#and usually we’re quite compatible BECAUSE we get it bc one will have this feeling and the other will come up with normal shit to do
hella1975 · 1 year
i never considered how brave my neurotypical flatmate is for willingly choosing to live with two diagnosed ADHD flatmates but she was out all last night in nottingham leaving the two of us alone and it was HELL we were just going back and forth over what to do bc we both wanted to do SOMETHING but neither of us knew what like we were pacing and shouting at each other and then it went quiet for a while before my flatmate completely seriously just went ‘…. we could try acid?’ like there was no impulse control to speak of my flatmate took it to nottingham with her
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hi again 🥺🥺 this is for the match ups you are doing :))
appearance :: i am 5'4 and have brown hair and eyes, though my eyes are a little green with sunlight too. i can say i have a curvy body(? and i was told i have a cute and bright smile.
personality :: when i first meet someone i tend to be very shy, sometimes i even barely speak. but once i get to know someone i open myself up a little more (still, i find it very hard to open up to things that are personal or make me sad). i could say im calm, positive and patient but i tend to be jealous a lot and sensitive over not so important things. i do have a tendency to put others before me way too much which causes me to forget about myself.
hobbies :: i love to read ! i usually use my savings for buying new books or mangas :)) i also like painting and drawing but i dont know if i should count those as hobbies now bc they are very related to what im majoring in. I love playing the guitar and listening to some calming music while laying in bed.
aesthetic :: my favorite aesthetics are cottagecore and goblincore. however in my daily life i use a combination of both + a little bit of light academia <3
likes :: greek mythology, conspiracy theories, kdramas, romance and adventure books, fantasy, mushrooms 🥺, cats, guitars, picnics, inceses, meditations, study dates, libraries, watercolors and relaxing//acoustic music.
mbti + zodiac sign :: with my mbti is kinda difficult to say because i took different tests and i had two different types as results:: INFJ and INFP. i relate to both in a lot of ways but i still find myself relating to more people or characters that are INFP. my zodiac sign is virgo, my rising taurus and my moon leo.
type :: i dont know if i have a type? i would love to date someone who understands me and makes me feel loved. who's love language are words of affirmation or/and physical touch. someone who, if he does not share interests with me or preferences in dates, can adapt and be willing to learn about the things that i like. someone who will cheer me up. maybe a little dorky? i dont mind if they are not extroverted as long as we help each other to get out of our comfort zone :)) in appearance maybe just not too beefy ah 😅 lol but other than that, someone who will respect me and will make me smile
i think that is it? sorry for making it so long and thank you sooo much for taking your time to do this 🥺🥺 have a great day 💛💛💛
Romantic Matchup
Tendou Satori
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𝐇𝐨𝐰 𝐘𝐚'𝐥𝐥 𝐌𝐞𝐭
Ok picture this...
Shonen Jump just came out with a new LIMITED EDITION magazine
These things are just disappearing off shelves
There is one. Singular. Copy in the store you are currently at
Obviously you see it
And OBVIOUSLY your gonna go get it!
However when you reach to grab it your hand touched the hand of the one and only
Tendou Satori
Both of you had a deadly tight grip on this magazine rn
Neither of you are backing down
You look him dead in the eyes
“I’m sorry sir but I do believe I touched this first”
He looked right back at you
“I’m sorry ma’am but I’m pretty sure I was the one who touched it first”
You both went back and forth bickering about who should get to have the magazine
And that’s when Tendou came out with the GENIUS idea of...
Rock. Paper. Scissors.
Simple, whoever wins gets the magazine
Thus the match began
Long story short Tendou lost 2-1
Seeing his sad face you decided to be nice and offered to read it together at the nearby park
Of course he was gonna agree this is SHONEN JUMP WERE TALKING ABOUT
So you both headed to the park to read
Honestly you busted out the entire magazine within an hour
And after you finished it you two talked about it for about another hour
And shit since you we’re both at the park, why not have a little fun
You guys spent the rest of the day messing around on the playground
You know... harassing kids and shit
And when it was time to go home you both agreed to meet back up next week to discuss more manga
This became sort of a routine for you two
Every Friday you guys would meet up somewhere and talk about or read some manga
And then afterwards you two would go find something fun to do
And over time he started having feelings for you
But poor boy was to scared to tell you
But lucky for him, you also grew to have feelings for him
So YOU where actually the one to confess :D
And he obviously said yes :)
𝐖𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐲 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐀𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐘𝐨𝐮
Omg cheesy moment real quick
He loves your smile
Absolutely fricken adores it
Like he will do ANYTHING to see you smile
He loves how positive you can be!
Sometimes Tendou can get a little down on himself
But you can always pick him back up and get him smiling again!!
And he gladly does the same for you :)
He likes the fact that you get a little jealous 👀
To him it just shows that you care a lot about him
Annnnd last one
He loves the fact that you enjoy manga as well :D
Because you both have something to do together that you both enjoy!
𝐅𝐚𝐯𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 𝐓𝐨 𝐃𝐨 𝐓𝐨𝐠𝐞𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫
Ok so he obviously likes reading manga with you
One of his favorite things to do with you is
🥁 🥁 🥁
Exploring mythology with you!!
Honestly tendous kinda into that witchy type of aesthetic
So mythology, crystals, spirits, he’s ALL for it
One time he even invited you ghost hunting ❤️
Fun times
But I’m pretty sure y’all have a ghost tied to you 😀
𝐑𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐨𝐦 𝐇𝐜
Tendou loves taking you to haunted places!
He genuinely thinks he can talk to ghosts...
He always links your conspiracy theories to paranormal activity
He loves to meditate with you
Especially before a game 😁
He says it “grounds” him
Ever since y’all met you take turns buying weekly shonen jump magazines and snacks
Ok Tendou likes painting
But he ALWAYS makes a mess
Because he specifically likes FINGER painting 🥲
When Taurus and Virgo come together in a love affair, it’s a union of innate practicality.
Both of these Signs employ practicality in their daily lives as the most efficient means to most problems.
They can be quite sincere and devoted to one another; as people, both have a great deal of integrity.
Virgo likes Taurus’s strength and dedication while Taurus appreciates Virgo’s quick mind.
Due to Virgo’s naturally cautious nature, this relationship can take awhile to develop, but once it’s established that both partners are in it for the long haul, it’s like a runaway locomotive, running on its own power and difficult to stop.
These two Signs have much in common: They highly value common sense and practicality; they’re both materialistic but work hard for the creature comforts they so enjoy.
Taurus is more sensual and indulgent than Virgo is; Virgo tends to be the inhibitive force in the relationship, tending not to get involved in the chaos of life in favor of analyzing all available options.
Virgo’s analysis leads to criticism, which Taurus can tend to take too seriously. Conversely, Taurus’s stubborn nature can get on Virgo’s nerves, causing Virgo to criticize even more!
This pair must take care not to take one another too seriously.
The good thing is, they’re similar enough that they can learn to be patient with one another, especially Virgo, who loves to indulge Taurus’s penchant for fine treatment and good food.
Their dedication to working toward the same goals.
Both partners enjoy luxury and nice things, and Virgo likes helping Taurus achieve their goals.
Their common interests and desires make theirs a highly compatible relationship.
𝐎𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐀𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐭𝐢𝐜
𝓜𝔂𝓼𝓽𝓲𝓬𝓼 ✨ 🔮 ✨
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soysaucecas · 3 years
oooh for the ask game 24, 30, and 44!
24. What are your favorite episodes?
The only episodes I've really watched are TMWWBK (which is my favorite episode and I'm certain would still be my favorite if I watched every single one because it has the only SPN character and the only SPN line), The French Mistake (which was funny enough but honestly in the Just Okay category for me, which makes me pretty sure I wouldn't enjoy actually watching SPN if this is one of the funniest/highest-rated eps), and Reading Is Fundamental (my best friend was watching it and asked me if I wanted to hop on Discord, I thought it might be fun to see Kevin's first introduction but instead this ep found the two of us taking like 90 minutes to get through it bc we kept pausing and screaming (derogatory) as the model minority stereotype jokes piled up and up and up... Unfortunately not a favorite even if we got Meg AND the "pull my finger" joke AND the "Sorry" shot). Other than TMWWBK, from clipping and transcript-reading, I like Wayward Sisters (who doesn't?), The Things We Left Behind (Claire!!!! Cas trying to be a dad! The diner scene aka my favorite destiel scene of all time bc being in love just looks so good on Cas! Also the parallels between Claire and Randy and teen Dean and the adults at that club in his story... woof.), Golden Time (Eileen gets to be HERE and be sad and loved and fight people with ghost powers and Cas gets to do a cool speech and a stabbing and do the Asian community a favor), and Lucifer Rising (just immensely sexy on all counts for Ruby, Sam, Cas, and myself). Also I am SO fond of Steve!Cas so I'll add Heaven Can't Wait even if I barely know anything about it.
30. What is an unpopular opinion or headcanon you have about the show?
Ooh okay hm I think. So I adore confession scene, but I don't think the "I cared about the whole world because of you" is like. The Objective Truth the way that most bloggers seem to take it. Cas was lobotomized tons of times before he met Dean, he was described as coming off the line with a crack in his chassis, he's always been the weird little angel who likes humanity too much! I don't think Dean came first, and although gay love was part of what helped Cas invent free will, he *Ruby voice* didn't need the feather to fly, Dumbo! I do think Cas believes what he says in the moment, but I also think he sorta... made himself believe it? This is probably just me deciding that cas-coding should go both ways, but like. I very much crush as a coping mechanism and I very much overascribe my actions to love because it simply seems more noble/poetic to do so. Being miserable because school is hard is cringefail but being miserable because of unrequited love is Good Shit. And I have been in unrequited love with my best friend for at least 7 years (probably 9 but I didn't realize it earlier) and if you asked I would 100% say that she taught me love and defined love for me and that she will be my first and last, but I also know that that is not entirely true; it's just the narrative that I like for myself. And I think that being in an Empty deal contingent on whether or not he LETS himself feel happy would lead Cas to do plenty of mental maneuvering, which I think involved intentional self-poor-little-meow-meow-ification via overascribing his choices and happiness to Dean (and I also think he'd already been doing that for a while just because of personal self-worth issues and because it's a nice narrative). I know as Cas's last Moment on the show it was probably written to be The Objective Truth, but I am perceiving him and I say no.
44. If you could write an episode of Supernatural, what would happen?
Oh scream okay! This is a fun one! I am going to start out with two ideas from other people:
1. Months ago Nate from the pocnatural discord had the idea of an episode from the "monster"'s perspective where the Winchesters are just clearly the antagonists while not doing anything different than they usually do. I think the idea was that all these supernatural beings live in a self-regulating community together and we have one Very Likable pov character who's a member of this community, but one of the newer members messes up one day and kills someone and the Winchesters come on a case and wreak havoc on this Very Much Functioning (there was going to be a whole rehab and reparations thing for the new member who messed up!) system and kill pov character and in the end you just HATE Sam and Dean for it.
2. It's hard to adapt anything from bad moon rising (aka my favorite spn fic) very well because the point of an Arab Winchesters season 1 rewrite is that it doesn't really work with the white characters we have now, but I think I could see a version of chapter 2 adapted as long as Haley (an Ojibwe hunter who lives in the area affected by what Sam and Dean are hunting) takes the lead. I'd especially like to see this section:
Dean laughs, a little disbelievingly. The question has never crossed his mind. “Do you like it?”
This gives Haley no pause at all. “Yeah,” she says. “I mean, it’s not really about killing monsters, though, for me. Or, it’s not always about killing monsters. It’s about community. Not violence. It’s a spiritual thing to build a home, you know?”
“Oh,” Dean says. He can’t think of anything else to say. It has never crossed his mind before that hunting could be compatible with a community.
I don't have any original episode ideas to add to the hunting discourse, so we're on to my ideas about character-driven eps. I think I would like to see a version of my sastiel possession fic (ty again for beta-ing that! you're a real one) as an ep around the time of 9.11 because Sam deserves to work through their trauma, but idk what the Dean plot should be for that. Another thing I would like very much is TFW drunk history storytime (so like. Tall Tales bass boosted), where for some reason they all need to go over what they were doing during Stanford era but each of them is telling someone else's story. It's gonna be either Sam->Dean->Cas->Sam or Dean->Sam->Cas->Dean. It starts out very funny (they all have terrible wigs and makeup in the flashbacks. Cas is Jimmy wearing a giant mask with googly eyes on it.) but as it goes on it gets increasingly sad how much these three don't really know each other.
In the Sam->Dean->Cas->Sam episode, Sam's telling of Dean's past veers wildly between "crushing pussy and killing things" and "feels like absolute shit all the time" and it's funny but Not Right and afterwards Dean goes "I didn't know you thought of me that way" and Sam says "... I am basically reading off the voicemails you left me back then" and Dean has to sit there and contend with the mythology he himself wrote for Sam to believe in. Dean->Cas provides the comedic beats for the episode as Dean awkwardly narrates Cas's Life As A Weird Little Guy who watches trees grow and heals babies and in the end Dean goes "so how did I do" and Cas is like "well actually I was either getting lobotomized or murdering people so like 3/10?" The moral of this plot line is that Dean is bi. Cas gives a fairly faithful retelling of Sam living her trans little life at Stanford and veering between trying to be Normal and being a total weirdgirl and feeling guilty and angry and happy and free. It becomes clear that Cas admires Sam a lot (but also feels like. guilt and some self-recrimination for not being that) for rebelling from their dad and exploring their queerness during a time Cas was still to his knowledge in total soldier mode, and Sam is having an a_good_soldier's Thesis 5 moment about how she failed the kid she used to be and how very sorry they are about all the things that happened to them, and Dean hates that this is the first he's hearing about so much of this but is also quite emo about the parts where Sam is struggling. The ep ends with them all in the same room not looking at each other and not knowing if they want to group hug or never talk again.
Dean->Sam->Cas episode is similar but the storytelling dissolves a lot faster as it becomes clearer way faster how much their own emotions are getting in the way. Dean is upset that Sam could leave their family so easily and probably swing a normal life, Sam keeps wondering what it would be like to live millennia just KNOWING that you were right and good and clean, and Cas is gay and veering between fitting Dean's life into a larger Righteous Man narrative and just being very tender (and sad and angry) about Dean's pain. Episode ends in a rather cathartic shouting match where they all end up apologizing to each other for many things.
Oh also I would like to see Cassie again but I don't have an episode in mind there. Also would love to see Kaia adjusting to life in Sioux Falls and befriending the others and dealing with Bad Place trauma.
tysm for the questions sorry for taking so long!
(ask game)
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harryseyebrows · 5 years
Hmm let me think, how about something to do with when they met? I’m having a hard time remembering if you’ve talked much about that? Like introductions to the family and how they ended up fitting into each other’s lives? Was it a perfect slot or did it take time and effort?
oooh hold on i have some Notes on this:
“Have you ever discussed how Jeff and Harry meet in this verse? Are they friends for a while before getting together or are they dating right from the get go? Who asks who out first? I think you mentioned that Jeff is a beta so does that affect their relationship at the start? How long are they together before they decide to start trying for babies? You talk about their relationship with the babies a lot, but not terribly often about their relationship before the babies so I’m just wondering
I havent talked about this very much, mostly because i havent really given it much thought! or, i did a superrr long time ago via whatsapp and couldnt find it if i tried lol the actual original premise for the beta!jeff omega!harry relationship was that harry has in a previous relationship with an alpha that wasnt really nice to him, which i havent quite decided to what degree or even if im gonna leave it kinda open to interpretation. but the whole idea is that it spooks harry enough that he almost swears alphas off? he even dabbles in a few things with other omegas, but thats superfluous lol i think the other day i said that they met through mutual friends, so thats definitely how they meet initially. but things arent immediate after that. now mind you, this is happening when harry is in his early 20s, probably like 21/22, and therefore jeff is 29/30. and harry is really tentative to date in general, and jeff can sense that, so he’s really hesitant to even ask. 
but he eventually builds up the courage to, i suppose, when he and harry had been “hanging out” a fair amount ie lunch, seeing a movie, things like that, but they’re Not Dates, bc neither of them called them that (but they secretly were lol) so things are pretty slow moving, even after jeff asks harry on a Real Date and harry is tentative to agree. however harry figures out pretty quickly that jeff is super benign and non-threatening, and thats really appealing to harry. 
now, that doesnt mean that harry agrees to go out with jeff for those reasons alone. they def genuinely like each other and they’re really compatible. but they both want to be able to feel comfortable in a new relationship. harry embraces is after a while, whereas it takes jeff a bit longer, because he’s never been involved with an omega before, and there are certain things, specifically sex things, that he doesnt feel equipped to deal with, not because they’re actually that overwhelming, but because he’s the type of person to think he’s not doing good enough, and to avoid disappointing someone, he avoids it altogether. but he’s also just like.. awed by it, specifically heats and whatnot. i remember talking to jes about a scene in the very beginning, where jeff has this kind of internal dialogue with himself where he’s like ‘sex ed and porn cannot prepare you for THIS’ and he’s not sure how to navigate dealing with a sexual partner who is really Really reliant on you to help get them through something that can be embarrassing and out of character and scary, for that matter, being so far out of yourself for a few hours. but obviously he learns to overcome that lol 
i also wanted to make a point to include some worldbuilding stuff, if i ever manage to get to the “prequel” that deals with the beginning of their relationship, in terms of how other people see their relationship, and just how things work in general for this a/b/o universe. i have a mini scene kinda planned, where harry is really close to a heat, and he knows it, but he’s also allowed to live his life and whatnot, so him and jeff are out at a park or something, and an old man makes a comment about how harry should be inside and away from other people in his condition, and then goes on to make another snide comment about how his ~alpha should know better, but obv jeff is Not an alpha. idk. just little details like that to show that its a bitttt unconventional, but most of the young people in society are very accepting, but like irl society, it mirrors how older people usually have more outdated views. 
now that we’re moderately up to speed lol they get serious when harry is 23, and harry gets preggo with the boys when he’s 25. but as we know, it was a rather long road to get there aka over a year of trying on their own before moving to IVF with a couple (2) miscarriages along the way that really test their relationship and their desire to carry on trying to have kids together. lots of self-doubt on jeff’s part for being a beta and harry feeling inadequate as an omega. fun stuff.”
WHEW. in terms of meeting each other’s families, harry is an only child. i knowwww. blasphemous lol but i think it rounds out his character nicely. i think it offers an explanation on why he Is the Way He Is when they have the kids, vs jeff, whos significantly more chill, because much like irl, jeff comes from a big family. so while one might think that harry meeting jeff’s huge family would be super daunting, he’s actually less worried about it than jeff is about meeting harry’s mom. but while anne is a little skeptical at first, she figures out very quickly that jeff is a good egg, that him and harry are good for each other. as for jeff’s parents, they like harry right away. harry is super good with all of jeff’s little cousins and nieces and nephews, so even though irving doesnt quite understand the b/o dynamic at first, it becomes perfectly clear to him why j&h are together
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seigyokus · 7 years
7.4 - The Beginning of a Dream
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Idolish Seven - Part 3, Chapter 7.4 For more Part 3 translations, click here!
Translation below the cut!
Orikasa Yukito: ……Why would you go that far? Sunohara Momose: Why…? Because I didn’t want it to happen……. Orikasa Yukito: You’re rather selfish, aren’t you? Sunohara Momose: It was just too sad……. That I'd never hear it again……. I couldn’t believe it, I didn’t want to believe it……. Sunohara Momose: My lifelong dream came to an abrupt end…. I didn’t want Re:vale to end like that too. Sunohara Momose: I don't want your dreams to come to an end too, Yuki-san. Especially when you can still sing....... Orikasa Yukito: I do feel bad saying this to you, since you're a fan, but sickeningly sweet words like 'dreams' just aren't for me. I went along with it, and look at what happened....... Sunohara Momose: There's no way you could've held your ground in such a harsh place if you were just going along with it! (1) Orikasa Yukito: ....... Sunohara Momose: You're bad at fanservice so the audience always trash talks the heck outta you, and even my older sister hated you at first, Yuki-san.... Orikasa Yukito: I see. Sunohara Momose: But you kept on writing new songs. You never ran from it all and kept on singing. Isn't that right? Sunohara Momose: I know you can still run, and I know you can still sing. Quitting despite all of that is just too weird! Ban-san told you to keep on going, didn't he? Sunohara Momose: It's would be bizarre if you didn't listen to his wish when you treasured him that much as a friend! Orikasa Yukito: Shut up! Sunohara Momose: ......I understand....... Sunohara Momose: I'll grovel!! Orikasa Yukito: Hey, we're in the middle of a restaurant! Momo-kun......! Stop it......!
Oogami Banri: I was surprised that Momo-kun became Yuki's partner, but at the same time, it fit perfectly. Oogami Banri: Yuki is selfish and doesn't have any common sense, but he also gets lonely very easily. Momo-kun is humble, but his love energizes him so much that he can even become a mad dog. Oogami Banri: See, both of them are.... How should I put it.... They're both a little off their rockers, don't you think? Izumi Iori: I can't believe he said it with a smile like that....... Osaka Sougo: It's little difficult to comment on our senpai....... Oogami Banri: Ahaha. Oogami Banri: That, and with me, Yuki was a little more dependent and didn't always try his hardest. But with Momo-kun, he's actually been trying very hard. Oogami Banri: Momo-kun's younger and used to be a fan of Re:vale, so I'm sure Yuki wanted to show off a little in his own way. But that's pretty important too, wouldn't you say? Oogami Banri: Right when you're about to relax and let your mind wander, that feeling will help you hold out. I myself try to show off in front of the President, and I'm sure everyone here has felt something similar before too. Izumi Mitsuki: I think I get it..... I always try to stand firm in front of my lil' bro since I don't want him to see me looking pathetic. Yotsuba Tamaki: I've never felt that before....... But I think I kinda get it nowadays. Oogami Banri: They say that when two people are compatible workers, they help each other go at full power. I think Re:vale has that pat down. Oogami Banri: Momo-kun has always been a hard worker and tries his best. He even became a top idol in five years! He's always been a talented kid. Oogami Banri: Even now, that kid's really humble and still praises me a lot. But you guys are pros, so I'm sure you can understand. Oogami Banri: He can get good results, even without doing any vocal training for a week. Sure, I go to karaoke sometimes, but there's no way I could compare to him when he's been singing at the front lines for the past five years. (2) Oogami Banri: That's what it means to be a professional, and that's the true strength of a top star. What do you think? Re:vale, the top idols in Japan-- Aren't they amazing? Rokuya Nagi: OH! Banri's bragging about our rival group! I feel such jealousy. Nanase Riku: R-Re:vale are really great senpai to us, but please cheer us on from here on out, Banri-san! Oogami Banri: Haha.... I'm glad. I'm really happy to hear that. This is where I belong, or so I'd like to think. Oogami Banri: I'm happy to get praised on all of the stuff I did in the past, but on the other hand, it kind of feels like I'm not really needed at the agency right now.... And that makes me a little sad. Nanase Riku: That's not the case at all! I'm sorry for being so insensitive....... I was just so happy to learn that you were such an amazing person back then, Banri-san! Oogami Banri: It's okay. Thank you. Just hearing that you guys wouldn't know what to do without me made me really happy. Oogami Banri: After all, my dream is for IDOLiSH7 to succeed. Just as the fans' smiles give all of you energy, your smiles give me energy. Oogami Banri: I look forward to working with everyone, as inexperienced as I may be. Nanase Riku: Us too...! Nikaidou Yamato: Gladly! Oogami Banri: Ahaha. Man, I was so happy when you guys got jealous! Say it again! Rokuya Nagi: If you praise other groups, I'll feel jealous, Banri. Oogami Banri: That's real nice. I feel like I'm everyone's older brother! Oogami Banri: ......Time stopped for those two, but I hope their clocks start ticking again. Oogami Banri: And I hope that song continues on from where it stopped that day.
Momo: To this day, Yuki still hasn't sang that song, and I don't listen to it in front of Yuki. Momo: Right before we covered "Dis one." he did say that he felt bad for the songs that nobody sings anymore, so....... If that's the case, then maybe.... Someday....... Momo: I do pray that someday it'll happen, but....... Tsukumo Ryou: 'Someday?' Do you want to hear them sing it again someday, or do you want to sing it together with Yuki someday? Momo: ....... Tsukumo Ryou: I know you said he was missing, but did you find him? Momo: Yeah....... Tsukumo Ryou: Then it's easy. Why don't you give up your seat? Why are you still working with Yuki? Tsukumo Ryou: If you give it up, then you'll be able to hear it again and your dearest will shall come true, Momo. Isn't that correct? Momo: ....... Tsukumo Ryou: Hahah! You don't want to give up your seat. Just like when you sit in the courtesy seats for the elderly or pregnant but pretend to be asleep. 'Please, don't say it!' Tsukumo Ryou: 'Don't tell me to get up!' Momo: ......Ryou-san, you have an awful personality. Like, seriously. Tsukumo Ryou: That man is your greatest obstacle right now, Momo. So, how about this? Tsukumo Ryou: In exchange for hiding him away somewhere far, help me out with my work. Momo: ....... Tsukumo Ryou: Oh? Are you interested? Momo: ......You really don't get it, do you. Tsukumo Ryou: ....... Momo: Part of me is still scared of Ban-san. That part of me feels guilty about everything and wants to yield to him-- I can't look him in the eye. Momo: But at the same time, part of me still wants to see Yuki-san and Ban-san singing together side by side! Momo: Just like how things were five years ago. Tsukumo Ryou: Now, you can't have both at once. Momo: I know! But even so.... I wanna hear them perform it with all of my heart, but I wanna sing it with all of my heart too! Momo: It's not just me. Everyone's like that. Yuki, Yamato, TRIGGER, and IDOLiSH7 too. Momo: We all have a storm inside our hearts. 'Why can't I act the way I want to? Why can't I control myself?' (3) Momo: We're led astray by things like temptation, pretense, sympathy, loneliness, and attachment-- we can't march forward, straight on. But even so, we all have a wish we hope to grasp someday. Momo: So don't stick your hands in and mess it all up, just because you feel like it! After all, we're nothing like stars....... Momo: We do our damned best to cover ourselves in tinfoil and pretend to be stars, because there's people looking up at us. Momo: We wanna smile in front of those people, at the very least. And even though we can't fly, we're all desperately pretending to float in the cosmos. Tsukumo Ryou: .....Then I'll cut those invisible wires and make all of you fall. Tsukumo Ryou: Soon, the earth will be covered in piles and piles of corpses-- all of them idols. Farewell, those who I admired. Farewell, Momo of Re:vale. Momo: .......I went on a fool's errand. I even fought with Yuki over this.... Tsukumo Ryou: Why don't you stay over? You're drunk, aren't you? Momo: I'm gonna puke at the entrance and leave. Thanks for having me over. Tsukumo Ryou: Come over and visit again sometime! Momo: Like hell I will. Tsukumo Ryou: ....... *slam* Tsukumo Ryou: ......See, that's why I don't like idols.
To be continued....
TL Notes/comments:
Thank u @kuriiii for proofreading!!!!!!!!!
(1) vague subject but I'm guessing momo's referring to (continuing to) standing on stage. (2) take a shot for every time im like ??? VAGUE SUBJECT/???? bc that's what the first part is!!! also I've never seen 結果に出る before bc i've seen the phrase w/ the が particle so pls correct me if i'm wrong! (3) 'even though it's myself, why can't i be the way i want to be' is the literal so i went with a more interp tl
As usual, if you see any mistakes/mistranslations/etc, please message me!
Thank you for reading!!
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viktuurificwriters · 7 years
I know this fandom seems to love them, but omegaverse is a really transphobic and homophobic concept. Is there any chance you might reconsider recommending such fics in the future? No offense meant to you bc I love the work you do on this blog, I was just really surprised to see something like that recced here.
I know that Omegaverse is quite a controversial AU, and that someone’s gonna call me out on it someday if I ever mention it in this blog. This is why I put off answering this ask for days because I wanted to make sure that I reply to this right and with all my points covered.
To start, I’d like to mention that I only started reading fanfiction this year. I had never been interested in fanfics before YOI, so even though I’m running this blog about fanfiction writers, I am not an expert on how the whole fanfic stuff works.
I first encountered Omegaverse earlier this year. I see it a lot on the tags, along with the words “alpha” and “omega.” I got curious, but before I decided to check out some Omegaverse fics, I googled “Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics.” My search led me to this certain site (I can’t remember the name) and it explained the basic concepts of A/B/O dynamics. 
And it turned out that this whole A/B/O concept is actually taken from some kind of TV show (or was it a book series? I can’t remember). The series’ characters are werewolves and they take on certain qualities from wolves, like alphas knotting, omegas going into heats, and other stuff, usually sexual. When I first read about it, I was creeped out–not on the entire thing though, because I already expected some of the qualities (like heats and mating) but to be specific, I was creeped out about the definition of knotting. I was like: “Wait, the werewolves get stuck together literally??!!”
I was creeped out, but then an AU idea came to me back then: “What if Yuuri turns into a werewolf during the full moon while Viktor is an ordinary human who falls in love with him anyway? And just think about the angst that kind of fic could bring: Yuuri forgets everything about Viktor when he’s a werewolf and he’s scared he might accidentally hurt him.” 
Wanting to read a story like that, I ventured into an Omegaverse fic. While reading, I was like, “Oh this is exciting!” when I found some words referencing to wolf-like qualities. But minutes into the fic, I realized that the characters aren’t werewolves but just ordinary humans with this thing called secondary genders. And okay, I was disappointed about it… but looking back on it today, I guess I was really really stupid and ignorant about the whole stuff hahahhha
Now, to address your question: (This post is getting very long, so I’ll continue the rest under the cut.)
First of all, I honestly don’t get why Omegaverse is considered transphobic or homophobic. Forgive me for my ignorance if I fail to see something insulting, but I’d rather be honest about this whole ordeal rather than pretend to be an intellectual. I don’t actually consider myself smart when it comes to specific LGBT social issues. I support the LGBT community, but being straight means that there are just some things I don’t understand… yet (so please fill me in with details! I am willing to learn). I also don’t know anyone who is trans. I have acquaintances who are gay, lesbian, and bisexual but we’re not exactly close friends.
Although I haven’t noticed anything trans-/homo-phobic in the Omegaverse fics I’ve read, I admit that I have come across, for several times, the upsetting concept of gender inequality – or in this case, secondary gender inequality. Yes, I know that, in an Omegaverse, the Alphas are always considered the dominant types while the Omegas are the submissive ones, but still I don’t like it if the characters are portrayed as being accepting to always be submissive (Omegas).
Secondary gender or not, the characters are still humans with capabilities to feel bad about being looked down upon and treated as if they are less just because they are born the way they are. Hence, the characters should be written like actual humans–omegas should be shown to have negative feelings about the prejudice and discrimination towards them, not like toys who don’t care about how they’re treated, or worse, actually enjoy it. I don’t want an Omega!Yuuri implying that it’s okay for Alpha!Viktor to take advantage of him, or anything similar to that.
Second, I know that some Omegaverse fics can be too much. Characters are often reduced to humans who easily give in to lust and lose control because of the pheromones of other characters affecting them. It’s like they’re being portrayed as beings that are unable to rise above their animalistic instincts (maybe they really are werewolves). This bothers me, but then again, I can’t say that it doesn’t apply to the real world as well. Even in the real world, people can also give in to lust and lose control–maybe not as exaggerated in an Omegaverse, but they do all the same.
And lastly, despite all the bothering nuances that come with an Omegaverse, I find that there are some aspects of it that I don’t mind at all. There’s the concept that if two people are compatible with each other, their scents can be soothing to each other. Ignore the fact that they’ll be literally sniffing each other, but the idea that just the “presence” of one person can make another person better is quite sweet. And I guess I find that sweet because I am like that. I don’t sniff people (or “scent” them) of course, but I feel better just being around my closest friends even when they say or do nothing at all.
Now my main point here is: Even though some Omegaverse fics are bad (even without the authors intending it to be), there are some fics out there that are okay. I’ll try my best to filter out more the appalling works in the future. If it still bothers you, then please block the tag #omegaverse and #omegaverse writer.
I am trying to tailor the blog to all the preferences of the fandom so that everyone can find a fic/writer that they like, no harsh feelings. It’s alright to not like the omegaverse fics, and if something is recommended here that you think is trans/homo-phobic then please say so and point out what exactly makes it trans-/homo-phobic, so that the fic can be reread and removed.
Again, I am an idiot who is blind enough to not see the promotion of trans/homo-phobia in an omegaverse if there was even one. I hope you don’t get mad at me for my stupidity; it’s unintentional and I’d like you to know that I would never promote something that I know is offensive, especially to the LGBT community. Rant at me and complain about my idiocy all you want, I probably deserve that. But afterwards, when you get all that weight off your chest, please enlighten me. And maybe not just me, but also the rest of the fandom. I’m sure that most of the people in the fandom who are fine with omegaverse also don’t know what exactly is wrong with it. Please don’t hate us for being ignorant, but instead guide us and let us see what you see.
There is already a lot of hate in this fandom and I don’t want to add any more to it. We all deserve to enjoy YOI without being judged for it. People often say or do something that is offensive, and it’s not always that they are intending to offense someone. People make mistakes, but they shouldn’t be judged for them right away. Instead, they should be given the chance to correct their mistakes. (Not that I’m implying that you, Anon, are judging me. I am talking about the people reading this who are probably judging me right now just for saying what I think.)
To all the people reading this, if you have any comments/questions, then please don’t hesitate to send me an Ask or a direct message so that I can address your concerns as soon as I can and to the best that I can. I’d rather you tell me about it directly than to be surprised one day that I’ve been tagged in some kind of shit list or post talking about how viktuurificwriters is a shit blog. I appreciate raw honesty but I frown on people who make assumptions right away without bothering to talk to me first. Not only is it immature, but it also promotes hate in this fandom, and like I said before we don’t need any more hate.
Let us all work together in making this fandom hate-free.
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okreadyscenarios · 7 years
Astro Ships: literal-ktrash
Hi Hi Nessa~. I'm not good at this but here I go~ hehehe. For ship request: I would say I'm an optimistic person, but if I'm in a bad mood I'm more of a realist. I enjoy all subjects, but my favorites are astronomy, physics, and anything having to do with writing/english. I'm a perfectionist with body-image issues (regarding myself) and am a bit too judgmental/critical of myself. I cry both when I'm sad and frustrated, and I'm a ball of emotions. I love cringey humor and puns, and I laugh a lot!
I wouldn't say I have a hard time making friends when I try, I just get lost in my own head when I'm in public and don't really approach people. I can't go anywhere without music, it's my lifeline (I basically only listen to KPop nowadays, but I used to listen to Pop and Hard Rock).
I really want to be an international english teacher, because I love learning other languages and understanding other cultures, and I believe english is the language that binds people around the world since it's used for business and the like~, so I believe it's important to learn at least some. I also love writing and have a love for poetry and novels - my dream is to write a poetry book in at least 3 languages one day.
I think anything is possible (even aliens! our universe is so big! how could they not be real?) and encourage people to dreams with all their hearts, so they can give their life their all! I care deeply for my friends and constantly worry about them, and I'm usually the "mom friend". I've been through depression and have relapses every now and then.
I know it sounds weird, but I can sense ghosts (O.O) - which is why I'm nervous around hospitals, I get all freaked out, my head hurts and my chest feels heavy when I'm in one. I'm also afraid of driving (which I'm working through now!). I believe people have lived many lives, that our souls get another chance to live if our past lives have been short or have been taken away from us too soon. I'm afraid of never finding love and ending up alone in my old age.
I also think everyone has soulmates - family, friends, and lovers, the people in your life are around you for a reason~ and maybe they've known you in another life! I'm a huge LGBTQ+ supporter. I'm not very religious, but I believe the only way to find god is through all religions - having the ability to see the world through as many people's eyes as possible, and understand those around us.
I think everyone deserves respect, from your grandmother to the local drug addict in jail, we're all just humans trying to figure out how to live ^-^. I love all animals (I actually spent like 10 minutes yesterday holding a lizard and calling him "friend"😂), but my favorites are dogs, cats, and horses. I've been a horseback rider for about 7 years and never get tired of it. I tried every sport under the sun in middle school, but never got the hang of basketball (I'm too short 0w0).
I used to get hit with the ball in soccer and volleyball, so I'm a bit scared of sports balls now. I'd rather be called cute/adorable than hot/sexy any day, and I melt when people give me pet names~. I want to learn to sing, dance, kick box, and pole dance (interesting combo, right?). I couldn't tell you what my favorite color is, I don't like discriminating against other colors (kekeke).
I also can't pin a favorite ice cream flavor, but I think eating ice cream with company makes it taste better (goes for any food honestly!). I want to travel a lot when I get older, taking pictures of scenery and cultures. I ADORE nature, and would choose the mountains over the beach any day! I love winter and I'm not a huge fan of the sun/heat. I'm a huge mommy's girl, she's my best friend and I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for her~.  
I blush easy and have never been in a relationship/on a date (^////^) so I'm quite innocent. My spirit animal is Stitch (since my birthday is 6/26 and he is Experiment 626!!) and I also just really love Stitch! I don't think I have an ideal type, but I want someone funny, who loves me for me ^^. Sorry if this was all over the place! I tried my best *hides my face* (I would like to apologize for how long this was~ hehehe ^\\\^)
((It’s quite alright, dear! ^u^ I tried to use as much info from your request as I could, but I was worried to make it too long;; I hope this is alright! <3))
I ship you with JinJin! <3
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Explanation + Fluff:
you guys are just rly good at picking compatible biases??
but honestly JinJin’s perfect for you <3
he reminds you not to be so hard on yourself
and to love yourself, you know~?
you love him unconditionally and he does the same for you~
you two are a good balance for each other
bc JinJin’s rly optimistic too
but sometimes it can blind him a lil bit?
so you help him remember to see things realistically
and he helps you remember to look on the bright side of things
idk it’s just super cute~~ <33
the way you two actually meet is adorable
JinJin really wants to improve his English
since he’s the leader and he wants to be able to communicate with Aroha better and everything
so someone at fantagio hires you
and you’re like YES now I can teach English in Korea this is so cool omg
you’re teaching English to the members of Astro :D
OH BOy;;
everything’s going great~
but in your sessions with them JinJin just seems to not be getting it?
so you pull him aside after the lesson and ask him if he’s having trouble with anything
and he’s like no no it’s fine
and you don’t believe him for a second bc he’s acting rly weird
and then he just kind of blurts out
“do you wanna go out sometime?”
and you’re like O///O
and he’s like >///>
he starts rambling about how he kept daydreaming in class about going out with you and if you two actually go on a date then maybe he can concentrate
and you cut him off with a small “sure”
and he’s like “... uh, great!”
so he takes you out to a cafe
and you two have coffee and talk about life
and as you talk he just slowly falls for you even more
he thinks your views on life are really beautiful
after a while he offers to walk you home
and you let him
and it’s kind of silent as you’re walking
and then once you get to your place
he says to you (in English) “can we do this again?”
and you’re so surprised
like he said it so fluently
you’re like (in English) “of course we can”
and he smiles and kisses your cheek
and he’s like (in English) “see you tomorrow~”
aaaaand from that day on he does much better in lessons...
and you two kind of have a thing~ <3
alright now time for other cute stufffffff
ok but his sense of humor is right up your alley
like he will absolutely text you puns throughout the day
and cheesy pick-up lines
but he’s actually surprised that you seem to love it?
and text them back??
like i think in that moment he realizes you’re “the one”
he’s also super duper supportive of your writing
like he always says that someday he can’t wait to tell people he knew you before you were a bestselling author <3
don’t think this man won’t buy you a Stitch onesie bc he 100% will;;
or if not a onesie, then he’ll totally get you and himself matching Stitch key chains <3
and sometimes he’ll try and do aegyo by imitating Stitch...
it usually doesn’t go well;;;;
but you find it cute regardless~
bc everything he does is cute lbrh
will oftentimes ask to share earbuds with you
bc it lowkey makes him feel like you’re sharing a part of your mind with each other, you know?
he finds that to be a rly cool thing
and he loves your taste in music
whenever you're in public together he makes sure that you’re as comfortable as possible
whether it be talking to people for you, putting an arm around your waist or your shoulders, or taking a break somewhere secluded
your comfort and happiness is his no. 1 priority
he’s like your cuddly personal bodyguard <3
speaking of cuddly...
he loves wrapping you up in his arms
and resting his head on top of yours
kissing your forehead
he loves hugging you
and being the big spoon~
playing with your hair
and just spending time with you honestly <3
he’s always there to comfort you
whenever you’re sad or frustrated
he’s there with ice cream, hugs, and comfy sweaters~
he also loves it when you “mother” him
like telling him to bundle up or eat dinner
he rly needs a nurturing person like you in his life
and loves getting those reminders that you care~
just laying down together on a blanket spread on the grass
crickets chirping and owls hooting
pointing out different constellations
and you look over
and see him staring at you
so you’re like
and he’s like
“nothing, you’re just so much more dazzling than the stars~”
and brushes your hair behind your ear
and you smack his arm and hide your face in his chest
bc HELLO?? >///<
but he just grins and hugs you
and even though it’s cheesy, you know he means it <3
he probably likes calling you silly things~~
like honey bun, cuddle muffin, ladybug, precious, sweet pea, etc...
he’s always told you that once he’s rich and famous, he’ll take you travelling anywhere you want to go
and eventually you do~
one of your destinations is Switzerland, and JinJin books a scenic tour of the Swiss Alps for you two
you two have been together for a while now
and he feels ready
so he bought a ring a few weeks ago
he’s been carrying it around since your world trip started, waiting for the right moment (and place) to do the thing
i’m sorry;; i just love travel proposals okay??? <3
and as you two hike along the trail, he looks over only to find that you’ve gone off the path
and are taking photos of this tiny cluster of purple flowers growing behind a small boulder
tucked away from the world
he comes over and admires your look of concentration while attempting to capture the small burst of beauty on the rocky trail
he thinks it’s just like you to find the good in an otherwise mundane setting
and he just smiles
and gets down on one knee right then and there
because he knows that he’s found his soulmate~ <333
This Astro Ship has the Nessa Seal of Approval ~  ☆
Ships now CLOSED <3
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seigyokus · 7 years
1.4 - The Cloud Obscuring the Star
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Idolish Seven - Part 3, Chapter 1.4 For more Part 3 translations, click here!
Translation below the cut!
Tsukumo Ryou: Hello, Momo! Just the man I wanted to see! Momo: Lookin’ flamboyant as ever, Ryou-san. You know, if I were a crow I’d be going straight for those super flashy cuffs. Tsukumo Ryou: Ahaha! How terrifying! I guess I’ll have to pry that snaggletooth off before it turns into a beak– maybe I’ll set it on my desk as a decoration. Need some anesthesia? Momo: What’s the second son doing out here tonight? Earning pocket money? It’s rare to see you in a place like this. I mean, you’re probably up to no good, after all. Momo: You ought to cut ties with those bad apples and get a nice job instead. Be a good son. You’ve got a good face, and a good head on your shoulders, after all. Tsukumo Ryou: Oh, I’m just not compatible with interviewers, and haven’t been since my teens. I even got rejected from a university I was recommended into. All I did was answer their question about what I wanted to learn honestly. Momo: What’d you say? Tsukumo Ryou: “I’d like to learn how to be of significant use to people, instead of digging your grave.” Momo: Smart people sure are nice. I would’ve smacked you with a slipper first, then reject you. Tsukumo Ryou: Heheheh. How strict of you, Momo. Momo: Nah, you’re just rude. Tsukumo Ryou: You’re only kind to everyone because you love people. That’s why you pretend to get along with my parents and my older brother. But in reality, you hate them, don’t you? Tsukumo Ryou: After all, they’ve watched your friends and colleagues crumble apart and quit their work– more times than you can count. (1) Momo: It’s not like that at all~ They always take good care of me, and I love them a lot! Tsukumo Ryou: Splendid! That’s an idol’s smile, alright. Tsukumo Ryou: No more of this useless chatter– I have big news, Momo. You want to know what it is, don’t you? Momo: You just want to say it, don’t you? Tsukumo Ryou: Re:vale will become part of Tsukumo. As will TRIGGER and IDOLiSH7. Momo: ……. Momo: …Won’t that be difficult? Takanashi-san and us are one thing, but I don’t think Yaotome-san and Hoshikage-san would remain silent on this issue. Tsukumo Ryou: Yaotome is but a mere infant compared to Tsukumo. As for senile, old Hoshikage? I plan on annihilating him with a scandal. (2) Tsukumo Ryou: Doesn’t that excite you? The power dynamics in the entertainment industry will completely change. Momo: Yeah, that sends chills down my spine alright. So, who proposed this disturbing plan? Tsukumo Ryou: Hmm, I can’t seem to recall. It flew out of my head when I got smacked with a slipper. Momo: Aw, don’t be like that! I was kidding! Come on, tell Momo-chan. Your suit today is the best of the best! Tsukumo Ryou: Ahaha, thanks. I love it when you’re so determined, Momo. Let us discuss this some other time. Tsukumo Ryou: I’ll grill all of your favorite meats. The tongue of the cow, rib meat, and thick slabs of shoulder meat, woven in muscle fiber and fat. Tsukumo Ryou: Doesn’t that just make you salivate? I look forward to it. Bye-bye! See you again. Momo: ……. Momo: ……Seriously, just say tan, kalbi, and marbled sirloin……. I’ve completely lost my appetite…….
Official from Hoshikage Entertainment: Yuki-kun. May I introduce you to Natsume Minami? He will also be starring in “Mission.” Natsume Minami: It’s an honor to finally meet you, Yuki-san. I look forward to working with you. Yuki: Thanks. Natsume Minami: Haha…. It’s just as the rumors say. There’s a particular aura about you, you’re mysterious and taciturn. Yuki: I’m surprisingly funny, though. Natsume Minami: To say that about yourself…. What an interesting person. I’ve also got a funny little trick up my sleeve– I’m very good at fortune-telling. Yuki: Oh? Natsume Minami: Men who have a beauty mark below their left eye, just as you do……. Natsume Minami: These men fascinate, yet perplex the opposite sex– however, they are passive when it comes to romance. They feel very deeply, but are capricious and whimsical. Many, many women have promised to partake in the perpetuation of these mens’ descendants. (3) Yuki: Looks like they’ve made me promise something I really can’t promise as an idol. Natsume Minami: You would suit being an emperor in ancient China. Perhaps you could use that as reference for your own life? Official from Hoshikage Entertainment: Minami-kun used to be a famous, and genius, child actor. This is the first movie he’ll be starring in since returning from studying abroad. “Mission” will definitely be a blockbuster hit. Yuki: I see. Natsume Minami: My child acting days are all in the past now. I’ll do my best to make a fresh start. Official from Hoshikage Entertainment: We haven’t been much of a match for young people recently, but we’re betting on Minami-kun. Please take care of him, Yuki-kun. Official from Hoshikage Entertainment: After all, Chiba Shizuo-san treated you quite well, did he not? Even though Re:vale are outsiders, we think of you as one of our own. Yuki: Oh, is that so? Official from Hoshikage Entertainment: …Are you listening to me? Just where are you looking? Yuki: At a revolting, flamboyant man. Official from Hoshikage Entertainment: What? ……Listen, Yuki-kun. Minami-kun knows about Chiba Salon as well. Please get along with a certain someone’s son during “Mission,” alright? Yuki: ……. Yuki: ……He won’t be exposing anything. If anything, he’s the one scared of being exposed. Official from Hoshikage Entertainment: Shh. Not a single word more– not here. Yuki: You’re the one who brought it up. Natsume Minami: Working with someone as splendid as you are will be just like a dream, Yuki-san. I can’t wait to film with you. Yuki: Sure……. Natsume Minami: Ah, that’s right. I also do music– and I love Re:vale’s music. Congratulations on your fifth anniversary. Yuki: ……. Yuki: You said you studied abroad? Where did you study? Natsume Minami: In Northmare.
Yotsuba Tamaki: Woah! This pudding is the bomb! Kujou Ten: Aren’t you taking too much? Yotsuba Tamaki: I’m not giving any to you, Tenten. I’m still pissed about Aya. Kujou Ten: ……. Yotsuba Tamaki: If you’re gonna say Aya’s your younger sister, then I’m making Rikkun my younger brother. Kujou Ten: Riku’s older than you, so wouldn’t he be your older brother? Yotsuba Tamaki: Rikkun feels like a younger brother though, so no. Kujou Ten: ……Aya’s doing well. She told me she was learning how to be a good housewife. (4) Yotsuba Tamaki: …For who? Kujou Ten: Oh, that’s not– Yotsuba Tamaki: Who!? Kujou Ten: I don’t know. Isn’t that just something that girls do? Yotsuba Tamaki: ……Tenten. Why are you on Kujou’s side? Why someone like him? He’s not someone you should side with. Kujou Ten: ……. Yotsuba Tamaki: Also, I tried thinking about what it’d be like if he were my dad, but…. Yotsuba Tamaki: He took Aya, he took you– there’s something wrong with him. Yotsuba Tamaki: Why are you and Aya covering his ass? Why did you guys follow somebody like Kujou? Kujou Ten: …What is your profession? Yotsuba Tamaki: Huh? I’m an idol. Kujou Ten: What is your group? Yotsuba Tamaki: IDOLiSH7 and MEZZO". Kujou Ten: What is your dream? Yotsuba Tamaki: …I wanna live with Aya. Kujou Ten: Kujou-san used to be Zero’s manager– and he’s lost all of that once before. Aya is kind. She worries for him. Yotsuba Tamaki: ……You too? Kujou Ten: ……. Perhaps I do….
To be continued….
TL Notes/comments:
ty @kuriiii for proofing my 9120398 typos and weird sentences!!!
(1) I’m 90% sure that the sentence before this is referring to momo hating ryou's parents/older brother (vs the other way around) based off of particles, aka if ryou wanted to say that his parents hated momo it’d be like, 親や兄に嫌われてるだろう? i think… Anyways this second sentence i don’t want to infer/assume/force meaning onto it too much, because vague subject (probably his parents/older brother) BUT itd make more sense to me if there was [riku voice] JUST TWO MORE LETTERS to change it to ‘they’ve only watched’ … EDIT 5/5: I Fucked Up, forgot to consider in-group+out-group in terms of family. Momo hates RYOUS parents, not his own!!! Momo has an older sister ffs shiroi u dimwit!!!!!! anyways that was a fatal error, I am really sorry about that. Thank you haru-chi foe letting me know! (2) Tsukumo Ryou: You are like a little baby. Watch this. That’s all i wanted 2 say (3) 子孫繁栄 is 1. perpetuation of your descendants 2. family prosperity 3. fertility, a whole bunch of things you probably eat cool things for on new years (if ur east asian)………………. WeLL um anyways minami’s line after yuki’s confirmed it, what with the whole concubines stuff goin on in ancient china. Man. Also bc this is a fortune, I left it more direct… though i’m sure 'many, many’ sounds better than “an unspecified, large number of people” (4) 花嫁修業 - domestic arts / homemaking skills, but for the sake of the convo afterwords (since hanayome means 'bride’, you could loosely translate this to 'studying to be a bride’)
As usual, if you see any mistakes/mistranslations/etc, please message me!
Thank you for reading!!
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