#and the rancid ship name
dreamidoodles · 10 months
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i got into the walking dead for the first time for old man yaoi Daryl Dixion.
im really shy so some… stuff below
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don’t tell my grandma.
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muffinlance · 4 months
Wait, what’s going on with Embers???? That fic has been on my read later list since 2021, what’s happened with it???
Brief overview, then I'm likely never touching this topic again, because this is not a Drama Blog:
Context: Embers is a super old AtLA fic that was written during the early fandom days, read widely at the time, and was the origin of the widely-used fanon name of "Wani" for Zuko's ship (kind of by default that it was one of the first popular fics to give his ship a name, I think?), even though most fic writers don't seem to realize it's from there anymore.
"What's Going On": I used to include a link in all my stories to it, because I believe in crediting other writers for borrowed elements, and I was using "Wani" in all my fics. But BOY did I not want to be sending readers that way anymore, so I've adopted a new name for Zuko's ship, and removed all Embers links.
None of the criticisms about Embers itself are new; I'm assuming they date back to when the fic was being written, because this isn't an "it aged badly" thing, this is an "actually yeah this gets worse the longer you think about it and I shouldn't have ignored my bad feelings just because some of the worldbuilding was interesting" thing.
An Incomplete List of Why I Made the Change:
I don't actually like the story that much anymore, and don't want to rec it
I tried to re-read it recently to see if some things were as bad as I remembered and it turns out they were So Much Worse Oh Yikes. More specifically, the treatment of Katara and Aang and their respective cultures has... rather a lot going on. One example: The Fire Nation and Air Nomads are both given multiple backstory elements in an attempt to make the average Fire Nation soldier's participation in the genocide/war in large part the fault of the Avatar and the Air Nomads themselves, and also fully justified from the Fire Nation perspective. And I do mean fully. One of its core tenants is "People from the Fire Nation (and only people from the Fire Nation) who don't follow orders Literally Die, therefore murdering pacifists and babies and continuing the war (and their regularly scheduled war crimes) is the only thing it is physically possible for them to do". I cannot emphasize enough how literal that is.
Also the name "Wani" means "Alligator" and is... objectively a pretty lame name for Zuko's ship? Where's the personality, where's the deeper meaning, where's the resonance with Zuko's themes? @tuktukpodfics initially thought I was calling the ship "Wanyi", and that's what I've switched to, because it is Objectively So Much Better. In their words: “Wànyī (萬一): Literally ‘one in ten thousand,’ ‘perchance.’ Used grammatically in Chinese to mean ‘what if’ or ‘just in case.’ I think a ship called ‘The Perchance’ is perfect for a boy clinging to false hope.”
TL:DR; I don't rec Embers anymore, because I don't actually like the story anymore, and there are things about it that get worse the more I think on them. I've removed links to it and renamed Zuko's ship to "Wanyi" ("The Perchance") because our boy deserves a ship name that reflects his character arc.
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shapelytimber · 1 year
this got away from me- I found the pants of the frostbite armor and lost my goddamn mind jhjhihjijhioyj and before I realized it I was committed to do a reimagining of sayed armor in 70s fashion (it was either that or costal grandmother and no one wants that trust me)
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... and then I found a piece of the ember armor- (this ended up lost in the fashion sauce neither game accurate or really recognizable as 70s clothing- but it cute :))
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I’m experimenting a bit with a looser sketching style :) and doing these was so much fun (I swear one day I will make a fanart of this game that is not lost in my art block or a vague “”modern”“ AU-)
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sugarcoatedrattrap · 4 months
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Adhd gf who needs body doubling time to function x clingy attachment issues boyfriend who always wants to be around them. They're both touch starved.
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chaerybae · 2 months
some jaehyun stan trying to argue w me on yt... girl you spelled his name "jeahyun" no wonder you don't have the reading comprehension to understand my comments 💀💀.
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zzzinternetperson · 13 days
Hey, I would love to get the Tesla model X. Always been my dream to get a Tesla so appreciate your offer on giving cars for free. I'm from France so i hope it'll ok for the shipping and everything. How does it work by the way? I heard you needed a decscription of my body, guess to make sure it was really me you hand the car to. I'm french, 28 years old, always been single, pretty hairy body and some muscle definition (still working on it). Hope you have everything you need.
The Tesla model X…a typical influencer car for a typical influencer TikTok boy, always flexing your Los Angeles house that you share with all the other TikTok bros, dancing and lip-sincing for a living, and obviously…showing off your himbo body! Although you definetly don’t have the smarts, you’ve found the perfect job.
Identity :
Name : Blake
Age : 21
IQ : 65
Personality : Always flexing, hungry for attention and recognition, dumb, very childish and overall loud and annoying.
Sexuality : Bisexual
Body :
Body type : Himbo
Overall attractiveness : 8.5/10
Private’s size : 4 inches hard.
Rear end size : Big, fat, giggly and doughy buns, begging to be moved with different tiktok dances and trends, and obviously be filled.
Overall B.O : 6/10 - Not too strong, your pits do have quite a sweaty, unwashed smell. Same thing for your feet, but they’re not overly offensive. Just enough to be noticed when we get close to you, and to comment on why you don’t wear any deodorant. You obviously don’t even care, I mean, you do but you’re so dumb you always forget to even think about wearing any.
Gassiness : 8/10 - Always eating the infamous In-N-Out from California gets you very gassy, burps and farts included. Your gas smells rancid, like pure rotten eggs.
Muscles : 8/10 Nice, himbo-like muscles.
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clownhara · 24 days
is there like a jester ocs 101 i do wanna learn about them
Putting these under a read more because this might get long
My family :)
Edward Roberts-Rosales: I made too many jokes about this bastard being my dad and now he's my dad. High key wants to fuck plants. Evades taxes like no ones business. Kind of a shit guy but it's funny to watch him mess up everything so we keep him alive for that alone Max Rosales: My better dad. Can really do so fucking much better than Edward but he settled </3. Is a plant man. Likes baking. Is the dad that actually loves me. Heron Rosales: I don't do to much with her but I'm trying to do more. Max's trans sister. Wants Edward dead and honestly, we don't blame her. Average chronic pain haver tbh please get her some Ibuprofen. Boaty McBoatface: My brother who is a boat. Edwards favorite son, despite being terrified of being on boats after he was the sole survivor of a ship wreck. I fuckinh hate this thing
Project Moon adjacent ones
Despise Domek (Or just Des): Local Enkphalin hooked rat. Goes by it/they but people close to it can call them she/her. There are two remaining people who can call them she/her. Steals things from people it likes to keep a piece of them, so don't invite them to your house. Things WILL go missing. Says the phrase "Well it didn't kill me so I'm fine" way to god damn often. Ambrose Domek: Not actually related to Des at all his parents just stole Des's parents last name. We heart religious fanaticism to the point of self harm!!!!!! Has two boyfriends and has convinced himself neither of them like him. Him and Des are besties :) Keith: Real Jester-heads remember Keith. I made this bastard before Ruina came out and he keeps fucking staying relevant to whatever game is out. How does he do it. Lobcorp him is Geb and Myo's adopted son, a Rabbit, and had a complex where he's gotta prove himself 24/7 and ends up getting his leg ripped off. Ruina him is trying to find Gebura again after the whole Library situation happened, and is wildly distraught after learning Myo's whole deal. Limbus Keith is content, much older, runs a weapons shop, and is gay married to Heathcliff. Jesus Christ I made him before the new translation of Lopcorp happened I think HOW LONG HAS HE EXISTED WHAT THE FUCK
Damien Domek: Also not related to Des, just took it's last name because he liked it. They are qprs though. Also is broke as shit but mostly stays out of the Rat lifestyle by just old fashioned robbing people. Loves lying to people for fun and profit, but he is honestly a pretty nice guy. Minus the lying
Arlo: Disgusting rancid cyborg scientist who needs to bathe and touch grass. I adore him though. Ellie: Arlos little sibling. She/they user. Kills people for money and feeds the bodies to the eldritch horror that follows her around Hector: The eldritch horror that follows Ellie around. usually just looks like a dilf tbh its easier for Ellie to explain. Can't actually speak so he usually just talks telepathically while making a bunch of hums, chirps, and clicks to mimic speaking.
Oleander: Local unethical scientist that unethicaled a bit too hard when trying to revive his even worse older brother and turned off most of his emotions manually to avoid coping with the mental toil. Sad! Many such cases. Can't feel any emotions other then joy now. Kinda sucks but he certainly doesn't seem to upset about it :)
Simon: Oleadners brother. Kinda. Moreso a robot piloting Oleanders brothers body. Fucking hates Oleander but after Oleander lobotomized himself Simon begrudgingly takes care of him now. Despite his complicated feelings, he's wildly overprotective.
Cybel: A robot Oleander made! They are meant to gather as much information as they possibly can in case some horrible event happens that kills off humanity. is quite literally indestructible. Likes ice cream.
Octavius: I made this guy to be a danganrompa villain back in high school and I succeeded too well. I fucking hate this fake ass bitch
Tabb: This fucking guy. Trapped in a time loop but he doesn't know and its technically not a time loop. Met his (now) husband ages ago but died shortly after meeting him, so he revived Tabb, then the two got married, then Tabb died again so Halt (the husband) revived him again but he lost his memories then halt died and Tabb revived him the Tabb died again so Halt revived him but he lost all his memories so they dated again and got remarried then Tabb died again and you get the idea. Very nice guy, a bit anxious, perfectly normal minus the dying thing. If it wasn't for him losing all his memories and Halt tampering with shit so he was in love with him i uh. Don't think he'd actually like Halt all that much tbh
Halt: Just wants to be happy with his husband :(. Sad he unethicaled all over that science. Hey are you noticinga theme here. Also he's a cat boy but thats really not relevant to his depression issues
Urge: Halts kinda milfy twin sister. Really sick of all of this loop bullshit because she gets to watch her bestie Tabb die repeatedly, so she packed up her bags and left. Can't be in the same room as Halt without them getting into a fist fight. Do you see the themeing with their namesan d their ideals. Halt is kinda halted in place but Urge keeps pushing forward because she has the urgeto move on. Do you see it. It is almost 1 am
Russel: A kid that got roped into this whole mess because he walked in on a Tabb revival tube without permission. Sticks around Urge most of the time. Had a bad homelife to put it mildly, so Urge took him in.
Theres way more of these bastards but these are the most relevant ones. I am going to bed now. Goobnight
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mixelation · 4 months
i will also share with u the absurd toxicity (reborn au au (tm)) rpf lore developed with @waffliesinyoface
point one: obito would not be naturally drawn to fandom, but he IS a troll who likes absurd things, and it's important to him to know what's up with the people in his life. he has read the entirety of icha icha (more than once!) for the simple pleasure of sniping kakashi with a well-placed reference. when tori gets fixated on ninja rpf, he also obviously starts reading it so he can have fuel to tease her.
unlike kakashi's brand of obsession (which is PRIVATE, obito, WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS), tori's obsessions crave interaction. you want to talk rpf with her? she is going to drag you down into a terrible vortex of rpf fixations
obviously "driven to making insane decisions for petty reasons" tori is obito's favorite tori. he is SO supportive of her ongoing war against the sasori girls.
obvious outcome of point one: obito becomes a kakashi girl
tori is SO supportive of his psychosexual kakashi obsession. she thinks him working through his feelings like this is good for him. also she likes reading fic
obito is not well-liked in kakashi fan circles when he's writing in under a pen name because he keeps writing kakashi as a damsel in distress in constant need of rescuing due to chakra exhaustion. fangirls hate this because kakashi should be cool and badass all of the time???
point two (horrible realization): in this au, obito retains his uchiha pretty privilege. he's also the infamous loose canon of the yellow flash's students. there's ABSOLUTELY insane fic about him
obito's favorite ship is obviously him/kakashi, but NO ONE writes it right???
yes he and tori are dating. no she doesn't care he keeps looking up kakashi/him. she knows what she signed up for.
in fact, tori inspires him!! if tori can go hunt down a random sasori rpf writer to argue with her, OBVIOUSLY he can go have a converastion with some obito writers and gently push them in the right direction!!
but he has to do it cool and mysterious, see, so they get him. he shows up in the dead of night in his super dramatic madara personality. he just wants to talk. he gives a dramatic speech and throws in some killing intent for Effect
obvious outcome of point two: everyone stops writing obito fic because they're terrified.
tori: realizes there's still READERS for obito fic but no writers
tori: that's free real estate
she's converting. she's an obito girl now. (obito: babe that's SO sweet of you)
NO ONE likes her obito fics either because she writes him as a deeply pathetic whackjob who cries during sex. she gets multiple replies that are like "when will obito show up to murder THIS writer"
instead of being normal she's like "FYI he DID show up in my bedroom but that won't stop me because I AM NOT A COWARD"
third, miscellaneous point: obito is shunned by fandom when he's a faceless person writing in. at in person meet-ups, people love him despite his rancid opinions because he is hot. :'(
obito in kakashi cosplay??? with kakashi's real clothes he stole???
i thought about writing a joke about them going to an in-person fic exchange and people not realizing they're together to mirror the ANBU Party Debacle. however i do not think this is the mood for Torito because they cannot physically resist bothering each other for more than 90 seconds at a time. obito shows up holding her hand so he can swing their arms like literal children. if he doesn't pay attention to her for long enough, tori WILL tug his hair/loose clothing/etc. he attempts to sit in her lap at least twice. they're both super into the other person's rancid headcanons. they are so fucking obnoxious
no one ever matches obito-in-person with obito-showing-up-to-harass-fic-writers because of the insanely different personalities
people are okay with obito in person despite his personality because he is. hot. and a man. and they're a group of mostly women who are attracted to men. do you see? but they still fucking hate tori
a rumor starts that the reason tori can write bonkers obito fic without him murdering her is that when he showed up to threaten her over it, she slept with him. so not only is she annoying, but she cheated on her hot boyfriend (obito) with famous ninja uchiha obito! she doesn't deserve either of them!!!
(obito: that's exactly what happened tho. i gave you my super cool and scary "write better fanfic" speech and you slept with me. <3 / tori, who will never EVER admit she found his stupid "madara" personality kind of hot: (tea kettle noises))
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kyumisyumi · 1 month
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It would've probably made more sense for me to write this about Soap but there's tonnes of Soap content and I'm tryna feed the starving.
Warning: Quickly written, barely proof read
Ship: Nikto x Banshee!Reader (F)
Word count: 1k
⊱⊶Taking requests⊷⊰
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It was like throwing up pins and needles, using your voice after so long. The sounds clawed against your throat as if begging to never see the light of day. Your own song fighting to return to the darkness of your vocal chords, wishing to never be uttered. But this wasn't your song anymore and that's why it needed to be sung. Needed to be released into the cool air to meet the oracles in the stars. It was an ugly tune; gargles and keening as your emotions morphed into rancid sound. Your bloodline had ended decades ago. You remember the moment the elder, happy without child, closed her eyes for the last time. The final composer of your songs laid for eternal slumber with a smile turned towards your distant figure. Her end marked the beginning of your hibernation. A solemn existence. You lied to yourself that it was a prize for centuries of dutiful work, but loneliness festered inside your core as your wondered for years without purpose.
Then came the sound; timber against timber. The click of a composer's wand. Something you never thought you'd hear ever again. Click click. You were being summoned. Called for by Death to let you know your job was not finished. Like a hound to its name, you followed it. Your apprehension and confusion weighed heavy but no force inside you was stronger than the instincts pumping through your inhuman form. Click click. Like children to a dinner bell, you followed it. The fabrics draped around your greyish body clipping in and out of reality, snagging on branches when it unfortunately caught only to dissolve into mist. Stones and twigs piercing your feet before phasing through your ethereal form. Click click. Like sunflowers to the morning rays, you followed it. Something inside you beating feverously; a life that wasn't your own cradled within your chest. Click click. Like a magazine into a gun, because that's exactly what it was. When the thrumming inside your chest calmed down, you could finally hear the sounds of gunfire whizzing through the air. Hoof beats storming the ground revealed to be the boots of man. Soldiers. They bolted through the concrete and dirt of wrecked structures, firing their weapons into their own kind. None of that mattered to you however, you had seen war plenty of times. All that mattered were the clicks that called for your song and the person holding the gun. Click click.
It alarmed him, naturally, when he began to hear the eerie melody of a woman's song. It first reached him amidst a fitful attempt at rest within his small tent. Nikto wasn't sure what to make of it. Another case of his mind playing tricks on him? That the enemy had released hallucinogens into the air? However, when he'd asked his comrades if they heard it too all he'd received were worried looks in response. It was in his head then. Was this karma? Had all the lives he'd taken conspire in the afterlife to haunt him? If so, this was an odd tactic; to sing him hymns rather than rip his soul from his flesh to drag it down where he belonged. He'd tired himself out clawing at the walls of his mind, trying to find a source within. And so he just listened, all of him. It drove him insane almost as much as it brought him peace. Words he could not decipher being whispered in a tune unknown yet somehow familiar. A song that wasn't in his memory but somewhere deeper, somewhere more him than he could ever conceptualize. No matter how much it unnerved him to hear this mysterious singing, the way it warmed his body and stilled his mind became a drug to him. If this was a new level of madness, he had little complaints.
When he heard it in the midst of battle, the effects were reversed; it riled him up rather than calm him down. Like the being was singing life into him. It diffused into his skin to settle within the nerves and muscles beneath his flesh, pushing him ever forward. It whispered truths he'd always known. That he was a harbinger of death, a machine of violence serving those who wrote his cheques. How he felt about it made no difference to what he was. Nobody. Not a person, just a weapon. It felt almost blasphemous to commit acts of cruelty to music so beautiful but his body called for it. A head he'd bashed into a wall, a spine snapped beneath his feet, this bloodshed was his offering to the being that sang for him. To the unknown creature that had decided to take up residence in his mind.
This felt right, this felt like destiny. Nikto carved his path into the enemy stars like the bullet through his chest. Falling to his knees like a man in prayer before laying to meet the Gods.
It was only then that you went to his side, looking into the confused blue eyes of your composer. They searched yours, forgetting where he was and what he was doing as the shrouds of your body filled his vision.
"женщина[woman], sing for me." His voice was much like the metal instruments he played.
You held his hand in both your own, watching the calm slip into his eyes as he listened to your ugly wails. You'd heard the lyrics he filled in. Oh, how they made your heart bleed. But now, in his final moments, you sing to him in words he could understand. Serenade him with the truth of who he was, cradling him to hide his tears. The thumping in your chest was slowing down as your song mellowed to it's end. The final verse came in the sound of a rattle.
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doodoocumfart · 5 months
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I got bit by the succession OC bug and I couldn’t stop thinking abt how insane it was that Stewy almost had a daughter in the script, and then I was like….what if he did….have a daughter. Then I went blind and passed out and woke up and she was in my tablet.
Her name is Iasmim “Mim” Cardoso and she’s the product of a summer fling in Portugal w the daughter of an Angolan politician/oil profiteer. They have a polite non-relationship where Mim lives w her mom (she doesn’t. She’s shipped off to some Swiss Catholic all girls school) and in exchange for his minimal involvement she spends her summers w “dad”. It’s all very non involved. If the lack of his last name doesn’t make that apparent.
She’s an utterly rancid girl who doesn’t strive for much at all or wishes prove anything, and is content w immediate pleasures. Her hobbies are sucking fucking and seething. But she mostly keeps to herself. Her relationship w stewy is impersonal and polite but completely strained. He’s so upfrontly non parental she doesn’t feel like it’s worth hating him for it. She DOES blame him for her features are too big for her face, she hates him for that, making her uglier than she could be.. She never bothers for plastic surgery, the hate is fufilling. She has a clit piercing.
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Also thank you THANK YOU @shivroy my sweet beloved friend who I love for letting me talk your ear off abt my girl. And doubly thank you for these awesome drawings of her. And TRIPLE THANK YOU, for creating Hibs and letting me have so much fun drawing him and us making them insane little freakazoid animals circling each other in our minds. Her psychologically torturing Hibs for funsies and personal retribution and motivation is so real. And Hibs denying her her apathy. They’re a beautiful disaster. Fufilling hater ass relationship. I love you endlessly 🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼
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nepobabyeurydice · 1 month
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July 14th - July 20th, 2024
Sunday, July 14th - Meeting The Other // First Monster Attack
Monday, July 15th - Runaway // Camp Half-Blood Pickup
Tuesday, July 16th - Emergency Call // Secrets & Lies
Wednesday, July 17th - Prophecy // Abandonment
Thursday, July 18th - Year-Rounder // Social Media
Friday, July 19th - Funeral // PTO Meeting
Saturday, July 20th - Parallel Universe // We Meet Again
More Riordanverse Parents!!! More Sally, more Natalie, more Apollo, and more Amos (and Bast)! There are so many interesting things laid out that we do not touch, but now is the time to consider being put in their situation in reality and become horrified or awestruck!
Why should you participate in this?
It's fun! It has implications, it lets you develop a character's backstory, and develop the adults, who take a backseat to their world-saving (or destroying) children!
So how does it work?
The release date for fanworks is from Sunday, the 14th of July through Saturday, the 20th of July 2024.
Three months to write, create, and draw fanworks. They can be anything, web weaving, fanfic, fanart, meta, ship manifestos (i see you posally & mariahades people), playlists, and gifsets.
Any vibes you wish to bring to the event are accepted, so long as they aren't rancid to your fellow participants! Horror? You can make it worse! Rom-com? You know what you're about. Historical AU? Sure! Smut? You know what you're about.
This is an optional event, run only by me, and should be under the #riordanverseparentsweek, and it will have a AO3 collection under the same name. I'll be checking the tag daily as the event goes on, and will make a masterlist by the time all submissions are finalized!
This is an event celebrating PJO, HoO, Kane Chronicles, and Magnus Chase parents (including the gods)
It's happening from Sunday, July 14–Saturday, July 20
Submissions can be web weaving, fanfic, fanart, meta, ship manifestos, playlists, and gifsets.
the tag is riordanverseparentsweek
The spirit of the event is what matters if you don't want to follow a prompt!
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mintedwitcher · 3 days
Been on another blocking spree today because the vibes in the tags are rancid so let me just say this real quick:
No one is "getting in the way" of buddie going canon, because buddie is not going to be canon. It's already decided. They floated the idea of a Queer Eddie arc and then dropped it, the same way they dropped the floated Eddie/Maddie storyline in season 2.
This is how writing works. Sometimes you have an idea, you try it out, and it just doesn't work. So you rewrite, you change things around, you change storylines. That is how it works.
There is no singular character or actor "getting in the way" because there's nothing to get in the way of.
You don't have to like Tommy. You don't have to like Lou. You don't have to like this arc at all. But you do not have a leg to fucking stand on when you claim that Lou/Tommy is "in the way" of a ship that is never going to be canon.
And frankly, you lost any and all credibility you could've had when you started wishing violence and death on a queer character and sent hate and death threats to the people involved in bringing that queer character back.
Ship whatever the hell you want, but don't make the mistake of thinking that your headcanons outweigh or control the writers decisions. Fandom is less than 2% of the overall audience. We are not the majority here. All you're doing with your little tantrums online is giving the fandom as a whole a bad name, and making yourselves seem unhinged and dangerous. Is that the reputation you want?
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birdy-the-tweet · 6 months
Day 3 - Monster
Another writing prompt for Day 3 of Nexocember! Today, I'm gonna delve a little into the future of the rewrite and in the climax of Aaron's story arc as he makes his final stride on the path to meet his end at the hands of the Green Knight.
Firefox mentions below as well! I think that's the ship name for Macy and Aaron? I dunno, I love a good DnD pun so I call them Drakewarden. Y'know, after Drakewarden Ranger- yeah okay I'll shut up.
Time Stamp: S7 E7 - Same Mistake
Not once in his life had he ever called a single person, machine, creature, or beast a monster.
It was like how some people refused to say they “hated” someone when “greatly dislike” or “not fond of” worked just fine instead. The word “monster” was more than just a label scholars would throw around when discussing the great trials and tribulations of Knighton’s formation and cementing. It described the actions of a man as so vile and horrid, they couldn’t be deemed human for thinking any of their decisions were sane or morally right. It was one thing to be a bad person, perhaps even troubled or misguided, but to be a monster… To Aaron, there was a threshold to reach before anything could earn that title.
He’d known plenty of bad people growing up. The knights who were stationed in Grindstead? No most of those were bad people, entitled jerks who flaunted their shields like it was the crown of the Halberts and dragged many civilians into poverty, anxiety, and servitude. Only recently did he get the chance to learn of a few knights who broke the modern criteria, his classmates included. None of them were bad people, not even Clay. Especially not Clay.
He wished he could’ve said goodbye to all of them.
Pacing tensely through the lush green domain of trees and life, the Emerald Knight approached an archway naturally crafted of eroded stone and slithering flower vines. He discarded his armor at the camp, now dressed in nothing but a worn down tunic, a pair of grime-stained trousers, and his only pair of shoes that survived long enough to reach this point of the journey. One year ago, a week or so before today, he stupidly made a deal with a fey to partake in a twisted game of fate. He killed the creature with a single swing of an axe. Now it was his turn to die.
Regrets fluttered in his mind like agitated wasps, gnawing at his brain as he drew closer to the unnerving ruins before him. He knew he should’ve said goodbye to his team. He knew he should’ve visited the place where they let Clay’s statue rest. He knew he should’ve been kinder to his parents instead of losing his temper during what he liked to call his Last Supper. He knew he should’ve told his siblings about what would happen to him, now knowing they would spend the next Candle Festival questioning why they didn’t receive a present from him.
He knew he should’ve said goodbye to Macy instead of leaving her at the campsite to wake up without him.
Hazy eyes stinging with exhaustion winced as he drew his gaze to the stone arch. Glimmers of blue danced around the mineral on soft gusts of morning wind. Butterflies. They were butterflies. He’d seen butterflies like those before. They would hover close around…
Yep. This was the right place. The Green Chapel, as the fey put it all that time ago.
A year of rancid dreams slaughtering his sleeping self time and time again in more excruciating ways than the last, now put to rest at the terror of knowing it was moments away from reality. This was it. The moment he stepped through the archway and into the greenery of the ruins, his life would come to an end. It didn’t scare him necessarily, for nothing did. But he wished he had more time to make his life more complete. An apology to Clay for being a thorn in his neck all these years would’ve been wonderful. A hug to Axl would make him worry less about his well being. And oh, what he’d give to see what was really under Dauntless’s mask. He should’ve kissed Macy too.
No. He couldn’t be thinking about those things, about the “what ifs” and “what could’ve beens”. There were a smorgasbord of achievements he collected like limited edition figurines over the years, and this year especially was in mint condition as Macy would say. He became a knight of the realm, something he didn’t think he’d enjoy at that time but grew to appreciate throughout the last few months. His unique talent for sports and parkour grew to astronomical levels, so much so he could scale the entire city of Knightonia without any more than a cut on his arm. While the stress of being the kingdom’s only protectors drained him of his smile from time to time, he got to see more of the realm in a span of five months than a normal coastline civilian would ever see in fifty years. He introduced Axl to the team and helped him become an official knight in training, and he rescued both Pola and Fred from their father’s schemes. The knights had battled lava monsters, stone lycans, vicious techno vampires, ocean spirits, giant kings; all of which wouldn't have been possible without the unintentional family they all had become. With Robin and Ava's intelligence and ingenuity, Merlok's guidance and magic, Axl and Flint's contributions as a sixth knight and a spy against the enemy, and the long, strenuous marathon of growth and teamwork the five of them had developed over almost five years, why, the kingdom would've been in much worse shape.
They were a family now. He couldn't deny it now that he gave it more thought at his final moments. Even though he was forced into a role that gave him more heart ache, stress, anger, and injustice than a woman fisherman working among monster hunters, he wouldn't have changed a single moment of his late adolescence and early adulthood. It humbled him - in an odd way - and made him aware of his fragility and humanity. He found the love of his life, he made some killer friends at the academy, he traveled the realm and witnessed spectacles and horrors beyond the imagination. But if he could wish for anything, he'd want a future with those people. Just one more day would've been great. He'd make it the best day of his life even if it was his last.
"Green Knight?!" bellowed the ginger haired knight into the wind, the breeze catching his words and whisking them into the heart of the empty clearing. When silence answered, he felt a boiling tinge of unease. "I'm here! A little late, but had some detouring to do. You're not exactly good at giving directions, ya know."
More silence. Nothing. Absolutely nothing. For the love of the storm, he hated this. Not even the Fortrex at the dead of night was this quiet; there was always a gentle hum in the RV's walls and enough snoring to keep his mind calm. Where was this fey? It told him to find him at the Green Chapel, did it not? It was like it wanted him to lose his sanity before dealing the final blow, like it found it funny to watch him unravel into broken breaths and trembling limbs. He could already feel the headache from the lack of air pooling his lungs like a shallow low tide.
All of his optimism had been wasted on an idiotic idea that maybe, just maybe, he could weasel his way out of his doom. Maybe if he showed the creature he was worth sparing, or maybe if he showed kindness and courage, he'd be fine. But again, silence answered. It didn't care. Of course it didn't care. It just wanted to shed blood.
Clenching his teeth and stifling a snarl behind a low, guttural exhale, Aaron barked at the wind. "HEY. WHERE ARE YOU?? You made me go all this way for NOTHING OR SOMETHING?? What, chickening out now?? I thought you were SO THRILLED to kill me! Having second thoughts now?? You made me think I was gonna die in some horrible way all year long for NOTHING? WHERE IN GOD'S BLOOD ARE YOU YOU A-"
A creak of wood groaned through the canopy, stealing his breath before he could finish his sentence. His jaw rattled as he inhaled unstably and craned his head to the branches above his head. Not all of the branches were... branches.
It was exactly how his dreams played out. A head crowned in wooden horns twitched like an ant infected by cordyceps. Some of the tree limbs twisted and unraveled from the trunks, revealing a pair of massive fingers made of the same wooden material as buried roots. Growls and moans hoarsely crackled through the bark of the creature hoisting itself from the shadows.
His blood ran cold, feet frozen in the earth despite not processing fear from its presence. It took its time to show itself. No, it waited until he lost his temper to show itself. This was nothing but a game, a fey prank in the most horrendous form, and he was the victim of the emotional turmoil it found so deliciously amusing. He felt so stupid for ever thinking it would ever have the heart to spare him. All the insomnia, the stress, the dread of knowing he wouldn't see the flowers of spring, the loss of appetite and nausea after nightmares made him nothing more than a lunch for the beast, the breakdowns, the apologies to loved ones, and every day he had to wear a fake smile just so nobody would worry when the time came for him to vanish; the fey didn't care. It was all entertainment. It was all part of the game.
Not once in his life had he ever called a single person, machine, creature, or beast a monster.
But in that moment, when the Green Knight lowered itself from the canopy of the woodlands and glared down at him with a skeletal mask for a wooden face, only one thing left Aaron's mouth.
"...oh you monster."
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rinwritesfics · 7 months
Plot: Your leave was cancelled, so Hawk improvises.
Warnings: suggestive material at the end
Word Count: 1717
Author’s Note: Thanks to the Discord for the help with this, both with Hawk’s concept appearance (@fakegingerr and @diviluscorner) and for divilu for the character – this one has been a long time coming.
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“Hawk!” you yelled from under the ship. “What did you do to my baby?”
“Your baby? It’s my ship!” he laughed.
“Not if you’re not taking care of her!”
He scooted under with you. “What did you find?”
“The reason the landing gear jammed.” You held up your gloved hands and played with the substance between your fingers, a disgusted look on your face. “I don’t know what it is, but it’s sticky, gritty, and all kinds of nasty.”
Hawk scrunched up his nose. “Gross.”
“Yeah, you’re telling me. It doesn’t smell like gear grease, so it had to come from the last mission.”
“What does it smell like?”
You held your fingers over to him and he sniffed, then his whole face contorted at the rancid smell. “Oh, is that where that smell is coming from? I thought something crawled in and died in this hangar bay.”
“Precisely why I don’t favor the idea of finding out what this is. I just want it gone.” You pulled your hand back and wiped it on a towel. He gave the towel a disgusted look and you laughed. “Oh, don’t worry. It’s the most threadbare towel I have. I’ll burn it and space the ashes once I’m done.”
Hawk laughed and you smiled as you watched him. You had it for him. You had it pretty good. Or pretty bad, it was hard to tell anymore. It probably started because he was the one you spent the most time with aside from the other mechanics. It may have even been because he actually cared about the tactics you used on his LAAT/i when you worked on it. It wasn’t all that often you worked on a ship the pilot would actually stay around to see fixed up. He’d started off teasing you, but then started wanting to learn over time.
“Y/N? You okay?” Hawk asked, breaking into your thoughts.
You turned away and blinked. “Yeah, sorry. I’m just a little tired. Guess I’m lucky I’ll get some time off soon with the leave.”
His face fell a little. “Yeah. I’m glad you get to go on that vacation you were talking about. But what will we do without you?”
You laughed. “Hopefully not get into too much trouble! Otherwise the other mechanics will make sure I never hear the end of it! ‘Oh, yeah, they broke this and this while you were gone and then I had to clean it.’”
He chuckled. “I’ll do my best.”
“Your best to stay out of trouble, or do your best to get into trouble?”
“Maybe a little bit of both, gotta keep life interesting for you.”
You turned back to the gooey purple stuff on the landing gear. “Oh, don’t worry. You always do. Hey, if you’re sticking around, mind grabbing me the dental pick from my tool kit? There’s a couple spots I’ll need to reach into that my fingers can’t.”
“Will you burn that, too, after cleaning?”
You laughed again. “Only to sterilize it!”
He crawled out of his spot and you watched the back of his head as he did. His maroon wing tattoos mirrored each other from the base of his skull and wrapped up to his temples. There was a pair of darker Jaig eyes hidden at the start of each wing, one eye on each. The tattoos were darkened still by the shadow of the close shave he had. You didn’t know the origin of the eyes, but they matched Captain Rex’s so there had to be a connection there and in regards to his piloting.
He then crawled back under with the tool which you grabbed from him, your hands just brushing each other. He looked like he was about to say something else, but a couple troopers called his name.
“Go on, I’ve got it.” You smiled, then turned back to the mess. “Go have some down time.”
He did a look between the door and you, then gave you an apologetic look before leaving.
. . .
“I’m sorry, what do you mean permission was retracted?”
“Exactly what it says. You’re needed here.”
“But this shore leave was guaranteed to me.”
The head mechanic gave you a sympathetic look and put his hand on your shoulder. “I wish there was more I could do. I’m sorry.”
You turned away numbly. Three months. You had been guaranteed this time off just like the others on your civilian team. You had planned everything with your friends back home three months in advance. Now it was all gone.
You meandered to the mess hall and numbly grabbed a tray before plopping down at an empty table. Your shift was over, Hawk’s landing gear was clean and functional, and now you had nothing to distract you.
Time passed, or maybe it didn’t because of how tired you were, so when Hawk showed up, you didn’t know how long you had been sitting, prodding at your food as if expecting it to stand up and do a dance.
“Hey-oh, what happened? Is the gear done for?” Hawk immediately sat beside you.
“Oh, no, your gear’s just like new.” You turned back to your full tray and Hawk pushed his away slightly to turn his full attention – and body – to you.
“Food worse than usual? Something hurt? What is it?”
“I’m staying here, Hawk. I’ve been denied my vacation. Too many campaigns need my expertise. Guess you’ll be seeing more of me than you thought.”
His mouth dropped open. “Hey, no, that’s not what I -”
“I know.” You gave him a half-smile to try to reassure him. “It’s not your fault.”
“Even though it’s not my fault, I’m still sorry to hear you won’t get that rest you need. That you won’t get to go exploring and spend time in the sun.”
“Thanks,” you said quietly, then pushed your tray away and rested your chin on your arms. “Oh, by the way, I found the source of that goo. It was organic, not mechanic.”
“What was it?”
“Trust me when I say you don’t want to know.” You sighed, then grabbed your tray and stood up, looking at it guiltily.
His voice was soft when he spoke. “Hey, I’ll take care of it. It’s okay.”
You gave him a small smile, a real one, then set the tray down and walked away. Even if you weren’t going on vacation, you were at least going to try to get some rest.
. . .
A few hours later, a knock came at the door of your quarters, rousing you from your sleep.
“Hey,” said Hawk. He stood before you in only the lower half of his kit, rubbing the back of his neck and looked like his mind was elsewhere. He looked really, really cute.
You blinked. Clearly you were delirious. “Hi.”
“I don’t mean to bother you, but -”
“What did you break?”
His eyes widened and he lifted his hands. “Nothing, I swear! I just wanted to show you something.”
You chuckled softly. “Okay, what did your brothers break?”
“Still nothing. I checked.”
Your brow furrowed. “What do you mean you checked?”
“It’s… easier to explain if I show you.”
. . .
“Hawk, where are we going? This isn’t the way to the hangar bay.”
“I know. Just trust me. Trust me like I trust you.”
You blushed. “Okay.”
After another minute, he let go of your hand in front of a door. “Trust me?”
You nodded and he placed his hands over your eyes. You heard the door open and he guided you in. When you heard the door close, you could feel his arms move away from you. “Open your eyes.”
When you did, you were stunned. The room was lit in warm light only by four lamps on the floor set to medium and a blanket canopy hung in the middle of the room. Under the canopy were a few pillows piled up and another blanket. A mess room tray had snacks on it, and a datapad sat next to it.
“Hawk, did you do all this?” you asked in a hushed tone. He had even gotten you the good snacks!
He rubbed the back of his neck. “I had a little help. I know it’s not the vacation you wanted, but -”
You threw your arms around his neck. “Thank you! This is so sweet!”
He hesitantly wrapped his arms around your waist, and you pulled back quickly.
“I’m sorry, that was very inappropriate of me to do.”
“Wait, no, I uh… I liked it.”
You looked back up at him.
“Can I… can I admit something? You don’t have to reciprocate, I promise.” He paused a moment to confirm he still had your attention. Worry creased his brow and the low light in the room exacerbated the lines. “I like you. More than… more than a friend.”
“You’re not kidding, are you?” you asked softly, excitement starting to bubble in your chest.
“No, I’m serious.”
You hugged him again. “I’ve had a crush on you for a while, now.”
“Oh, thank the Maker.” He hugged you back.
After a moment, you pulled away. “Do you have anywhere to be soon?”
He shook his head. “Not unless something comes up. Why?”
You bit your lower lip. “Would you like to join me on my ‘vacation’?”
His eyes brightened. “I’d really like that.”
“Come on, then, help me pick a holovid. Maybe we can share my snacks.” You winked.
He picked you up and spun you around before settling you on the ground again, laughing at your squeal. “I’d really like to kiss you right now,” he said quietly.
“Me, too,” you whispered back and leaned to catch his lips with yours. The kiss was soft and sweet until he picked you up and carried you to lay amongst the pillows. You broke the kiss to giggle.
“What?” he asked.
“Oh, nothing. Just that hawks mate for life and you just laid me down in a mess of pillows that suspiciously could also be considered a nest.”
He laughed, then said softly, “I wouldn’t mind mating for life with you if I was a bird.”
“Me, too, Hawk.” You kissed him again in your nest of pillows, leaving the datapad completely forgotten.
Taglist: @trixie2023
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(I'm not a good artist, but here's the rough concept of what I pictured.)
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lurkingshan · 7 months
I hate how Boston has been treated in the show and by some parts of fandom just cos he doesn’t conform to the norms of monogamy and likes casual sex. I also get the feeling the finale favoured the branded pairings so their couples ended up endgame even if it didn’t make sense.
Neo is not in a branded pairing so his character’s story arc got screwed over. Sighs… I agree with your other anon that Boston leaving the toxic friend group is a silver lining. That’s the only positive thing for Boston. I still hate how he’s been treated overall.
The finale definitely favored the branded pairs and sometimes in a way that didn't track with who they were or their stories up to last week. Ray basically got a personality transplant this ep (which can be hand-waved away by his relative sobriety) in order to portray him as suddenly perceptive and make him and Sand a stable couple all of a sudden; it felt very off to me. And did you notice how they said they were going to call their new business SandRay? Giving themselves a literal ship name! Kind of on the nose.
Mew and Top barely felt like themselves in some parts of this ep; I definitely had a few out of body moments where I felt like I was back in bossbabe watching Gun and Cher. Since when is Mew clingy and cuddly and cutesy? It was such a weird vibe all of a sudden. And that fire alarm scene was plainly only to reassure the audience that Top didn't lie about his trauma; that scene was there to respond to fan outcry about Top's character, it served no other narrative function. For me, the over the top happiness of their ending after weeks of being told they don't trust each other just felt false.
As for Boston and Nick. What really gets my goat about this ending for them is that we have spent weeks in a narrative about how Nick gets Boston in a way other people do not. He told him point blank that he doesn't have to change, he loves him for who he is. And this finale completely undercut that. I was actually on board for their conversation about the different way they see the meaning of being faens; for Boston that is all about emotion and quality time and has nothing to do with sex while for Nick it's all or nothing. That's valid as a final conflict for them. I could have even been happy with an ending where they mutually decided to part ways because of this impasse. But instead, we got Boston desperate and confused and Nick firmly rejecting him, leaving him alone on the concrete. That's fucking rancid as an ending for them after everything they've been through.
And even with that said, had the whole show stayed true to its original tone of mess and chaos and destruction, I could have rolled with that bad ending for Boston and Nick if the sentiments of it were echoed across the show. But they decidedly were not. The narrative singled them out for this shitty ending while the other couples got to bask in unearned happiness. I get madder the more I think about it.
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