#avatars of the astral worlds
movies-tv-more · 2 months
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TV Show Releases for April 9, 2024
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charmedreincarnation · 4 months
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So, I was watching ATLA and LOK for the millionth time, and there are so many elements in these shows that I have applied to my life, it's not even funny. This isn’t even really meant to be particularly educating but honestly I could have used atla and lok alone at the beginning of my journey and still come to the same conclusions as I had today. They’re both some of my fav shows since I was a child, and looking back and seeing its influence on me is very nostalgic. Also the live action is getting produced soon so I can’t think of a better time to make this post.
Anyways In Avatar: The Last Airbender," Aang learns about chakras from Guru Pathik. Chakras are like energy points in our body. Each one is linked to a different part of life, such as love, truth, or survival. When Aang clears blockages in these chakras, he can use his Avatar powers better. I had made a post about I will link here but honestly watching the scene in a kids show is more appealing 😭😭
Meditation is used a lot in the Avatar series. It helps characters like Aang to focus, feel calm, and understand themselves better. In real life, meditation does the same thing! It can obviously help reduce stress, improve focus and make us feel happier. In both shows I saw characters use meditation to induce a plethora of things.
Talk to Past Lives: Aang uses meditation to talk to his past lives for advice.
Ask for Help: Aang meditates to ask spirits for help.
Clear Minds: Characters meditate to think clearly and make good decisions.
Astral Projection: Aang and Jinora can travel as spirits, separate from their bodies, and etc
Yin and Yang
Avater uses the Moon (Yin) and Ocean (Yang) spirits to symbolize balance. Yin (Moon spirit) is like the subconscious mind, it's quiet, internal, and creative. Yang (Ocean spirit) can be seen as the conscious mind, it's active, external, and logical.
Just like in Neville Goddard's teachings, both aspects need to work together for balance. In the show, when the Moon spirit is killed, chaos ensues because the balance is disrupted. It's only when the Moon spirit is revived that harmony is restored. This is similar to how our subconscious (inner self) and conscious (outer self) minds need to work together to achieve our desires as we want to experience both of the worlds as they work in unison.
Astral realm and the sprit world
Atla and lok also talks about a spirit world. This is like another dimension filled with spirits and mystical beings. It's similar to what we call the 'astral realm' - so a space beyond the physical world where our consciousness can go. Also Jinora, a character in "The Legend of Korra," has a unique spiritual ability that allows her to astral project. So she can separate her spirit from her physical body and traverse both the physical and spiritual worlds in her spiritual form.
Jinora displays astral projection abilities multiple times. For instance, in Season 2, she uses this skill to guide Korra, who is lost in the spirit world, she also uses it to find and save Kai in seasons 3. Her astral form appears as a glowing butterfly-like spirit, and she used it multiple times to lead her friends to safety.
The Void state
In lok a character named Zaheer learns to fly. He was put in jail for trying to kidnap the Avatar. But he obviously didn't waste time while in jail. Instead, he used it to meditate and try to reach enlightenment. He does this by entering a 'void' state when he meditates. He lets go of all his earthly attachments and desires, and this makes him weightless. His ability to fly is deeply intertwined with his spiritual beliefs and his interpretation of the teachings of Guru Laghima, an ancient Air Nomad.
In the show Guru Laghima, who lived 4,000 years before Zaheer's time, was the first airbender known to have unlocked the ability to fly. According to his teachings, one could achieve flight by "entering the void" - which meant letting go of all earthly attachments and desires to attain true freedom. When his gf dies This emotional event helps him truly let go of his last earthly tether, thus allowing him to "enter the void" and unlock the ability to fly.
Reincarnation and the avatar cycle
I knew the shows were probably based of real life because I’ve seen air nomad clothing, and I know monks are very closely reflected onto the show but really every aspect rings true and is similar to beliefs in Buddhism. This is especially true when looking at the Dalai Lama, who is a spiritual leader in Tibetan Buddhism.
People believe that the Dalai Lama is a new version of Avalokiteśvara or Chenrezig, who is known as the Bodhisattva of Compassion. When a Dalai Lama dies, it's believed he comes back to life in a new person. Then, high-ranking lamas look for signs to find this person.
This is like the cycle of the Avatar. When an Avatar dies, they come back to life in a new person from the next nation in a set order (Air, Water, Earth, Fire). The new Avatar is found using different tests, which is much like how the new Dalai Lama is found.
But there are some differences. For example, the Avatar can remember their past lives, but the Dalai Lama usually doesn't say they remember theirs. Also, the Avatar is special because they can control all four elements, which is a fantasy idea and doesn't have a real-life counterpart in Buddhism.
I was researching my a specific Lama and his story was a reflection of Korra’s character. It's interesting to note that both the Dalai Lama and Korra knew from a young age that they were special. In the show, Korra knew she was the Avatar when she was very young. Similarly, the Dalai Lama also recognized his identity at a young age.
Honestly, it's just a really good show to watch. I probably even missed some elements from the show bc I’m more concerned about watching it than learning something. But I love both ATLA and LOK and I've even shifted to LOK and will shift to ATLA as well! I really suggest watching its so good y’all. Byeee
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2smolbeans · 10 months
Yandere Belphegor Headcanons/Ideas
A/N: This is completely unedited, so sorry for any spelling or grammar mistakes! Again I kind of went on a whim lol
Tags: Mentions of emotional and physical abuse, sadism, kidnapping, stalking, possessive behavior, stalkholm syndrome, and torture.
Whenever Belphegor is in his usual of being in a deep sleep, he often loves fooling around in people's dreams or minds.
As the avatar of sloth and as a seven deadly sin, he has the common sloth demon ability to appear in people's dreams and control them.
However, if you happen to be awake and he doesn't feel like invading your mind or staying in your dreams for too long. Belphegor can also Astral project whenever he's sleeping to keep tabs on you, whether it's physically or mentally.
Do you ever get that cold feeling someone's watching you while your back is turned? In this case, if you managed to catch Belphegor's attention..It's probably him watching you from a long distance while he's asleep somewhere else.
Sure, most demons have this ability to do what he usually does, such as Astral projection and controlling/invading dreams.
The few abilities that makes him stand out from the rest of the sloth demons and truly staples him to be the avatar of sloth is the power to make whoever he decides to target think their dreams are their reality for years, if not decades.
And, the power to affect whatever pain, sensation, or pleasure that happens in the dream to affect the persons real life.
I wouldn't be surprised if he decided to one day pick on Mc like this. Slowly invading and manipulating their dreams and mind, planting little seeds in their unconscious mind. Convincing them that yes, they are infatuated with him - and of course, they want to be with him. Sure, it's weird, but it feels natural, afterall the thought of it just flows, right? And surely, but eventually, Belphegor can casually gaslight Mc into feeding them whatever information he wants.
What do you mean your going out with a classmate? Didn't you promise him that you'd cuddle with him after you both got back to the house of Lamenation? No, you didn't go to sleep. You took a small nap with him in your arms and suggested you make plans. Don't you remember?
It's the little things like that, which is how Belphegor can slowly drive Mc or anyone insane. I mean, the thought of your dreams and reality mixing into one is terrifying in theory. Especially if those dreams turn to nightmares.
This brings up another thing that Belphegor would do to punish you for upsetting him in any way. Whether it be denying him of any affection or trying to escape him. He'll force you into a deep sleep, and he'll make sure to torture you in the most unrealistic painful methods as possible.
He'll get creative if he has to. Don't underestimate him.
After all, outside the real world, it's not like he can bend your bones and flesh inside out or rearrange your organs without dying.
So, of course, why wouldn't he put you in a deep sleep to torture you that way. Why is he doing this? Well, because it's fun! Plus, it's adorable when you scream out his name in a raspy, strained voice!
Remember how whatever happens in your dreams can affect you in real life? At this point, your body should be covered in bruises and scars.
And it's not like you're free from the feeling as well when you wake up as well.
I can see Belphegor being the sadistic type that likes to torture his Mc whether their good or bad.
Something about seeing their expression contorted pain, all scrunched up with unnatural colors blooming over their face. They call out to him, begging, crying, wheezing, and letting out those pathetic noises for him.
He loves it. He loves taking advantage of you in this state. Seeing you beg on your hands and feet as your tears soak the floor. Feeling your hands desperately cluch onto his pants, screaming how you'll do anything for him to stop. How much you love him, need him.
It sends the blood rushing down straight to his dick.
It also feeds him a sense of pride, knowing that he's the only one that could ever make you feel so miserable, yet so loving in a twisted way.
The scary thing, unfortunately for you.
No matter how hard you try, you really can't get rid of Belphegor.
Another thing I can see Belphegor being able to do is warp reality, create shadow monsters to keep tabs on Mc, and become a shadow. I don't know how to explain, but I can see this happening:
Oh God, oh God, you silently prayed as you watched the shadows lurk and search every crook and nanny of the attic. You could hear them mumble incoherently in a demonic language as they looked at each other before swirling into the next dimly lit area. It didn't help that the attic was so goddam spacious. It didn't leave you anywhere to hide besides underneath the bed or in the closet. Somehow, however, you managed to find a perfect hiding spot within the silky thick curtains that covered the room. The only thing you had to hope for was that they wouldn't notice you. Standing still, you tried to focus on your breathing and stance as the dark mass continued to swim in any area that their shadow could travel.
Eventually, for what seemed like hours, the room was quiet. Deathly quiet. You contemplated on moving, but you decided that it was best to hold out just in case it was a trick. So you stood stiff on that very same spot, hoping your legs wouldn't tire out from the tedious time spent trying to hold still.
But as hours passed, you couldn't take it anymore. Plus, it had seemed safe anyway to leave. Getting out of your hiding spot, you were quick to turn on the lights. Cautiously and awkwardly checking your surroundings for anything off.
But before you could barely have a moment to relax, you saw it. You saw him. In that small dark corner of the room, watching you with a cartoonish grin sprawled upon his lips.
His form quickly began to take shape as his silhouette contorted and shifted. The room that was once lit now in pure darkness. You tried to run away, and you felt the adreline rushing through your veins as you could hear him laughing behind you.
It was no use, though, as Belphegor had wrapped his arms around your torso. Pulling you close as his tail softly patted your head.
"You know, you always keep doing this.. I don't mind playing hide and seek, but does it have to be all the time? It's tiring, you know? Why can't we just cuddle and sleep together? That's more enjoyable.."
You couldn't talk or move at all. You felt trapped in your own body, tired and weighted even as your eyelids began to close.
No..Not again..
"I love you [Mc].. Don't leave me, okay? It's not like you can even if you wanted to."
It was a while until you opened your eyes ever since.
But yeah!
Even though Belphegor can be cruel and degrading, I can also he him being soft at the same time.
Like yes, he's absolutely abusive and toxic towards Mc when it comes to being romantically involved with them. But somehow, with how he words his emotions and sentences, it always keeps you coming back to him.
You hate it, really. He's obessive, controlling, and downright vindictive to his very core. But for some reason, you can't help but snuggle into him closer whenever you lay with him.
Every kiss, soft caresses, gentle hummings that would warm your body in a soft daze, sweet nothings disguised as threats - it somehow made you more prone to stay close to him.
You're scared of him because of this. You should be disgusted with him, revolted at every sentence his lips spout out.
But you still hold out hope that maybe, if you can't escape him, at least if you stick it out and try to make an effort- Beplhegor might go easy on you.
After all, he does love you to the point of corrupting your soul and then killing you so that when you do go to hell, he can keep you as a demon forever.
I also can see like Leviathan's siren voice and songs, Belphegor's voice also has the ability to hypnotize and lull the reader into a deep trance.
I could also see him being a hermit just like Leviathan as well. Not wanting to leave his room but only sleep, cuddle, and dream with his darling Mc
I could see Belphegor being the type to say a bunch of stuff like this:
"Even closing your eyes won't make you escape me"
"I love how your always thinking about me, even when your trying to push me away from your thoughts.."
"I want to kill you, you don't understand how hard I'm trying to hold back. If I could, you could be here with me, forever.."
"What if we just sleep for the rest of the day? It's not like we have anything to do. You're not trying to run away right?"
"I love the sounds you make whenever I choke you. You sound so adorable gasping when you try to pry your weak hands off me. It reminds me of how tiny and dependent you are.."
"Even if you hate me, you can't deny that I'm the only one that makes you feel like this. No one else can ever replace the way I make you feel. Whether it's sick in fear, or drugged up in pleasure"
"You're cute when your trembling. I wonder if they're more ways I can make you do that"
"You can't leave me. Not even death can do us apart. Even when if your in heaven, I'll still haunt your dreams until I can have you again in my arms"
"I love you, I hope you always know that.."
But that's all the thoughts I have for now!
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viintxgephrxg · 7 months
𝑻𝑯𝑬 𝑨𝑵𝑮𝑬𝑳 𝑶𝑭 𝑫𝑬𝑨𝑻𝑯 [ᴘʟᴀᴛᴏɴɪᴄ!ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ]
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[ɴᴏᴛ ᴍʏ ɢɪꜰ - ᴄʀᴇᴅɪᴛs ᴛᴏ ᴄʀᴇᴀᴛᴏʀ]
➤ 𝗦𝗨𝗠𝗠: 𝖦𝗁𝗈𝗌𝗍 𝖽𝗂𝖽 𝗇𝗈𝗍 𝖻𝖾𝗅𝗂𝖾𝗏𝖾 𝗂𝗇 𝗍𝗁𝖾 𝗌𝗎𝗉𝖾𝗋𝗇𝖺𝗍𝗎𝗋𝖺𝗅 𝖺𝗇𝖽 𝗁𝖾 𝖽𝗂𝖽 𝗇𝗈𝗍 𝖻𝖾𝗅𝗂𝖾𝗏𝖾 𝗂𝗇 𝖺𝗇𝗒 𝗁𝗂𝗀𝗁𝖾𝗋 𝗉𝗈𝗐𝖾𝗋, 𝗁𝖾 𝖿𝗂𝗀𝗎𝗋𝖾𝖽 𝖺𝗌 𝗌𝗈𝗈𝗇 𝖺𝗌 𝗁𝖾 𝗐𝖺𝗌 𝗄𝗂𝗌𝗌𝖾𝖽 𝖻𝗒 𝗍𝗁𝖾 𝗌𝗐𝖾𝖾𝗍 𝗋𝖾𝗅𝗂𝖾𝖿 𝗈𝖿 𝖽𝖾𝖺𝗍𝗁 𝗍𝗁𝖾 𝗈𝗇𝗅𝗒 𝗍𝗁𝗂𝗇𝗀 𝗐𝖺𝗂𝗍𝗂𝗇𝗀 𝖿𝗈𝗋 𝗁𝗂𝗆 𝗐𝗈𝗎𝗅𝖽 𝖻𝖾 𝖽𝖺𝗋𝗄𝗇𝖾𝗌𝗌 𝖺𝗇𝖽 𝗂𝗌𝗈𝗅𝖺𝗍𝗂𝗈𝗇- 𝗇𝗈𝗍 𝖺 𝗒𝗈𝗎𝗇𝗀 𝗍𝖾𝖾𝗇𝖺𝗀𝖾𝗋 𝖽𝗋𝖾𝗌𝗌𝖾𝖽 𝗍𝗈 𝗍𝗁𝖾 𝗇𝗂𝗇𝖾𝗌 𝗂𝗇 𝖽𝖺𝗋𝗄 𝗀𝖾𝖺𝗋 𝖺𝗇𝖽 𝖾𝗇𝖼𝗈𝗎𝗋𝖺𝗀𝗂𝗇𝗀 𝗁𝗂𝗆 𝗍𝗈 𝖿𝗈𝗅𝗅𝗈𝗐 𝗍𝗁𝖾𝗆 𝗍𝗈 𝗍𝗁𝖾 𝖠𝖿𝗍𝖾𝗋𝗅𝗂𝖿𝖾
➤ 𝗪𝗔𝗥𝗡𝗜𝗡𝗚𝗦: 𝖥𝗈𝗎𝗅 𝗅𝖺𝗇𝗀𝗎𝖺𝗀𝖾, 𝗐𝖺𝗋 𝖺𝗇𝖽 𝗏𝗂𝗈𝗅𝖾𝗇𝖼𝖾, 𝖿𝗂𝗀𝗁𝗍𝗂𝗇𝗀, 𝗆𝖺𝗃𝗈𝗋 𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗋𝖺𝖼𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝖽𝖾𝖺𝗍𝗁, 𝖻𝗂𝗍𝗍𝖾𝗋𝗌𝗐𝖾𝖾𝗍 𝖺𝗇𝗀𝗌𝗍, 𝖢𝖮𝖣 𝗅𝗈𝗋𝖾 𝗂𝗇𝖺𝖼𝖼𝗎𝗋𝖺𝖼𝗂𝖾𝗌, 𝖺𝗇𝖽 𝗆𝗒 𝖻𝖾𝗅𝗈𝗏𝖾𝖽 𝖠𝗇𝗎𝖻𝗂𝗌 𝗁𝖺𝗌 𝗋𝖾𝗍𝗎𝗋𝗇𝖾𝖽 <𝟥
➤ 𝗔𝗨𝗧𝗛𝗢𝗥’𝗦 𝗡𝗢𝗧𝗘: 𝖧𝖤𝖫𝖫𝖮! 𝖬𝗒 𝗀𝗈𝖽 𝗂𝗍’𝗌 𝖻𝖾𝖾𝗇 𝗌𝗈 𝗅𝗈𝗇𝗀 𝗆𝗒 𝖽𝖾𝖺𝗋𝗌! 𝖨’𝗆 𝗉𝗅𝖺𝗇𝗇𝗂𝗇𝗀 𝗈𝗇 𝖿𝗂𝗇𝗂𝗌𝗁𝗂𝗇𝗀 𝗆𝗒 ‘𝖠𝗇𝗉𝗎’ 𝗌𝖾𝗋𝗂𝖾𝗌- 𝖻𝗎𝗍 𝖢𝖮𝖣 𝗀𝗈𝗍 𝗆𝖾 𝗂𝗇 𝖺 𝖼𝗁𝗈𝗄𝖾𝗁𝗈𝗅𝖽 𝗋𝗂𝗀𝗁𝗍 𝗇𝗈𝗐, 𝗍𝗁𝖾 𝗁𝗒𝗉𝖾𝗋𝖿𝗂𝗑𝖺𝗍𝗂𝗈𝗇 𝗂𝗌 𝖽𝖾𝖾𝗉 𝗌𝗈 𝖨 𝗁𝗈𝗉𝖾 𝗒𝗈𝗎 𝖾𝗇𝗃𝗈𝗒 𝗍𝗁𝗂𝗌 𝗇𝖾𝖺𝗍 𝗅𝗂𝗍𝗍𝗅𝖾 𝖼𝗋𝗈𝗌𝗌𝗈𝗏𝖾𝗋 𝗍𝗁𝖺𝗍 𝖨 𝖼𝗈𝗎𝗅𝖽 𝗇𝗈𝗍 𝖿𝗈𝗋 𝗍𝗁𝖾 𝗅𝗂𝖿𝖾 𝗈𝖿 𝗆𝖾 𝗀𝖾𝗍 𝗈𝗎𝗍 𝗈𝖿 𝗆𝗒 𝖽𝖺𝗆𝗇 𝗁𝖾𝖺𝖽! <3
[Y/Name] was no stranger to the deaths that plagued the military. Any branch and any squadron— the career was laced with it. And due to their duties they had to always be there for every one of them. Every single one.
And every single one continued to chip away at the strong and resilient mental fortitudes they had built to keep themselves from falling. From breaking.
Young men and women, a lot of them no older than at least 25. All of them had given [Y/Name] looks, regarding them with pain, sometimes anger.. even happiness in a few particularly unpleasant moments. In those cases they’d only wished those young adults had gotten the help they needed before it had been too late.
Older men and women that in a fit of despair and longing to be part of the living realm once more ask the reaper one of two things.
Did I make a difference? Did I matter?
And the Anubis avatar would always respond with reassurances and promises of comfort. Trying their best to make those aching souls of fallen soldiers pass to a better and more peaceful world.
You made a difference where it mattered. Of course you did— you still do. Look at all those who mourn you, look at all the success that follows your courage. Look at the change you fought so hard for.
It was the most they could offer to those souls, the best they could do at comforting someone who’d just passed on. Someone who was looking at their own body like an astral projection— longing to be settled within it once again. And mourning the fact they could not.
Yes, young [Y/Name] had long since built a thick wall surrounding their weakened heart and soul. To protect themself from the profound pain that transcends beyond their reach whenever they’re tasked with freeing a soldier’s soul from it’s mortal bonds.
Far too compassionate to greet the distressed and heartbroken souls with cold indifference and also far too broken themself to mourn for too long if at all.
A vicious cycle.
Regardless, this shouldn’t have been any different.
��Simon! Stay with me Si, goddammit!”
And yet—
“C’mon Ghost! Don’t die on us!”
—this was absolutely different.
Three men— kneeled down to cradle close a corpse. The fourth man of this task force. An exemplary team of elites fallen to their knees, begging for their brother to reawaken. To breathe a wheeze of pain, to cough as blood crawled up his throat— each one indicative of pain and discomfort but at least it would mean he was alive.
[Y/Name] could feel it. The profound hurt of heavy weighted trauma and the ache of deeply buried and suppressed memories and feelings. They felt the masked man’s pain, like titanium on their bones and swords in their heart.
It was a pain that was very muted, quiet and withheld in the very back of his mind. Kept bound and locked tight behind steel bars and barbed wire barriers. Like a monster of some kind— this man was handling his pain like a trained professional would handle a dangerous animal.
Aware of its presence, aware of the dangerous potential it had of overpowering him and devouring him whole. Aware that if he did not keep it locked up tight that it would eat away at him until he was a hollow shell of himself.
[Y/Name] could tell that he relatively already was, having endured so much damage to his psyche.. to his heart and his soul.
And within the confines of a defended part of his heart they found something interesting, there was vulnerability there. Vulnerability that was tainted with sorrow and pain. With fear.
[Y/Name] figured that this man must’ve built this masked persona to protect and shelter that vulnerability. To keep it safe no matter what, refusing to let it burn out just like the rest of his feelings and emotions— useless and unnecessary things that he let wither to nothing.
Was that why it felt different? Of course, they have encountered their fair share of broken men and women who enlist to be active duty. And they’ve met their fair share of soldiers that have been hurting for a very long time but somehow found the strength to keep going. This man was different, so drastically different from any they’ve met before. And as such, they decided on the calmest and softest approach they were capable of.
You have suffered long enough.
[Y/Name] stepped forward, there was an abrupt whooshing sound behind them followed by a dull clink as their Anubis appeared. Only visible to his avatar, and his avatar only visible to the spirits that have passed on. A cloaking technique Anubis had taught them. So they could do their duties without the interference of any mortals that happened to be nearby when they released the souls of the dead.
“Proceed with understanding and the compassionate heart I know you for my little jackal. For this man has suffered more than a soul ever should.”
The avatar didn’t answer, not verbally nor with a tick of their head. Simply nearing the group of men and reaching down to the one on the ground. Cradled close to the chest of the one with a silly mohawk. The man hurting and sorrowful as he held his beloved friend in his arms. Broken and gone.
[Y/Name] swallowed thickly to ignore the stagnant air of despair and grief that punctured through their defenses. Not quite dense enough to destroy their walls but profound enough to give them a little ache in their chests. Reasonably sympathetic— sympathy that was quick to evolve to empathy as they didn’t bother to withhold the pained grimace on their face.
“You are released,” they cited. Dutifully. Monotonously as they gripped the spirit’s hand. Pulling him free from his mortal body with a tug and heave. When they did— the men on the ground surrounding him only became more distressed. Mohawk especially, considering he was the one holding the masked man so close. So tenderly.
He must’ve felt when the man had passed on, there’s no way he hadn’t. And the avatar sympathized once again on his pain, it must not be easy feeling the once living, breathing body in your arms go still. Go cold.
They couldn’t have imagined it was fun experiencing that, and they were understanding of the man’s begging. Of his cries of denial.
But they didn’t dwell for long— they had a job to do.
“Who are you? Where am I?”
They still had their hand clasped in the masked man’s and he gripped them harder when he had gained enough sense to start asking things. He had a million questions and even more conclusions— of that, [Y/Name] was sure. And they would be happy to answer them all, but it was always best to ease them into the truth of what had occurred—
“Is— is that me?”
—or not.
[Y/Name] winced, they used the grip on his hand to squeeze gently. It drew his attention back to them and there was an obvious stitch in his brow, furrowed i’m confused frustration as he regarded them. They softly exhaled through their nose.
“Yes. I’m sorry.”
He regarded you for a dull moment, his expression neutral and withheld— strong in his defiance to give anything away. Why it mattered, you did not know.
But then his look changed, like the flick of a switch his eyes were suddenly filled with mournful regret and reluctance. Refusal to accept what he was seeing, what has occurred.
“No, no I can’t— I can’t die.. they need me.”
[Y/Name] felt a twist in their stomach, an itch in their chest that they couldn’t quite scratch. They realized but a second later that they felt sorry for the poor guy, the way he looked broken and beat down. They had to admit they admired his loyalty— defiant in the face of a reaper in hopes of finding his way back to his body. To be reunited with the family he was leaving behind.
“You needn’t worry about them,” [Y/Name] soothed, still holding his gloved hand in their own they squeezed it reassuringly and he found his attention back to them once more. “They’ll be alright.”
“But.. Makarov—”
“They will handle it.”
[Y/Name] watched as he swallowed thickly, a subtle twitch in his brow to display his discomfort without saying it outright. They could tell by the way his eyes fell, the look held within those rich brown irises that he was fighting himself.
Simon wasn’t even sure why he was so reluctant to follow his reaper to the afterlife, he’d known he would die on the battlefield since the very beginning. It was not a new concept to him and it was not something he was afraid of. But still, he felt.. hesitant to leave his team behind. Was it that ever-going loyalty and sacrificial nature he had gained as a Lieutenant? Or did these men really mean that much to him? He hoped it was the former— too afraid of his feelings to admit that in reality it was most likely the latter.
The thing is; he hadn’t really expected to be met with a reaper in the first place. He spent his long, and quite frankly rather miserable existence, hoping death was what he had craved his whole life. Peace. Peace and rest.
If he had a reaper did that mean they were to guide him to that? Lead him to the very thing he had yearned so achingly for since that miserable Christmas so many years ago?
He shouldn’t be reluctant to go, he shouldn’t feel remorse for being selfish for once in his entire life. This is something he wanted.. this is what he was owed.
“Okay… I’m— I’m ready.”
[Y/Name] smiled softly at him and nodded minutely. Then, with the grip they had on his gloved hand, turned and walked away from the scene.
Simon didn’t have any choice but to follow, swallowing thickly once again to push down the ache that had crawled up his throat. He followed the reaper by hand as they walked but he kept his eyes on his teammates— on his corpse as they guided him away from his death.
He felt a sudden ache at the way Soap— Johnny was holding him so close. So lovingly. And as he got further and further away, as their silhouettes slowly became more and more distorted and faded he had only a few words to utter passed his lips. “Forgive me.”
Simon, in some small part of his heart, felt like he was doing the wrong thing. He was in the wrong for choosing to pursue the peace he craved over selflessly giving it up in order to live on. He’d still be unhappy sure, but his team would still have him. He’d be there to watch their backs, offer a shoulder.. be their brother.
He came to the realization that even if he did choose to be selfless— the reaper wouldn’t have granted him a second chance at life anyway.
“Was I to die no matter what? You couldn’t have offered me my life?”
The teenager he was addressing looked at him with a tight expression on their face, unbeknownst to him, this is something a lot of people asked them. People who were not done with their lives, people who begged them for a second chance— to see things beyond their reach, to experience the incredible wonders the world had to offer them. [Y/Name] had no shame in admitting they felt bad about denying them every time.
As the avatar to Anubis they would only release and guide the souls of those who’ve passed. They only encountered those truly dead.. not those who have close calls.
“Yes you were, I could not offer you more time as you do not have any.”
At the confused furrow of his brows they explained further.
“Everyone that is born has a certain stretch of time attached to them, it is essentially a clock on their life. I’m able to see these numbers in accordance with my duties but they aren’t visible to anybody else.”
“And mine—” He trailed off expectantly.
“Reached zero.” They filled.
Simon went silent after that, understanding of his situation and accepting of the fact nothing could’ve been done to change the outcome. He was dead.
In his silence he took the time to gather his surroundings, everything was pure white. Starkly contrasting to his and his reaper’s dark gear. For a brief moment he thought he was in heaven.. but he quickly shot that idea down. There was no way a man like him could ever get into heaven, not with the war crimes tagged to his person and not with all the morally wrong things he’s done in his career.
The atmosphere of the environment still bewildered him, and it confused him enough to want to ask his reaper about it. The reaper whom still hadn’t let go of his hand, of course he wasn’t naive and childish enough to assume it was because they thought he needed the comfort. It was probably the only way they could move his soul to the Afterlife. If he lost physical contact with them he had the inkling of an idea that he’d be trapped here in this blindly white landscape. Isolated and alone.
Still, he felt grounded as he held their hand. And he had no qualms against the action, their touch was comforting and warm against his palm. And he felt at ease as they guided him along.
The question in the back of his mind remained though, and he willed it passed his lips with an air of muted confusion.
“Where are we?”
“Hm, some like to refer to it as ‘Purgatory’— the path between worlds. The bridge to destinations.”
“Is that what it is?”
Their walk continued on in silence once again, and the young teenager had the mind to only speak when spoken to first. Allowing the masked man to quell in his acceptance and smiled when they could feel the muted excitement he held beneath the surface.
They hoped he would enjoy wherever it was they were bringing him to, see, [Y/Name] didn’t usually get to see the souls’ chosen afterlife. Choosing to step back after releasing them and allowing them the freedom they deserved to build their perfect paradise where they could find their eternal happiness.
But again.. this man was different. He was so deeply broken that the Anubis avatar felt somewhat obligated to guide him to his restful peace themself. So they did.
Seconds later he spoke up once more, and [Y/Name] could feel the twitch in his chest, tightly wound and moving uncomfortably beneath his skin.
“I’m— …afraid.” He admitted in a bout of courageous honesty. Effectively breaking the silence between them with his words. They recalled Anubis’ words to them, and approached him as gently as they could.
“Do not be afraid, there’s no more to fear in death than in the changing of the seasons.”
Simon huffed at that, he didn’t want to think there was anything to be feared in the afterlife. But now that he was face-to-face with his reaper he wasn’t so sure. The Angel of Death had come for him, and he did not know where they were taking him.
He hoped —in a moment of vulnerability— that it was somewhere nice… somewhere quiet. Where he could finally rest and be at peace away from a world of trial and tribulation. Away from a world that had spat on him at every turn, cruel and inhumane was the life he suffered through. Now, he only hoped for peace. That’s all he could ask for.
The change was slow, sluggish as it claimed the white landscape surrounding him. Colors began to appear, slowly ever so slowly as they walked the world around him changed before his very eyes. And suddenly they weren’t in Purgatory anymore— but standing before a cabin surrounded by forest. It was in this environment when the reaper finally released his hand in favor of crossing their arms over their chest.
“This is the Afterlife?” Simon queried, he wasn’t entirely sure of his surroundings. They were oddly.. homely. Comfortable.
The darkness the night sky overcasted the landscape with was cozy and peaceful. Stars shining bright above, stamped into the night sky as dazzling speckles across a spanning space of deep blue and golden clusters of constellations.
The surrounding forest was alive with the background chirping of crickets. Melodically coupled well with the sounds of nocturnal animals croaking and howling, filling the night air with crackled bursts of life. An owl call twists Simon’s head to the woods he and his reaper stood before, the raptor calls again and a sense of serenity abruptly erupts within. Bright and delightfully warm, alight in his chest and settling in his stomach.
But the warmest and most homely piece of this concocted paradise was the small cottage in front of him. Two-stories tall and wide enough to be a home but not too wide it’s size is overwhelmingly obnoxious. There was a wrap-around porch complete with a swinging bench swaying in the soft breeze. The light coming from within was pale and bathed the outside plants and shrubbery at the base of the wooden cottage in a gorgeous, golden glow. Somebody was home— there was smoke coming from the chimney. White fog curling as it flowed out through the gap at the top.
Simon felt a twinge of jealousy disturb that warmth he’d previously felt, and he turned to the reaper at his side slightly peeved they’d bring him here. Show him something he could not ever have before finally delivering him to whatever hell was awaiting him… the hell he knew that he deserved.
“Why did you bring me here?”
[Y/Name] elected to ignore the slight snarl in his tone, choosing instead to focus more on the way his voice lilted with misery and confusion. The soft notes of despondency in his voice as he addressed them. The crestfallen gleam in his eye that glinted at them. “This is the Afterlife.”
Simon’s brow twitched, the previous twitch of jealous frustration now more bubbled into confusion as he regarded them with a furrowed brow.
“The Afterlife is however you imagine it to be, I do things this way so wayward souls —lost and hurt— can finally be at peace. Finally find the happiness that evaded them so long in their time being alive.” They explained, all with a soft and understanding look on their face. Compassionate and careful as they looked at him.
“This is my—”
“This is yours.”
Simon was quick to face the small cottage once more, his heart was racing as it beat thunderous in his ears. A childish excitement he hadn’t felt since he was a little boy warming his chest once again. It was when he saw shadows and silhouettes moving through the house that he felt the warmth burst inside. Electrifying him as it buzzed beneath his skin.
He didn’t understand the fundamentals of this being dead thing— surely he shouldn’t be able to feel such things as a wandering soul right?
“It is normal to feel such things.”
And there goes his reaper again, reading him so drastically easy and careful that he could’ve sworn they were inside his head. Maybe they were.. again, he was new to this whole ‘being dead’ thing.
“You may not understand it, and it may not make much sense to you if at all. But your soul is the truest and purest part of you, it’s where your feelings are born and where your vulnerability is kept sheltered and safe. Of course you’d feel your feelings, wether it be excitement or pain.”
For a kid, they’re awfully mature. And that was something he acknowledged silently. He didn’t know when he had turned to face them during their tangent but he found himself staring at the side of their face. He blinked when they turned to look at him, holding strong eye contact and regarding him gently once again.
“Go on Simon,” they nodded their head to the cottage with an encouraging smile. “They’re all waiting for you.”
“Just go.”
Simon wasn’t sure. Surely, a reaper —supernatural being tasked with guiding and guarding lost souls— wouldn’t bring him to a place where he would only find more suffering right? He didn’t expect it out of this particular reaper either, regardless of the age they appeared to be they seemed so understanding and kind.
So he pushed down his reluctance and anxiety at approaching the cabin and willed forth the courage and bravery he found in being a soldier instead. Squaring his shoulders and marching down the stone path straight up to the front door.
[Y/Name] watched carefully as he paused at the bottom of the steps and turned back to face them. They gave him a single encouraging nod, and they watched as he took a deep breath before turning to face the front door again. Taking two long strides up the stairs and two more steps to reach the front door.
Again, the avatar watched as he hesitated before he raised his hand and knocked three times on the door.
Simon was so wholly unprepared for the person that answered the door. Seeing her face again, so beautiful and loving as she looked at him in utter shock. A wave of emotion suddenly upturned him, and the tears welling up in her eyes as she reached up to gently cup his face were enough to destroy his dam. Tears of his own aching behind the backs of his eyes as they were drawn forward before streaming down his cheeks in thick rivulets.
[Y/Name] couldn’t help the grin that tugged at the corners of their lips as they watched the reunion unfold. A traumatized and deeply hurt man reverting back to a little boy in the arms of his mother. This is what gave their job purpose and meaning, this was what they had stuck around as Anubis’ avatar for so long for. This.
“Well done, my little jackal.”
And they were gone, back to the real world with their God and back to the duty of helping others find their peace as they had done for Simon.
Simon who turned back to the forest to thank the reaper that brought him here only to rear back when he saw they were no longer there.
“What is it?”
He exhaled quietly at the disappointment he felt at his reaper’s disappearance but didn’t push it past the minor feeling in his chest. A feeling that was overwhelmed by the feeling of joy, happy finally—
“Nothing, Ma.”
“Come inside, everyone will be so happy to see you.”
And Simon followed without fight, no longer reluctant to be here so long as this is the Afterlife that awaited him. Still, mentally he offered his gratitude and hoped somewhere, wherever the reaper was due next.. they could feel it.
Thank you.
You’re welcome Simon.
➤ 𝗔𝗨𝗧𝗛𝗢𝗥’𝗦 𝗡𝗢𝗧𝗘: 𝖶𝗁𝖾𝗇𝖾𝗏𝖾𝗋 𝖨 𝗀𝖾𝗍 ��𝖺𝖼𝗄 𝗂𝗇𝗍𝗈 𝗍𝗁𝖾 𝗀𝗋𝗈𝗈𝗏𝖾 𝗈𝖿 𝗍𝗁𝗂𝗇𝗀𝗌 𝖨’𝗆 𝖺𝗅𝗐𝖺𝗒𝗌 𝗌𝗈 𝗍𝗁𝗈𝗋𝗈𝗎𝗀𝗁𝗅𝗒 𝖽𝗂𝗌𝖺𝗉𝗉𝗈𝗂𝗇𝗍𝖾𝖽 𝗂𝗇 𝗍𝗁𝖾 𝗐𝖺𝗒 𝗆𝗒 𝗐𝗈𝗋𝗄𝗌 𝖾𝗇𝖽 𝖺𝗇𝖽 𝖨 𝖽𝗈𝗇’𝗍 𝗄𝗇𝗈𝗐 𝗐𝗁𝗒- 𝖺𝗇𝗒𝗐𝖺𝗒, 𝗁𝗈𝗉𝖾 𝗒𝗈𝗎 𝖾𝗇𝗃𝗈𝗒𝖾𝖽! 𝖶𝗂𝗅𝗅 𝖿𝗂𝗇𝗂𝗌𝗁 ‘𝖠𝗇𝗉𝗎’ 𝖺𝗇𝖽 𝗁𝗈𝗉𝖾 𝗍𝗈 𝗌𝖾𝖾 𝗒𝗈𝗎 𝖺𝗅𝗅 𝗍𝗁𝖾𝗋𝖾! 𝖨𝖿 𝖺𝗇𝗒𝖻𝗈𝖽𝗒 𝗂𝗌 𝗌𝗍𝗂𝗅𝗅 𝗂𝗇𝗍𝖾𝗋𝖾𝗌𝗍𝖾𝖽 𝗂𝗇 𝗂𝗍 𝖺𝖿𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝖺 𝗐𝗁𝗈𝗅𝖾 𝖺𝗌𝗌 𝗒𝖾𝖺𝗋 𝗅𝗆𝖺𝗈
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aloneatpeace · 1 year
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The scarlet Phoenix is being that is powerful beyond any creature in Multivers. Scarlet Phoenix is rare nexu being capable of creating new life form and change the world in large scale as well as destroy it. Not only one but two empowered vibrant power source in one host, which make this being far more dangerous and superior than any life form. The scarlet witch and Phoenix force are two unfathomable force with unmatched powers .these two repal eachother making the co existing harder but with a powerful compatible host who can make these both co exist without creating destruction is what a scarlet phoenix .the phoenix force is the most feared being as it possess extinction level threat. this will intensify with power of scarlet witch who is the harbour of Chaos magic a being capable of spontaneous creation .the scarlet witch has no coven ,no need for incantation the power exceeds that of the sorcerers suprime .the scarlet witch ment to rule everything .
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Telepathy , Telepathic defence, Telepathic cloak, Cloak mind , Telepathic illusion, Telepathic camouflage, Telepathic manipulation, Telekinesis, Telekinesis aura , Telekinesis sensitivity, Tactical Telekinesis , Temporal manipulation , Transmutation
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Mind control, Mind possession, Mind Transferal , Mind link , Mental detection, Mental paralysis Matter mutation , Memory alliteration , Metal manipulation , Magic resistance,
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Psychic sheild , Psychic blast ,Pyrokinesis , psionic energy manipulation ,psychic firebirds, phoenix force avatar , probability Alteration, Psychometry , Physical resistance , Personality alteration,
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Astral projection, Atmokinesis, Interstellar travel cosmic , cosmic teleportation , Concussive force blast , Immortality, Dilate power, Durability , Resurrection, Reality warping Energy absorbation , Emotion manipulation , Existence mastery , Life force control .
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Next chapter may take a while so be patient . Sence the readers power is released I thought this might help to understand more about who and what is the reader power is .
as shown in the previous info the change of eye colour will be based on the first info. I just thought adding this pictures would aesthetically pleasing so example the psonic blast could be any colour not just blue it's based readers emotions.
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cloudofash · 24 days
My Brain Desperate for KH4:
Sora is not the only Falsus Rex, False King.
"Yozora" is also a False King.
Nameless star mentions that the person she's waiting for was "changed beyond recognition. His heart replaced by another's".
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Yozora later says that "this isn't what I really look like." Yozora is a heart in another person's body.
But if the Riku-lookalike is not Yozora, then who is he? And what does Yozora really look like?
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I believe that Yozora's true body looks similar to our Sora's. I think he's actually supposed to be a reflection of Sora. Which would explain why Rex thinks Sora looks like Yozora. Perhaps Rex can see Yozora's true appearance whereas Sora can not. I'm sure it'll have something to do with either the Dream World or Astral Projection or something of the sort, something that's hindering Sora's ability to see.
And the person whose body Yozora's currently in, the person who looks exactly like Riku, the person who's heart he replaced, could actually be his universe's "Sora".
We know that "Sora" is someone Yozora has "heard of". We know that he was told by Master of Master's to "save Sora" but its very possible he's heard of Sora even before that. When Sora introduces himself as "Sora", Yozora is almost offended that Sora "is using Sora's name", as if he believes our Sora has no business using the name of the Sora of his universe.
This leads me to believe that the body that Yozora is in is "Sora's". We know that the person whose body he's occupying is called "Commander" as evidenced by the Luxord-looking driver who calls him such. If Sora is someone that Yozora has heard of but may not have ever seen the face of, it leads me to believe that Sora is someone of importance like a prince, a king. In this case, a military commander. Throughout history there have been many instances where a monarch would rule and never show their face or hide behind masks, so this universe's Sora could be similar to that: a commander who doesn't show himself much if at all. And him being a high-ranking military commander (possibly even royalty) would also explain why Yozora is offended that some commoner is running around using the Commander's name.
And it would explain why the secret bad ending is titled Falsus Rex. We know there is a false king, I initially assumed it was just Sora given that Riku was the true keyblade wielder, but Yozora replacing the heart of the Verum Rex World's Commander AKA Sora would also literally make him a false king.
Now Nameless Star did say the person she's pining and waiting for is Yozora, and this could still be true. If Yozora's heart replaced Sora's, then perhaps Sora's heart replaced Yozora's. In other words, they may have switched bodies. Yozora is still the one she's waiting for and his heart "was replaced by another's", it's just that Yozora's body also has the wrong heart within it.
And that's it, that's my theory.
No wait: Maybe Yozora is nobody's body maybe he's an avatar (from a videogame) who is a blend of Yozora's real body (who may be a Sora lookalike) and whoever Riku's lookalike is.
........I'm so sorry for these ramblings. 😭
Take everything here with 2 pounds of salt, we have no idea what will happen in KH4 and I'm most likely way off base. I'm just writing what my brain is crapping out.
I'll get back into excitement for Missing Link once the game finally drops, but I'm so ready for KH4 even more than Missing Link because I wanna see our boys again and have the Verum Rex mystery unraveled.
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thekingwhereitallends · 4 months
MitsuSara One Shot: Tsukuyomi x Amaterasu
Summary:Sarada crosses Mitsuki's path and aims to stop him from embracing darkness.
Main Pairing:Mitsuki x Sarada Uchiha
*This is a fanfiction i finished and published on ao3 for valentine's day but since i doubt you clicked on the link to read the first chapter back then two months ago in christmas, i thought of uploading this banger here.
Don't be afraid of commenting. Likes and reblogs are appreciated.*
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"The artwork is a christmas gift for me drawn by @scarletofspring . Do not steal/repost/use it without permission!*
Date:Nov.27th 2042
Primordial World
On the endless planet that exists in centre of the boundless creation, There is a boy praying for gods to lend him a power surpassed by no mortal, but those who know this boy are not certain if he is planning to be a savior or bringer of apocalypse. Mitsuki often wonders if he could really fight off the forces of darkness or not.
"Right on time." Mitsuki says an instant after finishing his prayer. Mitsuki looks back over his shouder to meet a person he cherishes more than any other. "I hoped it's Sumire who follows the traces and reaches me. But of course you will be the one who seeks me out."
"Mitsuki..." Sarada stands around 20 meters away from her friend, staring at her friend with crimson eyes that aim to penetrate the heart of the person in front of them in search of answers but fail miserably as the bearer of those eyes is hesitant.
"Been a while,Sarada." Mitsuki turns back. "I missed you dearly." Mitsuki wears a smile but Sarada can clearly feel the sadness that has shook her soulmate to the core.
Sarada wishes to pull Mitsuki in for a warm hug above all else, to weep bloody tears together with him and finally find solace in each other's arms. However, between Mitsuki and her there is an imperceptible barrier that prevents Sarada from reaching for Mitsuki.
Sarada can sense Mitsuki's dangerous thoughts but she knows Mitsuki will never lie to her.
"I felt a void with your absence for so long as well." Sarada looks away,but why?
"Once a person achives great chakra control, they are able to perform astonishing feats. For instance children will surpass adults, the shinobis will become highly resistant to genjutsu and the ninjas would last much longer than their peers with average chakra control. They can also do this..." Mitsuki snaps his fingers, Sarada finsa herself in a peaceful environment with Mitsuki. The seemingly endless dimension that constantly changes colors.
"The ability to enter Astral Plane. Over two thousand years ago, Hagoromo and Hamura Otsutsuki were became the very first individuals to learn perfect understanding on mechanism of chakra which allowed them to evolve in extremely short amounts of time. By the age of 18, they were already 7th dimensional entities with limitless potential who kept ascending until they transcended the boundless creation. They left immeasurable avatars of themselves in each universe, to teach ninshu to all societies. The people learnt to enter this plane and by spending time together, came to settle all the matters and that resulted in global peace in so many worlds. Many of those worlds are free from evil and corrupted, and many other abandoned their beliefs." Mitsuki continues.
Mitsuki approaches Sarada, touching her chest where the heart is located with his index finger. "I don't even need to touch you here if my wish is to reach your heart. I can read all your emotions like an open book if i will it. But let me ask you one thing..." Mitsuki takes Sarada's hand in her's and places it on his chest. "Are you brave enough to put aside all those fears and do what you must do?"
Sarada closes her eyes to concentrate. Mitsuki realizes Sarada is ready to embrace her true feeling therefore he makes it easier for Sarada to read his emotions.
'Sorrow,Grief,Regret,Despair,Relief...and Jealousy...' Sarada thinks, resting her forehead on Mitsuki's chest, shivering as she can feel Mitsuki's feelings to a great degree. "Why?"
"I'm not the only person whose memories had been lost." Mitsuki speaks,which takea Sarada by surprise. "Let me show you what you have forgotten." Mitsuki's right hand finds it's way up to Sarada's left arm, lifting Sarada's chin up with his left hand's forefinger. "There..." Mitsuki points at his right side.
"That's..." Sarada watches a little girl wearing white buttoned shirt, red tie, red skirt and black sandals approaching a healing chamber filled with water, in a room drowned in dim dark blue light. Inside the chamber, there is a naked boy. The girl covers her eyes.
"Why don't you have anything on?" The little girl with red glasses cries as she covers the slight blush on her face.
Sarada's expression turns into an annoyed one as he witnesses that particular scene, dropping her shoulder. "Did you bring me here to piss me off?" Sarada gives Mitsuki a side-eye, which is funny to Mitsuki who chuckles seeing Sarada like this. "Yeah,that was intentional. Showing me my embarassing younger self."
"Just keep watching." Mitsuki utters, patting Sarada on top of her head. Sarada turns her attention to the tiny version of herself.
The little Sarada lowers her hands to see the boy out of sheer curiosity. "Woah..." Little Sarada murmurs, mesmerized by the sight of Little Mitsuki inside the water tank. His pale skin shining, captivating Sarada. 'He reminds me of Sai-san with this snow white look of his. But that white hair...gosh, i wanna fondle with his silky white hair so bad.'
Sarada and Mitsuki each raise an eyebrow when looking at each other. Sarada frowns, Mitsuki smirks.
"Please don't tell me i wasn't the only one who heard those words?" Sarada frets, which has Mitsuki roll in the aisles. Sarada too cracks up the instant she sees Mitsuki being greatly amused
"I always wondered if someone ever liked to play with my hair. That's one of reasons why i let it grow this long because i surmised you would be attracted to me. It seems the old you would've loved to bury her face in my hair." Mitsuki bubbles as he gently punches Sarada on the arm.
"Come on,you look fine as heck!" Sarada insists. "Honestly, i was searching to find the shampoo you use but i could never find it. I bet it is especially made for you, right?" Sarada continues, pinching Mitsuki on arm as she is laughing.
"I asked my parent to make me a super nutrient shampoo with the sweetest scent and after a few days, they came up with the proper formula. That's the whole story." Mitsuki responds. "Now now, don't let all distract you."
"Right." Sarada said.
"What are you looking for,Sarada?" Sasuke says, jumpscaring his little daughter.
"Gah...you know i am unable to sense your presence and keep doing this over and over again." Little Sarada yells, pouting as she folds her arms.
Little Mitsuki opens his eyes, gaining Little Sarada's attention as a result. Staring at Sasuke with his amber eyes, Mitsuki's gaze is devoid of any positive emotion but also not showing any sign of negative thoughts. 'Sasuke...san...'
"It seems this kid could do what you fail to do." Sasuke teases his daughter.
"You mean he woke up because he could sense your aura?" Little Sarada asks her father.
"Yes." Sasuke responds.
"Is he Orochimaru-san's son?" Little Sarada asks her father as he lifts her from the ground to hold her in his arm.
"That's right." Sasuke answered.
"Why is he inside this water tank?"
"Isn't that obvious?"
"How long has he been inside there?"
"Ever since he was born. He can only stay outside of the healing chamber for less than a day and then spends the next couple of days inside it."
"That is awful."
"But it's good for his own sake."
Sasuke watches her daughter as she reaches for the glass to touch it. Little Mitsuki does the same, pressing his hand against the part of glass where Sarada's hand is touching it.
'What is your name?' Little Mitsuki thinks? interested in the girl who apparently does feel for him.
"When you were born,you too became sick. Your body couldn't handle the powerful chakra you inherited from me. Sakura and I decided to bring you to Orochimaru, who saved your life. You were here, inside the healing chamber. After four months, this boy was born therefore you had a company on your right." Sasuke tells her daughter what he remembers about Mitsuki's birth.
"And?" Sarada turns to Sasuke, with eager eyes waiting for Sasuke to finish his story.
"The kid carries a power matched by none of those in his generation...in your generation. It doesn't mean that you don't have the potential to reach his level, just that he's now a few steps ahead of you and your friends."
"But why has he inherited such absurd level of power?"
"Well,i'm not sure if i can answer this question. It's up to him to decide what to do with this unfathomable might of his. It could be a blessing for the people he comes to love and himself, or a curse that will only bring pain and suffering for everyone he knows. If you are lucky enough, he may end up befriending you."
"Hm..." Little Sarada starts to ponder.
"What do you think,Sarada?" Sasuke asks his daughter in a gentle tune.
'Sarada,huh?' Mitsuki thinks, grateful that he doesn't have to wait for a long time to find the girl's name and that he had learnt some speechreading in the past. 'Why do i care?' He was surprised at himself for being intrigurd after seeing the girl infront of him.
"I think i'd like to spend some time with him. He gives me the vibes of a cool boy. That's my first impression of him, mind you that no other boy seems like him to me."
'She thinks i am cool.' Mitsuki thinks, the words that just came out of Sarada's mouth relieves him.
"Don't you want to know his name?" Sasuke asks his daughter.
"You refused to reveal his indentity, how bold of you to ask me this question." Little Sarada replies, poking on Sasuke's forehead repeatedly which makes Sasuke chuckle. "No,thanks. I will ask the boy the next time i see him outside of the healing chamber. You keep in touch with Orochimaru-san, and then bring me here to see if the boy is as good as he seems or not."
"Fair enough." Sasuke responds. "Shall we leave?"
"Yeah." Little Sarada said as she wrapped her arms around her father's arms who started to walk away from Little Mitsuki's healing chamber. She waves hand at Mitsuki as she begins to carve the lonely boy's image into her mind. 'We will meet again,i promise.' Sarada thinks and the closes her eyes with a sad expression on her face.
"December 29th 2031. A couple of days later..." Mitsuki swings his sword and the thought vanishes to be replaced with another one.
"Ready?Fight!" Karin shouts, declaring the start of Mitsuki's and Sarada's sparing match against each other. The kids charg at each other, five hundred of times faster than speed of light.
Suigetsu is sitting in a corner chewing his fingernails, terrified of of what might happen to Sarada. 'If Mitsuki accidentally messes Sarada up, Sasuke will surely fuck Orochimaru up and we all may be fucked amidst that scary battle which looks more like a massacre to me now that i think of it...'
"Tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk..." Karin is utterly disappointed to see Suigetsu in that condition until she figures what her husband may be thinking at that moment. 'Oh shit!' Karin freaks out.
Yoruza, Suigetsu's and Karin's red haired, pale skinned daughter with violet eyes is sitting close to her father, resting her chind on the palm of her hand. "Dad,get out of this drama king mood of your's and be the badass man you usually are."
Seina Shakudo; Orochimaru's red-haired of fair complexion with beautiful aquamarine eyes companion is standing on The Lord of Darkness' rightt side, drinking her her cup of tea. Not really amused by the sight of children fighting each other.
And then there is Jugo who finds all that is happening to be peak of entertainment. Birds taking seats on his shoulders, chilling with the peace-loving and kind-hearted beast. "You all better stop being so dense and enjoy these moments."
"I admire your spirit,Jugo. But as a mother who has not clue how this boy has been trained to fight, it's only natural for me to be perturbed." Sakura says.
"After the conversations i've had with my dear child, i deduced that someone has had an impact on his mindset. I'm afraid it will cost my son the inevitable victory. And i have no one to blame..." Orochimaru stops talking as they sees Little Sarada on top of Little Mitsuki "But Sasuke-kun." Sasuke's daughter punches Orochimaru's son in the face.
"OUCH!" Little Sarada lets out a groan. "What are you made of?!?"
"I...uh..." Little Mitsuki panicks as he sees his rival broke her hand and wrist because of him. "Sorry..."
"I told you that you all have a screw loose." Log yells at everyone else.
Sarada is left jawdropped agyrt seeing how her younger self was humiliated. "That was embarassing."
"Fastforward to the important part." Mitsuki says.
"It's okay. It was expected, you know. My mother healed my hand. Everything is fine now." Little Sarada telss Little Mitsuki as she putsbher hand on his shoulder.
"I promised your father i will never hurt you. That i will always protect you from anything that threatens your safety." Little Mitsuki says, his head buried between legs.
"Look,i don't plan on becoming a damsel in distress. I appreciate your concern but you don't have to feel guilty for what happened to me. I should've trained much harder and become stronger than everyone else, including you." Sarada asserts.
"Why?" Little Mitsuki asks
"Because my dream is to become the greatest hokage of all time, silly." Little Sarada said and booped Little Mitsuki's nose, the latter blinks after she did that to him.
"You sound incredibly passionate..." Little Mitsuki sighed.
"What's your dream?"
"Yes. You. Who else do you think is supposed to answer this question?"
"I don't have any dreams."
"Come on, don't be ridiculous. That life you're living is so boring if you have no purpose."
"I have been told that my birth was the will of gods. I guess you will have to be waiting till i find the answer you're eager to hear now."
"That's not what i wished for but i suppose it's still cool to know you too are going to have your own adventures. Why aren't you excited?"
"Perhaps the reason for that is i have yet to have a dream of my own.
"Oh...that...actually makes sense."
Little Sarada wrapped her arms around Little Mitsuki's arms and leaned onto his shoulder.
"I almost forgot... What is your name?"
"I am Sarada."
"I know."
"I thought you were a cool guy."
"Did i disappoint you?
"You may be even cooler than my papa."
"I should be hating on you but i can't. I am angry at myself for that."
And then Mitsuki and Sarada come back to primordial world.
"Ada rewrote the history to alter my memories. Because of Kawaki, i was rubbed of so many precious memories but there was one constant in my life that didn't fade away:You." Mitsuki utters as he is unbuttoning his black and dark blue trenchcoat. "My brother made me think that Boruto is my sun. Boruto,son of Naruto Uzumaki who saved the shinobi world. Beacon of hope, child of prophecy, he has been given multiple aliases. Log thought that Boruto was the right person to guide me for he would never fall to darkness. Ada altered almost everyone's memories and in my mind, Kawaki was the person Boruto was supposed to be. Kawaki messed up, which made me question the nature of reality and i came to realize a subtle truth."
Mitsuki transports his trenchcoat into a dimension in which Mitsuki stored his weapons and tools using the summoning tag wrapped around his left wrist under the separate arm sleeves.
Showing off his shredded upper half, It's the first time to see Mitsuki with six tomoe marks on his chest. Mitsuki also wears a crescent moon necklace made of moonstone and silver that Sarada gifted him on his 13th birthday.
"The bond Boruto and I formed was never as strong as i believed it was. He was indeed a bright child who encouraged me at times and i considered him a dear friend of mine's, but he was living in his own world. He often didn't exist in my life. Boruto was never the sun to my moon because i never really idolized him, always made sure he learnt from his mistakes." Mitsuki asserts.
"But there you were. Perhaps i was drawn to you because of the genes i inherited from my parent Orochimaru who was always obsessed with Uchiha. But ever since we met and were put in the same team, i looked up to you and unconsciously followed your footsteps. You were the one who was guiding me all along. You were there for me when nobody else was. You loved to hang out with me not just to know me better but also to help me become independent. You wanted to be by my side because you found peace when we were together. Think about it..." Mitsuki continues.
Sarada shut her eyes, trying to make a sense out of all that came out of Mitsuki's words. Sarada never hated symbolism and metaphors,but rather that she believed Mitsuki was obsessed with them to no end. She hypothetized that the reason for that could be the loose sense of identity or lack of a defined purpose in life. However, after what she heard a few moments earlier,it seemed to her that Mitsuki had finally realized what his goal is.
"It doesn't matter if i truly am your sun or not. I'll make sure to become one to save you from the limitless void you are trapped in. That's my promise,Mikki." Sarada asserts,with a bright smile on her face.
"That's what i was talking about." Mitsuki shuts his eyes,wearing a half-smile.
"One thing that bothered me in this last four years was that everything was about Boruto and Kawaki. You distanced yourself from me and no matter how much i tried,i could not really figure out if you chose one of those idiots over me. Not that it makes much of a difference now. Had you not chosen separation,you wouldn't be here prepared to beat me into a pulp if that's what it takes to bring me back to the village." Mitsuki glowers.
"You know that's not true! Boruto is there fighting for his life and doesn't really have anyone out there to back him up if bunch of bastards decide to hunt him down!" Sarada insists.
"Boruto was far more powerful than you when he left and he had Sasuke-san on his side! You were only risking your life and almost got yourself killed because of Kawaki! There was no sane for you to do what you did in all those years! You should've had faith in Boruto and valued your life because without you,all hope will he lost!" Mitsuki yells at Sarada.
"What are saying..?"
"The cloud of optimism has blinded your judgement. You may be able to reason with so many people,but there will come a day you will not be capable of empathizing with someone. Either because they are irredeemable or that they don't wish to be saved...You can't save everyone,Sarada. It doesn't worth to risk your life in doing so,because it's upon Boruto as the man who is slowly beginning to truly understand Kawaki's pain."
"I highly doubt that you plan to spare Kawaki."
"Kawaki is much too dangerous to be left alive. I have to get rid of him before he manages to fully masters his powers. He is unhinged and unpredictable,i won't allow him to take the lives of my loved ones or any other living being."
"What did Ada do to deserve such a horrific death?"
Tears falling from his cheeks,Mitsuki covers his eyes. "Neither Code nor I could save her. I could only just to see how she lost the single ray of hope she had kept in her heart for all her life."
"It's never too late. We may be able to fix it all."
"Only if you follow my lead this time around."
"What is your goal?"
"My goal...is to achive true peace. Not just for humans but all living beings. That includes Otsutsukis as well. This is an ambitious goal. A revolution on multiversal scale."
"Are you out of your right mind? Humans, Otsutsukis and Tenkajoyos have antagonized each other for billions of years! There is no way you can put an end to this conflict so easily! There will be an interdimensional war like no other and countless lives will be lost!"
"What if the one who wishes to settle all the matters shares the same blood with the three species?"
"No way..."
"A hybrid with royal blood of three supreme species flowing in his veins shall be given the authority to rule over the creation itself. But before that,a sacrifice must be made."
"That's why you came here,huh?"
"You always wished to know about my heritage. You asked me if i had a mother or if it was my parent Orochimaru themself who gave birth to me and that i am not really a clone? You came up with so many theories and to be honest,they were weird but interesting nontheless."
Mitsuki summons his 2 meters long sword. Muramasa sword which is in it's sheath that is decorated with jewels and a kanji sentence "Seikyo no Kishin" written on it which translates to "Demon Death God".
"Everything you know about the nature of my birth is true, although it's half of all you should be aware of. I am a synthetic human whose genetics were modified to be perfect in order to carry the power of gods. I am a partial of clone of Toneri Otsutsuki,therefore i descend from Hamura and Mirina Otsutsuki. For your information,Mirina Otsutsuki was a princess but considered to be an abomination for mere fact that she was daughter of Otsutsuki King and Dragon Queen. Two thousand years ago she came to our universe in order to reclaim Kaguya's chakra but fell in love with Hamura who guided her to the path of righteousness and became one with her. The source of Mirina's power is from an ancient god that Tenkajoyo clan worshipped. He is called Ryujin,and in the last two eons ever since Hamura and Mirina,no one was ever able to draw power from that god. I am the first person since my paternal ancestors to muster the true might of both Otsutsuki and Tenkajoyo clans as a human being."
"You said paternal? Does that mean you have a biological mother?"
"Yes. Sometime before the birth of Boruto, my father Toneri became ill for a short period of time. Hinata-hime learnt about it and rushed to his side,and healed his wounds. My Father kept Hinata-hime's chakra inside himself for it was his share of the woman he unconditionaly loved, which partially transforming his genes just like your father whose life was saved by Karin-san and that became one of main two reasons you are wearing glasees."
"Listen to me, back then i always told you that i will always support your dream to become hokage but i learnt to see the whole picture. You should never be a hokage."
"Mitsuki,i know where you are coming from but i genuinely believe i can change the shinobi system!"
"Just like Naruto-san did,right?" Mitsuki mocks Sarada.
"What?" Sarada is caught off guard.
"This shinobi system is founded by a man driven by fears and ready to terminate whole bloodlines if that's all it takes to protect his nation. Let me tell you the story of a boy whose dream was to become the most powerful ninja of all time,to be a hokage who puts an end to all the war and conflict. Do you know what led to Uchiha Downfall?"
"My uncle Itachi slaughtered his clan because he was tired of shedding blood and sweat for them. He left the village and turned into a rogue ninja who shortly afterwards joined Akatsuki."
"It seems your father didn't tell you the truth. It was the government who ordered Itachi to eradicate Uchiha off the face of earth. Fourty years ago, it was masked man who summoned kyuubi and because of that person, thousands of civillians and shinobis were killed. Danzo speculated Uchiha clan were responsible for the tragedy,but he didn't know it was an outsider who did that. Obito was a chunin of the village,who was said to have given his life to save his friend Kakashi. He was saved by a mysterious man and became his shadow. Obito was Madara's puppet who aimed to destroy the village. The Uchiha inside were deemed guilty and were oppressed and ostracized,while Obito manipulated your grandfather's subordinates for his own benefit. Uchiha plotted a coup d'etat to overthrow Konoha government for treating them fairly,and there was Itachi who was a conflicted double spy forced to make the toughest decision one could possible make. Itachi did what he did to prevent a world war and deaths of millions of innocent children."
Sarada freezes.
Mitsuki has been staring at the ground and now turns his gaze to Sarada.
She is on the verge of crying.
"There is no need for me to tell you what our Tsubasa-sensei and Boruto went through. As long as this shinobi system exists, there will be child soldiers who have to make sacrifices. Races to be eradicated. Nations start wars because of difference in religious views, pillaging other territories for money, invading other regions to gain more influence, killing people out hatred or for revenge. Many do it just to enjoy seeing their victims perish. This cycle of suffering shall not end until someone stands up in the face of injustice and cruelty to fight back. I shall be the one who crushes the corrupted systems of all worlds. You have no place in such world. I won't allow you to serve a system founded on blood of countless innocent lives."
"What is the difference between you and Kawaki?
"I will not commit genocide. Kawaki's mindset is hypocritical in essence as he is ready to kill whoever stands in his way while be pretends he is only trying to save the village."
"But what if you die fighting for your ideals?"
"You and I are the same regarding that matter. I am not a suicidal maniac,but if my sacrifice is all it takes to turn my ideals into a reality then i will gladly give my life knowing everyone will be happy and safe."
"You know that i am not gonna let you do that,right?"
"Then join me,Sarada. Together,we can do anything. There is no need for you to oppose me."
"I can't do that unless i betray my ideals."
"I see..."
Mitsuki draws out Muramasa out from it's sheath. The scarlet-colored sword starts to shine,thirsting for blood. "It's said that Muramasa is a cursed sword that corrupts the wielder as the time passes,slowly turning them into ruthless murderers. But if the one is mentally strong enough,they are able to resist the temptations and use this weapon for justice. This is a weapon that bypasses indestructible defenses and targets the soul to erase the impurities. Before ascension, i have to get rid of the unnecessary thoughts and emotions to become a perfect vessel to host the powers of gods."
"Are you sure that's what truly wish for?" Sarada says as she activates her mangekyou sharingan.
"Those who wish to hurt you...I shall crush their dreams...no one has the right to take you away from me..." Mitsuki says as he stabs himself in the heart In order to break the seal that prevents him from reaching his fullest potential.
"Mitsuki!" Shouts Sarada as she leaps toward Mitsuki.
A torrent of water wraps itself around Mitsuki's body,the drops of water burn through Sarada's flesh,forcing her to jump back as she figures the water is not harming her friend.
"Curse the fate for this unforgivable plot!" Mitsuki utters,and the torrent of water pulls him inside the endless ocean of primordial world.
Sarada summons her Crimson Red Perfect Susanoo and reaches for Mitsuki only to stop in middle of air as she hears a warning in the back of her mind.
"That rivers of abhorrence, concealment, woe, lamentation and fire enter that ocean. If someone like you jumps into that,the best case scenario is they will be erased from the timeline instantly. Direct contact with that ocean in this place will be your doom." Says Katsuyu.
"What is Mitsuki planning to do,Katsuyu-san?" Sarada asks her mentor.
"I remember my grandfather telling me story of a mythological spear that was used to create worlds. Based on what i witnessed here,it seems the tale was a legend based on the weapon Hamura Otsutsuki created eons ego and buried it deep inside the cosmic ocean. It's said that the weapon can turn one into an omnipotent entity. If a person with dangerous ideology finds it,they shall gain the ability to shatter the very fabric of reality itself on a really vast scale. Ameno Sakahoko is the name of that spear."
"Are you implying that Mitsuki is destined to claim ameno sakahoko for himself?"
"Indeed. He is now bonding with the ocean and ameno sakahoko will become part of his identity, thus no one shall be able to steal it from him even if he dies. But even someone as talented as him should train three years to gain full control over such weapon."
Sarada senses a danger coming and flies backward.
An impact from the deepest pits of cosmic sends shockwaves that shake the entire planet, Mitsuki awakens and flies toward the sky, charging toward Sarada, breaks through her susanoo, wraps his arms arounds around Sarada's body.
In less than an attosecond, Mitsuki crosses three hundred sextillion kilometers to protect Sarada from running out of lifespan and falling to madness due to being so close to the ocean.
Mitsuki let's go out of Sarada and as he is falling on his knees, Sarada finds herself in another dimension. Not the universe they belong to. That seems to be a creation of ancient sages to her.
This was the plan to get out of the primordial world because it's environment puts devastating toll on Sarada's body due to unique laws of physics and metaphysics.
"Mitsuki..." Sarada says as he reaches for her friend.
As soon as Mitsuki's hands touch the ground, he enters his dragon sage mode. His new body adapting as he is summoning the strength of mayhem. The aura he releases so intense it could effortlessly shatter the fabric of reality. It only leaves a crater on the ground, rupturing the planet that is thirty times larger than earth.
'Mitsuki's chakra pool is comparable to Prime Juubi level in terms of potency. He is not joking around...' Sarada raises on her feet, levitating in air as the byakugou seal spread over her body and summons a body sized perfect susanoo.
Black clouds forming in the sky, bolts of lightning striking the ground as Mitsuki stands on his feet. Now looking more like a feral beast than a human being. Locking gazes with Sarada with determination.
"Time to settle this..." Says Mitsuki, as the heavenly jeweled spear appears in his left hand. "Sarada."
"If you say so..." Sarada summons Ameno Murakumo as well,prepared to go all out.
"I will never leave you alone. Not again." Sarada asserts.
Sarada leaps toward Mitsuki and targets his left shoulder, Mitsuki stands still,raises his left arm to block Sarada's sword attack and at the mean time waving hand signs. Sarada notices that and right when she thinks of flying away, a hand grabs her collar which shocks her. 'Shadow clone..!' Mitsuki's shadow clone slams her into the ground and drags her for thousands of kilometers till Sarada turns the tides and punches Mitsuki, a brawl starts in midst of air and the fighters exchange blows till Sarada's fist and Mitsuki's leg connect. Sarada uses her feet to slow down and finally stop her from moving any further. Mitsuki's shadow clone uses his claws to achive the same and charges at Sarada similar to a hungry predator.
Sarada weaves seals using her left hand to create four shadow clones of her own. Her clones corner Mitsuki's clone while she turns back to react on time to block a punch from Mitsuki, who flips on Sarada's shoulder and kicks her on the back and jumps up to the sky. Sarada turns around and figures Mitsuki's waving hand signs again. 'Dammit...he is too fast...'
'Water style:great water dragon jutsu!' A sea of water taking form of a dragon and roaring as it attacks Sarada. Sarada leaps backward and waves tiger hand sign. 'Fire style:majestic destroyer flame jutsu!' The two jutsus of opposing elements collide and cause steam to cover a vast area.
'Summoning art:shadow snake assault jutsu!' Serpents start raising from under the ground to grab Sarada by her feet. Sarada flies away and slashes through several hundreds of them. 'Lightning style:Chidori senbon!' Sarada shoots a rain of blades down on the snakes and then targets Mitsuki's using the same jutsu.
'Not bad...' not bothering to dodge, Mitsuki's clone allows chidori senbons to hit him and Sarada witnesses how all of them shatter and turn to dust. Mitsuki's clone smirks and creates a bow made of purple lightning with his left hand and with his right hand creates a purple arrow,aims at Sarada before she gets to chance to charge toward him and prevent him from using this technique. 'Lightning style:rain of death!' The arrow flies at an incredible speed and Sarada is left with no chance but to flee and hide behind the planets nearby. Mitsuki's uses shadow clone jutsu to turn that arrow into twenty thousand unstoppable blades that penetrate stars and planets, causing a series or catasthropic events in the solar system.
Sarada stops moving in midair, shields her body with her susanoo's wings and releases a massive shockwave that obliterates all the incoming purple lightning blades along with the solar system Mitsuki and her were in.
'Yasaka no magatama!' Sarada summons eight extremely dense crimson tomoes, and fires them at Mitsuki's clone.
The dragon sage substitutes himself with his clone after dealing with Sarada's shadow clones, catching the uchiha prodigy by surprise.
Mitsuki swings ameno sakahoko seven times and one by one, the yasaka no magatama disappear and that leaves one. Mitsuki slices through the fabric of space infront of himself, opens a portal infront of himself and bridges it to another spot in space behind Sarada's back, the last tomoe connects with Sarada's body and leaves a massive explosion, sending her toward Mitsuki.
Mitsuki charges at Sarada and delivers a roundhouse on her chest just to see her turn into a large murder of crows. 'Itachi-san must be proud of her.' The crows start engorging then their eyes turn red, and they blow up at the exact same time.
Mitsuki flies toward Sarada at a blinding speed but Sarada is able to react on time and catch his hands before he can land a hit on her. "You can't gain the upper hand on me using distractions,Sarada."
"About that..." Sarada leans back a bit, gathering a chunk of chakra in her head then headbutts Mitsuki on his forehead, cracking his horn as a result and knocks him back, forcing him to retreat and get a few meters away from Sarada.
"Tch." Mitsuki grunts, his horn is healed instantly. "Not bad." Mitsuki admits.
"You used hand signs three times before casting those jutsus. I was paying attention to see if i can find slightest distortion in flow of your chakra. It appears that you no longer need to wave hand signs at all." Sarada deduces based on what she witnessed earlier in the fight.
Mitsuki smirks. "Show me why Sasuke-san is so proud of you."
An explosion.
An instant later, Sarada sees an ocean of water beneath her feet, several hundred kilometers away from Mitsuki and her.
Just as Sarada's intuition warns her to move away, a gigantic serpent made of water grabs her and tries to bite and penetrate her thick susanoo armor just for the watet serpent to break it's fangs. The serpent slams Sarada into the ocean.
Mitsuki raises his right arm and starts spinning ameno sakahoko above his head right as his water serpent catches Sarada. In the empty void, Mitsuki generates an astronomical dragon made of purple lightning that dwarfs the sun in Mitsuki's and Sarada's timeline. "It's gonna sting, Sarada."
Not allowing Sarada the chance to break free from hold of water serpent, Mitsuki's dragon roars and dives into the ocean. The temperature is so high that all the water gets vaporized shortly upon impact. The absurd electric current that reaches twelve orders of magnitudes passes through Sarada's body.
Mitsuki watches as Sarada heals from the mere flesh wounds, showing no sign of fatigue or dizziness. Mitsuki can sense that Sarada is only annoyed, glaring at him with her cursed crimson eyes that are beacon of hope.
The anger fuels Sarada's motivation and makes her chakra more potent than before. Sarada claps her hands and summons an asteriod with density of trillion kilograms per meter and around the same size as the moon. The asteroid hits Mitsuki on the back and Sarada flies upward and charges toward Mitsuki to punch him in the chest so hard that he is sent flying backward and the asteriod gets obliterated.
Mitsuki enters a blue star and starts to manipulate it's core, absorbing all elements except for iron. Boosting the speed of chemical process and breaking the balance between radiation and gravity inside the core of the blue star, Mitsuki forcefully causes a supernova explosion that lays waste to the entire solar system.
A feat impossible for normal shinobis. In fact, one has to possess extraordinary imagination prowess and genius intelligence along with chakra reserves on par with kurama.
Mitsuki then concentrates all the mass in surrounding space into a single spot, creating a singularity with infinite density, giving birth to a black hole using his incredible mental prowess and chakra control. The black hole quickly grows bigger than the planet they landed on after leaving the primordial world. Mitsuki kicks the black hole and shoots it at Sarada.
'Dammit...' Sarada takes a deep breath, draws ameno murakumo from it's sheath and coats it with golden lightning. She swings it and sends a barrage of lightning bolts inside of the black hole.
The particle-antiparticle pairs inside the black are pulled outside of it as Sarada commands it. Sarada prevents the destruction of those pairs, therefore black hole starts to shrink and loses mass rapidly. An event that would usually takes gogols of years to happen, occurs in matter of seconds. The bearers of chakra and those who can mold nature energy in their body are able to bend the laws of physics, and that way a bolt of lightning can be shot faster than light. For instance, Hagoromo was able to travel infinite distance in a mere instant using no space-time jutsu, relying only on sheer speed gained after rigorous training and perfecting his chakra control in his teenage days.
Evaporation of black hole. The tremendous dark sphere dies in a blaze of glory, and it's destruction serves no purpose other than releasing all the energy it absorbed just moments earlier.
It appears that not even the cosmic radiations have any sort of effect on Mitsuki and Sarada. If ordinary ninjas with limited knowledge on the capacity of potential of carrier of chakra were to witness clash of dragon sage and uchiha prodigy, they would think they are looking at two invincible gods who will fight to the end of eternity.
However, Mitsuki and Sarada are fully aware of each other's capacity. The battle's only just getting started.
Mitsuki tilts his head to crack his neck, shrugging his shoulders as ameno sakahoko disappears.
Sarada pulls out her susanoo's twin katana from the sheaths on her back and sets them on fire. Not any ordinary fire but holy fire that is summoned from heaven itself. Sarada is the first uchiha who gained possession of this divine blessing unlike her predecessors who could only wield inferno flames.
"Just as i expected." Mitsuki grins, and makes his own twin katanas with ice style. "You truly are different from the rest of the uchiha."
"Come!" Sarada declares.
Mitsuki and Sarada let out their battle cry that shake the sky, charging toward each other.
The swords connect and release a shockwave that crush the universe to oblivion. They start exchanging strikes as they move and cross different corners of the cosmos.
After three minutes, Mitsuki manages to lock one of Sarada's flame swords with his ice swords. Sarada aims to pierce Mitsuki's abdomen. Mitsuki absorbs the holy fire.
'What?' Sarada is surprised to see that.
'Of course he can do that.' Lady Katsuyu says in spiritual plane shared between her and Sarada.
'What is that supposed to mean?!?'
'You see, the otsutsuki may not be safe from your holy fire, neither are the tanjoyoko. Mitsuki breaks the rule because he not only bathed in ocean of primordial world, but also awakened his divine genes passed down to him by Hamura Otsutsuki who is the supreme ruler of not just primordial world but also heavens too.'
'You mean he's...like what...fireproof now?'
'I guess that'll be a correct way to describe his current state.'
'Amazing..! Do you know anything else about the abilities he may have gained after using cheat code?'
'Luckily for you, he didn't have enough time to obtain invulnerable body. He can't summon water from primordial water nor can he open a portal to that place.'
'That means i have to beat him or i'll look like a total fraud if i lose and...'
'Forget it.'
"Too dull!" Mitsuki murmurs and then starts kicking Sarada on the chest, first right foot then left foot then right foot again. Mitsuki finishes the combo by doing a side flip kick and moves toward Sarada for another combo.
Mitsuki delivers a raising uppercut on Sarada's jaw with his left fist and hits her with another side flip kick.
Mitsuki turns his katanas into a warhammer and smashes it into Sarada's chest, sends her flying to other side of universe. Sarada crashes into the barrier that separates this universe from the void of multiverse.
The left side of Sarada's jacket is torn apart after the attack, and six of her lower ribs broken. Sarada takes her jacket off and throws it away. Mitsuki flies toward him and the moment he sees Sarada's necklace, he freezes in midair.
"You didn't think that i forgot about this,did you?" Sarada grunts as she heals her broken ribs, with a sad expression on her face.
"I always preferred to believe that it was the most precious gift you have ever received from anyone." Mitsuki responds, a glum smile appears on his face.
"Like the necklace you are wearing,huh?"
Date:Mar.28th 2039
Over fourteen months has passed since the day Kawaki sealed Naruto and Hinata inside Isshiki's timeless dimension. So many people are still unable to cope with the fact that their lord seventh and byakugan princess were killed in their own village, at the hands of the boy they adopted and cherished as if he was their flesh and blood. That is what the leaf village believe to be the reality, for majority of them that is the case.
The streets have not been so unwelcoming and gelid for those who mourn the death of their beloved heroes.
And then there are certain individuals whose hearts are filled with sorrow and regret for different reasons. Those who remember what truly happened, those who can see the true enemy.
'For how long am i supposed to pretend that i don't want to knock Kawaki's teeth out? I don't even know if dad is doing well? I hope that idiot Boruto isn't annoying dad with his foolish antics. Gah, i hate worrying about that heedless gremlin of all people while i should be keeping an eye on the sassy emo boy.' Sarada thinks as she walks down her path to home with hands in her jacket's pockets, looking down, not paying attention to her surroundings.
A boy wearing dark out fit approaches Sarada that brings her out of her thoughts with his cold but stable aura. Sarada is not a sensor but there is one presence she's quite familiar with. Each and every single fiber in Sarada's body are sensitive to the chakra that belongs to the person she spends the most of her free time of duty period: Mitsuki.
To Sarada, it seemed like Mitsuki was gonna walk past her but he stands on her right side and stays still, not saying anything nor looking at her at all.
"Your ears." The first words that come out of Mitsuki's mouth.
"Oh, the earring holes... My mother asked me if i wanted to pierce my ears and wear earrings, i thought it wasn't a bad idea." Sarada says. "Sharp eyes."
"I assume Sakura-san's already have something for you as she came up with this idea days before you celebrate your birthday." Mitsuki speculates. 'Sasuke-san is the one who gifts you a pair of earrings, i suppose...' Mitsuki thinks, refuses to say that to Sarada as that will only upset her.
"I guess you are right." Sarada replies. "That dark purple nail polish looks good on your hands."
"You can thank my parent later if you ever met them again."
"Orochimaru-san really is a classy one. You sure have inherited that fashion sense from your mysterious parent."
"I wish that means you are one of few who don't hate my parent."
"There's no reason for me to be scared of the current Orochimaru-san. I'm just wary of them because...well...they seem to be overly secretive and tight-lipped."
"Hmph. Is that so?" Mitsuki asks, then wears a mischevious grin.
"In their defense, they probably act this way to appear charming in people's eyes." Sarada replies, raises her hands in air and shrugs her shoulders.
"Just like me, right?" Mitsuki asks as he puts his left hand on his hip and leaning a bit to the left side
"Yes." Sarada says, smiling.
"Ada is waiting for me. I wished they would give us a break, but crime never sleeps."
"Do you two weirdos get along with each other?"
"If it continues like this, i guarantee you will eventually be jealous of Ada."
"Don't you dare replacing me with that ticklish damsel, Mikki."
"Now that you mention it, i don't see Sumire around. You two are always supposed to be stuck. Strange to see you here walking around all by yourself without your new bestfriend."
Sarada scratches back of her head, unable to come up with a cool comeback. Mitsuki pats her on shoulder and starts to walk away.
"See you around." Mitsuki waves hand.
"Take care." Sarada says loudly.
Date:Mar.31th 2039
Sarada's birthday party was oddly pleasant for everyone excluding Ada who was uncomfortable in public, and Mitsuki who has began to get annoyed by loud noises.
Sarada picked up and put all the gifts she received in her bedroom with help of Mitsuki decided to be the last person leaving.
Sarada and Mitsuki come out of the room, seeing Sakura who has finished cleaning the house.
Sakura has her back pressed against the wall and staring at the teenagers, arms folded infront of her chest.
"Sakura-san, may i borrow your daughter for a couple of minutes?" Mitsuki asks Sakura who raises an eyebrow.
"Where are your manners, Mitsuki?!" Sarada asks Mitsuki and grabs his wrist, her eyes twitching.
"That feeling of objectification has not faded away, you know."
"That was a figure of speech, Sarada."
"You better watch your tongue the next time."
"I'll try."
"That's not enough."
"Deal with it."
"Oi!" Sakura lets her voice be heard.
"Yes, ma'am." Mitsuki and Sarada say that at the same time.
"You better hurry up, or you'll have to feel the wrath of strongest kunoichi in konoha."
"Gotcha!" Mitsuki wraps his arm around Sarada and teleports away.
"Silly kids..." Sakura sighs.
Mitsuki's destination is hokage rock and he lands on top of Minato's head.
"I admit that you are hella fast." Sarada says as she turns to Mitsuki.
"Save that for later. Close your eyes."
"You better not be planning to steal my first kiss, Mikki." Sarada says, pouting.
"Haha, we laughed mad loud for a bit." Mitsuki responds in a mocking tone. "I'm barely thirteen, uchiha-san." Mitsuki pokes Sarada on forehead.
"Ouch." Sarada rubs her forehead. "That was me being sarcastic."
"And that poke was to show you i have class." Mitsuki takes Sarada's hands in his own hands and covers her eyes with the palms of her hands. "No peeking."
"Let's see what you've got for me." Sarada says, a shade of sarcasm apparent in her warm and loud voice.
"You are allowed to open your eyes now."
"Uh-oh..." Sarada slowly lowers her hands and gradually and hesitantly opens her eyes, her heart pounding so hard she feels like it will explode. She is embarassed at herself for being unbelievably excited. 'Future hokage? Puff, jokes on me. I am nothing but a baby.'
"So?" Mitsuki asks, now with a gentle tone.
"Just like what Tsubasa-sensei is used to say: Magnificent!" Sarada responds as she reaches for the marvelous treasure in Mitsuki's hands.
Mitsuki's gift is a necklace. Thin gold chains with a eight-pointed star shaped symbol made of sunstone in red color. It is certainly not the most expensive gift Sarada has received, but probably her favorite after the earrings she is wearing that are created by her father.
Mitsuki goes behind Sarada and clips the necklace around Sarada's bare neck. Sarada shakes uncontrolably at touch of the metal but soon a phenomena catches her onyx eyes.
After Mitsuki finished putting the necklace on Sarada's neck, the star shaped gem starts shining bright. It really does fascinate Sarada.
"Let me guess,you made this cutie yourself." Sarada assumes.
"Yes." Mitsuki says, smiling.
"Did you use yin-yang release method or..."
"I mastered the craft. It took me two days but it seem it did worth it."
"You kidding? I fricking love it so much."
"You're welcome."
"Oh...you used this symbolism again..."
"Don't get me wrong, i know my mangekyou sharingan has the same shape as this symbol, but still....i...i just...i dunno."
"No,you are right. Your eyes inspired me. Nothing more, nothing less."
There comes a suffocating silence. The wind blows Mitsuki's hair, hiding his golden eyes from Sarada.
Sarada runs her fingers through Mitsuki's hair and slides it to side so she could see his beautiful face. Sarada caresses Mitsuki's cheek, wrapping one arm around his neck and one around his waist, pulls him into a hug, embracing his cold body in her toned arms.
"Thank you...for everything." Sarada says as she holds Mitsuki tighter.
Mitsuki doesn't move, just rests her chin on Sarada's shoulder.
Date:Present Time-Nov.27th 2042
Mitsuki remembers some moments from the past he cherishes, losing focus on the battle, allowing Sarada to gain the opportunity to wave hand signs needed to cast shadow clone jutsu.
Ten shadow clones surround a distracted Mitsuki and jump on him and start beating him up for mere seconds until Mitsuki uses substituition jutsu and gets in iajutsu stance after summoning ameno sakahoko.
"Eliminate all!" Mitsuki disappears from Sarada's sight.
Nearing infinite speed, Mitsuki flies around the universe and slashes through Sarada's shadow clones in a omnidirectional series of attacks, slicing through space itself and disregards their durability, watching Sarada's shadow clones vanish one by one in matter of an instant.
Sarada summons her perfect susanoo again along with gunbai before Mutsuki could cast Wind Style: Great Wind Whirlwind jutsu, expelling the chakra she kneaded in her body into holy fire and uses the chakra of Mitsuki's own attack to cast Fire Style: Great Fire Whirlwind jutsu, creating three enormous whirlwinds that knock Mitsuki back.
Sarada appears behind Mitsuki, strengthening the force of her punches by casting Earth Style: Ultra Added-Weight Rock jutsu and concentrating tremendous amount of chakra that she has been storing in byakugou seal in the last two years, into them and strikes Mitsuki in stomach so hard he crashes through the barrier of universe that shatters.
Mitsuki has no time to recover as his back hits the barrier of another universe.
"Channaro!" Sarada begins to deliver a remorseless and devastating flurry of punches as she shouts angirly at the friend who does not regret leaving her. Sarada screams because she can't forgive herself for hurting Mitsuki, for all there is that she can do is to try beating some sense into her beloved companion. Sarada has to convince Mitsuki what he is doing is wrong, because if she fails to do that, there is a strong chance he will die.
Sarada is afraid of that possiblity and she will do whatever it takes to prevent that from happening.
"GIVE UP!" Sarada yells at Mitsuki, striking him with the palms of her hands, sends him flying until he freezes in midair, gasping for a few moments and starts coughing blood, covering his mouth with his hands as he transforms back to the first stage of dragon king sage mode.
The hanging crescent moon necklace brings back Sarada to three years ago...
Date:Jul.25 2039
It's early in the morning, everyone is asleep while the sensory division are watching over the village. Nothing can be heard but the dawn chorus of birds.
'Is there something wrong?' Kohan asks Mitsuki telepathically using mind body transmission technique and chakra transmission communication device that expands the range of yamanaka clan's hiden jutsu and allows the sensory division to make contact with those who are fifteen kilometers away from the leaf village.
'No. Everyone's sleeping.' Mitsuki responds, standing in Ada's bedroom, barely a couple of feets distance between them.
'The night shift is over. You may leave now. I will make contact with Sarada and Sumire.'
'Yes, sir.' Mitsuki approaches Ada who has wrapped arms around a pillow, and puts a blanket over her. Mitsuki caresses Ada's cheek with back of his fingers.
Mitsuki is assigned to this mission not to befriend Ada and Daemon literally but to pretend that he loves to spend time with them and genuinely likes them.
Perhaps Mitsuki isn't of the kind who considers not hurting feelings of the people as he is logic-driven and blunt, that doesn't indicate he lacks empathy for certain individuals who share similar experiences with him.
Ada is a conflicted person and her thirst for love is something Mitsuki relates to. Mitsuki often thinks that he is alone in the world, and he can see that Ada is dealing with the very same irritating sense of melancholy.
Ada is skeptical but also optimistic at the same time. She claims that keeping silence is a wise move but when she is with Mitsuki, she becomes chatty and can go on and on for hours. Ada says she hates fighting but won't bat an eye if someone were to be killed for opposing her.
Mitsuki perceives Ada as a paradoxical existence who reminds him of not just himself but also Tsubasa Emiya, his genius mentor.
Mitsuki was able to bond with Ada because he truly believed that she deserves to be given a chance. He wishes happiness for Ada and considers her to be his companion.
At first, Mitsuki was yet another "cool guy" for Ada but shortly after she started to fraternize with him, Mitsuki grew on Ada. Ada tends to refer to Mitsuki as her Darkest Knight, and prefers keeping company with him than anyone else in konoha as he understands her the best and is always frank without being rude.
Mitsuki walks out of the bedroom, mentally stressed.
Mitsuki comes out of the house and spots Sarada who has her hands behind, Mitsuki knows that she is hiding something from him that will only just confuse him.
"You like to keep me waiting. I don't." Sarada approaches Mitsuki with firm steps and an awkwardly fierce look on her face.
Sarada stands close to Mitsuki, her chest almost touching his, gazing into his eyes.
"Okay..." Mitsuki murmurs.
Sarada is glad that Mitsuki can read her mind and save her the trouble of explaining herself and what she wants to say most of the time. And now Mitsuki shuts his eyes, without even being told to do so.
Sarada gently puts on a necklace on Mitsuki's neck and then pokes on his forehead.
"Here you go." Sarada says with enthusiasm, grinning.
Mitsuki lowers his head to look at the necklace Sarada gifted him.
Thin silver chain and a crescent moon shaped symbol made of moonstone that is glowing.
"I saw it coming and it still baffles me." Mitsuki says, looking at Sarada with a curious expression on his face.
"At first, i was really not interested in that sun and moon symbolism you are so obsessed with. But after my birthday, i don't really mind it." Sarada asserts, Mitsuki raises an eyebrow hearing that. "Because you are the moon. Don't waste your time on Boruto and Kawaki, you are my moon."
Mitsuki is left speechless, drowned in a sea of thoughts and doubts. Mitsuki hates when he can't find a proper answer.
Sarada leans forward and marks Mitsuki's left cheek with a gentle kiss.
Mitsuki presses his forehead against Sarada's with his eyes closed. Sarada interlocks fingers with Mitsuki's to comfort him. From time to time, Mitsuki forgets just how desperate he is for the warmth in Sarada's touch.
"Happy Birthday, Mikki."
"You love it, right?"
Present Time
Mitsuki stares at his bloody hand in disbelief.
"You are pound-for-pound the single strongest person i have ever fought." Mitsuki admits and then covers his face with his left hand, his body still trembling because of the damage inflicted onto him.
"Hehehehehe..." Mitsuki starts laughing in a hair-raising manner, shaking Sarada to the core. "HAHAHAHAHAHAH"
Mitsuki's laughter is no longer sweet or genuine. It is sinister, twisted. He has finally snapped.
'The ritual is now showing it's side effects.' Katsuyu says in the mental plane.
'Since Mitsuki couldn't fully rewrite his DNA, his mind is unable to withstand the pressure of the incomplete power of primordial ocean bestowed upon him. Is that what you were gonna say, Katsuyu-san?' Sarada says, clenching her fists.
'You have to put an end to this fight. Mitsuki is unhinged, far too dangerous than he has ever been.'
'Are you done?'
Sarada returns back from mental plane and sets her eyes on Mitsuki.
"I will save you, Mitsuki." Sarada insists.
"I don't want you to save me, Sarada." Mitsuki asserts.
Sarada forms a rasengan in her right hand, and makes it bigger than planet earth itself.
Mitsuki gathers chakra in his left hand and transforms it into stream of black electricity.
Sarada attacks with her ultra big-ball rasengan, Mitsuki quickly flies towards it and tries to deflect the planetary sphere using his dark chidori as he lets out a cry of rage.
Mitsuki releases an electric discharge from his left hand, cancelling Sarada's rasengan as a result.
Mitsuki spots Sarada who shots an arrow after amplifying it's speed with wind style, using a red bow that is her perfect susanoo's special weapon, it travels so fast space around it is distorted. Mitsuki summons muramasa sword and cuts the arrow in half, and the two halves of arrow melt away instantly.
Mitsuki cuts his forearm open with muramasa sword before it starts to thirst for Sarada's blood, boosting his physical prowess and strengthening his chakra by boiling the energy flowing within him, Mitsuki transports back muramasa sword to the spiritual plane and charges at Sarada.
Sarada tries to defend herself from Mitsuki's punch with her bow, but the dragon sage's claw breaks it apart. Mitsuki punches Sarada on abdomen, then on face, then uppercuts her and at last delivers a knee kick.
"What is it that motivates you? Is it the urge to prove that you are not powerless and can save everyone around you? Or the overwhelming guilt you feel because Ada was killed and i went rogue?" Mitsuki yells at Sarada as he is grabbing her arms.
"Cut it out!" Sarada shouts at Mitsuki as she digs her fingernails into his neck and shoulder.
"Why are you so obsessed with Boruto and Kawaki?!"
Mitsuki grits his teeth upon hearing that question and lets go of Sarada.
"Back then, you were worrying about Boruto the whole time, always told me that Hinata-san asked you to look after her reckless son. Kawaki came, and your desire to mimic seventh hokage became a reason for you to befriend Kawaki. You know that he regrets nothing at all, and you still wish to believe that there is still good in him." Mitsuki says, with a devastated look on his face.
"You said it yourself the best. If i lose my grasp on hope, i'll be nothing but a shell of my true self. Kawaki can pretend that he is all tough and merciless, but deep down he is the same broken child desperate for slightest bit of parental affection. His ideals are twisted but with Boruto's help, he can change for the good." Sarada claims, her lips curle into a smile , wearing a saddened expression.
"You are so difficult."
Mitsuki and Sarada fly away in opposite directions without turning their back on each other.
Mitsuki and Sarada puff steam breaths, the first being of ice and the latter of fire.
"Who would've thought we would use those two techniques on each other?" Mitsuki says, releases tremendous amount of dark energy that takes form of an endless cold steam reaching thermodynamic temperature to absolute zero.
"You did, didn't you?" Sarada asks Mitsuki, as she expells gigantic amount of light energy that spreads around the space behind her, transforms into holy fire reaching the planck temperature.
Date:Sep.11th 2040
Ada is in the hall, sitting on the nine seater, drinking apricot banana smoothie through a straw.
"Here, have a sip." Ada offers Mitsuki to take a small mouthful of her drink.
"You don't have OCD?" Mitsuki asks Ada.
"I'll make an exception this time around." Ada says, outstretches her right arm and rests it on top of the sofa's frame.
Mitsuki leans in, tucks his hair behind his ear and puts his lips on the red straw, drinks a sip of the smoothie.
"Very appetizing." Mitsuki confesses, licking his lips.
"I might open my juice bar one day. Who knows maybe you will be there to lend me a hand in work." Ada says, giggling.
"If only thery was no tension in this world..." Mitsuki says, sighing.
Mitsuki outstretches his left arm and rests it on the top of sofa's frame.
Mitsuki and Ada put on one leg over the other at the same time, sitting crosslegged.
"That's what happens when you are together." Daemon says loudly as he jumps on the sofa and sits next to Ada. "You should never be left alone all by yourselves."
Then appears a man infront of the teens, jumpscaring Daemon.
"You-" Daemon is cut off as another one pops up out of nowhere.
"Your progress is awe-inspiring, Houki." Tsubasa says. "Keep it up and you will surpass some of your predecessors."
"That is only possible because of you, Tsubasa-sensei. You have my sincerest gratitude." Houki says.
"Hello everyone." Tsubasa says, patting Houki on his back.
Daemon disappears, sticks to the roof and leaps toward Tsubasa to hit him just to phase through his body.
"Are you a wizard or something?" Daemon asks Mitsuki, frowning.
"I am a sage of six paths." Tsubasa replies to the kneeling boy. "Ada."
"Handsome." Ada responds to Tsubasa.
"Keep this mini goblin away from me." Tsubasa asks Ada.
"Come here, Daemon." Ada tells her little brother who turns to Ada and then looks back at Tsubasa.
"I'll get my hands on you one day, pretty boy." Daemon says.
"You can't even achive that goal in your dreams. There is no shinobi on earth who stands slightest chance of victory against Tsubasa-sensei. Likes of Kakashi-senpai have stated that Tsubasa-sensei might be the single most powerful being in existence. You can consider him our failsafe asset." Houki states as he sits on other edge of the sofa.
"BS! There ain't no way this edgelord can defeat me!" Daemon shouts.
"You can brag about it all you want. I can't care less about spoiled brats with an ego the size of the universe." Tsubasa says.
Someone throws arms around Tsubasa's waist from back and hugs him tightly.
"I missed you dearly, sensei." Sarada says.
"You have grown stronger." Tsubasa says, knowing well that Sarada always hugs him to lighten his mood.
Sarada unwraps her arms around Tsubasa and goes to sit next to Mitsuki.
"You sit here hand in glove with Ada. My god, Mitsuki..." Sarada whispers in Mitsuki's ear, Ada hears her and nods her head.
"I hope all is well, Tsubasa-senpai." Sumire says as she gets past Tsubasa and sits beside Sarada.
Tsubasa spots a frozen Himawari behind him. Himawari's cheeks glistening with blush, gazing at Tsubasa with heart eyes.
Tsubasa approaches Himawari, lifts her up and puts her on sofa next to Houki while everyone are analyzing his each and every single movement.
"Hima." Tsubasa says, snapping fingers infront of Himawari's face.
"Are you an angel? If not then why are you so pretty?" Himawari asks Tsubasa, who turns to Houki and both roll their eyes and facepalm themselves.
"Whatever." Tsubasa says, patting Himawari on top of her head. "Sumire asked me to come here to share a piece of knowledge with you. My gosh i hate being a teacher to death. So boring." Tsubasa continues with his tongue in cheek.
"Then why on earth you waste your time mentoring these goons for two years?" Daemon asks Tsubasa who frowns after hearing her.
"Tragically, i have been cursed with this sense of responsiblity that pushes me to do what annoys me to death." Tsubasa responds. "Not like you would understand what it means. Anyway, it's history class time! Let's talk about ancient times."
"Aw man, you want to babble on and one and give me irks.
"And ancient gods."
"For real?!?"
"No for fake."
"That doesn't sound too bad, you know." Daemon says, his cheeks blooming.
"In the seventh century and after the death of Hagoromo Otsutsuki, the cosmos became battleground of two demi-gods. They were the sage of six paths' sons: Indra and Ashura Otsutsuki. Indra was an outstanding prodigy among his peers, never surpassed by his descendants nor successors. Indra was an individualist who believed he could bring justice and order through force, and never relied on people. Hagoromo saw that and thought that Indra is not worthy to be the next leader of ninshu. Therefore on his deathbed, Hagoromo passed on his powers to Ashura, the younger son who wasn't particulary talented reached enlightenment. Overwhelmed by rage and hatred, Indra rebelled and waged war on followers of Ninshu all by himself."
"Indra was a real one for that. That is peak badassery." Daemon says, everyone turn to him and look at him with mixed feelings of disappointment and shock. "What?" Daemon folds his arms. "You can't change my mind."
"He battled Ashura for years but he failed to taste victory. Indra grew tired and decided to retreat. Indra sought to awaken his father's dojutsu, the rinnegan. But how?" Tsubasa continues, approaching Ada and bending over, waiting for an answer from her.
"He needed to mix both yin and yang chakra inside his body. After an indefinite period of time, knowing that Indra was a bearer of mangekyou sharingan, his eyes would evolve and transform into a single or a pair of rinnegan." Ada states.
"Bravo." Tsubasa pats Ada on shoulder. "You better take your taijutsu training seriously. You have untapped potential."
"If you say so." Ada says.
"Indra had absorbed a small portion of Ashura's chakra, and spent months on deep meditating, multiplying that chakra and then mixed it with his own chakra. After that, he could manifest fantasy and created a perfect avatar of himself, transplanting that avatar's mangekyou sharingan, activating eternal mangekyou sharingan as a result." Tsubasa goes on.
"That is cruel." Himawari says.
"Maybe. Who are we to judge?" Houki says.
"Indra finally attained a pair of nine tomoe rinnegan. Ashura had forseen that, thus he perfected his mastery over six paths sage mode, pushing himself to reach Indra's level." Tsubasa continues.
"We are lucky that things went down they way they did." Sumire says.
"I think not." Mitsuki responds.
"Tsk tsk tsk tsk." Sarada utters.
"Indra is not just ancestor of Uchiha, Emiya and Chinoike but also the creator of all forms of ninjutsu. He was a super genius and casually invented complex techniques and experimented on the environment to gain a proper understanding of reality. That is when he created a pocket dimension. Indra wanted to see what happens if space reaches it's boiling point. Indra released the inferno flames inside the pocket dimension and increased it's thermodynamic temperature until the interesting stuff appeared in a certain point." Tsubasa says.
"Planck temperature." Ada says.
"That's my girl." Tsubasa says, making Ada feel proud of herself and sees her cheeks redden. "Planck sized black holes started to form and flooded the cosmos with radiation and particles, triggered a big bang event."
"He was a nerd." Daemon pouts.
"Is there a problem?" Mitsuki turns to Daemon.
"Eh... in this case, i guess he is just way cool for me to slander him." Daemon says.
"Originally, there were two sages of six paths. Hamura was the co-inventor of six paths sage mode who landed on moon and decided to live there. He married a hybrid otsutsuki named Mirina Otsutsuki who bore him a daughter: Meigetsu Otsutsuki. A demi-goddess whose talents were said to surpass even that of the legendary Indra Otsutsuki, Mirina invented a fearsome technique that inspired Indra centuries later." Tsubasa explains.
"Sensei, you should tell me more about Meigetsu Otsutsuki." Sarada says.
"I will." Tsubasa says. "Mirina aimed to find the lowest possible negative thermodynamic temperature, thus she used her ice release and reached absolute zero temperature. The disorder disappeared at that point, all motion stopped which means time could no longer flow, and matters were obliterated on a subatomic level."
"What were the names of those jutsus?" Himawari asks Tsubasa.
"The first was called Genesis and the latter... Nemesis." Tsubasa answers Himawari.
Present Time
'I need more!' Sarada shouts.
'Roger that!' Katsuyu says.
In mere moments, Katsuyu channels immeasurable amount of nature energy into Sarada's body, enough to match Mitsuki's rather unparalled energy pool.
'I owe you one.' Sarada says.
'Don't mention it.' Katsuyu responds.
Mitsuki's dark energy enters nigh-infinite number of universes, crushing everything to oblivion.
Sarada's light energy also melts everything to other side, giving birth to infinite planck sized black holes.
Mitsuki concentrates all the concentrated energy he absorbed from the destroyed timelines and suppreses it into a form of blue moon.
Sarada does the exact same thing but instead of creating a moon, she manifests a star that is around twenty four times bigger than the lunar sphere Mitsuki made.
"You are the only one who can rival me, Sarada." Mitsuki asserts.
"I didn't want it to be this way." Sarada utters.
"It's over now."
"Forgive me, Mitsuki."
'Demonic Arts:Ice Style:Nemesis!'
'Divine Arts:Fire Style:Genesis!'
The warriors scream as they shoot the astronomical spheres at each other, pushing their bodies to their limits.
Mitsuki figures that Sarada's technique is overpowering his own, and chooses not to evade this attack from point blank range, embracing destruction to repent for the injuries he inflicted on Sarada during this fight.
Mitsuki floating in space, knocked out of his sage mode, surrounding by newborn planets.
One instant, Mitsuki's body glows and the other it doesn't. Mitsuki has not accepted defeat, not yet.
Sarada watches as Mitsuki is regaining his consciousness, bloody tears coming out of her right eye after overusing the ameno uzume ability of her mangekyou sharingan which allows her to summon holy fire.
"You just won't stay down." Sarada mutters.
And a bloody tear falls from her left eye.
This is what kept Sarada safe from big bang's harm.
Amano Iwato.
Sarada transported her body to her personal domain before the explosion was triggered.
Sarada replaces the surrounding space with her dimension.
Chains are created from naught and bind Mitsuki to a torri gate.
"Impossible...how could i...lose..." Mitsuki drops his head out of shame.
Date:Feb.14th 2042
"He didn't came, right?" Mitsuki asks the girl who is sitting on bed, burying her face in the pillow she is hugging.
"I hate to say it, but it seems like Kawaki's heart is made of stone." Ada , throwing the pillow away and jumps out of the bed.
"How many times did i tell you Kawaki doesn't deserve your love, Ada?" Mitsuki utters, rubbing Ada's arms.
"This damn attraction won't let go of me." Ada murmurs, putting his hand on Mitsuki's chest.
"You cling to this bond because you think Kawaki feels lonely in this world just like you, yes?"
"There's a single dim ray of hope in my life, and it's the slim chance that Kawaki will love me back. I can still wait but i don't know exactly when i'll grow sick of this." Ada wraps her arms around Mitsuki, who runs his fingers through Ada's hair.
"You're risking everything."
"Even if that's true, You'll be there for me, my darkest knight."
Mitsuki says nothing just kisses Ada on top of her head and wraps his arm around her shoulders, hugging her tightly.
"You can count on me."
Date:Present Time
"I lied...again...and again...i failed..." Mitsuki mutters as cold tear stream down his face.
Sorrow, regret, humiliation, powerlessness, hate and rage.
Overwhelmed with negative emotions, Mitsuki snaps as he begins to absorb nature energy from Sarada's dimension.
"No..!" Sarada mutters as Mitsuki regains the strength he lost.
Mitsuki lets out a deafening roar that finds way to gates of heaven and hell, showing he is not bound by the laws of Sarada's domain.
Mitsuki generates enormous amount of lightning from himself, flooding Sarada's space-time, shattering the fabric of reality.
Mitsuki escapes Sarada's dimension, spots his opponent hyperventilating and severly fatigued, her body couldn't withstand the absurd level of energy it received, could barely even move or mold chakra.
Mitsuki flies toward Sarada who throws a weak punch, easilly grabs her hand and pokes her on forehead.
"Forgive me." Mitsuki says as Sarada loses her unconsciousness.
Mitsuki casted a special seal on Sarada which traps her conciousness in realm of dragon king for a short period of them.
Mitsuki's plan was to weaken Sarada to such an extent she will be unable to resist or break out of the realm quickly.
Mitsuki spent most of his remaining chakra to perform this technique. He summons ameno sakahoko to open a portal and passes through it just to fall on ground with Sarada's in his arms.
Mitsuki looks at Sarada's necklace that emits a dim light, and holds Sarada tighter.
Mitsuki stands up with Sarada in his arms and lays her next to another dear friend of his...
"I assure you, the victory will be our's." Mitsuki asserts.
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arcane-abomination · 11 months
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I recommend reading my piece on Eldritch Witchcraft before this blog.
Its hard to find resources on this practice yet quite a few pagans seem to flock to it like a hidden gem. Getting started on this path can be a little difficult for some, as there are some books out there that have been published but they can be somewhat obscure, and let’s be honest, cost a pretty penny. I remember seeing one for $52 online and that’s not including shipping.
In this blog I have compiled some basics of the practice just to get those who fancy this craft started on their journey. For the most part, this path isn’t set in stone, and can be manipulated to the casters will as they see fit. Most of the modern witches that delve into it are chaos practitioners or already practice Eldritch witchcraft. So this information is very basic but will serve as the foundation for one to build and discover their connection with the gods.
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What is it?
A branch of Eldritch Witchcraft, It’s the practice of worship generally centered around the creatures created by the author HP Lovecraft. Originally he wanted to go with the term Yog Sothothary, however others would dub the mythos after Cthulhu, and later after the late author himself. As such, It isn’t uncommon to hear the practice referred to as Cthulhuism or Lovecraftian Paganism as well.
Are The God’s Real?
Well, technically yes but it also depends on how you look at things. Most people fall into one of 3 main categories on the subject.
⚜️ Egragores - This is a type thoughtform creation, a being of pure energy given life and sentience by the belief of multiple individuals. Those of Yog Sothothary can sometimes believe that the gods were created in this way, and it’s the belief and worship in them that satiates and feeds them. They are sentient, and have developed over the years into powerful gods.
⚜️ Alien-like Deities - This system is a little different from the first. It generally holds the belief that Lovecraft had a connection through his subconscious to the astral realm. In some retellings he didn’t even know it. When he slept he unconsciously connected with other worlds and dimensions, but didn’t understand them for what they were and so wrote them the way he did.
⚜️ Real Forms Of Historic Gods - This theory states that the beings Lovecraft saw and created were actually the real forms of other well known deity. The forms we see them as are either epithets or avatars. (An example would be Pan being an extent of Shub Niggurath) This makes it easier to work with us since our mortal minds can’t completely comprehend what lies on the other side and can go mad when seeing a god in its true form.
How to work with them
They work very much like other deity would. They command some sort of respect, and offerings. Typically they will tell you what kinds of things they prefer from you, this is not limited to offerings alone but also other correspondence as well. One thing to make note of though is that it is very common for them to greet you with an avatar of some sort. That way they can choose a form that best connects with you. These avatars can look like animals, humans, or other monstrous creatures. The possibilities are limitless. Sometimes they may even choose one that resembles their true form although not entirely because mortal minds can’t fathom it.
The last thing I have to stress is that while Lovecraft was a racist nihilist, those qualities did NOT pass into the deity of his mythos. Racism is a human trait, concocted through human concepts of bigotry. Deity don’t have the same concepts. They do not view race the way we do. To them, a human is a human. Their skin color doesn’t matter. This practice will never be one that works in a racist manner.
Types of Magick
For the most part people tend to gravitate a lot towards ceremonial magick. This is in part due to the fact that most of the stories involved with summoning the gods have a ceremony motif to them. However, if you’re not into this type of Magick you needn’t worry. Calling a deity can be worth more casual Magick. Personally this is the way I do it for the most part. It’s the intention the gods really care about not whether it’s a whole lengthy ceremony or not.
Each deity’s Symbolism can be derived from their respected texts. It’s important to remember that while the bigotry isn’t apart of their actual makeup some of the symbolism in the writing is. It’s not as cut and dry as the story presents though. Which has lead to many processing the information in various ways. For the sake of this blog I will list some of the more favored gods as well as what’s typically associated with them. However, you are free to draw your own conclusions, as much of this practice operates this way.
⚜️ Azathoth ⚜️
Known as the blind idiot god, he is said to be in an internal slumber dreaming up our universe. While the last part is often seen as just apart of the story for lots of practitioners the slumber of the great god isn’t always. Those who work with Azathoth work with dream magick. Believing it’s one of the only ways he can communicate with his followers. The other by using the messenger god to relay information.
⚜️ Yog Sothoth ⚜️
Son of Azathoth, he is typically regarded as the main god of the mythos by most of his followers. It is said he is called the key and the gate, the keeper of dimensions. Existing outside space and time. Because of this he knows all and is often called upon as a god of knowledge, divination, and dimensional travel. In the mythos he’s also associated with bringing back the dead, thus many practitioners view him as a god of necromancy as well.
⚜️ Shub Niggurath ⚜️
The wife of Yog Sothoth she’s a motherly deity that is said to appear deep in forestry areas, almost constantly creating life from opening mouths on her body. She’s seen as a benevolent goddess, one that stands mainly for fertility. In the story she creates milk to feed her followers. Those that drink it become known as Dark Young. From a realistic stand point, the dark young can simply represent her followers, some even view it as a title like priest or priestess. A lesser known association, however, is the belief that the dark young are the dead souls of those that worshipped her in life. They are said to appear on her behalf when she can not be present. Regardless of which one you hold to be true, milk is often used as an offering. She’s called to bless it with protection and fruitfulness, before it’s drank my the witch.
⚜️ Nyarlathotep ⚜️
Known as one of the most malevolent gods of the mythos, he’s said to wander the earth causing havoc. It’s also stated that he’s the messenger of the gods, talking word back to even Azathoth himself. Now, in reality he’s not seen as evil but rather a trickster god. Trickster gods often walk a grey area between light and dark, and can be known to teach in very unconventional ways. This matches what Nyarlathotep is about. Those that work with him can describe him as protective or even stern one minute then care free the next.
⚜️ Cthulhu ⚜️
Arguably the most popular of the mythos, this deity is another dream worker. The story says that the great one slumbers and reaches out to his followers through their dreams. Cthulhu is described by practitioners to be very knowledgeable and protective of those who follow him dutifully. He’s often seen to give gifts to those he feels worthy.
⚜️ Hastur ⚜️
Hastur isn’t always considered part of the pantheon because his creation is a little different from the others. He was only mentioned briefly in one of Lovecraft’s stories. He was later reimagined by Ambrose Bierce, in his short story “Haïta the Shepherd” in which Hastur was described as a the god of shepherds. He was later fleshed out again as a malicious god called the yellow king. Like Nyarlathotep, he isn’t seen as actually evil but rather a chaos or darkness deity. In practice he’s seen as a king, but this doesn’t mean he’s no longer a shepherd. On the contrary. A fair king is seen as both a ruler and a shepherd. He governs and lays down rules, while also protecting and guiding his people. That being said, those who have worked with Hastur often mention that he can be strict, and demanding of offering more profusely then any other deity. But when the castor complies he will be very protective and loyal.
I will add to this list as more become available, so feel free to link yours in the bottom so I can create a nice Hub. Also please remember that any symbol, regardless of whether it’s words, numbers, or sigils, has power when put down with intention. Even if it’s a symbol taken from a game. It may not have been created with real spirituality in mind but that doesn’t mean someone else can’t use it that way. Everything is just lines, squiggles, and circles until meaning is given to them.
⚜️ R’lyehian Text ⚜️
This is a text said to be given by Cthulhu in the story. While, in the story it’s only vaguely described, there are many people who have created their own versions. These ones I feel the most accurate to me. These are a free download that also comes with a free translator on site for those who just want to try it. The text comes in 2 variations.
• Dark R’lyehain Font Translator & Download
• Minor R’lyehain Font Translator & Download
⚜️ Magick Circles ⚜️
These are in no way meant to be the only circles you use. You can most definitely make your own. These are just some of the more popular ones people have uploaded online that are currently in circulation.
• Generic Magick Circle
• Chaos Star Magick Circle
• Azathoth Magick Circle
• Hastur Magick Circle
• Cthulhu Magick Circle
• Nyarlathotep Magick Circle
⚜️ Bestiary ⚜️
This was originally a tabletop game but it showcases seals & symbols for each deity and creature from the entire mythos along with where their placement is on the hierarchy. It’s a good starting point.
• Lovecraftian Bestiary
⚜️ The Elder Sign ⚜️
The sign is said to protect one against the outer gods. Although it’s not always used for this purpose in the modern craft. Sometimes it’s used as protection, not against the deity but bad energies as a whole. Again it all depends on the witch. Now there are technically 3 variations on this. One created by Lovecraft, another created by August Derleth, and a third depicted as a combination of the two.
• Lovecraft’s Sign
• August Derleth Sign
• Combination Sign
⚜️ Yog Sothothary Sefirot ⚜️
Originally the Sefirot, also called a Sephiroth, was a diagram in the Jewish Kabbala, that showcased the 10 powers, by which God would manifest. Since then their have been multiple variations created by practices, and this practice is no different.
• Lovecraftian Sefirot
⚜️ Links For Further Reading ⚜️
These are links that can help with further reading and understanding of this mythos. Remember though, each one of us works with the mythos in our own unique way. Take from the sources what calls to you and leave what doesn’t.
• Deep Cuts In A Lovecraftian Vein
• Cults Of Lovecraft
• The Influence Of HP Lovecraft On Occultism
• A Practical Guide To Lovecraft’s Lore
• Egragores & The Cthulhu Mythos
• Egragore Wiki
• Excerpts From Liber Yog Sothoth
• The Azatu Gate
• Rite To Call Yogge Sothoth
• Black Book of Azathoth
• Necronomicon Gnosis
• Chthon
• Working Worth The Cthulhu Mythos
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burst-of-iridescent · 9 months
As great and narratively significant as Zutara is. It really wouldn't work organically without a book 4: air. I can see it having 30 episodes.
It can feature Guru Patik as Aang's new sifu and he teaches Aang more abstract parts of airbending, such as flight, cloud gliding, astral projection, and of course, chakra mastery. We can then get flashbacks with Gyatso teaching tattooless Aang basic airbending. Aang can also learn to come to terms with the fact he has taken over a dozen lives, as did Gyatso and whoever else, and find out any other dark secrets the air nomads have hidden from Aang. They can feature Ty Lee's potential relations to the air nomads and hint/tease at the possibility that she can be an airbender herself.
Due to Azula being a descendant of Aang's past life Roku, (and/or due to Ozai being Vaatu in disguise) Aang and Azula become spiritually, connected, linked, and bonded with each other. This bond is created after Aang had let go of Katara and embraced his last chakra twice. This bond unites them as fate, allowing them to understand each other, derive character development from each other, and grow closest to each other despite being on opposite sides of the war. Aang would even be able to know when Azula lies and vice versa. This connection grows stronger over time. It reaches its apex after Azula has opened and mastered her own chakras.
Of course, there can be the revelation of where Ursa is but instead of what was shown in the comics, Ikem and Kiyi do not exist and while Ursa changes her face, it doesn't cost her her memories. She can hide out in the white lotus and meets up with Aunt Wu who's also a member along with Guru Patik.
The season doesn't have to be post-war though. The comet can arrive by the end of Fall instead of Summer. Season 3 ends with only the final agni kai but everything else is moved to the end of season 4. Or, Aang's year can be the 10,000th year and harmonic convergence arrives by the end of fall. The comet can arrive by the end of summer like originally, but Ozai fights the lion turtle instead of Aang, Ozai wins by slaying the beast. Aang loses his past lives, but Raava is able to make up for it by becoming the avatar spirit of darkness/chaos/yin and light/peace/yang simultaneously and will embody/control the sources of any/all bending.
Speaking of Ozai. For the former, Ursa and Iroh can be rewritten as bio-siblings while Ozai replaces Sozin in time/place of birth. Ozai will basically have all of Sozin and Azulon's characteristics/experiences/atrocities/lifespans while keeping all of his own. Or, for the latter, Ozai's secret/true identity is actually Vaatu. It's Vaatu who used the solstices and his time tree prison's cosmic energy to directly orchestrate the 100-year war through Sozin. He also manipulated Iroh's mother, Ilah, into escaping but at the cost of his dark power and status, which he can only get back via harmonic convergence. Ozaatu slays the lion turtle by absorbing its soul, he gains all elements, plus all non-bender skills, in the opposite order to Aang's cycle by absorbing the souls of all original benders, every member of the white lotus, all Kysohi warriors except for Suki and Ty Lee, and Hakoda.
Do you agree with any of this or do you have something completely different in mind for book 4: air?
i agree with you. when i say zutara should have been canon, it's only in a world where book 4 happened and we got the post-war slowburn we deserved. that's why my stance has always been that if we only had three seasons, the show should have ended with no canonical romances or with only a hint of future zutara. zuko and katara at the end of book 3 are in the perfect place to begin falling in love with each other, having formed a solid, beautiful friendship upon which the ideal romance could have been built.
personally, i'm not a fan of the raava/vaatu plotline that lok introduced (but my problems with it are too long to get into here, so i'll leave it to another time) so i wouldn't incorporate it into my ideal book 4. but i like the ideas about aang going back to guru pathik to learn more about airbending and his spirituality, and i'm always here for secret airbender ty lee.
i would prefer book 4 to be set post-war for two reasons: 1) i think most fantasy stories always end with defeating the Big Bad, so it would have been interesting for ATLA to actually explore a world after war, and how peace doesn't instantly solve all problems, and 2) character work is one of ATLA's biggest strength, and i would've enjoyed a season focusing solely on more introspective struggles (aang struggling to come to terms with the consequences of energybending, toph's conflict with her parents, zuko finding his mother, azula's redemption etc etc) than deal with the Great Evil that has to be vanquished.
but ofc everyone is free to visualize book 4 however they want, and i strongly encourage you to write your version of book 4 if you wish to! that's what fanfiction is for, after all, to play with a thousand different versions of what canon could have been.
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verxsyon · 1 year
canon-compliant hsr. welt x gn!reader
¡ contains welt lore from hi3 !
welt had a close friend from hi3 universe who died and saw their expy in hsr in one of the future planets. i was thinking of penacony since it’s one of the planets mentioned on the radio. apparently the trailblazers were supposed to go there after jarilo-vi until kafka said that there’s a stellaron in the xianzhou luofu.
penacony being the planet of festivals reminded me of ba sing se from avatar. since they’re about peace and happiness, the residents pretend that everything’s alright and therefore ignoring the existence of the stellaron there. don’t tell me this section of the wiki page of the family (faction of xipe, the aeon of harmony) seems sus to you:
“People are also curious whether any members of the Family had grown tired of the one and voluntarily abandoned the Path of Harmony? In the face of such a question, the Family smiles and replies ‘Never.’”
what happened to those who abandoned the path of harmony? extermination? who knows; that’s what i theorized. the astral express was invited to penacony to join in their festivals, but what if they were being targeted by the family for prying onto the issue of the stellaron, thus disrupting the peace they’re striving for.
reader disagrees with their philosophy and created another faction that they’re a leader of. when they sensed the upcoming doom of the astral express, they come to their rescue and agree to help them find the stellaron. welt’s taken aback by their appearance, because they’re an expy of a close friend from the hi3 universe who loved him so much and died in his arms.
one night reader admitted to welt that he reminded them of a friend who died (and guess what; his name’s joachim, welt’s real name, but this joachim’s an expy of welt). joachim had dreams for saving the world and it’s reader’s turn to fulfill it. iirc welt means “of the whole world” stated in 2nd eruption, and welt’s determined to save the world, like he did in hi3. he tells reader what his name means and he shares the same sentiment as their friend, and he’ll do anything in his power to help them.
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solar-return · 3 months
wizard101 mutuals i'm currently working on my alternative-canon version of celestia (before it sunk) for the sake of a fic and i would like to introduce you to my two main characters :)
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(created using baydew's avatar maker my beloved)
here are mariam iacta and adorine ettil, two women whose respective quests to join celestian high society cause their paths to collide! when their stories begin, astral magic in celestia is still in its formative stage, with only star magic approaching the point of collective mastery. mariam aspires to become a successful astral engineer and make enough money to move her family out of stormriven, an area vulnerable to frequent heavy flooding. adorine aspires to become a diplomat so she can travel the spiral and eventually move away from her toxic and overbearing family. neither of their plans go exactly as expected.
my designs for the celestians are vaguely inspired by the alien-esque forms we see them in ingame; they are more humanoid but still tend towards variations on cool colors. celestia is an island atop a massive ocean, proportionally somewhat similar to earth but visually i want you to imagine like. a massive super mario galaxy world. their culture is historically tied to the ocean and storm magic, but when this story begins the society is in the midst of a massive technological renaissance and thus astral magic, academia, and diplomacy (typically land-based activities) are celestia's priorities. they also have a language (the rune-based one we see ingame) that pronunciation-wise somewhat resembles italian and/or latin, but i doubt i'm going to develop it fully lmao.
all of this is subject to change but in general i'm just having a great time fleshing out my version of this world. if anyone reads this i hope you find it cool!!
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My shift to legend of Korra and astral projection story
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As promised, I’m finally going to talk about one of my favorite places I’ve shifted to! my first ever shift (that I consider at least) was to here and I’ve found myself reminiscing about it and found some old journals about it. I’ll probably go there again soon but until then here was my experience:)! This is going to be very long so if you hate long posts just scroll past this!
Anyways Yall, The city was abuzz with activity, but the most impressive feature was the magnificent airships soaring above. I witnessed the incredible technology used to control those airships, and it was a sight to behold tbh.
Not only was I able to explore the physical wonders of Republic City, I also felt like I was living in the midst of a conflict. There were always whispers of trouble on the horizon, whether it was the power struggle between benders or the ongoing tension between the United Republic and the Fire Nation colonies. Everywhere I went, I encountered people talking and debating about the latest developments.
When I ventured outside of the city, I had the opportunity to witness and join in some of the great adventures that Team avater had gone on. I saw the Spirit World, (which very much resembles the astral realm in this reality) fought alongside her team against their toughest adversaries, and felt first-hand the strength and courage that each of them possessed.
I felt amazed and enlightened by my time here, Seeing such a harmonious society with so many different cultures living together in peace was eye-opening, and it left me with a newfound appreciation for humanity. The Avatar has a lot to teach us all.
One of the most exciting things I was ready to see was to explore the cities. Republic City is a remarkable place, full of possibility, opportunity, and sometimes danger.
the first things you’ll notice as you explore the metropolis is its diverse population of people from all nations, each with their own vibrant culture that contributes to the city’s ever-changing character. From Air Nomads to Earth Kingdom citizens, to Water Tribesmen, the city has something for everyone.
The city itself has been built on the pillars of modernity and traditionalism alike. As the cultural, economic and political hub of the United Republic of Nations, Republic City is bustling with activity. From the bustling Business District to the vibrant Pro-bending Arena, there’s something to do here for everyone.
If you’re looking for adventure, there’s really no better place than Republic City. its a host of powerful and mystical benders, brave police force aka The Metalbenders, and an active underworld made up of some of the most powerful crime lords in the world, there’s never a dull moment here.
And of course, no visit to Republic City would be complete without an exploration of its public places and parks. Take a stroll through lovely Centennial Park, or view the majestic statues of the city’s founding members in Chikara Plaza.
But above all else, Republic City is a living, breathing organism. Its unique mix of technology and tradition creates a fascinating environment that no other city can replicate. Explore its culture, people, and places. You wont be disappointed.
When I briefly visitied Ba sing se i was immediately taken aback by the sheer size of this city. Everywhere I looked, there was something new to discover. I felt like I could actually hear the city breathing alive and growing with every passing moment.
As I kept exploring, I was constantly amazed at the level of detail put into the city’s design. Everywhere you look, there’s something unique to explore – from the enormous street markets where you can shop for precious artifacts, to the magnificent gardens that are tucked away in the alleyways.
The most incredible thing about Ba Sing Se is its interconnectivity. Every part of the city comes together in a way that’s truly breathtaking. You can explore this amazing city via its intricate system of waterways, which are connected to each other by ancient bridges and tunnels.
But the best part about Ba Sing Se is the people that call it home. This city is filled with some of the friendliest and kindest people I’ve ever had the pleasure of meeting. They are all so welcoming and eager to share their culture and knowledge with anyone who’s willing to listen.
Exploring Ba Sing Se was truly a unique experience for me. It opened my eyes to different cultures and ways of life that I’d never encountered before. It has since become one of my favorite cities in The Legend of Korra, and I look forward to visiting it again someday soon.
But The most fun part was being apart of team avatar.
Being part of Team Avatar is not only about fighting for what is right, it’s also about making connections with others. We have many wonderful members who become close friends and confidants, providing support and guidance to one another.
The Avatar is the leader of our team (duh), Korra obviously. She is ultimately responsible for guiding us, teaching us, and keeping us all on the same page. Korra is brave and powerful, but also compassionate and humble. You can always count on her to listen to your concerns and provide thoughtful advice.
The rest of the team consists of myself,mako, bolin and asami. We are all loyal and devoted to Korra and Team Avatar. Everyone has their own talents and specialties, ranging from combat skills to earthbending. While we all have different strengths, we learn from each other, providing encouragement and support along the way.
Being part of Team Avatar is more than just fighting evil in the world; it’s also about being part of something bigger than yourself. We rely on each other to maintain a balance of peace and justice, while also learning and growing together. We may have different backgrounds, but we all share a common goal - to make the world a better place. This was my first real shift and experiencing this family like friendship was the best thing I could have asked for.
Also Harmonic convergence was insane 😭😭
For those who don’t know, Harmonic Convergence is an important event. It occurs every 10,000 years when the planets and stars align, allowing for a transfer of spiritual energy between the physical and spiritual realms. On this day, many people can receive spiritual gifts like airbending (I did! Before this event I was a non bender)
The process of getting airbending during Harmonic Convergence was both exciting and nerve-wracking. Tenzen told me I had to spend weeks mastering the basics of airbending, like how to move my hands and how to direct my breath. As well as spend days meditating and connecting with the spiritual realm.As of now I have no intentions doing this as I like my job and life, but I have always had an interest in the spiritual realm so maybe this journey tenzen wants me to take will help me with that.
I got mine a couple of days after harmonic convergence during my time at work with mako. I work with the police force under beifong and mako and I have always had a competitive nature. I was a non bender before this historic event, but I knew how to chi block which is essential. Now I have bending so I expect the competitive nature to increase and I can’t wait to utilize my new bending with chi blocking lol
The experience of getting my airbending during Harmonic Convergence was incredibly special and unique. I was able to witness a spiritual event as well as gain a new power and skill. If you ever visit, and end up gaining airbending during Harmonic Convergence, it’s important to be patient, practice mindful meditation, and create a sacred atmosphere on the day of convergence.
And as I mentioned before I am a chi blocker!
Chi blocking is actual super complicated and you need a lot of dedication & Precision to master it.
First, it’s important to understand where your attacker’s pressure points are located. The pressure points are located in the body’s meridians, which are the pathways used by the body to transfer energy. Here are a few of the main pressure points to keep in mind: the jugular vein, carotid artery, clavicle, forearm, and shin.
Once you’ve identified the pressure points, you can start working on your technique. The key to chi blocking is speed and precision. You want to be able to quickly and precisely target the pressure points to effectively stop your attacker.
To begin, you’ll need to know how to properly block the pressure points. To do this, use your palm, fingers, or knuckles to press firmly into the pressure point on your attacker’s body. Make sure you are using a flat strike in order to fully block the energy in your attacker’s body.
You can also use strikes or kicks to interrupt an attack. When striking an attacker, aim for vulnerable body parts such as their wrists, elbows, or throat. You want to avoid targeting sensitive areas like the eyes or groin.
In addition to blocking and striking, you can also use joint manipulation techniques to disrupt an attack. By using leverage and pressure, you can force your attacker’s limbs out of their fighting stance and disable their ability to fight back. chi blocking is all about speed and precision. I had to Train regularly as a child, use proper technique, and be aware of my environment so that i could safely and effectively defend yourself against attackers.
I also want to reminisce about Korra and asami 🥹
Being friends with Korra and Asami has been an incredible experience. Not only have we grown close over the years, but we’ve also shared some great life lessons along the way. I didn’t grow up with a lot of women because I spent a lot of time with my father and as he worked in politics i was always surrounded by old men, so their friendship means a lot to me.
Korra is the kind of friend who always has your back. She’s strong, brave and fiercely loyal; a true friend no matter what. Life’s lessons have been tough at times, but she’s been a support system through it all. Korra knows just what to say to motivate and inspire.
Asami is another great friend. She’s intelligent and driven, yet practical and empathetic. Together, we’ve worked through complex problems and made some difficult decisions. Asami has the unique ability to see the whole picture and to think objectively.
No matter what we’re dealing with, our friendship has been a cornerstone of our lives. We may not always agree with each other, but we’ve come to trust each other even with different opinions. We laugh together and are open with each other.
Of course, we’ve also gone through some tough times. We’ve had disagreements, said hurtful things to each other, but we’ve never failed to apologize and learn from our mistakes.
Korra and Asami are two of the strongest women I know. I’m proud to call them friends, and I wouldn’t change our friendship for the world. Life isn’t perfect, but it definitely is better with them in it.
Ok next, No one ever talks about the mundane stuff of their shifts but the religion aspect fascinated me about this reality.
there are several different religions, but some may stand out more than others. Regardless it’s nothing like current day religions in this reality. The primary religion is the cult of bending, which is mostly centered around reverence for the four main elements (fire, earth, air, and water). This religion is followed by most people including myself even when I was a non bender.
The second major religion is the spiritual order of the “White Lotus,” a secret society that is dedicated to preserving and passing on wisdom about the Avatar. It has members such as Iroh and Aang having significant roles. This is incorporated into the religion I follow as well
Thirdly, there is a mysterious element known as “energybending,” which is used by some of the larger spiritual beings in the series, such as Raava and Vaatu. This energybending allows one to transfer energy from one person to another and even manipulate matter in ways that bending cannot do. This power is seen as a sacred practice and only those truly enlightened can use it.
Finally, there are the various local religions that I have heard of but no one really practices on a global scales. Korra and I met a group of nomads who practiced a religion based on ancestor worship. There are also several mentions of various sects of Buddhism, as well as indigenous spiritual beliefs.
Overall, There are many different beliefs and traditions present throughout which add to the out societies diversity. As I continue to explore this universe, I expect to learn more about these faith systems and how they affect the people I am surrounded by.
No one really ever talks about this when they shift either,but I will be telling you guys my favorite dishes and general popular dishes as well because all i think about is food ;p
For those who want a taste of Republic City, a common food is tarragon glazed beef buns. This dish consists of beef strips cooked in a tarragon infused glaze, served in a steamed bun with various condiments. The variety and texture make this dish a favorite in my friend group.
Another popular dish is hot tofu salad. This traditional salad consists of diced tofu and vegetables, often served cold alongside various sauces and herbs. It makes for a filling and flavorful meal with a hint of tanginess.
If you’re looking for something spicy you will love Republic City’s version of fiery noodles. This dish contains a variety of vegetables, noodles, beef, and chili peppers served with a sesame or peanut sauce. The mix of textures and flavors makes this dish a great choice for when you’re looking for something flavorful and exciting.
No matter what type of food you prefer my city has something for everyone to enjoy. Whether you like sea creatures wrapped in seaweed or fiery noodle dishes, you can find all kinds of delicious dishes in Republic City. Whether you enjoy cooking them yourself or picking them up from a local cart, the options are endless lmfao.
Here are some of my fav restaurants:
First, let’s start with the classic Ba Sing Se Republic City’s oldest and most traditional restaurant. Here, you’ll find a variety of bao dishes, like pork-filled buns, vegetable dumplings and Tianjin Rice Porridge. The favored accompaniment to many of their dishes is their legendary tea-smoked duck.
The jianbing cart downtown is also worth a visit. It’s a one-stop spot for all your street food cravings. Their jianbing pancakes are hot and crispy, and loaded with egg, shallots and pickled veggies. Make sure to grab an iced tea after your meal for a sweet finish.
If you’re looking for something more adventurous, you can go to Republic City Fusion Cuisine. This restaurant has a unique spin on traditional dishes from around the world. Enjoy succulent pork-stuffed peppers from the Andes, Thai-style curries or Indian kebabs.
And of course No meal in Republic City is complete without dessert, and who better to satisfy your craving than Iroh’s? Iroh’s specializes in bubble tea of every flavor, chai tea lattes, and their signature treat, smooth yogurt topped with sweet honey glaze. It’s my favorite place to go for dates and group meet ups because of the ambiance and it’s history of its creation. Iroh is a greatly respected figure in history.
Now for the Random stuff
Some of my favorite things I did outside of hanging out with team avatar and work included: exploring the beauty of Republic City’s architecture. I love walking by the breathtaking skyscrapers and the majestic Tree of Time that stands proud in the center of the city. Not to forget taking strolls along the canal, and admiring the Spirit Wilds’ colorful gardens. Also watching a tournament at Pro-bending arena I think this is an obvious no brainer but it is the equivalent to this world’s sports! attending one of their many festivals was super cool. They have a bunch, From the music festival to the spirit festival, and these events offer a great chance to meet new people, discover new sounds and tastes, and learn more about the history behind Republic City. Lastly going over to Air Temple Island and soaring through the sky on an air scooter with Korra and tenzens kid. This is a great way to admire the city from above.
As a police officer, I have had the privilege of working directly with Chief Beifong to help keep Republic City safe.
I can honestly say that Chief Beifong is one of the best leaders I have ever had the pleasure of knowing in any reality. She is a focused, intelligent, and strong leader with an unwavering commitment to justice and protecting the citizens of Republic City.
Chief Beifong has always been incredibly supportive of the police officers who work for her. She’s always available to give encouragement, advice, or direction when needed. The chief encourages us to stay on top of suspicious activity and to be proactive in safeguarding the citizens of Republic City.
She also heavily values accountability and ethics for her police force. She believes strongly in the importance of doing the right thing and follows through with disciplinary actions if her officers get out of line.
Being a cop under Chief Beifong has taught me the valuable skills of dealing with difficult situations and the importance of keeping a cool head in tense situations. It has also instilled me with a strong sense of responsibility and ethical decision making.
Overall, being a cop under Chief Beifong has been an incredibly rewarding experience. She is an incredible leader and an amazing role model for her officers. We are all grateful to have her as our captain, and I know that I feel much more confident in my duties knowing that she is leading the Republic City Police Department.
One of the most impressive pieces of technology used in Legend of Korra is the power armor of Zaofu. This robotic suit was created by Suyin Beifong to protect her family from danger. It’s equipped with a multitude of weapons including a large drill and repelling cables. The power armor can also sense the presence of benders nearby, allowing Suyin to know when danger is coming.
Another fascinating piece of tech featured in the show is the radio controlled cars. These vehicles were built by Varrick and are capable of interacting with and carrying out complex commands. They’re powerful enough to outrun Korra’s airbending and can be used to transport people across long distances. By using a remote control, drivers can pilot these vehicles to strategic locations with ease.
In addition to vehicles and mechanized suits, it also featured a unique form of communication through holograms. This technology was used by Tenzin to contact other Airbenders and relay important updates. There was also a psychological application of this tech as Korra was able to gain insight into the Avatar state by taking part in a virtual Reality experience.
Lastly the interactive control panels used by Kya and Bumi. These panels gave access to a wide range of knowledge, including the locations of benders and the status of the world’s vital functions. The panels could also be used to trigger alarm systems, contact other benders, and carry out research.
Overall, technology played an important role in the Legend of Korra universe and complemented the power of bending in unique ways.
Bisons bro, I can’t believe they’re not in this reality 💔They’re one of the biggest aspects I miss about my legend of Korra homes they’re quite friendly and intelligent as you would assume. They have a strong bond with their airbenders, so they appreciate being handled with patience and gentleness.
When you interact with them, they seem to understand the feelings of those around them even those they are not quite familiar with. This makes them quite easy to get along with.The best way to describe the feeling of interacting with a sky bison is that it makes you feel calm and peaceful. They’re so big and gentle that you can really get lost in the moment and enjoy their majestic presence.They also are way bigger than I imagined. As for their size, sky bisons can reach up to 25 feet in length and have a wingspan between 12 and 20 feet. They’re impressive to look at, both from far away and up close. Almost seeming to almost take up the entire sky.
Now, Astral projection
after this shift, a week later I astral projected which is Insane considering it took about 1.5 years for me to initially shift. I’m combining these stories because the spiritual world and the astral realm are the same thing which is why I think it was so easy to do.
I got into astral projection after I started reading about other peoples out of body experiences..like meeting spirits, traveling the world in seconds, some even meeting what they presumed to be god, and got fascinated once again as it did not sound like the shifting I had been doing. I was so interested and did a little research to find out that once again this was astral projection and I decided this was going to be me.
Contrary to everything I was taught, I didn’t do much research like I did with shifting. My belief was if I shifted, then there’s no reason I should not be able to astral project tbh. it seemed easier on paper. I watched a video on how to do it, and it seemed simple enough. After three days of trying one day, while doing my method I felt myself rolling out of my body and when I “awoke” I saw my real body.
It was so amazing, I could not feel myself but i was aware of my own presence, and was on my floor even though I resembled what you would think is a ghost, at least matter wise. I didn’t really know where to go or what to do. I wasn’t using it to shift, and I didn’t have any goals or intentions but I was not going to waste a good spiritual moment. I told my subconscious to take me where I most need to go. Just Like that I started moving, but I was not moving? More like….My environment was changing at the same speed of light, but I could not feel it. Anyways I wasn’t in my room anymore.
I ended up in an abandoned house. I was just exploring it when I saw, what I didn’t know at the time were probably spirits. (Y’all do not be like me, do your research before you practice any out of body experience.) anyways, they looked liked live dolls, but they were asleep. I knew better than to mess with something I didn’t know of, so I let my curiosity die and I went outside. When I went out there, the sky was colors that did not exist on this earth, or at least we can’t see them. The weather was something I had never experienced and I felt the most euphoria and tranquillity that I doubt I could ever feel on this human plain of existence. I wanted to cry of happiness and just stay there forever. But moments later I saw a beautiful angel, and for some reason I knew her name before asking. It was Helen
After confirming her identity, it almost feels wrong to refer to it as a her. This was a godly being lol. I digress, but I asked her so many questions. Why I had to go through everything I did, what is shifting, how is it possible, did she hear my pain when I was asking for help from anyone, how is she real, who is god. I asked everything guys, and all the answers I received aligned with my beliefs. My final question was is she apart of my subconscious, because unless I’m the second coming of god how could a normal ass girl have the correct answer to everything unknown to man. She told me that was up to my interpretation and just smiled at me. I already knew the answers because, what we assume is true. If you were to ask the same questions to a godly being who knows all, we would all get different answers. Everything I had learned from shifting, all the questions I had came to the final conclusion and my journey was over from that point forward. I asked her to take me home as I was excited to wake up and tell my friends what I had learned. That is what happened and when I saw my body, I went back inside and I simply opened my eyes back to my room where I had fallen asleep
Basically,When I woke up from that moment my journey was over and I decided it was time to experience as much as I can. Everything changed. I had so many questions as to what to do to continue to shift forever.. how it works etc.. just so much questions and it’s like the following days everything just came to my knowledge at once.
Like I said before, I shifted to legend of Korra, and the spiritual essence in that reality was insane. Not to mention the astral world is quite literally the humans world version of the spiritual world in that reality. I do not know if that had to do with my success or if it was a coincidence (really doubt it) but astral projecting right after my first shifting experience was one of the best things that could happen to me. There’s not much to say but that journey was the peak culminating point of my Experience and I think about it often !
After that’s I wanted to be more apart of the astral projection community but my god they are such haters. They think shifters are mentally ill, and treat us worse than the lucid dreaming community. It doesn’t even make sense considering opening an awareness to a parallel universe sounds way more believable than leaving your body and traveling as a soul, but….whatever I suppose. They’re both very real and I have noticed anytime time a new community emerged it’s labeled as false. I mean decades ago even lucid dreaming was mere pseudoscience and people just thought lucid dreamers were insane. Astral projection followed and then lucid dreamers treated them the same. Now they do the same to shifters. As someone who has experienced all three phenomenons it’s insane how limiting they all can be. It doesn’t matter though. Anyone hating on your desires and are content with their limitations have nothing to do with your accomplishment and goals. Misery loves company so don’t falter to the hatred of others. Even here in my asks, void state anons and manifesters tell me I’m delusional for being a shifter and I have to cackle bc baby… to others you’re in the same boat 🫶 but it’s whatever, live your life and seriously don’t let anyone limit you. That universe is yours.
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Retrograde Revision 3: Ancestor Mystery (Oracle Mystery)
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(art by ArtLeonCD on DeviantArt)
And so we come to the end for this week, and I must say, looking back on what I wrote on today’s subject in the early days of the blog really does feel like I did this entry injustice, but that’s what these revisitations are for, right?
Whether it is great records set in stone or oral traditions, we as humans, as well as many fantasy peoples, are defined by the legacy of our forebears, of the act of keeping the name and memories of those who came before alive, to better understand how they strived and sweat and bled to make the world that we live in today, all in direct defiance of the uncaring and forgetful march of time.
Civilization, all civilizations, are based on this at their core, on the legacy of our ancestors, so it only makes sense to honor or even worship them for their role in making our lives possible, and the prayer that whatever remains of them after death will watch over us into the future. Apply that to a fantasy setting, and the echoes of long-dead ancestors, be they spirits formed from their memories or their souls watching from the afterlife, may indeed come to offer guidance and protection, often using oracles of this mystery as a mouthpiece and/or instrument of their will.
Naturally, these oracles show up most often in cultures and religions that have a strong sense of history. The dwarves with their great halls built by forefathers and their fathers in kind, the elves with their long view, the iruxi lizardfolk with their tendency to keep the bones of their ancestors close in a very literal way, all are potential candidates. However, any civilization might give rise to such oracles, with perhaps the exception of young species or created beings that lack a history.
Regardless of their origins, however, the weight of history and the strength of an army of forebears stands behind these mystics.
The spells of these oracles range from various manifestations of their ancestors aiding them in ghostly form, to those that bless them and others with courage and determination, to stepping beyond the veil into ethereal and astral realms.
With a gesture, many of these oracles can summon to their hands an echo of one of the weapons wielded by their family in the past. At first, these weapons are well-made but mundane, but grow more magical and even able to touch spirits as they grow in power.
Others can invoke the courage and skill of their ancestors for a few brief moments, gaining greater prowess in battle.
Some develop the ability to unnerve others with a touch, such foes feeling the otherworldy presence of the spirits watching over them.
Others call upon a relevant ancestor when attempting a task, seeking their guidance on the matter.
More powerful oracles can allow the spirit of a great warrior to possess them, becoming a deadly force on the battlefield for minutes at a time.
Many can also call upon their ancestors to shield them from harm, blocking incoming attacks and even casting aside projectiles with mastery.
With an inversion of their power, some can become as spirits themselves, intangible and invisible to mortals for a while.
Powerful mystics might learn to invoke the wrath of their ancestors in a flurry of half-visible shapes and forms tearing into foes, an assault which is even more destructive to the undead.
Many also possess a knack for speaking to the dead, asking questions of even begrudging and hostile interviewees with some modicum of success.
Others learn to commune with their ancestors fully by entering a meditative trance, able to learn of the near and farther future, as well as eventually asking great questions of them.
Finally, at the end of their path, the strongest of these mystics become avatars of their ancestral lineage, becoming harder to usurp mentally, gaining heightened senses, superior divinatory power, and even able to project their spirit astrally without any setup.
The revelations and magic of this mystery lends itself well to a mixed combat and support oracle, able to go toe to toe with mighty foes while also supporting their allies and being supported in kind with spiritual allies and the like. Add in proficiency with all knowledges and ways to buff or complement that with divination, and they prove true to their class name as information utility characters as well. If your character’s backstory points to a specific type of weapon or combat style, you might consider choosing feats and spells that complement it as well.
Two different routes you might take with these characters are perhaps the most obvious. On the one hand, your oracle might be a proud (or ashamed) keeper of their ancestry’s legacy, ready to perpetuate it and fight for (or against) what they believed in. On the other hand, they may be only learning of their grand history when they begin hearing the voices of the dead in their ears. Either way, the concept of family and legacy likely mean a lot to them, whether they already know it or are discovering it on their own.
Gorvid Duskhammer has awoken as an oracle, the first ever in his clan. However, the ancestral voices in his ear are those not of mountain dwarves, but of duergar, pointing to a hidden, dark history behind his otherwise well-respected clan. So desperate is he to hide this foul truth that when foreign heroes appear to solve the dwarven city’s undead problem, he tags along into the family crypt, to silence them if they realize the corpses below are of grey dwarves.
The bitter life of a street urchin has made Callad hard and cruel. When he awoke as an ancestor oracle he realized he had been denied greatness his whole life. Now, he rules over the shattered keep his ancestors once lorded over, leaving a trail of bodies in his wake, plotting to restore his families name to greatness, by any means necessary.
It is said that the blade of Karaactus was lost for all time, but they say one of his blood still lives, an ancestor oracle who may be able to divine what happened to the magic sword. However, they might object to someone else wielding their ancestral weapon, which presents another problem.
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i-left-my-room-tidy · 7 months
+also can you recommend techniques or kekkei genkai i’d really appreciate it
[thanks for this ask!]
I'm assuming you're the same person who asked about the OP thing as well lmao. I'd be happy to recommend some stuff!
my own kekkei genkai in my Naruto DR are really just the sharingan and shikotsumyaku, as my father was an uchiha and my mother was a kaguya. i just looked at a list of all the canon abilities and shot for the strongest, most coveted ones.
but! if you need some ideas for a kekkei genkai of your own, here are some of the ones I've come up with, in the past!
[lmao btw i wrote this list like almost two years ago don't come for me if it sounds silly, and my apologies if it's a bit short]
i always thought it'd be interesting if there was something that allowed users to manipulate space and time, exactly like how tobirama and minato were able to utilise a space-time jutsu. why not be able to do both separately? maybe you could have an ability where you could see rifts in time, allowing you to glimpse past or future events; which is especially useful for intel and sabotage.
on that note, the inspiration for this was the sharingan's izanagi, izanami, and kamui abilities.
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i was rewatching Arcane when this came to me. i remembered one of LoL's cinematics for Wild Rift (the one with the teams on the battlefield), and thought of Lux. then i thought of Iridessa, one of the Disney fairies, and that one Tinker Bell movie where they all accidentally switched powers. and then i thought, wouldn't light manipulation be such an OP ability?
something like prismatic refraction could allow you to create illusions, project blinding beams, or even bend light to make yourself invisible. it's ideal for stealth. but at the same time, you could even use it offensively—similar to how Superman shoots fuckin' laser beams out of his eyes, or how Usagi (Sailor Venus) creates said beams of light to attack enemies.
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i cannot stress this one enough!!! take literally any power you could from Avatar: the Last Airbender or Avatar: the Legend of Korra—and amp it up to the max! all of my abilities in my Naruto DR have been based mostly on these two shows, with the occasional inspiration from other fandoms of course, but really these two. the elemental manipulation, along with the 'specialisations' are not only fucking cool to use—they're also incredibly useful in mundane situations (in the DR, at least). I'm pretty sure I've made posts about those shenanigans in the past lmfao.
at that, consider these, if ever: metallokinesis, plasma manipulation, astral projection, geokinesis, and atmokinesis.
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the ones I've listed above are honestly just my own favourite abilities, and the ones that quickly came to mind as i was writing this. but those are just a portion of the vast majority that you could find from other sources! there are countless more to consider, abilities that might not necessarily be included in the world of Naruto itself but still something very much to consider. who doesn't love a good crossover? i know i do. hell, I've even used some of my own Naruto DR abilities in my HP/GoT DR.
i really recommend parsing through other cartoons, comics, movies, and et cetera. and if not that, then at least check their wiki pages. Fandom is always your friend. sometimes, when i browse through fanfics on FFNet or AO3, i see things that i like (powers that a character has, for example, or situations that they land themselves into)—things that stick with me, which i note down for future reference. and when the time comes, i could use it for my own experiences.
much love, and happy shifting ❤️❤️❤️
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heaven-s-black-box · 1 month
Emanator- Sunday & Robin & Avatar!gn!Reader
Return to File
Recovery date: April 23rd, 2024
Description: Hello I had an idea I wanted to share this isn't exactly a request but maybe it could give you some inspiration. I was imagining something like a crossover between the Avatar Legend of Korra series and Honkai Star Rail. Where the Avatar is the emanator of harmony and the current avatar was the reader, and they were born on Penacony, I couldn't help but wonder how the Family would react to the emanator of harmony being born, would the Family raise them or leave them be, and with everything that was happening on Penacony, would they side with the family or the astral express crew?. (If you're not comfortable with writing this that's completely alright and I wish you a good morning/afternoon or goodnight☺️)
Notes: This work was recovered in conjunction with an anonymous researcher, we thank them for their contributions. Reader and Sunday's engagement is a ploy by the family for status and to force Reader to stay in Penacony, hence this isn't tagged as a Sunday x Reader. Part 2
Word count: 870
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In a galaxy so vast, it’s easy for a single life to drift by without creating a disturbance. A drop of water, no matter how big, will be lost in the ocean; that is a fact. No matter how stained or pure it is, it cannot affect the greater body– the only proof of its existence is the storm surrounding it.
Not to mention the insanity of searching for that single drop in the ocean.
That’s all the avatar is, a single drop in the ocean of the universe that most people don’t even believe in. Storms come and pass all the time, worlds are born and end every other day, what could one emanator do to stop any of it? Maybe once, when the species of the universe were more localized, was the role important, but certainly not anymore.
“Y/n, please refrain from doing that,” Sunday sighed, looking up from his book to find his fiance revitalizing a plant.
They stopped humming, a habit they’d picked up by mimicking children's shows growing up, and turned to the head of the family. The golden dust that had risen from their hands to encase the plant slowly dispersed, revealing bright green leaves. While the only Aeon that truly took issue with the powers of the abundance was Lan the Hunt, the family did not want to associate with the powers of different Aeons. They were blessed by Xipe, the Harmony, and that was the path they would follow and spread.
Y/n straightened up in their seat, squaring themself to Sunday with their hands folded gracefully in their lap, and gave him a polite smile. A practiced smile. A smile that said-
“Kill joy.”
Sunday rolled his eyes and set his book to the side.
The two were currently killing time in Sunday’s office in the real world reverie as they waited for Robin to finish her practice. Y/n had already finished a crossword, caught up on the recent IPC news, and Sunday’s pretty sure they slipped into the dreamscape briefly before deciding to fix his office plants. He understood they were bored, but he could only afford them the freedom he did if they abided by the family's rules.
Before he could try and find a compromise there was a knock at his office door followed by the creaking of the hinges.
“Robin!” Y/n cheered, standing up and embracing their sister-in-law. “How did practice go? Is the Harmony causing you trouble?”
The singer nodded solemnly. “I do hope we can find a solution before the Charmony festival,” she sighed, her voice sounding rough and tired.
It made Y/n frown. If there was one thing more frustrating than all of the family’s rules, itt was how helpless they were despite their supposed power. Maybe they’d be able to do more if they could meet with other emanators, or even seek an audience with the Aeons themselves, but as they were now they were barely stronger than a pathstrider. They faintly registered the sting of their nails cutting into their palms, snapping them out of their helpless spiral.
“Here,” Y/n hovered their hands on either side of Robin’s neck, “may I?”
Robin nodded, ignoring the way Sunday cleared his throat in wordless discouragement, and Y/n wrapped their hands around her throat. There was a faint golden glow as they tried to heal physical damage they all knew wasn’t there.
“Better?” Robin asked, frowning along with Y/n as they heard no change.
“Would you please. stop. doing that?” Sunday asked again. “At least until the Charmony festival is over, one of the Watchmaker’s guests is a Galaxy ranger and I would prefer you to not get yourself killed.”
Y/n and Robin looked over at him; Robin sporting a look of confusion and Y/n one of mild amusement.
“I don’t think she’s a ranger,” they shrugged, gliding back to their seat.
“Care to elaborate?” Sunday pressed after a moment of silence.
“Maybe later, once I’m sure, but… I will refrain from using multiple paths, especially with fools and a memokeeper around.”
“That probably is a good idea,” Robin nodded. “I’m sure the IPC would try and buy you from us as well.”
A loud knock sounded through the room.
A concierge entered, looking slightly frazzled as he explained that there was a situation at the check in desk that required Sunday’s help; along with the fact that his guest from the IPC was here. The siblings headed downstairs while Y/n offered to meet them in the dreamscape and slipped off to their room.
They’d somehow wound up in the dreamscape Reverie, not Golden Hour like they were supposed to. The lobby was a mess, luggage carts left about and something akin to dust settled over every visible surface. Perhaps it was the effects of IX that left them feeling almost comforted by the vacant atmosphere. Perhaps it was the effects of Nous that led them further into the Reverie in search of answers
Whoever led them here, it mattered not, as they all cried out at once a moment too late.
And Y/n was granted an audience with the Aeons.
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celestiall0tus · 10 months
I think we need to get the Holders Powers Master List moving. So let's get more info on either the pig, owl, mouse, or koala (your choice).
Dealer's choice, eh? Let's go with...
Mouse of Perception. Let's get into this.
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We start with the first of the little mice, Juleka Couffaine as Souris Blanche. In Miraculous AU, the mouse's powers fall into two. The lesser power of perception and the greater power of Bend, perception manipulation. Perception allows her to hear and see things from all over the city. It does result in sensory overload. Perception manipulation allows her to do a number of things. Manipulate people's perception to perceive her, create hallucinations akin to alternate realities, and manipulate other senses in people and the environment (sight, smell, sound, touch, time).
Activation Phrases
Transformation: "Mullo, Get Squeaky"
Lesser Power: Perception
Greater Power: Bend
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Next we have Muridae, Alya Cesaire in Salvation. Her power would be perception as a holder, however, she is an avatar so it changes the playing field. Perception is constantly active as she always hears everything so she always suffers from sensory overload. She can still manipulate perception like Souris Blanche, but taken a step forward where she can manipulate the perception of time to a degree. With this ability, Muridae can slow time in an area but keeping it normal for herself, Quicksilver style. Her other ability is Clarity. This ability allows her to see through when she's being manipulated mentally and emotionally and to re stabilize herself to the correct, real reality.
When Avatar form is achieved, she gains access to two new powers. The first being Astral Vision, allowing her to see that which resides in the Unseen World (spirits, demons, angels, etc). The second is Divination, allowing her to divine the near events.
Activation Phrases
Transformation: None/Innate
Power: None/Innate
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Here we have Absolution Juleka, Whisper. Her powers function similarly to Miraculous AU Souris Blanche, however with a slight modification. The passive power is the ability to hear everything and see past physical boundaries. Bend is her main power in this AU.
Activation Phrases
Transformation: "Mullo, Get Squeaky"
Power: Bend
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Next is Gold Mouse, Alya Cesaire in Separate Worlds. In Separate Worlds, it's similar to Absolution with a passive and an active power. Perception is still the passive while Bend has been reigned in, allowing her to merely make herself imperceptible.
Activation Phrases
Transformation: "Mullo, Get Squeaky"
Power: None/Innate
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And here we are at Paradise with Nathalie Sancoeur as Dragnet. It's here that the power of perception manipulation is dropped for the enhanced sense with a slight modification. Whereas most Mouse holders can't directly control or hone in on a specific thing, Dragnet will be able to. She can hear anywhere in the city, see through solid objects, and if need be, hone in on a specific person, place, or thing.
Activation Phrases
Transformation: "Mullo, Get Squeaky"
Power: Discern
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Look who's back. Juleka is White Mouse in All That Remained. Her power will be the same as her main power in all other incarnations of the mouse with perception manipulation.
Activation Phrases
Transformation: "Mullo, Get Squeaky"
Power: Bend
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Luka's turn of the Couffaine twins to have the mouse. His power falls in line with the other mice with perception manipulation.
Activation Phrases
Transformation: "Mullo, Get Squeaky"
Power: None/Innate
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