#artist: Feint
animepopheart · 2 months
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★ 【Feint】 「 Stelle 」 ☆ ✔ republished w/permission ⊳ ⊳ follow me! insta • x • bsky
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jjthebunbun · 2 months
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cryberpunkart · 4 months
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I've had this in my WIP folder for the longest time, I finally finished my weird tiefling son in some ✨modern AU✨ clothes.
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rennebright · 2 months
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Untitled by Feint [Twitter/X] ※Illustration shared with permission from the artist. If you like this artwork please support the artist by visiting the source.
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athena-xiii · 6 months
Getting back into the Magnus Chase books means that I get to remember the absolute beauty of Blitz and Hearth. Two lovely men who are rejected by their families for being different.
Blitzen is a brilliant artist who cannot survive in the sunlight, whereas Hearthstone is a talented rune mage who can’t survive in darkness. And yet, they are inseparable.
Hearth is known for not showing a significant amount of emotion, yet any time Blitz shows up after being separated from him, Hearth practically launches himself at the dwarf.
Blitz is unendingly protective over Hearth; always there to catch him when he feints, never missing a chance to defend the elf’s abilities.
They’re casually and non sexually intimate all the time. Whether they are queer platonic, romantic, or a secret third thing, they’re absolutely devoted to one another.
And I think that’s beautiful.
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hog-zone · 1 month
alright it's time to settle this
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homebrewhomestead · 7 months
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DEX 16
CON 14
INT 11
WIS 14
CHA 18
Character Synopsis: Mimi was once the child of a noble lord and lady, having been born very weak and sick, his parents would spend years trying to find a way to stabilize his condition, unfortunately they did not have the time, as Mimi’s condition worsened beyond their control and he eventually passed away. The despair of the lord and lady was felt throughout the city, as they invested in a massive funeral precession in honor of their son. All the while, Mimi’s ghost watched from their home, confused, but free. He quickly found the head maid who alongside his mother would sing him lullabies to sleep, after she feinted from the shock of seeing him, they spoke for a while and she began to understand his predicament. She insisted that he not show himself to his parents quite yet, as they would surely seek a way to bring him back from the dead rather than let him be free from the body that ailed him so. She told him to seek out the adventurers guild, and that surely he would be able to find a new way to live outside in the world until his parents moved on from their grief and could meet him again in this form.
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Mimi’s Jug
Wondrous Item, Rare (Requires Attunement)
This container has Spiritual Essence within it, it is able to mold this essence when any liquid is placed inside of it, creating a viscous chocolate flavored brew. The container can only be filled up with liquid once per day, you must wait one minute for the liquid to transform, upon completion there will be 5 doses of the Choco Brew. When a creature drinks the the Brew, they regain 2d8 + 2 Hit Points and gain 5 Temp HP. Additionally, until the creature finishes a Long Rest the creature can add 1d6 to any ability check, attack roll, or saving throw, potentially turning a failure into a success. Once a creature does so, it can’t do so again until the start of its next turn. A separate creature can only drink from the Jug if you are willing.
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Feel free to use the character as a PC or NPC and the Item in your home campaigns.
This content is not for Commercial Use, in no way shape or form are you to use this outside of your own personal games, if I see this in use with a commercial product you will be flagged and legal action will be made. Please respect mine and the artist’s wishes.
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pokeprint · 1 year
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"Snaps at its foes with fangs cloaked in blazing flame. Despite its bulk, it deftly feints every which way, leading opponents on a deceptively merry chase as it all but dances around them.”
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tobiasdrake · 18 days
Hang on; you've talked a lot about how future Trunks is much more an assassin than a martial artist like some of the other Z fighters, to the extent that he doesn't even name his attacks. Does that mean Buster Cannon is anime only??? I'm devastated
Not as a named technique, though he does perform the move. There are three significant ki techniques that Trunks is known for, none of which he names.
Trunks is probably best known for the sweeping arm movements he makes when firing off his Burning Attack. These arm motions have never been explained what the fuck he's actually doing.
The arm motions, funnily enough, do come from the manga. But the name "Burning Attack" does not.
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The technique itself just seems to be a standard ki blast, used as a feint. He deliberately calls Frieza's attention before firing because he wants Frieza's attention on the shot, allowing him to move in for the kill while Frieza's distracted with evasion.
There doesn't seem to be anything special about Burning Attack itself. So. Like. What the fuck he's doing with his arms? No idea. Never comes up again.
Later, during his fight with Vegeta to try and stop Semi-Perfect Cell from absorbing 18, he breaks out Buster Cannon.
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Once again, no name: Just point and fire with enough force to take Vegeta out of the fight momentarily.
The third of Trunks's well-known ki techniques is what the games call Heat Dome attack. It's the technique he uses to kill Cell in his own timeline.
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Which, to me, just looks like a really powerful Buster Cannon fired vertically instead of horizontally.
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voidcat · 9 months
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Contrary to his ever grumpy, never satisfied attitude; Scaramouche is a remarkable cook.
For those who only know him, this may not be that much of a shock, but for those who know of his ties to a certain guardian of eternity, this is an impressive feat— even so when it is his indirect way of conveying emotions.
In the kitchen, in the wild over a proper campfire, with the right equipment and some sense of serenity allowed during his alone time; he cooks and cooks, carefully chopping up, picking the right ingredients, using his hands when necessary and creating masterpieces.
And perhaps it’s his already exceptional skill improving with time or your palate growing more used to his hands’ tasty products, but you swear each new meal is better than the last one— tastier, fancier, organized like a painting on the plates and in bowls, if you’re not dying of hunger you can even notice feint tastes of herbs that compliment your preferences and favorite tastes.
But of course, when asked about it, or receiving a playful joke, he will fume and cross his arms, say the hunger must’ve gone over your head worse this time or all that fast food you’ve been consuming fucked with your brain, now just shut up already and finish your food before it gets cold you delusional brat.
Send me a character and I’ll whip up a drabble with my headcanons (can be specific hcs or I’ll take artistic liberties >:3 )
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animepopheart · 5 months
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★ 【Feint】 「 星街すいせい 」 ☆ ⊳ hoshimachi suisei // hololive ✔ republished w/permission ⊳ ⊳ follow me on twitter
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jjthebunbun · 5 months
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(Full piece on Patre•n)
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rennebright · 1 month
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Silverwolf by Feint [Twitter/X] ※Illustration shared with permission from the artist. If you like this artwork please support the artist by visiting the source.
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moradadabeleza · 4 months
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Harold Cazneaux, Doris Zinkeisen: New Idea portrait with leaf background, 1929, The leaf background was painted by the Australian artist Adrian Feint, Art Gallery of New South Wales.
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soylent-crocodile · 10 months
Magura (Monster)
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(Realistic Magmar by Namh on Deviantart)
(I mentioned these earlier in @thecreaturecodex's ask box before we started actually talking, and here they are, published to tumblr! Magura started as a servitor race for the Great Old One Cthugha, who is relevant to a character from my Strange Aeons game, and was inspired by the pokemon Magmar, even if it quickly spiraled in its own direction.)
CR9 NE Medium Aberration (Fire)
Magura are a race of intelligent, omnicidal beings who seek to cleanse the universe of life through the detonation of stars. They travel through space on massive fiery skiffs powered by solar sails on a search for stellar systems to annihilate. An average magura citizen is a scholar of these astral detonations and of alien technology, being well-versed in arcane secrets and occult philosophies about destruction, the planes, and fire. Despite this, many magura are spiritual, and the worship of fiends and outer gods (particularly daemons) is a common part of magura societies. 
Magura philosophy understands the material plane, if not creation itself, as a mistake on the part of the gods- a material existence can only lead to suffering, as interpersonal connections and material goods are lost, destroyed, or simply fade to the sands of time. Their answer to this philosophical quandary is to destroy the material plane by snuffing out stars one by one. True to their beliefs, magura do not collect material possessions for any purpose other than practical use, and even then, many destroy or dispose of tools even if there’s a potential future use, much like other mortals have the opposite affinity. 
Magura bodies subsist on solar energy in a process not unlike photosynthesis, though with different chemical pathways. Magura appreciate the irony that they rely on the stars they destroy to move and survive, and acknowledge that the completion of their goal will cause the extinction of their race- this is a sacrifice they are comfortable making, especially as it’s rather far into the future.
Magura leaders are called Magura Guides. Magura Guides can cast spells as an 8th level wizard, and often advance their levels in Wizard or Rogue.
This man-sized creature resembles an upright reptile, but its head has a pointed beak and is covered in large, bulbous growths. Misc- CR9 NE Medium Aberration (Fire) HD14 Init:+7 Senses: Perception:+15 Aura: Flamestoke 60ft Stats- Str:21(+5) Dex:17(+3) Con:17(+4) Int:22(+6) Wis:16(+3) Cha:18(+4) BAB:+10/+5 Space:5ft Reach:5ft Defense- HP:119(14d8+28) AC:22(+3 Dexterity, +13 Natural, +6 Deflection) Fort:+10 Ref:+7 Will:+12 CMD:28 Resist: Acid 5, Electricity 5 Immunity: Fire, Disease Weakness: Vulnerable to Cold Special Defenses: Heat Shimmer Offense- 2 Claw +16(1d6+5 plus Burn) CMB:+15 Speed:30ft Special Attacks: Burn (2d6, DC19) Feats- Great Fortitude, Improved Initiative, Power Attack (-3/+6), Combat Expertise (-3/+6), Improved Dirty Trick, Greater Dirty Trick, Improved Feint, Weapon Focus (Claw) Skills- Acrobatics +15, Bluff +12, Escape Artist +9. Fly +15, Heal +6. Knowledge (Arcana) +10, Knowledge (Planes) +14, Linguistics +10, Perception +15, Sense Motive +12, Spellcraft +18, Stealth +15, Use Magic Device +13 Spell-like Abilities- (Caster Level 10, Concentration +14) Burning Gaze (DC15) /constant Fireball (DC17), Major Image 3/day Special Qualities- No breath Ecology- Environment- Space (Hot) Languages- Ignan Organization- Solitary, Wave (4-6 Magura, 1 Magura Guide) Treasure- None Special Abilities- Convection Flight (Ex)- In areas of intense heat, magura are particularly buoyant; they gain a fly speed of 40ft and a maneuverability of average. Flamestoke Aura (Su)- Mundane fires around a magura are empowered by a magura’s internal heat. The Reflex DC to avoid or put out a mundane fire within a flamestoke aura increases to 18, and the damage dealt increases to 2d6.  Heat Shimmer (Su)- A magura’s internal heat warps the air around it, causing a visual distortion. Magura have concealment (50% miss chance) against ranged attacks and a deflection bonus to AC equal to its intelligence modifier. Creatures with the fire subtype can see through this effect.
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pikahlua · 2 years
Hacking Katsuki Bakugou’s Last Remaining Brain Cell: I’ve only had this chapter for like three waking hours but if anyone even looks at my son the wrong way I will use my fucking toes to drag them out by their hair
I haven’t had my caffeine yet and it’s about to show, but thAT AIN’T STOPPING ME FROM READING KATSUKI’S MIND
Okay I have a lot of feelings and predictions formulating about this chapter and I wanna give most of them more time to stew (and more time to, like, get a good night’s sleep), but y’all are underestimating my genius perfect son and I will not stand for this slander
Here’s chapter 360, I’m not even gonna copy the translations over here for each page, I’m just gonna sometimes assume you have it memorized or can read Japanese for the purposes of this post look I warned you I am sleep-deprived as fuck already and you should know what my sleep-deprived posts can be like
First of all, let me just say, I was right...
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AFO was definitely trying to psych Katsuki out of his fucking mind. All his taunting this chapter was in the service of breaking Katsuki’s spirit;
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I was right, this is the fucking question of the goddamn day;
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and I’ve got you the answer to this question now.
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Everything in this opening scene is a callback to the final exam arc I’ll have you know. I woke up realizing that “uru-” Katsuki gets out is actually him probably trying to say “shut up!” just like he did when he was under All Might’s boot.
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As I was falling asleep last night, it occurred to me that this moment is just meant to be a visual representation of Katsuki experiencing a “hallucination of death” in the face of the Symbol of Fear. Nothing in this scene happens in reality.
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(I shall hereby refer to this scan as Page 3.)
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{And this all-important page is now named Page 4.)
I know it looks like Katsuki is having a heart attack on the spot, that he’s being humbled and crushed like a bug as Tomura rubs his face in all his worst fears, that his facial expression is one of abject horror and humiliation.
But you’re wrong.
It turns out these two pages in conjunction are MASSIVELY IMPORTANT HOOOOOOMGGGGHHHGHHHH
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That’s artistic shorthand for a realization.
What the fuck did he realize? Seems fucking important since that’s the last clear picture of his face we get before the final page of the chapter!
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And yeah, I see some of you have already identified that in the page before, Katsuki is exhibiting some DISTINCTLY Izuku-like behavior: mumbling battle analysis.
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But did you pay attention to the content of that analysis?
Sound familiar?
If you said Deku vs Kacchan (any part), you’re wrong.
(Here’s the part where I show you how fucking wild my sleep-deprived brain is.)
Page 3 and Page 4. These motherfucking pages.
Page 4 has one line--said by Tomura: “No matter how far you go, you’re OFA’s (read as: Izuku Midoriya’s) goldfish excrement.”
And while now I know that’s an idiom, at the time all I could think about was
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these fish fuckers.
And I looked up this panel in Japanese to see if he says anything about fish crap, but no, he says “That’s not bait/a lure” or whatever.
But the word he used, for no good reason, reminded me of...
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And that’s when I realized.
Page 3, AFO says, “You admired All Might [in the moment] just when he wins, right? Let’s see the reality, Katsuki Bakugou.”
Katsuki already has seen the reality.
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Katsuki’s spark of realization this chapter was in response to AFO’s remark about the reality of All Might’s moments of victory. That’s what gives him the realization that snaps him out of his hallucination of death.
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Katsuki’s doing the same thing All Might did. He’s learning from Izuku.
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That’s why he’s dropping into battle analysis mode.
Katsuki is in a debilitated state just like All Might was. He’s facing the same degradation AFO used against All Might then.
The final word of large text, “mada,” on chapter 360′s final page is the same as this one here
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except this page adds “shinen no da!!!!” which means “can’t die.”
“I can’t die yet.”
And we all know death = losing.
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Katsuki is focused on the reality of what victory looked like for All Might in Kamino, the same event that he harbors massive internalized guilt over. He’s working through his guilt. He’s accepting All Might won despite what Katsuki feels he made All Might turn into. He’s turning that moment into his power.
All Might used his broken right arm as a decoy to hit All For One with his left arm. Then he switched back to his right arm and “put his back into” the finishing blow.
Katsuki’s right arm is broken right now.
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It’s his turn.
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