#art wrap
spielzeugkaiser · 1 year
Happy New Year!! 🎊
What was your biggest surprise this year? #27!
okay, now I'm gonna finish - that was also asked by @wians
My biggest art surprise this year was how much fun I had with traditional art mediums! I invested in some good paper this year, and that really made ALL the difference for me! (Also that I sincerely enjoyed oil pastels - surprise of the year!)
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also anon asked for #20. Is there anyone you'd love to collaborate with next year?
I want to finish/do all the things I wanted to do in 2022 🙈
And I got a lovely message with #30 from @soft-shroom
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meg-noel-art · 1 year
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This was a twitter thing for the end of 2022- but I wanted to toss it up here too!
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starrspice · 1 year
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Everyone else is doing a new year art wrap up and I wanted to join in!!!!
I draw and doodle a lot of silly stuff so finding some more solid pieces i made was kinda tough
Even if I'm not really consistent with my art i always have fun doing it and enjoy how it comes out!!! I'm super excited to see what the next year brings
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scaredii-cat · 1 year
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That's a wrap folks!
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snowysakusa · 1 year
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eheh 'm doing an art wrap for the first time i'm so happy!! its not much but i ended up realizing i've done way more stuff than i thought! it's such a good feeling, seeing how productive i've been compared to my past self, i'm truly happy with this!
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martiwikiwi · 1 year
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My own artist wrapped thing. Template by sabattons on Twitter.
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darklighthedgehog · 1 year
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Everyone else seems to be doing a New Year art wrap up so I thought I'd join in!
This has been such a fun year and it was thanks to all of you! Thanks for such a fantastic year!
If anyone's confused on the first 4 months, I didn't come back to Tumblr until May, so the first 4 months are drawings I made off Tumblr.
Happy New Year Everyone!
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thewolfwarriors · 1 year
HTTYD Art Wrap 2022!
tl;dr: I found my passion for drawing again and have been doing a lot of self healing by not only working on my old fan fictions but also posting them. I've fulfilled childhood dreams by doing art I wish I had done 15 years ago when I first started reading HTTYD. Life's too short, dudes, make that wolf fan fiction come true! Here's the art I did in 2022!
YOU GUYS HAVE BEEN SO AWESOME! Ive been in happy tears at least 3 times because y'all are so cool and nice to me. Not just nice but like, playful and funny and cool! I'm so grateful for the attention y'all have been giving my work!
In June, I found my full passion for drawing again! It started off with many small doodles that I've yet to post, because I haven't scanned and colored them in! I have a giant stack of paper of just HTTYD stuff! Fan fiction, head canons, comic strips, tons of stuff!
From the bottom of my heart, thank you everyone who has been liking, reblogging and interacting with me! You've all really helped me gain confidence I didn't realize I needed when it came to posting my work! I'm having so much fun here on tumblr!
My biggest happiness has been bringing these two back together. Snotface Snotlout and Mewgull! Literally one of the first plot devices I made when I first read the books in '07 *joints crack in glee*
I got to draw them as youngin's and adults! This was a huge step for me! Just seeing them like this ALKJFLAJKWER I don't know how to describe the happiness and satisfaction I feel to actually work on their story and to actually VISUALLY SEE THEM!
(Mewgull and Snotlout becoming friends / Snotlout and Mewgull Post War [How/Why He's Alive] )
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I got to draw them as youngin's and adults! This was a huge step for me! Just seeing them like this ALKJFLAJKWER I don't know how to describe the happiness and satisfaction I feel to actually work on their story and to actually VISUALLY SEE THEM! I'm certain I had art of them back in the day but I lost nearly everything in 2012! (I was also too shy to post a lot of my fan fic work...as I am today)
Honestly, Gumboil was a huge help in finding my sea legs. He's a simple design and easily adaptable to my style!
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I even got an animation out of him!
It didn't start out with Gumboil though! I naturally wanted to start drawing my wolf characters first! It's what I knew how to draw and something was bothering me....MADGUTS WAS A WOLF WARRIOR AND I NEVER DREW HIM YET I HAD HIS DESIGN IN MY HEAD FOR A DECADE! There maybe a 2.0 but this def rocks my socks for now.
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This is probably one of my favorite pictures I did. I love how it turned out! Sure the story behind the picture is kind of sad [Hint: takes place around Book 10] but it was my first real (in my heart) success at combining traditional and digital mediums! It's when I decided to give everything a "storybook" feel to it.
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Anyway, I have tons of sketches and other things I could add to this post but I thought I'd keep it short n sweet, so I stuck to what I only posted on Tumblr! I've only been here since December so it ain't much.
Thanks for all y'alls support <3
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anchefanamon-art · 1 year
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Forgot to post it here. Onward to 2023!
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pomellon · 1 year
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Dragons and cats, cats and dragons, what a surprise XD
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sevrinve · 2 months
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cainternn · 6 months
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spotify wrapped goes crazy
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zoe-oneesama · 7 months
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Some "Special" Girls! And the late girls.
Ko-fi | Patreon
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comradekatara · 5 days
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weirdgirls schemin
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dulciechi · 6 months
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they’re crusadating 😌
im sorry i had to say it
anyway i love to imagine them together fighting heretics out in the wild. styling on everyone else— just absolutely dominating out there. they’re having so much fun that they’re practically dancing while fighting. and if someone still has any hope of defeating them, they pull this shit and regain health for no other reason than spite.
basically if nari still gave hearts like paean but he stays in his own form 😚 catch me making excuses just to have them be an unbearably affectionate power couple
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bigfatbreak · 25 days
Can Luka do anything magical? Since you said he’s a kind of lindworm boy my mind went to “turns into a snake” or just is kinda snake-like, but since you put him in the “fae” category is he more similar to Adrien and Zoe (in the sense that he takes names or exerts influence on people)?
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yea he's got smoke. technically he's sort of "cursed" to have snake-like attributes until he's married, and if Juleka gets married before him he'll straight up turn into a wyrm, but its fine. they both know about the terms of his curse, so Juleka bullies him all the time about getting a girlfriend lmao
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