#bao on bao violence
demonicfarmer69 · 2 years
Q: jiujiu whats baby a-lings favorite snacky!
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🍇: a bao bun as big as him that he nibbles on incessantly
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thebritishdragon · 9 months
Jingshen: We’ve got to stop meeting like this.
Jingshen: Lies.
••• Mk: We have to talk about the elephant in the room.
Yellowtusk: Morning.
Ji de: What would you do if someone were to, hypothetically, set the forest on fire?
Jingshen: What did you do, Ji?
Ji de standing behind a burning forest: A mistake.
Mk: Jingshen, you can’t keep biting villains! One day your actions will catch up to you!
Jingshen: Not unless I run!
Macaque: So are we all cool?
Monkie Kids: Yeah!
Jingshen and Bao: NUH UH!
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knightotoc · 2 years
This book is driving me (and Bao Dur) INSANE
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murderousink23 · 9 months
08/22/2023 is Folklore Day 🇧🇷, National Flag Day 🇷🇺, National Bao Day 🇺🇲, National Pecan Torte Day 🇺🇲, National Tooth Fairy Day 🦷🧚‍♀️🇺🇲, National Take Your Cat To The Vet Day 😺🇺🇲, National Rainbow Baby Day 🌈👶, International Day of Remembrance for Victims of Acts of Violence Based on Religion or Belief
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len-yolo · 7 months
Bạo lực lạnh không để lại vết thương trên da thịt nhưng cũng gây đau đớn y hệt như nỗi đau thể xác.
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Tối qua, một bạn nữ kể với chúng tôi về chuyện người yêu bạn liên tục im lặng kéo dài mỗi khi cả hai xảy ra mâu thuẫn. Không phải sự im lặng để cho nhau thời gian suy nghĩ mà là đột ngột biến mất và tảng lờ những cố gắng kết nối của người kia. Hoặc khi bạn vô tình khiến người yêu mếch lòng, thì họ sẽ giữ im lặng với bạn như một cách để tr*ng phạt thay vì thẳng thắn trao đổi vấn đề. “Dần dần mình cảm thấy mọi lỗi lầm đều thuộc hết về mình. Càng lúc mình càng sợ hãi việc giao tiếp vì mình nghĩ bản thân sẽ lại nói điều gì đó sai sót, khiến người khác khó chịu và muốn xa cách với mình”.
Dưới bài viết, nhiều người ngay lập tức nhận ra nhân vật nữ đang bị bạn trai bạo hành tinh thần bằng sự im lặng độc hại, nhưng chính nạn nhân lại không đủ tỉnh táo để ý thức được vấn đề mà mình đang gặp phải, bởi đây là một dạng bạo hành đặc biệt xảo quyệt.
Bạo lực lạnh (cold violence) chính là một hình thức bạo hành về tinh thần, khi một người phản ứng tiêu cực lên đối phương bằng cách ngắt kết nối về mặt giao tiếp, phớt lờ, im lặng, né tránh gặp gỡ, cố tình không đối thoại để giải quyết xung đột hoặc thể hiện những hành động phi ngôn ngữ như đảo mắt, thở dài, chép miệng liên tục để thể hiện sự không hài lòng. Những động thái này thường được thực hiện trong 1 thời gian dài và liên tục lặp lại.
Hành vi này khác với việc giữ im lặng để có thời gian tự bình tĩnh và tìm cách giải quyết vấn đề. Bạo lực lạnh cũng khác với chiến tranh lạnh ở chỗ: chiến tranh lạnh là việc hai người cùng ngừng giao tiếp với nhau, còn bạo lực lạnh lại mang tính một chiều - một người cố tình im lặng trong khi người kia thì cố hết sức để trò chuyện mà không được hồi đáp. Với những người có xu hướng ái kỷ (narcissism), họ thường xuyên sử dụng bạo lực lạnh khi ai đó có hành vi khiến họ không hài lòng, hoặc khi họ không có được sự chú ý mà họ muốn.
Bạo lực lạnh là một “công cụ” độc hại để thao túng cảm xúc. Nó gây ra rất nhiều tác động tiêu cực lên tâm trạng và tinh thần của nạn nhân, bắt đầu từ việc nạn nhân cảm thấy căng thẳng, lo lắng kéo dài và bị suy giảm lòng tự trọng. Các nhà tâm lý học cũng gọi biện pháp này như hành vi "cố ý gây đ-au đ-ớn" bởi nó khiến một người cảm thấy mình không được công nhận và sự tồn tại của mình là vô nghĩa.
Để chấm dứt không khí ngột ngạt và bức bối trong mối quan hệ, nạn nhân sẽ buộc phải nhún nhường để xin lỗi mặc dù họ không làm gì sai. Điều này gây ra nỗi áp lực tột độ và nạn nhân sẽ luôn phải tìm cách làm vui lòng đối phương để mình được thoải mái - đây cũng là khởi đầu cho sự lệ thuộc cảm xúc, khi họ luôn phải mong đợi người kia “ban phát” tình cảm cho mình mà không bao giờ dám làm phật lòng đối phương. Lâu dần, nạn nhân sẽ rơi vào trạng thái nghi ngờ và tự đổ lỗi cho bản thân trong mọi tình huống, căm gh-ét bản thân, không còn tin tưởng vào nhận thức của chính mình, sự tự ti này cũng khiến nạn nhân không có can đảm để rời khỏi mối quan hệ nữa.
Việc đột ngột im lặng được xem như một cách gây tổn thương lên người khác mà không để lại vết thâm tím, tuy nhiên, cảm giác này khiến nạn nhân cảm thấy mình như bị chối bỏ. Khi ai đó thấy bản thân đang bị cô lập - bộ não sẽ kích hoạt cùng một vùng não như khi họ phải chịu một cơn đau thể xác. Có nghĩa rằng: bạo lực lạnh không để lại vết thương trên da thịt nhưng cũng gây cảm giác đau đớn y hệt như nỗi đau vật lý vậy.
Nếu bạn đang loay hoay trong tình trạng này, vậy làm sao để thoát khỏi nó và bước đầu chữa lành cho những cảm xúc và tâm lý của mình?
Đầu tiên, nạn nhân cần biết và nhận dạng được hình thức mà mình đang bị bạo lực. Bạo lực lạnh tinh vi ở chỗ đôi khi chính nạn nhân cũng không ý thức được đó là một hành vi thao túng tinh thần, mà sẽ nghĩ rằng đó là “cách yêu” của đối phương hay vì đối phương không giỏi giao tiếp nên chọn cách im lặng. Nhưng hãy tỉnh táo trước những dấu hiệu, bởi việc nhìn ra những hành động thao túng cũng sẽ giúp bạn hiểu hơn về tình trạng mà mình đang gặp phải.
Sau đó, hãy thiết lập ranh giới cá nhân và xây dựng lại lòng tin về chính mình. Việc thiết lập ranh giới lành mạnh sẽ giúp bạn nhận thức đúng đắn hơn về những hành động mà người khác đối xử với bản thân bạn. Ví dụ như việc đối phương dùng sự im lặng để tr*ng phạt bạn thay vì thẳng thắn trao đổi về điều họ không hài lòng, họ cố tình biến mất đột ngột trong những cuộc cãi vã để bạn một mình hoang mang với những câu hỏi. Ví dụ như, việc người bạn yêu lại khiến bạn tự ti về giá trị của mình - thì có lẽ đó cũng không phải là một tình yêu mà bạn nên tiếc nuối.
Yêu một người liên tục im lặng khi vấn đề nảy sinh có thể để lại nhiều hậu quả tinh thần cho bạn sau này. Sẽ rất khó để thoát khỏi nó, nhưng chỉ khi bạn can đảm bước ra những điều làm mình đau, thì bạn mới có thể bắt đầu hành trình tiến về những điều tốt đẹp phía trước. Chúc bạn bình an.
cre: the memory.
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minhkhoas · 7 months
THE GHOST-MAKER: a deconstruction of his identity
2.2k words | An analysis of the stereotypes & tropes surrounding Minhkhoa Khan
Minhkhoa Khan, also known as the Ghost-Maker, has been a rather significant part of the Batman mythos since his debut in Batman (2016) issue #100. The Ghost-Maker is introduced as the supposed antithesis to Bruce Wayne’s vigilante identity of Batman— he’s described as self-centered, sadistic, and cold, not holding any ounce of empathy for those around him. He kills without remorse, something that sets him apart from his Gotham counterpart, and refers to himself as having been diagnosed as a psychopath at the age of eight.
“Ghost-Maker sees Bruce as a spoiled rich brat. Bruce sees Ghost-Maker as cruel, selfish, and wildly self-important. He is more hedonistic than Batman. He is bisexual, sleeping with anyone that catches his attention. He drinks. He does drugs. He enjoys all the selfish pursuits of life. He is a PSYCHOPATH. He does not experience empathy for other people. He says that that is his strength over Bruce. Ghost-Maker is a vigilante because he enjoys being the best he is at what he does. He is like Sherlock Holmes, caring more about the art of the mystery than the victims of the crime. Ghost-Maker is most concerned with perfecting his craft. Batman is trying to fill an emotional void, and that is why Ghost-Maker sees him destined to fail.”
— James Tynion IV
On paper, it’s clear that Tynion intended for him to serve as a simultaneous ally and enemy to Batman, his allegiance swaying just as his morals do. Tynion describes Minhkhoa as centering his entire crime fighting philosophy around the need to be the best at what he does, which leads him to constantly seek to outdo Batman. The first blatant sign of his involvement in Gotham comes in the form of a message to Batman— one that involves the killing of over a dozen men, a rather brutal way to announce his presence to one of his oldest acquaintances. Whilst Batman discovers the carnage, we see Ghost-Maker complaining in length about the inefficiency of Batman’s work and the overall state of Gotham. He takes a keen interest in Bao Pham, a seventeen-year old boy who’s donned the identity of Clownhunter, a vigilante who takes justice into his own hands by killing those who conspired with the Joker. This, combined with the aforementioned massacre, is the first indication of his personality and overall lack of empathy. He shows no hesitation in his plans to seek out and kill a teenager in order to essentially shock Batman into realizing his efforts are useless.
The extent of his alleged ‘psychopathy,’ as it’s referred to both in-canon and by the creator of Ghost-Maker himself, is further explored following his initial stint in Gotham in the form of a flashback. It is then that readers understand the depth of his and Batman’s relationship; it’s clear that they met in their youth and trained together, only to separate after Minhkhoa’s penchant for killing divided them. Their relationship is once again shown to be competitive, with Minhkhoa and Bruce using physical violence to settle a disagreement. Throughout the altercation, Minhkhoa taunts Bruce and seemingly uses his emotions to his advantage whilst remaining levelheaded. All of these details develop him into a character who finds amusement in violence, and feels little to no guilt at manipulating others.
A shift in Minhkhoa’s depiction arrived with the publication of issue #4 of writer Chip Zdarsky’s Batman: The Knight, a ten-issue storyline following Bruce Wayne as he trained around the world in preparation to become Batman. We see Minhkhoa and Bruce meeting as young teenagers with the shared goal of pursuing crime fighting, journeying together across the world. Their friendship blurs the line between platonic and romantic expression on multiple occasions, with Minhkhoa nearly kissing Bruce at one point during their training. It even extends beyond their time together in the form of one of Bruce’s mentors— Dr. Captio who, incidentally, was training Bruce to overcome physical pain despite him being incapable of overcoming his emotional pain— referring to Minhkhoa as “the little ghost that broke Bruce’s heart” following an argument that caused them to separate and ended in Bruce finding Dr. Captio without Minhkhoa’s help.
The topic of Minhkhoa’s name is another trove of information entirely, as Bruce only discovered his true name after months of traveling with Minhkhoa. Sometime following this discovery, Bruce inevitably begins to use the nickname “Khoa” to refer to him. Whether it was given to him by Bruce or pre-existing is unknown, but he is the first person to refer to Minhkhoa with it, suggesting that he did create it. The notion that Minhkhoa, who’s previously been described as not caring for other people, would allow this is just one of numerous plot points brought up by Zdarsky that slowly chip away at the one-dimensional caricature created by Tynion.
Minhkhoa is a brown, Asian, bisexual man, all of which is established by James Tynion IV throughout Batman (2016). He hails from Singapore, though the multiethnic nature of his name— with ‘Minh’ and ‘Khoa’ being Vietnamese names and ‘Khan’ having roots in South and Central Asia— suggests his ancestry stretches far beyond the city-state. It’s unclear if Tynion intended for Ghost-Maker to be so ethnically ambiguous aside from his clear Asian ancestry, that of which is truly confirmed by Minhkhoa’s appearance on an Asian-American Pacific Islander heritage month variant cover. His racial identity is rarely touched upon, which is simply the start of the slippery slope that becomes the fetishization and exotification of non-white men in Western media.
Minhkhoa is shown to sleep with both men and women in a rather careless manner, using sex as a form of meditation in order to solve crimes and further his own crime fighting agenda. He shows little to no emotional connection with the people he spends his nights with, and is significantly more promiscuous than Batman is. This in itself is a heavy propagation of the idea that bisexual individuals are unable to stay in committed relationships because their lack of single-gender attraction renders them incapable of forming meaningful connections. He appears in DC Comics’ 2023 Pride volume, in which he interacts with Catman— Thomas Blake— and subsequently sleeps with him, thus underlining the common theme of Minhkhoa’s relationships being limited to nothing more than a physical connection. This is emphasized especially when he’s seen leaving bed with both a man and woman by his side, whom he tells to make up grand stories about their time together in order to hyperbolize his feats and create mystery around his life.
His penchant for meaningless flings and physical connection is intrinsically connected to his status as a brown man, a member of a group that tends to be largely fetishized by Western audiences. He is visibly brown/tan when depicted with large portions of skin showing, often in the aftermath of a night of passion, yet he’s whitewashed when presented in other contexts. This pattern deviates in Batman: The Knight where we still see an aspect of sexualization when he’s seen seducing a man far older than him in issue #5, a tactic that could’ve been largely avoided and yet was likely used to emphasize his bisexuality. He is only allowed to be brown when it’s appealing to the audience, when his body is on display, and when he’s not meant to be an esteemed crime fighter.
On another front, his identity as the Ghost-Maker is largely debated by the global community, with most people believing he doesn’t exist. He’s treated as a myth— a man larger than life, despite his seemingly active involvement in Southeast Asia’s crime scene. The mere concept of the Ghost-Maker is treated as legend, similar to how the people of Gotham speculated over Batman’s existence during Bruce’s early days as the vigilante. However, it raises a larger question: Why is Minhkhoa Khan so elusive, and what were the motivations behind making him so?
The answer requires the consideration of several factors: the fact that there are less than ten living people who know Minhkhoa’s name and even less that have seen his face, the overall nature of his work as a vigilante with no qualms against killing, his status as a ‘foreign vigilante’ when compared to the other members of Batman’s circle, and the treatment of his overarching identity as a whole.
It’s clear that Ghost-Maker is far more secretive than Batman, most significantly in his personal life. Batman is inextricably tied to his public persona of Bruce Wayne, the former-billionaire CEO of Wayne Enterprises and “Gotham’s favorite son,” whereas Minhkhoa Khan is simply unknown to the world. When considered in the scope of his vigilantism, it makes sense: he commits objectively more ‘severe’ crimes than Batman, disregarding the fact that he doesn’t kill when working with Batman following his promise to refrain from doing so. However, when factoring in his racial identity, it quickly begins to unravel.
Comic books are far from immune from stereotypes, and even more well-known for orientalism in iconic characters such as Ra’s Al Ghul and his daughter, Talia, both of whom are portrayed with a certain mystique and air of exoticism. Though it may not have been intentional, there is something to be said about the tropes surrounding Minhkhoa Khan. He’s mysterious, alluring, and utilizes swords similar to katanas despite not being Japanese, adding to the air of foreignness surrounding him. Bruce states on numerous occasions that there’s something “broken” in him, and a large part of their arguments are founded on the basis of Bruce attempting to pacify or fix Minhkhoa and his efforts being rejected every time.
When Bruce Wayne is angry, it’s justified, often caused by an overwhelming need to survive in the instance of Batman: The Knight. When Minhkhoa Khan is angry, it’s out of malicious intent to harm others and is just further ‘proof’ of his innate inhumanity. He’s not allowed to be angry, not in the sense that Batman is, because his anger is violence and his violence is feral. His actions are driven by an inability for him to control himself, hence why he has no issue with sleeping around and killing people. There is always something inherently ‘other’ about him because he is brown, something that is even further emphasized by his juxtaposition to Batman.
Minhkhoa is without a doubt a complex character, as seen in the way he seeks out knowledge to understand the emotions of those around him— most notably Bruce— and effectively go against the harsh stereotypes surrounding him. The layers to his personality are deep, and yet they’re not immune to subconscious bias on the writers’ parts. He’s violent, almost alarmingly so, and is only “tamed” when he makes a promise to a white man. He allegedly doesn’t understand emotions and has to be told to make an effort to do so despite being a grown man, and this in itself is a disservice to two integral parts of his identity.
His presumed antisocial personality disorder is treated as one-dimensional and not multifaceted as personality disorders tend to be, and he only seems capable of experiencing one emotion at a time. He’s allowed to be harsh, but that harshness is dulled when he’s around Bruce, his alleged ‘pacifier.’ He’s shown to be emotionally stunted and incapable of caring for children despite being exceedingly smart in other categories, which is strange. It would be assumed that a man of his caliber would understand the fundamentals of raising a child, especially when he understands his own emotions enough to program an artificial intelligence to feel fear for him. Perhaps it’s intended to be a mirror of Bruce Wayne’s own inability to seek professional help, but Bruce is allowed to and has grown from their youth, while Minhkhoa evidently hasn’t.
There is an inherent issue within the overarching ‘Batman Family’ in that less popular characters are shunted in favor of placing Batman at the forefront, depriving his allies of the proper growth and characterization they deserve. We see it in Barbara Gordon and Selina Kyle, whose character development arcs have been completely shattered post-New 52 in order to make them more palatable love interests for Dick Grayson and Bruce Wayne, respectively. It’s seen with Stephanie Brown and Cassandra Cain, who are often overlooked in favor of their male counterparts, and it’s seen in Duke Thomas, who has always been placed on the outskirts of both canon and fandom content despite being created ten years ago and being a fairly-established character.
Minhkhoa is no stranger to this trend, his personality and actions seemingly shifting based on whether he’s interacting with Batman or not. This could be explored in depth through a lens other than the precarious pacifier-pacified dynamic, yet DC Comics refuses to pursue anything further. They attempted to mold him in Batman Incorporated (2022) but fell short with a lackluster plot and prolonged continuations of the aforementioned tropes and stereotypes.
Ghost-Maker is a character teeming with potential, as are all of Batman’s allies, but he’s veering towards a dangerous characterization if DC continues to go down the path of hiring uneducated writers to portray him. There are several intentional aspects of his character, most notably found in his intentional color parallels with Batman, and yet they can’t seem to put in an effort to treat him and his experience with care and respect.
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nasuversekinkmeme · 1 month
Fill for Barg/Bao Toxic Yuri (I tried to do it over submission but Tumblr was NOT having it, gomen): archiveofourown org/works/55134727
Baobhan attempts to "tame" Barghest, only to soon find the tables turned on her.
smut, violence
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nashusglasses · 9 months
it's always a surprise when the tide comes in
note: this is a writing exercise for exposition. I hate hate HATEEEEE writing it!! it makes my skin crawl i just want everything to happen at once!!!! -_- anywho. this story is the background story of this drabble
i love the idea of gojo in an office setting bc he’s already so silly like that would be a 10 times silly buff. Also the thought of him and yuuji having deep conversations about pop culture scratches a very good itch in my heart :3
note 2: this is literally yuuji n gojo in this au im going to HURL !!!
PAIRING. gojo/reader SETTING. work husband au (or, "you keep being suggestive in front of all our coworkers to the point where everyone knows we're not dating but we COULD be and it's silly so I'll go along with it!!!! ...wait why are you asking me out on an actual date?" au) WARNINGS. twilight references. shitting as a threat. hime n gojo hating each other bc they both love oc =3= SUMMARY. He’s a liar, but only for good reason. WORD COUNT. 2.5k
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Someone is going to die today.
You’d been so diligent in choosing your hiding spot in the break room fridge. Your one yogurt cup—the one with the strawberry bits swirled in the vanilla—sitting behind the giant bottle of mustard at the bottom of the fridge door shelf. Gone. You try in vain to scour for your snack, but there’s nothing else save for labeled Tupperware and three quarters of a cake from Mei Mei’s birthday celebration yesterday.
The list of culprits shouldn’t be that long, anyway. 
First: Nanami. He wouldn’t. Your boss is built on black coffee and the occasional vegan bao from the restaurant across the street. You’ve never seen him eat anything else.
Utahime, the freak owner of the mustard bottle because she eats it with her pretzels, is lactose-intolerant. There’s no way she’s risking an explosive gut when she’s always busy at reception. 
Nobara’s too new to the office to try inciting violence against her seniors. You’d probably let her off the hook, regardless—she’s too hardworking to stay mad at.
You’d brood more over The Case of Your Missing Yogurt, but Satoru’s loud talking at the lunch table cuts right through your ruminations.
“—like I know it’s personal preference, but I think it’s so lazy,” he grumbles. “My uncle: Hiro. His son? Hiro, junior. God. Corny people piss me off.”
“Right.” Yuuji, the other new junior associate, hangs off Satoru’s every word. “It’s kind of like Bella from Twilight.”
Satoru slaps the table with passion. Yuuji hastily clings to his cup of coffee from spilling over. “Exactly, Yuuji. Exactly! You named your kid not only after the dad but also your ex who wasn’t even your ex?! The combination didn’t even sound good.”
“Edward Jacob,” Yuuji recalls.
“Disgusting.” Satoru shivers. “I don’t—Jesus. Don’t let me think about that. It’s so vile.” 
You close the fridge door, trek a sad path to the chair next to Satoru. Yuuji gives you a quick smile. You decide to scheme your murder plan later, because now you just want to pinch Yuuji’s cheeks off—your juniors are so cute! “Hello,” he greets politely.
Satoru sneaks an arm around your shoulders, resting it on the back of the chair. “What’s up with you?”
Is your sadness that obvious? God, you were waiting for that yogurt all morning.
“I’ll tell you later,” you say, because you might start languishing if you think one more second about your lost snack. “Hi, Yuuji. What were you guys saying about naming babies?”
Satoru huffs. “I hate parents who name their kids stupid names.”
(Yuuji takes a sip of coffee.)
“You wouldn’t do that with our kids, right?” Satoru asks you next.
(Yuuji, promptly, chokes on his coffee.)
“Absolutely not,” you answer, just as nonchalant.
“Hek.” Yuuji dissolves into five seconds of hard coughing. “You—you two are married?”
“Nope,” you both chirp at the same time.
The poor boy just stares, coffee blushing on his shirt. “Ah,” he says. “I see.”
Satoru shrugs. “Don’t get me wrong. I’d have babies with her. But she makes my coffee wrong every time I ask for it. I don’t think I could share my bank account with someone like that.”
Yuuji looks at you for a response. You reach over to pat his hand. “Don’t listen to him. You just keep working hard. And don’t tell Nanami that we gossip too much.”
“Right. I guess—well.” Yuuji stammers. “Does..? Am I? Is this… a secret?”
He sticks a hesitant finger up, pointing it at you, then at Satoru. Satoru wiggles a finger right back.
“Whatever Utahime tells you is wrong,” Satoru says, and Yuuji stares at him like he’s waiting for an explanation, but all Satoru does is wave him off. “Lunch is done.”
“Oh. Right.” Yuuji stands up, bows quickly, then remembers his mug. He runs to the sink to drop it off, then says, “I’ll–I’ll be careful around Utahime!”
He doesn’t wait for a response; he scampers out the room like he’s got a secret to share. 
Satoru’s always been lax with new hires—you wouldn’t be surprised if he’d explained his entire life story to Yuuji in the last hour. But his ongoing charade of touting you as his much-more-than-coworker co-worker is the oldest secret of Office Drama there is.
Utahime, your best and first co-worker friend who worked in the same room with you as clerks. Satoru, whose first day was the last day of your probation period, booted her out of the office because she got the full-time reception position she applied for. He proved himself a competent coworker. Steadfast in work ethic, a little too up the ass about gelling his hair properly in the morning. Had to look good to do good, he claimed. 
Utahime’s been out for his ass ever since, complaining that he was using his good looks to steal you away from her. Satoru took the bait right away. Made it his mission everyday to make Utahime green with explosive jealousy for having taken her rightful spot as your Worker Bestie for the Resties.
It started with the little gestures. A gentle hand on your lower back when you passed by reception (Utahime, who zeroed in on the touch from her desk, scoffing loudly). Complimenting your outfit choice of the day (“I think she’s beautiful everyday!”). Making you laugh with his stupid Arnold Schwarzenegger impressions (she hated this the most; she said he sounded like an ugly troll). 
“That’s the love of my life you cad!” Utahime bellowed, once, when Satoru trailed after you from the elevator one morning. Nanami said she had to stop playing sad Drake songs every morning when you passed by her desk because the melancholy brought the office morale down.
“You know I take good care of her,” Satoru called back. “And nobody says cad anymore, harlot!”
(They insulted each other for two more minutes using outdated expletives. After Nanami came to intervene, you gave him five bucks for his vegan bao to calm him down.)
You don’t really know when Satoru’s attempts to establish workplace dominance turned into straight-up flirting, though. Utahime didn’t need to be around anymore for him to butter you up. He’d leave little sticky notes he left on your monitor to remind you about deadlines, the next fire drill, drawing those little hearts at the ends of his sentences. The hand on your back turning into an arm draped on your shoulder. 
You told Utahime about it when Satoru took a sick day. She was livid. Then, immediately, she started tearing up.
“So I’m demoted from Bestie for the Resties and he’s trying to get into your pants?!” She moaned, sliding dramatically down her chair in the lunch room. “I’m going to pass away right now.”
“It’s not like he’s being serious,” you contended. 
Utahime gave you a hard look. “Please don’t tell me you actually believe that.”
You looked at her blankly. Wholly unfazed, because you really did believe Satoru had no other motive. He was just your stupid coworker–who sat across from you and did nice things and said nice stuff and you were pretty sure the older lady from accounting had a crush on him, anyway. 
“It’s nothing,” you decided, and Utahime shook her head, scoffing.
“Look. That garbage can’s been going after you since day one. You may not see it, but I have eyes, my pumpy-wumpkin bugaboo.” She tapped your nose. “You owe me twenty when you see I’m right.”
And that was all she had to say about it.
If anything, you figure it’s better for Yuuji to learn right from the source than be wrongfully convinced by Utahime that Satoru was a piece of shit homewrecker who lived to piss her off. Regardless of whatever lie is being fed to the junior staffers, there is one universal truth: you are the crowned jewel of this office floor, and that means everyone’s being lit on fire till you find the person who stole your fucking yogurt.
The second the door closes behind Yuuji, you glare daggers at Satoru. He still has his arm around you. 
“I might kill you,” you start.
“You say that everyday.” Satoru grins. “Don’t tell me the thought of having my babies scares you that much.”
Steam might actually blow out of your ears. “That’s not—stop trying to confuse me! My yogurt! It’s gone from the fridge!”
Satoru stares at you. Then his face morphs into a mix of shock and disbelief, and he screeches: “Are you saying I took it?!”
You sag in your seat, give him a look that tells him he should just confess before you find the closest sharp thing in this room. He just levels your stare with the same offended look, and you give in first because you don’t have time to argue anymore. Lunch really is over.
“Fine,” you sneer. “But if I find anything incriminating I will crucify you.”
Satoru fakes a shiver. “Ooh. Threaten me again. I can take it.”
He screams when you pinch the sensitive spot just below his armpit.
Right when the clock hits 4:59, Satoru hauls himself up from his seat. 
“Meet me outside. I’m getting my stuff then ripping ass in the bathroom,” Satoru tells you.
You snort. “Which one?”
“The one closest to the elevators.” In other words, right next to reception where Utahime is closing right now. Satoru is nothing if not calculating in his efforts to vex that poor woman. “See you.”
At this point in the day, the despair of losing your yogurt has simmered down to lazy indifference. You’ll just have to interrogate everyone tomorrow. Maybe print out a missing yogurt paper to stick on the fridge with no reward but your sincere gratitude and the promise to stick out for their missing lunch, should the same depravity befall them too. 
You turn your monitor off, make sure your desk is neat. Swiping off any crumbs from Satoru’s desk because he snuck in a sandwich today after forgetting to eat when he was talking to Yuuji.
And then you see it.
The silver shine of ripped plastic in the trash. 
At first, you’re skeptical. You’re too tired to spark another match of anger. But surely enough, when you hunch over to look, an empty can of yogurt sits innocent, perfect. All your strawberry vanilla goodness wiped clean.
You think of all the spectacular ways you could beat the shit out of Satoru, because he didn’t only lie; he thought you were stupid enough not to see the evidence right across from you. He could have at least thrown it into Mei Mei’s trash. Snuck it into Yuuji’s bag when he wasn’t looking. If there’s one thing you hate, it’s being underestimated.
So when you meet Satoru outside the elevators, the first thing you say is:
“You’re a giant fucking oaf and I want you to stay exactly one metre away from me till we get to our cars.”
He always parks his car next to yours.
“O-kay.” He puts his hands up in surrender, maintaining his distance. “Actually, that’s a good thing. My ass. It’s weeping. Ow.”
You quickly realize that this is the best course of action you could have taken, because you know the one thing Satoru hates, and it’s being ignored.
And you do it well.
“Your hair looks pretty today,” he says when you step out into the garage.
“I like the jeans you picked out,” he notes when you walk ahead without him.
“I’m going to crash my car into the first pole I see,” he whines the second you reach your car, and he traps you against the door with a hand pressed above the window. Distant enough to keep you comfortable, but you still feel more warmth than you’ve ever felt from him before. Like those slow burn romances where the lead slyly flirts with the pretty girl he’s been chasing for two seasons, except you’re one second away from kneeing his balls into painful oblivion. “Why are you being mean?”
You cross your arms. “Because you lied.”
“You know what about!”
He clicks his tongue. Then his eyebrows lift in realization. “Ah.”
You wait for him to continue. Maybe you’d ask him to go down on his knees, get those nice linen pants dirty with grime and dust just to gloat about his passion for you and only you. You’ll partake in his drama for the sake of an inflated ego. But all he does is smile, and he’s got a handsome face, and for some reason, you’ve got nothing for rebuttal.
“So I have a confession to make,” he starts. 
You nod.
“I did eat your yogurt. Don’t say anything yet!” Satoru interrupts your open mouth. “I just. I didn’t think you’d be too upset.”
“Hm,” you concede. “Go on.”
“I’ll make it up to you.”
This is too easy. You feel like an ant trapped in a glass jar. You’re used to the bickering, the roundabout conversation because somehow, he always makes you laugh. Your conversations are never serious. 
But this. This feels serious.
“How?” You ask, gut heavy with dread, anticipation.
“I’ll take you out for lunch,” he suggests, and you wait a heartbeat for him to tack on a sike, I’m broke, but he almost looks nervous. Like he wants so badly for you to understand something he knows so well. 
“It–um. Like… tomorrow we go across the street and get those baos Nanami loves so much?”
You’re stalling. Satoru laughs. You think you’re starting to like the way he looms over you like this.
“Like on the weekend, I pick you up, and we both look pretty, and you say you’re paying but then I slap your hand away from your card, and I pay because I need to give you a good impression,” he rambles.
“You don’t need to give me a good impression.” You’re almost breathless. “You–you…”
Satoru tilts his head, and it’s annoyingly charming. “Me?”
“I thought–I thought we–this is just–it’s you and me?” You stumble. He watches you shift your feet. Takes his hand off your car, uncrosses your arms with a tug on your wrist. You think he’s about to hold your hand, but he pulls away at the last second.  
“It’s always been you and me,” he repeats. Then scratches the back of his head because you think he’s floundering, too. “Just not for everyone else this time.”
You think you might genuinely explode. All your synapses stretch to the absolute limit, you’re almost convinced you’ll bleed from your ears. “You’re being serious.”
He nods. There’s zero indication that he understands the gravity of the situation. But it’s quiet in this garage. You hear it then, the tapping his shoe makes when he’s impatient.
“When–when you told Yuuji about sharing bank accounts,” you continue.
“Okay I’m not in that deep,” Satoru defends. “Well. Who knows. Maybe I could be.”
You shove his shoulder. “You can’t just say that!”
“You’re so violent.” He rubs the spot you’ve tainted. As if you did any damage. He’s just doing it to fuck with you. “Do you hit all the guys you’re into?”
“Are you trying to make me say no?” That’s a lie. You know this. You’re just still in shock that you might actually owe Utahime twenty bucks. Satoru clicks his teeth.
“Look. You don’t have to answer me now. And I’ll buy you your yogurt back.” He digs in his bag, taking his car keys out. “Just… let me know, okay?”
He lingers in his spot. He’s not the main character in this romance scene, though. It’s you, the unforgiving lead who can’t decide what they want for themselves, and when the opportunity comes for a new start, they stand frozen in time. All those past mistakes a whirlwind behind you, threatening your security, and the glass breaks, and all of a sudden you’re in a garage, making a fool of yourself in front of the character who never deserved a bad ending. You wouldn’t do that to him.
“If I say yes,” you murmur. Satoru perks up instantly. “Can I choose where we go?”
“Depends. Do they have free ice cream for dessert?”
Of course that would be his only stipulation. You’re glad he’s easy to feed. “Probably.”
Satoru nods. He clicks his car unlocked. “If you say yes,” he repeats, rounding the back of his car to the driver’s seat, “I’ll go anywhere for you.”
He leaves you gawping. You watch him open his door, sit down. Adjusting the air conditioner high because you know he’s always blasting it. He doesn’t roll the window down to say bye, just pulls from his spot, and you mind your feet, mind the way he waves at you, but not as enthused as he usually is with it.
You stand there, thinking about your yogurt, and about Utahime’s face when you tell her you’ll say yes.
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gaucuoititmat · 6 months
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Bạo lực LẠNH không để lại vết thương trên da thịt nhưng cũng gây đau đớn y hệt như nỗi đau thể xác.
Tối qua, một bạn nữ kể với chúng tôi về chuyện người yêu bạn liên tục im lặng kéo dài mỗi khi cả hai xảy ra mâu thuẫn. Không phải sự im lặng để cho nhau thời gian suy nghĩ mà là đột ngột biến mất và tảng lờ những cố gắng kết nối của người kia. Hoặc khi bạn vô tình khiến người yêu mếch lòng, thì họ sẽ giữ im lặng với bạn như một cách để tr*ng phạt thay vì thẳng thắn trao đổi vấn đề. “Dần dần mình cảm thấy mọi lỗi lầm đều thuộc hết về mình. Càng lúc mình càng sợ hãi việc giao tiếp vì mình nghĩ bản thân sẽ lại nói điều gì đó sai sót, khiến người khác khó chịu và muốn xa cách với mình”.
Dưới bài viết, nhiều người ngay lập tức nhận ra nhân vật nữ đang bị bạn trai bạo hành tinh thần bằng sự im lặng độc hại, nhưng chính nạn nhân lại không đủ tỉnh táo để ý thức được vấn đề mà mình đang gặp phải, bởi đây là một dạng bạo hành đặc biệt xảo quyệt.
Bạo lực lạnh (cold violence) chính là một hình thức bạo hành về tinh thần, khi một người phản ứng tiêu cực lên đối phương bằng cách ngắt kết nối về mặt giao tiếp, phớt lờ, im lặng, né tránh gặp gỡ, cố tình không đối thoại để giải quyết xung đột hoặc thể hiện những hành động phi ngôn ngữ như đảo mắt, thở dài, chép miệng liên tục để thể hiện sự không hài lòng. Những động thái này thường được thực hiện trong 1 thời gian dài và liên tục lặp lại.
Hành vi này khác với việc giữ im lặng để có thời gian tự bình tĩnh và tìm cách giải quyết vấn đề. Bạo lực lạnh cũng khác với chiến tranh lạnh ở chỗ: chiến tranh lạnh là việc hai người cùng ngừng giao tiếp với nhau, còn bạo lực lạnh lại mang tính một chiều - một người cố tình im lặng trong khi người kia thì cố hết sức để trò chuyện mà không được hồi đáp. Với những người có xu hướng ái kỷ (narcissism), họ thường xuyên sử dụng bạo lực lạnh khi ai đó có hành vi khiến họ không hài lòng, hoặc khi họ không có được sự chú ý mà họ muốn.
Bạo lực lạnh là một “công cụ” độc hại để thao túng cảm xúc. Nó gây ra rất nhiều tác động tiêu cực lên tâm trạng và tinh thần của nạn nhân, bắt đầu từ việc nạn nhân cảm thấy căng thẳng, lo lắng kéo dài và bị suy giảm lòng tự trọng. Các nhà tâm lý học cũng gọi biện pháp này như hành vi "cố ý gây đ-au đ-ớn" bởi nó khiến một người cảm thấy mình không được công nhận và sự tồn tại của mình là vô nghĩa.
Để chấm dứt không khí ngột ngạt và bức bối trong mối quan hệ, nạn nhân sẽ buộc phải nhún nhường để xin lỗi mặc dù họ không làm gì sai. Điều này gây ra nỗi áp lực tột độ và nạn nhân sẽ luôn phải tìm cách làm vui lòng đối phương để mình được thoải mái - đây cũng là khởi đầu cho sự lệ thuộc cảm xúc, khi họ luôn phải mong đợi người kia “ban phát” tình cảm cho mình mà không bao giờ dám làm phật lòng đối phương. Lâu dần, nạn nhân sẽ rơi vào trạng thái nghi ngờ và tự đổ lỗi cho bản thân trong mọi tình huống, căm gh-ét bản thân, không còn tin tưởng vào nhận thức của chính mình, sự tự ti này cũng khiến nạn nhân không có can đảm để rời khỏi mối quan hệ nữa.
Việc đột ngột im lặng được xem như một cách gây tổn thương lên người khác mà không để lại vết thâm tím, tuy nhiên, cảm giác này khiến nạn nhân cảm thấy mình như bị chối bỏ. Khi ai đó thấy bản thân đang bị cô lập - bộ não sẽ kích hoạt cùng một vùng não như khi họ phải chịu một cơn đau thể xác. Có nghĩa rằng: bạo lực lạnh không để lại vết thương trên da thịt nhưng cũng gây cảm giác đau đớn y hệt như nỗi đau vật lý vậy.
Nếu bạn đang loay hoay trong tình trạng này, vậy làm sao để thoát khỏi nó và bước đầu chữa lành cho những cảm xúc và tâm lý của mình?
Đầu tiên, nạn nhân cần biết và nhận dạng được hình thức mà mình đang bị bạo lực. Bạo lực lạnh tinh vi ở chỗ đôi khi chính nạn nhân cũng không ý thức được đó là một hành vi thao túng tinh thần, mà sẽ nghĩ rằng đó là “cách yêu” của đối phương hay vì đối phương không giỏi giao tiếp nên chọn cách im lặng. Nhưng hãy tỉnh táo trước những dấu hiệu, bởi việc nhìn ra những hành động thao túng cũng sẽ giúp bạn hiểu hơn về tình trạng mà mình đang gặp phải.
Sau đó, hãy thiết lập ranh giới cá nhân và xây dựng lại lòng tin về chính mình. Việc thiết lập ranh giới lành mạnh sẽ giúp bạn nhận thức đúng đắn hơn về những hành động mà người khác đối xử với bản thân bạn. Ví dụ như việc đối phương dùng sự im lặng để tr*ng phạt bạn thay vì thẳng thắn trao đổi về điều họ không hài lòng, họ cố tình biến mất đột ngột trong những cuộc cãi vã để bạn một mình hoang mang với những câu hỏi. Ví dụ như, việc người bạn yêu lại khiến bạn tự ti về giá trị của mình - thì có lẽ đó cũng không phải là một tình yêu mà bạn nên tiếc nuối.
Yêu một người liên tục im lặng khi vấn đề nảy sinh có thể để lại nhiều hậu quả tinh thần cho bạn sau này. Sẽ rất khó để thoát khỏi nó, nhưng chỉ khi bạn can đảm bước ra những điều làm mình đau, thì bạn mới có thể bắt đầu hành trình tiến về những điều tốt đẹp phía trước. Chúc bạn bình an.
| summer.
📸 Ảnh minh hoạ/Pinterest.
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attonposting · 1 year
The last time I played KotOR II, it really struck me how much Atton and Bao-Dur have in common. They don't especially get along, which is fair – almost nobody on the K2 crew likes anyone other than the Exile. It is not a friendship cruise. And neither of them want to talk about the past, so it's understandable that they never manage to cross the threshold where they realize the other is a kindred spirit. But think about it.
Both of them were young men that got swept up by the Mandalorian Wars, chewed up, and spat out as broken wrecks. And this is true of most of the cast of K2, and a big chunk of the galaxy as per the game's theme, but Atton and Bao-Dur might have closer stories than anyone else in the crew, because they share hatred as their driving force. The guilt that haunts them isn't what they did in the war, it's why they did it and how they felt during it. Bao-Dur saw the destruction of his people and came to hate the aggressors for the senseless violence - Atton saw the destruction of his comrades and came to hate the so-called protectors that could have changed everything but left them to die, and had the gall to claim moral superiority for it. That hate festered and led them to commit mega war crimes that finally collapsed at one focal atrocity. Obviously Atton's path was a lot darker than Bao-Dur's, and his crimes were far more visceral, cruel, and repeated until he met the Jedi that broke him right back, while Bao-Dur built one immensely, unimaginably terrible thing that only he was capable of, and left a bloody and inescapably personal handprint on the fate of the galaxy.
But either way, they had the same response – an inability to find peace, a lot of self-loathing with no outlet, and a ton of drifting until they found the Exile. And their demons aren't so much regret for their actions as it is horror at the people their hate made them into – which is a really important distinction to make, because blowing up a planet with tens of thousands of friendly forces on it and torturing Jedi sound like things that characters would regret at face value, and in a lesser piece of writing, that would probably be the end of it. Not so, in KotOR II. Bao-Dur still believes the war needed to end, and neither of them hates any less now than they did then (though in Atton's case, it's important to note that his hatred of the Jedi later expanded to encompass hate for the Sith as well. He wouldn't do his actions over again, assuming neutral/LS, but it's less out of regret and more out of “fuck you all, you weren't worth my life.” The only action he actually wishes he could take back is killing that last Jedi. Everything else is just disgust and fear at what he realized he had inside him - and like Bao-Dur, that's not something he can unlearn, no matter what he does now.)
They are also unique in that they are the only two crew members that joined the Exile with no ulterior motives. Kreia is an ulterior motive, T3-M4 wants to bring aid to Revan, Brianna joins as a proxy for Atris, Mical is a scout for Carth Onasi, Visas is there to stop Nihilus, Mira is there because nobody else is going to horn in on her bounty, Mandalore is there for the clans and to find news of Revan, Hanharr was forced into servitude, G0-T0 is there to dole out orders, and HK-47 wants to pin down his clones (as well as engage in some good old-fashioned bloodshed, which he'll surely get next to such a walking storm.) These two boys are just deeply in love with the Exile, be that romantically or just a pure, rare bond of shared understanding, and follow them because it's the clearest way to make up for their past, but also because nobody else could get them so deeply.
Just... geez. These boys would have a lot to talk about over a bottle of Corellian whiskey if they only had a reason to open up (and one of them wasn't violently allergic to emotional honesty.)
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moonsugar-and-spice · 1 month
Sending queries for Bao ‘The Bloody’ Zirrik via a very nervous courier.
- Favourite person, and why?
- Has anyone, or anything, ever made you think maybe you were in the wrong line of work? Whether that be an unexpected joy in doing something else, not wanting to end up like someone, or perhaps, witnessing something so awful it liquified even your bowels.
- Is there anything you regret?
Bao leans back in his chair as he looks up from the letter to study the poor courier, his mouth crooking with an amused scoff.
Sentimentality has no place in the world I've carved. ‘Favorites’ can shift like sand in a desert storm. Sure, there’re those who’ve earned a measure of my respect, a few I’ve called friend, but it’s a currency easily devalued by incompetence, by betrayal. The ones at my side today are well familiar with the price. Though sometimes, in the dead of night… I think of my mother. Her laugh, her honeyed tea. I don’t linger on such things long.
There is a flicker in his skewering green eyes, there and gone too fast to name, before he grins. It is cold and dark and mocking.
Wrong line of work? The past is a graveyard of tittyfuckers who’ve doubted and dithered. Now I walk on them as I tend my garden, do my whittling out there too. Every man’s got his pastimes. Always had a knack for shaping things, maybe I missed my calling to be a sculptor, eh? But people are more interesting, and more malleable, than wood. And only fools and the weak can indulge the luxury of doubt, it’s not one you can afford in the chaos of forging an empire, a legacy.
Bao's smile shifts, and he shrugs one beefy shoulder.
Seen plenty. It can be a messy business, violence, and sometimes it's a damn spectacle. One standout was just the other week, some waterbender charged up on this new black market drug. Spiked a guy’s blood pressure so high it turned him into a human geyser, blood spraying out every hole and making new ones like juice bursting from a hot, overripe melon. Terrifying, sure, in an exhilarating kind of way. If anything, it hammered home the point that there’s only two sides to this coin. And if you’re not on one, you’re on the other.
As for regret, every choice has consequences, some foreseen, some not. I underestimated an upstart once. Saw their ambition, their hunger, and mistook it for recklessness. Shame, too, could've used them to my advantage.
Ask my OC anything
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wangxianficfinder · 1 year
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Fic Finder
1. hello! ive been looking for this fic. (for weeks) but cant find it. i happen to found ur account and i hope u can help me. so the story is like this:
- its a time travel. i forgot if its mpreg or adoption but wangxian has bunch of kids (youngest is still a baby). i forgot the other pairings but i think its nie x lan, jin x jiang and jiang x wen. their kids landed the time when wwx is still in the burial mounds, and landed in the burial mound's entrance(?). their parents/future wwx decided to brought them to the past because their present is kinda mess (too much killings) and they want to save their children. i think its about jin guangyao or whoever.
that's the only things i can recall. i want to find it again but i cant. thankyouuu in advance!
Its not on the four fics. I think the children im talking about are not the juniors, i remember that there's an oc (kids). one or two of them were kid/s of wq and jc, nie x lan. when their parents (in the future) decided to sent them back in the past, they expect them not to return (i think) because the killer will kill them if ever so wwx (in the burial mounds) thinks that sending them back is not a choice. theres also a scene where the kids cried/worried/ that they're not going to see their "real" parents again (their parents in the future).
anyway, thank youuu for responding! i hope u all have a great 2023!!! pls take care always and stay hydrated!!
could the op be thinking of 2 separate fics? In a sec im gonna look for the links, but to me it feels like that fic where there are 3 or 4 wangxian kids that land in the past in the cr (with the smallest called a-bao) because they were messing with wwx's talismans, and the second should be that fic where jgy traps wangxian, jc, lxc and nhs after the guanyin temple and wwx has a talisman to send the kids to the past (where they meet burial mounds era wwx)
not FOUND The Trouble with Talismans: a Treatise on Time-Travel by Young Master Lan Xiaohui (Age 6) by stiltonbasket (G, 26k, wangxian, Time Travel, Parenthood, Developing Relationship, Getting Together, Happy ending, Accidental Baby Acquisition) and ❤️ nevermore, nevermore by agloeian (T, 120k, lan sizhui & everyone, wangxian, canon divergence, time travel fix-it, hurt/comfort, fluff, angst w/ happy ending)
not FOUND❤️ Tragedy is Not the End by Hobbsy3 (T, 358k, wangxian, Time Travel, Torture, Hurt/Comfort, Golden Core Reveal, Canon Divergence from Qiongqi Pass, Angst with a Happy Ending, Implied/Referenced Rape/Non-con, Yunmeng sibling bonding, good dad wwx, good dad lwj, JZX Lives, JYL Lives, Junior Quartet Dynamics) there's also Tragedy is not the end even if it's about the juniors instead of wangxian kids
SIMILAR! The Future of Your Past by moonlitsentence (T, 19k, WIP, WangXian, WangXian Get a Happy Ending, YL WWX, Soft LWJ, Married WangXian Have Children, Tooth-Rotting Fluff)
FOUND! Feeling The Warmth Again by mxtx_disciple13 (T, 33k, wangxian, burial mounds settlement days, wangxian are LSZ’s parents, golden core reveal, OOC, family fluff, not everyone dies au, happy ending, time travel, family bonding, WIP)
2. Hi there! I remember a fic I once read, it was about the cultivation world after Wei wuxian’s death. They used something called the ‘Du jie pearl’ or something of the like to look into his past. It was 14 chapters long and I would really love to read it again. Thank you and have a good day!
FOUND? Misunderstood by Silver_Flame_2724 (M, 250k, WIP, Alcohol Abuse/Alcoholism, Heavy Angst, Suicidal Thoughts, Canon-Typical Violence, Self-Worth Issues)
3. I read this fanfic on AO3. Don't remember title. Basically Lan Zhan and Jingyi are left behind when Sizhui leaves to travel with Wen Ning and Wei Ying goes away adventuring. Jingyi and Lan Zhan bond after curfew, in the rabbit meadow and jingyi helps him with his correspondence. At one point, jingyi says he wants to send this letter to zehzin and tell him to hit his father over the head. Eventually Sizhui returns, things are awkward. Jingyi worries that Sizhui is upset with him and wonders if it was because he ate his candy stash. Jingyi kept changing Sizhui 's sheets because he wanted to make sure it was ready for him @andyousaidtruelovedidntexsist
FOUND? anyway, here's wuji by kakikaeru (T, 18k, ZhuiYi, WangXian, LingZhen, Post-Canon)
4. Hiya, got two fics I'm going crazy looking for!
A) One has Jin Ling going robe shopping for Wei Wuxian and buying a maroon one that Jiang Cheng told him Wei Wuxian used to admire when theu were younger.
B) The second was sort of like By Any Other Name, but I think only one chapter was written. It had Wei Wuxian running straight to Lotus Pier after being resurrected, and ends with Lan Xichen welcoming the trio to Cloud Recesses.
Thank you as always!
FOUND? crushed ceramic by doyeorem (pomellogranate) (T, 10k, JC & WWX & JL, yunmeng siblings feels, twin prides of yunmeng, family feels, genderqueer WWX, fluff, hurt/comfort, misunderstandings, disguise, crossdressing, whump, bonding) I think 4 could be one story. It says it's inspired by By Any Other Name, though it doesn't appear on that fic, but the robe appears and it's a oneshot.
5. Hello there! I hope everything is going great for you. I was wondering if you could help me find a fic modern soulmates au where lan zhan and Wei ying only remember each other and their past lives when they see each other again. But this time they’re in their late 30’s and lan zhan is already married. I’ve been looking all over and I can’t find it. (p.s. if this might help, I think it was in a collection of soulmate one shots). Thank you again!!! @bittersweet-loveliness
FOUND? the sum of us by baobeijuns (T, 4k, WIP, Wangxian, LWJ/OC, Angst, Modern AU, Fashion AU, Reincarnation, Ficlet Collection, Pet Store, Animals, Fluff, Crack, Soulmates)
6. Hey! I’m so happy this blog exists! ❤️
I’ve been looking for a fic for a while and haven’t been able to find it myself, so I thought I’d come on here and ask for help. What I know is this: it’s a time travel fic, Lan Xichen is the one travelling through time; he sets out to try and change Meng Yao’s path and choices because he assumes all Meng Yao’s actions were influenced by his bad childhood and poor treatment by his father/the cultivation world, but Meng Yao still chooses evil/bad decisions. This is one of those “JGY was inherently evil” fics. 🙏🏼 @mrri
FOUND? Alternative Choices by StarClearWaters (Readoutloud) (T, 20k, wangxian, LXC/WQ, time travel, LXC pov, butterfly effect, protective LXC, temporary character death, panic attacks, mpreg)
FOUND? Into the Oubliette by Ruixx (M, 118k, wangxian, JYL/JZX, growing up, fix-it of sorts, time travel, arranged marriage, sibling bonding, adopted sibling relationship, light bdsm, sunshot campaign, war, politics, hostage JYL, visions, LXC redemption, good uncle LQR, empire building, WIP)
7. Hi! I'm looking for a canon divergence fic where the following scene happens.
Once during the 13 years LWJ was mourning for WWX, he goes to a discussion conference at jinlintai with LXC. JGY arranges acrobatic performaces for his guests and employs a particular man to seduce LWJ. LWJ is interested in all the ways the acrobat's body twists and JGY smiles seeing his interest. LWJ is uncomfortable and leaves the hall only for this acrobat -named meng something - to go after him and prance on him.
This Meng guy tries to make LWJ give into him, says he saw the way LWJ was looking at him while he was bending his body, says he can bend his body in may other ways. It goes into assault territory since LWJ is not interested in looking this guy the way he used to look at WWX eventhough he clearly feels aroused. He tells the guy as much, that he doesn't want to fuck the meng-guy and the meng guy leaves him alone.
Turns out, JGY drugged both LXC and LWJ with some aphrodisiac. JGY made advances on LXC and succeeded. And he made the meng guy seduce LWJ but the meng guy failed.
The fic is in LWJ and is quite angsty.
FOUND! 💙 The Price of Old Wishes by SoManyJacks (E, 67k, WangXian, Minor canon divergence, Angst, POV LWJ, Depression, Suicidal Thoughts, Eventual Happy Ending, Eventual Smut, Slow Burn, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, semi-verbal!LWJ, Implied/Referenced Homophobia, Implied/Referenced Suicide) a detail the querent leaves out is that the acrobat was another of JGY’s bastard brothers, chosen for his resemblance to Mo Xuanyu; his routine included winding himself up in white ribbons.
8. Hey i hope I can text you here..I looking for a wangxian fic which I already read bit forgot the name..it was about Lotus Pier being destroyed and wei ying being sold at an auction..lan zhan buys him to save him ..at first wei ying is quite,refuses to talk to lan zhan because he thinks that he is the same as others who just wanted to bed him.. but slowly he learns to trust him and falls in love ..apart from that there is also plot ..it was an already completed work..I hope you can help me @smarti97
FOUND? a little closer (to you) by krizzlesandblues (E, 88k, wangxian, historical, romance, pining, courtesan WWX, royalty LWJ, eventual smut, Sunshot Campaign, implied/referenced torture)
9. Hello!!! I’m looking for a fic that I vaguely remember reading that takes place when WWX first goes to cloud recesses. Him and LWJ end up sleeping together and WWX doesn’t want him to feel bad or responsible for taking his virginity so he tells LWJ that he sleeps with a lot of people. LWJ gets jealous and they start sneaking around to sleep together. Eventually they are caught and they both find out they have feelings for each other.
FOUND? Straight at the Sun by diamondbruise (E, 33k, WangXian, Canon Universe, no war though, Mutual Pining, Pining while fucking, Misunderstandings, First Time, Anal Sex, Miscommunication, Jealousy, in abundance, Happy Ending)
10. Hi, I genuinely cannot remember if I have already asked this, so if I have - Sorry! I'm looking for an au fic set during the Sunshot Campaign (mostly. I think) where WWX is hiding his identity by dressing as a woman? At one stage in the fic he ends up getting dressed up by female ghosts/fierce corpses and the people there are all sort of stunned because he's actually really pretty?? (I think NMJ was there?) Also I think there's a scene where outsiders assume that Fem!Looking WWX and LWJ are a-yuan's biological parents. Thank you!!
FOUND? Third Time's the Charm by Kyerian, Lily (LadyLilyAnne) (E, 117k, WangXian, Major Spoilers, Crossdressing, Happy Ending, Time Travel, Fix-It, Fluff and Angst, Minor Character Death, Mentions of self-harm, Romance, Weddings, kinky smut, Family Bonding)
11. Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening to Mods! I'm not sure if it's appropriate to ask a fic I'm looking for right now but if so, I'm looking for this fic that I've been halting to read for years now 😭 and it's about an AU where WWX was saved from being thrown in the Burial Mounds, to be specific. I believe it's either both LWJ and JC or just LWJ who saved him and the fanfic starts in WWX waking up at the Yiling Supervisory Office feeling bad then that's it... And as far as I also remember in the tags, the author mentioned that the “Self-Harm” tag was about WWX not wanting to be help, hopefully this detailed description helps since I know there's another famous fanfic is similar to the fanfic I'm looking for. Thank you!
12. Thanks for all your hard work! ♥️
I don't have a lot of information about the fic I'm looking for, but I'm pretty sure it's in the Jiang cheng, or yunmeng Jiang bashing area. The main point I'm remembering is how during the xuanwu cave, the one to get branded by the wen branding iron was Jiang yanli. Pretty sure it was her face
Sorry that this is all I have 😅
FOUND? A Star Fell by CordialCoroner (CordialCrow) (M, 71k, WIP, WangXian, Canon Divergence, No Golden Core Transfer, POV Multiple, Bad Parent YZY, Bad Parent JFM, Not JC Friendly, Somebody Lives/Not Everyone Dies, Slow Burn, Sunshot Campaign, WWX becomes a medic, Mutual Pining) It’s a not Jiang friendly fic and tagged so, where Wei Wuxian is whipped so badly by YZY he’s permanently disabled, but it’s Mianmian who gets branded on her face in the cave, not Jiang Yanli.
FOUND? httpskaixx: Hello! Im scrolling on your feed when I read about the fic finder #12 something about jiang bashing then jiang yanli got her face burned with the wen iron in the cave [Ch34]. Sadly, the ao3 author's account (A_flower_in_the_snow) got deleted but someone posted the fic on wattpad with the author's consent. You can find the fic on this wattpad account: -NieHuaisang (yes, with dash) then title of the fic: OOC!
13. Hello! Do you happen to know a fic where wwx books an appointment with professional Dom lwj? I think it started out with wwx waking up with a hangover and finding a confirmation text/email. I can remember vague details like it being set in modern day, wwx being a disaster (and maybe struggling with alcohol), lwj going to wwx’s apartment for the first meet-up, and I think wwx entering sub-space from having his hair brushed. Lwj had wwx be still and silent for Day 1
FOUND! A New Kind of Thrill by doukeshiA (E, 27k, WIP, WangXian, Modern AU, Pro-dom LWJ, Dom/sub, Light Bondage, Spanking, Vibrators, Masturbation, Orgasm Denial, Orgasm Control, Subspace, BDSM, Coming Untouched, Anal Play, Anal Plug, Crying, Master/Pet, Come Eating, Mirror Sex)
NOT FOUND! Down On Bended Knee by cyclamental (E, 14k, WangXian, Power Bottom LWJ, Sex Worker LWJ, Dom/sub, Undernegotiated Kink, handjobs, Blowjobs, Anal Sex, Unsafe Sex, Gentle Dominant LWJ, Submissive WWX, Praise Kink, Modern: No Powers, Engineer WWX, salty LWJ, Bottom LWJ, Edging, Angst-free Queer Awakening)
14. hello i need y'all's help again. this fic im looking for has a kind of possessed wwx? by a demon or a dragon or smth else??? i forget. but he gets sealed in the cold cave in cloud recesses and lwj locks himself in with wwx as well. that's about what i remember :(((( id appreciate the help thank youuuu
FOUND! Breathing Firestorm by ladyshadowdrake (M, 110k, wangxian, angst, fluff, captivity, creepy WRH, dream sharing, politics, mystical creature WWX, canon-typical violence, happy ending)
15. Hi i tried going through tags but still coulf not find it so i need help. Its a wangxian fic on ao3. Lwj keeps visits wwx then he decides to run away from the lan clan with the money he stored and replaced it with rocks. I remember huisang took the bunnies to lwj without anyone knowing. It also has like a sequal or chapter when the lan clan and lxc saw wangji in yiling with wuxian selling inventions and other things and getting hair decorated by the kids. By the end lxc asked for rabbits for cloud recesses. I think by the end lwj bid lxc goodbye and mist covered him with wwx. Thats all thank you i hope you find it
FOUND? Unpack Your Heart by Terri Botta (Isilwath) (T, 22k, wangxian, everyone lives au, romance, burial mounds settlement days, protective LWJ, LWJ stays at the BM, YLLZ WWX, not friendly for lan elders)
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digitalagepulao · 11 months
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Pardal/Sparrow or Digital, whichever is your fancy sie/hir/they/them - adult (+21)
welcome to my JttW and chinese animations and mythology sideblog! my focus on it comes and goes so i'll let you know when turning on notifications to know when i'm posting again might be a good idea.
while this blog is mainly focused on JttW, I'll bring up other stories and legends, like Investiture of the Gods (Fengshen Yanyi) or Lotus Lantern (Bao Lian Deng). this is also for Chinese animations and series as I find and explore them, and i'll occasionally do livereads of books, especially academic ones.
follow me over at my main @sparrow-in-boots if you'd like my more assorted interests <3
THIS BLOG IS +21 and will contain: fantasy and realistic violence, gore, body horror, discussion of mental illness and suicide, sexual themes, and other sensitive subjects. They will be tagged appropriately as cw but please be advised and proceed with caution.
PLEASE DO NOT TAG MY AUs AND CONTENT AS LMK unless i do so! LMK content is tagged with #not a lmk blog (head on over to my LMK sideblog @digitaldoeslmk if you want my art and aus)
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AU info and tags below!
#Expedition to the West au
my take on JttW if it was (more or less) rooted in the real world and the historical Xuanjang's journey. follows mostly the plot beats as outlined by @journeytothewestresearch's article, so giving it a read will help contextualize where I diverge or fill in empty spaces with my own takes and ideas. full props to OP, their research has been an immense help and inspiration!!
#Sun clan au
[CHARACTER DIRECTORY] started as my own version of giving Wukong a mother figure, now it's me fleshing out the monkey population of Huaguoshan with ocs to explore Wukong's bonds and filial piety, as well as the repercussions of his actions. expect a lot of family fluff AND angst!
note that both AUs are somewhat connected but I'll tag them separately as needed.
#Havoc in Midgard au
God of War/JttW crossover AU. Linked to my Fimbulvintr Blues AU where Atreus and Mimir are kicked back into the far past of Kratos' Spartan General days, and have to catch up to his current time the long way. I'm focusing mostly on his trips across the continents and pantheons as he retrieves the giants hidden there by Týr and slowly but surely acquires a veritable arsenal of magical artifacts, special powers and baffling alliances. And of course, his short but chaotic stint in the Three Kingdoms during the time of both Wukong's youth and the entirety of the Investiture of the Gods.
#bell dragon art
my art tag regardless of AU or fandom
jttw liveread: quotes and tidbits from the novels i felt like sharing
fsyy liveread: same as above, but for the Investiture of the Gods (Fengsheng Yanyi)
oedipal god liveread: comments and quotes of the book "Oedipal God: The Chinese Nezha and his Indian Origins" by Meir Shahar
jttw book club: chapter reviews and comments by myself and others who have joined the reading group over at @/journeythroughjourneytothewest
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jebewonmorelike · 6 months
✰⋆⁺ Steal Your Heart ⁺⋆✰
*ੈ Part Three: The Lovers ♡ Kim Jiwoong
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♡ Steal Your Heart Masterlist
♡ Read this Introductory Post and the Masterlist for details!
♡ Read Part One and Part Two (Gyuvin) Here!
˚☽˚。⋆ Steal Your Heart: An Interactive Fanfiction Game
... Collect Points to Determine Your Love Interest and Special Ending!!
⁺⋆✰ wc: 7k (i'm sorry but i love this chapter sm. it took so long and has a lot of different choices so it's not that long if you just pick one choice lol. pls enjoy!)
⁺⋆✰ reader-insert pronouns: none used; n/a -- reader is the 10th member of AU ZB1, but the group is referred to only as an "idol" group. no mentions or descriptions of gender of reader.
⁺⋆✰ chapter warnings: crime (reader was wrongfully convicted of a crime), swearing, depictions of alcohol/bar scene, suggestion of a drinking problem, pretty vague descriptions of making out (only the beginning of chapter), mild violence, angst, the choice *waack* towards the end contains a small suggestive joke... and lots of really funny and insane shenanigans! all ages welcome; pg-13+ themes.
⁺⋆✰ summary: for series summary click here. gyuvin and (y/n) are now fully awakened to their powers in the metaverse, confronting their company's president head-on as the fate of au!zb1 lies in their hands. what will happen when their group member jiwoong, the textbook definition of a washed-up idol, enters the mix? inspired by the jrpg persona 5.
⁺⋆✰ please download the scoresheet for the game here!
・゜゜ . . * ✧・゚・ ✧・゚: ・゜゜・.
Welcome back, Player! Get your scoresheet ready-- we're about to embark on the third part of our game. Are you ready to see how your Chapter Choice from Part Two plays out? Were you happy with your Chapter Choice from Part One?
Remember to tally your points! Let's jump right into it then and meet our Lovers arcana for the first time...
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The rim of the shot glass touching his lips feels like a warm embrace to Kim Jiwoong. It’s comforting. Familiar. The hard liquor that pours down his throat again and again is just an added bonus.
Jiwoong had always enjoyed his fair share of alcohol, but during this past year he’d consumed far more than what was fair. Jiwoong shrugs it off now like he does each time. Life isn’t fair. The world isn’t fair. Why should he be?
So he takes another shot. And another. And another... Until he loses count. But if Jiwoong could be honest with himself for once, he’d concede he had no intention of keeping count from the start.
When he finds his lips eventually attached to another pair, he’s not surprised. Just disappointed. A deep, self-loathing ache that he silences by shoving his tongue further down the indiscernible stranger’s throat. And then he’s not so disappointed anymore.
Jiwoong suddenly notices a distinct absence of noise, pulling back to realize he’s transported outside. His right hand caresses the exterior brick of the bar, his other hand is wraps around the belly-chain adorned waist of a blonde person. He can’t really make out any features of their face, but he doesn’t really care to.
He’s pulled in again, lips meeting the impossibly glossy ones he’s been exploring for who knows how long. Cars zip by the alleyway, but Jiwoong is tucked safely out of view thanks to the darkness of the earliest hours of the morning. And also a giant dumpster.
Fitting, Jiwoong thinks.
“I can’t believe you,” a voice echoes down the alleyway from the street, catching Jiwoong’s attention. 
Let's find out the effects of your Chapter Choice for Part Two, Player! To refresh your memory, Choice 1 was to Get Food while Choice 2 was to Go To Karaoke.
⁺⋆✰ If You Chose “GET FOOD”:
“You ate ALL of my bao buns,” Gyuvin complains with a pout. “I didn’t even get to have one!”
You shrug. “You snooze, you lose.”
“You stuffed all three in your mouth as soon as the plate hit the table,” your best friend replies, kicking the cement of the sidewalk as you stroll down the dimly lit street.
“Sorry,” you mumble in apology. “I was just really hungry. I hadn’t eaten since before probation work this morning.”
Gyuvin’s eyes widen at this before his brow furrows sadly. “You really know how to make me feel bad, don’t you?”
“I wasn’t trying to—.”
“Should I pack you a lunch from now on? Hm?” He interrupts, hands flying about dramatically. “That’s too long for you to go without eating, especially under the hot sun.”
You raise an eyebrow at him. “Am I speaking to the right Binnie? Did you switch brains Freaky Friday style or something?”
“I’ll have you know I worry about you just as much as Hanbinnie hyung does,” Gyuvin retorts, stuffing his hands in his pockets. “I just suppress the urge to nag you better. I know you won’t listen anyway.”
“see, hat’s why you’re my best friend,” you conclude with a smile. “You let me f*ck up even when it kills you to watch.”
“Do you do the same for me?” He asks, looking up at the night sky.
“Every time I let you wear down another reporter,” you answer honestly, “it’s another dagger to the heart. You know how much I wish they cared. But I care about you more.”
“Did we become pine trees overnight? The sap’s been just pouring out of us lately,” Gyuvin jokes, rolling his eyes. “I was actually thinking yesterday that maybe you were right about that. Maybe I should just give it up like everyone else already has.”
“But today?” You prompt knowingly.
“Today I’ve realized that even if I’m the only one trapped in your corner forever” he replies with a laugh, “I don’t want out. And I don’t think I ever will.”
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“You know, you have really resembled a pine tree lately now that I think of it,” you observe with a smile. “You’re already so tall, I guess the needles and the branches didn’t look that out of place.”
“Can you believe they let two trees into a restaurant?” 
“As long as they’re buying something,” you say with a shrug.
Gyuvin hums, blinking at you. “But you’ll sing with me soon, right? I really miss it.”
After a moment, you nod. “Yeah. I miss it, too. I guess I’m just... not quite there yet.”
“That’s okay,” Gyuvin says, nudging you with his elbow as you continue down the street. “Whenever you’re ready. Take all the time you need.”
You probably have more to explain to Gyuvin-- the feelings you’ve felt over the past year are more complicated than could possibly be understood by someone who hasn't experienced them for themselves. But Gyuvin doesn’t ask for an explanation. 
He just let’s you f*ck up... even when it kills him to watch.
“When I do sing again,” you say, moonlight illuminating your eyes. “I really want it to be with you.”
“I'd like that.”
Your bond has grown stronger with Gyuvin. +1 Gyuvin Point. Please add +1 Gyuvin Point to your score sheet.
・゜゜ . . * ✧・゚・ ✧・゚: ・゜゜・.
⁺⋆✰ If You Chose “GO TO KARAOKE”:
“You haven’t been able to use your voice for an entire year and the first song you choose to sing is Ring Ding Dong?” Gyuvin asks, his voice dripping with judgment.
“Hey, cool it with the disrespect on a literal classic,” you reply with a huff. “Besides, you said you needed a distraction. I thought singing something a little silly would help!”
“Ugh,” Gyuvin sighs dramatically. “I guess it did, yeah. You knew all the words and everything. You didn’t even need to look at the screen!”
You shrug, smirking up at him. “What can I say? I’ve still got it.”
“I know you meant that as a joke, but it’s true,” he replies, shoving his hands in his pockets. “I can’t tell you how happy it made me to sing with you again. I want to keep singing with you for as long as possible.”
“You’ve been such a sap the past twenty-four hours,” you tease, knocking into him gently with your hip. “Seriously, I missed singing with you, too. To be honest, I was really scared to sing again. When I lost my voice, I’d make deals at night with the universe: everything I have in exchange for the ability to sing again. Still, I worried that if I ever was able to sing again, would it feel the way it used to? Would it hurt even more to have my voice back and still be unwelcome in my own group? But... Singing with you tonight was easy. You’ve made everything easier for me this year. I guess this is my sh*tty, impromptu attempt at thanking you.”
Gyuvin blinks back at you, eyes wide and doe-like. “F*ck. And you think I’m the one being too sentimental?” 
“Okay, I take it back,” you reply quickly, rolling your eyes.
“NO TAKE BACKS!” Gyuvin shouts at the exact same time, a cheesy grin on his face fading to a soft smile. “You don’t need to thank me. You just need to keep being my best friend.”
You nod. “I think I can arrange that.”
“Also,” he starts to add, hesitating for a moment before ultimately deciding to continue for better or for worse. “I bet there’s a bunch of people who would love to hear you sing again.”
You press your lips together awkwardly. “I wouldn’t be so sure of that.”
“Why not? You really don’t think you still have fans?” Gyuvin asks with a frown.
You remember the small group of four or five teenagers standing outside of Total Control with protest signs yesterday. “Honestly, I wouldn’t wish being my fan on anyone.”
“I think they’d be really hurt to hear you say that,” Gyuvin replies, shaking his head like he always does when he thinks you’re being impossible. “It hurts me to hear you say it. I am your biggest fan, after all.”
You smile at the charming sincerity of your goofball best friend. “It must be hard to be around your favorite idol all the time.”
“You have no idea,” Gyuvin agrees with a laugh. He looks up at the sky, avoiding your gaze-- his cheeks noticeably pink in the lamplight. “But I’m happy to suffer for as long as you let me.”
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Your bond with Gyuvin has grown stronger. +2 Gyuvin Points. Please add +2 Gyuvin Points to your score sheet.
・゜゜ . . * ✧・゚・ ✧・゚: ・゜゜・.
All Continue Reading Below
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“Quick, take a picture of me!” Gyuvin suddenly exclaims, running towards the empty crosswalk and striking the least casual, casual pose you’ve ever seen. “I need some new pictures for the grid.”
You snort in disbelief as Gyuvin poses in the warm lights outside a bar. “Can’t believe you just said that.”
“Zeroses are getting bored of my selfies, I think,” he says with a shrug. You humor him, taking your phone out of your pocket and snapping a couple pictures before he adjusts his pose slightly and signals at you to continue. “I saw a lot of comments asking for full-body pictures on my last post.”
“Can’t say I blame them,” you reply with a smirk, snapping some more photos of your annoying, handsome, and also annoyingly-handsome friend. 
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✧ New Wallpaper Unlocked: Gyuvin Hit the Griddy ✧
Jiwoong, through his boozy, delusional fog, isn’t really processing anything he’s hearing. Instead, he takes these disembodied voices chattering about taking pictures in his general proximity outside a bar at night to mean the thing they usually mean: the paparazzi has tracked him down yet again.
“F*ck,” he mumbles, prying himself off of the stranger he’s still entangled with. “How do they always find me? It’s like the company personally hires them to ruin my reputation...”
“What?” A feminine voice asks confusedly beside him. “What are you talking about?”
“You should run,” he answers, running a hand through his long black hair. He’s been growing it out for about six months-- ever since the day the company broke it to him that he was too old to re-debut after ZeroBaseOne’s contract expired. That maybe somewhere down the line, there’d be hope for Yujin and Gunwook, but never for him. He’d known that all along. But it didn’t make hearing the truth any easier. “You don’t wanna appear in a headline next to me.”
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“A headline?” The feminine voice asks again as Jiwoong inches closer to the end of the alley. “What do you mean? Are you, like, famous or something?”
“For the sake of my own ego, I’m gonna pretend you didn’t say that,” Jiwoong replies with a sigh. He peers around the corner, expecting to find several men dressed in dark clothing-- camera flashes blinding him as he attempts to make a break for it.
But that’s not what he finds. 
Instead, there’s just two figures-- slightly hazy through Jiwoong’s eyes as they stroll slowly down the illuminated sidewalk. He squints, attempting to steady his vision until the figures finally come into focus... 
Much to Jiwoong’s surprise, it’s you and Gyuvin.
Gyuvin jogs back over to you, grabbing your phone from your hand and looking through the pictures. “Zeroses know exactly what they want. And they’re not afraid to let us know either.”
“No, they are not,” you agree with a laugh, recalling the time Zeroses once petitioned on Twitter for you all to ‘Show More Arm’ in the Crush music video. The acronym ‘SMA’ trended for a week straight. The company was not amused and ended up putting you all in militaristic long sleeve shirts, pants, and vests in retaliation.
“Oh my god,” a feminine voice suddenly exclaims behind you. “That’s (Y/N) from ZeroBaseOne!"
You and Gyuvin freeze in place, turning around slowly to assess the situation. It’s a pretty blonde girl, lipgloss smeared all over her mouth as a handsome man stares wide-eyed at you beside her. 
“Oh, hyung?” Gyuvin calls as you both realize you’re being graced with the rare presence of your group member Kim Jiwoong in the flesh. You haven’t seen him in awhile. He sleeps all day and spends all night at any club that’ll still let him in. 
He looks much worse than you remember.
“Wait, you know ZeroBaseOne? Oh my god! You--... you thought paparazzi were going to take pictures of you... And you know ZeroBaseOne... That means...” You watch in fascination as the stranger puts two and two together.
Jiwoong turns to quiet his prior makeout partner, the lines of her face still going in and out of focus. He can tell, however, that her jaw is hung open in elated shock... Or maybe... 
“EW! I was making out with some washed-up, has-been idol!?” She shouts in absolute horror, throwing her arms down in despair. “Last week I made out with some weird guy that busks in front of his tteokbokki stand and now THIS? I need to quit drinking.”
“Did she just say she made out with Kim Taerae!?” Gyuvin exclaims; Jiwoong jumping as he realizes you’re both now standing right in front of him. The taller boy’s brow is furrowed in confusion. “I hate to break it to you, but you’ve actually made out with two washed-up, has-been idols. If you’re ever interested in tripling your winnings...”
You punch Gyuvin in the arm, to which he mumbles, “Sorry. Blah, blah: game; blah, blah: player.”
Looking at Jiwoong up close, your awkward smile wavers. He’s clearly sh*t-faced, which comes as no surprise to you and it wouldn’t to anyone else who knows him either. He looks distressed and the dark circles under his eyes are unmistakable. Jiwoong leaves you no choice but to worry about him.
“Y-you...” Jiwoong suddenly begins to stammer, left hand kneading his opposite forearm anxiously as his gaze weighs you down. “You were talking to each other. You were... talking.”
Your head snaps to look at Gyuvin, meeting his panicked eyes instantly. It takes only a moment for you to wordlessly reach the same page. And that page reads: Lie like hell.
“What? What do you mean, hyung?” Gyuvin asks as you type something into your phone. “I was talking and you were using your screenreader. Right, (Y/N)?”
You nod emphatically, your screenreader vocalizing, “Are you okay, Woongie? You look really tired! I think maybe you’ve had too much to drink. How about we take you home and get you to bed?”
The silence that follows is deafening before Jiwoong finally whispers, “Really, (Y/N)?”
The expression on his face is painfully ambiguous. You can’t tell if he’s about to laugh, flip you off, cry, or throw up.
“Gaslighting me? I’d expect that from Binnie, but not from you,” he spits, looking down at the ground. When he looks back up, his eyes are darker than before. “You know, I’ve treated you really well this past year considering you f*cked up my whole f*cking life. Taking advantage of my problem isn’t exactly a nice way to repay me.”
You blink back at him, surprised, but not by his harshness. “Your... problem?”
“Guys,” Gyuvin attempts in vain to interrupt.
“Yeah, my...” Jiwoong starts to echo, but he stops when he realizes what he’s accidentally admitted. 
“Guys, there’s--...” Gyuvin tries again to no avail. He seemingly gives up with an agitated sigh.
“I’ve never heard you call it that before,” you reply calmly. 
Jiwoong gulps, clearly overwhelmed as he tries to change the subject. “Y-y--... You are talking! You--... you were lying to me and... you...”
“I know. I’m sorry for lying, Jiwoongie,” you apologize sincerely as the rustle of Gyuvin gnawing his nails enters the soundscape. “And I’m sorry for saying what I said. Can we talk about it more at home, do you think? Maybe where there aren’t sensitive ears listening.”
Only now does Jiwoong remember the presence of the stranger who’d he’d been swapping saliva with just minutes before. “Oh, f*ck.”
“Oh f*ck is right,” Gyuvin says, tips of his fingers still in his mouth. “Nobody ever listens to me.”
“Uh, okay, I can fix this!” Jiwoong exclaims, a reassurance that is probably more for himself than for you. He turns to the girl beside him, who is very clearly wishing she never left her house tonight. “W-what do you want? In exchange for... not talking about any of this ever?”
“My dignity back,” she answers with a sigh. 
Jiwoong grimaces. “Oh, um... I guess I was talking about something more... tangible than that.”
“Yeah, I figured,” she replies with a nod. “Well then, I guess a million won will suffice.”
Gyuvin bursts into laughter. “A million won!? You said it yourself: we’re washed-up, has-been idols. I saw Jiwoong hyung buy that shirt from the Target clearance rack last month.”
Jiwoong pulls out his phone with a dejected sigh. “What’s your Naver Pay?”
“WannaOne5Everxoxo,” she answers happily.
Gyuvin nods satisfactorily. “Gotta respect such good taste at least. You know, our group was formed through a survival show too! Maybe you’d like our--.”
“Not interested,” she declines firmly before a suggestion has even been made. “Yay, it went through! Oh... It’s only 500,000 won.”
Jiwoong laughs awkwardly. “Yeah, it’s--... It’s everything I have.”
You can tell he means it. Shaking your head in absolute disbelief at what you’re about to do, you unlock your phone and open Naver Pay. 
“Oh!” The girl gasps as her phone pings. She looks at the notification, finding the rest of the 1,000,000 won transferred to her account. She nods politely at you. “Thanks.”
Jiwoong meets your gaze sheepishly, lips pressed together in awkward shame. “Yeah. Thanks.”
“Have a good night, I guess,” the girl calls over her shoulder as she walks back through the door to the bar. “Losers.”
Her absence makes way for a painfully uncomfortable silence, which Gyuvin breaks by suggesting you find your way back to your car. 
“Good idea,” you agree, starting to walk in the direction you’d come from. When you realize only one pair of footsteps is following you, you turn around to figure out what the issue is. Because nothing can ever be easy, you find Jiwoong leaning against a telephone pole-- dead asleep while still standing upright.
“You’ve got to be f*cking kidding me,” you huff, marching back over to Jiwoong and smacking his arm repeatedly. “Wake up!”
“Mm,” Jiwoong groans, his head falling onto your shoulder. 
“We could just... leave him here,” Gyuvin suggests softly and you can’t deny how appealing that plan sounds. But another headline about Jiwoong’s nightly escapades would only create more problems for all of you in the long run.
Throwing one of Jiwoong’s arms around your shoulders, you pull some of his weight onto your frame. Gyuvin rushes to the other side of your sleeping group member and, together, you trudge your way down the street. Eventually, you find yourselves in front of the Total Control building— which means your car is at least somewhat nearby.
“How much further?” Gyuvin asks, breathing heavily as you pull out your phone.
You use your right thumb to search for Naver Maps, knowing you’d placed a pin on the map where you’d parked as you always did. You laboredly type N, then A, then V, the app appearing in the suggested bar below. You stretch your thumb to reach the icon, pressing down on the screen when suddenly...
Your finger slips.
“Oh for f*ck’s sake,” you grumble as the ground begins to shake around you.
A red haze overtakes the atmosphere as the Metaverse settles into place, the glow of the Total Control Music castle nearly blinding in the darkness. You cough lightly, looking at the ground in embarrassment. 
“Huh. I didn't notice all that butter on your fingers,” Gyuvin taunts as Jiwoong starts to stir between you.
“Not another word,” you threaten, trying desperately to get a better grip on your phone. “Can you hold him for a second so I can get us out of here?”
Just as Gyuvin wraps his right arm tighter around Jiwoong, the previously unconscious man abruptly comes to. He looks around, noticing the different surroundings of the Metaverse. 
“Weird dream,” he says, rubbing his eyes. “I’ve really gotta stop mixing liquors.” 
“Yes! Yes, yes, exactly,” you reply, tapping on the MetaNav app when you realize that it hasn’t responded to your vocal command to leave like it usually does. “This is all a dream, Jiwoongie.”
“And you should really stop drinking altogether at this point,” Gyuvin adds with a huff.
“Now let’s get out of here,” you say again, waiting for the voice of the MetaNav app to respond. You’re met with silence. “Oh, this is not good.”
“It’s—… It’s not letting us leave?” Gyuvin asks, eyes wide with panic. 
“What’s not letting us leave?” Jiwoong asks, growing more and more alert. “Where are we? And why is there a gigantic castle where the company building's supposed to be?"
“Doesn’t matter,” you respond sternly, both you and Gyuvin taking turns frantically tapping the MetaNav app in vain. “You’re dreaming, remember?”
“Hey, (Y/N)?” Jiwoong asks again, the slightest hint of fear now present in his voice. “What are those?”
“I dunno, it’s your subconscious,” you respond hurriedly— far too distracted with your current dilemma to properly pay attention to him.
“Kind of looks like big, moving hunks of metal,” Jiwoong continues. “And there’s, like, black fog coming out of them?”
“Sounds really scary, hyung,” Gyuvin takes a turn replying to him. “I would totally unpack some things in therapy as soon as possible if I were you.”
“And there’s something behind them,” Jiwoong observes, confusion in his voice. “Wait… Is that President Kim?”
Your eyes meet Gyuvin’s and then dart towards the castle doors, but your attention comes too late. President Kim is grinning evilly at Jiwoong, seemingly delighted by his presence as he taps his fingers together.
“COME FORWARD AND GREET YOUR KING,” a shadow guard bellows. You and Gyuvin stand your ground, but Jiwoong starts to climb the steps.
“Jiwoong-ah, don’t,” you hiss at him, but he doesn’t listen. Why would he? You’d just told him this was all a dream.
“President Kim?” Jiwoong asks, head tilting to the side. “What’s going on? Why’re you dressed like... that? This is literally the weirdest dream I’ve ever had.”
The “king” nods, smiling eerily. “I assure you, Jiwoong-sshi… This is no dream.”
Jiwoong’s breath hitches in his throat. He’s silent as President Kim takes a few steps forward. 
“This is really bad,” Gyuvin whispers, looking to you for your next move. “I could try that ice thing again? Maybe we could try to do some more damage this time.”
You start to nod, but a familiar voice rings through your head. Do I really have to remind you of this again? Just stand still, my friend. And make sure your pet Gyuvin doesn’t misbehave, Arsène commands.
“Wait,” you warn, grabbing Gyuvin’s raised hand and forcing it back to his side. “I think we should just see what happens first.”
“What!?” Gyuvin replies with furrowed brow. “He’s gonna get himself-- and then us-- killed.”
“Just watch.”
“Kim Jiwoong-sshi, can you even see straight right now? Aigoo, you create such problems for me,” President Kim continues as Jiwoong stands still in shock. “No matter how many times I call the paparazzi on you, you never learn your lesson! Dispatch has photographed you in so many compromising situations that they won’t even respond to my requests anymore. You’re so predictably sleazy that even the paparazzi are bored of you!”
Jiwoong’s hands shake lightly at his sides. “I think I want to wake up now.”
“Can’t even tell when he’s awake or asleep! How did this happen to you, Jiwoong-sshi? Did it cut that deeply to hear the truth? To hear what everyone, including yourself, already knew? That you’re no longer valuable in this industry? That your prime has come and gone and anything salvageable went to sh*t with your group member’s scandal?” President Kim ruthlessly berates. Gyuvin squirms next to you and you keep squeezing his hand to hold him back. “You wanted some control back, didn’t you? You decided to let no one’s scandal ruin you but your own.”
You can only see the side of Jiwoong’s face, but the shade of sickly white he has turned is hard to ignore. His skin is clammy and his lips are parted in horror. He’s starting to claw at his arms, like his skin is crawling.
Like it’s happening to him.
“You used to be sought after in a club. But now they all know better-- don’t they, Jiwoong-sshi? You’re desperate now. If I knew you’d play the part so well, I would’ve framed you instead of (Y/N)-sshi that night,” President Kim continues with a malicious smile.
“What?” Jiwoong exhales, growing more and more unsteady. “You--... Framed!?”
“And now, Jiwoong-sshi, you’re nothing more than a wh*re on the street,” President Kim twists the knife until it's poking at his heart. “Nothing more than a pathetic, penniless... drunk.”
“I AM NOT!” Jiwoong screams, falling to his knees in agony. Gyuvin gasps next to you as his hyung writhes in pain on the steps of the palace. “F*CK, make it stop-- MAKE IT STOP!”
Hey there, handsome. I'm Carmen; seductress of legend. I've never had a vessel as gorgeous as you! I could just eat you right up. You’d like that, wouldn’t you?
“No, no, no, I don’t want to die,” Jiwoong rambles deliriously as a disembodied, feminine voice echoes through his head.
“It's--... It's happening to him, isn't it?” Gyuvin asks, face scrunched in confusion. "Could it happen to all of us?"
You’re not gonna die, my love. Not if I have anything to say about it! It’s you and me forever from now on, so let’s lure some villains right into our irresistible trap...
A mask forms around Jiwoong’s face, a feline shape melding to his delicate skin. You throw a hand over Gyuvin’s eyes as Jiwoong rips it off, an anguished scream ricocheting off the palace doors. As a new mask forms and hovers in front of Jiwoong’s healed face, you grab Gyuvin and pull him up the steps.
New Confidant Unlocked: Lovers *ੈ Kim Jiwoong
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Jiwoong pants heavily from the torment he’s just fought through. You wait patiently for him to regain his focus until he finally lifts his head, a deadly smirk on his lips.
I guess you're right about me. I hope you can relish it while you’re rotting in hell. ‧ ₊ ✫ ˚・
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Jiwoong’s hands open at his sides, balls of hot, orange fire forming in his palms. He throws them wildly at President Kim, one burning a giant hole in his red, velvet robe.
New Skill Unlocked: Homme Fatale ⋆☀︎。
President Kim stomps his foot in anger, a lightning bolt aiming right for Jiwoong’s head. 
You run up behind him, blowing a gust of wind from your hands towards President Kim and tackling Jiwoong to the ground. You both narrowly avoid the lightning bolt as your wind power knocks President Kim backwards. Jiwoong’s wide eyes meet yours through his mask-- yours and Gyuvin’s now having formed across your eyes as well. “The fire thing is really f*cking cool, Woongie.”
“Thanks,” he says with a soft smile as Gyuvin shoots a wave of icicles towards the shadow guards. “So is the wind thing.”
“I know,” you reply as you sit up, offering Jiwoong your hand. Clambering to your feet, the three of you continue to attack the shadow guards with your elemental powers as President Kim stomps his foot for another lightning bolt. It lands between you and Gyuvin, but he pulls you out of its reach in the nick of time. 
As President Kim begins to retreat through the doors of the castle, your team starts to back down the steps as well. You notice that President Kim has left behind a shoe and your eyes widen when a familiar-looking man rushes out of the castle quickly to retrieve it. 
“Manager Sang?” Jiwoong asks as you realize why this man looks so familiar to you.
The man looks up, shoe in hand-- his eyes glow red, but his expression is ambiguous. This is, in fact, your manager; the only one who stuck around after the fallout. What’s he doing here?
Manager Sang retreats back into the castle without hesitation, leaving you alone with no one but the shadow guards. They look angry, per usual.
“Do you think the app will let us leave--.” Gyuvin doesn’t even get to finish his sentence before the voice of the MetaNav app booms:
“Ciao?” Gyuvin repeats with a huff as the red haze of the Metaverse fades away around you. “Who does she think she is? Abandons us in the Metaverse and all she has to say for her robot-self is ‘ciao’?”
You glance at Jiwoong, whose complexion has paled once again. “Jiwoong-ah? How are you holding up?”
“I--... I think I’m gonna be sick,” Jiwoong replies, his face turning green before he doubles over and throws up all over the sidewalk. You and Gyuvin let out pained sighs as Jiwoong wipes his arm across his mouth and stands back up. He’s woozy and you grab his arm to keep him upright. “Can we please go home now?”
“C’mon, hyung,” Gyuvin replies, grabbing his other arm-- both of you helping him a bit further down the street as you finally spot your license plate. You grin at Gyuvin sheepishly. “Seriously? We were, like, fifty feet away from your car this whole time?”
“Sssssh, ssh, ssh, ssh, ssh,” you coo, opening the door to the back seat and helping Jiwoong inside. He curls uo on the leather interior, closing his eyes and snoring lightly within seconds. “You know, he’s actually quite cute like this.”
“Like what? Unconscious?” Gyuvin asks with a snort, throwing open the passenger door and climbing inside. You run around to the driver’s side and start the car. “I guess he is pretty cute when he’s not single-handedly destroying his own life and reputation.”
“And when he’s not blaming me for it either,” you add, pulling out from the curb and driving down the street in the direction of your dorm building. “What are we gonna do about him?”
“I have no idea,” Gyuvin answers, sinking into his seat. “We don’t even understand what we’re dealing with. And now we’ve gotta add a whole new person that doesn’t even really like us to the mix?”
You’re driving five miles under the speed limit like you always do after getting your license back, which gives you extra time to realize the street you’re on. To your right is Taerae’s tteokbokki stand, which he’s sitting in front of on the sidewalk while strumming his guitar. On the left, there’s just one building with its lights on: Hanbin’s dance studio.
“Can we make a quick stop? I’m really craving...”
Mini-Decision: Are you craving a snack or a waack?
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If you chose "a snack", read below:
“You understand me on a cosmic level,” Gyuvin says with a smile as you pull up to the curb beside Taerae’s tteokbokki stand. Gyuvin glances towards the back of your car where Jiwoong is currently out cold-- his head lolling off of the seat. “He’ll be fine here, right?”
“Eh, he’s slept in worse places,” you answer, opening the car door as Gyuvin follows suit. The sound of Taerae’s hypnotic voice and an accompanying guitar melody fill the air as you make your way towards him. You both stand in front of Taerae, his eyes closed as he finishes the song. After a brief round of applause, you pull a 1,000 won bill from your pocket and throw it in the cup next to him.
“That was my coffee,” he says with a frown, fishing the soaking wet bill out of his drink. You smile at him apologetically, looking down at your feet in embarrassment.
“You should be grateful, hyung,” Gyuvin defends, sticking his hands in his pockets. “It’s not like anyone else is giving you money. You know, I did just hear that you had some fun last week though...”
“What do you guys want?” Taerae asks, rolling his eyes. “Are you here to get back at me for helping Ricky yesterday, or?”
You tilt your head to each side as if you’re considering it before finally pointing to Taerae’s tteokbokki stand. You pat your stomach and bat your eyelashes cutely until he gets the hint.
“Ugh, you’re really gonna make me work?” Taerae asks, already standing up and walking towards his stand. “What can I get for you?”
“Spicy, spicy,” Gyuvin answers quickly, shifting on his feet excitedly. Taerae packs him a hefty portion of the spiciest tteokbokki and then packs another hefty portion of cheesy rosè rice cakes all the way on the end. You grin up at him.
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“I know you,” Taerae says, the corner of his mouth turning up in a reluctant smile. “I know what you like.”
“What do we owe you, hyung?” Gyuvin asks, starting to take out his wallet as Taerae hands the plastic bag of food to you. 
The older boy looks at the 1,000 won bill on the counter next to him, then at you. “It’s on me,” he sighs, shaking his head. “And I'm sorry about the other day, (Y/N). Enjoy.”
Your bond with Taerae has strengthened. +1 Taerae Point. Please add +1 Taerae Point to your score sheet.
・゜゜ . . * ✧・゚・ ✧・゚: ・゜゜・.
If you chose "a waack", read below:
“I’m sorry, what did you just say?” Gyuvin asks, suddenly incredibly flustered. “A waack? Is that some sort of euphemism, or--.”
“You’re disgusting,” you reply, pulling up to the curb on the left side of the street next to Hanbin’s dance studio. You turn off the car, throw open your door and step outside-- making your way to the studio entrance. Gyuvin follows you, slamming the passenger door behind him.
“I was just kidding, by the way,” Gyuvin asks as your hand wraps around the door handle. “I knew you meant you wanted to watch Hanbin... waack.”
“Mmhm,” you dismiss wordlessly, pulling open the door and stepping inside. You were glad that Hanbin had founded a fairly successful dance studio in the months after ZB1's downfall. You were not as glad that Hanbin stayed there day and night, like he was hiding from you. From all of you. He made you dinner several times during the week, but you felt like it was out of guilt. Guilt that he'd quickly rebuilt at least some semblance of a career when the majority of you had yet to do so.
You’re greeted by the sound of c*nty, slayful music-- the image of Hanbin freestyling reflecting back at you off the giant wall mirror. He’s so into the beat that he doesn’t notice you until the song stops.
“Oh, hey kids!” Hanbin greets, lowering the volume of the studio speakers as he runs over to you. “What brings you here so late, my loves? Is everything okay?”
Typical for Hanbin's first instinct to be to worry about you. And to his credit, you and Gyuvin often required a lot of worrying. 
“Uh, we were on our way home and (Y/N) wanted to visit you actually,” Gyuvin explains, placing his giant hand on top of your head playfully.
“Is that so?” Hanbin asks, grinning at you. “Were you, maybe, looking to do a little dancing...?”
You hadn’t danced in a really long time. There was no way you could keep up with Hanbin, or Gyuvin for that matter. Maybe it’s because it’s almost 2 A.M. and you’ve fought shadow guards and an evil version of your company’s CEO twice in eight hours, but neither of those things matter to you at this moment.
You want to dance. And you want to dance right now.
You nod at Hanbin, a soft smile lighting up your face. Gyuvin tilts your head up to look at him with the hand that’s still wrapped around it.
“Really?” He asks, eyes wide in shock. “You wanna dance?”
You nod again, turning back towards Hanbin. You can tell he’s trying really, really hard not to get emotional-- absolutely beaming from ear to ear with pride. 
“Then let’s dance, baby.”
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Your bond with Hanbin has grown stronger. +1 Hanbin Point. Please add +1 Hanbin point to your score sheet.
・゜゜ . . * ✧・゚・ ✧・゚: ・゜゜・.
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Your alarm stirs you awake gently. You stretch your arms over your head— glad that you had the day off from probation work after the absolute chaos of the day prior. Your eyes flutter open peacefully, when:
“AAAAAAAGH!” You scream at the sight of Hao’s face floating inches above yours. It’s clear he had been planning to scare you, but, for some reason, he screams in shock, too.
Hao pulls back, staring at you with wide eyes. “You just… You just f*cking screamed!”
Godd*mnit. Could anything just be easy for once?
Hao was the last person you needed finding out about this new secret. Everything said in the dorms entered Hao’s ears and was reported back to the company immediately. Not to mention he’d become your personal demon this past year; tormenting you, ridiculing you, punishing you for ruining his career.
You weren’t really sure why he was so upset, considering he was the one that had been positioned for a promising solo debut in the coming months. The one that President Kim had thrown all of his money and resources behind when the group’s future went haywire-- hanging the rest of you out to dry.
You frown as you remember something that President Kim said in the castle the other day: “Now I have to pretend to put all my efforts into that Hao kid…” 
‘Pretend’. Interesting choice of words.
“Um, hello?” Hao asks, flicking you on the forehead hard with his finger. “You can’t just play dumb like that. I heard you!”
“Then why did you ask if you already knew the f*cking answer?” You counter as your rub your forehead, your anger getting the best of you. 
“Oh my god,” Hao says quietly, blinking at you with parted lips. He stares at you like this for so long that you almost think he’s about to say something nice. He instead concludes, “You’ve been faking it this whole time.”
“WHAT!?” You shout indignantly. No, no, no. There's no way Hao was going to twist this into another opportunity to dig your grave that much deeper. “That’s not true, Hao. I—… I got it back on Monday! I don’t know how it happened, but I—.”
“When President Kim hears about this,” Hao says with a malicious grin, “you’re getting kicked out of here for good.”
Hao walks toward your bedroom door feverishly, excited for another chance to make you as miserable as he is. If he only knew you already were— that hurting your friends so deeply was a fate worse than death to you. That you’d do anything to change what happened.
But you can’t. And you can’t let Hao spill the beans on this either. 
So, you take a deep breath, muster all of your courage and call:
Mini-Decision: Should you yell "HaoHao!" or "B*tch!"?
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If you chose "HaoHao!", read below:
You bite your lip softly; cheeks heating at the cringiness of using your old nickname for him. It’s disgustingly affectionate— something you and Hao haven’t felt towards each other in over a year. 
Still, desperate times call for even more desperate measures.
Hao freezes in his tracks, turning back to face you in slow motion. His face is flushed from embarrassment. At least you got his attention.
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“Don’t—… Don’t call me that,” he says annoyedly, hand reaching to scratch the back of his neck.
“Please,” you basically beg. You know it’s what he wants to hear. “Please, don’t tell anyone about this.”
Hao swallows uncomfortably; blinking rapidly as he stares at anything but you. “I—… Why shouldn’t I?”
“I’ll do anything, Hao. Anything you want, no questions asked,” you surrender.
Your bond with Hao has grown stronger. +1 Hao Point. Please add +1 Hao Point to your scoresheet.
・゜゜ . . * ✧・゚・ ✧・゚: ・゜゜・.
If you chose "B*tch!", read below:
You probably could’ve chosen your words better, but at the very least it gets Hao’s attention. He freezes in the doorway; turning around slowly before meeting your gaze— eyes fierce and jaw set.
“I beg your motherf*cking pardon?”
You swallow hard. “I meant, I’ll be your b*tch.”
“I—… I don’t think that made me any less confused,” Hao replies after a moment; the tips of his ears turning red.
“I’ll do whatever you want; whenever you want, Hao. Cleaning, cooking, running errands— whatever you want me to do. Just so long as you don’t tell anyone about my voice.”
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“And you think that’s something I want?” Hao asks rhetorically, one eyebrow raised.
“I do, actually,” you challenge; matching his energy. “I think, rather than outright telling on me, you’d find it more fulfilling in that freezing cold heart of yours to be able to hold this over my head for the rest of my life… Am I wrong?”
Your bond has grown stronger with Hao. +0 Hao Points.
・゜゜ . . * ✧・゚・ ✧・゚: ・゜゜・.
All Continue Reading Below
“You—… I—… But—… Ugh, fine,” Hao agrees after a bunch of protestful stuttering; arms folding across his chest in annoyance. “I’ll make sure to give you a very long list of things I want you to do. Every day. For the rest of forever. And don’t think I won’t be trying to find a loophole out of this. If a bus comes, consider yourself already thrown under it.”
“Thanks, Hao,” you say with a nod. “I get the gist.”
He huffs in reply, turning on his heel and walking out of your bedroom. You sigh with cautious relief. You’re safe for now, but you know all too well that this temporary allyship with Hao is unreliable at best. 
A message lights up your phone on your bedside table:
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You’re holding a basket full of Hao’s freshly washed laundry in one arm and balancing an empty bowl of sundaeguk in the other when a practically rabid Jiwoong rushes through the front door and falls to his knees in front of you.
“I’ll do it,” Jiwoong begs, grabbing your right leg and clinging on in desperation. “Whatever it is that I have to do to join the Phantom Thieves... I’ll do it.”
“What in god’s green earth are the Phantom Thieves?” You ask, trying to kick him off you.
You and Gyuvin stare at him for a moment before Gyuvin awkwardly clears his throat. “(Y/N), can I see you over there for a second?”
Your eyes follow the direction that Gyuvin’s finger is pointing, glancing at the corner of the hallway less than four feet away. Shrugging, you walk over with Gyuvin, who immediately pulls you into an unnecessary, two-person huddle. 
“What are the Phantom Thieves?” You repeat annoyedly.
“Jiwoong came to the company today, loudly begging for answers so I had to calm him down a bit,” Gyuvin explains. “He was asking what happened and where we were and if we’re superheroes and all these questions I don’t really have the answers to. Then, I saw a flier on the bulletin board for the new semi-professional production of Phantom of the Opera that President Kim is in and a poster for President Kim’s first hit single ‘Sexy, Magic, Love Thief’ on the wall in front of me.”
“I’ll never get over that title, by the way,” you muse.
“It’s so 2000s,” Gyuvin agrees, his voice growing louder. “So, to get Jiwoong to shut up, I said we were the... Phantom Thieves. And that we’re on a very secret mission to expose Total Control Music and take back our lives.”
“And now,” you draw a conclusion, “he wants in. Well, has he considered that he’s not exactly a trustworthy friend to us? What gives him the right to suddenly care about the company’s wrongdoings? Or you? Or me?”
“Okay, listen,” your tall, hyperactive friend says, no longer even attempting to whisper. “I don’t really want this old, washed-up loser slowing us down, but he does have that awesome fireball-shooting power.”
“I completely agree,” you say, patting him on the shoulder. “But maybe you could lower your voice just a b--.”
“I KNEW YOU WOULD AGREE,” Gyuvin basically shouts. “Jiwoong hyung might not be cool or respectable or funny or useful, but... Since we've got the upper hand, I say we make a deal with him and take him for everything he’s worth!”
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“Hey, just so you guys know, I can hear everything you’re saying,” Jiwoong interjects, which earns him a harsh ‘SSSH!’ from both of you. He nods and reattaches his gaze to the floor.
“Fine,” you agree with a sigh. "Leave this to me. And don’t say anything stupid.”
Gyuvin nods at you, a smirk splayed on his lips. “You can count on your right-hand man, Team Leader. Oh, I also told him that you’re the Team Leader!”
With a satisfied smile, you hop back over to Jiwoong, who meets your gaze as you land in front of him again. 
“Okay, if you guys are gonna ask for money, you know I don’t have any...” Jiwoong attempts to reason. “I already owe you a ton of money anyway that we all know I’m never actually going to be able to repay you.”
“You don’t owe me anything,” you respond with a sigh. Jiwoong looks up at you, endlessly grateful and soul-crushingly ashamed. “Besides, we don’t want money.”
“We don’t?” Gyuvin asks stupidly. You kick his shin. “OW! What the f--... Um... I mean, ow, what the f*ck, hyung!? I'm so hurt! I can’t believe you think we’d want to take your money. Thought we were friends...”
“Mmhm,” Jiwoong mumbles, devoid of amusement.
You clap your hands loudly to regather their attention. “After our team meeting, we have decided that we will reluctantly let you in after you pay a hefty price. And that hefty price for entry into the Phantom Leaves--.”
“Thieves,” Gyuvin corrects quietly, bracing for impact.
“WHATEVER!” You concede, folding your arms across your chest exasperatedly. “The final price for entry into the Phantom Thieves is...”
⁺⋆✰ Chapter Choice ✰⋆⁺
It's up to you, Player. Will the price be...
CHOICE 1: Lots of Aegyo
CHOICE 2: A Kiss...
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murderousink23 · 2 years
08/22/2022 is Folklore Day 🇧🇷, National Flag Day 🇷🇺, National Bao Day 🇺🇲, National Pecan Torte Day 🇺🇲, National Tooth Fairy Day 🇺🇲, National Take Your Cat To The Vet Day 🇺🇲, National Rainbow Baby Day 🇺🇲, International Day of Remembrance for Victims of Acts of Violence Based on Religion or Belief
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0 notes
keyisalive · 10 months
Me, kicking my feet while learning the shitty stuff Jia Bao-Yu's(character Hong Lu is based off of) family does to him, thinking of the Familial Homocide and Domestic Violence warning for Limbus Company, dreading what will happen and what we'll learn and see, giggling,
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