#atonings 1
pathofire · 1 year
Canny wades through the murky swamp, moving through an area where the water is well up to her torso -- so about knee height for humans. She pauses when she sees someone else in a drier spot, then starts moving in that direction.
"Hey, what're you doing out here? I was fishing, and then I fell," she raises the fishing rod she's been dragging behind her, underwater up 'til now, "But if you know a good spot cast this, I'd owe you a million! ...Fish! Up to you whether that's literal--!"
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"Are you making a map?" She's made more than a few scribbly maps in her explorations, but they weren't really... understandable to other people. "Did you get the bone pile? Down that way? They were rattling like they wanted to wake up. Freaked me out."
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buttercupbuck · 1 year
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you do not have to be good. you do not have to walk on your knees for a hundred miles through the desert repenting. you only have to let the soft animal of your body love what it loves  -- ‘wild geese’ by mary oliver
[image description: 4 large gifs of evan buckley from 9-1-1.
gif 1: from season 6 episode 11. in his dream, buck talks to bobby (offscreen) about his in-between situation, wondering “i-is it like a punishment, or a time-out...do I have to do some type of penance before i’m allowed to move on?” the gif is colored in black and white.
gif 2: from season 4 episode 5. fire blazes around buck and the sprinklers pour on him as he sinks to the ground in the middle of the factory, futilely attempting to pull the rope to save saleh. the gif is colored in black and white.
gif 3: from season 6 episode 11. in his dream, buck walks around the hospital with bobby and says, “just need to figure out...what to fix to get out.” the gif is colored in black and white.
gif 4: from season 6 episode 11. in his dream, buck tells his dream self (offscreen), “i’m not going back for them. i’m going back for me.”
/end ID]
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spacedlexi · 4 months
the way the ericson group were at the outbreak just a bunch of troubled kids who made various mistakes or committed crimes and were judged by a system that punished and abandoned them instead of giving them the support and love they needed, are then nearly a decade later put into a situation where now they must judge a troubled child for the mistakes and crimes hes committed against them. and 5 to 3 vote them out 😭
#twdg#i love the way s4 connects back to lees whole 'murderer' thing back in s1 😭 guilt...atonement.....systems of punishment#i love thinking about s1>s4 themes and crying#anyway this is partially why i hate when i see the ericson cast reduced down to 'just some teens' its so much more than that#them being abandoned in a boarding school for troubled kids is SO IMPORTANT its not 'just some school'#anyway its also probably why theyre my favorite cast#theyre literally one of if not the most mature group of the series even while being a bunch of kids who make choices i dont agree with#because they actually love and care about each other. even when theyre mad. because theyre all they have left#i do think the vote was a fair way to handle it even tho i still ultimately find it cruel. they couldve talked it out#but this is still a story that needs conflict to resolve so is what it is#they would rather they leave than have to face their confused feelings. the most immature thing they do. but understandable#they did such a good job crafting that cast for clem GOD an entire ensemble built around her and aj....delicious#zombie/post apoc media about love and community my beloved 😭#sorry but get tf out of here with that 'humans are evil and everyone dies' lame ass bullshit we are nothing without community#the amount of love pouring out of s4 is like getting my ass kicked but then they give me a big hug and kiss after and send me on my way#s4 my absolute beloved i really love it more and more every time. so much to appreciate even with it the way it is#the themes bro the themes........ the connections between seasons 1 and 4 you are everything to me#it speaks
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wiirocku · 1 year
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1 John 2:2 (NLT) - He Himself is the sacrifice that atones for our sins—and not only our sins but the sins of all the world.
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little-viking-draw · 8 months
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During my Durge playthrough Lae'zel once disapproved that I took a long rest
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The Hope of the Gospel
If you stay strong, God will do that for you. You have to always remember the good news that you heard about Jesus, so that you keep on trusting him and know that he will save you. You see, God got his workers to tell people everywhere that Jesus died to save us. It is really good news. And I, Paul, am one of God’s workers now. My job is to tell people that good news. — Colossians 1:23 | Plain English Version (PEV) Plain English Version Bible © 2021 Wycliffe Bible Translators Australia Cross References: Matthew 24:14; mark 16:15; Acts 1:8; Acts 2:5; Romans 10:18; 1 Corinthians 3:5; 2 Corinthians 10:1
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aishutoon · 10 months
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Going back to making fanart for fanfics I like! This one’s for the fic “For that which I can never atone” by @president-homewrecker.
This one’s a bioshock fic following Brigid Tenenbaum and six little sisters escaping from Rapture along with a two-year-old Jack and starting a new life on the surface. This fic’s so good, and I definitely recommend it if you like Bioshock!
Here’s the link if you want to read it:
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raayllum · 1 year
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Viren + last shot of season finales
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adelinamoteru · 1 year
my thing is, if you have to misinterpret and strip jason’s character out of everything that makes him him to like his character, maybe he’s just not the one for you?
​stop coming on here and writing essays about bruce’s experience with jason’s death and his ways of dealing with it, which while fucked up, are ultimately his own. and then turning around and saying jason was/is wrong as if he is not also a very real victim of his own death? I mean if you can be understanding of why batfam “coped” the way they did then there’s no reason why that understanding shouldn’t also be lent to the actual victim of the crime?
everybody involved doesn’t have good coping mechanisms and thats the point in a good story, not who’s right or wrong. and mind you, making jason’s entire death and resurrection centred around the no kill rule and nothing else is very stupid. it is shocking that, that’s the only part of his story ppl here will focus on and scrutinize.
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drawnecromancy · 18 days
Find the word !
Tagged by the wonderful @tales-from-nocturnaliss :D
Words I got : limited, dreamer, special, atonement
Words I'm giving you : towering, bramble, block, falling
Tagging : @isabellebissonrouthier, @literarynecromancy, @ceph-the-ghost-writer aaaand open tag ! do it if you wanna it's fun
As always I'm going to grab whatever I have lying around in my files.
NOT FOUND : limited, dreamer, special, atonement
SPECIAL -> ESPECIALLY because fuck this i want to show ONE snippet at least :/
"His brain helpfully informed him that this was entirely impossible, as Eleanor had not trusted anyone in her life, especially not him, and she had never learned Soul magic. Clearly, he must have hit his head somewhere and was imagining the whole thing." – Winter's rage
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localblorbo · 1 year
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Atonement (2007) dir. Joe Wright
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ingoodjesst · 5 months
seeking the permission to be weak: on the themes of goro akechi’s arc
vulnerability, isolation versus connection, resentment, emotional immaturity, sunk cost fallacy, constructing and confronting oneself, and what it means to be acknowledged.
for context, these are my semi-connected thoughts after playing through the game’s seventh palace for the first time. it left me feeling like i'd been hit by a goddamn truck, and suddenly all these damn words erupted from me. haven't actually finished the game yet, but i needed to get these feelings off my chest before i could keep going LOL [late-game spoilers for persona 5]
the akechi confrontation in shido’s palace has earned its right to reside in my head rent-free forever. i mean, it’s mechanically brilliant. all i’m looking for was a place to SAVE like normal after a mini-boss; instead i am ambushed by a boy who, frankly, could’ve used someone to save him. which is to say, i enter this fight fuckin bedraggled because i haven’t even healed up from that last encounter. three of my current party members are under 100 hp, and only a third of joker’s sp remains. it’s looking kinda ugly.
and yet, even though akechi had all the preparation on his side and demonstrated three full phases of power… he still loses. purely on the basis that mechanically, joker has so many powerful abilities gained through his confidants and all of his phantom thief friends fighting by his side–friends who could tap in when the others were exhausted. it’s entirely because of those bonds between joker and his party that they could beat the sole, sad akechi.
i LOVE how thematically resonant that is. for all his talents that even the phantom thieves begrudgingly admire, akechi still comes up short. not because he himself is deficient, but because he has no one else to rely on once he’s given his all.
when it comes to the thieves, this is the sorest part for him. akechi mocks their friendship, calling them “pieces of shit… who lick each other’s wounds…!” but what he really resents is that they help each other when they’re weak. growing up, when he was scared and lacking, he had no comfort but himself. it kills him to see them supporting one another because deep down, he’s always longed for the permission to be weak, yet still looked after.
this resentment is especially interesting when you examine how much akechi’s circumstances reflect those of the phantom thieves. having your life turned upside down by masayoshi shido. enduring the superficial judgment of your peers. betrayed by your father figure and haunted by your mother's death. performing perfection and compliance at the expense of your ideals. believing you have no choice but to obey your dad's orders while holding out for any shred of remaining affection. even being orphaned and hiding yourself from the world, feeling as though you have no power to escape your pain on your own. akechi and each of the phantom thieves have all been victimized by cruel adults and ostracized by corrupt systems. society had deprived all of them of a place to belong. but only akechi remained disconnected from other people, and only akechi took irrevocable actions that anyone would rightfully revile.
yet despite what could reasonably be expected from anyone, the thieves still choose to sympathize and plead with him to join their cause, properly this time. even futaba and haru, who have both been most directly harmed by akechi’s actions, try to acknowledge him and the isolation he’s felt all his life. it’s kindness he may not even deserve. but maybe it’s because, within akechi, they catch a glimpse of a much lonelier path that they might’ve stumbled down if it weren’t for their fellow outcasts… particularly joker.
joker is the foil that slices deeply into akechi’s pride and sense of self. just look at what they share: their unjust treatment by adults, their insightfulness, their quick wits, their charm, their competitive drive, their metaverse powers, their thief personas. hell–they’re even the same height. but despite their common ground, joker is stronger than akechi. which forces akechi to admit that his counterpart might have something special that he lacks. there’s something missing from his life, a void he’s never been able to fill but others can. and though there are material ways in which joker was simply luckier than akechi, the most important thematic difference between them is the strength and number of joker's bonds–things that akechi never learned to nurture and thus could never rival.
so akechi hates him. he hates him because joker and his friends stoke his sense of inferiority. joker isn't an empty phony. joker became acknowledged and supported without sacrificing his justice–in fact because he upheld it. joker found a way out of the misery when he couldn't. maybe worst of all, akechi hates joker because joker could've changed the course of his entire life, if only they'd met a few years earlier.
which makes it ever more tragic that in the present, akechi refuses the thieves’ extraordinary kindness. perhaps he doesn’t believe their show of grace to be genuine, rankling under sympathy that he mistakes for pity; perhaps he cannot fathom being equals in a non-transactional relationship; perhaps he just no longer considers himself worthy after all the awful things he’s done. whatever it is, he rejects what’s possibly his last chance to desert his path of self-destruction and embrace the camaraderie that has always escaped him. he thinks them fools, believing they should just get rid of him, because that's the only thing you can do with people who get in the way, right? it’s in this manner that his inability to move past his pain condemns him yet again.
the thing is, despite the cruelty he inflicted on the world through his childish temper tantrum, it's hard not to mourn the fact that akechi got here largely because he didn’t know how to grow up. if love is a safe space to be vulnerable–to mess up and mature–then with so little of it in his life, no wonder he got stuck stewing in his lies and hatred. that’s why he ends up standing before you as a kid burdened by trauma and loneliness from a young age. a kid whose parental figures abandoned him to bounce from foster home to foster home. a kid given great power yet no one to steer him away from his bad choices. a kid manipulated and molded into a mentally unstable weapon. a kid who committed to a rotten path until he felt he could do nothing else but continue tearing down it. i mean, by then, who was gonna want the real him? who was gonna save him? who was even gonna help him?
by the time he could feel the regret sink in, it was already too late. if only he’d been given the necessary love and direction beforehand, if only he’d met joker and the phantom thieves sooner… his mistakes are still his to own, but no one stepped in to show him how to wield his powers responsibly, how to rely on others, or hell–just how to make friends. when left alone to fend for himself with hardly any resources, he doubled down with the cards he was dealt. how surprised can we be?
instead this “undesirable child” grew desperate to become someone others could rely on–someone so undeniably special that even a person with a blackened heart like shido would have to acknowledge him. with such demanding standards to toil under, he could never be anything less than perfect; he could never entrust his whole broken self to anyone.
ironically, while freezing everyone else out, he grew dependent on external validation. he sought academic honors because it was an “objective” measure of his worth. he sought fame because he craved even the most mercurial of affections. he sought shido’s praise, not just because he thought he could take revenge on him one day, but also because deep down, he was a wounded kid who just wanted love from the father who should’ve loved him from the start.
his life became ruled by an immature revenge fantasy, leading him down the most counterproductive path possible. he worked so hard to construct an ideal version of himself. yet inevitably, every trait of his that others came to envy, every trait that made him “special”–his academics, his celebrity, his charisma, his strength in the cognitive world–is utterly wasted on a man who would never appreciate any of it. like akechi, shido never trusted a soul either, and he never hesitated to crush a pawn whose utility was used up–even if it was his own son.
if only subconsciously, maybe akechi already understood some of these realities. but it isn't until he is confronted by shido's cognitive akechi that the full weight finally sets in. in that moment, filtered through the eyes of the man he hates most, he experiences a reflection: an akechi who is twisted by self-serving logic, who quite literally hates himself, who would mindlessly self-annihilate for shido in a heartbeat. now it's clear: in the process of seeking futile validation, akechi has thrown away his immense potential and, ultimately, his sense of self.
the truth is, akechi admitting that he ever needed or wanted teammates would be admitting that all the suffering he endured and all the blood he spilled–things he defined himself by for lack of anything else–weren’t necessary. it would be admitting that he didn't have to be a perfect prince. he was worthy of acceptance–weaknesses and all–this whole time. that's why, after all the time and energy he's squandered, he can't do it. not even in the face of the phantom thieves’ exceptional compassion.
maybe he could’ve admitted it earlier, if he had just found real friends or familial figures to accept him. he never should have had to be “special” to deserve love. nor did he have to be an honors student, nor an ace detective, nor shido’s puppet. he just had to be akechi.
he just had to open his heart to other people long enough to realize. he just had to put his faith in those who–against all odds and beyond all reasonable expectations–still wanted to save him. but he couldn’t. the myriad complexes guarding his heart wouldn't let him. so even at the very fucking end, although he helps them escape, akechi still closes himself off–metaphorically and physically–from the phantom thieves.
not all is lost, though. at last he makes a choice in defiance of the pathetic self who shaped his entire life around shido’s will. by claiming this agency, akechi may well have elected to destroy both versions of himself: the shadow self that shido cast and the real self that he finally asserted. yet with this pyrrhic action… at least he would die not as his father’s miserable puppet, but as his own person.
if that were the end of akechi's story, it might be bittersweet enough. but before slipping away, joker extends him one last kind gesture: a reminder of akechi’s promise. his promise–perhaps the epitome of how, despite insisting that he hated joker, akechi consciously and unconsciously offered so much of himself in joker's presence. with just a few words, joker recognizes everything akechi has shared with him. perhaps it's notable that there is no sympathy expressed. he just acknowledges who akechi is to him. a rival. a phantom thief. a friend.
finally, this is the unconditional acceptance akechi has been seeking all his goddamned life. and even if he can't comprehend why on earth joker would offer him this… for once, an unguarded smile slips onto his face.
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soldier-poet-king · 1 year
Big emotional day for les mis letters readers who are both deeply religious and deeply pro rev & social justice but also stricly non violence, by which I mean me and maybe 2 other people on the face of this earth
1.1.10 is THEE crux of the book politically and also my entire life problem and philosophy and this conversation haunts me every single time
#les mis letters#like. growing more and more radical as i grow more and more religious#but im also extreme anti violence#but also like i GET IT#yes reign of terror was bad but like. in the beginning some points were made wrt the philosophy of the frev?#MURDER IS ALWAYS WRONG.#but etc etc grieve for the aristo if you will grieve for the poor etc etc#CONFLICTING AND EXCRUCIATING TENSION#how do i explain that im increasingly radical BECAUSE im religious#and yes the thunderbolt is horrible. but you cannot blame it without examining 1500 years of gathering clouds#im truly. too fuckin soft for this life#thinking abt. how the guillotine cannot be neutral. one cannot see it and remain neutral#i think the issue being from an anglo country and raised super catholic. both very FREV haters (perhaps understandably)#but my big dumb idealistic heart is all about atonement and redemption and reconciliation and justice and mercy#and balancing all of that is the hardest shit in the world#im just. the conventionalist. the ideal. the infinite. the divine.#i could keep rambling but in some aspects it boils down to an ends vs means and justice vs mercy debate#but ends and means also exists alongside apathy. and the status quo is also untenable and unethical#its about each and every single human person!!!! how am i supposed to deal with that!!!! how can i be Good in such a complex world#idk im not a frev expert i took like. 1 elective in uni. im a classics person#i am TOO SOFTHEARTED FOR THIS. once we get to the jehan description im gonna mcfuckin die#because for a whole ass decade ive grown and changed and i keep coming back to his love and philosophy and just. him.#the most me. and idk how to explain that prouvaire (canon not fanon) illustrates (imo) the same tension#but also the same goals i have. the same person i am trying to be
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graceandpeacejoanne · 9 months
Revelation 15: Holy Smoke
As John watched, smoke filled the heavenly Holy of Holies, preventing anyone from entering in. For John, this would have brought to mind God’s instruction to Moses that God later portrayed in all reality. #Revelation15 #HolySmoke #Shekinah
Then after these things I saw, and the sanctuary of the tabernacle of the testimony in heaven was opened, and the seven angels emerged, the ones holding the seven calamities, out of the sanctuary, having been arrayed in radiant, pure linen and having had golden belts girded all around upon the chests. Then one out of the four living creatures gave to the seven angels seven golden broad shallow…
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wiirocku · 2 months
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1 John 2:2 (NLT) - He Himself is the sacrifice that atones for our sins—and not only our sins but the sins of all the world.
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Chapters: 38/38 Fandom: BioShock 1 & 2 (Video Games) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Jack & Brigid Tenenbaum, Little Sister & Brigid Tenenbaum Characters: Brigid Tenenbaum, Jack (BioShock), Little Sister (BioShock), Original Male Character(s) Additional Tags: Canon-Typical Violence, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Tenenbaum is best mom Summary:
Brigid Tenenbaum is one of the few people to escape Rapture, all with six Little Sisters and a two-year-old ace in the hole in tow. But can someone that's lived through Rapture ever really escape it?
Goodbye atone... thanks for the memories
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