#anti brennan jones
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in addition to fanfiction and fanart and the occasional gifset, I also provide this fandom with bad memes
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ouatsnark · 1 month
I've seen people compare Hook killing his father, Brennan, to the EQ killing her own dad, Henry 1.
Which, yeah, technically it is the same thing on surface level but I feel like people ignore the circumstances.
EQ apologists will claim that EQ murdering Henry was his own fault because he allowed her to be abused her entire life (which... While I would argue Cora is abusive, I don't really agree with because the man himself never abused Regina and even tried to advocate for her from what I remember) and because he owed it to her so she could be happy.
They then say she made up for it by naming her kid after him (which awww sweet, naming your kid after someone you MURDERED. Isn't that such a nice way to make up for what you did?).
They say his afterlife was too good for him/was given by Regina and he should be thankful he didn't get worse when he was a 'shitty' dad.
But they then turn around and go:
Oh Hook is a MONSTER because he murdered his own FATHER.
They point to the flashbacks in a swan song, ignoring the part where he abandoned them. Saying him lighting the lantern means that he was a good dad and him abandoning them couldn't be helped.
They say his actions didn't parentify Liam 1. They say he was sorry because he named his 3rd son after his first and that should have been enough.
That Hook was an asshole who orphaned his half brother out of jealousy and showed no remorse, ignoring the fact they eventually made up.
I just... don't see how?
The number one thing with Regina apologists is that they HAVE to make Regina into the biggest victim so that they can justify their love and defense of her indefensible crimes. In short, Regina Apologists are the biggest double standard hypocritical losers I’ve ever seen.
They have to insert their head canons about Regina’s childhood, demonize Henry Sr and then lie about Killian’s father, Brennan’s and Killian’s motives, ignore canon instances of Killian’s remorse just to lift up their tyrant queen.
They then come up with these ridiculous reasons to absolve Regina and Brennan of their crimes while ignoring the fact that if we use their logic, Killian should also be absolved of his (if they’d accept canon fact of Killian’s remorse). No, naming a child after your victim doesn’t absolve you of crimes. What good does that do anyone but Regina or Brennan? It doesn’t. The naming was solely for their own benefit.
How is replacing your first born making up for abandoning your children into slavery? Oh and if they say Brennan didn’t have any choice then why does he need to make up for anything? Can’t have it both ways peeps! No, Brennan naming his third son Liam doesn’t mean he is sorry it just means he’s giving himself a second chance and assuaging his own guilt just as Regina did with Henry Jr.
How about the truth: Villain Regina and villain Killian were both monsters for killing their respective fathers? Why can’t we leave it at that? But sure if they want to play the game of which one is worse, well, I have bad news for them. Regina was.
1. Regina murdered an innocent man. Killian killed his scumbag fugitive father.
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Henry Sr was a loving doting father that stood behind Regina no matter what she did. No, Henry Sr did not “allow” Regina to be abused her entire life
Anon is absolutely right when they say Henry Sr did try to advocate for Regina and did his best to stand up to Cora (1x18). Besides. What did they want him to do? She was a powerful dark magic user that could kill him with a snap of her fingers.
I find it interesting that Regina Apologists use the excuse that Regina fixated her revenge on Snow and not Cora because she was afraid of her powerful mother. Like ya wanna think about this for a second, RAs? If you claim that Regina was so afraid of her mother her entire life (even tho she snooped in her desk with no fear etc etc) then do you all think maybe her dad might have been too? What could Henry Sr have done against a powerful wife? He had no powers himself. So if he was scared of Cora, he put Regina before his own fears and stayed for Regina’s sake. He never abandoned her to face Cora alone because no matter what happened at least he could be there for his daughter? Just a food for thought there.
Bottom line was, Henry Sr never abused Regina but he was always there for her, no matter what atrocity she committed, even while she was killing him. So no, adult Regina being abused by her mother over who she marries does not justify murdering the father who loved and supported her and it sure as hell doesn’t justify murdering him so she can get a happy ending and curse an entire kingdom to a life of misery.
It’s like Regina Apologists can’t think past her heaving cleavage.
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Brennan did abandon his kids to slavery and to suggest otherwise is a lie. No, him naming his 3rd son Liam doesn’t make up for his abuse
He may have left a lantern on but that means jack crap the moment he abandoned his children to save his own skin. He had a choice. His choice was to die protecting them or at the least ensuring their own escape at his expense. But he chose to save himself and left his sons to face an unimaginable fate without him. Escaping your crimes and leaving your children to face your consequences is most certainly child abuse, neglect and abandonment.
And just so we are clear: Killian’s feeling of betrayal doesn’t justify leaving his half-brother an orphan. But which crime is more understandable? I can sympathize a lot more with the pain Killian felt in the face of his father’s betrayal than I can with Regina murdering a man so she can destroy the lives of an entire kingdom.
2. Regina committed her crime to destroy the lives of an entire kingdom. Killian’s crime effected three people.
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Regina committed cold-blooded premeditated murder of an innocent man for the sole purpose of ruining the lives of an entire kingdom. Her goal was to punish Snow for a crime she didn't even commit! The only person that Regina was taking into consideration here was herself.
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Killian wasn’t even going to go through with Regina’s test of killing Brennan, a crook and a child abuser, until he learned his half-brother’s name. It became a heat of the moment crime. A crime that only effected three people: himself, his scumbag father and his half-brother.
"You named your boy Liam. After my brother, after the son… you abandoned. Was he really that easy to replace? I saw what you said to him in there! It's the same thing you said to me! It was a lie then, and it's a lie now! … you would leave me." - past Hook 5x11
And despite what Regina Apologists say, Killian didn’t kill Brennan out of jealousy. To frame this as simple as jealousy diminishes the gravity of the situation here and Killian's pain. Put yourself in Killian's shoes for a moment.
You can think Brennan is telling the truth in this scene but I don't blame Killian for not believing him. The man callously left his sons to be enslaved, an act that eventually led to his beloved brother’s death, and here he finds out that his father has simply replaced his brother with a new son. When faced with this, Killian's walls go back up.
Brennan naming his son Liam was not an apology. It was to assuage his own guilt and give himself a second chance. Brennan claims he was honoring Liam 1, and maybe he thought he was, but it doesn't mean that Liam 2 wasn't a replacement for the sons he abandoned.
Lastly, it's a lie to say Killian never showed remorse.
The fact that he made Regina swear never to speak of this shows how immensely guilty and wrecked Killian was over this.
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He was also willing to die for Liam 2. Even in the past, he wanted to help his brother turn from the path he was on and not make the same bad choices he'd made. If Henry hadn't returned, Killian was ready to let Liam have his vengeance.
So I have some questions for the Regina Apologists:
If Henry Sr is a shitty father and doesn’t deserve an afterlife for not being able to protect his adult child from his powerful wife, then what does Regina deserve for emotionally abusing the son she illegally adopted and putting her curse and her happiness before his welfare? And yes, she abused Henry. Yes, she is to blame for how she treated him. This isn’t up for debate.
How is naming a child after your victim showing remorse and making up for the act? but Killian Jones can’t be forgiven when he actually expresses remorse and was willing to die for his half-brother and made peace with Liam (as Anonymous pointed out in the ask)?
if being a coward that didn’t stand up to someone more powerful means you don’t deserve happiness in the afterlife then what should murdering, raping and abusing children get you? Yeah, Regina did that.
So please answer the question Regina Apologists!
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Killian: Who's- Who's this Gideon French?
Emma: Must be some boy at school.
Zelena: Well, he's not just "some boy." I think he's "the boy."
Killian: What? What? What? What's that supposed to mean?
Zelena: Hope told me about him. He has long brown hair and he's really funny and he's not stuck-up at all.
Alice: Call the police.
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hannahhook7744 · 2 years
The Jones Siblings edits part 2;
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The Original Six Jones Siblings and their deaths:
Valentine died in a fire in his elder years with his family.
Mercutio died in a duel.
Cynthia died of old age with her husband.
Gwaine died after Morgana tortured him excessively.
Killian got stabbed in the neck (and later revived).
Liam | was poisoned by dreamshade.
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Gwaine and Brennan (my headcanon for his dad) lyric edit.
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The Jones siblings, their jobs, and the order they were born:
Valentine Jones aka the responsible twin. He's the oldest and a blacksmith.
Mercuito Jones aka the party animal twin. He's the 2nd oldest and died before he could get a job other than the reluctant family babysitter.
Cythina Jones aka the prince who never smiled. She's the 3rd oldest Jones child, the only Jones sister, and a responsible witch who fights with Gwaine often.
Gwaine Jones aka Sir Gwaine, The Green Knight, and Strength. He's the middle child, the 4th child, and a knight of Camelot.
Liam Jones | aka Captain Jones of the Jewel of the Relam. He's the 5th oldest/3rd youngest, a former naval captain, and later on became the bar tender of the underworld.
Killian Jones aka Captain Hook. He was the 2nd youngest, a former naval lieutenant, and a pirate captain of the Jolly Roger turned hero/anti-hero.
Liam Jones || aka First Mate Jones and Lj. He's the youngest child and first mate of the Nautilus.
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The Jones siblings as kids and teenagers:
Mercuito and his twin, Valentine, from Romeo and Juliet.
A 'Princess who never smiled' fairytale oc who I named Cynthia.
Sir Gwaine from Merlin BBC.
Captain Liam Jones | from ouat (Once Upon a time).
Killian Jones aka Captain Hook from ouat (Once Upon a time).
Liam Jones the 2nd from ouat (Once Upon a time).
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Jones Family edit:
Alice Jones | (Killian's mother).
Brennan Jones (Killian's father).
Valentine, Mercutio, Cynthia, Gwaine, and Liam Jones | (Killian's siblings).
Young Killian Jones/Captain Hook.
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I posted 267 times in 2022
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#captainswan - 5 posts
#i guess i'm writing a cookbook - 4 posts
#reylo fanfic - 3 posts
#captain swan fic - 3 posts
Longest Tag: 136 characters
#i once wrote a fic where the magic system used calories to explain why regina could eat lasagne all the time and look like lana parrilla
My Top Posts in 2022:
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“Hello, Son.” There seemed to be a genuine smile on the Elder Jones’ face as he greeted his son. This was a surprise, considering that the last time Killian had seen him he had been gutful of Killian’s knife and bleeding out on a midnight dock. But the approximation of morning was not done surprising him as another voice from the past sounded from behind his father.
“Hello, little brother,” Liam Jones smirked.
“Younger,” Killian half-whispered as he looked out at the echoes of his past.
Emma smiled awkwardly, smoothing her tank top into her jeans, Killian’s ring bouncing between her breasts as she grabbed out cereal, milk, eggs and grapefruit. She squeaked, “Hi!” 
Milah just waved before pulling the laces on what was clearly one of Killian’s pirate shirts a little tighter. And fetching coffee cups from the cupboard.
Two men with markedly similar faces bore markedly different expressions. Brennan smirked, doffing his cup to his son, Liam’s face was a picture of revulsion.
Killian, as always fell back on bravado, “May I introduce Emma Swan, Sheriff of Storybrooke, and Princess of Misthaven and Milah, Guardian of the children of the Underworld and ex-wife of the Dark One. Emma, Milah, meet the Jones Boys, my Brother Liam and my Father Brennan.”
Milah laughed, “He always has been dramatic. Emma, love. Tell me there’s more coffee.”
Emma puffed out a soft laugh, “I’ll start another pot”.
Emma handed out coffee and Brennan took Killian out to the porch. 
Liam stared at the women in front of him, his disgust poorly concealed. “So, which of you is responsible for the man he became?”
Emma looked at Milah, Milah looked at Emma. They both looked at Liam. 
“You,” Emma stated flatly.
“You,” Milah agreed with a nod.
“How exactly did I make him a morally loose pirate?” Liam sneered.
Milah started, “You left him, you died.”
Emma shook her head, “He’s so much more than just the pirate, and that's thanks to you too. He’s honourable, often braver than he should be, proud, arrogant, funny, brilliant, selfless, and a morally loose pirate. You died Liam, you left him because, and no this isn’t fair, but you valued your obedience to your king over him, after that he vowed to bend no knee to royalty.”
Milah barked out a short laugh, “Well, until you.”
Emma admonished her but the dimples on her face gave away her amusement.
Liam spoke hopefully to Emma, ignoring Milah, “So is he lost in the embrace of the Dark Ones cast off or has he turned his back on piracy and sworn the Jewel to Misthaven?”
Emma closed her eyes for a moment before taking a breath, “That isn’t what she meant, Liam.” 
Liam’s face flushed darkly before Emma continued. 
“We’re sworn to each other, he’s my true love, I‘m here to give him half my heart and bring him home. Milah was his love centuries before, when she was murdered it completed his descent, he was so lost for so long." Emma gripped Milah’s hand for a moment. “His journey has been… you couldn’t possibly comprehend what he has been through, he sacrificed himself to save everyone.”
“So what is this then?” Liam’s pout was now more sullen than judgemental.
Milah smiled her pirate smile, “I’d say that’s none of your fucking business, Captain Jones. Captain Jones the younger survived you by three-hundred-years and who and what he chooses to do is really none of your concern.”
Emma fist-bumped Milah before they rounded on the gobsmacked elder brother of their love. Emma stared deep into those oh-so-familiar blue eyes, “Now why don’t you cut the crap and tell us what you want.”
Killian sat on one side of the small table on the porch. Putting down the coffee cup, he gestured to the other wickerwork chair, “Take a seat, fill me in.”
See the full post
27 notes - Posted July 13, 2022
I commissioned this from the incredible @alineartiis as a companion to my piece flying Solo, my first (slightly offbeat) Reylo fic.
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32 notes - Posted April 30, 2022
Lost Girl :  Found
Chapter 1 of my Neverland New Year 2022 offering.
Firstly a massive shout out to CSColifer who is my writing buddy, editor and muse, who made a whopping 500 edits on this 10k fic, they are my saviour.
Chapter 1 is song 1 Lost Girls by Lindsay Stirling, and I recommend that if you are going to enjoy a beverage with this fic you consider a mug of jasmine tea with a shot of Patrón Silver.
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32 notes - Posted January 10, 2022
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The first chapter of my entry to the Captain Swan Supernatural Summer 2022.
Beta'd beautifully by @jonesfandomfanatic
There will be actually good art later.
Chapter One 
“So, you’ve been with my former lover and my son, is that right?” Milah pursed her lips.
Emma hadn’t been prepared for this, “Huh” was all she could say.
Rumplestilstkin smirked, “I’m sure we’re gonna laugh ourselves sick about this one day."
Milah filed behind Rumple and to Emma in a low voice conspired, “But not until he’s buggered off and we can get a drink.”
Emma smiled, this was an odd place, and that was Neal’s grin. The one she'd fallen for, the one full of mischief and promise. And there was the woman of fire Killian had spoken of. The one so strong that he still wanted to save. She saw herself there and smiled at the thought that she and Killian had fallen in love with the same grin.
They walked through the town, Rumple studiously ignored the soft talk between the two women.
Milah asked, "Did Bae still love to draw, when you were together I mean?"
Emma gave her a tight-lipped smile, "We were on the run, his art form was lock picks."
Milah smiled a vagabond smile, "There's a romance to that, what was he like, as a teenager?"
Emma shrugged, "I wouldn't know, he was in his mid-twenties, well, he looked mid-twenties, apparently he was closer to 300 by then, fucking Neverland."
Milah looked confused, "Rumple said… oh... oh gods no," she put her hand on Emma's shoulder, halting them in place. "Why did you have your baby in prison Emma?"
Emma looked at Milah with tired eyes, "It's a long story," she glanced at Rumple. "Let's just say, in some things he took after his father, but Milah, when he was brave, when he was a hero, he wore your smile."
"You've a kind heart, I can tell you’re trying to hide the hurt of it," Milah swallowed and glared at Rumple who was staring at his watch.
Rumple glared back, "I don't care if Hades puts in an extra few licks on your Pirate ladies, but I assume you do."
Emma looked up in confusion "The way in is here? So, what, the gates of hell are in my house?"
Rumple smirked, "As was the stone of Excalibur. The Pirate has a knack for targeting real estate with hidden value."
Milah whispered to Emma with a waggle of her brows that made Emma’s heart ache. "He's a marvel with finding treasure.”  
Emma sighed, her eyes caressing the dusting toys and empty crib, “Basement door?”
Rumple nodded, “Basement door”
Emma walked up to the door and unlocked it. Trying to push through the seal on the door flashed and repelled her, “It's a barrier, all right. So what is she going to do?” 
Rumple sneered at Emma, even now he couldn’t keep his disdain from his face, “Joining hands will be fine.” He reached out both his hands and, however unwillingly, the women took them.
Walking forward together they passed through the barrier as if it had never existed, Emma and Milah dropped Rumple’s hands and again strangely in synch, wiped their hands on the back of their trousers.
Emma spoke softly, the relief evident, “It worked.” 
Rumple’s cold tone held more chill even than usual, “Indeed. One step closer to Hell. The spell's gone. We'll be able to pass through on our own now. Thank you, Milah. You can run back to protecting the dead children.”
Emma held up a hand to Rumple “Hang on.” Emma met Milah’s eyes intensely, “Milah... thank you so much. And... there's something you should know. Your son, Neal, Baelfire... when I was on my way down here on the River, I had sort of a vision of him. I think he talked to me.”
See the full post
39 notes - Posted July 5, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
@everything-person asked if they'd re-use Killian’s headstone, I wondered if the Enchanted forest had its own calendar, it was late and I was sleepy
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61 notes - Posted March 17, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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exhaustedpirate · 3 years
Brennan Jones was not in the Underworld. Can we take a second to appreciate how bad of a parent he was ?
Henry Mills Sr. was in the Underworld - his unfinished business was his daughter and he only left when he realised that she was ok, that she was happy, to tell her that he forgave her - Henry Mills Sr.’s unfinished business was the fact that his daughter was alone in the world.
Neal Cassidy moved on - not because he didn’t care for Henry and was totally fine with leaving him behind but because he knew that Henry had so much family, family that would keep him safe and loved.
But Brennan fucking Jones was literally killed by his son leaving another son alone in the world and just moved on!
Now, we can only hope that he moved on to the bad place and is, at this moment, burning in hell but while we don’t know we’ll just chant about how terrible a father he is.
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sprnklersplashes · 7 years
Sometimes I'm fine and then I'm like, Brennan Jones literally TRADED his two children (the younger one being around 8/9 and the older being 13/14) for a boat to save his gross ass. He sold two little babies into actual slavery, leaving the preteen with the task of raising his little brother (and yet he still managed to do a better job than Brennan ever did). And if that wasn't enough, he didn't even realise what he did was wrong until a random woman talked to him and "made him see the error of his ways". He needed to fall in love with a woman to learn that selling children to sketchy men (who will roughly shove them and show them no sympathy, practically gloating at how they have been reduced to property) is bad. And then went on to name his third child after the one whose life he ruined and whose teenage years he stole. And then gave said third child the EXACT SAME bedtime story he gave his other son after promising to stay with him (if I remember correctly, it was pretty much word for word). I highly suspect if Brennan was in danger or in need of money or something, he'd have sold Liam 2 off to a similar (or worse) fate than Liam 1 and Killian faced. Not saying he deserved to die (and certainly not saying Liam deserved to be orphaned) but he was an awful person.
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oblivionsdream · 2 years
Do you have any book recommendations?
Oh I’ve always got rec’s 😆
I apologize for the length. I originally tried to keep it brief but then gave up. I have too many books I would love of gush about. 😂
-I Hunt Killers by Barry Lyga: YA, thriller, son of a serial killer has to clear his name after similar murders to his father starts popping up. It’s dark but has a lot of snark and some rather lovable characters
-The Song of Achilles by Madeline Miller: adult, LGBTQ+, a retelling of the Iliad that tells the story of Patroclus and Achilles
-Circe by Madeline Miller: adult, a retelling of the story of the witch Circe from Greek Mythology.
-Not Even Bones by Rebecca Schaeffer: a dark twisted supernatural YA, this is definitely for people who like screwed up characters that are definitely not the good guys. Maybe check out the trigger warnings before reading though
-Vicious by V.E Schwab: adult, it’s a roommates to enemies story where things go horribly wrong for two college roommates who do an experiment to gain super powers. One of them ends up in prison for ten years and once he gets out he’s determined to get revenge on the other. Also another book with screwed up dark characters.
-Sorcery of Thorns by Margaret Rogerson: YA, fantasy, magic library, magic books, amazing characters and had the best demon servant ever. I really can’t hype this book enough
-Jellicoe Road by Melina Marchetta: YA, I can’t even begin to describe how this book made me feel. It follows two generations as it goes between past and present as Taylor deals with her past and the mystery of her mother who abandoned her on the Jellicoe Road
-In Other Lands by Sarah Rees Brennan- YA, LGBTG+, fantasy, SO good and SO funny, kind of makes fun of a lot of fantasy tropes and the MC is such a snarky boy. Honestly just amazing
-Priory of the Orange Tree by Samantha Shannon: adult, fantasy, LGBTQ+, epic fantasy with kick ass women and DRAGONS
-Ninth House by Leigh Bardugo: New Adult, Dark Academia with ghosts and some magic. Second book is coming out at the beginning of next year and I cannot wait!
-If We We’re Villians by M.L Rio: Adult, Dark Academia, Theatre students with a bit of murder, very good especially if you’re a fan of Shakespeare
-The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo by Taylor Reid Jenkins: adult, LGBTQ+, about the life of a golden age movie star
-Daisy Jones and the Six by Taylor Reid Jenkins: adult, about a 70’s rock band
-Malibu Rising by Taylor Reid Jenkins: adult, about the kids of a rock star who are all surfers. Honestly my favorite by this author. As an older sister who helped raise her younger siblings it hit very close to home
-Cemetery Boys by Aiden Thomas: YA, LGBTQ+, MC accidentally summons a ghost and they try to figure out the mystery of how he died and also what happened to the MC’s cousin.
-Charm Offensive by Alison Cochrun: adult, rom com, LGBTQ+, involves a reality dating show but the main bachelor ends up falling for one of the guys working on the show. Super cute and wholesome
-One to Watch by Kate Stayman-London: adult, romance, another reality dating show but the MC is a plus sized woman. Super good book but warning for some fat phobia
-Tarot Sequence by K.D Edwards- adult, LGBTQ+, urban fantasy, great found family, lots of action and snark, MC is the last surviving member of the Sun Court and in the first book he gets hired to find the missing son of Lady Judgement (make sure to check the trigger warnings before reading)
-Literally anything by TJ. Klune but here are my favs
The Green Creek series: adult, LGBTQ+, werewolves, great found family,
How to be a Normal Person: adult, LGBTQ+, MC runs a movie rental store and falls for the new asexual hipster barista. Homestly just super cute and funny
House in the Cerulean Sea: all ages appropriate, fantasy, LGBTQ+, MC is a essentially a social worker for magic kids and he gets sent to evaluate an orphanage that houses the anti christ and falls for the childrens care giver. This may be the cutest book I have ever had the privilege of reading
-Iron Widow by Xiran Jay Zhao: YA, Sci Fi, LGBTQ+, blood thirsty bad ass woman MC who is out to get revenge on her sisters killer and also fights aliens in a giant mechs suit
-Winters Orbit by Everina Maxwell: adult, Sci Fi, LGBTQ+, arranged marriage trope where the two MC’s are also trying to solve a murder to stop an interplanetary war
-Sadie by Courtney Summers: YA, thriller, a pod cast follows the story of Sadie, a missing girl who is out for revenge for the death of her sister. I could not put this one down
-To Be or Not to Be by Ryan North: this one is just a fun choose your own adventure Hamlet retelling. It’s so chaotic
-Legendborn by Tracy Deonn: YA, fantasy, it’s like the story of Arthur but reinvented and was just a fun time.
-Anthropocene Reviewed by John Green: I’m not usually a non fiction kind of person but this was lovely, very introspective and filled with life
-We Are the Ants by Shaun David Hutchinson: YA, LGBTQ+, MC has been abducted by aliens but no body believes him. The aliens give him a choice- if he presses this button humanity will be saved. If he doesn’t everyone will die. The MC has decide whether humanity is truly worth saving after all.
-Our Bloody Pearl by D.N Bryn: adult, fantasy, LGBTQ+, a blood thirsty siren gets captured by pirates and held prisoner for a year until they are essentially rescued when a different set of pirates attack and take over the ship. They slowly begin to trust and befriend the new pirate captain
-Check, Please! by Ngozi Ukazu: sports, LGBTQ+, graphic novel, hockey, baking and a great team of friends, super cute and funny
-Fence by C.S Pacat and Sarah Rees Brennan: sports, LGBTQ+, it’s both a mixture of graphic novels and regular novels, involves fencing and a cast of lovable characters, also very funny
-Fried Green Tomatoes at the Whistle Stop Cafe by Fannie Flagg: adult, LGBTQ+, this one is an older book but I love it, it’s the story of a small town in the South and the people who live there. The movie is also splendid and one of my favorites of all time.
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queen-mabs-revenge · 3 years
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January 19, 2021
Dear Speaker Pelosi, Majority Leader McConnell, Minority Leader McCarthy, and Minority Leader Schumer:
We write to you today in the aftermath of one of the darkest days for American democracy. While we are all concerned about the security of the Capitol and armed attempts to interrupt our legislative business, we wish to state our strong opposition to the expansion of the domestic national security and surveillance powers of the United States government, as has often been the country’s reaction to horrific acts of violence like the January 6th attack on the U.S. Capitol. The Trump mob’s success in breaching the Capitol was not due to a lack of resources at the disposal of federal law enforcement, and in this moment we must resist the erosion of our civil liberties and Constitutional freedoms, however well-intentioned proposed security reforms may be.
While we are not necessarily opposed to reforms to address the law enforcement and intelligence communities’ inability or unwillingness to seriously confront domestic white nationalist violence, we firmly believe that the national security and surveillance powers of the U.S. government are already too broad, undefined, and unaccountable to the people. To further degrade those rights and liberties in reaction to this attack would undermine our democracy at a time when we must join together to defend it with all our collective might.
While many may find comfort in increased national security powers in the wake of this attack, we must emphasize that we have been here before and we have seen where that road leads. Our history is littered with examples of initiatives sold as being necessary to fight extremism that quickly devolve into tools used for the mass violation of the human and civil rights of the American people such as:
The House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC) -- As we all know, the HUAC -- born as a reaction to the rise of pro-Nazi, fascist elements in the U.S. in the lead up to the Second World War -- quickly turned a blind eye to domestic fascist activity and used its powers to target a wide variety of Civil Rights and leftist leaders (1), such as the Honorable Coleman A Young (2) and Langston Hughes (3).
The Federal Bureau of Investigation’s (FBI) Counterintelligence Program (COINTELPRO) -- In the 1950s and 1960s, the FBI’s COINTELPRO domestic surveillance program, sold as a non-partisan program to target extremism on both ends of the political spectrum, failed to take serious action against the Ku Klux Klan (KKK) while targeting a wide array of Black, Indigenous, environmentalist, anti-war, leftist and peaceful protest groups with illegal wiretaps, warrantless searches, and other illegal, repressive activities (4). As the Department of Justice’s Nadine Frederique described in 2016, “The Bureau conducted a sophisticated vigilante operation aimed squarely at preventing the exercise of the First Amendment rights of speech and association on the theory that preventing the growth of dangerous groups and the propagation of dangerous ideas would protect the national security and deter violence.” (5) The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) adds that “The FBI used the information it gleaned from these improper investigations not for law enforcement purposes, but to “break up marriages, disrupt meetings, ostracize persons from their professions, and provoke target groups into rivalries that might result in deaths.”” (6) It was under this program that the FBI and CIA aided domestic right-wing paramilitary terrorist organizations such as the Minutemen and the Secret Army Organization (SAO). (7)
The USA Patriot Act -- In the aftermath of the 9/11 terror attacks, Congress hastily passed this disastrous legislative attack on Americans’ civil liberties in the name of national security that significantly undermined many of the reforms that stemmed from the Select Committee to Study Government Operations with Respect to Intelligence Activities’ (Church Committee) investigation into -- amongst other scandals -- COINTELPRO. For two decades Congress has tried in vain to reign in (or at least conduct oversight of) the Pandora’s Box of surveillance and domestic intelligence programs contained within this Act with little success. (8)
The FBI’s Assessment Authority and Operation IRON FIST -- Following the birth of the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement in 2014 in response to the murder of Michael Brown in Ferguson, MO, the FBI has consistently utilized its “assessment” authority to target BLM activists for surveillance and harassment. By 2017, the FBI had invented a domestic terrorism category called “Black Identity Extremism movement.” Their justification? “An FBI intelligence report cited six unrelated incidents over a three year period in which Black subjects not associated with one another attacked police officers, to allege that a terrorist movement driven by ‘perceptions of police brutality against African Americans’ existed. (9) Put simply, this category is a bald-faced lie designed to terrorize Black Americans and their allies standing up to the very real terror of police brutality against the African American community. This lie was then used as a justification to conduct a nationwide assessment of an intelligence collection effort targeting BLM activists codenamed “Iron Fist.” The FBI prioritized this racist, pointless exercise over investigations into the very white supremacists and far-right extremists that attacked our nation’s Capitol on January 6th. (10)
These are just four examples from our recent history of expanded national security and surveillance powers being turned on law-abiding Americans. While it is clear that this attack represents one of the biggest intelligence failures in recent history, this does not mean that our government needs more national security and/or surveillance powers. To expand the government’s national security powers once again at the expense of the human and civil rights of the American people would only serve to further undermine our democracy, not protect it.
These white nationalist attackers and their forebears have benefited form increased state surveillance power at nearly every turn in our history. While not necessarily intentional, increasing the reach and power of our national security apparatus now would only serve to further the oppression of Black, brown, Indigenous, people of color, and leftist groups.
Instead we urge you to take action to achieve the following goals:
Fully investigate the violent January 6, 2021 attack in a non-partisan, transparent manner.
Commit today to release all findings from any investigations into the attack to the public.
Recognize white nationalist and QAnon groups as the national security threat that they are and take action to combat them through existing laws, powers, and regulations, which are more than sufficient to meet this threat
Recognize that the reason that the threat posed by these groups hasn’t already been adequately addressed is because of a deeply ingrained unwillingness and/or hesitancy to act against these groups within all three branches of government -- and especially in the law enforcement community, including the Department of Justice, FBI, Department of Homeland Security, and the intelligence agencies -- and is not the result of insufficient domestic national security and/or surveillance powers.
Congress must have the courage to do what is right, not what is easy and popular. In the face of great tragedy, we must call on you to reject reactionary demands to further erode the rights and liberties of the American people. For our part, we pledge to oppose any attempts to expand the domestic national security or surveillance powers of the United States government at the expense of the rights of our people with every tool available to us as duly elected Members of Congress. We sincerely hope you will join us in this effort.
Rashida Tlaib, Member of Congress
Jamaal Bowman, Ed. D., Member of Congress 
Pramila Jayapal, Member of Congress 
Mondaire Jones, Member of Congress 
Ro Khanna, Member of Congress 
Barbara Lee, Member of Congress 
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Member of Congress 
Ilhan Omar, Member of Congress 
Ayanna Pressley, Member of Congress 
(1) Brian L. Zirkle and Pam Dixon, House Un-American Activities Committee, in Surveillance in America: An Encyclopedia of History, Politics and the Law, 2016, p. 215-219
(2) Detroit Historical Society, Encyclopedia of Detroit: Young, Coleman, A., Detroit Historical Society (accessed January 11, 2021), https://detroithistorical.org/learn/encyclopedia-of-detroit/young-coleman.
(3) Executive Sessions of the Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigation of the Committee on Government Operations, Volume 2, Volume 107, Issue 84 of S. prt. Beth Bolling, ISBN 9780160513626, Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations, Publisher: U.S. GPO. Original from the University of Michigan p.988.
(4) Nadine Frederique, COINTELPRO, Brittanica (July 21, 2016), https://www.brittanica.com/topic/COINTELPRO.
(5) Id.
(6) American Civil Liberties Union, More About FBI Spying, ACLU, https://www.aclu.org/other/more-about-fbi-spying.
(7) FBI Funds Right Wing Violence, Ann Arbor Sun (September 3, 1975), https://aadl.org/node/200028
(8) American Civil Liberties Union, Surveillance Under the USA/Patriot Act, ACLU (accessed January 11, 2021), https://www.aclu.org/other/surveillance-under-usapatriot-act
(9) Michael Germain, The FBI Targets a New Generation of Black Activists, Brennan Center for Justice (June 26, 2020), https://www.brennancenter.org/our-work/analysis-opinion/fbi-targets-new-generation-black-activists.
(10) Id.
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mainstream human rights campaigners and at least one ex-senator—Haines’ elevation is worrisome or unacceptable. She approved an “accountability board” that spared CIA personnel reprisal for spying on the Senate’s torture investigators, and was part of the team that redacted their landmark report. After the administration ended, Haines supported Gina Haspel for CIA director, someone directly implicated in CIA torture, a decision that remains raw amongst progressive activists. Until late June, she consulted for the Trump-favorite data firm Palantir, which emerged from the CIA.
Led by Sen. Dianne Feinstein, the years-long investigation found that the CIA torture was vastly more sadistic than known; useless for counterterrorism; and enveloped in an edifice of lies so extensive as to constitute a disinformation campaign against Congress and the public. The CIA, resisting those conclusions, took the fateful step of secretly accessing Senate investigators’ work product on a shared private network—enraging Feinstein—and requested the Justice Department prosecute lead investigator Daniel Jones. A CIA inspector general report said the agency personnel involved in the spying exhibited a “lack of candor” about the episode. 
Haines played two roles over the report. First, she was part of the CIA team, supported by the White House, that spent months negotiating with the Senate over how much of the report to declassify. It infuriated Feinstein and her allies, who saw the purpose of the exercise as concealing the report’s findings. “My recollection was that Avril was pushing as vigorously as she could for minimal redaction,” said Denis McDonough, Obama’s White House chief of staff. Those recollections are not shared by others in the process, who remember Haines pressing to obscure the Senate narrative. Haines would not comment about it for this story.
“It was not my sense that her goal was to cover up torture,” said Human Rights Watch’s Prasow. “Was that the outcome? Sure.” 
Second, Brennan appointed an “accountability board” to assess the intrusion. Its findings clawed back the CIA inspector general’s assessment, found no reason to discipline those who spied on their Senate overseers, and criticized the Senate. Brennan recused himself, leaving Haines to accept the board’s conclusions, which she did in one of her last acts before returning to the White House in 2015 as deputy national security adviser. 
In 2018, Haines joined a chorus of former intelligence officials supporting Gina Haspel for CIA director. To anti-torture activists, it was nauseating to permit someone who played a leading role in torture to run the CIA—and the inevitable consequence of suppressing the Senate report. As Democratic opposition to her nomination crested, the White House crowed over the ex-intelligence officials’ support. 
“Being where any decent person should be on a few issues doesn’t cancel out an endorsement of torturers.” Danielle Brian, the executive director of the Project on Government Oversight, said, “Her support was used by the administration to legitimize the nomination, and that’s a black mark against Haines’ record.”
After the Obama administration ended, Haines took several academic and consulting positions. One of them was with Palantir, the data firm allied with Trump that, among other things, aided ICE in rounding up undocumented immigrants.
As The Intercept first reported, Palantir quickly disappeared from her Brookings Institution biography, smacking of a whitewash. Brookings told The Daily Beast that Haines’ office had requested an update scrubbed of non-active affiliations broader than Palantir. A Biden transition official said Haines removed several affiliations from her bio, not just Palantir, after ending those affiliations as part of her onboarding to the transition.
More broadly, the concerns with Haines on the left underscore an exhaustion over Obama’s cautious embrace of the war on terror and a fear that Biden will continue it. Constraining the war on terror instead of dismantling it did nothing to confront the post-9/11 nativist security paranoia that Trump rode to power. Once he did, all the work Haines did to circumscribe the drone strikes vanished as Trump intensified the bombardment and returned it to the shadows. The 110,000-refugee ceiling she raised crashed to its foundations. All that remains is the war on terror. 
“When we look at the continuities between Bush and Obama, we should be concerned that we’re going to return in a Biden administration to a kind of status quo. A return to transparency and legality is hardly enough,” observed Nikhil Pal Singh of New York University, author of Race and America’s Long War. “That’s just handing the baton back and forth between two types of approaches that are deeply flawed, unjust and provide no durable security framework.”
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Hope: *at her grandparents looking at a fish tank*
Hope: Can we name them?
Brennan: Yeah. Let's call these two Lee and Stan, and that big one with its mouth open we'll call Alice.
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ryanmeft · 4 years
Movie Review: The Report
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Shortly after 9-11, the CIA and FBI implemented a program of torture for suspected terrorists. Years later, it was determined that these methods had not resulted in a single piece of actionable intelligence that the U.S. did not already possess. In the time between, dozens of people were subjected to such treatment as being doused naked in freezing water, kept awake for days, bound in contorted positions, and being sexually humiliated. Most knew nothing, and some were innocent of any crime. Those who were guilty offered nothing usable. These are facts, impervious to any political leanings. It is this attitude of dry, clinical truth, mixed with just the right amount of emotion from star Adam Driver, that makes The Report an engaging film.
If your definition of “engaging” equates with “exciting”, you’ll want to scroll on by. Driver plays Daniel Jones, who, at the behest of Senator Dianne Feinstein (Annette Bening), led the investigation into the black sites where torture was performed after the CIA destroyed their tapes, which is not generally something people with nothing to hide do. He is a detail-oriented man: he reads through every page of every document available, insists on investigating even the smallest possible leads, and has a very difficult time giving up on a point when he knows he’s right. In other words, he’s exactly the kind of person you want if you’re going to go poking at an organization that is notorious for being secretive and defensive. He is not, as some will say, anti-American, having changed his classes to National Defense the day after the attacks. Driver’s removed style of acting, in which any display of emotion always comes as a surprise, fits the character well.
We know very little of his personal life, beyond the fact that he once had a relationship, which he no longer does due to spending his time at work. He’s eventually helped in his work by a disgusted and unwilling participant in the program (Tim Blake Nelson) and Ali Soufan (Fajer Al-Kaisi), a counter-terrorism expert whose years of experience and conviction that only relationship building yields good info are dismissed by the people calling the shots. Opposing him: a bevy of rotating CIA officials, all of whom seem aware of the flaws in the program but only care about protecting their tribe. These include a number of notable actors: Maura Tierney as a stand-in for Gina Haspel, Michael C. Hall, Jennifer Morrison, and Ted Levine. The latter, as real-life CIA director John Brennan, actively tries to smear Jones’ name in an effort to discredit his work, framing him for hacking into CIA servers.
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The things that took place at the black sites are shown in incredible detail, to the point where the squeamish may have a difficult struggle with the film. The “enhanced interrogation techniques”, the government’s euphemism for torture, do not consist of the stuff you see in movies---there are no beatings, no fingernails are ripped out. Prisoners such as Abu Zubaydah (Zoudi Boueri) are bound naked, placed in spaces too small for humans, screamed at constantly, kept awake with heavy metal music, drenched with freezing water. The two people behind most of the torture are psychologists who swear their methods work, even though none of their training is in interrogation. James Mitchell (Douglas Hodge) and Bruce Jessen (T. Ryder Smith) at first seem like they might really believe abuse works in getting information. This impression crumbles as the movie continues and they take evident pleasure in heaping pain on detainees, insisting the torture continue long after it has been proved useless. When confronted by investigators and asked point-blank why they are continuing if it hasn’t worked, Mitchell all but confesses it is more about revenge than effectiveness. Later, the two toast their success, and it is clear they aren’t talking about all the information they haven’t gotten. I find in digging into the true story that they made tens of millions of dollars as contractors doing this. Imagine having people like these for your psychologist.
Writer-director Scott Z. Burns and his team of producers, which include Steven Soderbergh, have gone to incredible lengths to accurately portray both the torture and the investigations. Some liberties have been taken---19 senate staffers have been reduced to Jones and a few composite characters, and of course some lines are there for dramatic effect---but digging into the real details shows a surprising level of accuracy. One gets the sense they are going against the cultural grain. The irony is they’ve made a movie accurately depicting the uselessness of torture, and it is usually movies and their dramatic exaggerations that make us think torture works. The movie flies in the face of a political ideology that equates violence with strength, and does so by sticking to the facts. Is it entertaining? It’s my job to answer that question. I would say it is effective. Those who need to see it probably won’t, and may not believe it if they do.
 Verdict: Recommended
Note: I don’t use stars, but here are my possible verdicts.
Highly Recommended
Not Recommended
Avoid like the Plague
 You can follow Ryan's reviews on Facebook here:
 Or his tweets here:
 All images are property of the people what own the movie.
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pangeanews · 5 years
E chi ci credeva che Tom Waits sarebbe arrivato a 70 anni? Ritratto di un maledetto che è diventato icona vivente
Non tutti negli anni ’70 avrebbero scommesso che Tom Waits sarebbe arrivato a 70 anni. Del resto non l’avrebbero detto neanche del suo grande amico cattivo, Keith Richards. Qualcuno, di quella generazione di artisti maledetti, ce l’ha fatta alla fine a vedersi da vecchio, mezzo secolo dopo. Ma se per il chitarrista degli Stones bisogna invocare qualche miracolo biologico, va detto che quello del cantautore americano è stato sempre e solo un bellissimo personaggio, uno splendido cartoon.
La cicca incollata alle labbra, la camicia fuori dai pantaloni sgualciti, lo sguardo torvo di chi ha fatto le ore piccole e dormito poco, l’andatura claudicante e la gestualità della marionetta tenuta in piedi dal nodo allentato della cravatta al collo. E ancora quel cappello in bilico sul ciuffo ribelle, il mento caprino ad affilare ancor più il muso, la voce sempre più scartavetrata di disco in disco: Waits ha perennemente recitato, consegnandoci una maschera su cui fantasticare. Prova ne è il crescendo registrato dalla parallela attività di attore, che oggi lo impegna molto più della musica. Una lunga serie di cammei in film partiti con le migliori intenzioni, a fianco di grandi nomi – Jarmusch e i Coen, Stallone e Redford, Nicholson e Benigni – e finiti spesso e immeritatamente in flop al botteghino. Con prestigiose eccezioni: il cult movie Daubailò, il corale America Oggi, il Dracula di Coppola, fino alla Ballata di Buster Scruggs. Le parti sono diventate via via più consistenti. Prova ulteriore della finzione artistica il fatto che, poco più che 30enne, si sia accasato mollando Rickie Lee Jones e l’appartamento al Tropicana Hotel di Los Angeles, dove componeva col pianoforte piazzato in cucina, cominciando a figliare con quella che ancora oggi è sua moglie e musa: Kathleen Brennan, a cui è rimasto fedelmente accanto, coinvolgendola sempre più nelle sue produzioni e allestendo una sorta di impresa musicale familiare composta da amici e parenti stretti (pure lo storico contrabbassista Greg Cohen è diventato suo cognato sposando la sorella).
* Certo agli inizi di birre e sigarette ne ha consumate parecchie, specie sul palco, quando ancora si poteva fumare al chiuso. Ma non è andato molto più in la, e non per molto tempo. Quella vita disgraziata da nottambulo tormentato l’avrà realmente fatta solo per qualche anno. Proprio come certi attori, seguaci di Stanislavskij, che sperimentano personalmente ruoli e situazioni nella vita reale, rubare espressioni e dettagli dalla quotidianità altrui, per calarsi poi con maggiore verità nei panni da interpretare. L’aver più volte dichiarato d’aver chiuso con alcol e tabacco non ha però permesso alla voce di schiarirsi, anzi ha misteriosamente proseguito la sua discesa all’Ade diventando anch’essa cartoonistica, grottesca ed esasperata come il burattino da cui esce, precipitando in un abisso infernale di ruggine e catrame. La trasformazione di tono e registro è quasi incredibile, specie nei primi lp dove, da un anno all’altro, si stenta a credere che si tratti dello stesso cantante.
* Waits ha dato una new coat of paint alla poetica urbana, alimentando e ridipingendo con le sue storie e le sue musiche una nuova mitologia metropolitana cominciata all’inizio del XX secolo, incarnando scenicamente una dimensione esistenziale: quel mondo nascosto, sottoterra, in cui però – in una società ormai totalmente alienante – è possibile ancora scovare un ultimo brandello di umanità, il fuoco fatuo della poesia, innamorarsi. Già il titolo Closing Time, paradossale per un disco d’esordio, è emblematico dello sguardo rivolto fin dall’inizio all’indietro, a un universo in bianco e nero, e culturalmente contro le mode del momento. Uno stile evocativo di un’epoca intera, dei cui elementi si è riappropriato in maniera autonoma, rielaborandoli e riattualizzandoli in una produzione originale e inimitabile. Più che Conte, a cui è stato associato, in Italia fu Buscaglione l’artefice di un’operazione simile.
Ma se la vita è fatta di incontri, per imbattersi nel fantasma del sabato sera, bisogna incontrare a un certo punto qualcuno che metta un suo cd: Waits non può rappresentare il punto di partenza di un libero ascolto musicale, ma solo un punto di arrivo di una fitta rete di riferimenti culturali che si rimandano tra loro spaziando da Armstrong al mariachi, da Sinatra all’heavy metal, da Bukowsky al valzer: una coreografia di generi e arrangiamenti esplosa con Swordfishtrombone, tutti messi di fronte allo specchio distorcente dell’estro dell’autore, unico collante a tenere insieme brani e album: le rauche e inconfondibili corde vocali, capaci di amalgamarli in un calderone ribollente. A conferma dell’insopprimibile dimensione teatrale dell’opera di Waits, il micidiale trittico di album degli anni ’80 doveva chiudersi proprio con una messinscena, Frank’s Wild Years: un musical stile Broadway, non un concerto solitario nei pub, in cui agli inizi – lo si vede in vari video su Youtube – si faticava a distinguerlo da un avventore. Finirà per diventare la più grossa delusione della sua carriera, per le difficoltà soprattutto economiche di realizzazione. Se ne ricaverà quello che è tutt’oggi l’unico dvd live, Big Time: la Grande Occasione, sfuggita a lui stesso come ai suoi protagonisti. In quel caso sì, la realtà s’affiancò davvero alla fantasia di Waits-Frank, perdente e romantico, che d’ora in poi sarebbe andato ufficialmente in scena come rappresentazione, su un palco con quinte e proscenio, non confuso tra i tavolini di un night club tra 9th e Hennepin.
* Via coppola e cravatta, largo a borsalino e ombrello. Del vecchio look restano giacca, scarpe a punta e una mosca sotto il labbro. Cambiano anche i testi: la celebrazione della fuga alla Kerouac, della vita di strada alla ricerca del sogno a stelle e strisce, cede il posto al ritorno a casa. Il rain dog riscopre il calore del focolare domestico in pezzi da brivido come Train song e House where nobody lives. Il pessimismo si dilata, dai reietti e vagabondi delle città americane diventa universale: lo sguardo malinconico e rassegnato di Waits si estende all’umanità, soprattutto nei lavori recenti: God’s away for business e Misery’s the river of the world sono titoli parlano da soli. Diventa addirittura politico, nella stessa direzione dell’altro suo grande amico, quello buono, Bruce Springsteen: ne sono esempi Day after tomorrow, Road to peace, l’anno scorso perfino Bella Ciao.
Waits ha stravolto l’immagine del pianista ubriaco, avvolto in una nuvola di fumo ed eccentricamente retrò in cui, lamentava, l’aveva impagliato la Asylum (che, pur negandogli sperimentazioni e contaminazioni nel sound, ebbe almeno il merito d’aver creduto ciecamente in lui per un decennio nonostante le scarse vendite) modificandola in una ancora più estrema e favolistica: il burattinaio infernale che tira i fili di quella fauna underground di cui lui stesso faceva parte, il diavolo folle di quel sottobosco di citazioni letterarie, teatrali e cinematografiche, riorchestrate dalla sua bacchetta magica. La mutazione ha contagiato anche la casa discografica, con il passaggio a cavallo del millennio dalla faraonica Island alla minuscola ANTI-Records (altro nome che dice tutto): etichetta indipendente dal catalogo punk che nel 2002 assecondò la stravagante anti-commercialità di Waits facendo uscire contemporaneamente sul mercato due cd separatamente (le sound track Blood Money e Alice per altrettanti spettacoli firmati Bob Wilson); salvo, 4 anni più tardi, pubblicarne uno triplo, di canzoni rimaste orfane nella lunga trasformazione del mulo in centauro. A ormai 9 anni dall’ultima fatica, Bad as me, (e ancor più dall’ultimo tour) la metamorfosi di un artista assoluto in icona vivente, simbolo di creatività, può dirsi conclusa. Forse.
Giuseppe Gaetano
L'articolo E chi ci credeva che Tom Waits sarebbe arrivato a 70 anni? Ritratto di un maledetto che è diventato icona vivente proviene da Pangea.
from pangea.news https://ift.tt/2P545T6
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sunlit-music · 5 years
Why I like the Kingkiller Chronicles.
Look, I’d like other tumblr blogs to stop implying that KKC fans are sexist with bad taste for reading KKC. They’re entitled to their opinion, but I have to disagree with them. Let’s look at their arguments:
Question: Why don’t you and other KKC fans read female and people of color authors? Why is KKC everywhere on tumblr?
My answer: There are tumblr blogs that love kkc, female and poc authors. One well known tumblr blog that loves KKC, poc and women authors is bookcub. I think bookcub makes some of the defenses I’m about to mention - apologies if I’m repeating what she or other tumblr bloggers have already said.
The KKC fandom bloggers on tumblr already read diverse authors from what I can see. To be fair, I’m fairly new to tumblr, so I don’t know everyone in the KKC fandom on tumblr.
Also, the KKC fandom is really small on tumblr, so I’m not sure why you think KKC is everywhere on tumblr blogs?
I do read female and people of color authors. I’ve posted a lot about Sarah Rees Brennan’s books, The Lynburn Legacy and the Demon’s Lexicon trilogy, and J K Rowling’s Harry Potter books.
Apologies if I make crappy spelling mistakes, my spellcheck is atrocious.
I’ve read women and poc authors, such as: Any mystery novel by Agatha Christie, especially the Hercule Poirot books and the Miss Marple series.
Lgbt authors and poets I like - I have so many, but my favourite ones are Scott Ryan Tracey (author), Malinda Lo (author), any poetry by Sappho (Ancient Greek poetess), and Oscar Wilde’s The Picture of Dorian Gray. I also don’t like Lord Byron’s sexism towards women writers, but I like his writing.
Other female and or poc authors I like: Anything by Emily Rodda - especially Deltora Quest, Rowan of Rin series and the Teen Power Inc books.
Ten things I hate about me. By Randa Abdel-Fattah, who is Palestinian Muslim.
Tahereh Mafi. Iranian American author. Shatter Me series.
Cecilia Dart-Thornton. The Bitterbynde Trilogy.
Diana Wynne Jones, The Christopher Chant books.
N K Jemisin’s 100 thousand kingdoms trilogy books. I’ve already read and loved this trilogy prior to 2014. The last book in the series was published in 2011.
Cassandra Clare. Shadow hunter series - City of Glass. The Dark Artifices. Magnus Bane books.
Holly Black - Spiderwick Chronicles.
Malinda Lo - Ash, Adaptation, Inheritance, Tremontaine.
Robin McKinley - Beauty.
Ursula K LeGuin - Wizard of Earthsea, The ones who walk away from Omelas.
Ellen Kushner - Swordspoint and Privilege of the Sword.
JK Rowling - Harry Potter books.
Stranger (The Change series) - science fiction and fantasy young adult apocalyptic fiction, by Rachel Manija Brown and Sherwood Smith.
Crown Duel - fantasy, by Sherwood Smith.
Song of the Lioness, The Immortals, anything else by Tamora Pierce.
Question: You shouldn’t read Patrick Rothfuss because there’s better women writers and poc writers than him.
My answer: Actually, I can read what I want. My spare time, my hobbies, my decision. I agree it’s important to read women and poc authors too. ❤️ But that shouldn’t prevent me from reading KKC.
Question: Can’t you stop blogging about KKC? I don’t like KKC.
My answer: No, sorry. You’re entitled to your opinion, and I’m entitled to mine. If you don’t like my KKC posts, you can either scroll past them or stop reading my tumblr blog.
Question: aren’t you bothered that Patrick Rothfuss writes sexist parts in his books?
My answer: Yes. I like The Name of the Wind, but I was bothered by the lack of women in the first few chapters, and the constant tactless jokes made by Kvothe and his friend Sovoy about sex workers.
And Wise Man’s Fear is way less sexist than The Name of the Wind. Patrick Rothfuss takes on constructive criticism really well, hence why he has way more female characters who appear more often and have much more skills and knowledge than Kvothe.
Sexism in fantasy books is not solely a Rothfuss problem. Sexism appears in a lot of books by men, women and gender queer people, and I agree we should work hard to not write books with sexist messages, and include more equal number of well written female characters. 💕
Kvothe even gets female martial arts teachers from the Adem mercenaries. There are plenty of brave, smart, kind and interesting female characters, like Auri, Devi, Denna, Fela, Mola, and Kvothe’s mum Laurian.
Laurian was brave enough to leave a loveless arranged marriage and unsupportive family to marry Kvothe’s dad Arliden. And the antagonist Cinder said Laurian was tougher than Arliden.
Plus you get a book from Auri’s point of view, The Slow Regard of Silent Things.
I come across other authors who are really bad at taking constructive criticism from readers and even have the nerve to bully and sue readers who disagree politely. Authors who sue people for writing fanfiction. At least Patrick Rothfuss never does that.
I’ve read across plenty of books that are incredibly racist and frustrating. I’ve also been disappointed by books with negative and cruel portrayals of musicians. Say what you want about Rothfuss, he’s strongly anti racist and he respects musicians.
I’m a poc of South East Asian descent and I have relatives who play in a band and other relatives who play music in their spare time. I play piano as a hobby. I don’t have to worry about seeing racist rubbish or insults to musicians when I read any book by Rothfuss.
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opedguy · 3 years
Durham Embarrasses Fake News Media
LOS ANGELES (OnlineColumnist.com), Nov. 12, 2021.--As 71-year-old Special Counsel John Durham unravels the Russian hoax, it leaves egg on the face of many broadcast and print news outlets that readily jumped on the anti-Trump bandwagon, all because it was promoted by Democrat Party.  Durham’s probe won’t even touch today’s infiltration in mainstream broadcast and print media by the Democrat Party. What he’s uncovering in his probe is that the press was the vehicle exploited by Democrat operatives to promote the fake Russian narrative that harassed former President Donald Trump over the four years of his presidency.  Key Democrats in Congress worked closely, constantly leaking fake information to the press which, in turn, readily printed and broadcast anti-Trump propaganda and disinformation.  Durham’s now uncovering that sources to the so-called Steele Dosseir, on which the FBI relied on to investigate Trump and his campaign, was fake.    
         Durham’s caught in the weeds, trying to unravel sources to the Steele Dossier were, in fact, part of the Democrat Party strategy to discredit the 2016 Trump campaign to help Hillary get elected.  Durham can’t see the big picture of a monstrous conspiracy with the former Obama administration to allow the Justice Department, FBI, National Security Agency [NSA], Central Intelligence Agency [CIA], and other agencies to discredit the Trump campaign.  All Durham can do is catch certain low level Clinton or Democrat operatives in covering up their role in feeding the Steele Dossier propaganda and disinformation.  Durham’s too stuck in his own lane to see that the Obama White House was deeply involved in the conspiracy to sabotage Trump 2016 campaign, all to help former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton get elected.  Durhan’s probe focuses first on Hillary campaign operatives.   
          Washington Post media critic Erik Wemple stepped out of line, writing about Durham’s recent indictment of Igor Danchenko, a source to the Steele Dossier, alleging Trump engaged in a pee-fest with prostitutes in Moscow in 2013 when he hosted the Miss Universe Beauty Pageant.  “The Danchenko indictment doubles as a critique of several media outlets that covered Steele’s reports in 2016 and after its publication by BuzzFeed in January 2017 . . . CNN, MSNBC, Mother Jones, the McClatchy newspaper chai and various pundits showered credibility upon the dossier without corroboration—and found other topics to cover when forceful debunking arrived in December 2019 via a report from the Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz,” Wemple wrote.  Wemple doesn’t cite the Washington Post, his employer, and the New York Times as the worst offenders.  
           Wemple’s days at the Washington Post are numbered to implicate his employer in the fake news media.  Wemple surely knew four years ago that the Steele Dossier were  fabrications, without sourcing, a common practice of the fake news.  When no real sources exist, attribute the sourcing to an unnamed source. Durham now uncovers Danchenko as one of the fake sources, as was former Perkins Cole Atty. Michael Sussmann who forgot to tell the FBI he was paid by the Clinton campaign.  Whatever Durham uncovers, he’s investigating low-level functionaries, low on the food chain compared former President Barack Obama, President Joe Biden, former Atty. Gen. Loretta, Lynch, former FBI Director James Comey, former CIA Director John Brennan, former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper and others, all of whom participated the conspiracy to frame Trump.   
          Wemple’s critique comes five years too late, all because everyone in the Democrat-controlled media, including certain hosts at Fox News, all of whom repeated the utter rubbish promoted in the anti-Trump press, with the worst offenders by far the New York Times and Washington Post. So, when it comes to continuing the cover-up of the monstrous conspiracy the fake news must close ranks, just like the U.S. government that certainly has a lot to lose with Durham’s investigation.  Fake News anchors like Rachel Maddow and fake elected officials like House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) must double down on the cover-up, claiming the Steele Dossier or whatever unnamed sources against Trump was all real.  Wemple’s revelation comes years too late, since it was known since the 2016 Election Year that Hillary’s dirty tricks were gladly backed by the U.S. press.   
          Wemple’s wrong that any of the fake news, including his employer the Washington Post, will ever retract anything written using the fake Steele Dossier or citing countless unnamed sources in its reporting about Trump fictional ties to Russia.  Even today the fake news continues to double down.  Maddow said Durham is trying to ‘discredit the whole Russian investigation by arresting various sources for that investigation, to discredit the Steele dossier because so many people have been led to think that was the reason for the investigation.”  Maddow shows exactly what Durham is up against as the Democrat Party and fake news industry continue to cover-up their role in promoting a monstrous conspiracy about Trump to help Hillary get elected in 2016.  It doesn’t matter how many indictment Durham gets, Democrats and the fake news will always have their excuses. 
About the Author 
John M. Curtis writes politically neutral commentary analyzing spin in national and global news. He’s editor of OnlineColumnist.com and author of Dodging The Bullet and Operation Charisma. 
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sprnklersplashes · 7 years
Blue Fairy: You must understand Baelfire, your father had a very terrible childhood
Baelfire: I understand. I'm having a very terrible childhood right now
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