#and professor geto
gojonanami · 5 months
I think I have a problem.
I keep thinking about Professor Suguru.
Professor Suguru. Professor Suguru. Professor Suguru. Professor Suguru. Professor Suguru. Professor Suguru. Professor Suguru. Professor Suguru. Professor Suguru. Professor Suguru. Professor Suguru. Professor Suguru. Professor Suguru. Professor Suguru. Professor Suguru. Professor Suguru. Professor Suguru. Professor Suguru. Professor Suguru. Professor Suguru. Professor Suguru. Professor Suguru. Professor Suguru. Professor Suguru. Professor Suguru. Professor Suguru. Professor Suguru. Professor Suguru. Professor Suguru. Professor Suguru. Professor Suguru. Professor Suguru. Professor Suguru. Professor Suguru. Professor Suguru. Professor Suguru. Professor Suguru. Professor Suguru. Professor Suguru. Professor Suguru. Professor Suguru. Professor Suguru. Professor Suguru. Professor Suguru. Professor Suguru. Professor Suguru. Professor Suguru. Professor Suguru. Professor Suguru. Professor Suguru. Professor Suguru. Professor Suguru. Professor Suguru. Professor Suguru. Professor Suguru. Professor Suguru. Professor Suguru. Professor Suguru. Professor Suguru. Professor Suguru. Professor Suguru. Professor Suguru. Professor Suguru. Professor Suguru. Professor Suguru. Professor Suguru. Professor Suguru. Professor Suguru. Professor Suguru. Professor Suguru. Professor Suguru. Professor Suguru. Professor Suguru. Professor Suguru. Professor Suguru. Professor Suguru. Professor Suguru. Professor Suguru. Professor Suguru. Professor Suguru. Professor Suguru. Professor Suguru. Professor Suguru. Professor Suguru. Professor Suguru. Professor Suguru. Professor Suguru. Professor Suguru. Professor Suguru. Professor Suguru. Professor Suguru. Professor Suguru. Professor Suguru. Professor Suguru. Professor Suguru. Professor Suguru. Professor Suguru. Professor Suguru. Professor Suguru. Professor Suguru. Professor Suguru. Professor Suguru. Professor Suguru. Professor Suguru. Professor Suguru. Professor Suguru. Professor Suguru. Professor Suguru. Professor Suguru. Professor Suguru. Professor Suguru. Professor Suguru. Professor Suguru. Professor Suguru. Professor Suguru. Professor Suguru. Professor Suguru. Professor Suguru. Professor Suguru. Professor Suguru. Professor Suguru. Professor Suguru. Professor Suguru. Professor Suguru. Professor Suguru. Professor Suguru. Professor Suguru. Professor Suguru. Professor Suguru. Professor Suguru. Professor Suguru. Professor Suguru. Professor Suguru. Professor Suguru. Professor Suguru. Professor Suguru. Professor Suguru. Professor Suguru. Professor Suguru. Professor Suguru. Professor Suguru. Professor Suguru. Professor Suguru. Professor Suguru. Professor Suguru. Professor Suguru. Professor Suguru. Professor Suguru. Professor Suguru. Professor Suguru. Professor Suguru. Professor Suguru. Professor Suguru. Professor Suguru. Professor Suguru. Professor Suguru. Professor Suguru. Professor Suguru. Professor Suguru.
this seems like the opposite of a problem.
but it’s one I share because I just went out with my family and all I could think about was getting home to write more hahaha
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lemonemlyn · 4 months
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Geto Sensei🎓🐒❤️
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bunnyywritings · 1 month
birthday special event !!
okay ! so, i wanted to do a fun little thing for my upcoming birthday (may 22nd) and i've been wanting to practice writing smut SO i came up with a onlyfans/pornstar!au with multiple characters (it's lowkey super self indulgent cause i love these characters sm)
it'll be throughout that week of may 19th-25th and here are the planned characters and their "videos"
sunday: nanami kento - lazy morning/soft sex monday: roy mustang - soft bdsm/he let's you think you have power tuesday: suguru geto - "caught" masterbating/guided masturbation wednesday: akira tendo - head while he plays video games/kinda voyer thursday: stein - (i'm not even sorry for this one) college prof. stein/shy straight A student friday: loid forger - i can't decide between "babysitter" reader or like forbidden co-workers or sumth saturday: toji fushiguro - i have no fucking clue
so i'm still in the process of writing but any and all comments or suggestions about the like theme of each "video" is welcome (please please please i need feedback) i'm excited for this and hopefully ya'll will be too
feedback here (or if you want to be added to the taglist) !!
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starglowy · 7 months
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✨Shop Update!!!✨ Flora Enamel Pin preorders are up!! As well as some new charms and acrylic pins, including a big restock of a lot of charms! I've also added many sticker sheets I've done for patreon!
✨✨ Link to my store here ✨✨
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Yall can't argue with me
125 notes · View notes
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A/N= I had this idea 5 or so days ago, and I can't tell you how much Professor Geto stuff I've seen since. I guess we're all on the same wavelength, and that's awesome. There needs to be more Professor Geto in the world.
C/W= P->V. Oral (giving/receiving). Lap riding. Masturbation (tiny talk of toys). Adult movie. Some cutesy shit. Some humor. Maybe a few other things. MDNI NSFW 🔞
W/C: 7k+some
For Science! 👊
"The pattern of the effectual relationship is more obvious in the decline of overall satisfaction. Do you all see how this corroborates with the suggestion that love and sex don't have to go hand in hand?" He looked at you when he said this. It made you shift slightly in your warmed seat.
Professor Geto was trying not to lose his students' attention in this lecture. But they were all idiots who were run solely by their hormones.
"She can go hand my cock!" Someone yelled from the middle of the auditorium.
"Yes. What a very clever hypothesis," Geto said. "Why, uh, why don't you all just head out. Winter break starts in ... 39 minutes. Just go. Happy whatever. I'll see you in the new year when we're back in session."
The same asshole yelled out, "You mean SEX-SION!" Him and his dipshit friends laughed all the way to the courtyard.
Geto, unamused, shook his head and adjusted his glasses as the rest of his students filed out into the snow. He began putting a gross amount of paperwork into his worn leather bag, and then he looked around to make sure everyone was gone before he locked up.
His eyes landed on you. In your heavy sweatshirt and jeans. You sat in the very last seat in the front row, farthest from the exit.
"Were you asleep when I told everyone to go? Fucking kids these days –" You cut off his complaint and asked him if he could go over one thing with you before you left.
"Oh, a legitimate question. I apologize. What about ....?" He turned his left ear a little to you, hinting at you to say what your name was.
You put your hand to your chest, "Y/n. It's y/n."
"Ok, y/n. What's your question?" You gathered up your laptop and scattered papers and stuck them in your backpack. Then you stood and walked over to him.
He immediately saw how beautiful you are, even hidden away under the navy blue sweatshirt and bulky jeans you wore. You pulled your hood off and let your hair pool around your shoulders.
It surprised him, you staying behind. Most of his students made a run for it as quickly as possible.
Professor Geto was no fool. In fact, he was quite intuitive. He'd run his course based on several factors; how the audience was reacting to him, how he was being perceived at different parts of his lectures. He was always aware of his surroundings.
You got to his desk and leaned your curvy hips against the edge of the heavy, dark wood.
"You say that scientists have long supported the idea that love and sex don't have to go hand in hand?"
"Mmhm." He nodded. Feeling the slightest rush of heat throughout his body while discussing this with you. Surely, he shouldn't feel like he was crossing a line. He was the professor of a very valid and increasingly important course. Plus, you approached him. It's not as if he asked you to stay behind to discuss your grade so he could bend you over his desk and fuck an 'A' next to your name on his computer. These things were typical discussion topics.
"Have these "scientists" done any studies of the effects of dopamine levels in two people that fuck —"
Both of your eyes locked with the other's. Uncertain if you meant to say that to him as he was your teacher or if you intentionally left the word dangling between the two of you in the emptied room.
"If you fuck someone enough..." you continued like you were, for the most part, unphased by his pause. "...and they're good at what they do, and they make you cu– I mean, climax often, if not consistently, then on a semi-regular basis, won't some sort of feelings develop over time? Like, there would be some sort of attachment formed. I know it would be hard for me to be fucking someone, to be so intimate with them and not have feelings bubble up at some point. Especially with all the hormones and shit involved. Some people just make you feel better. You can feign physical attraction. But a chemical one? I don't know."
He stared at you with a blank face. You looked right back at him, waiting for his answer. Your e/c drawing him in. Shifting your backpack from your right shoulder to your left, you cleared your throat.
"Um, shit. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have asked YOU this. I'll go talk to my family priest or something."
Geto laughed, "You have a priest?" You sat your stuff down and scrunched up your nose, smiling back at him. "Well, no. The only time my family talks to God is when their asses are in the air gettin' – no. Not religious."
"Did you have any other ideas about sex and love? How can you have them both, none, or merely one or the other?"
You were a little taken aback as to why he wasn't offering you an answer. You did, after all, approach him about this.
"What are you doing right now?" He asked you, hoping to come across as cool and apathetic as he always was. But his cock was beginning to ache for your undivided attention. And though Professor Geto was a master at driving people's attention where he wanted it, he could not seem to alter your ability to maintain eye contact.
You suddenly straightened your body at his question. "W‐what am I doing right now? I mean," for some reason, you wanted to come off as if you were in really high demand.
That was anything but the truth: Your mother and step-dad went to his family's vacation home in the English countryside a week before you were out for the winter. They offered to pay for your ticket. But you really didn't like Christmas anyway and told them you had a lot of studying to do.
"Do you have plans over the holiday with your family? Friends?" He waited what he thought was a healthy amount of time before he asked you if you were doing anything special with your boyfriend.
Your outburst of laughter was embarrassing. You haven't had a boyfriend since your junior year of high school. The guys you knew made passes at you, sure. But they were so fucking childish. You hated it.
"Sor- hahaha -no, sorry. I don't have a boyfriend waiting for me under the mistletoe this year. I'm just going to be in my quiet dorm room. Waiting for this godforsaken stretch of time to end."
He didn't find that funny at all, which made you feel like an even larger tool. "So, you're just, going to be alone this Chrismas?"
You lifted your hood over your hair and answered him smoothly. "Yyyyep. I guess I'll see you when we're back in sex-sion? Eh?"
At long last, you got a laugh from him. "So wait. You're telling me that you're capable of laughter!?" You said sarcastically.
"I'm capable of more than you can imagine, little one."
That was it, your cunt fluttered at his suggestive admission. Grasping at anything to break that spell he cast over you. Those were the words that spurred on your attraction for your Human Sexuality professor.
"Well, if you're not doing anything this week, there's a French film playing at the old cinema on 11th and Craine. We don't have to go together. We don't even have to sit near each o-"
"YES. I mean, yeah. I'd love to go. What time?" You interrupted him so hard that he jumped a little at your shouting. He smiled. It was beautiful. He never smiled in class.
"There's a showing to- ah, damn it. Let me check my phone for the times again. Sorry. Hold on." He pulled his phone from his professor-y blazer, and scrolled through the listing. "Yeah. Ok, so there's showings tomorrow night at 7, 9:20, 11:40, and 2am."
Your heart sank to the floor. "Nothing tonight, huh?" He looked at you. So small and absolutely let down. He wanted to comfort you over this absurd disappointment. But that is a line he shouldn't cross. You were his student. It was against the school's code of conduct for him to do anything more than teach you. But this was a loophole. He was fairly certain he could talk himself out of any infraction.
Oh my god, how he wanted to reach his hand to your face. To lift your eyes to his with the pads of his fingers under your chin. It was such a stupid blunder. He almost wishes he hadn't said anything to you about it.
"I – no. I'm sorry, y/n. As it stands, the only showings are tomorrow. I prefer to go to the –"
"Earlier shows, right?" You asked, not even trying to shield him from your growing frustration at having to wait.
"Eh, no. No, actually, I prefer the later ones. The later, the better. Despite being a teacher, I really try to avoid people as much as possible. My friend group is pretty small. Anyway. Here's my card with my personal cell on the back. Let me know if I should expect you, hm? If I don't see you, please have a nice break."
You wanted to protest from the rooftop to keep him there talking with you. But there just wasn't a reason to say anything else. So you said goodbye and walked out into the freezing air. And head back to your 1/2 vacant dorm room.
The way back, you replayed the conversation between the two of you. It felt like a really long talk. But really, it took no longer than 10 minutes.
You felt a little stupid for getting upset about having to wait a whole day to see him. Well, if you decide to go, that is.
For now, you would find odd things to keep you busy to better pass the time.
* ● *● * ● * ●
You woke up feeling FANTASTIC. You slept for 9 hours. Your dreams were filled with Geto fucking you until you couldn't walk anymore so he had to carry you to his bed and fuck you to the point you couldn't talk. It was the best night in you've had in ages.
Today was the day you were supposed to meet him at the old theater for the French film. You picked up the jeans you were wearing yesterday and dug around for his phone number so you could let him know you would be joining him tonight.
"Whe– Where the fuck is that card! Shit! How am I supposed to call and let him ... oh goddamn it all to hell." You sat down on your bed and tossed your hands into your lap. "The later, the better. Ok. No one goes to an 11:40 movie over winter break. Right? Ok! So I'll just get there at 11:30 and go sit in the theater ... and, and wait. Where is that fucking card!?"
You ripped your desk apart. Shook out everything you wore when he gave it to you. It was nowhere to be found. But at least you knew roughly what time he would be there.
* ● *● * ● * ●
It was 8 pm, and you were beside yourself with anticipation. You'd already gotten yourself off twice and considering a third orgasm to dull your nervous edge just a bit more.
Instead of trying to ease your anxieties a 3rd time that way, you tried a shower with your favorite aromatic oils. You hated how well this shit worked. "It's so cliché, mom." You told her when she brought you back a box of oils from India.
That all changed when you made your own sandlewood and vanilla blend. You never gave her any shit again. And when they travel, she will oftentimes pick up some new oils for you to test. There's literally an oil for whatever is ailing you.
You were lucky to be one of the on-campus residents to have a newer dorm with a shower in the room. You were fine showering in a more public space, but there were time restrictions in the shared bathing areas.
Turning the water on, you took off your clothes and stepped into the steam. There was a part of you that wanted to take a leisurely shower. To exfoliate and shave and deep condition your hair.
But you were too nervous to hold a razor to your body. The looks Professor Geto had been giving you all semester had finally amounted to something. Was this a date? "I need to stop this hyperfocus shit. Gotta cum again."
You cracked open the shower door and stepped carefully out onto the mat on the floor to dry your feet. You've fallen too many times to not take shower safety seriously. And if you fell tonight you'd never forgive yourself for fucking up this chance.
Your new vibrator was still in its box in your nightstand drawer. You opened the packaging like a child on Christmas morning and started button mashing the 3 at the base of it to figure out which button did what.
"Let's see just what this baby can do. Ok. This button – oh! Oh ... damn." You raised your eyebrows. "I ... may never ... be stressed about anything again."
You figured out the most basic settings; the bunny ears got you off really quickly. Truthfully, it was the in-your-head Geto who did the heavy lifting. But you felt a little better.
You shaved everything you wanted to shave and exfoliated everything that was safe to exfoliate.
The outfit you chose was simple, but seen by the right eyes, it could be considered sexy. It was a long, large floral-print pattern over a solid green background and a white tight-fitting t-shirt. You wore boots with thigh-high socks. This provided you with some warmth from the cold. The socks were thick and connected to a garter belt around your waist so they wouldn't slouch down. You made the conscious decision to forgo panties for the night.
"Ok," you said. "You smell delicious. You're soft and silky. You. Are. Ready. Ready to sit with him for 2 hours and 20 minutes."
"S'do this, y/n."
* ● *● * ● * ●
Friday 11:30pm
11th and Craine @ The Faux Devant Theater
Film: Ton sexe. Mon sexe. Notre sexe.
Translation: Your sex, My sex, Our sex
* ● *● * ● * ●
"There's just the one movie playing here tonight?" You asked, embarrassed that you were alone and buying a ticket for a movie that had the word sex in it 3 times, and you didn't know what the other 3 words translated to.
"Yeah, this is here until the end of the week, and then we dig up another one. Blah blah blah."
You laughed at their apparent boredom with the job. "Ok, uh, 1 adult for," you pointed at the poster of the naked people in a lovers embrace. "For this one, I guess." They gave you your ticket, smirked, and told you to enjoy the show.
You went into the dark room, and you were surprised to see how it was set up. There was no traditional theater seating. But there were couches and loveseats spread smartly across the floor.
You looked around for anyone else who might be in there tonight. It was totally empty. Even the projection room lights were off.
The movie was going to start in about 5 minutes. Where was he? "Oh god. Ohhh nooo. Fuck. He's standing me up. And not in a good way, either. God, to think that he would sit through some stupid French flick with me."
You sank down into the loveseat in the middle of the room as your heart sank deeper into your heavy chest. Settling in to watch a movie that you wouldn't have chosen on your own. You were hoping for the best and expecting the worst.
The opening credits started to roll, and the story began to unfold. And quickly, to your surprise. There were subtitles, but you wanted to watch the story rather than read about it.
You're fairly certain that it was about a couple of people who knew nothing of each other or about sex. They experienced all the feelings that come with arousal and wanting another's touch. But they'd never *experienced* it themselves. Not under their own hand or someone else's. It was a sheltered existence they had before moving to the city.
There was one scene that will always stand out to you: They met by chance at a café.They reached for the sugared cinnamon to sprinkle on the foam of their cappuccino, and when their hands touched, neither one of them recoiled. They knew they had to be together come hell or high water. It was cheesy. But beautiful.
It was like because of touching the other person's hand, they finally belonged to this life. They were grounded by this single brush of skin. They were meant to be together.
They explored, touched, tasted their partner's body, and came to find that the only thing they'd been missing from their lives was the other person.
In the scene where they fully dive into their sexual awakening, you thought you heard someone stepping into the room. But you couldn't see anyone when you looked around, so you just turned your focus back to the film and watched these people devour one another.
They both gave of themselves and received everything physically possible. Some things you took note of. If nothing else, you could walk away from this with a few new tricks.
It left you in a frustrated state. Your hands dug into the soft fabric of the couch, and you shifted your weight often. You wondered for just a second what would happen if you spread your legs and slipped your fingers up under the long skirt you wore.
The movie and your feelings were bordering on pornographic. But you've always been a curious soul, so it didn't bother to see this. You were surprised that your professor had invited you to such a thing, though. How was that not crossing into misconduct?
You really didn't give a damn and pushed the thought to the back of your mind. The whole thing was quite beautiful, actually. Despite your growing frustration at Geto for not fulfilling his commitment to you. But no matter. You were no worse for the wear. What could have possibly happened with you two anyway.
Once the end credits came on the screen, you were sure there would be a wet spot on your skirt. You felt yourself filling with that familiar hot tension. Again. As if 3 orgasms just weren't enough for you to chase off the burning need.
You stood from your seat and put on your jacket before you walked out into the freezing night. As you turned around, your eyes zeroed in on a shadowed figure in the corner of the big room.
"Oh shhh–! Oh my god! You fucking scared me, professor! What the hell are you doing here ... now? The movie just ended." He stood up and seemed to glide across the floor to you. Like a vampire or something. He looked dark.
His hair was down; hanging over his shoulders and just a little in his face. But all he saw was you, standing there, trying to explain away your flushed skin as merely the frozen air that had slapped against your face.
Even though that was nearly 2 1/2 hours ago. It was not a good excuse. Nor were you very proud of it. "I'm glad you stayed to watch this," he said in a low tone. "I knew you'd watch it whether I was here or not."
"You mean, you ... you were here? The whole time, too? Why didn't you sit by me? Or, oh gosh, I dunno, at the very least say something to me?" He could see you were getting pissed at him.
Geto knew it was a little dirty to play with you this way. But he couldn't help himself. You are an adult. A big girl, even though you weren't wearing your big girl panties tonight.
"I wanted to study your reaction to the film. And from the looks of your rosy cheeks and dampened spot on your skir– well, imagine my surprise when I saw you enjoying this.
"My skirt and how wet it is OR isn't, isn't really any of your business. Is it? Pro– Geto?" You stopped yourself from calling him professor and called him by his name. It made you two closer to equals that way. Not teacher and student. Just horny woman and sexpot man.
"Oh. I see. So you're saying it's possible that your little cunt was squirming throughout these last 2 hours? And tell me, pretty girl, just what was it you imagined could tame the burning between your legs? Hm? Was it the toy you fucked yourself with earlier but imagined they were me? How many times did thinking of me make you cum? 3? 4?"
He snapped a black band from his wrist and threw his hair up in a careless bun. "Oh. Fuck," you thought. "This man is obsessed with me and stalking me and, and ..." Your thoughts trickled off as you realized how stupid you sounded thinking this garbage. He wasn't interested in you.
As relieved as you felt at that conclusion, you were also hit with a brief sadness that you were just another student to him. He's probably invited all kinds of people to cinema. You were no more special than the last.
"Relax, sweetheart. I don't have cameras set up in your bathroom watching you or anything. That would be tacky. I just know your type. You're easily scared."
You laughed at this.
"You get off to relieve tension and stress."
"Yeah? So? Who doesn't?" You shot back at him.
"Fair enough, fair enough." He looked amused by your argument. "Mm. Well, this is all very interesting. But it's time, once again, to watch, so sit down." He pointed to the place next to him.
You openly mocked him for ordering you around. "'Sit down? Sit," your laughter was spiteful. "Sit down. Oh-kay professor." There was that word again. "I've already seen the movie, thanks."
Geto reached up to take your hand and place it against his soft lips. He held it there for a moment and said, "Yes, but you haven't seen it with me." He rooted his dark eyes to yours and stuck the tip of his tongue between where your index and middle finger met. And licked you.
"Sit." And you did.
Wet pussy and all.
The movie has started, and all you want to watch is Geto. The man is beautiful. It made you almost angry about how beautiful he was.
30 minutes into it. He has kept to himself.
45 minutes into it, and his breathing hasn't even changed. But you're feeling the slick between your legs becoming more and more prevalent. Your skirt is getting the worst of it. You're not sure why you do this, but you uncross your legs. Hoping against hope that the way they were pressed together, the way they forced your pussy to rub on itself, would stop.
You were going crazy from this man's indifference.
1 hour into it, and you feel him turn and look at you. He readjusts himself on the plush seat and puts his hand on your knee.
You looked at him, thinking again of how the sharp tip of his wet tongue felt between your fingers. Your breath hitched for just a moment, and he took notice of the change in your demeanor.
Your body is no longer languid on the wide cushion beneath you. Geto wants you to relax while under his watchful eye. He wants to see you come apart at his fingertips. He wants to put you back together, too.
"Is this ok, pretty girl?" Geto asks in an almost too-quiet voice. He looks at you as shadows dance around the room. The couple in the movie has just discovered going down on one another. You watch them with an unwavering focus because if you don't, you're afraid you'll climb on your companions' face and suffocate him between your thighs.
"Mm. You're not comfortable with this. That's fine." He started to pull his hand back from your knee, and you turned your attention to him. Ready to protest his withdrawal, you stumble for your words. "I, I neh–" You clear your throat and try again. "Fuck! I never said that I wasn't comfortable with your hand on my knee. We're not in middle school, Geto. Put your hand on my fuckin' knee if you want to. It doesn't make any difference to me."
He cocked an eyebrow. "No? No difference at all. You're a bigger pain in the ass than I gave you credit for." He shook his head. "I think it's best if I just go. Would you like a ride home?"
"A ride home? Are you fucking kidding me?" You pulled his hand over and sat it on your lap. About 5 or 6 inches above where he'd originally positioned it before. "It ... does ..." You nearly choked on your words this time. "It does make a difference. Ok? OK? Happy now?"
Geto scooched a little closer to you so he could relax, and his hand would stay where you put it. He smiled. "I am. Thank you."
His hand was a double entendre. It made you wonder how something so presumably light could feel so heavy. Such a calming gesture, making you feel so wild.
Geto's right index finger began to draw small but deep 8's over your skirt into your skin. He could feel how warm your body was getting.
You're breathing heavily now. He leaned up and got much closer to you and reached up to brush one of your stray hairs aside like it was the whole reason for the sudden lack of oxygen to your brain.
1 1/2 hours, and his hand is the only thing holding you to this earth. You could sprout wings and fly away. You feel lighter, somehow. Even though he's tethered you here. Tied you to this couch that's seen god knows what. Will it get a new viewing of its own tonight, perhaps?
A particularly graphic scene comes up as you sit there next to Geto. You try to look away, but his grip on your leg tightens. You feel a wave of dizziness as his piercing eyes lock onto yours. "I didn't ask you to the movies with me so you could stare at the wall. Watch this. Learn. Listen. Why do you think that it's impossible to keep love and sex separate during the course of a relationship? And I'm not referring only committed ones.
"A sexual relationship doesn't have to be anything more than the expression of appreciation for someone's physical beauty." He continued. "Love usually runs deeper. To a person's soul. I mean, if you believe that people have souls."
You rolled your eyes. "I hate to play the sexist card. But leave it to a man – a really fucking attractive man, no less, to downplay the closeness that can resonate during sex. Lovemaking. Fucking. Call it what you want. But that's about as intimate as you can get with another person. And I think it's a really vulnerable posit–"
Geto started belly laughing. He lifted his hand from you to hold his flat stomach as he cracked up at your expense. "Listen to you. You sound like a virgin who's grown up watching only movies where there's a happy ending. A true happy ending with a knight in shining armor riding in on his unicorn steed carrying a single white rose because only the best for his untouched bride." He laughed another hard chuckle and looked back at your unamused face.
"You can be a real asshole, you know that." You said. "Just because I think that love AND sex go hand in hand doesn't mean I live for Disney movies. I'm well aware of the harsh realities surrounding love and sex. The way that people are lulled into a false sense of security. They give themselves fully over only to be kicked in the teeth and left on a curb holding a sign that says, 'I'm broken, but give me a chance. PS I'm a good cook, b‐t‐dubs.' And furthermore, it's no secret that the more invested a person becomes in their S/O, the more they turn themselves over to th—"
Geto leaned in and kissed you so lightly on your lips that were moving a thousand words a minute . "Who hurt you." He asked after pulling back. His smile was like a corrosive gel that you could slather on the most tarnished surface to get the ugly off.
You were surprised at how gentle his lips were against yours. You always imagined your time with him would be, well, not that tender. "W–what was that for?" Goddamn it. Why were you always suspicious of people who showed you any interest?
He was silent. After a long pause, he finally spoke, "I wanted to see what it would feel like." You scrunched up your face without even realizing it and asked him if he's ever kissed anyone.
"Are you fucking dumb? Of course I've kissed people. Many people. Men. Women. Any adult on the 'human' spectrum." He rubbed the back of his neck with his left hand. "Ahh. I wanted to see what it was like to kiss you. Ok?"
You thought about that for a moment before leaning over and kissing him again. Softly. Timidly. Sparingly. You were afraid to give too much of yourself to this man. Through kiss or otherwise. It would be too easy to become all consumed with him. You could see yourself vanishing in his wake.
"And that? What was that for?" He asked, staring at you through lustful eyes. You shrugged playfully.
You're not even watching the movie anymore. Really, there was not much point for both of you to sit through it again. You wouldn't forget about the story for a long while to come.
He grabbed your hand and pulled you closer to him. "Prof–professor Geto ... I ... I ..." Your words were desperate. They almost came across as whines. You hoped he'd only note the neediness in your voice and not the pathetic way you're so touch starved.
"Yes, y/n? Tell me. Just ... just tell me." You ran your fingers down the back of his head, eliciting a heavy shiver as you sat down, straddling him. You could feel the bulge grow beneath your spread cunt. He reached to cup your breasts in his slow hands.
You dropped your forehead to his, and for a moment, you wondered if he knew you were bare under your skirt, save for the belt and your socks. You pooled your skirt up around your waist, exposing your thighs and ass. He does now, you thought.
Geto's hands fell to your legs, and he rubbed the soft skin heartily. He leaned forward and grabbed up the most round part of your ass cheeks, and pulled you closer to him. You could feel the slick gathering on his pants. The fabric covering his zipper began to feel tacky.
"Wha– do you wa–want, y/n? Tell me what you want ... from me." You let out a moan as he massaged and held your breasts. He licked around your nipples and nibbled at the mounds of hot flesh.
Your movements on top of him were becoming more and more focused. It was all you could do to not reach between your balanced bodies and denude his cock from its cloth prison. He let out a low moan as you started stroking your pussy against him harder. Your body quivered with pleasure as he tipped forward, putting his mouth on the outside of your ear.
"Do you want ... this?" He sat you down on the couch again and got down on his knees on the floor before you. Geto kissed from where your garter belt stopped on your right leg all the way around. He stopped to lick at your slick opening a few times before turning his attention back to your other thigh, continuing to kiss you there until he was met with the clasps on the opposite leg.
His hands slid easily under your twitching legs as he pulled you to the edge of your seat. "Watch me, not the movie. Understand, pretty?"
You brushed rogue bangs aside to see his face better. "Mmm .... mmhmm." You nodded almost maniacally as he began licking your clit with the focused tip of his tongue. It was all you could do to not slam your head back. It felt so good.
There was a gradually growing wet spot underneath you on the loveseat (now you see that it was ironically named). Geto started to taunt your opening with the tip of his finger. Your body jolted whenever he retreated despite him not really even entering you.
"What do you want, y/n?" You wished that you could talk. That you weren't such a fucking blubbering mess after he'd been going down on you for less than 5 minutes.
"Ah, I wan' – fffuck." You can't hold your head up any longer, so you lay it against the back, still eyeing him. "I want you ..." You manage to say the words clumsily. If your eyes were daggers, he'd have bled out by now.
"You got it." He knelt in front of you and spread your legs and pushed his hands under the long skirt.
He passes the clips on your thighs with his roaming hand. You feel a mix of excitement and nervousness as you try to concentrate. Taking a deep breath, you remind yourself of the hours of preparation. You'd be damned if you weren't going to be rewarded for all of it.
"Do ... do you think anyone will come in?" You asked, suddenly aware you're on display right now."
Geto didn't answer. "Muhh." He was too focused on you. Whatever kind of answer that was. It made you wonder if he was just being agreeable or actually listening.
"Get‐Oh shiiiittt. Oh my god, y-yes. Hmmm..." You didn't remember there were other people on the planet right now. His face was completely buried between your thighs. You see now that he couldn't answer if he wanted to. And from the way he was devouring you, you knew assuring you wasn't at the top of his to-do list.
He went at you like you were an iceblock in the most stark desert. Licking you and sucking you into his mouth. His tongue swirling around your clit had you squirming out of his grasp.
It wasn't that you wanted to break his grip on you. But the feelings were so intense. All focused on one ... tiny ... spot.
"Oh god, Geto, I need ... fffuck. I haf'ta ... " Your words were failing you.
He sat up, licking his lips, smiling at you. His hair disheveled from your fingers, finding their way onto his head. "S' sweet, pretty."
He helped sit you up and sat down next to you. His eyes drunk on your body as he looked at your lips for a minute. The corners of your mouth turned upward slightly as you inched your way over to him.
"Scoot back," you told Geto. You got on your knees on the small couch and leaned over, resting on your elbows. He was so hard. You just wanted him inside of you so badly.
You rested just above his lap as you undid his belt, button, and zipper. He muttered something and moved to help you. "Uh-uh. It's my turn now." You said, and Geto laughed a little. "Who am I to argue."
You pushed his pants down to his knees and then gently, like you were holding a priceless artifact, pulled his thick cock out from his boxers.
You couldn't help but gasp a little as you held it. The way he watched you look it over made you feel nervous. Like you had never seen something like this before. His gaze remained on you as you closely inspected each vein and all the characteristics of it.
You brought the head to your lips and kissed it, immediately dragging a moan from Geto's throat. You've never been with someone who so easily gave themselves over to the sounds. If it were at all possible, you were turned on even more at his vocalizations.
There was no hurry here on your part, so you took things slowly. You were also hoping he had nowhere to be at 2 am.
Adjusting your position so you could rest on his thighs and still utilize your hands, you slipped and felt him hit the back of your throat. "F.U.C.K." You thought. "Does he know I slipped or does he think I'm just amazing?!"
You remembered your roommate telling you the crazy shit her and her boyfriend do. "Yeah, it's really simple once you get your breathing under control. When you master that, you could choke back an actual eggplant." She told you one night after she stumbled in half naked. You promised to take her to coffee as a thank you for her invaluable advice on the subject.
"Ho– holy shit, y/n. That, that's – oh fuck." Geto was restraining himself from thrusting upwards anymore. You were doing well enough on your own.
Bringing your right hand up, you wrap it around his length and begin to stroke him. Your mouth still holding the tip, you lick him with a flat tongue.
"Y/n y/n y/n, fuck ..." He sounds and feels like he's close. You can detect the slight contracting in your mouth when you touch him a certain way or roll him around in your hot, wet mouth.
Geto reached down and cupped your face in his hands. "S-s- M'gonna, hah, ." You sat up, your skirt still somehow held in place at your waist. Your upper legs are shiny from sweat and your juices mixing around.
Geto was lifting his hips off of the couch, and the hand he had on the back of your head was becoming more firm and careless in its grip.
You started breathing heavily through your nose, preparing yourself for what you were about to do.
You took him so far deep, so suddenly, that he let out a noise you were sure was a staple in his infancy.
He leaned forward a bit and grabbed your shoulder with his right hand, and softly put his left on your ear.
"Fuck, y/n. Fucking h– oh, mmhhm, ffffuckkk!" You felt the heat hit the back of your throat and you instinctually swallowed.
You sat up and wiped your face with your forearm. It took him a moment for him to regain his composure, but he was smiling at you like you'd told him the secret to a happy life.
"Y/n. Why are you just sitting there?" The question caught you off guard. "Was – was I supposed to go?" Geto extended his arm to you, and you took it.
He pulled you up onto his lap, and you let out a little squeak at how easily he hauled you over. "Geto ... what'cha, what'cha doin'?"
"Calm down." He chuckled before he settled back into his spot on the couch. He sat you down, straddling him again, but this time, his pants were down.
"C'mere, sweetheart." He pulled you close into him, and he kissed you. Geto's arms wrapped around your waist, and his large hands kneaded the muscles on your back.
You kissed each other so deeply and slowly that you never wanted to stop. Your tongues twist around, leaving you both breathless but unwilling to be the first to pull away.
His bottom lip trailed from your neck to your collarbone, sending shivers down your spine. You let out a soft moan as his hands slid down your back.
You couldn't take the teasing you anymore. His cock was pressing into your wetness, practically begging to be swallowed up into you. "Geto ..." You tried to plead with his reasonable side. But he had no reasonable intentions right now.
Geto whispered in your ear, "You can have it all if you want." The temptation lingers to see how long you can dance over him like this. But ultimately, you sit down on him, taking his cock all the way inside of you.
Both of you throw your heads back, wildly different sounds erupting from your throats. Geto moaned deeply as you enveloped him. His skin was so hot to the touch. "Fuck Geto, ya feel s'good."
He raised your shirt above your chest and ran his thumbs over your nipples. "You're so fucking tight, y/n. Shit, I could – ah, fuck. I could cum right now."
You hastened your movements on him. The way his cock drags against your hot walls was clouding out the reality around you. "Mm–me t-to. Oh god, mmhmm. G'na cum!"
Geto slid his hand between your legs to rub your clit but he wasn't halfway with his reach when the two of you came together.
"Fuck, pretty girl." He lifted you up just enough to see him still inside of you. You looked down to see your body already letting go of the combined juices.
"Now, y/n. I have to ask. Do you love me? Or was that just sex?"
You laughed as your face turned a bright red. "I dunno. I think it's you who loves me."
Geto hooked his arms under your legs and flipped you onto your back on the couch. "Whoo! What're you doing!" You giggled and brushed his hair from his face.
"From a scientific perspective, I think this is going to require a lot of research."
You rolled your eyes, smirking. Geto lined himself up with you and eased his way in.
"For ... mm, ah ... for science!"
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sam7sparks7 · 8 months
The more I get to know Geto Suguru/Gojo Satoru, the more I feel the blueprint for their relationship was based on Erik Lehnsherr/Charles Xavier
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siriuslysatorusimping · 8 months
*Excerpt* Not That Kind Of Lawyer (Physical Paradox sneak peek)
“You do realize I’m not gonna be that kind of lawyer, right?”
“Yes.” Rinko rolled her eyes as she sat in the booth across from Geto. “But you know those kinds of lawyers. And you know enough to help.”
Maki and Mai were sitting in the booth behind her, drinking their milkshakes as they pretended not to eavesdrop.
“Ogi has some really fucking good lawyers,” Geto said warily, his eyes reading through the letter she’d received. “I dunno about this, Rinko.”
“Suguru,” Rinko clenched her jaw as she noticed the twins tense from the corner of her eye. “I’m not gonna fucking let them get dragged back to those pieces of shit. Even my father thinks they’re shitty parents. Do you know how big of an asshole you have to be for him to say that?”
He let out a heavy sigh, glancing over her shoulder and smiling at Mai, who gave him a bored look.
“Harsh,” he muttered. “What does Satoru think about all of this?” Rinko pursed her lips to the side, watching his eyes narrow. “He does know, doesn’t he?”
“He’s furious that they would do this,” she said, leaning back. “I’d honestly never seen him so angry.”
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yamaguccitadashi · 4 months
I will pin the master list to my page cause everyone needs to read it!
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bestshipsmackdown · 1 year
Pre-qualifiers; Group Six: Subsection Two
Dr. Gregory House x Dr. James Wilson from House M.D.
Gojo Satoru x Geto Suguru from Jujutsu Kaisen
Lucifer x Chloe Decker from Lucifer
Charles Xavier[Professor X] x Erik Lehnsherr[Magneto] from X-Men[Marvel]
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gojonanami · 2 months
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…..I don’t know whether to answer this or not
buuuuuut let’s say maybe 👀
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teamleo · 2 years
the gay teachers
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hyunbota · 7 months
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Halloween requests from my ig stories lol
My friend has informed me geto swallows the orb or something I did not know that
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What They Deserve: A Jujutsu Kaisen Fic
Geto Suguru x Student!Reader University/College au
Professor Geto, celebrated and admired lecturer of the occult, and his pupil gravitate towards one another, a desire they love to hate even as they scorn all they have, understand how little there is between them. Like seeks like, it seems. They drag one another down. But they can’t stop wanting. 
NSFW, Minors DNI, Suggestive themes, explicit descriptions, angst, toxic relationship between Professor and his University pupil. A little inspired by Marguerite Duras's The Lover.
hope you enjoy <3
2.2k words
Why does he call her back?
This she ponders across the lecture hall, the steps climbing in their Olympian slopes to the heavens where she sits, a distant thought to the figure below, though at the will of her scrutiny. Humming over the speakers, the deep rumble of a voice so certain rings throughout the room; she can feel it in every vibration, remember all sorts of things.  A steep descent away, haloed in the warm glow of the divine lights above as though confident in his own ascension is Professor Suguru Geto.
Just a shape in the swarm, a variant of shade before him in a foliage of budding blooms, within it she is nothing more to him. Down below, upon the podium which he grasps with such earnestness, she sees someone calm, sure of the world. A man who can see the future and comprehend the past, mold it into the present he reveals to his audience. When it is obvious Geto hardly sees her in his lectures, he shines bright, the sun of which the flowers turn to drink from.
What they see is something wise. That he is brilliant in his own way, respected and at once terrifying in his wielded power; a genius blend of humility and authority. Laughing with a student, discussing an idea in their field of occultism and mythology and lighting up as their minds converge in some exhilarating way could reveal to any that he enjoys his place and what it was there for. Geto is good like that.
She’d be lying if she said she fell for him in all his private moments. The kind of moments no one else saw, that would make anyone vulnerable, the moments that should be filled with despites, forgiving in their revelations. That when he let her in, she found more than anyone dare dream. Full of abstract delights, he became as complex as the heavenly Blake scenes before her very eyes. She could dig deeper, could see farther and know what it was that she looked upon.
No, she fell for the same goddamn reasons as everybody else. There is, in the end, nothing special about Geto. If it was all a disguise, it was seamless. But the truth is far worse. He is what he is. Perhaps there is nothing more to love.
Does Geto find power in his position? She can never answer for him yet that was how it began for her, like for all the ones that came before her, that wanted to be where she was right then; the lover, the seducer at the will of such a man. He was smart and handsome, virile and forbidden. She sought nothing but kidded herself in solitude that she was different, better. Could break and remake him beyond even that. Be someone else, to him and herself.
Their intimacy is rough on Geto’s terms. Compromise is never off the table but the rules are often abided in his games. Those button-up shirts and snug, smart slacks never betray his thorns. In exchanges with fellow faculty, he seems humble, rubbing his hands together in glee upon exchanges as mundane as plans for the weekend, of a life befitting a human of warmth - someone who could be liked. Professor Satoru Gojo and Professor Shoko Ieiri tease Geto about his fine reputation, one wholly the opposite of their own compared to likes of the straight-laced Professor Kento Nanami or the unshakable conformist Professor Utahime Iori. At least Gojo is shameless, honest even, keeps his hands on those who meet his match, preys upon his equals. He and Iori have a history, one set for a future.
Geto is veiled in good-intention.
He is a results provider, a gentle tutor; a man packaged for life’s successes. Doting, some have called him. There is an essence of care that is lost when their bodies’ embrace, when he paws at her throat with his long fingers, takes her jaw and turns her face from his. In sex, he is all breath and strangled sound, motions assured as the sweat clings to him like the arrogance that oozes beneath all the exchanges she witnesses.
Geto is good at sex. He knows it. So does she. It keeps her around, or more accurately, keeps her forgiving. She will bite down on the fingers he slides between her lips, as fierce as she can, daring him to flinch from her, this force beneath him filled with fury akin to lust, yet he’ll only rut harder. His thick, silky hair comes undone from his loose ties, flung aside, tumbling in rivulets in a single flick of his head, held back by her grasping claws – as much a thing to hold for her as another thing she longs to tear from his being. As she comes apart, Geto will come together, as plain as the new day dawning.
A putrid dry taste of tobacco can be found on his tongue, long thought washed away by the variety of hygiene products he lathers up with. The cigarettes are expensive, but the traces they leave mean nothing, as bitter as the rest. She can always taste it. A foul texture it leaves in her mouth, even as she devours his lips. It makes the kiss cheap at first. She must push through and remember the feel.  The cigarettes are smoked with Professor Nanami and Professor Kusakabe, between lectures, over drinks and late into the night, framing a portrait of himself for all to see, one of esteem. The taste is mature and ugly. This she wants to kiss away, the lies in each caress - expose him for what he is.
What he finds in her lips she can’t know for sure; Geto’s grimace at her chapstick never enough to turn him from the stuff. The way in which he suckles her mouth, tongue tracing her parted lips only suggests an obscene captivation. He will lick at his own lips after, when she is not watching; when she is cleaning up the messes he leaves for her, preening herself into a mere ghost of what she was before she stepped into his office. When a tint is found in one of her raspberry balms, Geto will relish the marks left on his face, the brighter, the more engorged, the better. In his marred reflection, he finds remnants of desire. Her desire and apathy engulfs all there is. His stubble pushes through, a dark shadow on steady aging skin bearing the joists of youth. Peppered between with blushes of her lipstick stain, he is repelled and content.
Does Professor Gojo suspect his old friend? Has he seen her gobble him whole with her looks? Can he tell her if Geto hungers for her, prove that there is witchcraft in their couplings, a sublime divinity woven with magic? Even a dark force, a hellish pact would make the wanting have meaning. Being human with Geto was shattering.
If hate and love are of the same breed, then what is compliance and desperation? Loneliness and aloneness? She doesn’t always see Geto; can forget a meeting faster than she forgets a sneeze. When she does see him, feels the unique weight of him pressing down upon her or the roughness of his form from behind, those large hands palming her breasts, nails marking skin, she will wonder how he can ever elude her, this man. The pleasure is real. Their bodies fit, no word of a lie. Sometimes he is there with her. Together they will begin to believe that they are something more.
But Geto is a good teacher, even as he sneers at his pupils work. Late at night, hunched at his desk, assuming she is deep in slumber, unaware that all her nights are restless with him, that in one another they shake their resolves, minds thudding with all the wrongs between them. To their faces he smiles, soothes. He helps them grow and learn. There is the nurture.
He pretends too; that he has not marked her assignments, that he has much still to do amongst the stacks, that he does not include her amongst the herd of silly children who lark about before him, lap at his rays and weep at his consideration. The grades are not what started this; she wanted him. He gives her passes she doesn’t deserve, in place of something else. What she must hide is her own revolting tears after he has shut the door on her.
When they fight he is cruel. Where her words are thoughtless, thrown like pebbles into a lake, a ripple here and there and sinking into the shallows, Geto’s are heavy and weathered. Strong, bruising, breaking more upon her skin never to heal before he will open her wounds again, gnarled with the seasons. She will often think to herself; he should know better. Her threats are never hollow. Every word she means as much as he does. But her youth robs her of urgency, there is time still to recompense, sand yet to fill the hourglass.
Geto’s threats, on the other hand, are reminders. What he’s seen, what he’s lived, it no longer feels as though there is any salvation beyond them, the weight of his whips hardened, perfected. It frightens her. His age, his experience, as much an allure as it is an indomitable weapon aimed towards her.
She deserves him, is what she thinks. Leaving each of those nights, venom oozing from the fresh wounds, whether they cross swords or tongues, she has to feel him there in her veins once again. It does not escape her that he never says sorry.
A lecture later, a passing in the corridor, it takes so little. One another’s presences, eye contact or not, always reunites them. Geto is sweeter and more distant, a mockery of their first hours together, in the initial moments of thrilling bliss. She lets him get on his knees and do all he can to lure her back. Wet kisses, needy gropes, meaningless though they are. Yet his tongue laps at her skin, greedy for her arousal, teeth gnawing on her fleshy thighs until she aches, bruised, her body tensing as it is obliterated. Lusting for a soul but not her own. He knows deep down that she is always going to stay.
Then, on nights so quiet Geto will weep. She lets him cry on her lap. Between her legs, he once tried to hide them until his shoulders shook violently. As though to fill the silence and peace about them, he will scream and she’ll humour him for a time in his ravings. As an adult, he becomes less dignified, throws that cloak aside to wreak fury upon the universe he declares was created for him and not by him. Blames and shames with pointed fingers at his successes, no longer his own, each being in his life, a saboteur to his happiness, if not his accomplishments; here she can agree. Looking at Geto, his accolades have amounted to him; his happiness is a disconnected organ. Like the rest of the world, it had found a way to not be his own.
He depresses her. In all her life, it had never been possible to find such bleakness in a character whose very radiance had blinded and fooled all the rest. A mind that, though rich, could still be so detached from a personality of such melancholy, ensnare one with such honesty of thoughtfulness and murder them with nihilism and nonsensical rage. It’s as though he uses her to expel his immaturity.
In class following their early encounters, for a while, she prided herself on the secrecy. Arrogant in what she knew of his body, her mind would wander to the shape of his thrusts, the sounds of each moan, the filth that would seep from his lips as she made him feel so wonderful, whilst the students about her listened to his brilliant mind. She can taste him in those moments even now – bunch up the fabric of her skirt in a tight fist, recalling his length in her palm, sticky and generous just for her. Sometimes he could be so weak for her.
That Geto knew the sound of her own mewls, found comfort in her form, had smothered himself with her body and scents, she could pretend that their heads had learnt harmony in the same way.
Presumptuous, she believed she found something, beat them to the treasure. Only as she dug deeper, fingers nicked and bleeding, caked in the hard unforgiving soil she scratched at, she found the same thing she had blinded herself to all along. All that made them different was that they fucked one another; that was it. They had nothing.
Why does she go back? She asks herself, glancing about to spy a face amongst her swarm who could answer this for her. 
Their eyes meet. Somehow in the darkness he has found her. Geto does not flinch. His words are so certain, he knows what he is saying, thinking, feeling at his podium, can make sense of himself there. Her heart skips a beat. 
Then, in the blink of an eye, he has averted his scrutiny - for that is what he reserves for her. It’s the only way they see one another. They inspect. Search for something. Geto must feel something, must go a little weak at the thought of her, buried deep inside of her as they groan and whine, pinning her to his desk, rutting away like it is all they know to do, the familiar grips, pinches, sighs and murmurs. He betrays nothing. Nor does she. She hates what he makes her feel.
Down below is a man on the precipice of ascension. It will vanish with her. In their collision they abandon divinity, leave the vehicles at the side of the road and stumble concussed and brutalized off into the darkness away from the lights of civilization, like feral animals to fester in solitude. Greatness, she devours, craving more from Geto than he ever had to begin with or was willing to give, letting him take as much from her.
This is not love. They love what it is that makes them ravenous.
Thanks for reading!
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siriuslysatorusimping · 7 months
I just....need to see Geto holding Gojo's baby....I just have to please
Geto and Eiji are gonna be besties, don't worry!!
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