#ava brooks
hotvintagepoll · 2 months
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This is a three-way poll. Only one of these women will continue to the fourth round of the bracket.
Ava Gardner (The Killers, The Barefoot Contessa)— She's so goddamn hot. Her and Frank Sinatra could've sandwiched me and I would've thanked them for the privilege
Leonor Maia (The Tyrannical Father)— She didn't do a lot of movies but in The Tyrannical Father she is so pretty and charming that there's a guy who's obsessed with her to such a degree he is still a meme 80 years later. Her character's name is Tatão and the guy would stare at her whenever she was there and say her name to the tune of everything. A clock ticking: ta-tão, ta-tão, ta-tão. And to this day one of the lines people know the best from that very quotable movie is "ta-tão". She inspired crushes and horniness of legendary levels.
Louise Brooks (Pandora's Box, Diary of a Lost Girl)—Louise Brooks started off as a dancer and went to work in the Follies before going to Hollywood. Disappointed with her roles there, she went to Germany and proceeded to make Pandora's Box, the first film to show a lesbian on-screen (not her but one of her many doomed admirers in the film), and Diary of a Lost Girl, both of which are considered two of the greatest films of the 20th century. She helped popularize the bob and natural acting, acting far more subtly than her contemporaries who treated the camera as a stage audience. After the collapse of her film career and a remarkably rough patch as a high-end sex worker, she was rediscovered and did film criticism, notably "Lulu in Hollywood," which Rodger Ebert called "indispensable." Also, christ. Look at her.
This is round 3 of the tournament. All other polls in this bracket can be found here. Please reblog with further support of your beloved hot sexy vintage woman.
[additional propaganda submitted under the cut.]
Ava Gardner:
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Ava Gardner is one of my favorite actresses of all time. Although a lot of her roles in movies are about her being beautiful and nothing else, there are some films where her acting truly shines.
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Gifset: https://www.tumblr.com/pelopides/721438308726603776/ava-gardner-as-pandora-reynolds-pandora-and-the
Gifset 2: https://www.tumblr.com/portraitoflestatonfire/731899355804598272/if-the-loustat-reunion-doesnt-look-like-this-then
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HER FACE. LOOK AT IT. Also was a life long supporter of civil rights and a member of the NAACP, had lots of fun love affairs with other stars, bullfighters, married several times but was also happy in between to just have lovers and was unapologetically herself.
I literally gasp every time I see her.
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Between 1942 and 1964, Ava Gardner was credited in no less 50 films, and is still considered by some to be the most beautiful actresses that ever graced the silver screen. Despite life-long insecurities regarding her talent as an actress, she weathered public scandal, industry hostility, and outright condemnation by the Catholic Church with fearless grace. She would later in life talk candidly about the reality and pain of living through two (studio approved!!) abortions during her short marriage to Frank Sinatra, and while the two of them could not make their relationship work, they remained in each other’s lives for nearly 30 years. She would forever describe herself as a small-town girl who just got lucky, but always felt like a beautiful outsider.
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Really genuinely one of the most beautiful human beings I have ever seen. An autodidact. Had amazing chemistry with Gregory Peck to the point where I do think about watching On The Beach again sometimes because they're so good together even though that movie did destroy me. Was a great femme fatale in many movies.
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There is no additional propaganda for Leonor Maia.
Louise Brooks:
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"Defined the style of the modern flapper. A gaze that could make a stone fall in love."
"Louise Brooks left a legend far greater than her real achievement as an actress, but even today few people have seen her films. In our own time, the fascination with Brooks seems to have begun in 1979 with a profile by Kenneth Tynan in the New Yorker, which revealed that the actress who made her last movie in 1938 was alive and living in Rochester, N.Y. Such was the power of Tynan's prose that people began to seek out her existing films, primarily this one, to discover what the fuss was about. What we see here is a healthy young woman -- she was 23 when the film was released -- with whom the camera, under G.W. Pabst's influence, is fascinated. There is a deep paradox in Brooks and her career: the American girl who found success in the troubled Europe between two wars; the vivid personality who briefly dazzled two continents but faded into obscurity; the liberated woman who had affairs with such prominent men as CBS founder William S. Paley as well as with women including (by her account) Greta Garbo but wound up a solitary recluse. And all of this seems perfectly in keeping with her most celebrated role in Pandora's Box. For despite her bright vitality, her flashing dark eyes and brilliant smile, Brooks's Lulu becomes the ultimate femme fatale, careering her way toward destruction, not only of her lovers but eventually of herself."
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"She invented having bangs to indicate that you have borderline personality disorder"
"chances are if youve ever seen a "flapper girl" character or even just art of a generic flapper type made after the 20s it was based on her appearance - particularly the bob hairstyle! she had some pretty rough experiences through her life before during and after her tumultuous acting career which ended in 1938 but she made it to the 80s, wrote an autobiography and did a lot of interviews that she was never afraid of being honest in about her own life or peers of the age, and apparently was unabashed about some affairs she had with well known women (including greta garbo!!)"
"She read Proust and Schopenhauer on set between sets. She was one of the original flappers/new women of the 1920s. She had a one night stand with Garbo and was the inspiration for Sally Bowles in Cabaret. Truly a stone cold fox."
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"on her wikipedia page it says her biographer said she "loved women as a homosexual man, rather than as a lesbian, would love them" and while i have no idea if this is true or not i thought that was very gender of her"
"despite being american she was big in german expressionist films and thus her aesthetic was unmatched!!"
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So far ahead of her time in regard to portraying complicated women. Timeless elegance. "I learned to act by watching Martha Graham dance, and I learned to dance by watching Charlie Chaplin act.” - Louise Brooks
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toriasimmons · 2 months
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screencap meme
the women of agents of shield + up close and personal, s6
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cyarsk52-20 · 5 months
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Happy birthday 🎁🎈🎉🎊🎂 I can’t wait for more episodes of Abbott elementary
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almostharlanquotes · 5 months
Raylan: From now on we'll be using code names. You can address me as 'Eagle One'. Raylan: Ava, your codename is 'Been there, done that'. Raylan: Boyd is 'Currently doing that'. Raylan: Tim is 'It happened once in a dream'. Raylan: Rachel. Codename - 'If I had to pick a coworker'. Raylan: Art is ... Eagle two. Art: Oh thank God.
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unleashedart · 9 months
This Justified edit has been on my mind for years but I’m just now getting to making it
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Happy Bisexual Visibility Month with this edit of my favorite/most important TV/MOVIES BISEXUAL PEOPLE♥
it's my 2nd edit, my 1st one here: https://yourartmatters-itswhatgotmehere.tumblr.com/post/701335471288205312/bi-bisexual-bisexuals-in-tv-with-the-song-that
/they mean EVERYTHING to me/
in the edit:
#ACD #AlexClaremontDiaz #NickNelson #JesperFahey #AvaSilva #MagnusBane #NoraHolleran #AnnaTaggaro #NinaZenik #AJCampos #HopeMikaelson #KittySongCovey #YasminaFadoula #VadaCavell #TimmyAndrews #GarLogan #LiShang #PeytonSawyer & #RachelGatina & #BrookeDavis (all 3 are bi to me) #JeremiahFisher #AkiMenzies #Brooklynn #KenjiKon #MichaelGuerin #AdrianIvashkov #RoseHathaway (last 3 have too much bi energy to ignore it)
+we NEED more bisexuality in media: https://yourartmatters-itswhatgotmehere.tumblr.com/post/746941244472786944/so-alright-here-are-the-moviesmedia-that-make
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bi ig highlight : https://www.instagram.com/stories/highlights/18280848235083086/
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she-wolf09231982 · 1 year
Chapter 1-As I Live and Breathe
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Summary: You were reassigned to work for the U.S. Marshal Service in Lexington…Which also happens to be the department that your Uncle Art is in charge of. He was glad to accept you but knew it would be a blessing and a curse to have you as one of his officers. You are a complete professional in the field, but something about this new team brings out your inner mischief. Especially since your childhood friend, Tim Gutterson, is now one of your co-workers.
Author Notes: Character Intro, Tim Gutterson x Female!Deputy, Deputy Marshal Gutterson x Female!Deputy, Y/N, L/N, U.S. Deputy Marshal Service, Justified T.V. show references, Raylan Givens, Rachel Brooks, Art Mullen (Y/N’s uncle), Military/Law Enforcement terminology, Mentions weaponry and alcohol, sexual innuendos, a splash of sexism.
*While writing this, I imagined the character having a southern accent as well, but I encourage you as the reader, to use your imagination to your heart's wildest desires*
You step out of your Jeep and inhale the familiar scent of hot asphalt and Virginia bluebells. You forget how dry it gets in Kentucky as you cough after getting a mouthful of dusty air. You look up at the Lexington Federal Courthouse, let out one last exhale and proceed to the Marshal’s entrance.
You approach the security counter already emptying the contents of your pockets into the basket.
“Ma’am this is the Deputy Marshal’s entrance, I’m gonna need you to go around to the front and-“
You flash your badge to the suited man speaking to you. His mouth fell open from shock and embarrassment.
“Oh…I didn’t know you-“ He tried to continue.
You cut him off right away.
“Right, it was an honest mistake that a woman lookin’ like me could possibly be any kind of law enforcement. Ain’t no way they give a gal a shiney badge and a gun, is that what you were thinkin’?”
The man and his three other associates exchanged looks of confusion.
“May I have my affects back, please?” You ask.
The stupefied man offered the basket with your things in it. You pocket your keys, spare change and cuff key and walk on without another word wasted on security.
You walk through the double glass doors of the Deputy Marshal office and see a few deputies talking to an FBI agent. You couldn’t help but overhear the comical exchange.
“Don’t play dumb with me, Deputy.” The FBI agent scolded to the blonde man seated behind the desk, mouth full of food.
“I’m not playing. I’m an idiot. You can ask anybody.” Deputy Tim Gutterson replied earnestly but playfully gesturing to the other deputies.
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“And I can personally vouch for that.” You rang out for the whole office to hear.
The FBI agent, Tim, the other two deputies, and their Chief, Art Mullen, turn to look at you approaching.
Art chuckled and met you halfway. Tim smirked and hung his head.
“Y/N, as I live and breathe.” Art said extending his hand to shake yours, then pulling you in for a hug.
“Hey, Uncle Art.” You say hugging him back.
Raylan exchanged looks with Rachel who just shrugged.
“Come on over here, I want you to meet the rest of the A-Team.” Art said.
You both approach the group, all eyes on you.
“Y/N, this here is Raylan Givens. He came to us about a week or two ago from the Miami department.”
Raylan shook your hand with a dashing smile.
“Ma’am.” He stood to greet you.
“Pleasure’s all mine, Deputy. I read all about you going John Wayne on Thomas Buckley. Classy.” You say with an impressed smile.
Raylan laughed and began scratching the back of his head like a little boy all bashful.
Art continued. “One of my best deputies, Rachel Brooks.” He gestured to the female next to Raylan to which you also shook her hand.
“I believe it.” You say with a wink. Rachel smiled back.
“And this knucklehead is-“
“Thanks, Chief, but there’s no need for my formal introduction to Miss L/N.” Tim interrupted.
Art looked at Tim, then at you, then back at him.
“Deputy L/N to you, Mr. Gutterson.” You corrected.
Raylan, Rachel, and Art’s eyes widened. There was a touch of intensity in the air between you and Tim.
“Oh, so the rumors are true. You became the pin up girl of the United States Marshal Service.” Tim shot back smoothly.
You roll your eyes at Tim.
“Better than being known as the idiot of the United States Marshal Service.” You retorted.
Raylan and Rachel let laughs escape them.
“I like her.” Rachel said.
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“Alright, now, Y/N can you please follow me to my office so we can properly in-process you to this department?” Your uncle was already exasperated by the amount of back and forth you started.
You flash Tim a mischievous smile then turn to face the other two.
“Pleasure meetin’ y’all.” You say to Raylan and Rachel with a wave.
They returned a nod and a smile. They then both looked over at Tim who conveniently made himself busy at his computer. He looked over at them after feeling their stare on him.
“What?” Tim asked.
“So, you’re not going to explain what all that was about?” Raylan asked.
“What all was what about?” Tim asked.
Rachel rolled her eyes at him.
“Obviously you knew her from before.” Rachel stated.
Tim looked back at his screen and paused.
“…Perhaps.” He finally responded.
Rachel and Raylan look at eachother and shrugged.
“Ok, Gutterson, you can stay all mysterious if you want. One way or another we’ll figure it out.” Rachel said.
“Who am I to interfere with your womanly urges to find out juicy gossip?” Tim said sarcastically without looking up from his work. “You ain’t gonna find out anything.” He added.
“We shall see.” Rachel challenged. Raylan just scoffed and redirected his attention to paperwork on his desk.
After about an hour in a half in your uncle’s office, you emerge with Art in the lead.
“Ok, Y/N, this will be your desk.” Art motioned to the last desk right between Tim’s desk and his office.
Tim rolled his eyes and let out an audible, irritated sigh.
“Seems a bit crowded over here, Chief, are there any other desks available? A closet, perhaps?” You asked your uncle.
Rachel chuckled in amusement.
“You could share a desk with Tim if you’d like?” Raylan offered. “He’s dying for company I assure you.” He continued teasingly.
Tim shot Raylan an annoyed glance.
Art cut off the back and forth.
“This, is your desk, Deputy L/N.” He said sternly tapping the top of the bare desk surface. He turned around and went back into his office.
You put your side piece and your badge on your new workstation.
“Welcome home, sweetheart.” Tim said mockingly.
You shot a dull look at Tim.  He winked at you.
Damn him and those blue eyes.
You exhale and look away from him.
“Don’t be thinkin’ those baby blues will get you anywhere, Gutterson.” You say attempting to hide a smile.
Tim totally caught it, though. He had a knack for noticing the tiniest details. It’s what made him an excellent sniper.
“No ma’am.” Tim replied with a smug grin.
“Is that absolutely necessary, Y/N?” Tim asked you referring to your scented candle burning on your freshly cleaned desk.
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“Smells bad enough in here to knock a dog off a gut wagon, Tim. The scent of Aspen Pine ain’t gonna kill you.” You respond.
Raylan laughed out loud.
“Knock a dog off a gut wagon, Y/N? Really?” Raylan asked you as he sat up in his chair to get a better look at you.
“What? Too old school holler even for you, Givens?” You snickered.
Raylan laughed. “No ma’am, just haven’t heard that saying since I was a kid, that’s all. Where you even from?” He responded.
“I was born in Maces Spring, Virginia. Most of my family is from there. Moved to Indiana around high school where I met this fine gentleman right here.” You gestured to Tim.
Tim scoffed.
“So, you do know Tim from before!” Rachel squealed.
“Yes ma’am, I do. Went to every homecoming and prom with him.” You confirmed.
Rachel let out a hearty laugh, as Raylan shot Tim a surprised glance.
Tim rolled his eyes, dropping his head back onto his chair.
“Didn’t think Tim was the….dancing, tuxedo, boutonniere type a guy?” Raylan said mockingly.
You look over at Tim.
“He isn’t. He wore khaki cargo pants, a button up, and had one of his daddy’s flasks filled with Wild Turkey as a belt buckle.” You explained.
Rachel covered her mouth so she wouldn’t snort from laughter. Raylan chuckled.
“Wow, Tim.” Raylan said rather loudly, utterly shocked.
“Ok, get your jabs in now, Y/N. Your time will come for humiliating pastime anecdotes.” Tim said pointing at you with a roguish smirk.
“Bring it, Gutterson.” You reply leaning on your elbows across your desk getting closer to him. “Rachel, I’ll have to tell you about the time I snuck under the bleachers with this one during a football game!”
Rachel fanned her face, mocking a rising temperature, “Oooo girrrrrl.” She keened.
Tim bit his bottom lip, then side eyed you. You flash him a flirtatious smile and a wink.
You both remembered that night…And the many nights that occurred after that.
“If we are quite finished here, I’d like the four of you to meet me in the conference room, stat.” Art announced poking his head through his office door in an authoritative, fatherly tone.
Tim was the first to proceed everyone to escape the torturous ridicule you and Rachel caused him.
Rachel walked over to you and hooked your arm.
“We’ll have to have girl’s night. I’ve been the only woman on this team for awhile. It’s about time another adult was brought on to help me handle the boys.” She whispered to you. You both giggle
“I heard that.” Raylan shouted over his shoulder.
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phantomstatistician · 2 years
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Fandom: Justified
Sample Size: 1,258 stories
Source: AO3
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grande-caps · 6 months
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Justified - Season 3
Quality : HD Screencaptures Amount : 14.502 files Resolution : 1.280 x 720 px
-Please like/reblog if taking!
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Leading Actresses
Louise Brooks and Francis Lederer
Pandora’s Box ~ 1929
Jean Harlow and Edmund Lowe
Dinner at Eight ~ 1933
Clark Gable and Vivian Leigh
Gone with the Wind 1939
Rita Hayworth and Glenn Ford
Gilda 1946
Lena Horne and Bill Robinson
Stormy Weather (1943)
Laura (1944)
Veronica Lake and Joel McCrea
Sullivan's Travels ~ 1941
Burt Lancaster and Ava Gardner
The Killers ~ 1946
Elizabeth Taylor and Peter Lawford
Julia Misbehaves (1948)
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lesbiangummybearmafia · 6 months
The Gilded Age, 02x07, Wonders never Cease. My thoughts
This episode was a fucking roller-coaster of a ride! One moment I'm crying then next I'm happy for someone, next I'm completely suspicious of one certain rich mrs. pain in ass.
First to everyone that was on to Muade Beaten right off the bat y'all get million brilliant points and I completely apologize for ever doubting any of you. Omg y'all were so right!! I truly didn't believe she was part of the scam. She freakin good! Give her award for that shit. At the same time I'm sad because I wanted her to be on the up and up. I really liked her, especially with Oscar. They made a cute couple. Omg poor Oscar, I just wanted to hug him when he started crying at John's place and I started crying for Oscar. Then when he tells Aunt Agnes how much money he lose, I started crying for all of them. Because I thought he had just used his individual money for the investment not his mother's money also. That's when I was oh no no no Oscar!! This has to be ok somehow, it just has too.
Then if that wasn't hard enough they have Luke pass away. I was just sobbing when Aunt Ada woke up he was gone. It's just awful that they were together for such a short time. Aunt Ada deserves so much more than just a taste of happily married bliss. My heart just brakes for her. At the same time I am glad she got to be loved like that and love someone in that way.
I did love what Aunt Agnes said to Luke when they were alone. It was also wonderful getting to see that side of her, Aunt Agnes truly loves and cares for her family. Even though she has this tough outer exterior, once you get pass that she's quite loving and she a softness about her. I like how she take her role as head of her family, all her family seriously. Aunt Agnes will always be the strength, the backbone, the true North for them. No matter if it takes kicking their ass or loving them like mad but most likely both she will be there doing it. Aunt Agnes over this season especially has become another of my favorite characters.
Ok once again not enough Bertha in the episode! I think we got spoiled last season because the show kinda revolved around Bertha and the Russell's. But this season their expending the other characters story lines more so we're getting less of what I want the most Bertha. Maybe they could made TGA two hours long episodes. I totally watch them!!
But onto what we did get. First fucking Mrs. Astor, suddenly all oh I got you box at the Academy of music. Yea like Bertha wasn't gonna be what this bitch up to. Mrs. Astor overly nice, her voice dripping with enough sugar put Bertha into glucose shock. Mrs. Astor should work on her fake nice act it's really transparent to anyone that can smell bullshit at 1000 feet. Then the stunt she pulled at Aurora's just made her look stupid not Bertha. But I so did love Bertha's crystal clear No, than she's all look bitch I never told you for sure I was doing that. Why are bringing up now, don't look so smug you haven't won anything. I'm not about to be your lackey. Mrs. Astor getting all huffy and leaveing she's just so pathetic omg. Mrs. Astor really thought she got the better hand of Bertha Russell with her stealing the Duke not with standing. But she simply can't Bertha far more intelligent, cunning, calculated and purely ruthless then Mrs. Astor. On flip side of that Bertha is also friendly, sweet, fun, kind and sincere. Where Mrs. Astor full of crap there's nothing sincere about her, she's all fake nice and attitude. I think she far to use to people kissing her ass and getting her way. We all know Bertha isn't going to do that. I'm so ready to see what happens at the opening night at both opera houses!!
I'm so happy for Jake! Mr. Bannister all casual oh I write my friend in German clock makers group for you. I really do like how there like a little family at the Van Rhijn house (with the exception of Armstrong). I really hope Jake gets his pattern, then goes on to be a clock maker if that's what he wants.
I don't have any idea why Marian is trying to convince herself to marry Dashiell. She's not in love with him, what she going to do wait until she's actually married to the man than be like I made mistake here. I wish she could be as brave for herself as she for everyone else. It's like this all she think she deserves is a loveless marriage at least on her side so she'll doom herself to it. Instead of being brave and looking for what deserves a love like Aunt Ada found. Which might be with one Larry Russell.
I adored the scene with Bertha and George. It's always a treat getting to see Bertha with her hair down all related in her night clothes. I really love that show has a in love married couple at core of it. It's not too much or too little, it's just right as Goldie Locks would say. They have reached the ideal balance for a loving marriage couple in a series, now all other series take note please. They are very endearing. When Bertha sat on George's lap such a romantic thing to do. I really do enjoy their scene together. Ever if their just talking. 😍
I was hoping George would end up being a good guy with his workers, treat them as human beings but so far he's still being ruthless ass. It's so hard with him, when he's with Bertha and his children I really like him, but as soon as he's all business I can't stand him. It drives me nuts.
I'm so happy to see Peggy stand her ground. But I do wonder how long that's going to go on for? Her boss doesn't even seem to give a second thought about his wife or family, just going to listen to his dick. Because let's be honest that's what he's doing. I just don't like him there's something about him the rubs me the wrong way, beyond the I'm so easily willing to cheat on my wife. I definitely feel he's done this before. Peggy might want to find out how many other babies he has around! I just get this feeling off him it's more like he wants to own Peggy untilhe gets bored then he moves on to the the next woman. I hope a really good guy comes into Peggy's life that's not married and sweeps her off her feet.
I really like what Larry did with his speech making sure that at least people in that room which did include the President know that Mrs. Roebling did the work on Brooklyn Bridge. I hope she knew that she wasn't forgotten in history. I learned about her college in my women in America history course. Now thanks to The Gilded Age so many more know her incredible story and she's come back to life in a way that makes the history even more exciting.
Oh I almost... I love when Mr. Baudin ask Mrs. Bruce if she going to watch the fireworks. I was omg the roof of the house! Because that house has to tall enough. I was happy I was correct. I thought I was so sweet he took up there so she could see them. I really like them together. I hope they become a couple. Makes me think of Mrs. Hughes and Mr. Carson in a way.
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iintrepidtraveller · 9 months
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ava-ships · 9 months
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Let’s say Usopp and Eudora were having a quick moment earlier
(Reblogs are encouraged, pr0ship/c0mship DNI)
Taglist: @zombeaniie @cherry-bomb-ships @toasty-self-shipping @gay-selfships @sailingselfships @camdynlovesakuandrashou
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almostharlanquotes · 8 months
Raylan: I sort of did something and I need your advice, but I don't want a lot of judgment and criticism. Tim/Rachel/Art/Helen/Ava: And you came to me?
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cozyaliensuperstar7 · 6 months
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Beautiful Black Women 👑
AND…. I’M…. HERE!!! World Premiere of @thecolorpurple! 💜📸: @sonejr
halle bailey for #thecolorpurple  movie premiere
#halle #hallebailey
halle bailey has arrived to #TheColorPurple  movie premiere
#halle #hallebailey (video)
Framing this one. 🖤🖤 📸
#AboutLastNight #ELLEWIH 🖤🖤🖤 @elleusa @thecolorpurple 📸 by @mr_dadams
“Everything that God makes is beautiful!” - Fantasia Barrino Take it from us Mrs. Barrino-Taylor, you are beautiful! Fantasia’s stellar performance in The Color Purple is like watching a master class in resilience and tenacity, but more importantly, it shows the power of healing. We spoke to the star during The Black Excellence Brunch about what she wants other women to take away from this film. Read more about The Black Excellence Brunch at ESSENCE.com. Photo credit: Kai Byrd
A SLAYYYY! Ciara glowed in a Georges Hobeika look at the #TheColorPurple  world premiere in LA 🤍 #ciara #georgeshobeika #thecolorpurple #losangeles #pregnancyglow #gorgeous #blackwoman (video)
x 💜✨
Tph for #cca celebration Styled by @waymanandmicah Makeup by @saishabeecham Nails by @custometnails1 Shot by @mr_dadams Hair by #tossedbytym
Color purple premier with queen @tarajiphenson #tossedbytym
Watch the cast of #TheColorPurple discuss the film during Essence Uncovered. 💜 Only in theaters Christmas Day. Tickets on sale now!
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willowmckinley · 3 months
Howdy, folks! This year I signed up for Fandom Trumps Hate! I want to try practicing writing based on prompts! First come first served. I'll try to write at least 500 words per suggestion~!
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