#ariel talks about berserk
alovelyburn · 7 months
I don't know why you big Griffguts accounts feel the need to always put Casca down. She's not a macguffin - she's her own person who's been through unnecessary amounts of pain and violence. Her whole post Eclipse arc is her healing from her trauma and learning to deal with a world that's even more hostile towards her
Probably because people keep asking us about Casca and then taking our answers as putting her down as though she's a person with feelings who will be insulted by me saying her role in the story is underdeveloped as of now. I'm talking about her use as a narrative device not her worth as a human being.
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llycaons · 10 months
I've been revisiting youtubers recently. some I like under the cut
Folding Ideas: a marvelously well-spoken social and media critic, with commentary on symbolism in film. his breakdowns of the editing failures of films such as Suicide Squad and The Snowman are entertaining and informative, and he has mini-episodes on narrative concepts like Thermian arguments (the Watsonian of Watsonian vs. Doylist explanations) and ludonarrative dissonance. politically on top of it (mostly), extremely astute, and a pleasure to listen to. See Earthsea and Adaptation Sickness, End of Evangelion and the Audience Author Membrane, The Thermian Argument, The Art of Editing and Suicide Squad, Cinematic Trainwreck – The Snowman: A Vlog, Cooking Food On The Internet For Fun And Profit, Annihilation and Decoding Metaphor
Ariel Bissett: a delightful young Canadian book reviewer takes us on her journey of renovating her old house. mostly cosmetic changes rather than structural as she's essentially self-taught, but she's a charismatic and charming host with a unique eye for style and color. her design sense matches closely with my own (we're both Monet fans), so I find her videos very soothing and satisfying to watch. I haven't seen any of her book reviews, but she seems thoughtful and passionate. I like all her house videos, but particularly the three yearly house tours so far (intro video, one year in, two years in,), Building The Perfect Guest Room, Complete Office Renovation!, Living Room Renovation To Look Like Emma's House!, Building The Perfect Reading Nook, Transforming the Smallest Room In My House With Wallpaper, and honestly all the others. it's a real pleasure to see the changes she makes over the months. I can't wait for the kitchen redo!
Accented Cinema: probably my favorite youtuber right now. he's a Chinese Canadian filmmaker with a focus on films and film-making processes, both his own and those from China (most often) and other non-American countries (occasionally). his videos have brought me to tears more than once. honestly I love too many to list all of them so I'll just list my top favorites but I highly recommend this channel. I loved Why China Cared About Kung Fu Panda, Shadow: Adapting Chinese Art, Who Killed Captain Alex: What Makes a Movie Good?, Chinese Animation: In Search of a Style (brief shot of mdzs donghua at the very end), Why Ghibli's First 3D Looks Soulless, East vs. West: Differences in Story Philosophy, Mahjong & Crazy Rich Asians, Why Are Kung Fu Movies So Patriotic, How I Made a Fake Video Essay
Local Script Man: a professional screenwriter whose advice and commentary on creating stories is really interesting and different than what you tend to see on tumblr. he tends to be kind of harsh but not in mean-spirited way, just in a way that makes it obvious that he knows what he's talking about. I like Oops No Plot, The Key to Writing Freakishly Good Dialogue, and both parts of 5 Essential Storytelling Rules I Just Made Up (part 1, part 2)
Schaffrillas Productions: a guy breaks down and ranks various animated films, often by studio. these videos are just a lot of fun. I liked his videos on the Shrek franchise (one, two, three, four, and the musical), and Raya vs. Encanto - How One Message Failed and Another Succeeded
Super Eyepatch Wolf: this man is, as we speak, convincing me to read Berserk. he has a slow, dramatic presentation of his arguments that draw you in and a great sense of humor. All of his "Why You Should Watch" videos are interesting even if you don't have any plans to watch the show he's describing, because they give an overview of the themes and strengths without spoiling it. he also presents a wealth of information on manga/anime history, and miscellaneous commentary on other media. I liked in particular The Fall of The Simpsons: How it Happened, "Non Battle" Battle Anime, What Makes A Fight Scene Interesting?, The Impact of Dragon Ball Z: The Series that Changed Everything, Why You Should Watch Yu Yu Hakusho, What Makes A Good Character Design?,
Cinema Therapy: these two guys are charming and sometimes funny. they can get annoying and their analyses tend to be very superficial, but I really like their videos tearing into bad romantic cliches. I like 10 TROPES We Hate About Rom Coms, 7 Tips from THE ADDAMS FAMILY to Keep Your Marriage Alive, TITANIC: Love Triangles and Compatibility, Therapist Reacts to THE KISSING BOOTH (Part 1, Part 2), Relationship Therapist Ranks Christmas Romances with guest Shona Kay
Sideways: a channel about music! knowing nothing about music at all, I find these videos really interesting and accessible. see Why the Music in Cats (2019) is Worse than you Thought, Why Pipe Organs Sound Scary, Decoding the Music of The Matrix, Why Avatar has the Most Ironic Soundtrack of All Time, Why the Soundtrack to Shrek is Actually Genius, Ear Training and Sight Singing: The Superpower you get from Music School, Why "Spoken Word" Makes me Nervous
Pop Culture Detective: I like this channel for the analyses of troubling tropes in media, especially the ones on misogyny. See Marvel Defenders of The Status Quo, The Ethics of Looking And The “Harmless” Peeping Tom, Born Sexy Yesterday, The Complicity of Geek Masculinity on the Big Bang Theory, Sexual Assault of Men Played for Laughs (Part one, Part two), Stranger Things, Belligerent Romance, and the Danger of Nostalgia
favorite misc videos here
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randomidiocyncrazies · 11 months
getting more and more nervous about the future of Gwitch... they better have another season, because at this point I feel like they’ve introduced too many plot points that need to be resolved without it feeling like a deus ex machina. like... they literally introduced the existence of a new dangerous Gundam this ep, and it sounds like this new gundam is the key to shutting Prospera’s plans down (with the emphasis on it having no data storm filters, which might interact uniquely with the conditions of the Quiet Zero zone? idk)
(also, Caliburn and Aerial = caliborn and ariel, so it makes sense that they’re going to be ‘rivals’. the no filter thing is what makes Caliburn monstrous and extra deadly, so i wonder if it also gets the MS equivalent of berserker state/super strength to mirror its namesake?)
as for the implication that Lauda will pilot Schwarzette in an attempt to like, take down Miorine or whatever, i think it’s likely to happen next ep... but they’re probably going to brush off the aftermath and not really devote time to character beats around this event. Like... maybe they could try saving Petra with GUND technology and give her mobility again with the prosthetics we’ve seen, and that will change Lauda’s mind? Whether he goes after Miorine in a violent manner or not, I think he’ll survive/get talked down because it’ll be kinda weird to just kill him off at this point, but who knows.
Miorine’s mental state is still in the dumps, so i wonder how she’s gonna pull through—communication with Suletta is key here, but i wonder how they’re gonna achieve that. i kinda hope they do take time to show Miorine getting her confidence back gradually, rather than just instantly believing in herself and brushing past her trauma being after talking with Suletta
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1.012 | Returning from Death, I Want to Fulfill My Love ~ I’m a Saint and was Taken in by a Duke, but I was Treated as Trash, but I’ve Fallen in Love and will Fulfill it ~
1.01 | 聖女は辺境の地へ by Sazuka (さーづか) Translated by Astira
The Saint at the Frontier (2)
◇◇◇ ~ 15 years ago ~
One day, when I was three years old, my mother was getting sick more and more often; and I saw her complexion gradually deteriorating.
My mother laid on the bed with a pained expression, and spoke.
"I'm sorry, Ariel. I'm sorry I'm leaving you, my sweet Ariel. ...I'm sure there is someone who will make you happy."
My mother was the only person in the ducal household to be kind to me without the divinations of a saint.
Without knowing what my mother meant by her words, she stopped moving.
"Hmph, I have no use for you without being a saint! Go and die in a field somewhere!!"
Without knowing why, I was told my remaining stepfather that I had no value.
Because my sister Sophia, who was born to my mother and stepfather, had the ability of healing, there was no place for me in the ducal residency anymore without any saintly abilities.
Warning: Near rape situations; some of this literature may be difficult for those of similar experiences.
◇◇◇ ~ 1 month ago ~
That day, I was abandoned in the woods and Aunt Palom picked me up to live in the slums.
We lived in such extreme poverty that we didn't even have enough food to eat every day, but Aunt Palom and I worked together to make ends meet.
However, a messenger from the duke's family suddenly appeared at my door, and after cutting off Aunt Palom's head and slaughtering her, he forced me back to the duke's family.
The reason why they dragged me back was because they needed more power from the saints to stop the demons from going berserk.
(I don't know anything about this… situation, killing Aunt Palom who raised me …No!)
Soon after arriving at the ducal house with these thoughts in mind, I was shown into a private room where my stepfather was.
"I'll get a taste of your body before checking your saintly powers!"
My stepfather, fattening himself up with an expectant look on his face, rubbed up against me as he licked my grown body.
All I could do was be frightened, and he ripped the clothes Aunt Palom had made for me.
My underwear was exposed and my hands were held up against me, making it impossible for me to move.
"No! ...Stop, father."
"Oh, ...That pretense of dislike, you are showing signs of your deceased mother, aren't you? Hah, might as well just die like her!"
"...Huh? What..."
I was confused by what he would do to me and what he was talking about of my mother.
"Hmph, we're past that. Besides that defiant look... this'll be fun."
My stepfather was about to pull down my underwear with a wry grin on his face when―
The sound of someone banging on the door rung.
"Excuse me, my Lord, for interrupting."
"...Is that, Raymond? What's the... matter with you!"
"Lady Sophia requested your presence."
"What! ...I don't have time for her!"
My stepfather took his hands off me after yelling.
I fumbled through my torn clothes and called out to the man in the butler's uniform through the door.
"...Um, thank you."
"What's that about?"
The silver-haired butler, Raymond, gave a monotone look.
"I'm afraid you'll catch a cold if you stay like that, Miss Ariel. I'll get you a maid, if you'd prefer to change?"
"...Yes, sir."
The sudden appearance of the butler allowed me to escape the threat of my chastity taken away by my stepfather.
And my chastity remained merely due to an interference.
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amalthea9 · 3 years
High Fantasy Setting with Hornblower Cast Members. (And one self insert and an OC) -Character sheets of a sort- PART 1
It all started MONTHS ago with me watching Ioan Gruffudd as Lancelot. Then, re-visiting a song called “Warrior” by the Phantoms while walking to work. Then a flood of images in my head of Jamie Bamber in rogue attire, Paul Copley as an archer, Paul McGann casting spells, and most vividly, Sean Gilder as a shapeshifting GIANT wolf going berserk on orcs.
Do I have actual chapters of adventures for this group? of course not, I have too many drabbles and snippets I already wish to write ARGH! Somewhere I have a google doc with some random interactions though.
But after sharing this with my dear @ariel-seagull-wings we did have a lot of fun imagining little scenes and dialogue. And created origin stories for some of the characters! Even OCs! A healer witch named Amalthea to pair with Gilder the Wolf Shapeshifter, and Lira, a bard coupled with Copley!
I don’t want to overwhelm people with too many big images, so I’ll separate these out and title them by parts, linking back to each previous one.
I named the characters all using the actor’s last names. Frankly it was easier and each last name, with the exception of McGann, sounded like names in a fantasy tale. XD
I’m rambling now. 
Here’s Part 1 : Gruffudd and Bamber, becoming a couple thanks to the suggestion of @ariel-seagull-wings !
Tumblr media Tumblr media
And I do have their love confession dialogue scripted!!
One night at the fire, Bamber sits next to Gruffudd. Bamber quietly comments that Amalthea should tell Gilder how she feels. Gruffudd comments that it isn't that easy, because she’s afraid of rejection from Gilder not feeling the same way. Bamber nods thoughtfully, knowing that fear too well. Bamber shyly asks if Gruffudd has ever wanted to tell someone how he felt but couldn't. Gruffudd says yes softly, staring into the flames. Bamber says he has the same problem, staring into the flames also. There's a silence, until Bamber asks Gruffudd what he would say, if he could, to that person he loved. 
Gruffudd: *wonders where this might go but decides to play along*  I would tell him how much I love his laughter, and cheekiness. 
Bamber realizes Gruffudd said ‘he’ his heart skips.
Gruffudd quietly continues, feeling as though this might be the only way he can confess to Bamber his love. 
Gruffudd:*quietly continues* his bright and confident smile when he’s beaten an enemy, makes my heart beat faster. And how his eyes burn...like sapphires when happy…
Gruffudd goes quiet now, unsure what else to say or do. 
Bamber decides to take the chance and talk about the man he loves, with a pounding heart. 
Bamber:*smiles softly* I love his laughter too. And how he moves when he fights. It...makes my heart pound. And… I always seem to get lost in his dark brown eyes…
Gruffudd and Bamber look at each other at that moment. And both are now smiling, seeing in the other’s eyes the love for the other.
Bamber: *giggles softly* well… I’m afraid that was the best I could manage at a confession of love! 
Gruffudd: *chuckles warmly* Same here.
Bamber: *looks at Gruffudd’s lips and then back into his eyes* Well? Aren’t you going to kiss me now, Gruffudd?
Gruffudd: *smiles lovingly at Bamber and cups his cheek* Yes, Bamber.
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kurtty-drabbles · 4 years
Don´t lose your head au (bathing)
N/A: Something I wanted to explore here.
@djinmer4 @dannybagpipesarecalling @bamfoftheundead
"Well, That´s not a sight everyone can see" Logan comments as the azzure head of one certain fae is gazing back at him amused, in fact, his amusement comes from the knowledge that the human was foolish enough to think the head is harmless and Kurt proves otherwise with a single word.
Ariel arrives to see the sight of Logan´s body upside down as he curses the smug head of the dark fae. Ariel sighs at that and knows this won´t be easy.
"Kurt, please, put Logan down" Ariel demands as Kurt uses another of his words and Logan is put down in a not so gentle way, of course, Logan is not very fond of Kurt and is saying how much he´s a dick even if he does not have a dick right now. "Then you two will be best friends in no time, as you two are both dicks" Ariel speaks and the two men look at her as if she lost her mind.
Ariel sees the pattern too many times with Logan to know that if you insult him and don´t die there´s a higher chance of becoming best friends with him.
The Sweet Tooth is closed, but, is far from being empty.
The New Mutants arrive to see Logan and an azzure head glaring at each other and only Xi´an is taking pictures as is not every day you see Logan trying to prove whatever he is trying to prove to a talking head.
Ariel sighs again. "I really shouldn´t involve you guys in this operation, but, I don´t think me and Logan and Kurt" she adds before said head butts in "can handle this alone, plus, I think you all deserve to know what´s going on"
Yana chuckles and gives the quick sum up. It was followed by one question made by the group. "How are you not afraid of a talking head?"
Ariel looks at the head for a moment and replies. "Not being afraid, now, let´s talk about the situation" she can feel his crimson eyes gazing upon her curious.
"According to my research" Logan begins ignoring the head and the fact he´s still wearing the old detective symbol of a very distant past "the victims of this so-called serial killer are all rich people, but, there´s a twist here: The killer does not take money...only rings or anything shinning. The last victim had her head decapitated, but, lost her diamond ring" Logan concludes.
Sunspot is a bit nervous here as he´s a very rich person and knows very rich people, so, will he be the next victim?
"So...are you saying that his body is being controlled by someone that is using to steal from rich people?" Xi´an asked trying to get a hold of this story. Is not that magic was ever impossible to her(her eyes side to Yana who is reading her dark magic books again) but a fae stealing human´s money? Seems odd.
"Yeah, someone is using my body to get money...somehow I don´t like this idea" Kurt states incredibly pissed and well, this time no one can fault him.
"Do we have a plan?"
"Yes, the victims are always killed in the full moon, and look at that the next one is approaching...We´ll look for the body of Mr Sunshine over here" Ariel states holding the head with care "and stop him to kill anyone and if we get lucky we may put unite the body and head together"
Logan is giving the instructions, especially to Sunspot that is a rich person to not wear anything that could catch the attention of this fae, meanwhile, Xi´an has doubts and wants to clarify with Yana and Ariel.
"Do you trust him?" Karma asked seriously ready to use her power on Ariel if she believes the woman is being mind-controlled by the fae.
"Yes, he´s an asshole and all that, but...I can understand what it's like to lost yourself, even if in his case is his literal body"
Karma gazes upon her for a minute until she sighs and her eyes are back to normal. "I trust you and Yana, are you two wanting a favour from the dark fae?"
"I do, more spells and he can´t say no" Yana replied happily.
Ariel says nothing as she never thought in a reward.
The Sweet tooth is about to be open, but, before Ariel can come down to the first floor and prepare her good coffee another matter needs attention. "Hey, do you want to take a shower?" she asked to the head who was looking at the window.
"Uhm, in my state, that would be really dangerous." Kurt states matter of fact and Ariel is not impressed.
There´s a bowl of water ready and a cloth in her hand. " I know that, but, handsome, magic or no magic, you need a bath" and Ariel is surprised by how he went along with this, maybe, he really wanted to take a bath.
His crimson eyes are analysing the first time Ariel use the cloth to clean his face, she can see the man/fae was expecting something horrible to happen, yet, she continues her administration gentle.
She starts with his hair it was too oily and unkempt. When you´re dark fae things like care for your looks are secondary or maybe Kurt prefers a rougher look.
"Are you not afraid of me?" Kurt asked after 2 minutes of silence "I can´t understand that, why are you so calm about this?"
"Is a secret!" she states amused at his face and continues "if you tell me something about you, I may tell you about why I´m not afraid of a talking and grumpy head" she chuckles again as she now moves to his face.
She thought he wouldn´t say anything about himself, yet, today Kurt surprises her. "My wife was murder by the light faes" and Ariel stop what she was doing. Faes don´t lie. "she was human that was lost in the woods, yes, the very same one where your friend get the herbs for potions, they killed her ...and I went berserk, as you humans say" there´s a light tone of humour here.
Ariel feels he wants to say more so she lets him continue. "I killed all the responsibility for her death, then suddenly, revenge is all I could feel and let me use all my anger. I killed many light and dark faes, until...I lost my anger and left with an emptiness and bodyless" he concludes and looks back at Ariel as if daring her to not keep her word.
"I can´t be afraid of you because I saw things worse than a dark fae that curses what he does not like. I was in the war against Apocalypse" and before Kurt could say something like, it was obvious, Ariel put her fingers on his lips gently. "No, Kurt, not the brigade version of the war. I was with the X-men from day one until the end...nothing you can do will ever scare me or hurt me as they did"
And Kurt seems to understand. And at the same time seems to not get her point, how those X-men could be worse than a fae? Should he feel insulted on her behalf? Should he console her...If you can´t say anything nice or appropriate don´t say anything at all.
And looks at the now clean Kurt. "What you´ll do once you got a body?"
"Between us? No idea, but, I really want to drink a nice beer once I get my body back and.." Ariel stops him from saying anything else but the man chuckles saying he wanted to eat something. "My, my you´d have a dirty mind"
"And you have bad breath"
This time Kurt laughs amused at her face and Ariel deem the head clean enough.
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vampiremeerkat · 5 years
From what I’ve seen so far, you’re a very talented writer, so out of curiosity, what would you have changed about The Little Mermaid 2: Return to the Sea, to make it a better sequel to the original movie?
The best sequel is no sequel, but I’ll make an attempt.Ursula’s sister and the 2 new comic reliefs need to go, for starters, it’s better to use existing characters. To bring back Ursula as a vengeful villain could’ve worked out. The way she died was not believable, considering she had turned herself into a giant sea goddess of some kind. But blatantly evil villains are a bit of a cliché, still.After king Triton played the role of a well-meaning villain, I think now is the turn of Ariel’s sisters.I like Melody’s instinctual attraction to the sea, I wouldn’t change that. If the first movie hadn’t insinuated humans can understand sea creatures, since Sebastian told prince Eric Ariel’s name, Melody discovering she can talk to fish could’ve been the first step of her underwater adventure. So, maybe she’d just see a merboy jump around near her castle every now and then?Instead of meeting a witch and getting fins, she’d swim in the sea every day of her life, holding her breath a little bit longer. At 12 years old, she can stay underwater for over an hour and her legs have been trained to get down fast.When I was little, there was this TV-show named “Ocean Girl”. It starred a girl who was able to swim underwater, seemingly forever. She had no fins or gills, or magic cast upon her. Now, I believe she was later revealed to be an alien, but if Melody is the child of a mermaid, holding her breath should be the least she can do.Ever so slowly she’d reach Atlantica and its merpeople, including the boy who had carelessly revealed their existence. They lose their shit upon seeing a human approach their hidden kingdom, but Triton and his family recognize her as Ariel’s daughter and welcome her in. Ariel’s eldest sister, Attina, is now queen. The girls immediately fall in love with the Ariel clone and urge her to stay, forgetting she’s human and has to go up for air. The fact she can’t/doesn’t talk doesn’t strike them as odd, either, and they keep yapping away. When Melody returns to the surface, they beg her to visit again and she accepts. Meanwhile, the merboy keeps showing up at the beach with typical sea items for her to have. After he learned she’s a human relative of the royal family, he wants to make her feel welcome, but doesn’t have the nerves to come near when she’s hanging out with the princesses. He’s the only person Melody is able to have meaningful conversations with, as he shows up when she’s back on land and alone.After many weeks, Ariel’s sisters again don’t want her to leave and the eldest goes berserk over it. Seemingly overcome with grief over having lost Ariel, she keeps Melody down and everyone seems oblivious over the fact they’re killing her. The youngest of the bunch, Andrina, becomes alarmed and sees Melody is not having fun. Nobody listens to her or lets her grab her. Sebastian and Flounder are having the same struggle, so assist Andrina with stealing the royal trident, but realize they don’t know how to use it, let alone give a human fins with it. They hurry themselves to the surface to get Ariel, but on their way, a shark has its eyes on them and their quest gets heavily delayed. The merboy witnesses the ordeal and is requested to take the trident and find Ariel for them, while they trick and imprison the shark in a familiar fashion.He finds Ariel looking for Melody on the beach and tells her she’s in need. She is given the trident and able to turn herself back into a mermaid with it, because of the power of motherly worry or whatever.She’s major pissed and gives her family a hard scolding. They argue not to have known Melody was in danger, but Ariel doesn’t stay to listen and carries off the lifeless body of her daughter. A group of sharks now appear to grab the easy prey and the regretful Attina is quick to fight them off with her trident, though she also doesn’t know how its magic works. She manages to draw the sharks’ attention and keeps them busy so Melody has a chance to be revived, but ends up being eaten. The next in line, Alana, enters a rage, grabs the now abandoned trident and evaporates the sharks with it.Back on land, Ariel and Eric are working hard to save Melody and she survives. She shares with them the events of the past weeks and how she hungered for a life underwater.Ariel’s sisters then meet up with them to report Attina’s death and offer their apology. Ariel grieves for her sister, but is still angry at them for drowning her only child. They explain to have missed Ariel dearly and not understand Melody’s shortcomings. Eric and Ariel can’t entirely shake off their disappointment in them, but Melody shows understanding for their excuse. The many tragedies are hard to deal with, but Ariel ends up agreeing and apologizes herself for having ignored her family ever since she married.Alana turns her back into a human and asks if Melody would like to be a mermaid instead. She replies it’s better to wait until she’s 16.The movie can end with a skip in time, when she’s a mermaid and dating that merboy or whatever.
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Character Profile
꧁ ❦ | · THERESA CASSIDY · | ❦ ꧂
【 Biodata 】
Name: Theresa Maeve Rourke Cassidy Aliases: Morrigan, Banshee, Siryn, Terry, Sy,Teresa , Theresa Rourke, Tracy Cassidy, Screaming Mimi
Sex:  Female Age:  Early twenties to late thirties
Species: Mutant Race: Irish
Relationship Status: Single Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
Place of Creation: Spider-Woman (1978) #37
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【 Physical Specifics 】
Hair: Red Eyes: Green
Height: 5’7 Weight: 130 Ilbs (59 kg)
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【 Relations 】
❦ Liam Cassidy    Relation: Paternal Ancestor    Status: Deceased
❦ Patrick Rourke    Relation: Maternal Grandfather    Status: Deceased
❦ Sean Cassidy/ Banshee    Relation: Father   Status: Deceased
❦ Maeve Rourke Cassidy Relation: Mother Status: Deceased
❦ Thomas Cassidy (Black Tom)    Relation: Cousin    Status: Unknown
❦ Victoria Donnely   Relation: Cousin   Status: Alive
❦ Sean Madrox    Relation: Son   Status: Re-absorbed by Mardox   » ━۵━۵━۵━۵━۵━۵━۵━۵━۵━۵━۵━۵━ «
【 Quotes 】
“ My vocal cords are lethal. My estrogen level is berserk. Between Braxton-Hicks and my huge belly, I haven't slept in weeks. And I gotta pee...again. Free advice, Ms. Cooper. Never bet your life on what you think you know about a hormonal, sleep-deprived W.M.D. with a full bladder ”
”You needn’t be formal with me, sir. Most people find ‘Siryn’ an easier name to remember than Theresa Cassidy.”
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【 Personality 】
Theresa is an easy going young woman. She’s earnest and reliable. She’s a very good team player and a very dedicated leader. She actually thoroughly studied super-heroes tactics to be up to the task. After she took leadership, when Cable or Domino were moving with her team, she never doubted their legitimacy to take over.
When it comes to relationships, it’s another matter.While in a rather steady environment in Muir, she had a stable one with Madrox.While on the edge with X-Force, she was scared of getting too close, except maybe with people she won’t be seeing often.That’s how she pushed Proudstar away but was not so blunt with Deadpool.She’s certainly not an easy target.
Deep inside, she resents the lack of parental love.The Shadow King’s possession was a milestone in her http://life.It shaped her decision to join X-Force. She has a tendency to self-loathing that surfaces when she’s drunk.Before hooking with X-Force, alcohol was her way of filling these voids. 
After Proudstar’s intervention, it was her teammates and her responsibility as their leader.
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【 Background History 】
Theresa Maeve Rourke Cassidy is the mutant daughter of Sean, the mutant who was to become known as the Banshee, and Maeve Rourke Cassidy. Soon after his marriage, Sean Cassidy, an Interpol agent, was sent on an undercover anti-terrorist mission for many months, not knowing when he left that Maeve was pregnant. Shortly after Theresa's birth, Maeve took the infant Theresa with her on a visit to her relatives in Armagh in Northern Ireland. While she was there, Maeve, an innocent bystander, was killed in an IRA (Irish Republican Army) bombing along with a number of other people. No trace of Maeve was found by the authorities and they, and Maeve's relatives who knew of Theresa's existence, assumed that Theresa had also been killed in the explosion and never told Sean that Maeve had had a daughter.
In fact, however, Black Tom Cassidy, her father's cousin and a rival for the love of her mother, had been present at the scene of the explosion and had secretly carried Theresa off with him. Black Tom suspected that Theresa might develop superhuman mutant powers as she grew older, and therefore he intended to raise her secretly so that he might exploit her powers himself. Sean was so filled with anguish when he returned and learned of Maeve's death that he left his ancestral home of Cassidy Keep and threw himself into a series of highly dangerous missions, eventually leading to his resignation from Interpol and his later involvement with the mutant villain team Factor Three.
Theresa's sonic powers emerged at puberty and, a few years later, Black Tom began coercing her aid in committing crimes, whom she called "uncle" out of respect. At one point during high school, Theresa developed a drinking problem. However, Theresa's heart was never in a life of crime and she pursued it because the man who raised her, Black Tom, ordered her to do so. Eventually, Theresa accompanied Black Tom and his partner the Juggernaut to San Francisco.
There, employing the name Siryn, Theresa battled the original Spider-Woman and several of the X-Men. This conflict ended in Black Tom's temporary capture. While in custody, Black Tom gentlemanly exonerated Theresa of responsibility for his crimes and wrote to Sean explaining who she was. Theresa and Sean were joyfully united at Professor Charles Xavier's mansion. Theresa went to live with her father, who had since retired back at Cassidy Keep and, due to his new girlfriend Dr. Moira MacTaggart, divided their time between Cassidy Keep and Muir Island.
Fallen Angels
Sometime afterward, Theresa lived for a while at the Muir Island Mutant Research Center, owned by Dr. MacTaggert. There Theresa met, and developed a romantic relationship with Jamie Madrox, the Multiple Man. After being informed that the New Mutant Sunspot had run away, Theresa and Madrox helped to track down the young mutant.
Traveling to New York, Theresa and Jamie found Sunspot and Warlock, attempting to rob a church for food, and Gomi, propositioned Bobby da Costa to join the Fallen Angels. Vanisher appeared to further persuade the children and, while still considering, Chance and Ariel appeared and challenged Sunspot to take a chance. Then Bobby, Warlock, and the duplicate Madroxes left with the group.
After tracking the youths, Theresa and the original Madrox, met Boom-Boom and were teleported to the Valley of the Flame, on Dinosaur World, where they were joined by Moon Boy and Devil Dinosaur. After Devil Dinosaur, accidentally, crushed Don the lobster, Gomi's words of not leaving friends after an accident or tragedy struck a cord and Bobby began to second-guess his decision. After all of the mutant's powers, temporarily, went out-of-whack, due to Chance, Ariel suggested that they all leave and teleported them to the Coconut Grove, her home planet. The inhabitants of the Coconut Grove and the leader, Unipar captured the Fallen Angels, intending to use them as experiments to continue their evolution, but the Angels worked together to defeat them and return home. Sunspot and Warlock decided to return to the New Mutants, but Siryn and Madrox chose to remain with the Angels instead of going home to Muir Island.
Muir Island
Siryn eventually returned to Muir Island, only to get caught up in the Shadow King's telepathic influence. When the X-Men came to Muir to investigate, Siryn ended up fighting her own father Banshee, and took advantage of his feelings to beat him for the Shadow King.She was freed from Farouk's influence with the other residents after the Shadow King was defeated on the physical and astral planes.
Later, Theresa learned of an attempt by Black Tom and the Juggernaut to bomb the World Trade Center in New York, and she joined the formative group of mutants known as X-Force in defeating them. She remained alongside the team for a long tenure, and eventually grew to become Field Leader during the absence of their former leader, Cable. On a solo adventure, Theresa encountered the mercenary Deadpool when both were tracking down activities of Black Tom. The two developed romantic feelings toward one another, but parted company.
During her time with X-Force, Theresa's teammate Warpath developed a crush on her, and later he helped Theresa recover from a relapse into alcoholism During a clash between X-Force and the villainous New Hellions, Theresa's vocal cords were severely damaged, causing her to lose her voice as well as her powers. Taking a leave of absence from the team, Theresa adjusted slowly to life without her powers, visiting with an aunt.
Soon, however, Theresa walked into an antique store where the owner put a necklace on her. Theresa immediately began to talk again and flew off, the obvious victim of a possession, similar to the type performed by the deceased villain Malice.
Later, Theresa encountered Deadpool who managed to get her to an organization that was able to heal her using the mutant healing power of their captive, the X-Men's Wolverine. Wolverine was upset at Deadpool, even after Theresa broke out of her healing tank, but Terry stood by Wade and flew off with him. What became of her possessor is unknown.
X-Corps & X-Corporation
Banshee founded a mutant team, the X-Corps, as a paramilitary force that could police the mutant community. The team recruited several known villains and soon they embarked on a rampage through Paris until the X-Men were able to defeat them. Even so, Banshee was left wounded and the X-Corps was disbanded. Feeling the need to help atone for her father's debacle, Theresa offered her services to the X-Corporation, a clandestine extension of the X-Men operating as mutant champions on a worldwide scale.
X-Factor Investigations
Siryn became a member of X-Factor Investigations. She was in a state of denial regarding her father's recent demise, correctly noting that many X-Men had been believed dead only to later return alive. Due to these recent traumas, Siryn was under considerable emotional strain. She was beaten by Damian Tryp, Jr. and captured by Doctor Leery. Rictor rescued her, killing Leery in the process. During the Superhuman Civil War, Theresa opposed the Registration Act and was tasked with contacting more high-profile superheroes about the Decimation. After speaking with Spider-Man, X-Factor got into contact with Quicksilver and Cyclops’ team of X-Men demanding they answer why the reason behind the Decimation was kept secret and defy the Registration Act.
One night, Madrox got drunk; Jamie Prime and a dupe he described as his libido incarnate slept with Siryn and Monet. Jamie was not sure which of them slept with the dupe. Regardless, Jamie kept it going with the both of them, afraid of revealing that he was double-timing them. After a confrontation with Singularity Investigations the members of X-Factor met with Doc Samson, who encouraged Jamie to confess the truth to Monet and Siryn. They did not take it well.
Baby Sean
Theresa discovered that she was pregnant with Madrox's child. After Mutant Town was destroyed by Arcade, X-Factor moved to Detroit. As Theresa went into labor, she proposed to Jamie who accepted. Eventually, she gave birth to a baby boy that she named Sean. Upon picking up Sean, Madrox absorbed him: he had been a dupe all along. Filled only with rage, Theresa declared after breaking Jamie's fingers that she would break his neck next time she saw him.
Banshee After disbanding the Detroit branch of X-Factor Theresa went back to Ireland where she ran into Reverend John Maddox, one of Jamie's dupes. Reverend Maddox helped Theresa cope with depression and she had a one-night stand with Deadpool. After finally coming to terms with Banshee's death and reconciling her grief, Theresa retired the codename Siryn and took her deceased father's codename as her own and began calling herself Banshee in honor of his memory.
The Morrigan As Polaris continued to mentally deteriorate, Terry asked Layle Miller to help her contact the Morrigan in an attempt to save Lorna's sanity. The Morrigan revealed that her name was actually a title that was passed down from one woman to another and that she was tired of being the Morrigan. She would help Terry by giving her the power that was needed to heal Lorna's mind. To do this, Terry had to kill the Morrigan and become the new Morrigan. Theresa accepted and killed the Morrigan using a "Banshee's scream" in the form of a sonic lance, by the Morrigan's request. With her new godly powers, Terry easily saved Lorna.
After Terry donned the title, she immediately left the team, only reappearing when Jamie Madrox prayed to her while he was stuck in his demonic form because of Mephisto and the events of the contest to kill Tier Sinclair. She was initially surprised at the context of her summoning because she didn't expect this to be when Jamie summons her. She then healed Jamie and defeated the policemen that we attempting to arrest Layla. She filled Layla and Jamie in on their friends' lives, and later offered to rally the team herself but didn't because she learned that Layla and Jamie just wanted to raise their child in peace
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【 Abilities 】
Banshee is a second generation mutant and possesses sonic acoustic powers similar to those of her father:
Acoustikinesis: The ability to create various sonic effects through the combined action of her vocal cords and limited psionic powers which can only be used in conjunction with the sounds she produces.
• Sonic Scream: Siryn can cause her vocal cords to vibrate over a wide range of sonic frequencies and produce a volume of sound ranging up to at least 140 decibels. Siryn has thus the ability to shatter solid objects with a sonic scream. This ability is most likely augmented with her ability to weild mythological Banshee cries which were demonstrated as being louder than her own sonic scream.
• Flight: Siryn can use the sonic vibrations of her scream as a carrier wave.
• Sonic Lance: By focusing her sonic vibrations while screaming into an intense beam. This is used as a sort of "battering ram" that can stun or even destroy most solid objects.
• Sonar: She can use her sonic powers as a form of sonar. By sending out a precise, pure note and listening to the returning, altered wavefront of the note, she can evaluate her surroundings in total darkness with varying degrees of resolution.
• Sonic Null Field: She can project a field of silence in a area making no sound reach outside the area or no sound outside the area in.
• Sonic Amplification: She can amplify sound carrier waves allowing her to hear conversations or noises from far off.
• Sonic Shield: She can tighten sound waves around herself or others near her, making a barrier against outside attack.
• Vocal Disorientation: The ability to change someone’s balance, by affecting their equilibrium using her sonic scream.
• Vocal Trance: The ability to subtly influence peoples subconscious mind by changing the tones and vibrations of her voice using sonics, the effects tend towards blatant hypnosis. At times she's been even capable of calming down an enraged Hulk (when his rage is not so intense).
• Vocal Unconsciousness: The ability to affect the fluid in someone’s ear causing the person to go unconscious.
• Siren's Song: The ability to influence human beings with a certain pitch of her voice, causing them to fall in love with her without regard to gender or sexual orientation.
• Sound Immunity: Siryn's hearing and equilibrium are unaffected by the effects of her scream and similar abilities.
• Superhuman Vocal Stamina: Her vocal cords are tremendously strong, so that she can produce sonic effects through screaming constantly for hours at a time without noticeably tiring or injuring her vocal apparatus. Siryn's vocal cords and the interiors of her throat and mouth are also superhumanly tough, so that the intense pressures and constrictions that she produces do not cause her any injury.
• Unarmed Combat: She is well-versed in the form of unarmed combat (trained as X-Force member in Martial Arts)
Godly Physiology: After she killed the Morrigan , it is assumed that she gained all of her powers • With the power of the Morrigan, transforming her into a Celtic goddess with superhuman strength, a mystically enhanced sonic scream, powers of healing, clairvoyance, teleportation, and attuned to the needs and summons of her supplicants and worshippers • Superhuman Durability: She was able to take a direct hit from a gun that was able to destroy Layla Miller’s shield and didn't even feel discomfort.
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【 Themes 】
❦ Detroit Rock City [ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iZq3i94mSsQ ]
❦ Unleashed 【 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LCVNRucNGE0v  】
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alovelyburn · 3 months
If Griffith gave Guts an answer he wanted to hear on the hill of swords how do you think he would have reacted? Do you think Guts would ever have ever forgiven him?
(Not quite as old as the other one but still way too old to be acceptable, sorry).
I think he would've been conflicted, and he would've been pissed off at himself for being conflicted, and he would've been pissed off at Griffith for making him conflicted. But he still would have forgiven him, because he couldn't not do it.
Or maybe "forgive" is the wrong word, because I'm sure he'd still be pissed off. Maybe "made up with" is better? I've pretty sure I've talked about it at greater length in the past but I'm genuinely feeling too lazy to go look it up, so I guess the somewhat concise logic is:
Even now, his current mission - his drive to destroy the apostles and drag himself up to Femto's level and theoretically kill him is all informed by Griffith's stupid speech - to this day he is trying to be the kind of person that Griffith (the original Griffith, but by extension the current one as well) could value and respect as an equal.
IMO, this is a huge part of the reason for his breakdown about being unable to hit Griffith. It's easy to assume that this is because he realized he can't kill the man he's been trying to kill, and I'm sure that is part of it. But another big issue for Guts is that he's been living to catch up with Griffith ever since Promrose, and he just realized that not only has he utterly failed to accomplish that, he's actually so far behind that catching him may be physically impossible.
The drive to earn a place next to him became a drive to fight him because of the changing circumstances around the relationship, but it's evident from say the Black Swordman arc or the Hill of Swords that Guts is still looking for that validation, and still looking for Griffith inside Femto/Neo.
Furthermore, for at least a fair stretch of time (leaving open room for the idea that this changed at some point, although I don't think it has), even his determination to take care of Casca was primarily attributed to his wanting to have her around to remind him of Griffith. Obviously this doesn't mean he doesn't care about her, it's just that what he actually wants, more than anything else, according to his own mind... is to hold onto, and become further/more deeply entangled with, Griffith.
Given all that, why wouldn't he make nice with Griffith if Griffith gave him any reason to think there was a point to doing so?
Obviously the argument is that he couldn't forgive the atrocities of the Eclipse, but the thing is, Guts is largely amoral - people love to attribute noble/selfless/moral qualities to him, but he routinely proves that he doesn't give a damn about anyone he doesn't have a personal connection to - he will literally just let them die if it's more convenient that way.
He's also proven that he has an internal hierarchy of significance - he does prioritize his current companions, for example, over strangers, but he prioritizes Casca over them, in turn. I think the Hawks as a whole were one massive "ingroup" - he cared about them, even the ones he didn't know very well, because they were Hawks, and that's all fine...
...but who does he consistently prioritize over everyone else, including all the Hawks and Casca?
Obviously, Griffith. He's the one Guts literally just ignored the Eclipse to try and save, the one he once abandoned Casca in a cave to chase, and the one he legitimately left her to burn to death to search out during Conviction.
My point is, whatever it is he's trying to achieve with Griffith is always going to be the most important thing in his life, and thus will take priority over other things in his life, even things he also feels strongly (but not as strongly) about. And what he tries to achieve with Griffith is heavily dependent on what he thinks he can achieve with Griffith.
One of my favorite Miura quotes is something to the effect that Guts and Griffith's relationship isn't stagnant and won't necessarily remain the same over the course of the story - that Guts remains the way he is as long as Griffith remains the way he is (and vice versa, presumably). He said at the time that he was looking forward to depicting the changes between them as the relationship evolved. Unfortunately he didn't get to it, of course, but it's still a relevant point... that the way Guts is toward Griffith can still change, if Griffith changes, too.
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alovelyburn · 7 months
Ultimately, I think Griffith isn't a character that can be well understood if someone is married to the idea of good and evil or unequivocal moral judgment. Not because there's no good or evil in him, but because his character isn't constructed to adhere to either.
As a human, I would say he's more good, but still willing to use what some might call ruthless or cruel tactics as tools to accomplish his goals. At the same time, I don't believe we're intended to think Griffith himself, as a person, is ruthless or cruel inherently, but rather that he has a metaphorical toolbox, and he's willing to use anything in it if he needs to, even if he's uncomfortable with some of them. Which he very obviously is. Whether this is morally 'right' or not is I guess dependent on perspective, but I don't think there's any reason to assume his ultimate goals were bad - the only motivation he himself gives is that he wants to see how much he can accomplish and understand where he fits in the grand scheme of things.
As a Godhand, he encompasses both good and evil by his nature, while simultaneously being both above and outside these concepts. And again his all-encompassing toolbox is in use, but it's much larger and has far wider implications.
Sometimes I see people say that he was motivated by power, money and glory, but this seems silly or irrelevant to me.
As far as glory goes, back in the Golden Age, he was able to roll with the adulation, but when he was alone with Guts he was shown to be uncomfortable with it and more or less tolerating it for networking.
With money, well, you never really see him be money-motivated outside the Gennon situation, and in that case he needed money specifically to reduce casualties among his men.
And as for power, I mean we see what he would do with power: break down hereditary hierarchies, invent public education, invest in orphanages and open educational and occupational paths for people without resources. Which is completely in line with the way he ran the Hawks even as a human. So...
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alovelyburn · 7 months
I think the main takeaways I have from the math run on Berserk's volumes, though, is that we've lost 25 volumes of high quality Guts/Griffith relationship focus and there is, to be honest, no way Miura was ever going to finish Berserk.
I'm not trying to be an ass, I'm just saying at the rate he was going there was no way he'd get through 25 volumes in his lifetime, especially since it was slowing down rather than speeding up or even remaining the same.
Also, in an interview... I think it was the one in the back of the guidebook... he said that the whole high fantasy arc with the nakama club/rpg party and such was... a thing he wanted to try doing though it was atypical for the kind of series Berserk is. I get the impression that he basically just wanted to try something new for a while and it took longer than anticipated just because he took a long time to do anything.
But like... aside from the obvious tragedy of anyone dying at such a young age, I'll never get over the fact that he passed right when we were getting back to what I originally loved about the series: dark fantasy, cosmology and Griffith & Guts mess.
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alovelyburn · 7 months
Why do you ship Griffith and Guts, considering they will never be canon?
The glib answer would be "because I read the series." But let me not be glib.
Okay there are different definitions of "canon" when it comes to pairings.
If the question is "why do you ship them when they're never going to ride off into the sunset together," the answer is "because it's a fascinating dynamic and I don't have any investment in relationships I enjoy working out or characters that I like being happy."
If the question is "why do you ship them when they have no canonical romantic interest in each other," the answer is "because I disagree with that statement."
And like I said yesterday, I always back my perspective up, so here we go:
In the Beast of Darkness scene where the Beast in question suggests that Guts only keeps Casca with him as an excuse to keep longing for Griffith, the use of furigana over the kanji on "yearning" or "longing" is specifically chosen to modify the meaning to reflect romantic love. [Link 1] [Link 2]
Miura had stated that in manga androgynous characters typically favor their feminine side and fall in love with men, and he felt that he couldn't write an androgynous character without being committed to portraying that. He was talking about Duranki, but it's interesting in light of Griffith's design and how much more andrognyous he became even at the same time as Miura started talking more about having been heavily influenced by Shounen-Ai. [Link 1]
Also he stated that Griffith was inspired by people he knew who could not love women and instead focused their affection or friendship on men. Then, on another occasion, he referred to Griffith as having fallen in love with Guts, which is the reason for his extremely unGriffithlike behavior. [ Link ]
Miura once said that Griffith provides the fuel that Guts needs to continue living. Before someone says that's because Guts is so mad at him, I agree with that, but also bear in mind that his feelings about Griffith are specifically lampshaded described as complicated and conflicted and not just hate. [ Link ]
The writer of the OVA also stated that Guts and Griffith's feelings for one another are complicated and involve many different feelings, including romantic love. [Link 1] [Link 2]
Now mind you I did genuinely think the story itself, the staging of panels, the tropes evoked, the narrative choices, the visual cues and the language used already implied all of this. Compare some of the Golden Age scenes with them to pages in a romance manga, for example. But for people who don't see it that way, perhaps these things will contextualize the perspective of those who do.
Anyway, long story short, I do think they canonically have romantic feelings for each other mixed in with all their other complicated positive and negative feelings, and I don't care about couples getting together or being happy, I just want interesting stories and relationships.
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alovelyburn · 3 months
Kinda random, but what would you think Guts would do if he, as he is now, were to somehow be brought back to Golden Age? Or even pre-eclipse, cause ik you did Griffith doing it in Guts' pov in The Painted Stage (which I very much love with all my being)
Sorry if this isn't the type of ask you like 😅
As part of my desperate attempt to catch up with my inbox and become a functioning fandom member again, I am starting from the older asks and moving forward instead of the other way around. Because I never reach the older stuff when I do it the usual way.
...what I'm saying is, this Ask is 80,000 years old. Apologies.
The problem is that it very much is the kind of Ask I like -in fact, I like that idea so much that I already have a whole story in some level of development where I wrestle a similar concept. I haven't gotten as far as I'd like because I can't figure out how it ends, and I'm incapable of writing something without an end goal in mind.
...self-indulgent babble.
But basically, I think a lot depends on the circumstances, but I imagine his primary reaction (given his personality) would be to laser focus on preventing the Eclipse from ever occurring, even if he doesn't know whether that's actually possible.
Now, if one were to ask this to say the mainstream fandom I think a lot of people would say "go kill Griffith," which in fairness is a pretty effective way of stopping the Eclipse. But I don't think he'd do that, at least not unless he were like, ON THE EDGE OF THE WATER WHILE THE ECLIPSE IS STARTING AND GRIFFITH ISN'T LISTENING TO HIM. Because I think if you put him in a place with the Griffith he knew - the one he struggles with his inability to face or forget - what he'd really want to do is "save" him.
Because I do think Guts still misses and longs for Griffith - as Miura once said, Griffith in his current form makes Guts feel lonely. Griffith is one of the people he lost in the Eclipse, in a very real way. And while either killing him or saving him would accomplish the goal of stopping the Eclipse, only saving him would prevent that from happening.
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alovelyburn · 7 months
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One of many. I just ran out of steam before I could do any more.
I have two more Prime 1 statues, a Bao statue, a whole punch of figures and dolls and a 2 foot replica of the Beast of Darkness so this should all be fun.
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alovelyburn · 7 months
I read somewhere (... i think it was screenrant but nevermind that) that the new arc of Berserk is called "eastern exile."
Which brings me back here:
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Miura did say that Guts and Griffith would meet several times again before the end of the series, so perhaps they're going to both end up in the same place.
That said, there are other options, too - 372 finished with a line emphasizing that the world plays out in Griffith's hands, so perhaps he simply knows that the next chapter in the saga continues to the east (meta, but not really), or it's another reference to his general sense of Guts' presence, which has arguably been alluded to before.
All that said, and bearing in mind that I don't hate the new chapters like a lot of people do, nor do I think they're flawless like some oithers do, this does kind of highlight an ongoing issue with the post-Miura chapters.
It's sometimes hard to parse what's happening, due to the reduction in dialogue, as well as the less polished visuals.
There's a weird thing at the end of the current chapter that says Guts is in chains but I feel like it's clear that he isn't - the Kushans go after him with chains, and then you see the chains of the beast break and then at the end you see his feet walking. My GUESS is that they're going for "Guts is in chains and the Beast is in residence" but that's not as clear as it could be due to the visuals....
But also because of storytelling disconnects. For example, when the Kushans start toward the room Guts is in, and Azan freaks out because if they open the door, the Black Swordsman will "awaken" and tear them limb from limb, I thought... he has no reason whatsoever to say that guts will tear them to pieces. Because he hasn't. Moved.
Which then made me think if Miura were still here maybe he would still not be moving, but there'd be something less pathetic and more unnerving about it to give the people on the boat the sense that there's danger in waking him up in this state.
I can see how this could have happened. eg, Miura said Griffith takes off with Casca, Guts can't land a single blow which causes a mental breakdown about his own impotence, then the Kushans board the ship and people are afraid if they wake Guts up there will be an even bigger disaster.
Plot points without any context or detail. Which is where you start seeing the biggest gaps - because no doubt Miura would have done the work to make these pieces fit together, but without him all they're doing is hitting the points on the outline one by one.
Also, Rickert (and presumably Erica) is with the Kushans, which should make this Silat's group. Depending on how deep Miura intended to go with the Eastern world thing, this could contextualize his comments about the later story dealing with Tao principles/etc. It's also interesting bc he ALSO said that the Godhand would appear more and more... which does imply a greater presence for them in other parts of the world than we were previously, necessarily made aware of.
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alovelyburn · 7 months
Okay okay, I'm getting bored with this, so, to the person or people writing anti-Griffith essays in my inbox:
If you really want to know what I think about Griffith it's all over my Tumblr. If you don't care what I think, stop talking to me about it.
If you want to know what Miura thought about him, read the quotes linked from my meta post or just look up kojion on ...X (twitter) and do a search for what was posted between say July and December 2022, which is when Kojion took to posting translations and japanese language excerpts from previously untranslated Miura interviews.
Both types of post are easily accessible here.
This is the most tired discussion in the fandom and I've been having it for 10 years. Given that I've literally seen Western fans insult Miura's statements about Griffith because he didn't agree with them, there seems to be no point in engaging with it for me. Besides every time I have this talk, I lose a little more faith in humanity.
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