#assignment guys don't unfollow
edwards-diskodick · 2 years
Navratri im Indien (Navratri In India)
Hallo! Ich heiße Amala Kanade, IBDP-2 im Elpro International Schule, und ich werde dir von eine Indienisch feste erzählen.
Indien hat viele Feste im Jahr welche haben im ganzen Land gefeiert. Einem ist Navratri, welche ist eine großes Fest und hat meistens im Gujrat und Kolhapur gefeiert.
In Gujarat wird Navratri jeden Tag mit farbenfroher Kleidung und leckerem Essen hervorgehoben. Diese  neun Tagen sind voller Spaß und Tanz heißt Garba und Dandiya. In Kolhapur wird ein Idol der Göttin Ambabai neun Tage lang um den Stadtplatz herumgeführt und bietet auch viel Spaß und süße Speisen.  
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Hi! My name is Amala Kanade, IBDP-2 at Elpro International School, and I'm going to tell you about an Indian festival. India has many festivals a year which are celebrated all over the country. One is Navratri which is a big festival and is celebrated mostly in Gujrat and Kolhapur. This festival lasts for nine days in honor of the goddess Durga in India. The dates of the festivals are related to Hindu months and change every year.
Chaitra Navaratri is also called Vasantha Navaratri, meaning Spring. It is observed during the lunar month of Chaitra (March to April). The last day is also Ram Navami, the birthday of Rama. It begins with the first day of the Hindu Luni-solar calendar. Sharada Navaratri means after Sharada; means autumn. It begins on the first day (pratipada) of the 15 days of Ashvini. The ninth day of Navaratri celebrates peace and knowledge. People worship their belongings and elders. In Gujarat, Navratri is highlighted with colorful clothing and delicious food every day. These nine days are filled with fun and dance called Garba and Dandiya. In Kolhapur, an idol of goddess Ambabai is paraded around the town square for nine days, and also offers lots of fun and sweet foods.
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ramblingaboutglee · 1 year
I deeply want to know your thoughts of Mr 👞 now, I’m admittedly not his biggest fan just because I never particularly cared for many of the adult storylines compared to the kids, but I have complicated feelings about the hate he gets
Ooh, now we're getting into the spicy stuff.
Also hi sudden spate of new followers! Er. Please don't immediately unfollow when this is the first post you see.
So, couple of things to lay the groundwork. One, like a lot of characters on Glee, Schue's development can be... complicated. In S1, he had adult friends, other hobbies, and was in general a more well-adjusted teacher than common opinion. But when S2 came around, and Glee's relevance seemed to hit its peak, the writers decided to give him a full-on midlife crisis where he goes overboard into his worst traits. If this is someone's defining era of Glee, it's worth acknowledging Will gets hit harder than anyone else with the genre shift from S1 to S2. He mostly levels out, early S2 is a bad time for basically every character, but yeah,
The other thing is that, like, 2010s era tumblr fandom is. Not a reliable source of information? I swear there are points where fandom just makes things up, in every fandom from that era I’ve been in. 
Content warning: Will Schuester rapping, brief ED mention
Like, let's just begin with the one that always pops up. "Will called a student with an eating disorder selfish for not wearing a bikini." My guess is that this came about from people that watched youtube videos of songs rather than, like, the actual episode? this was S5, Katy or a Gaga, and even if we take the position that Marley's ED hasn't vanished into the black hole of Glee canon, this was the episode where the assignment was for the NDs to go outside of their comfort zone - not in terms of modesty, but in terms of fashion. Marley's brief was 'Wear a Gaga style costume.' Going by how the other characters acted in the episode and the rest of the series, there is no indication Will has any actual control over what they pick in weekly assignments, and there are plenty of Gaga costumes that cover more skin. Marley, for episode-drama related reasons, opted to go out dressed in cheery Katy Perry fashion, and was condemned for not only not doing the assignment, but for actively missing the point. Every indication is that whatever Gaga costume she'd have worn, was her choice, and the condemnation was for missing the assignment.
if you want to headcanon ED-related body image issues, I'm with you, the ED arc could have been handled so much better so trying to mind more from it is a good thing. But treating this take as fandom gospel as frequently as I seem to see it, is... weird.
So with the caveat that there is inconsistent writing, and not every criticism is necessarily justified, let's dig in.
The Cool Teacher
One of the biggest traps of teen media feels like it's middle-aged writers trying to write someone kids will feel is a Cool Teacher. There's always this need to include an adult character who's perceived as likeable and cool, and so often it fails miserably. Will is, in S1, Glee's attempt.
The thing about Will is that he's kinda pathetic. He's a dork in sweatervests that is perfectly content making a fool out of himself if he thinks the kids will enjoy class. Will is perfectly content with being laughed at. The idea is that he's so earnest, that it's supposed to come off as charming, because he acts with no significant expectation of seeming cool or hip. (It's also a neat counterpoint to the status and image obsession of some of the kids, which I will be getting back to).
Almost no media gets it right, because the simple fact is if you're a teenager, you're kinda hardwired to just cringe. But this is when we get to the much-maligned rapping. Middle-aged white guys rap to try and seem cool, Will isn't the first and nor will he be the last. There's a kind of fun lack of self-consciousness to Will's performances though - he's self-aware, it feels, with a level of consciousness that it is physically painful to watch sometimes, but he's having a good time and the kids are apparently vibing, that he doesn't care that he's embarrassing himself. he does it precisely to get that reaction from the kids. Will is the person who would consciously misuse slang to make the younger generation wince and honestly I’m entering the era where that’s me so, I support him. Should Will rap? Well, no, but there is a reason why he does. If you want to compare the raps to any musical number on the show, go for Run Joey Run - they aren't remotely played straight, they're meant to be a little awkward. But just as a lot of people wanted straightforward musical numbers and disliked the comedy-focus of Run Joey Run, too many people seem to treat Will's raps as things intended as 'cool' performances, and not the dripping in self-aware lameness that they really are.
But if, in S1, the idea of Will was that he's so uncool that it loops around, what about later?
Holly Holliday enters by taking a prank the kids intended to pull on her as an entrance opportunity, turning it on its head, sliding dramatically into the room, and promptly singing Forget You. Can we all agree that this is objectively an embarrassing entrance? But she's played straight, and this for me is when we really see the shift in Glee's priority. Will was the guy who'd knowingly get pranked for the heck of it, the embarrassing dad of the show. Holly is 2Kewl4Skool in a way that makes her as bad of a teacher as Will, but the show is now more willing to say that's enough. Like, I like Holly, but the shift in focus is startling.
Ditto, from the same episode, "I think I've found a Journey song we haven't done yet!" Joking flashbacks present Will as a Journey superfan trying to get the kids to sing their whole catalogue. In S1, Journey was Finn's thing, and Will learned to let the kids pick their favourite songs right from the second episode, if imperfectly.
It gets tricky to talk about Will because there are several iterations of him. He's always uncool, usually ultimately sincere, and does put the kids first (eg, skipping the S1 sectionals, where attending was his dream, so that they could go) but the way this is perceived varies. When the show was reinventing itself in S2, it picked up a cynical streak, likely from trying to replicate the popularity of Sue. This however ended up reframing Will's sincerity as more of a negative. We see him having a midlife crisis, when before his more extreme antics were a result of competition pressure. It's definitely the stretch where I most dislike Will.
All that to say, Will is supposed to be admired and liked by the kids for being sincere, even when he's making a fool out of himself. There are points where the show acknowledges his unpopularity, but ultimately that's the core of Will.
The Meta
Glee likes its fourth wall bending humour. That can make fan reaction and analysis awkward, though. When Sue calls out Will for staging an elaborate costume-heavy performance for just his benefit, do we take this as literal truth, or do we file it away with Brittany thinking she's doing a voice over?
There's a lot of stuff that's open-ended like this, and it goes beyond jokes. Say, Will having former students be significant figures at his wedding - do we take this as inappropriate boundaries, or as "Well the show would suck if random guest stars were Will's best friends?" Does Will have no adult friends, or did they get cut from the show after S1? For fictional characters, what is the difference?
Is the fact Will is so close to all the kids inappropriate, or just the inevitable end result of having a show set at a high school with a teacher as an actual character? It's hard to judge, honestly. Ditto, does he do too little to stop the bullying, is it beyond his ability to effectively tackle, are his hands tied by Figgins, or would the show simply not function if a teacher swept in and prevented the slushies that became so much a part of the show's identity and advertising?
So, yeah, untangling gets complicated, and as it is Glee typically offers you a lot of ways to engage with it. For me, while I can see how meta jokes and lines that serve to highlight fandom complaints can feel like confirming them in-universe, I tend to just treat them as jokes and acknowledgements rather than reflective of actual character detail. Glee continuity can be weird enough as it is without incorporating fourth wall breaks, especially when those fourth wall breaks contradict otherwise established details.
The Parallels
And to finish it up: the adults on Glee, in my opinion, can't easily be separated from the kids. One of the things that I genuinely find interesting about Will, is the fact that so many of his conflicts overlap with the kids.
So, a character who peaked in high school, who ended up with their high school sweetheart, like Quinn plans on being... that's Will. Finn leaving a long term relationship and trying to figure out who he is to even try to be with Rachel, the exact same advice Will gets after leaving Terri. S1 paralleled both the love quadrilaterals. Glee's take on the coming of age story is looking at how the same sorts of stories affect adults and kids differently, and Will and other adults in paralleled positions is part of that. (I rambled Shelby way for more in that vein)
Which, honestly that's a huge part of the show fo rme -it happens with way more than just Will - but I kinda want to ping it because, inevitably, watching Glee as an adult means a lot of his drama is inherently more relatable. The thing the show keeps saying, that high school is hell while you're in high school but a month after you graduate you won't give a damn about who dated who, is true, but for any teenager hearing that, it comes off as dismissive even if there is more nuance to the way Glee presents it.
Take the aforementioned fact that Will is so fundamentally uncool, and contrast that with all the Glee characters who worry about climbing the social ladder. 'Loser Like Me' doesn't just refer to the kids. (If we skip forwards to S6, Rachel's lowest point at the start is basically becoming Mr Schue. That feels intentional. She does the same thing, sharing artists she likes and the kids might not know, teaching values, etc).
Glee is built on the fact that who you are in high school doesn't define who you'll always be. Every character goes on that same arc - as does Will, who maybe shows it the most by reinventing himself decades on. Will isn't perfect, but what makes me interested in him is that he acknowledges that. You can list a myriad of times he messes up, I've no doubt, and I'm also sure that the vast majority of those times he freely admits that he was in the wrong. Honestly someone like Will, who can be an idiot, but has no shame about saying he was wrong and actually trying to improve, to me that's a good thing.
I freely admit I can be a hypocrite on this front - there are characters that claim improvement and such, but in the end I feel like they haven't changed. Will, to me, usually feels like his heart is in the right place, by contrast. This can partly be his actions, and partly be his willingness to actually face consequences for his decisions. By contrast, too much of the time with other characters, flaws feel unacknowledged, or the responses feel incomplete. This might be subjective, but for me this usually isn't the case with Will. The show is built around the fact he can be the butt of the joke, and it's not afraid to criticise him as a result. The reason he gets celebrated when he does, is precisely because he's willing to model development.
In which I vaguely try to be concise
Will is a mixed bag. Some iterations of him are terrible, others are better. That's the same as any Glee character, it just depends which you pay attention the most, and which you see as more reflective. Is Rachel the person that sends a student to a crackhouse, or the person who gives the solo to Mercedes? Is Brittany the supportive girlfriend who helps Santana be comfortable with herself, or the dumbass who posts a sex tape online? Is Kurt the person who pushes Finn to tell Quinn's family she's pregnant, or the one who tries to welcome Sam without making him uncomfortable?
By the same token, is Will the person who sacrifices his chance to go to Sectionals, tries to uplift students that seem to have a bad plan or limited confidence, and who prioritises teaching acceptance over winning? Or is he the person that convinces teenagers to star in Rocky Horror as part of a convulated scheme to break Emma up with her boyfriend, who performs La Cucaracha in a poncho and sombrero as a Spanish teacher, or dedicates a week to twerking?
No one's ever just the one thing. But, for me, the fundamentally sincere guy who in general doesn't care about appearances, and who is so unashamedly uncool, and who does, ultimately, care a great deal about the kids, that's a character I like. I can look past the dodgy stuff that is so ubiquitous on Glee because it feels like it defines him less, and I like his storylines because 'adult re-evaluates his life path' is not an unsympathetic one, and plays so well off the kids who feel like they're trapped in one way of life.
Because, at the end of the day, if a Spanish teacher in a dodgy relationship and a fake pregnancy can, over five years, end up running an arts school with a loving relationship and an actual child... Surely that says a lot about the prospects of all the kids too? 
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statementlou · 1 year
I really dont get the rampant tellings/posting about why people shouldnt be calling Louis "daddy" because he finds it weird but didn't he also said the "choking" during the barriccade is also weird yet here we are (or some of us) still saying/validating that Louis has a choking kink. The double standards of how we perceive Louis is here is quiet... shitty tbh 🙄
Listen, the idea that Louis having a choking kink in his personal life (not saying he does but to go with the topic) would have the slightest relevance at all to fans pawing at his neck is weird and disgusting; that's like saying that because he likes having his dick touched in private it's fine to grab his dick, it's willful stupidity in order to rationalize treating someone like an object. It has literally no relevance to barricade because that is NOT a sexual situation. Making non sexual situations sexual without consent is gross and not okay, and it bothers me to see young women- the group most often the victims of sexual misconduct- discussing Louis in a way that I doubt they would want to be discussed. However... I personally do not think the stuff that actually happens at barricade is, for the most part, a big deal; it's hectic in the moment, hands are all over in an impersonal general way and Louis clearly feels able to brush off any discomfort and enjoy the whole experience much more than he is bothered by any weird behavior. I've spent a lot of time in writhing masses of people at music events and its fun and exciting and feels very different than watching slowed down video of it- you don't register the fine details unless someone gets really out of line, it's just a big communal blur. But the way people talk about it and assign (sexual) meaning to him not freaking out about the details, THAT is distressing to me. I don't personally enjoy seeing it. That said, it's fandom. People gonna be calling everyone daddy, from the babygirlest twinks to grizzled old men celebrating their 50th wedding anniversaries, they're gonna make everything about sex, I may not personally like to see it or choose to get involved in it but I'm not gonna go around trying to get people to stop. As with most fandom things, people really need to learn to simply unfollow people who say things that squick them instead of trying to edit other peoples' blogs. Do I wish people would not say SO MANY different things that they do in places where the guys can perceive them OMG YES fandom is so fucking cringe, but... what can you do.
(that said if I could singlehandedly make people stop saying CHOKING in place of TOUCHING HIS THROAT I would do it right this minute it really annoys me like if people were actually CHOKING him that would be VERY SERIOUS AND DIFFERENT)
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niborssideblog · 2 years
It took me we'll into my 20's to realise I was trans. Tumblr has made that journey both easier and so, so much harder.
As a child I don't think I really knew gender was a thing. I felt more comfortable playing with the boys and a slight disconnect with the girls but thought nothing of it, I wanted a beard when I grew up, lot's of undiagnosed adhd moments, the girls thought I was weird, I got bullied, eventually the boys followed suit
As a young teen I felt uncomfortable and like there was something wrong with me (other than the adhd) but I couldn't quite figure out what, got bullied some more.
As a slightly older teen I learned about internalised misogyny and thought that was the problem (and some of it was tbh)
I decided I didn't want to be that person anymore so I made an effort to get over it:
I got over my extreme hatred for the colour pink.
Stopped forcing myself to watch horror movies that gave me nightmares just so I could look tougher.
Stopped forcing myself to participate in activities I hated but did anyway because I wanted to be as "ungirly" as possible.
Tried out some traditionally "girly" activities, found a couple I enjoyed, accepted that I still disliked others and that was OK
Realised that trans women exist and decided to support them (idk how I didn't realise trans men were also a thing back then)
Became more supportive of others
Made an active effort to be less judgemental.
Followed more feminism centric blogs here on tumblr
Accidentally started following some r*dfem blogs.
Didn't really buy into the whole "all men are evil" thing at first but everyone was reblogging it and the common notion was that disagreeing made someone a bad person so I went along with it.
Started to belive it eventually.
Became less supportive and more judgemental again.
I was scared of every guy I met.
I was scared of my male relatives.
Internalised quite a lot of it.
I knew it was wrong and I felt like a bad person for it.
My depression and anxiety got worse.
I eventually started to expect the worst of *everyone* I met.
In my early twenties and I was tired of it, I was depressed, unhappy and hated myself to a point where suicide started to look like an valid option, I'd even had it all planned out and the materials for it ready in my bedside drawer just in case I ever worked up the nerve to actually do it.
I knew that was kinda fucked up though, so I started reading self help books, got into new hobbies and most importantly:
I spent less time on tumblr and more time interacting with my friends, family and colleagues.
I slowly stopped seeing the men in my life as a threat, and started seeing them as human again.
My mental health improved - I still had depressive episodes but not to the point of wanting to die so I packed up my "maybe I'll kill myself kit" into a box and moved it into my assigned storage room in the basement of my apartment building.
That's also around the time I started to question my own gender, and I felt so fucking guilty about it.
I felt like an idiot.
Like a traitor.
Like even thinking about not being a woman anymore, about *maybe* being a man made me some unforgivable horrible person.
I tried to blame it on the internalised misogyny again but deep down I knew that wasn't it, I didn't know internalised misandry was a thing back then.
I started harming myself and the "mikms kit" moved back into my bedroom.
Then Covid-19 happened and I had so much anxiety about it but I with all the quarantine and working in shifts and homeoffice I suddenly had a lot of time to myself, to really and truly contemplate life, the world and my own existence.
Sometimes I felt better about it, sometimes worse, almost made one serious attempt at ending everything.
Got back on tumblr, unfollowed and blocked a lot of blogs that parrots the same kind of fake woke-isms that had made me feel suicidal in the first place.
I actively searched for people like me online, followed trans positive blogs, threw out all the feminine clothes that made me feel worse, kept a couple that didn't, started collecting poloshirts and hawaiian print shirts and came ot to my friends.
I met other trans people, tried out some different names and pronouns, bought a binder, some packing gear and new glasses.
I signed myself up for therapy so I can eventually start hrt and learned how to use makeup to look more masculin.
I feel so freaking euphoric whenever someone uses the name I'm trying out (and may even keep), or when random strangers gender me correctly.
I rejoice at the pure happiness and glee I feel every time I look in the mirror and see how far I've already come.
Sure, there are still bad days, sometimes even really bad ones, but all in all my life truly has changed for the better:
I haven't harmed myself in almost 2 years.
I've finally thrown away the "mikms kit".
I'm (a little) less anxious.
I'm still not sure about my sexuality but now I finally feel like I've got a whole life to figure it out.
I'm no longer embarrassed about "traditionally gender hobbies"
I have more confidence, both in myself and in others.
I'm more sociable than I've ever been.
I've gotten better at setting boundaries.
I'm more comfortable with my body.
I'm in my late 20's now and making real longterm plans for the first time in my life.
I may still have a long way to go until I've reached my personal transitioning goals but I'm confident that I'll make it.
I'm a proud queer dude, and I'm the happiest I've been since probably kindergarten.
It DOES get better.
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thera-pissed · 2 years
Read this every time you feel guilty about setting your boundaries
She made you feel so bad just because you forgot to tag her in that one insta story
She continued to make you feel bad even long after you've apologized to her several hundreds of times over that insta story
She is obsessed with you
Oh, should I continue listing down how she is obsessed? Alright. She keeps invading your personal space!
She urged to make you sleep beside her that one night you slept at the clinic dormitory
She kept doing things that friends don't do
She keeps holding your hand in public as if you're her fucking girlfriend
She keeps going in your assigned therapy room at work even though not more than 2 people is supposed to be there
She isolates you from your friends
Literally gets jealous over your friends (she even says shit like "buti pa si *name of long-time friend* priority")
She pushes your friends away from you
Such as that one time she kept urging you to wait for her and ride in her car so she could drive you to the jeepney terminal
Oh my god, she even gaslighted you the next day by saying, "'di ko naman kasi sinabing ayaw ko silang isama/isakay." EVEN THOUGH SHE SHOOKED HER HEAD REPEATEDLY WHEN YOU PLEADED TO TAKE YOUR FRIENDS WITH YOU IF SHE WAS GOING TO GIVE YOU A RIDE ANYWAY??????
Don't even forget the fact she took your bag and hid it in her car AND REFUSED TO GIVE IT BACK TO YOU JUST SO YOU'D GO WITH HER
You had to make her see you angry and almost cry before she even returned it to you what the fuck???
Don't get me started with how she literally kidnapped your patient from your therapy room into hers just so you would stay with her in that room
She hates your one friend. She says all the meanest things about her and even urges you to get away from her too like WHAT THE FUCK GOO GOO DOLL
Her mood changes when you mention that you started talking to a new guy (to the point of leaving the room).
Keeps recalling all the favors she's done for you even after admitting you hate owing people (e.g. saying "na-1.5k ako sa gas last week kakahatid sayo")
Lol remember that time you were sick and she urged you to go back home to REST and yet she spent half the day at your house refusing to leave? Lol.
Oh, she even calculated just how much she lost that day for all the patients she canceled for you. Lol.
And even hinted she wanted to sleep in your room lmao creep
Says to call you out if she's too much. You did. Now she unfollowed you on social media.
Speaking of unfollowing, this is not the first time she's unfollowed you lol. Yet, she refollows you as if nothing happened.
Blatantly asks your co-therapist inside the same room to switch rooms with her lol
Feels angry over you switching rooms to avoid her in return
Actively avoids you in the hallway
Proceeds to text you, "'di kita nakita today" immediately after lmfao crazy
Overuses the emoji 🥺 haha what the fuck go away
Passive aggressive
Announces in your work gc that she's not in the best place mental health-wise after you messaged her your boundaries
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pebblezstoney · 1 year
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Wow literally got blocked 🚫 because i did not quick enough really when you know i have assignments for college talk about being disrespectful if this how you guys going to be im good i dont use tumblr to meet someone. I have a boyfriend. im here to help with mental health and mental health. If you don't unfollow me, please, im not here to date the end of the story
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edgyval-archive · 2 years
uni's takes on various discussions in this community..
i guess i should make a post like this,,,, uhhhhh,,, ✅ means i support it, ❌ means i dont support, 🌃 means im in the middle/sorta split, 💫 means i dont know enough on the topic to make a decision
figured id make a big post like this so if anyone tries to come to me abt discourse i can just link then here.
note that these are coming from the perspective ov an amab, furry, therian, nonbinary/xenogender, vincian/gay, neurodivergent, aspec, arospec, singlet, minor who pet regresses.
✅ not using the "expected" pronouns for a gender (i.e. transmasc mlm who uses she/they)
❌ proship/antianti (i do not support shipping 1nc3st thanks)
🌃 self diagnosis (i was professionally diagnosed with autism and self-dx'd with ocd, but then again if you're gonna self-dx with something serious DO RESEARCH)
❌ nonbinary skepticism (the belief that nonbinaries are faking it???? uhm as an enby myself i say NO)
✅ amab lesbians + afab vincians + nonbinary lesbians + nonbinary vincians (assigned se× at birth shouldn't have ANY SAY on whay someone's sexuality is, & imo using someone's asab as an argument is borderline transphobia)
💫 mspec gays (i used to identify as omni so idk if that counts)
✅ cringe culture SHOULD die (it hasn't really, unfortunately)
❌ z00phi1ia/maps/p3d0phi1ia (im a furry but im not a zoo)
❌ truscum/transmed/terf (you don't need dysphoria to be trans, it's about euphoria)
❌ endo systems (sorry guys)
🌃 eating from places that have practiced bigotry (ex;kfc donating to anti gay organizations. i'm gay myself and do not agree with their beliefs but their chicken is really good.)
✅ aro/ace inclusion (im arospec and aspec myself)
✅ nonbinary inclusion (this is a xenogender blog so i'd think nonbinary inclusion would be a given)
💫 lesboy/turigirl / hesbian/shegay (idk what these are sorry - i think hesbian/shegay refers to he/him lesbians and she/her gays, which i DO support, but idk what a lesboy/turigirl is)
✅ neopronouns/xenogender (uhhh no shit im a xeno hoarder myself and this is a mogai blog)
✅ trans men having a word for their specific oppression (like transmisandry or something)
❌ transrace/transabled/the like
🌃 age/pet regression (as a pet regressor myself, it's totally valid. however, if you make it a f3t1shy thing, it's gross.)
💫 transage/chronosian (i support age regression but idk enough about transage)
✅ reclaiming slurs (it depends for me ig)
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here's a cute doggo
feel free to unfollow if any ov my opinions fit your dni,,
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luna-rainbow · 2 years
1, 3, 19 & 23 for the ask game
Thanks for the ask! I've answered #1 here and #23 here.
3 Have you ever unfollowed someone over a fandom opinion?
I'm very slow in following people (because my dash is already so busy and I'm a bit compulsive about seeing everything D=). I think during the early post-TFATWS days when fandom was particularly vitriolic, I did unfollow 1 or 2 people for their opinions, but mainly I've unfollowed people for dumb reasons like I realised 90% of their posts were about fandoms or things I had no idea about (which is why I'm so slow in following people these days because I don't want people to think I later unfollowed them because I'm upset, because 99% of the time it's not that).
Erm I feel like I might be digging myself a bit of a hole with this next bit but if you've regularly interacted with my posts trust me I remember you (although some of you guys sneakily change your usernames and I'm just like D= where did that person go??). If you've regularly left comments or we've had regular reblogging conversations, I love you like a mutual, I'm just old and grumpy and unable to deal with Tumblr's endlessly scrolling dash.
19 What is the one thing you hate most about your fandom?
I think this applies to all fandoms, but the way that a portion of the fandom can only deal in absolutes. People (and well-rounded characters) don't fit neatly into whatever pigeonhole you want to assign them to. Sometimes they might be a victim, sometimes they might be an oppressor, sometimes they might be kind, sometimes they might be ignorant, and sometimes they are intentionally bigoted. I hope that these fans are kinder to themselves and the people around them in real life, and accept that when people make mistakes they should be given a chance to change...and not have that mistake held against them for the rest of their life if they do change. I think this is also a by-product of online culture that preserves mistakes for 10-20 years, whereas in the past you might say some dumb thing to your high school friends in your ignorant youth and not have that unearthed by the rabid Twitter crowd as your career takes flight.
The thing I dislike about fandoms based on fiction is...the inability of some people to accept discussions on a Doylist level. I do get that some people don't want to break that 4th wall...but like, there's no need to go after the people who enjoy talking about things from beyond that wall?
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Some of those are really good but some of them are literally canonically assigned a gender and look said gender and feel said gender. Candy Wife? A WIFE... Looks like a girl, is a wife... Gendered. Uh. Alfred? He's a guy. Literally. But ok I get this I'm non-binary just some of these don't... Fit... For me. That's just my opinion.
hi anon! this blog has not been active for a while, but i’m crawling out of the depths to answer this one.
this blog is for headcanons! not everyone will share headcanons, and that’s okay. but everyone’s relationship with gender is different, and to claim that there’s a wrong way to experience it feels disrespectful. i have personally known nonbinary people who dress femininely and are okay with girlfriend/wife as terms for them; it doesn’t make them any less nonbinary.
if these don’t fit for you, that’s okay! it’s great to have different views! but unless this is causing trouble for you, why go out of the way to tell us? (and if it is, why not just unfollow or block us?)
-mod ginger
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starberriemilk · 2 years
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I posted 1179 times in 2021
851 posts created (72%)
328 posts reblogged (28%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 0.4 posts.
I added 2256 tags in 2021
#ask - 367 posts
#art - 312 posts
#reblog - 311 posts
#anon - 311 posts
#kitteypwince - 270 posts
#doodles - 169 posts
#.txt - 141 posts
#candyprine02 - 139 posts
#michael - 125 posts
#candyprince02 - 111 posts
Longest Tag: 89 characters
#i know i showed mine before but those pics are deleted and i dont want to do that anymore
My Top Posts in 2021
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See the full post
44 notes • Posted 2021-08-20 11:21:49 GMT
Coming Out
Before I'll start, please don't tell me "stop making this a big thing when it's not". It's very important for me and for me it is, in fact, a big thing. This is probably obvious from ones that follow me since 2016/2017/2018/2019/early 2020, but I tried hiding this from the public anyway. I never knew I'll say this publicly- But since I've been feeling comfortable with who I am lately, and I'm not ashamed of that anymore, I'll just say this...
I'm a dysphoric trans man, I've been assigned as female at birth
This all started a year ago when I thought I'm bigender/genderfluid, and from few months I identify as a trans man. I know I've made a post about being a cis guy, but that's because I was scared of transphobia I can get, and that's also why I'm identifying as a trans man from few months, cuz before I was scared my ex friends will invalidate me, or not accept me as a trans man
I don't think I can say anything else, I'm not transitioning yet because in Poland you can transition when you're 18+. I'm mainly making this public so I can publicly be a part of the trans community, have my voice in trans discourses, and just talk about stuff related to me being trans! Sharing my experiences and goals when it comes to trans stuff!
So yeah, I'm proudly and openly a trans man! :-D I know I'm gonna get hate so if you're gonna tell me I'm not a real boy or that I'm a girl: fuck you, transphobe. I know myself better than you
I'm really proud of myself for making this decision to come out! Trying to make this private didn't make sense anyway
I hope you guys don't see me as less of a man <;'-)
45 notes • Posted 2021-05-10 21:09:42 GMT
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Commission trade for @zaffyrone *passes out*
52 notes • Posted 2021-09-21 16:44:22 GMT
Hi just wanted to say I support
- Endogenic systems - MOGAI (xenogenders, neopronouns, new sexualities) - Non-dysphoric trans people - Fictionkin - People who believe in Tulpas - Any spiritual or religious belief
If you don’t support any of those you can follow me as long as you don’t harrass or judge people over that beliefs :-) If you can’t stand me supporting this stuff, you’re allowed to unfollow! That’s your problem if you can’t accept my opinion and beliefs!
As to people who believe in such stuff, you’re valid, and nobody should tell you what you are or you believe in isn’t real. It’s you and only YOU can know stuff about yourself, you’re allowed to believe in anything you want! And I support you for all of that 💜
56 notes • Posted 2021-02-16 12:47:42 GMT
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Scriabin belongs to @zarla-s
147 notes • Posted 2021-03-16 01:07:32 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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dogtheories · 4 years
No one gives a fuck that you draw nsfw fitzroy stuff. It's the fact that you're so constantly dissmisive and rude about something you don't have any authority on as an allo person that's wrong. I know you're probably going to respond to this with some kind of joke like you always do, but I thought I'd give this a shot anyway. As an ace person, I used to be a big fan of yours and it really hurted to see you joke around about something so serious to people like myself.
ok what brought it on this time i havent posted anything for like a week. 
going to once again point to the i used to consider myself asexual so i actually do understand what its like and if people really did hold the belief that sexuality can be fluid then this wouldnt be a problem for them card the i have asexual friends who support me card the its-word-of-god card the uhhhhhhhhhh people instantly started treating fitzroy like a prudish little baby and not a grown man as soon as the ttazz came out card the you dont have to treat every asexual character as a sex repulsed person card the fitzroy is canonically pretty out there and described as :sexy: multiple times card hmmm what else the i dont have to defend my actions to anyone card the if nobody really does give a fuck then why do i get people coming in my inbox about it card i can go on but i have a full hand. basically why is anyone a “fan” of me im a guy on the internet putting off my uni assignments. im not rude this is just how i talk all the time im just blunt sounding and i cannot be swayed by anonymous messages because i respect myself enough to stick to my guns. yada yada yada ive said it before just block the not sfw tag if you dont wanna see stuff just unfollow if you dont wanna interact with me i do not care. now if youll excuse me im busy playing mother 3 
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Look I'm not quite sure how to say this but I'm really sorry about that ask I sent you. It was really accusive and rude of me when I didn't know much about what happened. I unfollowed you because I don't want to get involved in drama because it's bad for my mental health. I hope you can understand. (You don't have to publicly post this if you don't want to, I just wanted to apologize.)
I don’t remember which ask you’re referring to (I’ve gotten, a LOT of bad ones recently) but I really really really appreciate this message. I can totally understand (and support) unfollowing anyone who brings you stress (I know that for a long time my blog was supposed to be a safe space for ya’ll to relax and laugh) whether they intend to or not. It is not your job to get involved in discourse–on my behalf or anyone else’s. You deserve a good online experience. Please unfollow me if I’m bringing you stress (I’m stressed too. It’s outrageous, but it turns out I can’t unfollow myself. Hopefully soon this will die down and we can get back to shitposts and eldritch humor).
That said, I truly enjoyed interacting and making jokes with you in the past, and it has hurt to lose that. And it’s not just you–deservedly or not, over the past weeks I’ve lost a number of wonderful mutuals and online friendships. There are so many familiar faces I don’t see anymore, either b/c they were nervous enough to believe the discourse, or just didn’t want to get involved. That’s really what hurts the most (and I like to think I have thick skin, but.)
I miss you guys. That’s been the greatest cost–not the follower count or even the crazy stress & anxiety, but the online friends who have distanced themselves from me. Part of it may be my fault (I didn’t address the discourse sooner, both b/c I thought it was for the best and b/c I wasn’t functional), or maybe not, but I’m really not interesting is assigning blame. (I grew up in a household that was very focused on blaming each other when something went wrong. Going into defensive attack mode was my default for years, as a survival mechanism. I won’t live like that anymore. It might also be a reason I try so hard to ignore conflict)
It’s just sad. It’s just a sad, sad thing.
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merrock · 1 year
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Kicking this off by saying... April 2nd marks our one year anniversary! Although we had opened privately a bit before that date, we started officially accepting applications on April 2nd, 2022 and are so happy to have met this one year milestone. And we hope that we have many more to come! If you're just casually browsing our group, we really hope that you'll come to join us. But, for now, let's see what's happening in April and coming up in the month ahead!
April 8th -- Easter Egg Hunt -- this event will run from the 7th through 9th and involve decorating eggs and hiding eggs, the egg hunt itself, putting together baskets, and handing them out to kids in town. all are invited!
April 24th - 28th -- Volunteer Week -- a fun way to give back to your town while spending time with friends. Running April 22nd - 30th OOC, and involving a writing assignment with at least one other writer in the group, as well.
7th -- beer day! -- happening at Tumbleweed; wear some western wear and enjoy beer!
10th -- sibling day! -- post socials or anything you would like to show off your siblings!
11th -- pet day! -- same as above, but with pets. which is even cuter.
15th -- world art day! -- a day dedicated to art; visit From Brush to Canvas and The Color Wine.
22nd -- earth day! -- get out and love the Earth!
28th -- arbor day! -- take a little time out of your day to pick out a baby tree and make the world a better place by planting it.
As mentioned, there will be a writing assignment that goes hand in hand with Volunteer Week and Arbor Day -- that will be announced at the start of the event! But we also have a fun task that we just introduced, involving the inspiration for your character(s). You can read more about that here, and don't worry: we'll have another fun task coming up soon!
as usual, we ask you to read our rules to remind yourself of the expectations within the group. we've also updated our faq!
one gentle reminder: please use the inbox for anything that requires us to be logged in: hiatus request, page updates, unfollow, follow, etc. it helps us keep track of what needs done! and remember, posting in tags or in the OOC is not the same as speaking to us if you need something!
as we approach our one year anni, we just want to drive home how important the sense of community is to our group. we rely on one another for replies, for plots, to keep the group thriving and fun. remember that this group is for everyone: those who like long paras, those who like short chats, chatty Kathys, shy guys, people who are on every day, people who are on every few days, we all have a home here!
not a lot to report behind the scenes, other than the small (temporary) changes we have made of allowing three characters at once when joining and accepting daily.
ah, the usage of polls! we will be trying to incorporate polls more into the decisions that we make for the group, including when it comes to the Benefactor. so look out for those!
aaand May! for mini-events, we will have Taco Night, national pizza party day and Memorial Day! and for big events (the fun ones, with cool chances to plot), we will be having our annual Mother's Day event and something kinda new (ish, it mostly combines two events)... Nature Week! stay tuned for more info.
0 notes
queerascat · 7 years
no need to answer this ask but "it is not keeping true to his character instead of not keeping true to his identity" is the biggest bullshit ever. go read the what the writer of the comics said when jughead came out as asexual. it is CLEAR from his wording that he means aromantic asexual and yet here you are, trying to strip this rep from us because straight ppl are ignorant and don't know the difference. because ~it isn't canon~. you erased aromantic people from the conversation.
and like, i don’t even want to get into the politics of having an aromantic asexual character who doesn’t even like being touched wanting sex and romance. it is true that aces/aros who enjoy sex/romance get a lot of shit in the community for not being ~ace/aro enough~, but the same happens with ace and aro ppl who don’t date, who don’t want sex or romance - we are considered less normal, less palatable and it’s common to see a narrative of “aces/aros feel sexual/romantic attraction too! we arejust like you guys!” around. so like… i see where you are coming from. but you couldn’t have chosen a worst character to talk about while raising your flag of diverse ace rep. not wanting to date/have sex isn’t just a quirk of jughead’s personality, something completely separated from his asexuality or aromanticism. they are part of his sexual and romantic identity as well and erasing that to say that aces can date is fucking wrong.again, don’t bother to answer. i’m unfollowing you & won’t be looking for your answer. but pro tip: you don’t get to just decide that you aren’t arophobic and i don’t need you to plead guilty to know you are.
(re: this post, and these asks [ 1 ] [ 2 ])
while i really am sorry to see you go, i am going to respond to this because whether you see it and respond or not is beside the point. this conversation has been public since the beginning and it now involves more than just you. besides, not all of us have the luxury of anonymity to easily be able to bow out of a conversation when said conversation becomes strenuous.
since it’s obvious that this was unclear, i’d like to point out that the word “character” has more than one meaning and i used it in my original post with the intention of it being read as such. yes, Jughead has a personality (character) that is being rewritten in Riverdale, but Jughead himself is literally a fictional character. the very character known as Jughead is being rewritten in Riverdale.
“keep Jughead true to (his) character” was not a call to reduce his aromanticism or his asexuality down to simply being a part of his personality (character), it was a call to fight for every single thing that is the character Jughead. please someone, anyone explain to me how that call was me “trying to strip” aro aces of representation, because that is literally the opposite of my intention, and yet here we are.
literally the only thing that i can find behind these accusations is an apparent misunderstanding of what i meant by “character”, hurt over the fact that i did not explicitly mention aromanticism in my original post and perhaps anger over the fact that i “raised my flag of diverse ace rep” instead of fighting exclusively or explicitly for aro ace rep.
honestly, this whole exchange has taught me a few things, not the least of which being that that my discomfort surrounding fandom and assigning labels to characters is something silly to be denoted by  “~ ~” because it doesn’t matter. that if i’m not willing to go outside of my comfort zone when talking about a character, then i apparently shouldn’t talk about them at all. that i’m not allowed to talk about a character’s (a)sexuality without also talking about their (a)romantic orientation, which i feel is part of a bigger intracommunity problem tbh.
while i understand that for some people their asexuality and their aromanticism (along with other things like various aversions, even gender feels) can be intrinsically linked to the point of being inseparable and that some people feel this to be the case for Jughead’s asexuality, the fact that this apparently bars a person from explicitly talking about one thing without also explicitly talking about the rest is….. difficult for me to swallow. this is a topic for another post, but once again i’m left unsettled by how a person’s (or character’s) asexuality seemingly has to be paired with or contextualized by a romantic orientation or something else…. granted, it’s also often the case that it’s not a matter of having to be, but rather a matter if simply being that way (as may be the case here), but even so, to not be able to specifically talk about one thing about a person (or character) without being accused like this, especially given that i never even spoke against the other things involved…. sigh.
all of this came about because i saw aces fighting for general asexual representation in a way that was potentially damaging to all aces, aro aces included, and i decided to make a post calling on people to fight for asexual representation in a way that didn’t come at a cost to others, including aro aces. after making that post, the exchange that happened here and the post that you presumably submitted to Fuck Yeah Asexual, people are now fighting for aro ace Jughead, which i’m glad to see. the goal behind my post, which was to change people’s problematic war cries on Twitter, has been more or less accomplished. i say “more or less” because now this has turned into an “us vs them” thing both on Twitter & Tumblr and that was never my intention.
once again i’ve been labeled “another one of those problematic romantic aces” in the great “aromantic aces vs romantic aces divide”, my own lack of romantic orientation ignored or deemed to be beside the point.
voicing my opinion on things sure has become exhausting. again.
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jennawynn · 7 years
I get why you can be defensive sometimes and I don't want to dog pile, but honestly the car sticker thing encapsulates some of the frustration people have expressed at you. Activism isn't about bumper sticker. Activism doesn't ask for thanks. Activism isn't the same as rooting for a team and wearing a jersey. That kind of post makes me feel like you're asking for a cookie or framing yourself as some sort of martyr. Please stop. Individual shows of support are nice but this is tacky.
I’m aware of the points you’re making about activism, but I have two points in my defense (yeah, yeah, defensive again). 1) I believe in representation and visibility. I know when I’m out, if I see a rainbow sticker or shirt or a marriage equality symbol, it makes me happy. It gives me a good feeling to know there’s someone else who is like me or likes people like me. That’s why I wear t-shirts (also bc usually the money goes towards the cause) and put stickers on my car and talk about things and use class assignments to further research pertinent topics. I mean… in Texas especially, there were road signs talking about how bad being gay is. I saw one just over the border in New Mexico that said “America I am SICK of you- murdering babies, L.G.B.T.T., lying, cheating” (I don’t know what the other t stood for… tomato maybe?) I saw a shit ton of blue lives matter and back the blue stickers. I saw exactly zero BLM or marriage equality stickers. Zero. So yeah, if it might make someone feel a little more loved by driving around with my stickers, I’m gonna do it. It’s a hostile world and people need to know they’re not alone. My support doesn’t stop with shirts and stickers. I’ve also donated more money than I probably should have this year to a variety of organizations and causes. I use my position in academia to bring forward overlooked issues, and I try to talk to people I am in contact with about being more sensitive and supportive of issues. 
2) That doesn’t really include Tumblr though bc nobody who saw my post is going to fight me over it. I posted that post on Tumblr bc I was on a vacation and making sporadic updates to my personal blog about shit I was doing. Mile tracking. Where I ate. Movies I saw. I decided to make a quick post about a guy who honked and seemed to yell Trump at me, but if I just said that, it wouldn’t have any context to it. Why would someone just randomly yell at me? So I figured I’d include that I thought it was due to my stickers…. but a picture’s worth a thousand words, so I just used a pic instead of writing what they were. That post wasn’t about looking for a cookie or anything else. It was just a thing that happened to me that day, just like half my personal posts. 
And just in case, a reminder: I tag all my original posts (and personal posts) with ‘pbw’ (posts by wynn) and all my discoursey social justice type posts ‘raging about’. I haven’t been while on vacation since I was on mobile, but I’m home again, so tagging will resume. Feel free to blacklist anything you don’t want to see or unfollow if I bug you.
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i'm not really sure where else to ask somethin like this, or really how to phrase it, but my question is pretty much: are one of the reasons people don't want ace/aro people in lgbtqa+ spaces, because some of them are cis? and for that matter, CAN you even label yourself as lgbtqa+ if you're ace/aro but cis? idk some discourse popped up on my dash and i wanted to ask...
Short answer: the people who want us out of lgbt+ spaces are gatekeepers using recycled biphobe and transphobe rhetoric, and they are wrong. Aces and aros fall under the A in the extended acronym, cis or not.
Long answer: It isn’t that some of us are cis-- it’s that we’re an invisible identity and gatekeepers see that as a privilege rather than a hardship. Ace/aro struggles are different from gay issues, just like gay issues are different from trans issues. Heck, ace and aro issues are a little different from each other. The main thing that unifies the lgbt+  community is that its members are a) not cis and/or b) not straight. Therefore if you a) identify as some gender other than the one assigned you at birth and/or b) are a binary guy/gal not attracted romantically, sexually, and exclusively to people who identify as binary gals/ guys,* congrats! You’re in!
Honestly the best thing you can do for yourself, especially if you’re still unsure of your identity, is to ignore the discourse and unfollow/block people who post it. The gatekeepers aren’t worth your time.
*I tried my best here, and it’s a little woobly because “straight” assumes a strict gender binary that doesn’t actually exist, so sorry if this falls kinda short
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