asked, ignoring his vulgar comment, hoping to seem like he still had some sort of composure. 
“Oh, she’s not in your bed right now? Are you really here looking for the little slut?” Valentino chuckled, turning towards him.
“D̵o̴n̶'̸t̶ ̵y̴o̴u̷ ̸f̵u̵c̴k̶i̵n̶g̴ ̶c̴a̴l̶l̵ ̶h̸e̵r̶ ̴t̴h̷a̴t̸,̶ ̴I̵'̶m̸ ̵n̷o̴t̶ ̷i̷n̴ ̶t̸h̸e̵ ̵d̵a̶m̴n̷ ̷m̶o̸o̵d̶.” Vox spat back, his patience waning quickly and his voice crackling in annoyance. 
Valentino scrunched up his face in offense, “Shit, fine! Ugh… last I saw her, she got in a Taxi. I thought she had some errand to run. Now get the fuck out of here, you’re killing my fucking vibe.” Valentino huffed, turning back to his program.
Vox wasted no time zapping out of the tower, as Valentino called out, “Have fun chasing your bitch!” Much to his benefit, Vox was already gone when he said this.
He zapped from camera to camera, looking through each for a millisecond. He had millions of cameras and he had to move fast. And this he did! Eventually catching a glimpse of a feature that identified you. He remained there in front of the camera where he’d last seen you. However, unluckily for him, the camera was in a hallway and he had no access to the room behind those doors.
He knocked on the door gently, adjusting his collar and manifesting a bouquet of flowers into exitance and into his hands. He gave the closed door his widest smile, hoping to do the same to your face.
“Coming!” You called out from the other side of the door, unaware of who was behind it. You would be privy to who was knocking on your door, however, the second you looked into the peephole. 
You opened the door, looking Vox up and down, “There is no fucking way in Hell.” You scoffed.
“Babe… hey…” He mumbled, his smile weakening a bit.
“Yeah no, drop the bit. Get the fuck out of here, my place in your priority list was left very clear this morning. You don’t even deserve a breakup text, go away.” You huffed, turning around and attempting to close the door behind you. However, the attempt failed due to Vox sticking his foot between the doorframe and the door itself. 
“Sweetheart, come on! I’m sorry! It wasn’t that big of a deal, let’s just-”
“It wasn’t that big of a deal!? VOX. I asked you if I was important to you and you replied with ‘Alastor is more important.’!” You yelled at him, outraged at his comment.
“Actually, I said ‘Alastor is important to me right now.’ ” Vox corrected, which did not really help his case.
“Are you fucking serious right now?! That’s pretty much the same thing?! Who the fuck responds to that question with that sort of answer!?” You spat back.
“Come onnnn! You can’t hate me that much over it, I didn’t mean, I was just… busy…” Vox explained; a half-assed explanation in your opinion. 
“Vox, you little shit, you’ve been, ‘busy’ for months now! Too busy in fact that you missed MY FUCKING BIRTHDAY WEEKS AGO! And here I am like an idiot thinking, ‘Oh, he’s probably really stressed! Lemme hop off his dick and not get on him because he’s gonna feel bad.’ BUT NOOOO! APPARENTLY ALASTOR IS MORE FUCKING IMPORTANT TO YOU!” You cried out, tears welling up in your eyes as you hit him out of the pure frustration seeping out from you. 
Vox took the hits; he deserved them. How could he have forgotten? This is why you responded this way. “I’m so sorry baby… I… you’re not gonna believe me but I did genuinely forget about what days have passed…”
“Fuck if I care, you already fucked up.” You scoffed, rolling your eyes at him.
“NO BABE! Please… just… I can’t lose you, please, I fucked up, I’ll fix it! What do you want? I- I- have my wallet here, here’s my card! You can get whatever you want! It’s on me!” He insisted, one rejection away from physically groveling at your feet.
Rejection which you’d sure give him. “Are you trying to buy me back?!” You replied, stepping back away from him.
“No no no! That’s not it! I just- W-what else can I do? No no, what do you want me to do?” He asked, getting on his knees in front of you. Claws dug into the floor as he looked up at you in emotional agony.
“I want you to get the fuck out of here.” You spoke. Nice and simple.
“NO! Please! Baby! You gotta give me a chance! I’ll fix anything you ask me to! I’ll take you everywhere with me if you need me to! Please! I’ll treat you like the goddess you are! Just… don’t leave me… please…” He begged the flowers in his hand already disheveled and lacking petals. He seemed… genuinely afraid of receiving no as an answer to this question. It sort of pained you.
You looked back at him, hesitant to speak again, “Are you… are you lying to me?”
“Of course not! You name it, I’ll do it! I just… don't ask m why but I just can’t stand the thought of fucking losing you…” Vox replied, still begging on his knees for your return.
You groaned, giving him a look of pity, he… he was insecure… this was the version of him where you could see under all his masks… “Fine… I’ll go back. But just know that if you play some shit like this again I’m NOT taking you back. I don’t give a shit how hard you beg.” You replied, taking the bouquet of flowers from his hands. 
You looked at them, and despite them being all beat up, they were beautiful…
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Taglist for this fic:
@vexendoe @luujjvi @ghosterstrudel @sirenetheblogger @farah-o-0 @tinathepineapplelover @vox-simp @thegreathiroshi @futureittomainn @mimikyu-of-death @absolut3lyn0t @chaotickitten91
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notjustjavierpena · 7 months
Oops, I accidentally sent the request before actually typing it, lol
Here we go again:
The family is away for summer vacation and reader bumps into an old high school boyfriend of hers at the beach while Javi is playing with the kids (making an adorable mess with sand castles), and he sees it at some distance and get super jealous about it, but only get to talk to her about it after dinner when the kids are asleep in their hotel room. Idk, something about that with obviously make up sex for reader to show him how much she’s all his and etc
Random thoughts, I know, but I’m sure you’ll be able to work magic with this
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Series Masterpost | Main Masterpost
A/N: Hi hi hi, and so sorry for the wait. I hope this fulfils your heart’s desires, my friend. Thank you for following my work ❤️
Summary: You bump into your high school sweetheart on holiday and Javier is not a fan.
Pairing: Javier Peña x Reader/You (No y/n)
Tags: +18 smut, jealousy, javi is whipped for reader, dirty talk, piv sex, rough sex, bit of roleplay, creampie, use of papi, possessiveness, aren’t they just the cutest?
Word count: 3.1k
Link to this work on AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/51262198
Children’s laughter travels through the air to meet your ears along with the sound of a soft summer breeze, making you put down the book that you’ve been holding in your hands. It’s impossibly sunny hence why you’ve decided to hold up the book, shielding its pages from the rays, and the skin of your back glistens with sweat. There are seagulls in the air, busy noises from families around you, and the therapeutic push and pull of the waves.
Beside you, you have a glass of strawberry lemonade and in front of you, you have a view of your husband enthusiastically digging moats around the various sandcastles that have been scattered across your chosen spot on the beach. You feel refreshed and relaxed; just how you’re supposed to feel on your vacation during the hottest days of summer. 
It had been Javier’s idea to go away for a week to your hometown. You are thankful for his suggestion because you would never have voiced your wish for a break out loud yet he had sensed it despite your silence. 
You’ve visited your parents, yes, but the majority of days have been spent on the beach where you’ve gotten some quality time with yourself. Javier has managed to tire out both of your kids with endless activities, and the evenings have been filled with long, slow kisses on the hotel room balcony. You have hoped for more but a shared hotel room means that you will have to keep everything PG-13.
“Look, Mommy!” 
Your thoughts are interrupted by Inés’ excited shout. She has placed seashells on the biggest of the sandcastles’ walls, making them imitate grand windows. 
“They’re beautiful, baby,” you praise adoringly. 
Lucas is by the shore with a bucket, filling it with water for the moats. He beams at you when he returns, and you smile right back at your beautiful boy. 
“Remind Papá to take a picture of you when you’re finished,” you say loudly for Javier to hear as well. He looks back at you, grinning with genuine joy and happiness but you’re too busy staring at his happy trail just above the hem of his bathing shorts. He notices.
“What’re you looking at?” He winks.
“Nothing,” you say back and shoo him, holding up your book for show, “Go keep an eye on your offspring, Dad. I’m very busy.”
The day continues. You manage to go through a few more chapters, occasionally watching Javier over the top of your book as he is enjoying himself. 
And then it is late afternoon but the sun is nowhere near descending yet. You are interrupted in your reading by a shadow above you, and you don’t manage to catch yourself as you automatically tell Javier off, “Honey. You’re standing right in front of the great big reading lamp in the sky.”
The shadow laughs and then you realize it isn’t your husband. You look up to stare at a familiar face anyhow, and your face grows hot. With quick motions, you put your book down and push yourself to stand.
“Jonathan!” You exclaim in what you hope is a calm and collected voice. You know it is a possibility, being in your hometown, that you run into your high school ex-boyfriend but it still catches you off guard. 
“You mean ‘honey’ right?” Jonathan jokes. You laugh politely and awkwardly, and despite the ring on his finger, Jonathan doesn’t seem to back down. He hugs you, splaying his large palm on your back - right under where your bikini top sits. 
Afterward, he gives you a once over with his eyes, and out of the corner of your eye, you spot Javier glancing in your direction. 
“God, you look well,” Jonathan continues, “Still in Laredo?”
“Still in Laredo,” you confirm, curling your toes into the warm sand. Jonathan looks almost exactly the same; blond, wide-eyed, and pale. He still sports a t-shirt with a print of a ‘70s band logo on the front that you remember him buying when it was cool. 
You realize that you haven’t done anything to make conversation, quickly adding, “And you? You haven’t aged a day.”
“Never escaped, teachin’ at our old school,” he shrugs. He eyes Inés and Lucas but only briefly, turning back to you when he realizes that you are here with a man too. Javier is throwing daggers his way but for once, he has no intention of interrupting which is fair since he would have to leave his children unattended for the time it took to play macho. 
“Course you are,” you smile genuinely. It suits him perfectly to be one of the people who keep the cycle of the quiet town alive, even if it is by simply replacing your old teachers, “And the ring? I couldn’t help but notice that we’re both married.”
Jonathan tells you briefly about his wife and kids. You don’t actually care, but he lights up as he speaks about his two daughters and that’s the most important thing in this whole conversation. He has a dreamy look in his eyes as he finishes, “And to think we thought it would be us.”
By instinct, you reach out to touch his arm and then you giggle softly because the image of the two of you getting old together is absurd. You have everything you need in Javier Peña… Who is fuming without you noticing.
You hug Jonathan goodbye and the rest of the afternoon is suspiciously quiet. 
Inés and Lucas fall asleep quickly, exhausted from the amount of fresh air they’ve breathed in today. Outside the sky is turning rose-colored from the evening catching up on you; the sunset will be long and beautiful. But you don’t want beauty with how much tension is between the two of you. 
You are brushing your teeth side-by-side in the hotel bathroom. It’s been a tight-lipped dinner. You honestly just want to go to sleep so you can start over tomorrow. 
Javier finishes brushing his teeth first. He waits for you, looking like someone who is contemplating whether to say something or not.
You finish brushing your own teeth just as he finally makes a decision, off-handedly throwing a remark at you.
“You sure were friendly with Jonathan earlier,” he says simply.
You let out a long sigh, stepping away from the sink after putting away your toothbrush, “Jesus, Javi, I knew this would happen.”
“What?” He leans against the sink.
“You don’t have to act like a fucking… I don’t know. It is every damn time a guy even looks at me - and it’s just not very attractive,” you are exhausted. 
“Excuse me for liking you to myself,” he looks away, “I like having you alone.”
You decide on something at that moment. 
“You already have me. Don’t you know?” You ask in a voice close to a purr. Javier raises a brow in annoyance, but you don’t give in to a fight so easily. Instead, you go to close and lock the bathroom door.
“Know what?” He asks impatiently.
“That you’re the only one?” You watch him standing against the sink counter. He doesn’t look as annoyed after those words but he still isn’t overly impressed with your actions earlier. There’s no way that he doesn’t know what clicking the lock means though. If only he knew the power you have over him, the power that you’re soon to make a display of. 
You cross the room to stand in front of him. You tilt your chin upwards to look up at his face but his eyes stray from yours the second you catch them. He can get so pissy sometimes, a part of the game, but you’ll take the challenge especially when you haven’t had his cock inside of you for a week. At this point, your core aches for him. 
Gently, you put two fingers under his chin and pull it down towards his chest so he is forced to look at you. Your smile is sweet as honey, “Thoughts of you keep me up all night sometimes. Hot and bothered, legs barely knowing what to do.”
There’s a pause where you can only hear his breathing matching yours. His pupils have blown wider, signaling desire for you. 
“What do you think of?” He finally gives in. 
“I think about all the ways you turn me on,” you tap his chin but then let your hand go down. It skims down his bare chest and over each ripple of muscle that quivers with each touch. 
“Yeah?” He murmurs. His eyes flick down between the two of you for less than a second when your hand hovers over his happy trail. The second you catch him doing it, your own eyes follow suit. It’s too hot to wear his usual pajama bottoms, so it’s so easy to spot that he is hard already, showing off the outline of his dick in his gray briefs. There’s a stain of precome. 
“Yeah, baby,” you don’t even hesitate, reaching down to palm the length of him. His breath hitches in his throat the second he is touched, and your voice lowers to a whisper, “All I do is fantasize about you. The way you kiss, the way you touch me, and mmm, the way you fuck me.”
“Mhm,” he hums softly in the way men do when they don’t really know what to say during their current state of mind. You have him scatterbrained with your touch, a moan falling from his lips and replacing the hum when you snake your hand into his underwear, wrapping your fingers around his cock to stroke him lazily. 
“You like this?” You ask but don’t give him time to answer since you tighten your fist around his girth. He forces a nod and you lean up to kiss his lips teasingly soft, “You really think I would ever touch another man like this? There’s no way. No comparison to how you look when I do it.”
“Go on and I might forgive the eyes you were sending him,” he tells you with a hint of edge in his voice. He sounds more desperate than confident, more wanting than he might want to let on. It fills you with self-satisfaction because you know that what you are saying about him goes for you too; you’ve ruined everyone else for each other. 
“I told you I was doing no such thing,” you reply. He pulses in your hand, precome sliding down over your knuckles when you make your fist a tighter fit, reminding him of what waits between your legs. You go a little faster, and Javier’s breathing speeds up. 
“Liar,” he challenges raggedly. 
“As if he could ever make me come as hard as you,” you egg him on, patiently waiting for him to lose control with you, “There’s only you, Papí.”
That seems to do something. Javier yanks your hand away, and you know the strength behind the action because he breathes the same way that he breathes when teetering on the edge of release. He has stopped himself but it’s only to enter your personal space more than you even thought possible.
He grabs at your hips almost violently, steers you backwards a few paces so he can flip the positions. Now, you are the one against the sink counter and it gnaws painfully into the small of your back. There’s an air of consideration for a moment as he checks in on you during the beginning of what can be regarded as playing with each other. You give him a dirty look, a small nod and he smirks back.
“Javi,” you mumble in fake confusion, reaching up to put your hands on his chest but you don’t get to do much because one of Javier’s hands comes up to catch one wrist after the other. It’s so easy for him to do, both because of his job and his physical superiority. 
He twists your hands behind your back and roughly shoves you down over the sink. He lowers his voice as he speaks, “You’re not gonna wake up anyone, are we clear?” 
“We’re clear,” you promise, finding his eyes in the mirror. If he touches you now, he’ll find you wetter than you have been in a long while. What is it about holidays and hotel rooms? Mixed with not having been able to touch each other since you have arrived here, it is a dangerous combination. 
“Te deseo mucho, amor,” he says softly and out of character. 
“I love you,” you reply. 
He dives back into the scenario. His other hand tugs at your cotton shorts, dragging them over the curve of your ass and down your long legs. You step out of them as soon as they lay around your feet. 
“I’m gonna let go,” he says and shakes your hands in his grip to indicate what he is talking about, “But only so you can cover your mouth for me and I can get out of these fucking underpants.”
He does as he said he would. You move to prop yourself up on your elbows, neck already having strained from the mere moments you’ve had to feel the cold porcelain against your chest.
Behind you, there’s shuffling. You cover your mouth as he enters you swiftly, jerking forward at the intrusion that has you panting damply into your palm. He fills you to the brim, stretches your cunt as only he can, and then he fucks you - hard, rough, and fast.
Your head spins, your knees bang against the cabinet’s front, and you try to strain the muscles in your legs so they don’t. He knows the ticking bomb that is your children sleeping soundly in the room next door, but he cannot help himself as he drives into you. He leans over you. 
“No one but me,” he growls lowly, “This little cunt belongs to no one else. She gets red and puffy for me, no? Filled up with only my come.”
“Sí,” you practically sing out but then quickly cover your mouth. He gets rougher with you then, each snap of his hips a reminder of how only he can make you feel like this. He is getting exactly what he wants, and he has you a moaning mess soon after. 
Your first orgasm tears through you after a rough pounding of your g-spot, sending shockwaves down your spine to burn at the base and throwing your upper body forward with such a force that you nearly lose touch with the floor, standing only on your toes as you clamp rhythmically down on Javier’s cock.
“That’s it,” he praises quietly, not relenting, “You can do one more, can’t you? Gotta remind you who makes you feel this good.” 
You nod through sobs. More, more, more.
Suddenly, he leaves you empty. The feeling has you on edge, makes you look at him over your shoulder because gaining eye contact in the mirror is somehow not good enough for the look of betrayal you want to give him. He takes a step back from you whilst panting frantically, gesturing to you by drawing a circle in the air, “Turn around.”
You straighten without thinking and flip around, so you are positioned as you were at the beginning of this. He seizes your hips, hands going down your thighs to grab at them and lift you up onto the edge of the counter. 
Your hand clasps around the back of his neck. He lifts your legs up to settle them around his waist, and then he guides himself back into you and continues fucking you with a force that has you lifting your free hand up behind you to brace yourself against the mirror. 
“Javi,” you whimper repeatedly, clutching at the curls at the base of his skull. He had wanted to cut it before summer came, but you are so glad that he did not. 
“Shh,” he soothes your growing cries and you know that he’ll make you come again soon, “Be quiet for me, baby.”
You don’t think he is quiet enough himself to demand such a thing from you. His stamina has always impressed you, but it’s the sound of his breaths that tears your own from your chest. Alongside the hungry eyes that bore into you, you don’t think that it’ll take long for this to reach its peak for both of you.
“I can’t,” you stutter a little more high-pitched than you intended.
“You have to,” he says with a hint of sternness but he cannot keep it up. Especially not, when he has to take the consequences of reaching down between your legs to thumb at your clit. 
You come so fast that you don’t even have time to warn him, and you cry. So loudly that he needs to kiss you to swallow the sound of you reaching your second, over-sensitive high. 
You throw your arms around him as he chases his own peak, whimpering at the hard thrusts he is giving you to reach his end. You hear him let out a drawn-out fuuuck as he spills inside of you. He pulses, settling deep inside you. He kisses you lazily. 
Everything goes quiet except for your shared breathing. You want to say something to finish the argument that almost never took place but a knock is heard on the locked bathroom door.
You freeze. Javier pulls out of you. The bathroom counter is a mess. 
“Mommy?” Inés’ little voice sounds anxious. You figure that it’s far from nice to find your parents’ bed empty on holiday.
“Just a second,” you say with a weak voice. 
“We’ll be right there, mí vida,” Javier says as well.
“What are you doing? Why is Mommy crying?” You hear her ask and Javier’s face twists in surprise for a moment before he starts laughing, burying his head in your neck as he holds you close. You slap his shoulder. 
“I’m not crying, baby,” you reassure. With a glare that’s anything but actually angry, you push Javier away from you to get cleaned up. 
“I have to pee,” Inés continues with a hesitant tone to her voice. 
Javier kisses you one last time, and you draw it out for a few more seconds than you have time for. It’s still romantic despite you holding a hotel towel between your legs. 
“One moment, mija,” Javier says and gets dressed in his briefs. He waits for you to dress too.
When you walk towards the door, he smacks your ass and you whip around to slap his hand away. There’s a grin on your face though, “Dog.”
“Go to bed, I’ll take her,” he just says.
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blindaysblogforturtles · 10 months
Everyone's doin it, why shouldn't I? I've got things to say! And unfortunately, Cass cant just draw as if she is a camera looking at them the whole time. So, we still get space for fic!
Hope you like it. It's like, the first time in months I finish a wip. And in record time! You did this, Cass. Thank you so much.
It was happening. The red eared slider started small, and grew, and grew, and Donatello tightened his grip on the mug containing what was essentialy his brother's soul. He could allow him to go in, now. Just a little push.
But. What if something went wrong? What if Leo got lost in the way? What if he faded? He was stronger now, but still so fragile.
Raph smiled.
"Trust him, Donnie. He's got this." Raph avoided mentioning Mikey's concerns about the process, things he said only for the sake of confiding into someone else. It wouldn't do any good to make Donnie more anxious.
Donatello sighed and took his hand off the mug, using his ninpo to gently nudge Leo's into his new body. It rebelled, the little flame attached to his field. Scared. I don't want to be alone again, it said. Please. Donnie smiled. You won't. Trust me. He answered back. And after a few seconds of hesitation, the flame complied.
With the source in it, the body grows into the Leo he remembered. Or. Almost. He was healthy, because of course he was, he wasn't about to make a new body just for it to be shitty- but somehow smaller... thinner. Maybe he did something wrong- maybe, maybe Leo's soul didn't have enough energy to become himself-
But then he saw how Casey's eyes stared adoringly at the pod. Casey, who also had more scars and less pounds than he remembered. Donnie hadn't noticed much through his cameras- better yet, he had, but seeing it in person...
Suddently the alarm went off, signalling it was time to take his Lime-o-nardo Pie out of the oven. God, that was awful. Leo would absolutely love it.
With a gentleness only a biological body could muster, Raph lifted Nardo from his pod onto his arms, with a gaze so soft and proud Donnie thought he was about to cry.
They all hovered with warm smiles ready to welcome the leader in blue, barely containing the excitement in being all together again.
Nothing happened. Casey frowned and before Donnie could say or do anything, gently placed his fingers on his sensei's neck. He gasped.
"What? What happened?!" Raph asked barely below the yelling tone.
"His heartbeat." Casey replied in a whisper. "It's slow. Too slow." He looked at Donnie. "There's something wrong."
Raph quickly set Leo down after a quick nod from Donatello, who put on his goggles and started scanning to find whatever was his brother's ailment. A tense silence followed soon after.
"What... what is the problem?" Asked Casey. He was trembling into Raph's reassuring arms, never once looking away from his sensei. Donnie frowned.
"The good news is, nothing is physically wrong." He answered. "The bad news is, nothing's physically wrong."
There was a pregnant pause.
By Donnie's orders, Raph moved Leo to the place supposed to serve as his bedroom. Donnie tried every possible test he knew, from reflexes to blood test, to little slaps on his face, to begging. Leo's heartbeat was weak and frail. Like his ninpo had been.
This was all his fault. He should've given him more time, should've waited for Mikey to be healed enough to help, should've, should...
He punched Leo's chest, starling Raphael and Casey. They looked flabbergasted as he started doing compressions.
"I'm not letting you go, Nardo. Do you hear me? I'M NOT LETTING YOU GO!" He screamed. Death was not going to take him. He wouldn't let it happen.
So he kept on going, pressing. Forcing Leo's body to intake more air. Up, down, up, down.
Up, down.
But nothing changed in the five minutes it took for him to stop and realize he had been crying. Shit, he was crying in front of Casey. Fuck that, his brother was dying. No. No, no, he wasn't. Donnie could fix it, he could fix anything! There had to be another solution, something to keep him here, something Donnie could do. It didn't matter what, be it joke, scream, reveal his worst secrets, summon a demon with some dark ritual-
-wait. The memory ritual.
"That's it!" He yelled, and barked instructions around. Casey got started with Raph's assistance no questions asked. It was going to work. It had to.
Because he had no idea what to do if it didn't.
With the glowing lights and a final nod of confirmation, they started the ritual.
° ° °
Casey tightened his grip on Leonardo's unresponsive hand. He needed him back. He was 16, he still needed his best friend, his mentor, his sensei.
He felt tears prickle in his eyes. This was all so unfair. Everything was. Why did he have to be strong? Why did he have to see the apocalypse happen? Twice? Why did he have to watch his family die? He was watching him die for the second- the third time!
He had felt so alone here, with strangers wearing the faces of his family. Strangers he loved so dearly but couldn't show or tell. Only, now they could be together again. It was just Leo, now.
"You can't do this to me, sensei. You can't." He breathed. Because he promised to be there to see Casey grow up. He promised to train him until he didn't need him anymore.
But he still did. Now, more than ever. Still needed him as his best friend, as his mentor, teacher, his sensei.
His dad.
"I miss you, dad."
° ° °
It was cold. And surprisingly humid for a mind belonging to someone so heavily associated with fire. His feet touched the watery ground and he looked around.
There wasn't... anything here. Nothing useful, no sign of Leonardo's soul.
He started wandering, ocasionally calling for his brother.
"Leo? Nardo, are you here?" He walked around but saw nothing.
That is, until he looked down. Instead of a reflection, there he was. His twin. Mirrorring his actions and expressions like when they were tots.
"Leo! Leo, can you hear me?" He kneeled and touched the water. It was cool and shallow, but there was a force keeping him from getting in... or getting Leo out. He took notice of Leo mirrorring his expressions and punched the invisible wall. Nothing.
It was as if Leo didn't want to come with him.
"You aren't making things easy, Nardo."
The reflection- Leo just kept mimicking him. Donnie hissed. They had come too far for them to accept being only 3 now. He punched the water wall. They should never be less than 4. He needed. Punch. To get. Punch. His twin.
"Come on, come on, come on, come on!" Punch.
The wall broke and without sparing a single second Donatello's hand searched and grabbed the collar of Leonardo's cape.
"Come here, you dumbass!" He pulled and finally - finally! - Leonardo in all his glowing and translucid and barely solid form came out of the water.
His eyes were angry and his face seemed hostile. If it was a mirror for Donnie's own features he didn't know, and it did NOT matter.
"You are coming with me and this is not up for discussion!"
He just snatched him completely from the water, glaring at its lifeless blue glow, barely registering the look of bewilderment and recognition that came across Leo's face.
"FUCK YOU, Death! I'm taking him!"
With his twin - his prize, his other half, his hope - in his arms, Donnie took impulse to leave that place. They were safe, it was going to be okay.
Leo's soul once again rebelled, reaching his armless nub towards the water. Home, his twin senses told him. Leo thought this was home.
"No, you idiot. I am taking you home."
Their eyes met. From the lifeless blue, the soul gripped his arm back and he tightened his hold. He knew that look. Hope. A ninja's greatest weapon, as cheesy as it sounds.
"Trust me, Nardo."
And with no need of words, he heard an answer.
"I do, Tello."
"I'll see you on the other side."
° ° °
Again, I hope you like it. I'm happy with the end result.
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vodika-vibes · 4 months
May I please get a Tech x Jedi!Reader with a glimpse before and after Order 66. Techs POV where after figuring out that the jedi are being hunted becomes worried. Im thinking White Clover and Pansy and maybe angst/fluff? :>
ps i love your work and i cant wait to read anything you make, youre amazing :3
A Promise Made
Summary: You and Tech, before Order 66 and after.
Pairing: TBB Tech x F!Reader
Word Count: 2983
Warning: Angst, Reader survived Order 66 and has totally understandable trauma regarding that
Tagging: @trixie2023 @n0vqni
A/N: I'm still not sure if I'm writing Tech well, but I haven't got any complaints.
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“Is there a reason you are laying on me?” Tech asks as he looks down at the Jedi sprawled across his lap, her gaze locked on the datapad in her hand.
“I don’t get to spend nearly enough time with you, and this is the best way to keep you from accidentally ignoring me.” She replies lightly, “Why? Are you uncomfortable?”
“No. I am just concerned that you might get hurt.” Tech answers easily.
“So be careful and you won’t hurt me.” 
He rolls his eyes expressively, though because she’s not looking at him, she doesn’t notice. “What are you working on, cyare?”
“Master Windu asked me to reverse engineer a Seppie weapon, and I’m starting to think that this weapon was designed by an actual child.” She says with a sigh as she drops her datapad and presses her forehead against his thigh.
Tech smiles at the back of her head, “Would you like me to take a look?”
At that she laughs and rolls over so that her head is resting on his lap and she’s looking up at him, “I know you have better things to do, Tech.”
He sets his own project to the side, and gently brushes her hair out of her face, “I do not mind putting it aside to help you.”
She reaches up and presses her hands against his, lightly rubbing her cheek against his gloved hand. “That’s because you’re amazing.” She praises, “But it’s okay, Tech. I can figure it out. I always do.”
Tech smiles at her adoringly.
When he was a cadet on Kamino, he believed that this kind of happiness was beyond him. He did not understand why his brothers, including his batchmates, were so laser focused on finding someone to spend their time with. He thought that it was little more than a distraction.
That was until he met her.
She had been brought to Kamino at the request of General Ti, and the first time Tech saw her, he didn’t think she was a Jedi. He thought she was a natborn who had been tasked with maintenance of the various vehicles stored on Kamino.
She was clever and quick witted, and while his twin claimed that she wasn’t going to win any beauty pageants, on account of the fact that she tended to have oil on her face and staining her hands, and she didn’t seem to care about things like appearance, Tech thought that she was stunning.
They developed a quick friendship, bonding over their mutual love of technology. 
Tech honestly had no idea that she was a Jedi at all, not until he saw her dressed up in Jedi robes rather than her normal grease covered jumpsuit, and talking to General Ti like it was her right.
The conversation that happened after that isn’t one that Tech is proud of. He had been hurt that she hid such an important part of her from him, and he lashed out. She was offended that he thought that she was hiding it, claiming that she never hid anything from anyone, and that it wasn’t her fault that he didn’t know that she was a jedi.
The disagreement turned into a full blown argument, and Tech didn’t talk to her for over two months. It took Hunter and Crosshair teaming up to make him see that he was being bull-headed and stubborn, and it was the encouragement of Wrecker that forced him to go to her and apologize.
At the time, he had been worried that she was going to hold a grudge, but she didn’t. Instead she just smiled and laughed, and told him that she forgave him, and then she showed him what she was working on.
Soon after that, Tech realized that he was thinking about her all the time. When he was in training, when he was reading, even when he was about to go to sleep; her smile, the way her eyes crinkle when she laughs, the way she pushes her hand through her hair when she’s contemplating something complicated-
He found himself looking forward to spending time with her, even if they’re just working in the same room. 
It was Crosshair who pointed out the obvious, with a roll of his eyes as he flipped through a magazine. “You’re obviously in love with her, dumbass.” He drawled without looking up from the glossy pages of the blaster magazine that he got from somewhere, “It’s a perfect match, you’re both annoying little shits.”
Tech wanted to argue with him, partly because he feels the urge to argue with his twin about everything, but he found the words turning to ash on his tongue. Because, annoyingly, he was right.
Tech was in love.
He became awkward and nervous around her, babbling about random things that he learned, and through it all, she watched him with a small smile, and often asked questions about his latest hyperfixation.
And then, late one night, she kissed him.
A gentle press of her lips against his. It was innocent and chaste, and yet it sent fire through his veins. She didn’t say anything after the kiss, she just watched him and waited, seeming to understand that Tech would need a moment to process.
And then he kissed her, and suddenly he understood exactly why his brothers desire this so much.
“Tech?” He snaps back to the present at the worried call of his name, and he glances down at her face, “There you are. You were lightyears away.” She teases.
“I was thinking about you.”
“Oh? Nice things, I hope.”
He laughs, “I always think about you, cyare. You occupy my thoughts at all times.”
“Well, that sounds annoying.”
“Not at all,” Tech lightly guides her until she’s sitting up and he presses a series of light kisses to her cheek and across her jaw, “I find that it is the most enjoyable part of my day.”
“Well, you’re easy to please, aren’t you?” She teases as she leans into his affection.
“My brothers tell me that I am very hard to please, actually.”
“Well, they’re not me.” She turns her head and kisses him quickly, “So you know, you’re constantly in my thoughts too.”
Tech laughs softly and presses a series of light kisses across her face, “I am glad.”
She grins at him, and shifts to sit on his lap, her hands coming up to cup his face, “Tech, I…” She pauses, and her gaze flickers to the side, “I want you to know that I have to return to Coruscant for a couple of weeks. I would like it if you commed me?”
Tech has a feeling that that’s not what she was going to say, but he lets it go, “Of course I will. So much that you will get tired of me.”
She laughs, “I don’t think that’s possible.”
“You never know,” Tech kisses her one more time, “When do you leave?”
“Two days.”
“Well then, we had better spend that time together.”
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It has been three weeks and four days since the day that the Clones turned on the Jedi. And somehow, you’re still alive. Which, in and of itself, is a damned miracle.
You press your hand over your side, a slow hiss of pain escaping your lips as you move the wrong way and the hole in your side twinges painfully.
When the clones marched on the workshop, you had been in the back, working on one of the protocol droids. You managed to escape while the older jedi tried to fend off the soldiers, but you still took a blaster bolt to the side.
Not to mention, you’re still reeling from the loss of your friends, your family. 
You push the pain into the force, and take a moment to tighten the bandages around your side, before you continue your trek. It’s not safe for you anywhere.
And as much as you want to comm Tech and beg him to come and help you…you know that you better not. Tech is a clone after all. And if he pulled a blaster on you, you’d probably just let him kill you, honestly.
No. It’s safer this way.
Though, the galaxy is a much lonelier place now.
Time passes quickly, when you’re on the run. And before you know it, 6 months have passed.
You’re…surviving as best you can, all things considered. You managed to find a medic who treated your blaster wound in exchange for some simple maintenance work, and you managed to earn employment on a cargo ship.
Though, really, you mostly just bounce from ship to ship, from planet to planet, as much as you can. You don’t stay in the same place for longer than a few weeks, fearing that the empire will find you.
You take comfort from the memory of your family, and from Tech. You cling to those memories, as they’re the only thing that keep you going. And sometimes, at night, you allow your mind to linger on Tech, on what could have been.
It’s easier now, though.
After six months, you no longer feel like the Empire is breathing down your neck, and for all you know, you’ve been reported dead. You don’t dare to look, fearing that if you look and you weren’t, then the Empire will start looking for you.
It doesn’t make any sense, you know that, but it’s an anxiety that you can’t seem to shake.
“Hey, Kid!” You jump as the ship captain, your current employer, claps your shoulder with a heavy hand, “Me an’ the boys are going to the bar. Wanna join us?”
“Ah…no thank you. Trying to stay sober,” You say with an easy smile, “You guys have fun.”
“Right, sorry kid. I forgot. You keep up that sobrarity! We’re rooting for you.”
You smile at him, feeling momentarily guilty. Your story, the one that you’ve been using since the purge, is that you’re a recovering alcoholic, and that’s why you want to work on ships, to avoid temptation.
It’s not true. But it keeps people from hounding you to go drinking with them. And, more than one of the people you’ve worked with over the past few months have bemoaned your “parents” for not helping you with your addictions.
It’s almost like having a family again.
You step off the cramped ship into the cool evening air, wanting to stretch your legs for a bit, when you hear a familiar voice and feel a familiar presence in the force.
“Hey, that person might know!” You’d recognize Wrecker’s force presence even if you were doped up on force suppressors, and the child standing next to him has the same overall feel as all of the chones.
Your blood runs cold. Wrecker will recognize you. How could he not?
He approaches you, and your mind goes blank. Your fingers twitch towards your lightsaber, hidden in your sleeve. You don’t want to hurt Wrecker. But you will if you have to.
“Excuse me, miss?” The child stops in front of you, and you look down at her. Blonde hair, wide brown eyes…she’s a clone, no doubt about it. “Me and my brother are looking for a specific shop-”
“I…I’m sorry, I’ve never been here before.” You keep your voice low, in the hopes that Wrecker won’t hear you. But you know there’s not a chance of it, not with how close he is to you.
Surprise flashes across his face, followed by joy, “It’s you! Tech has been worried sick! We all have-” He takes a step towards you, and you scramble backwards, grabbing your saber and lighting it with the comforting snap.
“Stop! Just…just stop.” You sputter, “I don’t want to hurt you, but I will if I have to.”
Wrecker stops, “Right. Okay.” He pulls Omega back, “No one’s going to hurt you.”
Wrecker slowly sends a message to his brothers, and then holds his hands out, showing that he’s unarmed. 
Tech, Hunter, and Echo run up only moments later, and Hunter has to grab Tech from running over to you.
“It is just us, cyare.” Tech says, pulling himself away from Hunter, “We are not going to hurt you.”
Your lightsaber is crossed across your body defensively, and slowly you reach out to the force, looking for the, arguably, most dangerous member of the CF99 at the moment. “Where’s Crosshair?” You ask.
“He is…not here.” Tech says quietly.
“You expect me to believe that your own twin isn’t here, I’m not that dumb, Tech.”
“He…” Tech falters, “Listen, his chip activated, ours didn’t. So when we defected, he didn’t.”
“What chips? What are you talking about?” You demand, and their faces fall.
“You…don’t know.” Hunter says quietly, “Stars, you must have thought we turned on you for no reason-”
“It would be nice to know what crime my people committed to deserve to be slaughtered down to the smallest baby, yes.” You bite out.
“It wasn’t…there…” Echo trails off and he takes a deep breath, “Tech, you need to talk to her. Just, tell her the truth. All of it. She’s a jedi, she’ll know if you’re lying.”
Tech nods, and he steps in front of his brothers, his gaze locked on you, “I am going to tell you everything that I know,” He says quietly, and then he starts talking.
And slowly, as he explains, you lower your saber and then turn it off. And by the time Tech finishes his story, you’re sitting on a small crate with your face in your hands. “My people were slaughtered by your brothers because Palpatine stole their free will from them?”
Both of your hands fist in your hair, “...’m sorry for drawing my saber on you.” 
Tension drains from the men standing across from you, and the next thing you know, Tech’s hands are on your shoulders, “It is okay. You had every right to be concerned.” He kneels in front of you, “Are you injured?”
“I was shot at the temple, but that was months ago.” You say quietly.
“And…you are alright?”
“No.” You whisper, “It’s a very lonely galaxy, Tech.”
Tech raises himself enough to press a kiss to your forehead, “You do not have to be alone. You can travel with us. Right, Hunter?”
“Of course.” Hunter replies immediately.
“That’s kind of you, but I know your ship isn’t that big.”
“With the both of us, we can retrofit.” Tech offers, “We can make room for all of us.” He takes your hands in his, “Please do not leave.”
“You won’t be safe if I travel with you. I’m a Jedi.”
“We are not safe anyway.” Tech points out, “Please, cyare? I promise that we will be safer together.”
You sigh, and very gently squeeze his hands, “Yeah, okay. The crew that I’m a part of now won’t be surprised if I decide to leave without warning.”
“I have something of a reputation.” You reply dryly.
“...it has been 6 months.” You shrug, and allow Tech to tug you to your feet, before he wraps you in a tight hug. “I feared you were dead.”
“I’m sorry.”
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Tech’s gaze lingers on her as she dozes in his bunk, his fingers are tangled in her hair as he silently offers her comfort.
She doesn’t look healthy.
She’s too thin, her clothes hang off of her, and the circles under her eyes are dark enough that it looks like she has bruises around her eyes. She hasn’t been eating properly, obviously, and Tech wonders if it’s because of grief or fear.
And there’s no way he’s ever going to forget the look in her eyes when she saw them again. Dread, fear, terror-
He never wanted her to look at him like that again.
Tech smooths his hand down her spine, and carefully adjusts the blanket so it’s tucked under her chin.
He knew the moment that the regs turned on General Billaba, that his cyare was in danger. The dread had been like a lead weight in his stomach. And while he would have spoken to Crosshair about it, he could tell that there was something wrong with his twin.
Not to mention, Crosshair had never been her biggest fan in the first place.
So he bit his tongue, and kept an eye on the list of deceased Jedi, and he hoped. 
It wasn’t very logical.
But the longer he didn’t see her name, the longer he had hope that she was still alive.
She shifts in his bed, rolling over to press her face against his thigh, and Tech presses his hand against the back of her head. The Marauder really isn’t big enough to add another adult, so she’s going to have to share with him for the time being.
Which isn’t half as much of a problem as he’s making it out to be, nothing would make him happier than waking up with her in his arms, but the last thing he wants is for her to forget where she is and freak out.
Luckily, the dread he felt when he heard about the jedi being hunted has faded into something much easier to handle, now he just has the sinking dread of having to help her deal with the trauma of surviving a massacre.
Tech glances down at his datapad, and settles back against his pillow as he starts to read on how to help people process trauma.
If he can’t get his cyare to a mind healer, then he’ll just have to become one himself.
Tech glances at her one more time as her fingers curl in the soft material of his pajama bottoms, and he smiles at her sleeping face. He gently brushes some hair out of her face, “I promise,” He whispers, “I am going to take care of you.”
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wxnheart · 1 year
𝐊𝐢𝐬𝐬 𝐌𝐞 𝐓𝐡𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐠𝐡 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐏𝐡𝐨𝐧𝐞, 𝐂𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐨𝐟 𝐃𝐮𝐭𝐲 𝐄𝐝𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧
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note: the idea for this came up out of the blue and I was encouraged to write it so here you go. the premise is simple: what picture of your significant other do you have as your lock screen? as always, I hope y'all enjoy it! And now we have the sequel!
Captain John Price - About as sickeningly sweet vanilla as you can get. Your lock screen is a picture of him geared up, signature hat on, holding a lit cigar, and smiling at the camera like he won the lottery. You always told him his smile was radiant. Seeing him smile makes your day.
Gaz - Your lock screen is a picture of him hard at work. He's reading something and boy, is he concentrating hard. He doesn't believe you when you tell him that he scrunches his nose up while he's thinking. Well, now you have proof.
Soap - You swoon every time your phone lights up. It's a photo of him flexing one arm, smiling, and winking into the camera. You managed to get him after he finished working out and getting those gains. You also may or may not have jumped his bones right after taking said pic. Gah, you fucking love this man...
Ghost - LMAO. So you were trying to be discreet about it (emphasis on the word trying) and capture Ghost just standing there, gun in his hands, minding his business. Menacingly. Motherfucker got your ass because just as soon as you pressed the button, he looked right at you. So now you have a picture of Ghost standing there, gun in hand, minding his business and glaring staring at you. Menacingly. Reactions to your lock screen are either "Holy shit, who the FUCK is that?" or "Wow, he looks cool." You can only sigh adoringly every time you see it. That's Babygurl for you.
Alejandro Thee Stallion - You have a picture of him running a hand through his hair with his eyes closed. No, it isn't intentional; he was actually scratching his head. BUT, it was just the perfect moment and hell yeah, you rejoiced when you got it! He looks modelesque and orgasmic in it. You showed it to Rudy and now Alejandro is wondering why Rudy looks like he wants to laugh every time he sees him.
Rudy - It's actually a picture of you and him together being all cute and shit. And that actually wasn't your first choice. It was originally a picture of him knocked the hell out, bundled up in his favorite blanket, and having the best nap of his life. He looks so boyishly cute when he sleeps. Rudy actually had to put on the puppy dog eyes so you wouldn't make that your lock screen because he's had that blanket as long as he's known Alejandro (who has also seen said blanket) and apparently there's a betting pool going around in Los Vaqueros around the fact that Rudy has yet to get rid of it. It's a long story.
König - You actually have a picture of him sitting down against a wall, arms on his knees looking cool as a cucumber. He's really just chillin', taking in the atmosphere, and staring into space. Looks badass doing it, too. His eyes are pretty entrancing and the picture really puts into perspective how tall König is because he absolutely does not look it when he's sitting down. You also realized that he likes to make himself comfortable in confined spaces. Huh. Wonder if he's aware of that, too. He caught a glimpse of your lock screen by accident and whether you know it or not, he's flattered that he's the first thing you see when you look at your phone.
Phillip Graves - You got a picture of him doing his best Zoolander impression (Blue Steel, y'all) because you forgot to turn the flash off. Whoops. Don't you dare show that to the rest of Shadow Company. Spoiler Alert: You... kinda-sorta-really do. Whoops.
Valeria Garza - One word. Badass. She looks like a fucking badass on your lock screen. Those toned arms and tattoos are out for the world to see. Windswept tresses. And she's smirking at you, too? Oh, baby! You're falling in love all over again.
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multifandomsw · 1 year
Feeling you
Summary: After finding out about Poe’s new love, you were beginning to avoid him. As your best friend, Poe didn’t take it well.
Poe Dameron x Reader
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You stopped your fast steps when your eyes caught something outside.
The rain was pouring down in streams, the heavy rain clouds covering even the shine of the moon, it was pitch black outside.
There was, however, something that still shone, that stood out.
A flower stood out, standing in the middle of a meadow. It was not uncommon for flowers to grow on Ajan Kloos, as it was a very humid planet, but you’d never seen one quite like this.
Even though the darkness was engulfing everything around it, the flower shone in a beautiful purple color, illuminating the meadow around it.
It was a beautiful sight, really.
There was a sudden urge to go outside, to pick it up and give it to your best friend as a present.
Nonetheless, your train of thoughts was suddenly interrupted when you heard the distant thunder.
Your heartbeat fastened at once as you remembered why you were even in the halls in the middle of the night.
You quickly backed away, a shiver running down your spine as you continued your fast steps. The hallways were pitch black, too. You wondered if the storm outside had something to do with it.
It didn’t bother you, though, because you knew the way to your best friend’s room even blindly.
You knew the way to Poe’s room blindly.
When you arrived, you didn’t even hesitate a second to knock.
You wouldn’t have to knock, he had told you his code long ago, but you still did.
It just became a habit. You didn’t want to disturb him when he had more important things to do, like going through missions plans, hanging out with other friends.
“Nothing is more important than you”
Out of all the words the Galactic Basic had, you hadn’t found any to answer this.
The door opened with a small creak, one you hadn’t noticed until now, and you expected to be met with the sight of ruffled hair, worn out pajamas and the most breathtaking little smile of the galaxy.
What you didn’t expect, though, was to be met with someone else entirely.
Instead of Poe, you were met with the sight of a woman, or rather, the silhouette of a woman.
And as if the galaxy wasn’t on your side that day, the raining abruptly stopped and the clouds vanished slowly.
Suddenly, moon light from the window behind you shone directly on her face.
And oh, how your heart stopped.
She was beyond gorgeous. Her long blonde hair was sitting perfectly, falling as waves from her shoulders. What stood out the most were her beautiful blue big eyes, staring down at you, as well as her full rosy lips.
You had never seen her before, but maker, she was breathtaking.
Your eyes moved to the ground, but they caught a glimpse of what she was wearing.
Almost nothing, except for a large shirt covering her bare body.
Your mind hadn’t yet comprehended the situation completely, as you backed away slowly. “Wrong room, I’m sorry, I-“, your voice broke at the end, but you didn’t dare to look up once more.
“It’s okay.”, she said sweetly. Maker, even her voice sounded beautiful. You imagined she offered you a smile, but you were already walking away from the room.
When you heard Poe’s door click behind you, only then did you think of what had just happened.
Poe was with someone else.
You really didn’t want to compare yourself to her, you tried not to, but it was just so hard.
She was, undoubtedly, the most beautiful woman you had ever seen.
You couldn’t deny it, even if you wanted to, but she was perfect and everything you expected Poe to like as his partner.
You stood in the middle of the hallway, completely frozen, as the realization hit you like a rock.
Poe would never like you how you so adoringly liked him.
You slowly raised your hands, your shaking hands, to your cheeks, only hoping one thing, to not feel any wetness.
But of course, you did. Tears were streaming down your face. When had that happened? Had she seen them? Would she tell Poe?
You felt ridiculous for crying. Of course he would never like you back. It had been obvious to everyone, including you, this whole time.
He was the resistance’s best pilot after all, the most handsome pilot on base, the nicest person you had ever got to know.
You, a simple mechanic without any friends apart from him, Rey and Finn, could never even think of him liking you in that way.
Nevertheless, there had always been that hope nagging at the back of your mind. It was deeply buried, but you held onto it, in hopes that he may see you someday, may feel your love someday.
You wanted to scream, to cry out, to hit yourself because oh, you had been so oblivious, so ridiculous.
Your lip began trembling and you just tried to clear your vision, tried to wipe the tears away from your face.
But they wouldn’t stop, you couldn’t to anything against them.
You gulped hard, letting out a frustrated sigh. How would you find your way back to your room when your vision was blurred-
Someone faintly said your name. It was only a whisper, coming from somewhere in front of you.
You shook your head, you were imagining things, there was no one-
“Hey.”, someone suddenly grabbed your hands, preventing them from rubbing furiously at your eyes.
The touch was warm, the touch was familiar. You wished you could see the person-
“I’m here. Calm down.”, the reassuring voice told you. Calm down? Why would you need to calm down?
It was only now that you noticed your heavy breathing, like you didn’t have any oxygen left.
“Slow breaths, okay?”, the person instructed you, the male voice soothing you.
He raised his hands to slowly wipe away your tears, his thumbs grazing over your cheeks ever so slightly.
“It’s me.”, he whispered, and when your vision finally cleared, you were met with the sight of Finn.
You let out a breath of relief, and without thinking, you fell into his embrace, hugging him tightly.
He cradled your head softly, rocking on his feet so that he could calm you down.
“What happened?”, he whispered after a short break of silence.
“Nothing.”, your muffled voice answered, your face deeply buried into his shirt.
He softly said your name, not in a scolding tone, but a demanding one. “What happened? Was it the storm?”
You nodded against his shirt, not entirely telling him the truth, but a part of it.
You had always been afraid of storms, and when they would occur, you would walk to Poe’s room for comfort.
“Come on, I’ll bring you to his room.”, Finn let go of you slowly, gently ushering you into the direction you had just walked away from.
“No.”, you gently whispered, stopping in your tracks. “Please.”
And now, Finn was more than concerned. Poe and you were inseparable, always bringing each other comfort.
Why wouldn’t you want to go to him?
Finn put his hands on your shoulders, forcing you to look up at him through glazed eyes.
“What happened?”
You gulped, hard. You couldn’t hide any secrets from Finn, you were never able to.
He knew of your feelings for Poe, of your unrequited love, of everything.
“When I knocked at his room, there was a girl opening the door”, you admitted, hanging your head low.
It was enough said for Finn to understand what you meant.
“What?”, Finn breathed out, sounding like he couldn’t believe it.
And no, he could truly not believe it. He knew that your feelings for Poe had never been unrequited, Poe had liked you from the moment he first saw you.
Finn wasn’t in the place to tell Poe that you felt the same, but he tried to encourage him every day to just tell you, tell you before it would be too late.
Why would Poe want someone else then? To distract himself?
Finn let go of you at once, and without rationally thinking, he made his way to Poe’s room.
“No!”, you pulled at his sleeve, making him stop. “Please don’t.”
Finn shook his head. “I don’t understand him.”
You offered Finn a sad smile, one that didn’t reach your eyes. “It’s Poe. I knew he’d never like me back, it’s okay.”
Finn scoffed. “It’s your Poe.”
You just shook your head. “There’s no my Poe, Finn.”
Oh, how wrong you were.
“Come on, you’ll sleep in my room today.”, he gently grabbed your arm, guiding you to his room, that was luckily, quite far away from Poe’s.
“What were you even doing here?”, you questioned him as you made your way through the hallways.
“A feeling.”
You kept your head down the whole breakfast, hoping that Poe wouldn’t find you, that you wouldn’t have to deal with talking to him.
Both Finn and Rey were sitting at the same table, Finn next to you and Rey on the other side.
You poked in your food, not even thinking of eating it. You weren’t hungry.
“You should eat something.”, Rey’s voice interrupted your poking and you looked up at her face, filled with concern.
“I’m simply not hungry. I will eat later.”, your promised her reassuringly, but she didn’t quite believe you.
Both Finn and her shared another concern look.
Before any of them could say anything, though, Poe approached the table with a smile.
You quickly adverted your eyes again, moving closer to Finn.
“Good morning.”, he smiled, his eyes only trained on you.
Why didn’t you look up?
He stood there for a second, waiting for an answer, but he didn’t receive one.
“Hey man.”, he looked at Finn now. “You’re occupying my seat.”
The seat next to you, where he always sat.
Finn tried to smile back at him. “We thought you wouldn’t come, you’re already late.”, Finn shrugged his shoulder and Poe just accepted his fate, taking the seat next to Rey.
“Hey.”, he nudged your feet under the table, trying to gain your attention, trying to see your eyes.
You but you lip and slowly looked up, up into his beautiful brown eyes. Oh, how you always got lost into them.
You tried to offer him a small smile, as best as you could. “Hm?”
“Where were you last night?”, he questioned. “Because of the storm I mean, I went to your room, but I couldn’t find you.”
You furrowed your eyebrows for a second. Had the blonde girl told him anything about yesterday? Why would he go to your room? Had she left after you knocked?
You shook your head, trying to rid yourself off the thoughts.
“I stayed at Finn’s.”, you answered him honestly because Poe could read you like a book and always knew when you were lying.
His heart broke a bit in his chest at that. Why would you go to Finn’s instead of his room?
“Oh.”, was the only thing he could get out, his mind racing with a thousand thoughts.
Did you just hear sadness in his voice? No, there was no way that he would care.
“Yeah.”, you replied, continuing to poke in your food.
Before he could say anything else, though, you stood up. “I’m heading out.”, you told them. “I have a few repairs to do.”
Poe’s eyes moved from you to the full plate sitting on the table. He stood up immediately. “Hey, you need to eat-“
You turned around, waiting for him to continue, but someone was stopping him and talking to him.
When you noticed the blonde hair, your heart stopped in your chest.
The girl turned around shortly, looking at you and shooting you a small smile.
Why was she so nice?
You tried to smile back, but immediately backed away and all but sprinted out of the cantina.
The following days, he couldn’t find you in the cantina anymore.
A knock at your door was what was pulling you out of your thoughts.
You were about to open the door, taking a bit longer than usual, when you heard a familiar voice.
“Hello?”, Poe asked and you stopped in your tracks. “Are you there?”, he questioned, his voice filled with a bit of sadness.
You heard him sigh on the other side of the door. “I brought you food.”, he continued. “I noticed you don’t eat with us anymore. Finn and Rey told me you were very busy and that was the reason why. I asked Leia, too, and she told me that you had a lot of repairs to do.”
You smiled a bit at that.
“I know that you sometimes forget to eat, so I brought you some food, just in case you haven’t eaten today.”
You heard him leaning against the door, so you took a few step forward to hear him a bit clearer.
“I don’t know if you can hear me, you’re probably not in your room right now, but if you are, I miss you. I haven’t seen you in like two weeks. So if you ever have a few spare minutes for your best friend-“, you noticed his voice cracked at the end of the sentence.
Was he crying?
“If you ever have a few spare minutes for your best friend.”, he repeated with a shaky voice. “Just come to my room. You know where to find me. I just- I miss our late night talks.”
You leaned against the door now, too, desperately wanting to open it, but you couldn’t deal with the heartbreak when he’d tell you about his love life.
“Uhm- the food’s in front of the door. I left a note so you know it’s from me. Yeah, that’s it. I’m just gonna go.”
You noticed he didn’t go.
You head him slip down the door, heard his heavy breathing against the door.
Poe’s eyes darted across the hanger, trying to find you.
You didn’t work on his ship anymore, like you always had.
He almost missed you, you were taking very quick steps.
“Hey!”, he called, jogging up to you and trying to catch up with you.
You didn’t turn around, had you not heard him?
“Hey!”, he tried again, grabbing your wrist.
Now you had to turn around.
You breathed in deeply, forcing a smile on your face when you turned around.
“Poe.”, you breathed out, desperately trying to avoid his eyes.
Poe noticed immediately, noticed how the smile on your face wasn’t real. It didn’t reach your eyes.
“Hi.”, he breathed out, relieved to see you again, he hadn’t seen your face in a long time.
“Uhm-“, he let go of your arm. “Are you finished with all the repairs for today?”, he questioned, hoping that his plan would work.
“Yeah, I was just about to head out.”, you answered him.
This was his chance.
“Great.”, he stated awkwardly. When had things become so weird between you? “Would you like to go on a walk with me?”
You gulped, of course you wanted, you missed him so much, but you were avoiding him. You tried to suppress your feelings for him and it wasn’t working when Poe was in your presence.
“I would love to.”, you admitted and watched as Poe’s features lit up. “But I already promised Finn to help him with something.”, you watched as Poe’s face fell.
“But uh-,” you tried to reassure him. “Next time. I promise.”
Poe hung his head low. “Yeah, next time.”, he mumbled.
Poe stared at the wall in front of him, painted blue with a few flowers.
He wondered for a second if you’d like the flowers painted on the wall.
If you would, he would try to find them without hesitation. Even if it meant flying through the whole galaxy.
He’d do anything for you.
“Poe.”, a voice called out and he snapped his head in the direction the voice had come from.
Finn appeared in front of him, a worried expression plastered onto his face.
“Sorry, what were you saying?”, he questioned, not having listened for the last ten minutes.
Finn sighed. “Buddy.”, he began, his voice suddenly very stern. “You can’t keep on being like this.”
Poe hadn’t eaten in a while.
The bags under his eyes were probably permanent by now.
His hair was constantly ruffled, the clothes he had on the same ones like the week before.
He wasn’t passionate anymore, flying wasn’t making him happy anymore.
Whenever someone tried to talk to him, he was annoyed, snapping at anyone.
Poe scoffed. “You know exactly why I’m being like this.”, he stated.
Finn already knew the answer, had known it for some time, but he needed to hear it. From Poe.
“Do you love her?”
Poe’s eyes snapped up towards Finn’s, and for a second he didn’t say anything, just stared into his eyes.
“You know the answer to that.”
“Say it, Poe.”
Poe let out a deep breath. “That ring around my neck.”, he began. “I’ve always wanted it to belong to her. I want it to belong to her someday.”
And that was enough said.
Everyone was celebrating.
There was another win against the First Order, another step further for the resistance to win.
There was not much hope left, but that win, it brought back the hope.
And of course, Poe had something to do with it.
To say you were proud was an understatement, you wanted to hug him, to congratulate him, but you couldn’t, you wouldn’t.
However, your heart swelled with pride at the thought of him saving the resistance once again.
As you made your way to get a drink, you bumped into someone on the way.
Your eyes widened and they moved to the person’s face, and of course the galaxy wasn’t on your side that day.
The big blue eyes of Amy, Finn had told you her name, looked up at you. “Oh, I’m sorry.”, you apologized, ready to move away as far as possible before you’d be comparing yourself to her.
“It’s okay.”, she offered you a smile, but quickly caught your arm. “I’m Amy. I’ve seen you around sometimes, but never quite caught your name.”
You shrugged your shoulders. “I’m not quite famous here.”, you admitted and quietly told her your name.
“Oh, I’ve heard your name.”, she grinned. “You’re one of the best mechanics the resistance has.”
Your cheeks warmed at the compliment, she was really nice and you could totally understand why Poe would like her.
You had seen them talk to each other on multiple occasions.
“Don’t flatter me.”
“Commander Dameron told me, you know? He admires you.”
You looked up at her, looking for even a hint of jealousy in her eyes, but the only thing you saw was an understanding look.
“Well, I think I should be the one admiring him.”
Amy laughed at that. “He wouldn’t admit it, but my husband admired him very much.”
You almost choke on your own spit.
Her husband?
“Your husband?”
“Oh yeah, he’s a pilot for red squadron. He has always admired Commander Dameron and his flying skills. It’s cute.”
Your mind still couldn’t proceed the information you had just got.
As if Amy had seen your confused expression, she explained further. “You remember when you accidentally knocked on our door? That was his room, actually. I just stay over very often.”, she explained further.
There was no way.
There was no way that you had knocked on the wrong door.
Suddenly, guilt washed over you.
You had avoided Poe and he hadn’t even done anything wrong.
You hadn’t asked him, hadn’t talked to him, hadn’t questioned him, you had just decided to avoid him.
You felt even more ridiculous now, the base of a friendship is trust and you hadn’t even trusted him enough to ask him, to tell him what had happened.
You threw away a friendship because of pure jealousy, because of wanting to have him for your own, even though you had always known you never would.
In the future, if Poe ever found someone to give that ring to, you would have to accept that, too.
You couldn’t just throw away a friendship because of that.
“It was nice meeting you, Amy.”, you quickly excused yourself, making your way through the crowd and trying to find somewhere to sit, somewhere to just think.
You quickly made your way into the forest, leaving against the first tree you could see and sinking down.
You wanted to hit yourself because of your own stupidity.
Oh, what a bad friend you were.
A small tear escaped your eyes at the realization.
You hadn’t been there for him these past few weeks.
Your thoughts stopped abruptly when you heard a sniffling sound coming from, almost directly next to you.
You looked to the side and saw a pair of boots. Someone was sitting on the other side of the tree.
“Are you okay?”, you whispered, knowing that the person must have heard you.
There was a short break of silence in which the sniffling had stopped, before someone softly, and quietly, whispered your name.
You wanted to stand up, to look at him, to hug him, but something was holding you down. It was as if you couldn’t move.
And Poe couldn’t either.
Instead of moving, though, you stretched out your hand, looking to the side to see Poe doing the same thing.
Without any hesitation, you wrapped your fingers around his small one, feeling his cold hands slowly warming up.
“What are you doing here?”
You gulped. It was time to say the truth.
You leaned your head against the tree and your eyes trained to the stars above you. “I’m an idiot.”, you simply stated and it was the truth.
He repeated your name softly. “You are not anidiot.”
“No.”, you stopped him from continuing. “I am, Poe. I am the biggest idiot.”
“I’m sorry.”, you finally let out, holding his small finger a bit tighter. “For everything. Avoiding you, ignoring you, I’m sorry for all of it.”
Poe remained silence, not finding any words. You had been ignoring you, had been avoiding him. He just needed to know why. “There’s one thing I need to know.”, Poe leaned his head to the side, wanting to hear you better. “What have I done wrong?”
Your whole body tensed at that.
Poe furrowed his eyebrows. “Then why-“
You wanted to explain everything, to let him know of the misunderstanding, but you couldn’t get any words out.
The force was an energy field, flowing through every living thing.
Rey had told you about your force sensitivity, however, you had never embraced it, never tried to.
You always thought the force wouldn’t help you, always thought that being force sensitive only brought bad things with it.
Now, nonetheless, you wanted to try something.
You closed your eyes slowly, and concentrated on the force, letting every feeling you had towards Poe, every thought, out in the air.
You couldn’t explain what happened to him, but you wanted him to feel it, to understand you.
Poe’s breathing stopped when he felt the overwhelming emotions around him, when he felt every single one of your thoughts at once.
Realization hit him and it was as if his broken heart was being mend by you.
“I feel you.”, he whispered. “I feel your love.”
The invisible strength was no longer holding him down, and he stood up immediately, taking two steps and looking directly at you- whose eyes were still closed.
He held his hand down and as if you could feel it, you reached out to him, letting him pull you up.
“Look at me.”
You didn’t want to look at him, you didn’t want to be met by the eyes of someone that didn’t love you.
Poe took a step closer. “Please.”
When he saw that you still didn’t open your eyes, he reached out for your hand once again, laying it directly on his-
On his necklace.
“I can’t make you feel my love like you did.”, he began. “But I can, and I will tell you a thousand times if you allow me the chance to love you.”
Your eyes snapped open at the confession, and upon being met with his warm brown eyes, your heart melted.
His eyes moved from yours down to your lips, as if asking for permission.
And when you nodded, he didn’t hesitate to take a step forward, didn’t hesitate to gently and slowly brush his lips against yours.
And suddenly, you could feel his emotions in the air, too. Suddenly, you could feel his love, too.
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luveline · 10 months
Ik ik you have written this with other characters but I would love to see hotch and giggly gf where he’s trying to initiate sex but she keeps giggling and laughing
thank you for your request ♡ fem!reader
cw suggestive theme mdni
Hotch isn't hesitant about touching you. Your lips moving slowly under his, he palms down your soft stomach to your waistband, only breaking the kiss to meet your eyes. 
"I think you're trying to suffocate me," you say, breathless and laughing, your fingertips at the back of his head and pushing upward. You rake your hand through his hair, sending chills to all manner of places. 
"Why would I do that?" he asks, pinky finger sliding beneath your waistband as he roves to your hip. He gives the fat there a squeeze. "I like you too much to kill you off." 
You're lax beneath his weight and touching. "It's hot in here, Hotchner. Help me take my shirt off." 
He's sure you're asking because you genuinely want his help, and not for the salacious activities he's trying to initiate. Regardless, he peels you out of your shirt and ducks down to kiss your naked skin. You squeal, asking, "When was the last time you shaved? You're scratching me."
"You sound like you like it," he says, pressing an open-mouthed kiss hot to the skin below your bra. 
"Of course I like it," you say, your hand again falling into his hair. You smooth it from his forehead and look down at him with altogether too much love. 
He sits up. Unabashed, he cups your breast through your bra. His fingers to one side of the curve, his thumb flat to the centre of your sternum, he laughs at you laughing. "Is it too much?" he asks. 
Your smile is giddy and lazy and beautiful. "Too much for what? I've kissed you with worse." 
"A little more than kissing," he says, his hand following the slopes of your body to again harass your waistband. 
"Do you remember how much I laughed when you came back from Pakistan? You tried to kiss me and–" 
"You could barely look at me. I remember, honey." 
"It wasn't like that!" Your laughter shakes you. He can feel it in both hands. "Sorry, it just surprised me! You're the one who insisted on voice calls only, how was I supposed to react?" 
Hotch loves to listen to you laugh. Giving up on his seduction, he rests his stubbly cheek on your abdomen and kisses lazy half-kisses from the bottom of your ribcage upward. "You said you liked it." 
"I did like it. But even if I didn't like it, it's not like you can say you don't like it when your boyfriend does stuff like that. You could've just found another woman who liked it to replace me." 
He speaks straight into your skin, words muffled. "I don't want another woman. I want you. That's why I shaved it off." 
"I missed some of that." 
"I said," he repeats, lifting his head, making sure to scratch you with his stubble as he goes, "I don't want another woman–" 
Your guilty eyes give you away. You heard him the first time. Hotch does some giggling of his own and wraps his arms behind your back to get comfortable for whatever lovey dovey mood it is you've found yourself knee deep in. You squirm a little. 
"What?" he asks. He knows when you have something to say.
"I thought you were, you know… I thought you were kissing me." 
"Oh, so you were paying attention." 
You bite your lip. Hotch grins —okay, yes, he was more than content to spend the night languishing half-clothed, but he wants worse to collect your wrists above your head and press them down into the pillows, feel your leg shake where it fails to cling to his waist. 
"I love your laugh, honey," he murmurs, starting the long journey back to your lips. He places soft kisses like stepping stones until he's just below your jaw. "But I like this more." 
"What more?" you ask. 
He leans in to kiss you, the pressure of his lips on yours enough to split the seam of them. Your breath catches as he eases your pants down your hip, thumb digging into your skin as he goes. 
"This," he says softly, adoringly. "Can I help you take these off?" 
You don't need his help, apparently. You wiggle out of your pants before Hotch has time to blink, kicking them down the bed, quashing a self-satisfied laugh with his lips as you pull him down by the neck to kiss you again. 
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neouime · 5 months
Love Wins All: An Analysis
Here are my notes for the music video. I have more to say, but it's already two in the morning where I live, and I have been sitting here admiring and contemplating IU's artistry since four hours ago. My butt hurts. I will come here later once I let my thoughts marinate.
There's a cube object chasing after them. - The cube is obviously the antagonist of the story. I have no idea why they chose a cube rather than any other creature or shape. Maybe because the design is simple? I think a cube is a smart choice. It looks like human technology, something man-made. The cube may be an invention that was once intended for the benefit of humankind but ended up becoming an instrument for control. The shape of the cube with its equal sides can represent a system that demands conformity.
IU is mute/deaf (she uses sign language), and Taehyung is blind in one eye. - There is one reading by a Korean UAENA about how they represent people with disabilities. There is one cube targeting IU and Taehyung. No other people are shown, but by the end of the music video, we can see several floating cubes outside the building. We can deduce how the cubes may be specifically searching for individuals like them who are marginalized and in hiding.
There is a scene where IU performs on stage, and black figures point their fingers at her. - IU explicitly declared that the song is dedicated to her loved ones, including her fans. We can interpret the black figures as representing people who spread unnecessary hate (혐오) against artists like IU. (Regardless of context, pointing your fingers in Korean culture is considered rude. It is associated with assigning blame or picking out flaws.)
Both the cube and the people in black are forces that persecute and discriminate, respectively. - This reading stems from the fact that IU is a well-known personality in real life and that her character in the story has disabilities.
While there is a male and female lead, the story and the song are not exclusively romantic. LWA is a fan song. Taehyung represents UAENAs. 
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While IU sings on stage, he gives her flowers and looks at her adoringly. - They are able to spend moments both happy and sad by each other's side. At the end of the story, Taehyung stands in front of IU to defend her from the cube and destroy it, while IU comforts him and covers his eyes as they're killed.
The camera and the pile of clothes are details prompting an intertextual reading. - This will be familiar to ARMY, but the pile of clothes is an installation by Christian Boltanski. This does not require further explanation since we can infer what it symbolizes from the story's outcome. On the other hand, the camera is something that is more important to the plot than it seems. It captures only the beautiful and healthy appearance of IU and Taehyung. The Korean UAENA I mentioned earlier said that the camera shows an existence where people with disabilities can live happily. 
The camera shuts down by the end of the music video. - Nothing is recorded, and the memories are lost. But then, how does "love win all?" Okay, we'll look at the lyrics. "찬찬히 너를 두 눈에 담아 한 번 더 편안히 웃어주렴 (With my eyes, I memorize you thoroughly. Let's laugh in peace once more.)
Artists like IU come and go. - For every single and album she releases, IU writes an introduction. For LWA, she sums up the story as a promise to "fade away together splendidly." Also, the lyrics "필연에게서 도망쳐 Run on" appear, which both mean to run away from (도망쳐, to escape) and to run towards the "inevitable." (Korean is not my first language so pardon me if I'm wrong, but I think there's a mistake with the translation provided in the music video. There, the lyrics say "run away from necessity, run on." They use the word necessity, but she's referring to an event that is certain to occur.)
Memories [of their music and their moments with fans] are all lost to history; what matters is to live in the moment. (You don't need a camera to prove that you existed and lived your life.) This aligns with her values as an artist. In her interviews, IU says her goal is to perform (creation rather than chart success).
You may say that the story is tragic because they both die in the end, but they were at peace since they were together. "일부러 나란히 길 잃은 우리 두 사람" (The two of us, side by side, gone astray on purpose). **Edit: IU Team StarCandy on Twitter translated the phrase 길 잃은 우리 as "[we] who took the road less travelled."
I love the lines "너와 슬퍼지고 싶어 My lover" (I want to be sad with you) and "부서지도록 나를 꼭 안아" (Crush me, wrap me tightly in your arms). It illustrates the relationship between IU as an artist and her fans. The song is a declaration of her intention to cherish the good and bad with us. She does not mind even if the pressure of our love sometimes feels intense. She believes love has the power to break you down, but instead, it builds you up. 
Additionally, the line "나와 함께 겁 없이," which is translated as "Will you courageously set with me?" actually more literally translates to "together with me, without fear." There is trust between IU and her lover. In other words, they may not know where the journey leads them, but they consciously choose to walk to it together.
A few more details from the music video that I loved are as follows. I like that the food (the macaron) is connected to memory and joy. It's the end of the world, but they haven't lost their imagination, hope, and ability to delight in each other's presence. In a way, food is crucial to survival in terms of sustenance and because it brings simple pleasure.
After taking a bite, they are transported to a less dreary setting. Their clothes are the same, but they're no longer tattered. Of course, things aren't perfect because while things are more clean, the people themselves remain evil. IU and Taehyung maintain their cheerful disposition even as the black figures appear and surround them.
IU and Taehyung choose to be happy. They dress up and dance around the room despite the reality that everything is still in ruins. (The photo booth is lit in bright, warm colors, while the room outside is cold and blue. Another piece of evidence for this interpretation is that while they're blissfully taking pictures, the strips come out showing Taehyung's milky eyes.)
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I also like the alternative explanation for why IU is deaf, and Taehyung is partially blind. - IU performs happily in front of the crowd of black figures. It may mean that she either cannot hear or will not listen to their words of hate. As for Taehyung, he is partially blind to IU's faults. IU (the idol/artist) is the one leading them as they run while Taehyung (their fan) follows, their hands clasped in each other.
Moreover, neither of them speaks throughout the story. Whether IU is deaf or she signs to avoid making noise and risk their capture, I think it's beautiful that they can communicate through gestures. The relationship between fan and artist goes beyond the need for words (which is ironic, too, since we become fans of IU's music before the artist herself. Through her lyrics, we learn of her personality and how she sees the world).
I LOVE their acting. It's almost scarily good how IU can convey her love through her gaze. The smallest details too!! Her softly tapping Taehyung's shoulder to calm him while he tightly grips her hand as they face death? Chills.
Okay, I'm back. I just want to add this:
I said that the song is not exclusively romantic. However, the element of romance is indeed important to the plot. It elevates the story by depicting people (including those with disabilities) finding love even in the middle of hardship. - Their hardship is not the disability itself but rather the prejudices in the world that limit the possibilities they can enjoy.
IU and Taehyung know that the "end" is "inevitable" (she uses both words in her lyrics), and they know that they can only steal these short moments of happiness, but they still try to "look for the opposite of loneliness" (오랜 외로움 그 반대말을 찾아서).
Trivia: IU says that whenever she's stuck with writing a song, she uses the suggestion of a peer (Kim Eana) to look up the meaning of a word in the dictionary. Thus, giving birth to the idea love = opposite of feeling/being alone.
Love as an act of resistance - Viewing a brighter world through the camera, IU wearing the veil, and the pair teasing the black figures (IU sings on the stage despite their jeering and they run around the room) are acts of resistance. They may have a poor imagination (가난한 상상력), wherein they still desire to become "normal" and without their disabilities, but it is also thanks to their imagination that they are able to endure.
Note: The translations are mine. It's always difficult to think of how to word sentences that fully preserve the sentiment of the source, especially since they're song lyrics.
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miladysproblems · 1 year
Summary: Neteyam takes you to see his Ikran for the first time and while you admire the ikran, he admires you instead.
Pair: Neteyam x Omiticayan reader
Warnings: fluff, pure fluff.
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You laughed as Neteyam held your hand and ran through the forest pulling you alongside, his tail wagging cutely showed that he was quite excited to show you his Ikran for the first time.
Neteyam came to a stop and looked back as you still laughed but panted slightly at the long run. Neteyam stared at you mesmerizingly. It was a wonder how much of a effect you had on him. How in mere seconds your laugh could make his heart flutter.
Your eyes raised up as to ask why he suddenly was staring at you.
"You're just so pretty." Neteyam grabbed your by the waist pulling you closer to him and staring right into your doe-like eyes.
You blushed at his comment adoringly and it just made neteyam want to hug you tightly and never let go.
Suddenly a a loud animal-like roar broke your moment. You gasped at how beautiful the creature was.
"Mawey. Mawey." Neteyam muttered some more sweet nothings to his Ikran to calm him. He softly glided his hand over the creature's neck up and down.
Neteyam looked so attractive calming the ikran, this wasn't something to find someone attractive over but neteyam always had the ability to make you drool over him. You looked at the ikran instead to distract you from your languid thoughts.
"Youre Ikran is very beautiful." You looked at his Ikran mesmerizingly, avoiding her eyes as per Neteyam's warning you looked at her beautiful features.
"Yes, she is" Neteyam mumbled but it was loud enough to understand what he said.
You could feel his intense gaze on you and something told you he wasn't talking about his Ikran. You tried to stop yourself from grinning like a fool.
You looked up at him to see his doe-like eyes staring right at you. He didn't even try to pretend that he wasn't staring and instead brought your hand to his lips, holding his gaze at you and held it there for a little while and let you hand down but he didn't let go of it. Your knees got weak because of his antics. God dammit he was too good. But that didn't mean you couldn't get back at him.
"Are you calling me an Ikran?" You asked him teasingly, placing your hands at you hips, playfully glaring at him. Poor Neteyam thought he actually upsetted you. You continued to watch him comically widen his innocent eyes at you. You tried your best not let out a laugh.
"I- what- i was-"
You let out a full blown laugh. You couldn't hold it anymore, catching him stuttering and making a mess of himself was too amusing and adorable.
His eyes narrowed at you, taking in the fact that you tricked him and you were enjoying this more that you should.
Oh Eywa, was he right. You were enjoying this.
You turned to move ahead of him still laughing when you suddenly tripped on a foot. A large hand came to the rescue and pulled you back. You gasped at the sudden action and landed right onto his strong chest.
You looked at him staring at him adoringly with his eyes expressing victory as his hands wrapped around your waist.
He smirked at you and pulled you closer, your breath hitched when his strong scent hit you. You wanted to slap him for literally almost pushing you from a cliff and kiss him for being so adorable. You were convinced he made you bipolar.
His forehead touched yours,and the both of you let out a laugh at each other's childish antics.
"You skwxxg." You said with the uttermost gentleness in your voice that it barely sounded like an insult. You closed your eyes, just feeling this moment. You leaned near him, his lips touching yours when the creature let out another roar.
"Looks like someone is jealous." You replied heartily as Neteyam playfully laughed at his Ikran. He ran his hand up and down the Ikran's neck to soothe his jealousy.
"Do you want to go on a ride?" Neteyam asked still holding you close despite the Ikran's whines.
"Of course" You commented sweetly, kissing him on his cheek which made him beam like a little kid. You could even see his tail wag a little. You chuckles at his cuteness. Eywa, he was so adorable.
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laviefantasie · 8 days
Video 2
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“… why are you turning that on?”
“Just because”
The camera starts recording both your bare and Satoru’s socked feet as you both lay in your bed together. The sunset light shining through your dorm’s window, brightening it all.
“You should be focusing!” Satoru whines.
“But i am!”
“Oh really?” He challenges, “What was i just saying now?”
“You were explaining to me why Kari and TK belong together, even when it isn’t canon” you roll your eyes.
“He is the crest of hope and she is the crest of light, you cannot tell me it wasn’t meant to be!” He exclaims.
“Didn’t their Digimons compliment each other?”
Satoru squeals, in a very girly non-muscular way, as he jumps to sit on the bed, making the camera move slightly before falling from your hands to the bed in the perfect position to record the exact moment Satoru jumps on top of you.
A groan leaves your body as Satoru’s weight ambushes you, his laughter doing nothing to lessen the pain.
“Of course i do!” You groan, “Now… GET OFF!”
Satoru does, moving the video camera once again. It captures the exact moment Satoru sits beside you looking at you with a soft smile, even when you sit up with a frown, looking ready to scold him.
“You almost killed me”
“Oh, come on! Don’t exaggerate” he rolls his eyes.
“It felt like a tons of bricks fell on me!”
He gasps, “Are you calling me fat?!”
“Well, I’m just saying you don’t look what you weight!”
A pillow hits your face and an audible gasp leaves your lips as Satoru starts laughing hysterically.
You grab the pillow and start violently attacking Satoru, whose laughter stops abruptly and becomes girly squeals.
It doesn’t take long for him to get his hands on another pillow, soon both of you on a full on war as feathers start accumulating in your surroundings. Though neither of you mind it, too busy laughing out loud as you try and fail to shield yourselves from the hits.
It is only when Satoru hits you one last time, making you lose your footing, that you give up.
“I can’t… HAHAHA…. Bre-breathe…”
Satoru watches adoringly as you try to breathe properly, unable to do so because of your never ending laughter.
His heart thumps loudly in his chest and it makes him fear you may hear it. When had your laughter become his favorite sound? It was refreshing, peaceful… he was getting confused again.
“NO” you scream, sitting up, “I was just on time out!”
“This is a war!” He smirks, “There are NO time outs! LOSER”
You groan as he starts his little victory dance, although you cannot hide the little smile on your face from the video camera still recording both of you.
Little smile that expresses a feeling you aren’t even aware of. A little smile that speaks volumes.
tag list: @gumiiiiezzzz
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yamamasjumpercables · 4 months
matt + y/n, matt goes to boston and he's really missing y/n so she goes to boston and surprises matt
My Boston Boy
Boyfriend!Matt x Girlfriend!Reader
Warning: kissing, Y/n and Matt being a little tease. Ass grabbing. That’s pretty much it🧍🏾‍♀️
a/n: hope you guys like this it took a while🫶🏾
Matt had went back to Boston with his brothers to visit their parents. It’s been 2 months, 4 weeks and 1 day. You and Matt both counted. If you two could have it any other way, you would’ve been with Matt and his brothers in Boston. Yet your boss thought you could work a couple more days before letting you take some days off (2 days to be exact). You were currently on your 30 minute break booking your tickets for Boston, but you had a better idea. So you made a quick FaceTime call to Nick. Nick answered with an ecstatic expression. “Hey Y/n!” Nick said happily. “Hey Nicki!!” You said laughing. “I wanted to talk to you about something” You said in a serious tone. “Ok what’s on your mind” Nick asked. “So I’m coming to Boston in 2 days but you can’t tell Matt, I want it to be a surprise” You said in a hushed tone. “Omg that sounds amazing, what do you want me to do” Nick asked. “I want you to keep him distracted the whole day, then I’ll text you to let you know when I get to your parents place” You ramble. “What are you gonna do?” Nick asked. “You’ll see” You said with a wink. Nick laughs “ok then let me know when your flight lands I’ll send you an Uber” Nick offered. “Aww thank you Nicki Pooh” You say adoringly. “Yeah Yeah, see you soon Y/n” Nick says waving bye. “Bye Bye” You say before hanging up the phone.
Your flight was at 6pm so you had time to get some of Matt’s favorite things and put it in your suitcase. You spent the hours you had to get all your stuff ready. After what felt like an eternity on a flight filled with either crying babies, kids kicking your seat, and the person next to you sleeping on your shoulder. You finally made it Boston. You shot a quick text to Nick telling him you landed and he immediately sent you an Uber to help you with your traveling troubles. You made it to his parents house, thank goodness Nick told his parents that you were coming over. You quickly set your bags in Nick’s room for the moment, only because his room was right by the kitchen. You quickly got out of your sweats and put on a cute but comfortable outfit, then throwing on your favorite lounge cardigan. After you finished setting up all the stuff you got for Matt on the kitchen island. You texted Nick telling him you were ready, Nick texted that he was on his way. After about 20 minutes you heard the front door unlock, so you took this time to hide from Matt in Nick’s room. “Nick I still don’t understand why you are covering my eyes”. Matt said annoyed. “You’ll see Matt just be patient” Nick said going up the last step walking to the kitchen. “Ok you can look now” Nick said taking his hand off of his younger brother’s face, trying to hold his excitement. “SURPRISE SHAWTY” You yell, running towards Matt jumping on him. Matt quickly caught you engulfing you in a heartfelt hug, as you wrapped your legs around his waist and his hands sliding down your waist to grip on your ass. “I missed you so much” You say muffled in his neck. “I missed you even more Ma” Matt says planting kisses on your cheek. Matt let’s go of your ass letting you land back on your feet. You grab Matt’s face and embrace him in a passionate kiss, while his hands move back to its position on your ass. “Ok ok you two I don’t want no little versions of you two running around” Nick says disgusted. “Nick why is Matt and Y/n sucking each other’s face off?” Chris says with a disgusted face. “Let’s take a walk” Nick says walking away from you and Matt. “Fine let’s stop by McDonald’s while we’re walking” Chris says while following Nick. “Sure whatever” Nick says walking out the door with Chris. After you and Matt were done kissing, Matt took time to admire the stuff you had bought him. “You really did all this for me?” Matt says grabbing you waist giving you small pecks on your neck. “Yes I did because I love you” You say admiring your work. “Well since you did all of this let me show you how much I appreciate you” Matt says in your ear, chills running down your spine. “What do you have in mind” You say turning around to face Matt, running your nails down his torso. “Let me show you” Matt says grabbing your hand.
I love you guys🫦💋 bon appetite 💐
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valuunit · 10 months
Yearly Styles' Family Awards
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Summary: in the middle of a pandemic, the Styles kids want to recreate an award show like the ones their parents used to go to.
some adorable and cute inexistent scenarios to cope with life :)
Content: husband!dadrry x wife&mom!Y/n (fluff), kids. Mention of covid and the pandemic (2021/2022), she/her Y/n. Food (kinda). A slight reference to sex (nothing deep, there'll be time for that ;) ).
Disclaimer: English is not my first language so if there’s any mistake i’m sorry, i’ll try to correct it. It’s not proofreader yet (☞ ͡ ° ͜ʖ ͡°)☞.
“Honey, honey, no, no, no. Mum's busy right now.” Harry whispered carrying his daughter who was trying to enter her mother's office.
“But I want to show her my drawing. And I want more paint." she squirmed in Harry's arms, trying to go back.
“You can have all the paint you want, but in a couple of minutes, remember that mommy's getting an award? That's why we baked the cake.” Harry was on his knees distracting the fidgety girl.
“You mean I baked it?” she giggled.
“Oh, so that's how you treat your assistant?” Harry combed the rebellious curly hair of Melody. She continued giggling.
“I thought there weren't gonna be fans waiting for me this time.” an optimistic voice said. Y/n, with sweatpants and a pretty blouse, was admiring her family.
“Mommy!” the girl jumped into her arms, Y/n rapidly caught her and gave her a kiss on the cheek.
“Hi, sunshine. What happened here?” she pointed to the pajama top of her kid, with chocolate and paint stains all over it, and looked at Harry with a raised eyebrow, he just smiled like saying 'sorry'.
“I made you a cake and a drawing.”
“Lie!” exclaimed Harry standing back up with a jump.
Melody held onto her mother's neck tightly and exclaimed, "Don't listen to him!".
“I left for thirty minutes!” she slowly put her daughter down because she was starting to strangulate her.
Harry softly laughed and went to hug her. “Congratulations, love. I'm proud of you.” and then he gave her a kiss.
“Thanks, H.” their little bubble popped with a cry, their baby boy. They giggled.
“I'll go, and let you see the cake that Mel and I made for you.” he gave his daughter a final look and Melody shook her head with a smile.
“Okay, I also want to see the cause for this colorful mess” Y/n returned her attention to the little girl, who grabbed her hand and let her into the kitchen.
“What did you win, mommy?” she said sitting on the island.
“Well... I'm not gonna bore you, but every year there are events to recognize the work of people, this time was for the book that I wrote.”
“The one with my drawing on the cover?”
“Yes! I guess you're also a winner” She giggled at the expression of the kid, she looked amazed.
“Where is it!”
“I think it's arriving in a couple of days.” she pinched the girl's nose.
“Why can't you go? I remember that you and daddy went to other places for more awards before.”
“Baby, remember that we have to stay at home, it's not safe right now.”
“But it will be?”
“Of course, honey. One day it'll be safe and perfectly fine, and one day you can go to those events if you want to.” Y/n couldn't help but feel sad and nostalgic, she brushed a piece of hair off of Mel's face to caress her puffy cheek.
“Of course I want to! Can I go with all the pretty clothes and makeup that you use? Or like the daddy's suits!”
Y/n laughed, getting herself as excited as her daughter.
“Well, one day, I promise.”
“But we have to start planning everything now.”
Mel's green eyes, incredibly alike to Harry's, looked at her hopeful, she also put her hands together in the form of pleading. And how could she say no to that adorable package, and an even better thing than just putting on clothes, something bigger?
“I have another idea..”
The famous chocolate cake just sat on the counter, while the mother-daughter duo ran upstairs.
“How's he?” said Y/n entering Daniel's room.
“Just wanted Puffy,” Harry said leaning in the crib watching adoringly his son playing with his beloved bunny plushie.
“He's a simple little man.”
“Let him be.” her husband turned around to face her. Y/n grabbed one of his hands and change the tone of her voice to a very sweet one.
“So, I was talking with Mel... we were talking about the award shows and that stuff, and I kinda made the suggestion of making an event here... like, right now, well no, tomorrow but you know, the assembling and that.”
“Okay.” he laughed. “So, we're hosting an award show.” she nodded “That's adorable, my love. I love it.”
“Uf, I knew you'll like it. Thanks, sweetheart.” she kissed his lips lightly. “I'll watch him from now on, go help Mel.”
“I'm expecting an award,” he whispered patting her bum on his way out.
“Dad!” Mel's high-pitched voice made its way into her parent's bedroom. She sounded desperate.
“What's the matter, honey?” Harry walked into her bedroom in full glam. He was wearing one of his old suits from Live on Tour just testing if it still fitted him.
“I don't know what to wear.” his daughter groaned, some cute dresses and suits on the carpet of her room.
“What about this one?” he took a plain black suit, in his opinion an adorable piece.
“It's too simple. I want one like yours.” she pouted and pulled from the shiny fabric of his blazer. His heart melted.
“Aw.” and then it hit him. “Oh, wait. I think I have one like mine for you.” he grabbed her hand and let her into his bedroom.
He dug up in the closet. He knew he kept the suit from the Kiwi music video. At that time Melody was barely a two-year-old but he treasured it for the right moment, now for example.
“Yeah, here. Do you like it?”
“Wow. Yes! It's so beautiful. Thanks, daddy!”
Harry's deep voice said quietly, "Tomorrow is the big day. You should try to get some sleep."
“I'm just finishing this” answered his wife, she was holding a paintbrush with which she was completing a cute banner with the words 'Yearly Styles' Family Awards'.
“Yearly Styles' family awards?” he whispered “Clever, love.”
“I know you're joking, but thanks.”
“Need any help?” he said sitting on the edge of the couch watching his wife in awe.
“You can cut out some circles in those sheets. Just use the red, yellow, and blue.”
“Mhm,” he mumbled quickly doing so.
Y/n looked up from the 's' she was working at that moment. She watched the ellipse-shape-like circles in the hands of her husband, recalling him wearing his old suit, he looked so similar and yet changed so much at the same time. It made her head hurt thinking of all the time that have passed since they ever met.
She was beginning to be a recognized lyricist in the pop industry and ended up writing songs for the album Midnight Memories. One day, when she was having a meeting with Louis Tomlinson, showing him a couple of songs, Harry walked into the hotel room.
At first, Harry rapidly exited the room, shouting sorry's, thinking they were in a private moment, but soon after they got presented by Louis.
“M'Harry. Nice to meet you. And, you know, sorry.”
“I know. Y/n, don't worry, you did nothing.”
“'kay, now, can we get finished? I want pizza...” Louis groaned like a toddler.
“Calm down, mate” said Y/n imitating his accent. He shoved her off and grinned, she didn't knew why.
Shortly after she began to encounter Harry very often. They began to talk more and grow closer, and when they exchanged phones they talked every single day via text and facetime, something they still do to this day.
Almost a year later they began to date. The relationship was kind of secret, with just the guys from the band and family and very close friends knowing, until Y/n got pregnant two years into the relationship.
A lot was happening with the band's hiatus. All the eyes were on Harry and became impossible to hide from the public.
They went through a lot of public scrutiny and unasked comments since anyone understood how that relationship happened without anyone knowing, and the hate and nasty gossip only made their bond even more, just for Melody to make them inseparable.
All of that and more went through her head for just watching Harry with a suit from some years ago. That made her want to cry, happy tears.
“You okay, honey?” his deep voice snapped her out of her line of thought. She moved her gaze from his hands to his eyes.
“Yeah. Yeah, I'm okay, I was just feeling melancholic...”
“About what?” he says leaving the scissors on the armrest of the couch.
“Watching you in your suit... Oh! And Melody's one, she looked adorable, I didn't know you kept it.” Y/n said standing up and walking to Harry, placing herself between his legs.
“I forgot to tell you, at the end I was asked if I wanted to keep some of the things, I wish I also kept the one I used.” his hands went to her hips as if they were magnets near some pure metal curve.
“Well, you still looked very handsome in the shiny jacket.” she grabbed the collar of his hoodie to attract his face to hers.
“I thought you said you liked me more in hoodies and sweatpants than fancy clothes,” he whispered looking at her lips.
“I actually like you more in your birthday suit, but you will always look great, even with a potato sack.”
“You missy, stop it now, otherwise I'm not responsible for what might happen later.”
Y/n just kissed him passionately. Her hands were still on his hoodie, while he's changed to her lower back.
The room had some light jazz in the background with the breaths from the couple as the protagonists.
Y/n pushed away from the kiss. “Wanna go to the bedroom?” she said quietly.
“What about this?” he shook his head towards the sign. He had a cocky smile, she knew he was just playing with her, but she can do that too. She liberated herself from his grip and turned her back to him.
“Oh, yeah. Well, I'll finish this-” and before she finished her sentence, Harry's hands were on her waist lifting her up. She squealed and giggled. “You're getting way too comfortable carrying everyone shorter than you around.”
He chuckled and let her go. “We can finish the sign tomorrow.” then he winked offering her his hand, which Y/n took. They walked to their bedroom as quietly as possible and locked the door.
“Mummy! Daddy!” a quiet knock startled the couple. Y/n jumped out of Harry’s embrace to put on something more than his hoodie she wore that night as pajama.
“A moment sweetie!” instinctively, she turned to the clock above the door, it makes 8 am. She groaned.
By this time, Harry was on his knees looking for the sweatpants he had been wearing the day before, which had probably been thrown away somewhere in the room a couple hours ago.
Y/n opened the door without expecting no one, she picked her head an turned around inspecting the surroundings quickly spotting her daughter carrying her brother out of his room.
“Even he was awake earlier.”
“I’m sorry, sunshine.” she kissed her head and blended over to take Danny, also giving him a kiss. “Good morning.”
“It’s okay, it was fun watching him blow bubbles with his drool.”
Y/n chuckled. Three out of four Styles walked into the master bedroom, Harry was standing next to the bed completely stiff. Y/n couldn’t help but let out another laugh.
“Good morning, daddy.” Mel we go to hug him.
“Morning. honey.”
“I have a schedule for today.” the girl said sitting on the bed.
“Really?” asked Y/n surprised. She loved the ideas of her girl.
“Yes! I was watching some videos and pictures. Is there a red carpet?”
“We have a beige carpet.”
“It’ll work.” she nodded with confidence. Harry and Y/n shared a proud look.
“Okay, little director. You can tell us about your plan at breakfast, how’s that sound?” Y/n said giving her a big smile.
“Can I have waffles?”
“Of course you can.”
“To the left- no, the other left.”
“So the right...”
“No, my left your right.”
“We have the same left and right, darlin'” the both adults chuckled.
“What's taking so long! I want to start with the hair and makeup.” Melody entered the living room with two bags and a hair straightener.
“Where did you find those?“ Y/n said taking the black flat iron from her little hands.
“Your bathroom.” the girl simply said. “Is everything done? I already have the award winners.”
“Can we know who they are?” Harry asked playful.
“No.” Mel smiled.
“Not even the nominees?” Y/n continued.
“No, it's a surprise.”
“Fine, at least I won something?” her dad sat on an armchair crossing his arms and pouting.
“One, maybe two. But makeup and hair. Now.”
“You're being quite bossy today, Mel.” Y/n said ruffling through the curls of her daughter, Melody stood up and put a hand on her hip, forming an adorable pose. Both of her parents laughed, and so did she, hell, even her little brother. “I'll do the hair and you take care of the makeup. If you want there's some in my-”
“Third drawer on your closet's vanity.” she finished her mum's sentence walking to said vanity.
Y/n looked at her in disbelief and turned to look at Harry. “I swear, she's the perfect mix between you and me.”
“The best of two worlds.” he smiled as their baby was squealing, demanding some attention. Harry picked him up. “What are you going to wear today, buddy?” his baby just looked at him deep in the eye.
“Oh! I know. That cute suit with the gray vest.”
“The one mum sent?” His gaze returned to his wife. She nodded. “Ah, I love that little outfit, I want one for myself.”
“It seems like I need to wear a blazer and pants or I'll look left out of my family.” the woman giggled while playing with the little chubby fingers of her child.
“You know what you should wear?” she hummed in response looking at him again. “The Coperni vest with the matching pants.”
“I love you and your sense of fashion.” she kissed his lips.
“I imagine something purple” Melody put her hand on her chin thinking.
“I trust you, sweetie” Y/n had a sweatband stopping her hair from interrupting the process.
“You in purple and daddy in pink!” she clapped in excitement. “And me in blue and Danny in… black?”
“Maybe Danny can go without makeup, i think he’s skin is a little too sensitive for now.” she looked at her daughter with a warm smile.
“Yeah, you’re right mum.”
“Well, let’s get to work, I still have to do everyone’s hairs.” Melody smiled even more exited and went floor the products she needed.
“Not yours.” the voice of her husband creeped from behind, caressing her hair. “I can do it.”
“Uh. I don’t know if i trust you with hair. Remember Mel’s winter festival incident.” Harry looked at her with a offended look.
“It was just a slip, and her ear is fine.”
Melody returned. “I have a scar.”
“And I’m sorry, honey. But tell mommy how much I’ve improve.”
“Uh, well, you are better.” she shook her head in agreement. “You’re in… good hands mum.”
Y/n laughed and said “Okay, I’ll confide in my star stylist’s word.”
At the end Y/n ended up with a glowy cosmic like makeup, not bad for an almost 8-year-old, and a half ponytail, not bad for a Harry.
In Harry’s turn her daughter took a similar approach in his makeup, just different colors. She used a lot of glittery and bright colors, a lot of highlighter as well. Later his wife combed his hair very simple.
While Melody was doing her own makeup, with Harry’s assistance, Y/n was dressing Daniel up. He looked like a little gentleman from the 40s with his outfit.
“I want all my hair down.” said Melody, her hair ended up being just her natural curls better only better groomed, and with some shiny golden clips.
“It’s beige carpet time!”
Y/n staged her and Harry’s phone in two different angles to record the event as well as using a regular camera to take the pictures. The first one in pass was Melody. She wore her suit with admirable confidence, walked to the middle of the hall and pose for her mom. Some serious, some silly and done.
The next one was Harry with Danny in his arms. Harry was a natural in front of the cameras and as confident as his daughter. Danny was just giggling and going along.
Thirdly, Y/n, at first she felt a little self conscious, but with her family cheers she remembered there was nothing to be anxious about, she was in the confort of her own home with the people she loved the most. She walked through the soft material in her bare foot. She loved her outfit and according to Harry, she was rocking it. Harry took her photos.
And last but not least, they set up the camera to take a couple of family pics, most of which were very blurry, but it was a lot of fun.
no Then they moved to the living room, it was time for the award ceremony. Melody made six different envelopes with the confidential information.
“Good afternoon to everyone. I’m happy to announce the first event of the yearly Styles’ family awards.” she said standing on an old coffee table and with an unplugged karaoke microphone.
Y/n and Harry were sitting on the floor resting their backs in the couch, Danny was sitting between his mum’s legs.
Harry cupped his mouth and cheered. “Woo!”
“Thanks.” Y/n and Harry chuckled. “The first award of the day is…” Y/n grabbed an iPad and played a drum sound. “The best mum in the life...” she looked at the sign of the Yearly Styles’ Family Awards. “Am. If the year. Best mum of the year.”
“Oh god, who could it be…” Harry whispered with his hands covering his mouth.
“The winner is…” iPad drums. “Y/n Styles-Y/l/n!”
“Oh god, yes! Can you…” she passed the baby to Harry, and he gave her a peck. “Yay!”
The awards were origami pigeons, also made by Mel. Y/n received her first one, and hopefully not last, award. “Congrats, mommy.”
“Thanks, sunshine. Oh god. Ahm… I don’t know what to say. Thanks to the ones that made me a mother.” she look at her family sitting in front of her. “It’s the best thing that ever happened to me, it motivates me every day to wake up and see your beautiful faces and hear your voices. I love you, my angels. And a honorary mention to your daddy. It literally wouldn’t be possible without you.”
“Yeah, mamma!” said Harry.
Melody stepped back up and presented the next award. “Next… best dad of the year.” this time i read of a drums sound effect there was an ad. “Again. The best dad of the year…” drums. “Harry Styles-Y/l/n!”
“Yeah!” Harry punched the air. “Thanks, honey.” he carefully grabbed his pigeon. “Hm… Love, i’m gonna copy your speech, a little bit, I hope that doesn’t bother you.” He smiled to Y/n, who shook her head and smiled back. “Perfect. So, I always knew I wanted to be a dad, but i never knew that it would be this great. Waking up to see you is a blessing every time, I love you all more than anything. Thanks.” he blowed a kiss to his family.
“Great speeches tonight!” she exclaimed. “Okay. The next one is…” a different video of drums. “Best little brother/son of the year!”
Y/n stood up with Danny in her arms, he laughed don’t knowing what was going on. Harry also stood up cheering his son.
“Congrats, baby D.” his sister kissed his cheek.
“Look love, it’s yours.” Y/n took his pigeon and showed it to him.
“Ah!” he responded.
“So touching.” Harry said and hugged his son.
“Before the next award. We’ll go to an ad break a.k.a this little guy needs some food.” Y/n said before Melody went back to the podium. Y/n and Danny went to the kitchen.
“Daddy.” Melody said quietly. “I need your help.”
“What’s the matter?”
“There’s a category of best parent… I don’t have a winner. You are both the bests parents in the universe.” she whispered looking to the floor.
“Aw, honey, that’s so sweet.”
“I don’t want to make anyone feel bad.” she pouted.
“Well, we could ended in a tie.”
“That’s boring.”
Harry chuckled. “Okay. Ahm. I don’t know. A competition?”
“Like an eating competition.”
“Yeah… Or it could be race.”
“Ohh! A race with us on your backs.”
“Are you sure you don’t want a tie, honey?”
“Yeah, maybe it’s easier.”
“It’s easier for my back too.”
“Okay, old man. A tie.”
“I need to make a new pigeon!”
After a new pigeon and a cop yoke of seconds later, Y/n walked into the living room. Danny’s head was in her shoulder, his eyes looked sleepy. “Ad break finished.”
“Okay, fifth award of the night. Best older sister/daughter of the year.” she stood in the low table and said “Am. Thank you to me, for this award. Thank you to my mum and dad for creating me and my baby brother, i wouldn’t be a daughter nor a sister without you, and yada yada yada. Ahm… yeah thanks, love you lots.”
“Woo!” said Y/n quietly.
“But the final and most competitive one. The best parent of the year…”
“Oh god.” Y/n gasped and covered her mouth.
“This was a tough one. But after some deliberation the result is.” the iPad’s sound went down a half, but it still played. “It was a tie. Y/n and Harry Styles-Y/l/n are the best parents.”
“That’s so cute.” Y/n left Danny laying on the couch. “Thanks, sunshine.”
“We did a great job in here.” Harry whispered in her ear before kissing her neck. His hands rounded her waist and gave her a side hug. Soon after Melody joined the hug.
That memory filled their brains and their phones’.
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