#and then crawls back into her cave for a few more days
alovelyburn · 1 year
This has nothing to do with anything, but after having several arguments with AI  chatbots about this (don’t ask), it occurs to me that one of my biggest pet peeves with the evil (human) Griffith crowd is the rampant hypocrisy. 
Uh, just ranting about Griffith again, it’s been building up in the like 1.5 months I’ve been semi-MIA. Nothing to see here.
I’ve said before that when I read their descriptions of Griffith’s actions and crimes I feel like they’re sitting around going, “Oh hey tripped and fell on a guy one time, let’s call that assault and battery kekekekekekekeke.” And it really does feel like that, but it also feels like another pet peeve i have just in general which is an absolute refusal to consider contextual norms. And in this case that applies when judging him and only him.
For example, one thing that has come up is this idea that Griffith has child soldiers with the examples being Casca (because she was young when they met), Rickert, Sonia, etc. 
But ok first of all Griffith is the same age as Casca and she volunteered so that’s stupid. I’m not saying 14-year-olds or however old she was should be considered of sound mind to volunteer for war, I’m just saying if she can’t be considered responsible for her decision to join because she was a child then he shouldn’t be considered responsible for having the questionable judgment to accept her, because he’s exactly the same age as her.  
But more to the point, whatever historical period the Berserk timeline primarily adheres to, it isn’t “the modern one,” right? Whether you assume its moral standards are more in line with the middle ages or the renaissance or anything in between, it was still common for 12 and 13 year olds to be soldiers, so it’s a little weird to villify him for doing what everyone did, which is also evident in the fact that Guts was on the field as a literal 10-year-old and no one was surprised.
...also Rickert’s 20 years old now - if the Eclipse was 3-4 years in the past, then he was 16-17 back then, he’s not THAT young, he’s just short.
Similarly, if you’re going to get on him for being “brutal” and “using violence to attain his goals” then you ought to be getting on literally every major character and most of the minor ones. Everyone in the Band of the Hawk was a soldier - they’ve all killed dozens or hundreds of people. Griffith was a war leader - every single general or leader of men you see in Berserk makes the same kinds of choices he had to make. Serpico burned his own mother (”but he felt bad about it” Yeah, and Griffith did too?). They all use violence to achieve their goals - if anything, Griffith was a bit of a marshmallow for being so upset about it but he still did what he had to do. Guts has the highest body count in the manga, and is so unbothered that he never even thinks about it.
One conversation I had involved a statement of the effect of, “he’s not all bad or anything, but it's important to remember that he is brutal and destructive and willing to use violence to achieve his goals and blah blah, and I was just kind of like... I’m not here to pretend that he’s never been brutal, but where are the people saying “Yeah Guts has a good heart and mostly good intentions, BUT it’s also important to remember he has the highest body count in the manga and doesn’t care about it, he assaulted Casca, he was the actual one who committed all the assassinations and he wasn’t even bothered by it, he considers killing innocents a decent crowd-management technique, he routinely kills people literally just for not moving when he’s trying to get past them, and he’s been known to use children as monster bait.”
You hear a lot about how Griffith “used” Guts to commit those assassinations but that’s out of touch with reality. What actually happened in the first one is that he asked Guts to do it, Guts didn’t care and even made a quip about how Griffith shouldn’t have bothered making it a request and should’ve just made it an order, and then he went and did it and wouldn’t have been bothered if he hadn’t accidentally killed Adonis, which Griffith didn’t even tell him to do. And what actually happened in the second one was that they were co-conspirators, not some master manipulator and his puppet, and in the end Griffith felt bad about it and Guts didn’t.
What I’m saying is, not only do I on principle object to judging characters by standards that are wholly inapplicable to them in the context of their story and world, I also think it’s weird that it only applies to Griffith. It’s like everyone else in the series gets a “well that's just part of the world” pass, and then with Griffith it’s like let's list out everything he’s ever done that a 21st century western person would find objectionable, frame them all in as hyperbolic a way as possible, and then use them as examples of why he’s an awful person.
“He’s motivated by power, money and glory.” He never mentions money except in the context of needing it to supply his men, he specifically notes that he doesn’t really like the nobles and such fawning over him and as for power, I mean I guess wanting power is inherent to ambition but the only things we really know about his motivation directly is that he wants to see how far he can go, and the only thing we know about what he does when he has power is that he tries to move toward egalitarianism, like even Neo does that and Griffith certainly did. 
Someone once told me that he’s narcissistic because he’s preoccupied with his looks, but like... no he isn’t. It’s everyone else that’s preoccupied with his looks.
It’s just a bunch of unsupportable assumptions based on vibes, I don’t know how else to frame it. If you can’t back it up, don’t say it. Especially not to me, l-lol. 
...I should probably delete this, lmao. 
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a-cyclepath · 4 months
One piece men | Twitter links+ Scenarios | ⚠️ MDNI ⚠️
‼️ Links are in the names. Fem reader. Ace, Zoro, Luffy, Eustass ‼️
[ Size diff, twit links, fem recieving, oral, fingering, mating press, sex sex sex ]
Short x reader scenarios written with each link !
Ace can't stop himself. He promised himself he'd only come home and cuddle you since it'd be late by the time he got back from his days travels to your home island, but he lied to himself. Losing his composure the moment he saw you and kissing you after a quick "I'm back". His impatient hands slides your shorts barley down and your underwear to the side before he's practically sucking on your lips and tongue while he's caressing your heat, groaning in-between kisses as you prop your legs up, trembling from his fingers warm from his journey.
"missed you so much. Missed you a lot. So so much." He mumbled as his fingers slid into you, beginning to finger you to bring you to your orgasm as you moaned and body jolted. He placed his hat on you before smirking. "Keep that on while we go at it."
"Wow baby these are pretty!" Luffy exclaimed happily at the sight of your bouncing tits, moving his hands to casually grip them as if he wasn't right in this moment drilling hard and fast into you. He moved his hands to your ankles, grunting as he folded you into a press and put his forehead to yours, grinning as he somehow went even faster and harder. All the while you're moaning in bliss at your happy go lucky boyfriend happily getting lucky in your drooling, gushing heat. Your eyes roll back slightly before you look up at Luffy as he kisses your forehead while he's grinding inside you, your hand resting on his abdomen as you can barley get a moan in before throwing your head back and arching your back while moaning loudly, crashing into your orgasm.
"hng..~ Another one? That's like..the fourth one tonight haha!"
Zoro was exchausted. Mostly, exchausted from a day of doing nothing but taking naps around your farm, so he found his way to your room and lounged back on your bed, arms behind his head. You pester him, try flirting, but he shakes his head with his eyes closed. "Nah. I'm gonna rest my eyes."
Well, then you'll find compromise.
Shimmying your boots off, then your jeans, sliding your underwear to the side, you crawl next to him, giving him those big begging eyes.
Zoro almost immiditaely caves, glancing at your ass before smirking. "I suppose I could use a midnight snack." He gestured at the end of his sentence with a flick of his wrist towards his face.
And that's how you ended up here, on his mouth drinking you in hungrily, his hands on your hips as you practically hump his tongue while moaning, her mind long since hazy the moment his tongue touched your folds, clenching your teeth as your eyes roll back everytime his tongue presses into you and his lips attach to give a kiss and suck, slurping, a sloppy eater.
[ size diff warning ]
It's not really hard for anyone in your immidiate circle to see that Eustass might be more than a bit bigger than you. Everyone wonders how it works out between you two, some even sort of laughing when he squats down or has to lean down to kiss you
But his size goes beyond more than just kisses.
Eustass groaned, having you face down ass up in his quarters as his large hand gripped your hip, grinning smugly as he looked at the dumbed out drooling look on your face from only taking less than half of his length, Esutass cocking his head as he stared down at you in a lustful daze. " You're not going dumb from only taking a few inches of me are ya, sweetheart?" Eustass muttered before wiping his mouth of drool and shoving all into you at once, making you yelp in the best way possible before moaning as your eyes roll back. Eustass mumbled about how short you were to himself before beginning his fast quick pace, pounding over and over into you as he threw his head back, smug grin on his face all the while he groans. " Yeah yeah...love you..love you the way you are.."
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ew-selfish-art · 9 months
DP x DC AU: Bruce is the one to invite Constantine over, and no, it's not to improve his tenuous working relationship with the asshole. It's the opposite of that.
Danny had become a frequent visitor of Wayne Manor in the last few months, and Bruce had to admit that while the kid was certainly a bit ominous for his liking for a partner to Tim, he was a generally kind and happy soul. They'd been dating for a lot longer than the Bats knew of- Kon had been the one to let it slip to Jon who told Damian and so on- and since the relationship was no longer secret, Tim brings him to family functions.
The thing about Danny is... He's dead. More than half of the time. Which again, is not Ideal for Bruce's wishes for Tim's future husband, but it also means that he reviles in being alive. Danny is downright joyous about using his time left on earth properly. He makes Tim eat real food, enjoy real sleep and generally live a more fulfilled life than he had been. The whole family noticed the changes in Tim, and it made them like Danny even more.
So after a particularly grueling day of dealing with Trigon and therefore the JLD's lack of coordination and sensible planning- Bruce gets the idea. John couldn't fucking contain himself admonishing Bruce, and perhaps it was vindictive, but Bruce figures that John should meet Danny. Sans context of course.
John is really over dealing with Batman's prissy, over complicated and perfectionist attitude. Come to the Cave he'd demanded, as though John didn't have a favorite bar to get back to, deal with a ghost he ordered like John didn't have other priorities than some random shade.
When walking into the space however, the second his teleportation portal closed, John knew something was deeply, deeply fucked. The shadows were growing longer, the second hand on his watch ticked slower, the air smelled of sulfur and... Red Robin was sitting working at the computer like nothing was wrong. But what was wrong, was the kid was marked by The End. Marked by The Infinite. FUCK.
John knew Death, the Endless, and knew she could pick favorites just like her siblings (Dream's immortal drinking buddy comes to mind). But this wasn't her work, this was something other.
"Mate- the Bat said there was a ghost?" John feels like he might throw up, the eerie atmosphere complicating what should have been a simple request.
"Uh, obviously." The kid didn't even look over from his screen or pause his typing.
John slowly approached, looking over each shoulder a few times, turning in a few circles as the shadows appeared to dance and echo within the cave. He could see his breath, the air became so cold so suddenly. And then, with the gentleness of a pin drop, a new agonizing sound appeared with a Kid walking down the cave stairs. The aura of the room turned dark, every cell in John's body screaming to run, that this was basically the little girl from the ring crawling through the TV as the young man walked down the steps.
"Babe, your grampa says that dinners going to be ready in a second. Oh, uh, hey dude." The creature speaks, turning his eyes to John for only a moment to study him. It feels equivalent to a butterfly being pinned by its wings.
"Y-y-you, you're, you're one of the Endless?" John stutters, his body reacting in fear despite the nonchalant posture of the Beast. The young man rolls his eyes.
"Nah, one of the Ancients but like uh, I'm new in town. And hon seriously don't be late, A made tiramisu for dessert and you're not allowed to have any if you're late and I don't want to deal with you pouting."
"You had me at Tiramisu!" Red stands up from his computer and then turns, "John, what are you doing here again?" Red Robin finally looks over at him, completely confused.
"Just leaving." John mutters, his eyes still trained on the ANCIENT.
Bruce could barely hide his laugh when Tim reported the Magician meeting Danny in the cave.
That'll show the asshole to question Batman's knowledge of the occult.
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erwinsvow · 26 days
omg i keep thinking about reader teasing rafe all day, and like reader keeps like finding reasons that they can’t have sex just to see how far rafe would go. i feel like rafe would either not stand for it or he would get so angry
so bitchy reader coded!!!! she loooves to do this
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teasing rafe is fun because it's so easy. he's such a sucker, falls for your same tricks everytime. you have him running in circles without doing anything at all.
and at heart, you like to see it. it's fun for you—watching him chase you. he cares enough to do it, hasn't stopped even though it's been weeks and months of the same, ever since you caved and allowed yourself to realize you wanted rafe to be your boyfriend.
it starts the same—his favorite dress. strapless, with a pretty blue pattern and a ribbon border that ties into a bow on the neckline, at the curve of your tits. you look pretty, you always do, but this dress makes you even prettier, you think. you pick it out knowing he goes crazy over it every time, knowing you were going to make it hard for him today.
it's not really a day dress, so you slip your white cardigan over your shoulders to make it seem more so, climbing into the passenger seat of rafe's truck with a little too much show, revealing a little too much leg and hands lingering on the seatbelt across your chest a little too long.
when rafe sees you, he swallows hard, and you already know your plan is working. he stares, where the seat belt tightens on your body and the expanse of your thighs that's openly visible now that you're seated.
"rafe?" you question, staring back at your boyfriend while his eyes are hyperfocused on your exposed skin.
"hm?" he looks up at your eyes for a second.
"are you gonna drive or just keep looking at me?"
"oh. uh-" he shifts the car into gear, taking off, though you catch him staring back at you every few minutes. the next time he does, you move your hand to his cheek, pushing it gently so he's looking on the road.
"eyes ahead, perv. i don't wanna die because you're horny," you say it with a laugh, though he doesn't take it as one.
"shut up. why'd you wear that dress?"
a good question. why had you worn the dress? because you and rafe had gotten into a little fight the night before, and there was nothing more satisfying to you than making him cave first in your fights.
"my others were in the laundry. tough."
when he arrives at the country club, it just hits him there's a fully planned day ahead—lunch with top and kelce, golf, dinner with your parents and then the party later that night. there's hardly any time to get you alone.
"listen, princess, i think-"
"gonna be late, rafe! let's go," you say, making a show out of getting out of the truck and flashing him in the process. he groans before getting out to join you.
the day moves painstakingly slow for him. at lunch, you take off the cardigan and lean in to tell him something twice, letting him stare down the front of your dress for a moment before you pull away. when you go to the bathroom to freshen up, he gets up to join you, but you yell out to a friend in the distance and walk in with her, smiling back at rafe.
he sits back at the table grumbling something.
"what's wrong with you?" kelce asks, "never seen you this mad before golf."
"shut it."
on the course, his game is completely off. you keep bending over to retrieve the golf balls after he holes out, walking back and placing it into his palm with a sweet smile, though you are anything but.
"what're you doin'?" rafe asks, holding you close with your arm in his hand.
"getting the ball for top. what else?"
"no, you're fuckin' not." he grips your arm a little tighter, but you break loose, turning around and smiling back at him, before bending over to pick up top's golf ball and placing it in his hand.
he makes it to dinner with your parents angry and horny. you're seated next to rafe, rattling on about your day to them with a hand on rafe's arm. your foot rubs against his ankle, crawling further up while he tries to tell your dad about his golf score.
"the new course is great," your dad says, just as rafe feels your hand on his thigh.
"y-yeah," rafe chokes out.
"you okay? drink some water," you say, smiling like a concerned girlfriend instead of the little devil you really are.
a full day's events later, he gets you alone at the party, setting his beer aside to yank you by the back of your dress into the nearest empty bedroom. your friends stare while rafe drags you away, though you don't look the least bit upset about it.
"hey! you're gonna rip my dress," you say, trying to get free from his insanely strong grip.
"shut it. what the fuck was that all day? huh? thought that was cute?" rafe sounds about as angry as you've ever heard—it's a lot hotter than you had expected.
"what? i didn't do anything."
"shut up. get on the fuckin' bed."
"okay!" you chirp, agreeing immediately. teasing rafe was only fun because you got what you wanted out of it—him, at the end, all angry and tense and pent up. you reach back to undo the bow on your dress, getting ready to unzip it when rafe's hand stops your own.
"no. leave it on."
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roosterforme · 6 months
The Younger Kind Part 40 | Rooster x Reader
Summary: When Casey is obnoxious to you once again, you try your best to go about your day even though you're on the verge of tears. Bradley knew he shouldn't have been lying to you, but he didn't see any other way of dealing with things. Especially not when he was making some last minute changes.
Warnings: Swearing, angst, fluff, mentions of smut and age gap (18+)
Length: 5000 words
Pairing: Single dad!Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x babysitter!female reader
Check out my masterlist for more! The Younger Kind masterlist.
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Bradley didn't answer his phone when you called him on your way to work. Casey was trying to bait you, of that you were almost positive. But Bradley was acting strange all on his own, and the twin bakery boxes made you a little more anxious than you wanted to admit, even to yourself. 
This was going to be the downside to being with Bradley. He was older and sexy and had a real job and a cute kid, and other people were always going to take notice of that. But he put you in his will. He'd talked about rings, and you'd seen them in his internet tabs. There was no way he wasn't serious about this, because even if he was messing with you, he wouldn't mess with Noah. 
But you still felt jealous and petty as you drove to work. That crown shaped donut was adorable and delicious, but at what cost? Now you wished you had taken the time to see what was inside the pastry box Casey had at the daycare. You called Bradley one more time as you walked into work, but of course he didn't answer even though he should still have his phone on him at this hour. The urge to text or call Natasha was strong right now.
After you took care of a few of your patients, you caved and dug your phone out of your bag. Bradley finally responded to you.
Bradley Bradshaw: Hey, I know you said you're going grocery shopping on your way home today, but I need you to pick up Noah. I'll be late again.
You rolled your eyes as you texted him back.
Why exactly will you be late today?
You didn't have time to wait for a response, because you had to get the exam rooms ready for the upcoming patients. Dr. Kelly was dealing with an emergency in exam room one, and there was another child throwing up all over the waiting room. At the rate you were going here, you'd be lucky if you could even get to Noah on time after work. You felt like you were being pulled in four different directions, and you weren't in the mood for Bradley's bullshit. 
When nobody else wanted to clean up the waiting room, you went ahead and did it without complaining; it wasn't that kid's fault he had food poisoning. But you ended up crawling around on the floor for fifteen minutes with rubber gloves on, and then you just got more backed up with the child who was waiting for you in the last exam room. You didn't have time to eat lunch, but you took a quick bathroom break and checked your phone. 
There was nothing from Bradley, but Natasha had texted asking what you were wearing to Admiral Bates' retirement party. You pressed your lips together and took a screenshot of the poofy purple skirt and top that should be arriving today and sent it to her. Before she could respond, you sent another quick message.
Are you working late with Bradley today? Did you have to work late with him yesterday?
You used the bathroom and washed your hands, and you checked your phone one last time. 
Natasha Trace: I haven't been working late, and I followed him out of the parking garage yesterday. That shade of purple is going to look stunning next to Bradley's dress whites. I can't decide between my own dress whites or a formal gown. What's your opinion? Look like one of the guys or look like I'm trying too hard? Like I can't fucking win here, you know?
You absolutely loved that she wanted to ramble to you about her black tie options, you really did. But now you felt uncomfortable in your own skin. She just confirmed for you that Bradley left work on time yesterday. At the bare minimum he was lying to you again, but he could be doing something behind your back that would hurt you even more than that.
"Fuck," you muttered, knowing you had to get back to work. You smiled at your patients and let them take their time picking out stickers all afternoon. You cleaned and disinfected the exam rooms. You entered all of the information into the electronic charts while you answered questions for parents. You did it all without freaking out like you wanted to. 
When you were dismissed, you grabbed your things and rushed to your car to make it to the daycare in time to get Noah. Tears already stung your eyes, because you just knew you'd feel so much better when you got to see him and get a hug. You were still trying to decide if it was better or worse if Casey was still here as you parked and headed inside. Then her eyes locked with yours as soon as you entered the small lobby, and she still looked so smug in her cute outfit. But at least this meant she wasn't with Bradley. 
"Oh, it's you again," she said pleasantly as you walked to the counter. 
You put your hand out for the clipboard and said, "Yep. It's me. Told you I wasn't going anywhere. Could you please bring Noah out?"
"I will," she replied, reaching into that fucking blue box and pulling out a crown shaped donut. She nibbled on the end before setting it down again and handing you the clipboard. "You're the last one to arrive for pickup, which actually makes sense when I think about it. Bradley has you running all over the place for him, doesn't he?"
You ground your molars together to keep your mouth shut and signed your name as she took another bite of the donut. 
"I guess that's what babysitters do though. But it's funny that he didn't mention you at all when he and I were at the bakery yesterday."
Your eyes snapped up to meet her self satisfied gaze, and you wanted to rip that pretty donut out of her hand. "Just go get Noah."
"Gladly," she replied, heading for the classroom door. "You're holding me up right now anyway. I need to get back to Sweet Dreams to meet up with someone who looks damn good in a pair of aviator sunglasses. It's so nice having the best bakery in the city right in my neighborhood. It's a great spot to meet up with people."
If Bradley came home with another blue pastry box and claimed he was at work late again, you were going to throw the box back in his pretty face. 
"Mommy!" Noah called as he streaked across the lobby to you a second later. "I painted a purple dog for you!" He was holding up a painting of a purple blob with eyes and a nose, and you couldn't hold back your smile. 
"I love it," you whispered as you picked him up and kissed his chubby cheek. You made the decision to completely ignore Casey as you turned and walked out to the parking lot. "Hey, we need to stop and get groceries, so how about you pick what you want for dinner tonight."
He looked at you with those brown eyes that were identical to his dad's, except that these ones didn't have to try to look innocent, they just were. "Probably mac and cheese and ants on logs."
"Sounds perfect."
Once you and he got inside the grocery store, you were feeling extra ridiculous. You thought about making it a point to run up Bradley's credit card bill as high as you could by selecting imported exotic fruits and a bottle of champagne, but you just couldn't waste the money. You did buy yourself some expensive chocolate that you ate on the drive home though as you wondered just how late he was going to be tonight. 
You were kind of shocked as you pulled down the block with Noah and a trunk full of groceries to see the Bronco parked in the driveway. It was 6:45, so he must have arrived just before you, and you couldn't wait to put him on the spot. You slammed your door before unbuckling Noah from his seat in the back, and you really did feel like the fucking babysitter again right now. 
"Let's go, sweet Noah," you told him, leaving the groceries where they were for now. Hand in hand, the two of you walked up to the porch while he told you how many raisins he wanted on his carrots, but you barely heard him. When you opened the front door, Bradley was standing right there in the middle of the living room with a stupid smile on his face. He was holding another blue pastry box. 
"Hi," he said, leaning down to kiss you, but you backed away. His face scrunched in concern. "Everything okay?"
Noah was already bugging to see what was in the box this time, and you noticed Bradley had his other hand tucked behind his broad back. 
"I mean... no, not really," you said, slightly embarrassed by the way your voice shook. "Did you see Casey at the bakery again today? Just like last night?"
He looked completely taken aback. "How did you know I saw Casey last night?"
You crossed your arms over your chest and whispered, "Why do you keep lying to me about coming home late?"
Bradley sighed and pressed his lips together. "Look, I didn't want to have to lie to you, okay? That wasn't really my original plan, but then things got a little out of hand, and I didn't really see any other option."
"Just say it," you whispered, ready to reach for the box as your hands shook.
"I just wanted it to be a surprise," he said blandly as he pulled his hand out from behind his back. You gasped, and Noah immediately gave up on his mission to get something sweet out of the blue box.
"A dog!" Noah shouted as you looked at the tiny little Yorkshire terrier that Bradley was holding around the middle with one hand. It had a purple bow on top of its head and one leg in a cast, and it was honestly one of the cutest things you'd ever seen in your life. "A dog! A dog!" 
Bradley dropped down to kneel so Noah could get a closer look, but he kept his eyes on you as he said, "I adopted her from the shelter across town. It's on the same block as that fancy bakery. She has a broken leg, so we need to be really gentle with her while she's healing, okay?" He set the box down on the floor and sat with Noah, and now you were feeling pretty embarrassed. You still wanted to know what Casey was doing, but you tentatively sat down on the floor as well. 
When Bradley held his other arm out, you crawled in to give him a huge while Noah petted the little brown bundle of fur. He was showing how gently he could be, and the dog started licking his hands. You kissed Bradley's cheek, but he looked a little stern as he softly said, "You know I did this for you, right? You and Noah."
You didn't know what else to say, so you simply said, "Thank you."
He sighed and kissed your lips. "I saw Casey for like five minutes while I waited in line to buy your crown donut, okay? The guy from the shelter needed to interview me about getting a dog with an injury, so he and I sat in the bakery for a while and talked. I dropped off a check this afternoon, because they don't accept app payments, and I stopped at the bakery again for you. Then the guy from the shelter came by and did a quick inspection of the house and our backyard like an hour ago. And he left the dog with me. That's all."
You wrapped your arms around his neck and whispered, "I love you, and I love the dog. And I'm happy you got to use your checkbook without anyone laughing at you."
Bradley chuckled as you ran your fingers through the dog's fur. She looked up at you with brown eyes that you swore perfectly matched those of the Bradshaw boys. 
"What's her name?" Noah asked as he got his face licked.
"Whatever you want it to be," Bradley replied. "She doesn't have one yet."
You and Noah made eye contact and both smiled brightly. "Skittles!"
Bradley groaned and laid back on the area rug right next to the snag, and he plopped Skittles down on his chest. "You already had a name picked out? And it's Skittles?"
"Yes!" Noah replied, also laying on Bradley's chest to get better access to his new pet.
"We picked a name that could work for a boy dog or a girl dog," you told Bradley, your heart feeling lighter than it had for the past day. "She's so adorable," you crooned as you ran your dand down her back. "Hi, Skittles. You're precious." Her brown eyes were transfixed on your face as you scratched just the right spot behind her ear. "Why is she in a cast?"
Bradley propped his hands behind his head, and the pup carefully walked up to lick his neck and face as you took a few pictures. "Hit by a car. She was abandoned down near Imperial Beach and someone dropped her at the shelter last week. I mentioned I was looking for a small puppy or younger dog that didn't shed, and Bob found her on the shelter website."
"You were left all alone? You sweet thing," you whispered, getting close enough for a lick across your nose. "She's darling!"
"Can she sleep with me in my bed?" Noah asked as Skittles climbed carefully onto Bradley's bicep and then onto the rug. She sniffed around the pastry box before plopping down bedside Bradley with her broken leg sticking out in front of her. 
"Maybe after her cast comes off, Bub."
Noah tried his best to pout, but you saw right through it, and a few seconds later he was smiling again. "Noah, what do you say to Daddy?" you reminded him. Then he was in Bradley's arms saying thank you a million times in a row.
While Bradley unloaded the groceries, you and Noah played on the living room floor with Skittles. He shook his head as he locked your car. "Skittles," he muttered, hauling the last few bags inside. "You've got to be shitting me." He chuckled to himself. You'd come into his life with your candy and your glossy lips and your sweetness and upended everything. He owned a fucking dog now, and you'd named it after your favorite snack. He even had a reminder in his phone to pay off his credit card balance so he could start shopping for a ring next month.
You smiled up at him from the floor as Noah squeaked a toy and held it out to the dog. Damn it, she was actually adorable. And the shelter gave her a little purple bow when he asked for that color. And she definitely had the puppy eyes down pat, because Bradley couldn't even walk through the room without stopping to pet her. 
He ended up carrying Skittles around the house for the rest of the night after you made mac and cheese for dinner. The dog was already trained to go to the bathroom outside, but he needed to be careful with her cast. The staff from the animal shelter had absolutely grilled him for information before they even came out to inspect whether or not the house and yard were safe for her. 
"Yeah, this is your yard now," he whispered to the dog as he carried her outside in one hand. She licked his cheek before he set her down and watched her sniff around as it got darker outside. She was only a year or two old, which is what he wanted. This way Noah and potentially his younger sibling could have more time with her as the dog grew older. 
"Come here," Bradley called, and Skittles moved as quickly as her little casted leg would allow her to. She stopped at his feet and looked up at him. "Fuck. You really are cute. And I'm going to look like an asshole when I take you for walks." But he was smiling as he picked her up again. When he turned, you were standing in the open doorway.
"You won't look like an asshole, Daddy. You'll look as adorable as Skittles does."
He kissed your forehead and asked, "Is Noah in bed?"
"Yeah. He wants you to go in and say goodnight. And may I please hold the dog for a few minutes?" you asked with a little pout. 
"Nope," he replied, kissing your cheek. "Gotta let Noah say goodnight to her, too."
"Then can I play with her?"
Bradley held the dog's face up to his ear. "What's that, Skittles? You said you like me the best and want me to keep holding you? That's what I thought."
"Hey!" you complained, playfully hitting his arm as the pup licked his ear. You looked happier right now than you had earlier, but Bradley knew he needed to have a conversation about Casey. He couldn't understand what set you off so much earlier. 
As he carried Skittles toward Noah's room, he replayed the events from yesterday in his mind. He'd been sitting in the bakery for about an hour before he finished talking to the representative from the animal shelter, and when he stood up, Casey was already there. And yeah, she was a nuisance as usual. She put her hand on Bradley's forearm and mentioned that she liked his uniform, but she always tried to do that shit. Then she waited in line like she was with him instead of behind or in front of him, and she went on and on about how she lived right around the corner.
When he finally managed to leave with the bakery box and your cute donut, he was exhausted. And he'd only had to listen to her for a few minutes. Then she stood next to the Bronco with him like she expected a ride home or something, which was ridiculous since she told him so many times that she lived around the corner. 
He sighed and kissed Skittles on the head as he carried her in to say goodnight to Noah. "I love her," his son said as Bradley held her so she could lick his face. "I'll be really careful so she can sleep in here with me," he pleaded. 
Bradley kissed his cheek. "Not tonight, Bub. I already told you, she needs to heal up first."
Noah reached out to pet her before rolling onto his side with a little scowl, but he was already asleep by the time Bradley left the room. And then he went into his bedroom which always smelled like wildflowers and found you on the bed wearing that sexy little purple nightie you bought online. For a brief second he wondered if you were wearing your plug, but then he remembered he needed to have a conversation with you. 
You held your hands out to Skittles, but Bradley just shook his head and carried her to the little plush bed he set up in the corner and set her there. She walked in a delicate circle before plopping down and yawning. "How are you this cute?" he asked the animal before turning back to where you were sitting with your arms crossed.
"Why won't you let me hold Skittles?"
"Because we need to talk," he replied immediately. You flopped back against the pillows as Bradley climbed in bed with you. "Come here," he whispered, patting his chest, and sure enough, you crawled over and snuggled against him. "Tell me what's bothering you."
You draped your arm across his abs and said, "You won't let me hold Skittles!"
"That's not what I'm talking about," he murmured, kissing the top of your head. He didn't want to have to be the one to say it, so he stroked your bare arm and waited. 
You sighed softly and said, "Casey always tries to bait me when I see her at daycare dropoff or pick up. I'm sorry I came in hot with you today. But you should hear what she says."
Bradley thought he'd made it clear that he wasn't interested in her after he returned from his last deployment. He made no secret of grabbing at you and kissing you in front of Casey. He knew it was probably because you and she were the same age, and Casey definitely saw the way he doted on you. "She's probably just jealous, because I like to spoil you."
You snorted. "She's jealous, because you're hot, Daddy."
Bradley could feel his cheeks flush with heat as you shifted slightly and looked up at him. "What did she say to you today?" he asked.
Your eyes fluttered closed in embarrassment, and you looked bashful as you whispered, "She made it seem like she met you at the bakery. Like it was something you and she planned ahead of time. And she had a blue bakery box and a princess crown donut, and she ate it in front of me. And now I'm starting to realize how ridiculous this sounds, because I trust you."
"I know you do, Princess," he replied as he looked at your purple crown on the bedpost. "And I trust you. But I just can't believe she did that." He studied your gorgeous face and ran his knuckles along your cheek. "I'm sorry I lied to you about staying at work late. That was shitty. I just wanted you and Noah both to be surprised since you've both been bugging for a dog. I just wanted to get you something special."
"Apology accepted. And dog accepted, too," you whispered as he stroked the soft skin of your neck.
"Listen. I'm not interested in Casey. I'm never going to be interested in Casey. I saw her for five or ten minutes at the bakery, and she asked why I was on that side of town. I told her the other guy was from the shelter and I was thinking about getting a dog. She waited with me in line and practically gave me a migraine from how much she talks. I didn't pay attention to what she bought, so if she had a princess crown donut, then she bought it herself."
You smiled up at him. "Those donuts are so good. Pissed me off that she had one and tried to rub it in my face. She must have heard what you ordered."
He smirked. "Yeah well, you're the one getting cream filled donuts and a cream filled pussy anytime you want."
"Daddy!" you gasped. "That's fucking naughty."
"Get up here," he whispered, and then you moved up his body until your lips met his. "I love you. You're Noah's mommy. You're my Princess. I want to be with you. Don't worry about Casey." But he knew he'd have to have another conversation tomorrow, which he was more than happy to do for you. 
You pressed soft kisses to his mustache as he ran his hand up your thigh, curious if you were wearing panties. You were not. "You know what I really want, Daddy?"
"Tell me, and I'll give it to you."
You gently bit his bottom lip before releasing it and giggling. "I want to play with Skittles."
Bradley groaned as you scrambled off of his semi hard cock and climbed out of bed. He got a delicious view of your bare ass as you bent to pick the dog up and carry her back to bed. "You're the cutest little girl! Look at you in your purple bow! Oh, I just love you!"
Then he watched as you climbed back onto the bed with all the care in the world and had the pup cradled against you. When he chuckled and left the room, you didn't even seem to notice. He used the bathroom and went to the kitchen in search of the blue pastry box while he planned out what he'd say to Casey. He wasn't about to tolerate someone intentionally making you uncomfortable, especially when it came to him. 
He grabbed a plate and the fresh princess crown donut, wondering if he could get the bakery to make one that looked like a wedding ring. Then he carried the plate back to the bedroom where Skittles was laying on her back while you tickled her tummy. Bradley just stood there and held the plate as he watched you play and listened to you laugh. You kissed the dog and said, "I'm going to buy you a purple collar and leash with Daddy's credit card. And when your cast comes off, Noah and I will take you for hikes around the block. And Daddy is so big, he's going to look so hot walking such a tiny dog. Either that, or he'll look like an asshole."
"I'm standing right here." 
You smirked when you looked at him. "I know," you said, scratching Skittles on her belly as she squirmed around. "Is it okay if I order her a leash and some snacks?"
"Get whatever you want," he said, handing you the plate and kissing you before he stole the dog from your grasp.
"Hey!" you complained with a laugh.
"It's time for Skittles to go to bed. Eat your princess donut, and then I'll fill you with cream if you're in the mood for it."
You just looked at him coyly as you nibbled on the donut, and he put the pup in her little bed once again.
The next morning, Bradley let you sleep in a little later than usual while he got Noah ready and packed you a sandwich for your lunch. He'd kept you up pretty late, fucking you slow and steady until he got a shaking orgasm out of you. Then he took his time as you babbled and kissed him sweetly, finally filling you up with his cum. He called you his little donut as you fell asleep. 
"Fuck," he grunted as he thought about it, starting to get hard in his flight suit as he made your peanut butter and jelly sandwich. 
"Morning," you sang as you strolled into the kitchen in your scrubs. You kissed his cheek and then pet Skittles where she sat looking up at the sandwich, hoping some would fall on the floor. Then you sat down next to Noah as he ate his cereal and told you that he loved Skittles even more than dinosaurs.
"More than dinosaurs?" you asked, brushing his hair back from his forehead as he dipped his spoon back into his bowl. "That's a whole lot."
"Yep," he agreed. "I love Skittles almost as much as I love you and Daddy."
Bradley watched you kiss his son on the cheek before you got your own bowl of cereal ready. "Should we thank Daddy again for bringing her home?"
"Thanks, Daddy," you and Noah sang out in unison. 
Bradley just smiled and said, "You're welcome. Noah, finish eating so we're not late. Princess, can you put Skittles in her crate before you leave?"
"Yes," you told him between bites of breakfast. "And I'll order her leash and stuff later today."
He kissed you hard before bringing you coffee in the mug that said Noah's Daddy. Then he scooped Noah up and carried him off to get his shoes on. It was getting seriously late at this point, and he knew he'd be in the daycare for an extra minute or two this morning. "I love you, Baby," he called out, rushing back into the kitchen for a second when he was finally ready to leave. 
You gave him and Noah one last kiss apiece, and then Noah hugged Skittles. "We gotta go," Bradley told him, rushing him out to the Bronco. It only took a few minutes to get to the daycare, and Bradley had a good idea what he wanted to say. He found himself hoping that Casey was at the front desk this morning, not wanting to draw this shit out any longer. 
When he walked Noah inside, hand in hand, Bradley saw her right away. She looked up at him with parted lips and a little smile as he tugged his aviators off. Then she looked at his son and said, "Good morning, Noah!" Her eyes darted back up as she added in a softer voice, "And Bradley."
He watched her walk Noah into the classroom before he signed his name on the clipboard. When Casey walked back toward him, there was nobody else in the lobby. He held out the clipboard for her and said, "I'd actually prefer it if you called me Lieutenant Bradshaw."
She giggled as if she was being treated to something even better than use of his first name, and Bradley had to fight the urge to roll his eyes. "Okay, Lieutenant Bradshaw," she whispered, tossing her hair over her shoulder. 
He cleared his throat. "Can we chat for a minute?"
Casey set the clipboard down and came to stand alarmingly close to him. This was every bit as bad as you had claimed, and frankly he was more than a little bit surprised by how bold she was. Bradley took a step away and shook his head. "Look Casey, this is never going to happen."
She froze on the spot, and her cheeks turned a soft shade of pink. "Oh."
"Right. And I really don't want to have to go to your boss, so I need you to just knock it off, okay? My girl and I don't keep secrets from each other, so I know about how you talk to her, and I don't appreciate it at all. She's as good as being Noah's mom and my wife."
Now her cheeks were a deeper shade of red, and she was rushing back around to the other side of the desk. "Okay," she whispered. "I'm just surprised she said something to you about it."
"Don't be. Like I said, we talk about everything. And if you pull some more shit, I'll hear about that, too. Promise."
He stood his ground until she looked up at him. All she said was, "Okay," and then Bradley put his aviators back on as he turned toward the door. 
"You have a great day."
Casey, you literal nightmare. She'd be delighted if she broke them up. Can't wait to see her next time Princess shows up. And Daddy shouldn't even try to be sneaky. Just no, Daddy. But welcome, Skittles! Thanks @mak-32 and @beyondthesefourwalls
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coldfanbou · 8 months
The Beast From Down Under
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On day two, we're taking a left turn and getting really kinky with this request.
Length 1.9K
Mina smut with tentacles
Exploring had its good points, but it also had its bad points. Barely being able to see in a cave was one of the bad points. Mina crawled her way through a small opening as she traveled through an unexplored cave. She took her time, ensuring her backpack wouldn’t get stuck along the way. Minutes of crawling would finally come to an end as the cave opened back up. As she stood up, Mina checked the new cavern she was in. A faint light in the distance attracted her attention. She moved toward it slowly; a turn in the cave led Mina to the dimly lit area. Flowers glowed all around this area. She shined her flashlight and saw the cavern holding a massive pool in the center. From her position, it looked like a nearly perfect circle. She held the light in her mouth as she took out her notepad and began to draw it along with the mysteriously glowing flowers. Paying more attention to the pool of water, Mina felt that something so perfect couldn’t possibly be that natural. She took a few steps forward as she drew before noticing there was a tunnel on the other side of the cavern. Looking for a way through that didn’t involve getting wet, she scoured the sides of the cavern.
After a few minutes, Mina found there would be no way of getting across while remaining dry. She took the opportunity to sketch the glowing flowers, getting very close to them. Entranced by them, she poked one of them, and in return, the flower released some sort of dust. She couldn’t breathe for a moment, but eventually, her airway cleared up. Mina regretted touching the flower; she felt her body heat up and a growing wetness between her legs. Thinking that she needed to wash herself of the dust to get rid of the effects, Mina pushed her head into the peaceful pool, disturbing it. Water dripped down her face as she pulled her head back above the water. Unfortunately, cleaning herself up had no effect; she felt a growing sense of arousal, and her nipples became hard under her shirt. Mina felt a growing want to touch herself. Knowing she needed to remain focused, she decided to move on. She would leave some of her gear on this side of the pool while only taking the bare minimum with her across. She replaced the batteries in her spare flashlight and turned it on, leaving it as a marker.  
Mina felt horny; it was something that was hard for her to contain. She figured the flower must produce some kind of potent aphrodisiac. Mina tested to see how deep the water was and found it far deeper than expected. She could hardly see the bottom from the edge, but she had figured it wouldn’t be that bad. She jumped in; she didn’t hit any sort of floor and soon rose to the surface. Mina shook her head and began to swim to the other side. She kicked up waves as she swam but noticed something stirring as the waves continued far after she had stopped. She didn’t want to be caught up by whatever could be swimming in this pool and started to move again. 
A sense of panic moved through her as she felt something slimy move across her legs. At the same time, Mina felt the effect of the flowers continue as her nipples became sensitive. “Now’s not the time,” she thinks to herself as she continues to move through the water as fast as possible. The slimy object runs across her body before taking hold of her ankle. Soon, three more things come from below her and take her arms and legs before lifting her out of the water. Now, out of the water, Mina can see what was in it, or at least its appendages. Tentacles were suspending her in mid-air. As more slowly crept up from below the water’s surface. The beast below must not be able to see but have a keen sense of touch as it uses its other tentacles to guide it to Mina’s body. The slimy appendages soon reached Mina, sliding along her clothing. She grimaces as she feels one rub against her face. Mina felt her nether regions reacting to the beast. She tried to shake the things tentacles off her, but it was no use. It just held her tighter and kept her body spread out.
The tentacles secreted some sort of slime. Noticing something dropping into the water below, Mina found that her clothes were disappearing before her eyes. The slime was deteriorating her clothing at a quick rate; she would be naked in a couple of minutes at best. Mina’s worries grew as she felt a tentacle begin rubbing against her slit. She was helpless to shoo it away and remained still, hoping it would leave her. She tried to contain her moans, feeling disgusted by the thought of her getting off and being used by whatever was below her. The tentacles in the air start to coat Mina in the slime, with one running between her small breasts. Mina maintained some level of focus. She desperately wants to moan but fears what would happen. The tentacle by Mina’s pussy is soon joined by another that rubs between her cheeks, finding her asshole. The tentacles rub against her holes, and Mina, unable to hold it in any longer, lets out a loud moan. Almost like she was a beacon, more tentacles pop up in front of Mina. One immediately pushes into her open mouth and moves down her throat until Mina starts to gag. The tentacle pulls back and lets Mina breathe before beginning to move back and forth, coating Mina’s throat in the slime. The aphrodisiac seemed to grow stronger as Mina started to lose her mind to the pleasure being provided by the tentacles. Mina’s mind becomes calm as she starts sucking on the tentacle, her tongue swirling around it. In the back of her head, she knew it was wrong, but she couldn’t fight it anymore. 
The other two that were focused on her nether regions begin to move. First, the one at her pussy before the one on her ass. They alternated, pushing deep into Mina’s holes before pulling out. The tentacles started off slow before picking up speed as they began to fuck Mina. She didn’t care what was happening to her anymore; the pleasure Mina was receiving was too much. Mina loved the feeling of the tentacle stretching her asshole as it pushed deeper.  The young woman had only had minor experience with anal before. Maybe it was the slime coating the tentacle, but it moved in and out of her with surprising ease. There was only minor pain from being stretched so much; the pleasure she got from it was overpowering. Mina was slowly lowered to just above the water’s surface before being flipped over. She glanced down her body to see the tentacle that was fucking her cunt make a visible bulge. She could see when it pulled out of her and watched as it rammed into her cunt. The tentacles began to speed up, moving in unison as they filled each hole. The sudden switch shocked her system; Mina felt herself getting closer to climaxing. She just needed a little push. As if reading her mind, two tentacles attached themselves to her sensitive nipples. The ends of them had opened and clung to her. To Mina, it felt as if they were sucking on her tits. She threw her head back and relished in the pleasure as the tentacle in her mouth twitched. Mina’s body began to spasm as her orgasm neared.  Her walls tightened around the tentacles, and she felt everything build up inside her until it popped. She squirted over the tentacles, and her holes clamped down around them. All three appendages end up releasing some sort of warm liquid. She wondered for a second if they had just cum inside her but quickly pushed it out of her mind as the tentacle’s cum rushed down her throat. Mina drank as much as she could before she started to choke. The beast pulled its tentacle from her mouth, allowing Mina to breathe; it didn’t finish cumming, though, as it shot some onto Mina’s face. Her face held an expression of bliss despite the situation. Once the tentacles inside Mina’s ass and cunt finished pumping their cum inside her, they pulled out before being replaced by another pair. 
The cavern was filled with moans as Mina reveled in being used. When the beast released her hands, Mina grabbed the closest tentacles and began stroking them like cocks. Her hands slid up and down the appendages with ease. She opened her mouth, waiting for one to ram itself down her throat. Mina didn’t have to wait long as one slid in and pushed deeper than the last. Mina kept her tongue running along the tentacle, moaning while she enjoyed how it stretched her throat. The tentacle inside her pussy drove her crazy as it slammed against her womb. The one in her ass felt like it grew larger inside of her as it pushed deeper. Mina was lost in the pleasure of it all, cumming time and time again. When the tentacles in her hands came, they would shoot their hot cum onto her body. The tentacles filled Mina with its cum inflating her belly for a moment; when it replaced the ones inside her, the cum would rush out of Mina. Eventually, the beast was sated and gently placed her back on the side with her gear and returned to the water. Mina laid on her back, her body covered in the beast’s cum. From head to toe, she was covered in the stuff. The aphrodisiac was still in effect, too. 
She moved her hand down to her well-used pussy, sliding her fingers inside and scooping some cum out before putting it in her mouth and savoring the taste. She moaned once it hit her tongue; Mina remained on the ground, fingering herself and playing with her breasts, pinching and pulling on her nipple with one hand as she used her other to feed herself. She sucked her fingers clean each time, swirling her tongue around them and pushing them into the back of her throat as she tried to replicate the feeling from earlier. Mina’s hips rose as she neared her orgasm; she stopped scooping cum out of her and started to finger herself properly. She flicked her clit and pulled as hard as she could on her nipples until she felt the blissfulness of her orgasm wash over her. Once her orgasm was over, she lay on the cold cave floor. Mina’s hair was matted down by the beast's cum, and her body lay in a pool of cum that leaked from her gaping asshole and cunt.
Once in the right head space, Mina looked around. She crawled toward her gear and collected it. Still naked, she started to make her way out before stopping and turning around. For a brief moment, the idea of staying here and letting the monster use her body as it wished passed through her mind. She felt a tingle in her nether regions and stepped toward the water before shaking her head, turning around, and heading home. Her mind was filled with the memories of that night; she considered going back multiple times.
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your-nanas-house · 7 months
Would you be willing to do a dark NSFW Tom Riddle oneshot?
I'd really be interested in seeing super possessive, super jealous, super protective Tom. Like maybe the reader and Tom were friends with benefits, however the reader realizes they has feelings. So, they randomly distance themselves from him and secretly start seeing one of his followers until they decide to go public. He tries to manipulate her back to being with him by saying things like "he doesn't make you feel the way I make you, does he darling?" (maybe more provocative and intense) I lowkey imagine him sneaking in the readers dorm and they were preparing for an outing with whichever follower they are dating when Tom comes out of the shadows, standing behind them and he kisses down their neck which saying manipulative things. Before the reader pushes him back and says "no, I love (followers name)" even though that isn't the case. That is when the follower the reader is with, walks in and eyes Tom wearily before the reader says "(followers name), can we go? Please, I want to go." because the reader knew that they'd cave to Tom. Tom only gets more persistent, trying to be patient, but his mindset is that the reader will come crawling back to him because this isn't the first time this has happened. However, this is the longest time the reader has been away from him and it is then that he realizes that he does have feelings which frightens him. He comes to terms with having one weakness, the reader. Ultimately, he gets impatient and does things his way to get the reader back. Sorry if this is a lot!
Hello! Ofc 🥰 sorry if it took me so much, I tried to find a way to put everything you wanted in a oneshot. Dw, I loved this idea so much!!!
Just an affair (?)
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◇ Pairing: Tom Riddle X fem!Reader, Abraxas Malfoy X fem!Reader
◇ Warnings: SMUT, harassment, Tom Riddle, fluff, angst and dark themes (Slytherin!Reader but can be seen as any other house if you want to 🥰)
◇ Summary: You try to move on but Tom doesn't want that.
◇ Note: Sorry for the mistakes and the English.
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Your gaze was blank and empty, focused on nothing in particular since you were too lost in your thoughts to be aware of your surroundings.
Too many things were going on in your head, especially since you managed to stop your little affair with your classmate, Tom Riddle, a pleasurable, lovable and rough affair that you kind of missed.
You really missed the warmth of his body, his teeth against your sensitive skin, his cold touch followed by the rough and needy kisses, his scent that invaded your senses— this awful sensation kept coming back every time you saw him behind the walls of your magic school ‘Hogwarts’.
You saw him that day too, after exiting the women’s bathroom with your friend and classmate, Walburga Black; you two were just heading back to your dorms when you nearly crashed against Tom Riddle's chest, the man that you tried to ignore and avoid since a while now.
You nearly shivered when his dark eyes met yours but you managed to hide it, nodding as a greeting as Walburga squealed an awkward 'hello, my lord" while she followed you quickly.
It was a Saturday so you didn't have any classes but since you had managed to join the Slugclub, you had to visit professor Slughorn to get an invitation to the club's fifth dinner of the year— then after that you would have been finally free to enjoy your day of rest and get ready for the date with your new boyfriend.
A hot, pale, blond, classmate of yours, belonging to the same house as you and to a rich and prestigious family in the pureblood's view.
Yes, boyfriend.
After you stopped to meet Tom Riddle in secret and decided to move on, you started to see one of his followers and fellow Slytherin— Abraxas Malfoy.
Your feet were a little tired from so much walking in your last few days and because you had started practicing walking in heels to make a good impression on the blond on your date— you had also bought, with Walburga, a new dress only for that occasion.
That's where you were heading at that moment, straight to your dorm room to fix your appearance before Abrasax could bring you to Hogsmeade for the day; you nearly rushed inside of your room, closing the door before heading to your mirror to start apply the makeup of the day— you already did that that morning but you wanted to be fresh and prettier than ever.
That's when a cold touch made your body freeze, exactly when your gaze was focused on the new dress.
It didn't take long for your makeup, you didn't overdo it usually, only the hair was your big problem— you spent minutes and minutes trying to find the most suitable hairstyle and then ended up pulling it up into a simple yet sophisticated hairstyle as you dropped the robe that covered your body.
"Little Dove, my little Dove" his voice echoed in your mind as your eyes moved slowly up to meet Tom's dark and empty gaze— he had an ironing grip on your bare hips and his soft pink lips were brushing against your skin.
Luckily you managed to put quickly the dress on to cover yourself a bit in front of Tom.
His white teeth grazed against the spot that made your knees weak and that he knew way too well
"You're playing a dangerous game, my dear— trying to get me by pretending to be interested in someone else" he growled sodtly, pressing himself against your back to make you feel his hardening cock as his hand grabbed your throat.
For the first time you were afraid but still pretty horny, like everytime you could smell his delicious masculine scent— but you needed to stop him this time; you could already feel that ticklish feeling crawling back in your lower belly, exploding in you like thousand of butterflies.
'No, not this time and not anymore' you told yourself more and more scared of the feelings that became slowly love.
You tried to move from his grip, your breath becoming heavier
"Tom, n-no— you must stop" you tried, earning just a threating growl causing his hands to hold you stiller, his hips grinding against your butt, managing that way to press his now rock-hard erection between your ass cheeks
"You know you want it too, Y/n—" Tom murmured against the shell of your ear, licking it slowly before continuing to talk, using now a more sensual and low voice the same one he always used during one of your heated and passionate sessions of sex
"Stop pretending or resisting, we both know that you will crawl back to me— as soon as you will realize how childish your behavior is right now".
His hand slowly moved from your hip to your front, stroking slowly your lower back before playing with your panties and move his pale hand inside of them to touch your wet pussy— like he wanted since the day you started to ignore him.
Usually this would lead to Tom having his long fingers buried inside your wet folds— his fingers would then be replaced by his cock which filled you up to your cervix, preventing you from thinking straight as he ruined you wherever he wanted, not this time though.
Sure enough, someone knocked on the dorm door taking you both by surprise— thus allowing you to move Tom's hand away from your panties before Abraxas couldn't see as he entered the room.
His clear gaze was fixed on you two and he started to frown slightly, since he wasn't really expecting to see Tom Riddle himself there— he couldn't ask any questions, though, or think much about why he was there as your voice stopped his thoughts
"Can we please go, Brax?— Please" you begged for a second time, taking his hand before following him quickly out of the Slytherin's common room, leaving Tom alone.
On the evening of the same day of your date and when Tom had finally managed to find a moment when you were all alone— right that day, the wizard found himself in his bed in his dormitory, on top of his cold sheets with his gaze fixed on the ceiling and his head full of thoughts of you.
His hand wrapped around his hard-rock cock, the thin fabric of your panties brushing against his balls every time his hand moved up and down.
As the thought of you with another man his pace got faster, he inhaled deeply from his nostrils while his jaw clenched
"F-Fucking slut" he murmured between clenched teeth as he thought about you, his back arched in a lovingly way as he approached his climax slowly.
A soft groan left his lips before he bit his bottom lip, purring your name before coming all over his hand and your dark green stolen panties.
He wanted you back, no he needed you back, you were his and only his— Noone else's.
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alien-magnolia · 8 months
Tonowari: Burning For You
Fic description: 18+ MINORS DNI. Plot involved as well. Breeding kink, slight implied d/s dynamics, daddy kink, service kink, free use, primal, omegaverse. As you go through one of your most intense heats yet, your loving mate helps you through your pain, in a way you’ve never imagined. Au: Tonowari and hyperfem! Na’vi reader have a few kids and are already mated, exploring their deeply romantic and spiritual connection during her heat. Wc:5.7k
“When the blood burns, how prodigal the soul lends the tongue vows.”
-Hamlet, Act 1.3.115
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Metkayina Village: 08:00
The sun glazed and glistened on your blue skin, as your long hair flowed behind you in the reef. You were trying your best to calm down, to relax your body. First your arms, your legs, your tail. You were one with the water. Eywa was watching over you.
Everything was okay, yes?
It might have been. Your eyes jolted open, adjusting to the sunlight reflecting on the azure waters, adjusting your flower that was in your hair. You had to look your best, after all. It might have been fine — until you felt a sharp pang in your lower abdomen and back. Could it be? You were under the impression that your heat was only a few days away. Yet here it was — starting early.
You quickly call your ilu, riding it to the outskirts of the side of the reef, to a little hidden alcove right outside where the calm reef met the roaring waves of the ocean. You spoke to your mate through the bond— showing him where you were.
Whenever your heat or his rut came, the both of you had a place to hide, to let your carnal desires consume the both of you.
You pet your ilu as it felt your pain, disconnecting your queues. You managed to crawl inside the warm, almost hot pool of water in the alcove, as you ran your fingers over your songcord, remembering the time you mated for the first time, in this very cave. It brought you comfort.
You clutched your stomach harder, wincing. You wonder how Tonowari has dealt with your children in order to come see you here.
~ Metkayina Village ~
It has started to rain heavily. Tonowari puts his long hair in a bun, as he shushes your two little children: a four year old and a three month old, letting them know that their grandmother will come take care of them: the former Tsahik. She arrives, and Carrie’s them further into the hut. Tonowari helps tuck them in under a blanket.
Blankets were rarely used, yet they served a good purpose when it was a bit cold and rainy. The man then races to his tsurak — clicking, calling it. He jumps on with his powerful legs, a look of worry on his face as he races to the alcove.
You sit in the warm water, now shivering. The pain was even worse. You hear the shriek of the tsurak as your mate steps into the alcove. “Mawey. Mawey, my love, it is heat, yes?,” he asks, stepping towards you, a caring and concerned expression on his face. You nod, looking up into his eyes. He shushes you, as his big hands wrap around your body, one placed on your belly, massaging it where the pain should be.
“Wari…it hurts. Tsahelyu…please..,” you quietly ask him. He smiles, and obliges, wincing, connecting your queues so he can take your pain away. You sigh, leaning into his wide and muscular chest, tracing over the tattoos on his arms. You feel a pair of lips on your cheek and neck, his gentle kisses as a way to calm you more.
“Mawey, ma sevin (pretty.) I am here now. I always will come to help my mate, especially when she is in heat. When she looks so beautiful…and smells it too..,” he trails off, giving you another wet and warm kiss on your cheek, with a hint of a little growl behind his voice. You feel his fangs start to nip at your ear.
“Olo’eyktan always takes care of his mate, my flower. You just stay there, be good for me, yes?,” he asks, you feel more of his sharp fangs with the more nips and kisses he gives you.
“Ma wari, okay. Please… hurts..,” you breathily moan out, feeling a bit more than bothered by his bulging biceps around you, and his wet kisses trailing down to your neck.
He gruffly inhales, scenting you. Your heat must have gotten to him — made him feral for you. That’s what you loved the most about mating cycles. The passion <3 how well he took care of you.
“So beautiful. Soft. Just what I need after a hunt, ma yuey (flower),” he whispers to you as his large hands start massaging your hips, manhandling you closer to him, his large chest pressing against your small back.
His thick arms make you feel so safe, as you lower your head back into him. You feel a rumbling in his chest that makes you want him desperately, his long hair on your shoulders, his blue eyes intensely focused on his prize: you.
His arms trail down towards your legs, forcefully spreading them open, your thighs hanging limp over his forearms as he inspects his panting and moaning prey <3
“My yuey smells so good. Your heat, just for me, yes?,” he taunts with his deep voice and a bit of a growl, his hands manhandle you onto his lap, legs still spread, a thick finger or two begins exploring your hot and wet pussy <3
His fingers were just what you needed, you began to rub yourself against them, itching for that kind of relief. Your usually teal blue complexion was a bit darker now, tongue out, panting.
You knew he loved seeing you like this.
“Taking your warrior so well, ma mate, my bunny. Your heat is so strong this time, ma yuey, you smell so good, so ready for me, to breed you…,” he whispers with a hint of a growl again.
You can barely respond, getting so much pleasure from humping and riding his fingers like a feral animal, tongue out, eyes closed, that you didn’t notice when his bulging biceps came to push you up and off him, grabbing you by your hips and pushing you down on your stomach.
“Does my mate want to be bred like the good little one she is?,” he taunts, running his humongous hands over the back of your hips and ass, groping it so tightly that you thought you saw stars. Connected by tsahelyu, he felt your mind swimming in thoughts of blank desire, white, hot, burning.
You mindlessly nod as you instinctively arch your back up for him to see how ready you were. You just wanted your womb to be full of him, of his throbbing cock. Nothing more. You wanted it minutes ago.
He growls again, roughly pushing his huge body against your backside, the both of your tails intertwining. You can feel the muscular back of his thigh against yours, keeping you in place for what’s about to come. His cloth comes off. You turn around.
“Ma yuey. Eyes forward,” a very low and serious tone rang out from him. His face was stoic. You knew better. You quickly turned your face back around to the slightly dripping water of the alcove. Tonowari was usually level headed and friendly, calm, and welcoming. That is what made him such a wonderful Olo’eyktan and leader. Such a wonderful mate to you. Yet — you did not want your mate angry. You did not like him when he was angry. Your heat; unfortunately, usually induced this state for him.
He growls this time, louder, claims you, his mate, his prey, with a bite to the shoulder with his sharp fangs. You wail out a moan, as you feel his throbbing balls up against your hot cunt. Without warning, he thrusts his entire twelve inch length into you, stilling for a moment to enjoy the heat of your cunt.
“Haaah…,” he trails off, clearly loving how welcoming your heat induced pussy was to his length. You feel him throb and pulse inside you, you felt so full, so full of him, you squealed and moaned as you squeezed around him in an attempt to get him to move.
“Patience, ma munxtate,” a warning from him, alongside a slap on the ass. “Yes, ma Olo’eyktan,” you answer back, as obedient as you could. “Good. I want my beautiful mate on her best behavior, yes?,” he asks, warningly. You nod, as he bends over, his face next to yours, giving you a little nip on the ear.
“Stay.” One word with a serious undertone to it. You were not to move, no matter how rough he used you. Eywa — you loved being his little toy, especially when you were in heat.
“Ma wari. Please…please..,” you begged him, you wanted him to start moving, to start pounding into you like the insane beast he was. He didn’t move. You were about to cry, until you squealed when he pulled you into him, now his large body was laying down on the floor of the alcove, in the water. Your backside on top of him, cock intact, inside you.
He started moving. One thing you loved about him — he was big. Not just big, not just more than average than another na’vi. Huge. 12 inches — yet the girth. The girth he had was insanely wide, perfect to go alongside his plump ballsack <3
Here was this girth, pumping in and out of you, his knees bounced your tiny body up and down on his cock. You were about to explode with white, hot, pleasure. You loved being forcefully rocked on his huge length, that reached so deep inside you — like you were his puppet, under total command and control. His control.
You were his — undoubtedly.
His cock started drilling into you deeper, until you felt that tightness coming up in your belly. His fingers were gripping your arms and neck harshly, keeping you in place for him to use.
“That’s it, syulang. Come for me, my mate, mother of my children,” he coos at you, his squared jaw and face full of adoration. His bulky arms continue caging you into his body, as you keep cumming, screaming, chanting his name like it’s your mating vows…
Wari, Wari, Wari.
You were his.
Even after you came, he kept going. Chasing that high, using you to bring him to finish. After he was done, he took you by the hand, and led you to his now flaccid but still inflamed cock. “Lick, my yuey. Clean me.”
You obeyed, arching your back, squatting on your knees, puffy pussy on display for him. He growled a bit again, infatuated by your position.
You make slow, little, kitten licks at his cock, making sure to get every last drop. You felt so full, with his cum in your womb <3
“My mate. My little one. You did so good,” he reassures you. The soft and gentle giant you knew as Tonowari was back. With your heat at a bit of a standstill due to his wondrous skills and technique, you felt more normal, and so did he.
“Wari. Need to sleep,” you softly whisper back, and he obliged, taking you up into the haven of his wide, warm chest, and you lay your head down, listening to his heartbeat. “Muntxatan. What about the kids?,” you wonder, as you start to get a bit drowsy.
“Not to worry. They will be fine. My mate needs me now more than my children,” he reassures you, as he starts gently and tenderly braiding your hair. He gives you a forehead kiss as you drift off to sleep in his arms.
The storm intensified as the sun set over the azure waters. With you in his arms, he stealthily rides his tsurak back to the village, when all are fast asleep. He exchanges a stern glance with the night watch villagers at the bay of the reef, and carries you inside to the marui. <3
Nobody needed to question where the Olo’eyktan was. They knew what his priorities were.
A/n: pls support a writer and reblog <3 enjoy besties
Avatar tag list: @aerangi @jake-sullys-whore @drinking-tea-and-be-obsessed @brioffthegrid
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anonymousewrites · 3 months
Nature of the Human Soul (Book 1) Chapter Six
Platonic! Hazbin Hotel x Teen! Reader
Father Figure! Alastor x Teen! Reader
Chapter Six: Memories of Life and Death
Summary: Everyone says the wrong thing, and (Y/N)'s mental health pays the price.
            (Y/N) closed their eyes and put their hands over their ears as Angel’s show-and-tell video played. It was, of course, nothing short of one of his acting scenes with more of him than (Y/N) ever wanted or needed to see.
            “Ya know, this performance won me a ‘Sex-x-x-i’ award,” said Angel proudly.
            “It’s, uh, very…honest?” Charlie averted her face.
            “Ew,” said Vaggie. “Okay, enough of that! Angel, what the fuck?”
            “What? You said it was Show n’ Tell day!” said Angel. “I’m showin’ you my best film, and I’m tellin’ you that it scored me a win over that bitch, Tiffany Titfucker.”
            “Ya know, that’s not a very convincing interrogation scene,” said Husk from the bar as he cleaned glasses.
            “Alright, dickhead, what makes you think you have any right to insult my work to my fuckin’ face?” said Angel.
            “You’re really gonna sit there and act like these scripts ain’t hot garbage?” said Husk, raising a brow.
            “Fuck you,” said Angel. “This is classy art!” He pointed at the screen on an incredibly inappropriate scene.
            Pentious covered his eyes with his head flaps, and Niffty grinned happily as she watched.
            “That’s bullshit,” said Husk. “You get drunk and bitch about them all the time. Everyone likes to bitch to the bartender. I know everything about you and these motherfuckers at this point.” Angel rolled his eyes, and Husk decided to make a point. “That one.” He pointed at Pentious. “That one is an insecure buffoon whose lonely ass watches you idiots sleep. Princess is a bleeding heart who wants to solve everyone else’s problems ‘cept her own.”
            “What? No, I—Pfft, no, no,” denied Charlie nervously.
            Husk just continued on to Vaggie. “This one judges everyone and everything because she hates herself.”
            “Aargh!” Vaggie hated how accurate it was.
            “That one.” Husk moved on to (Y/N), whose flowers flinched nervously. “Is sick and tired of being thought of as some innocent kid by everyone here and might go crazy if anyone tries to put that role onto them.”
            (Y/N) smiled sheepishly. Unfortunately, they really did feel like that.
            “And Niffty.” Husk made a face. “You don’t even wanna know what her deal is.”
            Angel cackled. “You weren’t kidding. Haha, wow! Kitten’s got claws! Meow~” He grabbed Husk’s face teasingly.
            “And you!” Husk pushed Angel back. “Don’t get me started. I see right through you and all this bullshit and how fake you are.”
            “Oh, me? Fake?” challenged Angel. “Wow. I had no idea. Guess that’s why I’m an actor. Dumbass. And—” His phone went off, and Angel’s face fell before he grabbed it. “Hold that thought.” He walked a few paces away. “Hello? Uh, yeah, I’m-I’m…” His entire attitude had changed, growing nervous and hesitant, completely unlike the usual Angel Dust the hotel dealt with. “No, no, I just, I—No, I’m not, but, uh, yeah…I’ll be right there.”
            He turned off his phone and looked back at the group. (Y/N) furrowed their brow in concern as they saw a familiarly fake smile spread across his face. They had worn that smile themself. It had weighed more than a thousand tons on their shoulders.
            “Well, uh, looks like Val needs me for an, uh, emergency shoot,” said Angel, trying to seem excited and eager.
            “Uhuh, sure,” said Husk, seeing through it.
            “You know what?” snapped Angel. “Fuck you! I don’t give a shit what a drunk ass bartender thinks a’ me! So why don’t you just crawl back to whatever cave you came out of, porn critic.” He gave Husk the middle finger and walked towards the door.
            “Angel, you can’t leave yet!” said Charlie. “We haven’t finished our exercises for the day.”
            “I’m sure you’ll manage without me,” said Angel.
            I don’t think he can say no to Valentino, thought (Y/N), frowning.
            They knew Angel had a contract with Valentino, and they saw the exhaustion in him whenever he returned to the hotel. They knew that if he could, Angel would rest more often. But he couldn’t. And (Y/N) really wished they could do something about it. After all, if there was one thing they despised more than anything else in this whole Hell and Heaven and Earth and everything, it was those that took advantage of others. The very thought summoned a murderous rage (Y/N).
            They knew what it felt like to be used and abused.
            The roses on (Y/N)’s head quivered and wilted as they felt themself on the verge of really, truly remembering (reliving) what they had gone through in life, and (Y/N)’s chest tightened.
            “There isn’t much time left for the hotel to prove itself,” said Charlie, her words drawing (Y/N) out of their mind successfully.
            “Dollface, it’s my job,” said Angel forcefully. “I know you want to fix everything, but unless you can fix my boss, there’s nothing you can do.” He slammed the door shut and was gone.
            “Uuuuugh, why is this so haaaard?” groaned Charlie, curling up in front of the door. “What am I doing wrong?”
            “I don’t think Valentino wants Angel to be redeemed, even if it’s possible,” said (Y/N), frowning.
            “But I do,” said Charlie. “And I really believe in him! But he always has to go to work and can never really commit…What do I do?”
            “Well, I mean, you’re the princess of Hell,” said Vaggie.
            “So?” said Charlie.
            “So, you don’t really use the power that comes with that, which I love about you, but maybe you can…I don’t know, command a little more authority?” suggested Vaggie, smiling encouragingly.
            “But that’s so mean!” said Charlie.
            “I don’t know much about the Vees, but I’m sure they’d deserve it,” said (Y/N), and Husk nodded in firm agreement.
            “It’s not mean, exactly,” said Vaggie, trying to get through to Charlie in a way she’d understand. “It’s, uh, aggressive kindness!”
            Wow. (Y/N) and Husk looked at each other, unimpressed by that “persuasion.”
            “Okay!” Charlie brightened, apparently having been convinced by the idea of “aggressive kindness.” “I could be so aggressively kind to Angel’s boss that I convince to let Angel spend more time at the hotel!”
            “Sure, whatever gets you there, babe,” said Vaggie, smiling at Charlie as she walked out the door happily.
            “Is killing Overlords not on the table?” murmured (Y/N).
            “No,” said Husk. “At least, not for you.”
            “Fine, fine. I’ll do it another time,” said (Y/N).
            Husk shrugged. “As long as you know you’ll win, go for it.” He didn’t care if Valentino got what was coming to him.
            “Do not encourage them to kill people!” said Vaggie.
            “It’s not people. It would be Valentino,” said Husk, and (Y/N) nodded in agreement.
            Vaggie sighed, but she couldn’t disagree.
            When Angel returned, (Y/N)’s anger returned full force. He was clearly exhausted and uncomfortable, and whatever he had to film, it was long and, possibly (likely), painful.
            “Eugh, I need a drink,” said Angel, slumping across the bar counter. “The hardest you can make.”
            “Hm. You look like shit,” said Husk, putting a glass down and pouring a drink.
            Angel straightened and put on his overconfident act. “Pfft. Not possible. Just a long shoot, nothin’ new.”
            “Are you alright, Angel?” asked (Y/N), frowning.
            “Of course!” said Angel, but he quickly chugged the drink Husk had made him. He slammed the glass down. “I said a strong one.”
            “Excuse me,” scoffed Husk. “Didn’t realize this was a ‘drinking to forget’ kind of night.”
            “Oh, I forgot. You’re the wise old bartender who’s seen it all!” Angel spoke confidently, but the look on his face was clearly not. “Get the fuck over yourself and pour me a real drink.”
            “Look, if you got a problem, you’re not going to find the solution at the bottom of a bottle,” said Husk. “I should know, I’ve been looking there a long time.”
            “Oh, sure, and where should I look, huh?” said Angel, scoffing. He wiggled his eyebrows. “In your bedroom, maybe? Under the covers? Maybe we can go and look together.”
            “Angel, we’re actually worried,” said (Y/N), walking over. “We want to make sure you’re okay and take care of yourself.”
            “I’m fine,” snapped Angel. “I don’t need any help.”
            “Cut the act,” said Husk. “We can both see through it. You’re just lying to yourself and being fake.”
            “Call me a fake one more time, motherfuckers!” Angel snapped, leaning forward towards (Y/N) and Husk angrily.
            “Angel—” began (Y/N), reaching out slightly.
            “Just leave me alone!” snapped Angel. He slapped their hand away. “Ya know what?! Ya’re all fucking lucky to be talkin’ to me! And you—” he glared at Husk “—would be lucky to fuck me! Ya know how much I’m worth?!” He was clearly spiraling. “Ya know how many people would kill to have Angel Dust come onto them?! Fuck you!” He spun on (Y/N), who flinched back. “And you! Just leave me alone! Stop trying the nice act on me! Acting like you’re innocent and nice when you’re just as much a sinner as us! Just fucking stop!”
            (Y/N) flinched back as Angel stormed out. Their chest constricted, and they were overwhelmed as words from their past came to the surface. (Y/N) stumbled back even as Vaggie came around the corner. They could vaguely hear Vaggie asking Husk what had happened, but everything was faraway, like (Y/N) was underwater.
            (Y/N) pulled away from the group, and as the edges of their vision blurred, they stumbled away, farther into the hotel.
            Away. Need to get away.
            (Y/N) collapsed in a darkened corner of the hotel.
            “Don’t act innocent. You’re a filthy sinner, and if you don’t start obeying me, you’re going straight to Hell.”
            (Y/N) curled up, putting their hands around their knees. Unbidden, roses and briars bloomed around them, creating a protective barrier that couldn’t hide (Y/N) from the words echoing in their mind.
            “I saw you in Church. You weren’t paying attention. Can’t you do anything right? Do you want to burn for all eternity?”
            (Y/N) squeezed their eyes shut and put their hands over their ears, but nothing could block out their memories.
            “You’ve brought this on yourself. You refuse to atone for your sins, so I must deliver you from yourself.”
            (Y/N) flinched, and phantom pain blossomed on their back.
            “You are a sinner! You bring sin into this household! You must atone!”
            (Y/N) curled farther in on themself.
            I’m fine. I’m free. None of them can hurt me again. I’m fine. I’m fine. I’m fine.
            “I’m fine. They can’t hurt me. I won. I won. I won.”
            “Sinner. Filthy. Dirty.”
            “No, no, no, you were the filthy one. You hurt me.” (Y/N) murmured. “They hurt me, and I punished them.”
            “Wrong. Mistake. Abomination.”
            “I did the right thing. I did the right thing. I did the right thing.”
            “You have to atone.”
            “Can’t hurt me. Can’t hurt me. Can’t hurt me.”
            (Y/N) tried to breathe as their entire body ran hot, lungs too tight, the air too stuffy.
            And then something cool wrapped around them. (Y/N) tensed, but they were too exhausted to open their eyes, too scared to see the people they were so desperately trying to block out. So they just let the comforting temperature wrap around them, settling around them. It stilled their thoughts, delivering them from their own mental hell.
            (Y/N) let out a tired breath and held themself tightly. Whatever was settling around them felt like no enemy, and (Y/N) would take any bit of comfort they could find.
            They had never gotten any before.
            Alastor lurked within the shadows of the hotel, gazing over (Y/N)’s small, protective barrier. He loomed above, perfectly able to act as he wished, ready as ever to drive fear into all. Instead, Alastor let the shadows rise and settle around (Y/N)’s shoulders. Their breathing calmed, and Alastor pulled back farther into the shadows, satisfied.
            He could’ve frightened them. He could’ve driven them farther into their own madness. He could’ve pushed them and their magic to the brink to see if they had the strength to survive.
            But Alastor hadn’t. He’d heard the same words he’d spoken to himself so, so long ago. And he’d done what, perhaps, a different, faint version of himself would have wanted.
            Perhaps (Y/N) and he were not as different as he assumed.
            Instantly, Alastor retreated into the shadows. He would prefer to think over that new realization on his own. It presented quite a few considerations Alastor had so far avoided in his life.
            Much, much later in the evening, (Y/N) braved a return to the lobby to attempt to steal a drink before retreating to their room again.
            “Hey, kid?”
            (Y/N) froze and turned. Angel was standing across from them, rubbing his arm nervously.
            “Oh. Uh, hi.”
            “Listen, kid.” Angel stepped forward. “I’m, uh, I’m sorry. For earlier. I shouldn’t’ve said what I did. I was being stupid. You’re a good kid. And even if you’re in Hell, you’re betta than most of the sinners in the Hellhole.”
            “It’s okay,” said (Y/N), shifting uneasily. “You weren’t feeling well. I’m sorry for pushing.”
            “You, uh, cared,” said Angel. “It was nice of you. So thanks.”
            “You’re welcome.”
            Angel smiled slightly. “Are we okay?”
            (Y/N) nodded. “We are.” Angel wasn’t who (Y/N) had escaped. He was their friend.
            And whoever had helped them was their friend, too.
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feelbokkie · 4 months
Let’s Fall in Love, IRL | Chapter 19
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pairing: Jisung x fem reader
genre: smau, crack, angst, fluff, non!idol au, Pen pals to lovers, friend of a friend to lovers
pov: 1st/2nd person (depending on how you view it)
warnings: swearing, mention of food and eating, slight depressive talk
summary: When she was a child, L/n Y/n was in a horrible accident that left her face disfigured.  After getting bullied relentlessly by her classmates for her appearance, Y/n escaped to the digital world where she meets Felix. Now an adult, Y/n has be come a complete social recluse, only talking to her 4 childhood best friends and roommates and her only friends. When Felix goes AFK one day in the middle of a game, Felix’s roommates decides to step in. Is this the start a new relationship or will Y/n’s crippling social anxiety get in the way?
taglist: CLOSED
word count: 3,197
screenshot count: 1
a/n: series finale is next chapter. brace yourselves.
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©feelbokkie (2024) — all rights reserved. reposting/modification of any kind is not tolerated.
Come find me when you wake up
It's a daunting text to wake up to after a long nap. Your one good eye scorched from the brightness of your phone after being in the dark for so long. You're not even sure when you fell asleep. You went into your thinking cave after being stumped on a coding issue from one of your freelance jobs, desperately needing to step away from all screens.
Still adjusting to the light, you keep your eyes closed as you crawl out from under your bed. You stand up as straight as you can, stretching every limb that you can.
You stand in the middle of your room. You're not even sure if you're actually awake yet. Your body is hot and exhausted. None of anything feels real. When was the last time you left your room other than to use the bathroom or to eat? You're not sure anymore. A couple of days? A week? You never stay out long enough, only to quickly eat your food and get back to work.
After a few more minutes of letting your brain catch up to the rest of your body, you finally wander out of your room. You're not sure what day it is anymore, let alone the time. You're half expecting everyone to be home when you walk into the kitchen. You're almost surprised to find only Chan sitting at the table, peeling an orange.
"Oh, you're finally awake? I was worried that you were going to be out for the rest of the day." He teases when he looks up at you. You shrug in response as you walk past him, going directly to the fridge to get some water.
It's not that you don't want to talk. You're dying to. It's almost like your voice box is missing. It's like when you were little, right after your parents died. You said one sentence before you stopped talking altogether. Where are my parents? After that, you just couldn't find the words for anything. Almost like they were caught in your throat. Like you were living a nightmare.
It makes sense why you stopped talking back then. The shock of your entire life changing in such a short amount of time will do that to you. But why it's happening now doesn't entirely make sense to you. You're shutting down, that much you know and understand but, you hadn't known Jisung all that well before meeting him. You're not sure why you're so affected by everything that happened on your birthday. You should be used to people disappointing you. You just got arrogant after Felix didn't run away screaming.
"Are you hungry?" Chan asks as you walk back to the table with your cup of water.
You shake your head before you take a sip of water. You're not sure when the last time you ate was, was it when Seungmin ate breakfast with you this morning, but you're not hungry. Or at least, you're not starving. Not yet anyway.
"Did you get my text?" Chan slides over the orange he just finished peeling towards you. Without missing a beat, he picks up another orange.
You nod again. You hesitantly pick up the orange and start eating it.
"I really, really need your help with something," He starts softly, pausing for a moment. "But you're going to need to leave the house with me for it."
You freeze mid-chew on the orange slice that you have in your mouth. Your eyes quickly shift up from the orange in your hand to Chan's eyes. Your body feels like it's vibrating. Like you didn't just eat an orange but a ball of straight caffeine.
You're fine
"I normally wouldn't ask you, especially after everything, but you're the only one I can trust to help me with this. The others...well, let's just say this isn't something that I can trust them to help with."
You slowly start chewing again, almost to the beat of your heart. You haven't left the house since your birthday. Not completely out of fear. There just hasn't been a need to leave. Everything you need is in the house. It's only a bonus that you don't have to worry about your mask falling again.
You squeeze your eyes shut as the image of Jisung's mortified face flashes in your mind.
"It'll be fine. I'll be with you the whole time and Innie can come too." Chan reassures you, almost like he was reading your mind. "Please?"
You play with the remainder of the orange in your hands, passing it back and forth as you think. You know for a fact that Chan would never willingly put you in harm's way. And that he wouldn't be asking you if he didn't have to. He's never been one to push, always so patient with you. Even when he was only a small child himself.
So, slowly, you nod in agreement before you can change your mind.
You're thankful for the light snowfall and freezing temperatures. It means most people are at home and not currently out. You're also thankful for the thick hood of your winter coat giving your face full coverage from the crisp winter breeze blowing around. Still, you decided it's better to wear two masks just in case.
"We're almost there," Chan hums as you squeeze his arm tighter.
You're glad he's also hearing a thick coat. With how tightly you're gripping his arm, if he wasn't wearing a thick coat, you definitely would have cut off his circulation. You feel bad about it, clinging to Chan like that, but he doesn't seem to mind.
crunch, crunch
With your left arm tightly wound around Chan's arm and Inuyasha's lead firm in your hand, the three of you walk carefully through the icy path. With your luck, you'll slip on a patch of ice, knocking both your hood and masks off. The whole time while you walked, you've been mentally preparing yourself for going into the store. Chan has been giving you small updates throughout your walk about how close you guys are to your destination.
Eventually, the two of you walk into a small store. Every corner is filled to the brim with different items. Books, trinkets, artwork--Whatever you could think of, it was probably in the store. Your hold on Inuyasha's leash becomes shorter as you now start to worry about breaking something. Or everything. Your eyes wander around the store, trying to figure out what Chan could possibly need from here. None of the items in the store are even remotely his style. It's not even the style of anyone in your family.
"We're here because I have not a single idea of what to get my girlfriend for Christmas, but I know she likes stuff like this," Chan says casually as he starts to browse the aisles. You pause, causing Chan to be yanked back towards you.
"Girlfriend?" You practically shout.
"That's what gets you talking again?" Chan smirks, amused by your reaction. It's the first time he's heard your voice in weeks and honestly, he's a bit relieved. The last time you stopped talking, it was months before anyone heard you utter even a sigh.
"What do you mean girlfriend?" You ask, trying to keep him from changing the subject. You can't even remember the last time Chan was interested in someone. If he was ever interested in someone at any point in his life. He was always so busy taking care of everyone else or working, that you don't think he even had time to develop feelings for another person.
"She's a doctor at my hospital," He pulls his arm out of your iron grip and throws it around your shoulder, urging you to start walking. "We'll have been together for three years next months."
"Three years..." You whisper to yourself as you walk around the store.
"Hey, I know what you're thinking. I didn't tell you guys about her because of my issues, not because of you. I didn't want to bring someone who was going to leave. I'm planning on inviting her over for the holidays."
None of you have ever brought someone over to meet the rest of the family before. You wouldn't have even let Jisung meet everyone as early as you did if you had any say in the matter. All of you are so used to people leaving, you never want to bring someone into your life unless you are certain. That much you understand about Chan's decision not to mention that he has a girlfriend. All of you would have done the same thing. You're not even fully convinced that Changbin is single.
"So," You clear your throat, trying to keep the conversation going. "Unni likes this type of stuff...is she an unnie?"
"She's my nuna, actually," He says sheepishly, his ears and neck becoming violently red. "And yeah, she likes this kind of stuff. She has things like this over her office...and apartment."
"Why are you getting all shy?" You laugh. This is a new side to Chan you've never really seen before. You love it.
Somehow, it's making you more at ease as you two walk around the shop. Like you two are in your own little bubble. Like a normal family. Normal.
"Because I've never talked to any of you about this stuff. It feels weird. I'm supposed to be like...this...fuck, what the word? Responsible role model? Responsible isn't the right word but role model is, I think." He picks up a small jewelry box and looks at it a bit. You're sure he's not actually interested in it. He's just trying to distract himself.
"You're my role model. Not many nineteen-year-olds would drop everything to adopt four teenagers. And work two jobs while attending university at night."
It's been almost ten years since Chan adopted all of you. You still remember it like it was yesterday. The original plan was for Chan to adopt you guys when he turned 20, giving him time to find stable housing and an even more stable job. But then the four of you overheard that the group home would be closing soon. You knew that meant that the four of you would be separated. If you were lucky, maybe two of you would get moved to the same place. Not wanting to take that risk, the four of you, only 15 and 14, decided to run away so you could stay together. With nowhere else to go, all of you found yourselves at Chan's apartment, roughly 3 hours away, in the middle of the night. Somehow, he was able to get temporary custody of you guys while he continued to work on getting a better place so he could officially adopt you.
"Hey, don't make me all emotional." He gently ruffles your hair, careful not to move your bangs. "C'mon, what should I get her?"
"You said you go to her apartment? You can get couple cups. And then like a cute little necklace. Hide it in one of the cups." You suggest, pointing at a pair of mugs with matching stuffed bears on them.
"See, I knew you'd be more helpful than the guys." He unwraps his arm from you and goes to grab the mugs.
"You know my girlfriend is an ER doctor but she's really good friends with the chief of cosmetic surgery. I can have her talk to him for you." Chan says, taking a sip of his coffee.
The two of you are sitting on a bench outside of the restaurant you ordered dinner from, waiting for your food to finish. Snow gently falls around you. Inuyasha is sitting next to the outdoor heater next to you. A few people walk past you, either going into the restaurant or one of the other shops on the street. One of the nearby stores plays Christmas music to add to the atmosphere.
Your head snaps up towards him, heart pounding in your ears. Inuyasha gets up from his spot on the floor, hopping on the bench and resting his cold head in your lap. "How did you..."
"I wasn't snooping around your room," Chan starts, turning his body towards you. "When I came looking for you earlier, I tripped on something in your room and bumped into your desk. It woke up your computer and I guess that was one of the last things you were looking at."
You turn your attention to your lap, your thumbs fiddling with the lid of your hot chocolate. This isn't how you wanted this conversation to go. You were planning to quietly save money and go to all the necessary appointments by yourself. And the day of the surgery, that's when you finally going to tell everyone. When they couldn't try to talk you out of it. You knew they'd worry if you told them about it now. Seungmin would go overboard doing all sorts of research and bombard you with his newly acquired facts. Both Hyunjin and Changbin would try to convince you that you look fine without cosmetic surgery. Hyunjin would probably look up different art pieces to show you the beauty in imperfections while Changbin would try to force you out again. And Chan would try his best to give you some sage advice.
You're certain now, that he didn't need your help picking out a gift for his girlfriend. He wanted to lure you into a false sense of security for one of those lectures now. You thought dads only did that in movies. Maybe that's why he's doing it now. His only frames of reference for a father figure are fictional ones. Except, no movie could have ever prepared him for this. It would be easier for both of you if you were pregnant or something.
"I'm not going to sit here and tell you not to do it." Chan's hand lands on your back, softly moving up and down. "It's your body and you're an adult, you can do whatever you want with it. I may not entirely agree with it, but if this is what you really, truly want then I'll support you. You can get it done at my hospital and I'll help you pay for it. At the end of the day, I just want you to be happy. And if this will make you happy, then I'm all for it."
You're not sure why, if it's the softness in his voice or something else altogether, but you can feel the tears welling up in your eyes. You're beyond tired. It's not just the past few weeks that's weighing down on you, it's the past couple of decades. You're tired of being treated differently because of how you look. Of missing out on opportunities out of fear. Fear that's burned so deeply in your psyche, you don't think you'll ever be able to get over it. You're tired of ruining photographs, memories--everything. You wish, just for a moment, everything would stop so you could breathe.
"I j-just want to be n-normal," You choke out through a broken sob.
You want to live a normal life. You want to walk around without having to wear a mask. With your hair up and out of your face, actually feeling the sun kiss your skin and not freeze in fear. You want a life where Inuyasha is just a pet and take him on normal walks without him having to be on alert for you. You want to have friends that you can hang out with in public that aren't embarrassed to be seen with you. You want to go on dates with Jisung and hold hands in public without worrying about people questioning why he's with you. You want to be able to kiss Jisung. You just want to live like everyone else.
"That's probably the most normal thing about you." Chan pulls out a napkin from his pocket and hands it to you.
"Wh...what?" You question as you take the napkin, wiping your tears before the cold freezes them on your face.
"It's rare...to find someone who likes every aspect of themselves. That's probably the one thing every human can agree on: disliking some aspect of themselves. I don't like my nose. Seungmin doesn't like his smile. Hyunjin doesn't like the beauty mark under his eye or the way he sweats. Changbin didn't like how skinny he used to be. That's normal,"
"Yeah but that's different--"
"Then go ahead and fix what you think is wrong with you. That's normal too. But I can promise you, you'll end up finding something else you don't like about yourself. And you can spend the rest of your life fixing all these little 'imperfections' or, you can learn to live with them. Or at the very least, find someone who loves them and teaches you how to embrace them. And you already have the latter."
You sniffle quietly for a bit, trying to understand what Chan is getting at to no avail. "What are you talking about?"
"Han Jisung," He says simply.
You quickly shake your head, leaning back into your seat. "No, you weren't there. You didn't see the look on his face."
"You didn't see the look on his face."
You turn to Chan, raising your eyebrow in confusion. You know for a fact that Chan was nowhere near the aquarium before you called Hyunjin to pick you up.
"He came by the house a few times. I convinced him to stop coming for his safety. Luckily for him, Changbin was at work and I answered the door. If he really was scared of you or disgusted by your face or whatever you imagined, he wouldn't be making the trip to our house as frequently as he was. That idiot is in love with you."
"He...told you that?"
"He didn't have to. It's written all over his face. That man is so in love with you, I kinda wanna punch him. But that just might be my overprotective side."
Both of you are quiet for a moment. You're processing everything Chan just dumped on you while he just drinks his coffee. It's not possible, you think. Your own self-image is so extremely warped and damaged from years of torment. He's seen the same thing that everyone else has, there's no way that he's in love with you.
You watch as the waiter from inside the restaurant waves at you and Chan, signaling for you to get your food. Your eyes drop back to your hot chocolate, which is probably more like chocolate milk at this point, as Chan pulls his hand away from your back and stands up.
"The five of us were dealt pretty shitty cards in this life. You got the worst hand, I think, " Chan says, turning back to you. You can see the cloud of air from his breath as he talks, "But god or the universe or whatever is finally delivering karmic retribution starting with Han. At the very least, hear him out before you do anything."
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corroded-hellfire · 1 year
OMG Wait for thé As You Wish baby Eliza idea fics I was thinking about something like this: https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRTyDcC5/
All of the Munson family is on the floor lined up and cooing at baby Eliza to crawl/walk towards one of them to see who she favors more.
Eliza Munson is now an obsession of mine. I love her almost as much as Eddie does. @munson-blurbs and I had so much fun (as we always do together) writing this and having the little Munson family get weird and have fun 🩷
Words: 1.2k
[As You Wish masterlist]
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“Come on, Eliza,” Luke says with a sigh. He pulls out the chair next to her highchair and plops down in it. “Why won’t she just eat it?”
“Would you want to eat strained peas?” Ryan asks, brandishing the label on the baby food jar at his little brother. “It probably tastes worse than normal peas.”
Luke hops up and dips his pinky into the jar. He sticks it in his mouth and immediately pulls it right back out. His face scrunches up in repulsion and he makes a gagging sound. “Yep. Definitely worse.”
“Don’t make that face in front of her!” Ryan chides. “She’ll never want to eat it!”
But the little giggles from the highchair have both boys turning to look at their sister. Her big eyes are focused on Luke as he makes his face of disgust. 
“You think that’s funny, huh?” Luke says, leaning in towards the nine-month-old. “You like when I make silly faces?” He puckers his lips together like a fish, which has Eliza giggling even harder. “You love me so much, don’t you?” Luke swore he’d never cave in and use the baby-talk voice that everyone else uses with his sister, but that didn’t last very long. Now he uses it almost every time he talks to her. 
“All right, Eliza,” Ryan says, bringing a small spoonful of the unappetizing green baby food up towards her lips. “You gonna have some food now? Have some yummy lunch?”
“Don’t lie to her,” Luke says, making Ryan roll his eyes. 
“Don’t listen to him,” Ryan tells the baby. “Gonna open up? Yeah, there you go.” Eliza holds her tiny mouth open long enough for Ryan to feed her the peas. Eliza makes a face at the unpleasant taste on her tongue and smacks her lips together a few times, but she doesn’t spit it out. 
“Yes!” Ryan cheers. “I did it! I got her to eat her vegetables.”
“Well, yeah,” Luke says with a scoff. “Because I made her laugh.”
“She laughs at anything. The other day, I unzipped my coat and she laughed so hard that she farted,” Ryan retorts, bringing another small spoonful of peas to his sister’s lips. 
Luke pouts, sticking his tongue out at Ryan. “You’re just jealous because I’m obviously her favorite.”
“Ha! In your dreams.”
“Wanna bet?”
That’s how you and Eddie find your three children sprawled out on the family room floor. Luke and Ryan are on one side, and Eliza’s on the other. 
“C’mon! Come over here!” Ryan calls out, motioning the baby towards him. “You can do it, Eliza!”
“Do I even wanna know what you two are up to?” Eddie asks, smirking at the boys. 
“Trying to see which one of us is her favorite,” Luke casually replies, as though this is a normal occurrence. 
“Ah, well, at least you’re not training her for some sort of horse racing thing with babies,” Eddie laughs, scratching at the stubble on his chin. “Anyway, don’t worry about who her favorite is.”
“She loves us equally,” you remind them with a patient smile. 
But Eddie rolls his eyes playfully. “Uh, no. I was gonna say that they don’t need to worry about it because I’m clearly the favorite.”
“Ha!” you bark out. “Remember whose body housed her for nine months and produced food for her. I literally gave her life. Therefore, I should be the favorite.”
“You should be,” Eddie says, a glimmer of mischief dancing in his eyes, “however, you’ve neglected to account for the fact that she’s a total daddy’s girl.”
Ryan’s next to speak up. “Well, I’m the one who named her. If you left it up to Luke, we’d be calling her Squidward.”
“Only if she was a boy!” Luke protests. “Besides, I make her laugh the most. She knows I’m funny, so I’m her favorite.”
Eddie turns to you. “I think there’s only one way to settle this,” he says with a shrug. 
“I think so,” you agree. Turning towards the boys, you motion for them to scoot down so that you can get down on the floor next to them. Eddie scoops up Eliza from where she’d wandered over towards the toy box in the corner of the room. He straightens the tiny black Metallica shirt she’s wearing and sits her down in the middle of the room. 
“Here we go,” he says, pressing a kiss to her head before coming over to get on the ground next to you. “Okay, on the count of three, everyone start calling for her. Ready? One, two, three.”
“Come on, baby!” you call, making grabby hands for your daughter.
“Eliza! C’mere to Daddy, baby girl!”
“Hey, hey, Eliza!” Luke coos. “Over here!”
“You know you love your big brother Ryan! Come here!”
Eliza stays seated in her spot, her eyes roaming over her four family members, wondering what in the hell they are doing. She’s seen some weird things in her nine months, but never this. 
“Luke, stop making funny faces. You’re distracting her!” Ryan says.
“I’m trying to get her to come over here!” he responds. 
The baby finally pushes herself into a crawling position and starts to move. The four older family members practically hold their breath as they wait to see in what direction she’s headed. Eliza veers to the right, headed towards Eddie. Her father lets out an evil, triumphant laugh and grins as she gets closer. 
“That’s right, baby. Show them Daddy is your favorite.” But then her movements pause, and Eliza begins to head towards her mother.
“Yes!” you say, encouragingly. “That’s my sweet girl!” You shoot a smirk over your shoulder at Eddie. “You were saying?” 
Eliza starts crawling towards you, but Ryan starts drumming his hands against the carpet and that catches her attention. Her course once again changes, and she heads towards her brothers.
“No!” you say. “Don’t betray me! My only daughter!”
“Uh, mine too, ya know,” Eddie says from the other side of you. “Eliza, remember who always sings you to sleep.” He launches into the chorus of “Enter Sandman,” headbanging while the little girl giggles. 
Your heart sinks as Eliza starts towards him, but she immediately stops crawling when she hears the knock at the door and sits back on her diaper-padded bottom. 
“That must be Wayne,” Eddie says. He’d invited him over for dinner, and the older man never turns down an opportunity to see his grandkids. “Come in!” he calls out, not moving from his spot on the floor. 
The doorknob twists as Wayne enters, heavy-footed in steel-toed boots. His gaze is drawn immediately to the five of you on the floor. 
“What on God’s green Earth did I walk into?”
Luke’s the only one not remotely embarrassed. “Trying to see who Eliza loves the most,” he casually explains. 
Before Wayne can formulate a response, the baby does an about-face and crawls directly to him. She sits at his feet, making grabby hands and whining so he’ll pick her up. 
“Huh,” Wayne says with a grin. “Wouldja look at that.  Seems like Miss Eliza chose me!”
The rest of you groan and grumble, erupting into a chorus of not fairs. 
“Does this mean that Grampa Wayne is her favorite?” Luke asks, unable to hide his envy. 
Wayne laughs, tickling his granddaughter’s feet. “C’mon, you didn’t need a competition to know that!”
Eliza claps her hands together clumsily in agreement. 
“The princess has spoken,” Eddie begrudgingly agrees. A glint of mischief flickers across his deep brown eyes as he looks at his uncle. “Unfortunately, the prize is changing her diaper. And, uh, she’s really been into prunes lately, so…” he claps a hand on Wayne’s back. “Congrats!”
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A DC X DP IDEA #1 A mother’s love stretches throughout the realms
Imagine dis…
 What if Danny Fenton is a reincarnated version of Martha Wayne (I’d like to think that she is a badass woman, not your typical rich girl) When the portal accident happened he began remembering the life before Daniel “Danny” Fenton happened. At first, he thought that these memories are nothing more than ‘dreams’, as dreams kept us all day and are often forgotten the moment we wake up but every time he woke up from each ‘dream’ he kept remembering the love and fondness to a man who has the same built to his dad. The care, protectiveness, and love that he gave to Dani to a young male that looked like him, the feeling would cling to him throughout the day. The feeling of protectiveness would amplify his own. He wants nothing more than to find that blurred young boy and make sure that they are right. His core kept aching for that two individuals.
Far worse each year on a specific day. The horror and fear crawled up his spine as well the relief and safety towards the mystery boy.
The moment Danny turned 18 he was crowned as the High king in the Infinite Realm. The moment the crown and ring are within him he is bombarded with information about the information and secrets of the Infinite Realm, he also remembered his son.
He tried to find his husband, Thomas Wayne but was saddened that he couldn’t find his love. But also felt relief seeing that he found peace in his afterlife for him to move on.
After making sure that the balance is restored throughout the realm he wishes to see his son one more time. Using the information he got when he was crowned he navigated through the Infinity realms and entered the DC universe.
He turned invisible to see his son in Gotham, but what greeted him made him fear the worse.
There lay a very injured Batman, how did she know it has his son? Never heard of the phrasing “There is an endearing tenderness in the love of a mother to a son that transcends all other affections of the heart”
She knew that is her boy, and quickly turned to help his son. Learning under the teaching of the yetis, especially through Frostbite’s guidance he is able to make himself stable enough.
Pressing the panic button under his utility belt he can’t help but linger his eyes towards his boy.
His boy who has done much and given much, he who has so much to love to give, who gave all of his heart, body, soul, and mind to those he calls sons and those who he considers his kin, his boy who turned into a fine young man.
All of a sudden, he wasn’t in a grimy alley anymore but at the Wayne manor taking care of a 7-year-old Bruce who fell ill after playing under the rain.
Thomas his love, besides their son, whispers how he is handling that cold like a champ while Alfred is carrying an empty bowl of chicken soup out of the room.
He can’t help but go back to his old habits, rubbing his boy’s chubby cheeks, promising sweet words to his boy that It will be all right. While singing his lullaby for him.
The moment Nightwing appeared, a lingering cold air remained at the spot beside the man he call father.
It's been a few days since Bruce was recovered and healed up in the manor, having Dick fill in the gaps of Batman for a few days.
At the cave, Bruce is trying to recover the audio as well as the recordings through his cowl as he refused to be compromised. His children assured him that when the rest of them have gotten there he was all bandaged up and no one near could have been his savior. He refused to take the such chance.
The video is nothing more than a lost cause but the audio is clear enough for Batman to listen through it.
The situation, the faint feeling of fingers rubbing his cheeks, and the whispering words of reassurance made him remember but it was the lullaby that sealed the deal and made him freeze up
Come stop your crying
It will be alright
Just take my hand
Hold it tight
I will protect you
From all around you
I will be here
Don't you cry
There is only one person who knows that song… that night he knew he looked like a man on a mission.
Who is that person who clearly knows his mother’s lullaby to him?
Somewhere near Crime alley, Danny is thinking of meeting the rest of his grandchildren's booth that was adopted officially and unofficially by his son's booth in and out of their suits.
As well as thinking of ways to heal and avenge his second grandchild looks like Jason got his hatred on clowns.
Hey! He may be Martha Wayne at one point but he is also currently Danny Phantom who is the king of Infinite realms, Champion of Balance but most importantly hates clown with passion as well willing to beat that clown up for killing his grandson.
 PS: If someone out there wanting to continue or make a fic about this you are free to do so.
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iwas-princess · 1 year
my birthday girl • suna rintaro
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summary: suna loves his pretty girlfriend endlessly, so he goes all out for her birthday.
genre: fluff, slightly suggestive
a/n: hi, this is my first post in a while. i decided to crawl out of my cave for my bestie @ilovesillycats birthday!!! i hope you all enjoy <3
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“happy, baby?”
suna’s fingers ran along your inner thigh as he leaned in, sending a shiver down your spine at the tickle.
you smiled prettily in return to his question, nodding softly to confirm.
the moment your soft breath hit his face he grinned before snaking a hand below your seat and pulled your chair closer to him. the loud screech of the iron legs against the tile floor caused your cheeks to heat as a few other customers turned around to glare. but once, your knee touched his, all anxieties disappeared and his grin turned into a smirk at the new proximity of you.
“i’m so glad, sweet girl.” he practically mewled with how pretty he sang it. “all i want is for my birthday girl to be happy.”
if you weren’t beat red before he spoke in that manner, you are now. you could feel your heart practically about to beat out of your chest with how nervous he gets you, how love struck.
“you’re such a pretty girl, y’know that?”
the smell of him filled the air you breathed, like it had all day. not a moment went by that he didn’t find a way to have you close to him today, and you found it beautiful. such a beautiful way to spend your big day, you thought.
his fingers caressed your soft cheek delicately, as if you were the most wonderful piece of art he ever set his hands on, as he guided your eyes to his.
“my pretty girl.”
the moment they set on his hazel orbs, you knew you were done for.
“everything okay, princess?” he teased.
suna knew exactly how to make you tick and blush so preciously, and he used those tactics so shamelessly— even in a very public restaurant.
you blinked at him a few times, utterly flustered as his cat eyes twinkled.
“c-can we go to the hotel now? i’m full.” you lied.
as much as you loved the food that you hadn’t a chance to eat yet, you were desperate to get your menace of a boyfriend back in private to avoid any farther embarrassment and to be more comfortable. you wanted to bask in his sweet essence before he turned back into the toad he is midnight.
as you suspected, he eyed you suspiciously.
“you haven’t even eat yet.“
you knew he would have noticed: suna notices everything you do. you mentally slapped yourself for even thinking of lying to him when there was no point to. the truth is what would surely get you what you wanted.
“i dont want to.” you beamed at him suddenly, eying him fondly and even placing your hand on his cheek— to which he gladly leaned into. “i just want to spend some time with you… alone.”
mischief gleamed in his eyes at the word ‘alone’ as it fell from your honey-sweet lips, and for a moment be contemplated calling the waiter back over to pay: until he remembered.
he frowned slightly and shook his head against your small hand.
“let’s eat first, then you’ll have me all to yourself, yeah?”
your smile dropped, which he noticed quickly and raced you to the next word.
“because i know you haven’t had anything in that belly today, so let’s eat up.” he sat up straighter in his own chair, taking both hands back and placing them somewhere else: his left over your shoulders and his right for himself. “i’ll be right here in the meantime.”
you grumbled in impatience but eventually gave in when he explained to you that ‘the longer you take complaining, the more time we spend here.’ and it shut you up.
“happy, princess?”
no matter how many times he repeated his question, you were still at loss for words. happy couldn’t even begin to describe the irrevocable joy that you felt through your whole being as you gaped at his gift.
your eyed weld with tears, you had no idea what to say.
this.. this was too much. he really outdid himself with your date, but this…
“please say something because it was super hard to find and i have been thinking of this moment for a month.” he sighed as another minute of silence passed.
your eyes slowly ripped away from the gift bag and met his. you both were a little tipsy from all of the wine prior, yet this moment seemed to sober him up with the way he seemed nervous— of your reaction no doubt.
you cleared your throat, trying to form words for him but failed as you glanced back down to the necklace.
it was expensive, very expensive— which is why you postponed buying it for yourself for so long. rent and groceries were always above your own wants. suna knew that, but he also knew how badly you wanted it. so, as impulsive as he is, he finally bought it for you after your many years of yearning.
by first glance, the locket looked like any normal heart-shaped piece of jewelry that any sweet boyfriend would get his girlfriend, but it was so much more than that.
it was real gold, 24 karats of it, with the initials ‘s.r’ engraved in it, and inside bared your favorite photo of you two— the clumsy arcade picture from the day he said ‘i love you’ for the first time.
it meant little to most, but so so much to you and you’d be forever grateful to suna for it.
“i-i-“ you struggled to find words yet again the longer you stared at it, too emotional to form words let alone think them.
suna, knowing you like the back of his hand, could sense this and took it as a sign that you were more than happy.
he embraced you finally, his long arms wrapping around you and pulling you tight to his chest. with the way you resisted him so little told him that he took the right route with physical touch.
“th-thank you.”
he grinned at the sound of your broken voice and placed a kiss to your head.
“it’s no problem, my birthday girl. you deserve it.”
“rin, this is ridiculous!” you giggled at your childish boyfriend.
he ignored you and continued tucking you in by stuffing the blanket under your body aggressively.
“hush, i’m almost done. boy, you sure are fussy.”
you scoffed at his comment but stayed silent as he finished up and climbed back into bed, clinging to your side as usual. his arm slid around your shoulders and hugged you to his side before shifting and placing a kiss on your head.
the soft sounds of your sleepy breathing made him chuckle, he knew your sleep habits enough to assume you were dozing off already.
afterall, you were rather sleepy after you shared your cake, so much so that you kept biting his arm sporadically to keep your self awake.
“sleepy, bubba?”
you hummed tiredly, your eyes practically glued shut as exhaustion took it’s toll on you. your head suddenly felt heavy as you rested on his chest and you let out a soft yawn at the realization.
giving you a tight squeeze, rintaro sighed in content at the feel of his girl in his arms. there truly was nothing better than you, he decided.
“you can go to sleep, princess. i’ll be right here in the morning.”
“love you…” you incoherently mumbled before sleep took over and your consciousness was ripped from you as you fell into sweet bliss.
“love you too, baby.”
with one final soft squeeze around your shoulders, he leaned down slightly to the crown of your head and gave you a lingering kiss ‘goodnight’ like he always had.
except tonight he stayed up a little longer to watch you, bask in how beautiful you look as you’re snuggled into him, makeup wiped clean and in his stained pajama shirt.
he imagined making you his wife someday, the thought of ending every night with this sight was such a bonus to that plan. he hoped your children looked as gorgeous as you, if not a spit image.
in that moment, as you began to let out light snores, he promised himself he would never leave this sight or jeopardize it.
“always here.”
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fandomxpreferences · 1 year
Oh, How the Turn Tables
Pairing: Jake Seresin x wife!reader
Summary: Jake comes home to a furry new room mate and isn't as pleased as you hoped.
Word Count:1.7k
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When you told Jake you have a surprise for him on the car ride back to your house, he thought it would be something cheeky. He thought maybe you bought some new lingerie or saw something new you want to try. Hell, he even thought that maybe you finally redid the bedroom the way you've been dying to.
What he didn't expect was to come home to a 6-month-old Golden retriever curled up on the couch. He turns to look at you with wide eyes only to find you staring back with excitement rolling off of you. 
"What the hell is that?"
You roll your eyes and sit down to scratch the sweet boy behind his ears. 
"This is Mozzarella, Mozzi for short. I told you I wanted to get a shelter dog, I just couldn't pass her up." You explain and he looks at both of you skeptically. 
"I leave for two months and you have another man in the house?" He scowls and your eyebrows shoot up. 
"You're being a bit dramatic, Jake. He'll love you!" 
Jake eyes the dog and Mozzi just tilts his head curiously while peering up at the man. You can't help but think of that saying, something along the lines of 'dogs tend to look like their owners'. It seems fitting as you take in their equally perplexed faces and golden hair, almost causing you to giggle. 
As soon as Jake makes a move to sit next to you, Mozzi curls up in your lap and effectively puts at least six inches of space between you and your husband. Jake looks at you with his jaw dropped and you just shrug. 
"He likes to cuddle." 
Jake crosses his arms like a child and leans back on the couch. 
"Yeah, so do I." He grumbles and you can't help but chuckle at him. 
The next couple of weeks doesn't go as smoothly as you were hoping. Jake hasn't warmed up to Mozzi at all. In fact, he's begun insisting that the dog hates him and wants you all to himself. You try to tell him it's ridiculous, but he's relentless. 
Jake can't even get within a foot of you if the pup is around, always standing guard at your feet. You find it adorable, Jake isn't quite on the same page. 
He reaches his breaking point when he walks out of the bathroom one evening to crawl into bed. 
"No, no, hell on earth no. He is not sleeping in our bed!"
Jake shakes his head wildly from side to side, and you smile at his unstyled and grown-out hair flopping around. 
"Baby, he's gotten used to it and he's been so sad since you kicked him out!" 
You're pouting, and Jake already knows he's going to cave. He stares you down for a few more seconds before sighing and running a hand down his face. 
"Fine, but he sleeps at the end of the bed only."
You give a mock salute as he crawls into bed and nudges Mozzi down toward your feet. He stays there long enough for Jake to curl up under the blanket and pull you into him before setting on a warpath. 
It seems the second Jake touches you, Mozzi is trying to wedge his way in. You laugh loudly as the large dog plops down on top of both of you until Jake moves to make some space. Your hands tangle in his fur and you kiss him on the nose as his tail wags. 
Jake watches in disbelief, not comprehending how you don't see this dog has it out for him. 
You glance up at him and quirk an eyebrow. 
"You can't be serious right now. This dog is the world's biggest cock block."
You want to laugh but his face is deadpan and you realize he's really serious and upset. Your eyebrows pinch and you gently coax Mozzi out of the room before shutting the door and curling into Jake. 
"Okay, fine. Maybe he has a bit of an issue. He's just territorial, kind of like someone else I know who's jealous of a dog." You tease with a pointed look. 
"He just doesn't know you, and you haven't exactly made any effort to get him to like you. Think how weird it must be to settle into a new place and routine, and then one day a man just shows up and stays. You should be glad he's protective, it means he's watching me when you can't." 
Jake pouts and you giggle softly, curling up into his body as the two of you drift off. 
The next morning, he gets a bright and early start. He's determined to make this damn dog like him if it's the last thing he does. He starts off with a drink from Starbucks because though he'd never willingly admit to it, Jake loves a caramel Frappuccino. 
He takes a trip to the nearest pet store and spends way more than what's acceptable on toys and treats.
Your jaw drops when he walks in carrying two bags full of dog supplies, your head shaking side to side with disapproval. 
"Jake, you can't buy a dog's love!" You exclaim and he raises his eyebrows as he pulls out a stuffed duck with a squeaker. 
"Watch me." 
He tries his best to get the Golden's attention, but much to his dismay Mozzi sniffs the new toy a few times before losing interest and trotting over to you. 
"Oh for fucks sake!"
His frustration is only amplified when the squad comes over for the first time since you got your newest family member. 
He watches disgruntled as Bradley rolls around on the ground laughing as the dog licks his face and shoves the duck toy in his face. 
"I don't know what your problem is, Hangman. The dog seems perfectly lovable to me." 
Jake huffs like a petulant child as Phoenix joins them in the fun and crosses his arms. 
"This is such bullshit."
Naturally, when you ask Jake to take Mozzi to a grooming appointment a week later he's reluctant. 
"Baby, he hates me. He'll probably try to hijack the steering wheel and run me off the road."
You roll your eyes at his antics, losing patience with the whole situation. 
"Okay, you have to see that you're being dramatic. Just drop him off and I can pick him up when they're done." 
He finally takes the leash from your hand, holding it as if it's a live wire, and groans.
"Fine, but I'm going to hate it the whole time and I want you to know." 
You lean forward to give him a kiss before shoving him out the door. 
"That's the spirit."
Jake makes another stop at Starbucks on the way to the groomer and waits patiently in the drive-through. He can feel the dog panting as it stares at the side of his face and turns to look at him. 
"Don't look at me like that. No." 
The pup continues staring at him with big brown eyes and he pinches the bridge of his nose as he finishes his order at the speaker. 
"Can I also get a pup cup?" His voice is quiet and jumbled, heat spreading across his chest and neck as the words leave his mouth. 
"I'm sorry, can you repeat that please?" The barista asks and Jake wants to die on the spot. 
"I asked if I could also get a pup cup." He reiterates louder this time and looks around to make sure there are no hidden cameras that can use this as blackmail later. 
The girl chirps back a confirmation with his total and he pulls forward to the window. He takes his drink and sets it in the cup holder before reaching back for the cup of whipped cream. 
"He's so cute!" The teenage girl gushes and Jake mutters a thanks before pulling away. He pulls into a parking spot since he's got plenty of time before the appointment and sighs before taking the lid off. 
He holds the paper cup to the dog's mouth and grimaces at the sound it makes as he laps up the treat. 
"This stays between us. I can't believe I'm a 6'0 fighter pilot and I'm feeding a fucking dog a pup cup. I'm one of the most lethal men in my field, the only one with confirmed air-to-air kills yet here I am like a college girl with her prized show dog." 
Mozzi just stares back at him as he rants and he shakes his head. Great, now he's also talking to the dog like it understands what he's saying.
He gives the pup a minute to finish before backing out and is shocked when he feels a wet tongue on his cheek. 
"Oh, gross. You got whipped cream on me." 
Jake suppresses a gag as he wipes his face with his sleeve, and glances over. Mozzi is looking at him with his tongue sticking out and tail wagging, before nuzzling forward into Jake's side. 
He hesitates for a second before smoothing his hand over the golden fur on his head and giving his ear a scratch. 
"Alright, fine. Maybe you're not all bad."
You're shocked when Jake offers to pick Mozzi up from the groomers, but agree nonetheless. You're even more taken aback when he walks in with the dog and curls up with him on the couch to watch the Longhorns game. 
"So I assume you two resolved your differences?" You tease and Jake flips you off jokingly before returning his hand to Mozzis fur. 
You move to join them, only to find that there's no room. You try to scoot the dog to the side, but he stays planted firmly in place as Jake scratches his back. It's like you aren't even there, and the sudden shift in demeanor makes you frown. 
"Hey, can you move him? I want to cuddle and he's in my way." 
Jake tears his eyes away from the screen to look at you briefly before turning his attention back to the game. 
"Well, well, well, how the tables have turned."
@drakelover78  @manyfandomsfanvergent @ssprayberrythings @disturbedbeautywrites @desert-fern @one-sweet-gubler @callmemana  @luckyladycreator2 @bookchik26 @taytaylala12 @michalkasimp @xoxabs88xox @loveless-simp @withakindheartx @formulapierre @ccristata @shanimallina87 @k-k0129 @izz-ayes-world  @kajjaka @oxxolovemelikeyoudooxxo @phantomxoxo @rosiahills22 @gspenc @chair-things @benhardysdrumstick @cookielovesbook-akie @dempy @wellshit6
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luis-block · 1 year
could we. maybe. POSSIBLY. get a part two of the twin sister oneshot 👁️👁️
I have had fun with this series! Looks like I got an OC on my hands lol I will have to draw her a reference. If you guys want to see a part three let me know!
This is a continuation of this piece. Part one
The One who Gives (reader) awakens.
You woke up in a daze, you were in a tent? This was not your cave of mourning, and it smelled to familiar to you. You know were you are and panic, crawling to the entrance of the tent. You look out, seeing you are in a cult setting in your old stomping grounds of the Old Faith. You deflate at the realization that the lamb had in fact beat you in the battle. You knew it would end someday, but you hoped that it would have lasted a few thousand years longer so you wouldn’t have to deal with your ‘Family Problems’ for longer.
You hear shouting and running before you feel a green mass topple you to the ground. The smell of fresh rain and wet dirt brings nostalgia of days past, helping your younger brother with his trials to becoming a god. “..Leshy?” You said raspy as you wrap your arms around the quietly crying younger sibling that had missed your helpful insight and dry humor. Another two came rushing over, with one staying further back rather than going fully to your side. “(Y/N! your alive! I thought for curtain that fight with the lamb had killed you, but your persistence with your former self must have saved you my dear sister!” Kallamar cried franticly as he checked you over. He was always such a worry wart when you would let him be, and now was an appropriate time to be one you supposed.
The two more to run over came closer than the one who stayed further away from you. You were pretty sure it was Heket who was not at your side, maybe it was out of not wanting to see how much her cruel ways had hurt her only sister, or maybe she was not ready to tackle the reality that she was able to rebuild the lost relationship that she so desperately wanted to rekindle.  You see the other two, one being your eldest sibling on your other side that Kallamar wasn’t crying on.
 “My Little light has returned… I have had dreamed of this day since you stepped of these sacred lands my sister.” Shamura said with a content smile as they held you head to their chest. You feel the realization that you are safe and next to kin starts to sink in as you start to cry. The lamb was the other one who came with Shamura, looking pleased with his hand at the family reunion. “I am glad you have awaken (Y/N)! But do you know where you are? You still look like you are in a daze.” The lamb asks. “I know where I am, lamb, don’t poke at me.” You cried, starting to calm down. “B-but I must ask, where is my twin? My Moon to my Sun, my Dark to my Light? Did you kill him for his crown?” You say with determination in your three wet eyes, wanting closer to your twins wellbeing.
The lamb laughs, seeing the black cat with three eyes that match the white cats run over multiple other followers to see his twin sister again.
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silentmoths · 1 year
At your beck and call
Its moth, crawling out of the covid cave to drop this and then going back to bed.
wont lie this idea has been on my mind for the better part of a week, but between work and then being smashed by the ol' rona I havent had the energy, plain and simple. but I'm starting to get that back.
sorry if it seems a little rushed, brain wanted it OUT.
Butler! Zhongli x CEO (Afab) Reader.
Nsfw, does this count as office AU? i think it does?, humiliation kink if you squint?, aftercare because even when he's mean zhongli is an aftercare king.
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You had never entertained the thought of hiring a live-in personal butler until one of your friends had mentioned it. She’d gone on and on about how her much time having one had saved, and how it gave her the peace of mind to relax every once in a while, a luxury you can't remember the last time you afforded as the ceo of a major company, sure you had secretaries, but they only worked within the firm, and your life?
God you needed a secretary for life.
Even then. It took you a few more months to finally cave and look into it. The agency you find has raving reviews; there’s an interview process, which takes another few weeks for you to finally sit down and do. They ask you many questions about your lifestyle, and what you need out of their service, and then it’s left in their hands.
And so, a week later, you receive a knock at your door.
Tall, sharp features, immaculately dressed.
But his eyes.
Holy shit his eyes.
Molten gold, almost shimmering in the morning light as your new butler bows to you.  One gloved hand over his heart.
“Good morning Miss. My name is Zhongli.The agency has analysed your lifestyle and have thus extended your contract to me.” He explains.
Well damn, in the looks department alone you’d be leaving them a five-star review.
Your first proper morning with Zhongli working for you was…hectic.
Your morning alarm didn’t go off, thankfully your body-clock was pretty on point, but still, you’d slept in ten whole minutes, throwing off your schedule.
You barely even noticed that your clothes had already been laid out in the bathroom as you whirlwind through your bedroom to get ready, simply picking up the neatly folded pile as you went.
You resign yourself to a breakfast smoothie as you flurry into the kitchen, you simply didnt have any time to cook, and you’d have to clean the blender when you got home-
“Ah, good morning Miss. I trust you slept well?” Zhongli asks as he places down a plate of bacon and eggs at your usual spot in the breakfast nook. You stop, blinking at him with wide eyes.
“W-whats that?” you ask him, brain still not quite with it yet.
“Breakfast?” He counters with a tilt of his head. “Simply one of my duties.”
Right you had a secretary for your life now…
And fuck, he could cook.
You don't remember the last time you’d sat down, in your own house, eating a hot, home cooked meal for breakfast…usually it was toast, or if you didn’t have time to sit, the aforementioned smoothie that you really hated, but it was better than nothing, because when else would you have time to eat during the day?
But no, breakfast had been made for you, served with coffee and even the morning newspaper. Zhongli looks…immaculate as always, smile on his face as he cleans up and announces he will be awaiting you in the car.
That first day…no, the first week was such a learning curve… between him driving you everywhere, keeping you blessedly on time for your meetings, he also seemed to know exactly what you needed, sometimes before even you knew.
He sometimes appears with a small plate of cookies, and a mug of hot coffee, made just the way you like it,  just as your mood was beginning to wane, and immediately you feel better. 
As the weeks stretch on and deadlines draw closer, you find that he’s also an amazing sounding board, and your nights become a little less weary with someone else there to fill the silence, even as he silently goes about tidying your home, he’s never too far away.
Something around the latter half of the year just really made all your client’s extra demanding. 
Your staff were overworked.
You were overworked.
You find yourself staying up later and later into the night, going over plans and documents, trying to sort all of this…this mess into something cohesive for both yourself and your poor staff.
You rub at your temples with a ragged sigh. What time was it now? You don't think you want to know… 
A soft clink beside you draws your attention to a fresh cup of tea and you startle.
“Oh, Zhongli…I-I thought you’d be asleep by now..” you murmur softly, leaning back in your chair. Your butler simply smiles at you, even now at god-knows-what time passed midnight, he was still dressed in his usual work suit. “You should be too, Miss.” he tells you softly, but not condescendingly, like a worried friend.
“I cant yet.” you sigh, motioning to the armageddon of papers strewn across your desk “I need to get this sorted before the next review meeting but…augh I dunno…I just…I cant concentrate.”
“That would be because you are stressed, and tired.” Zhongli points out, chuckling softly at your side eye before he shifts, walking around your desk to come to a stop behind your chair. “Here… perhaps this will help…” he murmurs more to himself than to you, and suddenly his hands are on your shoulders, lithe, careful fingers pressing into your trapezius muscles. You grunt and wince a little, having been totally unaware of how tense your shoulders had been until now.
“Shh, just take a deep breath and relax.” Zhongli’s deep voice rumbles behind you as he slowly massages at the tension, his hands are gentle, but expert, and it takes you longer than it should to realise that he's not wearing his gloves for this. “Now…tell me what the matter is…”
With another set of eyes, and a clear explanation of what you need, by the time he’s worked all the tension from your shoulders, you’ve finally got a clear plan, and immediately set to work sorting and organising the moment his warm, surprisingly soft hands finally leave your shoulders.
Once all is said and done, you turn to your butler.
“Thank you, Zhongli…I…don't think I could have done that without you here.”
You’re met with a dashingly handsome, genuine smile, and a graceful bow of his head.
“It was my pleasure, Miss. I am here to aid your every whim.” 
Meeting after meeting after meeting.
If you had to speak to one more person demanding things of you and your company today, you were going to scream. The sight of your black sedan, waiting dutifully for you outside the sliding glass doors at the end of the day was almost enough to make you cry as you all but collapse into the back seats with a groan.
“How were the investors today, Maam?” Zhongli asks, a twinkle of amusement in his eyes as he watches you in the rear-view.
“They could invest in some chill.” you mutter, taking a few moments before forcing yourself to sit up, knowing full well Zhongli wouldn’t move this car an inch until you had your seatbelt on.
“I hazard to say you could also do with, as you say, some chill.” He adds as he easily merges into the busy afternoon traffic. “You’re working yourself to the bone.”
“It’s just another month.” you sigh “investors always get antsy this time of year…”
“You said that last month too, you know.”
“Did I?” you groan, pinching the bridge of your nose “Hey…when we get home…could I have another one of those massages?”
You loathe to admit how…reliant you had become on Zhongli’s ability to get the tension out of your shoulders, ever since that first night when he’d helped sort out your work with you, you’d been asking every other day or so for one, it was just so nice to relax into his care while you vented the day’s frustrations away, or soundboarded with him.
“Oh I think I can manage that.”
“Where would I be without you…?” you mumble softly as you let your eyes shut for a moment, just a moment to rest your aching eyes.
As it stands, that moment ends when Zhongli’s gentle hand on your arm rouses you. “Wh-wassgoinon?” you mumble, looking around.
“We’re home, Miss….you looked like you needed the rest so I didn’t rouse you.” Zhongli murmurs softly, reaching past you to fetch your bag.
He smells of tea, and spices…warm…comforting. 
You groan softly as his fingers press insistently into your shoulders.
“You’re extra tense today…” Zhongli murmurs softly, leaning over to look you in the face “are you alright?”
“I-I…yeah…just…stressed I think.” you sigh, leaning your head to the side so he can get better access to your neck. You’d never admit it, but you were pretty sure at this point you were just craving his touch, you just…didn't have the time for skinship these days, how you’d managed to survive before hiring him? You had no idea.
Behind you, Zhongli hums.
“May I try…something different?” He asks quietly, rather unlike him, usually when he did something, he did it with confidence that you would be alright with it, and so far he’d never been wrong…why ask now? “I think your stress runs deeper than a simple shoulder massage can handle.” he adds when you look over your shoulder at him. 
“I mean…I trust your judgement Zhongli…whatever you think I need…” you mumble.
You expect a change in his technique, maybe working a little further down your spine perhaps?.
Not to suddenly be thrown forward, chest pressed against the dark mahogany of your desk by a single,strong hand against your spine to keep you there as you gasp in shock. 
“Z-Zhongli!?” you gasp, looking over your shoulder at your calm, gentle butler. 
Only to find a sharp, seductive smirk plastered to his lips. His golden eyes are dark, predatory, you should be afraid.
Keyword: Should.
You watch, dumbstruck as he licks his lips, ripping your jeans straight off your legs like they were nothing, his ungloved hand grazing up the back of your thigh, and that touch alone has your eyes rolling back and a half-bitten moan falling from your lips. Gods how long had it been?
“Hmm, needy little thing, aren’t we? Thrown against your desk by your own butler and you don't even have the decency to be afraid?” Zhongli chuckles darkly as he shoves two fingers into you; the mix of pleasure and pain is enough to have your spine arching “Looks like I was right…you do need more than a little massage hm?”
“G-god…please…” you whine, the humiliation of the situation only making you hotter as he roughly thrusts his fingers, occasionally scissoring them to stretch you open, his other hand shifting from your spine to wrap around the base of your neck, holding you still as he works you open. 
This new, rougher side to him…you didn’t know you wanted it...but god damn he was driving a hard bargain, plus it’s not like this wasn't something you may have thought about on a rare occasion or three… you’d just expected it to be…slower, gentler, but this? You could work with this. 
“Please…? Please what?” he purrs, leaning over to nip at your ear “what do you want from me? I am at your every beck and call.” His words are low, dangerous, but genuine, and you shudder.
“You-!” you choke “please g-god, Z-Zhongli I want you to fuck me-”
One moment there’s fingers, the next moment nothing, and you want to cry, the petulant whine only being held back by the sound of a belt buckle.
“Well, I suppose it’s a good thing I’m at your service.” 
And then he roughly bucks his hips and good gods. 
Considering he wore such fitted trousers, where the hell had he been keeping that??
That mix of pleasure-pain is back, but more intense this time; you definitely had not been wet enough, and yet? You wouldn't have wanted it any other way, the pain added it’s own flavour to your desire as Zhongli pins you against your desk, breathing ragged into your ear as he wastes no time, setting a brutal pace from the start that has papers and stationary clattering off your desk. 
“So tight” he hisses “how long has it been since you’ve had a good fucking?” 
Something about Zhongli swearing like that feels so wrong, but oh, so right in the moment.
For a moment, paperwork and meetings are the furthest thing from your mind as Zhongli shoves you even further onto your desk, free hand hiking your hips up so he can slam into you all the harder, the only sounds emanating within your study are the wet slapping of skin, and your cries of ecstasy. 
He’s not gentle, and deep, deep down, you’re glad for it.
You needed this, spending every damn day for the last five years telling everyone else what to do? You needed this…loss of control.
Much like everything else in the last six months, Zhongli knew exactly what you needed, when you needed it, and before you even realised you needed it. 
“Whats the matter? Nothing to say?” He grunts into your ear as he grinds himself so deep into you, you’re seeing stars. “You’re always so talkative…”
You can only moan pathetically in response, eyelids fluttering as he fucks you down into the table, his words are harsh, and humiliating, but all they do is draw your orgasm closer, barely even registering what he’s saying.
Your orgasm hits you like a freight train, one moment you’re seeing stars as your butler bullies his massive cock into you, the next minute your world turns white.
“Shh, try not to move…I wasn’t gentle with you.” Zhongli’s tone is back to being kind and gentle after…how many orgasms did he just force you through? You’d lost count…all you know was that it had still been light out when he’d first shoved you down…now as he passes by a window with you cradled gently in his arms, it was pitch black outside.
Gentle lips press to your temple as he perches on the edge of the bathtub, holding you on his lap with one arm while he reaches over to get the water started. Wetting a washcloth to clean away a good portion of the mess beforehand.
Your body aches, but in the best possible way. You feel…breathless and comfortable, fuzzy. 
You wince as he lowers you into the hot water, your muscles tensing at the sudden heat before relaxing again. Zhongli watches you with a soft look. Even coming off the back end of some amazing sex, he still somehow managed to look stupidly put together, if not even more alluring with his lack of suit jacket; it had been abandoned sometime during round… three you think? One moment it was on, the next moment, you’re being pressed onto your back, the jacket is gone, and he’s rolled the sleeves of his dress shirt up to his elbows and you’re at his mercy.
The lip of a water bottle presses to your lips, his other hand gently supporting the back of your head as you drink.
“How do you feel?” he asks once you’ve drunk your fill for now, like that switch that had turned him from the kind and courteous butler you had known to….whatever that zhongli was, had never flipped at all.
Despite this, you smile at him.
“I feel like…I need to ask you to do that again more often, Zhongli.” 
To his credit, your ever-so-handsome butler laughs. It’s a warm, hearty sound, one that fills you with no small amount of joy.
“I am here to serve your every beck and call, I’m sure I can work this into the schedule.”
Taglist: @stygianoir @meimeimeirin @ainescribe @dustofthedailylife @rjssierjrie @crystalflygeo @angel-of-requiem @asoulsreverie @zomzomb1e Want to be added to the list? shoot me an ask~
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