#and then did not wait for an answer
tennessoui · 4 months
I fucking LOVE the most recent playmaker snipper (kisses to distract) because you can see EXACTLY how Obi-Wan becomes who he does. He kisses Quinlan knowing it will get the man killed, because Quinlan's life is not as important as Obi-Wan getting to stay with Anakin. Yes, it was spur of the moment, but it's still a decision he made and has to live with. And then when Anakin asks him why, and he's like (1/?)
"I told you I was cold ... as if he’d been so cold he found another man’s body to keep him warm in the minutes he was away from Anakin." This is ABSOLUTELY the man who calls out Cody's name in revenge because Anakin comes home late for Christmas. This is the beginning of that monster, and it's so so perfectly constructed to play to all his insecurities. I just... chef's fucking kiss, kit, you've done it again (2/2)
(in reference to this playmaker au snippet)
so i love love love all the playmaker stuff i've written that's set in the distant future where it's clear that obi-wan has been successfully warped into a monster that very nicely matches anakin's and now he's kidnapping babies and violently killing home intruders and also his own father
but ugh there's something i love the most about the ficlets/scenarios where he's just starting out in the mob and is either totally innocent (like the very first snippet) or in the midst of his transformation
like he totally regrets kissing vos because he knows that means vos is going to die--but in the moment the only thing he cares about is not leaving anakin and doing whatever he can to stay by his side which is objectively insane!! and then he does this a few months later all over again to maul when maul is threatening to tell vader that obi-wan is a rat. it's the same action, same kiss of death, it's driven by the same gut-instinct fear of being abandoned by the person he loves and it's so fucked up of him to do not just once to a guy he actually likes but twice!!
i bet anakin spends a long time expecting obi-wan to try and run post-leaving the police department, once the realization of all that he's done sets into him, and he's ready to drag the city the way you drag a lake in order to get him back (aka total destruction if that's what it takes) but obi-wan would literally never leave him even just to tease
he'll cut his hair and steal a baby and make anakin's life incredibly complicated in punishment for anakin, say, not doing his fucking taxes, but he'd never ever actually leave - he's perpetually a little scared that anakin would just let him go
(and anakin would never, but it's also best if obi-wan never knows that for sure. best for anakin at least)
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mumblesplash · 5 months
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gem, what happened to your eye?
(wanted to upload this panel separately, original is from this comic)
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egophiliac · 7 months
I got a really tough question.
What’s your favorite Twst event of ALL TIME?
I like Harveston
this truly is the hardest question. :( but after much consideration, I think Endless Halloween Night wins out for me, because it's nonstop Characters Being Silly the whole way through. the whole thing is just lots of these little dorks having the most ridiculous interactions, which is always my favorite! and of course the big twist is SO delightfully stupid and doubles down SO hard that it becomes AMAZING and I 100% unironically adore it. AND it's Halloween! everyone is in their cute little costumes and having a spooky adventure! it's great!
however, I am ALSO a big fan of the Harveston event! how can I not be! everyone is wearing comfy winter outfits and getting along really weirdly well with Epel's grandma and he's getting a little worried about that! my terrible loud son sews a plush squirrel and then gives it a silly little nickname and refuses to leave it behind when it breaks! the ending shot with the sled! I LOVE IT.
obviously we need the best of both worlds now
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pikatik · 6 months
Hello! Your style is absolutely amazing, the colours, the atmosphere of your arts is sooo um real?! I'm not sure how to put it any better. If you take requests, may I ask you to illustrate any scene from the book which you really like? :3
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This scene is definitely on the list of scenes I had to draw at some point :D
I like how this one turned out :]
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rakiah · 6 days
hcs for Eric meeting Leona please?
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Vil has a pattern and he can’t fool his dad about it 😌
I just live for Erik being the embarrassing-endearing dad that can bring the shame on you with one single sentence or photo by the name of love and pride of being his sweet son.
Bonus: Pushing Cat
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canisalbus · 4 months
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emry-stars-art · 2 months
why do you draw kevin so yummy? 🤨
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muzzleroars · 5 months
V1’s creators must’ve been so proud seeing it perform what it was made for, the killing of Earthmovers.
anon it's making me crazy........this really puts into place just how i think of their short reunion, these husks waiting on the earthmover all this time with life and death near indistinguishable. time is a meaningless blur, hell dulling them down to instincts and only a base understanding of their world, until their v1 comes home to them. it excites a moment of absolute clarity, their machine so perfected, so specialized, that it never saw its limitless potential fulfilled because war, its only purpose, became defunct. they marvel at it, look how it moves now, look how it behaves, look how it's modified itself - it even has painted its weapons! and i think v1, seeing them, is flooded with corrupted memories difficult to parse but imbued with some emotion. familiarity. briefly, simulations flash in its mind, somebody directing it. the earthmover - not a real one, parts of it. its deck. insides. defense systems. core. v1 failing over and over again but learning each time. it can infiltrate the deck now. it can deactivate the defense system now. it understands the core's pattern now. it strings them together. it will kill the earthmover now. and their excitement, their cheers. their red horse will destroy the horsemen. and v1 remembers it when it sees them now. it knows everything ahead of it, like a premonition. these husks patch it up, and suddenly they are all alive again. the life they would have had, even v1. it looks up the hulking mass of the earthmover and it feels the long latent code at the core of its being light up. this is its fight. it was made so small, so light, so fast, to infect this monstrosity like a virus (it thinks a funny thought, maybe that's "v1") it was made so sophisticated in intelligence to avoid its "immune system", to adapt to any machine on the earthmover and to be creative in how it can scale it. the husks of its makers give no instruction - v1 is far beyond need of that, they know, but in some garbled, choked out words, they express their confidence. they know it can do this. it was perfect in their simulations, but inside their long dead hearts....they're still nervous. not for themselves, of course, the outcome means little in the void of hell, but nervous only for v1. their little virus with such a massive undertaking. and now i can only think of it speeding off as the husks are rooted to where they stand, no motion, no thought, no words, until the self-destruct countdown begins. and they cheer. their prototype was a success.
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one-vivid-judgment · 4 months
I feel like Joongi is THE weird guy of the Ichigang. He may look like the most normal, but he is absolutely NOT:
He goes to Hawaii and spends two days wearing thick ass black clothes and a raincoat before someone tells him to go change, but still hates convertibles cause "they get hot when you're at a stoplight". He gets insecure over pimples. He knows he is hot shit and is obsessed with his physique to the point that he sees a chicken and immediately goes 'chicken breasts'. His boss puts him on souvenir duty whenever he travels anywhere. He wants to buy Macadamia nuts for everyone in the Geomijul. He once swam up a whole river upstream. He loves animals. He almost fell for a parrot scam but forgot his wallet so he just smiled and left. He gets super passionate about video games and comics. He once climbed up a whole mountain to get mushrooms for cooking. His hair is silver ash, not white. He thinks building sandcastles is an art and has mastered it. He had an existential crisis cause he forgot to return a DVD before leaving Japan. He can do perfect math. It took him four years to start singing karaoke around his friends. He warns others that the food is hot yet he eats it himself and gets shocked that it is, indeed, hot. He suggested taking out the shampoo and washing his hair in the middle of a gale. He then remembered all the hair care he needs to do and decided against it. He talks to himself at Revolve and goes "People around here are so muscular... You're great Joongi Han! Don't you worry about that!", "I saw some Macadamia nut chocolates on the way here. Man, they looked good. Maybe I should've bought them... No, surely I will find something better. But they looked so tasty...". He once suggested going full power on a static bike to generate electricity. 
TLDR: Joongi is my little weirdo and I love him so much.
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leclercskiesahead · 4 months
shellmotorsport It's here! Part two of @charles_leclerc and @carlossainz55 playing Two Truths and a Lie! Watch and guess along. (Part 1)
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zillychu · 5 months
is it really an AU if it looks like an entirely original premise where you cant even recognize the cast?
1. Yes actually!
2. Are you really admitting you can't tell it's Danny Phantom because his hair is long
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ghouljams · 11 months
Is it weird that I can't get enough of that king watches and has watched Bee sleep like why do I love how much I hate that you get me??? It's simultaneously giving big dog that sits at the door while you sleep to protek but also something so much eerier like horny sleep paralysis demon??????
König has these instincts that don't really go away from a few months of farm work. He doesn't mean for it to be weird or creepy, he's looking after and protecting an asset. Even when you start dating the first few nights he stays over he doesn't really sleep. His body designates this as first watch and he just... doesn't know how to turn it off.
He watches you sleep and thinks about every terrible thing that could happen between now and when your alarm goes off. Thinks about how soft and vulnerable you are, and how he's the only line of defense between you and those horrible things. And doesn't sleep. He sits in bed awake and alert to any small noise. He doesn't really know what to do besides watch you sleep, he's wide awake but he doesn't want to wake you up when you look so peaceful.
But it's absolute hell the next morning when he doesn't have a relief shift. When he's sliding out of his saddle because he's been awake for 36 hours and he's exhausted. He's not used to long hauls without sleep anymore, he can't handle them like he used to. He doesn't want you to find out about it either, but there's only so many times he can fall asleep at the dinner table before you ask what's wrong.
And when he tells you? When you immediately volunteer to take the first watch so he can sleep, absolutely serious in your offer. Oh, he knows just as sure as the sky is blue and the rooster crows in the morning that he's going to marry you. Especially when you try to joke about wearing him out before bed. He's tired but that gives him a fresh burst of energy better than any drug could.
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yohankang · 2 years
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If you have something’s going on, you need to tell me, got it?
(Between Us, ep. 1)
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diamondsheep · 7 months
your blog layout is making it look like zoro is at his new home the baratie fkgsdfghgh
YES !! that's trueee!! ASDASKJFSLKJ
Now he lives there with his husband 💚💛💚💛
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who is extremely embarrassed about this, because his family keeps annoying him because a stinky marimo stole his heart 💚💚💚
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sualne · 1 month
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was checking my emails before going to bed only to find out my endocrinologist casually scheduled an appointment at long fucking last
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jtl-fics · 1 year
Fluent Freshman - Part 11
FF could admit that he may not be working with a full tank at the moment.
He had not slept very well the night before.
He had watched a lot of horror movies (a genre that he generally does not consume because his mind is already a scary enough place).
He was not able to go see his Grandma and he was going to miss the traditional(tm) Black Friday extravaganza that he and his Grandma did every Black Friday since he was little and encountered the horrible truth about Santa and she’d let him in on when / where most of his Christmas gifts were obtained. (The answer was not the North Pole under the watchful eye of elves. He had cried himself to sleep at the revelation but Gran always had a way of making the worst moments of his life tolerable.)
He may have eaten just…a bit too much pie?
He definitely ate too much turkey.
His stomach is killing him because he had forgotten to take his pepto when he had slammed that five hour energy.
His heart may actually break out of his rib cage with how hard it’s beating in his chest.
He’s been listening to Andrew and Captain Neil go back and forth for the last hour and a half between discussing Aaron’s recent mess ups, to what they’ll do to one another with a locked door between them and the world, to Andrew complaining that Neil’s hand is sweaty, to Neil saying Yes and Andrew’s hand is no longer in Neil’s and-
He clenches his eyes close.
And Andrew has swerved back into the lane for the third time in the last five minutes while saying something unrepeatable about his plans for Captain Neil and the whipped cream.
FF does not handle swerving cars very well.
He hears Andrew say something that sounds like it could lead to a very uncomfortable yeast infection for Captain Neil didn’t properly rinse off afterwards.
The car swerves over the rumble strip.
A fear far stronger than his fear of what Andrew could do to him overtakes him.
“I don’t like swerving cars. So, I’m going to ask that you focus on the road and keep your hands on the steering wheel.” FF says so panicked that he sounds calm and he watches as both Neil and Andrew stiffen at the sound of his voice. “If you can’t, then I’m going to ask that you pull over and let me out.” He offers a second option and a part of him is just amazed that his voice doesn’t crack even once. “I’m fine with either option.” He says.
He says both are fine but…
Honestly he hopes Andrew chooses the first option as he looks at the dark and lonely highway.
He looks back up at the front seat and both Neil and Andrew are looking straight forward. Andrew’s hands are on the steering wheel.
“Thanks.” He says and returns his attention to back over Aaron’s head.
The rest of the ride to Columbia is blessedly quiet. Aaron and Nicky wake up when they get off of the interstate and Nicky has the good grace to try and wipe the drool out of FF’s hair while Aaron seems unbothered by the wet spot he left of FF’s shoulder.
They get out of the car and they each grab their own bag in exhausted silence. Nicky is barely managing to put one foot in front of the other and before FF can do or say anything Nicky is in his room and has locked his door.
The room that FF had been planning on sleeping on the floor of because Nicky had told him he could so that FF would not drink 20 5-hour energies over the course of the weekend.
But Nicky had looked really tired.
So he is given a general tour by a very quiet Captain Neil and FF forces himself not to think about the cooler that Andrew had brought to, what he assumes is, Andrew’s bedroom before it was brought to the kitchen. He gets shown where the blankets and pillows that Kevin uses are and FF nods in quiet acceptance even knowing that he is going to spend the night going over Katakana flashcards and maybe up his literacy on Kanji to a second grader’s level.
Captain Neil wishes him a good night while Andrew gives him a nod and it is the last time he sees Captain Neil that night.
It is not the last time he sees Andrew.
Andrew comes out of his room to go get two glasses of water nearly 2 and a half hours later. The house is silent and dark. He is pretty sure him and Neil are the only two up.
He is wrong.
He comes out into the living room on his way to the kitchen and finds FF going through flashcards at a rapid pace. He walks a little closer to see what it is but the flashcards aren’t even right side up half of the time.
He thinks about the car ride.
‘I don’t like swerving cars.’
FF had said it so matter of factly. He was uncomfortable with the swerving.
Andrew had told FF recently about the words he didn’t like.
It felt like FF was offering at least something of himself back to Andrew for the first time.
Andrew thinks about how once his hands had gone back to the steering wheel FF had leaned back into his seat and stared out the window.
Andrew has at various points tried to look up what FF’s circumstances were but searching news sites for someone named ‘Smith’ with no first name to work off of was an exercise in futility.
Neil has lamented many times to Andrew about his bizarre jealousy over how unknowable Smith is. “He’s learning new languages, keeping a low profile, and playing Exy. It’s everything that I wanted in my freshman year and couldn’t manage because Riko pissed me off so much! It’s just kind of hard to see someone living my dream.” He says.
Andrew had punched him in the arm for that one.
“My old dream!” Neil had said and Andrew almost punched him again for the smile he flashed but had ended up kissing his stupid pretty face instead.
Where was he?
FF didn’t like swerving cars.
It didn’t necessarily have to be the trauma that lead to that aversion. Andrew certainly hadn’t had anything scare him on a plane but he still hated flying.
“The flash card is upside down.” He says and watches as FF pauses in his shuffling before righting that card and flipping to the next one which was turned to the side as far as Andrew could tell.
FF should be asleep.
FF is not asleep.
It might be Andrew’s fault that his friend can’t sleep.
“It won’t happen again.” He says and FF turns and stares at him blankly for a few seconds before he nods his acceptance.
It’s nice having a friend who understands what he means without needing to explain every little thing.
FF thinks he might have double-dosed on the 5-hour energy.
He also thinks he might currently be able to see through time.
His flashcards are making so much sense right now.
Then Andrew had come up and it truly was a miracle that he did not shit himself considering the sheer amount of apple pie still making its way through his system. That’s a lot of fiber for one body and he’s sure the 2-3 Five Hour energies he has taken are not helping his plight in that regard.
“It won’t happen again.” Is what Andrew says and in an instant FF feels his stomach drop to his feet. He nods blankly and watches as Andrew nods back before the man went to the kitchen and left with two tall glasses of water.
‘It won’t happen again’
FF has asked Andrew for TWO favors today.
The answer was that he WASN’T.
Even if FF had paid back one of those favors with the sheer power of his granny’s pie there was the case of the secondary favor he’d asked for in the car.
‘It won’t happen again’
There won’t be anymore favors for FF. He’d used up any mercy his grandma’s pie had bought him.
He considers the time pulls out his phone and goes through some saved text files on his phone.
It’s time for guns even bigger than his grandma’s apple pie.
He takes another five hour energy and knows that he won’t be sleeping a wink. He looks up groceries stores that are open this early on Black Friday, he grabs his wallet and with immense fear in his heart grabs the keys Aaron had dropped into a bowl by the front entrance.
He needs the ingredients for his great-grandma’s brownies.
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