#and yeah there's a lot of obvious answers to that
theitgirlnetwork · 2 days
Earn It
Ch. 5: Pretend With Me
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Note: Hello! Thank you for all of the support you've all shown this story. Thank you for the notes, reblogs, messages, and comments I love interacting with you all! We've got our first time skip so I hope it's not too confusing. Once again, I'll remind everyone that the characters are meant to be just as complex as those in the movie and so they will do...questionable things. But that's part of the fun...not being them! So I hope you all enjoy! <3
Warnings: Cheating (fr this time y'all :(), explicit sexual content (MDNI!!!!!), small mention of disordered eating, and some strong language.
Taglist: @spookystitchery@anehkael@fkaams@butterflyybabe@sun2flower @holierthancunt @silkenthusiasts @wolflover384 @liziihorta @summerssover @jackierose902109
Present Day (California) :
“They won’t answer any questions about that, don’t bother asking. Make sure there’s at least one close up on the ring and we only film from the angles we discussed, understand me?” Kiely takes a deep breath, brushes her hands down her dress, straightening out the wrinkles at the bottom and noting to herself that she needs to stop by Target today to get a new steamer. 
This job is a big opportunity, she can’t afford to fuck it up. Out of all the applicants they decided to give her a chance. She pushes through the dark front doors, fixing a potted flower plant hanging near the doorway before glancing back sternly at the camera crew and closing the door. 
Kiely does wish that her trial week wasn’t the same week as this interview. 
She presses her finger to her earpiece to turn on the speaker as her heels click across marble floors, her steps are long strides. “Crews’ in place, we need a clear house, just the family. They want this in one take. Let’s go.” 
The blonde woman raises a shaky fist to the Grenadil African Blackwood door, knocking softly once before steeling herself and knocking more assertively the second time.
Kiely turns the cold golden door knob and stops right at the threshold of the master bedroom, her back rod straight as she addresses the people in front of her.
“Mr. and Mrs. Donaldson? They’re ready for you.”
12 Years Earlier:
3:22 p.m.: So, that smoothie that you recommended? It’s fucking disgusting.
Heaven giggles at her phone before flipping it over so she can’t see the front of the screen, sliding down into a split to complete her stretches. She hums in satisfaction to herself as she stretches forward to reach her front foot. It’s peaceful like this.
She loves coming to the studio early. After the bullshit classes she takes to remain eligible for the dance program, she rushes here to just dance. No other dancers, no teacher or choreographer watching. Heaven can just be with the choreography. 
She has a habit of getting fixated on a piece and doing it over and over until she masters it. Then, she does it over and over until it’s not fun anymore. It’s her award winning strategy, to actually fall in love with the pieces she dances to. 
For some reason, she was struggling to become Juliet. She knows she has the technique for the dance, that much is obvious. But something about this role wasn’t connecting for her. She just feels like she can’t force herself to give the vibe of a 15 year old girl whose parents were absent enough to let her fall in love with a 20 year old loser.
Oh and Romeo can’t fucking dance.
Correction. Peter who is supposed to be Romeo can’t fucking dance. 
Heaven stands from her split, grabbing her phone with her to respond to the text waiting for her, not noticing the uncontrollable smile that had formed on her face.
3:30 p.m.: It’s not supposed to taste good, it’s supposed to be good for you, Arthur.
They had been texting back and forth a lot since the birthday party. Not many phone calls, but messages here and there. They range from checking in to arguing about the various media they both consume. It’s like an unspoken agreement they have not to talk about Tashi or Patrick. Anytime they did the jokes would halt and suddenly Heaven would feel a rock in her stomach, unable to text back. 
Her phone buzzes again and before she can open the little white envelope on the screen she hears several sets of footsteps behind her. Without turning around she rushes over to put her phone in her duffle bag and heads back to the middle of the room, settling into first position next to Peter and staring tensely forward as they wait for the rest of the cast and the premier maitre de ballet, Madame Fontaine. Along with the older woman is her assistant choreographer, Fallon, the only other person who will acknowledge that Peter can’t fucking dance.
“Afternoon, all.” Madame Fontaine offers the group a brief, tight smile as she stands before them, her flats clicking on the stage. “Romeo, Juliet. We will work on the pair of pas de deux performances after warm-up.”
“Madame.” Heaven nods, turning to go to the bar toward the back of the room. She can feel Peter behind her, looking at her. His cheap ass cologne fills her nostrils as he leans forward to murmur in her ear.
“Think you can actually act like you at least like me today?”
Heaven slips into third position, facing forward as she continues through her warm up, shrugging at his question. “I don’t need to like you, Juliet needs to be in love with Romeo. The dance will show that.”
“Maybe if we spent some time together-”
“I’m in a relationship.” she dismisses.
“Really?” He scoffs. Gripping the bar Peter stretches his leg into the air, watching Heaven do the same, he strains to get his kick as high as hers. “What does your boyfriend do?”
“He’s a professional tennis player. So is my girlfriend.”
Peter’s brows furrow as he watches the woman in front of him wrap up her warm ups, cracking her neck absently as he stares at her. “You…so…”
“Okay.” Heaven huffs, turning to the man, craning her neck and fixing him with a wary look as she stands facing him with her arms crossed. “Yes, I have a boyfriend, his name is Patrick. I also have a girlfriend, her name is Tashi and she is the girl you saw here before. Yes, they are also together, no we’re not looking for a fourth and if we were it would never be you. No, we aren’t open so don’t ask me out again. And Peter, even if I was single, I would literally fucking never fuck someone who can’t do a simple fucking lift.” With that she pushes past him to find Madame Fontaine stopping when she hears him over her shoulder.
“Well maybe if you weren’t so heavy I could lift you easier.”
Heaven doesn’t even bat an eyelash at the insult, instead just pursing her lips and getting into the position for the first pose of the “Love Dance”, the first pas de deux of the piece. As she goes through the movements on the stage no one would be able to tell that Peter had said what he said. 
She holds him close and twirls prettily. She leans into him with all of the trust of the world as he butchers his half of the piece, failing in the lift not because of her weight, she tells herself, but because his hand placement is wrong. 
Heaven thinks logically, like Tashi would tell her to. Other people have lifted her before. It’s not her. 
So she can swallow the lump in her throat until after rehearsal is over.
“Answer.” Heaven bites her lip as she drums her fingers against the steering wheel, her phone is balanced between her cheek and shoulder, vibrating against her ear as it rings. “Tashi, answer.”
Hi, this is Tashi Duncan, leave a message after the beep, thanks.
She shouldn’t have come. Tashi has two matches this week, Pepperdine and then Princeton, she doesn’t need to be distracted. She doesn’t have time to be distracted. That’s not what they do to each other, she knows Tashi needs to focus before a match just like Heaven needs to be distracted before a performance. 
But after rehearsal ended, her focus on the beautiful dance, and getting her body to move the way it needed to to tell the story faded. Then all she was left with was the sound of Peter’s voice mixing with her mother’s and the personal trainer she’d hired her when she was only 10. And suddenly she found herself speeding down the road in a silent car, driving 5 hours and 13 minutes to Stanford.
She told herself as she weaved through the cars that she just needed to get away. That this was okay because she was supposed to be heading down the next day anyway. That she was only here to see Tashi. 
“Fuck.” The girl huffs, pulling the phone away so hard one of her hoop earrings falls out of her ear, tumbling to the floor as she dials another number. Unlike Tashi, he actually picks up.
“Hey, babe.”
“Hi, baby, hi.” She sits up against the leather seat. “Are you, um, busy, or…”
“Uh, no, not-not really.” Patrick’s muffled voice through the phone settles her nerves a little. “What’s up?”
“Nothing I just wanted to talk to you or something-” Heaven hears laughter and the clattering of glass in the background. She can faintly make out the words to Candy Shop playing in whatever bar he was pretending not to be in. “You’re out.”
“Babe, I can talk, are you okay?”
“I hate that ‘mhm’, ‘hm’ shit you guys do just…Heaven, just tell me what’s wrong.”
“I had, like, the most shitty rehearsal.” Heaven looks out at a couple of students stumbling drunkenly, shaking her head to herself as she sees a t-shirt with distinct letters spelling out “The Duncanator” on it. “The guy playing Romeo, he’s like a fucking idiot and he wants to fuck me-”
“Don’t most people?” 
“I’m not-” Heaven huffs out a breath, head dropping forward against the wheel in annoyance. This is who her boyfriend is. He makes jokes about serious things. He doesn’t take anything serious because it never fucking is. But what is she supposed to do? Berate him for trying to make her laugh when she’s upset. Get mad at him for perpetually being in a state of relaxation that she’s almost never in. Heaven doesn’t want to live in the land of not giving a fuck about anything, she isn’t built like that. “H-yeah. That’s funny.” she forces a giggle, scrubbing her hand angrily at the drops that managed to squeeze their way out of her eyes. 
“Good, you’re laughing, m’glad you’re feeling better.” 
“Yep, thank you, Patrick.”
“No problem, Hev, look I’m out right now but I’ll see you tomorrow right? You’re coming down to Stanford right?”
“Um, yeah.” She says staring out at the school buildings from the parking lot. “I’ll be there.”
After a couple more slurred jokes from her boyfriend who shouldn’t be drinking while on tour and a couple attempted calls to Tashi, Heaven climbs out of the car, deciding to just go to the girl’s building herself. 
She was determined not to go crawling to he who shall not be named. No. She would not see Art, because then he would give her that look. That look he does with his stupid monochromatic eyes that puppy dog look he gets when she’s happy, when she’s sad, when she’s anything. Like he’ll just do anything. It’s distracting and it makes her feel weird. 
And she’s taken. So, they’ll stick to texting, that’s safe. So, no, she won’t call him. Not to tell him about her shitty day. Not even to ask him where the actual hell Tashi’s building was. 
So instead she planned to wander aimlessly until she saw a building that looked familiar.
She walks along the cobblestone roads, squinting to find something that would remind her which direction she was supposed to be going in. 
The woman freezes at the voice behind her, cursing herself and whatever god that curated this situation as she slowly turns to see Art. “Arthur.”
Her breath catches as she gets a good look at him. He’s even hotter than she remembers, standing tall amongst a group of his teammates. His racket bag slung across his back, the strap tight against his chest that was currently filling out the dorky ass Stanford Men’s Tennis shirt that he was somehow making look like the sexiest outfit ever. 
This college tennis shit was really working for him.
But what brings the wide smile to her face that she couldn’t bite back, despite how much the logical part of her brain telling her she needed to, is those damn puppy dog eyes and the bright crooked smile he offers her.
Art takes a step forward, it almost looks like a reflex, but he pauses, smile dropping slightly as he tucks his hands into his tennis shorts, waiting to see what Heaven does.
And she can’t help it. Her legs move on their own, she can swear she didn’t consciously take three quick steps over to Art. And she didn’t take two more big ones when he met her the rest of the way, arms open as he dips low lifting her up and hugs her waist. And she definitely doesn’t wrap her legs around his waist when they meet. “Hi.” he says softly, swinging her back and forth.
“Hi!” she smiles back.
“What are you” he places her down so close to himself that their chests brush, craning his head down to look at her, brushing his thumbs over her hips through her t-shirt before releasing her fully. “What are you doing here?”
“Um, Pepperdine.” She tries to shrug easily, struggling to focus with him this close.
“You’re…uh, you’re a day early.” Art says, biting his lip a little, rocking on his feet.
“I know, I just had a rough day and I came to, um-”
“See Tashi.” He finishes for her, nodding his head. “You had a rough day?” He asks, eyes searching hers as he ignores the calls from his friends behind him, demanding that he introduce them to his hot friend. Art’s lips part as if he’s planning to say something before he snaps it shut, a beat passes before he trusts himself to speak again. “She’s gonna be on the court until late.”
“Fuck, yeah, she’s gonna be pissed, she hates when I throw her off before matches, she has this whole ritual situation, I just really couldn’t be at school right now.” Heaven groans, tossing her head back in frustration. 
“You could, you could come with me. I’m gonna go off campus for a little bit, go to Dave & Buster’s with my friends, you should come and blow off some steam, Hev.” 
Heaven glances around suddenly conscious that she drove all the way here in a haze like a maniac and despite telling herself she wasn’t here for Art she managed to be here, standing in front of him, notably not with Tashi. And yet, next thing she knew, she was kicking her feet, sitting on Art’s bed while he took a shower, so they could go to Dave & Buster’s.
Art knows that what he’s doing is not…healthy. It’s not good that he’s currently out with his best friend’s girlfriend (though one might still argue that Patrick had two and Art had none.) and he was enjoying the fact that everyone here thought she was his. 
It had started with his teammates. They’d seen the movie scene-esque display of Art lifting the girl in the air in excitement upon seeing her and suddenly, murmurs of the fact that Art doesn’t really entertain any of the girls who talk to him on campus seemed to make sense to them. They nudged him as they walked and wiggled their eyebrows as he held the door open for Heaven, guiding her with his hand on the small of her back. 
He’d tried correcting them. Originally. Sort’ve. 
Well, Matt asked if she was his girl and he’d responded with ‘c’mon man, what does it look like?’ 
Jesus, maybe there is a reason me and Patrick are friends.
But they were having so much fun, playing games and Heaven had been smiling so much. At him. And he didn’t have to share it. He was fucking happy.
“Let me get you something to eat, on me, Hev, come on.” Art says nudging her as he pulls their game card out of the skee ball machine. “Then we can talk about your shitty day.”
Heaven’s nose scrunches in a way that makes Art want to kiss it, her lips, whatever else she has to offer and she snatches the game card from him and takes a couple of steps back, a smirk on her face as she holds it away from him. “Or…we could play some more games.”
“I’m hungry.” Art cocks his head to the side, reaching for the card and laughing when she snatches it away. “And I want you to come eat with me. Please.”
“One more game.” 
“Come on, Art, the lady wants one more game.” One of his teammates, Kyle says smugly, tossing his arm around Heaven as he approaches from behind. 
Heaven’s lip curls in dismissal for a moment before her expression morphs into something more sinister. “Yeah,” she says sweetly, “M’just asking for one more.”
“Hev.” Art scoffs, holding his hand out again, embarrassed at how irritated he is by Kyle’s arm over her shoulders. 
“How about ping pong? If you win, we’ll go get some food and talk about whatever you want to talk about. And if,” her manicured hand reaches up and pats the one Kyle is dangling off her shoulder. “Kyle wins, I’ll play some games with him.”
Something feels so familiar about this moment. The innocent look on her face was only marred by the challenging raised eyebrow that Heaven couldn’t help but have. The look of expectation. It reminds Art of the day he’d lost to Patrick. The expression of ‘is that all?’ on her face. 
This is stupid. He thinks, working his jaw as he stares down at the girl. It’s dumb. 
“This is really fucking dumb.” he laughs, bouncing the ping pong ball on the table, rolling his eyes when Heaven shrugs, tilting her head as if to say, ‘go on’. “You’re seriously gonna go with him if I lose?”
“You’re not gonna fucking lose.” she murmurs under her breath. “We’re just having fun.”
“You’re trying to get out of talking about whatever you’re upset about, but m’not gonna forget-”
“Kiss for good luck?”
That has him whipping his head to her. He would be embarrassed if he could think about anything other than the offer she’d placed on the table. Like a dog to a bone immediately all of his focus is drawn down to her lips. “What?”
“You heard me, Arthur.” Heaven grabs his hand holding the paddle and brings it up between their faces, switching it’s position so that he’s holding the handle out to her and brings her glossed lips down to it, kissing it softly. “Kay, good luck!” she chirps, bouncing away from him to watch the game.
“That’s not fair!” Kyle calls from the opposite end of the table.
“Shut the fuck up, Kyle.”
As dumb as Art thinks this stupid little was, he absolutely demolishes Kyle. Like it wasn’t even fun, at least, not for Art’s opponent. The blond played like he was at the fucking US Open and didn’t let the guy get more than one point that he only got because Art briefly looked away, eyes following Heaven as she skirts off to use the bathroom. “I think I won that one, Kyle.” 
“Jesus, Donaldson, I wasn’t really going to get to go off with your girl. It’s fuckin’ ping pong at Dave & fuckin’ Buster’s.” His teammate rolls his eyes, tossing the paddle on the table before stalking off.
Art feels the heat rise to his face. All night while he’d been enjoying playing pretend he’d somehow avoided Heaven hearing what the guys were saying. He was quite literally ready to tuck his head to hide from the embarrassment when he felt an arm slide and loop with his. 
“Oh, what the fuck ever, he’s a sore loser, you were better, that’s why he’s not fucking ranked like you are.”
He wants to ask her how she knows that. Did Tashi tell her or did she look up the men’s teams rankings on her own. But instead he just guides her over to a table to collect his prize.
“Take the last one.”
“Mm no, can’t have it.” Heaven says, taking a sip of her water.
Art’s jaw clenches as he thinks about how the smallest attempt at a bullshit comeback from some dickhead had her questioning herself when Art thinks she’s the most beautiful thing in the world. “He’s an asshole.”
“I agree.”
“And he’s wrong, Hev.”
“Not completely.” she shrugs, swirling her straw in her glass. “Not statistically…for a ballerina.”
He crosses his arms, leaning back against the red booth seat. “Well, maybe male ballerina’s need to work out more then, I can pick you up just fine.” 
“I’ll come be Romeo. Put him out of a job and get to kiss you, that sounds like a pretty good deal.” 
Heaven laughs, shifting in her seat, lifting one leg into the chair, wrapping her arms around it and resting her cheek on her knee. “Thank you for letting me talk about it.”
“Yeah.” Art smiles, quietly taking a sip of his own water. 
“Now say what you wanted to say.” 
“I didn’t wanna say anything.”
“Yes you do,” Heaven scoffs, you’ve got that look on your face, you wanna say something just say it, Arthur.”
“I told you I hated that name and you haven’t stopped saying it since.” he snorts.
“It’s your given name.” She exclaims. Her big brown eyes stare up at him from across the table and he can feel his heart racing in his chest. “Okay. Art. You always let me talk to you. Talk to me.”
Art swallows deeply. This is the part where she runs. He gets real and honest about his feelings and she retreats to Tashi’s side or under Patrick’s arm. He knows this isn’t healthy to do to himself. But then he has the shittiest thought that crosses his mind. 
This time they’re not here.
He’d won the game today. There was no Patrick to beat in tennis, he wasn’t in a tug-o-war with Tashi. He wasn’t distracted by anything. He should at least try, shouldn’t he?
Like, how long could the situation between the 3 of them last anyway. Here she was again, upset, alone, and where were they. Tashi might have some years on him regarding Heaven but Art knows Patrick. He loves the guy, but he’s not good for them, either of them. This was just some fantasy for him, having two girlfriends, it wasn’t real for him. That’s why he’s here and she’s not. That’s why he was there when Heaven needed him when Patrick was out doing god knows what.
“Why didn’t you call me when you were upset? We text all of the time.” 
Heaven breathes out heavily as she nods her head, as if she’d been expecting this conversation. “I called my girlfriend. She was busy.”
“And then?”
“And then I called my boyfriend, Art. Your best friend, Patrick, remember him?” Art scoffs, shaking his head and Heaven sits up fully. “What?”
“No, what?” she persists.
“It’s just, what makes him your boyfriend? Because I just…Patrick Zweig isn’t really the boyfriend type, is all.” He shrugs.
“Maybe he changed for me and Tashi. We tend to have that effect on people.” Heaven jokes.
Art laughs humorously. “I know.”
“I just want you to be with someone that loves you.” He says in a tired tone. “That’s all I’ve been wanting for you-” He knows he should stop here. That placing seeds of doubt wasn’t the way he should win her. This was fucked up. She’s his friends’ girlfriend. His friend.
“And, you don’t think I have someone like that now?” She asks. That same brow raised as she crossed her arms, staring him down. It's the same bone chilling look she gave Tashi when she’d asked her about her audition dance. He can’t help but wilt a little under the stare, not backing down completely but suddenly questioning his decision to open this line of discussion.
“I…I just want you to be with someone who loves you, Heaven.” 
Her face softens and Art can breathe a little easier. Brown eyes wide as she takes him in, shifting in her seat back and forth as if she was really thinking. 
“You really mean that, don’t you?”
Art nods solemnly, hesitating slightly before standing, stepping out of the booth and walking over to Heaven’s side, holding his hand out to her. “I know what I’m about to say is so fucked up, and if you dont want to, I’ll listen. We’ll be friends, but…let me show you. I’ve, jesus this is embarrassing, I’ve been pretending you were mine all night. Pretend with me for tonight. Let me show you. Please.”
They're quiet the whole way back to campus. Heaven held Art’s hand, or maybe she let him hold hers…neither of them were quite sure. And they made their way back. And they both waited. They both were on the edge of their seats to see what happens next. They waited for Heaven to open her mouth, to ask him with indignity to direct her to Tashi’s dorm because, surely, the girl was back from the gym now. 
They waited for the wave of guilt to hit Art, for him to remember who she actually belongs to, to remember that she’s only his in his fantasies and send her on her way to wait for Patrick to get here tomorrow. But instead, when his phone vibrates in the cupholder of his car with a text from his best friend, he simply flips it over before Heaven can see. 
Once they’re safely inside his dorm Heaven is basically shaking next to him and he pauses, brushing his thumb against the smooth skin of her cheek. “Sweetheart, we don’t have to do anything.”
I’ll just die if we don’t, that’s all. He thinks.
Her eyes are shut tightly but she leans her face into his hand. “I’m scared. Meeting you guys was just supposed to be fun. This feels…” serious. “I’m…I’ve never felt like this for anyone other than her. So I was trying to avoid you.” she whispers, finally opening her eyes to look at him.
His heart almost hurts because he’s causing her stress. Almost. But this was the first time that she’s been clear that she’s feeling what he feels, and he physically cannot stand not kissing her. “I’m sorry.” He breathes, leaning down, brushing her lips with his own. “M’sorry.” 
The gap finally closes between the two of them and Art feels like he’s really breathing for the first time. Like, up until this point he’d been holding his breath his whole life, like he had a taste of real air when they’d kissed in that theater and now he was breathing. The only air worth breathing is Heaven’s.
Heaven’s head swims as Art lifts her up, laying her down onto his small bed, placing her gently as if she was fine china. It feels unfair. She didn’t know that something could feel this good. Being with Tashi and Patrick, it’s the first time she’s really felt something. Tashi was the first person Heaven ever loved. But it was so alarming how quickly Art was making all of that feel less all consuming. All she could think about was him. The only time her mine was this clear, this focused, was…when she danced.
Art places kisses along Heaven’s cheek, jaw and neck before making his way to her ear, groaning when he feels her hand in his hair. “Heaven, baby, let me touch you, please.” 
He pulls back to look at her to wait. He needed confirmation. He needed to know she was okay with it. That it would make her happy. “Okay.” she looks up at him from his pillow with a soft look, lifting her hand to his cheek and smiles gently as he kisses the palm of her hand.
“Yeah?” He asks desperately as he kisses his way up her arm.
Heaven brings Art’s hand to her lips, mirroring his action and kissing his palm before nodding. 
That’s all he needs.
He has to focus hard as he breathes in her sweet, flowery scent as he drags his lips along her torso before he reaches the edge of where her t-shirt meets her pants, nudging the fabric up with his nose to expose the skin of her stomach and kissing his way back down. He feels himself hardening in his own pants and wills himself to calm down so he doesn’t cum before he even gets to really touch her. He reaches his hand down, undoing her buttons on her pants and looks up to the ceiling briefly as he hears her kicking the fabric down her legs, counting backward from 20. 
“Kiss me again?” she asks sweetly. 
The question barely leaves her lips before he’s racing up to meld their lips back together, humming in relief when he gets to breathe from her again. When he finally lets her get some real air, she takes his dominant hand this time holding it in both of hers. “I love your hands, Art. They’re strong,” she kisses one finger, “and talented,” she kisses the next, “and part of you. Let you play some really good fucking tennis.” 
Art’s laugh turns into a moan when she places the two fingers into her warm mouth, staring up at him through her lashes. “Oh fuck, Heaven.”
She pops his fingers out of his mouth and she wraps her arm around his neck to hold his face close as Art slides hand down her body, holding the wet fingers away as he pauses briefly to squeeze her breast, drinking in the sound she makes. He would say he wants that noise as his ringtone, but then other people would hear it. Heaven. That’s what she is. His own personal heaven. 
As he pushes his fingers into her his own grunt frustrates him as he tries to memorize the gasp that falls from her plump lips and chases it with his own. He pushes his fingers in and out of her again and again to hear her voice pitch as she chants his name and gasps obscenities. His own moans and whines fall from his lips and his ears and cheeks turn red at how loud he is. 
His suitemates have to be used to the sound of him cumming with her name on his lips by now, especially considering his one attempt at not being in love with his best friend’s girlfriend that led him to stumble home from a bar just off campus with a sorority girl who promptly slapped the shit out of him and stormed out of the suite screeching when she’d given him head and he cried Heaven’s name when he came. To be fair, he’d gotten her off first…and apologized immensely. 
But this? They weren’t gonna wanna room with him next semester. Fuck them. 
He shivers as he feels her tugging his shirt over his head before pulling him back down to her, kissing him deeply again. “I’m gonna cum.” she whimpers, burying her face in his shoulder.
“Wait, wait, wait, please let me look at you.” Art pleads. Heaven’s head falls back against the pillow as her back arches slightly off of the mattress as she reaches her peak and Art nearly loses it from the sight. Not yet. 
“Shit.” Heaven breathes kissing his cheek and neck, running her hands through his blond hair. “Let…let me-”
“One more.” Art blurts, sitting up and looking down at her, smoothing his hand along her body in awe. “Let me have one more, please. Let me taste you, baby. You’re so pretty, Hev. You’re,” he kisses her lower stomach, blue-brown eyes on her as he bites her panties, pulling them down with his teeth. “You’re a goddess. I want…I love you.” 
“Art-” she gasps, pushing up onto her elbows to look down at him between her legs.
“One more, Heaven, please.” He pleads one more time, stopping just short of his destination to give her time. If…if she didn’t want it he wouldn’t do it. But he’d die. He would, he’d fucking die. 
But all she does is bite the collar of her shirt. And Art could fucking cry at how good she tastes. He kisses her center deeply, licking his way up her slit, sucking on her clit, holding her legs open as she squirms above him. Murmuring against her through his own moans. “I know, baby, I know.” He reaches his hand up tugging the fabric of the shirt to pull it from her mouth to stop her from muffling her cries. “Heaven, beautiful, talk to me, honey, please.”
“I-I’m, it feels so good.”
“Yeah? I wanna make you feel so good.” he whines against her thigh.
“Fuck, Art-” she turns her head to muffle into the pillow, squeaking when he gently tugs her down the bed away from it. 
“Please don’t fight it. Cum for me baby, please. One more, Heaven.” 
“Fuck.” She gasps.
This time when she cums Art can’t help it. Between her sounds filling his ears, her scent in his nose and her taste on his tongue, he was moaning out her name and cumming in his pants before he could stop it. He breathes heavily and sits on the bed because he’s genuinely worried he’s gonna pass out, the black spots in his vision apparently an after effect of coming harder than he’d ever had. “Fuck, Heaven. Heaven?” He breathes, confused when he can finally see again and the girl is no longer in his bed and his room door is open.
She comes padding back through his door and Art thinks if he wasn’t empty, he could cum again to the sight of her stumbling back on wobbly legs, wearing his shirt, holding a washcloth. “Least I could do since you tried to kill me by making me nut.” She sits next to him and he intakes a breath as she unbuttons his pants, coaxing him out of them and his boxers and taking the warm cloth and cleaning his dick. 
“Fuck, baby-” he whines, burying his face in her hair. “Okay-”
“You know you sound like you’re having sex when you play tennis? Or you’re playing tennis when you have sex. Since you played tennis first.” She smiles, smoothing his messy blond hair. 
“Fuck tennis, I wanna do that.” He jokes, lifting his head and reaching for a clean pair of boxers from his drawer before climbing into his bed and holding his arms out for her to climb into. 
“As a pro? That’s prostitution, handsome.” she smiles, laying herself between his arms and entangling their legs. 
“M’not chargin’ you.” he mumbles sleepily, kissing her head.
“Shut up, go to sleep.”
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narcissistcookbook · 2 days
I'm an amateur musician who has, for years, struggled with songwriting. I get really frustrated because I feel the emotion of the song I want to write so deeply but I struggle to be able to put words or a tune to it.
I really admire the way you're able to tell a story full of real emotion in your music, and wanted to ask if you have any advice or words of wisdom
the honest and despiriting answer is practice. I wrote so much bad stuff before I wrote anything good.
Beyond that, the only gauge you can really rely on is your gut. Keep writing until a line moves you in some way and then try to follow and expand on that and see where it goes. That feeling is going to be your guide and learning how to recognise it is your most valuable skill.
Also, this isn't the same for everyone but I struggle to sit down and write *about* something. I don't generally start with trying to express a feeling unless that feeling is so big it's consuming me - the Absolute State Of The Union for example. It's the biggest thing I'm feeling in the moment, so anything I start writing is going to lead there. Most of the time I don't have a feeling that big and I'll start writing abstract images first for the most part and go from there - that's most obvious in the songs where the images are what remained in the final draft. Human Design, i think i'm going to leave my phone at home tonight, The Good Ship You. It's why a lot of my songs have a sort of spooky / cosmic horror undervibe, because those images always make me feel something
So yeah, I think my best advice is try going in with less of a specific idea of what you want to write about. Just write and let the process itself dictate where you end up. I'm constantly surprised by the songs that come out when I start writing, like 'oh boy, I didn't know I was even thinking about that'. It's easier to avoid being annoyed at yourself for not writing as well as you want to when even you don't really know what you're trying to write
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I have mistakenly scrolled through the fob tag (usually I am not this disappointed tbh) and I must be missing half the conversation because there are so many posts defending the tswift collab but like... without knowing what potential problems people actually have about it
"the fob fanbase is scared of the tswift fanbase" what "they've been friends for years" who is saying this stuff
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daily-hanamura · 6 months
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jonathanbiers · 1 year
Argyle never gets frustrated with Steve when he doesn’t understand something. He doesn’t roll his eyes, or give That Sigh. He explains things patiently, if a bit abstractly, and when Steve is way off base Argyle runs with it. Is Vecna a vampire? Whoa that would be wild, man! Do you think he can’t have garlic? We could just take him out with a gnarly garlic pie, my dude!
the way you're seeing into my mind.... argyle being really soft with steve and taking the time to make sure he doesn't feel stupid when he's confused is something i've considered AT LENGTH (specifically in dms with @himbohohoharringtxn who has the unfortunate luck of being on the receiving end of Most of my argyle thoughts fdjghkdfj)
i would like to preface this by saying that i am firmly in "argyle and steve are both genuinely smart" territory. i think steve is very neurodivergent coded (i see the arguments for adhd/autism/dyslexia/ocd and as someone who might be autistic but is diagnosed with the other three....i see these arguments and i agree on all fronts) and there's also the head trauma of it all, though that's not what this is about. he's not fucking dumb, he just needs things broken down and explained to him in a very specific way. nothing wrong with that!
as far as argyle is concerned - we've literally seen him in action noticing small details no one else has(one of my fav parallels between them), which ends up being the reason the cali group finds nina and el. he's not fucking dumb either, just delivered to us as a comic relief stoner character with little dimension because the duffers need to be fucking stopped
BUT ANYWAY! you're so right! argyle would see the way steve sometimes gets brushed off and spoken over. the rest don't mean it to be hurtful and steve tries not to show that it does sometimes sting (because it's really not that big of a deal to him and it's not like they're being outright mean) but he would ABSOLUTELY "yes and-" whatever steve's off the wall question or idea was, if anything just to make him laugh, relieve some of the tension. AND IT WORKS is the thing.
it's not just, "duuuude, what if we just lure vecna into the sun? he'll be TOAST in five seconds flat, no fighting necessary. nancy, you can put the gun down, we're gonna hurl garlic cloves at him with a slingshot!" in one fell swoop, argyle is 1. making sure steve feels heard and not spoken over; 2. acknowledging steve's input and effort in a way that, let's be honest, the others don't do very often; 3. putting a smile on the group's faces for a while because fuck they're kids in a stressful situation and need a laugh; 4. putting himself in the line of fire so the others can rag on him instead.
argyle would do this when they aren't even dating yet and steve definitely would not be normal about it, he'd be smiling so big and soft and then argyle would catch his eye and smile back and they'd have this little quiet moment between them amidst all the chaos and dread.
after they're dating though? oh, they'd be INSUFFERABLE. they'd be such a pda couple, with the ridiculous pet names("what the fuck did you just call me?" "don't worry about it, my lil sweet potato pie."), and the open flirting until their friends are fake-retching, the whole nine yards. argyle is hanging off of steve's back with his arms around his waist and not even acknowledging it as he makes his argument to the rest of the group that, "no, no, listen. steve is onto something here, i just know. what if-"
and when they're alone, it'd be less of the theatrics and silliness and more of the gentle patience. they're both smart in really different ways and when argyle gets something steve doesn't and steve is getting a little frustrated about it, he'd take his hand or pull him close and just distract him with a little bit of affection to get him to cool down because he knows being frustrated isn't going to help steve figure out whatever it is. conversely, steve does the same when he's trying to explain something to argyle - though he's less likely to get as frustrated when confused, and more likely to pretend to take longer to get it than he actually does because listening to steve explain a subject he's knowledgeable about is fucking hot, can you blame him? they're just soft with each other, okay
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beloved-blaiddyd · 26 days
I love how @a-dose-of-phitre, @estellxli, and I are talking about the choices for WhoDrankIt? and debating which is the best one
Even though the three of us already know all the mysteries and who "drank it" HAHAHAHAH-
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teapot-tyrant · 2 months
Something has occurred to me.
So if there's one thing people should know about me, it's that instead of taking notes in class, I like thinking about my interests and letting my brain take me places. And one of these places my brain took me today was "HEY! what if I sorted all of my friends into Twisted Wonderland Dorms?" and, of course, I decided to re-read/look up what the virtues that the different dorms embody were and I noticed something really interesting that I really didn't really think about before related to Savanaclaw and Pomefiore in particular...
Depending on where you're reading it (in game, translation, wiki, etc.), Savanaclaw will represent the spirit of the King of Beasts' Tenacity OR Persistent Spirit (or Indomitable Spirit) and Pomefiore will represent the spirit of the Beautiful Queen's Unrelenting (Persistent.) Efforts OR Tenacity (or Spirit of... Encouragement? This is just a pre-post addendum from a quick reread of the original JP text and a run of one or two unfamiliar words through everyone's favorite google translate [which is not great ik but bear with me])
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Some screenshots from the fandom Wiki, the wiki.gg, and both the english and JP versions of the game (I did not. put translations on the images, but the 不屈の精神 in the one for Savanaclaw translated to "indomitable spirit" and 奮励の精神 came out to "spirit of encouragement". Please note that I am not an expert in speaking Japanese, I just happen to be learning it, so please feel free to correct me or provide suggestions if I am wrong).
This leads me to wonder: These two dorms embody basically the same virtue and yet are often kind of pitted as opposites from one another - Savanaclaw is the dorm full of jocks and muscleheads, whereas Pomefiore is the preppy fashion dorm (simplified for my own sake). On top of this, we know that TWO of our three Pomefiore characters, namely Rook and Epel, have some kind of relation to Savanaclaw, with Rook having transferred to Pomefiore from Savanaclaw in his first year after meeting Vil, and Epel having a strong desire to have been placed in Savanaclaw instead of Pomefiore.
It could be argued that Jack and Vil also have a connection to the other dorm, since they've at least been acquainted since childhood, but I don't think it ties into their character narratives nearly as much as Rook's and Epel's connections do, so I'm not really worried about them right now.
But this all kind of brings me to my point - With how both dorms are kind of shown as complete opposites despite having the same virtue, what exactly is the key differnce? My personal theory so far (I plan on rereading Books 2, 5, and parts of the prologue, 1, and 6, as well as related vignettes, so I could very well be wrong. Again, I'm writing this and thinking about this in a class rn instead of taking notes.) is that the main difference in how each dorm views power to be used TOWARDS meeting their goals. To rephrase: What is the main method by which one obtains the power to achieve their goals? With Savanaclaw, it's raw strength as power, whereas with Pomefiore, it's beauty and appearances as power.
It's probably stupidly obvious for me to say that because like it IS, but like. I still want to really get into that specific like. I dunno. Is that the ONLY key difference, though? Or are there other ways by which the members of these dorms embody their virtue that differ? Does this hold a deeper meaning for characters with those connections?
I'm basically rambling at this point, but like if anyone has some specific parts they'd like to point to as examples, I'll gladly take them! I love twst and just generally would like to be able to engage with it as a story on a deeper level. I already have a few vignettes in mind (like Epel's and Vil's ceremonial robes vignettes) for looking into, as well as the aforementioned points in the story.
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the-kipsabian · 11 months
Who would Kip surrender a blood and guts match to save?
i mean. i feel like penny is a really obvious answer tbh. and really any of his squad mates, we know hes the soft one out of them all, hes the one with the feelings lol
also my brain really REALLY wants to say oc. you know why lol
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vonlipvig · 6 months
As much as I love Bits of Your Life it makes me want a Julia themed DLC even more
NO FR julia is like, a Character of All Time, she's so tragic and complex and interesting. is mt girlie girl a war criminal? yes, and worse ♡ but we believe in women's rights AND women's wrongs here.
seeing her in bits of your life truly made my heart go !!!!!! she looks so pretty! but god, it's so sad, too, cause you know what she's gonna become :'(
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troublewithvampires · 9 months
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@rejectshumanity said: 🍪 ☎️ ⭐️ 🐠 & 🔑 ! (for the my experience in the roleplaying community meme)
(rpc experiences meme - open)
//ASDFJK; damn that's a lot of symbols- ok anyway i'll put my answers under the cut :3c
🍪 my favorite roleplay memory
ohhh this is an interesting one!!! hmm... y'know, i have a few favorite memories on here, most of them centering around fond memories with some of the friends i've made through hanging out in the rpc.
y'know... i think one of my favorite memories, though, was when i was still really active on my old sally face blog, and there was this stretch of time when i received a lot of really friendly anons who were excitedly reading along with my threads and wanted to share their thoughts. i thought that was kinda fun tbh! perhaps a bit much at times, but it was cool that even people who weren't actively part of those threads were having fun.
☎️ my first character i ever roleplayed
so i know this whole questionnaire thing is about the tumblr rpc specifically, but i also wanna answer this for like. characters i've roleplayed in general.
my very first muse on tumblr was saitama from one punch man--specifically an au depicting saitama as a trans woman. she was a lot of fun to write and develop, but i was so new to the tumblr rpc and *incredibly* shy so i never really approached anyone first, so she never got much attention. lately i've been considering writing saitama again, but i don't think i'll write this au in particular ever again--my girl can rest <3
as for first character *in general*, that's a bit more complicated. i mainly rp'd ocs back when i wrote on quotev with close friends, and during my time in some rp groups on discord. i don't really remember who was the first oc i ever roleplayed as, but i do remember the first canon character i roleplayed as! or at least one of them.
that would be dr. robert langdon from the da vinci code series! i had a pretty long stretch of being hyperfixated on those books, and they're still pretty near and dear to my heart! i've been really meaning to reread angels & demons tbh... and maybe i'll bring my boy robert back. maybe. i do miss him.
⭐️ my roleplay pet peeves
i don't have a lot of these! i like to think i'm pretty chill most of the time, and i like to emphasize good communication as much as i can (though i will be the first to admit i'm not always the best at that lmao). most of my pet peeves *are* just about communication with other muns, but i don't encounter them very often. i guess my biggest pet peeve would really just be muns who don't communicate *at all* ooc.
but i guess. second to this would be people who don't read about pages in the slightest. i totally understand if they're not mobile accessible or easy to read, but i think it's really important to familiarize yourself as much as possible with your writing partners' muses. even if they're writing canon muses you're familiar with, it's important to learn what they bring to the table and how they're portraying the character. i'm not saying you need to catch up on all the lore right away, but just! get to know em a bit.
🐠 why i love (or hate) this hobby
i love this hobby because it gives me a lot of time to really indulge in developing and writing characters, and also just. collaborative storytelling is one of my favorite things in the whole fucking world, haha! also, it's led to me meeting a lot of really fun, interesting people, some of whom are my best friends in the world! i actually met two of my partners through rp groups! :3c
🔑 my favorite type of threads
y'know, i don't think i have a single favorite type of thread, but one thing i'm always a goddamn sucker for is hurt/comfort. i love to indulge a little in angst but then in the recovery after the angst.
i also really like threads that really give me the chance to dig my claws into a character's psychology, or ones that let my partner do the same. we're telling a story together, so show me what you've got and go all the fuck IN on these characters with me!
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t-u-i-t-c · 8 months
guys i have been associated with by my followers/mutuals:
renn (go-onger)
inuzuka (donbrothers)
racules (king-ohger)
jeramie (king-ohger)
yanma (king-ohger)
juggler (orb)
haruto (wizard)
stacy (zenkaiger)
sasuke (kakuranger)
all great choices, and all correct answers
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fstbmp-a · 1 year
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@anonymous sent: @Mimic. You Mobians actually educate and clothe your females!?
There's a slow blink of eyes as the other spoke. As if the information hadn't sunk in and there needed to be time to process it all. Slowly, gaze turns around them. No, there weren't any cameras. This wasn't one of those silly 'pranks', as there so loved to be for entertainment's sake.
Very well, she supposes there's nothing better to do at the time. May as well humor whatever the hell is happening right in front of them.
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"Firstly, 'you mobians', is a bit of a misrepresentation of things. Have you ever even seen an aquatic-based mobian on land save the barest of occasions? Because, in case you weren't aware, we have an entirely different culture than the land-based mobians where I'm from, meaning your wild assumptions don't even have merit to begin with.
So let's work with that, alright? No, clothes aren't really a thing we worry about too much in the ocean. We're more likely to just cause drag and slow us down. It's either a fashion statement or something worn above water to humor the land-dwellers. It's not like we have the parts to be 'indecent', per se, but it keeps people's panties from being in a twist.
As for education, another news flash for you. Don't particularly remember where I heard it from, but guess what? There's no gender in the ocean, genius. We just go with whatever is the most fitting at the time based on what we're told. You're technically talking to a 'female' right now, just out of spite for you."
A shrug of shoulders, twirling combat knife between digits at such speeds it sung through the air it sliced. ..Had Mimic always been so femininely in appearance? No, surely not, but there it was. Spite really did run deep for her, after all, and this was surely one of the most baffling things she's had to deal with. Just altering biology on the spot to fit the feeling of the moment. Maybe it's not best to ask the 'genderfluid' shapeshifting creature about gender norms.
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"Finally, I don't even know why you decided to come to me as if I'd be the one to agree how ludicrous it is with you, champ. It doesn't matter who does and doesn't get an education to me, considering I come from a place where gender's not even really a factor. It's entirely a class and circumstantial privilege, rather than something tied to stupid concepts like 'gender' that is so valued by people with nothing better to caer about.
So how about you never show your face to me again and we'll just forget you ever existed, okay?"
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@cantillat​ asked:  9. for the romance and friendship ship asks!
Romance and Friendship ship ask meme - Accepting!
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9. What do you look for in a writing partner for ships?
There’s a few things I look for. I’m not sure if it’s asking for a lot, but mostly when a blog or mun isn’t interested in/can’t fulfill these, I’m less interested in writing a ship with them:
- Responding to threads. Regardless if it’s a romantic or platonic ship, I really do look for people who reply to threads and interactions. I can be pretty flexible with turnaround time to a point (and same-day replies are off-putting to me to begin with, for longer threads), but if I’m writing a bunch of starters that never get responses or I get replies months later when the mun hasn’t been on hiatus? I then feel like their interest isn’t really there, so in turn I’m less interested in writing a ship. 
- OOC approachability. Especially where romantic ships are concerned, I want to be able to ask questions/comfort level about our interactions. If a mun has no interest in plotting or even chatting OOC, that’s not likely someone I want to write a ship with.
- For romance: Someone who is comfortable writing a slow-burn ship. My muse isn’t going to realize romantic feelings for someone after one or two interactions. It is very rare for Sonia to feel like she’s got less-than-platonic feelings for someone at first sight. I do headcanon that she falls faster and easier as a teenager rather than an adult, but even still, she is much more likely to become someone’s friend than fall in love with them. She does have her preferences of traits/habits/values in a love interest of course, but that doesn’t always ensure she’s going to fall in love with them, and quickly. Let relationships play out! Even if the muses take a look at each other and are just “mm, let’s not kiss. It would be terrible.”
They could be saying it to save face, but they could actually mean it. And either option is fine.
- For romance: I want to write with a mun who doesn’t expect a romantic ship right after we become mutuals. Going along with the above point, let our muses meet! Share some experiences! Begin to learn about, understand, and appreciate each other. I do tend to shy away from blogs that only write romance for this reason, because I tend to guess that all the other mun wants is romance and I’m not going to force my muse into a ship I’m just not feeling.
- For romance: Going along with the above point, I want to write with a mun who does not pressure me into writing smut/demands that our ship contain smut scenes. I do write that content when I’m comfortable with it and my writing partner is comfortable with it, and I don’t tend to just write smut scenes for the sake of characters having sex (which is also why you pretty much never see NSFW IC memes or NSFW headcanon memes over here). If the interactions/threads head in that route and both parties are comfortable with it, great! Sex can do many things for the sake of a larger plot: it can bring characters closer together or push characters apart/make them realize they’re filling an empty relationship with sex, and plenty of things in-between. Sometimes it’s even more interesting to see how muses look at the world, and each other, post-sexual encounter too.
And of course, for blogs that are primarily smut blogs? That’s just not for me.
- For romance: I prefer to write with muns who want to explore a ship beyond the first ‘I love you,’ the first sexual encounter, etc. I like writing fluff and smut (I promise! despite what the points above may sound like at times), sure, but a ship can get boring without conflict, humor, angst, etc. I’m also not a fan of feeling like someone wants to ship with my muse(s) because they want to ship with any version of that muse, or that type of muse, and they can check it off a list of ship types/hoard ships but not actively engage with them after a love confession. There’s so much in a romantic relationship to explore beyond admitting feelings and physical displays of love!
- For romance: I will only write with muns who can separate fiction from reality. I’m in a long-term, committed relationship in real life: I’m engaged to my fiancé and we’re getting married soon. I’m not interested in having a fictional RP spill into my personal life at all. I am not afraid to shut down threads and interactions that try to cross that line. It can suck to lose a writing partner that way, but that’s for for both my comfort and my relationship’s comfort.
And in general: writing style and muse chemistry are essential for close relationships of any sort. It’s hard for me to want to write a ship when it’s a struggle to reply to threads or my muse just doesn’t get along with yours for some reason.
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campfire-collective · 2 years
3 for the ask game?
3 - Any comfort objects?
uhhm...not super much. i do have a doll who used to be a big comfort object, but some stuff happened and while i'm still attached, it's not the same.
i have quite a few stuffies, but none of them really meet comfort object standards.
honestly i try not to get too attached to objects. it hasn't worked out for me.
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pseudoneiiric · 2 years
18, 20
salty memes / accepting!
Have you ever felt like something off about someone?
i got asked this question three times actually, which signals to me that i’m missing something really important about this question. but i do not understand what im supposed to say here beyond like… yes, i always find people vaguely suspicious. i hope this is normal!
Wild card: The mun discusses any situation/problem they want.
actually i think there’s a trend in the rpc where people sort of expect that everyone has the same opinions and are educated equally on certain issues. like ive seen a lot of “obviously”s thrown around, and maybe i’m just in teacher’s college, but i think the rpc in general would be a lot more manageable if we didn’t shame people for not knowing certain things or not having certain takes. that is just my two cents
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the-kipsabian · 2 years
the hardest part of making a quiz is having to choose which blorbos i wanna add as the results lmao
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