#beatrix the apprentice
echovale052 · 7 months
Songs associated to ur ocs??
I think about this way too much, you have no idea. Exposing my music taste here we go 💀😂
Athena: Once Upon a December by Christy Altomare
Amanda: When She Loved Me by Sarah McLachlan
Drew: Meet Me in the Woods by Lord Huron
Félix: Ordinaryish People by AJR
Mx.Holloway: The Devil Wears a Suit and Tie by Colter Wall
Kelta: Tongues & Teeth by The Crane Wives
Kacey: Go Get Your Gun by The Dear Hunter
Emile: Blood Run Red by The Ballroom Thieves
Mariah: The Ramblin’ Rover by Silly Wizards
Beatrix: You are my Sunshine by Kina Grannis
Rowan: One Big Bed by Emily Axeford
Ellis: Battle Cries by The Amazing Devil
Avyanna: Medusa by Kailee Morgue
Lost/Hunter: Rule #4 - Fish in a Birdcage
Apprentice/sweetheart/darling: Everyone Knows Juanita by Gael Garcia Bernal
Ace/Gorgeous: Kiss With a Fist by Florence + The Machine
Priest/Friend: Little Lion Man by Mumford & Sons
Majesty/Love: Archers by The Ballroom Thieves
Sunshine: Brazil by Declan McKenna
Birdie/Soldier: Cytoplasm by The Doozers
Dreamer/Angel: Everbody Loved Somebody by Dean Martin
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As the weather grows colder, my drawings get cosier ☕️🌿
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sepublic · 23 days
Maybe the Forbidden Five are just a dark reflection of the ninja; A bunch of dumbass friends who got together and bested insurmountable odds. They’re elemental masters of a specialized spinning technique, and death isn’t enough to hold them back so they had to be magically banished; How many times has a ninja ‘died’ just to come back?
Despite all this, they’re still susceptible to taking L’s, hence Nokt allowing Ras to do that to him, just as the ninja inevitably struggle against the newest enemy of the season despite all their experience by this point. But also inevitably, they still win in the end. And that’s why their reputation is so legendary. Egalt and Rontu fear them just as Beatrix fears the ninja, and I wouldn’t be surprised if Egalt’s failed experience with an apprentice had to do with one of the Forbidden Five using his teachings for evil, which makes the ninja a parallel to break the cycle.
Of course, there’s five of them; But there’s six ninja. Who’s left out, which ninja doesn’t have a parallel? My best guess is Jay based on how Dragons Rising has been going; He’s been left out of the show lately, some advertisement displays the other five ninja together but not him. He’ll even be on Nokt’s side for a bit during the Tournament of the Sources, so he’s the outlier going back and forth between the ninja and Forbidden Five.
Or maybe the outlier is Kai, since he’s trapped with the five; However, he exchanged with Nokt, who in flashbacks wields a katana just like he does. Having Kai interact with the other Forbidden Four (or three, depending on what happened to Jordana) could shed some insight into the similar dynamics between both groups; Jay’s alliance with Nokt could also show how both groups interchangeably fit like gloves with one another.
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exhausted-archivist · 5 months
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Cassandra Pentaghast Timeline
A summarized and organized timeline of Cassandra's life. Summarizing the major points of Dawn of the Seeker; such as naming characters and such key events.
Warning in advance about some spoilers for Absolution as I quote a couple lines in the notes section.
9:04 Dragon
Cassandra is born in a carriage halfway between Cumberland and Val Chevin. She was raised in her family estate in Nevarra City until 9:10 Dragon.
9:10 Dragon
Lord Matthias and Lady Tigana, Cassandra and Anthony's parents, are executed by King Markus Pentaghast for taking the wrong side during the second attempt to overthrow the king. Cassandra and Anthony were spared from execution thanks to their uncle, their father's brother, Vestalus who was a senior member of the Mortalitasi who vouched for them and took them as his wards.
Cassandra and Anthony were moved to the Grand Necropolis in Nevarra.
9:12 Dragon
Vestalus was promoted to prelate of the Mortalitasi and overseer of the Grand Necropolis. This left Cassandra and Anthony by themselves more often, leaving them in isolation save for Nomi in the Chantry where Cassandra devoted her time.
Anthony and Cassandra started training in swordsmanship with asperations to becoming dragon hunters.
9:16 Dragon
Cassandra, at the age of 12*, witnesses her brother Anthony; a renowned dragon hunter, get beheaded at the hands of blood mages.
Cassandra begs to join the Templar Order when faced with a lack of justice for Anthony. Her uncle instead sends her to the Seekers of Truth.
She begins her training at the Seeker fortress of Montsimmard as an apprentice to Seeker Byron, a senior member. He focused on her religious education rather than her martial education.
9:19 Dragon
At the age of 15, Cassandra is the youngest Seeker to go through her vigil since the Storm Age. Her vigil takes place in a remote castle located within the Blasted Hills of Northern Orlais and lasts for two weeks.
9:22 Dragon
The following are the events of Dawn of the Seeker that take place. This is the briefest of summaries.
Cassandra and a group of Seekers attack a group of blood mages who abducted Avexis, an elven mage from the White Spire who has the ability to control beasts. The blood mages use a ritual to extend that power to controlling dragons. Byron, Cassandra's mentor and father figure, reveals to Cassandra a conspiracy within the Chantry as he is leaving the fortress with Cassandra and Avexis.
The three are attacked by blood mages, in wich Byrion dies and Avexis is kidnapped again. Cassandra is branded a traitor. Regalyan, a friend of Byrion and the contact they were to take Avexis to, is captured by Cassandra under the suspicion he is a blood mage. The pair is then captured by Templars and eventually make their escape. Cassandra's goal is to clear her name and discover proof of the conspiracy.
The conspiracy is that Knight-Commander Martel and Grand Cleric of Orlais, Callista, are working with the blood mages who intend to attack the 10 year gathering at the Grand Cathedral. Grand Cleric Callista and Knight-Commander Martel intend to unleash dragons on the Divine and gathered Grand Clerics during the ceremony so that Callista may become Divine as the last remaining Grand Cleric.
The conspiracy is thwarted by Cassandra, Regalyan, the Circle Mages, and additional Seekers. Cassandra kills two dragons and a high dragon. Saving the Divine.
As a reward for their actions, Cassandra is made the Right hand of the Divine and declared Hero of Orlais.
After the ceremony, Divine Beatrix III speaks with Cassandra about how the attack on the Gathering was only the beginning. Insisting that the Chantry must prepare for the coming storm before placing the holy writ into her hands. The writ that grants the Right and Left Hands of the Divine the authority to restore the Inquisition.
9:34 Dragon
Divine Beatrix III dies and Divine Justinia V is elected. Upon election, Divine Justinia V made a bit to retain Cassandra as her right hand. Pitching to Cassandra the multiple aspects of reform of the Chantry she wanted to do. Which Cassandra met with intrigue and accepted the role once more.
Leliana sent Cassandra a letter that speaks of her observations and how she welcomes the opportunity to work with Cassandra.
9:39 Dragon
Cassandra writes a letter to the now Lord Seeker Lucius, declaring she will not be joining the Seekers and will continue to work with the Divine.
There is an error with this as the Mage-Templar War didn't start until late autumn or winter of 9:40 Dragon. Seeker Lucius doesn't take over for Seeker Lambert until after the events of Asunder where Lambert is killed by Cole at the end of the book a few months later. Leaving the date of this letter to be 9:40 or 9:41.
9:40 Dragon
Cassandra interrogates Varric following the outbreak of the Mage-Templar War.
9:41 Dragon
Cassandra brings Varric and Cullen to Haven with Leliana, they both miss the chance to join the Divine at the beginning of the Conclave as they were delayed.
The Breach opens up and Cassandra leads soldiers into the valley to look for survivors. Her soldiers find the player character (PC Herald/Inquisitor) and the events of Inquisition begin.
Cassandra advocates with Leliana to approach the rebel mages for support with closing the Breach. If the player goes to Redcliffe and sees the situation, Cassandra's opinion will change to supporting the Templars.
Cassandra is investigating the disappearance of her fellow Seekers, her theory is they are prisoners of Corypheus.
Evidence is found that Samson/Calpernia sold the Seekers to the Order of Fiery Promise after finding out that the Seekers are resistant to red lyrium.
When Cassandra investigates the castle of Caer Oswin after tracking the Seekers there, she discovers that her apprentice Daniel, has been implanted with a demon and fed red lyrium. At this point, she discovers that it was Lord Seeker Lucius wh sold the Seekers to the Promisers and has been operating there the whole time. Cassandra then confronts Lucius and kills him in battle.
Procuring the Book of Secrets from the Lord Seeker, Cassandra learns the truth about the vigil. That Seekers were made tranquil and that it was only reversed once they were touched by a Spirit of Faith. This is what granted them their abilities and restored their minds. A fact she learns all Lord/Lady Seekers have known up until this point, and that Lord Seeker Lambert actively hid from the Divine.
Cassandra considers finding the scattered Seekers, reading the Book of Secrets with them, so there are no more secrets between them and establishing a new charter. She also wishes if there is a way to refine the process of reversing Tranquility on mages without the dangers that come with them being overcome by their emotions. The PC character will determine whether she actually does reform the Seekers and investigate the rite further.
If Divine:
Cassandra is said to enact reforms for a new Templar Order and Circle of Magi. She rebuilds the Seekers of truth and rededicates them to protecting the innocent, if the player encourages her. Her attempts of reform are controversial despite her popularity though are generally seen as successful efforts to stabilize peace.
If Not Divine:
She takes the position of advisor on the Divine's council, giving advice on important matters to Divine Victoria. Depending on if the Divine is Leliana or Vivienne dictates how long she stays. If the Divine is Leliana, she stays and works well with her as Cassandra holds respect for Leliana. If Vivienne is Divine, Cassandra eventually leaves disgusted, feeling that Vivienne is perverting the Chant of Light's intent.
9:42-9:44 Dragon
If Cassandra is Divine, she is working on efforts to clean up red lyrium and stating that it is going well.
If Cassandra is not Divine, and she is encouraged to rebuild the Seekers; a month before she returns to Orlais for Trespasser she is in the Hunterhorn Mountains tracking down Seeker Emery and finding leads on other Seekers in Rivian.
If Cassandra is not Divine and wasn't encouraged to rebuild the Seekers; she is in the port of Antiva City and completing a survey and establishes that there are no further signs of Fade energy or demons since the Inquisitor closed a rift there in the Spring. She confirms the Inquisition mages deem the Veil stable in the region. Cassandra also confirms that at this point, all rifts have finally been sealed.
At some point, Cassandra aided a reaver named Nyree in defeating her first dragon. By doing so Nyree completed her Rite of Passage.
At some point prior to Cassandra's interrogation of Varric, the Seekers investigated the Vimmark Mountains that housed Corypheus and were turned away by the Grey Wardens and were told that everyone who had been in the prison were dead. Unclear if Cassandra was part of this investigation.
At some point in 9:41 during the Inquisition, Cassandra orders Sidony to return to Nevarra City and stop a Mortalitasi plot that is seeking to assassinate a member of the very unstable line of succession.
It is unclear when this occurred, as Absolution happens after Trespasser and that is about all that is established.** Cassandra and Leliana dispatch Fairbanks and Hira to steal an artifact from the Tevinter Imperium, the Circulum Infinitus.
* Cassandra tells Sera that she was trained as a Seeker since she was 6. This is in conflict with a letter from Cassandra's uncle to the Seekers stating she was "even at the tender age of twelve, is too old to begin training with the Seekers". This is reinforced though dialogue the PC can have with her where she establishes she was training with the Seekers at a far older age than most recruits, and was able to do so because of her status.
** The Interview establishes this (emphasis by me)
"Despite its relative proximity to Dreadwolf, though, Absolution intentionally doesn’t try to use its time establishing any real sort of canon for players to latch onto. Some characters from the prior games show up for a spell, and events are broadly mentioned, but Epler (who also serves as Dreadwolf’s creative director) admitted that it was important to avoid setting a definitive canon." He acknowledged it as a “tricky balancing act,” in part because BioWare making its own canon runs the risk of conflicting with the canon players make on their own, and the studio’s word being potentially declared definitive gospel is the last thing anyone wanted. Similarly, there was a desire to make sure Absolution stood on its own, explicit ties to the games or no. “There’s all these elements that make up Thedas and what’s going on,” said Epler. “We were fine with leaving space for these stories to exist and feed into a larger world as a whole.”
Up until the Dragon Age cookbook, there was no establishment of the BioWare canon or the game default. Which are at times two separate things, but do overlap in areas. But the difference between the two is for another conversation.
Additionally some lines in Absolution are about all we have in regards to the fact it definitely happens after Trespasser.
"Before the Inquisition ended, we learned the Tevinter Chantry was in possession of an artefact. The Circulum Infinitus." ep1. , 7:50ish
"Rezaren is dead. I have the Circulum. It's over, if you want it to be. You were right, Hira. Tevinter is an evil place, and I know what it feels like for that hate and that fear to infect you, but... you can't let it. Help me take the Circulum to what's left of the Inqusition and we can try again, free from everything." ep.6, 21:40ish
World of Thedas Vol. 1 p. 143 World of Thedas Vol. 2 p. 220-223 Dragon Age: Inquisition Dialogue Dragon Age: Dawn of the Seeker Dragon Age: Redemption Interview with Absolution showrunner Mairighread Scott and EP John Epler by io9
Cassandra Pentaghast Cassandra and the Last Few Years
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annabelle-creart · 1 month
More (head)canon for the Life of Rescue Bots AU:
Who and how they are? Part 1
Part 2
Robots - Main Team
Position: Leader.
Proffesion: Firefighter.
Human age equivalent: 37 years old.
Pronouns: he/him.
Main hand: Left-handed.
Psychiatric disorder: General anxiety and PTSD.
Adittions to current design: Burn scars on both hands (one in all the back right hand, a little one in right palm), left knee and right 'ear'.
Main treats:
Can't see people in the eyes while lying.
Puts his left hand in the back of his neck when is thoughtful or ashamed.
laughs like 'hehehe' or 'hehe' but in a very deep voice so it sounds like a ghost
Taste: homoromantic, asexual
Living family: Summer (younger brother), Boulder (love partner), Salvage, Blurr and Sissi (adoptive children and apprentices), Chase and Blades (best friends/not really younger siblings), Kade (work partner), Cody (adoptive child but don't admit it), Soundwave (triplet-spark, the third one was Shockwave)
Position: Shield.
Profesion: Police bot.
Human age equivalent: 35 years old.
Pronouns: Any pronuons, especially he/him.
Main hand: Both.
Psychiatric disorder: Autism.
Additions to current design: Moving fins on his 'ears', tiny scar like a crack on his shoulder near neck (it's too little to see it normally).
Main Treats:
T-rex hands.
Don't know how to smile properly.
Humming opera while distract.
Look into your soul (he's just on his own mind).
Taste: biromantic, asexual
Living family: Stardust ('grand mother'), Quickshadow (love partner), Heatwave, Boulder and Blades (teammates and best friends), Blurr (favorite apprentice), Salvage and Sissi (apprentices), Chief Burns (best friend/father figure/work partner).
Position: Navigator.
Proffesion: Engineer.
Human age equivalent: 43 years old.
Pronouns: He/they/she, mainly they.
Main hand: Right-hand.
Psychiatric disorder: Autism and ADHD, panic attacks (not enough to be a panic disorder, treated).
Additions to current design: A scar in his mouth.
Main Treats:
Enlace fingers when nervous.
Big eyes that stare at your soul (really, they likes to analize peoples facial expressions).
Short but loud screams everytime he gets scared or surprised, literally, every time.
Taste: homoromantic, asexual
Living family: Fortress (tutor/mom), Daydream (younger sister), Gear (tutor/dad), Heatwave (love partner), Blades and Chase (best friends), Sissi and Salvage (favorite apprentices but don't admit it), Blurr (apprentice), Graham (buddy/work partner), Lazari, Dirty green and Commander (favorite plants in their garden but don't admit it either), Bulkhead (Twin spark)
Position: Medic.
Profesion: Air rescue.
Human age equivalent: 26 years old.
Pronouns: He/she.
Main hand: Both.
Psychiatric disorder: ADHD.
Additions to current design: A crack scar below his right knee, it doesn't hurt as before but itch sometimes
Main Treats:
Creak his fingers.
Get stuck when speaking.
Move his hands from up to down very fast when gets excited
Taste: panromantic, asexual
Living family: Skyfell (cousin), Windblade (friend of the family), Bluey (cousin), KnockOut (ex), Chase (best friend and cousin but Chase doesn't know), Heatwave and Boulder (best friends/like older siblings), Dani (BEST FRIEND FOREVER), Cody (little pal), Salvage, Sissi and Blurr (apprentices/like younger siblings)
Humans - Main Team
Chief Charlie Burns
Position: Father.
Profesion: Police chief.
Age: 45-60 years old.
Pronouns: He/him.
Main hand: Right-hand.
Psychiatric disorder: Depression (treated)
Additions to current design: His left arm was damaged in duty, so he has a large scar all over the arm.
Main Treats:
Dad jokes.
Move his mostauche to make fun of himself.
Taste: straight
Living family: Woodrow (Brother), Kade, Dani, Graham, Cody (children), Chase (work partner/son figure), Blades, Heatwave and Boulder (work partners and friends), Beatrix (ex-wife), Sissi, Salvage, Blurr and Frankie (like nepwes and nieces), Ezra (best friend)
Kade Burns
Position: Older sibling.
Profesion: Firemen.
Age: 27 years old
Pronouns: He/him
Main hand: Right hand
Psychiatric disorder: none
Additions to current design: he has a little scar on his forehead he made himself trying to fight with someone when he was little
Main Treats:
'PFF-HAHAHAHA' kind of laugh.
'nah' everytime he is concerned
Play with Heatwave through being mean
Taste: straight
Living family: Charlie (father), Beatrix (mother), Dani, Graham and Cody (siblings), Woodrow (uncle), Hayley (girlfriend), Heatwave (work partner/best friend/best hater), Blades, Boulder, Chase, Salvage, Sissi, Blurr, Quickshadow, Hightide, Ezra and Frankie (family friends)
Danielle 'Dani' Burns
Position: second child
Profesion: pilot
Age: 25 years old
Pronouns: she/her
Main hand: both hands
Psychiatric disorder: none
Additions to current design: she's not that skinny, she was really hyperactive as a child so she is covered in mini scars that go away with the time, but still have some on her knee
Main Treats:
Singing while cooking.
Bite the pencil.
Stay silent so she can listen everything it's happening in the firehouse (she actually knew Heatwave and Boulder were into each other before they knew how to name it)
Taste: bisexual
Living family: Charlie (father), Beatrix (mother), Kade, Graham and Cody (siblings), Woodrow (uncle), Taylor (boyfriend), Blades (work partner/BESTIE), Heatwave, Boulder, Chase, Salvage, Sissi, Blurr, Quickshadow, Hightide (work partners/casual friends), Ezra and Frankie (family friends)
Graham Burns:
Position: third kid
Profesion: civil engineer
Age: 23 years old
Pronouns: he/him
Main hand: right hand
Psychiatric disorder: autism
Additions to current design: none
Main Treats:
Talk fast.
Don't talk in public.
Blush easily (by ashamed and by exercise)
Taste: panromantic, demisexual
Living family: Charlie (father), Beatrix (mother), Kade, Dani and Cody (siblings), Woodrow (uncle), Boulder (work partner/buddy), Blades, Heatwave, Chase (work partners), Salvage, Sissi (science friends/like nephew and niece), Quickshadow, Hightide, Ezra and Frankie (family friends)
Robots - Apprentices and secondary
Position: professor, work partner
Profesion: marine
Human age equivalent: 50-60 years old
Pronouns: he/him
Main hand: both
Psychiatric disorder: PTSD and anxiety
Additions to current design: scars, lots of scars that looks like cracks
Main Treats:
Likes to tell stories.
Grumpy ol' man
He's not a dad, he is the dad's best friend who don't have kids and when talk to him understand why
Taste: he would never tell you (homoromantic asexual)
Living family: none, Optimus Prime is just a friend and leader, the team is not his family.
Position: apprentice, second engineer
Profesion: he wouldn't know how to tell you
Human age equivalent: 18 years old
Pronouns: he/they
Main hand: both
Psychiatric disorder: none (probably a little dependent on Blurr)
Additions to current design: a little scar on his right cheek
Main Treats:
Acts like a grandpa, even Blurr and Sissi laugh about that.
Best hugs in town.
Silent... too much maybe
Taste: none, completely aroace
Living family: all the team is his family, even Hightide, he had no one back at Velocitron except Blurr
Position: apprentice.
Profesion: a little of everything, race car, ambulance, the strong arm
Human age equivalent: 17 years old
Pronuouns: she/her (prefers femenine pronouns)
Main hand: right hand
Psychiatric disorder: ADHD and corporal dysphoria
Additions to current design: she can convert in an ambulance too
Main Treats:
Swear too much.
Face palm.
'look at me!' To impress, usually goes wrong
Taste: biromantic asexual
Living family: don't admit it but the entire firehouse, except Hightide, he's an asshole, (and Chase is like her dad), the only family she had at Velocitron was Salvage
Position: apprentice
Profesion: mechanic and medic
Human age equivalent: 13 years old
Pronouns: she/her
Main hand: both
Psychiatric disorder: ADHD, PTSD and disordered attachment (working on all of that)
Additions to current design: none
Main Treats:
Imitate voices perfectly to prank others.
Always seeking Heatwave's attention just because Boulder loves him (working on that too).
Steals with Blades Dani's clothes so Sissi can use them
Taste: asexual, the rest is still for exploration
Living family: Optimus, Megatron, Elita, Bumblebee, Dorothea, Alex, Heatwave and Boulder (adoptive parents, shared custody), Starscream, Arachnid, Ratchet, Wheeljack, Arcee, Blades, Salvage, Blurr, the Malto bots and kids (siblings), Ultra Magnus, Soundwave, Shockwave, Chase, Hightide and Quickshadow (uncles and auntie), the Burnses and Greenes (both parents and siblings).
[She never had a family after the incident, but since then she went from autobots to decepticons to a hidden lab at colombia-venezuela frontier to the Maltos and to Griffin Rock, that's the reason of her attachment]
Position: ??
Profesion: agent
Human age equivalent: 30 years old
Pronouns: she/her
Main hand: both
Psychiatric disorder: none (she needs a little of therapy but nothing treatment can't heal)
Additions to current design: none
Main Treats:
Takes everything seriously but not personal.
Lay on Chase's shoulder to disturb him (don't worry, Chase likes it, she knows that works).
Good space inteligence, looks at every corner before be sure about it's secure
Taste: biromantic asexual
Living family: none... her brother maybe but doesn't even know his state... the Burnses and the bots are quite adorable and comforting... Chase is a really good talk partner
Humans - secondaries
Cody Burns
Position: younger kid
Profesion: student, sometimes the cabin kid, sometimes a superhero
Age: 13 years old
Pronouns: he/they
Main hand: right
Psychiatric disorder: maybe ADD
Additions to current design: scar at his left leg from falling off a tree at 9 years old
Taste: vainilla cake and caramel (in the future discovers he is panromantic asexual, he just didn't understand the question)
Main Treats:
Things usually fall over him.
* any of the bots * "look at this!" Shows them the most weird but incredible new trick he just learned.
Living family: all the firestation, or maybe all Griffin Rock, or maybe even the bots and family friends who live out there, has a lot of friends the kid, is a marshmelow
Francine 'Frankie' Elma Green
Position: ??
Profesion: student, laboratory assintent
Age: 13 years old
Pronouns: she/her
Main hand: right-handed
Psychiatric disorder: none
Additions to current design: none
Main Treats:
'daddy did it' she's very proud of him.
Scientific languages like no one.
Always thinking in new ideas, for sale or for innovation
Living family: Ezra (daddy), both grandmas and one grandpa on Ezra's side, Cody (best friend), the rest of the firehouse (friends)
Ezra Green
Position: Griffin Rock Science Head
Profesion: scientist
Age: 40-60 years
Pronouns: he/him
Main hand: left-hand
Psychiatric disorder: AuDHD(Autism and ADHD)
Additions to current design: none
Main Treats:
'I have an idea' if it goes well or wrong depends on the Griffin Rock mood.
Yell at himself when something don't work, not even for bad, is his passion.
Talk too much, can't talk about the tree without talking about why the father of the person who plant it was single (not exactly but you understand the metaphor)
Living family: both parents and siblings, Frankie (daughter), Charlie (best childhood and actual friend), the firehouse (family's friends)
Priscilla Pynch:
Position: daughter of a very rich buissnesswoman
Profesion: student
Age: 14 years old
Pronouns: she/her
Main hand: right-hand
Psychiatric disorder: being egotistical count as a narcissist or she's just not to empathetich?
Additions to current design: none
Main Treats:
'but- mom!'
Richie kid with 0 real love and attention
Living family: Madeline (mother), who knows else, that kid is not really into talk about her life except if it's about last tendencies
Dr. Thadeus Morroco
Position: (an idiot-) ??
Profesion: scientist, time-traveler, narrator sometimes
Age: depends, he take his magic bath recently?
Pronouns: he/him
Main hand: both
Psychiatric disorder: same that with Priscilla, I'm not sure
Additions to current design: none (that Wolverine hairstyle is perfect-)
Main Treats:
He's a villian but don't have a diabolical laugh (what a pity).
Likes science... only if it benefits him.
He knew Elma, and probably thinks that Frankie is just as irritaiting as her.
Living family: travel-time partners count?
Madeline Pynch
Position: CEO
Profesion: (a great-) buissness woman
Age: 40-50 years old
Pronouns: she/her
Main hand: left-hand
Psychiatric disorder: narcissist
Additions to current design: none
Main Treats:
Always seeking new techs.
Gold is her passion.
'not now, sweetie, mommy is cyberbullyng the mayor' is her meme version
Living family: Priscilla (daughter) is the only one she cares (if she cares), Soundwave (maybe)
Sorry if is too much but I wanted to mantain EVERYTHING in the same post.
That will be my canon from now on
Se you later😎✌️
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kachikirby · 6 months
I'm going to be bias here cause they're my designs but... Beatrix and Marnie and questions: 7,9,10, 15, 16, 25, 42, 43, and 44.
It's fine! Thank you for the ask! Hope you won't have to wait too long for the reply!
I'll put the answers under the cut!
Beatrix: Stalking, breaking and entering, petty larceny, and pretty much anything that Katsumi does because they follow her around.
Marnie: None! Marnie is a good girl!
Beatrix: They less "cheat to win" and more "get other people to cheat for them".
Marnie: She plays by the rules.
Beatrix: Honestly, the rest of the universe. They are just happy to travel so they fantasize about what they could see in the future.
Marnie: Living a happy married or at least dating life with Risotto from the Intelligence Division.
Beatrix: "Hmmmm? I'm just Beatrix. What else do you want?"
Marnie: She would call herself "a cute little magical girl".
Beatrix: Depends on who you ask. Katsumi in particular would describe them as an annoying pet-thing-whatever. Despite this, she doesn't have the heart to get rid of them.
Marnie: Generally, everyone would describe her as a cute magical girl who is like a pop idol in the Mage Division of the Organization. When it comes to major apprentices of the Big Four, she's probably the second most popular.
Beatrix: Fighting. She's kinda useless in a fight lmao.
Marnie: Reaching high places. That might be why she's attracted to people built like fridges.
Beatrix: Usually people think they're really annoying lmao.
Marnie: The general first impression is that she's very nice and very much like a magical girl.
Beatrix: Their heterochromia.
Marnie: Honestly, her outfit. She likes fashion.
Beatrix: They're not above lying. That's how they get people to do things for them lmao.
Marnie: She always tries to be honest and is a terrible liar.
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contreparry · 2 years
Happy Friday!! How about "A window filled with eerily smiling faces" from the Invisible Cities prompts?
Here’s some Ostwick Circle Trevelyan for @dadrunkwriting !
“Now remember! Reverend Mother Dorothea has come to visit the First Enchanter and Knight Commander and give a sermon, so be on your best behavior while we’re gone!” Lydia ordered the young apprentices, all of them ranging from age five to ten. “No stray spells, listen to your teacher, and do not give him grief while we are out of the classroom!”
“Yes, Enchanter Lydia,” the children chorused.
“Apprentice Evelyn will be back to take over the lessons before the hour is out,” Lydia added, “so be good for her replacement, or she will be quite cross indeed! Especially after all the effort we put in to make her look nice!”
“Enchanter Lydia!” Evelyn whispered as the children giggled. She nervously smoothed out the front of her robes, clean blue linen perfectly pressed. Lydia had braided her hair into an ornate plait that she pinned up in a crown around her head. Lydia insisted on the formal robe and the elaborate braid- Reverend Mother Dorothea was an important woman, Lydia insisted, and she wanted to show off her beloved apprentice at her best. Even the children were invested, for Lydia had them vote on which hair ribbon should be woven into her hair. They picked the canary yellow one after much debate, and they shouted suggestions to Lydia as she braided Evelyn’s hair. It’s a very important sermon, Lydia informed the children as she tucked the stray ends of the ribbon into Evelyn’s braid. Adults only, Lydia informed the children, but Evelyn would be back soon enough.
Evelyn would much rather remain with the junior apprentices, teaching them magical theory and how to safely coax a flame to life and hold it in the palm of their hand. But Lydia so rarely asked her for anything. Naturally Evelyn was (mostly) happy to assist her mentor and her first friend in Ostwick Circle. Even if it meant dressing up and greeting a Chantry mother she didn’t know.
“Please remember to mind your manners with Enchanter Thomas, children,” Evelyn addressed her charges. “If you are good and diligent, we will spend a class out in the herbarium to study the plants we use for potions.”
The promise of an outdoor lesson was well-received, and as the children whispered excitedly to each other Lydia linked her arm with Evelyn’s and whisked her out of the classroom. As they walked down the corridor Evelyn glanced over at her mentor. The young woman had carefully swooped a dash of kohl along her eyelashes, drawing attention to her bright green eyes. Her curly pale blond hair was carefully dressed and pinned back, and her own olive green robes were almost rigid with starch.
“Who is this Reverend Mother Dorothea, Lydia?” Evelyn whispered as they walked. “You’ve never dressed up this much for any other Chantry mother or sister who comes up here!” In fact, Evelyn couldn’t recall a time Lydia bothered to dress up for anyone! Reverend Mother Dorothea must be a fearsome woman, to make even easy-going, cheerful Lydia suddenly worry about decorum. She was ten years Evelyn’s senior and a talented mage who specialized in creation magic. Her talent and efforts made up for her disregard of most social norms, so if Lydia was worried- Evelyn’s hand instinctively tightened around Lydia’s elbow, searching for some comfort from her friend.
Lydia halted in the hall. She glanced around, as if making sure that they were truly alone, before she grasped Evelyn’s hand and tugged her into a shadowed alcove.
“… the Divine is sick,” Lydia murmured.
“She’s always sick,” Evelyn replied. Divine Beatrix III hadn’t been in good health in years, if all the rumors from Val Royeux were true. Not a year passed without some whisper of the Divine’s flagging health. It had been that way since Evelyn was a child, and had only gotten worse as the years passed.
“It’s worse than before. Much worse. Would be surprised if she made it through the winter. Would be a miracle if she saw the beginning of 9:34,” Lydia said. “It’s said… I have a good source in Orlais. He says Dorothea is the Divine’s choice as her replacement.”
“Oh,” Evelyn tried to wrap her head around this information, tried to figure out why all this new information tied in with sleepy Ostwick, which was far away from Orlais and any power struggles within the Chantry. “I… see.”
Lydia sighed and squeezed Evelyn’s hands. “Think of it like chess. We move our center pawns out. We bring out our knight. We don’t move our king or our rook. Why?”
“So we take control of the board. Because knights can jump over the other pieces. So we can castle if we need to,” Evelyn promptly replied. “So… we’re playing twenty moves ahead?”
“We’re playing to win,” Lydia said. “There’s always someone rumbling about something, and having an ally in high places is the best way to keep Ostwick safe.”
“… so we dress up. And act nice,” Evelyn murmured. Lydia always tried to protect her and the other apprentices from rumors of Circle uprisings and Annulments, but they heard them anyways. This was why Lydia ought to be First Enchanter, a rebellious part of Evelyn muttered. Lydia cared about them, all of them, and she was clever. If she thought courting the favor of Reverend Mother Dorothea would help keep Ostwick’s Mages safe, then Evelyn would play the perfect apprentice Mage.
“You’re already nice, Evie,” Lydia said softly. “You don’t have to act. If you’re nervous you can ask to go check on the children. She’ll probably like that.”
“I’ll stay for as long as you need me,” Evelyn decided. “Enchanter Thomas needs to remember what it’s like to teach baby Mages, anyways.” If it were anyone else Evelyn would feel sorry for giving them her rambunctious class, but Enchanter Thomas was forever complaining about everything, especially the apprentices. He could use a bit of humbling. Harmless humbling, that is. She resolved to let the children have their outdoor lesson regardless of their behavior. Putting up with Enchanter Thomas had to count for something.
“We’ll stick together, then,” Lydia declared with a chuckle. “Come on, off we go.”
Both the First Enchanter and the Knight Commander stood in the chapel, shoulder to shoulder as they spoke with a third figure, a stately woman dressed in crimson and white with a golden sunburst upon her chest. Other Enchanters and apprentices milled about, every exit guarded by Templars. Even with their helms down Evelyn recognized some of them- Ser Quentin stood in the back left by the altar, while Ser Serena walked down the far right wall towards the choir loft, her deep brown hair escaping the lip of her helmet to dangle in a long tail down her back. 
Evelyn spotted her some of fellow apprentices dressed in the traditional formal blue robes, including her closest friends. Mara was still half asleep, her short auburn hair slightly mussed and her pointed ears red from the slight chill in the air. When she turned to wave at them Evelyn spied an ink stain on her round, freckled cheek. Paul, however, was as tidy and well-dressed as her- even more so, in fact. His beard was neatly trimmed to his sharp jaw. Silver earrings dangled from his pointed ears, and even his blue apprentice robes were ironed and starched.
“Lydia,” Evelyn whispered as they crossed the chapel floor. “This isn’t a normal sort of Chantry service, is it?” Between the extra guards and everyone decked out in their best- better than Chantry best, Evelyn couldn’t help the unease roiling about in her stomach. The Divine was sick, sicker than usual, and a Reverend Mother was giving a sermon.
“It’s normal, for the most part,” Lydia assured her. “Just.. some light politicking.”
“... wouldn’t a feast in Ostwick proper be more appropriate?” Evelyn already saw the arrangements her family would make: the finest of crystal and silverware polished until one could see their reflection, and crisp linens on all the tables. There would be fish from the harbor and venison from the woods and at least three types of soup. Mother would wear the Trevelyan emeralds and probably loop her hair up into a style that was... not unlike what she was wearing now.
Push your pawn out to the center to claim the board. Her grandmother said she looked like her mother, a round face and a swan-like neck. But her eyebrows were Trevelyan through and through. If anyone got a look at her and another member of the family, they would know. And they would draw their conclusions: Ostwick Circle has allies. Look at their own Mage child, kept here instead of sent off to another land.
“She will, later today,” Lydia murmured. “Ah, she noticed you. Good. Go take a seat, Evie.” Lydia pushed her away at the elbow, a soft, subtle movement that Evelyn followed automatically. Sit on bench. Listen to sermon. Ignore the way the elegant woman at the front of the chapel stared at her, her deep blue eyes tracking every step like she was a hawk and Evelyn her prey. Smile, she told herself. Smile like the dolls in the window of that one toy shop in Val Royeux, the one her grandmother walked her by when she was seven. Smile that serene smile of those finely dressed fashion dolls behind the glass, eerie and ethereal and not there-
Do it for the others, she told herself with every step. If Reverend Mother Dorothea’s interest in them bought Ostwick safety after Divine Beatrix was gone, she could endure staring. She could endure anything. She sat down on the bench with Mara at her right and Paul behind her, folded her trembling hands in her lap, and reminded herself that pawns weren’t needlessly sacrificed and Lydia was a decent chess player. She knew what she was doing.
Lost in her thoughts and worries, Reverend Mother Dorothea’s sermon went in one ear and out the other. Evelyn hadn’t even realized it was over until the others rose to their feet and she hastily popped up to join them, all of them retreating from the chapel to their respective duties. Evelyn was going to make good her escape and return to the classroom when Lydia snatched her elbow and drew her aside.
“Take a walk around the gardens before you go back in. You look a little peaky, Evie. The fresh air will do you good,” she suggested brightly, and when she leaned in close she whispered.
“The Reverend Mother brought a companion with her- a girl your age- eighteen? Nineteen? She has red hair, is dressed in a tunic and hunting boots. It might be worth it to make a new friend and say hello to her, no?” Lydia suggested before sending Evelyn off with a smile.
At least it was a good excuse to wander around the herbarium, Evelyn thought as she walked away from the chapel and into the cool autumn afternoon. She could make lesson plans along the way. Perhaps, she thought with a grimace as she remembered just how many of her pupils were related to important people in the Free Marches, she would start with a short lesson on chess.
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silverhallow · 1 year
Hello, please could I request benophie where Sophie is out with the Bridgerton girls for girls night but runs into Rosamond who spikes her drink because she's a jealous cow and Benedict comes to get her and is instantly super protective ❤️
So we’re gonna go into the WWWY AU here..:
Let me fast forward a few years and let me set the scene. Sophie’s 20, Kate’s about to turn 21 and both are in really good relationships with both Bridgerton Brother’s. Kate’s in her last year of Uni and Anthony’s talked her into a girls night with Sophie, Beatrix, Roger’s girlfriend Lily, Alice, Lucy and Gen are all out…and they spot someone who, if Sophie sees… will ruin their night.
Im gonna post this on ao3 as well as it’s like 5k long 😂
“Oh no!” Lucy said, turning her back quickly from a crowd of girls who had just walked in.
Gen slipped an arm around her girlfriend's waist. “what is it?”
“The wicked witch's apprentice…” Lucy said in a low voice so that only the girls in their group could hear them.
Sophie had gone to the toilet with Beatrix so hadn’t seen and wouldn’t hear the conversation.
“Who…?” Lily asked and Kate, blanching as she spotted the tall blonde looking around the room with her nose in the air like she owned the place, quickly filled Lily in.
Lily looked horrified as Alice glared over the shoulders of the girls. She and Kate were two of the tallest of the group and found it easy to spot her.
“We have to keep Soph away from her.” Lucy said
“Maybe we should call Ben?” Gen suggested
“Only if it’s an emergency. He’ll only cause a scene being protective and she might not even… fuck!” Kate said “she’s seen me…”
Kate had been looking around the room and Rosamund’s eyes had fallen on Kate and widened when she saw her.
“God!” Came Sophie’s voice as she fought her way through the crowd to the girls “honestly, it’s insane in the loos… what… what’s wrong?!” She said looking around the group of women around her
“Nothing!” They all said immediately and closed in around Sophie a little to shield her.
Despite being 20 Sophie was still a lot shorter than the rest of the girls.
Lucy was the closest to her in height and she was a good 2 inches taller than her, Beatrix looked at the girls with a weary curiosity and she saw Kate’s eyes move in a weird direction and Beatrix turned her head slightly as Lucy distracted Sophie asking her a question about her Veterinary course and spotted what caused the girls to turn into a pack of lioness’ protecting their cub.
Beatrix’s nostrils flared and Kate’s tiny shake of her head both went unnoticed by Sophie who was happily explaining that she’d been learning more about surgery on animals.
“Shall we move to the otherside of the bar where it’s a bit quieter?” Kate asked as nonchalantly as possible and Sophie just shrugged as the other girls agreed and they all moved through to the other room away from the danger.
Or so they thought.
It was an hour later when the girls were making their way through the third of their chosen drinks and Sophie had been the first to finish “shall I go get the round in?” she smiled happily at her friends and, having thought they had seen Rosamund leave a few minutes earlier, all relaxed and figured there was no harm in leaving Sophie to go to the bar.
Lily followed her to help her carry the drinks over and Sophie was completely oblivious to the girl standing next to her at the bar and Lily, having never met Rosamund, had no idea that she hadn’t actually left but was standing next to another tall ginger girl at the bar.
Sophie was just chatting happily away to Lily about their course and neither girl was paying much attention. “So we’ve got the Beer for Kate and Alice… You’ve got your Vodka and Coke, Gen’s got her Rum and Coke, Lucy’s Vodka and Cranberry… and they’re just making my Gin and Tonic” Sophie said looking at the glasses “do you wanna take these over, i’ll pass you yours and Lucy’s whilst he’s finishing mine and i’ll pay?”
Lily nodded and grabbed a few of the drinks and turned around and walked over to the girls, gave them their drinks and made her way back to Sophie who was watching the man adding the tonic to her Gin. “Hey Soph” Lily said, putting her hand on Sophie’s shoulder and Sophie beamed and turned around, completely turning her back on her drink, as she handed Lily the last two drinks.
The barman had gone to put the money that Sophie had handed over and as she turned back, she had no idea that Rosamund, who had now slipped away, had just poured something into her drink.
Sophie took her change, beamed at the barman and headed back to her friends, drink in hand with no idea of what had happened.
Kate had spotted Rosamund once again whilst they were waiting and was a little frantic as she watched her coming away from the bar but seeing the smile on Sophie’s face made her visibly relax “all good?”
“Yeah, the barman was really nice. Doubled all the drinks up for free, though I’ve stuck with the single. I’ve got stuff to do tomorrow so need a clearish head” Sophie smiled.
“This is why I love drinking with you girls, we get excellent freebies” Kate laughed as she raised her bottle to the group.
“We get more when Gen and Lucy start making out in front of them” Alice laughed.
Gen and Lucy laughed “oh man I know, remember the Wings we got when Kate dragged us to watch the rugby?” Lucy asked
Sophie giggled “oh man, that poor man had no idea where to look”
“It is a blessed relief to not have to watch a cousin making out with their girlfriends” Beatrix laughed
“The joys of such large families” Kate grinned “and such a close group of friends”
“I know, can you believe that we’ve friends for what… 10 years??” Lucy said
“Well…” Lily said
“Oh come on, you and Soph became friends instantly and it’s like you’ve always been part of the group” Alice beamed at her
“And me and Soph had been friends for like 20 years…”
“God we are getting old!”
“We’ll be at weddings for one another soon and babies…”
“Kate’ll be first!” Sophie giggled as she swayed a little on the spot, her half drunk drink in her hand.
“Excuse me! I think it’ll be Alice or Bea first! They’ve been with their boyfriends for years!” Kate said and frowned at Sophie “are you okay?”
“Yes! Yes! I’m…” Sophie said blinking a bit “maybe he did give me the double… smell this…” she said giving it to Lily.
Lily worked as a barmaid in their first year before Sophie got her a job at Crabtree’s with her “nah, that doesn’t smell like a double…”
“Oh…” Sophie said “oh well” she giggled before turning her attention to Alice and started talking but it barely made any sense.
Lily just watched and felt a horrible sinking sensation in her stomach “i…” she turned to Kate and whispered “I think we need to get that drink off Sophie…”
“Why…” Kate asked as she watched Lily rummaging in her bag.
“Just do it” she hissed at her urgently.
Sophie was swaying a bit on the spot like she’d had too much to drink. Kate walked over and took Sophie’s drink off her and Sophie didn't even realise her hand was now empty.
Lily grabbed the test in her bag and Kate blinked “is that…”
“Yes… Sophie shouldn’t be drink. She’s drinking Gordon’s and only Gordon’s. I know it takes 8 singles before she’s drunk… she’s had 4… My Brother got me these, he’s in the police…” She said as she used Sophie’s straw to drop two drops onto the little test strip she had in her hand and Kate and Lily held their breath as Beatrix walked over.
“Has someone given Sophie tequila???” She asked “she’s… barely… Oh… fuck” Beatrix said as she saw the little patches turn from Pink to Blue. “Oh no…”
“What?” Kate asked “i’m guessing this isn’t good…”
“Sophie’s been spiked.” Lily said
“Everyone, stop drinking your drinks…” Beatrix said immediately “and hand them over. Alice. Can you take Sophie to sit down please and DO not take your eyes off her” she said, taking over the situation as Lily got more tests out and started testing the drinks.
Everyone’s drink was fine expect Sophie’s
“Rosamund… she must… but how…” Kate said furious.
“Sophie listed the drinks at the to make sure she had everyone’s… she must have been nearby… we… we need to call someone” Lily said
Gen walked over “what is going on… Sophie’s struggling to sit still on the chair, Lucy and Alice have had to push her up but it’s like she’s hammered…”
“She’s been spiked…”
“Fuck… you don’t think…”
“If it was all of us… then i’d think it was the barman but I think… I think it’s just…”
“We need to get Ben, we need to call Ben and get him to come get Sophie… she needs to go to the hospital, probably need to call Uncle Nick… and probably my Dad…”
“Oh god, Uncle Richard is going to go fucking APESHIT if he finds out it was Rosamund…” Kate sighed “but I’ll go ring Ben and Ant… can, can someone go tell the barman, Gen can you do it? Given the Rosamund’s description and just say we’re going to have to go to the police”
Gen nodded and walked off, she whispered in Lucy and Alice’s ear and their faces were set. Lily turned to Beatrix “shall I call my dad? Or do you think…?”
“Mine’s closer… I could call Tom, probably more like to be calmer than my dad…” Beatrix sighed as she grabbed her phone “keep an eye on her please?” she said gesturing to Sophie who seemed to be confused now “just… keep her there”
Lily nodded and made her way over to Alice and Lucy who were standing with Sophie and keeping her as calm as they could as Sophie had no idea what was going on and was a little frightened now.
Kate made her way outside and felt anxiety in her stomach as she took a deep breath and called Benedict.
“Hey Kate!” came the cheery voice at the end of the phone “everything ok? I wasn’t expecting to hear from you all for a few hours yet?”
Benedict had offered to pick the girls up and bring them home as he had a rowing competition the next morning and couldn’t have a beer.
“There… there’s been a bit of an incident and I need you to come get us. I’ll explain it when you get here okay, everything’s okay… sort of but just… get here soon we’re at the Slug and Lettuce were you dropped us off” Kate explained.
There was no way she was telling him that Sophie's been spiked before he drove over, he’d crash his car and it wouldn’t help anyone.
“Kate…” Benedict said a little bit of panic in his voice.
“Just get here quickly please Ben… please… are you with Ant?” she asked
“Put him on please…” Kate asked
“Okay… Ant… Kate wants you” Benedict said quietly into the phone and the next think Kate heard was the sound of her own boyfriend
“Hey Babe what's up…?” Anthony asked
“Have you had a beer yet?”
“Nah was about to…”
“Follow Ben over to us please. We’re gonna need two cars, Ben’s gonna have to take Sophie to the hospital…”
“What has happened???” he asked, though quietly, he knew Kate well enough to know that there was no way she’d have told him what was going on and the confused look on his brother’s face as he went to get his shoes, coat and keys had said enough.
“Rosa was here…”
“WHAT?!” he yelled
“Will you be quiet!” Kate hissed “she didn’t say anything but Sophie’s been spiked. Bea’s calling her dad or her brother not sure which one. The girls are with her… but she’s gonna need a full test and what not…”
“Oh he’s gonna go fucking spare…” Anthony scowled “do you think… Do you think she knew you were out?”
“Nah, she looked surprised when she saw us but Sophie was talking loudly about Ben before with Bea and I think Rosa just… saw an opportunity and took it… just hurry up please?” Kate begged
“Of course, we’ll be like 20 minutes, it shouldn’t be busy” Anthony said “just… stay with her and be careful…” he said “i’ll call when we’re here”
“Will do and don’t say anything to him… Love you” Kate replied as she hung up.
Kate groaned, this was not how she envisaged spending her 21st birthday but Sophie’s safety was paramount and she was determined to ensure her best friend was safe, as she made her way back in she saw Beatrix.
“Tom’s going to come over and get our statements, he’s on duty tonight thankfully, he said he’d speak to his boss and ask if he can deal with it and explain the connection and check the security cameras” Beatrix explained.
“We’re going to have to call Uncle Rich aren’t we?”
“Probably, if he hears from Dad or Tom…”
“Maybe wait til Ben and Soph are at the hospital….”
“You didn’t…”
“God no, he’d crash the car with rage if he found out before he got here. Once he’s here and he knows Sophie will be his priority and getting her the care she needs…” Kate sighed.
“Good. Honestly, when she broke her wrist last year and we called him to say she’d taken a tumble… I thought he was going to have a stroke…”
“You would be the one to know with the medical degree” Kate grinned.
They popped back inside to make sure Sophie was okay and no one had told Sophie what was going on and she was just slurring her words and was struggling like no one had seen before and they made her drink some water and just kept her still, it was about 20 minutes later when Kate felt her phone buzz and Anthony had messaged to say there were then and she was about to call when Sophie yelled
“Fucking hell what’s the matter with her?!” Benedict asked looking furious at the group of friends “how much has she had to drink?” he asked.
He had driven over in a bit of a panic with no idea what was going on, only that Anthony had been asked to come and his face was set with rage.
“She… she’s been spiked…” Lily explained and Benedict’s legs nearly gave way as he looked at his girlfriend in horror
“She… she…”
“Not sure which drug but you need to get her to the hospital” Lily explained
“How… who…”
“Rosamund. We think”
“No” Anthony said, putting a calming hand on his brother’s shoulder. “Bea’s called Tom, Tom’s rung me, they’re coming to get the statements and evidence. You’re going to take Sophie to the hospital as she’s your girlfriend and she needs you to take care of her… we will ensure Rosamund is taken care of”
“Benni benni benni” Sophie was saying over and over again. “I don’t feel so good” she whined as she swayed again as she went to reach for Benedict and Benedict made a quick, surprisingly graceful move and grabbed her before she toppled off the chair as she vomited and threw up on him.
Under normal circumstances Benedict would have been sick himself, the sight of sickness or blood from anyone but Sophie seemed to trigger Benedict to throw up himself but with Sophie, his protective nature kicked in and nothing phased him and it seemed to jerk him into action.
“Right. I’m taking Sophie to the hospital. Lily, do you wanna come with me? You can call Peter… he is with Henry but he’ll wanna know what’s going on and someone needs to show the test to the hospital…” Benedict said as he held Sophie to him as she was looking around wildly asking what was going on, completely confused and her skin a horrible white and green colour as she clung to Benedict like he was a lifeline.
Peter, Sophie and Lily had shared a flat in the first year of Uni and since he had been unable to swap to Cambridge until next year when he finished is Undergraduate Degree, Peter and Sophie had continued to flat share but Henry and Benedict had shared a place and usually just ended up swapping places over the weekends.
“We’ll ring you as soon as we’re done with Tom and we’ll come over tomorrow. Are you bringing Sophie back to yours?” Kate asked.
“Yeah, be safer and I’ll call her dad, don’t worry about any of you doing it… just ask Tom not to tell his dad until he’s heard from me… if he’s on duty with Will, ask them not to say anything to Uncle George either… If I talk to Uncle Richard, he will understand, he’ll be furious but i’ll call him when I’m back at home with her, once she’s taken care of” Benedict explained and he saw all the girls physically relax. He knew they wouldn’t want to call Sophie’s dad and have to tell him what happened.
If he called after the fact and told Richard everything and gave him the report details for the Police, as Sophie’s dad and lawyer, Rosamund, if it was indeed her that spiked Sophie, would be in for a world of trouble.
“Help me with Soph to the car…” Benedict said “anyone got a bag or something in case she needs to throw up?”
Beatrix just laughed “have you looked in Sophie’s bag? She’s usually the one with the sick bags for the taxi home… she’s such a mum”
Benedict opened Sophie’s handbag and sure enough… “why…”
“Kate throwing up on her shoes… and it cost them £60 to valet the taxi…” Alice laughed.
Kate just shrugged “it’s why they banned me from drinking sambuca, but please just keep me in the loop about Sissy please”
“Of course,” Benedict said as he effortlessly picked Sophie up on his arms and then turned to Kate “If you happen to see her again…”
Gen and Lucy snarled “oh don’t worry, if we see her, she will wish she was never born” Gen growled.
The girls were all a really close knit group and had been, even after Gen and Ben’s dating disaster, it was Gen who helped Sophie see some sense when everything had happened between them.
Lucy was the one who pointed out to her brother and Benedict that Peter and Sophie weren’t in love with one another… but them.
Alice was like the mum of the group along with Sophie when they all went out. Sophie usually had early classes so was usually the most sober one of the girls whenever they went out and it was usually the two of them helping with the rest of them when they couldn’t stand.
Benedict had never been more grateful that his girlfriend had such a good group of friends and Lily had fit in so effortlessly with them and she didn’t take any of Roger’s shit and on Sophie’s course with her and with her father being a policeman as well meant they were always well looked after.
“Thanks” Benedict said to Lily as she helped Sophie into the back of his car and Lily climbed in next to her and held her up, keeping a sick bag near Sophie’s mouth just incase.
“You don’t have to thank me. Sophie stopped me from being spiked during Freshers week… she’s my best friend Ben… so of course I want to help… I just wish i’d seen it to stop it” Lily sighed
“Don’t blame yourself, Rosamund is a vile vile creature and Sophie’s dad is going to go wild and ensure she’s charged…” Benedict said getting in the car
“Well if we can prove it was her, there is a 10 year prison sentence for drugging someone” Lily said as they sped off towards the hospital.
Lily went in before Benedict when they arrived and explained the situation to the reception desk as Benedict carried Sophie who was now struggling to stay awake, the vomit had dried on his top and he looked a mess but he didn’t care.
Georgiana was at work and she’d been walking past when she heard Lily say Sophie’s name and stopped on the spot and looked over and recognised Lily from Sophie’s 20th birthday and her heart sank and she saw her Nephew walking in with Sophie slung over his shoulder and she turned to the receptionist
“It’s okay i’ll take them in now…” she said and called Benedict over and she saw the relief on his face as he spotted his aunt.
“Oh thank god” he said as he followed Georgiana into the room and Lily began explaining everything to Georgiana and handed her the test.
“Okay so there isn’t much we can do, i’ll take some blood to confirm which drug it is so we know what we’re gonna be dealing with but it’s one of those where it has to just… leave her system, did she drink the whole drink?”
“No only about half” Lily explained “we were talking and thankfully Sophie’s not one to drink quickly so it was about half hour and she started to slur her words and she’d been sticking to singles and one Gin so I knew she couldn’t be drunk so me and Kate took her drink off her and Dad gave me loads of these tests after my close shave in first year…”
Georgiana nodded “the drink’s been kept for the police?”
“Yes, Bea called Tom rather than her dad… seen as he’d tell Richard and then London would end up on fire…” Benedict said
Georgiana chuckled “you’re not wrong, though i’m surprised you’re so calm…” she said to her nephew. “You were wild when Sophie broke her arm… again”
“Kate and the girls have the police side under control. Sophie’s my main concern here… she’s my girlfriend and I need to be calm. Lily knows what happened but that’s not to say if I come across Rosamund before the girls do I won’t tear her limbs apart”
Georgiana chuckled “far enough. Okay, let’s do this. Are you going to be okay to watch?”
“Sophie’s puked on me Gee… i’ve not been sick, not passed out… it’s Sophie, weirdly, if she’s the one in pain or hurting none of this bothers me” Benedict grinned
“That's because you love her.” she grinned at getting the equipment out to carry out the tests. Sophie had passed out by this point and Georgiana hadn’t been concerned as it was one of the side effects and she’d explained she assumed it was GHB rather than Ketamine as this was the usual result of GHB but as she was safe, she’d sleep it off and more than likely feel like she’d been hit by a bus for a few days.
Benedict called his coach whilst Lily waited with Sophie in the room and Georgiana went to have the tests and bloods run.
He explained the situation to his coach and whilst he was disappointed that Benedict was going to miss the first races of the season he understood that his girlfriend’s health came first.
When Benedict went back in Georgiana followed him in “Okay so as suspected it’s GHB, given her size, it’s probably a good job she didn’t drink it all as it could have caused to to OD on it… given the strength of what was in there” Georgiana explained and Benedict looked sick and murderous at the same time as Lily gasped.
“Thank god I got Kate to take it off her” Lily sighed
Benedict just grunted, completely unable to articulate his words because if Sophie had been killed by that evil witch, he would not have been able to cope.
“Yeah so she’ll sleep it off but she’s in for a rough few days after this as she comes down from it, the levels in her blood work suggest it’s going to be like the world's worst hangover, shivers, throwing up… the lot” Georgiana said “she’ll not be able to be left alone for long because she’ll be tired and she might be sick so need to make sure she doesn’t choke”
Benedict nodded “I'm gonna bring her back to mine and I don’t have classes until Tuesday and if I have to miss them… Henry can bring me the work” he said
Georgiana nodded “the other thing is that she’s got a low iron count which won’t help, she needs to get some red meat into her otherwise she’s gonna have fun if you guys ever decide to have kids” she grinned at her nephew who went bright red instantly.
Lily laughed at him “Oh your face…”
“Do not say that in front of Richard please. He might kill me” Benedict said
Georgiana bit her lip to avoid telling him of the bet that his father had with Sophie’s father and just smiled “fair enough but come on, by the time your Mum and Dad were your age, they had you and Ant already” she teased
“Auntie Gee do you have to…” he grimaced and Georgiana laughed
“I’ll stop, but i’ve got a prescription for some Iron Tablets and some stuff that will help her Nausea that she’ll feel tomorrow” Georgiana explained “and i’m not working tomorrow or Monday if you need help or any advice and don’t wanna bring her back. Nick is off Tuesday-Thursday”
“Thank you” Benedict said
“And i’ve got copies of everything for the police so when they call i’ll had it over” she said
Lily nodded “they might be able to bump the charges based on what you’ve told us about the dose”
Benedict just growled and decided not to say anything because if he did he’d lose his temper and Sophie just started whimpering and woke up.
Benedict reassured his girlfriend she was okay and kissed her sweat-laded brow as he looked to Georgiana “how long til we can go?”
“I just need to get the prescriptions made, then you can get her home and into bed and you can call her dad,” Georgiana said, getting up and leaving the room.
Lily looked at Benedict and Sophie and sighed “I swear i never knew this girl but she’s a fucking awful piece of work. I mean… Sophie’s like a puppy…”
“Honestly Lils. don’t get me started. Ask Roge what she was like in school…” Benedict sighed as he stroked Sophie’s hair.
“I will. I’ll make some chicken soup for Soph tomorrow and bring it over. Pete said Henry will crash at our place so you can have the flat to yourself to help Sophie recover” Lily said as she checked her phone.
Benedict nodded, he knew his best mate and Sophie’s best mate wouldn’t have an issue with it because they’d do the same for them. “Bea’s spoken to Tom, they’ve got all the drink and stuff and the CCTV from the bar and she said she’ll pop around with Matty tomorrow to fill you in. Sophie wont remember any of the events so the police won’t really ask her much”
Benedict nodded again “i guess there isn’t much we can do but hope it’s on the CCTV that she’s the one doing it”
“Well given how close the CCTV is to the bars for the security of the staff, it should show something… it only needs to pick up Rosamund near the drink and her hand near it as well and it should be enough with her past… they can get the records from school about her bullying Sophie so…” Lily explained
“You know, i’m so fucking pleased your Dad is a Policeman. I mean i know Sophie’s uncle is and Bea’s brother’s are but you’re just so switched on about it all”
“Yeah, dad’s told me enough horror stories to last a lifetime…” Lily sighed “but I think its good to have an understanding and it’s meant little hassle and hopefully be all sorted soon”
Benedict thanked Lily again and they waited for Georgiana to come back in with the prescription and promised to keep in touch with Benedict in case anything changed before they left.
Benedict dropped Lily off back at the flat she shared with Pete and Sophie. Roger was waiting with Pete and Henry and they all came to check on Sophie who had fallen asleep again in the car.
Pete had packed a bag for Sophie to take to Ben’s, though she had some clothes she left there, he packed a few of her personal items, like the stuffed dog version of Sophie's old beloved pet dog Bernie and Mr Snuggles for additional comfort.
They all implored Benedict to keep them in the loop and Benedict promised as he hugged all his friends and his cousin before departing with Sophie.
It wasn’t that far a drive from her place to his, especially given the time of night, it was a 40 minute drive rather than the usual hour and he got Sophie into the flat without any issue and got her changed and placed her into his bed.
He knew he’d have to call Richard in the morning, as it was nearly 3am when he settled himself into the bed next to Sophie, he knew it was pointless to call now as he’d have a heart attack if he called now.
He sighed as he looked down at his tiny girlfriend, sleeping peacefully unaware that she was going to wake in 2 hours time violently throwing up and feeling like she’d been hit by a bus.
He hated that the vile witch had managed to get her again and he just hoped it didn’t knock her confidence in the way it had when she was 15, it had taken so long to get her to the confident woman she was growing into and whilst he loved her no matter what, and he would love her no matter what, he knew that the news about Rosamund’s attack would be out of the blue and wouldn’t go down well but he vowed he would protect her.
He felt like he had failed tonight, Rosamund had gotten to her and it was only through the quick thinking of their friends that Sophie was still alive and it made him feel physically sick at the thought he might have lost her.
He knew he would spend the rest of his life with Sophie, he knew he wanted to marry her and he had been working with Gen to design an engagement ring for when she graduated but the events of the night made him even more determined, he would not lose Sophie and he knew, once he explained all to Richard whilst Sophie was sleeping, they would ensure Rosamund would rue the day she messed with Sophie and would ensure that she spent a large chunk of the next 10-20 years behind bars.
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eve-to-adam · 2 years
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Jarlath Elkins He was born on March 21, 1904 in London as the son of Jacob Elkins and Beatrix Elkins (née Delatour). His father died a few months after his birth, while he was on a business trip. Despite this, Jarlath found a father figure in his father's brother, Noah Elkins. He took over some of the family's duties during his grandson's childhood, working with Beatrix to make Jarlath the next head of the Elkins family. Jacob was never suited for this role, being easily influenced, naive and lacking the firmness to lead the family, so Jarlath was raised to contrast his father's lack of interest and competence. He spent his childhood in the different residences of the family, where he was, most of the time, in the company of his uncle. Due to this reason, Jarlath seems to have had a rather harsh upbringing, something that Beatrix will end up regretting, because her son seems to have developed an obsession with perfection, which made him quite rigid and unforgiving. Moreover, his cold and calculating personality made him unable to form true and long-lasting friendships. Jarlath had few moments when he truly felt like a child. In the presence of his uncle he was like an apprentice, while in front of his mother he was incredibly formal, despite her desperate attempts to urge him to accept her affection naturally. Once he reached adulthood, Noah's influence seems to have ended, although Jarlath preferred to keep him close, sometimes offering him the chance to negotiate business on his behalf.
Ever since childhood, Jarlath's life seems to have focused more on work and maintaining the house than on fun. It was unlikely that he would have allowed himself to be driven by impulses and restrain any action he thought would lead to the ruin of the family. Despite this fact, over time, Jarlath gets to have with him some people whom he respects and with whom he manages to maintain both a long friendship and business relationship. Most of the time, he prefers to take charge of a situation himself rather than sending delegates, for fear of making mistakes. Despite the fact that he possessed the charm of the family, with impressive height and appearance, Jarlath maintained few intimate relationships throughout his life, considering them an unnecessary distraction. Their failure is due to his standards, which prompted Noah and Beatrix to take the initiative. The presence of Roesia Cox does not seem to have changed anything in the Earl's behavior, but the insistence of family members made Jarlath and Roesia meet several times over the next two years. Despite the fact that he did not fall in love with her, he found a useful and competent partner in the person of Roesia and in the partnership that the relationship with her would have brought, and this made him willing to marry her. Later, Roesia seems to have proven to be everything Jarlath wanted in a woman, a wife, a friend and a partner, making him offer his respect to her.
"The Earl was very easily offended and did not accept that everything related to his family and his name be criticized by those he considered incompetent. He could often be very vengeful and almost never forgive an insult brought to his name - or to his wife."  
(Volume I, Part II)
(Jarlath and Roesia are my original characters and they are part of the storytelling project me and @teodoraioana221 are working on.)  
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memoriesofivalice · 2 years
♪:  three songs that remind me of my muse
Some mornings are harder to wake up to alone, but the young mechanic still gets up and gathers is gear. Zexx made his choice and will hold to it as he straps on his tool belt for another day as an apprentice.
Teeth gritted, the lance would feel firm in Beatrix's hands with the familiar heft and strength she had come to rely on for these years. Adjusting her footing she would square up facing the Garlean landing party, weapons drawn as they began to shout at her.
"Go to hell you bastard," thick strong legs flexing as her hand flipped the visor of her dragoon helmet down. They wouldn't be the first nor the last in this battle on the Wayfarer.
Clawed hands gripped the crystal tightly as Kinowin struggled to contain the essence within it. Scales began to pull from his pale flesh as his eyes widened in a maddening mixture of pain and pleasure.
"Kino let it go!" Zexx screamed above the empty roar of the great empty.
"I can do it," Kino answered in barely a whisper. "I can do it."
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echovale052 · 3 months
your ocs' ways of expressing love, to listener or others??
Aww this is fun, I tried to keep it simple but I love this question too much. :))💛 I left out some characters that aren’t the like main ones. The Highbrook crew has reasons they aren’t super physically affectionate and that will be revealed later but if they could they would.
Amanda loves listening to all of the rambles and rants, hearing darling or Athena be passionate about something, remembering it and bringing it up to watch their faces light up is her favorite. When she gets comfortable she might sit shoulder to shoulder with Darling and Athena
Athena is observant, so making mental notes about things darling and Amanda like their favorite flowers or something like that. She may or may not have made darling a mechanical pet just like Cadmus.
Bonus: Drew - will almost always bring Amanda and Athena gifts from his travels and once darling sticks around too they definitely get gifts too.
Rowan, oh my gods bringing food and her hand on the shoulder 100%, mothering Sunshine is instinctive at this point. She will bring them some water while they’re practicing, offer them advice if they want it but she likes knowing the people she cares about are fed.
Avyanna, her and majesty have an interesting dynamic at the beginning but her love is telling majesty about their surroundings, and how their actions actually affect their citizens and not just how things benefit their pack and fixing their clothes.
Emile is almost always flirting with Ace if not just for shits and giggles, but compliments and (if they could do it as much as they wanted) kisses on the hand. During meetings emile will almost always have their foot resting next to or near Ace’s foot under the table.
Beatrix picks lost up all the time, nerding out about stuff is just so awesome. She and lost shake each other by the shoulders in excitement and Beatrix loves sitting at Lost’s height (bc she’s a lamia this is possible) it’s not uncomfortable for her plus she gets to look at their eyes fill with determination or joy or whatever it is.
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uncannycastletattoo · 2 years
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Some more pages from my repeatable flash book 🐭 the mouses axe at the bottom of the first page is loosely based on Gimli’s ⚔️
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the-werewithal · 2 years
I promised myself i wouldn’t make a whole party of warriors of light but then i did anyway. Behold! A whole pack of wols:
Raelha Redorah
Wol Prime. A Miqo’te NIN/DRG and the warrior you call if you need to hide a body. The backbone of the party
She grew up an orphan in limsa and has been having a bad time ever since. She had a daughter at 16, but an act of random violence took her away. On the outside she’s put together and stoic, but full of the most bitter cold rage on the inside. She’s long time friends with Y’shtola, while Estinien is one of the only people who sees just how furious she is. They find some kind of peace and absolution in each other’s arms. Unfortunately, the other person who sees through her cool exterior is Zenos. She hates melodrama and so refuses to admit that she 100% reciprocates the rivalry.
Dornrael Thorndotta
A roegadyn WRR/DRK and the sexiest woman to ever rock full plate armour. She’s the warrior you call when you need help moving for the third time this month. The leader of the party.
Shes the physical embodiment of oldest daughter syndrome with five younger sisters. Once she had a fling with Merlwyb but called it off out of professionalism, and years later they still sometimes think of what might have been. Charismatic, confident, and optimistic, she firmly believes everyone is good on the inside. She recommended Ilberd to Alphinaud. The bloody banquet shakes her to her core. She and Artoirel try to out Responsible Oldest Child each other and accidentally fall in love. She’s such a good leader that she ultimately taps out of the Scions after Stormblood to be a commander in the Alliance full time, and the future Lady Fortemps.
Beatrix de LaRoune.
A BRD/AST hyur, and Definitely Not on the run from heresy charges. The warrior you call when you need a shoulder to cry on. The heart of the party.
She grew up in ishgard and was training to become a knight when false heresy charges destroyed her whole family. She fled to Gridania and became a travelling bard, too wounded and afraid to ever settle down. She’s kind, passionate, and full of feelings. She was very close with Minfilia. While heavensward was a healing experience, and she and Aymeric pinned terribly for each other, it was all too much. Not until Doma’s liberation does she start to feel like she doesn’t need to run anymore. Hien gives her a home to return to and they love each other dearly. She’s a hopeless romantic.
A Vierra all-rounder turned MCH, she’s an ADHD having youth who is loving this whole ‘saviour of the star’ thing. The warrior you call for a night on the town. Shes the baby of the party and the resident trouble maker.
Adopted by a middling Ul’dahn merchant, she was a child prodigy at just about everything but so easily bored, she never stuck with any of it. A disappointment to her mother who expected her to go into academia. She drifts through life, just happy to tag along with the wols who know what they’re doing, until the Bloody Banquet. In Ishgard she takes up machinist with never before seen drive, inventing new and terrifying weapons on the daily. She’s somewhere between apprentice/little sister/unstoppable menace to Cid and Nero. Ace but she hasn’t worked that out yet. She starts to stagnate after heavensward, feeling bored and lost once more. Until Zenos shows up. She fully embraces him as her arch-enemy, until the bitter end. She hates him so much it goes all the way around to not hate at all.
Put together with duct tape and a lot of luck, they just about manage to save the star.
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Rune's Relationship Firsts
First crush: Beatrix Jansen, 1874 - '76 First sexual fulfillment: Clara Kraus, 1883 First skinny love: Aoi Ueno, 1910 - '12 First apprentice: Enoch Alastor Neumann, 1924 - First love (secret): Arthur De Luca, 1978 - 1996
Conclusion: He would have gone his entire natural life without knowing what real mutual romantic love felt like.
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author-a-holmes · 1 year
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Day 19 of the #writerfriendschallenge - Most Re-read Books?
Some of my most reread books are comfort books. Some are just staples of my favourite genre.
The Hobbit and Lord of the Rings by J.R.R Tolkien is an obvious answer, but true. I've been reading this one since I was nine and I've genuinly lost count of how many times I've reread it.
Anything by David and Leigh Eddings. The Belgariad, The Malloreon, The Elenium, and the Tamuli. As well as their stand alones, such as The Redemption of Althalus.
The Beatrix Potter Books, also the Animal Farm books. Both childrens series, but they're quick, easy, comfort reads.
Another quick series, that's more a comfort series than high literature, is "The Wizards Apprentice" series by Debra Doyle and James D. Macdonald.
Those are the only ones I can think of off the top of my head, but I'm sure there's dozens more lining my bookshelves if I went and looked.
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thefightingmagician · 5 years
The Useless Made Useful
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Time was or is, was it is if she could not tell whether or not time had actually passed? It was no matter. Time was a construct and in the realm of her Queen, she ruled it within her clawed fist. While the other hand, gestured, pointed and commanded. She was a two-handed type of ruler, and for most things, that was for the best. Two hands on, while the brain was formulating the next few steps. She had had to give her Queen credit, it was amazing what she was doing to the realm that was now their home.
And yet, within the heart that beat within her chest, it did not feel like home. She still felt connections to the world she had once lived within and her Queen could tell. Just as the Magician did. They eyed her carefully and suspiciously. They knew that she was not yet fully pledged to the cause, despite her words of reassurance.
She would be lying if she said she did not miss what life once was. And she would certainly be lying if she said she did not miss the women the Queen and the Magician had once been. And these thoughts made her weak. These wants of returning to what once was and what could have been made her skin crawl and her stomach twist.
Beatrix dug her bare heel into the ash coloured sand, eyes watching the deep maroon waves that lapped against the shores of ash. Her fingers clenched and unclenched at her sides before she raised them to her eyes, studying the slightly sharpened nails there. A huffed breath escaped her and her hands fell away, going back to their clenching motion.
There was little to no sound at the shores, save for her own breathing and the occasional sniff that escaped her. She had once found pleasure in silence, but this was not the silence she loved. This was a deafening silence as if the atmosphere itself was holding its breath.
She felt her coming before she heard her or even saw her. It was the warming of the collar around her throat and a gentle tug upon her heart. Beatrix turned her head as she watched the Devil approach. Lowering herself to a knee, she remained like that until the non-taloned hand gently cupped her jaw, raising it.
Deep red eyes gazed down into the tired green eyes of Beatrix. Each studied one another; once they had been partners, equals no less. And now one was kneeling and the other standing regally above them.
“My Queen.”
“Miann told me you would be here.”
Nadia’s fingers trailed down from her jaw and gently curled around the collar around her throat, giving it a pull, a signal for her to rise.
Beatrix, of course, obeyed and moved to offer the other her arm. It was such a natural and inherent movement; the offering of her arm being something that she had done time and time again.
The Queen’s head shifted slightly, looking down at her and the arm she offered before accepting such a gesture. Her hands clasping tightly and tugging her closer as she began to lead the two of them along the sand. Despite her hooves, the sand did not seem to hinder the woman at all.
Beatrix stared forward as she was being led along, ignoring the tense and iron like grip Nadia had upon her arm. She was scrambling internally, this had been the first time, as far as she could recall, when Nadia had approached her without another servant or Miann in tow. Something must be wrong, she reasoned to herself. This could be the only reason she would want to see her.
“...Is something troubling you, my Queen?”
Silence. And then, her reply.
“You’re not happy here.”
It was not a question, but a statement. Nadia did not look at her as they continued their walk along the shoreline. Tension seemed to flicker back and forth between the two of them, Beatrix not saying anything and looking down to her feet covered in the ashy sand and Nadia staring forward as they paused in their walk.
“It is not that I’m unhappy, my Queen…”
“...I find myself lacking in a purpose. Miann is your Magician, your executioner even. The one who does what you ask without a second thought.”
“Are you envious of her?”
“Not of her specifically. But… I’m envious… Of her purpose. I want to have a purpose, I want to be… Useful to you, my Queen.”
Silence again followed as Nadia turned to look to the woman beside her. A gentle tilt came to her head and she turned fully. Releasing her arm she cupped the other’s face, fingertips ghosting over the black markings that had appeared beneath her eyes. Leaning down, she pressed a kiss to her forehead, leaving Beatrix a tad stunned as it had been so long since Nadia had shown any sort of softness or gentleness to her.
“You are useful, my pet. Just as you were useful then, you are useful now. However, if you seek a more firm purpose here and you are willing to let go of everything that once was, you merely have to ask of me.”
Beatrix was silent as she watched Nadia before closing her eyes and leaning her face into her hands, soft words escaping her,
“I am yours to command, my Queen.”
“Be my Champion, Beatrix.”
“I would be honoured.”
“Of course you would be. Such an honour comes with a trial, not everyone is fit for such a title.”
“A trial, my Queen?”
Nadia’s blackened lips drew back revealing a sharp toothy grin. She drew her face closer, turning it and whispering into Bea’s ear.
The warrior’s face shifted slightly as she listened before closing her eyes and nodding.
“As my Queen commands.”
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A panting breath escaped her as blood dripped from her bruised and scraped knuckles. Breathing hurt, a broken rib or three that would mend itself before long. Her head bent as she was upon her knees before her Queen’s throne. Bare-chested and bruised, panting for pained breath, but victorious nonetheless.
A hoofed foot rose from the floor and lifted her chin upwards as Nadia gazed down at her, a satisfied smile upon her features. She leaned down, wiping a bit of blood from her lips with her thumb and speaking,
“Well done, Beatrix. My Champion.”
Beatrix gazed up at her and smiled weakly as she watched Nadia rose, lowering herself to her level and gathering her face into her hands as she had done earlier that day. Closing her own eyes, Bea leaned forward, awaiting what was to come as she had witnessed it done to Miann when she had accomplished her own trial.
A soft little chuckle escaped her as Nadia murmured, gliding her thumb over her lips,
“Someone’s impatient.”
And after those words escaped her, she closed the distance between the two of them and kissed Beatrix deeply. Nothing happened for a brief moment and then… she felt heat from all areas Nadia kissed her and a trail of fire being left in her hands wake as they released her face and trailed down her scarred and muscled arms.
A slight grimace shifted over her features as Nadia nibbled slightly at her bruised lip, before the Queen pulled away altogether and traced her fingers over her arms, her lips moving in a wordless manner and yet the fire that her fingers had left merely grew in intensity.
“Breath, dearest, remember to breathe.”
Her eyes remained shut, tightening even as she attempted to ease her own breathing, the heat intensifying before long she felt her whole body inflamed. Nadia’s voice began to grow distant as she continued the process of calming slowing her breathing but then she felt her weight give out and darkness overtook her.
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Falling. She felt like she was falling. And yet as her eyes opened slowly, she found herself laying stationary in a familiar room.
A deep red canopy hung over her head as she raised her head and slowly looked about the chamber. It was well furnished and nearly identical to the one that had once been her favourite place to be in the palace back in Vesuvia. Nadia’s chambers, and yet as she looked around it, she did not feel the usual pang of longing that would occur when she thought of the place that was once home.
Letting out a slow breath, she raised her hands to her face but paused halfway there, inspecting her blackened claws and then shifting her eyes to the markings that now lined her forearms and curled upwards to her shoulders. They appeared similar to the ones around her eyes and a slow pleased noise escaped her.
“Inspecting our Queen’s handiwork?”
Beatrix dropped her arm to her side and sat up fully, slowly however as her body still ached from her trial. Her eyes settling upon the lounging figure of Miann who appeared unharmed save for the bruises upon her throat and jaw.
“How are you…”
“Not laying on my deathbed? Death refuses to step foot in the Queen’s realm. And I do have tricks up my sleeves.”
The laying Beatrix notes that she was not wearing any sleeves, however, as Miann never liked clothes, to begin with and if she had had it her way she would wander around the whole time bare with no clothes to be had. Squinting at her, Beatrix moved to speak but was silenced by a raise of the other’s hand.
“No more questions. I’ll fetch her and I do believe you’ll be wanting this.”
Miann rose from her lounging position on the chaise and with a flicker of her wrist, an ornate silver mirror appeared in her hand which she passed over to Beatrix. Once this motion was done, the Devil’s magician exited the room.
Lifting the mirror slowly, she gazed at the being that looked back. Black curved horns protruded from the sides of her head, hallowed green eyes with darkened sclera and sharpened features gazed back at her. Opening her mouth, slightly sharpened teeth flashed and she clamped her mouth shut. Her mind no longer abuzz or flitting about like a caged bird, but rather it was calm and settled, waiting and watching.
Tossing the mirror to the floor with a thud and a crack, she rose to her feet before tumbling forward and grasping onto the bedpost. Her nails scraping downward over the wood before she held firmly to it and steadied herself. She felt unsteady as if she had one too many to drink.
The door opened and she soon found herself being settled back onto the bed by Nadia who pressed her clawed hand to her upper chest and her non-taloned hand gliding through her hair.
“Do not push yourself. Your body is still adjusting.”
“What… What happened, my Qu-... Nadia. What happened to me?”
“A wonderful thing, my stars.”
Her heart seemed to skip as she raised her head to look towards the other woman as Miann settled down beside her on the bed.
The Magician lifted her arm, inspecting the markings there and humming with pleasure as she traced a finger over one of them. Beatrix winged and yanked her arm around.
“I… I… I don’t understand, how is Miann here? I thought, I…”
“Oh, you certainly did. Or well, technicalities do complicate things.”
“Technicalities. What the Hell do you mean by that?”
She turned her head and glowered towards Miann. The Magician merely grinned mischievously at her, an almost taunting expression sliding through her pink eyes.
“That’s enough, the both of you. It’s over with, Miann, technicalities or not, she’s passed her trial. Come, let’s get you back into bed. You need to rest, there is much to do. And I need my Champion in prime health.”
Nadia’s voice interrupted the two from further arguing and begrudgingly allowed Nadia to do as she had spoken of.
Miann blew her a kiss as she exited the room, the still conniving and taunting grin on her features. Meanwhile, Nadia remained, gently stroking her cheek with her thumb.
“You passed your trial, become my Champion and now you’ve earned some rest, hm?”
The Queen spoke as she traced over the blacken marks that swooped down beneath the other’s eyes. She gave her cheek a firm squeeze before rising and exiting the room.
Her Queen’s words had been true, and yet the words of Miann still would not settle. However it was no matter, she had gotten what she wanted in the end. But was this what she wanted or was this what the other two had wanted for her all along? Was that what she had meant by technicalities?
These were the questions that became her bedfellows but upon awakening the next day, they had all been forgotten.
For, in the end, a once useless being had become useful. A purpose had been created and the loyalty and trust restored to a warrior who had been moulded into just what her Queen wanted her to be.
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