#anon friends
epilepsyculture-is · 4 months
Epilepsy culture is not telling people it's "epilepsy" but rather "nothing" or "just sick" or "i don't know" out of fear they'll automatically presume you might get a tonic clonic seizure in front of them at any given moment even if that's not your kind of epilepsy
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xpouii · 6 months
Yeahh based off the quality of your writing that I’ve read, I can see why you’re preaching for the freedom to be a bad writer. Keep up the good work 💜
If you’re here to white knight for OP on that post we already had a conversation and resolved that or clarified. There wasn’t ever a conflict. If you’re not then there has to be some real hurt you’re dealing with for you to be this bothered by me spreading writer positivity. It will be okay.
Either way I hope you have a good day!
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acacia-may · 27 days
Fun fact!! You rock 💪😎
Aww thank you so much, Anon-friend! This is so sweet! You are the best so Uno reversing this ask right back to you. Cheers & much love to you! 💖
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treasure-goblin · 1 month
Would you eat a tree?
Especially if it was gonna try to eat me back
This is not how batman dies
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cpopjukebox · 10 months
Hi! Just wanted to say thank you for this blog. I'm a Chinese American daughter of immigrants, and I've had a really hard time connecting with my cultural roots, partially because my only way of looking for recommendations and whatnot for Chinese media is through my parents... So there's not much that I find that's Chinese that I actually like. And when I try to look up stuff on the internet usually it's Japanese or Korean stuff that's recommended to me, since media-wise anime and kpop have much more international reach. So it was really exciting to me to find a collection of chinese music that's more recent and thus more likely to be to my taste than to my parents'. Idk if you're Chinese or just someone who's a fan of Chinese music, but either way I just wanted to say thank you.
Hi Anon!,
Ahh thank you for sending this - I know what you mean as I found it pretty difficult at first too, it's hard to know where to start. Especially as I'm not Chinese but I'm learning the language so I wanted to listen to some songs to help me improve. This is how I generally find new songs:
Douyin/weibo/xiaohongshu/bilibili (music being used in social media videos).
Also douyin has a top music tracks chart in the app.
Cdrama soundtracks my beloved! 🫶
Make a playlist on spotify (or equvalent) and look at the recommended songs.
Look at artist profile on spotify and check the 'people also listen to' section.
Useful search terms on spotify/youtube etc - cpop, mandopop, cdrama, gufeng, gangtai, plus different dialects.
Actually now I'm trying to find older songs out of curiosity but struggling XD.
I hope you can have an easier time connecting with your cultural roots too. I follow @dmdiaspora and I think they may have a discord group as they mention a server in the pinned post. If you're a danmei fan you might find a group of people with similar experiences there.
Thanks so much for the ask!
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im aro (who just has a weakness for your fics which is peculiar for me bc reader inserts don't normally interest me but yours oof hits just the right spot) and i have an intense discomfort for valentine's day so i have almost every varient of it blacklisted. unfortunately, that means tumblr hides your nick valentine fics which i find both funny and annoying lmaoo however it does somewhat help me bc when i actually catch the 'post hidden bc blacklist' im like !!!!! oh shit!!! time to catch up and i binge read including going back to some of my faves ahahah
anyways this ask was just to say hi keep being amazing i love your work and i hope that life treats you as kindly as you treat your readers!!!!! 💛
Ohhhh this is so lovely!! I'm glad that you enjoy my writing and I'll definitely make a note to put out more platonic stuff in the future for all of my aro followers (: It's too bad about the tag thing I didn't even think of that! Unfortunately, I'm not sure there's any way for me to work around it otherwise I definitely would. But I'm glad you find your way back here when you can and enjoy what I write (which, I will fully admit other than BTE, is few and far between nowadays). This blog and anons like you have been invaluable as writing for fo4 and getting feedback on my writing has helped me build my writing skills for my original works and I hold my original project very close to my heart. In a roundabout way, y'all have helped me out with it, and I try to give as much love back to everyone who reads my fanfic in return (: I hope you have a lovely rest of your day!! (And don't worry about your other ask, no offense was taken and I definitely agree on the way that games like fo4 can function as character or player inserts (: )
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rosalie-starfall · 1 year
Omg hiiiiiiii, I’ve been following you for ages… I’m surprised you haven’t made gif sets of Kathryn Hahn in Glass Onion yet? I loved her being chaotic
Oh believe me friend it has not gone unnoticed that I haven't made anything for Glass Onion yet... Unfortunately my daily life has been filled with massive amounts of drama so far this new year of 2023. (Death in the Family, Other family members threatening suicide, New Job offer, Current Job counter offer...) Things have been crazy ever since the holidays, and in turn I haven't really been making many new gif sets... But I will make some stuff I promise! Maybe this weekend because most of the drama happening this weekend I can't help with. At least not without making the situation worse so I am keeping my distance and a new gif project might be the perfect distraction!
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Plus it helps to know someone actually wants my stuff! You have inspired me friend so thank you!
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positivelypositive · 2 years
For years I had supported a person online who had been always in the center of some online fight. I would talk to her, comment on her artwork, lend her an ear if she needed to talk. She told me she was slow to warm up to people so I had to always initiate conversation. Conversation that she seemed eager to have once we got going. After a while though, I noticed I wasn't getting anywhere. When we were talking about her, things were good, she was conversational and happy. But she never checked on me when I was having a hard time, never commented on my hard work-it was always me initiating. Is this just me being the only one interested in having this friendship? Am I being taken for granted? Or is it possible that she's still...shy? It's been four years of this. I think I know the answer but I was hoping for another opinion.
hey anon,
as you said you know the answer. four years is a lomg enough time to warm up to someone and realise how they want to be treated, especially if you're consistently in touch.
it's time to have a rather difficult conversation. clarify things and make sure you're not in any kind of relationship that's hurting you in any way.
hope you're able to resolve it for yourself. sending you love and positive vibes ✨
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fonkeloog · 2 years
Money by 5SOS was terrifying the first time I listened to it, because I heard faint mumbling so of course I turned my volume way up to hear it better, and then bam, the music starts at full blast.
I am so glad to know I'm not alone in this. Money is a great opener, but it's a miracle I survived that first listen.
For anyone who doesn't believe me, it doesn't start with a build up of instruments. No, it goes immediately full blast guitar, drums, the whole shebang.
10/10 for start of an album, 0/10 for the perseverance of my eardrums
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epilepsyculture-is · 1 year
Epilepsy culture is being afraid of saying you have epilepsy or labeling yourself as "disabled" because your seizures aren't common enough to stop you from doing most of your work.
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tomastatar · 9 months
Hey :) Is ok to be friends?
Hi!! And we are now friends!
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collophora · 1 month
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I resurrected my tumblr just to post this
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hi!! it's so nice to see you back. I hope everything is going well for you and happy holidays!
I appreciate the warm welcome back!! college quarter ended on a high note and now I'm taking time to forego (autistic) masking and let my brain decompress (: enjoying school but very grateful for a month break lmao. I hope you guys have been doing well and keeping warm! I hope you get whatever you're looking for out of December, whether that's celebrating holidays and spending time with family and getting yummy food or getting some alone time to unwind!! I'll be back with some more writing before the next quarter starts <3 missed you guys
p.s. make sure you're taking precautions as of late!! tons of nasty viruses going around, I've been sick three times since fall quarter started ): take care of yourselves and your immune systems!!
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beescake · 2 months
your art is p cool. itd be top comedy if your hand just happened to lose control and drew some pepsi cola sometime. ollies out
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positivelypositive · 2 years
So I've been with a girl for years and we get on really well so long as things go her way and I don't object too much. If I don't, she doesn't yell but kinda gives me the cold shoulder. Generally, she is dismissive of things I love and am passionate about. I would love to share some of my passions with her, for example I am an artist and I kind of wish she took some interest in it or at least pretended to but I don't want to ask. Like I said, unless we are doing things that she wants to do she's always kind of distant and half involved. I...is this a bad relationship? Are these red flags or am I just being... paranoid? Sensitive?
hey anon,
although it's unfair to make a judgement before i know the situation at both ends but if you really feel like your friend is being dismissive of your interest, then maybe it's time to speak up.
it may seem obvious to someone else but often it's very difficult to see the issues in our own behaviour. be kind and nice about it but do let them know that the way they are going about it is hurting you. let them know that their opinion and an interest in your likes at their end would mean so much to you.
keep an open mind and listen to what they say. maybe they have a different way of showing it. maybe they didn't catch on the social cues in this situation.
the least you can do is let them know your perspective and give it some time. if ot doesn't get better after a while, you can consider it a red flag. but for now, be gentle but direct about the situation. sending you love and positive vibes ✨
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creative-shine · 1 year
(ू•ᴗ•ू❁)If you receive this, you make somebody happy! Go on anon and send this to ten of your followers who make you happy or somebody you think needs cheering up. If you get one back, even better! <333
IDK WHO YOU ARE BUT ILY 💕🥺 i hope you are having a wonderful day!
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