#we did not do acid dw <3 I did think I was going to murder my flatmate in cold blood tho
hella1975 · 1 year
i never considered how brave my neurotypical flatmate is for willingly choosing to live with two diagnosed ADHD flatmates but she was out all last night in nottingham leaving the two of us alone and it was HELL we were just going back and forth over what to do bc we both wanted to do SOMETHING but neither of us knew what like we were pacing and shouting at each other and then it went quiet for a while before my flatmate completely seriously just went ‘…. we could try acid?’ like there was no impulse control to speak of my flatmate took it to nottingham with her
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fauslayer · 3 years
📌 how did you find your hyperfixation?
roy actually got me into gear! an artist we mutually follow retweeted a guilty gear design thread and we got attached to zappa .3! then it just kinda rabbitholed
✨ what draws you towards your hyperfixation? what is interesting about it?
this is always hard to explain but i think for gear its like. the themes in it speak really hard to me. a lot of talk abt humanity and love and love in spite of humanity and humanity in spite of everything. weh weh sniff.
💕 tell us about one of your favorite characters and why you like them!
Holy Shit I Love Doctor Faust. like. debilitating brain fungus level. literally a man that is entirely driven by his desire to help other people and even like. the guilt being the main thing that drives him doesnt hold up to just how much he wants to make sure people are safe like. agony. this guy got his whole practice burnt to the ground very shortly after dealing with like. SO much and did he get angry? no. his first priority was making sure everyone in there got out of there safe to the point that he was delirious on fucking smoke fumes afterward!! aughhhh. i love everything abt this man.
💔 tell us about one of your LEAST favorite characters and why you dislike them.
zato fucking wifebeater babykiller one he is the embodiment of everything done wrong in gear he is the patron saint of an arc half-written i almost wonder if the people currently writing him have literally just forgot his first appearance every time i see him. he is not love regardless of humanity hes a husk that theyre wishy-washy over whether he feels bad ever. his fucking stalkerish obsession with wanting his ex to fix him. his ex who he tried to stalk and murder for years after literally grooming her into being a killing machine. the writers trying to portray that as some kind of love or lingering affection from the ""good old days"" will always make me angry because its more than likely zato never loved millia. i need to stop.
🍀 do you have any kins or comfort characters from your hyperfixation?
i think my brain is trying to hit me with a dekinning beam (in general) recently and im kinda thankful for it so im just going to go cc mode. there is a reason i want zato to boil in acid tho.
dr baldhead kamioshi moments he is my favourite guy his presence elicits extreme joy from me. i barely know why besides the fact that he is a vessel for my favourite type of pretty much anything. dw sensei we are both mentally ill and fucked up ill buy you a snack at the convenience store. different spot from being obsessed with faust somehow. jian also takes up a separate slot (he has normal guy moe im trying to finish smth cute with him as we speak pray for me)
other than the doctor gauntlet. zappa is my little tiepnsy sweetheart jellybean i want to pick him up and care for him and give him kisses like LOOK at him thats a rodent! and also slayer because hes so fucking cool. also going to give him kisses. this is the kiss gauntlet tier. thank you for the questions bestie |> | ily
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